The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, February 23, 1878, Image 4

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In coriteBBpiating-thc life of this great,
inan, whose eloquence bas delighted and
swjtjfd llitiU'Huds, who ias been nc
Knowledgcd hj nearly ah critic the
greatest of onUars,.we naturally a-k the
questiiH wherein lay his power. But be-
fore stten:;tui la answer it, let u ad
vert to the ' condition of Grecian clo-
numnm mc later apes ot tiic
.republic that oratory reached itshighe
form, and 'assumed Its true charactt
Atter Solon bod fi&rued a new constitu
tion, after tlie incomparable poem of
Ilotaer were read and studied, that ora
lryJ"aScultrva.ted and taught at an art.
"t . i r . . . . .
xxuuj iuc nmo ot sotou to mat ot Alex
under was the golden aje of Grecian elo-
?Hf5fTdthC -lert J?liod in,bcisre.fblat the farmh.mte, which
tivo of the borough of Paianta, was lorn
in the year 335 B C lie lost hi faihrr
when seven yar of age, and was placed
under the care of bis mother. Owing to
the fraudulent-expenditures of his guar
dians hii early education a neglected.
His first irabitinn to become an orator
i iuuawni auc ucwtujj w wau -al UTg
livered by theemineat CallUtretas,wliicli
excited no until stir. He resolved to
perfect himself in the art. Subjecting i
his bodv and mind to a most tbwrousrh
and systematic discipline, whichonly tlie
strou-cn will could have undergone, we
see himjat tho j;e of sixteen appearing
before the public tribunal against hb
guardians. "His attempts were crowned
with complete succes?, and he was em
boldened by those endeavors to speak be
fore the public, but Ids speeches were met
with QBiver&al dissatisfaction. Notwith
standing these drahrartments, the gem of
eloquence that lay mouldering in him
dllld DutltA .Xtiriuit.i TTo ntilr unrl-wit
the harder to accomplish the highest an
tidpi:ioVof lils life. Hi studies were
iswutnesl with increased Tiitir.- The? di&-
iJHiunt of -hi form were overcome by
severe physical training. An opportu
nity at iai procnted iUelf in which Da
re theses so- wonderfully displayed hit
talents. Xtvex had a jtoliiicil orator a
wider fieWforthe exhibition of the high-
-est power of patriotic love than waea
Philip of iLacedun aimed at the over
throw of Grecian liberty. At the time be
engaged in public life the State was a
-aero wreck. "Pnblic spirit was at its
lowest ebb.jthe lawsjiad lost their author
ity, the -austerity -of early manner had
yielded to the inroAis of luxury, activity
to indolence, and the. people were ftxad'
Tancedpoa a route which conduct a
Ddtioa to irremediable servitude." How
he commands 4ur respect in hi effort to
keep at bay the wily Philip and at the
same time uttering tuch ttndns of elo
quence that 'has met the admiration of the
.woridl ' .
ampleof this man.who started out ,a U. Whataday adTeatuit w! It
lite withJiardly anv hope of aucccs, hat 5 hke ' JCJ to Europe. The night
VtiuM doqueace 'ihoae in the hiltet bc,or 1 c"u'd "J P fuf thmk
sooa DlrudcrJ- Amonr M. or5i..n mg of it, and there was no trouble about
nndonhtiiT ir-tT r. J lt frrf S. r5t -t,;. i.iTliebreakfaitwa eaten, the luncheon
the most perfect specimen that eloquence
Jiai. ever, .produced. Fur writhing sar
casm, burning invective, lofty declama
tion, for all that is spirit-stirring and glo
rious in elcquence, there is not oa record
in any language as ob!e and perfect a
specimen as the oration for the crown."
Of his other orations time forbids cs to
treatsnfiice-it to sy they were all char
acteristic of rich thought and deep stody.
"Hi style," as Hume observes, "is rapi'd
harmony exactly adjusted to the sense; it
is aiadain, anger boldness, freedom, in
volved in a continued ttiezm of argu
ment, and ofLall hars&n productions the
orations of Demosthenes present tu us tie
MkteU Which fappio xh the nearett per
Te'itioa.''" Such was Dcmost&eaes. A
we Cbntemptatc hi indomitable courage
and - peretvcriiig energy in overcoming
the delect of nture, and endeavoring to
perfect hissself in the art he So dearly
Joved.-we' arouse ourselves and ask, why
watte the day ia. .idleness, and the night
in thoughtless dreamxngi Let such an
example eumnlate as to nob:e and high
eud in life. And it wjl be the means
eventually of securing tbe greatest por-
tible list fulkeis and Lappinec
-t- - '
The major and myself had just been
converting about old times, and towards
the- cloe pr.onr chat we had occasion to
laugh at a court report which our friend
Eudicott had put into our hands. Among
the papers .w as the return of a deputy
sheriff County, upon the
back of a writ which he had been called
upB to serve. Thus read the truthtel
deputy's return:
-I further certify that said J W
did willfully .and maliciouly ob
struct me iu i be performance of my duties.
He called me an ass; a dolt; an idiot; a
tcwQHdrelr-and "declared that I would
steal tbe coppers from my dead father V
eye?, all of which I do positively, though
"with pain,'cerlify to be true."
If that return was read aloud in court,
it matt'.MkTe caused something more
audible than a simple smile.
