u.f'lafr&jifj; 'Iffi ' . WK. i r WtMlWNrd tho Mar ol IlMatlra bakes lie waft" - riMU1ir4fWfc I BJ Pliiili 111 r II II lll it' 1 I ! I' I " l llnJLmtm """ n i.i MS- HH.iliHH.iliiltl.lMMJl.irilllilWlt H - ht'A n . . 1 u VM ilW i V5 4-1 M M ! ii m ! n iriMtniriliitMii i i irn 'in- i m.wi-' PNMiXyf.w' - I vAi.iL ,. 7:?M- .f'- r agg M.JI.-1 . - ' - .i .'! , I L ii t AtiTi;6prrv. BOAB IAW-CBMltt,1e1. Abticli 9. CffPtrton Habh to teorkon highwiyi, ij-r. Boo. 1. Each malo Inhabitant oxer the age of twenty one years, shall work uu the public hlghwayi, within hi district, two days In each year. See. 9. All taxablo proporly shall be assessed with and pay 01 n hlghw ay tax, the itm of, not exccMIng ten cents, on each ono hundred dollars of'rhc appraised value thereof, at the dltorctlon of tho conn. ly court. Sec. 3. Tho amount of highway tax, lull bo carried out In a scpamtq column An theUupllcate oratate and cotfhty tnxes 'by the county clerk, and bo collected and accounted for by tho county faasurc-r us other county tax, Sco. 4. The county clerk shall prepare nd have ready for delivery to tho several supervisors oflho county, by the first day of June, annually, a list or the names f all parson redding within their respective districts, to whom any highway tax is charged on auoh dupHoato, with I lie a-' mount of the aame. ' Sec. 6. The persons so charged, shall be allowed to work out audi tax. nt the .rate of one dollar per day, and tho ut. visor a receipt tnereiore sum ne rrroiveti Inpayment by the county treasurer. Axncu. 3. Oflke rtrormanet of Ijtbor on IlighKuy. Sec. 1. Tho supervisor shall .' " ,Bl least three dnya notice lu nil pcixni", lin. bio to work on hlahwavs in his district, of lho tlroo and place, when ami where tht- Hire to appear for that purMc met wuli wnsi iinpicincnts. Sco. 3. Tho notice aforesaid miy ho given by tho supervisor pc-rsomll.v, r im writing, lift at tho usual pluc-e nf rchlcri( of the party. See. 3. The supervisor Omll nikko to each person, who shall nt his request lmr furnished a plough, qr wacmi, ith n psir of horses, or oxen, and dnor, an allow, ance of three dys work Tor Iheinmo and also in t roportka'tor a c htce. Sec. 4. Every person lis'olo to work on highways, other thaatupi rvisor, shall Imi allowed I lo commuto ajsuch woM or Hi Jlicrcof, at tho rate of esjT d"ll "r " ' ''' any moncr shall, within twentV.fourltoura af ter notice to work has been gixi-n, In paid to tho proper supervisor, to linc.vpcudi.il in tlio improvement ol tin- highway ana bridges in his district. Sco. 0. Btcry person nsscstvd to work on tho highways, wlmn warned.ilisy ep-s-ar in person, or by1 nn ulilo boJicif.inan ns a substituto; and tho person ur uliMi luto so SDm-srlni. shall arlnslU sink eight hours in each day, under a-ponaJ(' j oi iwciro ana a nan cenw lor every nour such person or substitute 'shall lie in, de. fuult. .ic. 0. If any such porvm nr his Mib. Milulo i-lidll ; after oppcuring, remniii idle, or not work faithfully, or shall hinder otliers from working, such offender vhall, for everv such olfcnod. forfeit tho stun ol I one dollar iiPcc. 1, Every Mrsoa so si MtUB,,,! I AN ACT iMin n 5F'icttkSi: duly notified, who shall refuss or appear or pay, his commutation tat above f provided, shall forfeit, for every jkf re K I'usal, one dollar; if he was required to p,i mmisn a loam, wagon, man, or other im. plcment, and shall roTuse or negled to comply, being tho ownor of such tenm or implement required ho shall pay as fol low , 1st. For wholly omitting to co comtilr will auoh requisition, three dollars for end aay. 2nd. For omitting lo fumlsh n wagon oxj plough, one dollar tor each day. 3rd.' For omitting to furnish a pair