The east Oregonian. (Pendleton, Umatilla County, Or.) 1875-1911, December 29, 1877, Image 4

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    Cool Jicflectious
"When, one has run rapidly across
France over" Switterlaud, down the
Rhine, and into the pretty capital of Bel
gium, his face- turning to Loudon, lie
ought to beyt;fomc notes on the margin
of hl3emorj. "there should tc com-priss.-o
ihe.Bcw with ..the did, the
Britisloriib: tho Continental;, or if his
home bcifictlro'k tfew-cr continent-tif-the
"West, of both the encmnd-tbe -other "with
tho Uaited SiaeJiAt Icasi oueb&ght,
at such a stagej to consider how much or
bow titticie-lMsf acrcised his knowledge
of the"people -whose lands bo has trav
ersed, 'and whether be bo, if not a sadder,
Ilis"reflectfons,-indeed, may be a little
like tbOfBrussclt. lace which invites his
attention as hewalks the clean streets
of the city. I3tipVlhafpostly fabric,
as one sees it In use, limited in quantity,
not nolJocfisiag,3oE more interest and
value to the.pasenor' .than 'to any one
else, aed-ctJHimoaly- requiring- anTxpcrt
to portnontrtsbeauties and assert its
worth t All wJicharacJer?sttc tuaik
the memoranda now to be set down, and
which,SSrgiCte cntitledrussels lace
bat for raising expectations among lady
reader?, andrtaiiitig So icalize-lhem.
In Venice one's mind is turned every
where to mosaics. They glitter. In golden
vara. a J? kit h'mK' ' n il tt 1 a
Thev cmnlov in the modern and cheaper
form4idainae jqT handX r rhUe
skill tWla imitt;onSar ImwHit into
the reach c any one whp can affoid a dol-
iot in & ioj-suop. wuai a uiuaic i
our Americas life! So one must a hun
dred times exelatm aa he- pas through
European laiS. In one. fctreet may be
seen, for example, names not unknown in
the United Sjtates Evarts, Cornell, and
Yandcrpcol. If we are nspoasible for a
idgn, ITunoTbrAmerican drinks sold
here,',wetJare indebted' to much of the
tkill and taste laid out in arranging our
store window to Brussels and to Paris.
Indeed there is no branch of the Anglo
Ssxon race with so little need to travel as
that which is settled in the United States.
Germany is represented Among us mot
lavoravry. ineuerman improves oy em
igratifint ""He does not talk so loudly by
any means in 2vew York as in the Father
land. "Xfni has: not far to go in America
to e the- ieiBhandlullg', and the
"Ciganra, and, -better still, the industry
and plodding thrift which make Germany
sopowerfaL We have fine specimens of
Switzerland jixd of Holland; and Italy
is stidL3g. us her children, let us hope to
be divest of "the features that render
them typical Italians. It will be no
mean triumph for American institutio&s
if, under thesa thes aiveree races blend
into one harmonious whole, with all the
" the evil
-tMite! J-. . e, like
e pi-JWX nt- g but
ao tartftmat Afla-XXo ; ---j. ; But
it XL. tN- . ous in
Switrerlfjn" "Wticrc the pines were at
band, even to the neculiar notching at
the corners, ItTeJUlIng up the spaces with
clay, Vaa tLe ippf to match. So, one
has eaten "waffle" in Philadelphia, their
goodnassreakssced by- the -thought that
the idea wis all our own. But when, all
aloe j tfeTSIne, the waiter gives you,
with your ice, an attenuated, rectangular,
degant,'asa.tkiyicg cake, it name em-.
bossed"onnts'iide,'xis-wafel,,you hsTe
to surrender a bit of your complacency,
or get cojBention in the thought that
the accompanying Meis" is a poor shadowy
image a cold, pale ghost of the hole
some, -gwieroas- American ice. In the
matter of ice, indeed, one looks to the
"West with' unusnal satisfaction. When
in immediate view of the glaciers, which
summer Euzdonot affect, one pays for a
scrap of ice, as an "extra7 added on to
candles in Ills bill, he feels thankful for
the gtsciers-of bis own land, less pictur
esque iu their wooden walls than those of
Switzerland, but more man&gtable and
nseiui. inaeeo, it we couia import a
coupletofvSLIpine. raoges, including a ML
Blanc and a Matterhom both which
would appear to immesse advantage on
our praaie-it3s dit&cuit to see wb v na
tivc Americans should trouble themselves
by cominj,to.Ecropc.
- Seriously, we cannot help thinking that
the gakrtfbnrContlnental travel is over
estimated. a vosoe person, or indeed
an old, may -go Uhroogh northern Italy,
for example, seeing a portion of what bis
"guide-book prescribes; stopping at ho-,
tela wb?1 tiling ire adapted to him;
where"theuott fcaa learned -an English
phrase-book '-for his sake; not always
leeliogami&ble.toward the only natives
with whomJIe comes into natural contact,
namely? the Vetturjno and the porter, and.
happy in hispigeoa-Frencb and the Ital
ian's pigeon,- Eoglbb be has made out
that be La. -ieiJiixve Men ior drjeuner at
Faido or Airolo. What has be learned as
to the thought', feelings, actual life of
the pepplel .
Besides, BO-little demoralization of the
good American is sometimes effected i a
auch travel. He does things "abroad
he wonft siot do at home; sometimes
loses that simplicity of character which
made hinrxfonce interesting and amia
ble; and'acqnire that air of information
which accompanies jeal knowledge, and
is & s&d hindraflce toits attainmenL How
much dsd-Miu Jones, learn by reading!
the "XngeztdVof the Rhine," on an ex
press boat oa. that ssiuch-laudcd slrcum,
that she might not have learnt in her na
tive Ohiol' & of Germany, which she
now "ItnowB .very well,' she has just that
kind of-ksowledge-which her little broth
er ha acquired in natural history by
throwing cake to the bears at Berne.
