An HonestXaUoH. "Why Is it that the mention of allot lander is so apt to raise ludicrous images in the mind! Diedrich Knickerbocker and his veracious history of New York are doubtless responsible for a good share of this tcndeccT to hush at the "phlegmatic Dutch." But the reality of j their quaint ways and semi-equatic Me in their own queer little country is sultt ciently suggestive of mirth to account for much of our amusement at their erpesso. Yet there is another side to the Dutch character, much more worthy of our at tention than the mirth-prToking side. In many ways they deserve rather ad miration than ridicule, and might even serve as iriodels forthe imitation of the citizens of our great Republic. Let ns see in what respects. Our Minister at The Hague not long ago transmitted to the Department of State a report on the social and political j better your chances to rise. If you drone j Of course it is easy to see that a man condition of the Dutch, in which he through your allotted tasks without keep- .with strong powers of idealism will con states some facts in regard to their ' icg a wide awake lookout on all that j struct a beautiful face out of unpromis methods of doing business which reflect ; goes on about you, your progress will be iog material; but this is not the point. tue highest creoit upon incnauonai cuar-, acter. For instance, he says tuere Has not been a bank failure in Holland dur ing the last forty years. This bo doubt Is a dull, humdrum way of managing public trusts, but nevertheless it has its advantages especially to loose wnose money is beinc managed. Again, in fire I insurance there has never been a failure, aad althocrh the rate of insurance i does not average more than one- j half of one per cent, there does not; appear 10 oe any occasion tor lauurc, i si ace the companies do a thriving busi-1 cess, and realtxe irom twelve, to sixteen per ceou per annum. There are people on this side of the Atlantic who would be glad if the managers of insurance and other shanered companies here could be - ...i -.i . i - r inocuiatea wim someuung oi tuc bjuni which enables these honest Dutchmen to , York was an event in those dsvs, but the return such satisfactory results. As it is, ' young man had proved so faithful that they will in many cases be fortunate if ; he was intrusted with several commis ther even tret back their own acain. sions. amoa? them beioir one to buT corn. Railroad, too, are conducted in Holland ' oa eeofiomic principles which might ap-i pear comical to a "great railway king ' j about the corn. The price was very sat or a dariBC speculator in other people's Ufactory, but the old gentleman was fortunes, but which permit very low j afraid it could not be guod at so low a fares to the travellsg public, and sub- price. A handful which the youug man staatial dividends to the stockholders. ; pulled from his pocket convinced him. JiBd when, as rarely happens, a railway j bnt what was his amazement to and Luat official proves dishonest, his dishonesty I be had bought two cargoes! is accoanted a crime, aad is punished "Why, KJwin, what shall we do with with inflexible severity. In fine, in all I braBches of besiBet s, public aad private, i rood faith and honest thrift are garded as worthy of honor, asd the lack of them as a disgrace. Four millions of j ' people, continues our Minister, live with- j in aa area of 20,000 square miles, a fact ! without parallel in any other ecus try; j . yet they appear to be happy, prosperous j and contented. Tbe secret of tbeir pros- pfcriry, be not unjustly concludes, lies in j the fact that the people live within their ; iecome, aad that the principle of in- dastry aad honesty are so firmly estab- looked as an offeace against the EAtiofial character 1 These hoaely rirtnes have little of the 1 lis aea tbat tbe violation ot taem im flavor of "smartness abont tbem that smartness vrhich has come to be regarded in aaay minds as a fall equivalent for every si oral quality, asd a condonemest of every crime in commercial and official life. Bat, after all, such virtues yield the best results in the end, "whether practiced bj individuals or bj nations . Tbe worst evils of the "hard times" of to-day "are the proper outcose of public aad private coateaapt of them; nor aay good times be expected to return