Eadicott' paper Temiaded me pf the
Mtorprkiflg &mer and stock-raiser, who
wtiv a tow -of theBks V the editor ot
aa aericulluial paper for his efforts in
beb&lef their ociety, and also thanks !
fur having introduced new and improved
varieties of swine and sheep. 7 he edi
tor ,hd been wbseat from an agrlcultuial
fair of which oar farmer bad been a man
ager, and the Utter wrote to him, in part,
m follows:
"Dzxk and Restzcted Sie. "I was sor
ry wut to ee you at our fafr. Some grand
keg (jf exactly jour own species were
cWieXhibitioB. Also-1 saw - .ig, long-vMwted'lrtsckr-of
-yt-ar .uA s . dot. fu
h r ' ere there w such Tariety of
domestic uwu,i mut t.y, I watsur
jpfiSeG'TiX mA. K"!ig ; fC pipsc-it!' 0
Xr. Balth Waux Eucubox wrote
te the annual dinner of tlie Boston Lat
in School AltM!, 'last week, that only
two of his clajsmatcs survive. "Yet,"
he'aMed.fittithaiic many excelieot men
who have enjoyed the school in the Iat
sixty years, I should gladly meetn i
coald converse with them, but nearly
tereaty-four years iase put it out of my
pewer to take any part in conversation,
and it i but due to my friends sot to
worry them with my incapacity."
"Ytok's is a "very perilous life," re
marked a lady passenger to the conduc
tor; "doesn't it rcquiie a great deal of
eourage onjour pail?" 4'0h, yes,ma'am,"
reflie J' Ike eoaductor, as he gently but
Armly charged her ten cent pxiin for"
MtgtoetiBg to get a ticket, M es, ma am ;
mm but the ibraVe deserve the fare." And
as he psdrpu, she blobbed, and, woe
detect if ke'awttst that pieee 'ef iupu
s)e for.s pUit. Eatk-St.
The Farm Boj.
Clurlea Dudley Warner, in his intmi
table book, "Seinf a Boy," juit published
try Osg.xxi & Oon saja:
Going after the cocci wai a lerlous
tliinjr In my day.. 1 had to climb a hill
which was covered with wild strawber
ries in the season. Could any boy pi
by tboe ripe berries t And then, in the
fragrant hill pasture there were beJs of
winterj-rrcn with red i-OTic, tuft of
columbine, loot of rrr-ssfrai to lt di'g,
and dozens of thing good to cat or to
tnu.ll, that I conld not mlit. It some
times even lay in my way to climb a trte
to look for a'crow's ne-t, or to siting in
the top, or to try if I could tee tiie stee
ple f the vilfage church. It lrecame
very important snietiuics for me to Me
that steeple, and in Hie inidt of tny in-
(.tlintf uink f Km hutn a,? tt1nw
in the hottest dsvs. I knew what it
meant. It had a trightfully impatient
quiver iu it, cot at all like the tweet note
that Called m to dinner fn n the hay
Seld. It said, "Why on earth doesn't
iut boy come home; it in almost dark,
and the cow ain't milked!" And that
wa the time the cow bad Vi ttatt into a
britk pace and taake up for lot time. I
! wonder if anv b v ever drove the cowt
home late who did not say that the coas
weieatuic lart&rr end of the pasture,
and that -Old Brindle" was hiddn in
the woods and he couldn't find her for
ever to long! Hie brinJic cow is tlie
boy scapegoat many a timo. . ,
No other boy knows how to appreciate
a holiday at tin farm boy does, and his
tiest one are of a peculiar kina Going
fUhlng I, of course, one tort. The -excitement
of rigging up the tackle, dig
ging the bait aud tbe asticipatios of
! great luck these are pure pleasure, en-
jojea because they are rare. Ii ys who
can go a tuliicg any time care but little
for ii. Tramping all day through bruh
and brier, fighting flic and motquitoes
and branches that tangle tbe line and
mags' that break the hook, and returning
home late and hungry with wet feet, and
aktring of speckled trout oa a willuw
twig, and having the family crowd out at'
the kitchen dKir to look at 'em and say,
"Pretty well done for you, bub; did you
eaten that big one younelfP this is
also pure bapune?,tb lack of which tbe
boy will never have again, not if he
conies to be e!ectmaa and deacon and
to keep store."
But tot holidays I recall with delight
were the two days in spring and Jail,
when wt w ent to the distant paiture land,
in a neighboring town, maybe, to drive
thither the young cattle and colts and to
bring them back agiia. It was a wild
and rocky nplaad where our great pas
tnre was, many mile from home, tbe
road to it running by a brawling river
and up a dashing brooktide amung great
geiung me op t suarue that morning
was packed in a large basket, with bottles
of mot beer and a jug of twitchcl, which
packing 1 superintended with tbe great
est of interest; and then the cattle were
to be collected for the march, and the
bore4 hi'ched up. Did I shirk any
duty! Was I slow I I think not. I was
wining to run my tegs off after the frisky
steers, who seemed to have an idea they
were going on a lark asd frolicked
about, ciauing into ail gate and ail bars
except Ilc right, and how cheer
fuby 1 did yell at them; it was a glori
ous chance tu "holler, and I hare oerar
siucc heard any public speaker on the
stump or at a camp-meeting who could
make mure noise. I have ottea thought
it fortunate that the amount ot noise 1j a
boy doe n .t increase in proportion to
bis tize; if it did, tbe world could not
contain it.