We do'iiot icel any great regret, there
fore, affindisg comparatively few Amer-'
icans "on the Continent,1 though "sorry j
for the poor people at Lucerne and else
where, who put their money into great j
joint-stock hotels for them and arc losing
it. Xor dowe feel flattered by the views
of a retired courier, who has readied the
summit of bis ambition, the ownership of
an inn, ad who does sot recognize us as
Ameficeatia "they have now bad times
and too-leette money; but -they do like
to make a show, and to see arccstocracy,
and be with the great people; and again
they will come, surely." 'Jhat is the V-j
erage Continental notion. The morning!
paper gives to-day as the only American
news, "Agio d'oro a 2hcw York 5 per
cent," Till we can impress the natives
through other means than American gold,
what harm is it if we do not over-run the
Continent? JUv. Jolm Hall, in 3". T.
"VVheit Prince Bismarck whs at Bcrjin,
the other day, a -dietinguubed diploma
tist was conversing with him on the fu
ture .existence of Turkey. ."Moncj,'" said
the prince, decisively, ill do more to
' cosqoer the pride and obstinacy of the
Turks and obtain their birthright than all
the amies of Christendom 1"
The Bussian soldiers eagerly buy the
Bible sent out for. then use by the'Bnt
iefe asd Foreign Bible Society.
Tho Lucky Xosquito.
The bappicstimotnent irtftliolSfc of a
rrosquito, w-bVIs soconsUtu!cd"a to cn-
jty all there is of this fleeting existence, ,
it when he make the sudden discorcrj,
daring tho silent watches, clock amt i
other cnionometers ot mo nij;iii, wiai nc,
of all his race, is the sole occupant of the
n.osciuito bar, and that there i no one to
d ride hi banquet with, llcflect, for a
' X .1, , .
n tmnnt irhfit It i tft Ian X I fart OQIV tUOi-
q iito aJnnttitl to the nar, w Hit me ynw
h gc of practicing in all the courts known
to mrsquito jurisprudence. A mosquito
with a man all to itsolf ! No hurrying,
n i corroding fear that some otlier mos
qaito is getting his work in ahead of
him, no apprehension lest there shouldn't
be enough to go around, no bolting
down of bis dinner in the momentaiy ex
pectation of the arrival of a horde of
hungry ana unemployed motquttces,
bearing a red banner inscribed : "BreaJ .
or Blood!? Of f course no moquito ofidlflcrtnt color. Tims, If my chameleon
epicurean tastes likes to be duturbed in 1
his daintv meal. And when a mn is I
exasperated bv a ccneral and simulta
neous attack, he is apt to toss and pitch
about, superinducing a fever of the blood,
which any mosquito with proper knowl
edge of hygiene understands renders the
blood impure, aud consequently unnutri
timts, if not positively hurtful. There are
thousands of tnotquitoc. we are confi
npK iu n ui momc
J,ol,lJ Se aad nutut,ons a hopeless
wrcck. aU oa of ignorance or
01 nraitn.
Our solitary mosquito within the bar
is monarch of all he surrey, lie de
scends in easy thoogk eccentric citcles
ami drops gently down upon the
end of the gentleman' nose. If
an impatient hand be raised to
sweep him away, he only hum good
naturedlv feeling entirelr at hum
there and gently retires for a moment,
seeming to say, Oio hurry at all, old fel
low, take your own time. I can watt till
the second table if you like." He even
lights on the nioiqaito bar and jeers his
gaunt and voracious comrades, who are
clinging with the desperation of hunger
to the outside. "Dan't you wish you bad
lum!" indicating who "him" means by
throwing bis thumb over bis shoulder in
the direction of the sleeping victim.
"Nice fat fellow, isn't he? and be' all
mine, mice!' Then they dance around
and tear their hair, and use casi words,
and are mad as a let of beys oa the out
side of a circus when they peer in the
door aad see one of their number who
has eluded the guard and crawled tinder
Lue canvas.
The lucky fellow feasts off his ictim
with the utmost leisure. At times be !
MKCsaresi, swinging in an impraviseu
hammock among the threads of the net
ting, tec ere in tee thought taat be eta
return to the feast at any time. To the
victim that monotonous ham in the still
ness of the night, and the drowsy con
sdouscess of a persistent attack from a
solitary mosquito, have carried more ter
ror to the soul of Richard, than could the
substance of ten tbouan4 mosquitoes
who dropped in on him a little while and
then flew away about their business.
Eice-Eaper Plant.
The proper name of this plant is ata-
lia papytiftcn, or, in the Chinese lan
guage, nung-tsau' holiow plant. It
grows abundantly on the hills in the
northern parts of the island of turmoil,
where iheaarirea iber it and btytr tJ
il . ,-..v..
