SATURDAY. APRIL 7, 1877 Blue glass Is to man trhat blue grass to horses so savs a Kcntuckian. Hares has recognized Hampton as Got. era or of South Carolina, exit Chamberlain. Put a cayusc pony nndcr "blue glass treatment" and in ten days he 'will be a perchcron horse. The brig Roanoke teas wrecked on the waters or the Atlantic a few days ago, and eleven persons were drowned. Tweed will soon b; out of jitll and pen. siless, as he yields up all his property and money to the city of New York. John Curtis of narrisbury. Linn county, died of an apoplectic fit last Monday morn ing while sitting in his wagon. There is a fine horse of the masculine gender down in Linn county which the owner calls "Henry "Ward Beech cr." C. S. Miller and Win. Grant are In Port land for the purpose of completing the or. ganlzation of the Monumental Mining Company. C TV. Pope, a well known resident of Clackamas county, was drowned last week in the Clackamas rircr while out on a hunting expedition. His body was recov ered. A special dispatch to the N. Y. Tribune (ays Tilden is soon to bring an action for the rccoTcry of the presidential office The sender of that dispatch must be a member of the Damphool family. Mrs. Mary E. Baker of Camas valley, Douglas county, indicted in Judge Deady's court for the manufacture and altering of counterfeit coin, is now in the Portland jail awaiting trial. Hayes' policy tmdoubtedly is to recog. size Hampton as Governor of South Caro lina and Packard as Governor of Louisiana, thus carrying water on both shoulders; he will be sure to spill some of it. A boy aged 13 years struck another boy aged 12, in East Portland, with a sharp axe, making a fearful gash in the abdomen, through -which the bowels protruded. That boy ought to be confined in a house of cor. rection until he is 21 years of aga. Crctltt to Max. If this int cruelty to man then we are no judge: Thank goodness! O. C Applcgate has lost the manuscript of a poem entitled 'Legend of CbemekeU, on the read between Ashland and Jacksonville. Finders, keepers.' Hayes has appointed a "commission' to interview Louisiana and investigate the bottom facts as to the Governorship. Isst this a scheme to justify that rctnmii board upon "whose conntHays is President? However, he is fond of-High Joint Co: missions." as he has occasion to be for one of them counted him in as President once! Undoubtedly this Commission will report favorably to Packer, and then comes the whitewash. r fYsAisaa Indians, Panics, Etc There are a great many ponies belonging to the Indians of the Yakima reservation sow running on the range between Uma tilla and "Willow creek along the Columbia. And the residents of that section complain bitterly of the fart. These ponies cat out the grass on this range and greatly injure the cattle owners of Butter creek and "Wil low creek. Besides there are a number of worthless stallions among them, which get with the American mares running on that range, and beget a lot of good-for-nothing half-brccd colts. The citizens of that por tion of Umatilla county feel that something ought to be done to prevent these ponies from being brought on this ran ge. "We call attention to the wrong complained of, and hope the proper authorities may take steps to prevent it. The Yakima Indians, at least, have no rights of pastnrage on the Oregon side of