Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 08, 1851, Image 4

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J. rfn'f tarjtrs. t Tsirly-Jf rt
fCnir. 90i
AN ACT mktag appropriation Tor th
elvH ant, erlpromatlo expense of Got.
emnwnt Air It jrear ending th thlrtl-
rth of Juae,eiahtecM.Bndred and fifty
opt. Mil lor oiW purposes.
CmtitgtmitB tf At TTiir Department.
For the Incidental and coatintsnt ex,,
pease of mid Department, and tho varl
oat oftoe and bureau connected titer.
a H tftt tf An Sttretart ef War.
For blank hooks, binding, stationery,
labor, aad -printing, and 'newspaper and
periodratfhoao thousand four hundred
t im any dollar).
For book, map, and plana, ono thou'
For axtra clerk in tho War Depart
meal, oh tbojuaod fivt) hundred dollar.
For mlaoallancou Item, five hundred
bum My dollar.
At efet ef Commanding Gtnent.
For raUrccltartcous Item, three hun'datd
ktWsjtios tffu Aijutml Grntni.'-JertX of Louisiana, and tho clerks in his
For tnm'saf. Army Register and Vr- four fcousal five hundred dollars.
r,.bknk booksT binding" and station. l;orcwnpnailooof ilieSurrarorGen.
ry, oh thaaaaad two hundred dollar.
Fur sWlyaslIanequ item, three hundred
daUan. '
h iMk At Qiurtcrmuttr General,
fat&tuv At oft at Philadelphia.
For blank book, binding and atatlon
try, printing, advertisinc, labor and fuel,
oa thousand and, My dollar. .
For oCoa rtat at Philadelphia, fire
' aaadred dollar. ;
raw asiscallaaeou item, four hundied
' f ffc ef Paymaster General.
. For blank book, binding, and nation
err, oat thouxaad dollars.
, For'Joiscellaneous Item, four hundred
, a A tft tf Cemmutary Ge.ural ef
x For.Uaak boook, bindioz, stationary,
inwMf, MToriMuiff, and labor, two thou,
sua) fear kindred dollars.
. For ariaeetlaaoous Items, ono hundred
. and filly dollar.
In At efet ef Chief Engineer.
For btaakDookX binding, stationery,
aad printing, aaren hundred dollars.
For asssnllaaeous items, including
tweaty dollars lor one year's subscription
- fcr two daily Waahlngton newspapers,
tkro tHMdml dollars. .
UAtafcttfAe Surgeon General. '
For blank books, binding, stationery,
prlMiaf mad fuel, two hundred and ten
"""Far mlsosllaaeoBi Item, alxiy.fire dol
lar. Ma At efet tf Colonel tf Ordnance.
For blank- book, binding, stationery,
and printing, fire hundred dollars.
For miscellaneous items, three huodrod
aad fifty dollars.
Jn At Burton of Tipegraphieal Enginter.
For blank books, bhdlnjr, stationery,
and labor, seren hundred and fifty dollars.
For miscellaneous items. fi hundred
For compensation of superintendent and
four watchmen of the northwest Execu.
tiro building, one thousand soren hundred
and ten dollars.
For conttacent einensea of said bnlM.
log, via: for labor, fuel, and light, two
thousand four hundred dollars. '
Por miscellaneous items, ono thousand
six hundred dolUrs.
For ram of tho bouao en tl.o northwest
uornor of F. and Seventeenth streets, and
warmtag all the room in it, for each room
oat hundred and eevcnty.fiva dollars,
twaaly-ooe thousand eight hundred and
sevcniy-uvo oouar.
For compensation of tho Secretary of
ino rsavy, ana in cierxs, messenger, and
assistant messenger in his office, twenty
ono thousand nino hundred and filly dot.
Forcompennllon of tho Chief of Du.
reau of Nary Yard and Docks, and of
ino civil engineer, draiisman, clerks, and
messenger In his office, clcrcn thousand
tour hundred dollars.
For oomnensation of tho Chief of th
Duraau i flLttntnanna aad Hydrography,
and Wtbo draAsmen, clerks, and messen.
cor, in his olBce, nino thousand four hun
tired dollar.
For compensation of the Chief of tho
liureau or Uontruction, Equipment and
Repair,' and of the aislslant constructor,
tirausmen, clerks, and messeger In his of
fice, thirteen, thousand six hundred dollar.
For compensation of tho Chief Naval
Constructor, and of tho Bngtnrcr in Chief,
tlx thousand dollars.
For compensation of tho clerks and
messenger fa tha liureau of Provision
and Clothing, six thousand fivo hundred
dollars; Iho annual compensation of tho
assistant book-keeper being increased two
hundred dollars.
For Iho annual salary ef tho Chief of
mo Bureau oi icaicino nn-1 Uurcery,
three thousand dollars.