V Vtaaaata Aft - - tVTV-VMS U
SSV&2-3. LtKS'A'
rates in lhoe nirta of tliB Lr which
tt,- wv.,vt,
.Ol twelve 'CL,
have grown obi, it is ctual
vbjn it. reaehet a hriht of
or th-raa.Vxiiita Th t-nilar tm ia mar.
mounted by large, sycamore-like leaves,
1 t . - t
appear several wand-like branches, each of butinessanrfjcqaenUyaadly banfperttl
covered with small, pale-yellowish fl-w- bJ V"d W JS mea S
en. The word Is bard, beavj aad dura- I 'e1 ukc 'BO'c Pndc tBxa nosey, aad
ble. Tbu plant is thought to be not very ' onsC bk M the Pd. mosey
distantly related to the common English l "- A J000? m" ho "works for his
jrj, ' board, uo matter abat bos cat work be
The beautiful smooth paper made from I Ll co reii0a for shame. A yenng
this material received its vulgar name, I an who brcil1 &f "leae, no
-rice-paper,- f rota aa tnoneattaImpres- i bow-much atooey Ire has, t dia
aioa that it was prepared from rice. Ia 'ted- Youog- men, atartiogia life,
preparing the trunk or the tree for the i vaShl ? ,E1t hrt of all, to find a place
piper-maker, it is cat into lengths of ! here they can tarn their bread and bat
nice or twelve inches. The pith, which t "n bo Pdei beclbirrow,
is from one to tao icche in diameter. It currycomb, blacking brutb, no matur
forced out by driving into it a strong, j1'0- Ino'epcndcs.ce firtt. The bread
straight stick, just as aa American boy 1 MJ bolter qftion setUcd,let the joung
forces the pith out of the sections ..f perforin bis doty so faithfully a to
elder bough which he designs for hi I Mna attentat, and let him oou.tantly
nrnvmin. The niiii that obtained ia tli-n 1 keep bis eyes open for a chance to do
cut by workmen, who apply the blade of
a long, keen knife to the cylinder and,
turning thtsa around dexterously, pare
them from the circumference to the cen
ter, making a rolled layer of equal thick
ness lhronchont. and abonr. four feet
r z-o 1 . 7 ;
long. This is unrolld, and when a suf-
ficient number of these sheets have been
cut, they are placed one upon the other,
pressed out fiat and smooth, and then cut
into squares of the required size, gener
ally of about three and a quarter inches.
It will be teen that this more nearly re
sembles the ancient papyrus tban modern
paper, but it is more beautiful than the
former, being a very pure pearly white,
and admirably adapted to the peculiar
Chinese style of painting.
liVisinxa to Die. When a man goes
ronad the house sighing and wishing
himself dead, you needn't trouble to put
the bottle of opium away. lie wouldn't
touch it for worlds. If be should be sud
denly attacked by colic you would bear
him screaming out for a doctor at the
top of bis voice. One day Pompey aaid
he wanted In die and go to glory. lie
wrought himself into an ecstatic state,
and told the people at the prayer meeting
that be positively couldn't wait much
longer. That night, at twelve, some one
knocked at his cabin door. "What vou
want!" said the Colored man, trembling-.
"I want Pompey to take him to glory,"
replied a gruff voice. The darkey thought
a moment and then said, "31 r. Angel,
Pompej done moved up Xorf three
months ago, and don't sever expect to
come back again. 2tow, go way!" White
or black we arc all the same.
AiiEnicASs arc apt to be scandalised
in Europe by the field labor of women;
but we learn from the statements ot the
special agricultural correspondent of the
Edinburgh Scotoma, that in this coun
try, alto, women are similarly employed.
Writing lrom the' great settlement in
Kansas, he says : "The majority of those
who have settled here within tlie past two
years are itusslans, and being working
people without capital, tbcyihave reduced
the cost of labor greatly. They break
prairie and plow land at Ss. or Cs. per
acre, which used to cost 12i. or 24t.; and
for a day's work llussian women charge
23 cents, or Is., and excellent workers
they are."
" The suspended Chicago bank bad 15,
000 depositors.
The Cbatucleoti.
AOnoof the tnojt curious rcplilt s known
to mnn Is tlie Chameleon,- which ts
plentiful in the Hut, and cspcciitlly in
the Holy Land. Tlie Her. J. G. Wood,
author or several works on animal, had
a cuameieoa ior several summs, ami urns
crijojcd cxcrptioaaUupportuoities of ob-
icrrihf the liliitn1 tl,
retitile He ore
fcLx'i. .1 . 1 -t 1. I
r ! him IliA nliininlritn Ulihrtil In
from odo brauch to another it ueU to
hold firmly to tho branch y the tail .and
one hind foot, and stretch out its body
nearly horizontally, feeling about with
the ither three feet, as if in search of a
convenient renting place. In this curious
attitude it vould remain for a coniider
able time, apparently sudcring no Incon
venience. "The reptile docs not necessarily as-
some the color of any object on which it
is placed, but sometimes takes a totally
1ianoens to come unon anv scarlet sub- '
stance, the color tmmediatclv becomes
black, covered tth innumerable spot of
taneou that slt crawled on the scarlet
cloth the color would alter, and the fore-,
part of the body wonld be covered with
jellow spots, w bile the binder-parts re
tained their dull black. Scarlet always
annoyed tlie chameleon, and it tried to es
cape whenever it found itself near any
uitanc of the obnoxious hue. The
normal color was undoubtedly black,
with a slight tinge of gray. But in a
short time the whole creature would be
come of vivid verdigris green, and, while
the spectator was watching it, the leg
would become banded with ring of yet
low, aud spots and streaks of the same
color would appear oa the bead and body.
When it was excited, either by anger r
by exjiectatioa as, for example, when it
heard a laree fly buzzins near it the
.color were aingularly beautiful, almost
j exactly membling in hue and arrange-
meat these of the jaguar. Of all the
colors, green seemed generally to pre
domiaate, but the creature would nas so
, rapidly from one color to another that it
was scarcely possible to follow the vari
ous gradations of hue."
