Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, March 09, 1848, Image 1

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lManBnBBBBBnBBBBj:nBBmaBmimnnBVlH X 4aV !WnViBBBB1 I '! h- M'tlMl! 3W aBBMSBBB.aBBH.'i lawn'HB:tllliU,aVi,HLl taWnmVianBhntnM
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asasr - asssnraasE- -issssrK. ".ttttri ' m aaaa. iBaBBsassav . assw aaaa i l. Bn a. ssss w ar . aaai iataa m . taB.i assart asasaiBi:. aaa
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.1 11
Oregon City, (Oregon Territory,) March 9,1848
3WJ " i
yj3 "i
j IV H OWWl'BflWlM.
Cuur Watii, (. 7, IMl -T
all mtrtmi mgtgU timh W'
rfctr, ImtfrnU) w MOtiV, M iW r
imUiv V tnkmkaUng aWalf t 'OrrrMi.'
My oountrymm Th' vital ' IrwimH
whloli oluiier round avtrr feubllo net,
put fori h at thlitlm (b bglnnliwfour
muni ooionjr, wnion mtjr wr iwtii'imo
wicenil 'North American Ropubtlo on
Dim J'aclAo ahorea, mvat aa my apotofty
Tor adtlroMlnf you hi Ibia anUla Manaar.
Bvary act of iba .aiheta af Mr aoantry,
tha framart of our unaa.uklai aaaatkatloiii
tba foundara ef oar raajwiajjaailhttlaaaj
civil and rrllfloua,'wa trig with' aaiiaa.
quaiicM and bad la anaryo galaan tatar.
eu that hava baan davalaptaf tbavaaalvfa
fur nearly thraa quartan af a aaniury, to
the attonlahmoat of a world, tba terror of
ilaapou, tha confutioB of tkt tradora la tba
aoula of man, and tba aamaaaiirad Jay of
areparry tbeir eharaataf U almt gonol
What widoir of a drui.kaai hunband ha
arr burn known to put on a ctaarful aniilo
JortoilWn ptit half her dayaT Mho tile
actually from public illngraca. I run, H
alrlboafirat upon tba f ravo of tier IiuMmiiiI,
but It reata not tbara, It reboiinda ami
cornea down' with, Imllaorlbabla fnroa up.
an Imr naknl nbul, already Meoillng from
a tbouaaiMl porra aad aba aaplnra! Bho la
a murdered woman, and your hanila, alra,
have coaimlttoJ the murder. What young
man or woman will goagab, into respect,
abla company1 afar raturnlng from a
9flaWBa9ffawfMrVaV Ba PBMNaT' MI anlTJttl M1
fktberf Tba oannoa'a mouth can bo
laced. The wild wavee of the tnlghly
Harp are unfearad. Burnt oltlea are made
to live again in renewed eptendor; but
tha quick but coUL glance of tho eye
which apaaka in taawniat that bum deep
InM lb mtl. Mihamtkar of thai vminu
the aona of juatioa aad '"''""man waa a drunkard," aannot be met by
Kternlty will only be eutWiliat it develop
fully tha unmaaaarad'graatnaaa af tbeir
intereat to men deatiaad la live aad eat oa
thla aide of the grave, aad to rtee aad re.
colre the frulia of tbeir aataaaa bayaed
the grave. Toocloee waaehfutaaea aad
too high regard cannot be pland uaaaoar
eyry aotioa, now la tba iaawey af tab.
colony. I may be aakad ho tba aale of
ardent apirita la mora a public aot ihaa the
aale of any article of rnerobaadiae. I
anawer a man may aall a baibal of wheal,
or a bale of gooda and but vary Urn seept
the purchaser and aeller will be eibatad
by the aate ; but not ao with the aalliag of
ardent apirita. The Ant gallon of latoii
eating drink that ia made or aold in a
neighborhood, ehaageethe whole prospect
of that neighborhood, dimlalabeetbe value
of property, takes away tba security of
life, drives out of tha tewathe lodustrioua
and tempente, colleeaa tagetber tba iado.
