t (East rcprimr Saturday jul- ss. is: SUBSCRIPTION PRICE rLEIIDUCEJD ! IX ADVANCE" X Tub.. .$316 iIo.vrn....$l bS .$ Masres. 1 John Burnett, a son of Judge Burnett, of Benton county, was drowned Sunday -while bathin? in Marv's river. Pure pold is worth $20 C7 per ounce; pure silrer is worth ?1 29 per ounce. A twenty dollar piece weighs Sift praias; a trade dollar weighs 420 grains; one dollar weighs SSC grains. Not being able to Smirch Governor Gro-; ver' Hmrarter t)ir Kenabliran 1HIW tire-1 ronian) is now coins; afier II. H. Gllfrey, formerly Governor Graver's private iecre Ury,hoping to fasten official thievry oa him thereby connecting indirectly the Gov. amor therewith. However thk thing is a'l right politically; the Oregoolan's province is now to do all in its power to carry the Slate next June for its party, and if it can find any wide discrepancies in the oft- J cialcondectafonr Democra'k office-WoW. rs. it is proper that they should be j shown up. SUTTER CREEK. "J. X. O." tinder date of Jaly IS, writes 'tis ss follows from Bnttter creek : I The settlers in this scctioa Wave become very uneasy in coascubeaec of the Indies Troubles is Idaho and the presrace ot-ror. I leg binds of armed IsdiaBS is oer very S midst. At present there is a band of abnst 50 Colombia Iadisas Is this neiebborbood. and as hey arc all well armed with plenty cf ammunition,? nd say tbey will die before they .will go on to any reservation, it makes ns feel anything bot eomforable going to bed of nights wife or bo wife set know, ing when we are liable to be attacked. To-day a company of SQ volunteers was or ganized with J. L. Galltrord as captain, for heme protection. Capt. GnllUord has gone to-di3 toproenre arms tor bis company, which is sorely needed is case of trouble as there are bet few arms of aay descrip tion in the neighborhood. We sincerely hope we will net be called upon to fight for oar lives and property, bnt from the present eatlook aed me ao- tarioos thorn protectkw offered by the gov. eminent, we raay expect tn rdyoe oaraefves j snch is the caoenragettcat a poor Icon, tiersm&n gets from the Vest if) goToraeseat in the world. Families Fleeing for Safety. THE BUTTER CREEK SITUATION. The Butler creek scare as not yet termi nated, T&niilies from the mouth of the creek to Us very bead, are daily leaving ior places ei twc w sk Fortland, some to rags soeeu. n ana VTalla and many sre in Pcadlcton. The caose of their leaving is satfcieat ta war- rant any ceatioBS and pradeat oommeaity in doing the sime thing. Waltzsac, the chief of the Columbia. Indtast now infest- ing the country referred to, cadUvored o take his Indians back to the Colombia; oniy aooui six were wimug j uw re; c inereiore sjanea. ana sicca u mat lie conra noi conuoi uis isnvms. a mat iney must iase care 01 saemscivcs hence the settlers took immediate step to place their families where they woald be " safe. A company has been organized , the head of Butter creek, with J. L. Galli- ford asCaptain. Tl,cyareby-Jiis tinre wcM armed with needle gens, as Judge Tnakina gave an order for the same ta oe procBrea at Umatilla. WocW it cot be good policy to have a council with these resegade In--dians, and ascertain their "Iresrts. It k proper that a Taliey settled lor fVrty miles should oein cunttanl drcsd of 50 or CO worthless, vajaboae Iodiaas We say not Twould be bcUer that a handred of of white men would kHI thorn off if the eSect thereof would not be te casss