Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, January 27, 1852, Image 3

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    wx'lffim'V't'- '"
Mar.'. .
uwiv j it i -fur ' ' ; ' ?'JW ;
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per cnl. over ilia Ilk reoelpe fur tho pre
vt din year.
Thrtliiollonof postage, ilmlorllio Aot
of March lot, did nol take affect until dm
commencement ! the nrsasnt fiscal year.
flie account for tha first quarter, under
the operation of the reduced rate,' will
not bo Mttltd before January next and
no tellable estimate of the receipts for ihe
preaent year oan yet b mad. Ii la b.
lieved, however, Ibai I bay will fall far
enen 01 inoaa or ID lart yaar. 'ilia eur
plu ol lb revenue now on hand la, bow.
ever.ee large that no further apnroprla.
Iloa fiom the treasury. In aid eflhe ravo.
nuaa of lb Department, la required for
tha currant fiscal year.
In hla last annua) r port tha Poatmaeter
General racoinmanded a reduolloo ol pot.
taga to ralaa which ha deemed aa law aa
oould bo prudently adapted, unloie Con.
Ke waa prepared I appropriate Tram
traaaury, far the aupport of the De.
parlmant, a aum mora than equivalent to
the mall aervloee aarformed bv It for tha
Government. Tha reoemmendallena of
lb Peetmaater General. In respect to let.
ter postage, eioepl ou lellara from and lo
California and Oregon, war tubetantlall)
adopted by the laet Cong raaa. Ha now
reoommeade adharanoa to lb present let.
tar rata, and ndvlte aaalaat further
yeduottoa ualll justified by the reraaue
of lb Department.
II alaa recommend that lha rale af
ncetate n printed mailer be ao revised aa
to render them mora almpl, and more
umiortn in ineir operauoa upon an ciaiaei
of printed matter. I eubmit tha reoom
rnmalloa of the report lo your favorable
Th publio atatutee of the Unite) Slalea
have new been accumulating for more
than elxly year, and, interiporaed with
private acta, areecatieroii through numer.
oue votumea, and, from tha coet of the
whole, bar become almost Inacceullila
lo tha great dim of tha community.
They aleo exhibit i.iuch of the Incongruity
and Imperfection ol haety leglilallon. Aa
it aaema to be generally oonceoed that
tnero la no "ouiiirrcn law" or the United
Rule lo auppty the defeat! of their legle.
latlon. It It nunt Important that that lecia-
lallon ahould U at -perfect aa possible,
aeoning every power fairnriod tab a.
ferred, every crime Intendod to.be ra.do
puulshaUe, and preacriblni! lha punlih-
men! to be Inflicted. In addition to aume
particular eeeea apoken of more at length,
in wiioie criminal cod la lamentably
aictlve, Bome oneiiaet are Imperfectly
detenbed, and other are entirely aralited
"to thai flagrant crtmea may b com.
rattle) with Impunity. Tb acal of nun
iahment la not In all raate graduated
acoording lo the degree and nature of lb
(Ten, and It le often rendered mora un
equal by the different modea f punishment
or penitentiary connnemeni, in the dinar,
rnt Stale.
Many lawe of a permanent oharacter
have been introduced Into appropriation
Wile, aad.it la An difficult t determine
whether the particular clauta expire with
lb temporary act of whioh it la a part, or
cootinuae in tore, ll baa alio rrequenliy
happened thai enactmenta and precisions
of law have been Introduced Into bill,
with the tide or general eubject of which
they hare little or. no omneclion or rela
tion. In ibia mod of le glilatKn ao many
enactment have been hesphveti each
other, and ollen but with little considera
tion, that in many imtancea it la difficult
lo'aearch out and determine what la the
Tho Government of tio United Stalea I
emphatically a covernmenl of written
law. Tha alatutee ahluld, therefore, aa
lar aa practicable, not only be made ao
orsslbl lo all, but be expressed in lan
guage ea plain and simple a to be under
stood by all, and arranged in uoh method
aa to give pertplcully to every eubject.
