Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, May 08, 1851, Image 2

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Oltl.l.ON CITY t
TIlUItStrAY, MAY S, Isll.
For Betegnte to Congress,
OS We this week place at our matt
head Iho nimo of Gsi-. Josxrn I.am: nsj
u,Pcople'.candid.,oforC.1DgreM We
recognize In tho General marled eharae.
tcristics: firmness, Independence, honesty
or purpose, a wcll.balanctd and discrtmi. i
. ' . .
natins mind; juu audi point! as ft mau
holding aa of , hi. kind M.culd
It WMor.r good fortnne loharo listened
to his speech, delivered In this place on
3lSrljLftC.Il, week. Ho ,say ho is
an oat.iad.our Democrat, ho wis brought
up in lhl school ; but ho can tco no roa
son why this Territory should he distract.
rd by party politics. Tiio Delegate In
Congress has no vote wo arc ono people
w hare ono common Interest, and that
should be uppermost in tho mteds of both
Whigttnl Democrats. Thn General, it
seems, had made up his miud to run for
Congress previous jo his arrival herb";
thus showing that ho would not bo tho toot
ot, a party, as an InJepcnJent, honest,
and decide; man, we giro him our sup.
"port, with thoconscioiuacusthat the wants
and interests of iho country will be well
cared for and ilia nuntio of power will
not b inappropriately placed.
v 05" -Toa Intelligence from the mines is
, rather encouraging than otherwise. Quito
A large-number .hare returned fremthe
.mioes, oJ rather, gave up the trip before
tjiey' arsjred (here, hating become tlis.
heartened at tho bad stale of' the reads,
and the unsettled weather that caused
ihern. Catn. Lane reports rather favora.
bly oflhe mines. He says that the most
of the miners, by proper cwrtlon, can
make from 98 to 012 per day. TJiere
are some instances where men do much
bettsr. The General is of opinion that
tha mines In Oregon and California, the
Chaste and Klamath dirctnes will nay
Well for tbo next Jiuy years. There is a
largo scope oi country in that part of Urc.
gon that Is decMHIy rich. But thf great
obstacle In the way is tho want of protcc
tlon, going there, in the Rogue river coun.
try, those Indians hating snorn eternal
hostility to tho whites. Several persons
hate been brulally murdered lately by
the savages nearwhst is-gcncrally known
as the Urnpqua Canyon. Tiio General
thinks government should by all means
establish a garrison in that country, to
project persons going tonn returning from
tho mines. It appears lo bo a well con
ceded fact that up through the Willain
tto valley, Is Ut the most preferable
route to go to tho mine, and that crentu.
nlly tho greater part f tlio supplies will
seek this charncl. Tho location of the
Territorial road lo tho Uinp-jua, and the
improvement cf tha small- st reams by
bridging, etc., will remove many of the
difficulties ihlt nro now in thoway.
This portion of Oregon is well represented
In the mines. We hope thoy may all Lo
successful, and live to return londeddoun
with tho "root of evil."
A XctsiNcn. There ia large num.
bcr of hogs iu Hired to dolly perambulate
tho streets of our city tome, probably,
without homo or master. Th" city fa
theri, wu think, vtould do Mill lo alridgo
thiir liberties. If their ounors pcrsiit in
lotting them run tit lare, imd idereby le.
come publio pstt, thoy slnuM Ijo made lo ,
psyjHtix upon them. Wo nre ml auarr
that they nro ni'cdod as .avrn"crt. Ho
hold havo they kcoine tlitit they will en-
ler, without ceremony, any door or gate.
way that will admit of their access. Thev
eertalnly havo been n gnat pest to our
citizen. There car, ho in kind of jus.
.. , -i . .. , , , '.
tico JiCMlov ,ng a few persons in iho city
to have stock running al lareo, srcttlv 10
ihu annoyance cf all ..then. It should
le seen to wo linpo the "fiiilirri" will
attend In it.
v &"'" Tlio Indian woman who was hung
fast vvcik, ainlwbom wo made mention ns
i.. ,.. , , .. , . .
.a,.,.K ncen mmg i.y ner nusnand, wo ,
an. i.uui rtimuie nuiiioriiy, commilteil
Miiciue, insiravt, ns we stated in our last,
oi imv.ng .ctn nung I.y her liusland.-
during n fit of jcalomy.
. !.
&5-Thu Hurvijnr Genera! has mado
msiicau nuancrs nt uregon Lily, lie
. . ...
will set about the work of his niivvlon In a
few days. Ho purine, visiting tho Cos.
cades, and near that point ascend thoCus.
eudo mountains, from which lie will mako
a I'miiinetieeineiil
- iNdinn Treaties-"-.. ', t
Twtjlet!rcitcludoloiUliti!iLwil..lfpntbf Juilj,'f Lancaster, ha. ts.k'ii down
by llio Conimli!oncr,'Jitli tfioYniliill that grMlrmsn's tisnw and hoisted th
and I.udtnimW' Unitfcr the Mb.r,u.sl. ' nama.cf the nl.l wj horse. Gen.- Joseph
mint cd'lltclrwunlry.jholajllj claim., I.snsyai it mail K?al.HvTlnj Oe'ncral It
ed by Imtfi ihes band. tie oninc west side stuuiplnrj the Tctrllory. lie iivU Intliti
of tlio Willamette,';-thai of tho former
mediately south olilho Yamhill river nnd
extending m ilie north fork of iho l.uek
nimuko liter. Those nf the latter lie lo
the south of tlio Yamlilll tract and extcud
as far as llio south fork o( Mary's rlcr.
