1 win. IW.TOKDAV... p.;. i ,. 1 1 ...JAN. 0, i$"tl About "Settling !. Them ti n great deal of shallow talk ro Ing on h llio newspapers alHWl till clcc bm btwlness, which betrays a fuml.-tmcntnl lnornco of the principles o xvhlch owf .tffenrcrnimsnl Is foumloL Imlcctl, wo know if rmo or two Rtrat newspaper la New "York whoso Ixhtors mlslit. with ailvnn ingr, rcnil tho Constitution of tho United Btatcs, and Mlow that xvllh somo simple, elementary xvork on Inw. Thco able twra icraph writer wo alwars seizing the ocens- . a . ... . k ... wort m ueciara wai something or ntnvr"ct tics V Borne Democrat whose heart Is a Utile too warm for the safety of hU head, TmiWers threatening nbout wnr, ami straightway these youths rUc tip end sni vel oho x-olcei "That pcltle II. The cmmry will never Allow ft party to raltr ,eoakol or tho country thnt threatens war I? ix It" Or, If eomo sttdi action Is taken m that of tho Governor of Oregon, which these youths think Inconsistent with their allm notion of tho law, though It is ttic law in England and In Indiana, and Gov. Gtw ver declares tho law In Oregon, they nil 'bounce up again and say! "That settles It lite pespfe will never allow the country to J9 nailer the coatrol of ajxarty which re- to Measure like that'' w rentHre to remind these able Ms that the cantpalcn Is overt ger a o.Hcstlrr to whom the entrust the Government: the on Is, td whom Ki$ tho country UT Tho American people has duty than to discover to whom t at the recent election award lory, I f thnt duty Is not honest- rformcd, and Congress Joins In the piracy of tho Returning Board to re- e Uie venllct of the ballot boxes. mtt will havo been committed from H-our good name as a nation will suf fer for hnnUreds of years, and which will debauch and demoralize our whole people rer generations to come. And the man a e . . ... . ttho itocs u iKil to masc this result poM aiWeby talking Ulppant nonscnw about tkta thing "willing It," or that thing "set- Wag It," when tho only tiling that can set tie It is an honest count of the votes, com mhs a crime which ho will live to r?nit. Kb matter what may be the spirit In which either party meets this crisis, tho party which has received an honest majority of tne ekctoral votes must bo given the Prosl dwiey. The Democratic party has shown m stfC spirit as Is charged against thorn. ts Men it is wmcmoercu that nn attempt Jsae been boldly begun to cheat thorn out of this victory, their forbcaranro and modern- tkm are seen to entitle them to a grand place la our history. Let every citizen show the same soberness and wisdom, awl Mil will be well. Let us meet this oride Hetenly wMta peaceful wind, but wtih the dtftttty thti tho occasion to demands. I'ke rlaiu Facts. The flagrant instances of forgery, fraud, aad perjury (says Iho X. Y. Sun) which the Congressional Committees in LoumI. ana, South Carolina and Florida havo a), toady discovered leave uo doubt that when they havo completed their work tho full details of the most criminal conspiracy this country has ever known will bespread before tho pcoplo in such a shape as to carry clear conviction to all. On Friday, November 10, tho third day after the election, tho Sun publUhed as tho result that 203 Presidential electors who would vote for Tllden has been chosen, aad esly 164 for Hayes. From tho dis closures which every day brings forth, and which are dally Increasing In numbers aad Importance, it Is sot improbable thut before the second Wednesday in February the fact that thrro really arc 2fcl