lent, iotempenta, lieeatious.-pnftgaie,
haien of law, order, aad ntigien, aad
puts in motion a tnbji of aaata, whoso
auWa fceMe aatun. It breaks down ev
ery w solution to rise and discourage,
meat aad aaaaaadtuey qutekly fellow, and
the youag maa will become the sure vie
tin of those who are to (HI your places,
when you aball hava gaaa to raosive the
doaMe waa of -Urn that glvetb his neigh.
bar draw aad aaakeat bin drunken,"
aad of bin that Hakae the widow's
ralmear to piedge." What child can
be Indooed to return to that school where
his playmatee have pointed him to hi
drunkaa (bther, reeling down the street.
No mother can 'attempt it, broken hearted
aa she usually la. Such children-aro ef.
Actually abut out of bcIkwI, and your
haada have abut them out and doomed
them to Ignoranoe disgrace and ruin !
Nothing but the redeeming grace of God
can save them, but to receive Ibis they
aro in the moat unlikely situation possible.
QirWt publish thoMlowing document!
at the NnuoMnf Ra.' Patrick J. UoCVr.'
consrquenoea wui awutva taaiaat aaya owjj,,,, lba ,, ,.toyt a,
tlda auildi aadaaaai atinaaatiajaji
on lite unending yeen of eternity, and
iHinilniio to make their dnadful reality
fpll while the walla of ball shall continue
undemollahed and the streams of immor
tality aball continue to pour into the soul
fresh vigor and lnoreeeed susceptibility of
enduring the names that aball never burn
down, and the pains of that worm that
ahall never die. A wholesale merchant
may count the price of his sales by hun.
Uredsof thousand, the almple fact la an.
nouncrd in the morning papen, but no
ono ia alarmed for tba safety of lib prop,
rrty or his person ; no mother's bosom
heaves with anxiety for her son, ao wife's
heart palpitates w'.tb solloltude for her
huaband. But not ao when tba astound.
Ing fact is announced that rum has entered
the town aad Ma eele twnmeneedj how
then doea every aaaaaiMaee turn pale,
every woe nfkftVsMsf tba ladue.
trioua aad vlhaae'eVf
stepew paMalwViMMra'aad their
persons, aa whan aWkt sBsJNr fcaanten a
country with ira aidHwdrd. Insurance
companies immediately demand an In.
crease of inau ranee money upon all prop
erty In that town. Tha farmer and me.
chanlo are called upon to lay aside Ihe
plow and the plane, to build the walla of Ihe
poer.house and the prieoo. The half An.
iahed plow.ahsre la laid aalde to forge locks'
and chains' and haad-euaV
The derpchanaelaof iaereaaiag wealth
seem to dry up at their IbuateJn heads
and the money oooe laabundaiwaaadda.
signed to erect aaaauntnta of industry
and rlghteouanaw, la ahurobea, oollegaa,
and achools, to attract tha vlrtuoua, to
feed the intellect, la Immediately diverted
to fee sherlns, oourta. aad polloaa.
-Those flames wblon aarried raja through
ao many streets in Iba' City of New" .York,
In 1886, and again la 'U, aaalbllatiag aa
many millions of property, ra , atM
.mmnarad to ihe flames vou hava kkadted
In Oregon t Those nntlllaa wMah'na4
themselves homslaaa la tboea ajaaliaa'ad
itraeu, exposed to tba froaU of 7aMavyt
felt tha aoul aupporUng aonaatatioa that
tUIr ohanotanbad outUra4 ttspWfajiMa'
wlriol. bad awaiww w atr
AU alter, IMT aaa, saawa a
"wr "y.
j .. - .i
whinovor this order iadfslurbed he'punlah.
en iljirevartcutoratoinctl(iieaby hlmaelf,
as hIIiich tho tlimllwiiMint of the rcUI.
Iloua ungnla, tho universal deluge, the
burning of Hoiiom and Oomorrha. At
otlmr times he punished the iliaturbcra of
order hv thn inlulsters of his justice, ai
happens under the written law, which con
tains Mjmro puiilshiiieiits rrglstcrcl aa In.
fliclvd ly tho hand of Uud against tho evil
docrfi. What tho Almighty haa hereto,
foro done, he rcix-nls at the present day.
