f ' v i ft M )f v "" ,.? X, i .. m J (' ijy W K Bf. r ' iLB&Bt wv- V, !laBsBtm 0pctafor fl.i.1 ' 1 T OyOOMCtTT ttDAY.JULY t, $'TUaW. test. "W,' ... '. icmiittti jtwTot. I Ciwiiiwii HMtn. .fuiy 16, MS ,W.' l.s .. .. LSfrjiF swa, .itny so, lf".T. Thi - t--.--i ., .vt. nir in &.','l4latkMMu jiTTSulUla rlr lirnllrh i vrVVVHMn w. ... .- . 'feMMtrUNH WA XMetd tO gad It. TtM i Mr think lie praeweawiity beyond Min wilting to do a Urn V & twirard waaeringlt navlgabl lor ,re teat. Taw river wa explored, a khmi tfaee iioee. by a mH ntrtT from be. Ww, ajJ momiM th rlw m far M one 4if Meroj Hal4egh. Tba people I5VV' f . ,4 . . -, ,- I. ..LJ- .. , 7---T" "!" " -- - ? , mmmf ,'! ' HHiooraug, nw man. V ' ill 1 1 i J A.Lt b.lt. 11 i P , vara) bocaaion. ..... -' i, n.wwtw iito pciji w . -- " aL Ti ill an una fully nav1j1 i$,JaT.T. u. iiurapnriea ys, we were J yNWt UK M "I" ooilgaie nimseu io cirmr M MM of the dream ti pistes it rougn ipiiisdas, t bis own expense; ted there L avaa three or lour hay drift on hi. - Kir, If otter equally 'l 11a latere!. . V .M . .1 I .L ilWt Will ! poo inuwi reJ". iMMiy of deiog M much, It will not take -- - - '- --.- Them are nl. T Vdi I L. 1..J !.. it.lmJt ikla ,y ;' inn " " '" "" WMiM Imt to be don by ititxcriptlcm. It leeoWwIy bliTcd that the neceua. :'-' IT MM could won b ried among in lltu way 03, who would ute it M buMl of communlcatlnn, wro It H VMMOTtd a to male It arallable. The T1 I ofn bow. for tome penoo to take iU ilk. PMJtr In hand, and the people are that the lime I now at hand The quedion then !, who Kt'tae wMrpritiac man to et th ball ltWMk1 and MIow It op-collect tba " ftet to th praUbl jtpmw, th be minnr i Mttlaaj about it, and dttenrdn hew fcr MTlgatioa can b catoulatad opoo. The fcrnwr In tbl ectloa of th couo. try eao gt tbelr wheat to mark by team, lag at a coat of about SO cot4 Wbeo wheat la worth only 91 25 and 9100,11 cotta almort a much to haul It to market M it I worth after It gel there, deduct. lag tneooMoi irineponiuoa. iwpre nt condlibn of the road la auch that hinting can be done only during the dry weather In lummor, nnd light lotds only can b taken at brtt. No, time ibould be lot! now. It tbauM be prosecuted with vigor, and no palm ihould be upared until th work U commenced. Once commenced thjp U lilt doobt but that It would be earrUd through. The people her are all wUlieg to do aomethlog, and they hop that the penon below will take hold and aniit to it. Tbr i aome dltatlifctIon cxtitlng hr concerning the Flanhr Road charter granted by the Int Legitlature. Many of them algnad the agreement to abide the requirement of thvehartek They were wllltaf, In caie the projet would fail, to loot lb amount they jocribed ; but the warding of-tfa&vnartel tucti that it nake th property of iha'autiecrtber lia. 14 for ether lot, ibould there be any, la afopartlon to th amount iubcrlbed. They think It enough to lot the original auMOriptloa without becoming liable for more. In caatof mUmamgement orfdl fire, they an1 of opiniou that tbey would b la for mora tbo they bargained for." Haao the auie of complaint. They did aot neerataad lb full meaning of the ohartir when they ilgned. Thoy now ihiak bmelre' fooled and with them. litre out of the enterprise. ,.. Harvettiug in thU neighborhood ii go- lag oo brlikly. The cutting of wheat Jaat begun a few day ago. Th wheat L tMM M oomtoered Tory goou u inia pan aflbo country. The eioeedlng warm ', y&atr for the past week hai haatentd on B 'laajlaior hanreetlag Ttry rapidly. The .foirMr. la tba abaenc of help, have ; ' of the work to do thtmielre XlW""' '.yliadenrtaod th 0orrnment laBupnntenant ot tool M'AIWfa W t pa and treat with the real W;Iaaa trIU waM of tb Catoad aBMtaaaa. re prof ra ior mo ouuuing w4m1 tkm, and that rrta. otbirUauforthm. f the new arrange. in of Iheoirit for'tke ,'ibjafyowr