the Columbia, whatever the Umatilla Indians may have, and the most of the injury complained of is done by the Yakima Indians. It is believed that no less than two thousand ponies belonging to the Yakima's arc now oa the range above mentioned. Local Newspapers. IIettxer, Mahcti 2C, 1S77. To Tnc East Obegoxias The oppor tunity we all have of informing each other of the events transpiring in our respective localities through the medium of thenews paper is far too little appreciated ly peo ple generally. Many regard the three cents postage paid for sending a letter to the local paper a dead loss as they also do the years subscription for the paper. Tak ing it for granted that wc arc a heathen na tion Mibject to no general authority and governed by no general laws, dependent only on the accumulation of our own hands nnd compelled to pay for nothing except that whiclrtends to gratify our own selfish animal natures; then we may accept this as a fact and say no more about it Bat while wc remain an intelligent people con trolled by a mutual system of Government with advancement tor our motto and edu cation for our motive power wc can never accept such nonsense. "We are a free peo ple and the perpetuity of our freedom de pends solely on the education of each suc ceeding generation; this Is a fact which every one accepts, then let me ask, is there a medium through which general intelli gence is more forcibly carried than through the newspaper. Surely 8ft; but some will HTgue that newspapers are getting too nem. erous asd to support all of them would re quire all of one's income, this may be true but you are not required to take all of them. Every country paper has its local ity and its mission principally Is to labor for its respective town or county, and It reasonably expects the 6upjort of its Int. jsedtatc vicinity. Cily papers arc publish ed for the benefit of the world nt large; those I mcaa that arc published on an ex tended sole, Xow 1 would suygsl that every farmer or stocK raiser tn iasiern Oregon save enough out of his years ex penses, such as he pays for tobacco, whisky, ctt, to take three papers ammountlng in the aggregate to about $10; ho should uke one for the county he Uvea In, ono for his State, and one for the United States. Bring. ing my remarks nearer home I wish to say that in a private conversation with Mr. Darling, agent for the East Okixioniax, I was inrormed Uial lie uau poorer success getting subscribers for his paper In this end of the county and especially on "Willow creek than he had in any other part of the county; having traveled several miles and only succeeded in getting two subscribers. The general response, says Mr. is "ain't your paper too high!" It must be remem bered that it is no easy task to come into a new place and start a newspaper. You say, why? you can get the New York Sun or Tribune nearly ten times larger than the East Oregomas for a Miir a year. Recol. lect that the Xtw York Sun or Tribune has been established a rood many years and has an enormous circulation, and it Is by this very means that we in the course of time can get our local paper for a good deal less tbanur dollars a year. "What is the difference if you dont exactly agree with the editor in every particular opinion he may happen to express. Subscribe for the local paper and lets show the