Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, September 23, 1851, Image 4

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    pps .,.,, l ,. j ... ,7iiy
jj'ijjyVfc i
il Clack.
W mdrttw4 tbt t orioui iftronom
It! stock la M mm twlg cooatructtd
(a tha lolhy of LIrpool by E. Bender,
nit, i. t. ., 4m., from a eerie, of very
fartrlaato Icului tad complicated projto.
tjaaa, wktoh ha engrossed a large aha re
fMi tint and attention tlnoe 1844.
- TWe clock, when finished, will complete, j took esery opportunity, though he couM
1 throw into the ahide the celebrated not tell one latter from another, o poir on
"keeakflee" of antiquity and clocVi and the leaves of some o!d hook that sertcd
pteetttaria of msdtrn timet. Hitherto for waste paper, declaring that he lot rd it
BaVaetewof mechanUrn " exhibited of all thing. A nelghhnrtng h-stk seller,
vary curious mull, but' they have been' tt0 observed .litis, took him into lib scr.
iaaaoaratel their motion, revolution, ,cr. Young Magliabechl soon lcarr.!
aad pheaomena, to much to that, at tho ' to read, and Ida ircliuatiou fir reading i r
tmttttm year or two, the machine gate came hi rulinj passion, ami a prodigious
at ladteat knavery wide of the truth, and n rmory hlsdlstlnguished intent. He read
raajatfte to be rectified. Thi in a great, every look that came Into hit Imt.da. and
Itatamrt, arow from thn inaccuracy of the I retainrd not only llio acme of what h
aieulallont, produced from a wrong ba. j rPad, but often nil the word, nnd the very
(Ja, aaa tuck, formulas thrown into ttherl.l nuntirrofspellin;:, ifsitigtilar. To mike
work. The prtacnt clock will entirely uial of hi memory, a gruilrmnn lent linn
obviate ucn error, at it U calculated o' manusurirl he ttasg.unjj lopriiit. Some
Caely that in many ofllio motion Ly the time after it ttas icturur.1, the grntUni.iu
" wkeelwvrk it will not err one minute in came to him oul pretended it j Irwt
IMVyeare. These calculation, we un-1 Magliabechl Mug rrqucaird to rvcolhut
dtratan-l,. have received the unqualified tt hat he remembered ofil, wrote ilw whole,
approbation of the leading scientific men without milug a word or t .trying the
and astronomer of the day) the unM rrllin?. He was conul'ed h all the
place On the ecliptic; the day of lhr mouth, learned who prnpori in write on any sub
perpetually, and take leap year into ac-' ject. If a prirst, for instance, was going
' ooant) ibe moon' age, place, and phase j tu cnmon' a punrgvric on a saint, .Mug
lbs apparent diurnal revolution of the lialvclii would tell Inm every author, in
mooo ; the ebb and flow of the tea at any lire number of a linndied soui'-iimr. who
port In the world ( the golden number,'! had i-sld anything of that aint, naming
enact, solar cycle, Itotntn fr.tliitin, Sun. ( the Uxk ami the paste, and llic ten
day letter, and Julian perlol; tho mean iril. Ilr did thin xi often ami o umiIi
lime of the rising and letting of the sun ly that lie came at la.t to le bwked iix-n
00 every day of the year, with It term n nn oracle ; and Craim III., Grand
and fixed and movaltlc feast. The neck Duke of i'lomnv, r,.:nle him In lihraii.it,,
willalolo Indicated, and thejear will I the most suitable nlfici1 to Magluiicilu'"
rcgittcred for 10,000 pat or to tome. geiiitit. In llie Inner purl of In. lid,
Thequickeat moving wlu-el will rcmUi- ithena loak c.me iiitiil'ii IminN. I mmuM
In on minute.lhe liet in 10,01)0 jear read the title nil met;, ilip lien- und there
for (m date. To how the ery great ac. in llie piefatv, d licilidti, und predion
curacy of the luotioh in thi complicated uderlitmrnt, if I litre note any, nud
clock, a few of the period may bj nn.ed th. n iat liit ejeaoneaili of the dii-.'ii..
namely, the apparent diurnal reolnlioial.cii'ini, or chapter. flerllii, It- conlJ
of the moon l" accompliihed in 'il hnura. jlcll at uu time uliat llie lik oniainrd.
" SO minute, 2i aecond, and 37.i85,S09 . Th'iugli .Maglinlwi hi mut have lin d n
t oVeimat of a aecond, which give an er. j Aty cdenlary life, yit he ultuitir.l tin'
tor of one minute too fatl at tho end of j.e of eiglity.nne. ilo died. Jul) llih.
14470 year. Tho alar will make a I 1714, after ijoiig, during all the luiti t
' revolution in S3 boura. 27 minute, 4 ec pari of hi life, ucli an afllueme o en
ooda, and 09,037,294 decimals ot awe- Tew p.-on hare eer procured by llnir
ond, which give an error or one minute knowledge or learnlni:. Though he m
-ttoalow at llie termination of 589 J year, j not mi ccc!cia!lc, he uoiildneter marry.