Te whole day was full of excitement
and irtedcm. We were away from the
farm, which to a boy is oae of tb beat
pattaof fanning. We taw o:her farms
and other people at work. I bad tbe
pleaaate of martbicg along and swing
ing my whip past boys whom I knew,
wtio wercpicklcgup stones. Erery turn
of the ioaj, every be&d and rapid of the
nver, the great boulders by the wayside,
the watering troughs, the gtaut pine that
had been struck by lighttiiog, tbe mys
terious covered briJge over tbe nver
where it was most sailt and nky and
foamy, the eagle in tie bice sky,
the teae of going tome a here by, a
I recall all thee tilings I feel that even
Prince Imperial, as he used to dash on
horseback through de Boulogne,
with fifty mounted hussar clattering at
bis iiceu and crowds of people entering,
could not have been as happy as as 1,
a boy in short jacket and shorter panta
loons, truJgini: in the dust that day be
hind tbe steers and cults, cracking my
black-stock whip.
I wish the journey would never end;
but at last, by noon, we reach the pas
ture aud turn in tbe herd; and after matt
ing the tour of the lots to make sure
there arc no breaks in the fences, we
take oar iuscbeoa from the wxgon and
eat it under the trees by the spring.
This is the supreme moment of tlie day.
This is the way to live; thi is like the
-SwLs Family Itbinsoa" and all the
rest of my delightful acquaintances in
li.ikcu beans, rye aud Indian
bread (moist, remtmbcrj, doogbnuts and
cheese, pie and root beer. Wtut riches 1
You may live to dine at DeltndoiepV,
or, if those Frenchmen do not cat each
other up, at Philippe's in the Rue Mn
torguell in Pari, where the dear old
Thackeray Used to cat as col a dinner
as f nybody; but you get tlitre neither
ducghuuts or pica, nor root beer, nor any
thing so good as that luncheon at noon
In tho old pasture, liteb among tbe Mas
sachusetts hills! 2r will vou ever, if
you live to be tbe oldest bey in the
world, have any holiday equal to the one
I have dctcribid. But I always re
gretted that I did not take aloa a fish
line, just to "throw in" the brook we
passed. I know there were trout there.
Lcckt FntotiT of a House. We
should not usually consider it a recom
mendation of a horse that he could easily
be frightened. But in the instance re
lated by the Wyandot (ObioJ lnu$, as
follows, the fright of ahorse was very
foitunate: "La,t WcdntsJay tvealng
John Yger came to Carey with bis
horse and buggy. About eight o'clock
ho started home. "When he arrived at
Dry Uuu Bridge he wa confronted bv a
man who called out 'Halt! Mr. Ynger
stopped his horse, and as he did so two
other men approached from the roadside
aud went toward tbe hone's head. This
uhumcd Mr. Yager and scared bis horc
so that it ran away In great speed, much
to the disppohitwest of the foot-pads,
who fired at Mr. Yager, the ball patting
tht&ttgB ose of the cutUius of tlie bufgy
uel smt kit hrt."
Queer. Q mIm..
The folloaine.list.Qf quutions .will
puzile a good many cblldrcn.faSdIfshose
- r .t . . . i ,.t 9 - - - . .
ui iqrer g iu win noi answer them
without cousideiable research:
What three ex-prccideuU died on the
iut ot j my t ,
What animal is always blind t
Wiiat man did without meat, when a
boy, in order to purchase books!
Which oae-of'tho United t BUtes - bor
ders on eight Stalest- - w '
hat tree axe celebrated Iffour his
tory r
If tha earth turatd in an opposite di
rection, where would the sua rise?
What Presidents declined re-election
fur the third term I j
Why his Patagonia no capital!
What five Presidents were not elected
to that office by tbe people!
Why cannot the owl see in tbe day
light! I
Who was "Light Horse Hrrv"!
It uss.thoustadjaad sixteen hundred a
n umbel!
Which is correct, "2 and 2 are 4" or
"2 and 2 I 41"
How can you tit a knot in a bone)
What did ilun Alien believe would
b tbe future stats of maul
Does the sua ruliy rise sad set each
What was the price of a negro when
first sold In Virginia!
What animal has its tyes on tht top of
us utaui
Cm you move your upper jaw I
When was .the(-Botoa jJRm" blown
Tbe French government b talking of
causing it to rain in Kottbtru Sahara,
How can thi be done!
Who discovered tbe clrestUtloo of the
What did Capt. Smith take from the
Indians and hold uutil thsy filled their
boats with cortit
hat was found in "R gcr Williams' "
How many pounds -la a ton of cold!
When was the mariner's compsaa In-
What caused the death of King
tutttp little seal
Which way doe the seed point la the
Wncu fiesh did Uncas (Indian) de
dais; the "awratest he hai evtr tasudl"
Which way does the Uan stalk wind
in gruwtcg!
What has always been considered th
"Lost Colony of America!"
W tiera ar the largest land turtles
Wcat did Columbus think Hay ti was!
Who signed the D.daratioa of Inde
pendence first! "
Do rocks grow!
Who received Washington's cc ratals,
sloa when be resigned it!
Will it take any more brick to build
a wall over the Mifend than a wall from
place of beginning to place of ending,
on a level! I Wail to be of the same
height and thickness.)
What was done with King Philip's
little son!
What bird lays an egg weighing three
What was Capt. Smith to give for his
release from Powhatan!