other Indians to break out. LETTER FROM LENA, Our correspondent at Lena finder date of July 23, writms follows: The recent Indian scare, on Uiis and big Butter creek tarns oat to be eallrely as tounded, and without the shadow of a cause. The scare was caasftd by some boys shooting nigrtt hawks; and a man by the name of Morrison hearing the shooting, without stopping even to think, of nsnke any inquiry as to the cause, raoanted his horse and started down the main creek in great beste claiming the inhabitants and intensely magnifying his cowardly act as he passed through the settlements, causing the most intense excitement imaginable. lie stated a a fact that ok! Stock's band of friendly and heretofore harmless Indians had taken to the war-path, and bed already commenced sltiDzbteriBjr the inhabitants. But the fact was soon ascsrtaiHe.1 that there was no cause tor tiieesciiwiKni, ana peace i to II ward. Other ci-ldcacc proseats it was settled only to be renewed by another . scf thia -'cnrl war" is not individual by the name of Simons, who lies been occupying a hog ranch near old tocke camping ground. This man Slnu ons it appears, was trying to raise a crop of some kind without fuueing it, and some ot the old chiefs horwjs trespassed upon Sim ons crop; this caused suae little eHfReaHy between them, whercion SUk tobj Sim en's that his men were setting hostile, and he could not control thorn, lhey were going lo light, and on the full moan lhey were go - ing to cleim out tlic settlements, etc. This llule ruse lmd its icired cect, and Jlr. Simcns gathered up li:s little ait and ctait. bnth State and national authorities. It is have teen not the slightest Isn of an Ia cd for the Dalles.and as he pasfced through, "Communism" In America, brought litre diun nor do we lel!eve there i one or tbi the settlements he gave the alarm. j by foreign influence, and must cvcntaslly We of Snake river unless they hail crossod As fcoon as the women and children were ' be subdued by the moat stringent and sc-, CJJ e niuntwl (which w tn the ISlh removed from Hie most cxpcEed positions, i vcrc laws. It would be bettor for tlic fu-! is). The last four days of oar Jewraey scouting parties were sent out to mkc oh- J mre of America if every man engaged In wa ierfonBel without bread r any other ccrvaiions. and by this time the chlof had, j Uiofc fctrikes nnd wlio is active in promot- fool cscept venison, plenty of which wc with hie crowd, relumed to his home on JDg the hellish wrongs now leing perpctra- found everywhere and grizzly bears too, tlie Co umhia. end as far a now devohKK-d ! iod in thcftnt. were slint dcwl in bint nicks . but wc had lot none of them. it will be nnsafefor 31r. S. to return to this community. He iI!l no doubt have an in - vitation to quit this noiglilxrJnxd wilhuut and'particnlarfennaljty. GifJ. The Ixdux War. A Lewiston Teller extia or Friday, July SO, has the follow lag: CapL Hauler ol Ike Dayton volunteer left camp at Kamio Wednesday at 3:80 r. . . MM 1 M. Arrived Here at liP.Ji. i Hursuay. r rooi him wo gather tlic foUeniiie; Items: The rcxvlar oQvnlrv ami Lewhdon volun- tecrs jvursued and o-orhnlrd the Indians on TwhUv. Jim, ltenbea, Urt and itr- eral other frle&dlv Indians r!l as rcoets. J They came Hp with the Itwlfetn near the Weipe camas ground imW very ir ach un- j dergrowtb of lec. The Indians fired up. ; (Mi theseoMts and killedl.cvi and obc other, , to scout the conntrv lying bet eoa Wallowa i