until their binding obligation upon all is again clearly recogxdzed aad as well by those "a ho sake our laws as by private citizens in their intercourse with each ether. Examiner end Ckrenidc Afrk&a Sassa-"VS'oed Ordeal. Tet another terrible institution ofbe deTiled 'Western Africa is the tassa-wood' ordeal. If any one is sick or in great trouble in a native town, then it is clear that some one has bewitched him. Asd bow, to ad oat wbo haa dose the dread fal deed the devil-man is summoned. As soon aa bis approach is heralded, the weaea See for tbeir lives to cover. The Sataaic representative begins bis bowl Laps, goes through bis incantations, aad at iesgth fixes the dread odium oa soae dooaed fellow. If be denies the crime aad protects lus innocence, almost the oalywayin which be caa clear himself is by passing through tbe poisonous or deal. The deril-doctor prepares tbe cal abash or gourd of cassa-wood decoction, whose pouosous intensity will be gradua ted according to tbe intensity of the doc tor's feelings. All things being ready, tbe accaseraad the accused, aad pretty much the whole to we. repair to some cleared spot of the neighborhood. At the center of the riag tbe victim confesses bis gen eral ebc, but protests bis innocence in this particular sutler; and having in voked the deaocs to dettroy Mm if be is guilty, to deliver him if lie is innocent, takes the bowl aad drinks tbe draught. A short time of intense is te rest sow en- m m .every eye naeo on u it ae necoaes oaiy sick, aaa tnrows oa aa nwiMiii ferHL uura Kin.1a.11 ihuiublc. wen fin iwocesce is chbuimucu. hi friesds hmnt forth ftroead him aad ber ' - At1!.. Ji T"T t - deril-aaa tbat accessed tbe aarortaaate;! for be awtBow-payabeary aa to the j iateaded rictia, Vpas. through tbe or-' Ln.! T ,t, t.A iiiai Himcuia auk vu auu mrru auu, sfcoald tbe poioa take deadly effect, aad the accseed reel aad fall, tbea tbe guilt is sade patent, aad tlie whole Infuriated crowd, THMiag , rushing, aad howling, seize bold apoa the friesdles wretch aad drs Ytm orer eld aad feace. reck aiad river, aatif be Is torn, limb by liab, to death. KeOenal Eepotittiy. Evert year witaeasea carious sand .staffers la Cbiaa, when there Is neither cteed hot fog ia the sky. The saa is scarcely ?iiblc, Jookkg very raach as wrbee a tbroaeb smoked class. The peaetnue vies, reacniag apart 1 which seea seeinelr closed. It is j. r sapposed to be carried v whirlwiBds . ijfJi . .1 r i.,. .1 .1. . tuna Jgl CV BBCIk US VOtH, A Ira UIC , are ia4icatire of a yew of large fertility. TKK aaltW of a erpat kmc ia tiro flio ,tUgeftBeMiB. The britrataesaefour 1- lHek ;ae, shadow! of tbe ereaiif fall Mm wfteeoa of itself- border siad. aigat; the soal withdraws iUelf. abea stars arise, aad the sight is holy. Lets sever be afraid ef cbaaeiiv ear eptaieas, not ear kaowkdge. Tkit is e form of pride -which fcaats the .pawarfal the Bawilliagaets to so bask Irea ese's declared apiaieas; bat His sot feaad ia great childlike gtaiasot. Learn Your Business. A young man in a leather store used to feel very impatient with hi employer for keeping him,year after year, for three years, "handling bides." But he saw tlte use of it in after years, when in an estab lishment of bis own he was able to tell by a touch the exact quality of the goods. 11 was oniy oy loose moasanus 01 re pen-. lions that the lcseon was learned, and so . ful, according to certain canons of it is with every tlting in which we acquire ' forms, is either a hypocrite, pedant, or skill. The great army of "incapablra" a donkey. A face is beautiful In pro. is large enough; we would none of us i portion as it says aomething to you willingly join it ranks. The half in- which you are desirous of bearing, formed, half-skilled In every business 1 Different men have different methods of outnumber the others, desens to one. It I hearing, and there are tome to whom was a good suggestion, worthy of being .only the coarse message of health cos remembered, which Daniel Webster made I reyed in fresh color and plump cheeks to a young man who aked him if there i is intelligible. There are others to was any "room in the legal profession." j whom such a face is blank and meaning "There is always room,1 said the great leS who are willing to give away their statesman. ' life to win a smile from a certain pair of