CONTENTMENT. NEW STORE. TherC "child o?afotLnneTyC, M Ncvu Store on Main St., the cargoof cmiu 01 ionune, JT Brig Eveline-consisling of a large and extensive An opulent man with many ships,to trade in many climes; assortment of And he rose up early to his merchandise, after feverish Dry Goods, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, dreaming, Agricultural Implements, Boots and Shoes, And lay down late to his hot unrest, overwhelmed Stoves, Fire-arms, Paints, Iron, and with calculated cares. Ready-made clothing. So, day by day, and month hy month, and year by year, , The above articles are of superior quality, and will he gained be sold low by 11. CLAllh. And grew gay, and waxed great; for money brought Oregon City, April 19, '48. 3ts. him all things All things !-vcrily not all ; the kernel in the nut is NEW GOODS. lacking TI. , ,oc. B' ,n , r K UST received per Bark Janet, and for sale at reduced His mind was a stranger to content, and as for peace, $ . ;U lh(!lSlorQ of F. W. Pettygrove and Co., he knew her not: nl norUaiul and Oiegun City: Luxuries palled upon palate, and his eyes were sa- 2 ,1)011sailli ays molasses 32 kegs white, green and hale with purple; 15 )UM,dred barrels salt black lead He could coin much gold, but buy no happiness with it. Sixty do sj rup 12 bags shot And on a day, a day of dread, in the heat of inordinate 100 lbs. black pepper 1(5 boxes window glass ambition, o thous. lbs. mauilla coffee Hi doz. flint tumblers When he threw with a gambler's hand, to lose or to J tl,wus. " anou'ioot 45 44 plates double his possessions, ol lrcd ' la': Uus " sl",1,n.,l !! S The chance hit hiny-he had speculated ill, and men 1 j,1; LX0 ,n()US Zluviid nc(,(1U;s began to whisper: Fm-ty boxes lea (5 cases flannel Those he trusted, failed and their usuries bad bribed Tenty 44 soap 300 pieces assorted prints him deeply. 2 limns, bags br'n sugar 5 bales brown drills One ship foundered out at sea, and another met the Sixlv gall'ns linseed oil 0 44 blue cotton pirate, 1 Hundred kegs cut nails 3 " shillings And so, with broken fortunes, men discreetly shunned ?J (,U1Z: I?001 k,,iVrS , ? I! 1,,('k :m o() sells k ones and Forks ( 44 canass ,T , '. , , , . . ,., -i- 20 pairs carving ditto 30 dozen crimson pongca He was a stricken stag, and went to hide away m soli- VJ ('luz i)(!cher knives handkerchiefs tudc, (5 chopping axes 200 lbs. sewing Ivvino And there, in humility, he thought, he resolved, and 10 boxes pipes (clay) 310 44 linen thread promptly acted : f doz. prs. scissiors 225 44 cotton 44 From the wreck ot all his splendors, from the dregs of 44 lamps 23 doz. manilla bats. the goblet of affluence, 5 '! ",a'!m.? ropo olc dc elc He saved, with management, a morsel and a drop, for -0 gr'Ss malnics his daily cup and platter: Apnn, .. -is. And lo, that little was enough, and in enough was com- petence. NEW GOQ2. His cares were gonc,-hc slept by night, and lived at jgVSJ ariml S(il.r M aml for sale fll Coccn peace by day : pjp am, ;,U)S,IVS Oregon Lil- and Portland, viz: Cured of his guilty selfishness, money's love, envy, Silk and Madrass hdkls. Bulls and scrcvs, vvicking. competition, Calico, chintz. Matches, pipes. He lived lo be thankful in a collage that he had lost a Mer. blue prints. 1'alm-leaf hats, summer elo- palace: Linens, shirting stripes. thing, lamps, blacking. For he found in his abasement, what he had vainly ' lmK t()l,(.)ns- Fane) soaps. smicritf in hirrh Psi'iiM Bed and orange do. Blank books, paper, ink. .sought n ugh estate, B,-o. white and bine drills. MuslaN, cassia, alspice. Both mind and body well at ease, though robed in the ri(,nl.s an(1 imIii,s. 1)f)S( obves, nutmegs. russel of the lowly. (Topper. juk sijk ,HTit uerchiefs. Molasses, syrup, tea. ' Demins, cotton flanel. (.otl'ee, sugar, salt. P. G. STEWART, Shirts, gloves, su.speuders. Vinegar, oils, lurpenlir.o. . . Bullous, thread, tape. Lead, pilch, nails. , waiui iUAKt. Pencils, scissors, niiis. Crockery and tin ware. LL orders executed with neatness and dcspaclb - Lace, o nibs, sealing-wax, Glass and glass ware. on reasonable terms. Oregon City. Locks, hies, buckles. For sale for cash or produce. April M, '4S. 2ts. A CONTINUED THE MAIN STREET HOUSE. T VAULT and TI1URSTOX. Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, And Solicitors in Chancery, e . n. , P THE MAIN STREET JiOUbli. ill practice in the Supreme and Circuit Courts of . ... ti..,. iir, . fWnn Wrinrv. Offir. n Ovnnnn C.ilv. 1 TlIE LARGEST AND MOST COMMODIOUS PUULIC HOUSE IN .0-.. ...... . Oregon, KirnnRN TAVVTOV nnd m "HS still kept by the undersigned, where the public KlLUUlus, law io, aim lu., j .a fl.eo of CIIAnGE, as lIm proprietor General Comjiission Merchants, always lakes pay in hand. Thanky for past favors And Dealers in Oregon Produce. suit yourself as "ft Iwliire-biil if you choose lo call Ab you may rest assured I will do all I can lo render your GENERAL assortment of merchandize constantly ay agreeable. MOSS, on hand. t vvjll rcnt abovo (iescriue(i pr0pcrty for Noyes Smith has retired, as a partner, from the con- three years if I can find a suitable tenant. MOSS, corn, and the business will bo continued as hcrolujpru. Oregon City, April 7. lyl