' Tho aydondicat revolution of the mooo i I He was ijuit- td-ni-nU in id dre. lie
dooeby the nrheelt iu 20 day, 12 hotiti, rricitcd I i friend, ami lho uho came
44 minute, 2 aecond, nl 673,11,254 to consult him on any point of literature, m
decimal of a aecond, and litis will give ' a ciit arid obliging manner ; though in
an error of ono minute fail in 1IG7 ear. general he had almoit thouirof a aui;e,
The aideretl year is dono in 302 day, 0 a:), even atfecteil it, together with u cxtil
bour,0 minute, II second, and 23,322,. cat or contemptuiu amilv. !n hi inoii-
4M decimals of a second, uiiicli will iimke ner of liinp he aflerml llie t hrcirr d
an errorofonc minule slow l'Ofl years. igencs: three hard egg, and ndrau.dit
The other astronomical motions arc loo or two of water, wen his u.tial repavt.
numerous fur detail here, butlhey all bear When any one ncnt to ' him, lli'-y ttio.t
the tame atarnp of accuracy. Th clock usually found hint lolling in n ort of tiled
will goonebundred years uithoul requi. woodni rt.idlf. In thu middle cfliisstuly.
ring to bo wound up, wlilcb isut.iqunlied nh a inultitiide rif book, some thrown
in horological science. The clock .will j ,Cap, and oilier neatlereil nlwiit the
contain about 170 wheels and pinions, and i,ytr, all around him ; nnd this, liis cradle
upwards pf 30UO dittlnct pieces. Il has or bed, v.ai atiaihtd lo the nearest pile of
been constructed (or, ami space has been looks by n nuiiitn-r r.f cobuebs. Atlbeir
givrn'for the clock at, the Ureal Kxliibi. entrance. Iiceoinii.onlj und lo call out to
tion.and wo nnderstand thai if ioisible it them, ).i,u bur1 mv sptdi-r."
will appearln that gorgeous edifice. Li'r
trjxiol Albion. I'lttlAttn lL.riAr. Uehave r,cu
' ionall nn some gri. billiard playing.
Packino Fioca It lias e bellcc, t,m in the whulrcyiiv id i.ur experience
been a disputable question among millers Wv ,alP rlcr itm.., ,ocxliu'irilitiar
for many years, whether llie quality of ftttl u, ,1P rUing, an auouul of
flour l affected by the manner of p.illing , lilcfa appear in .lie Oiiicmdia Intilli.
it up,or wbellierfliur closely packed ill MCneer. Its lot ale appiirs lo hate b.eti
keep from aouring r. long u If Ioocly in Nandit-z: C. wr.
packed. The question is one or conid-r ,.'pt,n billianl plajitrjat I'm'iSalwi,
able importance lo millet anldcalerf,a v,, treit, Nntche Is hard to beat,
the annual loae caurod by (lour arming The gnmia liawun t titt'm m nnd in.
era heavy. The following particular of XPtt I. ill, attract lutgccrt.w.istd spec
an experiment made in Cincinnati will mtora wlm lu-ak ni with amara incut at the
therefore be. of Interest! I aslnnlsblng prfctiim of Jbopliyerr,
"In May 1841, ten year ago, Mr. A. Tho other day a gtnilciiiaii, who was r.
K. Armstrong, who wn tlit-n and i still stranger in Nutcluz. lo-.king on so louu'.
Flour linpector, look a llglit half barrel t,m h iKcnm" )inpiithiliu nnd imbiU-d
and filled it lootrly with Hour, and put it t. motion uf the hilhaid pla)i r lo sin h
away in a place possessing no r.ther than u ,.xtf nll tltjl on IcaWng nnd going into
ordinary advantage a a warehouse. tin, street ho played on a Clilim tree, can
Mr. A examined tho flour ulnul twice a no.ird o: the Mansion llon.o lamp km,
year, and he Informed us lhal tlio nrtiultt und hold l-irnsoll d the gutter."
'did not undergo any change until the lifili -ve'ar,
when II becamo somewhat rancid, WllTV IIii'Lin.itii.s. Wo lmc heard
" , ,. , . .,, ., , .1 n tery preliv aue.d"le orn mlt in lur
and UdUiKM aour until the nlu.l.year ,,,,,v,. A, n,.,l,ufln.,r,hr,e
At the end of the fourth year II wn In , (phlir, n lew diingii, ih- comers
perfect order. A aamplc ( tho urllule linn tiiipiiied to turn iirfni ihn uupi"iniii
wa exhibited on 'Change, anil there u.a1pr,,l,iniiiliyd,n .liij;liter.lioii,i lo u i.t-r
nnthln,, i.roi.ll.r I,. tl. ,m.,M..o. .m,.ll '' quailfr of the town, Whell'llia.ll mi..
. , ... i ii I
,or taale, except that It tva a Utile sour
.and raoold.
TlM experiment l,aisilfii-il Mr. Arm.
4U$ lhat.8our lootcly packed would ho
preatnrael lo Rood order, much longer than
that put up In Ihe ordinary manner. This
ieearfaJnly a manor well wnr I by iho at.
I of miller.
; 1. Ti,TaT-" Mere iali to the heroes
' ?&-
e. aMd ana uica mil tlio p-lllra of
raaasBsasasi -srnoBi a an oju."
Tlio Pwr of Saairjr.
Tho following ikileh of a learned Ital.
itn forcibly Illustrate iht efttraordinary
power of mVnoryt
Signor Magliabechl, librarian la Iht Grand
Duke of Tuscany, Va hornet Florence,
In the year IMS. Such wa the potert)
ofhlrarentt,thitthey thought theinaelve
happy In getting him Into the service of a
man that sold herbs and fruit. Here lie
nfilm ladie lirt-fiit r( luilloil, that the
trade of 11 hult-ber tta cerlnliilv 11 terv
liny one, and ilmi It seemed strangn 111
her Mint iii'-n could purue a CJlling thai
must he an oiTt'il'Itu lo llifc olfai-lori.-a.