paWiaa. rAto WW Oa th tTth MC, MaJaivKeariioy cad optratioa agaiaat th Rags Hirer Indi an, bat lag paat ema twelve day in aoourwg th Indian country. Many bat. tie or klrmlo wr fought and ome fifty tndian went killed and many wound. ed, thirty prlaoaer taken, lhlr village burned, aad provirion (eonaiitlng of aalrn. on, reata.barriee, andgraai eddeitroy d. They wr no loagr to b found In fore broken up, they had fled for aafety la email panic to th mountain!, Inac centbt for a mounted force, men and bone, regular and volunteer! worn out by almost conttaat bard rvlc during lb whole tim. The major concluded to ret hi command a day or two, and then In obedience to hi ordr proceed on hla way to California. Oa the Stli the vol. unteer diabanded and moat of ihem darted for the digpingi ; but few were bound to Oregon, consequently net In luHlcfent force to talely conduct th prisoner to the auUmnt. Major Kearney was deter, reined aet io me thra 'until peace could be mad with their people. Cooclu. Jieg to take tbem to California and tend them up by tea to the Superinttdent of In dlan Aolr, he p'ocorded with tbem to near the Cheat Bute, where he waaover. take by an cipret with a propoaltion from Gen. Lan (who bad gone toChaita digglngsafter lollveopeantion had ceaa- d), to take the prlarmera back to Oregon. The Major promptly complied and sent them back to the dipping by Capt. Walk. r, who traveled all night to get ihem to the digging, where he delivered them to Gen. Lane, who had formed a pvrty of tomo fifteen Oregouiar'a, who promptly offered to awlrt in conducting the prison. enatfely totha Mltlementi, or until they could meet the Governor ho hid been reported to be on hia we.y to the tcene of hostiliilr. The pny arrived at the croaaing of Rogue River on the 7th imt., where tbey found Gov. Gamut with aome fifteen or twenty men, and to him they de. lirered the priaoe. "On their way In Geo. Lane bad a talk with same fifty or titty of the Indians ; they manifested a deairel lafusr owyBn 1 for peace. Toe Gov. sent out hla reter on the 8ll inat., to Invito the to com in for the purpose of talk. ihg with them (bout the UitUcyJliej, and if possible make peac. On the same day General Lane' party lft for th settlement. The Gov. end hi party were all wll aad In good spirit. These Indian have for th- Aral tim been severely handled and well punlhd Hbr their villainous conduct; they had collected a atrong force for the purpose of killing and robbing our people while on their way to and from the mines, had com mitted many robberies, besides killing Dille and one other man. Majsr Kearney and command, regulars and volunteers, deserve the highest praise (or their good conduct during the whole affair. How exceedingly unfortunate It I for Oregon that the remnant of the Rifle Reg! men! should b ordered from the Territo ry at thl tim. Our intereste are great, ly paralyzed, th entire Territory left un protected at the time when every one must ae the absolute neceesll) of a garri- son in th Rogue River valley. &" The ' Legal Opinion on a part of the Oregon Land Rill, by a Ute judge (f ) etc, etc., corresponding secreisry etc., 6ic," which w spoke of laal week, goea off wtll ; w have disposed of one and a half during the week. The youug man who took the half one haa but half claim, and consequently did not need a whole " legal opinion.' Ha sya one of these "legal opinions" 1 invaluable la holding a claim that in his absenee he haa no fear of having hi claim jumped, because they are so much like the " tale judge etc., dto.," they will " shoot" If any person at tempts to jump it. We would liko to ea tabllah ar. agency for the aale ol " leg) opinion" In Polk county. Who wtnt th agency T Don't all apeak at once. 04T The steamer Sea. Gull airlved at Portland yraterday. Left San Pranclsco the earn day th Columbia