Many of the Stelae have revlaad their
public acla with great and manifest bene
fit ; and I recommend that provision be
made by law for tho' appointment ol a
commlitlsn lo revlaa tho publio atatulea
of the United Stales, arranging them la
order, eunplylng deficiencies, correcting
incongruities, aimpiuying innr language,
and reporting them I Congreaa for it
action. I
An net of CengroesJanprovoil 30th Sept.,
1850, contained a prvislon fur tbo exten-
aion of the Capitol, efcoordinjr to auch plan
u might be approved by the President,
and appropriated viuo.uou to n expend,
ed under ala direction, by euch architect,
a h ahutd appoint to exeout (lie earn.
I concluded 14 make the addition by wing,
detached frwn lb praent building, yet
conneeled with It by oorridor. To carry
thta plan Into elect I have aanolnted an
experienced and oomxtont arotiileot. Tha
corner aton waa laid on tho 4lb day of
July laat, wjik auiiauie oeremoniee, ainoe
whloh lima lha work baa advaaced with
commendable rapidity, and lha found,
tione of both wing are now nearly com
plete. ' 4
I aaain oommend to your favorable re-
ard lha lolaraal of the Dlatrlot ofCoium.
ila. and deem it only neoeeeary to remind
you, that although tie Inhabitant have no
volot In the oholoe of rapreeentatlvae In
Congreaa, tha are net Iheleea entitled to
a juat aad.llbaral oonaldaratlou In your
raglalatlea. My opinion on the aubjeot
wre,rare fully expraaaad, In my laat an
nual oommuaicatlon.
Other aubjeota war brought to tho at
tentlea of Congreaa In my laat annua)
maaaaga, tb wnloa 1 would reapeolfully
refer. But there waa one of mere than
ordinary loterrt,to whloh I again invite
yur'pole ttwtlon. I alluda tojtba
reaaramendatlen far tb appointment Jrn
oommlaaUn to aattle private elaim agalnat
tha Uallad State.
It hi deeply to be regretted that in eove-
ra) laataaoaa onVera of tha Govaromenl,
In a(tamptlag I xout tha law tat tha
return of fuiUlvea from lakor, hav baan
oftniy raatwai, q tnetraaierta nmatraiM
add defeated by lawleaa'abd'vlolenl'moba
mat in one caaoauon reaiaianoa reauiiao
In Ihe death of an etllmabta chlren, and
Inotliera aerlou Injury emued lo thaaa
officer and lo Individual wbowero ualng
liiai r endeavor lo utain ina law, rre
aeoutlene have been Inetllujed agalnat Ibo
alleged offender, aa far aa they oould b
IdinilDed, and are atlll pendlni. I hava
regarded it aa mv duly In thaaa caaee, lo
giva all aid legally in my power to the
enforcement of tb law, and I ahall eon-
tlau to. do ao wherever and whenever
thalr axMUlioo may b reeltted.
Tha aot af Congreaa for1 the return of
rugiuvee irom labor i one required and
demanded by the axpreaa word of the
Th oonatltullen declare 'That no
" paraon held to aervloa r labor In one
"elate, under the lawa thereof, oalnjr
Into another, ahall, In oenoequeno of
"any law or regulation therein, be die
"charged from auch aervlaa or labor, but
" ehairbe delivered up on claim of lb
'party to whom aucn oorvloe or labor
11 may be due." Thle oonatllutlonal pro-
vlalon I equally tobllgatery upon the
Loilalatlv. tb Executive, and Judicial
Departmenteef theGvernmal,and upon
ovary ciiimmi oi in uoiim main.
Cngra,)a)owever. jnuat, from neca
ally, flrat act upa lb aubjeet, by pr
ecnblna'lhe nrooeedlnre neceaeary to a.
eviiain Ifiai nm pvr-,, iti luejlllTV, MU
the meana la bo uaed for hie rtoralloa to
a..lB !.. -La kaab&a l a f.Mltl AJ
lha clalmaal. Thle waa dona by an act
paeaed dnriog lb firat larm f Preeident
Waahlngton, whloh wee emended by that
enaotod by lha last Cotigreee, and It now
remalna lor lb Hxtuutlv and Judlelal
Departmnta lo lake care that theea lawe
be niiriiiiiiy oxecuted. I hi injunction
of the CanMllutlen I aa peremptory and
a binding a any other It atanda exactly
on Ihe aame' foundation aa that olauaa
which pravldea for tho return of fugitlvee
from turtle, or that which decleree that
no bill of attainder or u pott fatla, law
aheuld be paaaed, ar thai which provide
lur an equality oi laxaii'm, according io
lb nua, or lb clauae declaring that all
dutlea ahall bo uniform throughout tha U.