CtuE am Ttrc Bkead asd Milk
SL-rrtn. -It is a very curious tkiag.
said an eld stager to a Leader reporter
recently, how small things often turn
the scale ia close election. When Sal
mon I. Cbaae was running for Governor
lite nrat time, he came, I remember, dar
ing the caara, to a tittle rural twa la
Montgomery county. I was traveling
ltb him at the time aad we were Unk
w ja the same eveainir. Mr Cfca
bad aot been fet-hm- verv well all dav.
lMB taiatact , together with wLai followed
r j. .ir a - l " . . . i
irvsa it, uiu aiia nioca mure cwu wu
both our sneeehes. It baaueaed oc
aise: An stoacst farmer bad come some
toa mile over the coaBtry ou purpos to
tee the Governor, as he was cvea then
called. lie saw, but tt sot satisned.
tiied ,
bc uciomiaeu 10 uice n 11a aim. ia orucr. 1
, ia order,
or would
at be said, to see what a Governor would
eat. Mr. ChAtc, aot fcoiinr well, a I
have said, uiu not care to partaxe ot a Cmt bk. tc. at. lkam. butui
regular meal, and o simply ordered some 1 t"cZ,Z l tl
JU ' ,3C- 1,dc;'T)K-ATt:vro, c.acrst..stHKr-
lighted. KJhaseis the man for Governor, 1 J aunam Tii n iko iTr ttatt
betaid to his friend. Ue only eati -r"r K,r"'- " rr,tr..
bread aad milk. He 1. no ataek-an M.
ler. Lie it like 1
ike us. He Is the farmer's
1 1
candidate by all meant.' Aad
went all
through the country and
WCDU- . . eniaauatuc lmer wouiu
The enthusiastic farmer would
rT'M " vi tc needed vanatioos
1 - m- f a . .
msontr was much larger ttaa it aad
! hccn in that country before, aanl all
I ..
"".' iger isaa it oa
"Poor A5D Paoro." Yoang Rsea out
.'1. . .- . iT ir
bcuer. About half tlie lojr proud young
men, and two-thtrds the poor ditcouragcxi
young men, are always out of work. The
young man who pocket his pride, and
carries aa upper hp as stiff a a cat-iroa
door-step scraper, need not starve, and
j " Kpod chance to become rich.
, IUim Sentinel.
Is Mars iKHAiirraol Is this neigh
boring world the abode of living creat
ures! This question is beyond the pr&c&t
power of science to answer. But would
it not be strange bejond expression if a
world, with Isad and water, and chang
ing seasons, and apparently all the con
ditions required by life, so like our earth is even possible that man could
exist upon its surface, should roll on
through the ages uninhabited and unco-'
jojed ! Our earth teems with life ia its
remotest corner, yet some M artial astrono
mer may at this moment be wondering
a hat is the use of us, and whether our
planet is the abode of intelligent beings.
After the wonders that science has al
ready achieved, he would be bold who
should say that this problem can Dever
be solved. Unfortunately, we cannot hope
for much from the improvement of our
telescopes and the increase of their mag
nifying power. The'dlsturbance pro
duced by our atmosphere are aggravated
by every such increase. Dut when the
problem of life in oiher'worlds is solved
If it ever shall be it icemiAafe to say
that it a ill be by tbeatteative study of
our near neighbor. raf Ualasy.
I xever found pride in a noblo
ure, nor humility .in an unworthy mind.
Of all the trees, Iobsetrc'that God rfas
chosen the vine a low plant that creeps
upon the wall; of all the beasts, the soft,
patient lamb; of all the fowls, tbu mild
and gentle dove. When God appeared to
Moses it was not in the lofty cedar, not
tlie spreading palm, but the buih at if
be would by these selections cuecK tnc
conceited arrogance of man. Nothing
Produces lore like humility; nothing
ate like pride.
Charles Kkoslet wrote: "If I am
ever obscure in my expressions, do not
fancy that therefore I am deep. If I were
really deep, all tho world would under
stand, though they might not appreciate.
iiie perfectly popular stylo is the per
fectly scientific one. To me, an obtain
ty is a reason f;r suspecting n fallacy."
A Wretched Existence.
Other condition being equal, there 1 no
reason wlir a healthr man or "worn in should
foot enjoy life; and It may well be doubted
wiieiuer aarerte loriune it ine power en.
tlreljr to dettruy the happliict of one who
alee pa soundly anil whoa digestion I pxxl.
Hut tor the uerrout, iceiie, uvtpcpllc Invalid
, tu&c la no comfort to life. Ill cxUtenec la
1 Indeed a wretched one. But lie ahould not
;!epilrof relief. That benlcnant rrttora.
tire. Hotletlrra Stomach Blltera, ha lm.
jMrted bealtbfui vlt,ur to many s telf-aun.
: a. . . Br.
ixW Incurable. It li an unenUalled builder
up of broken down rbj liquet, and U bealdr i
a aorereltm remedy for drtpcpila, ntrvouu .
hc, Irregular habit of body. blllounc and I
KWBcy ana wiuuer atcicultlc. It ellml
nate from the blood the acrid element
which Rhea rlo to rheumatic allmenti.
cheer and relieve the aed and laflrw, and
ntar,be uted with crcat adracUje by ladle
In lecble health. Iu perfect purity alio
cotnBstndt 11 to the use of invalid.
Purchasing Affenoy.
Ladle who are dealrout of havlnr rood
1 (kurehaacd for them la San FrancUco can do
o vj auarcJtlur Mr. W. U. Ashley, who
W, send sample of roods for their Impcc
"on and approval. Would iy that I ata an
experienced drr.natrr. and have the ad.
nolesaie, snd would
give lay patron um benefit of tame. Good
urebad and tent C U. V. fcUnd for Cir
cular. Any information In rerard to atjlct
cheerfully jrircn. Would add that I har a
drtt-ela&a caUhJUhmcat for Drcta-maUng,
and am prepared to execute country order
with dUpalcb. Addre Mas W ILAiuLsr,
I3U Sutler street lloom 51 Km Francisco.
nmiciixs or high standing unhesitating.