wounded Iteabea and another was shot . and Snake river, to ascertain if possible j through the lg Mcl'oaville with his whether any Indians were MMHhwrtt eft IS men were in the advance, and were in a Snake river in the vicinity of the Walleaa positioB of much danger. The Indians valley. Proceeding as far as the apprr val wcre ooBcenk1 in the timber oa both side lev af the Wallewa, where ue wereoVula ; of them. McCoeville soon saw the re-nlr eil we day on aooount of heavy rains. e j CftrallT tented and fiMMf The Indian sconts throaea their tactics, tlrew the a. j tontioQ cf the hmlilos, so as to kt McOon- ville and his men out of Ike snap, and see in that the whole farce of thr regMiars had uken to flieht, he fowed it ecesary to M. lew thetn rather tban sttftr hi bandfnl of men to be cut off The wfeote iHtrntar , force retnrned to Kamia. loavinc Jefei's . Men waster of the shnatb-H-i. All the cum i niaad bad reered to tbr nNh side of Clearwater, and were to mart u Iipwai. exeopt 109 men nndr Tbracknsorton, wh. , with aritltcry. are to bald portion until , Cad. Green's force unites with hita from : BMW. Howard wtU retara to Lanwnt. and TIsir- j tor was informed that be mtendad So move ' north to the Spokone oaunlry. nlnsteers will sacs rrtttra to talt ptacc ana oe ttH. banded. Hnatcr savs an one eae foretell . whether the xvar is ended. 3Iany of the Indiana wan bave sarrra- dored are recrvatloa Indians aad ackaow. ' nag party of ten mea m a lantbmiterly di iedre Hm-v fottbt wtth JoMh. Tbey are rectbaa to Saakc river wn a Trw af aeer. te be brought to Lett-wal for trial. No mas lata ing betawr or not mere were aay la- a a a- . Si a -a t . seems m Kaow sat wane paiat uesepat wm atakcacxt. KamK Jaiy 17. -ria TTatta "U'slbi. S1H. from which the made: Mlewaar exlmeu are , Five more battilcs wtsfc seMaws srrsa dered rday. The mOaWT commiumn wblcb was farmed to try ta Iadiae prbk oners takea la the late tbrat with MaJr TbockisertoB of the Farth artillery, a Jadge adeocate, to be teste clad by enm atsseoner Watkias. aajearard, as ae it aes far the proportion were bere. Iion-ard aeat M rolaatecrs tevdav to de- stray the caches m Joseph's old camp, aad f all bat the capiase aad left lor their Cot. Mam fa) bot porsaH of , the hostile ladmaa wbh bit cavalry cam mead, aad met them te-day aear Or Pha creek. Two Iedsaa seaaas were waaaded aad one killed, when the Iadiaaf gat de. moralized aad fted. leaeiag the soldlrrs ia po wsien ef the fiehL The fatlewingdssaatch was raecieedbere from Walm Walta. Bertie date ol tue 3i9t: , s. 1 turzmty eeic iecienwre arrrni Yesterday erriag lMCbiaomeB arrived , 1 Were from the apaer CalamtU, aere they ( hire been cagaged fat msaiag all the sea j soe. They state that their camp was eav tered by Iadmas wha robbed them of aVir taoney, provliioas, bhtakats aad iobm dtbtag. They thea laid the Ceieathth to j AaW4. hscb they kx ae time m doia; ! The chinamen are raatpMi h-re aew. , General 3IcDee!1 traaemlat a letegram j Trom Ai4e--cap U. Keller. M hie r , f , Vs vetaaieers of the charaeter aad stale) of tbec cptciUag with Gea liOTard wld U woce tbaa aks. If yea bad been . "" ""s "T""- " I 4Uom7gtAc ascof wdaato j te anj raw cacT. j The roHowrng'ssclU dispatch was re- erc eriBR tmrtr k creates; fnm Walb Walla : The ietlowiag extract Is teket a letter Jest received her fraai Joaa A. Simms, U. S Iadiaa Agent at Fort Oalrtlle to hob. ikos. r. raasa.at taaicuy: naovr lac the aaxietv that k fe m