THE SPECTATOR. Fourth of July Celebration at Salem. Mr. Editor Tim Committee of Arrange inents request that you publish tho following candensed summary of the proccdings of the 4th of July celebration, near Salem, Chum pocg county. At 12 o'clock the Rangers, under the com mand of Cupt. Bennett, together with an im mense assemblage of citizens, were formed about 400 yards from tho Camp Meeting stand, and marched in good order to the stand by Lieutenant Holt. Tho heavy fall of rain prevented the ladies from marching as was anticipated ; however, there was in attendance at the stand, a large number of tho Oregon fair. After order was restored, by the company being seated, a most solemn, touching, and pathetic prayer was o fibred up to Almighty God by the Rev. D. Leslie, the chaplain, when the Declaration of Indepen dence was read by J. Smith, Esq.; after which W. G. T'Vault delivered an oration, suitable to the occasion, and satisfactory to the audi ence, as follows : Ladies and Gentlemen The importance of the occasion will be but little apology for my appearing in the situation I now do. Tho story of our country's sufferings, our coun try's triumphs, though often and eloquently told, is still a story that must not be forgot ten, though I may tell you no new thing, of that which I shall speak, is to the descen dants of the heroic men who lighted the bea con of liberty and unfurled by its blaze the triumphant banner. The recital, however unvarnished and unadorned, you will listen to, for it never can ialbhcavy onthc ears of the descendants of the American patriots. We have met to commemorate the day which gave our nation birth ; in this we all possess a common interest, and you with fa ces glowing with sympailiy and joy, prove the feelings which the occasion hath excited. If indeed there be anything in association to effect the mind of man, wo need not strive to repress the emotion which agitate us here. If our purposes had never been conceived if we, ourselves, had never been bom, the 4th of July, 1770, would have been a day upon which all subsequent history would have dwelt with striking emphasis, and the glories of that day will stand a point of attraction to the cause of successive generations while sci ence and Christianity prevails, and the mul titudes of the earth remain enlightened. But we are Americans ; we live in what may be called the early age of this great con tinent, and we know that our posterity, thro' all time, are here to suffer and enjoy the al lotment ofdi vine and human enactments. We see before us a probable train of great events; wc know that our own fortunes have been happily cast, and it is therefore that we should be moved by the contemplation of occurren ces which has guided our destiny, and settled the condition in which we should po$& that portion of our existence which God allots to man on earth. We cannot read oven the discovery of the now world without feelings of strong personal pride and interest in tho event, without be ing reminded how much it has effected our own fortunes and our own existence. It is therefore impossible for us to contemplate with unaffected minds that interesting, 1 may say, that most touching and pathetic scene, when tho great discoverer stood upon tho deck of his own shattered bark, tho shades of night falling upon tho sea ; yet no man sleeping, tossed upon tho billows on an unknown ocean; yet the stronger billows of alternato hope and despair, extending forward his harassed frame, straining westward his anxious and eager eye, till heaven at last granted him a moment of rapture and ecstasy in blessing his vision with the sight of the new world. Nearer to our times, more closely connect ed with our fates, therefore equally interest ing to vtir feelings and affections, are tho set tlement of our own beloved county, by col onists from England, when the pious few who landed at Plymouth Rock, on tho 22d of Do. ccniber, 227 years ago, the thou pilgrims nnd forlorn hope of the bcttlemont of this mighty continent, as well as ho achievement of our national independence. Wo cherish every memorial of thoso worthy ancestors; wo cele. brato their patience and fortitude ; wo ad mire their daring enterprise ; wo touch our children to venerate thoir piety, and wo are justly proud of being descendants from men who havo set tho world an example of found iug civil institutions on tho grcat'aud united principles of human freedom and human knowledge. Tjo us, their children, tho story of their labors and sufferings can never b'o without its interest. No vigor of youth ; no maturity of manhood, will over lead tho na tion to forget the spot where its infuuey was cradled, nourished and dofended. But the great event in tho history of our continent, which wo aro now met to com memorate, that prodigy of modern times, at once the wonder and blessing of tho world, is the 4th day of July, 1770, that gave birth to the declaration of independence, and secured for us that blessing which God has made man capable of enjoying "liberty upon equal rights and privileges," brought about by the American revolution. In u day of extraordinary prosperity and happiness, of high national power, wo have assembled together on the beautiful plains of the Willamette ; far, far towards the setting sun by our love of country, by our udmiru tion of exalted character, by our gratitude for signal services and patriotic devotion. Events so various and important that they might crowd and distinguish centuries, arc iti our times compressed within the compass of a singlo life. When has it happened that history has had so much to record in the same term of years as since the ltith day of April, 1770 the dav on which tho first blood was spilt that forever separated America from Great Britain, and gave to the former not only a rank. among the notions