-lFr arrears of alary of tho Chlcl of
no liureau oi Aiculclno anil Surgery,
provided by tlio act or third March, ciuh.
icon hundred and fbrty.ttino, five hundred
For compensation of the Assistant
Surgeon, clork and messengers in the of.
floo of tlio Chief nf Dm liureau ol Modi,
clna and Surgery, four thousand three
hundred dollar.
co-iTixan.triM oc the x.tvv iii.imrtmc.nt.
For ronilngiMi'Io of tin- n Itvi.vl.
menl. and all tho llureaut cuiiaim1
ihawwUh,. namely: For blank books,
bindlag, MMleaery, printing, labor, oMc
rent, mm HmI, aaren thousand two bun-
.Irl Jnllua.
ror oairfiasauw or snpHataaii
and three tMaMaaa of the outhwM Ef
reutWe bulldHH. thouaaad aavn hun.
drodand fifty MksM, taaaaryol th
three watchman btjag saariasid from
three humlreil andwivlr dollar, to
Are hundred dollar each par annum, from
first of July, eighteen hundred and fifty.
For cootingenl expenses of said build.
Ing, namely, labor, fuel, and llgbt, oaa
thousand six hundred and seventy .fire
For miscellaneous Items, one thousand
one hundred and fifty dollars.
rosr orrtce nxrAaTxcxi.
For compensation of tho l'ostmastcr
General, six thousand dollars.
For compensation of tlio Survey or Gen
oral northwest of the Ohio, am) the clerki
In his office, eight thousand three hundred
For compensation ofthoSuivoyor Gen
era I of Illinois and Missouri, and tho
olsrksln bis oflic,Ave thousand eight hun
dred and twenty dollars.
or compensation orth Surveyor Uen
cral of Florida, and the clerks in his of.
tlce, firo thousand five hundred dollars.
For compensation of the Surveyor Gen
eral of Wisconsin and Iowa, and thu
clerks in his office, eight thousand thrro
hundred dollars.
For clerks in tho offico of the Survey.
or General, to be apportioned to them
according to tho exigencies ,of tho public
service, and, if necessary, to be employed
in transcribine field-note of surveys, for
tho nurnoso of nreservinv them at tho
seat of Government, twenty thousand dol.
For compensation of Siieyor General
of Arkansas, per act of eighth of Aupu.t,
eighteen hundred and forty.slx, two thou
sand dollars.
For compensation of clerks In his of.
fice, per act of eighth of August, eighteen
h SdrTl I II k'"' ix ,hou""r ,hrtfc
For re..urveylnB ami correct erm.
0US StirrV In llhirlin Ot it ri.fi. nrtl
neous surveys in Michigan, at a rate not,
exceeding six dollars per n.iic, tneuty
thousand dollars.
At riutaielp'-ui
For salaries of the director, treasurer.
ehlel coiner, aasayer, melter and refiner,
ensraver. assistant assaver. and their
darks, twonty-ono thousand dollars, and
tb employment or an additional clerk at
twelve hundred dollar per annum, I
iwrcoy auinonzeu.
For wage of workmen, thirty.two
thousand dollar. " ' '
For incidental and contingent expenses,
inoiudirur fuel materials, atatiooerv. water
rant, repair, and wastage, In addition lo
availablo fund on band, twanly.five thou.
aand dollar. Provided, That to enable
the President of the United Slates lo ob
tain for tho United State, If ho (hall deem
it expedient to do to. the rich! to use the
Improved method of refining argentifer.
ous gold bullion, recently discovered and
beine patented to R. S. HcCulloh and
James C. Uoothe, or Ihe right lo uso any
other method of accomplishing Iho same J
object which may bo hereafter discovered
ana paicnieo, mero no appropriated Ihe
sum of iwenly.fivo thousand dollar.
For specimens of ore and coins, to be
reserved at the Mint, three hundred tnl.
The Secretary of tha Treasury bo. and
bo I hereby authorized and directed to
contract upon tho most reasonable terms
with the proprietor of some wetl.estab.
lished assaying work now in successful
operation in California, upon eatisfactorv
security to bo judged by tho SocroUry ofj
ino a rasury, wno snail unuer ino super,
vision of tha United State Aasayor lo be
appointeu oy mo rreauienl, by and with
th advico and consent of tha Senate, per
form such duties in assaying ami fixing
the raluo of irold In nraln and lumns. anS
forming tho same into bars, as shall be
prescribed by tho Secretary of tho Treas
ury, and that tha said United Slates As
say r shall cause the stamp ef tho United
Stales indicating tho degree of fineness
and value, to bo affixed to each bar or in
got of gold that may bo Issued from Ihe
cstinusiiment. I'rovitled, Thai the Uni
ted States shall not be held responsible,
for tho loss of any sold demsited with
said proprietors for asiav. Ami nmmilrA
further, That Iho salary of said Aswyer
snnu to iiiou oy ino necreiary or the
i reasury, noi looxoeeu nvo thousand oxil.