webfoot country that Eastern Oregon is a part of the State and as such, she is able to hold her own In point of intelligence and enter prise. ConnEsroypEXT. Our "Willamette Letter. Cottage Grove. Oeegox, ) March 13, 1S77. f Editor East Orxoos'ax Afiera slight dampness of about two weeks wc arc hav. Ing nice warm weather; vegetables grow, ing very rapidly, the fields arc fat becom ing green with the growing grain, and the hills and valleys with grass. The health of this part of the country is very good as far as we know. Some of the xanaers are disposed to growl as they are not quite through sowing grain yet; they rested about two weeks from their labors In con. sequence of the late dampness. We have every Indication of Spring now In earnest. Improvements will soon take a sew start. We have a preacher here delivering lec tures on the prophetic teachings of the hi. We. Some call them Ad ventUts ; he seems to be making it warm for some or our preachers. Thty say the will not na for his road if it is the shortest; they dont pro pose to let Mr. lecturer get away with their sheep, and not even the goats; so, not even the -William" goats. They say they will go for him next Sunday if the Lord is will ing they should, which they fcxrr be is. Rev. T. Tharp Is taking great interest in the lectures. There is a lady here who has come to the conclusion she has bees a woman long enough, and a few days since she took a' solemn vow that she would be a man the remainder of her days; how is that for Woman's Rights. Please tell nr friend John Arnold of Grand Ronde that Tilden is not President, but Hayes is; and if he doct like it to say so. reach trees have bees cx bloom for a week. Plowing goes steadily on, and the fann ers are looking ahead fur better times. The grouse say it is Spring- So says the lambs. I see from your paper that jou have a WoolGrowersjocietyorclub; It would be better if the fanners would look after thtirJ own interest in all other branches of in dustry immediately concerning their Inter est", for the fans is the helm and pilot of all branches of industry and all trade; it controls a wonderful brake which can stop all machinery. The farming class can wield more influence than any other branch of industry now in existence; all that L lacking is a will to look after their own in terest. Tbedirer squirrels are buUHy engaged in building their Summer quarters. All ol the folks are gone visiting to-day and we are alone, and there is a certain rooster that has caused us to get up asd chase him off from the porch, asd if be dont soon take a hint we will consider that we are a committee to report the said roost er verr fat. It is not necessary to say how we will ascertain the condition of that chicken. Dr. McAllster has Jnt returned home; be has been exploring the country south of this place for the last three months. Lurch Bros, will soon em., a new dwcl. ing house is Slabtown, as they arc now both married, and if two families reside in one bouse It ought, of right, be a very large one, and every room exactly alike and all front to the seme points of compass so there will be no choice. Then peace and bar. roony may prevail asd It will if the two families consider themselves about five miles apart. Strawberries are net quite rijie yet; there will be a fine crop of that article oaks jack frost gives