of horses or oxen, ono dollar fir each day. 4th. For omitting to furnish a driver, ono dollar for each day. See. 8. Tho supervisor, shall within tlxuisys after, any person so nses.sei and lOtiAod shall bo guilty of any refusal or .tegiect lor which a penalty is imposed in hi article, sinless a satisfactory oxcuso is rendered to liinVthorcfor, bring mi action of debt for tho penalty imposed, in Ids nw n jismo, boforo 'riy justico of tho pence or tno county. Sec. 0. Every penalty collected shall he set oft against tho assessment ujirin which it was iounded, estimating ov cry dol lar collected as a satisfaction for ono dliyn xvork. Sec. 10. Tho acceptance by a supervi sor of any excuso for refusal or nvulect. 'A shall not In any case, exempt tho person yi exoused, from his liability to work or com. IM muto tho wholo number of days avMesscd :i "C0" I'm tor tno year. tiri Ram 11 X1M... H..l.ll- l.l-l.. 1..II ifitlr -' huh puviiu iiiguiray bush I-', 1 fuu uirougn or border on any plantation, I ' A -" tnll Mcomo obslruotoil by tho falling treS or otharwlu. Il alisll Iwi llm ilolv of tho owner of auoh plantation to rcmovo auch obstruction, as hooo, m the same come to his knowlcdgo for which the su. parvlaor of such highway, ahull allow him a reasonable credit on his liability to work on highways. 8jo. 19. That there shall bo twenty co. pie of Ihi act, printed for the uto of each oouoty In this Terrlj'iry, Hon. III. AllniiWnr pailaiif aclatmi. trnry In this net nro hereby rrpoalcil. Seu. 1 1. TIiIh net to tnkn ell'net ami bn ill fww fruiii and allrr il" paMai. AtleM. IIUIIKItT NKWKf.l., L W.CmiKt, Clerk. Hpeaker. Appmviil'.'Mli Hei'., IMI7. (lilt). AIIKIINCTIir. AN Xl'T I" diihlo Slk Connly. lie il nmclM l,V Ihr imur of lUfttitiu luli'ift a ftirteon Itrritoru mjollmri i S..e.'l. That Pullc fiiinity bo and It lii'rebv diWileil, and tlint i biiiidnrii mIiiiII lNnilillnni, i! t!mi ineneiiij; nt ft iHiint in I lit' miililli' ol the iniiiii cliaiini'lif llm U ilium, lie riei, l;asl nr llm ImllnO ikiu iH'iupiul by Jiwlah Mnriii, mid ruifc lllllj. llieneeiliio WVst, wf m tolnfllliliijl luiiive nf Mild Mnriii in I'nlk nmtity, to the I'tfi'ilio iioeon ; llieiier,lonfTlieiriit ol' wil.l ncran, In Nrlheni ilireeimn. til tlieSniilli line ot Vnmlilll lutinl), lliiniV llasl ulung tiii'l linn l Ihe iiikI'J of ibo main iliunn. 1 of lint jVillanieri rljfr, tliPiieeH. hin the iitklille orriiiln ann uel nfunid river Milm place ofhAlnnlnp. Ati.M. HOMBItT NI'.WfTl.. t". W. CnnKK. t'li rk. Hpeukrr. I'mvil Hi eemlT lllli, Ht7. Al'lTuWil 9!ld Hill iiiIh r, H47. UI'.O. AIICIINCTIIY. AN t'T In rrrnlr ttlitl orsnililr Itllli'K (Yllltl) llr il rnnrlril hi the mur n' UtfrtMtn. titlim of Orrtfnn Ttmlnrii, fiilloirtt S.O. 1. Thai nil Ihal pail of (lu,,n 'IVrntor) uluate un-1 l)in illiui tlm fol Inuiu oi'mtiimii miuii'iarn s n nun n In n lit' firmilnil ninl (inrntily. il niTu fl kiili ' nrnte'eounty under llm iiaum i.f lt ntni ""'V ;ri r ,('i dli iiiulv, lo xvil: iiuiiiiii m ing in llm mill i ol the v illaiiietle nvi r al the south i list i oi i:i r oi I oik Loiintv .nut riiuuiiig South along (lie nl.ull i liiinui I of nuidriv. ir lo lie miililti' fok tliemif, lin nee up aul miildli1 fork In lis soun r, tin in e due Soiilh lijtlio I'.'il pnialtilnf North lalilmle, lliiuie Vrt ulongsuid puralhl tolhel'u. ullic Ociun, lliniu-e North along llm mast of slid Ocean to the Southern houndury ofl'olk county. Hro. 9. That nil within said lioiinda. ries shsxU cumpriso a county fir civil and military jHirpows and bn under the sauio laws, regulations and rinlrictions ns all other counties in Oregon, and ho (iililhd lo elect tho same county olTicers that all attoceinllcwinnllllwllnrlisiil. , "VSferB.