17 jrivs inctr indorsement to Ike use of the
GraefenUrr.Manhall' Cathollcoa for all fe
male comptalala. The rk and debilitated
and woedcrfa! rdtef from conilaat uae of
tbU valaaMe remedy. SoM by ail drnjruu.
Tiik Lrmx I'aix. toothache, headarhe,
earache, cramp, ceHea. coma and bunion,
are relict ed by oee apnlkaiioa of Traprr
iBdlaaOU. l'ri 10 CcnU.
ronall tteHtcaa4.t4r ache aad pilca
of every day occurrttrr jeu will and Paavr's
AbolitvoN Oil a prurajil aad rrlUWc reme
dy, for intcraal aad external uc
CIGAKa are made from fi&ett Havana To
bacce. S3 Saerameato it, San Frardico.
Hxu-Sar tVt ri. wnvw aa4 tfrStSxiW. Pal
TTTi!iirS lirrtnc tu. u4 otter i.ftiun. tr
nu u4 Ml MlaM frac KVocI
OVC Slf4alaarr4 kr Uu Slcaalc' TU Fh-
Uara law ta ntaSSukauat. lUm J a.
tWrtl.ktfStu aj.4 tuW arat. X1 IVaoea atrrrt.
&M rrucUoa,
WiiTiB rsjVt OTZyfa.nOe Titer raaltao- ot
tc ttpMatfil tntt. frt-i alas; Ut tUitt.
rsoToztrxi aT ixrUr ttU at jCarx aralan
f Art. Ot M ifTj Biwt sa rraatlarak.
CitM. H. Caliirta. II j-rr ux. fEorUrS A8T
OM nrf. St Tair4 ttrrrt. aa rraaaiaco.
Cbiaxo ran.-dt pur ut WauiXat ttt
Stajoa titMcnfan va Lturtl lioraa. a Laauaatf
BMFiaT tM wi.. Ikff . 11 m 11 . . .
1 i . aJXw ata -ei.
i 'j.m . ir a4: r
cnnnuaH uin utr buiu rimn TK
! TVT1: .lrii. I3 X T .
HAOta prjta abl Stc rJ. C rra ta ata.
1 -v t ontci vrnrrs Ttvrriijivcx acrm. m
J - -?TO"t wiivwai.
j PQ
t "ATaB WATCHIM. Ctrarat
la U kaava aS. ftapi rmw
Acu. Ailrm, jl uxutt ti. tucrt. in
VlmSr"li if"-- 9- t
i 12112 JiL 0.r- 5twt- rri
HOSTR. tUEtTa u- a
KS. lIlifai aotTiC-a. awa4
SarCatakanc. Vjti A caju tastaca.
jAArfl .a Xmii. ltnuvuiri aaw
.V ff "r: I? L-i
( W, arrsi a at A S 3 PJ . VWXrtb SCa
f- -L'-J t'-- v
lAknaUtaal Aaltfn
niUAa &taui;tw. aaa
rr. ia rAT.Rui,
tJ12Lt"'CMU B aaaaa. 1st
" r. a narafa
- aa araj t A. 1. BAA
inuCT t.ji,Tl Marartalnrt.a rL
-- - - - - . v, uDrraj i ajaajla a
i - t-trr Livc -rLi;uiu
LT jr-XK-uur n. tt tt IVa&ai rwaajaa tj
AULA 10 aaatfltx laaataiaa. W cut Wrc cwaa
1l"i al4 l E-abIU K hlUm lm n.n ....
CTtW J4 UfPIa'au.J -a. ae,U JL. DCttttX
aa4 IicMra. JLlima llm-r tin i' 1 1 .
faou rur.vTAt.v rtxs-tXDEUBix-mn
'- taaft.axtfaaem. Wntra aitt i:n-aa ut ra
. txTJ rr rwulinL SaaryaX St nag.
t fv ,nr AxrtU aat ib tarn
l.'OR rKtjKXTa or HI Tir uoati
A aacSLX baatrta atal ata4a of aJl alar, claira!
auiaa. Uka. arvtrta. aat nrj ranrtr a-( rwtlc
art afcnwtatmi.! T. DlTrr, lr tax
tartarrrornatje awt .t. W caiaawr at srrrctl
- va.rswvTM mm. aaa r raajctarai.
TV. 1. ....
i r-aaar arrtantrt
Iwstlat. kaa rrmerrd to aaa
J-artxrrt. T. M. I A. Bcalac.
a traartarc, tltt r CAfcra&ra
ItBBertaat la Ylnara
a3 XtTMmMT ffa.ak.aa
a-4 Ian ataaaaa a .
nn ta a a. nirri.i, as atrial!
Riraai, aaataiam. .
AlCHTt rSEfPSrtcK rt)U xrwaucc-
Orvlcaaaa-raTtfTlf aatrl aaauaacraMata. fra
aattli aaa rrtaUa aaraiaia.
t w un oi I atlavtic wiiilt
a ui, hklz. a cti.
S I MaanwMrrtt. qloas.
Or a mi niK i;iniii HASUriCTlEEU
tT H. HKKXMTKI. m Larkln RIH
Han rraarlars.
for I Tier tlat.
tar aii wrs cmraaia4. Ir4
1 878 TWELFTH YEAR g .60
Sllaatralr4 Xafailaa far Cnlldraa.
ir4 lCU r a SompU .VaaS-r aaal rrt
aiaiWiJai, "ri ax aa a-. or. IlTTl. aa4
am u moaia acBBinorrtai l&la irar rKKK.