At Charlotte, Nor A Carol'nu.
For salaries of superintendent, coiner.
assaycr, and clerk, six thousand dollars.
For wages of workmen, Ihrco thousand
lire hundred dollars.
For incidental and contingent exnenses.
including fuel, materials, stationery, re
pairs, and wastage, two thousand ono
hundred dollars.
For repairing the wall of Iho ditch in
front of iho Mint, and for making other
repairs in ana auom ino tot. and lor nalnt.
Ing, ono thousand dollars.
At Dahlonega, Georgia, tit:
For salarlos of superintendent, colder.
aiiaycr, and clerk, aix thousand dollars.
1 or wages ol workmen, Ihreo thousand
six hundred dollar.
For Incidental and contingent exnenses.
inculdiug fuelr material, stationery, re
pairs, and wastage, two thousand dollars.
At Ntte Orleant.
For talaric of superintendent, treasur
er, assaver, coliinr, inciter and refiner,
nnd cli-rk sri-nlei n lit itisnnd three hun.
ilrcd dollars the salary of the I
being hereby increased from first J
eighteen hundred and fifty, to lour tl
sand dollars: the sslarv df chief olerk
eighteen hundred dollar i of the olaaf
dark to fifteen hundred dollar and m
employment of an additional ulatk at
tM , hundred dollars, is hereby
For was of workmen, twenly-l
inousami ulnars.
For incidental and contingent expel
tn iMition to available tunas on n
twanly.three thousand Mvnn hundred
aaveaty-MVen dollar.
- Por new machinery, thirteen thoutat
ih:oi"a!d minnisota. ,
territory ey trrgmt. ,f
ror salaries 01 governor, llitce juastej
nd secretary, ten thousand fivo hunJro
For salary of superintendent of Indian
alTalrs, three Indian agents, and for of.
fico rent, wood and llfhu. stationery, asid
clork hire, ten thousand dollars. .
For contingent expenses of said Tern.
torv, ono thousand five hundred dollar.
For compensation and milcago of
bers of tho IcaWatlvo assembly, oil
clerks, and cootingerit expense ol the)'
sembly, twenty-four thousand dollars.
For taking the census in Ihe Territory
of Oregon, under Ihe act of fourteenth
August, eighteen humi.-ed and forty. eight,
ono thousand fito hundred dollars.
Territory ef Minnesota.
For snlariesAif governor and superb
tendent of Indian aiTairs, throe judge,
and secretary, nino thousand seven hun
dred dollars.
For contingent expenses of said Terri
tory, cno thousand dollars.
For compensation and milcago of mem
bers of tho legislative assembly, officer
clerks, and ctjplingrnt expenses of the at.
sembly, twjsly.four thousand dollars.
That tho"accnurrting officers be empow
ered to atidfl, adjust, and allow the pub
lic printers'of Minnesota Territory fr
prlmlnc tho ConMitution of the United
Slates, such parts of the laws of the Uni
ted States as relates to tho northwest ter
ritory, and the laws of Wltcontln in fortfa
. In said Territory by Pr !,!on of thu act
organizing it ; the said accounts to be
, ,ut jeeted to the same rules and princl
I.' ...... r:1..
pies as nrc prescribed by tbeaelofAu
gust twenty-ninth, hlghtecn hundred and
torty.two, tor other territorial accounts.
For salaries of envernor and superin
tendent of Indian attain, tliraa judges and
recretary, nine thousand neven hundred
For contingent expenses of said Terri
tory,pne thousand dollars. '
For cornoensation and inileaue of men
bor of tho.lealslative asiembTv, clerk.
officers ami coaliogant expenses - of tk
aaaamoiy, iwenty-iour inousani dollars.
For library for said Territory, five thou
sand dollars: Provided, That Ihe library
for the Territories of New Mexico and
Utah, shall be purchased by agents to be
appointed Vy the President of iho United
For publio buildinss for tho Territory
of New Mexico, twenty thousand dollar!
rrmided, lunrertr, that no part or said
appropriation for tho Territory of New
Mexico, shall be expended until the State
of Texas shall have agreed to tho ternn
of tho act of Congress, entitled " An act
proposing to the Stall of Texas tho cstab.
lishmenl of her northern and western
boundaries, the relinquishment by tho said
'a... r.n . :. .i-r ii... i
oiaiu ui on icruuiry vinimcu uy lier, ox
terlor.to said. boundaries, and of all hr
claims upon tho United States, and to es
tablish a territorial government for New
.Mexico. '
For salariti ol tho chlof justice of the
supreme turt, and tho eight associate
justices, lorty.ono thousand dollars.
For salaries of tho district judires, six
ty.three thousand seven hundred dollars.