Stale, or Ihe important provliion that Ibo
trial of all crlmea thai! U by jury. The
averal article and clauta of lb Cbnali
lullon, all ratlins on the name authority,
mutt ttand or fall leaolh!7'"Ciiw obio-
liana have been urged eyalntt thadetalla
or in act lei tue return ft rugiuvee rratn
labor) but I worthy af remark that tba
main oppoaitlon I aimed agairuri the Con-
atltutlon itaeir, and procade from pereona
and olaaaea of aarann. maav of wbc-n
declare their wlh lo that Conalllullon
overturned. Tbey avow their bettillly lo
any law wblob ahall giva full and praoti.
eai effect la tble requirement af tha Can.
etitutlen. Portuuately, tba nnmbar af
thee paraon I comparatively email,
I belUvaT ta be daily dlmlalablag, but
tha itaue which they present I aa which
iovalva th upremaoy aad even tba ex
latonea of tba C6otltullon:
Caaee hava haretoaare arin In which
Individual hafe denied tha blading an
thorltr of acta of Conioeee. aad avan
State hava proposed to nullify each aata.
upon lha ground lhal the Ceoatitutien waa
ina auprem law oi ma ianu, and mat
thoee act of Congreaa were repugnant to
that Instrument ( Tt nullllioaiion la now
aimeid, nt a much again! particular
tawe as ueing incoosisttai wun taa uon
stltutloo, a agaiiMiaaCanatiiulloa llaelfj
and it la not to b) disguised that a'eplrii
exltte and ha been actively al work lo
rend aaundar thla Union, which la aur
oherished Inheritance from our revolution
In any laat annual maaaaga (alated lhal
i eomidared the series or measures wMah
had been adopted al tha prevloue eeeaioa.
in refarence to Ihe aitiution arawiaw out
of tho territorial and Slavery aueetlee, aa
a nnai aattiameni in principle ana aub
lance of Ibo daruieroue and excitina aub'
jecla which they embraced ; and I recom
mend adherence lo the adjustment ealab
llihed by those measures, until time and
experience should demonalata the neooa
ally of further leolstatien loauard aralnat
evasion or abuse. I waa not Induced to
make thia recommendation because I
thought Iboao mcaiurea perfect, for no
human legislation can bo perfect. Wide
dilereacK: 2nd jarring eplnlone can only
ba reconciled byyielding eomelhlng on
all aldea, and this result haa been reached
after an angry conflict of many mantha in
which one part of the country waa array
cd against another, ami violent convulsion
seemed to be Imminent. Looklac al lha
interest of the) whole country, I fell it to
ba my duly lo aelxe upon thla Compro
mise ae lha best that' could be obtained
amid .ooaftlctlng Interest, and to Inaiat
upon it aa a final aetllement' to bo ad.
he rod to by all who value the peace and
welfare of Ihe country. A vear haa now
elapsed alnoa thalTecommendalion waa
made. To that recommendation I atlll
adhere, and I congratulate you and Ihe
country upan lha general acquleeoonoa in
these measure of peaoe, whioh haa aeon
exhibited In all parte of tba Republic
And not only la there thla general ao
quleeoeno In theae measures, but tha
spirit orconoiitaiioa'wiiioo naa bean maaw
fested In regard lo them In all parte of tb
country, ha removed doubt' and unoar
talnilaa la lha minds of thousands of good
men oonoernlag lha durability af our
papular iDetllutlone, and glvan renewed
asturanoa that bur. Liberty nd ouaJUnlon
may aubalet together tor I lie benlt afihl
and all aueceeJIng genratln.
