;w v f. ": -. f - rtjjon Spectator. OREGON CITY: IMfey, Augtut 26, 1893. aeUsm Oatbrenk t Oil Saturday lt the SujieilnloiiJiU of Mian Attain received a dispatch from ! ' -W Iks acting Governor, Geo. 1.. Curry, to and no stricken, bul,thore is n.Mhtiig of ,r -'ill" ml" treaty withn foreign pow Ife esftct that CO stand of armiar.il l,300Jrciciigc in their nature, or ill. feeling to r, our gotornment is IkhiihI by honor In reaslaf cartridges to accempny them, I wards the wh , vneiurntly theru an- ohscrtos.ini trenly as long ni the compact v were required Immediately lo n,u.ll llio no fears cntcrtaini-d here as lo their form remains unlnk. 11 by the oilier party. Indian disturbances at Uogue river; that jng a conjuncli.Mi with those ho arc in ,' "c '"'"ids the lillibusts, (or Young an outbreak had occurred a fowdayaprc-j imicnl mo.icans at (hey call theViscltes) who ylousre the departure of tho express, and It may operate lo the di.idiani.igcot"ro f"r taking Cuba, right or wrong, any that two persons had been killed J. It. 'the immigrants mid, cans depredation-. w' -nhitoiir gmerninrnt gets posses- Hardin and Dr. Rose; scleral others ho rommiltsd with impunity on those six" of it. m liuaiiecrs, pluudcrere and Warn pretty badly wounded. ' wending llmr way hither. It n possible! freelsvters unworthy el'counlenauci hy Towcauaeoflrie difficulty we are una-, that this 1 onl) a beginning. We shall n republican government. Ms) toSrate.but Were appears to le a'n,0ij forming hal conclusions mil end 1 lr- 'leorge -Sanders, former conductor Manly hoetilo spirit manifested by the In ,'dian;. end when tlio express left thero Ma JK) abatement of feeling rn their part. It IM I haa spread treat corntetnation through "Mttttatira settlsawnt oi Rocua river ".VajUy! Waftar, tpo, the cad Is not yet. tl U lrs aaaenoa or tne superintendent, laVsB. Geary, the clerk, .-amo to this city oat haste, on Saturday, 'ind chartered the syt to go to Vancou er, ith a view 0 iCBrrrussr ouiino uoernor a rcuuisinon. 7 . 1 . sjaounf"' vi";,iig mo arms ami amuni. :tissi arrived here, and on this (Mania) 1 . Il ,kt. : ,i.. oo.u . . . . . "' " Ihaiaan.Lano hail repaired tr "" nc isnlMBnituirswiiuacompanvoi suiuuiecrs. i iftoluntrcrs. reach there shetl. We rliest -.- ort "' M. . . , ma oopa no may do bdio io bastra muchUood has len shall endeavor to giro the en itf Ua Atwtrallojn. rlrt. M . m t. m t t i i r.- ft. TlArfi'l T. A K...bj.rsjsn. in rl,.rr. .. eslt li. n l i.i .... morning tney were ptaceu on war-i tne for , , ,, , ,llHin,. Au.ailr ,. Arrogating to itself tho .mm,, ea.il stesmer to be forwarded to the ,av na wilhn ( t(,,((, momj at, ut a ,),mcor.tio U,,U, it hasestabllsi,. rnor at Salem ; from thenco they will bo . . , , . ' , . , ., ed its claim tn tho confidence of the Dvin. Ji .il .-;:.!... D. ,' ,,, iMnch.d ixot.nei.van.b.ats Mr th. ,...... Lv ., mn :, s .a a si. J- a s , s.vssit nisi nit it. -s.- s s.. "- a- tlllilLI lllsV UlULrt lllii v- 1111.11 Isldini IIUIII SMHIUtVS VIIIIKIIIIIW l.jUDIMril " """""" '. l-- ",...,.-,, proaaptly to tha call of tho Governor, end placed at the disposal of the Supentend ant the number rcsjulred. Fcstbk Particclass.- in uiiiiiuii iu Ike abore. v hftvc bseri informed by the -" i l.. .i. stttttrintsflDfient. thftt a t?jmhr Here tslllVj - -T IVrVrieMi. Suva Mma. air nr irht rwrin . - - - ? . ' praviOM to tho death of those airily. ' mentioned. .. , .. I .1 Their death occurred mth.1 There was a meelinc held at Jack seSville, lo adopt measures of defence, and aa.laa. party ' returning, to $iuire T'Vaolt's, where the wemen of the neigh borhood had been collected am! guarded, the party were divided in sentiment at to the best road to return bv. Tha near road lay through a grove. tiiiroT'Yaul! suggested thsi it would be 1-cil to go around the grove, that possibly ths Indians might be lying there in ambush, llm plan was entered Into by all the party, save i. IWilfardlnandDr. Koe, vshocunlinuid canaut. far work M th .it, I '. , asx. , , ... ... ... ii. ,' their march through the grove. Iliey ha,l dates d- iui wan- gone but a short tlaie before the report of number of tun. s- .res ,,i '.ren guns were heard. Upon repairing to the apol, llardin was loumunoi inrougn liiii l,lL its. I..1I b.lm. ....,! tbrnnol, tho ,'""." T . i ' i it . lower part of thebtxly. lie survite.l I ut A parly of toluntteu, amountiiig p a few hours. Dr. Flos, was shot a so ,i .,,,,.11.,.,, nts r f ibis nsliir, . wr can ,, '. ,....! 