These treaties, therefore, extinguish ilia
Indian tillo to all iho land, north nf Mn
rv' river, between the Willamette ntul
the coast range of mountains, except ni
small slip claimed b a few Indians rvtl
-ling in I.inn Cy and a .mall slip s.ina-,
ted on Iho Lnliinibfa river in the neighbor.
hood of Million and Si. Helen".
Ucjmaliens cre mad in favor of the
. , ... ,,. ., ... ....,,. ....
uaivi, asiouonsj tuino ininmii", me,"" i"w !" '"a.
.malW.Uey !., on the head -XK
Deer creek, a Lranch of the Miuth fork of, ...Ue.l i0b.ihe-.r,t IVimwrallona.
Yamhill r'ncr, and gcncially known a ' 0r to run up that man' name, who unl
the Ronlicr Hole, the lio eminent illpu. ! erallv rcce!( iho honor of tho " Marl.
htlng to rcm3e all persons rcsidlnc with,
i .t. . ...i...; e.
111 IMC re9C(lillUU, IW lll-ILIll IUIUIUI
setllemcots. lo tnr l,iirKtttmukcspatraci
of about A miles by a, commencing at
Simpson's ferry on the south fork of tho
Luckaimuke ricr, thence southerly along
the old California trail lo the north boun -
i e sv-ir iii .i , i.
.,ar, , .. .,....3 i..... ..-.. -y.r,,,
mo mini, niriii-r iu wo imt nun 'iui
or beginning. ,
Tho Yamhllts reeeiio the sum of $'.!,.
000, to be paid as in the previous lrralies
in '.'0 annual instalments $.100 per an.
um in cash, and tho rema'inder in clo -
thine-, roods, nlous an l lnrne. ...
hoes, and wood and tin.w are. The nav.
nc pav.
ents to bo maJe at Champoeg. On the
pajmenloftlie first instalmrnt, the chiefs
are, moreover, lo receive, each, n horse
and the flbo ten rifles In consideration
of the removal oflhj. tribo Iron, their an-
c!eil grounds into tho mountains, ihc Go-
vcrnment agrrcs to erect fur Iheiri suitable
log houses. Tha Luckaimukcs receive
820,000; 8H00 per annum in cash and
sfce balance In cloilnV. Js. nn.l .!.
cultural Implements. The payments arc
to be mado at Salem.
The Yamhill band consists of sixty.onelaleil In this neighborhood do no! pass
persons, anfl that oflhe Luckiamukcs num.
bcrs forty.fodr.
The chiefs chosen by the Yamhllla nre
Yah-huas, or Thomas, Esto.lc.ah, or
Henry, and Aitip or Antoine. The Luck,
almukcs havo recognized Daboo or Jim,
Scho-Ia.quc or John, and Kone.
OCr We are authorized to state, bv the
5ttirvrt nr fZiniml tf frtnrn lli.t I. a I..'
InslruLiionsioiornnsimeilinlait mill.n
donations of land lo (lie citizens of Ore.illl''10'RJ ,,,c U'""-, hev would be
gon, as to Include the widows of men im. v,cr.v "My l" "eene tlio Information
migrating to Oregon, w hose husbands died "c Government intends they should from
upon tho way or who shall have becoino ,,lc advertising.
Bum, uui.-.iUrm iu mcir unnai in me
.h ' ?V Ah y " '''
It is caiy of a, cess to
lclet.atps from nil parts or the 1 . States,
ind consequently n-.irer tho grnRraphieal
:nntro ofilie Cuiied Pistes nt this time,
(fifty jenrs hene will tlirow it much fur
Ihcr to the north-west
yr Our neighbor would havo his rend,
er b. licvo lie is an cpcil liivorito Willi
tho adminiilration nl asliington they
furnlshrd him tha only tnrrrrt ami renl.
fieil copy of the L. ,i, J.avn. If our
niglilwrs O'.jcct isloiiioko vlrr out or
.1,. n.UlllJ. IIL' It ..L'lLLI.l' I I Ul. II, I , III.
mako; but ho ceilaiulv ili'i'l
l. I.... I... .-r..i.. .11...
II" tee
shnwJni4s tl.nn hontsty. II" bcemi to
havo fiiraoltcu llm inlxlni thul ' honest v
j U lho ' ttJ,i.cJi,'.L .
(O" Tlieiltlo steamer Hoosinr, urrlvcd
' al our landing on Mnuday lust. 'I'h"
' iJooicr nscetidcil tlio rapl.N will, .some
, ty'1 utanco from tlio shore, bv means
ofn Wv.lln. It is the intention ol the
,, ,,,, Mr. ,arvey Si Co., In place
Lr nbnvn tho falls, and nrruniM.iiie.iH
have brin mado lo lint rttect. Iho
ilo.sier is soma
iiuuw ...iii. ...w., iiiu
omo 0,1 u run. Muccess lo
iii,.iu.ilty friends i.iavt.ro.
trade. Our
pare Ihciiisilvi't far the night "fa r.t.-aun-r
. .'. m .'
n a , ,,. .. , . i ...
(.III! , , , lll. II.I.11U Wll
Wednesday In.t a wi.lc
"0. Wis are
.." '. , .
Hlni to n
.. . ,.,.. , , ...II .ft.., I. .
iq inn. ion wj jii 11 .nor nnvimr
i.i .,, .Mack
of Ihu siiUll imx, Tlu
jU(lgc, ttrr , al Jn ,,0 Territory
, OS-Thn'U-v. Mr. Geary, ltill In
soeii liy to day s paper, Is aliout to ij"?n a
school at Lalayrttn, Mr. G. ary is ertd.
"'"f 'P'-" - -w.t-..-. .. "i-v
..linlnp .nil Im. Iifiil . Ir.nr. i mm .mi. Inl
schnlar.and ha. had a loiirr txperirntt'in
leaching, rice his card.