left, and con equently bring no later dates. The Sea. Gull stopped fourdayaal Port Orford, and left party nf OS men with 4 cannon and plenty orma!l arms and ammunl lion I 34 of the party startod immediately for the Rogue River and Chisle mine. Th Sea-Gull will leave Portland for San Pranoiaoo to-morrow, touching at Port Or ford. Trinidad, and Humboldt. Todd it Co., will dispatch an ex&tcu per the Sea Gull, and also with the Columbia en next Thursday, th 34th. -OSr W are happy to learn that Jacob Parson we not killed by the Indians, a wa lUted by u awn wk ago. Thl hvi will b. gratifying tVhi' maay (W There U oonsldorabl loured k Ing foil Just niMa regard to tba coming migration. Thirpeopl throughout th Terltory are anxiou to learn a much aa possible In relation to th number, char aeler, and prospects of I bos oo the road to this region aad being aware of this, w have culled from the late paper all w could find having any allusion t th uK jeet; but from th paucity of auch Intelll. genee, wa are Inclined to believe that th coming emigration will not be ao numerous a many person ailclpaio.. Perhaptthou. aanda will come, hundreds certainly, but when scattered over thU wide regioo, will not, probably, be very sensibly felt In any distinct portion of it, and moat of them not being very wealthy, will not probably at first enter Into any heavy budnes (pecu lation. Yet we think the coming emigra tion will glva a now Impetus to business In Oregon. Most of tbem will probably enter upon the pubtlo land, and immediate ly begin to bring the resource a of the oooalry y th bm aocaaat. -The fetaw stock will be greatly Improved and multi plied, and a permanent market established, and supplied at dable and reasonable pri ces. Heretofore there baa been a strange apathy in agricultural pursuits, though its reward have been unprecedented. Aa good land as was ever furrowed by Ihe plough li untouched, ihe meant of making money easier, being found In other chan. nela. Many farmers have wheat new In their gralneriea which was produced three or four) ears ago, and rome will harvest but little or none the present searan. It seems drange that things should be so long In settling to their Inevitable level, thst ike most productive soil on earth can. not be made to supply the best market thai everexisled. Oregon ought to supply the entire market of California, with both pro duce and lun'.l-ir. Rut she does not. White wo raise the best wlwat here any. whi-re to be found, Chili flour finds the readiest sale In California, Our flour is tot as well manufactured there can be jo other reason why we are surpassed in tho markrt by a aeini-cmlizcd Stale. Lumber is brought ISOOO miles to supply a market but three days sail from the best lumber country in the world. There must be a change there m7be a change, and inougn ino goia mines should continue equally rich, tbey cannot prevent it. Thing mud taVo their rela. live poaiilona, a they are now doing in California. . (Kr Before we came to Oregon, we had often been told that there wa never any hct weather here, never any rain in sum. mer, west of the South Pass ; the climate Ira cold for the production of Indian corn, tic, and the upland soil too dry for cultl ration without Irrigation. No hoi weather in Oregon! Itcamo very near being hot the latter part of last week. On Friday afternoon at A o'clock, the thermometer etoxl 00 degt. in the shad. Such weather i not usual here, but it how what it may beoorn by a little, encouragement. In regard to rain, wa have had etveral re freshing shower since th close of the rainy season, and we never bad a mere thorough soaking than we were favored with last summer just west of the South Pasi. Some six weeka ago there were aome cabbage plant transplanted In a bad of aand near this office. We expected to ae them wither and die, but