o o D O o o o THKClWSsOP LIQUX. Last evening I saw an angel great white pinions wave, And he passed throngh a quiet churchyard Artl he stopped at an infant's grave. o And taking a ray of sunshine Out of his pinions bright, . He laid it among the vlolete, And it formed a cross of light. TLW morning I went to the churchyard All through the soft Spring air : The angel had flown to Heaven, But the sunshine still was there ! POLITICAL. The standing complaint made by Southern unreconstructed rebels, and their no less guilty friends in the North, is that they are deprived of uirce speech. While we are constant ly reading in Democratic p3pers this false charge, menan tho Democratic ranks are haranguing crowds from public places and inciting them to riot y.nd bloodshed. Let us, for in stance, quote from the speech of B. XI. Hill, delivered at Atlanta, July i:2d, at a Seymour and Blair ratifica tion meeting. Hill is one of the men who claims that there is no freedom of speech now, yet among other things equally as vile we find the following: tVT . . i. -. e are nor aisnonored : we are proud of our departed heroes. Yet, the vile, the low, the corrupt and the perjured are seeking to be our rulers, nqd tlave seized upon our high places; but the noble, the valiant, and the true are still left to us, and throogh oat the country are taking courage and singing ihe notes of coming tri umph. Ye miserable swarms of political Accidcncy, hatched in tie t-tdnch of revolutionary corruption into an ephemeral existence rene gades from the laws of God, and vio lators of the laws of men, we serve you with notice this day, that victory is coming. Georgians proud Geor gians, the men of tltG South, the men of the North patriots everywhere are sending up their vows to heaven, Qund this is, and shall forever be, a Union of equal States, or no Union -at all. Wild cheers, lasting several minutes. Men ' of pride, men of character, women thank God without a dissenting voice, and even children, in their play grounds, are proclaiming, on hilNtop and in valley, that those whom God made superior shall never bo degraded. This style is quite a reminder of days before the war, when no man dared express in the Southern States liis opinion if it differed from the spirit of the above. This man Hill, and Wise, and Yar.ce, and other fire eaters, encouraged by Northern Democrats, are pretty well demon, stratin the fact that there is too much free speech allowed rebels. If measures should be taken to put a Btop to these incendiary speeches, the Democrats would say a great out rage had been committed. And now, s men are allowed, and talk treason in the South, Democrats say the Gov f rnments of those States are ineffect wal and mere farces. Just after the war traitors were very quiet, and eeemed ready to accept any terms offered them, but Andrew Johnson's wholesale pardoning revived the eld arrogance and fanned anew ths flame of rebellion. But for all this we may thank Northern Democrats, for had it not been for their opposition to the work of reconstruction, the South would have cheerfully acquiesced in all features of the measure. It has at last disclosed what the Democrats mean by our soldiers. A stiff Democratic paper, in apologizing for tho selection of such a man as Blair, says he was first nominated by our soldiers, lie was nominated by General Preston, of the rebel C0rmy. The nomination was seconded by Wade Hampton, of the rebel army. General Fort Pillow Forrest, of the rebel army, urged it in a speech. And these are true Demo cratic soldiers. A Sevmour and Blair campaign flig, whicTi has jtut been finished in New York for $500, is fifty feet long a thirty feet wide, and is claimed to be the largest .ir ever made in this couutrv. It will be used as a winding sheet this Fall A Mississippi daily lias at the head of one of its columns a cut of a rebel fl.i g, with cannon underneath, and the words: "The guus that will kill Uadicalistn are, for President, i Ioratio Seymour ; Yice President, Frank P. Blair." o u So far as the State of New York is concerned," says the New York Herald, " We have no doubt that her 50,000 majority, cast last year for the Democratic ticket, will be entirely wiped out next November, and that the Slate will go about the same the other way." The Democracy propose not only to repudiate the National Debt, bu't also the Fourteenth Amendment, oil the reconstruction Acts, the restored State Governments of the South and tuo arusur. 0 The Providence Journal in an 1 ll.- Il " W7c oppose Frahk not for the Rood lie 1ms done, but tor the evil he Jas pr. posed to do, ar.d which he h capable .f doing, and ehown a disposition to accomplish." In Detroit the Democrats have had Supreme municipal control f,r seven year an Iiavc ir'cr?ac( the taxes rbm 102,922, under npnbli ieun aduiiuitt.atkn," to $ i 1,108. 0 Mr. James Purtou, writing in tho Atlantic Monthly, propounds a question relative to the habits of the coming mun." Y ill he drink wine? aski Mr. Partor; and then having demonstrated, to his own entire satis faction, that wine assists digestion, and does not assist digestion, keeps alive theconsumptive, and kills every body who drinks it Mr. Parton concludes that the " cominsr man " will be a teatotnller. f OFFICIAL. 