For salaries of the chlof justice of tho
District of Columbia, tho assoeiato iudae's.
tho judge of Iho criminal and orphan'
court, ten thousand seven hundred dollars.
For an addition to tho salary of tho
judgo of tho orphan's court of tho District
or (Joluinbia, (which is hereby increased
to fifteen hundred dollars pur annum) fire
hundred dollars.
For salaries of tho Atlornoy Clenoral,
and Iho clork and messemrcr in his officio.
eight thousand threo hundred dollar4
Iho salary of iho messenger in hi ofluja
being hereby Increased lo seven hundrad-
dcllars por annum, Irani first July, elgh.
teen hundred and fifty ; and tho (alary of
i no Attorney ucnorat boing hereby la.
creased to six thousand dollars per annum
from tho same day.
To rciinburso lo Reverdy Johnson, lata
Attorney (Jcnoral of Iho United States,
tho amount paid by him oulof his private
funds funds for the services' of a cleik
employed for public purpose in nublio
dutios, eight hundred and slxty.six dol.
lar and lilty.nine cents.
For tha salary of an additional olrk
in lha Attorney General's office, two thou,
aand dollars.
For contingent expenses of tho offioo of
iho Attorney General, fivo hundred del.
For tlio nurohaso of law books, and tho
necessary book cases ror said ollico, on
thousand fivo hundred dollars.
For salary of tho reporter of Iho decls.
Ions of tho Supromo Court, thirteen hun.
dred dollars, If ono volume only of tha re.
ports shall bo published, as horeloloro ;
and In case the Supremo Court shall ill
rect him lo publish twn volumes, then tho
sum of thirteen hundred dollars fir each
volume so publishod.
I'or coiiiicnuitloii oi tiinilistrfvt attar.
nevs li' itiL' 'mo iniiiureii M'linr r-prlt, n
by law, elgl
dollar, v
Ight thousand lu'.tr
f tho marshals, ev
JhhmI red dollars
. ,Foroomp
For defraying lb expenses of llw Hu.
ureull and uutriots uounaoi ino
Mate, inoludtng th District or
la. and also for Juror and wit-
in aid of tho iftiada arlslnir from
u Mnallbm. .and aurbltura incurred
lt tha fiscal rear endjnc June thirtieth,
sghlaan hundred and ftny.one, and pre.
vsmm years, and likwls for defraying Ihe
naasjna of auiu in which the United
tea are oonwrneu, ana 01 prosaouuons
afftnesa committed against the United
laa. and for the aafekeeplnrof prlaon.
era, Ira hurrdred and fifty-aavan thousand
five hundred tadthlrtr.aevcn dollars
For MmptnsattonJor the clerk nf tho
District Judffo of FlorWamnlaySt-li
keeoins and makina transorliHpf tho rt
aarda of the decision of said iudui
tain mattsrs lubmltted to him bjr thai
ratary ol tho Treasury, Ihe compensation
for said servlco to be audited and allowod
by the Secretary of tho Treasury, nine
htmdreu dollars.
To he continued.
BaNi nevsn.
a a The clltaai tt Ontan City an4 lh Ml
naisl He natrallv an Isonml lul th Oiveoa
UafMLHouM Is hrisf Uxmptly rsllttxl ami inn,
sstTxl, in IM ksiur srcKnuaeusiMi M in irav.
Uf piUlo id rU..t c-iUmm. ThUUtblri
sad bM faraUisJ HnsNi in lbs Trrritory. Th
snpneion wiu tiwre no paias is insas mn-onau
all who may call on tkfm. Thm ai Us largs
prist nUiuf rstsw, with Ars-nliets, (or llw rs
Jsroa rmrpoM sf BrcomnMiJsUna strsnsvn sal
amlliM. IVnoas, ikolnug il, ( bo FumUhnl
widi rooma Is Ikrnwh-M. ThoTAULK aliall n4
Im irwavj by thai of any other liotvr In tho
Territory. Call and toot oar won)
Onr" City, March 13, ISll-UIif.
To liuaaUrsiMU nusl olbrr.
f BHIK uaJuinli pioirtrton M tho Tow or
Jal Miltom, boisff UoMMua Is bavs Inisror.
ratals pmcrtss rapidly, ptvtioM thai Uity wtl) riro
Ss svsry Iwad of a ramilj loro lam k.alul o,,.
y Mngle roan ons town loi, wbo will become an
:lsal rlllrr ia oald lowu wilhia i ntonlha, and
batkt a1' houw upon Iho rtiii s In additHNi to whicb.
we Witt ortl bulfdiltf mottrlali lo IhoM that accept
this bropuMtwn. and allow Uiem s rraaonsble length
rtT time lo pay for them In
To anyone that mill Uild cnnliiriat Milt.'cat.