recard to th Iadiaa matfrt m yoar ecthma. the poet reader ear eenard pregro abaoM aaaprac commaader at Fart Catrille aad leytetf jjouvw. Aftrraae aad a belf e-y Joar. have spared a palas to aseermta if there y,k momatmim tedi oar bread was any prnhabiHty of the dfoeJhsctioa mmwi exheaeled.we M fear af oar parly amosgthe N rereos sfoodiaS ta -, c,.,,!. joaraey dawa Xrffecs of Ifak agcacy aad viciahy. ! Sake river to a pafau near the marh af Oar last taetseager retaraeJ that ereirtag , Im.... which eecssftied foar days of irom JiOHsr camp, aad repam asm as tar nrestfer bhmelf frlaadlr aad allaaethor disiaclincd te take pert ha the preseat bos. I Utiles. He says be be bos given Iim word urn aewwate never naesa ap agaiBHMCwlAos.aadbeleteadsta Veey his word: thet no danger seed be appre. iNodfmsbimorbisrKopaad thatbc coeW say as much for the other IwdWnaea Ihe Colombia. Hedesf res that word shoald ! ue scat to me tr crevK setners. others who have left thesr hornet, te retara and cxre for their property; thai be woabj , be responsible for their aofaty. I-1TEST. Yram I tie TiriaSSBTfllUr extra af Talv 01 vr Irani that the Indian have net atari. iA r-i- tthtM- Una! Maalatui Tlutv Un' 400 bead of horses from the Kamia ladies" ! t. .wt it. . ti- r.ru. W(M earryiaga raesfagc from DeJogate Fesn yut over. Josejth's nrrkrs now numl cr over 400 mea. lie k receiving accn4ns from the east. Howard is mi as liraly as he ought to be. WAR A rnn EAST. The greatest riots ever k'uown in the Unl- j otfto the motith of the Im-aa-be, theaee ap ted Stales are now trtnapirSag in the East to the SebisaimBtt and thooee to the VVt They extend from Ilaltlsnrc to 9t Louis- Iowa rallcr. liavicg raaile a rircelt of over J Over 850 pertona have been killed. Ills j 0u broaght altodt by tstrikasef railroad cm. j ployfos. Troops bave been called out by jTbe Orcgonlan or the 2411 ' rioting lias commenced In 24lli infonn9U that1 rlctiuc has commenced In Sen Frnnclsco, iHe ultimate o? jeetbdnlOTllit vengeance j ujion the Chlaamcn. FR03TTHE WALLOWA VALLEY. Wauaiha, July 17, 1877. Kihtoii East Ohiionian. Pemilt me through the columns or your live paper to j paimu ie tiems wntcu inay be or com. Moerawe ativatuagc in wc government in the present conflict with Joseph's band of ; leutaits. About the flnt day of the present I m company with a rmn by the rmkc C. Wanl,who has had a great deal of cx- perience as a menataintcr and Iadlaa tirhter, haying len thntch the Ilogee river war. started from Grand Ibseite raMcy met with a trtr of citterns M the Wl , hw ho had been out tnwiirdt the Ins-na-ha where CapUin Etliot ef 0r Pa-ta-ha IUngon fakrlr sUMed hr bad bad a fight ; m isk a band ot Joseph Indians. Hut in Mead of fighting lb rt4 H h now goner- i ally beltered be has been 'spoad in steal lag cMtle t of the Wallovra valWj- from i cstwesss who ban K-wl tmm ;e war mmm Joph. At U.I Une we Immed of the near approach of C'iptobi ttMk of the Grand Ronde volunteer, numbering abont M men in all. and teding this forcr were beadhit: in the direction taken by ns it. tachad onr-eiw. to bk enmaaand and atart. ! cd tor the bead of the mUry of the las a- ba bt a direction bearina; a li tie sonth d pm aerielng at bJ ptoca after two days travel ov- a roc cwraHfy. mniwig of , neep laexy rnnyons and ntgwanni conrrea nit tariuni khsd of timber. Finding not r me sligmat siga of Indiana here h w i i aVcideii npen conaghnUon w send a scant-; , ninni or innma tiocs k. im hcum m 