A-T V lis innU JriSii1nn rv tsi ..linrtli fr
ba oinod at ll.li place. I'or particular
vv infer thn reader In the itdvenU-ii-inl
1.. .in,li..r 1 itiimii
... --".-.. ! ..-.-. . "......- .1 . ..... , ,. ,, dm,, nr.i lull,, Ihnn f.irmnp I n,ini,li
ed to vvhito malo cilizers.orin aucTiouaii. ,,,P F1'""' x.overnor, ins i.xeciicncy, J. "-V""' J :. '"" V. ' ,' liavn hii.io l..rno his dvmg rtipmsts lo a min.
lilies a. they would l entitled to, In their I"-Games. He as), he know, no Uh.g ra ,, ,,.,r it, nr.1 ..xl,i st Vl.clr M.Vn.V- ' T,r'"V M"'1k " ""' - ns. .1 cio,.,,.,,,, , ...rrun-r wo d pirnng t,,? i.him
own right, prov Ided their husbands w ere In, vvoul I vwr aco VccuP) mg llio Gul, r- m ,r t , oLiain matter m f 1 ll eir ne. , JU v '"' ,,,,"", '" '" I"" '"- ' ,,M",'' '"?' "'" 'T ,l? ,,,1" ,' ,NV " ", "'"
llfin"- or in oiher Wonli n.rrjiet. . . .' ... .- . i . InoWain mailer In l.lllliclr pap. s. aim, M1 ,1P ,,,(,. ,, ,il., nn v eeitnin lllll It Is the lt lnee
Lnni.'. ?l 1, toy uHl 1 i XclU 'urn V ' I '" .' r" I" n'V '"r"' 'VTli "'""'' n.M..i. ..irrrrsl "'l . I Hi. U d h.l-en so ind.r.d bv jour Heavenly
fl" 'mo footing .fmil.cl.ClC !,,cm,"0 inu?f ""'" nC'" ' f,wJrt- wAXmf nf Iho Mluwmg r.s. o..s, wind, Im'ssld l' r, win. ,11,.,., all .our trouble, ,..
Ulrd that such widows were In tins mun. ? Ho "i, h, know. Gov. I.aineafer. u du ynihii ' "'' ""y ,rar' ''f ' ' ho h.d drawn u,. ni ..,,.,,..- ..f the ..iirg.J, and ho ;. . I.spose. all tniir
.... i.p... i.. ... ..... ... .... . . ...ii.. ..i c .1.. ..,.1 ...i ii.. world, und Irom every grade uu.l pl.asv ol ...,, ,,i ,i, ,..1i ., i !. il,t .,rv . miKiim in make
Vnuirlran Unb. ' annolntment entire. Larnn" bis oolii.cal , '"H").- .Now newspapers contain msny . ,,,,, .,.,,, ,l0,0 .. ,.,,. ,,,, ,. ,.,,j A li.tsbard I. Indeed a
'opinions. l the lst thoughts nltl.oiivistgilte. "., are U-voml iho r.aih nf human infirm.!), nlhnel. but what is he to nn all.siiflicU
(FT The Toit V.'avi.c (Inl.l SVminel .,.-- " . I "" ,I,L- n,0j,. ""Irti' ""bjicts, and th.ir Wll v IIO,lilltf ,m ,. Mi, -, nm ,.;. ail vsi-rlasting G.sl, who can thus cau
urges Cincinnati n, tho imtt suitable place I '"" ,Ur '""l"""'" nl , "I' ,r" P"" ' ' "' nmo"? ' ... pi hti. Ir.itl. and jii.tien. v. hid, nro at '.r -ev eie.t .iIIi.-iIi.ih lo work togeth
....I.I-I....I.M.I.I.. r. ,.!v. 'press n the Mates an, disposed to exull ll,.; most rtliable, n;.d will furiuih an in. . ,..., r ...... ,,,.,.,.. .....,. f, llr ,MK,d.ar.. who ha. said " A lath
-- - ..." .v.. ....a..,.u.s. over II.. ir comparative Mtpenority, where exhiiuMiMc fuml of interlai mil to the ' ' , ,.f ilm latberless. nnd a iudi!., ofllio w
iiviiui ...ii, liiii. ni, i, ,. l ui ,,i in, iu inov aid ueen n Lcniurv nr I lira in nui ui me. I rirrciiti.ii f iciiL'cr.
03 The- tt'nitrn .V.ir, with tltoron.
Im-Icy on Inat Thursday evening, In M
wauklr n r'tlday, ami In Portland -op
Saturday. Tim General having dclftd
lits mining suit ami brushed tip, lie may
now lo MihVttt be himself again. Ho hail
largo and attentive audience when ho
spoke here. The Wntrm Star goes for
Gen. I.ano entire, as the following will
General Lane
the neonlo's man a
fanner ly occupation a wise and tils.
1WirJ ,',,, M1C(.CMm, Uwlcr,, from
!iraery and noble dating, ns tlio history
of mar v a hard fought tattle field In Mcx.
!.. I.. '.. 1.. ....! 4...I ... !..:
en" uflho Mexican war. We nro m
Mo Inscrlbollir namoof Jofrpli IaiioLMM
. . . . . p '. . -"
.... . i..,,,.,. H,,, i.n i.'. lmu
-.t.. ..- I .... I. W-.. I !-- ....1.1-
chanfMoii of honesty, nalnolKin, and fidel.
it v, and wo am most happy to announce
hfs hamennd honestly adiocate his rause,
, -having confidence to belicie that our
frienils wnll approve our courso, and uulto
w.h (M1 lo,.onillg jwcne, ,0ll0f llpull
im io-ll j s iuc; Wo go I
U'rt . ti. (!.. lansi.
est JU. h.lMI, "lite or illo,
" .. . .