of the earth, but that which only can exalt a nation liltcr ty und free institutions, which arc the dura ble foundations of its glory and rising pros perity. Its tranquility and happiness; its in creasing population and wealth, the rapidity of which is unexampled in the annuls of the world. Our own revolution, under other circum stances, might itself have been expected to occasion u war of half a century, has been achieved, 28 sovereign and independent states erected ; a general government established over them, so safe, so wise, so free, so patri otic, nnd so practical, that wo might well wonder the establishment should havo been accomplished so soon, were it not fo." the greater wonder it should have been establish, ed at all. Two or three millions of pcopis have been augmented to upwards of twenty, and tho great forest of the west prostrated bv the successful arm of industry, and tho dw ell. ers on the shores of the Atlantic become the neighbors of the hardy pioneers of tho valley of the mighty Mississippi, and even the sum mit of the great Stony mountains, is no Ion ger a barrier to tho enterprising Anglo-Saxon ; the institutions, cradled and nourished by experience to maturity, urc annually transported across tho summit and through the sandy desert to the shores of tho Pacific, uud ere long, the inhabitants of tho beautiful and productive valleys of the Columbia will be ingrafted into the great republic, and be come the key to commerce between the nev-er-ending enterprise of tho U. States and the east. At present wo havo a commerce which leuves no sea unexplored ; navies that takes no law from superior forces ; revenues ade quate to all emergencies of tho government. Europe, within thn period of our existence as a nation, has been agitated by a mighty revolution ''at has shaken to tho centre her political fabric, and dashed against one un olher thrones that had stood truuquil for ages. On this, our continent, our own example has been followed, even within the memory of many who are present; colonies have sprung up to bo nations ; Texas has taken tho lead, and will be a beacon light to others, to cheer them on in that truly christian faith, that the people uro capable of self-governmont, and if permitted to judge of the futuro from tho past, wo are sanguine that tho day is not far distant when- tho eagle of liberty and self government will cry aloud in accents not to bo misunderstood, and proclaim to the inhab itants of North America glad tidings of great joy. You wcro created to govern, not to be governed ; the institutions of your govern ment, founded upon equal rights, entitle you to tho admiration of tho world. In view of our own cxaltod station, wo uro led to inquire where aro our fathers who be queathed to us our national honor and our Individual huppincsn? those voncrables who, for us, faced the roar of the hostile cannon; witnessed tho conflagration of their own hous cs; the ground strown with tho dead and the dying; tho impetuous charge; the steady and successful repulse; tho loud call to repeated assault; tho summoning of ull that was man ly to repeated resistance ; thousands of bo soms freely and fearlessly bared in an in stant to whatever of terror there may bo in war or death? Where are thoy now? for they witness them no more. All is poaco. Alas! they aro not hero; they aro gathered to their fathers, nnd livo only to their country in her grateful remembrance, ami their own bright example. With them we remember the names of our beloved Washington, tho fa thcr of his country, and a host of other he roes and statesmen, eminent, revered, and beloved ; among those mon of noblo daring, thcro was one who now sleeps in tho bosom of his own native soil he was a gallant young stranger, who left his delightful home; the people he came to succor wcro not his people he knew them only in tho wicked story of their wrongs; ho wus no morcenary wretch, striving for tho spoils of the van quished ; he ranked umong nobles and look ed unawed upon kings; ho was no friendless outcast; his kinsmen were about him; pcucc, tranquility and innocence shed their mingled delight around him, and to crown the en chantment of the situation, had a wife, said i to be lovely even beyond her sex, and graced with every accomplishment tfiut would ren der her irresistible, ut the age of 15 had blessed him with her love, and made him the partner of her life; the evidence itself would have convinced you that this is but a feint picture of the reulity; yet from ull theso he turned away, and comes like a lofty tree that shakes down its green glories to battle with the winter's siorm ; he came, but not in the day ot success! ul rebellion ; not when the new risen sun of independence had burst the cloud of time and curcerd to its place in the heavens; he camo when darkness curtuiued the bills, and the tempest was abroad in its anger wl)cu the plow stood still in the field of promise, and briers cumbered tho garden of beauty when fathers werr dying und mo titers weeping when the .ifo was binding up the gashed bosom ' . tier husband, and the maiden was wipiV the death-damp from the brow of her If .cr; he camo when the brave began to fur . the power of man and the pious to doubt t1 i favor of God. It wus then, when tho gallant stranger joined the rank! of a Ecrsccuted people freedom's little phalanx id a grateful welcome with them he courted tho battle's rage with theirs, his arm was lifted ; with theirs, his blood was shed long und doubtful was the conflict. At length kind heaven smiled on the good cause, und the beaten invuders fled; tho pro. fano wus driven from thn temple of liberty; many brave struck the redeeuung blow for their own freedom ; hut wiu, like tills man, has bared his bosom iff the cause of strait gers? Others have lived in tho lovo of thoir own people ; but