1 .1.. nearanco of Ihn sow lournnl. is in rbnnoe ' ... 1 .. .. 1. 1 .1 r .1.. t .. I ' " 1 crnuc urvitwr, us rcminers.nnu cf(i'ucr, ! , , , ' o '" u' " ii,(;,tiu,,i,iiruii ,,,. ,., , t... E ,t r there beillf I. through tho body, his throat cut from isr ,.,. a .,, ,v lhev ,vc conta..tli on the , . lab ,r to destroy the eharacter and nn-, "s """nagers end display u new assort. , ,,, fof ,,,. n j , ,., I ' s... ..,lhi.sl...l.rnr,nmll,..r.srL ....I L , !..... I ,.. ,1.,. mil,,, nr ,.f lh. Wn.blnnlnn mCnt OfgOodj. 1 heOlll'Un ill clldeat Or ... . . . ' .. i IlllSr Hie I oleissil. t ""' " ' 'in.ir.sr ,,.,. r.n. ii . --. K . - .........B.. .. -i ... .,1,1...... ..,.. inillo.l hy the iniiiers. ur a long lliun ,,,, .... .ir,.r,,,l .... Hehadsevoralhundr .dolar,,;1, nrH ,r ., ,oa , ,, i:;- J., ,),g g ., Uandl""- Win ; way looKiiiai, an.i itrippe-i i.is ito-i) ,,t behu.d .., mu rpre in, I go .! u k. ,iwr .a,,;!,,,. iemlCncy oriticiropairatioris. g'. ""d after having rtcoived ll.u in. aminumlinn, with ilnsol.r. t i vul.uilv in We leaiu thai n city school has bee of every veetlge of cloilung an I dreadful. Cndor -hr. inerg-nt inmagem: 01 l ',, ,7ev..r pato llicni counlcnanceorupl,n',", 'i"" f ""' ' '0JI'',11 , ,view. We ,eg,.t very nuirl, thni the '.stablislud by the tily itiuuail. Ill lymutllted his carcsre : after which tl.ey rerpiwn .V Uompaiiy.a hue breakwater lorl ; ud on the isauo of the tlrat nun., j ''''''"';0' '''V"r ';" -Lil,' whim ahonld m. fur forgtt their own in nl.tnd) u, oiKrn.ioi. and is d.ing well fled wh their ill gotten .,, -, ., an,U'n arc rap.Hy i.dtancng ton, If;; ....... .n,d!,t ,.. y nndu r' -spre.s supervLn . woods, and made safe ll.eii rslreat. pIcll ,,. ,;i, Jn ar. houses art now '' " ' . ol l ho ty. w asten id Mcni if n(cn u ulu-t f ,.tlic,,.. , , vrl imVmAnn, 0 flllll nly all,,nlil., .r. , ,, . seme two hundred prrsons, had assunl.lcd altj 10 j-nc unsurpuiscd f.tililies for Since the U ashmglen Lfnion has been star Tabic Ilonk, and elected M.ij AMtn tin. transportation of inercliandisi ulxnt unuer thu control of its present editor, ll their commander. 'I hey eipected to he ,.Ui,i ;0,, ,,c falls, together with a img has been condiicleil wnh iho sole puiposo attacked every day, for stvtral d.itsU ....Utr.t wau-r ie.it tthitl. .ould drive ( P"n"i.,(' the principles of tho great J . ' . V , ., ',' , , nnd now triumphant Democratic party. lore the express left. ail the mills of Low til nn I Uothtster ton.. A ,ong ,jru jection ,tiew pfcipei, The Indians have bete.mo tery dctpc.bined. This work is built, m (ar as wu aslaughl by the wMom and illustrated in Tate. They havodsslroyed a good deal of1 can judge, in tha most durablu an I per- the nilminislralions of Jullerson and Jack Stock j and lomo ten houses, with thtlren. manent manner, with great strength, and n, was the pledgo which i wo gat's 16 Ihe Jt . ...... i.. i.... . i.t..r. i ami i i v ... i i. , Democratic party of a determination to lire conlents. have been plundered and 0 jU,lu0lls p.n .Nur. has donei,vaiw ,u Jueo an-l lo ophoM lu honor then sit on fire. Women mid ilulurui ponders for the locality, and Meisrs. I er.';,, ,l0 responsible position whloh wo oo- have abandoned their homes, and their all mm, V Co. are most ubly seconding htr copy. It ii for tho parly tn say if our ha been completely at Ihe mercy of the bors These geiilleimn have also a fine pledge has been redeemed. Of the result Indians. The diHrcM is very great, end UOat of l.'