them a nip. Cnrrcx. Frem the Capital. Salem, March SO, 1877. EditorE.0. If not mUtnkes, in our last wc promised a description or Salem "In our next;" and as our weakness Is In doing as we agree, we herewith give our readers a DEwarnox or ruus. Salem is the cajrilal city of the State and is beautifully located, viz: oa the cast bank of the "Willamette river on & magnificent prairie, on a plain that commands a dis tant view of the surroBRdiwg country and csitcchlly the snow clad portions of the Cascades. Situated on the O. fc C. R-IL, 59 miles south and 14 miles west of Port land aad SO miles on an air line from the ocean. The State capital Is bow nearly finished ami will cost 390,000. Marion county court house cost $110,000. The State pen. Iltutlarr I located" here; is a large, cow. modious structure bulft of Iron and brick cost $15,000. A female academy, umler direction or the Catholic Church, cost ?V 000. There arc five common f chool build. Ing. built or wood In which are maintain- cd, by tax, free schools the entire year. One merchant flouring mill, run by water, with capacity of grinding MX) barrels of flour in 21 hours, one custom flouring mill run by steam, one large lumber mill with a capacity of making 25,000 feel of lumber jer day, one HnKcd oil mill, (capacity, 125,000 gallons annually), one furniture factory and one chair factor), two sash and door factories, one foundry and two machine shops, one plow factory, two wag on shops. The city has the beat water power in the State; never a flood and never a lack of water. Ten churches, owned by as many denominations, one opera house, one banking house, two grain elevators, the city lighted with gas; there are two daily and three weekly newspapers aad one magazine, one semi-monthly aniatuer pa. per, two job printing ofilces and one spccl. al reporter to the Eakt Obwjosiax. CArrrAL notes. The proprietors of the Willamette Farm cr suddenly became disgusted with their ding- publication rooms on Commercial street and now may be found occupying a neat and spacious apartment in Gray's block, next door to E. M. Walte's Job office. Chat. Snyder who has been spending the Winter at Pendleton arrived in Salem this week. The clothing establishment of Murphy Jc Crossmas have changed their quarters from State to Commercial street. I limes "the" printer of Portland was -doing" Salem some this week. A large number of emigranu arrived on the last steamer from San Francisco, and a portion ol them arrived at the Chemckcta yesterday. Mrs. Moxlcy, who has had a millinery store at Salem for a long time has latch moved to Portland. State fahr six months away. Are you go ing, C. M. M r Chinamen arc paying eoe bit per doz. for chub, suckers, etc, aad "Hetals" claim to be doing a thriving fith businees. The weather has bees nice fer the past week; the roads are almost daily asd j we had a Irarrv ride; rode with Miss I ILE. Fortes. Butter Creek. March, 26, 1ST7. Eorrox E. O. This vicialty is aiicr the same old sort, "lets of fa aaltetter creek."' Oa the Mi isst. 31 r. I). C Carl aad 31l Elizabeth Scroggia were Jolatd In the holy boods ef matriBXy by J. W. SMu bury. The selemizattea took place at the residence of SaHxImitt Dro. Soae of the young -boodhwM" attempted a chlvari by banging es the eld leg cabin empty ell can, firing gam; aad the Mke, bat cactiag