" O," aal.l iho willy Mr. ( , " I supifis
llmv care more for llm dollar, than I bet
do fir the itenl$l"Uotlmt Fotl,
HiT If parries would render llier i-hil.
lien hanpy and tvrallhy.li.ay should cur.
ly liit-ulcato In ihrin u desire hr, und a
knoivlil(je uf, labor, both niauuil and
CktcttllMg Iho Frinter.
A man who would cht a printer would
steal a meeting. bouse and rob achilrth
yard. If ho had a soul, ten thousand of
its lxe would heo ntoro rami In a mix-
iinlln's eye than a bullftog in tin. I'aril'te
Ocean, Ilo ought lube ninkrd at by
blind iieople and klclril to death aero
logs by cripple. vinu Arhor I IVrrniir.
Amen! audi a being would .leal tl
molaes out ofaIck nigger's glngercake.
lake from a drunken man' mouth hi la
chew of tobacco ; walluat nlglil llirougli
Iho rain to deprive a blind sheep of It
Ifmldcr; irasrl iliy miles on n fastim;
I stomach lo cheat a' dying woman .nil ol
,her ciirm, and steal w out of a dead
hog' ears. Such a man might to be tied
,toahrcp'stn!lnd butted to'dclli
I Forrnrr Knmirtr.
... ., i .i . i . ii n'
l,nitly so, and that Itn I all II"
1 ,,, . . .. . i . .i . . . .
would lirenk a siirenr level M get out
, ii, n ' ri . i r .i
ilhc alcohol, ai.d Ins wife watch for the
I , . , ,., , .. ,, .,
I moek jewel ; bid againsra widow nt her
, ,, , .. , . ., ., .,
"eau l.usuanu uiicimhi, mui rm uKff
, . , , .. , - i ii i .
phan a (hoc airings before day-light.
' . f llj tr
n, tlioMsand o audi nut us that
mans would ralllo in a mutlaid seed
...,tg-or mardi a irea: tl.toug-i therw
of., i-a.uhr.c needle. A solar mici....pe
liiiinu iiiiv wtnii'iiii" mi iiir Muiiri 'rani
- . -.
lt liicrcmluii Jlotoit I mf.
Vrv onil llut nmt till. .Suih n " t
nnul.t 10I1 a lain' ('. nrt ot lit lti
J!(! Mi al tt iV Mil fiom u l.l 11 I ttillni
Co 1 1Ir,4 no'liiil ltn un.l innili Ii" tnt1
imt 1K1, li -1I1011I1I l iit-t! uplo a 'nv....
-ticlc iinil oroMct) to dcullt l oM iiiihI,
.mil llirii iiu t'Oii" l.nul'l Uo nuiiV into
liuiini tn ! uorn on tlie hrn cln nifrs-i
tfriN. ItiMtnx Suit Mirror,
Th.-it4 a Ctrl, nnd 1 lint nin .ill. Smti
1 voui'd ! uuuM fctc.tl ll" I'lnrlit ti.Mii
t... moilur,'s l'il -ii a tol.I ml.i. tunl 1.1L1I
l.t f.itliV t fitn o iiJr tlnwn ItiK nn
man like lln uiii.l to li.i.r llu- vn n
Ciir licit, nn.) imt c iiI'ohcI l 'Lrti Ii
Siturtiiji (ii:'.v
All lite nlio41 )ii;lil t" t'' iim n inlni
marv fufiiriitu ihc "iiroioiriM tt w
I'll in jl Htt"ol Iiih fniiil iluoni. Hi 'inu!i
Ik? cu'iitunlly cnntii'iio I tn t"l.l. vt vm
lilt K-ip'-liial pHiii'limi'iil uoiilit l-o lo
roi llio nnf.appr iiiil.t itrrirvtrni''! 41 1
IiiHrtii.si'. Sumtitii Times
Weuill tot utlciii)l .n aM i lluMt-l'.
tlii uaicgfiry of mean tliini, a i luw
not f lie no'nU In nur .ru.lnilar), Imt u
fnolv rnilnoH ihr uli!r. Our Imn I
MilN, fTowoviT uliocan ulnnyi put tl
linixliiUf! touch 10 any iry, or rxpnii'M.,
w.i: ' Tlint Mian uould niaki' .1 fin t
1 1 if faintly Itili'i tn loil up 1 11 crti.liii it
T for Odp grcaM'.' West (irreuri!'r
('n.) IU press.
Suit) A lllllll WOill.l M'ti Ills Ul'tll'T
vmiI for ;i tluf.' f-4 111 p fcr, niM if pr
iuiici In i 111 j"ti"'iinii of n "oul at u II
it it ) tnfinii.'ly .nillf It utll l" rnnM'l
tn pua in util fM.t of li'Minr gain iinpi r
critrd hy OrtiniprcMMU pyei. Aneftcu
Don't lull, about audi fellow ' oiil !-
Iliey Itatn nine. Aci-orijiiig lo the iiu-
losojitiy 01 vhi iode, ut Hie wj lu
stum o,.e person din, auotlw r is lirn, ajul
ihes'iill iiflhe.ini .ass. inm the I ikI of
Ibeo r. When .iidi belly, a. ured.".