''. uriw ik ieriili.
&. Toc ,0- M,( r 8 lWinji
! has ducoiereil anew moilc fur ailvertls.
Iml rt'..
. ing the Int of letters. He leni'luded,
alter the issuing of one lumber of the
.lrt that it had the larger elrc.da
, f . r ,i,. , ..,., ., ,,.
or ,,M pnf , 1Bj plwi t)iroUl,, ii,c
mails the previous vviek. Now we shall
not "top lo Innulro ns to the trutli nf tliis
assertion, aso consider that it has noth.
Z. f,Z " Jn,V. " Z
onc, IV not M11(i lhc w rf ijC, c ,
lb Alia f'allfemia, V. Tribune, or
-s. . Herald, ok llicro would bo nnccd
of proof thai either of ihoso pspow has a
, .hallow one. Any person that kniws
I lil fir.tlAvl nl llm I', ll. Iimiiv isi insv
lonvthln?, knows that the papers circtf
I "".H- ' I'ost Onlce at a I, 0nd there
n,,l.i i. n..,..n. r,.. t.,:.. ,i. ..
ingrfo 110 Willi ine case III Jioint. 11 msi""- "'" "",v " -" , ""' -"
interpretation of the law was tho pnper , "iail leaving before the regular tn..c.
vwmiii t-rv tiv iiivtilis wi whvimhiiihil: iiiv I tl . . If
tenlorcirculatronofeither,otherthanbyu,,,'l'f,uaV,we,0or"I,"rcn or )"ll '
an examining of tho books belonging to . cf" cM' , How many penis would Ihi',
Iho offices respectively. Has such ex. "" ,0.ln,1i") ",llcl' ,'0, had 'nlln-ly "
aiiilnation been made 1 No. Tho I'. M.
relies upon tlio people lo sustain him in his
decision. The law is so plain that it wan.
not be misunderstood. It wohld be a great
benefit to tho pcoplo residing within the
circuit ol this roit Umcc delivery tohave
their letters ndverllscd at Salem, Marys-
17-ucncral l,aiie, lu his speech 'ii
Thursday last, paid a great compliment to
.hoy havo been n century nr morn In
' bringing things lo Heir presenl state of
development. Ihey seem to lenvo outof
view the fuel that no lnu near wlior. the
nxU umv, mid thai llir-j Uing llm great
moving principle i oporationi every,
win n, that lapers.'os will asevcrylhlng
else, must Ibmiih lus a nilttp'i.f course,
Tim Milinmlie Slalmrl is of opinion,
ninth will bu sun by tho following tx-
tract, that woaro in mcX Wo can in-
f. mi the .Sriiir ll.at
wo hirvegiiod
....1 ......
,n( 0ubvriLer, an Imporiaut thing in
iiirni mil.
....... It... '
O.tLbiiv, file or tho " Orecon flnen
talor" rn.no In hand yoMerdny, lilledSvilb
evidences or the go-nhcad sjdrit of 'our
brithren on tho Pacific, shores. General
Tnigg's ramous huir lotion has made In
Dppeuniucn among tlicm, and tho gray
heads were in a comuiMion. Portland
City raised rjitfld for lho rolieforilestitulo
cmigrnuts coining our thcinountains.
C0 1 nranextcllcnt rliaractor had just
Uein)iiej5iircd in Aduiirnlty Inlet.
Pirn J'.nginca lor t Jregon Lily wcrolulk
, . ,, . , -,. . .
e.l r.rnu ni.ii.Ii Mi.riirlnin m rr..i,l' fur ..in
-: " "' I ' ' .-....-
'afity of that growing tavm.
Ihn ?tAml,tlr0 ttv lo nv ap llm sliinrn.
... -ry - , J ,7 .." I'.O
.Nation of 60(1,000 for lho use ojlhrf
Turritorv. nnd well It may, for Iho editor
.,...,.,,... ,.... r.H .,... i.. ,i.n ...:,.
..-......... ..',-. . ... .......
'n'IB' 'l0 'icd' It is certain, for hn pub.
liihia his ihunks lo nomubaly who l.aa
!-.. .... .. .... ." - ' -F ...... ..w. ,
,.... ,., ...I, r ,., ,.;-,. ,...,,
" rriiL'ii mil, 11 biiii ,1 ii. ...iiw. iiu.iii::
, hithirto been forctd louse an empty lyiie.
fjtT Nathannl Ur,!J,rj.,orN,,w Hrl.
Slate, has bom appointed Postal Agent for
OrcEon, nnd is milIiiI lo nrtlvn on the
,,, .(earner. Mr. Coo succeeds
1I.0M nvdule.
A earth si Lompoiilor lately illiiv.lvcdTuMpn-of-cn. Jackson. The querist
JV" '"'" '.')' Iraup"l '"'"tors, whore.
'' l ndnd Nulu hntmim the VnlM
A. Hisn lltr. nferKmai of tin-
"higher law!' tnmii, sa) Ilia Vhunitii
Trihunr. wa t.-i'i'iitlv nreathliil In One
oflhe lllngex In Ne-iVork, and at I1I1
Wotknr illi)t's lud recantly t'ljirtaard
thelr1tplnl6n1eii iho Pugitiic HlarH.aw,
he took that, occasion lo break mil with
Ids opinion, and ha thus ihiurs thn Slhir
Grey partyi
"Ilrethren, lids Is not tho first I'ligitlte
Itwlhat has passed : eighteen oenturli's
since It was enaotnl, nmt If any man
know where Jesus was. ho should mako It
known unlo Ihem.' Thon, as now, there
wore Doctors of Divinity who preached up
iho dutvof ohedleiirv to that winked law :
tut there khis imml In the seiefr hnl rf
JuAta otiLT o Silier Grey."