more trouble to thrsaselrcs than anyone e!e. Called it a fiath in the pas asd dlv pened James Jokatt&a gave a baH on the 31th ult. Thirty -five samber were sold at 1 20 each. 31 r. Jehn Crawford the w tli ksewn violinist was cmptoyrd as muticiis. Disc ing was the order of the evening, ef coarse, and the order was well obeyed. Abaaate ous supper was pxrsaka aboat 12 w'ctock. A general invitation was extended ta aN next rooming to S. G. Lightfott. J. 3L Haaier and II. A. Salisbury were ejected d deciles from Bat trr Crrek Grange to the Patroas coaves. tioa to be held at Pcadletea the iad 31 co in April. 1STT. Mr. Stroud had the salsfortnne to loose a fine work horse a few dxt ago. Four inches of ssew the 9lh of 3 1 Arch. Batter creek high, bat so bam done. L me .ssrMor asu oepaiy Mtnii nave bees prowllog around here ef late. Nice warm rains aad growing weather asd oar items have aH gone to grass. AirnrcB. George Coggan, who hat done ranch fer the improTeacst of hones in Eastern Ore gon, his purchased asethcr fine stallion of the Norman asd ClydestUle ttock His wclsbt is 1.703 poasds, i a dapple sorrel, andln every mprct prwents a mapilficest appearance. It is a pity that this great horse Is to be kept among the Webfonfed people until after the feana is over before being brought to Grand Rotide. HEW to-day; SH I XG IilC h)Wa'3fllJaSaek rsuee,tiC. A?jlW B MAT', IVuBctaa, On. Notice Ta Tax-payeta! t IX Knawtec Ibncarlm MafUH ' DELINQUENT TAX LIST Tar Ih jnr UTt la r UxtAt tar cnarcliaa. Tb tmij aij ta aara tvtU u Ijr teBmbala KjaraL R. KAfcncvr, N.fTir4 Tx Caltrrar, CsaltfU Coaaij. Orrsao. Kxecuter's Netlca. "V'Crnc'E It bmbr grra Ibat I fcara brro rrt A r4 Kvcalcr af ll nate ef AtXX XSDfJl KIKK cmr AB nravet aartax dam Mian ald atl at rrin4 la ifwtrt ilnti ta ta rjr TwacJjrra, at nr rrvlrif rr Wplsc, CauUtU mtatr-Orrroo. aaka Hi monh (haa aalr. ABruatacfaMtUUaniMerlMtatalrU Aprfl 1 Flaal SettlcmeHt. ta Ibt Coaslj Caart ci CaastiBa eocalr, SUU bTOrr. Tnr. csnr.iuicxi:D ntt n-i ur taj vmit At mlniatmrtx af lit noierflMtH II Ota. na4 eVrrawtf. BoOca I barrey firm Hut Ua 3xb ar of Arrtf. lTt. at S dock r n.U nH oaf, b brm pfxlisl by uM eoart ai the tta far Innif tAjralnot to Ik nmr u4 tb artUrarat IbrrraC HANNAH J. OLSteTCAtl. A&Btclttntrtx. Lraa Entn, Alt. ArB T, 1177. Notice te Creditors. THC rXDCnjICNCD tare ha rTatfrl y the Coaalr Can at CnalBIa roonlj-. ifrr-pm, Admln tnnlnx atj ASialalHr of 0 MU at TbootaiK. If cCey oacFaanl All penoca karn cUliai afalatt nM ntaia arc btrtbj MlSM la prwat tWca ta a. rttiSM. al oar mtarma MUlia prrctsct ta amid caoatr, HUa atx tooclkl from Iba tUU berrof; as4 ail twM la4Hi(rd lo aa4 rUl are lratn4 la tsaXa InottfUlt faj mm. MAlWABKT A. VfCOV. A4alalaUtrix. JOCrU H. MrCOT. Adaolabtnlar. U. Emu a4 Ttoa. It BrrvU, Ally - April 7, 1IT7 AdmlBistrater'a Sala. t DMINISTRATOR'S UlS. OP It HAL ESTATE. j. XoOea u bRTfcr flTta that lba mWroJ, A4el&iraia artha iu of ALTAI! II. HOOUEoV. erM4,iai ar", br nar of in odcr tuda lj tlx Covaljr Coart at I'naUlla caaaijral lb A1l term Urm( 1177. at paMiC aactle to tbe btrVt bxUrr. at the amalira. oa tb Slh DAT OP MAT. 1I7T. at tba baar aC UK a'deck la Ibr frrw-oa of aassl Ur. tba I S3Ki2 orxr er4 rrl fmprrtx ItluaclBf la Mt4 ra. Ulr.laall 14 Na Ht (1) ao4 IU 8W aflta hW jrof JWllooI. T 4 N, Kaa 34 Eaat, mlalnia; tA aad SO lOOUit arm; aal tb latOTnaau oa a err lata pleea of nllraad Ua4 la I'maUIU raedf, Orvxa-i Trnnt of Ar. pU na ' Ibe Vallrd Ml, osa battle has4, aodoacbair In U inaclba frsta dty of teAt, atlifa Isitrt al ooc prr crat. cr Baulk, aecsmi br raartps a lb pmaUn. linXBT KREBS.Aaaalalitntor. ItH tt IVMIrloc, Orrrs ArH lib. I77. ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLINERY -AND- DRESS - MAKING ? T P JL 1'naliCa (MU; ILU Ut t3pH la It VUka r butlMtt, atS all! ltp lb UUal attka of SPRING - AND - SUMMER HATS. HatUj ftptt tb arrrtrr U a InKixm Dr ess - 3vra,ls.oir t B rap. u H a arte ta lilt Ism la lath ar u Vt'ST ra tor cvtofam, EETCALL AND SEE ME!1gC Xuta si. nr: u lot uvekxore. D R. S. A. ENOWIO WB itet H lni cf faunas a a Vm muln lb cMBtc taacvr, u4 iM r3 at a ay rv af tariw ay totim mil riawmai a u-aa. men In ut TKlpuuinc; rartWtaffXi ADAM STANG, CESTEKSIAL 8 PENDLETON. OR KG ON, ZtfttSmm o t 1 1 s t r' (wrH U Itrwk EIXB Cl hOf 411 tl crficst fuatf Try SSSSSsV- maTfera. Brr rr tul U U )Ula M. mut aCStwrk. THE - WEBER." "SHERMAN HYDE," k9 "C. II STONE k CO.-S" PIANOS. STANDARD ORGAN." rTlHC llmi 4nSar. imMW u4 tlrru.1 ta J II. B. SLTLIFF, ICrar! 7ntrx Jfet Ut It ihm tartwtU. at t&t WJU Yalta Sar trm wrrti. &4 ail 4 iwianu rrj a laf t aa4 xn mitrrm WO, W. T far rat. Haul WIU OmCOA V T at a-a. ajtMank I Ik.. TIIOROt'GUBRED ...ALS... BROXZE TURKEYS, MfZtf tert ta a; fmtt a la naat, nHn ! LaMk atttnm: Armalaf Taali Catnauf. PEKIN SUCKS AND EMDEN SEESE. ......ALSO., Thoroughbred Southdown Sheep. I) tier Ltrr xnx kxadt. Aiaa.rasrAtaa rafa mt tsrmlt hitrtWfc tmSS(. a4 lrv nrr, rtt. aJafni naJar m lk raaSc ceaa, M.Eyrc, XArA. CAt. (TVava KaU VT jr m-r Ola aftiruwaxat 1 Xorth-Western STAGE COPA5V. Jjtxut Eattt of Fartz rYv-r-rtoa la L Cr" . .. ......... r Calrr Wf IVaar CSty. UaVa. . Wkaanaarca. ... Krtlaa. ttak, C T. Utfaa4 I'Buua WtaaWaBa. VrttM. ... . . .... . -. - - .1 S 03 .. It CO . It 00 .. S0 . . o . S 00 .. SOo Ttracr tVAHi U Otsala. CltnrK EaaM Otf, ft LaaX naSrtrcta. N Txt. tum. VCvtitf tao. a4 a8 fa( ,u CT aa4 KKta lar O rmHrrUa4 Rant Cal. mm affT at patty t tfBcntlalaafTrUaaaaariWX W. ACa Sr CwtiM. ra4 ift AMW 4nrm, rr?U mtananr T tmirt aa tta m (friU tntmm 12 cxarraar ArWr ta UT UVTKMuRC. Ac-ai. W B UOCKl. fafrafaCAt. A. H. DOOXOI. AariaUatSarmatnaict. FURNITURE STORE : ivn I ..-...-- . . I n W 'avTTrnni CJ WJTfcT5 I I A I1 f Wi, JljtVTjL rofwinntn a van Msx. wx f E INrORM Tba paM Oat Vara tynt aar t aiwan r wc at HARNESS SHOr, ff- OrJm FartUart rmor aOrtxW la. ta REPAIRING I REPAIRING 47- PoMb(Mr. ta Mf WHS Krp "5a ALL ARTICLES USUALLY KEPT ta a nnt-ClM rarsltara atere. G-ive us gl Call SVuVESTER h BENTLET'S PLANING MILL, TofKbtr ilh all nacbhMTr cooocrtfd IbmmHk. i fiREAT lUEnAtN Ca t b. y rarlr ptJlfi-.-Uob lalb protrtn at lYaOHta. Tb tmaa nt aal alll be UToraU la tb rrthjjrr- a rlk to te raid 4f9 ar4 tb Uliatr lMtllmnl. ADVERTISEMENTS. S.--RQTHGH3LD CALL and examlnt the large and well assorted stock of general Jim received by S.