, , 1 , 1 1 1
criLid ulxitc were Ismi, no ly ouli
batu dud! tJit'i u, if on please, null
nary rob'iers, lliieve, und (ultlimil fir
cuii'ipaninus ; but fiom siioli miiniuilli
11 .1 ., i 1 . . 1 .1. 11... .
h.nii,i,lr.. n. llii-.p. i r,l l.r,ril ilellt er
- '
us!" Wiilrilnirn Chri.iirr.
'riiu'lVltiANTilii lii'iNi.ts-Tnn rur
rfoino ofour i'itniiMiuM( -, upponllii
bno In en lurgily implio.llid III llie lute
uspledfit Cuba pe.-ii1atl'ii, urn ,-sre.
itely indi.'naut ut tlio Miininiry price(d-
ing uf llie .Mexican gnteiuihf ill, ill ,x-
pilling llif pttr'Vuf Ann rleau sursejnr.
HI, ner .luj'ir luriuiil, ki'lliig iiinler III.
Ijii.iriiHllisiiI'lbegMiil "I ihe rigid nfuay
ti. .Monsieur flamy. Il i ouiljiiily j mat
ler nf rigid; bul in advance ol utiy
I nut) sllpiilulinu belli (i 11 llm tm r-omi
tiles, I In sil 1 1 e ) iug puny ik-iiiiihiI nil llm
risks of llii- iiiterpii.i. It i u hiuilihlc
iiinlerliikiug, mid nun tvlilib, nlien null.
plcted, "ill iinui' iiiclv fii'-ilii.in ibe uom.
iiiuuieiilioii l-lu.en llie Aihiuliu Siule
uudlliel'auinutiMli'Wid. Tn.'gr.iil mi
lake of ihe company wu, that ihey n.-re
r1. a 111 . a P ---! - ! - --r
jl. I hi-y sli'iiild bote uuilr.l b.r,, Ml JII11V . und a i.tttilcr pill of
itlrrurt. Nn, ibe jo.iluu.ie of Me. MnV.ngs I i.eiersiiw."
11.11 b, nig 1-Xf.Ucd, ill" work mat pt.uhlt
ileH ti'i tip-in the lonliiigriiuy ol until 1.1.
Iim. 'i'l.e nork in'iiilimi', by helng .1
little ttsi fusi, is inili liuiiely sii.peiidril -1'in.l
I lli word, bul not tno fasl. .Yew
York llrruht.
OCT If llfebou ImiiIii hou nm. I iti.ttl he
Im tthii Mils In unit liimself fur the con
lest I If Ilia ho n a'orni, lion- iiihiimilcd
Is he tilt" slirp tthim hi hail, I driven
iirmd tiiililioM 11 'o liter! Iflir.iheii pl
griiihigt', tow iintvlsn I Im nliii situ)
fii.iu lh tiithl roul, nor su. k lo rein 111
till llie twilight ahudoiv rulltcr ruuud Ida
, lluilitrr teu hi sitssi llo..k.,
The i'OiirHnideut ol llie N. V Cmrlerl
mid Kiniiiter, nnrrnti' the I'.illowliig in.
eidri.l nilindmg the Itiuuguintlaii f the
g'el I'alr i
('oitplriiou among Iho turpi rfiin'nitf
iyi,e, und in imim-diato pnitimiiy lo the
ihroni of royalty, wnn person In
, lb" colunie of a Miindnrin, whohnda.
oedlbal piunn oof tight, nnd whom
llw publir nnd the ollietal of the ixhibl
Mteud M be the t'hmrtr Kniti
" '
' " ' -1- ' " """l'' "'" ""q"",au" tin Uiouglil In t In'o to,n,.unioi.,i., .Iio
-n lhel.iiud Hmm linmnlmrmluriioii, ha ui found nun 'ludiUdual, honetet
ollbe lluke of Wellington, the l,n.Ul. turbulritt ano linute, Mini could not bo
"'' 'v'.'M. "I"' ..ihbih.ip id f.mlir latuttd by srripiurc and praser, utter. d
''ury.and many other of the hiube.t pe- in low mid g le lone. The powirul
"M '" ,,r r' ,l"1 "H'l a reg.inled with the n-lignu eittimetii ...er lliisp shatter.
elnine rrspielby llm n. uihls, until it , ed oul iem perfntly inliaeiilous. The
iu. i inarkt'il that wio ii tio i uiii'd iln nrii wmsbip id n mint, luting heart, nltii'a
' ' ' . ,,
e. ion wlitih .iisiimpaund tin tjuc.u. tl i like n vo In in ii.nin. I ear
m nuking ibeiiieiiit ol Hie i'sIuIhIkiii, uiiiI n iiduu' mIIni'miuI rtiuiiping ng
' ...
Iu .1 lo .iiiutio liii'tliien seeuii'd rMi( r In uw nud uruiiuiue, nilUule Into tieiue.