'Cenatry. Tas bcimg a pwrtioa of conntry wr liwle kaana la xbiai mea Thia party ena-ised of LkW. Caltea of Semmiirrilla. Oaat Booth' iy. anrrHI.J t. Ward ef the right far i ach serTicc. all M exshsre thk ibi! ... - - . i aad atehrrta aakaoa diatrkt af Eaatrra Oeegca aad get sight of name of JoxahS red; eVrik. bat ne aseat at ta the red drrils. ! The head af the Im a he vaUejr i M miln diataal aed aeerly dae loath ef m ith Saakc rrrer. It aanetgh a ery aartaw valky awMt a the rr. xwantimai soreadiar eat iatea .Or of m hill then aarrv iag Ue eaayoa. m pas hkh yea mast climb aver faerp bin jiiu ahoat a thoaaasd feet high. The mam beam) of the lava ha are ahaas SJBM feet high, eaasiatfamg of a series cf sawa reck deelrri. tievrach jaccthag eec, yee ag a Hade bark of aV ear j jttKt)mi Qe rtwrtfag Arm thhv phafi. a tiwmx M before msatJoatd climb ,4 aAeraeea aad camped heaare n-affcjig the of ragged an em umadeMadsa sightof taaxegrlaiy bears. Neat aseraiag after traretmg ahoat tkne yomn w fuead'aari : trai a a high j u vmw1M. Saake rlw. ahkh m iilniut nmaadicBlar aad ahoat &PM f(M hxr aa. v( aew teraed ear ' Soetr river aad , narkias oar vntr lb re ash the reaiag caeyno brkia: thnaagh the high '4, rooaiag etf taste thc 1 Ia lu sad MXe; l omettmas e were 1 im-awha sad &aexe; aoaaeumea e were : 1 ..j .p,, hj- .Ml the evems breakiac otf ao aaraaary that a ' j hr mimx bis fbeutras might mUr l I aerie ay mi nee g net winapi magas I be praciphaled into the dart aby oa cttaer Mde ler away aaaaruOs at sect; thea thv eaaairr ever which traeeicd ; vaaJMj apraed eat ham broad laVli lea as iei-ely oaeca-d akh Pes ot Kerwrn 1 -- uji tiii --w. cis . . At this aeiat there k a! , vallej aa the north side afSaake river j xrtrn ! Ihaa-aod. ef stock might be Wnv . ti Oa the apposite Me of Snake rfeer ' t mk we dhoaved a baa af la- ' cale aad a fcw peale. aad a vcrr lmiilm u icdieg Over the hilt trl WMat rter bich eesaedtaW , 9hM. K - ia .iu .11.. s. v. poiat abnal M mlbss ae saw tao ferae, a , fcw caiti. aad what seemed ta be ptveramrat teats blch were moved away dariag the day (the Sth of Jalr). There I a Urge trail leadiag over from this place la Mean ob river which c woahJ Jadge la be a boat miles from Saake. Tbee are the ' ,3r ICe where it named peetibie for the Iadiaas to cros Saake river ft l lcm " ,,c wc w H tlH j-oa et Bear the mowh of Urantt Itcace. a ditaaoe 75 H ,,M aMl1 ,We the moath of the Grand Heade aad the nee jatt above it are the caly oaes whet the ; Iadiaas will ever cn aad come to the , Witlhtua. All of sehl croteisgs cea be 1 - scfely gaerded and the Indlaa prevented ; from croselBg, v ith a force of 0 men jwbiek the aatboriiies ot Union ceaaty 1 siioeM have seat without delay. Fram the hut mcatbmcd piece we retara- SOU miles oyer a moalry which for the j roaghnesa of its character Is seldom sar- pesaed, and throughout all this conntry Wc arc expecting Captain Booth in to. imrrow wrni supplies wiien wc will prob. ably start to guard the patsis of Snake jriTtr. A. CvSmitu. NEW TO-DAY. NOTICE. rptiK rflixowisfl ool'NTr onocna will he tuoo tbud.i ivm cii.v, i'u mi si; its or J1,, i It B-Jd II AtM . Jm it e; 53 jb a a v wrnn, Tmiftr Cmut(4 cfttjr( Urio. J. 31 RliVI'LI-iV, PLANING MILL, SASH & DOOR r'ACiUtO . jE3OX2.C3JLOtOil.t Aft m n4- i'vtr WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, BLINDS, AND CHEAP FURNITURE I 1)1 -I .Tfpll - i I mm fr frrt t SU e4m u IM Mteaiac ft I II U m-r kll Had at aA tl Ktuu U 79 jr im svs g-. 