- iriN.1 fto county court. orsiW in JMa' ."'"In"', v .7' '" iT I! "' i Sec. I. That Niilhanii I I ord Ik- and he is hereby nuthorii il to survey and murk, out the lino In tweun Denton county and folk louniv from llm point of be. giimiiig lo tlm (Vast range of Mountains. Imtt ft. Tho (jovcrimr is hen by nil. ihoSril, ninl nmiiriil, to ap.int nll llio officers nepessary for Ihe llii h nt organ isation of lleiitou county ; said officers to net until tlieir siiciessors shall he duly eleded aiiil7piulilHil, This net lo take IP ct and ho in force from nnd after its passage. Atitsi. iittinliiT Ni:vr-:i.i., C. V. Ciinsr., Clrrk. .SjKaker. Approved '.':ii Dec, 117. Iil.il. Alllill.M-.lin. ilrllll 112 Ids hwilllirm IfMllilUrV ot nuliiy, anil in rMSSlnli 1,11111 riiuiiiy. iflnl bu Mi, llouir nf llrurracH Idlirtt ol tirrion territory, Hijolloirrt Sec. I. Thai the .Soii'theni iMiundary nf ClinuiKieg (oiiiily shall bo loe.ili .1 in llm follow lug manner: Coiuiui nciug in tlm uiiddlu of the channel of llm Wjllumi Ito rix-er ontsMilu thu mouth of tho Sanlinm rllvi'r, tbeiico up said river lo llm north fork, llicuie up naiil fork to (lie Cascade mountains tin nee duo llusttotlie miiiiiiiiI of tho Hocky mountains. Sec-. 9. He it i nacted ihnt all I lint nor lion iifiregon. 'IVrritory lying Souili ol CliAlBjMb un.l Kast of lii nloii countiew be' and jim sauiu is licreby called i.iun county. Sec. !l. That tho suid Mnn county sljall lw org.xiiiiil ns other counties anil havo IteprcMiilnliwx nnd llireo Jus tices of thu I'eaoo nnd othor olliicrs no. cessary to carry lulu rlllct tho lawn of our pnivlsMnal government. fw i. Thnt tho (iiiveriior Im aiul ho is hereby required to order and direct the oitUcns of Linn county lo hold their an. ma) election as in other couuiii a. Sac. Tt. This act to tuko i (It ct and bo in forco from and uflcr its passage. Sco. (). All nets and parts ol nets eon dieting with this act Im nnd tho snmo aro horchy repe-aled. Attest. H()iu-:iiT Ni:vr,i,i V. V. Cikiki., Clerk. Speukcr. Approved '-'8th Den. 1817. OKO. AIII'.IINRTIIY. AN ACT to sintnj Hit Orgtslelsir, prniaslnf la sinks out Ihs ward r'gnlatt sinl iuwrt pflilU. Sec, 1, He it enacted by Ihe UouttofUcy reicntutivrt of Oregon Tirrllory, lieo-lhirdi tf Ike membert concurring therein, That tho sfxth section of tho Organic law lie, and tho aamo is hereby, pmonded, sooatostrikooul tho word "regutilflklKto tho samn occurs; "to pass lawa to regulate, llm introduction, manufacture, or aula of anient spirits" nnd insort theword prohibit, so that tho said sentenco shall read thus: lo pass laws to prohibit tho introduollou, manufacture or sain of ardent splr-its. , Sec. 9. And 1 it further enacted, Orcgfoi City, (Oregon TcVrltotyj) February 10, 1848, 'i ' ' -U-JL . ihnllhn unld iiniimied niiiriuliiionl, beside heinu read nt tho jxilln nt thu ntixt sueeeeil. hH ('( lloiT for Hcpnsentntites, slmll bo voted ii'ii dirri lly by the olers of Ore gon'Torrilory, oavhtiekil which llm xn. lerdrH"ltes, vliixisliiutiiviitnrururnitaiiist hajil pmHivtd niiK'iiiliiionl, shall cmitnln I'ifher thn words "rrjfiinr" or "iirohihll." Aii.hI. HiHIKHTNIiWKM., ('. V. CiMiKcrierk. Sieiiker. A'iniiil, "JHtli Decnmlier, IM 17. (IKO. AIIMIINKTIIY. AV ACT lii aiiirml Ilia uslli ul fl ss pis nnlifil in III' Ursiiiu taw. Src. 1. Hr II nwrlril hy Ihr Itouit of llepretcnlnlirea of Orfton Trrrilary, at fnuoiri : That a ihiII Ihi nK'iud at the next annual rlvillou lor taking tlio ynlOJif llm people for, nr aiiiiliiitt uinendlliK "tho until nf nll'u e, ns fiilliius You ilo mil i mnly sweur, or iillirin, (ns the caw limy Ih') llifit iiii Mill siiiipnrt the (ritnie, laus ul the I'nniiiouol (loveriiilicnl (if Orejjmi, mid Inilliliilly demean )ourilf in ullicv, mi help Null (!ihI, AttrM. ItOIIHItT NI'.Wi: I.I,, ('. W. t'pokK, t'h rk. Hpeaker. Approxid '.'"III Deti. IHI7. tllCO. AIII'.UM'.TIIY. ANAirl'lu rtnl Ullli JlMlin of III" IVsen auil imiii i'milulil in 'Ui ksniM i mini) llr il rmtclnl In, Ihr nine n' Itriireien- , ttttit a of Orrt!"ii Territory, Hit'. I. TUt Ihe Mherill uf ( lai ka. mas enii'ii) lit riiiilrnl lu imii I x the iiualiri-.it Villi rs of mi. I loiinly, liiiinii or ni ur tlio (.hIiiiiiIiiii J-loiinli, lu met tnt ,)t, house of Julio Suiixter, in lliiiOirsI Suluidav in I'lbruary, A. I. IbIB, at ttllc, ,,Mimg llm uulilinl voters shall ,.,.v.,.l iinl.misi-iliree mm iblu ih rsons lo nil OMinlgisofil-iii ill. i whah said iiiiiilil'iul voli rs shall inocn d loil.it by ballot nun soluble in rsmi I ir -'.-li tho I'nice mi I "lie .iiitiible pi rwm lor Con. nil. lo, to ui t in ll.ut pniincl.iiu.l hold llitiroffiein until til" Ul l-iiliunl el tivn, nnd until lilt ir hiiecesyii i are did) elected and yinlifliil. See. 9. Tins net lo take rffic-t, mil be in force, from ninl alter its passage. Attest, koukht m:wi:i.l. C. W. Cooxr, Clerk. Speaker. Approved 9-th Dec, H47. (IKO. AIIKKN'KTHY. AN ACT suilimliw Willunn llusim. Will. lsnillswili.iHl ihrlr islrslo coostmcl a -),, Jr( ),' fa fa"i $ HejmP '".! W Willhm Hughes, U',11. .... ,,' ,,.... .i ,i,i, ...,. i,4 ....i am Hamilton mid their associates be and they are hereby nulhorUcd to construct, wagon rond across the Cascade Mountains in llm vicinity of iho Sautlnin river, to in. tere-i pt llm old road in tlm xnlleyof the Mnlheur rivcror iiistwnrd thereof. Si c. 9. Said rond shall lie madu so as loadiiiit of wngous passing ill safety by llm 1st of Seiitoiuber, V I. IHIH. .See. !l. Win ii said itiad Is ompli ted it shall bo the duty of llm snld mad coin, pany to resirl the atno to thu (overuor whoshnll npHiint u Coinmiss'oner ul the said coinpiiiiv'n expi use to view said roud mid r. irl under oalh Ih" condilnni of s.iiil ro.ul. And if it is the opinion of slid Commissioners thnt wagons tuny p.ins the road ill safely It will li law till lor Ihe said rood company to collccVtflll ut llm following rules, vk: For every w agon or other w hot h d carriage and tenm, three dollars; for.mili head of horses and mules, ten cents; fur each head of cattle, six cents; fur eneli head of bheep, Ihrrn cents. Se. t. And mi id road company shall hv ku ping the rond upon and, in good re. pair Iip i nlilli. I lo tlio nlsivn mentioned rates of loll for thu term of llireo tears, win ii they shall surrender Iho jtald road wilh nil thu improvements thereon tothe (iiiverument there alter1 to bo free lo all pi rsons vvhiilHoc-vi r.' Se-e. fi. This net to take efTe-Ot, and lm in force, from unit after ils'pssssge. Attest. IIOIIKUT NliNVKLIi, C. XV. Cooki , Clerk. Speaker. Approved 'jail. Dec, IH17. C.KO. AIICIINRTMY.- AN ACT mmil.i( for hotUn( Circuit Courts la llm ruunlii-ii uf llcnlon snd Usn. Sec. I , lie il ennclcd by. the llotut of tirprncnlalim of OreuoniTerrllory, Thnt Iliu times of holding Iho Circuit Court lu thu counties of llonloii and Limi shall bo Ins follows,- In Iho county ofLinn, on tho seeoiio niuiiuay oi ri'iiruury miiuliuiii-i. ill tho county of lleiilon, on Iho lliinl Moiiduv of February nnd August Hva. 9. The Judgn of Iho Circuit Court Khali receive one hundred dollnra hi addition to his present salary, ns I full imnpi nsnlion for thu extra duties imiiosrd ilion him hv this act. J Sco. .1. This not lo tako cftoct, and bo in force, from and alter its passage.) Attest. UOllERT NKWIiLli, C. W. Cookk, Clerk. Speaker, Annroved 98lh Doc 1847. ! ) OF.O. AUKllNBTHY. AN ACT sutlioriilng lbs Tressnm to es- rlianvA Hrrin. .See. 1. 