.O foet ktcl. to be propelled by a of f'!lr "L ' doM ,no1 Uc0n,9) u ,0 ,. ,. , , . , , ' ' , ipeak ; but of our motives nnd endeavors the confusion general jouU, ,6lnt r great iwtr, now nearly J(1 mBy ,ny ,,,,. w,,18, ncltrrin(, SiabLATr.a.-On Tuesday night ad- "'y ,0 liUnt-11 for ",0 ul'l,er "" 'l'- that reprnat-l. to which Mr. George 8an j..t.w.i ...mn.. w.,n s.i nrtnnt as to new ' VVe X l'c''S to them, and to all who ilera'a filibuster monthly is so obnoxloun dillenal rumors were set nflos as to new el,,ernr,e, 0nn,cstrnd wo mean the reproach of being an imp,,. murders having been committed. One f' 'ngagedm eiilerprlva erinlnrcairnd I r W..to,h..(r.ct,h.tA A. Skinarl,, vl.,.,... .1,,. comrnny. ,i to the valley K u. niu ritsl.m uerA L.11,.,1 he tlm f ,in beautiful Willamette. . ,." ' Mr. Riley, orHalem, wero killeii by tlio as savago as a meat axe, and prides him. Indians. We give but lilllu credenee to wv ,Mrn from ti,,,,,,, Aarli McKjn. ,ft)f upon being one of tho leaders of the the report from the fact that no evpresi1 ky (V (il ,a, lli0 pr0,cior Washinetonlgreat progresslVo democratic phalanx. has arrived from the scat nf hostilities Iirr,,c , fjcotuburg ui safety. Sho en I Wo ,uote from Iho Dereooratlo llevlsw, alnoelhstot aaiuroay isit. nenco f'cllnlcr;, hCVe,Bi pretty hoavy winds that dUoredit the report. tried ihe man tory severely j but It braved Wa believe, however, thalseveral orihu ' ,he h,ormi roi ho wavcgi ,nj raault,ti neighboring tribes have banded together I ,eirntion wj,10ul damage. J .-J a. ustsMAit fissiiaoa nf ns-irtnaiil Inn . nil ntsmuD m vwiiiiiiwii vmmvu i--.s,,,wM .. ... .-.i.. .ii !t" . . . J:zzzcr dllRoullies that there is something bo. li.j ur. .1..11 ursit for n more full d... atonement of the facts before tv.i clro r - hv mere of the rumors. It has been i"f S ' ssuueti, too, mat. tne on inn.nns weir TT . . ' n. . . This nei we discredit entirely. Wo have chdcateird Id till out nil llio facts as well as we could, ami hategitcn tlirin abate, 1141 as reliable, but lor what they srewoilli. In guess wotk one man's ideas are about as geed a another. lh Indians in I his tioiiulv although unch . t. abl poaoible, are ninth cteiled h t,0 sad udiuc Thci are hornliul our speculations nith this .... . r ., a...... .-..!..... 111 l,i"niiif: iini'viiitrwv vi v'M L"ti iti , .," ". ,' ,7 is as sriitAtif tn I ! siirtal na rnlrti iih.nrt ,ir t iniiii tw we iiiwi n ue.' -i-'i 1 iui . . 1 1 m tin H aiiHUMt is(t u eii'ivn i"is,sii . , , - . ,-i n tsrlll. fli.i . silt .IttTtlilt tm USTltll f.salrt.l Its fill nun till niuiiifiiihti 11 uisiiiiviiu in nil . . . r: 1 . 1 1 . departments of mdust,) ,w ,,,. '1 cat. crmusi iiiiiiiiiii-iit-nun iii'iiiess ar I., ,' which tills is onl v tho priparntion. (Vn- mil cstuhlislnd for the purpose of proinul lercd around these falls, which u ill aiKiul Kn"l! t'"-' w.' pMlligati? principles uf . immtns. jisaior power ,.1 , ,v. ,i. unit iu.ikc mis rseuiuniis inu .'lunviirii i ui iiil- .ik-iii a...1S.. SI I..-. .. ..' .1.. .. -..... "IT" .-. w - -. ... .:......!. .1. .!,.... . .....!.... oflhc lirceit clasi apnropnateh namul (ic ..v1,-,mctte,"aiidc.ikulate.rt.atlord flAltl ll I t af I ttIT IIP I kilt III. t .IP ft I .111.1 I 111 iisi. .n 1s.. 1.1 ft., L- llan sul.i.sl. ll .-..! f. I 1pr fil(.,iMj4, ,-,r , , K,i nn,l ,.sage ,,,m 'cr-"'' il'"' ,Illl,"''"" patriots halo ' ' i e i it .been traduced and .issnilnl b it wnlin J." ' '"r I-. n alien-,! rn0lnaiI n. ;lU- un urpi'ssed by the ' ''''""" "' n" '"""'"U f""" s'nuei iahi C(Uret and in is vulgir l.ing of ihe fish four sliam' oats, and bt tin , iimuncu maik.t. It was dun r.lher to the weak men! of 'lin seas-'ii ot high watt r. twi m"ie "i'l ho i readiness m st.,11. li, wale i iirtv a nun.; wi iiti. Tanlm lo WlWl .housing and forwarding nro olkred si Canemah sullicient to laiislt the wanu of Ibe nirrcantilc and I2iieu!lura: com ... : . . ... innn it i vtii rurrn i i rial nrnri, r tn i i . linilllt tl Miss. !