The better tok know vour business the ! errs, even, although ihev are srreen. needlessly slow, sou can gatner mucb information by making a wise use oi your eyes and ears, ana perhaps be able . to surprise your employer in an emer gency bv stepping into the "neat man's" I place and discharging his duties satis- (iactorilv. A fine little lad. some twelve vcar old. was employed in a telegraph office in a I Southern tnwn last rear when the vellow ! fever raged so fearfully in that section. ' All the operative wcre'dowa with it and i oiners sent on or me cominnv were at- tacked. No one knew that the lad un derstood the business, but be bad picked itupandkeptupcommunication between the town and the outer world all the time the fever lasted. x-Guvernor Morgan was once a clerk in a store in 'W&terford. A trip to New He came back in due time in the old ' stage coach, and inquiries were made i UP he asked, in consternation. "1 have disposed of all vou don't re-'waaL." said Edwin. "At aa advance. I stopped in stores as I came along. I ! could have disposed of three cargoes if 1 bad bad them. Tbe profits were clear, aad bis era- ploy er said the next morning: "We will let some one else do the sweeping, and Edwin was made a jiartner under tweaty- one. - X Sbnt-np II at. Peter Lmb was convinced sometime S nld bveat uood-lookirig high bat, the cro o of bich would abut father with a spring, so tbat hen the owner west to cnorcn or to concert, ne could mash it flat asd sit on it, and then straighten it out as good as ever when he wanted to go home. So Lamb bad a bat constructed on this principle, and tbe crown was kept erect by a ttronc ' spring, the action of which was reversed by moving a small lever whenever Lamb dexired to shut tbe hat up. Tbe theory I seemed to be good enough, but aomebow ' it woman t wore exacuy ngnt in prac- j tice. Wile walking along the streets wita nu tnoai;ntc, perns pa, upon a ueiter world, the bat would abut together with ' such force as nearly to brain him. He I would take it off and open it, and half aa 1 hour Liter, while talking with a mend,' rible force. Tbtn be would prop it open with a stick, and after a bit it would come to train with a slam, and poke the .r . . j . ti. uca oowo pssfc uia m uiu iuiu uxajuiicucd, raaacu buu uijaaca aa shoulder in an exceedingly painful man-. another, famous for bis wLtdom in mak cer. Then be would conclude that per-1 ing plans. haps it would be safer to let it stay shut, . After more than nine years of war, and be would walk around looking as if and during a truce granted by the sac he had a black bombazine pie-plate on cetsful Grecians for the burial of Hector his bead. Bat in an hour or two that ; the brave son of Priam, tbe Trojan spring would get twitted around some- ' king wbo was killed by Achilles, that how, and while Lamb would be purchas-1 great Grecian warrior fell in love with 5nf neannta from an aoole-woman. for Pal vx en a. II actor 'a aliter. and to win instance, tbe crown would suddenly open with a bang,' which would icduce tbe 1 8ueace tue Greeks simakepeacs. nhue woman to believe that be had gunpowder 'be was in the tea pie of 'Apollo, p re in bis bat. Then be would shut it up ; paring icr the jBarriage, Paris shot a again, for fear it would shut itself, and j poisoned arrow at him, which, guided by in a few moments tbe spring would fly j tbe god Apollo, struck him ia the bed op with a jerk and whirl Lamb's bat into i and caused bis death. tbe gutter. I The body of Achilles was rescued by rZ A.. .v.. u,i;....ji;i.u. i,.MtU. .. a! hare unusual strength, and at last one aorning,tbecrownjampedupwitb such VU n a iu v sue m jt-v iuvm iw force tbat it went about fifteen feet into the air, where the trade-wind struck it one hundred and eighteen feet farther, so tbat it lit on tbe lirhtuioi?-rod on tbe Baptist church steeple, where It stayed; and there It is yet. And one of the mott iatereating things that we show visitors to our town Is Peter Lamb's hat opening aad ahuttiag, and throbbing like a thing of life, on tbe top of tbatatcejile, when- eTcr it is aUted by a breeze. Peter i fc -Am Kr. hac now made up his mind that a soft felt bat is tbe only bat that combines comfort with safety. Mot Aider. TrRH Juracz.