Homotlincs he chastises the guilty with
those torrlblo plagues with which ho Ma
already vletted oa, sueh aa'aaaceee in ajabaU" dmud ,oar hapaaaeaa. t Bat let aw par.
mala, tho failure of cropa and alcknei
A I other tlinea Im employs hi mini. irs of
jiutioe, which aro tha dlflennt officers of
the government which he baa established
both to reward the good and to punish the
guilty. It Is Ihe doctrine of Saint Paul,
That trtn om thould be nOmtuitt to Me
higher ptnetri; for there I no power that
tome not from God, ami it U He whoht
titahluhtd oil the seaxr.Mol U vfon'tkU
earth: he therefore teho retliU the peWr,
retitti the ordinance of God, and hesfho
reliefs It.vurthatet for himself hit own jilt
condemnation," "Wherefore," adds tills
same Apostle, "be tuhmlMsire not only
through fear of chastisement, hut for ton
science sake, for such is the Kill of God."
Rom XIII. J, 3, 3,4, ft.) This too lath
doctrine .of tho Cathollo Church. Prac
lice it, Dearly Beloved Brethren, If you
wish to prove yourselves worthy children
of this holy Church to which you belong.
Show yourselves the truo friends of our
country ; act In concert with your fellow
chiten, and cooperate earnestly with
them In promoting that happiness and
prosperity to which our country seems to
be by Providence) deatineil
'tttf 'Msttattaky 'af
1 m rasatatml Wawaehito,
Bearing dolt 8M of December, 1847, and
addressed ay Me AnhUshof of Oregon
City to (hi Clerg) and to the Faithful of
his JHoceu en the occasion of his arrival
amongst them,
On this day we shall commence to ad
dress you, Dearly Beloved Brethren : and
tho first advice which wogivo you is con.
corning temperance. Tho temperance
society la a truly important ono. It Is
tho ark of aafety fur yourscltc, fur
your chlldrm and for our young coun
try. Follow tho cxninplo of other
couotrice t la Canada, for example, en
tiro pirivhne hasten to be enrolled uti.
iter the hanrier of temperance and at Ihe
fxt of the Altar. . By considering on all
that our Bleated Saviour euflered for us,
of the vinegar and gall which be was git.
en to drink, of your sins to bo atoned fur,
of tho good example you are bound to
give your fellow. man, thoso inolic will
render tho pledgo of tempcranco pleasing
to you, and wo hope that, for tho luvo of
God, you will mako this little sacrifice,
so beneficial to yourselves, ao productive
of such immense moral good, and hich
will certainly draw down upon you the
benedictions of heaven. "Let us lire to.
otrlu, and justly, and godly in this teorld,"
aa tha Apostle 8t. Paul direcla ua in Ida
epistle to Titus. (Titus, II. 19.)
Ouraecond advice regard Charity; the
queen of virtues. We conjure you Dear,
ly beloved Brethren, to love one another
aa Jesus Christ haa loved us. (St. John
XIII. U.) Bear up patiently with tho
Imperfcolloae of your neighbor aa God
daily baan with your faults, remember,
lag that wa an all childran of the aame
Father, who la la heaven. Wa strongly
raaeaaasaad tha giving of good example,
wktah aiekeeeo deep an Impression upon
UteaeaiiofiaM. sWai Peter telle ua aot
te denote with Hbertlaeej but to Impose
ailanoa'oathan by iheeaaotlty of your
Uvea. ( Lai yoar coaduot bo ao pun and
aoar that' tba coed works which others
aaaaayaadenay iaduaa tba net of
aaeeiievera to
11. It. IS.)
ml BVaOar,
Of the ArchUshop of Oregon City, direct.
' ed on the 10M of Deetaier, 147, to the
Catholics of hit Diocese, aa ne occasion
of tha massacre otmmliki ai Walla
U -vVsjJaar1"-"1 '' '.j-T"""- l,r.m:
Francis Norbstt BUtichel, by the caer.
cy of God and grace of the Apostolic See,
Archbishop of Oregon City, dec. dec, lo
tho secular and regular clergy, and to iba
faithful of our Diocea,and to those of the
region of Nesqualy, health and benedie
lion in our I.ord.