1 Laws of the United States, PASSID AT THE SECOND SESSION OF THE 40TH COX3BES3. No. 70. An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Govern ment for the year ending June thirty, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, and for other purposes. (Concluded.) Be it enacted by the Striate and Haute of Rep resentatives oj the Lntted State of America, in Congress assembled. That the following sums be, jind the same are hereby, appropriated, for the objects herein after expressed, for the fis cal year ending the thirtieth June, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, viz : JTBI.IC BUILWXUS AND GKOfXnS. For repairs and improvements of public buildings and grounds heretofore under the direction of the Commissioner of Pub lic Buildings, to wit : For casual repairs of the navy yard and upper bridges, three thousand dollars. For repairs and taking care of the bridge at or near the Little Falls of the Potomac river, twenty-six thousand dollars. For repairs of the Long bridge across the Potomac river.fifteen thousand dollars. For fuel for the President's House, fie thousand dollars. For improvement and care of reserva tion number two and .Lafayette square, two thousand dollars. For care and improvement of grounds south of the President s House, one tnou sand dollars. For extra labor in removing snow and ice from the pavements and public walks. five hundred dollars. For repair of water-pipes, one thousand dollars. For manure for the public grounds and reservations and cartage of the same,, two thousand dollars. For care of reservations on New "iork irlmselts. Vermont, and Maryland avenues, three thousand dollars. Vnr li.iintinc iron fences around the miMie smiares and reservations, three thousand dollars. Fm- annual renairs of the President's House, five thousand dollars. For flower-pots, classes, twine, and so forth, one thousand dollars. For fuel at the centre building of the Capilol,one thousand five hundred dollars. For care of the circle, one thousand dollars. For laying pavement through the mall along Sixth street south, opened bv act of Congress approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixtv-seven, two thousand dollars. For additional repairs of conservatory at the President's House, and for supply- in": the same with a suitable collection ol plants to replace those destroyed by fire, live thousand dollars. For completing the culvert through the botanic garden, thirteen thousand dollars. For the further improvement of Lincoln square, eight thousand dollars. For hire of carts on the public grounds, three thousand dollars. For purchase and repairs of tools used in the public grounds.one thousand dollars. For purchase of trees and tree-boxes, to replace, when necessary, such as have been planted by the united biates. to white wash tree-boxes and fences, and to repair pavements in front of the public grounds, three thousand dollars. For lighting the Capitol and President's House and public grounds around them and around the executive offices, thirty thousand dollars. For pay of lamp-lighters, gas titling, plumbing, lamp-posts, lanterns, glass, paints, matches, materials and repairs of all sorts, five thousand dollars. For improvement of Capitol grounds, two thousand dollars. For continuing the United States twenty inch water main from its present terminus in north B street on the east side of Dela ware avenue to the United States twelve inch main on First street cast, ten thou sand dollars. For purchase of stationery, books, maps, plans, office furniture and contingents of the office, three thousand dollars. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to pay for fitting necessary shelving, and for record books furnished or ordered for the office of register of deeds of the Dis trict of Columbia, during the period when Edward C. Fdd e was such register, five hundred and fifty dollars. To nav William II. West for services rendered in taking care of and keening safely the bonds held in trust by the Sec- retary of the Treasury for the benefit of the Smithsonian institution, from March first, eighteen hundred and fifty, to July first, eighteen hundred and sixty-three. two thousand five hundred dollars, to be paid out of the Smithsonian fund. To enable the Secretary of the Senate to complete the alphabetical list of private claims to the end of the second session of the thirty-ninth Congress, and to pay out standing claims for services rendered in the preparation of said work under a reso lution of the Senate of March sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, two thou sand dollars. That the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, or as much thereof as may be necessary, be. and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not other wise appropriated, to defray the expenses of the Joint Committee on Ordnance, and that the same shall be drawn from the treasury, upon the order of the Secretary of the Senate, as it shall be required ; and any portion of the amount hereby appro priated that shall be allowed by the said joint committee to witnesses attending be fore it, or other persons employed in its service, for per diem traveling or other necessary expenses, and paid by the Sec retary of the Senate, in pursuance of the orders of said joint committee, shall be ac cordingly credited and allowed by the accounting officers of the Treasury Depart ment, To enable the Joint Committee on the Library to pay Mrs. Sarah F.Ames an ad ditional compensation for her marble bust of President Lincoln. five hundred dollars. For expenses of the trial of the impeach ment of Andrew Johnson, President