Instead tbey flourished finely, and now their broad leave overshadow nearly tho whole patch. We wero lately informed by a gentelman from that region, that he never saw mora promising Indian corn than I growing thl season In the Umpnua valley. "W presume that portion of the oountry la well adapted to the cultivation of the grape, peieh, aprioot, melon, and many other kind of fruit which persons abroad think lbllmat of Oregon too cool to produce. We notice in a lto piper fromlheStatei, that aome person had aet Oregon down a bearing a great deal of fruit. If heal. luded to the common orchard fruit, we don't knew where It I; but If he meant wild fruit, he wai right. There are sever. al nurseries In Oregon, and a number of farmer have set out orchirda, but lliey are generally to young that they yield but little fruit. Wild fruit (mostly berries) is abundant, and answer tolerably well aa a substitute for the cultivated fruit, f "Chit-Ct"i Dy Tuxonnii J. Be. XKiisoK A very good Hill proa article Infused with the true spirit of poetry, to thl number of our paper. There i a vein of deep homo feeling in Mr, li.'a piece, whloh I ur to win the lympa th! of the reader. "May Ik far, Tkd wiada anwag lb UUa s tweedy," ever hiring hope and buoyany to hi iplrila, aad plaulng association "keep bjimajn. oy gra ; Mr MlebifM haa abolUked all law for thaaalledlMefdbt. It li wall known that both th edtiar and publisher of th Spectator kr polltl. eally opposed to Gen. Lane, and that In addition th latter Is a Utter personal o ray of hla." Th abov I a paragraph of the nu. sjoaaof that potltloal juggler that edlta the Itateeman. The misunderstanding be tweea Gen. Lane and the publisher wa of a private nature, which ha long lino pa seed away without making him " a bit. trr personal enemy" by any nwsns, and he doubt much If th General'lhanVs this stripling for dragging it (a prlvat mailer) before lh public at thl lt dty. In re gard to ditemeots In the paper, they wer written by nthcr, not by ua or him ( the sim privilege will be awarded to Ihe General if ha dealr It. a to alt othrl Hut aa to making attack on him since the paper come into the poseeaaion of the prra. enl proprietor. It I a palpable falsehood, and he defysthlaChicopro juyglerto point out In our editorial colamna one single entrnce reflecting on Gen. Lane ; nor la il our manner of doing with any of the Pederal officers appointed In the Territory or In the Slates ; we make no attacks mi ihem and hope we wl!i never have cause to do ao, but would rather strengthen their Influence, If It was turcenary, throughout th Territory. Wa announce their ap. polntmrnta and arrivals In the Territory on the eirl!tt advice, sperlng all unnec essary comment, or fulsome adulations. Gen. Lane is ourilelegale in Congress; aa auch wo shall use all honorable means to extend hla influence) fer the good of Or. goo. If we did not forwanl his election, we are satisfied that we did not retard il. Can tho Chicopve vi getablo ray as much f Will ho Inform ua and the people why he waa ao alow in doing honor to the object uf hia present admiration ) DiJ he havo to wall to get leave of his owners ? CpiNfla in Kiiiiioii. The change which ia takii'g pisce in the Slates in la. dies' dreas, is producing quite a sensation in various sections of the country. We allude lo Ihe new style of short dresses and trowsera. It is decidedly popular with th press, and we should not U- sur prised, from tho cordial reception it haa generally received on the other side the mountains, If aome of Ihe editor adopt it Ibemsulves. Howover, ihia fashion lias uggeded a change It mate apparel. A new dylo of coat Is talk ed of one mado for comfort on that can jo worn with out confining ihearmal- a alrail-jackel ; land a hat that wjll stiy oo without being compelled to press lire head Into II like ihe