CuUted 10 do Iho iHOanfoaot Ihe JaCe.te tltllelie
inillHr,lo(eUierwiUitauduU'icii,t(urhepur.,'iril-l acliee lae hi the likinrt awl Cu- '
piae ef a (ml llliIL
TliU town U handeomely hatrl nj.il the l.mcl
branch of lh Willamette rlrer. jiul fir enotirh
aboT iu Junction u-ih Iho IWombla lo render II
an etcellenl liattwe, ami haa whi adeanlace ur un.
Ing acrcoMM rrnni au imIc, eilbil l) tart or
leeeithilb) tarrtorwa -
int upon lh nrer Ihal
frotnillolh Willamell
ran, on on oacli ide of
irr , I, p. lew in Hiwrt p
na a wag-on rooa teadmt
Two mountain streams
th wwu. anurdina; water powereunicieat In manu.
of which thro saw mill ar now andenreish.
. .. '. rwr""' ".uiw. ri -j .iMM.f
AlUrough Ible town ha been laid sat but a few
sasath. it las already mad ranch peogi' in
psial of itnsroTcmeal and commere,and wds fair,
soon, to become lh moot bnwruat otw la lb ler.
To Umm aesirsas et Ukinaj as laad slalsM, w
wonld aUU that w ar nirenaded try aa beantifol
and fit!l a anclion o( conutry aa Oregon can boaot
of, including lh Mcappooa plain. Hantie (aland,
lh rich and astoneie Train lately splored upon
th Catlapnodl cr lewle rirer, and Sli fin laud
In th Immediate vicinity of lh town.
October 10, IHJO-Alf
N4I. 'm can sief permsnent emplormeat lo
quit a number of hand during Iho winter.
Rnll Rortd
From Milton anil .Vf. lleleni In Vi 1'uyettc.
rilllE great neecewly of a It Ml. ttOAD lo
Ja. coonrct Ihe farming inrtion of lb Willametle
Va'.ev with th Columbia Hirer, i. at lenith about
lo bo remedied.
Il la estimated by comieUnl judge, thai the
work can be done for SOU.UOO, and ll la propoaed
to dirid Uiat sura Int ou litouaand aluree of UK)
each. .
From Ihe Imroenee amouarof .lock already ta
ken abroad, and from jLerfad Ihal eeery poeiabl
arrsnfsmsnl lias berii mad for it .needy cum
pleUoi, Il la csatdsatly UUeted ihal lh work can
be finnibed in tnelre montha.
Th Mibacriptnn books ar now opened, and can
b eeen by calling upon W. II. Teppain, HI. II.
urn! irouiy ct ninitri, Milton.
N. II. Il 1 almoet UMlee U
Il la almost uselee to add, that Ihe
mlnwof Ihla road should b ol ifrif flat run
lit rtttkrd Vila Mcfy tf forge ri trittli at
aay mm and al ersfe of lie rirer, aa Ui
pjpl of Oregon hav already esprcescd their
wish upon llib subject.
November IM, lrjiO-lStf
Up-Rlvar Wtvlgttlon!!
Ill Ihe Willametle river nangabl nbor lh
mouth of Yam If ill T Tha new Keel lloat
HAI.KM CUPVKKtl will answer Ihalquc.-'
uon ny iniomung in luioiie, inai an lis aucce
fully narlgstcd tiila"frl(hl(ul" rirer druiog lh sum.
mar, as (ar aa Halem, and will eontlnu In carry
Jrtlgkl la 8alcm,or any other landing on lh Wit
lunette rirer, where there ia sufficient business to
turn neat wiu coonnn 10 ran rrom Ilia rails is
aay accessible point in th country above. Terms
Willamette Riser, Octal, It-JO-Blf
N. a All freight will bo lUtivcred at dry and In
as good enter as when placed on boars'. L W.
Notice loNhlsowticnste Vfcrcluint
fjnilE undersigned, having been appointed anai cm. ai .. auq rei.ii
J. agsnlf.rthJdl-lo(l!!mUrmsnuf.etur.l''n-art.'?' ""L '""?""?', " .'," . ..
d al Oregon City, Clackamas and Mdwaukl.
seven miles from (iregonCily, lb present head of
navintioa sf tha WUUie.tl, and will be ready
at aU tloes Is contract for shipping er sal by lh
csrf or null, assarted lumbar, smiar Umber
shingle, Ac, Ac.
II I also aa anal for a Una of tsb1s rnnalna'
between Han Francisco, California, aud llib place.
v eescis win n insuMi wiiu crai oispstcn. ss ins
csrgo can li laaeu from llie wiisrr ahoro or runs.
i.r tviirn;oMll.
Milwaukle, January blh, IHiO.
DKSCUIFTION or AsatiMH Woon.iiccoaa
d. Ha was of lndiuni alatila. aandv lislr.
blu ye, and said to b from lneaslilre, linens
Ur, Kuglaud. A cotton splnnor by trad said lo
have a sleler In HI, Isauw, Mo. Il died in Call,
fonila, ou what b known as " Johnson's Itanch"
or farm. Th eetala was appralwd at fir hun.
dred and Iwenty-tws dollar.
jrateii, iiitbtNirougli, ivasiiinglon county, O.T.