of the United States, six thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid into the contingent fund of the Senate. For the purchasing of suitable sites for the erection of additional school houses, and for the maintenance of schools in the cquntv of Washington, outside of the lim its of the cities of Washington and George town, the same to be expended under the direction of the levy court of the county of Washington, subject to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, ten thousand do l.trs. Sec. 2. And bs it farther enacted. That there be. and is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of nine thousand two hundred and sixty-three dollars and eighty-five cents, or so much thereof as ni;iy be necessary, to pa3" balance due for the survey of lands embraced in the Osage Indian reservation, in the State of Kansas, under contract dated August fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. the said sum to be returned to the treasury out of the proceeds of the sale of said lands, as provided by treaties with said Indians. Sec. 3. And be it farther enacted. That the sum of seven thousand seven hundred and seventy-five dollars, or so much there- o. as may be necessary, is hereby appro priated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise rppropriated. to pav for the balance due for. surveying several Indian reservations in Utah Territory; the survey of which was piovided for by act of Con gress approved May fifth, eighteen hun dred and sixty-four. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the sum of thirty-nine thousand ani four teen dollars and sixty-three cents, or so much thereof a3 may be necessary, is here by appropriated, out of any rr.o.iey in the treasury not heretofore appropriated, to pay for the survey of the Os;ige Indian trust lands ceded to the United States un der treaty concluded September twenty ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty five, upon a contract made with the General Land Office under date of Sep- tember eighteen, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. and another contract for another 1 pOrilOU Ol &U1U liunb laiftia, twenty-eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty seven ; which survey is according to the provisions of the second article of treaty concluded with said tribe September twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty- Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, I nai there be, and is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury noi ouier wise appropriated, the sum of three thous and three hundred and sixty-two dollars and three cents to pay the balance due tor the survey of the lands embraced in tne Omaha and Winnebago Indian Keserva- tion in the State of Nebraska, under con tract dated August fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. as provided by a treaty with the Omaha inuians ana au thorized by act of Congress approved July twenty-eight, eighteen hundred and sixty six. Sec. C. And le it further enacted, That the Commissioner of the General Land Office if hereby authorized to continue the extension of the geological explorations as begun in Nebraska under the provisions of tlie second section of the deficiency act of Congress, approved March two, eight cen hundred and sixty-seven. United States Statutes, eighteen hundred and sixty-six and eighteen hundred and sixty-seven nacre four hundred and seventy, to other portions of the public lands ; and for that . f .it. i i . n purpose the sum 01 nvc mousana uonars is hereby pppropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropri ated. Skc. 7. And he it further enacted, That the Commissioner of Patents be authorized to rent, under the direction of the Com mittees on Patents of ihe Senate and House of Representatives, such rooms as may be necessary for the speedy and convenient transaction oi tne ousiness oi tne otnee : Provided, That all the moneys standing to the credit of the " patent fund," or in the hands of the Commissioner of Patents, and all moneys hereaiter received at the Pat ent Ullice. lor any purpose, or irom any source whatever, stiau oe paiu into tne treasury as received, without any deduc tiou whatever : and the sum of two hun dred and fifty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated for salaries and miscellane ous and contingent expenses of the Patent Office, and for withdrawals, and for monies monevs paid by mistake, to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior. And it shall be the duty of the Commissioner ot Patents to communicate to Congress at the commencement of every December session a full and detailed ac count oi moneys received lor duties on patents and lor copies of records and drawings, and all other moneys received by virtue of said office ; and of all monevs expended by him under and by virtue of this provision lor said contingent and mis cellancons expenses, and for salaries, and the names ot the persons to whom such salaries are paid, and the amount thereof paid to each Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the city of Georgetown, the city of Wash ington, and the levy court of the county of Washington, District of Columbia, be, and they are hereby, authorized to levy and collect, a special tax on the taxable prop erty within their respective jurisdictions, for the erection ot school houses and the support of public schools, not exceeding fifty ceuts on each