Is w white M a colored mail v
Who took J. C. Calbbea's place as Vice
President (U.S.) wfcea he rrrigced!
Tbe chicken is a native of what coun
try! What Vice-President took the oath of
office ta Cuba!
Why doc a black slat pencil make a
white mark!
Who stooped to kiss a slave child on
his way to execution !
What is putty made oft
Who was President of the wcetd
Coettitctional Cosie!
What is the oaly marsupial of Ameri
ca! Who could never read the "Trade
Acta" without a corset
Wbtt did England pay per head for
Hesaiantt (Revolution.) C
What signs of arithmetic are called
"tbe" signs!
Who arrested Columbus oa Iltyti
What it the velocity of light!
What did Colcmbus make out of the
Santa Maria!
Whit date is four months asd fifteen
days before Apni 1 3th, 1670! On the
last question the number of different re-
suits will astonish you.
Cleopatra's Xeedle.
Tbe obelisk which for years has gone
by the came of Cleopatra's Needle does
cot dsnerve its same, writ sever had aay
thing to do with that fascinating but de
structive quees. It was erected at Heli
opolis by an Egyptian monarch, sup
posed by many to be laasticxl with tbe
Scriptural Pharaoh, about 1500 B. C. It
was removed to Alexandria a distance
of about eight hundred as! I cs probably
during tbe reign ot tbe Uettrs at Kjbc
It is now oa its way to sglsad by s
novel method of transport; that If, it is
enclosed la an iron cylinder, air tight.
wedgeu-sbaped at both ends, aad towcu
behind a steamer. The cylinder draws
from eight to ten feet of Water, and has
wings, or rather fins, on each sido to
keep It from rolling ova. The "Xeedle"
is suty-nine feet long aad eight feet
square not uniformly, but at tlie base,
it weigh about two hundred and
twenty tons. There appears to he but
little dossbt felt at tw the safety .nf the
means of transit to taclaad, and tbe at
tention of the Londoners Is almost
wholly engrossed by the question where
the obelisk can be set op to the best ad
vantare. With their Broverbial caution
abeut these matters, they have kom so
far at to put sp temporary models la one
or tn a places, in order to judge of the
effect on beholders of the three thou
sand four hundred year old relic when it-
gets along, Tribute.
Wkv Should Wi; Br AnutBi There
It said to be a ghost a a ceaietefy. at
Geneva. We do not see why this should"
cause the t lighten degree of ;ei cite sb en I.
If nothing but ghosts were to go to ceme
teries heiealter it would be a comforting
assurance to all of b. It is strange that
people should hare sack aa spprelteatioa
about what are called "ghosts." We
know for a certainty that we all live a lit
tle while tome longer aad some shorter,
tlie difference being nothing at alias
compared with eternity aad we die. If
we ever come back may we not eosae as
Then why sbonld we ever he afraid of
what are called "ghosts!"
Phiut R. Huies left New Bedford,
Masttchtttett, forty-two years ago en a
whaling voyage, aad the first letter he
has written home since his departs re was
received last Frldav. He I llviae in
Xew Zaltd. His relatirM had loaf
giTM bits mb at atd.
AtsquSmra, -
In . tblt CBlItrntencd age aad land, find ar.
eepuare only with the prejudiced and Igaor
snt. Illi impossible, (or inUnee, to per
suads Solarge proportion of a people who
nave Imbibed their IJea of lojrlc In common
schools and free academic, thU It It expe
dient to cram their systems with uiervury,
rasp their bowels with coljclnth and Jslsp,
orttuplty their brains with optste. when a
pure, effective, ssfe botanic cordial like IIos.
tetter's Stomach Hitlers, uhlrh relieve every
dlirder for which the poisonous drugs hare
been heretofore prescribed. Is within tbe
reach ot every one. Old fashionable retae-
dlrs are vafklrilv lrln. n.i-A i.-f I.
j fc.vwwi. mine ihr
.advauceof this conqaerlnc speelSr, and old
wi iu iciiu iu uciieiKia as a
means of cure, have been quite exploded by
the success of the treat rcnovaut, which
tone the system, tranquilizer the nerves.
Induces sound repose, i.eutrallzel malaria,
depurate and enriches the blood, rouses the
liver wbn dormant, and promote a regular
habited body.
The Henry T. Millor Pianos.
Among the most popular Instruments used
at convert last" teasou, none were rwlved
with mure favor than the llr urj F. Mdter
piano. They were used In overtone hun
dred and twcoty.fiv concert la boston and
vicinity. From amour the many we notice
the Kcllojrt concert, at Music Hall, tbe Uos.
, Phinitrsaoale Cluh, tbe Hsrnabee. the
smith. WXltoey, the Uotlston Club sad Fo.
tcr Club couccrta, atnl in operas riven bjr
tbe Uudolpbteu EortUh Opera Company and
hlRh awards decreed thi establishment at "N I I S f P
the Philadelphia exblUUoa bar. riven '(.111 I H ( t
lestrumtcua vorldwUr rcnuwn. Oulytwoj L L L L
tiauw.iurie cxuiuiiors were aWarCal two
medals, aad this Is lbs only esUblUtmsot
which received two medals fur iu slorU cs
blUt la the plsDoorte departnuut of the
Main cxhlblUoa building.
PurohAatBff Agenoy.
