11. O a 2T1)C lUccklij (Enterprise. r TOWN AK1 COCXTV. KfT L. V. Fiober, 20 and 21 New Mer Vvdinnffe. is our only authorized Ad- M. rettingii'l & Co. of New York and Boston. The editor left for Salem on. Tuesday hoping to return this week. .. Tlie Canemah Milling Company are now shipping ask plank to Portland. ., A band of 5,000 head of sheep passed through this city on the 2Cth, destined lor Silrer City, Idaho. The P. T. (Jo "'s wharf extension in this city is now being used. Flour, grain, etc.. is handled once less by this improve ment. The line of the grade for the O. C. R. K. i3 now finished some nine miles above ibis city. Good Teather and Chinamen put it through. --- The Kittatinny blackberry is the best in the world. I). P. Tompkins, at Spring Garden, has them for sale. The barn of Mr. S. Miller, lost by fire last week, was one of the best in this county. lie is preparing to rebuild. -v Tho left arm of a little son of Mr. J. R. Ralston, of this city, was accidentally broken on Monday last in two places. There can be no better harness than that now produced in this city by J. II Fchram ; and as regards price he sells Vclovo Portland prices. Hen Ilolliday, Capt. Crawford, and other gentlemen called on, Monday during our absence. Should have been pleased to see you, gentltmifn. Call again. Gaston and two Chinese, besides any number of white gentlemen and ladies, have traveled by the coaches of the Call foniia Oregon Company this week. Elder G. C. Chandler will preach at fhe Baptist Church to-morrow at 10J o'clock, a. m., and at the Congregational Church at 7 o clock p. m. Makiukd. At St. Paul's Episcopal Church, in this city, on Sunday, Sept. 27th, by Rev. J. W. Sell wood, Mr. II. S. Buck of the firm of II. L. PiUock & Co'., aud Miss Maranda Chase, all of this city. - -- Base IliUi The Oregon, Washington and Idaho Base Ball Association will hold their regular annual meeting in Portland on the lirrit Tuesday in October, 1868. All clubs desiring to be represented in the National Association are requested to send dilegates. J. M. BACON, Secretary. - -- An eight-hours-a-dny man on going hotn? the other evening for his supper, found his wife sitting in her best clothes, on the front stoop, reading a volume of travels. "How is this?'' he exclaimed. ' Where's my supper?" I don't know,"' replied the wife, 4i I began to get break fist at six o'clock this morning, and my eight hours emhd at 2 p. ?;t. Mr. 1'. C. F.rinck, Vice President of the National Iron Works, of Pa., and Mr. 15. J. Welch, Secretary and Treasurer of tlia same, paid our future Lowell a visit on Saturday, We are glad to hear them speak so well of what they have seen in Oregon and could only wish that it in'ight rain while they are here, clearing the atmosphere so as to lift the ob'scura. and reveal beauties of scenery little dreamed of. There is so much to gee on the fair grounds at Salem, that we have concluded to wait a week to do the subject justice. The opening ad dress of Mr. Dufer was a genuine, practical messsge. One such as larmers want to listen to, and Should heed carefully. W The best carriage teams, to our notion, on the fair grounds, were driven by T. L. Davidson, of Marion, -icon, of Portland, and Geo. Coggify of La Grande. B. M. Du- lltll, of Boise City,- Idaho, drove a fcuperb double team turn oat. The largest horses were from Ashland Cuburg stock owned by Mr. Myers. Ve have a most excellent ad dress on the subject of Abstinence: The speaker, Mr. Charles M. Jeve: of Minnesota, shows plainly the ad vantages of abstinence as best for the individual, best for the family, best .gent in San Francisco. For Eastern f-.;.;,r Mr. Fisher is represented by K v yfJl the community, and best for the fl f church, it was best also, he adds. If! lor the politician. Intemperance is ruituni: threevfourths of the active I politicians' throughout our country. One thing is decided and certain. If fohn W. Le wis does not get all the premiums that the fair can award, for first thus gang plates, it will be