There nre n number ol illtlim in Nr
England who are equally patriotic in
their rxprewlons about tho l'i5gltioSlae
law. Theso samo men would look 1,11,
with iho greatest complacency, tho reek
less and open linl.illou of tlio Invv rrgidi
ting mobj and suiite indeed would go mi
far as to render personal nssUlanep to til
gitlves when about t9 le rapturrd. The
Constitution It nothing in the cstiuMtii'ii of
such men.
I'm thf Hietstot.
Mn. nutTon.
Can you inform mo how it comes that
jour paper or April 17, ilia not ion,.. t
hand imlil lonlay, when I received tirc0
in a bunch? Tho. mail, ou rvincmU-r,
shmiM have left Oregon citv en llio llltli
. ....
nil. Wirt.apcrwnspr.in.'doolhol7!h;'on'en. In the .State i.nislne an I a gr.i.l
thus vott -el- the fault lies either In tho '' "" ''l'"'' "H'R'-. '. '" '"i
, ,,
..-!... T.. ir... .s. ii.M ! r.n: .i i i
ll O . . .. I - '
llllll I'. IVll nntllll IVIIIVI II IIIIVI ll"''l
.hm A".k.s ,iii. ,.,nr... .a funs tiivii
Iis.. ....s... i l.. ..i.t... ti... .1iV...l
liltfl III"' 1
U'lll 'aill'lll it"! a.- in jS,Mt HIV llirtnvi s j. . '
liiforiiiition.rudatlfiesaiiiitlmeobll2eBl""f"ll'ff,'l'"'l"iHT'. Luerg ,
I.afajetle, May ,
!314" '
I ho fault iloea tmt lie in the pruning
othce; wo remember distiuclly pliclng
the '.afavettco.ickaL'e. will the other na.
u;ner pa ,
pers on tho samo route, In tho post ollico
0 the a.trriinoii or the ISth nil. t'l""!
Iniulrj we harn that the mail started on
I the afternoon previous to the tUlli. o
im lux! nlilss tit rrtan ntiv rcntiti lltr
,Ji IrlSre I,. reBul.r Uu.c
' Ti
" "
I lCslr!M3 SS.wsrtrKKH A I t til
Ononfthe n.Biiy things which I hsvn
to ngrel, says
s a correspondent of the,
Iritiil, Ilanuer, when I rnnew my past
life, l, lhat I did not froin corli-st )uuth,
at nasi assoonasi wasauicloduii,iBKe
, f" ' l""'1"" n."1"' K""" now.
an I preserve MinogooilnowspaiK-r. How
- H ' -" "
intcrt sling would It tw now to n sexagrna
riau tolwiK into the p.iters wlucli ho read
gotten I How many nleresllng a.sncln.
lions and raring would It revive What r(,nJ(,r,,, ,MW,tP ,,.. ,, t.,m,imi,., nll,
a slew would It give of past years! )l ,o l.borloii, idli.rls at thn. eat oflhe Ine
knowledgo woul, it preserve by assist ng,,ro,101,nil .,11V, ,,, r nir,Clon nf
the memory ! And how many v. ..j-Mo ,,, UR, .,l n,alPt tt ,
nurprxosol even a literary 'kind, might it ,eriIllllMj rainllv. Hurl,,.. Lis illiu-s.
no renoerru suuaervicm io;
ins mucn no . ,.,, inai , cou.u , .
Into sued 'ceord whin ro,n,.ng this
..," "".,' ""' "r""ral"-" e.,u..r
iniercni wiiiigs iiniv iron, nnai uiey were
are unjs akabl) more interrnting and la
liable, in this respect at I. ait. These
uid u( life. lrrchn.il' i lltr.
A Ni.vv I'l.ATUiU.. Tho Trov (-N. Y.)
Indies have introduced a 'new feature' al
,1(ii I'airs, which inakis them draw like
team rnglue. All the most lievvilcl.liig
U wear placards, labollod ' Kissed urn
.hilling .oil.,' and in koine cases, whim
the dialers possos extracirdinary beam)
a pricn fullnshlgli as5ccutilsnbtuiiinl.
Gentlemen who nro fundnfgatht rlnit Ibis
I, , .rrt. i l.i.. . r. . ...I .. .. I ,.. '
uiini ni , run. 'inLiiini, i.uni mo iroi'. en in
....... -......,.--. t, '. c. ..
. fi)r It according lo tho weight of their
, . . "
Weren tlotlart north Ihr hmieu,
that Master Ilrook ! Whit a sweet tooth
lho regno must havo! Tho fly llint ' sips
i,.,,,,,. ,in 1, 1, ,.,., , ,,, .,., i. 1 .,,
m r.nHr.rtm " I .,,, At,,, ,r
turo coi.iioris. .iiw'iy Ainicvru.
fttrOHin Si iinot.MAiiM. Kx.Gov
RIniIaIimo .l.li ri, ilni.il HflAr Mf.,iilFitif
... , . ,',.,
I SVnu, n. ,. .,... .mi. I mi., hum ,..1 IV. .w
......... .. ... .. ........... ..... . ... ..,. ... ...'
i-;-" .n.-n. "v.... ""!
Hngland girls, to Iry n Iwvey ofour llnck.
,' j """"" " "-"' h-
j.nd ladies, sent out lo tench other pen..
nln's c h rcn in t ho West, are very nronn.l
& ls.... I ! II ! elil f !. rJ vl I txrt.
,.. . . .1.... ., ... .,,.... ,i.. -:..iui ..r
.unvi ,. I-II..I, ,,.IIU, -. .... ."J l "
their miaston and lko to leaching their
own childrnii. If the Kx. Governor think.