Ladle who are desirous of havlnr rood
purchased for them In eUa Francisco caa do
so by addressing Mrs. W. IL Ashley, who
wRl send sAmptea of roods for their laspec
Hon aad approval. Would say that I am an
experienced dms-etsker, and have the ad
vantage of buylug at wholesale, and would
pve my pa trues the benefit of same. Goods
purchased asd seat C O. D. Osd for Ctr
cuiar. Any Uformatloa in rerard to stiles
cheerfully gives. Would add tbat I have a
flrst-eJsM esUbllshsaeol for Drraa-maklas,
aad aa prepared to exerctc countrv orders
with dispatch. Address Mas TV. ILAsnLTT
t3J tiiilter street Room 21 San Francisco.
Dr. Hunter,
Of Ssa Francisco, fvrmerly of X T. City, Is
th oaly regularly rdoralcd and legally qusl.
I8d pbysleiaa in tbecltv dcvoUng exclusive
attentioo to Catarrh. Consumption and lraf.
bess. Ills letters ICO In tnmber easy be
bad by addresslejr blm at Xo. Xtl aotUr
street, nan Franc t-co.
IIHRBISE porle tie blood.
HER31XE U nature's own remedy.
HEEBIXE b a bocseholJ Uessln r.
UEE3I.SE should bw nsed by every fatally
HERBIN'E coatalas notUeg Isjarioct to
thcsjtUa. .
IIERBINE tLoalt not te confounded with
cheap nostrum made to scfl at a lor price
HEBBIKEU worth SitO a boUle to aay
person wbo Deeds it, bat Is sold tor I1HJ per
IIEKBIXi: should be in the nandt of every
arsl-clau druggist. Ask yowr dixrlst for
It, aadjlf be ksj isoee. IcQ Urn to order a
dasca bottles.
Scaaouaa tor lh CwmmfrcUI AdKU,lhe
Oalr tiataer DuldiaLcd drXt.lrtS In tl.. (
QoesUoa oa the troe ptiseiple. Price fitO
j eat. . -li-cxNunn nceajj jotirnai. ii tva
tala all the latest market reports. Address
CcmaMTrwi UaWat, i34 Moatgoacry strret,
5a Francisco, Cat
rETsicuxs of hlgb standing catetlUtlag.
T give their indorsement to tc esc of tbe
UrMfceberg-MarshsJfs Cathobcoa for all fe
ma! compUisls. Tt weak asd debilitated
ind wonderful relief frusa a coastsst u oi
th! VAtcaalc reaccdy. &dd b ail draggista.
How's Toca Eaaxwarxjje? There ts no
rZrtlsc lot tour .nrfrrin mitli r-1 . r-. .
orpaia. GstAtkxUcof Patts A sour iox
wis. ass use iu
A drag wQam the rvACb of the poorrwt
anacrcr trota rtiesastliBA. sore throat. tUS
obit,'asd all aches and pAlat Trapir la-
wu. i rc m crsu per cask.
CIGARS are made frara Csest Uaraaa To
bacco. S3 B aerate en to tt Ssa Francisco.
Wisrraa srtWa aftaawraOe raser Vagina
aaj aaaaSTat Caatcsa. SVa4 staass lar catalvcat.
S roK sart. Sa r rasj-na. s
riarassaraaatsascelartjuaa at itVs rslan
f An.naUlr9awrf vkSi rraala.
Caasa.lti CailfcrU. tl ftr aaa. mirUTS AW
OStt rnr. M Tatre strati, Saa mactaca.
Tsro Ca sauna Tut -A rJr af Uaxt!r-1 rt
CWrsca, wwrisy t aAc asj aasacaaa a TArar
aw3a,SaUenjva) is Laitesa liwraa. st i..s.t
Itswtfahsa srrraf.eiWwdhtWlaUcrwtabw-W.
SketesMw. rve rj. rtc. il new ta aa aesAUc ST rta
taatsiMasin. Lalra W saauiac nuswa Itt
abttoars.J. 1 rauea A tSa. I WilAasa AX
Uaarsatr srrrr Poaai Vaaa w aasn seat
llAXItartlsa.atAsasajtrrtwaata. 1
aa ArWBtaJeJ-rt LVAKUA HgifS ki
Aeos asA axxer aHtatxva rurc rsraiia. a4 ail
swlaral carwakr twan. sttswl awciai. Isk
aaAjMraat wuA lsSvrwua ataUcA me. WaAal
awsrArAbr iWtlaat SUMhau fair rsxsts uaea
UW Ik. eacaaiUasMat AArra J. a. UCstXU
aaxrwtaa a4 ai Axsat. 11A ralaaa htniZ
aaa rraaclara.
nnK er urtc
r.waiuiir xuccHAsTTAiLea,
XA staatevBwrr at-aaa fraticiseaL
i ovrooyEiins tavi-xkaxcx ujtxL m
1UU I Srysrr aaiaDjiia.a) iirirj tt . avF
tie!. St rLATKU U'ATI!H WM. -
la IV kaava waest. Saassa Watea I'M to
Aetata. AAArTa.A.CoCLYta ACeUCaieas.lU.
BSt. St. ss. I. SLA MX. UkATISl.
rrsas4 So storfctt SA. Saa Fima
cat.caeaTrar Kra-ay tw. CsasaiaTlala s a 4 oIm.
Osf rir-saat Csnl.. wlU aaM..m twoaakr.