When lately directing to you our first
pastoral inundate, little did wc imagine
that wc should be compelled to address you
en no early an oportunlty and under
such distressing circumstances as the
present. But in contemplating the horri-
Ide massacre, of which there can ho n
lonccr any doubt, how can we nrv re.
main silent f Alas I the task we hnvo to
perform ia a doleful one. The blood of Like indignation of the Moat High
apilt! It
wn also havo a duty to perform, and this
too noitbo least Important one! it lethal
of Mosea on the mountain whilst the lra.
elite were cnggd,in combatting In the
plains. Let us thoroforn, confidently bo.
seech wir heavenly Father to enlighten
the government In Ita proceedings, and to
protect those who exert themselves in re
ettaUliblng goud order and harmony a
monntua. Let ua humbly implore of
God to promote among all states and oeo
ple that peace and good will which the
Angela cllaunted at the nativity of our
blaaaed Redeemer, and which have hither
our Lord may grant you graor, merry
. C .it ' '
ami peace. Amen.
Wherefore, having invoked the Messed
name of-God, wo hava ragelalod-aad.of
dered, and do now rrgulato and order Iba
following observances: first that the first
Friday which ensue, next after tha publl
cation of this Mandate shall be a fasting
day, a day of expiation lo appease tho
wralli ol uod
Second'y In all ourChurvhe6aSua-(
days and liolydays tho Litany of 'tho aa."
cred name of Jesus shall be recited lev
mediately after 'Mast 'till further orders
'.n i -
saaaaeaauT i , aawrsM . arias ,aw
.aWf,Jwr, bMm asatw.uaaii.Bsj.iraten,
"I 41MI.. Ikl Pill '.- -- . .-. i - -.- l. -.....
taaaaata aaaaea jaw .t,AwT.r!,,,,n.,'Tlr.,,,,T",
.. .JLJJi'f'V-W J' '"" -'l-"--.- -l.....li.l.m 1. :.!.
iaa Nwn aaivaan. aaajpaaaa m-irn.'x.T:m'.itm":'?. v "
iu .iin .nijiai.iiiiivn.iirTiR1! i ' i mi iai i i , . m'i-
aaada aasatM 1, MMrtsaafJi WIsMay. umunm,mumr,mmmmmmVsmwse-you w
our fellow. cltllcns has been
haa run and reddened the soil of our dear
young country ! Aluj! thoy Imvo fallen
tictimsof that Zealand ardor which ani
mated them in thecuusoof humanity and
cltlllzation ; vilizcus worthy of a Vctter
falu I A horde of fivreo taibariaua blind,
id by prcjudicu Me most unjust, and
trampling undor fool ihosaorcd tiosnfna.
turo and humanity lmo dared to dip their
hiuids in tho Mood of their follow mon,
and unmercifully to massacre a defence.
less parly without any provocation to ao
foul a deed I
At this awful intelligence you were
horror stricken and the blood chilled cold
in your veins, a sympathising aigh heaved
from your heaits and you participated in
the general affliction caused l.y the mur.
dcr of these unfortunate vlctima of bar.
uarily. In doing ao you hava performrd
a duty j but ia that sufficient in the trouble
in which Ihe country is involved f Who
can assure uathat thla horrible massacre
will not be followed up by others, and re
newed perhaps in some other quarter of
our territory f And, if the Inlldel party
conspire and plot together their work or
carnage, pillage and destruction, which
they have already commenoed, who, we
atk you, in oaae of tba coalition of the
tribes, who can count himself aeoure f
Government, it la true, haa taken step.