cork iu a bottle. Tnee sections of stove. pipe are neither graceful nor agreeable, to'Mako my list." QZr The deep, full tone which pealed last Sabbath form the new bell In the Methodist church, which, till now, These rocks and thsse vats nsvrr hesiJ," had much of muslo In thern and a sweet pathos that would call many lo the house of God, who olherwlae might remain al home. There ii real muiiu in Iho lone of lh "church-going bell.' Il I music which our forefather loved, and width christian havo loved for centuries. It 1 almost a Sermon Itself startling ua by in hravy mono'.nne, or soothing by in re ceding vibrations. It mike " On years cess nahlaf backward Ills a flood," and awakens gentle, far-off whisperings, that few ihings elm could awaken. Kr Gen. Lane arrlvrdyin this cily on Thursday evening list, direct from tho Rogue River country. Ho leave here to-morrow on th mail steamer for the Slates. We wish the bravo otd soldier a safe journey. When the General arrive in Washing ton and lays the iruo state of affair be. fore the Government, we feol assured that justice will bo done to ihe people of Ore gon. (tV A latter from Gov. Gaines, lately received hire by thi, Superintendent of Indian A (Talis, ipeaks more encouragingly of the state of thing on Rogu River. Il eeemi ho attribute much of the blama In the difficnliieatolhe while. Timnks To Todd di Co'a Express for lata papers formCallfomla'and ihe State In advanco of the mail. We understand this enlernrlslna eomnanv hsvs .Defected their line to all pari of the ViIIvmim valley, Umpqua valley, and to lh Klam. lh mines. (Kr In looking ovr thl city, It I very asy to distinguish th otd era and Ihe new, or what wa accomplished bafor th dleoovery of lb gold mines, and what af ter it. Jaoet of th butdlng araoted b. for that period, ar small, and but fow having bein palatid, look old and brown, while those of a lata date are modly large and lgBlly finished. v OCT The rall for C-cUferaki and the faWaawin etet-mrrew at 13 o'oloek. rr lbs Hptatalsr. UMi-qtMi July 8, 1MI, Ma. JSniTsat Having recently returned from Rogue river, lata th leld of Maj. Keamy'a mil itary operation!, I may perhapi he able to give seme Information Intending to your reider. ider. SfaaM?1 nv)JBjjaBjeewi s, ae'ffltnv TbMfataaaaaaaUr witness to moat of th sJilrrMaHraen the while and Indl an, aa'trWrTnar been the themea for bier pens, it I not my purpose to detail ,, but to attempt a description f ,h,l ,u. route, by whloh M.J. Ke.ruy i. d od icoured tho Rog. river coui... them varlou vested and icoured tho Rog try. Ascertaining at Mr. Knott' house, (al th moutirbf tho Canyon) that th Rogue rher Indiana were In actual hostilities with tho while, and that they had ombodied in Ihe neigliuorliooJ of lh Table Rock, Vaj. Kearny determined to attaek them at that point. Table Rock la a notfU land ma k in the Rogue river valley, on ilia north aide of the river, which washes Its base, about Ave vnllce north of the Springs, and twenty miles above ihe crossing ) Il la by nature a strong military position, and Irani il ma. rending parties could by a few hours' msiwii, insko their descents upon the un wary from the crossing uf th river In tho Siskin Mountains. UtiiiK tho Rock as a welch toner, the Indians in per fret secu rity themselves, have a large extent of ihe t alleV. and a loin line of the mad un- ller their cje--wlilch enables them to itilerniin the slreulh of nsi-h pas.lng varty and Ihe plate uf their rncsinpment. To penetrate iho Itrgue rive alley by a route entirely new, which woul I enablu him to attack and perhaps surprise the enemy in lite rear uf this stronghold, was Ihe grand plan ol Maj, Keiriiv s cam palgn, and the defeat and dispersion oflhn Indians followed as tnnwquctire of its successful execul'e' This movement it a favorable tlmo would have been easily