' , ...
iiw ihe Ciiiiiainan ilm iild boulder ; nndih.v tall mi i In ir l.uees or tfete va-
(' ... ... ,. V ,., , , . ,1 m i. . ..
und tit length a little iniiuin and rnlr. wunU w lib ilasiml mini, as if the ssw 2 me an I hoAp V will soon II dearer then
. ,h ' ... , . . ... , , , . .,
.Hon iioakeiinl ii leiiifiiihtuiHv ol llie Ium llituUsili llie op mug ilaikiiest a unMru Icatilrral) feci with Ihn Imniorlel tain.
that I'll re I iii .r'iiOH asa ' Clilune glenm fioin their i'.illior' throne of love. mist,
1;) ,,, I,,,,,,!, . ,,,,,1 t..li..., On .,e iviaaMu Ibi. iiii.....iary nfmor. the rowxri resd, the slalela blew t
. ' . ,..,.. it it
rr ol a in it iipnn intin.turi' was n' t' u ariirtlv eaiii'umd not t ) approach siiujar 'eal an so II u
, ( ( , ) ( ,, ,,,, t B-,.Ull(! lniu,. wiled frlglilfu'ly! .. know more .1 pre.ent from Ure uf
y crnx,ml, ,,lf,.te.l wnl, l, .lav an I iii.l.t. iinl liLginiueui. p. k(d ferin .MotLY llnma.
r ,, , ,,,, , ,, ,, ulJ , ., ,i)t , ,,, N(M l,lin,. s,.,rf', diad an J.M.g.,l
tMir'l' n lro r oi'trr im r mi tttni
.... i i .i i . .1 .
nn 11 ti' 1 1' u iii M'ti 1 1 ni'i-ii "i ii'i "' 1
Mt. l.m.-K.Ui:,, ... il...l1,.iifwJ.d. 'ni
i(,- mihI! i'Imilt 1 "ti" -IhMhii; ;' tin 1 (
u (to. timl -jiiK 11 tl I . 1 1 1 1 iilU1 d
1pNii,i I'm, in main louo ilti. r iilli
llt, nm p .,ir.vc kiMml. 'I- lo ! .iii 'i m-
,w. ,,, , , ,a ut
,- liriu. lir'
(uiin'ii of it
fn.m lit' l.H t th.i I.i
v i-iit) i t. i iiutr in
i , It iii
rm 111 1 't
4 Ml(,lltl! .1
I'l'lll'', ll.l
1 r. . 11
" .ipiMlltl
.Hill ill'
I nin It nil'1' l
ili i-l. '
.lllt..T I t 1
up 'ii 1 ' l i' I"
11 uih rt il in j, mi t r 1 m 1 1 1 j t
. 1.
I- th
1 1 u
-ill. 1.1'
no util Nult .I 1 -i ) '.'"
I'liiMirij. t'i uj'tii' l (! 111 mi' 1 1
rrii'i. l tin I I'' 'in . ! ',' . 1 1
their ritil on fn .i tn IN.' '
u'il in " '11 i!m Tti.ini !tini
H'im' m ia ixi.
W'lMt-X M lAN
-Ui- kn fliNi
i luiu ii'i'il.i il lite Si.) n n n ! .1
It .If l 1! n tin" 1 Inn 1. . n.unv y .ir
lii.i it k-Mikpil vlii .li nuil hin ) .iir)si
n 'o rn rtiiii.inj.' mi r nui t t h.niyi ,
lllftt HI llnMILll! Ui V..ltl jMM M .Ml 1 IT
m i) 1 ' tr r i- iim t ik. .ii. - 1 ii
tl. tin ii rn.4 .iiii t. it o iti ' l. ,
l' r Lin ti'Mjintilliui of C'l.ir'i s 11 .il. v
I tl'i lll lllff l.. talii' I III l tat l, llltl
(Mrtlv t'li ll'ii attuuui ! jir il.'1 '
t'mt tpl.ic : .Ui?. AVt.
I Im In ti u 0111 j 11 ..until ti . j;c nt
oott f r a Inm," n mI Ilr i l 11 -'
ll v an nun.' n I I'iiitl f t'Mi'of
tfi'VJMI. I l'inil(lif OlM'r III lll lii' I
llii tl'ft it It "II' wlit. iW'S .1 ifi .it In
(' u .1 ift.nf-Ml in i n 'sliMi' I iiM-tl,
II If 'ilj.l- ij l im hIh- Ii nl h-t tnrkini' in
i' 11 r .11 uiiiI uitl oij ii nt tr pn jti in v
hi tl" halt ujiiiut rf tin iifinn."
uTli.it n .1 Lull f..r mi to tiij) llir
- 1 lini;a," tiaiil Muk.
" X I, Will' (Hit," Mhl (iMUllll
'i' kiif Ihui I ui nf"ifir a liTM'lf;
, ,, , , .., . , m, ,,nt el nn ..iia-.
s, iM , v, r , ,.,,fj , , ,. , lllt llkk. ,,,,
,,.,h , , u , 1 L.ntlf .1 im n u .!uii '
, . , r yntnf tmh. I.ill inpr .per li.
. , , , Un lliinlc U a t"
.( , , n, toMun, I itpi'iv, reluineil
, , Tliose in.n him un- diiteii b Mium .'in
.. . nn.-tir nu.l net. r gin n ; ' ' mid lurn 01.1 fiom tin to :iii nt pn.i .
1,11 1 Mdt n eMU ',-oul.l bat.. Im upmi .f p.iiilal.K.11 . u, Ii. 'Ibe) nre 11M1 uded
, '. , . r . 11 , 11 . . .
, I . .. . . .1 ... I. .. - ,l.. r..l , ,1,,.... I,v t.irl. -..,.1 1,1. . u 1..... ... .,:.... 1...
"' "i" ' ' "'' '
d.t fur l.i'in in lull dns. in iwiir puil.
st'ir.'1 ,", .mil she prir,Mil puiinuvlur
" I'amting lur legs!" lliet ull eel,iim.