-Tbe Albany Lc pnnU tbe fo owinextract from Coastantlaople etter: To a Turk a court of justice, In tbo American ac- - ceptatios of tbe term, is a thing un Icnown. They ceixr finish a cause at the frtt bearing, nor do tbey render an im mediate decision; but alter all the toti aoay has been offered the kadi (judge) adjouras the further trial of tbe action until some future time, for the known purpose of affording the litigants an op port unity of making him presents. These be accepts irom both parties, and in niaety-nme cases out of a hundred the decision g in favor of the twrson whose gift is tbe BMt valuable. There utcd to be a judge named aimil Pasha (be is dead bow) who did not go through the foraality of listening to the evidence. Be was therefore regarded by the com mon people aa the most learned kadi that ever lived, for, said they, he understood the Koran so thoroughly that ho could reader a decision before a particle of tes timony had been presented by cither party. The beet story that lias been told on the stuap in tbe campaign is that of the aaa who, baring lost his wife, was asked to ride to the grave wish his mother-in- law, lie objected at first, but allowed himself to be persuaded, adding, bow ever, "I wast yoa to understand tbat it robs this occasion of all pleasure forme." The brave aaa ie sot be wbo feels bo fer, for tbat were itapid aad irra tieaal, bat be whose aobk soul its fear nfedaaa, aad brarely dares the dagger wk4ch it driakt froa.-www Btiltit. Wbat Men Love. No two men arc affected in the same became it way by tlte same face; depends on themselves to seise the full auggestiveneis of tbo face to catch the stray lights of the features to co. struct unspeakable sympathies out or the raw material of features. The man a ho pronounces a women plain or beauti nanace is mat wnicn appeals w me sense oi oeauty oi luemsjuniyol meal oi uic piump inanity oi colored uuio- graph. Not tat buxom country lass. who has all the beauties of which poets sing, but wnora poet do not marry. not tiie pinky doll or the book. ilea love long eyelashes, because they seem to hide a tecret. Men love those eyes which are transparent and vet deep. because there lies in them something of the unknown and undiscoverable, and so men love faces that tell stories, and are coy, confiding, tantalizing, with vague and grand emotional pnsubilitie bidden somewhere about the expression. ! We have not said a word about the de- sirabtlity of marrying a woman with one ( ol tliesc tantalizing faces, cor of the desirability of marrying a womaa with a pretty face at alL It is almost im possible to touch upon this branch of the subject without repeating the com- rcouett of commonplaces. This may be Id, however a plain woman who has a cultivated brain and goot taste ought always to be able to bold her ground against pretty women. Emotional variety has mveh narrower limits than intellectual variety. You can run over the gamut of a womaa loves and hates much sooner than joa caa meascre tbe circle of a cultivated sympathy; and once you bare exhausted tbe possible cords, tbeir repetition is likely to become a trifle wearisome. With rood taste come tbe charms of artistic dress, pleasant, freh. amusing conicnauon, and a graceful ' manner, which does far more execution ' than the victims of it imsgine. Through , her intellectual sy apathies a wemaa en- larires the horizon of her life, borrows a new itutre lor her owa use, aad gets credit of all the nit and grace aad bril liancy which her extended vision cm braces. Ha ml IIrxt. Another Story of tbe Hyidnth. There is another legend of the origin of the hyacinth than that of the til fated quoit pitcher. I ill tell that story auo, aad yon can take your choice. All boys and girls who go to school aow-a-daxs know s&mctbing of the great Trojan war, which was caused by the stealing away of Helen, the wife of Menelaus, Kin of Sparta, by Pari, a handsome shepherd-boy of Mount Ida; which lasted many years, aad which was at last closed by the subduing of Troy by tbe uree, wbo got witnin tbe walls . of the dry in grrat DnrsUrra by build-' ing an immense woooea rore, conceal-, ing themielTcs inside, and cauaing one of their people to persuade tbe Tnjans to drag the borse into tbeir city under the beuef tbat it was a sacred object, the victory to them. The greatest general umtiurrudK a!? AtrTiir. .of the Greeks was Achilles, and Ajax.w B- Aaairjr. v -mm mat mmjim at r xr 5 risantic in size and courage, but dull of . ri.. T ts it I m, tw t irr.i. i -j . t-i I her agreed with her father to try to In- j reeling that her son's armor (which yasijf QT lhv. a". f" j made by Vulcaa especially for this war) ublu rurtB watcmpl rw... ajba auu w j iswi avmissvj -as vsuw snouio oe given 10 toe aero woo was . r : i 1:.. 