1 . . , , .... , ,. .,, .,t.
ul rciiTMiviii' nil. i,r niiii,,i,uiiiiz, ,,wn
j evo t'lrls. we fnnr ho ha mistaken the
trinneruinunl of our pcoplo. Thu Amerl.
can multiplication table I. fjnllo ns well
understood "out west," a "How 11 cast."
CUrehni JV.1.1 lkaler.
Gr.s. Jackkon .no tiik K.iocxnns.
Ono or tho Spiritual knockers down rasl,
il seems ha. been In communication with
wism n-iniMniv ivnui .1111 11.11 iiunern. niui
KpfiriieiTrt. Tlio reply wast "Thn
lmoti Ar the rltrnill ilnn't 'Jilil ll."
nurses, nnd olio or the nowsriaonrs savs. .. . . .'-.'' ' " ,MU
I... n m. ll,w.,l lI,.l.f.nV. I .,1,1. r i'l- ,or "? pmleM.ioiis. leanili,;' nl thn . .;,,... , lu,,,,, ,lt Mtl.,,11
.11...1 .1.... ull.... 1.. lir . ... deteaM.il; for lho purity nnd upri, hlii.tK. Tb. ii.iii,riiiils.awa of the .-sv
I,,,,' film .,erln.., ne.l.nllv ,,? I.,.,l "' his profl;loiia Illo J Mltt for his 1 fV H0ll of I -HmresS nm HOW IIIKUI
H ,.....--.,.....-.....-.-..,, ,.... i 1.1:1 1..- !. iii. . iml...... r 1. ..!..... 1 .... is .1. hi . .. . 1 .. - f..
1 iiiiin hi
A I'utilli' .TIcrtlHs;
Or tin itlllrtns uf Oregon Oily und
rlolnllr, nas hi hi nt Iho Iregon llotite,
at 4 oVloih I'. M . A aril .lUth. for the
purine of adopilni; rosolulloni MiltaMa
to tiio prrnstoii ni receiving im inieiti
ui'iico of the ilvcraM of (he lion. Hhiiiih
II, I hurntou.
(I'll. A- li. I.oyi'i.n was riillril In thn
liri l. n lipuMl.
cnnir, ami A. II. MU-cl, .11, II., nasap.
........ '. ....... i
poimeii ncrreiary.
Judge Thnrnluii mado some remnrku,
explanatory nflhe oMrcisiif tho meeUni;, I
and npproprlsli! In thn rlrciiimlaners.
Aniii'g other things lie said auhttantlatlt
The ooclim nhlrh convenes us Is a
melaueliolyoiip. The IhinorntliiHiiininl
It Thurston Is mi inure. Wo ms sent
the Inst nf i-atlh. Illsnplilt has passed
to its liual audit, and Ids body Ins hern
uonsiguid lo tho grille by strangers wh
liioinennl lilt lnt irMlii" plnec wllh their
tears, us lliev thought of tlmsn detr far.
oll'iines, w h' were stlddriily berrfl of litis
liunil, liithrr ii it. I brother. I hev "lie
the iincertRlnt) nf all euilhly hopes' mul
of th.i unst-vbi'lltv el enrv thiiiii iiikjii
..ii. i. ..., ...i :...i i "... ' .
miitn inin nun nriliig iiuill 11 proilt! in
lean wllh rouhitinre. I'ndur (renin.
taiieis, wieretore, such as these uliich
now convene us, di w not nil feel that II
Is Ntter for iistuKi iniliehniivnftnoiirii sinning hat ho had loaned, Would )ou
lug, thai In go in the feasl nfwlcknliiras. wish In alter any of God's appointments I
Mr. ThiiMon derailed this life ui'Wniild v on nm rather sny, " I will keep
lxrd ihe steamship t allforntii, nl sen, oil
Aeapiilro.ou Wcdue-dny, the Oil. day nf
April, ngi.l !IA year. He was a native
i..n... i.. si... vj,.. ,.r iii., -.. t - ..--.I
Mtm A
n ni aumilleuinine nar, wi,rrp Iiopviiii'hI
...!-... -"..- I . .1 ...- ..I!.t.
' in r in im ihi iTijiunrv i nr.ii'rr, i ut ii
At tlii BsiiniMitm r(tiiiiinnliil fiui.rt niiit
. . a , . ',
'aspiriuj. ami Inlliirni'ril hi nn hotinrahh
, aiiihiiinii, he nllmi -si, I to bis immediate
T Iw.rcmi11 fllnn.l. Ilinf Iim At... ,A.I I,, I.,
ill0 hinor of a -uiit in the council nf the
.., i,hi,i five inn rr,.,,, ih. n,..n nr.
i.i i.. i.. .i -T... .1 ....: ..e .1.
i.w i ,n17 ,i- aettlel -n llrruon. a,
. pr.imr t'nld in which to rnt hi, men
( u , tlVirtss through tho fiilur if his daw
J,,,,,, n, the voters ..fihl.Terrilorj
rlm-n linn ns llielr lnt I legate In ton
Krr, and thus the object id Ids hi art and
the plain In which Im loot.'. I vv.isatlaiue.l
1 V man whfie ilinraeter Is merelv lien
-,,, ,,, , ii.. , . ,, ,. r.. ,,. , ,,
,,. .1. im,,,,:,,,,,'.,,!,, .,,,
j,.tll, jt c,t.iined manv strung i.ilnlsj
....... -.--.. .... . .,..... ..,..,..,
I,, j( ri,,llrm.0 of ,,r, , f, ,'.,,
hu iai lilt ' nlun Ull , ,, ,nlm,
. ..,.,..,. r,ien,la.