7im7 enacted by the Houieof, Repretenlativei of Oregon Territory, I hat when any iorsoii shall presenMny lawful, lyatlcsted Territorial Sorip.or draft, to tho Territorial Treasurer, and hVdcslrous of having llm samd exchanged fur Hcrip or drafts of n smaller denomination, IKhall bo tlm duly of said Treasurer to tini.ool the scrip, or draft when presented, by Is. sulii(?sorliior drafts In thu amo amount, In denoiiiinalluim to suit tho applicant. And said Treasurer shall In ullowc d tliore. on two per tent to bu paid hv tho Territory. Hco. 9. This act to like effect and lie In force from and after its passage Attest. HOHKIIT NKWIII.I., C. W. (.'onKP, Clerk. SH.ukur. Approved 9!lrd I)ou.f IHI7. (IKO. AlWHNKTIIY. Tho tlauii lor 4'H(llN Timber wild Hrrnh. Itr.MAiiKs in Nr.w Yon Parmrii'hCmii. Col. t'tarkf-h Is olnurvcd that aboiil llm middle W August, no linioiis mat. oaij rornieu lu yri eSClo cut elthm- itr Is lornieu lu vent, II is in vrr prop. !o cm rhlicr fcr fuel orllrbber while i .. i. !.... in... ,1. ,MH. trees must lie taken into rouilerotloi , thmo of nmliiru gnmlli arc best, inir trees have Ihm'H foinel in Knglaiid thirty, tno fert m ill.iiii. ler, hut hollow, groning mi llioiliull. lulls. Mr. I'de. of Srm Jtrtry, Cut your wood for fililnr fir tlinlier (as the old s tying i) in llm old of the moon! in Au gust ! Mr Mneomlitr I ngreo to that max. im. It is beil to i ul our lues in Ihv , nuijerii f iresls lit Hull lime, tlieV il not tin n sprout ugnlii : I nolo imu Him mo I acres Mr. llitwlnj I lie iii'viu hxn nothing lo do vviih il, but lie- litter pari of August , is lln ImM Hum In i lit Uovvn a ion si, lo i ut ilowii a hire st. to if I nreveut inoUtliiL' from llm stumps. IW. Cliirk VVh'i-, Ihe sap vessels ol trees an- full, il eill, thu aceliuueid of the sap iiimi'diai Iv iK-gms mi injurious ope. ration oi. the wood itsi If. The very bark snd i hips of lb" In is i ut at such a linn-, are found lo bo very bridle. Tlmslringth of thu tto'ids fibres is conscnsully much injuicd. Hut when the treo Is cut whru tho sap is down, both Iho bark and the wood will be found to bo tough. Mr. I'iir'rt our Jcrsevmon out oaks fur wheel sisikrs in June, peel on t, jali nll, k L,I1CI M exponei.ee a lion, simo ci tlm liak, niel lliisio wno trauo in me nisliiess havo nover found fault 'Trnvrr w sssuilsstssl ..-r J gi TalliM'litf According tox;iy experience a principle governs this ques tion, somo cullrits In Juno men ly for tho hark fir Die uses ortlio tanner. Hut whin Iho tree Is wanted for strength and durability, number principle must Imi ob served, A tree cut when full of lis sap rlshes ruiiiilly; the reiiulrimeiits for -qiilrim timber upccilv ilisiollilioii ol tile I then ex. 1st nnd operate-. This leads me lo remark upon an anal. ogous consideration, that of tho proper period fir the transplantation of certain trees. It has Ih-i ii rromoiisly complain, rdnf ns a difficult operation to transplant Ihr I'vergriens. Now ns to iheCislar, you cnii obsi no if xnu plcnse, that this evurgrii ii sheds its en Ms uhout Iho Inst of Si pt. nili. r nr l In- brgiiiiiing of October. At this l rul von eau transplant lliecc- iW with proper enrens lu its nwli, o., wilh ns lillln loss as other trees, but al no other limo. I might, perhaps, properly remark that the ruling passion ot iho tree must ho oh. served nnd obeyed, if wo would Mieeiul hi Its proper liinmigement. And, indeed, il is c-i rtniii thnt In tlm annual grow lli of n trie, llm new loncentlie- Injur ol womly fibro which is annually formed, is due to tho proems of tlm sop and its picullnr action. This process will not en.lure in lerrupllon, hut will prove lo you by. its