vnlid elec toral votes for Til Jen will bo mado so cvl. dent that all RepulMlino who desire to Bsalatalu a reputation for common honof ty awoag their fellow men will bo compelled to adult it. The Sun In another Issue says tho con piracy to install tho defeated camlidatc for President, in the otllco to which Samuel JTildcn was fairly elected, grows more and mora difficult of nccomplUhmont. Everyday briars new and convincing pmofa ef tho frauds, forgeries, and porjur- ia4s of the reckless party leaders who atd subvert our free institutions In order fWra!8tal themsclrcs In power. The feeaeet men In the Republican party cannot rmatn in ignorance of tho real character of these things. The conspirators who projected this out rage have exhausted their resources of dc ceptlon, and tho Inevitable reaction, us tho UWh begins to come to light, is suiting in. ywhen the full details of tho shameless frauds perpetrated in the attempt to make Haves President aro spread beforo tho nublkTfu tho reports of tho various Con- gretfloual Comuilttces now enguped In Inmtlffttlng the facts, a popular iU!i will bo created which even tho m&it dos. perate of the conspirators may not dare to lueet. The plot they havo laid to carry Jn a President by fraud, forgery, and perjury was skillfully contrived, aud vast iuterosts are backing it, but they havo undertaken a work that they now find, to bo dangerous. Apasoi'Biatxonb. The following aro the estimated appropriations for Oregon gr the year 1877; Works at Iho mouth of be Columbia, $20,000; Wlllnmctto and iinbla from Portland to the sea, 150,- Upiw 'WllliUJitjtte, a'SWO; Canal at les, 800,000; for public surveys in m, wasuttigion, xicvaua uuu uian, 1 000 each: Burveyor Geuend'a oftlce, .t a.VUiM, t?cc. 8tt, 197lh j:urrou B. O. Chrlstntas Is wt t Sanla Claus has come and gtntOi nnd while many little hearts linvo been mndo.Kld n'l happy with tho many presents Uiey have received. In falcm, at other places tunny llttlo IkhIIcs hnxtj wandered In tho MreeK their HUle War feel In tho mow.lwro-hcad. ulawd nlnuMt nakcl, I pltcouMy crying for n morsel to stop their ravishing hunger or pleading for something lo give them warmth. Whal Utile plmsura Chthtma seems lo bring to those uulbrtuntdo llttlo ones. As wo rrcllne lit our easy chair bofbrour blaxlug hearth thco bitter wld nights, and ponder over our past life, and pros pects of tho future, wo CAUttplaln of what a hsrd life we havo to live Wc do not real- to that icrhatvs Jut outside our door Iks hind some old vluxl or cnHichlng In some cohl, dvsolato alley, our father, mother, H trs ami brothm, turnttl mi In the roM. cruel world, with no friend, no iher bm tho rvtuorlvw hraveos nothing U oeer their ftvcslng ttodteand actHll- d'Utg ef hnncvT. How little we rmllM that U m many. Just a few momenta at our HrwWc. wouhl be such a bk4. Hvcry iK'txm who has plvitty to oat and wear should conthler themelTs rleh, aad be contented and happy. To-nlght there will U a grsnd bll at the Chcmcktta hotel, gHen tiy thciUhMa S1 Club. There Is a large crowd gathered al. ready (0 1 m.); Uie string KuhI ttvm 1VV land (umbhes mmle. E. M. Waltc has Jmt rceetnd fhm the Cincinnati Tyjxj FtMmdry. me t the wH known chrotiude Mi prMK IM test Xouparlel, oajxthh t prtastiNg u colors at oho lttipc' ila. TInmt art ht few of Ue pri m ih Stat. We are agabj taring fair nmtW. not had any rain fcc several ofefK TVc mud la the streets alnt vr Hhwc IWt ds The HHprrme Onrt It iMtt Im $mtmn and nrobaUr wW be (hr Ihk W come. The CVvaKl year wW