who, like this man, has drank tho sweetest cup of welcome with strangers? Matchless chief of glory ! Gen orations of men, yet unborn, will repeat the beloved name of Lafayette. But we turn to that imperishable glory be qucathed to us, their children that imper ishable glory that is blazing over tho gorge ous fields of liberty. The star-spangled ban ner, with her golden eagle of equal rights, is the common heritage of ovory American citi. zen, when he dwells on the sublime and eventful scenes enacted at Bunker's Hill, Trenton, Yorktown, Chippewa, New Orleans, the Thames, and on tho proud waves of Erie and Champlain, tho firo of national cnthusi asm will sparkle in his oyc, and tho flush of national superiority will mantle in his check, and he will triumphantly exclaim, I am an American, and her Union is mino. And now let us indulge in honest cxulta tation, in tho conviction of tho benefit which tho example of ourcountry has produced, and is likely to produco ; and let us so endeavor to comprehend in all its magnitude, and ho feel in all its importance, the part assigned to us in tho great drama of human affairs, placed at the head of a system of a represen tative and popular government, thus far our example shows that such, governments aro compatible, not only with respectability and jtowor, but with repose, with peace, with se curity of personal rights. Our history hith- orto proves that the popular form is practi cable, and that with wisdonf and knowledge men may govern themselves, and tho duty incumbent on uh is to persevere in tho con sistency of tho cheering example, und take caro that nothing may weaken its forco and authority with tho world. If, in our case, tho representative system ultimately fuiln, Hpu lar systems of government must be pronoun ced impossible v No combination of circum stances mom favorable to the experiment can ever (to exacted to occur; the lust hopes of mankind therefore rests with us; uud if it should bo procluimn J that our example hud become an argument against the experiment, tho knell of populur liberty would ho sound ed throughout tho eurth. These uro excite ments to duty they ure not suggestion1 of doubt. While the spirit of union triumphs, we huve nnthing to fear from the animosities of purty, however turbulent, they wilj bo harmless; like tho commotions of tho physicul world, they will be necessury. May thn day be fur distunt when it shttll w said of this country that it has no parties; for it must ulso be said, ifuny be bold enough to say it, thut they have no liberties. Let huwk-oyed jealousy he forever on the nlert, to watch the footsteps of power fear not purty zeal, for it is the salt of jour existence. There are no pur ties under u despotism there, no mun lin gers round u hullot.hox; no mint distracts Ins betid olioiit the science of government there is n culm sea. It is no vain remark to make here that the eyes of the world Jiavu been watching our republican form of gooriiuicnt for 70 years, during which time wn huve rim the glorious race of empire ; friends have guzed in fear, tod foes in scorn: but feur has turned to joy, and scorn is lost in wonder. 'Die great ami united experiments of American -tatcuien huve succeeded. Mankind beholds the sjiec. tacle of u lurid, whose crow u is u isdoni whose heraldry is talent; a land where pub- lie sentiment is suprcne, ami where ccr mun erects the pyramid of his own tame. Hut the cry of ci 'TV American citizen is, ourcountn! our country! On our country heaven's highest blessings are di Mending. 1 would not, for I need not, use the language of inflation ; but the decree has gone forth, and us sure us the blue arch of bciiM-n is in beuuly ulxivo u, so sure will it spun tho mightiest domini'n of tho earth ; imagina tion cannot outstrip reality, when it coutem plates our destinies as a people. One half century ugo, the rich and eteu sis country situute between the Allcghtiuv and Stony mountains, slept in solitury love, lincss ; fifty yeurs changed the churaeti r of that country, and very nearly blotted from its face the peculiar people that once inlmb ited it. Art in u greut measure has Usurp ed the power of nature; the children of edu cation ure too (Kiwerful for the tribes of ubo Jiglnccs that inliiiln't this continent. As u ace, they have withered, uud will continue to do so until their arrows urc all broken their springs nil dried up; ticir w igw ams re turned to the dust ; their ijouucil fires will go out ; their war-cry will not be heurd they havo been long sinking before the iiiigh ty tide which bus been pressing them from the rining of the sun to the setting; they will soon hear the roar of the Just wave that will settle over them forever; Niges hence the in quisitive white man, a.s he stands by soino growing city, will wonder to what maimer of persons they belonged. American citizens, you should feel proud thut your destiny has been cast, ut this pur ticulur uge of ihe world, where the pious men in the desert region may build u city of refuge, around which they may erect an im pregnuble wall of safety, to enjoy and 6r petuutn religious freedom; tho sucred herald of civil liberty, on the liorick columns of which u majestic temple has been raised, nnd they who dwell within its wulls, will never bow in bondage to man, until they for get to bend in reverence to God. Tho regular toasts read on tho occasion, will bo found in unothor pnrt of this pupor. New Root. Mr. Hunnay, of Dalquhairn, has obtained ono or two varieties of tho pot a to, from South America. Tho icuna has also been introduced by him, a, root something be tween tho yam and tho potato. ' This year ho has about a score of sets, which are prom ising to do remarkably well. In tho event of their coming to tho proper maturity, wo havo no doubt the use of them will gradual ly spread. Dumfries Herald,