-w, ,,,,., ,,,. ,, Htlc,. ,..,,
., . coll,i
I not sm in hlu, sraicrlv thmp
:..,y. r
and linpeifrcli'ins wl.lih are
lllsll lllll ls (II III IHII" I irsj - i
evnry where thn conenmit.i.i's
,,,',!,., rn i,, a, i.,. nn, ,
,able forms.
ot Mali
lilivt estl
.,.,n lP , j ,- ,. .... ..,, J(.r,.
., ,irt. ...!,., .. :,i. n. . ,i........ i.., ..r
,,;, ,.,,,,, ,( , ,-,,,, m,tlh i(l ,
,r r , j ,vs ,.,,.1 ,,r. -i, fair lo....
nv "Mill .inii. n.. .M 'fllHl IIIHIISli VI
nui,ltlli ( ,, 10 ,,
1 sevrial in
Iissnlil mIv l.illlllliisti.nil tn Ins
wants, vviiic.it ii lil.n .iiiumming aii"e
aiouii I thn Loin.1. nf lie ii'!. 111:111, until
limy clnsoil histves in ihalh, and thev
llriulrril, That ih
(Ill, ns of Oregon
I ,;y ,, ,,, ,iciii,lv. o ,.iu.nii.i,. tbl.
...eeimg, hmnhmrd wnhdeei. roKrnt and
u M.i.ibililv of .lie diuili nfllmi
Simuil it. Thurston, our lain Helena, n
in Congress, i
lltiolerit, 'Hint whil. we Mlvle thai
this is inilher thn timn nor tho occasion j
fiir expressing nur approval nr our ihsnp. I
proval f i ilh. r llm whole nrofnny pari I
(of Mr. 'I'liiirfton's jmllileul acts, yet now, j
. . ..-...
i.r.iL.u..., I,,. ,i, mi . i..r..inA. ,., M..I
father, friend nnd niighlmr.
I Jlexieeil, Ih.tniopy nfllienn rnnu.
., , 1. ............. 1 1... ..r.l...
n,i." .'oioiiiiiiiiiiiLiui'.. iii.nw ni.....)' n. 1 in-
usstiriug tlieiu ofour iiK.sl siiiiiirn nnd
, r,. ...,.i..i .... .... ,r ,...
III., liulilil .i!tlef!lifp, f heii.lin hi.ili ri, ..I ...i. .... ,,. .
S'l.li.l. ..S .-"- ... ...-- . ...-- .......... T ... . , -. ..n,. ,, 11111 a .in.,. . I III I. Ill . Ill SI. V....I...I
, gnat, nnd Irr, pnrahln loss whlehhn l.'nii
''Acr"1orsuslaln. d by his family in lho linn, nlcd
ig Hi llio dcnthol Ibollon, Hauiuel H.Thiiraton.
i.Luii.irn ii.i.uu . 111 , . vi, u. . ...iii. ... .....
. , , . . '. .... .
...Min .. i..i. ..ni. p.. ..in. ,r ..i.iiinn
.ivii 1 11 .. ill" , ,"1,1 ....,.,..., ,., ......-."...
.. ..
HeiotcM, 1 hat n copy nl llm pnner.1.
Ci f i,, ,-wilna. (..jretliar will. Iho
. ' .. '..'.. ....
lollir ol eoinioionoo no luri.is i to iiiii
ru,)relV(1 m.,v,,,n,,nrr, I.. ll.I territory fur
.i.,i...!.... ' ' '
. : .- . . . . . ...
. Ill, I.Hllll
motion, Ihrchairappolu.dl Messrs.
Thornton, .Simpson and I l.oiiipsniM com.
mitleo to writo a letter of rondoli-ji n In
lho family or lho deceased, Willi learn In
prepare II nftcr lho adjournment ( this
meeting, and with iustrucllons lo publish 11
"17 " " "ii
tin motion, the meeting then adjourned.
A. U. 1.1IVI.JUV, t;iinirinin,
A. II. .Str.tL, Secrelnry.
Oregon C'ily, May 1st, lMI,
At n int'Lllng.ofour follow cilleimif Or.,
ognu Cily nnd vli'lnliy, assembhid nt Ihn
Oregon Home, for tin, purimio of adopt.
Ill' lesolutiouHsuilnl.lnln Ihr occasion of
rcceivlnt lh lulilli, tun of tho laiuciitnl
ili'cessu iifviiiir Into litisliiuol, tlio under
lulled wern appoiulnl n cixiDiilttsjo to nd
ilriat ln)iiu a letter ofcondidince, sym.
alimthy ntul cniloil, In tlio Irarravrinenl In
. ; wiiiuii j i
ill liuo noviillv hull Sllhieeleii
iii tlio illieuastlou of an nll.wlie I'rnvl.
driice. Iii illiqhsruiug tha duly thus Int.
'oils iriiliiitllli:
l.mv!i. ns "i-ii
ol our own brails, wo
. i
would not raild) uhlrudd lulu tha fntlnd
'inioolyour sorrow, Iml would ratlivr
Ift uti our eyes and toiccs alar oil", for wo
see that your ttrlef it very great. And
' )rt "If we amay lo commune wlili iImm",
will thou Iki griuird I" Mnv wo not at
lea; illrri I your attention lo llim whohas
snid, "lommilthy fslhollen children to
my care, I will piricr.io ihrm aliw j and
let tli) widows trust In me."
