Oregon spectator. (Oregon City, O.T. [i.e. Or.]) 1846-1855, February 04, 1847, Image 3

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    up ' i fr-iSiR 9"'
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SB--, t
M Interval of three daut which theu could
ff obtain m food."
Whon at Vancouver, ho remark, (p. 114,)
"Tho party which had crossed over the
Cascado mountains, wcro reported to have
lout a numlwr of thoir animals ; and those
who had driven thoir stock down tho Colum.
bia, had brought thorn safely in."
Owing to tho scarcity of food above nllud.
rd to by Capt. Fremont, and tho nrcsenco
of poiuonous shrub on tho Cascado moun.
tains, hid latter remarks are in a comparav
. tivo sotiso truo of succeeding emigrations;
Having by an authority who can neither
bo charged with partiality, or an over csti.
, mato of the difficulties ho met with, point.
cd out some of tho objections to tho present
road, I Altai I briefly notice tho advantages
which may result to emigrants and tho coun.
ry generally, by a road crossing tho Ca.
cado mountains by tho paaa.nt Mount Jcflcr.
As at least nine tenths of succeeding emi
grants to this country, must find homes south
of Halcm, wo may justly add the distance
from Oregon City to that place as necessary
travel, which will make the whole distance
to be traveled, from the Malheur to this vat.
ley, (ISO miles. Tho crossing of tho Mai.
heur river, is a few minutes south, and about
7 degrees cant of Salem, a degree of longi
tude on the 45th parallel being a little less
than 50 English miles, the 'distance on a
,.. straight line, is therofosa about 350 miles.
It is a tact well known to many of the trap,
pors, and to all the persons who traveled un.
dor the guidance of Mr. Meek in 1645, that
the valley of tho Malheur makes a good
past through tho Blue mountains ; and as
Crooked river, (a branch of tho DeChutes)
heads with that Mrcam, and runs in a wcs.
tcrly direction, a road following these streams
may have the constant presence of grass
and water, an advantage that every over
land emigrant from the U. S. is fully able
to appreciate. Allowing 100 miles to cover
the neccsiary departures of a road by this
route from a straight line, (a distance which
I think more than sufficient) and supposing
no improvement can bo made in crossing
tho Cascades, wo yet have a clear gain of
, xuu miles in distance, besides avoiding the
almost v impassable hills of Brule and the
ffitOeVntouHTalhs, and the deep sands and
iJMMntv Dajiturauo'of tho Columbia. If the
' J l ;n,.munl In tk.a nvlnnl U-liink T
think- none who know the country can doubt
being practicable, it is evident emigrants
may arrive in this valley at least three weeks
earlier than they do at present. And in a
climate like ours, where the long dry sum
mer is suddenly succeeded by a continual
fall of rain and snow, the saving of so many
days may bo of vital importance.
If the many valuable livei, and the im
mense amount of property lost to the mi
grants and to tho country, by their late arri
val, is matter of regret to the mere political
economist, how deeply must the humane
commiserate their sufferings. " Dark and
sordid" indeed must be the spirit that can
seek to profit by their miseries.
For the O.wfon Spectator.
Ma. Editor : In the 20th number of the
Spectator, under the heading of " One story
is good till another is told," and over the Big.
nature of "Fifty-four Forty," appeared a
communication which exhibits the imbecility
af a poor man in his moat humiliating con
dition ; but as the production gives evidence
of this in every line, so far as it relates to
its author, we shall leave that subject to the
more candid reflections of his readers, and
Croceed to show how nearsighted must be
is efforts, or those of his prompters to draw
the wool ovor the eyes of an enllghtenod and
calculating community. The celebrated
Patrick Henry has truly said, that " There
arc periods in the history of man when cor
ruption and depravity have so long debased
the human character, that man ainks under
the weight of tho oppressor's hand, becomes
, his servile and abject slave ; ho licka the
hand that smites him ; he bows in passive
. obodience to tho mandates of the desot, and
in this state of servility, ho receives his fct-
tors of pcrpotual bondage"
i Who can road this beautiful quotation
without reflecting upon tho humiliating con-
ditionof somoof our follow citiaens; they
bow in passivo obedienco to iiok me nanus
5 of theij oppressors ; where could wo look for
i moreWdonee of thii than in the eommunL
" . - -J lj..tn It la mmlA kw
canon unuer gusiwowwm.
historians, that Philip of Maoedon, colored
his argument with cold, and with this kind
of wisdom confounded the statesmen of
Athens, struck their orators dumb, and in
this way argued them out of their liberties.