one hundred dollars for any one vear. to be assessed and collected as other taxes. Sec D. And be it further enacted. That all laws and parts of laws that regulate the prices of labor in the Government Print ing Office be. and the same are hereby, re pealed : and it shall be the duty of the Congressional Printer to contract with the persons in that employment at such prices as are for the interest of the government r.nd are just to those employed Skc. It). Awl be it further enacted. That for the purpose of executing the fourth ar tiele of the treaty of Washington, con eluded on the ninth day of August, eigh teen hundred and forty-two,, the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the State of Maine for ninety-one thousand one hundred and twenty-live acres of land assigned bv said State to settlers under said article, a sum equal to one dollar and twen ty-five cents per acre: and to the Com monweallh of Massachusetts for twenty- six thousand one hundred and fifty acres of land a sum equal to one dollar and twenty-live cents per acre; Provided, That be fore said sums are paid the States of Maine and Massachusetts shall agree with the United States that- the settlers upon their public lands in the late disputed territory in Maine entitled to be quieted in their possession, as ascertained by commissions heretofore instituted by said States, shall have oeen or shall be quieted by a release ot the title ot the said btates, Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the Secretary of the Interior, in his discretion, is authorized to expend the ap propriation Heretofore made lor tne pur pose of erecting a penetentiary for the 'Territory of Colorado, on the site belong ing to and provided by the said Territory for the purpose: Provided, That no part of this property shall be sold or trans furred without tho consent of the United States first had and received Approved, July, 20, 18C8. No. 90. An act to create an additional land district in the State of Minnesota. lie it rexoced b the Senate and Jlou.te if Iiep renentaticeif if the United States of America in, t(i(K. asKemuled, That the President of the United States be. and he is hereby, authorized to estab lish an additional land district in the State of Minnesota, embracing all that part of the present northwestern land district which lies north of township number one hundred and twenty-four north, and west of range number thirty-five, west of the fifth principal meridian, and to fix, from time to time the boundaries thereof, which district shull be named after the place at which the office shall first be established ; and the President shall have power to fix, from time to time, the location of the office for such district. Skc. 2. And be it further enacted, That the President is hereby authorized to ap point, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a register and receiver for said land district, who shall be required to reside at the site of the land office for s-id d. strict, who shall be subject to the same laws and responsibilities, and whose compensation respectively shall be the same as that now allowed by law to other l ind facers in said State. Approved, July 25, 18'JS. No 03. Ah Act authorizing the trustees of the Union Chapel of the Methodist Episcopal church, in the city of Washing ton, to mortgage their property for church purpose. Be it enacted hy the Senate and ITowe cf Rep resent ati re of the United Su-te of America in (Jonfjresx attemfledThut George Rheind hart. John llyram John P. llines. William Worth, and Georg T. McGlne. trustees of Union Chapel of the Methodist Episcopal church, in the city of Washington, are hereby authorized to execute and deliver a mortgage on lot number twenty-eight and lot number twenty-nine, in square number one hundred and one, belonging to said church in said city, in order there by to enable said trustees to procure money lor the purpose ot erecting a parsonage on said lots, lor the use and benefit of said church, in manner and form as the legally constituted authorities of said church shall prescribe and direct. Approved, July 25, 1SCS. Kotice to oar Readers. A general invitation is extended to aU the readers of The Wkekly Enterprise, to send to the Editor of this paper informa tion on subjects connected with fanning, gardening, and rural economy. Ask your neignbor to subscribe for the Enterprise. Ax Oregon Joluxau Thousands of let ters art written annually, to parties on the Pacific Coast, asking for information concerning that region. The Oregon Cdy Enterjtrise, a weekly journal of 32 columns 3b are contemplated was estabusnea by D. C. Ireland in 18C6, for the purpose of paying special attention to the resources i- t. , i- -,: . oi uregon. uisiniuiisufuaiorcKuuviiY, a town of 1200 inhabitants, situated on the Wallamet river, destined to become a second Lowell, or Lawrence, on account of its natural water power, which is un equalled in America. Is but ten miles from the commercial metropolis ot the State (Portland), 3G miles from the State Capital (Salem), and but lour miles from Oswego, one of the finest iion regions in the known world. This Journal costs but $3 per annum, or S2 for six months, and to any person wanting a knowledge of Ore gon, it is invaluable, iry it. Address : D. C. IRELAND, Oregon City, Oregon New Advertisements. BREAD. CRACKERS, CAKES. TIES, GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY. New Firm! Diller & Miller ! Proprietors of the long established LINCOLN BAKERY! AVcst Side Main Street, Oregon City Oregon. Take pleasure in introducing themselres to the public, and at the same time announce that the business will be continued at the eld stand as heretofore, where they will mas utacture the best qualities ot DREAD, PIES, CAKES, PILOT BREAD, Boston, Butter, Sugar and Soda C H .A. C K EES. d-c, (fr., d:c. In addition to which we shall keep constant ly on liana u large stock ot tne best FAMILY GROCERIES, , PROVISIONS, &c. ZF" The best produce that is nfford'id by mc marsei, uougui ana sola. L. DII.LKU. A. P. MILLER. In retiring from the trade as one alene and beginning anew the business with Mr. Miller as partner, I wish to return my thanks to the public for their generous patronage if times past, aud ask for a continuance of the same. All accounts due must Le paid forthwith L. DILLEK. A U (JTION AND COMMISSION A. IS. IkiclBsai'dsoEi. AUCTIONE E li 1 Corner of Front aud Oak streets, Portland. AUCTION SALES Of Heal Estate, Groceries, General Merchan dise and Horses, Every Wednesday and Saturday ! A. B. liicriAUDsox, Auctioneer. AT PRIVATE SALE. English refined Par and Bv.udle Iron ; English Square and Octagon Cast steel ; liorse shoes, Files, Hasps, saws; Screws, Fry-pans, sheet iron, It. G. Iron ; also : A large assortment of Groceries andLiquort. A. B. Kichakdson, Auctioneer. DIRECT raiFORTATIOXS ! ! NEW AND ELEGANT STYLES OF Bed-Room ITES. Just received and placed in the wareroems, OF HURGREN & SHINOLER 1GG, 13S, 17i, 173 First street, corner of Salmon, PORTLAND, OREGON. rARLOR SETS IN TERRY, IN PLUSH, AND IN HAIR-CLOTH New Ornamental Pieces, For the Parlor, Great Assortment f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ! Lounges and Spring beds. The trade supplied zcith goods in original packages, on reasonable terms. 11URGUEX & SHIXDLER. THE PORTLAND Homestead Association: HAYING PURCHASED TIIAT raluaUe tract of laud containiti" O ONE HUNDRED ACRE3 suitable for Building purposes, with a front age of nearly halt a mile ou the McAdamized road, situate about one fourth mde sulh of PORTLAND CITY LIMITS. Are now prepared to issue stock receipts for shares in th same. Shares limited to $250 payable in small monthly instalments, with out interest. TITLE lEXCEPTioABI.E. Full particulars, w ith printed copr of the Constitution, etc., to beobtainedon applica tien to t'ithrr K. E. Chatticld Secretary, or Walter MolliU Treasurer, Portland. (s26 NYard S. Stevens, Notary. W. Skinner STEVENS & SKINNER, Office 21 Washington street., Portland. General Agents, Collectors Account ant". House agents, solicitors in , Trade, and special Brokers. Conveyancers of Real estate, Searchers of Records, Appraisers and negotiators of lou&s. Legal and other documents pre pared with accuracy and at short notice. MEUSSDORFFER BROTHERS Offer thir entiretock f HATS, CAPS, Hat Materials, and Store fixtures, FOR SALE at COST UNTIL DECEMBER To close the store they now occupy, and after that date will re-open, cor. of Front and ilorrisoa streets, in White's New Building! The prettiest Hat store ever opened oa the Pacific coast. THE FALL AND WINTER STYLE FOR 1868 In Sifk and Cassimere Hats, is now ready. O We receive,. in addition to our extensive stock, by every steamer, all the latest styles Uggt, Give us a call now, if you wish a bargain. 73 Front street, Portland, Until December 1st, 19B8. PEEMITJM GANGPLOWS. As the age in which we live demands progress in Farming Implements as well as in all other branches of indus try, we have determined to enter exten sively upon the manufacture of the celebrated Pfcil Gang Flow ! Belter known in Oregon as the WOL G A MO T PLOW. This Plow com . bines all the desirable points of a per fect implement, being simjyle in con struction, cheap, durable, ana of ughi draft. The only Premiums which were awarded to Gang Plows at the great Implement trial at Malloan, ept. 4, . . a y . l. 1806. by the Mute Agricultural zoci ety of Illinois, were awarded to this Plow. The followina ts an extract from the Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture, for the year IbbO, and may be found on page iilO of tltat re port : "The Oanff Plow made by J. C. Pfeil. Arenzville, Cass county Illinois, is received with no little favor in the west. Almost in credible stories are told of its excellence and efficiency in plowing the prairie fields of Illinois and other States. The depth of the furrow is regulated by the crank-axle, which is so arranged that the ploughs can be driven deeper or shal lower at the pleasure of the driver, when the team is moring.by means of the lever. We also munuiaclure sulkey ploxvs for small boys, or infirm persons who are unable to manage a team of three or four horses. This gang or sulkey plow, will cut a fur row from ii to It) inches deep. "The committee who listed the draught of this plow with a dynamometer state, that it ran lighter by 140 pounds, than other plows when running at the saniu depth, and held by the plowman while ou foot." With this Plow one man can do more icork than two men can do with walking Plows, and the same amount of team. Hence, it will be, seen that it wilt more than pay for itself in one season's plowing. tSF'In addition to the above, John W. Lewis will also manufacture the WEB-F00T GANG PLOW! A X I) T H E Web-Foot Walking Plow ! Both patterns of his own invention. for which patents have been applied for, and which have withstood