- -- ..-.-. ..... ilWr io incrcaf'rf4 tit consciiitta-.i ror,morf r-". ami oilier fn ith ful uriani of l.twuif. fu mnrt !h.. filtir IAlit- . fill " - - ..!.... rM' ,,v Atouriwn plcco, nt th- hraii ol Oil t street, is a new ami imrv.nan: unpn.te moni lor i;reg"ii .ur. .-munis ivisuo and Machine Shop, with facililius fir sending machinery m ciiher tiireciien- tai. cannot fa,. be a mo v.l.ab.e c ccrn Jud3ingfiom :lie aet.ti!) that has preiailed there tl.o fn.' fsn moiiths of its existence, we prognosticale it fuiuro of aetitity growing from il g nn of sue cessful ruterprise Already a ti 1st l,aHtl Isuuclml from this e.tablltlunent a lr,Jtl ,9lll , n,., : r...i,- n-iit-cn ll," city anl Tcrtiani'. and i hclter uruheiio ol erected and arc now occupied by enter- ,m;r gCul tintn, nil aln to tie bright e . : t. ii t-,... t.l ,. , b , , former paper we hate mentioned most of iVaiunl ai.d Mou.La .,' trtcttd, all tale. iVr-Tho iiiMtt nimrti-r of Onrrnn Piiv oi r.e1.icii...ot .o.n,B ,. ,.c.,.uU. i.ovcntgi rathcr than be pulTing candidates pursuing course of classical or mathe. for cabinet olTicei, and Irlmmlnir the ' rnutlcot stutty will lind hero ample facill-i , "'' I, r , up mn,, ,n, mn amies .en on I.... . Tlio I'iiIoii ami llio now OrgHM. Many of tltc democrats liavc gat llrri) uf the music furnished by iliu olj organ tha Washington Vnii'n. All manner of. chargis hatu1-an brought against Gen, Armstrong the present conductor of the 'men. Discourse 11 lioolnl at end his policy condemned lioth utrlli and south. Tin l!ener.il contends tli.it when our coun- of tlic I .-inoi ralic Uevii-w, claims n great 1lfl.1l oforedtt for himself in tho election of I'iere nnd huig. I Kn the eaursa af , , , , , 1 m st a I lieorgo Snudcrsi lulo ho was flfMloJ I " a assssaai . 1 t. I fc f- mil i;imiiiu:ii ajuuui;it.iMs ... . ' 1 i" nHliincton f ntfln rcniirkfl I n til II 1 It rould hardly lepcted it certaiif ,y UDH mst .Ir-irrJ tl.nt tl.e Wasliington i u.oii slioillil escatK) tlio abuse of a jour sMiucii iiinruiiiv, . inn which lias signal, 1 , . 1 .1 , 1 . . . IA.I if rjirnr lis' llin iiiilKritninatn .1... ... I ... IT. I ..I !l l t ., ..' . iiuiu'iution of all lio would not enlist ., ca,y tiury mill of eminence ubum lkat nartv lime jore.-d u rrosrd with respeit and -ste.iu. Distinguished hiss o( nrin thun 'o llio honest) of Us pur poe that Us jioisoiuiI sliitft. did not fsment incurabK dissoutioii in the Drmoctatie ,vsr,i firi.ir t.. tin ni'i ling of the Haiti, I .' I more Contention. II is not surprising lh"t sudia journal should I loathed nn I "i"!'"-".' ny w respettawe nun 01 III,? ri tiuili.ii.il l,v the rti.t inl.'t. in, n nfili. .s. "".:'.". . :. . : iii'nrrrniir n.im ii uni stiirtititiinr i . .. . - . ..-! ,., . I... 1 I ....I T . ... .S .!. '"" "" t,:,! 'lint iti I .utuisa I hn IIlIsi. itm IlMmTan.' lmiil( itinsfi;t if at arm. ,... - . -. .-- j , ........ -...,,, t,, ,,. v irai.l hf tension to HfrClk for u bftrlv liv " I., .' . . .... . I '.. I l; "a KT. I n,,M " lfc " "-w ""' 'w. i li if mA.n a iivnltatf ar nen:.. els at la ' I. , lll-'li ,IIUtlI- Oi .UH'tlSV lll.l 1 ,,l0.j ,)C BppIaUllr(, ,,, lb'ecJ by ,,, is it more a matter ut atiapi'tisv iua i itliipie whose luleres's It lubscrtes, sn4 lo whose instincts it pndel7'0f tbe COUrle l'icl' aurrounoS and suaM'wtMBarView, VZ?Z38E&' vmal nggrandizeui'iit'; 'and, altbouih thty did nothing to promote, but every thing to defeat, llio success of the Demo. l'ra" Pirl "' 'c recent election, iney lira lul tin ttijsv. a sl n m,tenii t. is nil I ess rv w t iav i vi iiiw insi viiunuiiiui sbiiu iui p-nuj . . ... . J iial if tho seekers ufollico. 