Has Oregon no oxamples of this kind 1 Let
its condition and the communication under
consideration answer the question, and our
passivo obedience will show how completely
around our neoksis entwined the iron collar,
and around our wrists leading strings
brought about, in a great measure, by the
powerful arguments used by Philip of Maco
don. To effect a chango in this, tho wool
must bo drawn off our oyen, and their silly
statements, such as thoso of Fifty.four forty,
exposed by mathematical calculations. Wo
are indebted to theso monopolies, and this is
one of the strings they confine us with. The
clear profits however, arising from the sales
of grain purchased this year by oao of theso
companies, when placed in market, w;ill,
we expect to show, amount to more than all
the indebtedness of the farmors in Oregon :
yet this string must continue to bind us, and
win ue drawn tighter and tightor, tho more
we attempt to looso it, which however, never
can be loosed without the united effort of the
sufferers to bring about better prices for our
productions of the soil, or to receive our ne
cessary supplies at prices which would afford
the merchant a fair compensation for his
goods ; and as long as our ignorance or si.
Iciico will sanction it, we shall be insulted
with the story, that they make nothing from
purchasing our grain, and only take it for
our accommodation ; but here is an exhibit
of some of these profits made from tho pur-
chose of our grain alone, to say nothing of
uie six ioiu prom wmen we are aounaaniiy
able to prove they receive on their goods,
which alone is paid for liis wheat. For
instance, the Hudson's Bay Company, which
purchases more grain than all the American
merchants, have received in Jk year 1846,
from their farms and from 'flie citizens of
Oregon, forty thousand bushels of wheat.
This information, though contrary to their
rules, was received from an individual
whose veracity no one would question, were
we authorized to give his name. For this
wheat, 60 cents per bushel is given in mer
chandise, if paid at Vancouver, where it is
said their prices for goods approaches near.'
est their cash value, rorty thousand bush
els at 60 cents per bushel, would cost them
24,000, and when manufactured into flour,
after paying the miller the usual toll, and
receiving forty pounds of merchantable flour
fsr bushel, thoy would have one million six
undred thousand pouuds. This sold in the
mills at 4 cents per pound, the price we
know they are daily selling it for, (and that
in currency of the same value of that the
whcatjKU purchased with) would amount to
84,000; take from this 924,000 first cost
of the wheat, and you have in clear profit
40,000, on ap investment of just 924,000
in merchandise, being one dollar clear profit
on every bushel without moving it from the
mills ; but if they prefer to ship it to the
Sandwich Islands, as they usually do, and
sell it for 910 per barrel, a price which we
are informed good' flour seldom, if ever falls
below. This 40,000 bushels of wheat would
make 8,000 barrels of merchantable flour,
after paying for grinding, and command at
that price, 980,000. Mow, deduct from
this the usual price of freight on 8,000 bar
rels, which is 92 per barrel, 16,000 ; coop,
erage, at 60 cents per barrel, the price our
coopers are now manufacturing them at,
would cost 95,200, leaving them a clear
profit of 934,800, after defraying the usual
expenses. But suppose it should be sold for
910 per barrel, its present market price at
uahu, 8,000 barrels or flour attio per oar
re!, would fetch 9120,000: deduct from
this sum, the first cost of wheat, cooperage,
and freight as above, the charge for grinding
havin already been peid, and ;you have in
dear profit, 974,800 from an investment of
24,000 in merchandise, sold to us at prices
which we may give more attention to in a
subsequent communication. If justice were
done to this infant community, fifty thousand
dollars at least ,of thia profit, would bo in the
hands of our farmers to purchase their noc
ossary supplies and to pay their debts witlTj
we should then, cut loose the leading strings
which now tio us down ; but this is only one'
exhibit of tho tax necessity oompcla us to
submit to ; we havo reason to believo that
a much greater profit is realised in the tale
of 924,000 worth of goods in tha purchase
of thia wheat than the salo of tha Utter ex
hibits; but as we are toM that "om story
is good till another it told1 and m Fifty.
four Forty" and myself have both Mtrfcraaljr.
told our stories, I concluded :m ftMs"t
call futures to mv assistance, which are as
unerring as the problems nf EaoUd, east
whium expose ai once ino naioiuoas asms,
buggery of tho gold colored,aig anient, put
in circulation by those interested, or their
fawning sycophants. M.
For the Oiwas fcsstsiss. -CURLING
This ancient and manly gams was played
on our noble stream on tho 90th iastaat, cre
ating no small sensation la the locality, as
being tho first exhibition of the kied a Ore.
con. Tho curline stones were rather hur
riedly made, but sTtho' wantiag the " jwUshef
surfaco and handle," yet by the skill of the
players, they were made to reeeh, tha "tee"
in good style. A frieadly Basts (bast of
3 games) came off between a party of. the
officers of H. B. M. S. Modest, and these
of tho Hudson's Bay Coaapaay, 4 of a side,
on a " rink" of 22 yards; at tha osaclasiof,
victory was declared ia favor of taa Ma
deste's by a majority of shots. Tha slayers
Miititfi Qfetrt. JftsW Isjr OJUsrs.
Capt. Baillie, Messrs. Lows,
Lieut. Coode, ( sussjstar.