JoixKr zj. sxzonm
30 IlrotnRfld Street. Hontnn.
a iTiawr, iwiin, auu, .C Mllet SaitB
ao4 French rrrtnmrtr.Vui GUaa Totlct SaU.aJM
AMUjrn' aatrrlala, AC. ac, fur tala Sr
JO ill TAYLOR fe CO,
S13 to 518 WuMagtaa Street, Saa f rastliee.
The St. George Hotel
812 Xttray Strett, Saa Fraaelsse.
rariwrroiiT mtiric. eeauiaiac too
l' Aetaural ilfbt taaaf rjomt. owtr raniUbrd. to
real br Ibe IHf. Wrxt or Moalh. Ia tall or aiaxlr. at
oae-kair la aaaal ralra. caabaatT carta Utaia Ik
nij n w aiji ir we amaii aam or om UuUat rr
ctf Tltl IT
113 SaasMtt Stmt, Saa Iraaetsee,
Imponcn asd Dralrn la amy dracrlp.
Brwh and aulaltlat
ttl aua ata Kearar U Raa traaelaea.
at aa u aa oo tZR SAT.
H. C. rATRIDOX. .... raoraik-rea
Taa CaBrarCaaekra.arHalMaatMartaa
Hotel oa. will aJarafi t ta vaHSa K Itx laaox to
eoartr natarart
fna. SanB tua reaj
tet lata U nt.l GMeAs
U y da Bai.tar Vail
raaata&Va at lid vaat e Oap Iat U rf ah u a ata.
ft!:UHaairlanlrKul LimimaSu
r I
a per caBea.
dMo. KaU Asrat fat lt r
liroaraa as icrirTTiu or
XU. 1 CfV MKtl.T,
lttwca EuuM aad lUBerr. SAX fKANCUCU.
tm-t Fl.Vt CALT mirTA.
OnSeri coiwIUd u4 rroBptlf tfri AB Ittc aa
Bsnt boxm at itm luvnt aurktt sncaa.
of lb bruukljallotcL fc. " . ! saw maaacud
a!r U tt CUUUZiUAM. UurX.M KoetCMB
rr n. aa4 Knrar tt, s. Y Tb CwsmtrcUl ! a
tjtrntr. etc- aa4 ;ert arrtr itcSMn tl I01
rM. Ttvm eoaea aa curikn from an aoLata. A
can rron Ornwr plrm rrrtfnT in u4
r Br4Hr, x-w vri ciirt
BraatHar, rw Yatrk Cllrt
Caicat(a, III.; Xw Urlraat. Iua.
mr Naat riaarlm. Cat.
roa -
Copylajf, Enlarptnjj aii Rctouckia.
l laNt vara asd feltrt manMtl f.m
attaODat U4ni-CUPVi."RMaiTI,
Xai. 1 llr attract, mm rraarlf.
Am alt tatveua. Mini riuaai rwt aartaa; r
aim I tnim mm t it torfa a mm afy tx lmt w4 a. I
atmpia acti lm it ni tmmmt ,
rmfaaf 1 "n i -a. avA aja4 aA
ttrvat a aT a?ctMM ac t a- t-ri.i 4r . ,
Ui aa4 aA 11 in 1 m -zaa .aa rw I J X
Urn mrx.- ri t - i t ' I. t -
alla lm aaak ft B.aK-a t 'r. m t - mrw Xi' -
ataj fcr a a Hi V r w t t - - l
trmm f all iWob '
arrbt -
. - w
'l'T T CC -T tmm
1 1 V L CO aaxtn-a Um
raa T -TT CwtaaitaT H
mt Smiiii aa-TT aaSrrtax
fi-aae- inaa twea r laaarvaaai
a a fan Aa ratraf n HmiBw- ar ear
LarfVara. Wr arr tmt CVa aa Tnaaca a.1 rf afar
M(an far aitiaoaa r- ra rraa a artart. ara
anrrct I ta CAUrOKMA SUttTrC I KVlS (JO.
IS SacrajM Stmt, kaa liaaoaeafa.
Dll. G-O'N'S
Aromatic Elixir
nnr cutat arvrrt
-aaa 'nmiaf aifiaa
L aa a arnr aT aMa anat&r !
l Srrr
Beam ar 4naAat to liar taats
aT a a, raara at Paiila.
('aaailaailaa, tlrantarWr. UUllan
r Aaa.HU, SSaaaar I ISa J
aaAak rar Imcr - 0rT aat ia aafStaa
rimr aTTA.I A tVtTr K A CO.
rrra4Vtdra aaaf Maattartarrra. an
arraaaia IVx. '
ataraa ta ruAvaaa inc
Ttt BT rlPE la ika
far It Air r ar t. A
raa aaacxsmrt aaaa aa r
QLmozicoxx Xlro Co..
a CaLirauta STttrr. tax raAXanaea.
Caaapaei, rartabla. Barablp. Ckaaa
tat BUttrlaaU
Saaatttax arv Tt brat IkJar tc Ra aarr ta
ar it brio re parraaalac aa iron arra.
IIUrKl.1, TAVL6R a CO,
1 19 fasaotE IL. Saa Iruclaea.
tsr-nrat-CTaaa Strata Waatrd.
Medical Institute,
S09 XXA&XT ST Saa rraaclseo.
rxm nit rntvANKXTcniKorALLsrirtAL
a aadvaroe-e lonan, a la all rrnaM Coao
pUtaU aa4 Dlaraara or IS Nffmi s-ratrau
Ta tanarsae dratnartloa or bamaa arc axstallr,
(torn rSroaleaz IHSnill DtarAaf-A caaaM lata aU
aa4 rrtUMe laaatanatobanUaUabal Srvt !a r!!la
aYlASla. fVaaw la lC aa4 anrraanla la aaa ri-aa-rtaon.