-R0THCH1LD At his old stan.1 In Unarker's building, and which ! offers to the public on terms that will compara favorably with thota oi aaj competitor. S. ROTH CHILD The fallaa-inj; are some of the lesdlcjf lines, of wbkh joa will alwajs find an assortment on hand : Drr-ffowi. Ooibhi?. Boots aad Shoes. Hat and Cap. Carpet, wall paper. Gro ceries, patent medWnea. faints. Oil. Tobacco, Hardware. Cutlery, China and Glas ware, Statkmerr, etc. S. - RCTHGH1LD Orders from the coaatrj wM reetive prompt attention. Hides, Furs, Wool, tic, taVra In ex change. a. CAMPAIGN OPENED TT'Z THE SPSING OF 77 At Una ill , Oregon. Xj 4raaiptrUtaAra1rriamr4.'akjrb I m m rrii it fOcn la aaaua nan. aa jouvh tsaij Sataf atatra; COOK STOVES Occident Goldsmith Range Golden Gate Empire City Hirmath Rio Grande PAKLOS STOVES The Monitor Parlor Belle Laurel Ranger Echo Onward iwnum cook Jewell Echo BOX STOVKS Black Giant Moguel Pine Knot "Woodside Bonanza i foX amoftawat at- a? 1 3r uSk. Ti. us CbaMtatif aa basd. fan lard cm AHcrdetaH. 4 jKnfllT- JOU WORK ifaoe aRbarat. ana a& dUfalrh. WM.J. tXEZEX. VSVOXK Wba tili LitU M.oii Turas crr)r4kw, ri4 pw lo O. R. Kallark. Mra rr, I'milllK IVaaiy. Oty. FV-miN-r a, 1 IT. ADVERTISEMENTS. COOKIIV6 STOVES Ik AKD Manufactory of Tinware, And aix xi.vds or SHEET-IRON WORK, Maja atritt, oppcxiu lha Coirt Ilocse. Will constantly bars en hand, and for sale, a Completa Aasortment of T 1 23T-W APLE. if a a-u aia-ATS ixxr A. complete Assortment of the DlaiHJHd ROCK COOKING ST0YES. AU.KIMor Paa ta OrCar, U iart aetAea, aa4 U Jrrj VwtrraU Men. G. tY. WEBB. -HURR.UI rOE- EVERYBODY! Jest Lw8k Here ! 'r Tec wt.vr fAcrr. oils, L rrrrr.oLAto, kc, Ca U la PE.DLET.lf DRUG STORE! TT TOC TTANT fara Drar a4 (raaia safrat ataaat. catatA PE.VDLETOK DRUG ST0BE. r DC VAST La&aaTaklrt FiaiM of al ktbia. f UtAa rENDLETON DRUG STORE JT TOC WANT n arSarWa afaX Uaaa. t ta PE.VDLETO.V DRUG STORE JT TOC WA-r raw CWm af al UX r a. H PXDLETOK DRUG STORE. tW "pESDLBTOS DRUG TORE. IT TOC TA5T A lTcl-JOc oaryassM alaa carr. (a to IS PE.VDLETt)V DRUG STORE- MracAL rxsrxniccT or titiskiKS maji. gju i. awtim. ln-ai -. nut tuuti af ta t qtiJ S af akaea aal a JIM rrtlamtfncr. S UL f ta aW WAVTS. aa4 (Vm itm asr aaa Kam a, aaa t- mrjjidM ay gmag ta A aia mai l pir. PECO AID SA1YE - STABLE, ptAix sr. ornwTS rtsvtxros ekxl J!sr Bawman. J. X. ritCSTTT. X. o. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Ffdlrtca Oreroo. OSr la Istr'i at w baiajic;, cp ttatrs W. C McKay, .IS. Dn PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ra43rtaa, CsatSa Caaatj-. Ortytau OCoa at tS ICAfM BatH. WM. MILLER, 31. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. IU. CIVTC tul attctlai la rlraeic eramara. oattaacan xauatrart. Dr. J. IS. Llndscy, SURGEON AND DENTIST. X aaa- kalri pCTtfiaaamTy te Pamdlctoa, "Umatilla County, nn lit ea alaaj Vut. L. O. Stcrnjij ATTORN'EY 1 COUNSELOR AT LAW Bakr Otjr, 8riri. LO. S ariB anaA tSrart.artknnaJa sVtal taMnct.aJriAiaas4TaBarraaTrm tacW. Talrr KltaU aaj JJlaini UuoOaa a 5ra CtAUTT. CoirUM raartr aCcsirJ I. Od Ti J. II. Turner, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Otilj- Ordrrt boerl aal aoU. Ion XrcMtttr4 OrriCC aa Xiim Kn-rt, nit Coart HatLav rrslVlaa. Orrgna. S. V. KNOX, -A.ttorne' - at - T,aTv-, Wntaa, I'culUU Coqbit, Orriu. Will rRACTJciTiN the couirrs OF Ihb Sute ami WVbbstca TmtoT. srSfrdil atlcstioe paklto LJ baietM aal Catlectioa. G. Tf. BAILEY, REAL ESTATE AG EAT, (5D 50TAKT rcBua) TENDLETON, . ORW.'ON. pASTtCCLAR ATTKXTfOX rU la ta rmrtlco of u IV tVpartiarat at Uauartoo. rad la l w Wil z4 mi wxxml " t'trckit a. inxtrml tbo tlririB to m-arr itc brKeamtaMrrv-rarlam. TwaiMua Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO RE HAD AT Jacrtsii & Cft's SmIqbh, 0jT1l Bill JwitUrt 'a Flnrs mTurru.