owing to gold leaf and red paint. The only plow exhibited against the " WibfttoV was cfne from Independ ence, (also an Oregon Invention) and it being gotten up regardless of e.. pense, attracted a good deal of atten tion. The " Web fool" is the only f'ovv that leaves the furrow naturally r and does its work on the principles .of economy but of this we shall .speak again, when at home. "The island of Crete, called Ctrw ui by the moderns, is the largest aui njost beautiful of the Grecian Archipelago. Jt is about one hun dred and sixty miles long by nearly thirty broad A rnge of lofty and rugged mountains runs through the ! centre, from east to west. These 1 1 ltu -at spurs northward and south ward, which extend nearly, to the n-jre, thus breaking up the land into j picturesque variety. The mountains an! hills, bsing calcareous, abound ' a caves and grottoes, some of which ' are large and beautiful, but very in- Incate. 1 ILL HEADS PRINTED. . At tho Enterprise Office. Serious Accioest. Yesterday morninV saysHjfie Oregonianot Wednesday, as" steam was being raised on: the Alert and just af ter the lirst signal for starting was blown the connecting joint in the steam pipe ex ploded, instantly fillin the engine room with hot steam, and. throwing nieces of casting m umerent directions. Fortunate ly there were but three persons in that immediate part of the boat when the acci dent occurred, or the damage might have b'ti" li was. ine en gineer was standing immediately under tne pipe at the place where it exploded, and tad the presence of mind to drop to his knees, and then groped his way through the suffocating steam, escaping without injury., A boy standing just behind him was slightly scalded, but happened to turn in the right direction to escape, and will be well in a few days. Mr. Geo. Russell, one of the men working on the boat, was in the sleeping room, the door of which is just aft of the lever used for controllin iue movement ot the engine. At the mo ment of the explosion he rushed out at this door, coming right into the face of the rushing column of hot steam. The density of the steam and the darkness prevented his seeing his way clearly, and his egress beiDg checked, his whole body was ex posed tor some seconds to the burnin vapor. Ilis flesh in many parts of his body was literally cooked, and the skin peeled off from his cheeks, arms sides and lower limbs. He walked a few steps afterwards, leaving a trail of blood suffi cient to distinguish the spot where he stood and the direction he had taken, and tell senseless upon the deck. Medical as sistance was immediately called and all done that was possible to alleviate his tor ture, which was terribly severe. At last accounts he was still alive and suffering greatly. Serious doubts are entertained of his recovery: No blame is attached to any one on the boat. There was but lit tle steam, not exceeding forty-five pounds on at the time of the explosion. A tele gram was sen'J for the Senator and she came do.vri Immediately, and returned to Oregon Cify about noon. P- S. After the abo've was put in type, we learned that Mr. Russell, who had been taken to the county hospital, died yesterday afternoon of his injuries. Hoxoit to Whom Honor is Dle. Some two years ago the unfortunate man, Geo. Russell, who was scalded to death on Tues day, says the Oregonian, was charged with stealing a pistol from Jerry Diisco'll, while under the influence of liquor. Afterwards the pistol was diicharged in his hand, tak- j tng oft one of his fingers. The wound was dressed by a physician in this city and Russel left. About a mo'nth afterwards Sheriff Stitzel heard of him up the valley. and Deputy Blake, with a warrant for bis arrest, started in pursuit and recaptured him. He was brought to Portland, and. on a preliminary examination, he was held to answer at the following term of the Circuit Court. Dnrinar his confinement in the county jail he was visited by Mrs. I. W. Williams, who visits the county jail regularly on errands of mercy to