pracli cal tests with the best resultt.rtcciving flattering testimonials wherever seen or tried. t&5 Now, the Farmers of Oregon are invited to give the Oregon City Manufactory a trial. Do not purch ase a Plow of any description zmtil you have examined our make and prices, as we are determined to sell at less than importer's rales, by giving you a more durable article,and a guar antee loarranting the same. For furider information address LEWIS & WOLGAMOT, OKEGO.V CITY. NERVE ! NERVE! NERVE! The Requirements of the Times ! J. R. E ALSTON, HAS IT ! THE OLD ROCK STORE, THE BEST Dry Goods house in Oregon City, has the pluck to fill everv department with an entire NEW STOCK ! Joy to the Hungry Hard Times Come Again no More ! Great Fall in the price of Goods! . IS. RAitSTOJV, At the Rock Store, on the corner of Main and Fifth streets, Oregon City, has just re turned from San Francisco, where he purch ased a large and well selected stock of DKESS GOODS, WOOLEN PRINTS, WHITE " IIOS1EUV, BLEACHED SHEETINGS, GENTS' EUIiMSIING GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 1 1 ATS AND CAPS, YAN K EE NOTI ONS, PAINTS OILS, &c, &C., &c. 25?" At prices hitherto unheard of, l-f By the oldest inhabitant. Let the People clothe themselves j& Aud Rejoice! For the winter cometh. Give him a call and be convinced that the Rock Store is the place to trade. LOCUS of ALBRIGHT, EXCELSIOR MARKET ! Corner of Fourth and Main Sts., Oregon City Oregon. rpAKE THIS METHOD OF INFORMING JL the public that tney keep constantly on hand all kinds fresh and salt meats, such as BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, COkNED BEEF, IT A MS, PICKELED POliK, LARD, And everything else to be found in theirline of business. LOGUS & ALBRIGHT. Andrew Willis. Wm. Broughton. WILLIS & BROUGHTON. Having purchased the interest of S. Cratn, in the well kuowu LIVERY STAB LK One door west of Excelsior Market, Oregon City, annouueethut they will atall times keep good horses and carriages to let, at reason able rates. Horses bought aad gold, or kept by the day or week. (4V-'ia WILLAMETTE IRON WORKS COMPANY ! Norvh Efont aud sts., Portland. Oregon. Iron. Founders, STEAM ENGINE AND BOIL E R 8 U I LDERS. rpiIKSE WORKS ARE LOCATED ON the 1 bank ot trie river, one ui- mui.. Couch's Wharf, and have facilities for turn ing out machinery promptly and ethciently. W'V Imvp secured the services of Mr. John Nation, as Director of the Works, whose ex perience on this coast for fifteen years ives him a thorough knowledge of the various kinds of machinery required tor mining anu milling purposes. We are prepared to exe cute orders for all classes of machinery and boiler works, such as MINING AND STEAMBOAT MACHINERY : FLOCKING MILLS ! SAW MILLS I QUARTZ MILLS ! I MINING l'UMPS &C.. &C, &C, t t Manufacture and R-vair Machinery of all kinds. IRON SIIU2TER WORK at San Francisco coat and freight. it heeler tl- Atfft i .in.. TK.t.mi .." Jr- m l. Amiilstnimitor. iHmieand Steven' Self Adjusts rateni j Ilxtsn. Purhina. either applied applied to out or new -.1 steam cylinder. Quarts Stampers, Shoes and dies, if the l-est hard iron. i-ll Sixteen Yoars in Oregon. S. J. M'CORMICK, the Pioneer Bookseller and Publisher Of this State, desires to inform all his old customers (and as many new onus as may not be acquainted with "the fact) that he stdl continues to operate at tne FRANKLIN BOOK STORE, 105 Front Street, Portland, (EXACTLY OPPOSITE MOCXT hood) "Where he is prepared to furnish SCHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, SHEET MUSIC, r-TTTrnri()X BOOKS for ll Vinds of Musical Instruments. cijuncit wviic Homes, BASS, VIOL, GUITAR and VIOLIN "STRINGS. BLANK BOOKS, TOYS. . MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. CHEAP PUBLICATIONS, NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES, GLOUES. 1' BESSES, PENS, Photographic Albums, And every other article in the above line, 1851 1868 E. J. NORTHRUP & CO., OFFER FOU SALE LOW Builders' Hardware and Carpenters1 Tools. Blacksmiths'1 and Machinists' Tools, Coopers' aud Tanners'" Tools, Mining and Farmers Tools, Mill and Cross Cut Saws, Ship and Steamboat Hardware, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, Oars, Packing, Manilla and Hemp Cordage, Anchors, Blocks and Sheaves, Powder, Fuse, Shot, Lead and Caps, Wooden Ware, Twines and Jbrushes. IHOjST, steel, AXI Blacksmiths' Goods, Cumberland Coal, Tut- nam, New York and GriHin Horse Nails, Malleable Nuts and Irons for Bug gies and Wagons; Wagon Skeins and Iron' Axles, all sizes. . . ii WAGON TIMBER. Hubs, Spolt, Axle, PoUs and Shafts, Dent Rims, Sawed Felloes, etc., ttt". AccuU for A. S. Hnlliriic fc Co AY ire Itope Maiitifuc-turers. Circulars furnished on application. Our facilities for purchasing goods in the Eastern Markets being of a superior charac ter, we are enabled to otter goods in our line at as low rates as they can be purchaea in this market. W e call the attention of deal ers to our stock, which comprises the most complete and extensive assortment of goods in this line ever ottered in this market. 30 E. J. NORTHHUP k CO., 131 Front Street. Portland, Oregon. eg John Nestor, Architect, OFFICE IN CARTER'S BUILDING, Front St., Portland Oregon. FIRST-CLASS RESIDENCES, Business Houses, Halls, Churches, Tenements, Cottages, Suburban Residences, and ALL PESCniPTIOXS OF BRICK AND FRAME Buildings Designed and Planned With accuracy, and scrupulously and faith fully superintended. JgrOwners' interests considered paramount. - OREGON 12 Xfc Y ! 