Courageous volunteers have, been dee.
patched to bring succour and protection
to tba survivors and to obfttttee tba mur.
dann. But In eoeetderiag the rueful
eoaaequanoaa which nay iboui the Im.
mlnent dangers to which oar brave follow
chlaaas expose thamaajafa - aa deplore"
ble dlaaaten whtob any aMeaaftkla unfor.
tuaataaiblr) are wa te ranala 'idle apeo.
tarera of aha awful -eeeae which1' s com.
aaeaelngt Not dearly bejeved Brethren'
tlcularly beg of God, who. i Infinitely
rich in mercy, to infuse hla holy grace
into the hearla of those murderers, that
they may come to know themselves, thai
they may sinoerely repent for their crimes,
and quickly embrace this holy religion
which haa converted nations the most sav.
age, that they may know and practloe the
secret and benefteent law of tha Ooapel,
which is alone capable of softening the
most obdurate hearts and of civilising the
most ferocious characters. Thla holy taw
of God in teaching those children of na
ture to know Him aad Me divine Son, oar
sweet and amiable Saviour, will civilian
them, and convert them lato brethren ia
God. This Is the prodigy of graoe which
this holy law haa operated upon tribee and
nation tba moat barbarous. Parhapa too
tbeir conversion depend upon our prayers:
let us therefore not oeasa In supplicating
God to confer upon them the grace which
be haa granted unto ua.
In having recourse to God in prayer,
dearly beloved Brethren, let us not forget
that our most Important duty I to humble
ourselves profoundly in presence of tha
tremendous Majesty of the Almighty,
humbly aoknqwledgiaglhat they are our
sin which have brought upon us this ter.
rible calamity (GenT 43. SI.). No
doubt of It ; God ia irritated against ns.
This God thrice holy, haa seen our miqnl.
ty, his allseelng eye haa born testleaeny to
Urn arn TsVvt vnMfewsovBauajvB.
With grief and pain he has witnessed bis
holy days profaned, his blessed name
blasphemed, tho sanctity of tha marriage
state -violated, Ihe indisaolublo bonds of
thla sacred alliance broken and dissolved :
he has seen the supine Indifference of
tome for bis worship and aervice, their to
tal disregard for tho all important concern
of their eternal aalvatIon,and the incon.
ceivabIoardour and attachment of many
for the perishable thinga of this world.
Ho i fully aware of the disorder whioh
reigns in morality, the hidden crimes of
some, the open scandals of others; in.
temperance, gambling, and debauchery
have cried aloud to heaven and provoked
ready boa thla avenging Deity, to mako
us' sensible of our wickedness and to in
duce us to reflect within ouraclvci, alrea
dy haa ho visited our animals with die
caso and our land with barrruncis j but
seeing that these lsitat!ons produced no
elfoct upon us, behold now ho ecourgca us
in our own persona. Let ua fear belov.
ed Biethren, provoking the rath of tho
Lord : be not deceived, God mil not be al.
Kayt mocked of. (Gal. 0. 7.) "Nine ia
revenge," he tells ua lit tho 33d chapter of
Deuteronomy, "rorengo is mine, and I
will repay them in duo time." Let us
therefore begin from tho present moment
to appeaae Ida anger ; let us ha c recotireo
(otearr, to prajcr and to fasting whilst the
time of hla mercy continuea and before
the day of !' juatlce arritct. Letfua be
guided by t i voice of hi prophet Jonaa
and follow the example of the Inhaoltanta
of Ninlve. (Jonas III. 0, 7, 8, 4, 10.
Let us return to tho Lord with a contrite
and humb'e heart. (Ps. 60.) Let us
turn with disgust from our evil yVtys and
bring forth fruits worthy or penance, (mat.
8 8.) If we wlah to escape Hie direful ven.
geanceof an angry God in thia world and
in the world to ooroe: yet hen ne win
readily permit hla anger to be appeased by
our voluntary penance, a he desires not
tha death of a sinner, but that ha bo con.
varied and live. (Batch. M. 11. Such,
dearly beloved Brethren, ia our daty un
der praaent eirounetakoee. I We trust
that you will a be deaf to our volee, aad
that tha God of maroy will aafbr hieaself
to be moved by the euppHoettoae aa tha
neaaaoaa of hla oblWren. v
Aa for aa, Brethren, wa aaatt naartny
.bo given, to draw down upon ns iba. keaa
diction of heaven. .