the un fortunate men there confined. Russell showed sfcns of sincere penitence, r.nd promised to lead a different life when he got out of prison. Such was his conduct that at the following term of the Court. through the influence of some of the ofli- cers, he was allowed to enter a plea of guilty, and was sentenced by Judge Shat- tuck to tUcnty-five days confinement in the county jail. He had before been the unfortunate victim of strong drink, and when not influenced by it, was a good hearled man. Since that time his life has been that of an upright, sober and indus trious citizen. He had gained many friends among h'"i3 associates and acquaint ances, being deemed thoroughly reformed by all who knew hici. lie was eter mind ful of his promise made to' that good old lady. Mother Williams. Doubtless in his lait hours he was' happier lor that holy in fluence which her teachings of love and mercy threw around him in the last two years of his life, while her kind deeds will live in the memory of the good, and of others for whose welfare they have been performed. Her reward is in 44 the satis faction of a good conscience, and the evr approving smile of Leaven. UGOIC NOTICES." Hours at Home, one of the most pop ular monthlies in the United States, is pub lished by C iar es Scribncr & Co., Col RroadSvay, N. Y. The September number is filled with choice articles frora thu pen of such as Dr. Horace Rushnell, Dr. Pat ton, Grace' Webster Hinsdale, Julia Shear man, and Alice Carey. Rev. C. W. Todd hr?s placed the min utes Of tho 16th session of the Oregon M. E. Church Conference upon our table. The vork embraces a pamphlet of 40 pages, very handsomely printed, and has many valuable facts, besides the proceedings. Puttnains Monthly Jlagazine, as a journal devoted to science, art, literature, and national interests, baa no succcessful competitor. The table of contents lof September is divided under 22 separate headings. All interesting. The first pa per on a series of articles l In the Saddle,' appears in this number. Bancroft & Co., publishers. Our Young Folks fcr September is at hand, ais usual replete with choice bits for the boys and girls. There is nothing in the literary line so Well adapted to juve nile taste as Our Young Folks, and to be gin introducing it to children at as early as four yetvs of ag5 will be laying the lounuauon lor liiture knowledge. It is illustrated. Tickndf & Fields, Boston. R. S. Menamin sends forth a choice record of typography, literature, arts and sciences, in the Printer's Grtular, a monthly of about 40 pages, duodecimo size ; oI3 Minor St.,-Philadelphia'. The Atlantic MonilJy is a journal char acteristic of Americans. The September number sustains its reputation'. Ticknor &, Fields, Boston. When Clair, in 1SGO, during the campaign in Indiana, branded the Democracy as a' "Vile, miserable party," and abused Dongas so fierce !v, Dan. Voorhees called Blair the " prince of blackguards." Blair in' return branded Voorhees as a ' hell hound." Now the " hell-hound" supports the " prince of blackguards." A nice conp'e, truly. i Ask your Keighbo'r to subscribe for the Emehfuise. HEUSTON, HASTINGS k CO. HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. AllK TI1E FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS OF SAN FRANCISCO. SPECIALTIES. PIUCE AXD OfAUArCTKE. The largest and most varied stock of Gen tlemen's Clothing, Furnishing Good Trunks, Bans and Valises, on the Pacific Coast. Every article sold, being of our own manufacture, is guaranteed. Having con tracts direct with European and American .Manuluctuieis ot piece goods we thereby eflect a saving of fully 0 percent, in whole sale dealers profits and are thus able to offer superior Goods at less than second-rate prices. STYLES. Having agents in London and Paris we introduce the ner styles in San Francisco simultaneously with their appearance in aew lorif. GOODS MADE TO ORDER, For the accommodation of snch asmav de sire, we have secured the services of a "cele brated European cutter, and