April III, IMI.
AdiiitnlnlrTitor oflho Kataloof Abraham Wriod
t leillU pisT itele liotlee 'liiinlf
shunt Mill.
milli: Oregon Milling l'nrny wudldriwrtl
JL hrily nytks Vjwwii Is tUi , WsssU .l p;
Itotu, thai llirv sis running laiia llif Ir er.l II
sM UHWT MII.I.H, maiiT aad Mvl and hr
Ins srrurtd lh wrttcn o xwlr KlUit; last
an fuU prrl M stlcihl to all fstunwllli tssl
ami illvsleh.
rTcjiwR.iNra and othkkn.
Ws h etmMajilh sa hsnd a iMtkr sitlot
cf SfttIt Hr,wWth w will Mil st lh low.
ns maikvt rslM "
OwirwiOiiy.Oetsattil, IMP f!nwH'
Ts Use Miner,
Tit B sabserlbf t has on ham), and Is eotuUally
Snanuracturtni UUIinj Suddtes, Fark, div,
Htalleo, an.1 IViulwwnle of all Vlnda soluble for
fKkln. AWo, i hand, lldtl ldw' WlsWIur
Mlnf Maddle, Haddlo-ban. Kkhnf Whip., I loo.
We and Hlnfta llarneoa, Machicra, Ktlirupa, Ac,
and Is pnparr.1 to manufacture, sl Die altonee! ha.
lice, any srtlcls lit li lm vl tnulneea, sl the old
stand, .
Orer.il (My, January V, lt'31-lt'lf
Tnnlntlti Aratdrmr.
rillUS Inotttnllon la 4'.lt in Ui town of
JL r'orrel (here, Tualatin llalna ItliuawinlM
tnlancv. 11 itarsnU aud snardian deoirins lo ornd
Lin this orlicul, way b oseured nol usaljr o( ihe hesl.
inimao arw Doawy in Kcauon, ino inteiiif onco
nod morality at lit InhalatanU, toil eeneclatly tlial
euch teacher will ba.smulotrd aa will maa Ihe
hlshnt mealll and moral iniproienvrnt of Ihe
scholar, their chief iMeel.
A spassMU aad IsU Arademy tAuldin hu
boon elected pai a nle, nanmuidiBg Ihe slew vf
two tlenelt (uairiei, with IHefcr Uilrlteuiiut and
eneircHna foree, nnl when ronipteled, II willlur.
-uh ample accoi.'m'idaHoufl for Mh deurtmenu
of In artmul
Foreet llrove la atemt eukUetaul fnsn Ihe lowna
of SI. Helena. Milton. ItitUand, Mllwauai, Ore.
Jon Clly, and Idfavcll.
Tho Mjirlng Term of Iho liutliullon lll com.
meac .. ...March VI, IHJI
8tunner Term Jmi II, "
I'allTemi. . .rleS. 17, "
WinlerTann. ... .Herein Id, "
llie TenrM Mill ho rlevra Heeka each Tu.li'in
)( per trim.
Iloard may lie cUaloed in private faiuihee
TEXT MlMlk'J llallli
The llolv licripturee, heutnli-re Setiei of Iteod
en, IVirtrre Ithrluliral ltead.1, Haundrr'a and
WcUtero Hieller, Worceeter'a roi.t Velt,r'e
ptelkmarte, Tliompeon' Arilhineiice, Oluet'e
sad rfanlh' (jeograptuee, Welle Oraiimur, Uil
eon'e llielori, Cray t'hemwtiy, l.alo'e IIiiIofo.
4iy, llnltiou'e IaIH! and l.rrrk rUwIre.
Ilronlfl of lie llua-d.
(i II ATKINfONiSec").
January IR, IrUI-ltlf
IJtVe- .totlff.
ww cull l.ourie oi lirer; lie e.111 arrrpi
enciee fe, th purtliue aiat le of leal e.t.lr. i
' ..IT Wc 1" Ihe building luiheiu iecuaed by
'" mcbeii, ."enttaiy ol tl.r I emior)
I "UiirKK Tn-
I (u( J,uu Coiojia,
l C Jans Cuijjss, l
, C(. J II. WrlLta, Sim rWnci.
w I'tttr last; Kr S
Ntmn. tyiMihwaanAlti.ev.taae, I v .. ,
45 William otreel. ('"""
I J(in It. MtLsa. tUir
.ark,. WWW
CoswtH, IVo'tlnr.
Iln. Tlio. I
tTf'rrer,Sanr'ranciara Ktfi.n.S York
InttlUfitntrr, WruuWgton loeril fw mmttli.