1 Ulysses set up a claim for it. A select nuaber of other Grecian chiefs were. .appointed to award the prize. They j rained wisdoa before ralor, aad gate j the armor to Ulysses. Ajaz was so : mortified tbat be killed himself. On the spot where his blood sank into the earth a flower sprang up, which is called hyacinth. It is said there is a species or Larkpur which represents the hyacinth of the poets in pteaerring tbe aemento of this event, the Ddphlnlvm AJaeet, or Ajax'a Larkspur. This Mower bears on its leaves a mark rcpreseatia the let ters Ai, the Greek for -woe." Bitkvp, in Jlural Home. EooTisn or Yocth. All healthy youth is Bccessarily egotistical; yet sol all egotiitical youth u selfish. The new ness of life aad tbe physical force of sen sation; tbe want of aa outside register by which to measure tbe relative depth of feeling between itself and others; the uni versal belief when we are young that never since tbe world began has anyone sufered, loved, enjoyed as 1 have, because I aa to myself the whole world, the cen ter of all lifc,aod keow nothings a perior to or different from ay own state; tbe very heed of aliaest demanded by this strong vitality, this almost aggressive and pre domiaatiag individuality; all this makes young people intensely egotistical, just as it makes tbea easily amused and as easily depressed. And even when be longing to tbat class knows as ttmpatita which, by the way, is not sympathetic to aach as magnetic, aad does sot give so auch as It attracts even men we find the samo egotism, the same self-center ing individualism, though by ntf means nee ess aril y either selfishness or want of generosity. A iter tbe death of Boerhaave, the most celebrated pbysiclaa of the eigh teenth ceatury, there was found among his books a volume suapluoasly bousd.ia which were written down, he ased to say, all the secrets of physic All tbe pages were blaak, except the frontispiece, oa which, be bad writtea !a his best band tbie seateace: "Keep tbe bead cool, tbe feet warm, aad the bevels bb." Overt&aldnff the Bnergiea. It It not advisable for any of ut to oTertatk our energies, corporeal or mental, but In the eager pursuit ot wcaiui or lama or know. Wee. now many transgress tbla salutarr rule. It mutt be a matter of rreat Imporu anee to all wbo do so to know how they ran regain the visor o rcekleuly expended. The remedy U neither cottlr or difficult to obtain. Uuatclter'a Stomach IlltU-ra It procurable In every city, town and settlement In America, and It compensates for a drain of buddy or mental energy more effectually than any In vicorant ever prescribed or advertised. La. Urlag men, attileUa, atudentt, JournalUU, lawyers, clerrjmen, pbyalclaas, all Uar te Umony to Its wundroutly renovatlnr powers, it Increases the capabilities fcr undercolor fall cue, and counteracts the lojurious effect upon tbes.svsteej of exposure, sedentary habits, unhealthy or wearying avocations, or an Insalubrious climate, and Is a prime a!, terallrc, diuretic and blood depurcnt. Pbtsicxaxs of Mjcn standing uaheatUUng. It give their Indorsement to Uc tue of Use OraefenUrg.Marshatr Calholicoa far all fe male complalaU. Tbe weak and dcbUlUtcd una wonaerrui relief from a constant use ol this valuable remedy. Sold by all druortsts. tlM per bottle. Season as for the Com oirnU! AJcucntr, the only paper publUhed deleted to tbe Labor (Question on lie true principle. Price 1100 a year. A 32-colamn weekly journal. It eon. tains all tbe latest market reports. Addresa Comnmiai jUroeatr, 200 Moutfomenr street, Saa Francisco, Cal. Cuaao roa Fora 6m "After spcsdlar hundreda of dollar for doctors' feea,l waa cured at hut of rbeumatltm by Inreatlnr four blU In a tUak of Trapper Indian OIL" Foa stlu aad swollen joints, goat. Iambs. Co. (dalles, rhcumailtta, aad all lameness ana pain, u Pratt's Amutiox Oil. HF.EBI.NE purifies Ue blood. HERB LNC Is nature's own remedy. HERB IKE la a booschold bicubic HERBISE