etf ctrd, but ow into rainy weather and high water "Ued .n Act, tho lllh February 11. Iho commencemf nl of iho march, it .a. , ,p, ,..,, ,,, of 9mmt ,0 not to bo Achieved without latmund per severance. f. following the courso of the Hiuli Umpqua, Major Kearny, by making fer ries at soma crossings ami opening roads over mountains lo avoid oilier, was three laborious daa In retching point on thai river on! (bout SO miles east of lh can., yon, which aa the road is pood when the river i fordable, may be traveled with pack animate in fiveerdi hour. faavt th let riStlnt I last I In nfnia aiiili nrsiaaaa the South Unipqu (which here comet from a northeasterly direction) and lakes up a large creek which heads southerly, following Ihe con no of ibis stream some, limes through fir timber, hut most gener ally I liro' prairie in lhe bottom, or over glassy oak lulls along the winterly face of llie mountain. In aboul 15 miles the creek forks and tho routo uill keeping a south course takes up Ihe rldgv between them, which it follows tu the summit ol Ihe mountain dividing tho valley of llogue river and Uniqua, and ilesrenda to the Utter valley bttwien ihi branchei of tributary of ami about li miles from the main Rogue river. The route chosen by Maj, K'urny waa n nld Indian trail which etldently from tim Immemorial served a 1 1 linn of eoinmiinicatlon between lbs valleva: like all Indian roads, it seeks Ihe cm-h rather than Ihe direct way lielween Ihu points, besides many steep and rocky places, which might bo aksily atolilcd ; It passe over the highed peak uf the iiwuntain di viding the valleys, while It la evident that on both aide there are chasm (perhaps canyons) where a road might be opened many hundreds of feet lower than ihe palh. Lieut. Williamson, of Iho Corps of Un. gineers, estimates Ihe length of tho march aa follows i Prom Knoll' (mouth ol canyon) to the ItavlngofSoulh I inpqua, 30 milt (course oast) To Rogue river, 30 " " south To ford on Rogue river (a good one) 10 " " " TocampStuarlfon Ihe old road) 30 " " Which estimate differera but Utile from the estimated length of the present travel ed route, but a Mr. Williamson found by actual measurement our estimated miles much loo long, It Is quit likely he would And Iho old road longer than it is esl. mated, beside which lh opening of Mil. Kesrny' rout will thorien It everu mile, whloh li now taken up In going around leg and othtr temporary obdruo. lioni. I have therefor no Imitation In aaylng, that by taking a rout mora enierly lhan tho present on through th Umpqua vat ly, m at to trke tba bead water of Myrtle Creek, aad from theaae to oroat over lo lh Routb Urapaaa at aar tha paint whtr Maj. Ktiwy' rwatoUavaa II, personi with IwrKi bound to Hlnite oi other pills of California from Willamette, will save a day's travel nnd have as good a road a tho present one, and further, thai half Ihe amount of labor bestowed up. on the present rosd, will mskt of Maj. Kearny's route, a shorter and In all re. spects a better wagon road. I must to far nolle tho military remit of Maj, Kurny' Un at lo say thai asldo from the death of ills gillanl (,'apt. Kluarl, ' C""',J" ,l,c "'? """ ' " " " v"-v "'. """ ' "c i,,,, """"" ? &" 'Mt"",id' Indl. not I liaetio doubt th Mjt sjlth unimpaired forors would have surprised llielr main body, In whloh event their power lotto mischief would have been destroyed, and his judlcleui plan completely successful. A (ini). DirAiTMiNT or tub I.itxrioi. i Ofitt Irnlian .fatrt, May !iO, 1H0I. Sir Your teller of the llthof Noreoi. ber, retiuesllua intlruttions aslo whether for not you shall Investigate claims of Cltl. lens of Oregon, for properly destroyed by lh Indians during tho Cajuie war of IHl7.4a, has tieen receitnl Tho Cayusetribnis not in ihe receipt of annuities from the Government, oul of whli h they e-iild be