13 T. 0PITZ, PROPRIETOR, FIRS T S TREET, PORT LA ND, Bet. Washington and Stark sts. MAXCFACTCnER OF ALL KINDS AND QUALITIES OF CEAOKEES! BREAD, CAKES AND PASTRY QR ACKERS Will always be sold below San Francisco prices. All orders prompt lv attended to OREGON" BKERY, " First st., Portland. Oregon. TILE BEST SELECTION ffn And largest assortment of sA-s! Ladies' Gents', Misses'. Boys and Childrens BOOTS and SHOES. Can be had at the PHILADELPHIA BOOT U D SHOE STORE, No. 112 Front street. i oriiana, opposite Halter Bros. Carpet stare. wnere new goods of the latest styles are re- ten ea Dy every steamer, direct from the east. euabling us to sell cheaper than any other store in th rUt- ic a 4t , f i ti v iv 112 front street, Tcrtlaad. Portland. g FECIAL NOTICE. CLOSING OUT ? Jacob Underhill & Co. PORTLAND, OREGON. Offer lor Sale tltcir ENTIRE STOCK! OF "SHELF AND BUILDING HAHDWAR E! Bldclismiths1 and Carpenter's Tools, Iron, Steel, q-c. At greatly Reduced Rates! This Stock is Full Well Selected And will be sold LOW for Cash ! 3ET Or approved short time notes. JACOB "UNDERHILL & Co,, 51 Front tsU Portland. 45.4) J Al'JlMIA. SAillJlUiMJ.l XtU., 7 Successors to Ilayicard, Coleman-dk Co. And Wholesale and retail dealers in CROCKERY, GLASS, CHINA -AXD- pae(J "Ware! "Wood and Willow-Ware, and House Furnislring Goods ! Also : Just Received, ti L tipper ship Ii FAVOR IT A,' DIRECT FROM NEW YORK. FULL LINE OF PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, tve, eve, tvc. Trada supplied on liberal terms San Francisco prices and freight. JACKSON, SANDERSON L Co. O. S. N. Co.'sBuildiner, S Front st.-. 45.4m I 1'ortland, Oregon One door south from the corner of First and Morrison streets, near the Wrestern, Portland, Oregon. Wm T. Shanahan, IMPORTER AND DEALER IV M US I CA L INSTR UMENTS, FINE ENGRA VINGS, PICTURE FRAMES And MOLDINGS. HHIIE FINEST AND LARGEST STOCK 1 of Ensrravinzs, Crouios, Plain and col ored Lithographs, etc., ever before cllered in this market, jus! received and for sale at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ! also : Views of Columbia River Scenery Constantly on hand. AC EXT FOR BRADDURT S CELEEHATTO Girsif&c! Scale IMsliios Which have given universal satisfaction and which te guarantees to sell at teaa I; ran Cisco prices. 17 Special attention tnven to framing 1 hotojraph tncravings, etc. &t? Air. Shanahan, lortnerlr of A. Koh ler's establishment. San Francisco, will at tend to tuning and renairiny Pianos. Melo deous, and all kinds of Musical Instruments Piauos for Rent. (36.1 Iff. PLllIBLXG, GAS & Fitting Establishment, So. 110 First Street Portland Gas Fixtures, Cooking Ranges, Hot Water Boilers, Marble Top Washsfands, Sheet Iscad and Block Tin, Water Closets, Bath Tubs, Lead Pipe. Wronght Iron Pipes, all Sizes. TEES, ELBO Ws, RETURN BENDL NIPPLES, BUSHINGS, dc, for Steam, Water and Uas. ALSO Scotch Tubes, Water Guaees, Whistles Tallon Pumps, Steam Guages, Globe, Angle, and Check Valves, Guage Cocks, Air Cocks, aud all kinds ot Brass Work. Rubber Hose, Hose Pipes, JLc. Hotels, public buildings, and private resi dences healed with the latest improvements in steam or hot air apparatus. I invite citizens generally to call ao-d ex amine niv stocK, wiiicn nas on seiecreu with great care, and especial attention given to the wants of this market. C. II. MYERS. L. A. GOOARD. t. R. LAKE. CODARD & LAKE. Nos. 114 and 11G Second street. cor. Morrison, Portland. Having jCought out and Refitted THE OLD BENNETT & WHITE Livery , Sale and Feed Stable Are now prepared to receive all the old customers, and as many new patrons as may see tit to give us a call, we will give Particular attention to Farmers stock! We are satisfied that we can pits pnfi satisfaction to our friends and the public aud we shall do so. OUR LIVERY IS ALL SEW I BOTH AS TO CARRIAGES AXD HORSES ! And we shall take pride in turning out as nice an outfit as any establishment on the coast for the same money. V4j e will also be prepared to but all the good horses that come to this market, at better prices than any one else can pay, as we have a connection below superior to any other parties in San Francisco, in this line ot business GOiJAKL) & L.Ah.tu. K. G. RANDALL. JOnS SrXDERLAXD. RANDALL & SUNDERLAND, 95 First street, Portland Oregon. Manufacturers and dealers in Boots and shoes of the latest styles and best material. San Francisco and Philadelphia goods always on hand. Agents for Howe's Fanli,7 Sewing Machines, and John G. Fcl I som's hand sewin? machines. Needles anc I thread for sale. t!4.1j illisccllcmcou gETTLE YOUR BILLS Messrs Levy & Fechheimer, Main t . Oregon city, are desirous of cloiBVt?t business, and request all personTLv claims against them to present the gam J V payment by the 1st day ot October i8Qr Those indebted will please takY: . that they must come forward and settl! 11 same, immediately. ule th LEVY & FECHHEIMER. rJUvE NOTICE. L" AH persons indebted to the nndersiCTeJ br book account 'isue notified to make immediate ere.b connts due and unpaid will be placed in Vi?" hands-of a proper officer for rr,Il. . r ia thirty days. I must have my par August 2S 1863. I. SELLING Oregon cur, Uregon NOTICE. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned wilt please call and set,l thetr accounts. BARLtJ W & FULI Vu Uregen City, J oly so, i g6 j. gUEEIFFSSALE. By virtue of an execution avid . sale issued out of the circmt court ,.r State of Oregon for the conntr T ClaA. " and to me directed, in faVor of Willi ' Strong, administrator of the estate of Am'crr llnlhrnnk. ib"ifH. rihiittft' i.w...