L.V ? rt-rr1.Ti1 ' t afAt.iiltta.t II ivtv
luAAAAaBiCa.Harvs.SnsatjsaaCa;X Y.
HH.n,iinwnii4Uf &JSI s tCJ iir,
ara iut slmi. staat rraarlM.
:. aauBCtbrlusvtBwtrUlrs. a.a4
lorCaUaxae. VAX A CU Cakrvra.
A 2taalta. .treats WaalnL 38 Ural rrti
lar arUcbw la tt wortl. Ot asmrl rres.
AJirtasJAT Bi:o!W.irtrwt.i5ea1.
tsA-srtlrtea. Xrw UzStaiax I'laltrr. Uarrtsr
Alarm rar SO rrata. AjBMa' oiraell ruin. Ac
MaJ tnr Catafetfar. kaDUs A B.aanwa. franclsm.
nrr ia w mr . . .
T.i?' 1 .U "f h rraaetaoa.r-joi.
2txTy-six arsxxairjc conra eror Dt.icn-
fisxioac SaeU.wUfcjver srvllcaiwa w cuvrr foat
a. Aaflsvawsa lw, )4 ir. tia MClaflnaatl, o.
tic liaala -Se-r. as lMa,rrpers. ruoka, Uaa
Sftaars. elumbar. watUar. aaras. rtc. r.a SaA sarh.
a s-srs 11. rrrrrrare. at 11 aa. J, J. TKSTuS Kav
pWriueat Uc. 7W AwkH stmt. Saa rrsaC.aT
ilf'rk.!,,IJ"a- wits ws.rr-aa lak rr-
llT kSIr i"V awarsalteU. Saaifba bjr mall.
rtt-fM. ci for Ise. Azrcts wsate ia eTerr
ematr. DaTlD J. Klao.m7iastrrX.itaa f ranelytv.
Ureatar Is K. A. carIX, Xa. 4S Striatal
trr-at. sjaatast. Mau.
CTftfUfP -K. HSBKHR, OmmlwVni Mnek
wlaVftO I Bnkrr,(Bacrrar to llanllwr A H'-ntrr)
Mrsnber of aaa I'ra d Work aad Kirbsatr Boaid.
Iisfs s4 sWt aatr oo Cswrntssma. UXtsI lraa
rrs mad oa arsfre arrotsu. Ornrs-Xo. AAA
rtiestnet. ssa rraarlsra.
asaaiaa- aaaxraa t-4 trwi. ar an sitaa. cnaira.
rans saw scirtm oi au siica. coaira.
rsckrta. aa arrrr artrtr of rartle
aa ril f. tofcrrr. prts-wsaa;
le wvrt, H. W. earaev af trTarrrll
sosu. taaira. arsctrta. aaa am
wbtk. waairaw s
Sscasrsr ar riuale
as4 tsarsavonti su Ssa Vrtartaeo. Ta lsrasst
ssaaa 1st rat vastsa SaAfsa, Tat ! art wraw.
Stools. Broltor,
a. W. Cor. ftur and Nansasw
Stocks Sought svad Sold oa Cosa
si ta llUrmitt run: Lr tfim a: . aitas-r
ereUi ouMrtoet. S1W SOtvrrrm Udc seal
ISnras-a Weils. I'.rso v Cu, Liprvm ffvmfirf s
Uanl td.
as ht (sUoe.
T. W. JACXSOX. Ssa fn
tUeo. SoU xstat tar t& t
C. i P. H. TIBB2LL CO.,
Ixrarrsi in xucncrcnu or
BrS Sassom SAd tUatrr, SAX rUA5CUCU
lisaafsmrsrs aT sicas. Ssrs.
llt fix K CALT PoafTs.
Tvst&'s. sai car
Octmn mJKXIt sa4 nMidr ItW. AB stats SA
aUSBM sm4 at tk h,vr( DUU. rWsa.
rM siasatM U cuwss aa4 vnm.
Aistitxc school rus vorxr. vrv asn
iviT. UUA sxa s4 MtlssusU la rtt n-
rrttstarMcriSxir kia41a Aesuta. Wwaear
rsl trsiusa last err traacfc wTa 4ars asA atsl
Mwuwi, IK taaottttea msWui Ux evataVrrs
a4 cultste af skrrs4 Uw tnA Ur
Oil for Family Use.
I A g'I'U A T olt Flr Teas.
BKiLtMsrr est.
K.lDl.m OIL.
til Caur4axia srt . Zoom IX. Saa FaascMav
inroiMUion to couaitr tuiscms
The St. George Hotel
113 Xsaray itrttt, as Fraadscc
NCW mrC-70t.T SSICC. entalxsc IM
towsarsl jxj nu rwsta. s it rsrala4. ts
reat SJ Mm Hsr. Wera ar UmA. U stlu ar ". M
aAaU im Mil raw. swAb auw SirUIVf
cr j lilwinbf ssrasbssr uae ZSbaxMr
Aa. TKT rr
va aw at KMrsr Nb. liaa rraarlm.
a i Miaiitos rrs pat
8. C IMTKIiXiE. - - - raarsisrroa.
Tw. Carar4 CswIm, ta ta aa aC CU
itaui ca. m arwars ! la vattfeat mt J iKsetae Ic
r i 'T rn t tr Hut 3avJara nrr yvc
tn ut us rjxt Caaca. n rwwwFsc. Ua-r wt
Otarsw Toa. "n
iobx rnxr.js
. Js rue teaza nairarrui.
aT tS arwcA j Hatri. a. w is urm uauclac
asJywwataa OJMIitttUL HutAl-aa ticarrra
rr asw. aa aaarsf sa, A r IX uauvnu. w .