twm fm awvf here. Ho u n wtsfc ! Hew. J.n.y isenHii W In &Ua aMw4 lag to hh Inula ess m a Wwyer. There has Wen very UmI hw ef Io(tMce tranenlring In Uw Otnetal eVW week, and "Yonr At aNythlag very awway i bnt he tll be an eye ever pwwwltnfi neat week and rr lort wly. i Oae word bevtoe I ctef. The Kiev Okrooman Is vwnsnbted TMK iafw ef F!astera OragHn, by Ito putrenn here In Sa lesn, and mv advlee to aH who want hi know all about Eastern Oregen it to mt serlbe for It. "Itsehly It. It. IVnrnp. The PrcftiriciiHn! Iiiddir 31 K. EDtTOii Iewlt rae to Sttcgst a plan to relieve this nation from the presi dential muddle. Let Mtswrs. Tihlcu aal llayei ccme forward aad say to the Amvr lean peotde that, Iwvleg been the choice ef our friends (or the oCkcof IVoshtentof the United Statai, and It not being perfectly clear which or tw If either hare received a dear legal majority, and not being wllllag to occupy the high poeltUm upon doubtful ground, we mmt oaraeMly desire you to select the ono thai appear to come tho nearest to a legal cketlog, lo till that very responsible position fur oee year fro. j the fourth day nf March, 107? t and we pledge ourselvM each to theotbvr. aad lo the ee ple, tlint during that ierlod of tlmo we will consult oach other ujon every (Htblie meas ure, and will not sign any act or law that does not meet the sanction of the other. Wc most earnestly recommoml the Amcr- can Congress to revise and uuiond ourolto- lion laws so as lo have them plain and JtiM to all, and provide such penalties as will for tho future prevent all (Minou from in. terfvring with the elective frunuhlse, bellev. tng that to buy, Intimidate, or In any way ntcrfere with the citizen's right to vets. should 1m one of the groatest crimes known to our laws. Wo most enrnustly recommend that Congress mukc such laws and regula tions as may bo Just, and refor this matter to Ike legal voters of our country during the Summer of 1877. As Old Max. M. I,tomVfifoH. OOTTAOK UttOVIJ, Irftno Co,, ) Oregon, Dec l, larttl. t lll t.S RiO.. l).tt Hill! As IlllM been sotno Unto aluco 1 wroto loyou, I will again drop you a few lluess but ns 1 run abort of commodities In llio way of news 1 will bo brief. Wo aro having i Iwutlful Winter. Ilhnsbceit now nlHtut n month since wu Imvo had any win except a light mist yesterday. To-day U warm nnd plons. attl nnd the sun sldnea like tho spring of Iho yeor. Tho Ihruters havo tho timet of their grid u laud p1owel, some of them rouUmplatc n eHHtd plowing. Borne of the land In this section Is gelling too dry to plow well, which Is not a xory vonuuan thing In IhU country al thl samh of Ike year. GtwM W good ami all klude of stock 1kV xvrll. TlmH aro aboHt a vmi mr tlnauees wttufcl hate been In a very healthy voiHllthm hail It mk been rbr oar short crop btet atn tegethec wHh ktw prken In the mriy part ef the n x gnia and at Portland I wuilmsan.1 It Is selling at $1 tvX We anlelMS beHee teit seat pete a gewd m Ine preisat. neat lesw se , we net knnw Inn) that wilt I law ens, bnt we jnutv Ihmt pment te4lensena. IVrk k UUg (Kna t K t , H W net M gd M It hu se( mm fteea Um Sun lA fcr A8enWM Jjiilfc ifcaeH (H(MeeJ( wnU ant ksVe a etwelk ft ft eW Lxsae awsenat ef riM mi4 Im bMSt ter the mm unsisat eene nwfA riWt the yf Vxseet eVs t4 eng In tsxeealean it m j4 la The mwI nf es Mn fet fust e Vn easM-ry mI seanssii M rlnM tnjd f sum netaiBf Dw'KMmmCK, IH7(I. UiuTou U. O Wo Imvo bun ttilto busy this week, or wo would havo dropped jott i IVw Hum from this ptacu. Km U-ett mining Iho