- j . 's ' t t ...... a v. w . VI f m l ruui Orlando Bidwell, defendant, the k.v - seven hundred and two delfars, bearing a. , . w.-1 ... tin. r ... , . - . . . .- vi i. t i vetJi. per month nnd also the fiirlhr unt'n eA" tvsni.r... j .' ... ... . -luur ohl lars, taxed as cost of said suit: I have thi. Itith'dayof September. 18S. levied following'descnbed Atcad specified in aid decree and Order of sale as follows, viz Ti.. nurin nan oi me aotiaiionciaio) ot Urland Bidwell and ynfo, situate in town thi-.. 3.) south Tattge four (4) east, and described in noiincnuon jo. seven innusand two hun dred and Twenty-seven (7227), on file and of recorumine iiinu umce in Uregon Citr containing 'one hundred and sixtv ns,'.i icres, tvt'tb. all the appurtenances, and on Tuesday, the 27 th dry of October A. D. 18S, at the hour of 12 o'clock k ef said day, in front of the court house in Ore gon tiy, in Lwctamas county, I the same to the highest bidd . i- for cash for the satisfaction of said execution and .sur est aud costs and accruing cost. JOHN MYERS, Sheriff Clackamas Co. This 16th day of Sept. 1SS3. 4$:it) G' LIAKDIAN S SALE OF BEAL ES TATE. Notice is hereby given that bv virtut of an order of the countv court for the of Clackamas, State cf Oregon, made at the Sept. term thereot, iSbS, as guardian of th estate ot William I'row, heir oi George Crew deceased, late of Clackamas county, I offer for sale at the door of the Court Uoue o in the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon on Monday, the 2d day of November A. 1). 1S6S, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. the following described real estate, situated in said county f Clackamas, and designated as one hundred acres, more or less, in th southwest corner of the; donation land claim of said George Crow, deceased, being Notifi cation No. OtiO, section 1 and 2, in towchip No. 2. S Range No. 1 East ot WillaiuUe meridian, and claim No. 4'.'. Terms ofsale cash in hand. Sept. 21st, A. B. 1CS. J-'JSIAH LETTLE, Guardian. By J. F. McCOY, Attorney in fact. 4:K DMIN ISTliATUR'S NOTICE. Estate of Charles Cutting, deceased. X tice is hereby given by the undersigned, ad ministrator of the above named estate, to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to exhibit tht same with the necessary vouchers, within six months from this date, to the under signed at the law ottice of B. M. McKeuuev,! Oregon Citv, Oregon. CHARLES CUTTING, jB.,Administrator. September 2th, IfcijS. 4f:4t gU AIM ONS. " In the Circuit Court of Oregon fr Clack amas county. Frnsis Young plaintiff, vs. Moses Yag defendant. To Hoses Young, the aore nam.'d ' Jf aidant: In the nam of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required lo appear and answer tii complaint tiled agaiust you in the above n tit'ed action, bv the fourth (4lMondavuf October, A. L. "lSCS, being the tirst (l)day of the term of the above entitled court next following the expiration of the time pre scribed by order of the said court, for th publication of this summons to-it: cnt a week for six successive weeks : And if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint vii : A decre of divorce from you. Bv order of the Judge of the circuit court. E. HAMILTON k R. Y. HENS1I.E, Attornevs for Plaintiff. Dated, Sept. 7th, IMS. ' 47.ftt cu as. nones . .cuas. k. calet. .cko. w. i.velw HODGE, CALEF t Co., PEALEC3 IK DRUGS and MEDICINES, TAINTS, OILS, AND WINDOW GLASS, UARNISHES, BRUSHES, PAINTERS' Materials, ana isrvggisU' Sundries. 97 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. ) Pioneer Book Bindery. OIIEGOMAX BUILDING, So. S "Wellington; Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. BLANK BOOKS RULED and BOUND to anv desired pattern. foUSIC BOOKS, MAGAZINES, NEWS PAPERS, Etc., bound m every variety ef style known to the trade. Orders from the country promptly t tended to. A LARGE INVOICE OF NEW Sunday School and Gift Books ! IROM THE AMERICAN TRACT SOCIB ? ty and Various other Publishing Houses! For sale by the subscriber, on Jefferson ti- between 2d and Sd. Portland, Orgon. G. H. ATKINSON, Secretary. 2.1yl and Treas. Oregon Tract Soc 2y SPE CIA L NO TICKS. Wlllamtlle Lodge X. 151. O. G. T. Meets every Saturday evening, at the room S.E. corner of Mam and Fifth streets, at 1 12 o'clock. Visiting members are invited to attend. By order of W. C. T. -All persons who keep Howe Steven's Family Dye Colors for sale can te relied on for fair dealing, for the reason that they cost the retailer twenty-live cents er dozen more than other kinds of Dyes m the market, while he retails them a.'l at the same price; consequently he makes twentv five cents per dozen more, by selling an in ferior article. r. K. Cooper' Universal Magnel BALM A great Family Medicine. It is sovereign remedy for Diptherfa And kindred diseases of the throat, and un equalled in the cure of Pvsentery, Diarrbe Cholera, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, and Fever and Age Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds, Toothache, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Ac, Ac, ar ouce relieved by its timely use. Truly Vegeteblc Preparation None genuine without signature of . R. STRONG. BEDIVGTOX4C0 jyl8-3m) Sole Agents. JOU FKIATIXS KBATLVBXB cd at tbo ENTERPRISE Of HCC