"I'jU.sir, 'saidtliu DiHur, "and. be
Iiul ti j r.n me fur tilling if tin hint u,i,
, ,lt,
Slid tv.ts 11 I" iiilt.il D'irlV,
"llill'l h tu il lltlH) Tl III. I Klieplllll
mi line i.'Miilinnii, ii.iiiii I) ilmi I "honlil
I e llie 1 .111.-1 I."
'lib, tin ..1.1 r.i.il!" -ui'l link.
" .-iiiilSI biirgiibi," j.l lliirfv
"Un iiul a safu 1 r t. iia.it, '' nddtd the
"lT.1,1 .hlr.riipt ,n.'. gentlemen." -uld
,., , ,. ,, .. 1 , , ., ,h ,..
,iM. ,,, ,,v ibe l, s in
V.,,,,i...l.n..i. n ikii a liiihter fit th.in I
i. Uliiw.-i.llr.ll'oball 1" said Ditk.
run- ill.:
" And the nit k aiirvrn'rd 7 ' iiniilrnl
'''"')' ,,,.,... 1 .. 1 .
'Hjroiiii rlel, said lliedncttir, "lhal
et.rall.dlianskrd hello, .cm, ml her '
dver In thrin. So nu see tt but 11 ttniiinii I
will do in gel lo a ibinco. I or In 1 If Jen. .
nv ! sbn tt us a iin-rrv minx hv tho bv,
she luiti-.l mt iui lliul tiiiibl fur 11 joke I
iiiaile nbotil liio sloi-kings, ' J, iiuv uld
I, ' fir fear tnur linking" slmuld fill
dun 11 i It'll you're ilrniflii)', had'nl yntt
tViVrr Id me mint a pair cf garleri un
Ullitrto ol KIihIimsw.
Mr. Child a year siiico Imbllshed an
atllole reaprcllng the labor, of Dorothea
I,. Ills to nuielloratrrTmvcofidllloti of Iho
insino and vicious In our prisons. Mr.
(Jhllil's atllcle? closes thiist
I inquired whether the amount of good
nro-mplWied had' so far, equalled lior ex-
prclatlon. She aldll hail j nndlhttiier
faith In the power of kimhteas, user Ihn
ui.ane and loi'i, had bent iiioik lhal,
...iitittneil. Am.mg the htm Ireds uf ura
yp-pl.. with whom hot sacred ml, .ion
i ti,MHitl I (ml lin HitulJ miinlrr nin
ii . . I . i . . 1 . .1 i.
inn- imi iiiiimii viitiiiit 111 trii'ii. .Ml" 1
l' M..llii'!im a lutlr ilMamr, nnt
ui'iut nppfurin lit uln o I. nn, lirmi i.
1 nl. u nli i'irn ruuitii iijht.4 tiinli'tiit
, nc vvf u . i-.i iji". of . i(f 1 i, fitU'l
hi I, idc imi i It-ii In (.. lit- iintr
ti iiiu.il' ii!isji It il, mil 1 ui 'ui hi litt jnir
t tl,,i n,ii;, Wti. i.Ih pm. il, h. "iii
I'i'i-kS. ' ItVml nfi ui" in ! n il--
n H l." All I sif'rt il j r I 11 . 1 1 o m "
ufiflii, .t H1 I "I II. is' (JO (tt,
11 v ,' lie tapi'i r( I il , 'i
.iiiiin' 4' (.ml i'in ou l mi t titnl .
tfii not Lit." IU k.inl il-. tin I ft
1 1 nt - iu U'ini. a.iiiti li ti.ia'U t.u t
1 il iims' 11 iu l Jii 1 1 f m I 1 '
Mf h id I," -Ji.J I..-, SI if i; tw it t 1. 1111
V ilti im i.ii t In li-r rl 1 im.
' itjiuc Hid im l lu tr irlu'r.r,, nt li
.ii-', it'j tn at nn iiilii ( I -fill "ii.'
1 ) 1 iiiMiitti r itc.4 h -In ti m ' crn trail
i. Mun. I .Mill', or line) 'imi iat.4 111 ir
-I .p. Mil I 4 mj tin n nl! .Jin 1 is ti'i '
. litl.n I mi. 1 ,r h .li.n'-, t !.! ftlii pit:
psllt J T l f Hill JO 1 'lilt) 1 ilutin, V,l
infill iimin, Iip pi I 1 fi HH4II' "Ui.
Mini, Willi itlium fUv l.4t ' it I 1 it r
ir , I If liin id liitti , 1 ,iipr.l,
Kill tl I OIHltl IJJI.I I' Itfll.l 1I-1 1 Kl flWf
1 nip Wvli u lr.MitI. n,ilr. h ni'-l,
II 11 r iinv. 11 II to il.i r ' lln). !
Iijli !" r pllnl ltt illktll f I I'U
H1 i i-r .tllil fjillli It rfirf 01, 'In sj.,i
iImmjimI ; 1 In-sit ' llii n nn1 in . U t 'I.
ion Tlu' lin .' 1 wn oii tin ir .
Hut lei hot tin' (r.n.ili! iip-.-. iii.it
In mil wotk itn Ii mir.ii N r.-. ' i'm 11
ill!' pIlfaVMl (M"r flf J. WtZ. Vlllll I- tl.l
-o.ipiiirfj nr llir p'uv.rr ripcat.il lv r V .