AnssaM aa rw lu; aaerl.wt
rraaor. etc aavl afm srar tatfaWn at hr
raM. rrwr euaaW aaA camafaa -' i a.. woaaSA
fail tiaia fciaii I it i r 'a-nt4.
roe rAtmcruta. xvtsi
BrMw... Xwr V.rk City;
cairagv. lll.j Xrw urlsaaa. I .
arwaa rtaaelMw. Cat.
v saf m&rttrtwt iisMar Sfrtafa,
DC. ssiwsr rATxsx v.xmti tc m aa
USraw asAnsafieT ajrvt aa As as4
Laa. wrwsW raUral wSea V aim Asrr
l-lw-t SA:ssf
M frralY rrat :nUls Sen. Sai Vj
sa Aratzw!
raRRMLL. t K.iit: a bkiuham
rtSAW. t-VtiLKV A C O VAWalrwala
Arral4 Wan f.aacfar.
LtUfmrrwrJ STusnrX
lintm as tataa ia
Eatrravtaxr. CStraaaaa, riata aal
Calarvct PklsraiSt, fttaAlra.
As4 atVrr Wrka T Art, at Waaaraa saA Brtast
225 Ztixzj St., tot. Setter 3usli,
tTtMtrtt IWfil a4 S'jVa tVtart FraSM Sa
UK axl Maaet. OrOr
Casaaael, r.naliU. Rsrahlt, Caraw
as r.m. I. at.
SoanklSA sew. Tbe Wat taiac Trt. T sarc ts
ate it l(ar rreasaiat aa tra rr.
HerUlxa.TAYLeR A CO,
Llln:Class Areata W'satrA.
Tr-i!,Coa2!Tr! nl Marfirtira.
Medical Institute,
969 XEA&KY 8T Saa aca.
Ior nir rxtt asext cchk or all arret al
aa4 Caraale trlaraara, as slas alt rnaass Coav
plalats aad laafsaea or Uc Xei uas ferttra.
Ta latsMGs drxractlaa ot kaatsa Uf aacaaUT,
traa Cbroale aatf tniscait Otaraaea. raaanl tala oU
SBJ rwtUSto IssaittalObseatabiUaeA Srt la ITlIU
Srlrhls. rtaav, la sad snrrwards la Saa rraa
eUru, C.L. la USA. as a prltstc Insrvaaarr. la order tg
a lard Iks aSKtcd tA Wat Urdleal aad Ssrrtesl
trtatmral. for IV abate sadaU olArr aSTectloaa aad
comaUlaia. isnaaaeal sad a,sik care at reascas-
Ooru!utiB at tAA laaUral or Vr tlter Snw.
Msdlc'va sent br riprrss. Addrrea. UJ. Ciartar.
M. D AtfW Kearaf atrwet Saa f raactsco.
JL V asrrd from Herbs, aad Is hUUj Tteomme adrd
as a isectSe for Casrers, Tsmors. Scrnrala, Old Sorra, aad dUraatt of the Tkrost. Laara,
LtTve, Kow-sK Kld'arra. Bladder, Btood. Ac. Tail rsrs
sad IsTalsiMs eompoand Is w ell knows ta taoassads.
XoatreaaiBcbattaoaeroetslala4-lh EclrpeoT U
DOCTTJS rntORXAXPKRZ oa th oalatds wrarrr.
fries rtaj pr bottle, or Uirea tor SS.00. SoM br
WcstrtAk Ash (a, e rraacaveo.
s 1
Pacific Newspaper Pdblishins 0mm,
AH!aOS WHITE, Propristor,
ITos. 525 and 527 Market Streifc.
Xvarts- Opplta tha Jansttla s af Haltar nn I "a-ja Wt
IT WHA s XrtSS l"Hr.n ll !srseJ ralllll-w raSl Iaf3V. wiArft Ullx ?laAT es
lk farlS Cwart. caa uZrt a xrrtl sstajr aSruaar-s nr asr asac Srwt ta sb nj U lenia$l&4
enslBK, IXHtUYM. Ar.
fwc Urnu. rH tsritulva. asl adtsalacrs Sml. tiinm
I. O. Vox JaITl, -
A Xcw Bek by
brtaisAaa' t&a r-
SatcHng 255s
Horse Manure.
t-rl X rral. J St - cw a 1 1 7 HaMd 1st Clatki aa A
Srsr r sssl , tre A na rrlre f trier A exrrrs.'j or Maje ssssw.
ABPUTC po Tor waxtthe arT use
HMCnlOsf CarsaiM aA rrann ta
AsnVa OuTva vsat tA ararat BtlreaaJki frr.