CaL. la tOt. aa a priTata IHapraaarr. la ordrr to
aSord Ika aSlctnl Ihr brat Uratral aail SarU-J
trral-nret. fr La aUata aa4 aU vtar affrrtiaea aa
maNalata. rtmaacal aa4altaecrtaat rtaaoaa-
om caaxrea.
CoBaaluuoat at tb ItiUraU er b Irtlar rra.
MrtUftn arat br rtprra. Aodrraa. L J. ClartAT.
M. I.. torn Krarar arrrt Saa rrartara
styr rxu. to
ara4 for our .Vr
Oataka-ar. II cua
taia tralBAbi laAtr
aaaUsa lor rrrry
ptraain toatna
ttaaa tbe par
Ttiaa of tor ariuf
eraanrsnaral sae. rrra ts aay AiMrtaa.
aoirraexKRV warb jl CO.,
OrarlAAl Gnm Sasat; Ilooac.
KalaS traaaaA .rA. CHICACJO, III.
P.N. P. C
No. 173.
Aaa axat aa aa pa axa anllar a tbaaaa
M aam aa Baamrnsaa uruc. Bar aaai ia uaata a
aaUUBUal, arrfcaatIa tea. Moracaa pakrvbmk by
alBBt aaaadwc la tb aaaaniraad 10 raata. Wa taakac
attala II partaraUri at aar bmlaraa, and raH btfarmatkai
bmrm la obtain (raa Ui rraa.Iaa aj lAtbaaaaboM la
aaaakaa af Uaa an. AAlraat ALARKT UUXKKR
CO., 1 It MaanaSt,l3eaM-atlbtbraoTaaAU
laallir Waag."laiaiaaiatrniitran caul ape
" 1 1 1 " ' 11 1 1 a
National Surgical Institute
so. :no rsi stkket.
fxw M rnuM
fSfcfcr aA &AtKVU.
UftmblilH LmSf4
14 liXJm
i m T F.iwtL.rt m. 1 . tofwtMi9 a 14
lN4if tim. 9
. m IIBlllll, IMMi
rpl at it t aa4lnil-UtWa-taa4 tatt
1UMM4 fcaJTaa piar rf m$n$mw laiiaiaa.
rima z Cf TLTaatTt.
TU.aaala7anfaf kaCmtaa. r-tau4 A
lTrRx aAt r?raa.x aaarallTT At aaaxaaa.
afartaraat M M.caaKrilrura
aa. c aa Vv (aa ir aa t--T
T)aratla4 mat r C ttt taatatxt i
L -rta v aa Ka( ara aa at: rw alar
( -arl rvt.
rara aa nataU TOTaaca. aa aA aaaa-r aarpgat tun,
f "v i-tTa rr lojj
11 it i fain 11 1 11 r vi bci
- lMuawlalMa(Uiw(TMMCMialaa.ialIUlaaaiiw
bmm Ifif m mmrT' " ' " J
rv-rtu a um. iWpiWif li.inaoir n iirfrtataitwa w iaii.rai'i aaa
1 t,'t rVMUIClaicMtMa'lUlMML ftaf a-ailaiialla aariflaaiaraalaj
t7arai. Taar 5aaaAi varrVA. laaCiaatT ta paaaaa fcf Saar aitJg ana va tar anaag.TBr
xaAtta). aa naraw aaiaaxTta-avt TM Caavrc mtam n aotalaavraaoiD At& AXatt
arStrama, ril I t.A B Cl-r M I a. F t.-; tar WtaArra Btnaaua at Saa rraaataeaii, Caj..aaCaa-J
IXTiaaaatt -aaaAaaaaaa. la e aatrr lrrk at Xttaa-v taa.
AJiaHtrra.rarjitVraTUfa S-r Circaura. rz a cara-MS tJ, aril to ttar D.Tlatax. wtB aa
)raa-'j aAaaeTrA.
TVr TatW H-tra ftwrttft! faaataaa, a rirri rn-ala ia. i af J rtajajrta p wLr x! aa
rraTraanl li'l r kArramwrat aa a van aTSaa tk2t frwina, Statal as ftaianai ta Sat SSjqa1
avrfao: luKatAU JM- ta taWa tA 1-rMaaa .... ... -
1 ttaaaraatatBaAtaarwricatw aaataiaW auaf krn aC saaac t4uV afavrataa ia! lliacm.
aTaruia.A aafrataaa aa aVa3. aairA 7 aaaal triaS aa4 ffmwm to a ta Saat Sa Sac aaS (TvaScr ta X33K!3ct
X U aa AW tsa gLal Ory vyrr T rafrf
la ataM aacxri. aaltrr aaa . artta tar it eaaaOS UVamir. XTflrx aat aaaacrrtar. :
im.. rar liat aa a.i "il'i ill ta fir a il I aiaf ml llht I al il lia'ltaa
a ialiSwttfTai arlraicitiful UXTAaa a aAafUWaij Sae rata aa tt7 AaSar atly tat atrtetaf
aT taa Hmu Sv1a . SarlataU aaa la tat aa-errt of tXaraTrat aurei i la oa c- atrma TtrpmOtlx &M.
tAawraS ax. a. ttrj TTrrj caajrataaV rr i unaM ars eaajaseaaaia. aaaaatxi ca aaa caaTrs to
U rT-tnrr tfcr irft-maj a A4c lir laVrUf U a Srr rj"A :
1 Ttt rvrliaa't aaT urraatoa at aana ayaijc ajfCAiCrA.
. Far toaaty af " "T a T T w y
a far aAata-Mr to aC rary r atx-r. aA &- rVTT " Vaa3arr r KS-tartftTamt ixirarmaa.
a r i laiiaaiTii tiTS il i r rrr a-rriri iTm
afraatt a-v rraaaa aaT Ja tr-ra
t K a MITt. at. U.
wuaiak eura'v
n. I nuari . jl. ja. aa.
aa a . D
A.T tVaaartttS. ftdi"Cfart
.O-O-U tt- H.tWUET. VraaaVaX
JOH 1 C A at Ml ELL. tenut.