TIki"i' HI ui.1 Ih: llir ni'-cK inl rii( i f h
be.irl fiierllooing with lute; li In nib
only di llie ntig. I, lend lleir voice
,.,' . ....
Lhrniiiiii (,11'trri.
MAr.msiiiv v .MaM'ai. Lsimit
ate mniilcr ni tin' Sil'h'h'c Vni' nt.in
1 mi.iim 11, t. ii-.iiii-.' pirtiru'ars null
reg.nl In 111.11 Innerj for nin ut'.ii tnrm
g nnen!.. In New V,.rk' l tl.cro 1...
no m ..p.-rnti tn laetrie. .. 'ch nr,
' instiiiitly ruin, me- lil'tv x-wmg 111 n l.n, .
'"" ' " ...-, ..,,.. ,..,
ahom 11 wnr, 1u.11111h11.tu1e lino dial, ete.
ry lili Ii eu-i pi tin. Iuiiti.11 bulu mid in u
mull runil slrniit'er tuiinner than irmlil b-
lb' . led by linn. I. The prnl'il me enni.
1.....1.. as mi.-girl rnn a. ...ug,o,Ml. t,o,
, , . , ,
l IH' air of mitalnous in one tl 1) .
Il I. i.IkiiiI sislv your .inn 'riTliuiii.ni
bignii to be iiire,rull fliipli.il lo thi.
prMliuiiot. nl'll.e mue.s.'.ir. or lb- 1,11,1-
,.,,, , ,,
1 1 rd I fe, uirlii'.tt llm ilirnf 'iiuili i.e.
i) III i.ie.n iiiiiatii UK1111. 1 esiiiiiiiui us
eq.ittiileni lolbul r.f N(III,II0'1,IIIIII of ineti !
Thiitvi nil prolumluit bus hem lnun-.i.
d ut. huudied (old. Wliut il be ,-r
"-1"1' ''" '" "' '"creating pnpulktiuu,
i.mklni' one rutin tin I In- orlt nf 11 bun.
di.d, I a iielioii wbitb mn well ,.ir l
,i. .; i. ....i..i...'.i ...1 .
Hill Milt, mull "I IIIU H'Ollll.lll I.Sri'IIIUIMl
,,.. , . ,' '
and Hie pbllitnllitopl.t. .
"" '"" i1"" "eri.u no- aeiinsiobo a.
"01 taiimiitani, i" prevent inn niniiop'iiy 01
cupitalisls and llie p-u erly nf 1)10 in use.
Il ullimaio iiri-i-t in ihl, toutifry, ulll be!
, , 1 . . ,1
I'"'1'1"1 "Hni'lot. lu ugilcullutul und
III 'lurv pur. nils and tin- lino arts .1
Ituc'inlrr lirpiiUhiin,
How MfCII IT (llltl to H-rruHTA wo
man. Ill he sub of Mrs. pnrrol ugalnst
her hli.bili'l fur fuilher nllntvniiues, tin
Jiiilgn cxpn-aM-il un ripliilnii tint tinu'i
pr yeur, llm iinimml already ulluuiil,
tta iiinplp, not only fiir her aupparl, but
fox stlruotd'-sary obarneav
A Wtiert Ivo a4tr.
Aprl Thee, 9th 1 000 ate 00. 4t 4ly ton.
My derl tweTis ducky I Take up my
prim In OCT 'J Tell you at how i am had
A spool il the allrr and I Hoar thvaafue
llgns may fiiiDyotilnjoylit Tho talm bleu.
j, .j (J duant U wr'ght onely I twttt
l,li-ii2 Irll suplierln molly awl about llr
oweal henry, o my awet henry my
Tinkle duv my Dear Hill henry how .
, jkhh ale Is longing 2 here lire purty
Tle on I thiuK i hero U wlstellng
y,kv drll as i happen U H thlNkln on
jj,,, (J y , l,w, yo houtand
,,11) duxllv sosugg bill ho filBahlm aunt
Ti1M ,v deer hrury dooleiaillan I keep
... ,l4,,t ick y'm) al uwl nor lekkal
UU el.n so wont daddy sex I must git jgT
,.r,.( ksw, tie let il run nn !l long llNl
I mi I uner hl'itrd noihiti about marrldg
nor doant lies -r uiern 2 take your oWn
. .
moo for Hint a Ihn old asvlng Is perkra
, . ' .
IcroK.hun Is I he Iheef oy l'mo and nolh.
,,,, .,,,
III li'NHt II dun In a hllltv bul ketohen
lb rxO mi deer h'nry W allrr wot to deer
(lie 'lh'rr, tj i no iinir from uro wlo
TiULir CAii'lv; MoLLV AKN
iiror Till. Tntv. W'r tln'l the fiJ
I nin 111 nil f-wliu' ff puprr. U aii
iiul i In- tniui irfcirrtl tn m llnnl.l In th
U i -'.Lin iIip niirftioii latk- proof It
ti.i hmiliil ")tis in (wirmnout wfftti
m 'ini'tUV , 'lir frcrntlv lii I mo fttir1! f
(ii;liU liuiix a inm rod iiirt nirn on n
tail 'Hit l toii, cut up a rjitnflrr taoc a
i, ki t li.o u pmitl- r pulling, a initio'
I 'ti 'l;'i lil p'faiili 11 t a ulr uf
1 it 1 nl(.i afrr inU r.m fool.rair lur
ui'pf jii h nil roilii ' 4iit a if 1 hi t if
iii.' . 11 iirti,
1 sum brxnr
the jii l,;e nl 'Sr l mirl, af'e'
it hricnerit .ui ri net, 4111l.1l
i k. r nd 1. liiiniij h .r- 1. .
bil -d
h In't uulriuii ( th 1 i"ie, i.ent i.il
iii-l hi'Hij I) uih hi. grandfather f it
'ig Vesting.