9 nimj, 4 t-v i za ln. Svt Hr smmi. tmxubrJ u Irnrn !! 4 l hm It l i i M ,fL . JTTrL s tea n wnur si SI 7S. lutMiHl If l--f IMans ;uul Sju'cilicalitins Imklm! rrrvatiAM, m I rNi4kO CT-Or4m Mtnii -r 4 Im. LJtrar. m lHw. wit !" iWiH m- cS UNDERTAKING, l li r, wtSm tlVXil mriiUf. ElNnoItltlou riiac Ctni.i i nunn - ui o W nW Wc' a fl ftml4BdMB aaV? VmMdJAB4 Ha Br af U ana w i IU ar Mr jK- a. afitrt h o -yi.tjl Jal a. tt? J U a VTSJuT Strayed or Stolen. . BrwtMa-r O a o iaaaac rr aalliri nm tar aW mr a. Mae. t unalt ula 9 taan aM: aw ai Wia-t Wm4- aatiaanfc-i'-2 a aml tmmt t 4 aiMlleiK V mwtafwia 4 aa W S. ow fwm laaas aarM-aria'T w aa Mi aa. km Fiuntirlnl Inhibit tac aacwia ajrn vxmmtvnm or rxAnuu carierr. rem Tax tcxx bb. I ua J.r t, Mit 2 illu we Me mt t 11 MS 4tM, MM.i et ! j x avt ti I fBm I jj. rr- MHwii McaH ra aa nuHM kmm ?n r. ty . ac t. UK Br ' t. aa lit nBaai-t tMaea. . BNB7 mat ...I 4ttt I w jfvtjt nanati trsei ::te e MM tMM ,!! 09 re Jin- al m ltsaa stes f lal aai f I ffHaerr.ar ab: ad 1 - mmwr uz. ar rtr. tts. f- - iu aax - - - - R.... - 113..... St at :t43 Taut.. aaalrfiawawatsf dWjwraa tmt Jer i. titt s tuna am eni iu fee uts t t.;i a JJm aee aaaa Ca - - - ;t attst tin u k &9Sa aaaaaaa a W X B TVS f iT UX....S J.W1CJ maaeaai nt mmammadi iWBrvC prnTBaj CaeaST af tSnatU-M. I. !. H.Nimm. O Otk "f n CwMr B1 SH.H. MOr rfOlv aW I-f satac rihBat T la r-c Mai awnn f I mr fWMf, orreaa. 'r to ff eaaeeu Jet I. IIM. 4 taamt Mtj 1. ltt. a aarr'CI aa4 trse. la t Uu t er leas e Vfaf racrt rT kwal 4 tae ml T ! nsMr, ILU . ttUwar4 Jalr. 1J fA. J. 11. .MURO. ' Owir CVrk. . S. C5-3Ea. A."g", Satltllc nnil llarnc. MAKER. PRJIiLCTON. OltKCOV. trBC Cri.a6lr am hvi a niM rwty of HnT. e-lMt. HnaVs Vbi. ."ir, uelan. HiBT. MarbM. a4 Ma f laWz C'll M at Hae. j jJrdT1aviat . Oaa4 m a er. eaXi: UMr. Mi-ntJtiT- tiU of Ora fr l"in IIieMl fUtoUST D. Q. IUibM4Mst4. T'i I), r. HrVNMJ.S. it W Btl oVfraetsi la I If m af lav htate t (Irro. ad paraaC laaV rearraf III Uml 1.. I. MrArtbvr. iif 4 Ml MMrfl. aaOX ti t 2al A'J af Jr ". almifte; reaSimilMi fcerral. jrl l milml la n ntfilAfwtM f the 4HUff Wiriu l"f-r lb Brit 4 rf I rrfaH mrt. roaKi5f mi Mm3S( r k u taw. t,r b ai w'r inert l a cwal fiM fir Ut a af . reM rain of ikoUnaM ruin. Ub UUmt tUrraa bm NerrmWr t, UTe. aad Itr bt teli a4 dtbre arair. J. II Tewti rI34 Ally. Dtti t naeisii-yJri.'Wh, ti:t i aR a M ,.. Snae Hif V W. Vx a mw maa m n a aw liaitmaiiliy SiHinWiaiiai itotMaOMaaaMM(uauii g' oa MrMlaMahaaeaXBuaV TaaSja j a aa M av n "lt ia M j TS aaiiif nan wfcn iwa c awt I I faym w.-4 fcr BV Trr UU m 4raai aaat anaaas tam pm at r lawaaaaaaviraeaw SajaB. K . a . . 11 rwaai lewias Itu:s tawriMM lauas. ti au M . ear . last jw.n dBT. fmrm tajS ... tM - - HI u. or 1WI jeria am fhv aim sav t i. OaCHanai, .) aaffs 1 tl r a-rse-i ames. I Ciai Jaaai! '."T" " I - r wAmt rum I - iw rtMMt ' ta 4 lanaii i.l or. mSw. . ' e-a-naaanaT A oaMakamemaaa amamaBaaa "amma; apeaas reaarmaj aBaaaaamrat,voaeoeo Pi I ; Ii 11 ' Ct MS - Ma aa ar iiiorN ineK aaan. j "BBfBJfoteT iamamlt 4ama)ma. .Hai . . eao j iwri'i - Ja-ie i'Cet aaaaat wil-t I tanaeS. . . 1 Nejki aam ewMfh Jmmh 1. 1 rrSw awia ftetni iBMf 1 1 Mil j a'aV'c'amtmS. m1) flaafB I Laa ADVERTISEMENTS. S.