ZZLLSSAXYXa CATXZO07Z. ltO 10 c-nsa.
irex or AAjrrxsjr txcrrrsxa. earn.
siACitc iAxrtt rest chilbku
A s.iwelary Ttjc Urf Trrr,
Uw aw - i a a a as.w s. t, Aa IV
Zrf W. MCaisTCIS. Ma L-rkln m
Fnaairsaewa. tAf"Ai afl raarazltt. rs4
Swr fner llat
US Titm-; Strut, Sas Trtsflsea,
lartsrs aS tmr errrj Oaczlf
ziriiS.JKST-tllJ am riiisu
JiMarrrrrA res rrcr.3CawOrsua faxar;
w A- a2 rWw A sesrra, 4 ratw-aiOA tj We ia.
r I ACa.'.ttsraatesa y I a( ' as Mi' . u. lit
AAArws. A. LUZuu tla Oararsc. a. T
Haslar atvss ik. Arwaejr. I
.la.wt f kaa.aa aa..l rV.eA arlra.
AArfrww. cKAw. w. rATex. '
SlaalxwaaaSTr at., la. S.
- -
Th. SSSEftT rifK ta tar WerIA
rar Walrr ar Cias.
roa scccrnvB books sxxa-ro
Tnorioan 3Ciio Co..
Caurvuu Srassr Saw rasscrscai
.rv tvacp a err nkt rnteiiwi. Til
OaU aatost aad tsxat eoarleU Caeaaserclal C
We oa ta coast. ivat tarta.- saw rars'tara. Cx
oars ItairactV-a , traeOcal taacAen. aub auadtrr tM paaist. Sta4rsu oa eeeavsc at ar J
Bar. Day aad errr'.tx sewtiraa. CrraUrs star i
Bad rras aa aaatvarvra.
ToWOODWoxTn,scm:Lii & co.
SSoXo .cesxtai,
VtisosicTaartA. - - Sw I lr Stxiit.
sax rtuscuca
rjr Sotd oa tUsr iBsisttmeate.
Anj srant ar aaj parsoa tlna- a rasas
rs.a tnU U.bvx.r.a easw saat la Ura a
satntaalUL sartVrasaas tau Maewras Mlre-euok W
atrao aaadiac la laa aadarsaraal H raafa. W laelsaa
ttala U tarttealars at aar b H-.i. aad taM lalaresalto
Saw to oUala trao Saa rraaleat ao-1 st aaaaaarAI l
OX, 112 Manna St, Calraga. raaaaaara .( -toa Al.
"aaatr.-aasissiscareaiasaia baaW ap t araata.
Maaatactarrr of
oare aad addrrsa. Ucary
st-wet.SaB Ftsactacx , .
eVaertpslrt tlrewura. bUct
far SBesaarssaraM. wtrlilsairce
Woas.sa4 yrrca kst tret oa s It-
s. miaajaV u asrar
12 DIPL03Q3-
Hn ttw snriai tr
T wtaialaI
tm.t mn tn.
.(las- fair. 3B.
pim a, a a
A'aiatr ravin.
Clllr. 73 mis.
XHtrm rscSXC Vcw-atasw
asscsts-r niLi. un.
'O rr tar autil. aaat calf mA. af Oi
- 1A iit'ri-nieiii Ttt .r rr Li
areaa. um mwi, line jSoAa. Hoc CaXaa.
tfwaia. ia Sa.a -Ai imu anui w onot, tl
r X. Li T.T A ni, sacrubrm Crr.Oii.
irtf h VT WValraU- t Hjf fi-wm axa
msj llrLut rlrr. frt JocLxfT. 3 trxx. Asay
.at rar asr m m , .
Sewing 3Ixc2iini.
Tatraw-ajWASI'ra traa VrtrViass taasi as
stsrr JCacWtaa.
I 111 1H& V Y UJftlil? I
Vsnuted t Civs Istirs aWsiaaAatiam 4
,. ---.. . -
I AAa HiTKlZS tt.X",'T, WS. .
G. X- WOOD. Xwiiarer. .
s nm ATKrrr. - - - sax jxaxcisov
twr-Uaa4 Aimu Waalat la alt mm
easlaA Trs-rtiary.
iiwm with hish prices!
Chicago scale Co.,
4-fGl S 160: FSFEff PriB Sill.
. .
WARnAXTals. OraWtrsiWi KaaararexTre-aadaar
A StKtiml-Iiruu!
nixc er skB saa.
w cries loo tier 'li"CLr. .
Tblrma lata si roedUioa a-d wws sU oatr
beeaear las owser wlaAol Sa a baler press.
wax rRAM'iaca.
SOT rAtX. al
arad far war "ew
Cataue. tl caa
taaa ralawMe tasar
toaaw toe wre-rr
v-f-ffAaAaaP1 aaWaaaaW- rQar e
. . . " lar rgnoail.
v. viruuaaR. u rrw ia aar Aawrsav
Ortstaal Otaasw Cat atf Hsosa,
at? Jt aa ITaaaaa Aaa. aZMSCAC. SAL
Cepyiaj;, Sstlartrlas; aad JtfrtowckiBs;.
tVTa best wore aad Mc eoatnlwdoas strwa
OalMtruait. A44 reJ -C HI V X .X t. K a ai X 1,
Na. SAM wallar satra-rt. raast STJs-laaa.
A SCn I lira of TVie AVLa-TTic Wbiclt.
UrratebaarcaaortaTlaa-iaaaeaiaUt frwa
ataia su eaclalM p rw a I .
a. ni'ttKra a co
HA MuanM Mr-n. trk-ciaw.
p.n. p. a
No. V7.
b la aWsUflBL
Us Tu Tttu nmmtoL. JAA-u
4a0CS Krlr-TarMa. '
taMitUU, 3. Z. KJJK AT7T.