aboold be used by every fcsaUy HERBIXE contain nolblac lajarioss to tbe system. HERBIXE ihoulJoa be cocfaaaded with cheap &olrnm made to cll At a low price HERBIXE U worth (U a bolUe to any pertoa wbo need It, bat Is aold for fUOO per bottle. HERBISE tfconld be Is the hasda of CTery Snt-cU dmjnrUt. JUk your drarjrfU for It, asd If be haa noce, UI1 him to order a dozes bctUe. J- W. SH.VEFFER A CO3 GREEN' SEAL CIGARS are made Iron zaett Uava&a To bacco. S3 Sscraaesto t, San Fra&cUco. T" 'r-r r nat'. RkkM x. tJ'iZ'rZfAZ" rirr er . w.. . Mava ornn,it ix.hti i , a la jwai U t ra larf, t uta Mr. Ltaataibr JaJu m Mi lunxrui u IK I CiunM tlxatXflCT. uM s t-n;r-ti, u tec I rUiaaxunMrpuraav m4 r ixr I fn uu awintvin l hi taat (A Mr illMWibtru. i tt 1 1 . -i mj iiirrii mt A curt kfptM Cram J"". r-'J- S. A afirTTOf Sclrf VuAsj-.s. Tmr . a. t mtrf a ttit lawr.aot. XacuaalmaraawaSa tt K;W mrn f tWa, Or.tS. AttcmTiUHIZuKiu- rpricst. Hr Ca;ka ,tt Wu CMrfO Inr Js4r- m XacA-taMmbtatt.ssit attWtar aia cttrixTw aaota,ri - wva frtimLm rvourS Smk. tie Nawi)tim,a u ttt irnrai Kl ? u MRutMniiaeMiii aia, Ur iUlmft wRh ttJU I. arUA aOrr Jmier. ric atucM cr mwum ( tty rrrutm r Crwxztucnz te HrtWi riiMMtt a IMMa. !. uvtuiia;m iarM.ts jx Sil, lSi rS tr'Hrir: ana nirm i. um. Kiraraua sdrrfcnauaae atca Mr Wrtwr TM fTtM gm f wijix. nrt. CUsurf ra Jart SIhaI taatramrat at liffCraaraaU: aitiWftra. .... ( lUtumwiwBiu ntabtsAmal tw I'm -auXlxx. iM amptrpatatUrunU nnutivrtmaUmtmpaitm. MtcxctCtaSMn arrellatciac Utuiw at Scjtat roCt lrrt trwa IM tmarMrattt - u.wImU OKBKnwlXtiiuH. bMi(t!UXul(icaDl itrnSStrClmUr. XUttat Xu. W U. ASHLKT. Sa Scan ttrtxt. Roam n,9a rraackk Tut? Isttru tisra. a teira&i 11m txxttr btmrj (-rr. ran at Omk tarn, ikumi. JTt. rr.cmunBcat. am a palt at bnmU.11 4al caroBi. vtmar w a4n ta aaSt at aar Lua t rra la aj am miizf LVt trxlt -tuap, turn MMIBiUettlMn, Tfcr taanaart.J. Lhun '. 1I wiiiua. mtm. S( r Uiuum nrrr aaa AVAt aiwtattmamn ttl. Win la pw, aa4 Ut pt, nTm to strait. A nrt tSaact w Baa phci raoTo-aarsaMKpcrtorSaUa u Morri rCx et Art. in XataacT7 atnrt. Sa macuea. nan er Ltrat. i orruoMrKm Txvrsun.xcx hoth. w , .U. twa n, aa Timcjo. ai ivtfu. ai. 1 j.-j 1 I Aetata. AAArpA.Cori.TaaACcuCatta tU. l" ran vans, stasia Wmiex STW v BSC K. M. lkAh.1. taaorriaa bat rrmotvi M aia Hum M rru at Kta,'J-Vt CaaatmtntlM'Aamta, Da.aATRCWaes-cAXccaa,aai:r. niuua. Twawn aad tr a aprtlatu. tLrarmf irw. nam yractr. $400; AanVTR. AUEUS WAR. ICS. at Vat lain matttara. araA torCaulon. VAX A cucaiean. $350 A Xoalk. Acrat Wtatni. SA twat O lac inkki la ta worV. ua txm&it aaa. ArtaJAV nKOSOie.trUMt.Mlck. LIVE XB Ltrr LIVE lnnM 'art at Tcvth-oalT S!. ai ta Draul T o LlJ S.lta tumria at. ia rraactaka. rwa I. rat II. li. c&aor. Airnra tutusm. ACfMTS m CANVASSERS H'AXTt B ar Mra. Mltek- IT mrw ama alr parSM DUO DlAOKAV. saa roifth SUrrt. ga triacuctt. LADIJ3 AXU OtXTUVtX W1SHISO BEUA k Srmata k.p. aa Uaamttrrpm, csoaa. laaa Arrxn. cauuUr. UUX. ar, rtc cs Sa4arh. alaafi arua nttmrta. at Maa. J. J. rtTu"S Km tJojBralOSea. To Vtrkrl .trfrt. Saa fraaeiat. rA8lc ropsTAix raxs-ixbcuatx-ruu HA mil tiL LiMa. Wrtin a ilk vmtrr aj, lit rr qatrtd. Krcrj lra raaraatecd. SasVra by iriiL pxar-raM. kk a ur sc. ACrau utM ta itm at id kiia.iu rraaclx iCiTlrBCI QCtcs: roK xew a ecu- ASCII I alar or Taa ATLiimc Waaatr. Urratcaasara xaurnr atmlacaaaacrmraUi rrra tflia aiaid rartmin praata. A I)L'RKX A CO IIS Xoaroa UnaU CSIcaca. 17 k rv.KMr.xT or rihtic work, aanflacbiatru aad Maadi or all atiaa. rum ofaa. UMM, bracAHa. aad rrtrr vaifatr ( reatle raTk.alraa!c and malt. T. IltTTS'v. ptt t&aaa. raeiartret-raaUe aor t. X. K. corarr or UTamlt aad tnrrawona tu. Su rraadaro. Taa lariat Muck ia tlx VaiuA mw, Tit pQsae art tarlirj. lBCHT-00 0 WANT THE BBiT USE AICIIor Caroaaea aa4 rraMia li AarrtcaT Do Too waal Ue karat artnaaadrra xataf If au, adrrM ALBERT BCtKBfi a CO., tin MoarvBtmt,C1kIeaco. SILVER SHOW CASES, Or avoir Tnwcaimox maxctactctiko br n. BHKXBTKIX. aes Urkla t.. Man rranrlar. HrAllworkraraBWd. Irai for mm tld. , AGENTS TFANTJED! TO IStlClT PICTIIEl -raa Cewybaa;, Bsdarfiasr aa4 fUWacklmg. utMSMt. Aafaat'-Cin'YIXu.aiMBaTl, si.IM aaltar SHreas. Maa srrsa !. I. M. COOPER, Stock. Broltor, M. W. Var. rtmm and Hnmw HI., sax ruaxctsco. Stocks Bought aad Sold oa Com- BttasiaK. STOCKS BOfOirr ASPCAIUtlKDOXJIAItOINS