past week, lml at ptxDcnt han iho itpHMruneo oflhlr wenlhcr. Dr. J. Aiulivws U now xislllng In WalUburg. Pniutno It's his Mulnliittn." The Doeter U n jhhI Jolly follow nnd Is tnlwed by llio wng Imllrs of thU oily, and think he had Mttur come homo." Mix 11 J. Smith and sou, accompanied b' Mr. and Mri MnUory are en touto lo Iho WlUameUe valley. Mr, timllh goes to anion) to visit hf brollwr and many fHomW. Mr. ami Mrs. Mallery go to Jef Pkmhi lo xUlt their daughter. The hetel f thW 4nee hi tit care of MM Jeale Smith. She makes n most oxvelknt ! landlady. lion. XV H. onnear wm ism vimuiis phiee and tMlver a leetnre m lnmentue. He atarei IVsea Inksn enlhe rt ef Ja. new eom. Tut. ADVnUTIHlWllJNTft. 1 - . . - -r S.--BOTH CH ILD tA hnkskfi flllii dny. Jef fad, Krtt TV Mr t. mm I en- tiewg hk isaseuev. tie w ima va U antsenelaea bnlhMng pIMy J inea the yessn( mm ef thli vi an wWer mah enMtvsil hy Vm nti BUi; tU U ke Wtit dene nVsea. iw In. MntM OAI.lt nnd (vxnmlua (hu inriie nnd wslt nisot ted stock of general J11U received by S. R0THDH1LD At Idt tdd xlaud lit Mjlarkciy's hiiltdlug ami willed he Often to the imfillo 011 tnnm that will eumpare favotably nllh Uinta er any eoiupcuror. $9,700; Oregon Indian Bcrvlce, Appropriations aro also rccom- !,000 for civilization and Joulaus nt Mulhuer rcer. nuniAi 1.1 1 K IJui.uon Yjuij). J. J. Vnltmtiue, Super- ntendeat of the bullion department of Wells, I'srgo k, Co.'s KxprwM, has mado up hi annual statement of tho treasure product of tho States and Territories wott of the Missouri river. Total yield for tho ear may bo summarized ns follows as compared with lost year; Gold In 1873, H,74V0Oi 1871, $14,5128,0005 tllVer 187.1, $rt,01!J.OOO! 1870, $tl8.700; load, etc, 1875, 5,100,000; 1870, $5,010,000. Totals, 1875, $10,880,0005 1870, $ti0,871.700. The icld for 175 was tho largest up to that time. Ureatost increase is in Nevada which Is credited witli producing $40,281,- OOO5 CulifornU, $18,01500; Colorado, 0,. OOO.COO; Utah, $5,270,500; Jlontann, $3,. 777,000 Mexico, $2,270,0005 Idaho, $1,- 071,000; DrltUh Columbia, $1,1 11,000; Ore gon, $1,110,100; Arizona, $112,000 New .Mexico, $350,800, und Wnshlngton $08, 400. In previous statcmenU jio attempt has been madu to pnrata Jho guW from silver. Croat Mr Ut ben taken this year la giving gold ai.U ijvcr prod tct separ. atcly. Hfilpxvrt'Ck. ( I)NO Iswnd, Dec. SO. At 4 A. M. tho ship Circofcilau went ashore on tho bar olf Ilrldgu Hampton, on tho south shore of Ing Island, and xvas entirely broken up by fcouth(KtttcrIy gales nnd lost, together with 23 Uvea. Tho Clrcnsslun went ashore In a storm (he night of tho 11th lust. At thnt II mo tho crev unH olllccrs were saved. Tho storm of yesterday caught HI men, employes of tho Coast Wrecking Company, on Iward, und u short tlmo niter midnight tho ship went to pieces with an awful crush. According to account four survi- sens esnaen . v ef eWfMMH V ssj e4 sneseneasee like wet es detain assaeanf es seiu weSec en U cvena. 1 weter ;eh Wsffe faeeje M m tawtneai I In sear j M4, eeVMH leeWM ttef1 "''1, peeffeeJ ete9 eetn, MM teJ efce? fc m .1,.. m m mm, meseinlwtj Is eesej ynei i uee 4es IKet enn I leMkeg nm eea lam ean et Mtsetl I - - ... - 4 M - - A - i m4 msm eee en4 Is eesenef wnan esn j r wen . mt$n jms. 1 ssneM eagee iene " ' K Caen nil MW mm m9j J n O"4 WMt r"" I pmfm ef a jalt esnaal linssv and he-1 farm uVei m afnen In Senilaenl ef ell I tnet ete imisnl nnea e eas UmI nn nan I i Is aeetlMt m aay I tSssSninflssssI feseffen te wee lee I sea TW ihW! Mttfe