loss, that the Ireo must not Ihi trnrnqdilpt. td, except whin this great process is s,u,s Huiled lor llm year. j Mr. Pile I suppose the Dealers in wheel KKikeH ought to know hut still I am of opinion, that the proper lima for fclling trees fir fuel or timber, Is uudoubt. sdly wjieti Iho nap is down. Mr. Jlmcley. Uswosual uommlssion. e rs and (icuoral (Jov eminent, re-qiiiro th.il tho timber they want for public ser vice, should bu all cut in winter. Mr.Metg: Tlio Utility or this discus sion Is In bring to tho know ledge of ninny who do until now It, Ihal them Is n proper limo for cutting wood lor ftnl or building very fur inoru valuable than aoy othor. Many u mnu lias sutltrcd liy tlio iiieinn. lure decay of iho llmlier used by him in various buildings, without knonW that tho wood was cut ot tho wrong! Reason. Our object is to say this for publl&aood. Me. f ,l,-Ai,fill,l llm rSlnrlli Vil Nao. land, Oak limber cut for tho barhj tanning, in tlio iniuuio ni ino summer, xras nfler being stripped of tho barRoHcrait In Dealers in limber. Thcso VierrtTirln. nlpally knee for boats and vessels but (ho Dealers would not buy them. On fu ture trial, thcso knees and timhora vvcro found lo ho brittle and short, They should limn been out in wlntor, when tho sap is nut I When first cut, that timber was pronounced to bo ironyvery tough nnd hard, Cure for Warts. Tho Rdllorof the Massachusetts Ploughman gives instaneea of tho removal of warts by the applioa. lion of Ihe scrapings of carrots and salt. I lie mil. n Miniiiiiu. ini'i urn mi i wii.. ..... in I. es to run, when the fall of llm h ur lakes H. .' li'"'r! ,l0 "'"X hv IM place, o may liegin to rut, mid so until I njolte, that " Orthogrsphy and Syiilax" iiiiilbnfore tint sap legln to run again uruuhoiitlohavusuelia holiday, ytljihall All lri-isgroiMiiiideiieririlsnrelouiiilnieIIV0. , ttj, m ut, nay thm to Ik. more ,H.fl,hhl., ll,,. ''";" K;' I .,.,, ,clls ,,,,, lM0 , ,iui,s. And inoiirn freeexpiili'is. Ihe Inst l.nglisln .. oak limber Is .-.grow ii, ninl Hie nge of the lt. 'n "' I1""''" "a" Mc For Ui Offfwi Hiecislr. Mr, Tiilitor, A wonderful and horrible thing committed In tlm land. Tho Prei murlnd'aiid an IMitor vlutlinlwd lu con. nriueiie of a majority of iliu Directors of tho printing assooiatioii, huvlug informuiJ (I. Ii. Curry,, that his sorvlucs vicro no lunger required as IMitor of the Oregon Spectator. Thus eoiifurring ujsin him " thu happiness of lenving tlm services of so coiitcmpliblu n tliipie," us ho cntls them. Now Mr. IMitor, I hntn n fiw word to say in rxpluiiaiiou of this wonder and though Air Curry, may lliinl; llilsoominu ,.ianl rr.Umiiiloii on llm null of one ... ... . ' , .. .... ,V!t.i.i f. " I"' I"". IHI "I. tl IHII.III.I ...- in iliunrsianu wnui i uuvnio soy. iiiiw first trtacc, I remark, that Mr. Curry puis an altogether fa I so issue hvfirn the public lie would have it believed, that his dis missal was in consequence of the puhliui. tioti of " thu Thomtoe rV.-sidlilion." The lullauy of this will appear from tin: fuilow. log sluemriits. A Aw days after tho Aniiiinlinei'iing of. the slock holders of the- printing v.' in. limi, tlm I'n sidrut tallod u inei ting of tin' Isiard ofdircctoro; on.llist oceaniuii a re. solution was introduced to inf. mi Mr. Curry, that after thirty days, his services would no longer bo, required as editor of the- Oregon Spectator. After son.e few remarks concerning the matter, n motion was madn to lay I ho resolution on tho ta ble, for tho present, for the purpose of In- funning Mr. C. of tho fact, and to give him tlm opportunity of resigning rather than to havo the resolution of his dismissal upon the journal. Thi was unanimously greed to, at least, no one mado any oh. jatnion, nor was there cvon man, who made any objoetkxis to tho resolution, or who sroke Is. favorof -Mr. Curry as Kditor; Imt trSite"fO.ta- My sarrvtmu ibe pa per, agreed, that il was on tho downward inarch, and that it was very unpopular, and that but littlo interest was taken lu tho rusal of its columns. 