at taa foUuwIsa' mn: Ldla ai-ct. & la as or ml t Oatalda atucka, tain M pre nL Of dm aat istroaca nrua.t iu. aaprraa prvropur u B5JMr CALVERT'S CABB8UO SHEEP WASH M par fOoo. T. W. JACXSOy. Baa Tna cuco, Soto Aftat tor tto ra ctcCMC 0. & ?. H. UERELL i CO., iKMsraaa an Mairracrruaa or BOOTS AND SHOES, SB. 41 CI-A.V STRtXr, Mvaca SaaaaaM ax4 BaSrr, SAX nUXCUOU lluiffcttnttoriini, Im', Toml5'. aatf C9 Srrtt riXK CAlX BOOTS. Oram tabeluA ul rtmofar SJW. An afaaa aa qsxXUM mS ax lt ktM BaraA price. Rom xaaUa tae cuoot aa prVaa. OAKLANI POULTRY YAKIS, Cor. I6th and Castro Sts., Oakland. CbUtaarJr a tut aa4 tat . lUn (Mctmraa or it wiia( tariru r ru Oark and Light Brahmas, Buff White and Partridgt Cochins, White and Brown Leghorns, Dorkings, Polish Hamburg s, Plymouth Rocks, Came and Sebright Bantams, Bronze Turkeys, Pekln, Aylesbury and Rouen Ducks. XtMt n11 SALE AtTEK JA5XAKT FIIaT No Inferior Icwh Sold at any Price rarTarfanaetS-9tS A ta tur I0&. trmMOmw. KblM B. BATUCT. T U. Bx tat. H&jrnvc tea. Ca. BANCROFT, KNIGHT AND COMPANY, 733 MARKET ST- Ssua IVajacUco. a4iaa ta KLVABE PIANOS, Dicker Pianos, Princt Organs, Irving Pianos, Waters Organs, SHEET MUSIC. PTLABUE TBClf-law rssicszw. j r& tit DacxSfejTt Orcmlara, J. ROCK'S NURSERIES, AX JSSC, CAL. Tm Salr Ltrgt aa4 00 iru tek U Fruit and Ornamental Trees tu'f-'waa. SralM. tsA nrrrrUx Hu. Onac Lm Trrr. iartKu aa4 Jtlv NrU I aaw. 5c BWanax Xm i hw a4 Ununtti tnau. aarn ttnnj. & urr ut a t it c Jam aerk. 41 FLOWERS, PLANTS, TiES.IUUSt sans, &C. Aa IVrVr rrnCK at U (Vtmt ciKxiATcv ssKetcasi paicaa.u James Hutchison's Nurseries BAKLAIS, C1L. Sn roa CitttMrt. btiiuun rr IB IIVI1KXI NOTICE Sai Frasciseo SaTip Uiion, Califiimla Street, car.AVcbb. POttTMX HALT TEAECSPtXG WITH DtCXV AT W 29. Itrt nsrJ fca wra Sxhn4 a: tkc ri U rut a4 ttt-irxn t ; w ft nslrv utn Xrrm ami ttt a4 Bfh Uar W i art twt aa anr Tnar luun VL sn. aoVtU. wktTE. CaSJr iirtiatnoa 10 courTtT itiiatm The St. George Hotel IU XUarsy ftmt, Saa rraariwo. 'rr rOTB-STOkT EltX. eata!ala IM IV 0caaarrmB.BrtTraratoVNS.v vn SS M( IW mil ram. cuMu mamtm 1 rx. tf la tt- U 3attaatmmat Um SktSarMru 1NTEXXAT1IKAL KOTEL, 4 au KMfif nu. aa TnmrU-n. IIUiMISN ME DAT. K. C rATZlIXiX. - . . rworwaroa, Tim CayrS CmSm. vsa Um mama at n-i Uettt oa. U Can tw Is wasszg at txa ;-fnf u cca Try win iiiiiUek Bam tr. fTX nn nn n lata ox next ctMca. tr ra 4actar I- -A T-TP A T .T- MACHINE ANIjmiEL WORKS. ErrnnvrxTaLAXD nxtsrinii. MAnn?c try ntzii. urw ln3tt fTUtiM rr. ritji Iwnwf. aaa Oraanl Hattlaa ItmlitK Dsa. j uZTl i "yf, Eraarra.aa4a(krTwia aaaaatoar "WTxa mt latrssan rot; i erMrtaJa. T I 1 f . fn , braaKaaam aad UUaaAarS. iTAJPt I1ax fc Saa IE USINESS COLLEGE, oofl roar smzrr, sax trascisou. tii tJtJ oldcat aad na nsaeala Cbmwii1 nk. feraoaraaeoaae. a3tcaataa,.t aattrarBftara.taor. ork tMracUoa fracucal tacrt; aa ttaadrtt 1 lia ta yabSc stadtat. caa CDatascse ax ast i aa-pT aad mala acaatau. Crcslan aif ta I UNiVERSITY MOUND COLLEG E SAS FSAXCISC0. TiOAKntxo school roa Torxo mts axd At nut a. Hiuiaca aad aoajanaau la raet ta Carat of tAatr kind la a tuu wmV. ral tralUcc ta rrtrr braack of a ooalata. aad naaral edacattoa. ta laattialloa nsMM tk romtsm asd raUaarr at a wrU-onlrrrd krs. arsd Ar CataAa. J8BX SAXBLE,B.A Prtaclpsl. Pap ail SiitiDiery fardiiue. JKO. G. HODGE &, CO., 37, M aai 331 Saasesu St, Saa rraaslses. Alwan on tuad a Trry tars? Moek KANK-IOOXS, STATIONERY, BcbmI Beoka. Rat Cap., Bill llaadL Srv. nook. MaaUU aad btraa- Wrapctac ratra. Vaat Raja, rtf.. rtc Oil for Family Use. NONPAREIL ASTRAXi Blu 133 4fT nr T"t" DEVOE'S BR,tc,AST e,u OR8RGS X. BLAKE. Agrnl, 1H CaUroaaia St. Rook IS. Sax Faaxciacu. THE DUE WALLET Aay acaat er aaj pafana aaaklad a raaaaa Sa aara aa hoaorafcia nrtaa. a aara atmt ta tbaoi a nUtaattat. aarrkaaUa tm. Jlaraaoa auakaUaakat abaatf Mdia to tba aadaratfiml IS raota. Wa laakna auata It amtnbn at aartmtDaaa.acid tUmlarauiaaa bratoooaalatrcatkonaataataad bw WMPtt twall f .tka aco. Xddraaa AUKRT BuRKKK A CO., I IS lUm L. CMa KaAri ai Tba A. aaMa Waaty,liai.n. ili.aliltoa boJW a af ataatt vT7 REMOVAL, TUB oitzoz oy Pacific Newspaper Publishing Compahy, CAKI.OS WIIITi;, Proprietor, UAH BKKX Nos. 525 and 527 Market Street, Xarly OpiMMlle lb Jnnellan r Hnttrr anil Kmuaii Al.. SAN FRANCISCO. fWWU, a BKW rKCSS aa4 rnUrxrd relllt( SMa EMaklUMseM. ilM U 1S ttoar a t rvt&e Ou ea otr a aret ay klruu, oTr oitwr Sra u MM f o HnUMii OCTMIBK, SBWlSBUt. Ac. far term. tmH tarJrmafloa. ul aJnau; t,Smi, a4Jnx O. Bor 2271, - JUST OUT! THE POULTRY YARD AHD MARKET, A Sew Mk by Pttf.A.C9HETT, ctxmut HatcMngSsss HAIrDSB.PfiDLY Hrse Manure, BBBhBhB)Wv-J1 bSu. m frtt SO rac: K.