are prepared to make up piece goods in a style superior to any other house on the coast, Shirts, Ties, Collars, etc.y made to order at short notice. CotTNTRY ORDERS. Goods forwarded by Express to any part of the PacJffc Coast on receipt of orders and measures ; seird for directions for measure ment. HEUSTON, HASTINGS & CO. LICK HOUSE BLOCK; novS) SAJf FRANCISCO. PACIFIC MAIIj Stesxiiijsliii) Co.'s STEAMSHIPS FOIt New York, Japan & China, Will be dispatched as follows : o Leave wharf .corner of First and Brannan streets, at 11 o'clock a. m. of the following dates, for Panama, connecting via. Panama R. Ii: with one of the company's splendid steamers from Aspinwall for New York, oa The Olli, mix. 'Ai l ami 301 U, Of each mo n t hi S,teamers leaving PanFrancisco on the 14th and 3(Hh touch at Manzauillo. All touch at Acapnlco. Departure, of the Gth connects with English, steamer for Australia. Depart ure of the 14th' is expected tp. connect with the French Trans-Atlantic Co.'s steamer for St. Nazuire, and English steamer for South America. Through tickets can be obtained. Departure of lltti is expected to connect with English steamer for Southampton.South America, and P. B it: Co.'s steamer for Cen tral America. Through tickets can be had. Passengers berthed through. Bag gage checked through. 100 lbs. allowed to each adult. Aa experienced surgeon on board. Medicine and attendance free. These steamers will positively sail at 11 o'clock. Passengers are requested to have their baggage on board before ten o'clock. STEAMERS FOR September 1533. The following Steamships will be dis patched on dates as follows: September Itth Sacramento, Capt Parker connecting with Ocean Queen, Capt. King. September l2;2d-r-Jintaria Captain Cavalry connecting vMth in ri Chau iiceiCxtConner. Sept. 3.0th Constitution, Capt Hudson con necting with Arizona, Capt Maury. Z-ST"' Through, tickets to Liverpool by the Cunard, Inman and National steamship lines can be obtained at the P. M. tx!S: Co.'s oflice in SanFrancisco, where may also be obtained orders for passage from Liverpool or South ampton to San Francisco, either via New York or iSt. Thomas if desirrd an amount of 10 or 20 will be advanced with the above orders. Holders of orders will bo re quired to identify themselves to the Agents in England. For merchandise and freight for New York and way ports, apply to Wells, Fargo & Co. No Freight received after 2 r. m. of the dav-prir to departure.' . ifl'he steamship Great Republic, Capt. S. Doane, will be dispatched on Saturday Oct. 3d, at 12 o'clock, noon,for YOKOHAMA and HONGKONG, connecting with' the str. Cota Rica; for SHANGHAI. For passage and alf ether information, ap ply at the P. M. S.St Co.'s office, corner of Sacramento and Leidesdoiff sts. , OLIVER ELDR1DGE, Agent. OREGON STEAM NAVIGATION C&.'S NOTICE. BOATS OF THE COM PANT WILL leave Portland ns follows: FOR DALLES CITY : DAILY, Sundays eiceplcd,) at 5 o'clock a. m. FOR UMATILLA AND WALLULA: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridayi, At 5 o'clock a. m. Zi Returning; leave VTallufa on Monday Wednesday & Friday, touching at Umatilla. FOUL ASTORIA : . . Monday and Friday, at G o'clock a. Hi. FOR .MONTICELLO : Dailxj, (Sundays excepted,) Monday; Wednesday, and Friday1, at 6 am. Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock a. m. o Boats for the transportation of stock ia readicesa when business offers. J. C. AINSWORTH, President O. S. N. Company, FortlaDd, Orgon. THE OREGON CENTRAL RAILROAD, COMING TO OKEGON CITY ! Now is the Time to Take Passage for The Establishment of JACM & BM)THIE1E ! Xrno have just FvEceived one of the largest ajd best as- V V sortmeuts of , SPEING AND SUMMER GOODS Ever brought to this Market, consisting, in part of CLOTLTING, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, For Gents' and Boya' wear! FURNISHING GOODS. Of every variety I LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Of all kinds and colors I LADIES' CLOAKS, SHAWLS, FURS, HOSIERY, etc., MERRIMAC PRINTS, WHITE GOODS, etc., ' HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, GROCERIES -And an endless variety Wlaicli tliey IiateiKl lo sell Lower llama Aiay House in Orcgoia ! If any one is disposed lo doubt the genuineness of the above statements, Especially the latter all the undersigned ask of them is, that they Call and Examine the Goods and Prices I And satisfy themselves. We may be found at the old stand, the Brick Building, Main street Oregon City. JACOB & BROTHER. 