WotUnglon, JkermUr, 1801,
RaaiD Dakxd it Stun. Tha Ply.
mouth papera contain an account oft new
mat bod of baklna bread, whioh ia la oaara.
tkin at Stonebouee, under th paient af
Mr. Le. Tha bread it baked by ptaam
and ia pranouaod lobe excellent, and eu
parlor lo thai bakad an lha eld prlaelpla.
&xton Spectator.
JTM laT)lWiaVMN3KaKMnaMa0l3ajt3tafl
tmUy, JiMwvjV. INS.
,C P.aailror, Anttimt KeHt.
OtrTbe mesuga of Presidaat Far-
Moan, published In full In to-day'a paper,
win, wa trust, be attentively para ay
every eitixtn of our territory. A meaeag
from the Prldat of tb Uoitad.Sutea U
al all times a document of universal la
tercet 1 and alwaya command very gene
ra! perusal. On account of tba aacitiag
loplca lhal have been under dieeaaslea In
lha StaUa alnca lha adjaurenatat afjha
laat Congreaa, and tbadlaeaaalona and dH
culllee thai hava occurred ; not only by
tho reelstance 00 often ahawn to lha an.
forcemeat of oertala of lha lawa of lha
land, but by lha orgaaiaatioa of military
forces In the bean of our country, to ba
uaed agalnat a foreign power contrary lo,
law, aad treaty stipulation j a4 tha
0Mrapurtu4byiMrraatir4HaMjditM W Qnaaa ObarllVa Maad,
ta all these "diflioulile, thla maaaaga wa
ballave w risk nathlag a aaylng, waa
looked for with mere anxUrty ana) uaivar-
aal lalereet, than, any .aimllar pradnaalon
ferntany yaar. Tba oaiform tmm
puraaed by. tha praidnl In oarryiag ant
tba law, aa found upon tha atatuta
, regardless of tha unprincipled eoav
blnitioa of adverse faoilona, r of tba
etreagihenlng ar weakening af party Ila,
cannot fail lo receive iba hearty and
willing oommendaileo of all true lovaro
of their country. Tbo. maaaaga ia long,
but tba faota contained in It are numaroua,
and tba reommni!ation brief, and le
lha point. It touobaa upon a treat variety
of toplee, mora than any meaaaga within
our recollection ; and la mora free from
partisan allusions. ThaUngthoflhe mco.
age I not caused by tba elaborate petti-
foglngof any favorite measure but from
th multiplicity of aubjects contained in
it, all belag touobed briefly, and without
any unaioaaaary ward. Tba notice
taken in tba maaaaga af tba Mvaat develop-
of tb interact of ibe Uallad Statae
on tbla coast, "inlCallfcrala and Oragan,"
win cvutiuot sifi vr wiine iw Biinvvgn
akualad re mate froen lha aeal of tha ga-
oeral gava'nmeat, tha iaaaartaaoa of ear
weauwaa la rutty ipprislatid, and that
aur wanla will aot t a evarleeked. Free
k BaPl lnn mt ka -- - Util","w,,""," """- " imiHlllinBI
thai, ihto nwaeag haa ba. neeiyad vwjfc. J?.e?u".T- '?.?' "" "
mare gorel favor In th kat, than
,L B..4-. ftk.--
any prcdiagMrr many yre. ItlaH
ia aur eatimaUea, aaaiaaatly deaarring of
a Ilka recaption hare, aad wa caaldently
aatlelpate that it will ba approved by
aaarly all of our cilia), without refer.
eaoe la party or ereed. It I ooenpreaea
tiva In ila notic of fact and meaaura,
dignified lo Jta lone, frea froen partisan
appeal, aad prove conclusively, by,the
ganeral tenor af it recommeadatiaaa, an
anxiau deaire on tba part of Praahlant
Puuioaa to aerva tha wbala country
aad a iba paopla of thla great and grew
lng nation. .
Arroiu, O. T., Jan. 1 1, '83.
Mtaaa. EoiToxa: The achooner "Ma.