Oregon City, Oct. 3, lKi(l-Ciia
lllD lvisTssalltuMiUTair Dcrtarnrrrr, (
roaTVtaoiBa,O.T.,Oet.SI, IBM. ,
MTOTIUK I hereby gieeu lo all whoiu II may
1 w concern, Ihal a Military Keeerealion, for and
In behalf of the (ioreruinenl of lh I'mledHtates,
I hereby declared, follow t Coiiilueurlug at tlio
nun! when, n meruMau hue. two nalea net from
lh ITniltd Mat..1 Hag WIIT, at lb Miblary Tool
near t'ort Vncouiier,O.T-,ainkeUio North bank
of lb Columbia river, thenc due North ou said
meridian four nulee, ihen--e due Kaei four imle.
thence do Mouth lo lh bank i the Columbia n.
er, thenc dowu eaul bauk lo the jilace of begin
nlng. Haul Inorrtation l-elllg euhject alone lo th
lawful claim of lh lludaun Hay Company, a
g-jarauicru uiuier in I ,ealy l-lren the uuile.1
Male and (ileal llnlaln, dated July eetenleenth. '
one thousand iaht hundrrd and fmt).sii, Allim-.
provemeni inane wiiinn llie aieive ileecrilieii urn. '
Its, by reeideut ftrtller l-nor t the dale i f Ihl no. '
lice, will Im apjiraienl Ii) Hoard of OlTicen, and
lis) men! recommended fur ttie earn.
W. W. UlltlNU,
llrt (Vtunel (oniinanding
Dili Vihtaryllrinitment.
Oct. I, IMO-Clf
von oRv.aoN .r c.i i.ivohnia.
flllllH Comony has been ensageil for lb last
.BL IH monUia, rumiiiij; an t.iprew from Han
Vm.Jm. -I. .L... ... .1, . . I .,. u .1.
Francisco, via .Stockton, to all inru of Ihe South
ler.-fsin. Mine. In connection with lh well known
nous oi jiiinma .y i.r.ioitio Male awl r.u
rope. Mr. Todd, of ihe above firm, baa been ma
king arrangements, Ac, through ull lh rineipt
cine in uregou, an.i iney are now prejurwl lo
Iranancl suy and all kinds nf Kipresa ilueine, In
any part of California and Oregon, through Adams
A Co, lo lh United ATlate and Kurope.
Uold Dust. Coin, and valuabt 1'ackag, for.
warded and Insured at th lowest rates.
l-flter, rackage, Freight, Ac. forwardeil bv
ijvery steamer leatln-r Atan Francisco, particular
ratlentlon paid lo purchasing and ehli-ping goods.
n o raspectiuuy muen a uniua oi in airoiiago
of th I'coplsof Oregon.
AacKTsis Ossao-r Abernrlhy A. Clark, Or.
SonCrlyt llopklusA DouaU, Milwauklet Ca-I.
arnuel t May, rortland t rTutler'a stor, Vaiicou
ver; W. il.Tappau, Ht lleleiu llciu.ll A. Co,
Astoria. Ajinl in,';i.ir.1
Nesv Uoo-ds.
DA I I.Y rspcelad by lh mule reigned, er Hark
Frauoi A Louisa, direct from New York to
lortland, n large and
euitabkt for Ihla country, nhlch they will oiler on
A eanerd aasurlinsnt of l)rv (Jouds. (Iruratlsa.
Hardware, Tin.Wnr. Crockery, (ilaas-cutlrry,
lluggiea, Harness, Hadlery, Is-aliier, f.'inik Hloves,
Feauiers, Furniture, Fruit of various kinds, Drugs
and Medicine, Krliuol Hooka and Hlallonery, ll''U
and Hltoe, Heady Made Clolhliig, HlaukeU, Ac,
a mrtiou of which will Im ulTered for sal by llie
rackag al I'orllan.. in arrival, ami at Iho algu of
,i.. a-rsr niu vi, .- u.i
wi e..n ...., ,m ii, nsiriii ,
WM. COX ti CO.
Salem, March 19, IMI-30lf
JTOTICK la htrehy giten lo all persons who have
1 purchased sl or lds of lha iroprltur cf
IJnn Clly, or who now holds a lot or tots by transfer
from others who have purchased from lh proprietor,
and hara not complied with their contract sesperin.
ed In lh llond given for till, ar forfeited lo lh pro.
tirlalor, unless they hav bad some written or vrr
l contract with rue to th contrary,
Una City, Nov. 118, 1 MQ-imf l-roinlctor.
1.1 1.0 lilt for sal by His subscriber al Cortland
In quantity In still purchasers, at reduced
price. COUCH A CO,
jrnmtitavru CMmiiiilr, net I
NtTtitaisi. rsussr, la. moats M. mini,
Ann atiMciroii in rllA.tcitav,
OresHmt'lly, r'fb.'JI.'.VtK
llaiiwn, nanrnsae A (.' , New otk.