1 he honor able gruiliinan who, in performance of his part ofthe c.n 'piracy, recently made. an ussault iiin the U aaliingtcn I'uion Iron-im Mat" m mj Mouse, is t.ru.nor says) in hot pursuit ol one oflho niesl lu. crintu Os.s under the Wovcmment. And thus il is with the rutiru catalogue 'of naming patriots who make tho columns " '" iwci.iis.-isesiew jbhi.uiu.ii . periu-liu dissertations nn fhT swetls of plundtr and the beauties of carnoge. ,.,..!.,., i ,,,.. i.. bis own Iana;uacn! Whether or nst the "Union" lie, as would seem, Iho organ of Mr. Maroy, Washington City la in any point of con sideration not the place for an oagau of , ,. . . i. i .. the Dpmocrttlo parly. It jm UMter. II plumes of certain ambitious members of uonercsi n is noi possioio lorine iiem- ......, i. ,,..i ...,. ,i i' ,i..ji. I OCIHCjr ,o "V ,IU, I, J' v.l-,,,,-1. ,1, (flSTU.S terlo'l mirrors manuiacturou at tvashlna. .. rt , ., - -' . iv vuiiiii' set t s 'i "jte iihwi a mv asitas " . . - played deals nutlet) lo '1 the. organ ot anybody who will -'resist llio progress ol Do moo racy," as that seams to Le tho bug boar of feats everywhere, ami failiue. of j . - . - . i a belter or a wone, takos 11 (irtt li Willi a will, and essays strenuous!) la an tiolpale and cluck the ini-nniiug aduiinis Iratioii, It may be well to inform the public that the NVnshliiglnii "l" 1' li- received vtOO.OlKI per annum fruit, I In ....1.11 . . .1... j. i..i .... 1 1..- iiuuiiu irraiiirr, liiai 11 never nan mi nirn lii ll. vflnariMn b..l. ll.st it ,i1.s.,r ssi.l nothing" with discretion or propiicli.ni.il alls, while their strict ills, i!iut k.n-ini -. cannot open its tl'OUtli wilhuut oxpesinc'iUi uulu mi I legulnnU in III,. , iiti isesi Itself. Uikiii tho horoio deeds nfiho i;i ii ..i ii i...,i .. i.,.i. .. .......... . . i.. tleman who went through enormous i plolta in search of fifty cents to pay for one patch Ukui liisbrreches.it is ceiliun ly didactic, eloiient and millslonitii In frowning down uur foreign relnliont s l"!Ti!lT,.W,",lll ".",'""J,n" l",''' "'"' which it Is determined It will not know, it (scrand and truly Impi.ssno. l".tn-iBti relations, Indeed 'new ideas, Mr -nmsi humbug, sir treason lo the paity, u No country in tho world, sir. but ibrso United Hlales Democratic imrlv netei, .,. . i ., , - sir, never knew any thing about foreign raiatlooe." In such dlsoreet laiiguagl II discourso on uravo ininorlaiil nub rJsYsl auoliis the oraar, of tltc fov-s merest of tho Democratic parly. The conductor of the new organ, it given out, is to bo lUvrnn Ti 1. 1 1. -I Virginia The sul,Oiueil s)llrnU "I Inm is taken Ironi tho l.r iVpii-,. mi n spint-. paper published in N'etv Vo-k i s. mi'l. ipalte nirfeyoa "M lleterly Tuikei, Us li.tuie editoi with whom We base the Ikiiihi In In m nuainled. is a soiiih Vu,.,i.i,o full .( .1. . . . . ' n . . lire anu nounens, cut am r I In- pattern o his friend George Sanders who, aseteit one sayi and repeat-., i. the invincible liar. . sT V.uin,. A.... ..! ..1..1 mio sji iriin-r nilli'lKH int, 1 V marks will, his linger generals and -Is I has tiiaikeu him ns n iiarly le.nKr- his '"' I""1 1,road sho lidiis, a eoiuiu.iid mg figure, a brain in proportion i.- In physical advantages, . in I has op, m I lo liim th" gates of smcess What nine could he ask I " Ileverly I ucker is endow. A w,il, ., (.ritual mind, just without hiltrrneiu, clear wilhoiil being tedious, is corn U in his no precialion of men and things , and almte " '"ings Prrcvcnup, net leatiug any '""'K loliaaw, calculating tho thauecs, and not autenturini' ens' tliitnt without il. i " :7"- ' ":..". i ,r sHivvtiiii un wiiii trruiui i nr ftiiinni nn - . - hat tact, uifrtJom, an J a jiourr of nnut which will enablehim lo pvrceiio the i r rors of his adversaries befon liny si, nil llmnseitrs) suspect Ihtiii. II" uiuin. fits. ,.!- f '.I... .1.. I .f .. -. .v,,,,.r, iv fuuru. u, till sfrnsrll With flies iltniidi ,.f lit.. I..s ..