IhewVaaaer" Is Just in,9Adayafrern San
Pranahc9. . SSlia waa abort of prevision
and aalrr experienced heavy galea and
loat eom of her aailh- Tba bark "Ooeaa
Bird,"Capl. RobartaVarrived 37 day
from San Francisco. VfJM Vanenxusla,
in ort. One vassal la at Baker a bay,
and auotbor 06" Ihe bar Ibia afternoon.
Dark Trenton tailed frem CaliforalaDee.
tfllh aot beard from. Youra, D.
Otrll will b oen by reference lo the
advertleoment of W. P. DouND,ef Mil
wauke, lhal there ie no longer any ex
cuae for idleneaa. Ho advertise In le.
day 'a paper for 100 labereraj Give him
a call. Mr. Doland haa ether advertiee.;
mania lu our paper to wWch wa would call
tha attention of lha public. Read ihim.
OCT The Legislature ol California haa
adjourned frem Vellejo te Sacramento
city, where It latupaeeed Iba prevent
Ion will be bolden. The reaaon of the
adjournment, aa wa learn from our aa
ahaagaa, waa the want of aaitabl apart,
mania belag furnished at the fcrraer place.
gT A tonra aaatbtrof esaaaaiilnsllias bare ae-
cnmoUted apsnear U4,wklcb wtanuatUsts
oUtabladutN. Oar oieissitaJinit wM jajms
axaaae the delay. Tbey wig baatlaads) tela ear
Blt .
KT The Queen of Spain haa liberated
twenty Briitoh subjeou akn la tha Lop
OCrThe Canamah breught dewn, en
Saturday last, 9000 buaheto af.graia aad
abaVdO peangr, j?r.-?ZjL$J
The widow of aaral Lopaa la aaddJ
Pari, Hne baa bn pralad naaa
burband tot many year. V
:'&'!: 'Art.xvVzim
Cap) rfdsMaej , m Vmm
Inforraatloa baa rea)lvd by Go.
Oalaaa, from Olyraada,atM awwnpt bay.
lag reeaatly been jnaaa by lha Cap Plat-
lary trlbo of Indiana to murder tha pa
aengora aad crew of a yeeeel belonging lo
Iba II. B. Company, whloh waa trandd
on that coaat on th 96th af Deeembar
lui. Wa are furalabad whk da fellow,
lng extract free) jba ,Umr-l'mtfHt
OtTMru, Jn; 7ib, I6M.
"1 am informed by taa aaaaaaaara and
oftleera a lira achaener "aaa A wbUh
haa juat aaobered at thla port,1 thai an tha
Miliar December, wbHe eaTCapa Plat.
Ury, Ibey winrvd Ila reaMag and burn,
tog aflha II. B. Cat brlaaAa "Una,"
ay taa waae Mattatv irtM at Indiana.
The.veooel. It seeaa. waa atrwdad on lha
96th of Deo., and lha 7aaaaejere (amang
them thraa ladiaa) with Itaair bajunum
eent aahore. when thy were ImnaaaffataTy
baaet by lb aavagea, who mad at atteaapt
tormireWthein.bwidldajoleaaoiii'. Tba
paeaangan Sat, leavlag an ifeatr bagjaga.
'f'kAW mime ! kw "-'-- JS1 I
aad breaabi baafc ta.Tietarta. , '
There are nearly three .Madrid In
dia warHatnin latl taaTiavaad-wb
IflCWvawViT wUt gaV PJa0BnV 4 aVlB'P'gf UHt
aUaBBBatnaL vbbTbLp akg1egdgfaeyek gaA H AgeTeat. dBaLeaf
wham all iaaW awtb ia)erieaa anej
.fer th aafcly of ear
IWH UHS lwanWj MaWWaw Ww 19
vaetlaated and Ibeae laTajadiw abaatled.
la thai vlclalty there are large Utbaa wbe
ere in treat ooefuaion. Tay are only
detarrad fro joining In n arel, out
break, by fear of aualahmaflt. and I nd
not atate want th reaalt wM be if thia
matter ia allowed to paaa aaaetlaad. There
ia much exdutsaewt aaaalfaatad bare, and
we feel auretlvM nnaaf. vTbl part af
in eeuatry J almost drained or tu aula
population, by lb expedition' whioh baa
lately volunteered le ge to Qneea Char,
lotto 'a Isla,'. on account of the dleaater
that, haa occurred there. The Iodkaa
know true, and Uay alaa know that nearly
all Iba aoldiere nay gana, wbe went our
greeteet aouroo of aafety, aad thalr treat
eat dread."