And this pastoral letter aball bd read
In all our Churches ou lbs first Sunday ad
ter ita reception.
Given at St. Paul'a Wallaanet under
our sign aad seal, with the counieraiga.of I
our Secretary, thla 16th day of Deoeae.
ber, 1847.
L. S.) Signed,. P. N. BLANCHBT, .
ArchUshtf ef Otogmx CUp-
By command or aat xvereamp, ji
A Wawal te acsVaal Tameainta.
Yon should make it your firat dutyjip
on enuring nachool room for the Arat time,
tb be etudiotw: careful to gala the afeo.
lions of your tcboiar. It' ia of tho ut
most bnWtauoe U order te govern," to
study the disposition of each aad every
one under your charge. Be oourteoue in
your maantra towards tbeat and aall for a
return not cniy to youraeu, oui loeasn out
er. Precept and example should go to
gether. Would you ask a favor of a
scholar, do it in a polite way aad with aa
ntueh ease and grace aa yon can oom-
maao. in so .using you cnaorea yetir
onmtnaml wllh daubla (inf. end laslfl the
acbolar with the utility of your piaoepabliag t
Bo Arm and decided but aot hanh or abu
sive ia your government. 1 hava found
during aortto five, yean teaoWag, that da
ounoa if aoojuuiynaoaeeary to gooa
asim ml ' StiJ"a"fiaiaTis"t iaV
nwnsfsassfi vbi.m-ssb.v js ss nw
will pafley with a child, ahowa his own
weakneta, and imbibee aa Indecisive char.
acter in bi acbolar. Be kind and aynt.
patblsing, be energetic,' firm and decided,
and aucceM ia yours. C. W. 8.
adding aewi'i
owaaalaa! i
be should ha'
dead. Orno.
meat of meral Jhm i
htaavaleaeaV' lai taaji
gumantr wan-aMtaji
no aoahialry wnsM la i
tha aniaaiaaa of aarnr .
lj 'iiMM 'tarsal'"
eeedd aat hava ,aaMai
aai aana.Jte i aai fan
Ig'fg-V-f f-gssyhl
tend. ,r' "' . w ,T"
It wMavi.iaaMalrrd
aad weasanrwho nla aM i
bat Thn ant I
waa, ntat tit isaja
wbat tan janvutt aa
kMao siwnaaatl
erof Vlraala.aan
win- wannaon
tioe-bf the Uaanadaftaaai t r
- m . . W.tfl"
Tkaae waann3tnnaaaj
la tan aaatai
HsRaBnaV awnVB ftTasTtrVJaj
aMaVanMaal anaasB
VM ftflByl
wansnasaaaj sapnaao
-. j , fBBBBjaiBBBBJSBr: bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj
al sad sTiasaBBTaTi Wan'rlf siaTl BsKsMnannM
tlagaVtV: mmmJiimtof !
--y- -Bn-ingZatJal3afaanamsal
MHM WmWtron WBanWaM WawfJlsBstaBsl
OThe following communication, and
incidents, find a welcome place' ia the
columns of the Spectator. Any further
contributions aa interesting and useful
would be received with pleasure
The author will please accept our
Far the Ortgoa Spectator.
Ma. Editor The following interest.
ing anecdote, to illustrative of the charac
ter of that truly great an?- good man, tba
late Chief Justice Marshall, I have thought
you might deem worthy a placo in your
columns. To youreelfand many of your
reapers it may already be familiar ; still it
will bear to be read, and read again.
Perhaps it may bo the meana of strength
ening snd ancouragiog some of tho youth
of our twloved Oregon, who having left
tho home of christian parents before tbeir
sentiments and principles, in reference to
the groat truths of Christianity, ncre wel
cstallishcd, arc in danger of bating the
beautiful structure undermined ; If not
by tho arguments, by the jots and snecra
of a clasa of men to bo found In almost
ctcry community : men who affect to
disbelieve what they would not hare to bo
true, who scoff al what they do not un.
derstand, and who, when reason falls, too
often aucceed by the forco of ridicule, In
enveloping in tho mista of infidelity tha
minds of the unstable and unwary.