-BOTHCHILD CALL ami examine the laruc mid ivell snorted dock of getiersi Just received by S. RDTHDH1LD At hit old stand la UftarWv's LulWUz. auu wllcli licolTrr In the publleoH Irrmt Ida will couikiire farurably l:h thete of aay competitor. S. RQ1HCH1LD The fottnwiar are ef the Iradfer line, of barh t" tsW always Aad aa aortmeut on bawa: Irr-r od. CloriiU.. Boot aad Sb. Hal aed Cap. Cae. wail jvafr. Geo-J TohieaM. I re. Carlrtry, Cbhsa aad , Glati wte, 2tiOarry, etc S. RDTHGHJ'uD, Ordrr from tht coaatry wtjN rafefra peauijK uteodoa. Hides, Fari, Wcoi, etc, uVea la ex. Chung. STOVES AND , 'Tin-ware.) - Tin - ware "-.t w is . . t . ... t - ' MiMltnWu;reiMnin! a a. ttt ami r S4 JU.b UtUdUUa, WICgDO. ' ' aW Vm ton Vc vn a -Ky wIh St 11 1 a aw ayt iVMl mWi WoMlfaVr4aawViwiaM ta w 1 iaalwMiatMla)Wf r ' lfiKvaaawiMi)v fc m? mm af oa "an av laawu 1 1 i eaa rr. ' rr i-r m tea MV af ad crrxraaar i ra. v a i nr vr : aJ - - -- mmL af awm m n !! aaan I aaaaWI Ml af I atd rnm ta aB aV etect. IB Brx laf !. mu iOlK RTJT2S tss. OccWent "Sln.vi .i t ' j Kmniro Cli y ' llio Grande FAM Ort STATES The ilohilor Parlor JJellc Laurel ager Echo .Ottirard PARLOR GO(rK JctTtill Echo B STOVES Blnck Giant Moguel Pte Knot 'oodsicle Uonauza 1 MI veisral cf VT "E5. 3E3 OakKvllj ra Vxat. afe WH nw. Xi M taidT. B Wta Imi aaktxal n t AffaMh. wu.j t.trirjt SUJtJlOSS. Im tfe CtfrJh Cewt af Ik Si K Otfne. ft Co, IBitatM). W. A. CVatiaffiaaiifaU rpo r. c rri-4Aitw rur jinecr viucn nc A S tjailitil latlrrri eaf la Sm af rrfaa jae I fntrmr4M Wtn( 4 eree lar rm- , 4M.l B4 rw je av IW aMve hbt4 4 Jauff m laebtfTMH4rUM. la lfc aa-TV sxiant aaft. aUa iro dt fiwe U t af ta flf af law nmati apa ja yrM let mmj, ar a enr e4M !? a-aalrar M Uie Ibea aDkM lata. If 4 fram It e af J4- trrr..l m af ti Ue lb a aa ar b"fr l In J34 ev af llrtrr. CIT. H hrtex Wk arrt af lea Mil inaafMH)M I aftaf lU aa-etlv act ;aaam iwi f iba - fra tfc SU I'T f Jwlx A H. 1IT7 tS dju af ta ot laMito Vffenf Tarr hrt KrtfUi nil aaorfetal u la rmnrr term van ftaOL tt nht f aaeley to8t re irejr nr ike wlr af 4w. amajieNr J ywi fFfaa M Off aa d la jaw oaa n tj .a maf 4i na ifcn f t sa rr Ml ui ike eeariost UW ib ptaM m ul lJxnKtilrta:5 rVMH)ftW) lofrtbnr Hh mrt bd eilueFrM af lb arlMO. TU NtiMM n UbeS l y elder "f lb tl I. I. UtAnhcr, JU f WJ lrtei dt Jase ISlb, HIT. JL pjjjj t,jr C Tine kt nte a ip-mhy. a bare Urj A llJJO quatiitrasf lyp Jaeird ma. POSTERS Wr tut 1 irlij. a a bT a hrj asilaiat rptr irr. A D V KRTIS KM E NTS Evcmz Sc Abel MANUFACTURERS AND Dealers in FURN1T U HE Of tX k4. ryri& TUkr. wnl abl rata Blt vl I-Mr( o LuA ttot au4 ta wtr. TTrnOUtTCKT lva.r. rr. - - Fifst Class Furniture Store. Order lrom lite Country PROMITLY ATfENDED TO. Wwtfnsai Vill itfrct, TTAU.I WALL I. St. UmH itH. TV STEAM - BAKERY ESTABLISHED IX mt. 0- - Ereclitel, Mjt.vrricmtEx or aaxta. caeca, u( a tavAt af Crkm. VryW aa rfua frK. ak Wafii. WALLA WALLA BEER! fiiEERS A NTOVK Khui Wife. -XtIH wmh Vaf aw afjara aaa Saiai m i f i PRICSS: i St. ir . ' lww. par On ... i Jbla r am !jm. vrat - ' rwer. aarajMH - 3 I t te John E. Stah!, CBf n.7 VB f aV. AXl) Manfaciory of tae, Hsd iurmeor HE"-1R0N w". ifasa sirt, "pptshr tU C3aert Uoesr. vm ttaatir have oa kaed. ami fer salr a Camp hue A ef . UTa xaxr A. conspictc A&orUeent of the Diainund ROCK COOKING STOVES - at L ciNft or CJ X S S W t rJt s erVr. l ftan aarrc s4 t Tr XCanc VttZ. G. W. WEBB. STOUE .AS. CABINET SHOP X B" TAK SOCX. l1aiWilJt Xcxv BuiWinj, Court Street, tf fSjerMra9l7aweW. SZ REPAIRING I REPAIRING Z3 fiawtaOlOK. -?3 j- wat Ky -i ALL ARTICLES USC MIX KKlr W rvtdM raieu nare. FGKD XD SALE - STABLE, pijtN sr. orrasm; rEKWxrax aarrn. John Hoiriiian. Steele s Pain