- ... iw mini vi inv nn auu mo wisujinoi a Aotemoi well the tu paouiiy oiajosnua, M im such. i gene crnor had rrie.ti dihe,;ii-r n ol h s il ral, loung America will be mtinciblt ,, , i;.,, , o ., r ,. , , ft..i.. i r . i.i i ll1" auim i I ni sur, In an 'oil ni n ,n TJieonly defect with viim.Ii wo can re-, . ' ' proBcli film a defect whMi will, In our Ir" '"" "' ""lh 'iv1 "" 'I'l61"1 epinioii, inn disappear is a mrlaui I, mrnt of I'ost tlnsier at Snlitu. finr rocity of assault, and a uort id timidity in rliciion'- hilul bier o'er" li- snlaers avowing his extreme principles nunifea ' rf w,ih tin l ail reiiJm r-lbi tion tsd by every beginner. I.iku Ins illus ',,. . ,, . . .... , , . ,.:... r ..... ii a i i """ Itepu ,lns is ii ugrataru . tnous lorerunner, Mr. (ten, Sanders, he ' " sees in his political antagonists willing ( "'era'de t tut, men! ,i. w,l. I,-is butsataceawho must bo dispattbed with icpictiug Hit nitrnps of thi Indians in thotemahawk. lie dreams only of scalp the tieuut) nf lln-ne Uiver Thoiiov iiig knives and scalpd.wks, ofrrd ikiimnd ,.rnr ,, ,, ,, ..,( f, ,l,u,ierr. bloody flesh. 'Noiiuarter to Old I ijius, , . , , such Is his motto, li is said ho is o.-c, "' " " '" '""""" " ' ""'"' wl""" ,'v, pisd in tho Invention nf a political guil'o and propenv aie ,i, danger Viw,r tlnu which can cut of ten thousand licudtri" I In r to t it y ili.il llio slau;b!i'r was at a single stroke. Marat wus anilir con In comparison with him. ............ . ... .. .,. ,.K .,..,, a venerablo barber's shop wherein all ihe Usmocrallo wigs aro duly grea.i-d with official psmatum, friahtenc.l nt the np , men, your inferiors purbaps sis ability, but who yield to you nothing in energy ' and devotion. Ilestdes, vou have on your side the negative opposiuou of your oppo nenli, or in other ivonls Iho sotml nml political noncnlilieskiiowuas'OliI logics.' What, with such imliviJu.il ami ussntia. . led elements of success, can withstand you J Then go in and win ! I A I'nuvrr donc.'l And ltl Young Amorici bo 'on hand' to aid you." (ttr Tho (lovernor'a office in this terri tory Is still vacant. co. I,. Curry, Ser. rotary of the territory, is acting in time reason is the grandees don't dare to slim capacity at present. The candidate:,, of ulnie the till, bin by calling In them in thotio among us, most prominent, at lensl the ro,gne 'em file. Oh' no, this is those of whom wo have heard mention, the sent of(,',.verninent sternly S'almii. are Gen. A I,. I.ovejoy, nn eld and well I Yours Truly, JOI1. known riliennf Oregon, nml Mi I'M Geary of Yamhill county. Mr (Jenry! I... been a resident or Oregon some twn year., he i, a man r finished eiluc.lioi, :. . . , , , . high moral worth and nesti-cmei whotev- "... . , . l. i. I..... .... i. ...u ..e .... ...... ii. i or ho Is known tve know of no mors fil person In the democratic ranks far thai station nor one that wo would rather kcr'n,- , ,.nt ruclivo firu hrokoout in Heno. occupying the ijubnrnatonal ehair H.ir ring his polities tv think ho would make an excellent (levornor. N. II. Kinco tlm nboic wan put in l)pn the mall has arrived, and we learn to n certainty that llrrvcl ('apt. Henry W, llalleok has Ikicii npiolnteil (ioicrnor and his appointment confirmed, OCT Head Ahernelhy nnd liu'a neji ad vcrllsement, They nrn reciting n largo ly nt maraeiaiile cnoiisol all kili'l' IViiinli' IMiiriilliiu. I'lie iiiiili'ikiiii'.l I'm .ii esnfihi CI. ii I.. i iiiiti Couiil) I i in. iti hss ihiiiitr) , ure gniti litdtlisl the) i mi "till iiiiniiiiiid this In stitulloii In lliu pnlruiiug" nl llis public The Inn nt I'Miiiuimlii.n, Its-Id Aiigiisl llllli, eiiiiees tho fnilliliilin ss mid sin i ess of tin linrhl'm, Mr ,Mi I'. I. Sim " Ihe) stem to hutii ;iiinil tin hue ami coiih lenee of llie iminl, iitni lid ,. .. , . , ,-'" ""'' '""'"' .'"", VV M'"' I'linsed nli tin irs.lnns- oilli lm h ll e little puis ul su nml ighl W1IM ., ,,., IM, ,(, ,tl, , , i;,, K, l'1'vniid M. Will A. I.I,,,,, lie ll,.