Dr. Gibson, ' Dr. Barolay,
Mr. Grant, midsh'n. ' Grahaaw,
The parties afterwards partook of Carter's
fare, beef and greens on board tha Modsste,
where the evening was passssTia that soafsJ
and happy manner sq peculiar tq tho ftatsr.
nity, and numerous curling toasts aad soags
wcro given. A club to be cailad the " Van
couver Curling Club" was proposed o be
instituted, andcordially agreed vpsa.
P. S. Ogden, Esq. Patroa aad wa sVmht
not, but in the winters to coses, tha M rear.
ing game" will have a place lathe
and diversions of Oregon.
Vancouver, 2fhh Jan., 1647.
(tir He is truly a happy aaan who earn
upon any occasion aceoaweeata hisssalf to
his circumstances.
MARRIED At ta lass ia
m Um 91st of JuMsnr, 1847, y
Mr. w. it. siekse mm
HALL, alt sf Um
Abs. atUwCslaeMs MMss.saMsBshy.Jsatass.
by FatlMrDs Mm. Mr. FIAJfCtl TOFAIft
Mia ANGEUQUE, issshtsr af Mr. A. LOW.
TAINE.sMsf Cluifm
THE SMNtaiy f the Taster wM as nas
tostaadssslsHM SBWstsatssayUiiiiial
cd to Ma, for Uwt swposs, sa aad after Mm Bs&ssy sf
February pnaeat
Onto City, Feb. 4tk. IS47.
Prraa H. Bobmbtt. ' A. JL Lsvam.
saBs9jsarssBwV V Br JbbssHp a99sispsasjssvBjsa'say SJ9 ssssnawwy
As ttoUcttews ! CtasasMSTt
WILL practise la sMI sasss ia aVs ssMssl Of.
cait Costai Oisfya TswUfft- sad .la she
SnpnmeCoBrtttOMfwCky:' "' ,
Jin. IK, 1847. tStf
MWU, If. M. TaVSJKHXBJfltWBl sasa a
SCHOOL Ui this eky, sa taa 1st ear sfFss-
roary next, for lbs iatfraeUw sf ywssg LaSHS aai
MiMs. A qaarter wis caaast sf shvea wo
All Uw brmackes vsaalh saajstosi ia a
EmIiA eduemtioa. will bs taasfct ia HBS.Rl
plSerwkh pUia sad fuKyNsta Wask, DsWias;
sod rwausf ia mnutaw saa wassr sawss.
For MutteakiB as to tonas, Bafske sf Msa'T.
uragaa utty, jsb. i, ivn. i
mHE wmwrnnanrnm a
M. ed Um OBtks Stoek. Teals, ft, sf
troof , would astir the bmm, tlwttasy wfl
the above buaiseas, ea aa bbmbms piaa-sr
at Umssbm ahea fafaaerly. issspsi by J. 9.
om door Berth of Uw iibHibsi af A. Head, Isa,
PORK BARREL!, , wM bo Ksnisksd si taa
gfcMtaSt BOtlOS-
Orsgaa City. Fsa. 4, 1S4T. , , IU
, Csaitl
HE SUBSCRIBER weald, asieW
perwnaaniBKreooivtet'aNetosf haad stvsa
bv ma aomeUrae towards UMk er'NareasBttt. ItU.
"la favor of J. C. Avar or bearer, das sakValm.sf
jaa. 1H47, to taa assssaisf asigMws avaaavaa jl
have saver received auv Tahta m as4d asts, seat
shall Utsrefore aet sa uw saw exprasprt sssa this
face of said Nets. wmnrittTm
.la., . .tslt.il
4 'E- TW . F?" ' '&Jiai!LJ
' .--' 'Vi - fif."' V5Td
AbXt SbmsvS .wsbsb as wW rsssamj
f ,yo
i-- vl
Ana, amvjaa -Jafiah
assr the snaaaTassaal awsr,ssaf sit
alsatnrjTswasalsar H
UsaC.AaalAttaJaVTBt. '. ,' '':
-T " " ' - fu
m ' Mr ' "- "'
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'' SKaA.'ik-'rrr'. J
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TbbbbbbbbbbbI sbbbbbbbbbsV aMasI WbBbbbMbL
Csssjen. Ths assess 'ssa''S
YmmXUmuUmtAm Xi
fBJTHE ssaVadsattsBnaVkJto
JL dassa at sbv ffsssst. to MM
aadwal ilsiai aiMsaaalSBjih-l
.i . Vv, tr ,.
f r i-t V,ts. V-j. .; J
,V I
II. BV ,9JBsW'
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as I
tmCmJi Ostlsl9sf.
Nov. IS, 1844.
, V Walaajfj &
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kdaak sf9JawB VeassBBBBVt',,,-n'v
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As fsssas wbsjbw to paraliiw faMssto ;
aaL asaydstTsallsBB
waot If aay pesBBi waas to Iff apasa,
aaJwaaaeaaef aaperseat "
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""toj) aBBBaJ sjSsBaaiesjBBBBBi pap,
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