1'lie princijiul complaint was, that we got no local news; thnt Iho pages nf the Oregon Spectator were destilula of any information of Ore gon; Hint extracts romposeu the greater part of tho editorial labor, and that it did not advocate Tompcraucu or Morality, but with a reluctant spirit. This Mr. Hdi- tor, was about tho sum total of tho first meeting. It was agreed to, by tl e bnanl, that Mr. Lovejoy should speak to Mr. Curry the next day upon the, subject, and we expected as a matter of course, that Im would resign Inunodiately, for tin- reason that ho had said as much on tho evening of the annual meeting, which was to this ef fect. " Tell Nowell ihnt in case the lioard mi cts to night, to lender my resignation." I inferred from thai, and huvu lit aril Mr. Curry say, thnt he never would wait lo he turned out, hut would leav.i when ho snw auy thing nf tho kind,, or knew of it, I thought ii wasJusticu to Mr. Curry lo tell him, belore Wo resolution passed, of tho in. lentionofthe board ofdirectors, and would havodono it in v self, had I known before tho meeting took place, of tho Intention of tlmgeiillcmuii who introduced iho rosolu lion; hut, I knew nothing of tho kind, and did not expect il that night. At lids timu Ihero wasatnlk of gelling another editor, but nothing definite. Ueforo Mr. I.ove- joy saw Mr. Curry iho noxt morning, somo one of Iho board of directors had inform ed Mr. C. uf tho o veiling 'h proceedings, which frustrated our most sanguino ex pectations. From that lime, Mr. Curry appeared much displeased with tho lioard of direc tors, nnd his countenance betrayed his de sire to publish any thing that would bo unpleasant lo them, or injurious to tho as sociation. Tho board met at the time ap. .ji few evening after tho first meeting. Mr. Lovejoy waa absent, Mr, llrooks askod to bo excused as he had some writing to no, ami consequently ten. Tho board of directors proccedodto bus), ness. In Ihe courso of Iho evening's con versation, some ono, I think myself, men tioned that the resolutions concerning, J. Q. Thornton were about to be published. One of the member laughingly remarked that he thought there wa much nt tier of more Imporlanoo to' tho publlo; that the Legislative coramlttoe In session, bad pars ed many ants, unknown to the People; that No, 1. an Indian war was; on hand that thos resolutions wrrn of lltllolmportancotoour , rcmhirs, and to publish thcin at anotiier t .. Ill t. J. II Stf - ' line,wouiu oa quuo as wen. fuvawif j to tlm conclusion, to respectfully rtqus.l tho editor not to publish those resoluth as. they woro of but littlo Importanob I tlio public, liaving Men lost in tne rtv II lit ho never was, tolil not to publish f nor was he ever forbid to put anxj In tho Spectator whntover, nor Curry discharged under that preu but tosHsMiiM) with hit sorvicos trail conlcmputlon licfjro tlnso resolutions ov er oamo Into existence, and this Is woll kB) lojiMiny, and can bo proven to all jj wsXtr1! MU tho trouble to cnii and an. nuJtf!r OriindorslgnLi!. 