- -- 1
A (iti.iir.N lnir.i. The Vublni'li n
I'. efijil, .iiv tie fmt applleatinu hr
at ut limn I'tliunM i.i'l sturdy U .tr
uteil r 1l,. i'jt, rir.oilii'e. 'i'l.e in'-di I
wliudi 1 uf a d"iib!e ueiini" foree pumi I
hII nl niin "'i I go'd 't'h Ins cut.. is
11, 11. hiiI VVa.bmgi'.ii, but ri'. a rei '"nt
.t Si. luiu ntn The g-ld of wlitil lir
iiii 1. imiiii , I iidi gathered Ii) bim
.ill lill'l he bj. 1 shit I'rd imieli .kl''lll
h Midiunrli, a nelt a mgtntilt), in is
1, Linn ihui llfull the iinxlels lu ll.
I'slei 1 1'lln inori- Ihn 11 l.'i.llll hi nuiii' I
Ibe (ire., nt iibi-iiiilv nun .if till material.
IxnarAM in .r I'lusos. The
l.il S,,iingiii Id (Ma. ) Journal lis llie
fithm iuir Miugt,.b 4tlri,ting the rllieaev
I 1 ,i 1. an mm. pie n-inrdy f'yr cum ,
. Im.', ha ldl,l Iwrn successfully ap
plid in I'n.i'nud '
I'.ih.Mi." S mi i- tiuitf since we publi.bed
'rmn ('li.nnlrt m Jiiitni, u stateinent tbal
u eel ml itinild I'ltre inrti. If l.flrseter
MUl) niylinl fnend ofour, bo 3I
nu I1.1 1 11 Uriter 1 rop nf Hist sort of1
lr.iin lb. in lie i-ou hi railv lk imder,
iiiuumIikIi-Iv . "iiinii-iic'ril ibe trial. 'I'll I re
"r four weeks lm.. passed, and ho is en
tin U uillrd. It l,nutd be applied mi'1.1
. ., ., - ' r .,i .1
and morning I 1 Ibe finger, un il the
ire Is etli'l leil.
All IU' Mrs I'arnhainof railv "'4- T
j.,ri.l.. o.-l, l.nty. arii.rd at f.ras Vulltj W
11 f. das uu. and after bating united
j"'"'f " " "l,"li,lil "lllnniner," sal'
'" L ."""'V'!'" 'j"' ""' '",','" "f "'? ,0Vr'
lv 10111 mill Hi tl rrniiiidtn cmtti'ry
n enrt, in- tinderslaud wa ouu-klv
'nin. d, nf about . hundred perius, win
f"'li'd her in ill her pereinbiilaiiou
'lir,,'' '' "-i"lV. but tugreal ns .l.r.
UW" in.pireil, whether by Ihn ! t 1 tlio
... ' .. .
,-iiin,,,,,,.,,- ,, un. nun, v iied. Dm all
,vr lollniterskeiit at 11 rosictful ili.tanee
none id' tin in iipproaibtng ntarer than
'"entj fell. A'ea la Journal.
., A ","'", V"K ,r. SoUHl; -In
rails n new kind uf ettlia lor Hi. m of
tlio isiiii) is slimtlv lo buried. Tliucnl.
rn,- 1 of tiilianlzeil India rul.i.i-i, nliout
lull nn liiul. illicit, I his llirkiv-' ii ,
"'"."1' 'i ""!rr ,llu .'molfi.t lu r. ..1 " 'he
lit ilmi nf h lull ptoii-elid from am kind
r n , .'m ,1, .... ' ,
nl llre..irin. All Hie expr rimitit iried
,,,, pr,Kr, entirely sticvsiitl The
'lorn nf ihn bull is inui.liy lunhi-n 'iy
','" lasileuy nf th,. ImU rni.brr, and ft
1 f.lL .... .1. . ..- 1 ... . ....
"ii-iir ....! at mo te.-l ot Ihe per.
sou ugrtiti.l ivlioin it ii (cnt.
VANXtr. DuODLE. In a conn 1, l,rl,
'" '""ill lowers nl Ireland, il risinof
'lie I. nil Vunkte iIimIIh hum traced in il,
at a . . . "" "
IVrsi iu plirmo, ' unkl.doniiinli," orn.
l-al.ilutila .if h.. New World." ,arj,
j,, hi, book nn 'Nlnevah and lis R..inalni,'
uis'iuieniiona lat'RIll autllu ' ii.lieVr.
slan numc of Amnrica.
(Sir Tin- United Slulrs llaluntf Float,
lu Dry Dock, lying at Peii.mr'a (Fla.)ls
said hi be nearly cni,ii,',refl I, I, ,1.,
Ihfuest slruclurruf Ihe ami In lb world,
l-e iOg it'll) feel lontf insldo Ibe i-Mte. IDS
feel tviile, UI feet clear. !i is n-jrinnlid
111 lakeNiiiiliolurgelsbliln Uiillod Sinn .
navy ttttit arinamenl, tVo , on boutil,
OCT Fiirly lire nii.nd of sail are con.
tallied lurtuo huusjrfd founds of Iho wsir
w wm 1