ef tne hsdii, nwrl cm leWBaJHn iMHtBeSf S. R07HUHJl,D m, uvm M ex se mmmmmm i lasiiw fMe tmmm toiimlmm ekH eWlannm e"enewenj ew ejPTea eneee'eeF er'rreeie"T 1 Tei eejfeep j WtfWen fteenrellBWl eVC MM efc etf -eV MMeMNeaV $ yes. 11 ante hm iei mt s seen we se Isnenal ass ewel eHeB ec tm sen-. m IsHeM eik. . went m sms steeini mat semi saitt sSe sntl seivtlegne itf sjenihtanry inn fee kneeeeer and xmj mm let; hen eaeesin tne csmnery wUI mU lenn nee alt of anVantagea, 1mm enr wen try nul per beynnd the antklpeasesss ef nsaay h are net leefclng kens tne leenee, enly a leer yeargi. II li mH 11 ceniry mat we snnnkl say mnchanesst this part nf Use mnelr) Ibrneare sallaneil with R, tnd a sheet time will tell mere then we eart at Msesenl. To-inorrew (Menday) Is CtnrMsnM, and they tell ns lhat Chrtslsnan enmes that yenr on the S5lh of Use em her. and we don't doubt it. Chrh4nia Uvea seem te he all the rage here now ; we hnve heard nf quite a number of (hem but we ate so-77 to say we can't attend ihent all, nukes we were enuWed with the nee'.Meea of Sneta Clans ami his knowledge of the oouutiy. We understand that one or two of the Inn are too be loaded x Ith gxxl htoklng girls, nml we hoie tkure will be (me or Iwn luboled tons; we have heard of several danoM to be In tb's netghborhootl durtug Chriatmae holidays. Slacc our last letter we haro net noticed tho progrosa of the Good Temtdare, bet presume they havo an onwanl aud upward ttndeney, but m that Institution's prosjMsr ity dejxuils IhiI little (Hi what wo havo to ay, we will say but little, at least nothing against It. We have said more than we intended at the outset. We rest lleiiolfuliy ynum, A. H. S. The femVln; f (Ami of the trading nf knh vm vNl al Hud an nineemel en hndt llry nemti, Oeihloj:, ltt uml SUee, IlitSi MM Cam. cntr!, w all tviHr. tito Twee a, alnart Cnry, Qldua and Ola Mare, Maflenery, He, SV:(uu. im wnhal nshoro this mornlncr. more dcuu ni "live, on fragmenU of tho xvrcck. Kn iiHi Tifllin remalulu' 01 luivo been jcen ' he-,rdlirom up lo tho present time, nnd N or thcro u but llttlo doubt all hava 'UioC)inw4Vt Ws 1 t-onuon. iiuiIUfif , tpi'Micd In DncttMiiiiit 27, 1870. KoiTon K. O-The oaIiIWiIoii given by the order of Oeod Templars on the oven lug of December 93d, at Sallug & Iteao- Hull, gave entire satisfaction and whs woll attended. Mhw Ilelle Moser's rcnillllon of comic and dirllcull characteni ellcltwl en lhualasllc apjdautu. Although this xvos tho flrt time 31isa Hello ever mode hor ) (toarance Iniforo a public audience, sho sus talnml her part In a manner that wouhl have bceu crodltablu to some of our host comedians. Miss Jnne Mays' rehearsal of Iho Honutlful Snow" nnd Mrs. Norton's celebrated poem of "ISIngen on tho Ithlno,'1 was well recelvotl nnd showed line powonr of clorpttlon. Tho reading of Mrs. JCIrk- atrlck xvas very gooil, nml was duly np. predated by tho itudlcnco. Mossn. Paul Edwardi, Johns, Worthlngtou nnd others stihtalncd their parts vdry well. Tlioru xvas plenty of gool musla and tho nudlcuco were delighted, Let US' havo a fuw more this Winter. There was a Gli-lMinat treo ht Iho EpU- copal church aui'ft hall at Haling & Jt'pe' lu'.l, aud mi ends tho Christmas of our Centennial yonr. Yours truly, Grantor Dunce. Uottku Chkiik, Jan 1, 1877. Tho Patrons of this vicinity gave a ball at tho residence of J, W. Salisbury on the 29th of December, xvhlch xvc uro hnpjiy to suy xvas n success ; U.'l numbers xvero sold at ono dollar each. Tho proceeds were placed in tho funds of tho