Miami. NiiiKiUomi A Co., Now Orteaiia.
Ilaown, rlMirua A Co , Urerpool, pay.
able In london.
Orrifa Hii' roraer of Clay t4re aud
roil.moulli -Uare, Kan Klaocleco, t'alifotala.
ur H-al-lf
rvstMsri, uaiuiiN sitanoat
Oileherl, Ml.
tiioh. j. nouns - co.,
rso-tr it., MaTMNi', (nnnii-i.
Tnos, J. Iloiss, IVnlsnd.
JiassNstu, it
' j San Krencloce.
e i
Jiasa Hail',
uitilrl. Hixiaa . a. Mtlata
MonlgiMileiy, hetneetlCIa) A WaelilngtONol.-seU
t rRAM'luTO, OAL.
CO.U U.V.VfflJV N.'HCfMA'r . AtlBXI
liiRTLANbi natmiM,
(ien. Hu ,, It. H. A , California
(leu I F. Hmimi, " Oregon.
Ilotli H. Ilaonn A Co. I'hiUdelpla.
I' II Tin., N.w York,
t.at'irurr A tlaKskS,Han I'ranrUco.
January 'VI, hill If
ono. p. roitTi'.u,
civil, KNni.tsua, aeiiVKViiH, civnci.ii
ANIi liK-irBAt. I.A.MI Allt.NT.
OlTic back of llneika A lUltoHi' elore,
Oregon fit), July 'JJ-lf
imrjiin i itv, ihimiim rraatTiiur.
bin iekasarnr,
niaiu iLias,
ite a snaa.
ASTOStt, n.T.
fH prepared lo eiecul all order (or lh can
.miction and repair of rnarhliuiry. Illack
emilh wink In general, and turning In Iron ou
reaeuuakl terms.
Oceen IVrif aide H'ufrr Ulrttl, v
Oct. H, tl9.
A II(3,
UBr.iio.-4 CITV.
Jaaury'JI, IHiO If
iiiRTMrtn, nur.iiov.
1't.tll.cnl, March ;, IHVI-tr
SUamer Notice,
. it.. TIIK Hleamer " ('uU'mta" will leave
4iLjtyW'alling. Unding," al lh foot vf Iho
alUCsltaiiide, every Wrdneeday nusiuuff, at V
o'clock, a. ar. JAN. FIIOHT, Master.
Oregon Clly, Ocl.ll, ItiO-Mf
It. I MOStt,
SA.-T raA.ictsio, CAL.,
IN rrelvlug,csitanUy,oacons((uinenl, agreat
variety of
Dry (lo.li. Clothing,
lloola aud Hhoea, Furniture of nil kinj,
Hardware, (irorerles
IJ'Ordsrs from Orrgou will be attended to with
proni4nrs. January 9, ltUl-3riilB
IT far Male, j
Gi OOll.WII.I., stock and (liturceof the COS.
r rf.tVOiVKY.oppu-le A. Hood's etoie,
on Main .treet. For Iwrticulara, call and see
Oregon Clly, llecember.19, IBM)-I5tf
OFFICII al Mr. I'rler'e, Uon fit). Termv
of ernh'c, QUI r day, or for eurveving n
"claim," without assistance from lh cmplo)rr,
$.11). For Tuwn-eltra, 73 rents ier lot.
N, II. lYrsona wishing lo ngage a aurve) ort cm
h ceennimodaled, al sliort noiie, by (saving wertT
with lh iditor at lh offk of Ihe Oregon Hpec.
Nets stsul Cheap Hlare,
CIIHK subscribers bar irci uUy returned from
M. Han Fraurisco, with a crnersl asMrtmaal
of Dry (ionls, (Irocrriea, (Hnlhing, thiols, Hkoes,
Casslmeres, lied Hpirada, I.INSRYS, FlanneU,
Ac , which they oner lo Iho wishing- lo purchase,
uisni lerma a favorebh) aa Ihey can ha obtalard
elsewher In Hi Territory,
A ahar of public paliorug la rrepetlfullysohc.
N II flutter and Cheese will be received iu es.
cheng for good.
Uun city, sept. S, IHiO-KClf
mi: jviir "hlwoT
WILL offer for sal at Hcotl'a vllle, al the
head nf Tide-water on lh tlmpnua river.
an assortment of Dry (lisnls, (Irorerle, I'mvlsMHis,
Wagons, llanieea, Lumls-r, Mill Irons, Ac.Ar.,
ou tlio (int ht Octobtr neat.
rpt ID.'nO-tf
OIJH entlr block, coruasllng of sight Iota hi
I'ortiand, together with my dwelling house
and Hi nut-house situated upon the premier.
'I'll dwelling house U universally acknowledged
Territory. For term apply la
I'lirlland, oupW-'rllf