- ,,er ' , !'" - "' "", bielmr elas,, , ,, th, III,,, . IK"o in minimi mm i imiuiogi "ire Ingld) i inlilable boll, u ihrmsultio. i, I , ,, ,pn,,rrs , , , ,,,, , . ..,..,,., .. . ,, i io siM-iiv nn wir siiiines inns ii-mi in-it .... . renew e.i in. ;enersi impi n .m mn minds an I t hillsir "ii the iiiiimIm fall li were m, ut, was l,al eur daueblers ,.. i ,,,., . ,.,...h ..:,....;... . i . in'i tin K it wor.i'j- run Wr I ,i. . I i ful llial tlm lint..mi 'II ll.lt-. brllllllll to I, llllU IIHire fully ll idr t '.. Ii. d its louuders, nnd llial n pMiiusss "" i ii. I, nit. I i.m,.iift,l 1,1. k. ii... , ll. .1.1'tl , - . eoniuiiiinlv nnd In tin I'lint-ri e .in 1, 1 1 ntso .- 1.1, .w l,Jl iln- d pailineuis .. ll,., .Seinnuiv nrr I.. . morn ...... . i . .. oeuiinriv s. ti.neu uunng th su, c-e-.-.n ,.j. . rms 'I be primary drpainn. tit will be j, , ,, ,.lr of ,.,., ,, , ,. s u"- '"r,,-lf "'"" '" " I.. I. I... i lliu .. i: u , II k'-. 1 V'lgllst I I hi. ii. II Ill, s, .,1 ,, ,,., -l , S, ul'. n., nl i, as .,ni. i i I II sh ,n, r. ioiisI linn the svii-t ntPs s.,n,i. i xrilrnitMit cnuM-l bv utu hiiU, llm t. 'lltt n'lo if tltik low !'mi ilir il up fn ihr bottom. Tu U ut U- nl! tt pp. t h.ilterin thru - ,li for t ir ps4L' ( a ' i 'n 1 fthrn it is HillO IH 9i that th- -ll' t uM.t.ilfi ! ,.iir jmJ -li.-t iiiir'l i.iii . li,r,i.t hi (.iui , unl Iiii.iI! tin hot,, ful i.indi liii r,ni.it still going -. lit no It ssts Joli'e 's'L,,, ner is nm ii" inr In of kilhd. Uhthti ( . "" '" k'"' "r '""" ' I '" "" ""' " '" imntisis ni tort near Hut fio, what ,, ,, !,, ih ni.pears t,iy ,. - mle is rls.- Should the ulP ,,., pmo lru ,. nmy lfwk ,;,r ,, , ... . , H' t.Tt..inti..n ol ihe. nine ,... ,,d "" ' " 'n oni. mo . upon tbe iiiiiuigrnlioi. on tho elhnr side of ,0 mountains, timl grant this tnisfur. tune inny bn alerted. Trade in tins town is tery dull, and every thing appiars dried up but I'hync The) inn out-do the sober minded people of the " Crock" in Inineis. 'I hoy never etcu hate a sliect rietlotnlk nter. Tha .S.ilrm, Aug v!l, IKi3, .,,,.,, '', J" '" "'Ur ''V '."?" r" "0I" "-'X l' ,U"r "'J 1f. tal.fcriila for a re Miction. t m, Waldo is the whig ... . t, ,i . . . i .. i candidate. Ilolli parlies have iiii.do ihe r state and county nominations. ma,Cal nu llm l'lli inst,, which deatroy. cd lislf tin-(own. I.ossrsllmatiil al 900, llllll. It firM bmko out in tho Irving House, Oil Attention is directed to nn article on tho first page, which was abridged rv prcsnly for Ibis paper Irom Illockw"'" .Magazine. 07" The rrpiiirnoiiiliettin.ninhbnil rrB ate actively prngrossi-sj. l'lit He iv Itoiitl I.IIW. M.inv d .nir iinili-is jarn)iuaciiinliiie'il ui'li ll,f nun inliiiriils In the Hnud I.1W, pit hi -I lln Insl leeislnliirn. As it Is a mull, i lint i . .in-Kin. n gri at iinijerily of mil lend, is iimIipio insert it for Ihslr III !i iti.s i'sii It 11111 inis fioni lius that a prts ii . niiinr M. 'ill, llllll Hoitli of pioper u is m for l.'il ,l.i v -, ss or U ( ounlinn ,..i, h d.i s mn. si I i.rr iUv it woulil iiiinmir in mio rr In Ulllll . i. ihj j. iirnnrv (o nn .tt rnlitlr In l.i im imi. ,i,n llighmiyi,' ,..,, ,,., ,. i;.,.rr.fl.,l,rr. V rii.iri; I .! ;. .' rir Vannttl I'tb I nmrv 7 l-.'il , Si, n,..l II, ,i .n.tctnl I'Vthr IsfiUtit ,'", "M 'Jj' T,rr,Up rW, , I hat inueli ..f ih act refened loas re. ,,,,, ,,, mi,,,,,,, nl viewers and i,t,rHersiii i the eleventh sri lion Is herebv ' ispenl, J Si I'hsi the esprnsos li newiag mid r lewinu ! sit minis mads hrrcal 11, si il, eiprnses Im n.wiag n;; "I illimliiU in sds hrrcal unl I.. i sl',1 ilinll be ut the us . . -. , , , in l.ini oui uml .. inl ilmll be ut the us , nf Ihi-I'lliliuni rs pi liliouing lor the .uiue ' Sio I This in I In tnki. llectaud be H 'fur' - i'fr rout nn I iiflei its inssse . . i 'ii;. I'irnliri M mi .Id tnlitlti I I lil(rAnln lf iluliriiif Kuptrtl- mn, ji.it, f I i'i hnmri l-'rhrtiiirg, H3, I lit il tiuKlt'l on Iht iJgtiliilira i'.'v i i'i Trrnlurn tf trrgtm,ThH .. all lu.ilt-1" i sons brlitieu the ages 6f Iwen. "iio