order. Almost every family residing in ihaso parts was xvcll represented. Tho brothers and sisters of tho order appeared In their lull regal In und seemed lo see that others than patrons enjoyed themselves; nnd every thing show ed that comlnglliig Is essential to huppi. new, Messrs. Peterson nnd Halo furiill) ed Iho music free of charge. Tho excellent supper prepared by Iho slalom of tho order xvas partaken about 10 o'clock in tho even, lug, under tho dlrcctlotof 3!tuGul)IAm1i tho tablo xvas arranged ju n beautiful fttylc, nnd plenty of "nlcq thljgs," set out to over 00 persons. 'j!mfv xvas then rcmnncd 1'ioameBjBwjioniu i.tipp cr limn ee ne a tnnlry ternti al gnee and rbareabu i V wMn Use nnl atnesd )eHy seelneilUy nf al. had theor em It ste Um party gieeft a gsnad sne. We hue nimnt tmnse tn the enncln Heppner nee uie am tnn xi Hr alL If the euclal Inter nslngjlng of tne people le an Imllcwhm nf a gun! Asetlng imong all, It ealem Itt thla little town. Omlrr the hend of xawa rrana We wnnM Note that nnr sehnel qieneU WMlay (Jen. Seal) with an aUendaaeeof schtdars. Oae u Ink t Inst week, no leas thaa Ave beys between the ages ef eight and eigh teen were druuk in tbe stsveet of Ileniiiicr. We were tnhl hy one of the boys thtt the whisky wm stolen tnun the drug Wont. We are sorry to reenrd surh farti ns these. and would nut do so only as a warning lo . . . ierweu. Tne following named persons were bap tkod by tho I lev. Mr. Prttelt on Sunlny hutt Mr. PotiyJohH, Mr. Jack Hals, Mhw Clara Hale and Mle Urol Inn Halo. The place selected for the occasion was near w hat Is known as the I Tale school home on the Skinner fork of Willow ortuk. Weather more Ilka A 111 than Janusry. Polllka U ilend. J Tnrrlblo ICallxvny Acddrut. On Iho 3flth of December a turlble mil way accident occitrml In Ohio (ear Ashta buln. A bridge broke down under thu weight of n train of cars, seven of which were flllwl with Mueugers. Tie uuinlxir on Itoant was itlmatel lo tu isu, or which number only AO were kmwu to bo living. The bridge Is tliua discrlbcd In thu dispatches t Tho brlgdo xviu a Howo Inn, built eutiruly of iron 11 ours ago, It wit GO feet iiImvo water, had m urch 150 feel long, Iho whole length of iho bridge being 157 feet. It has houu twtol with six locomotives, nml at the time oi the dltav tor was considered us being In pirllct con. dlllou. About ono thousand soldiers ue now nt Washington nnd tho uuinbor Is to bo doubled. ""f inwwta. NEW TO-DAY, DISSOLUTION. . "NJoTICK M litrrl'y Klvn llwt tlio rart.cratilp tirrv i Ibfor MWUur uivlrr lliu Arm Mian of I'urltr k Uwr I llwuUy dtulrtxl by Jluluul iiiunl. Ml iMitj Mill 1m hM by ilr. I'orlur wUi wll coih4uI,IIjo A. II. rOIITKII, remtn, Jan. t, 1177. Vx. 'III.I.KIl. IfQIVA lH MCt rt.alu bnJcniu. Tl.o jVJkl I. Itiukr will l ijifiiiloJU' loavlnstliu miim ul iln. Ansa's. WAJVWAH-JAR! V IiOOKd AUK VI-'IX, ANI wtu; UK cu lxl wl un tin lltv itt of Jjuuary, UJTi ntJ Ui en.Ua um l niMtluuo kii lu ImOiim, all tru rwVtw U nn- mriluiiulv aims rurwunl uvil Mllla ut iMlr wx'iunH. To HMku ou si) kuuw llwl 1 luiwil IViUitfy, I Will M.II Soil 04.ili A lino lot ot I'aitur ami ItuiUna flluvcs si W)HT fur Ilia nvxt itilriy clsyvl Omu tuu vltliusk iro cli'mp I Villi Iv( Hill CooklvK Uuvu ul fVlUwprlrnm CAMIt IlllWK lliuiikmg the iiulllo fr fnvuM lu my line, I ant ale. U. f, XVIifltl. K'l. itnou, December CO, 16J3. I mm ay NQnqu nuUr.i( UT 11V A. ItKANKV, OY WWT0N l'K J. duel. HkI i f Or-iiiii. Ounly jr lOiitnlla, unit lHwl Ucfvre JmlW I Jciuilluii y(' (liw Kugj) ' 