ERADICATOH. rpHK inT liHtviVK CVRK FOR HWeuttsm, A Kara. ItfklwAr. Una IWk. rl . V hi Mm ia-aa aarM. Tea tsrraWr ar 'IWitalr a rrqatrnla-! aeml Hm'i rnt trcvMNe. rdvauat l Ute, aad Urj bottls Ir W by rrdlU. CRANE & BRIGHmMj WhaSnal Draot. Sa rnaetiea. Clnfrxl icrata tar tbc Coast, irj.n ivnr at rVcdfrUta S4-tT a S20 Hewar ll rtLl. BE TAtn TO any renoo iirrri ( 1 1 Failea taj Uxk to oba V Suts mMlB: a II'lJ firrk 1. OoocbnaalTOmi mire. iwv lufk. btml fe, a iHe oa mi tued fcvi, bnadrd aHb rualovk on tlcbi hiv Z, BaS-yKiroU fomt n-ll. an bmq and UlS. blunl lre. bnte4 K oa ifcM ihoakWr. X. bnfxa tnn t4mt bee, tx brted. I, One inutl tr a mare, kla kc. imH'ltirla hed. abrlet. ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON maix mtrr. THIS CEKTHALL-x LOCATE 1? POPULAR HOUSE UXXISG BEES' KXTJBZLT EEFITTED and BEFTTEHISEES is mw arxxis rea The Reception of Gaesta THE TABLE Vftt it l Bevn a Sxbt krsuW -k U rrrj Wr. lea sirtd aSr. u4 nrrj ewitec rift u nt THE BEDS 4 sr. t fa iuei ki am fefuW tV IMMiaftottt rf.fjr WMfUM fnbf THE PEXDLETON HOTEL. Ol M rB tl IBM. U.1 at tj VCaT BOta' t Ul T li aaafcas ft swfcar aaaac rt fui. tafcJlT ti- acaB fcT. CIIARLKg UUTKL, Boasjc rose a va lt,rr,Hr f e aHaiMia'MaHaet. lwaitw aaaow aw )Mti af 1 awr faM meil at g-Faiiaataaa.eVl nr. ?;Icn Hotel. UMAiILLJl. - OR WON "T W V iiBl a I- af rv. , W- aaW UMATILLA, iteOtSg MUX TOa aera aw OREGON, nr-retsaws. a--- th iu wiiai at aa 1S 1 ii MAI ST , WALL. VALLA. VT.T. rancti law a Bw ev n mnr are m kaV fr- mw Udon i ," cni Jarr evv ffievas J J. n. rUrhlT. Jf. 0. j PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Otteaa. DaVe ii Ia-s aw bidar, cp vain V, WHITCCX3. 21. 3. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON W. C 3IcK.iv, .H. PHtiltriAN AXD RtJHOX. c. tcrrt't. ATTORXKV i CoUXsIXOR AT LAW n.lir M f. It ' m. La, aa at mrj-a ncs J aatd mill in. eaaf Mi ml ITmUtrimm Trn K M Viae 'wo --r aia jiaidraedw -Sn J. 51. Turner. ATTOnNKV AT LAW. CM OalMS teejM 4 let, lota NTiW atTICS Hum t-m. iin'iai Own em. 5. V KNOX. ar - Law, w !. r T,riU. ntACTM-K l THK i-nuttTSi OP tm -a-l iwSa pud a LuJ hotiand Dr. J. 15. l.Indry, SURGEON AND DENTIST. U aair bwalaf ptamiaj lo Pendleton. Umatilla County, Wbevt M wrnaii c a )t b luA. T-5Wreary A cWewy.-Ba --C Y BAUJiY. REAL ESTATE AGE."VT3 (ixo xarAar rrtt'c) PKNULKTON, - UUBUON. pARXirCi.tR ATTENTStvC raM M MVr rcsarnuoa 1 af uad ctia la ia- lpattaim ai Wvluanoa. and to Mi wm Wl aSSa. aed Mas areamt. ' Srr m na lfd W da wtag v armrr Slt rSaaAd VaVai; aba ia tarn eaac la aeimUada bj Uvaaartrad aad Itr nafila. ST. PAUL'S SCHOCL- WALLA WALLA. Y. T. A BflARatJfC AND PAYSCHOIK. or C rU. Th, " only rtlM lMaaW awd ibaciV: a. fwH aed taSaaa. Ht.l.ai.f H. w,v.. a Wtr . 14. retex. Jr a,ouwr tBMa.rf rMMr. !. $ 10L and $12 M lU-. hnaata !-. rer srar . u of Mddrfa biDfua. taws, per eaiwr J fttftcrreelnrdataat ad ebarrea rrasi data of ehiraiMn Wrtkl aaeaOaa fuJU ia ibr muam' aed rrtffrr Im naMaalr aader tka' sue tf Ike tuwbM UmU la aad oaiaf acimd, Aay hnr U(Wrrxl(o M ba rfw-rfVUIr r!xe V 3 I mi aawl ii a I aa; af tfet wm. lalir aw i iaia. af eam awu, aafiabtani, L " If "aa S. aa aa aaan fw ar a i a U aay aaao a) avr TL. iem H a- Vea wai a aW H m 4 )mM OW Law' raMr ti Bag am. T ax ai aif aw r-. aa KeiH a Str- rgmm a aaS ka aaa tirw W c aa WUim OWiwialler aa'tr, aa aaan Can art a sal 1 ill. aajr lai xiai a vt lHawara ii rmjrsew. imgjr a a. roIS'i IB a94 s aOkv. t ar nam, ea rera Jiuiwt aa kem 4 k4 4