The above aoooanl of the ejneefe akwa
lion of the iababitaaaa hi that quarter, ia
but anetber proof of aba great errer
raKtaa waen laeireepa were raoneaua ia
be.wjihdra.wn frea thla Territory. Oar
Iroatiereare nowleOjapwaetad,andthe
iabahUaata eoaapsltod to. lea their in
daatrlal paraatta, ta order to beat back tha
large tribe of Iadkne by which they are
-w. " '.'? T"."." "
aaa 1 ciliary
toy, lrem th peeal praearioua altuation
of our border aettlemeets.
, ' '
OttooM Citr, Jan. S3, "og.
BattoM S acTAToa GirmexiK t
Having eeeo in your paper ofithe 90th
laat, aeemMMlcatiea from the Regae
River country, charging n Mr.) worthing.
ton Billa with IneUtog the Indiana to aata
ol heetility egainat the whltea, aad nan
taialag other aartoue cbargee agalnat lha
same prn, I tu lakes by Mrpri, and
I have known Mr. Werthlngton BilL
for aaaaa Mm, atae.w him W the Riga
River cMBtry, on Rogu River, end never
beard or auppeaed from hla geaetel ober.
aeter, thai any auch offence oould be per
pttratad by him; and my object la ad
dreaaingyou at tbUlhoe, from thta plaoa,
rather than from my home at Tualily
Plain, to lo testify, a far a my aoquain
taaoe aa above to ceaoerned, to hi unex.
ceptlonal good character and alaa that
te my knowledge, ba uaed hla beet effart.
upan every oooaaion, to preeerve peaceable
relatione between the .white and Indiana.
And at the rental dUBculty there between
the Indiana and eom Banana engaged In
driving hog to the mieea, la wblah on
whit roan, Mr. Moffhtr, and aa Indian
I ware killed, and another whit nana waned
ed, to my knowledge air, Worthiagtea
Bllla waa one of the moat active aad in
fluential In endeavoring to allay feeling,
and prevent d.aturbanee and bloedahad.
A.ronxaeT. .
Far lb gfictalar.
Otyxru. Jan. Iat-,1B9S.'
Miaaaa. Bditob: Thatfeheeaer
Dtmtreooov," Capt, Balah, taUed eai
lh91t. af laM raMlh.'freaa'Cape Ptot.
tery, bound-ta Queen Charlett lalaad,
Ibr Ihe purpeee of reaaulag the paaaangara
aad orew of Iba aleepfKiea, Anna," wMah
about tU 19th ef Nay. Uet,
The H.SiCe'a.'hrlg Uaa; waa
wreckar" la Naah Bay, near Cpa Flat,
tery, M the 9Uj of Dee. She dragged
hraaehrtoagalablowlagrBntha 8.
w. .eWM.bwwtfntbe laUleat., by
lha -Cap PktteirffceawW wbe ' a
, T1Jajn W'arew.ef An
!"!.-' '."-''Jj
.The aatMa tVeea 1
Celnijibla, laejnhen aMa.nfipniar
dayCaer. Wa-ar'JtdW aMaJ
nawaii u or, waaraea tor uw aaj
- '.it - -A - - ' -lm.W!":1- .
tavaaeoflUaiR ft
from Fanama, naablag ah raaj: to mm
Vaaaaa9BaalMi la BklaMValdBj aAa9aa ffsjBjgV1 SJH BnanianBBl
ev fwWtjB9JB IBJ VaWTtJII dPaV, JVTVja
ibo qaic4id trip bvby read. AeleVrVe
the Meaaaga of lha PreaUent 'and the
ergaalaerlaa af bath tanaaa ef Cengreea,
the new la net ieBeortejt Bee). mIbbj
atoya, ar By., waa ateten apaajajeyev tna
Hian ef Repreeahtailyaa 1 John w.Per
ny, of Pa., Clerk Adam J. Olaaat'rin.