-ft.mtlT Bil Im CUlk mm Cillr. T3 tni. KENNEDY'S I 2 !J TT ERS m nVKK iff rifii ao -Ancir kilt lMct7 tnrttmt rrrr -4 ttlmTi. aj tnZ. ivtwr fa. UIA. BirrrRautarftMndiria rwuial avrs. tm utatax m ojotM. ucWMn. Tl u ta tannine Ltm. 5 iUr tMii te at A. P. HOTALXXG 4e CO. CRANE te. BRIGHAX. sax reAXctKa cal. SSr AfroJ. r &al1i ZaK Iia Mnrra, H22 & CO - - Eels Prsrristcrs. Got tiio 33ofirtt TURBINE WINDMILL simple. Durable sr Orxiamf-ntal. Tl! VIS I ujMrt.4rti6. Drtrf taaaac fc tatr j arma. TSy arr sir at Uf bn ailmL x( vnastra u era aabctUc. gsrfftrtsry, 0ak!aa2. Cal, ravT.arT fuiiT wibi rK I" Ib ttimuvl a w tv r.nxT Sun tat a A t. TAN RLAUCU3S. I" u n MT.1uw.1tL ; Amu Wk4 la Ijitj toaatr DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Medical Institute, XSASUTTST, faa FruKjca. ISTUSU3BSD tS KM. PnTiir rrEvvxrsTcnor lixsrrxiAL ut Carrie Otatama. at ao aS TroaM Cbo uusa aad ttmm r C Nrrruc. ir-a. Tarn lcctx wjuao af aaaaa ai asssaTr rraaa CArocteaad taSeaa ttamn. eaaard CsSaaii aad naaMa taaats&r t t nuVArd fratta ). dftaaia. rvasa VCB, aad arttmrata. Saa ta eo.CaL. ta Jo, aa a ;ma2c Osasaarr. ta tsitt ta a9r ta aSctttt Dec twC MnQcal tad Screfcai tfratant. tit taa tSaw ad a3 eCArr aSfceosa i1 STcfinK lyr aad t,xUX txnt as reaaoa- CnanSatiaaa ax Oat taaCTtt er f Wnr HSCT2.'? T tJ-prrta. JUtrw. IJ. M. D Baa iC raray itwt Saa rrxafxra HAZELTON PIANOS. IRANOi QUAKE ANO UPIMfflT. aVStrktlj Im-cUaa aad raEr imitja PIKES VE1TL1W. SHlMIIaTtlLMEXTS. Mall rar lllaat4 CataJacw. CHAS. S. SATOK, Geaerl Agsat. 1SS Xaatfterj Strrst Saa Fraadsee. THE SAH FRANCISCO COMMERCIAL iYO. 4 CALTFORXTA STREET, psrroTKO TO J. SWIIEKT, PU1L1SHEK. aaair will wm. CALIFORNIA YEAST CAKES, 0W rrrait oa tka narki.aad oalr rwj; of ta klal iumnriniaiTiciuit. nr Ucat Arrad. Ut HtrmUa. Rak. Hot Ba. Hot Catra. tMVdaaaot la fa ia anicia iotwiii rr u aaad;a aar caaarttr whara osad r rHSrr. MaaajaaWrrd r . .. . r. K. UUSr a l VI. aaajwaawn v. WrVat aat ar waoiet raMr. Xatatt PT tie aad KaMt firseora pacta. niSmvM araijTM rr 19 VP V PtaaaaaJBBaaaaBBYATirl XUVKB TO WHITE. SAX Fi:AhCI3CO. Tor which SiTn!G5Ul5di!3 11 DI?L0iA3 H7 ts awarl4 Sy A. Mrrlraa 1b. f list- Vmir. S. C urn I T rlrn. A'X' H hZ mericaN Sewing Jfackine. tf lSeatB Ifcrr- X Ml, In. BEATS THEM ALL! IMm. r stSiaaa! iaLr-TkrM. Ir Wrl auilMi Onrss Jaaesiaa to taax orctBSXt Asurva a am BIST IN THE WORLD ! SES m TRY IT! BWTITt WarraaUd la Gt Zatirt G. K. WOOD, Xajukccr. us nrra tTKxrr. ... sax fkaxcisou. POWLETI-S ATXOSPHEXIC COPYING PRESS! Caaapart. ranaU.. Srabl'. Cam a4 aJBrlrat. tmtOtss arr Ti Uat CLtez rrt B axr ta agtBMSnfvtaa&tuirnifna. HerKlSa,TAYURA C8. , 1 5uks frl, S3 rrudaeo. IM ltnSaaa Acxaat Vasfird iiwx with kiih prices! Chicago Scale Co., 5 TO West Xnrs SlCilzaf. m seals $60; rtemer Piro SIM. Batrr aim at a crrat radaerias. A" fcalra WASUtAXTAM. Heart trara, Waamrarratrr aad aara SM rtr soorr Iwd tar rtloc LUta. HERBINE. "V-ATCRKTS TKCK EKIKBT. rM. A. 1 j?nt treoa Hrrta. aad U ktcVr rreesiBradrd ai a pctK Sir Ciacar. Taaorv cr.U. OtS Scrra 11 Bnaaaaa. aad aSaraao of ta TSraat. 't. UTrr.BOTXa3dacTBladjrr.B34d.c. Tkiirar aad bralaaVd coauyocsd U van kaeva a Ciazaaad 5acra!B feat taoaaosslaialaa taa axtnr M DOCTCS rEESEXAKOSEZoa te ooaUt wrapaar rrlea n.0J jr VstUe. or lArre tortSJtS. SdMSr CSAXKA- BRIG HAM aad C r. SlC!USr CO W"fcoI-Jr Axrsa. Saa "raiea. iFOR SALE! A SecoHil-kaHil POTTER COUNTRY Cylinder izk er bu a-tia. ! "vVcrics r.,3QO pr- TU. rr U la fx! raedlttea sad vaa atd OAtr j brracao ta uairr ataSed t ft-eart a fattrr araaa. Addrtaa MILLER Jt KICIL1RD, WAX yStASClWCTJ. N.CTJRRY tfc BRO. 113 SaasM Stmt, Saa Fraastses, Iisren aad iTa-Vrt '.a.rtry daertf noacT arrrrk aad X aaal a- Laukdlax grfUS.JWT-MS AM PTAS BIRDS. H - - vam 1 .him f Km a .a llMaim f. . . ! rafCd.1iEx!ntaatoaarjtof tkacoaavCU. I Addrcaa A. t.H2latt Ala KrnT t 3. f p.N.p.a No.lS2. PENSIONS! ix:xxAias a tal AIM UtraXSisaiWiimM. AA4naaiSk aaaav SStL if t Aaacv IIBI II T ilao i TTWII 1 1 T.g. t. OUat ARt.. aHssatajt. t TkrrMlurl i IT