-c, Otrr. ADVERTISEMENTS. PENDLETON STAia STZIZ7. this cmriRAijsr locatx AXO POPULAR lOUhE HATT5G BEES ESTIEELT 1ZFITTED ui ILEFUItSISHEB is o erans roa Tiia Beceptioa of Gnssts THE TABLE T at aS ttea a faB4 1 aruM A U rrrj iu aant ism, aa ntrj rxaxuaa Baa ta UttaAraciaf IA Baste. ' THE BEDS Ar aX Xr. aaJ lb rmi tsr hr fCTi'iW is tt aaol mj aad atta rrttj cactnac m-'j tmcbi laa InteuaUM. TOE rEXDLETON" HOTEL, ta al irptmanti a mp vab 15 Dsn. ol tb mpiawt ttnmtva atat it itdButaatl fratabaaaf btaafaWittj BEeT EOCIt E-t wC tl itmatl rt TV r- m 1 rxt xl trTait patfcc .- rrnXtSy vaeataaxa H- J. KalATT Sl-tf ST. CHARLES HOTEL, fVKGXS A HAXVAXrTUET!a''-C crxrr' I V mtU Moiaiaa iuru. r-r4. artt TV Ira jrtmt BmH. ranitjag af Its raas u-r tA U mMmsrrt af Utpa A Banaaa. yrifkuxt, Ul Urs iatn ly aatrK. wt &a Crr yrr wr naaaaaliLMca urn tmjr tmtM tm tbr cat Ti liatar BjJI fca. maH Wr (ratf ana amaia taraar trim Uu ljjtm ruW SeaSsx limv TV BrAaaliaWf Sia"l tmfj i: 'Aar tna tataaXxTMiallnatrtftrti. Irrrjf tn aba OESa to raxa C Bj a mm. TaM ' C to Aa fcm tortHMaW ag Iminf Vil..w aa w raaau. iatvM. Mut -i tlnrnri -1 frraaymn a auAaac tbm a -m. mi taam TV prrv f ' JU4) aaai li tncja af at watta HI . ym auf rnt aafr x lf HI bw atir vhnr orr aaA Mat Uvy d U- mwmn mji m tnm$ (nH aria.Ma hj TYILson Held. UMATILLA. . OREGON'. Ma M A WIt-ffV Ss-SrrM. r w rtt -arrrt. rtsaaSta. atm W W. mfkrHt lata. Mr 1 t-a Witf. ata S1IAE HOrSE. MAIN ST , WALL.. WALLA. VT.T. 4VKt as Bar rfesakWI. rrntS yaalrrsc UcK atf SanatM lxet Sw i in jinn W rami -.t r' 4 - tal aw. Mtr Fraacswa. .1 am! TSUAAS U.TIOaV HOTEL, UMATILLA, - OREGON, croacz mulct. p2rrfiiETo2. rpHSS aK!R i la lUMmSl.mriu. ta Hii Waa. TW toanavara af 3Blao3isrEilt2i 4 SUOP. 4 B. 31. Taylor KtrjrrCtMj itawm ta earo af rxvS-ax asMay tta Sw U rnl S fca. af wrt.taaaaaf lura.M( aajy wixk PROifPTXESS at DISPATCH la a vrfciaaasa aaaaavr Horse - Shoeing a Special!! TEiC Or EXrCXIENCE rMMrtatuwaimi Wt or wt. itiStflwh aarxrrSW Caa a n( r-- wtl mi iV T tin ii ai i i T i ! 17 -.twrr- . - -. Irai ta a wt 4an; bt Ai4a. Z. K. StratebL UtAIU aaa. yf3fl tTATCsTES CU0CS3 AND TE W -bJXeJ?-i. WATCHES AND REPAIRED ALL ON SHORT WORIC NOTICE WARRANTED St ta HCt, WaB WaS W - 7' MONEY MONEY HOUSES LOST $5 JUwarrl. 0 CTTX A xrvsKK or my iiorr: rsotr W Craa4r KmbS aar tairf crom.i tA taatmoaa-ilBsafeHUy otVt4 tab taCaaa. tboNUr. WMauunitf laSuMari AT aaw triOTttac aar t aaat kmiaSl I Hitv. Wraa af ltVt-a, S W r-nal attSniaf A arranai. Tatamipawi .(TNrimTmrtik. aoanir aalb Wft.-tW. STlCxs m krLv Ha aa hna4, aad avt. bonua. .&a A3aWaa4af ST. PAUUS SCHOOL WALLA WALLA. W. T. AtaVlPPtNC ASP tlAY PCTtOOl r CMK Tia toly rtaarataat rnfij: xlwvl ajt r tWCaa- caOn. Duarl bl talmw. anJaAas rWI, feata. tc. Taaiaaj. arrnaarfr. tV. $A, $ML al K t tK. pn kr, rrajrrr . . IS AlwWfii Uajafra. catti, u fuvr T S rapt rontrrl at a tlax. t4 rharml Urn aa:a f mtraacn. KJ(rU aU-.c a ta la uT aa4 aainl(tkraftU. aSaar wrtut aaarr laa car f tba Irarbrra bl. Is id! aat af KtwU. Aay rrl5xf ka-rUl" 8 K rtMrtfaUv rtrta y vWrrit Kf. t- U, WlU rnodpd. 0, UMATILLA, Drtut 4aVr ra la tarat LIQUORS AID CI6AXS. oanrss lomaAtfaaxirrTemHlTaUcakMta. Taarrtatw ef nr Uut 1 kk& Uul VtaMj rt hit draufti U la wal Tty as.1 bsoMTionU. posters HOTEL ak -rfSrl