aer, of Pa., Sfgaan al-Armai Q.-lfi
MeKaew, of D. C, Deer-Kaeper, and I
WMLiai' f P fAbs9aBnabaajda ghjBbg4s
wfWM9J9Jan V4n B9tWW9mT fJIWWUf
OOWf lrott$, MMHatawftfyVp faWaMNIjr ejfj)tdjfj
Geyerner ef that atate, reeiga Ida aata tai
Vm fBagaaUga --"- emWadta 'Hi BalnMnaMBj
6OTJ aaavWBMlej MMlWWfaMV fjajaajiK ajgppy TJaVBlaw)
raanan, to anrnnti the Oakimaia'rta) Cniar
af thai State. He wa oleetod by aba
Ualoa early. Kaiialh arrived at K
Verk en Friday, the 6th Da, aniaa
reoeIvd vrith great atbnafaam by
aeepla. Me name fat the eteemer Hna
beldt. Jeha Trehe; eeartoled tjt
uvmm agniaet tba goveraaaat of Ceba),
baaaMaaentaaSaaia. HaaaJladtoaiaj
Havaaa ai.ab 94th of Nay.. The Ik-
iW,ef Dan. 9th, eayat "Mr.Clnyaaa)
MvaeBJUaaaa. A great deal ef anxiety
Key.'MfcAtiiaaaa.sf OianCty,wllear
MrJN bmB) VeVaTfPatSf9)9 VrjfMJ'J'B M law aww feWawVB
mBMiraaha, Teaacay evalt, Fab. Id. A
.free. R. Dleeveretarn.
Cbarcb wMaabaMlaaaeCaaat-Hima ev 17 Hw
aUasasv at 10 1 A. M, aad 4, T, :M.
"-- -.--- f-g ,4 ta Mr.
Qiseaa CMy, Jan. K. 'aaVat
mtt Una) baai Urn TwMahal, is
... ...... ..... -. -.
OwCARJ.' CatU.
Orsga City, Jea. te,IHw. .
Uwahe,hT, Jan: 97, laVt
M. saMlaaiarlilaaatiae
Bad ay eta to Jaetaa
sMaataa haa ssh
IMsrjssIha eMaaasratsm ef eaM a
tfaiaWl sates theaaaatai
waa ewa. bat aWr gmm a
m aasaa aiasisi
1 BBHNiass1id eeJBNlJkday af
'. and tam ,'aea
waaaaaals-ilahin sasai
biCHt s:
VgntKEWXlXwel asset the ream afthie
XfJl Cy to tb OsamMlsaBl Chanh aa Be.
aaday anemaaBaaxi at 8 e'daak , tba msss
af wiulilat aJavsa SaattenaJ. AS
7e;&Eleneteealeaefl aad s wha
denes unam as aBM ate msisiia maw.
Oa thaeveaJaari BV eaere eto at', In aba
aaassBlac. Mr. N.wB rBjaalaa hie aeast ehea
UdlMgia1iwiawlawMl'tlsam teaag
r.Mstatfbina Ma
(teaO, O. T, en the 7 day ef Jaa.
AiVllmIttoaB), TJ
ttota wbHaaMtkesaded anabaMf aMsr.
Ybeewae hysnaaledts aaafaatsaarty: aaycMr.
adtahsktaiaway. jown.HUNT.