and fiftv )rnrs lio have resided limn ds hi lius I'eriitnty, and who are n't ooiintv ur township ihnigr, or Other- '.... I... -I..II 1... I..I.I. .....I.. ist , .i-,ii i,s ,tn , si, im imuii- c.MJ In do si,. I pi rlorrn una dat ' work on the I nl. In- muds, und.r I bo direclmu of the supeMisor will, hi whose distnut lliey may n f lllelt Irslde. Si. - 'Ibul eni n unJ iteiy person slnill li Iisi- wmlv io pi Msirni one aa hlionsl da a W"ik Im eter) tlitmsei I litis woitli f latnble prnpurty isessr.l li tin- assrsv.r of ilo.r rvspective ntiuiiri nnniullt . -i .1 'I In (iisi stclioii uf lliosei re 'mil I .ii lius ,iil , hereby lei I'bisait '.u tukn ell. i ' nnd hj in fctca I o, in I nil' r its passig. W w, re highly intilied al the tgi, -y-j I ii, iniinwiiig, wiiieh liinl In IknSt, Inn. i Itepubliuin of In i . y) It Isgmj ss i ol jii.tue lung delated, and tine Vij II, .i! wr t ,k oeensiou j sjsonk nf srvenll t .us ljO M-msi,s. ., s.Mi..,lj,s lllielsj-,. .... .! ,... I . . I... . ... .... I. ..- l,r ., MN,,! ,-J. I,,,,. . M.,IM.tl,l IflsjM ,,, ui n i. i, 1.1 1 1 ill, in. ,nF, 1 1 Hrnst'.r lsiu I I mi Ii unl ir.l .) III. Ml, It i.r Mims ' il, , I lillidt.' ny.iii,ii,i.iit rImiM bsrrtrttsl loM ,, lliol) , III t '., nf l,,ailu.s An. hw OsSs, I ti tttii. ni,) ill III. ftssi.rt Shd etsWi I t(. s l... I I.. 4l Isk.'S, I. ll,J ss-iiJtau,. I ll, lilt llttltr luWI, li ttrvr n l.l s-tsontl flinsl. Ml I'liltt.. t-sl. . , ln s.j...m4.ijr .'..Nltlril . Mjp, I.ll.ll 111 IM l,, Ml,,. , (H- ,I.HIU,.,1 Will M I) Ir.l in l.r i;lil slut ,il,irli IYt si lh. ll m h. I. I.i, i.f Mi liriirvtr i ttlUr.aiii Ih- Imi.-I.i.I l.mt lh. tint i.i 11,1,4. i TI,, , ..ii. milr !. ,r llir luwii, si n .s,,( ktvovii s, ti. it..!, ,i, s inuii i-i..tr. sw.ii tin r..i Ihr U.I i.i (h. lisrr . f in a MC- knoll o ll. ve unl V. tl.lhl. til llllll) lull,, slbbliil T,r t.i w In I r l.ls.lrtl mil n( ll. Milnl ts k.anrl mw nus, l.r nl tn si tr will I. hlli.ts.iH I) rititiM,.,! I. Mini,', i oliimn. nnj s rl.tu, fmr. (i i'l In V nduesdny moiniug last the si, iiinirs "I'i nn" and "Oregon" came dlision a ftw miles below Ilutevllle I he i hegmi j. mpledtn tssiho"enia ,al ,i... , JnVor. (a tiurit of nhalrt , I ,.,,. . ,., ,,... ,....., ... ..., ... j .,--...- ,.. hut '. Me freisht in vast ighl andnotk n room lire of rent for three years, a will furnish laiardiug fer tho luaolmr ' snmo Itugth of llmr Miis llla:kley llm Inn hnr .it pre-ienl IrVTbe imports for the mouth of Me j. at New York, show an increase of Ml p-, cent over Ma) of last year. Inrelalii, to the impett of Dry fitful, Ihe JoifVn' of Coiuuieiei- remarks "Tlm impnrls ol dr) goods continue Inrge, and uiilvss tho doiiiaud for foreign . Isrgn fabrics should gn ally incraase, soma eCi jju, the importers will find the balance uf prB. ', Hj r fit and loii at tho close of tlm year on thaVsm , shady side of tho Ledger." J " Ami. tin an Itsii.iuiAii Ibum, From a well authenticated stslemcnl, says the) llsnkor s uiiCMin,, wo tesrn wal wa morlcsn railroad iron, manufactured from American pig, is In uallty superior by almost II tn I, to the Imported article. The following Is the lost furr-thed by tha engineers of the Heading ri1reed a route heitor calculated than any other in tha United States, tn Irv""' l-wiiiy iron rails- Aiiiiusl wrsmf !:' I'"1' f l-IOpcrcsal." Ai.nunl went ..f wHfan iron - 14-10 " DifTersncel' ("0' of Ameriesn 9 MO On Hies principally for the conveyance 0 ssotigers, Iho wear is not an great, ...M.tfinltv. till, JIlTkrnnAa tn fmttm .f lsi.v'i., ... , .. .......i.vw ... .w.v. w. American is less j out the average dlspar. ity is about S lo I In ihe wesr,beln the iliffiirriicfl in coal for repairs. Tha Low. moor Iron, tihlcli Hsnds highest In Ihe ea-j limstioti i.r our rnnroau msnigsrs, is ft inferior in tenni ity to ndlnary America iron in use. jest s Lssaal. -. Kr ; MS p. j I.. V) on m. fn SSBsl IS lie as VS rV I .9 " Y x Wg m arrl if? It