8-t-lng thi MrvCfajf;srajj, disposed to bu dlsOMIgl ml ataMaawi WKhhiscinploycrs, I llioi tt sfH'WMli J Mm ofrnndlethlfflfl This la niv reason fir x otitis for tho IX lutlon to dixpensc !th his sovicca liraaaf' date. Wlmt I have done with regard I Mr, Curry, I hntodono under a srnss of duly, nod hud Im ken my brother, to havo tnl.tu any other course, would, in my opini n hne Ucn wrong. !ttl most sur. prising lo iiic, that Mr. C. Jms been ono of the ljoard.oflirectors foi the last year, and neje luiknioi leasing, nut appcariu nun pleaxc-d with his situation and company; tlail he should drop oft" Im suddenly and 'condemn llic balance, by liolding them up to ridicule, nnd in his word of porting siy, " they should be conspicuously kept before the public eye." I fancy Mr. Curry has taken lids course to excuse himself, for tho failure he lis mado in editing tlm paper ns ho wants us to bclievo that if lie lias cuinmiltc-d any error, It is not of the heart. This may bo true. I asked Mr. Curry as politely as I knew how in be. half of tlio President and directors, not to publish those resolutions, but at the saane time told him, llicy did not say he should not publish them ; I also asked him as a favor not to publish them, but never said liny, should not be published, and he .wall knows It, and believe that I do no't'ner. xeresr did oaV about it pa'atleuhn-lyTs course no nas UKcnm tins ausir, I presons is not the first act nf tho kind, bt no doubt ho has much experience in thi mode of . J gaining popularity. Ilolswelcomo towbat he- has made from me. , The cx-cJitor wishes to inform soma of iho members of the Printing Associslioo, that they only have a right to set in judge nient upon his publio character, that his private character is his own. Mr. Editor duos ho mean to say by this that hi prl. vnte character is somewhat impaired and will not help to bear up his publlocharao- ter; or dues ho mean that ho ha nono at all, or that he ha an exclusivo. right to set in judgement upon the private cbnrao. ter of others, w ithoul giving them on op. portunlty to utter the truth. Rtspcctfullv, yours, &o. ROBERT NKW1JLL. Danocr or UsSItl-sk Bi'iiali. In t) New-Ipswich, N. II. n girl about eleven years of nge, named Clarissa Fox, who had been for a limo in declining health, suddenly becamo worse, and died, to all appenrnnco. The day follow ing, at about thesamo hour in which her decease look place, a faint color was seen to tingo her cheek. This led to efforts to produco re. animation. Day after day passed. Eve ry means vvnsuscd that could bo devised for the purinsc cold baths, warm batlis, friction, blood-letting, blistering, dec Food was administered in enemas, as wero also metiiuinos calculated to act (ul on Iho system. But not the I. parent effect was produced. No testation of life appeared, exaent In Ike daily return of that faint llngc) of ooler upon i no cnccK ; ami this regularly ap peared at a certain period in every day. My father visited tho child on thoiin-Mii. iiisi.i aay anor sno wont into this statu I ler appenranco was bi every respect that of o corpse Of course there waa no decomposition; but thorn was cvorvolh or demonstration of death.. Several daya later my molhor thinks four or five, which would extend tho limo to the thirty, thin! or thirty-fourth day at the usual pe. rlod of tho return uf slight color to her cheek, the girl revived, and was restored to consciousness and speech. Tho chain In urlilnli XihA liArl twtjtn mr. Iamm I.A1....I wa broken. But thero wa not sufficient viiior.rcmainlnir in Iho svstein far uenna. ncntrocovory. Nature was exhausted!: Bho did pot appear to havo been oonsolouf w, .mv .i. w ., w, w. ,.v ,.tv uniiii- jyl tioo, but ald she wa very sick and should "s. die that alio wa willing to die, and tats vpnuwi . -, ,.t I havo given qmcand souroes pf la. formation In the, above narration, hnoene "' Ihi seemliur taorwHMIltY of the etonr mantkit. 'Iatdddm the) aveat'oeour in iboi on 803, ai my rather, I lv . .." .::ci - . . .'" ; a m -. .it