A Trtslr reei Maun.
A few years since, a gentleman travel
ins in Vlriclnla, at tbo close of tho'daV
stooped al a publio bouse to aaaa tba night.
Ha had but just alighted when an old gen
tleman arrived ia an gig, with the appa.
rent IntentkmbfbeoonJnghlalWJowguaat.
The courteeiee of plate) honeet at ranger
passed betweaea taam, and taey tastna
tha tavern. -Bona alter at) addkion of
atreral young gaatlaawa waa atade to
their number. Aa aoon aa taey warn a
little reeled aad refreshed, ihe aeavaraai
tioa turned by one of thane teaaelequeat
harangue that day ataan at th bar. U
waa mailed by another of tha youan aaaa.
wot he wltneated tha aaaaa day aa axhl.
Utloa of eloqoenoe no doubt eqaal, bat
that It waa mm
Ma a aareaatw
Wa had freananly
oU oaa fa i baa aaaetil
menu ware' well eenaaaal
Miration nadpsty. towe:fjs
dent that the vaaaal wbsaja-aa'aaal
been diverted Inan ite aaanasatVaari
that it waa now anai aat mbtmI
aa a .'whiskey jag. Ha i hag anil
twioe In one day wMhsaavnraani
wo had iba curieaky te aaaaat I
did ao by iauiring aia naidsnjaas
'Illve'aaWha "aVa aalaal
city, on tha . road." a'
"You have baea tetha enw..Ja
aay, nave yon net p -.ir
"lea, air, I
but I ooaJdngatwhMlweMaaat
Ihanaeane aaaaa." ui.
What waa nan aant far, any J
matt be' aaaMtiaajr vtylnniH
make it niitaaarynt yasj tefMl
tnilae la this ateraa. orii l uhri i
'Why, air, it waa whlebey iaa
seat for.' Father had MianMaaj
sent. me to Me..: Me.to'gani tenet
ha wouldn't arnatniniaaan, aat
come back wltltentsbn.avWtnB
teat ma back agala." nylai 'Zr
you coulda't gat it ia aha aaMaan
Why. air, 1 ham hraagbral
shoes, whiaa siaursaMteanaiai
wUlava whiskey (WtaaaW
got two or three paaraafsajaisM
now." . xritBvnw
Do you like teannyiWjssna
my boy i
O. no, Mr. for it i
but I can't help It."
Wa took tan nan
the bey aat to nWI
LanvHTSFan Van srMIBnnBWBa
dreat tantiMaat (tanil
tltaatenyelMaf agai
wntaananKar anai
eoM, Uaatetnt'iaw.M
Maw nanMy, aal :nmnwi
lew with you In theee nloaa aiaralaaa,
aad wa oooclude whh tha worda af St. ,,, jj ww a,
rnui to nat mseipie timmmj, m iix nnaawaua iaa ata gaati
that "God oar Father and Jeaas Carte wHhell the witkaeai of a
m ys-t
snunuayaawnejajw , anm
aPBaf MMsai
waa aa nraatar a nw bbbbbbbbb
, MaaaatsM'iaw.M-fpl
, bnatiSJjH
IN WJaPBwWsjssnBnanaiaMM
wa ana aaafjas'ja
hair tnnWMiBV M tiMHsl
aailsaa,',X s$$ ' iiSMB
tl Baa wa:'Btn(a4 faflMgTS
tna naiaet: i Bontetwag araaa. i B NTjBfjBJBfjBfJil
antMksBaanBaV aasjakaa'sneaW k fafaab taaasial ankaajteB JJBaannBHHBnBnVBnBnBnBBfaffl
ndya.tteaate aalf inn alteBanam aaaBBBBBBa
iWBBiaoe or thai nulBtttia
ansnad,ln whteatlia Btaeiaftan ,Chia
iii'iiii liiii sWiifilfi iTr imwuLmi W1IPUVTM
. ,- , -v .I'w'i-t.v -, "., ;k$i&mmmmmwWumL'iJ
' 1 W& -m
t? ww?1.:. ,t . irTai ,-
it.'i'jf'.W 'i" t-l