UrrlNtlT ...isSaBKK I"widJ-
bftAtaatr tAr jn- .aataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaTTBS --jr-t
T7Vtrl BjJr
IS lllaam XBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHaaaa
Horse Manure, aBBBBfcCaHS-iaa '
frtrtr rrali I Waaaal la Clalk aaat Gill. TS (rata.
frT sAl'. a-XAta aaJ. ea rtCTlyi C atw. At.-r-a racSSc Scra-r rX Cx. f q BjtT-. S. r.
$002 giltTkctiiisdixaiiy offer. )It
ifZLt Ovlar a tto taaiait tn n a aa tVa i maj aaa faiin fan aa aaa. Ma a- f La
'aatvr aVaalaalaaaaar aaa laaaaat aaaaaafciaa a aataartii fcalan laiJWl, laa ya!y
-JSjMkJaaaaaaa a, n, n anaraia aa ami ii na aaa iinaic aa m aa aaa iS
1mmm. mmm araaa aa a aaa, aaaaalraiaarraaaaaaara. Oarr araaJlaaaaagf aaa
faSjaaaBBBBBVa. "' ' 'S taaaaf Caa f iai 1 1 taa.aa Aaaaa. tn,M itmift m ffmfm
aflBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa anaaain aim a mt taia aaaa aa4 ata.iaiL, tvataa aaaa afarValj S 4
BHV &aaa-yaia.aaata6iaai-aaa. V aaa aaVr a lafiaa tmi Q- lg j
jSa. ila".'l'afa aaato-a aaaal.aa -T ra laVaaraa awZaa7a".Uta 1 3 J a
Wmy i tlA TatTjaaa" i iimai aajrataafcia r--a. aa'ara'j aaia iTl'r iiria 1 1, H a 2 1
BHSaCaHairAr t Aay ar aaa aa.a a a T aa aa a tu'aai at t, a MC3 g
nBSJSSHr . U; nia. at aaa aart saa Caaa4 Saaiaa. aa at Itaijy caaa IMlft at l J
Paper ail Mm Warehonse.
337, 339 aai 331 Saastm St, Saa Traadsea.
Alaara oa bas4 a mj tare atock
Scboo) Boot, rut Cap. Bill Strait, '.
boot. MuUU aaal itraa -nrttt
Paprra. la-r Katv rat, rtt
SoXo Aso&tSt
Uttoxic Taarta, - . Jfo. ta rotr Strut.
5A!r nuxctsco.
1ST" So',4 oa Eair ItXallacaCa. IJ
J aal arrtTvd from raraaa l.(M a aa Rarnaa STiatrr
Blrtfa, at mliotf prtcr.aa4 rarwaidnt ty Wrlla,
f'Pl(Vi KirttotBTra'irikaeati,C.o.IA
A44ira A. LHX1KM,4U Kraraj b.r.
IrCftStsoa tsT UiV. AtT HftHtiwj m
ufruUf ft mt 9f tSnmn wnfj.
to bUbm m rmwn
uMMialaiiMU iMm. wIjlX htm m. 1 1 r .
afOa Vataa.laaireicl
1 mnil eacSMfa tt aadr.
O. rKSK aat l ra LVS.EtT IXS nrTTE t THE
aaa-avK a aaraa ataaraj. ac
ax aa aarxt'cv7aaat.
la mn ut Wi aaa.l i a
TSatac ataaaa aga aac afaaraara arrasaaaa. tdau
arc arearra to aa Sr r"
JLa.amx U aJ3J
"Vad imaii.iniii atrfBiai nl.i 1 1 m nra4
taa trcataarat aaT J atW ataftta f V Salr. aar aa4 aaaba. tt
lfa.aaavta aat ami farfata. Oaaaat Jtzxi .
arart r raaaartac aaslm. vrpaUaTAaiJlcal
w - art - aaaatn. rartaUr gargaaa Vsag SAgUr
, -iijr
- rT tt nri I mr
eirstSarc af ra atrr-
Sniril GHl KJich
Bar imrXMjrxritft Sj
Tfca. C-a-ata-aaAal
Stah lRSaMBra
Aarrlna la.
tttaia rlttr. .
A"-, aiaia aa
CaaualT Fa Ira.
Arr-Fm zsib; w "
ScwiM 2IC.cIiiae.
TkTaa-iavanara Iraa rVtrtlaa
alkrr JSMaiata.
taiS Skatlloi
lac Saaatlal
tt aaal kXi
car-raia Uacaai
U tut breonas
kaoara aa cs
Warraatea ts Sirs Xatirs SaUafsftasa
Amerisaa Swiag 3acHn Ce.
O. R. WOOD, Xaasfsr,
tat rtrru stkixt.
rr4 Jtrrata KaaM La
eaalaal TvrTttarr-
SSru UaW
Saaa Coral
But. arauqaa i
RArSaaa. aaat a
taat to Bar raaJar
at CaVa aaaar ar a
.? " " w Mia a
mL('aaaaL tuaia
a?SSSSSBXv 'aaaaamaaaaaaV raata.
aiaBaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa iaM
v- a(aaKBBa aatrk M raata tor
aSSSSSSSVr- aaa.ariamaaiaaa
TMrnrnW W tOcacta. Saaajaat
Jaa Wifk'aara arna.
ML933a. AaaStXT aWTTUlS.
L Hhaiaa aaaa.1 Mr v a.
a r