1'rucJnct, una uaik Uy littnm, uUiut fourirtii auil I liulflyiniU lliokfl iw. not ufiLiU, an , i un lli,art(lit U'V? Al lifuiud al furly five a nut ' ' TI IAWUM,. Dccc nKr It 1STA. utile 's. S. - R0THCH1LD Ortler from the oouidry will reaeixc pruinpi nuuiiiioii, HMos, Purs, Wool, etc., taken In ux OlMNgU. CAMPAIGN OPENED KOHTIIK fALL OF 1870 'At TJmatilln, Orogou. vril VIIOOV l I.tlte.1 La (.11 IRj I'j iM nW.u tUrk if linn JUM rffll, wlilfl i mtH mH.I mum U .MlllU llr lb It oi K.t t luff: My liri Mll COOK HT'IVBH Ocuidont (joldsmhh l.ango Gulden CJute Hinpiro City llinnnlli ilio Ornudo PA 111.011 KTOVWH Tho Monitor l'nrlor JJollo Ltturol lUtngor ' JOiiho Onward PA II 1.0 it Quo ic Jewell Echo IIOX HTOVIM IMtiuk Giant Moguol IMno Knot Woodaido onaiva - i i i A full MMrllDtUt of T X3NT 172- "3H Ccntttntly on lianit, ilwi lanl eaus. All cinlcis fill cJ imlly. JOII WOHK iluao Mlili umI litM auJ dUiaUli. WM. J. I.KKZKII. T 11 TfOONTZ - t'OHT OKKICK llullilliix, Curnir lfw)U, UMATILLA. -HK.U.KIt IS- GENERAL I.AItUK AU0UNT UV g JJJ tot 8' KA,, ATnAw-SUpP DIP TOBACCO. rny-. A NYDnl'i who rsu Usui Hunu or sny uo. A urliiilan. Mint your of iltr loO. K. liullock, lli-ii (PIllT, 1III UII14 WVUBiy. WMH"". 1 A 1 ) V I'.l l'1'l H ICM K NTH. COOKIIYM ftx'l'OVIlW -ANIl ahufaclory of Tinware, And Al.l. Kt.Nli.M Or SHEET-IRON WORK, Main strsol, oiinoilltt Ida Uoart House. torn Will coiutautly have on hand, ami jfor sale, n Coiiiplelq Assorlitleiit of 3? x tst-'w j&.ttin. lis iu aiwaii r A oomplolu Awtui'tniunt of tlto IMunioml K00IC COOlvhVa ST0YKS. aix Kl.sns or 3033 "XTVOtt-JSZ. Im I On)r, i ikut sl, 4 l Try )Mrlt rte a. Ar. wbbh. -HUllUAll roii- EYERVBODY! JcHt Look Hero I I.1 vnt wast fiivr. OU.l, i I'rrv. aiaiw. mh, ! u Ik ri:vi.x:ro.'v .DRUG- STORE! 1 r vi' w ast no ift m imim iimi I'liNl'I-rTIOS DltUO HTtiltlC r jirjAjcr tum h ten. t iii'.itiii irei.r im nn ti'rjxiiis inWIilllilMil IIIIHI OIUIll. r fnu Sr mm tirmu.r imi, ru IM I'KNiu.Krox imua stoiii:. j r tou va.t I m ck bf u tikU, r i PHNDLKION' imUO o'TOllK. rr vot' wasv ttir twnfi. iw. .ni.r.s I. (wMIU iT.Nin.icroN iniuu bToui. mQi riTs UnVKKTJlL JfeST. THUS fHNTHAJ r f jh mim Hail i Tim lit W. w a. ill Hi MKJiMl ihffir XNTIIIRM JlJil'ITTEI) Had MBFUIWr is Howoraxts roa Tito noooptlon of am THE TABLE Will .1 .11 lntj fwM r4ilh4 whh Iki u ru UM i i it mtkft ere, m mu .i.ni.t mut i .t ik. 1 1 . . - - - l l set fifJxtJMe, THE BEDS Arvstl nt, rnt txAua Lu Ua rrJ tMini nyihixiniifiwy ranU( ul tm m ht., nu, itviM Till', I'UNDI.KTON HOTl la ntl ilftMiimrfili li i.t. .. . Ili Wyttnv d.t.(MlM Ihtl II .h.llm.TJ liLTii.V. ' UOtSK L.I 1IIBIH, . I. . 1 . . ki ( i n-r BBJ ST. OHARLKS JIOTlJ tMjl Mlit, hU m OtYjn, inMTIIaM.MwM.it ru4M, V4f athi at a...... i ww WW retime ii.n . n ran rTl irwnM M rienk.1 . . d ST.."' J!"? IU . fiaa- IUiZuT yyj..-"' "'"Hrt i -u t 4h, Hf k i. !MliMll.ntlH. tail mrnfriilMitniMlli,!!) tHU lU tMrl I ... " . rr" rT"' f u.vml win i t ui in, ii.. BM WUion I2olcl. UMATILLA, jr,f,","e' OUKdUl it4i I wm, ih Im Uhi IIM . mdnwtl, frt lb KM Will 3 . r ,lv if -l . k Toe vr A I'rrKft) Ikffo ctbh)mMI tillji DLino.v imvo sf o'uii 1.1. T Um ttt WA.VTS 4 Uwr. Im wntwn M U f4klfc r-ljIU f MttN H'ft, WALLA WALLA, W, k.MlMMmUlk I'liKII AMI MlyrriHtHsi IhrwJ au,' cow ml IIOTKr., - OREGfJ r.i I'ltni'tiiKioiM S.4M2 - bTA.B5ff,E; IMais ar. (Mfoauc tww.crnN ttorci.) lo!m Etoxvinnu. j. ft. fit i icrr, m. p. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON IV'tlltten Oifn, Ofllro in !''s nrvr tulhlntc, up italis V. O. IcKay, ilJ. IJM PHYSICIAN AND 8UU0KON. ViatUWn. Uwll Oworly, OfEMi. (leM l lk 1 o Is. s 17 shop. I). M. Ynjilo (UtwlAtll MMwnl to lit tr.UlM.ll wl m..iii iImi i, i. r j.;r-1 la ilj 1 Ml, n l Iiim ll l.ul us, Ml 0 PUOMlTNKSStt D1SI tttil tu a MMkir-wlik Mitkr.p Horse - Shoeing a Spi WM. SMI. I. Kit, M. 1 1. . HY8I0IAN - AND - SUH0K0N, UH.t OIVi: i Mlti.liaa la HtHjia lwi't. ti oiaiiii.iiisu. UMHMfwtL . . . wm a ... . SURGEON AND DENTIST. It mv lUt I'tfrawintly la Pandleton, Umntllla County, tVb.u till MM Icm o n k)M7l l lJ. ij. . 8leriiN, A'rrOItNKV A (JOUNHHLOIt AT LAW HaUar dlly, On iiii. T O. Hlfn. wilt nllfiHt IlisruuiUoritiot'inli J lJ ilicul lli.lrlil. il ul MilioBiins'ulilHitionT'irl toil... Water IIUliU (Ixl llliiiiu Ullimllsii a n VIAUU. 4lIIHil liruuijilfy M.fmlnl la Ortlllu J. &J. TtlflJl!! I T ATTOUNKY AT LAW, j Couuly OrJsri touglil tint kolil, Iiu Nrcolirit umOE en Uulii Miwt, o'illo C'ouit Houm. I'tmlli ton, Ori'K'ni . v. KNiny. .Attorney - at - XjaAy'- Wcilun, UnulilU County, Oregon. ILL I'HAOTIoiTTssr TUB (HUMTrW tblsHUle nml WuililnKlon Tmilton. ajr-Hnccul nltviitiun nam to I.mm Iiu!jicu suit Collfotlon. 0. 7f, 1IAILKY, UlMAi I3STATI3 AWUWT, (and notauv ruiit.to.) PBNULBTON, OllKCJON. PAIITICUI.AH AITlvN'TlOX Tiilil la tlto iinatNtlou L or Mini cUlim Hi llio Ih'iurliui'iil nt Vunliiogloii, tinil lu llio varloui lnrl ulllnii, unit itli' nccnrnl Kcrrlc-s iru tt'inlirixl IIionoiIoiIiIihi lo kfuuilBlato or rklimil lumUi ulwi tu llumo ilmlrlnj tu ucqulJluiiiU Oy JIUII1MIHWI HUU IV-V1HIU, II inc WinespLiquors and Cigars ALWAYS TO III' HAD A'l Jncolwm & Co's Sunoii, Otpolte till Bwitilrr's Btoru, rKNIiLKTOK, 0 Vt. rrann or Kxi tHiKKCK KaalilM mm la iaaMiaw lUl It wl. tu lUl 1 tairKH lilt mm a Mil ar Mh.ii bMlltl I mH Hwrnt, MS Mftl 4 r U UufM . U IWUmwi oiirS !! Uitry I I U la My rmHuy O II HTASI.KY, ba w I.imI la aN MMtk 4anat my kUrift. . H, Straight DICALRIl IK WATCL VUKX 4 AND WATOHKH AND iti:i'Aii:r.D all ON HIIOHT WOIMC NO'l'll'K WAMIANT tlte or l.uth.MK Kouih Ut nf ll.lu lml Pi HU U.ul. 1 1 ul. I, Wall V!U, V. T I MONEY MO1 i JfOllSKS LOUT $5 Rawa rxiMTt: a M'Hiir.u or iv iioiihk.s i ilrMitlo limiilr Vnilry lir liHy triMiM Any ono lUlivi ilMif any or will lior In s, . w v'. luniiim iioiMic vmirr nm itmi c tllOw liiiiunuim. ami llivy ru bfllrU lu l. in I lllli tmuiily I Mini iKrlinim ainnns lb liklinwv limn uf friidhlan, Mill N ru'vittlul at tliayalai ar iiti. Tim noi rtiniiti (ii ji'.iini'X", i)itr LwijiImI 0 m Ihn lull lioulilr. cul'lliiu, nit b Willi aauia I'rmtil, kin! Moik liortvi, vtitlt ilia Uw 0 un U'lUlioiiMrr. Jhtill W IdlO. 0o. CJKa, ST. PAUL'S SCHOG WALLA WALLA, W, V. A IIOAHIIIN'I AK0 IUX' KCIIOOI, fW(j,r I anting tcliol nmiur lb niilv I'nili'.lant Mod rwlM. Iiwi'l mt tuliiuii, liiciiniiiis liif, ij.i rriiuuilcrur un iiiuiici e IT t. liy t'Uiiilii TuliMia, wrinniT, IN IS, 10, m4 t ilunc, iirlvaiu twriiuuncr a,,, ,, st . tjb. I ....iin.i.d ui'li nr ntt'irln V P1IMJVIU MUHUWMTfat I'Vl -i-a-.m f. .,aa I'utiiUrvrchttlstsuy limp, ni tiifn-a rowj t'lilrulirtv. KiSiiai kiii'iiiiuii aiptt iw I i moruitrilio iiuplln, wIiokio rviumllyui cir nf Ilia inacimm uovu in ami nut hcuooj. ri.,lrl,r,L H.IK'llal klll'llllllll lialdlit llui IIU ami inoruiirilio iiilli, ilio to cyiiitlly unJ D AnvMrllicrlilfurinMinn will do Cirfully aitilrtvuliiK HoV. I. II. WkUJi, 1'iliisaL, THEODORG, "Hm lie Ull itcattr III Iho J I ifiiouoits Ami i , OIIDKIU From a dlitonc i"nninity ktli'inloil ofniy lioiiwr'H'ii HikMiJUMiy j V tint etc , A GllAKOBll FOR SALEBeTOiwS,89 IliK 3)C, OAIxDSJ