07" Country Produce taken in exchange for goods. "tBS Look Out ! The Railroad is not oming Yet ! BUT THE s PEOPLES' TRANSPORTATION C. Are Still And Rolling in the Goods for Ckarman & Warner's old Brick Store, Main Street, Where he not only iiitchds to" sell, but Will Sell Cheaper than any other House in the City. I will say, COME OXE, COME ALL, and .satisfy yourselves that it is no trouble to me to show goods. I have received one of the largest stocks erer brought to this mar ket, c6nsistfn in part of a fine assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS, BALMORALS, FURS of various descriptions ; CLOAKS, such as Circul ars and Sacks J ICID GLOVES, hvil quality ; IIOSIKUY; ...... BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLINS, all widths : BOOTS AND SHOES ; HATS AND CAPS CLOTHING FINE BLACK DRESS SUITS ; CASSIMERE SUITS: SUPERIOR BEAVER SUITS ; ;" BOYS' AND YOUTHS' CLOTHING, all sizes and Qualities. A SUIT Til AT WILL SUIT ANYBODY all on the most re Also a large stock of Gents' Furnishing Goods. GROCERIES A well selected assortment. pif All kinds of Produce Bought. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. C. W. POPE & Co., DEALERS IN STOVES, Jt Pumps, Bead Pipe, Hose, etc. And Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron "Ware, "Main Street, Oregon City. The subscribers would respectfully an nounce that they keep constantly on hand a good assortment of Cooking, Parlor, Air Tight, and other stoves, suitable to this market, which are being Offered at Portland Prices I Onr assortment in thi lift'e is large, and em braces almost any desired pattern, including the BUCK, HENRY CLAY, HEARTHSTONE, WESTERN EMPIRE, GREAT REPUBLIC. BLACK KNIGHT, &c. Roofing and Jobbing of every description done to order, in a manner that cannot fail to suit patrons. In addition to the above may be found a good assortment of Hard ware Wobdenware, eti: C. W. POPE & Co. NEW LIGHT HEW LAMP ! 1STEW FliTJIP BEST NIGHT LAMP IN USE ! Ifs Many Advantages t FIRST It ii Xorl-EfploHte; and entirely free ran smoke or qferaive odor whiU hnrninj. SECOXDIt aires a Soft, Clean, White Li'jht. THIRD ft i CHEAPER than any ether Fluid or Oil: LUCINE BURNING- FXUlb Foi" burnin c rf the above Lamps, outrivals other Fluids for J.IOUT and ECONOM Y. It will not Stain or Greasfe Clothes,' Carpets, Tables, etc. LUCINE LAMPS AND THE FLUID CAX 6E HAD OP C. "WV POPS & Co., OREGON CITY, DEALERS I" Stoves, Finvare, Lafr; Oil', Chimr'v; LanUrnt, e., dc. ni:t' " i 1 1 MwaKHBHMHHxrjjn of goods, too numerous to mention. Running their asonaLle terms. S: ACICERMAN. OREGON CITY BUSINESS. CITY BAKERY : MA IX STREET, OR EG OX CITY. BARLOW & FULLER, (Successors to "Wortman fc Sheppard,) Keep constantly on hand CAKES! PIES! BREAD! And Crackers of all kinds! Orders in this Line will meet with PROMPT ATTENTION ! BARLOW & FULLER Also keep on hand all kinds of FAMILY. GROCERIES ! AND, PROVISIONS r tjTEA M BOAT STORES ! And all Articles used for Culinary Purposes I BARLOW FULLER Sell ii fine assortment of LIQUORS AND TOBACCO ! By the Case, or at retail f Attention is also directed to the iact that nobody else sells the FAMOUS GLEASON CHEESE ! IN SHORT ! Farmers and the public generallv, are in vited to call at the City Bakery, where the truth will be made apparent that onr stock is complete, and our prices reasonable. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for goods. BARLOW 4 FULLER. FIRM! JACOB WORTMAK.' i &0MAS II. FIELDS W ortmai & Fields, JVext Boor to the Post Office, Oregon City, Oregon. DEALEES IX Family Groceries 2 Provisions of all JCindt ! Wines and Biquors ! . Confectionery, Spices ! Canned FrhitS ahd iteats ! And all the Favorite Brands of Flour and Sugar EST1 Tlxe highest market prices paid tor country produce. THE CABS HAVE ARRIVES ! The 3r o o d s ! ARE HEBE FOR FARTICCLAR5 Call sit Cliiii'iitans I At the old Stand, Main Street,- Cregoft City. LADIES! JEFOltE f ISITIXG PORTLAND CAtt AT Charman Sc Brothers. JOOK AT THE VARIETY For sale by Charman d- Brother. rHE BEST AND CHEAPEST At Charman & Bros. Portland li'ices QANNOT COMPETE WITH Charman Brother. CIjOTIIIIVG ! J-JAVE YOU SEEN THE BEST Kol until you have called vpon Charman db Bro. HATS, HATS, "JyTOTIIING CAN EXCEL The stock of Charman t Bro. HOME MADE FURNITURE! Levy & Fechiieimer, Manufacturers of and Dealers in Furniture, OltEGOJT CITY, TAKE Tills METHOD OF INFORMING the public that they have now on hand a larj;e invoice of SQUARE AND EXTENSION TABLES, BUREAUS, BED-STEADS. LOUNGES. DESKS. STANDS, CHAIRS, And various other' Qualifies of Rich and Medium Furniture I Forming a complete and desirable assort ment, which merits the attention ot buyers We MANUFACTURE FURNITURE Using good materials, and employing tho very best mechanics in the State, hence we can warrant our goods to bit as represented, and we are prepared to lilf all orders with promptness.' . . j:gf We call the attention of the Dublic to our salesroom, as containing the most complete assortment of desirable yoods in the State. LETT & FECHIIEIMER, 45.1 v Matn street, Oregon City Selling at Cost TO CLOSE BUSINESS ! And no' ! Tlie Esatifc Stoclt! DRY GOODS,. 05r READY-MADE CLOTHING, EC0TS AND SHOES; Mens' Ladies, Misses' and Childrcns' HATS AND CAPS; Groceries, Crockery Glass and Plated Ware; Paints, Oils, lamps, Wicks; Cninmeys and Burners ! Hardware, Cutlery, etc., etc." Has got to be sold Regardless of Price! 57" To convince yourself of this action call at the Old Corner f . , I. SELLING," South of Tope k Co 's Tin store. Main st., Oregon City. OREGON CITY WOOLEN MANUFACTURING .COMPAJ v; aIIE ABOVE COMPNAY ARK NOW producing aqualitj- of WOOLEN GOODS WHICH ABfi Superior to any ever before offered on the Pacific Coast I Comprising CASSIMERES; TWEEDS, HARD TIMES, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, YARN, etc. Using only the best grades of Wool. offered to the trade on the. most, favorable terms. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Address : )! ajeui, 30.6m) Oregon tity, uregon Or L. WHITE & JJKU.. Agents at j oruaim. Established ) j Established 1857. f I 1&57. No. 90 First street, Portland, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, ra null FlftWfT Seeds ! All Seeds from this Establishment are Warranted Fresh and Genuine. Foreign and Domestic Dried Fruits and egetabTes. Foreign and Domestic Green co do 'egetables and Fruit Packed uith care Jor Shipment. UTS Pea-nuts, Brazil-nuts, Wal-nuts, Fil- GROCERIES A selected stock of choice Groceries, bought expressly for family use. t53 All of which is oflered for cash at cash prices. Orders solicited. No. 20 First st., Fortlicd, Oregon. THE OCCIDENTAL Insurance Company IVfEXD TO CKASU BUSINESS I2T THIS STATE S3.Cm) D. GOLDSMITH, A-genf, . K Life Insur angh . JOHNSON & McCOWN ARE THE Local Agents in Oregon Cky, of th Pacific Fire Insurance Company, the best doing business on this ceast. This Company is the ouXy one ?n Oregon that Issue Policies and Adjusts Losses Without referring tb-e case to San Francisco. ALSO, AGENTS OF THE North America Life Insurance Co.! Presenting the mot desirable features, having its policies guaranteed by the State of New Vork. Z3f Don't delay attention to these mat ters until joar property is destroyed by lire, or untrl you are sick, when 3-ou-"catnot be insured. Call immediately. (32.tf C, P. FERRY, cs ja sL o2 ie-cw. zee: zbhkl No. 10S Front street, Portland. Agent North British and Mercantile Insurance Company. And Manhattan Life lnsnrafCe Co OVERNMENTSECURITIES,STOCKS JT Honda, and Real Estate bought and sold on