Your presmt alllidloii seems rriiiiru
more than llio uul fnrms nf noiidolcnre,
and therefore ifwo serm lo inlrudo iiimhi
)imr ti'llli'liient, Ift our niotlvn bo our
apology. Having realized thai It l "N-t.
ler to go to the huusu of mourning than to
llio house of leastliui," wo would c
and sjmiiathise wllh you, and oflr you
' such ndv lee and comfort as teems lobe
1. 1 i... ...i... i i.t..i. il.
iirinnnnru nv an icnsiun in umuu miv
Sivi'relgii I lisposer, whos will lathe Ijtar
ot his matures, nsi riprrwny ueciarrn
' his III In the Urwseut affliction, lijrrrr
ib i.rr
-nts imIi
ik mi., inn-, i ".-nun net inai
J. il, . i' I, .. e Almlj'hty InvtruM
it-hold I nm villi I what shall I
ai.vrr the ' I will lay my hand im.m.
'!' ,""""l,i ,1,'1': ''l'''"'.'"'-''''"
uirinni mny in , ni'iiir mmr imiin
.....I i. I iih. . mm. . I esi.fMA.1 l.nl
' . . ...'...
nn i ta whuii'i a -wn
im'tiMt I ri.iuv llioil illUt fl.
IS I 111
.""I it inv be )ou ure rrs.ly lo rep y.
' I hnve hrai.i many siion iniiius. i nisn
muld miik ni)on in, if your soul were
Ill lll hllll a llPBll. lllll ni 1, RSI 11,1 1111
do as those did who " llnilltd the Holy
una of Israel." UuiMlsav " bruise is In.
'..,,,!. u n.. 1 ,,,v ......... I nnimui il.m
luivl no healln rnedleines." Thai Mod
wlm "giveth songs in llin night" ha said,
"I will restore health unto tin e.nnd I vvill
heal threuf thy woiindi sailh the lird."
' i periiaps uriiupr nieu hiiiiiii'n
n ns imr thr re'lei lion that jmi hsvn In
vnur iniii.iren ami irienia.aiiu in niaiiy m
llm llrssliigs ul timl's providi nor, still
...... i. icf. i ,r eiiiKil jllou. oiiirdi V oil n.
' i r rnnnsel r inmfiirt . and to all thru
-- - . ..
"ii ur- rtady lo reply as jour lietitt fid-
ns ihn U-h.vnl ubjt 1 1 thul Is laken fn.m
,-. ,ll thou show wonders fri.ii. ih"
dead I Shall tin, dead arno and .ralu
,., f .S H.y InmiJ lindiwss I., d...
.ilare.l in thn gravn. nr Ihj lultliluluess In
destrurtloil I Ins Ihn dead shall .line.
an I "an i.ixi ate in iiic grams sii.ii i.ea.
his vnur
I I if..' i inlve.1 tn nn. nf ll. flanprta. il
hjhi,, ,ul nwre (ban a funeral pr,-is.
' .!. Pnend f..ll.iw, friend in the grave,
! und lho weeping oflo-day Is ll srrptTf-
",. j and we are thus constantly
n.l,,i...iih.,l in commune with our heart
nnd bn still," br.-eiiso "smlllen friends
nr.. n,,..i. .en, i.n nnn.i fnl nf Inn.."
"" ---" -- - --. -
,nm iney ran ii.m usini.sien in, lie vm..
ivhinh propeil) arms fimn ihim.
'I'hegnat stalutu law of Heaven "ll
is npmlntrd unt.i men nune lo die," mnki s
all fiiial. And even th" heathen philovi
,.l . r.Seurna has said, " f whi.rn..iildiui
Ih il "no is dead, i iuiiiil.il s II, .1 1.0 was n
. call in
I' w, is (ml In his Inly hnbititlon. I hat
h miy all this nn.l
""d l' )nur ihlldren, I
even innrn in vim
Is Ih" heart. fill
Hear Mnilain,
Your ob'i servants,
Cnss iml, lodes his letter to llm
r.'itiv,.l, vvlneh name oil' In Now
I ni
J.'ni 1'i-br.iary, In llm
In Jill
th.ir iNeutii, featuria, ns luvlolnblv a.
h0 Coiislllilllnu llsolf. I,t litem ha con.
,1 .1 . ......I 1 . ..
hiiinrtiiii ine .rrniuiiiouni nrrangeincui
nn..., n monument nr mutual concession,
...i . . . ...... . ..... ., ...... . e... ....'
.--" r-
arise In ivvnen various mrtlom ofour
country, limy will Is, met In a similar
.iijnt, nnd li'arinuny and IrainMiillly re-
nun .iii'iii'i'. iiiii. hiiiiiiiii kimiiiir ., .-
by liirbenrancn and moderation.
r Min Ii i-i nnscls tu.ivnil, tho American
..,,. r.irgcunral unslo fu uw.w como
.,J, r , uii do. nw. upon tin. hallow.
..,"... ,.,..'.,' L . . V., ,.
I . .
Iitnrl.. ihev I rrhnin-n reioiulntts limn
m ....,, inin. iuiiiiv. ..,
r iiolltH-ul condilfon, limy will Invokn
!,,,., i,,.,,, t, meirory oflhose, vvlm,
, niggling will, ililllcultle., laid III,, fouiid.'
nilmi oftlmlr .r.MiN,rliy and greanieii in
.. , ,n righis ol man, and finished their
work I.y n labrlo ol Imedoui and ni MWcr(
cemented logolhvr by lies of Interest and
affection, und bidding dclianco In llmoand
trial, ithrn the ruini ileirtml, ami theftooilt
comr, nnd the v'uvh blow, mvl leal upon il,
ll trill not fall, but .till more glorious
with nge, pioterllnjr and prelected by n
inlglity coiiiniiiniiy, lliwill extend ll. ben
fits fur and w hie, like the hnlnit ofji grcnl
tuck In a imirii buvl.
in -
. .,'
, W'