WOOO Otomu .waa! to weak by
as day r Bhaeeie. Aba, -
a ... .. i . -i.-aiir-1 -v- . ik.
dfW-BbarlMrlrtrt,labe rear of
UTtUtotskTStoar Oe. Aaaeataby . Co,
fUOmct athsisby glraa abet abe 11 parani
iilp eaaswl ad astasia Be aslatx.il
aadBsan M. CtaaB.eaatalat4aaef Naaaey
IHI.aaabBVa aaaaa, aVaiaai aMa'af teas,
lalnilgi I ha
fieaa aSw aBaai la bar ewa aaaaa aad
epaasJsawaaassaat. wafA10I1(t
Ovsfsa Cny, Jan. 99, MoY
aaaaa r uaa
wssaataageaaanryaw aaaw aw
atoaawejnaai. m,mmMth
aarVaBBsiBBvarv aFeaNPJSaBl ajPejBBVW9i1S9JBBB
"'--'-'' . alsatoawihV9Mg9lH
aiv MS3SR
. if, -TV-fS'i jly K TBnsannnnnjBBnBj
j. : . -.Kh.)-jN09WaaeVtvw' 9mmjmBA
V Km. II. WeWaaaV W t-V. IkTilHBfHkfai
1 1, hi ii ij n ..' g 1 ',,. 1 I1)' 't't ' " '.'' 9JBJLMHBJHJBBBBJ
Pert.Vtoaprta, by WMKmtmmmMm HP 'U mm fasaVSBBVnnlfl
WfJ'JWi'WM 9kT?(imltWBSUM
mK&M m&jmKi u'iiEmm
laarr,-,"MajaBam 11 j ijjwgnywajy
aea aeaeaafcee 1 anaw a aa aa )
' 'v rts'--
eaaanv HL -fff,H
, ongeee) ' naMkeweM
..;. .. 1
it" 7.",
Taialywaeealiiai ' ' '
- , ,A i
" ?.". -v'a .
Ua "
a Wf '
QK&aansMf aUitHlPU tdto1 4tIBRv9
WWaWfeWnwaV ' aa a a fje j, M
,,', T-f gS? '! ' !. Jfc jr-fl
,Jaj eWVaecaVieHeeaeeeeMareiwecaetMSHJBB
B"BMHMawJi pVaranMawWwa) a aa 1,BflNQ
VftkWMtmltKt9&N gTiiafii taia)SeiJ9jAL jHgjj
VfcpTsB'i IBli I ill 1 l"T35sB
. CaleJaW hKaa , iliii 11 ai "jPF'
5gMH"9jgT Mf m ii jrTi xiiiafi. 9 ' wife
JfM9F""j v.'iaw;
pjaajap ajerirr..-.Aii ; j hi Jf r
MeW eWltMM
aTiadJll ,. . .
wjdad 'CbB, asaBaanw.- n m ,1 sm .
fAaT3Ir7'r f-
ffBSJB laValal djneMai
.PatanjpagygajaBBBBj a0adaya adaaa; eajyaeeejeyjMwjPf
la haa 1 1 mhi 1 1 1 . nsj
g.l1i",l-,1. tv'"'1'. m
5"? X!nS!r"Vr"i'. " '."'"
, . a.ejawMMfc.iM-fcji
jaagaaaajaji- ' l..'.'"-;
-9tt - - '
dna9jaBBBBaBaWM4 iw'.iVsa daa'wa -eWrjl
a HaMSBMeeMa a a lV "W
mnvmKr' i
t - ;iMsnnBi -5
l . .naaudtetMBk 11
JBlBkaantm .
aavnaas a----a-aB f -!,.-'
.h.J.iia?(tOrJe HvtZfl
riMMl ' lOeJafmtJl
x rxi
i..-a'a . ij '
1 911 I MhgaaaBjBBBj,
U ii . ii tm jj
: r.iTTT.f.'f.
mmmmmrwm-;:-..;-.,,; -a
pnaBBBn) BnBjyBBjaBBjBHBi '. . . rv,.
1 1 iMMnlM-nnd J
ar I ItoiiawiMim "
rwC.jJtoals aaalaWAiaaa Maah
lUalSwtt, Ag AadbaaiU'V
OwaCHy.JMgKa fciSCT,
HAnMaWwan:eryaato'aya1n ' '
aMBMnatvfj ggdajnai 9jsjiaLuMjgfr; gVaCgggZgagE '
- :.;- ygjyM VfT' 1
eavw,anni .i.w
llJgV , fc.' .ay1 ' J-
-...M'.V ;! - - v At . i.-..ei
. 'J- 1 1 llii aaa aaa ajaaani 1