made to pa) for claims sgalnsnl ihem nor are there any funds In Ihe Treasury al prernl applicable for the purpose. The claims even if admitted, therefore, could not be pid )el l would be as well perhaps, In view of noma provlt. ion being made heraafler by an approprl. atinn by Congress, or Irealy stlpulillon, examine them as ally as practicable, and then olivlaln l)ie iHflioully of proourina sat. I IsfacMry sn I t'oncliitlve tesiiuvui) , whfoTiS. unlit always grow nut of delay or lapieof lime, lunar therefore, dirrclrd lo In-ti-stigale the claims and report thereon In accordance wlih Ihe rrqulrtinei.ta of ihe Inlercourso Act of aOlli June IN-14. I uill Tarlher rainarL tli.i r'.,nr... seltln Slid meet the expenses of the people nt Oregon in defending ihejiiistlves agalntl the brulalillea of the Cayus Indians in IM7-4U, bul it is presumed the ruses yon refer lo sis not included in its provisions. I enolos a cdppy of lh Act. Rcsirclfully yourold'l serv't, L. I.KA, Commissioner. Anson Da it Km, Oregon City, Oregon. , An Aol to seitls and adjust llie expanses f th people of Oregon In defending ihem delves from th attack and Uit-arl'les of Cayute Indiana, in th yeas elittitreii liundrtid and forty seven aid eighteen hundred and forty light. Y Re it enacted by Iho Senate and Houso of Representatives of the United States cf America in Congress ainblid, Tliatlhu Sic-rciaiy of the Treasury be, and he' Is hereby, authorized , id directed Irtantlle Ihe actual and necessary eipeiites In lured by llie provisional guverumenl of egon in defciiJing theieoplenf raid 'i lory from ihe attacks an I fiosllliliesnflhn Cay. use Indians, in the year eighteen hundred and forty seven and iiighlern hundred and forty eijhl, upon Ihrpresrutalion by tho Guvrrunr of said Terltory to ihe said Seo reisry of Iho Treasury of a full accurate a detailed staleinenl nf the aotual and sary expenses of said defi nee and hostilities, accompanied by proper vouch. rs and wlsfactory proof of I lie oorrtcl ncs ilioreof, authenticated in conformity with the usages nf Iho Department and (ll all the sum nf oue hundred thousand clullaiN ho iinl li hereby, apprnplatrd lo carry the provisions of this act into effect. Approved, I'obusry 14, f,l5l. Fiom tiik Puini. The Si. Louis Re . publican of ihe 14th Inst, announces tha arrival In that city, direct from Port Lar amie, of Capt. 8. Van Vlict, of ihe Quar. ur-masler'sDnpartmont. He wasaocom. panled by Ills wife, a daughter of Ihe la mented Maj. Urown. Cantaln Van V let loft fori Laramlaon theanth of April, and made lh trip acres lh? Plain to Port Leavenwo;ih In Mven. teen days and a half. Oa lh rout Ibey enoouniored two tevere mow dorm. which orratly Impeded'lhelr progress. At the O'Kallcn Illuffa I hey met a War nartv nf Ihe Chafrenne, who wer going out lo attack me rawne, i no captain mad tham ome preaenli of tobacco, and waa treated kindly by ihem. Tho first I rain of emlaranti was met by the ciptain'i company lh 3d of May, near Iho crossing of the Little flluej nd from ibst point, until he arrived al tba frontier, ho met them almost Ivery day. Tho main body nf th bmigrttlon wis for Sslt Ltko. II found, In all ho passed, but two companies for California. They wer gelling along very well. Tho east eaon at Fort Laramie has basn iJasors than usually dry, but lltileraln har.' nfiig fUllen during the winter or spring, Tha report nnho Indians and Ihe Iradera at tha Fort wis lhat the snow In Ihomoua.'' lilni wii very heavy. Al one period b. fore he led lh Fort thl re hid bn aofl slderahl rise In th river, but owing lo tha moceedlng cold weathir (I auddaaly iublded. On lb Ptaa h grata waa abort, but oibil wis abundaql. Th prla. clpal emigration acroe tha Plata (kk year will ba tha Mormon train for latt Lake, aad a fow irataa fikrCktiaaeaU aasl QffWm$fK-&&ft s u K i t Im.M. 1 ' X?LJ