Commission. f3; THE MANHATTAN JLilC llfiSBBl'SUlCC Co OF NEW YORK. Assets Nearly ...... $5,000,000' 00. DiviDExn to Jaxi aht 1st, 1867, Si,ltli,3VG 38. Dividend of 1667, 40 per cent. CasA.. rpiIIS LARGE DIVIDEND IS YERt JL gratifying, and assures the rotiCT hol Eusthat they will, in this carefully conductd company, obtain insurance at the lowest cost consistent with tue safety of the insured. SPECIAL FEATURES, . Bividends Annually, Policies non-Forfeiting, After one- Payment. Policies Incontestable, Credit Given for part of The Premium if Besircd Prompt Payment of Losses! Z7" All classes of Life and Endowment Policies issned. , CSS" Imjiortant New Features in Dividends, and Modes of Insurance : The following are examples of the opera tions of the Iat dividend. Policies issued in 18fi3 only four vears ago: Amount Premium Added. Total Insured. Paid. to Policy. Amount. ?10,)00 ?1,2S0 Jf3,572 13,572 3,000 1,".'2 2,848 10,343 7,"'.iQ 7(3 2,708 10,208 Age. 40 35 SO 2o 7,000 , ,: 571 ., 2,505 ... , 9,505 This is an entirely new plan, originating with this company, and gives insurers the largest return ever made by any company in the same period. All iiiformati'6'n, boeks, blank Applications', can be obtained from , C. J. FERRY, Agent; - - - 103 Front st.. Portland. Orecron. B . J ICITjLI.V, Oregon City Acini. Dr. A.I). Ellis, .. i Dr. W II. Wat kiss, j Medical Examiners. HIRAM SMITHS' OPHTHALMIC Is without doubt the niost wonderful E1E HE ALE II that has yet been discovered ! It cures the mo'si stubborn and hopeless cases of chronic Incarnations. Granulated lids, films, &.C., as has been sufficiently dem onstrated during the few months in which in which it has been brought into public no tice. The proprietor is so fully convinced of its lnfaHibilitv that he warrants a' cure. or refunds the money.. It can do the eves ho harm, and a trial of it is therefore witl tut injury or expense to the patient,- if a cure is not effected. . It has cured cases of five, six xiSt, riFTEE.v and even Eighteen Years' . Standing f ! In llarri-xburg and Tcicinity, Linn Co., Oregon To which the following persons will bear v liness : E. B. Moore,' A. L. Wallace; Mrs Montgomery,' W: D. Porter; tfafhaniel Bell, ii. K. Ward. John M llolloway Kod t Ramsey, A n id Dtlipr r7itino 25 Persons afflicted with the distressing scourge of diseased eyes are advised to give this remedy a lair trial on the "No cure; no Pay," and no injury plan,. . , , , ; ... . Prepared by Smith k Roach. Ilarrisburg, Oregon. . . , SMITH tt DAVIS, Gencrt.l Agents, Portland Oregon,' To whom all orders should be addressed. For sale by all Druggists. (29 ITs&mily I)yc Colors; Patented October t3th, 1803.' PERFECT FAST COLORS. Black, Bark. Green, Black Silk, Liah t Green. Bark Blue, Magenta, Light Blue, Maize, French Blue, Marcoii, Claret Broicn, Orange, Bark Brown, Pink , .. .Light Brown Purple, Snuff Brown, Royal Purple, Cherry, Salmon, Crimson, Scarlet, Bark Drab, Slate, Light Drab, Solferino, , Eaten Drab, Violet, . Vellotr, Light Fawn Drab, iron, dyeixg silk.,. Woolen and .Mixed Goods, Shawls, Scarfs, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Bonnets, lists,' Feathers, Children's Clothing,' And nil Kfmls of "IVenfii'ig Apparel. A. Saving of Eighty per Cent: . For 2.) cents you can color as many goods as would otherwise cost five times that sum. Various shades can be produced, from the same dye. The process is simple, and any one can use the dye with perlect success. Directions in English, French and German outside of each packase. , - 110 WE .t STEVEN?,' , . - . 30.6 Broadway, Bos'ton. , For sale bv Smith & Davis Portland, and by Bell t Parker, Oregon City. 2 jXmslT DAL Y (Late Daly & Stevens,) G E X E R AL AG EXT;, , Office No. 104 Front street, Portland, "Will give special attention to Collecting and adjustment of accounts, bills and notes; Negotiating Inland bills f effecting loans; buying, sellingand leasing real estate; houst renting,' and to the general agency business in all its branched.' HOME MANUFACTURE. HIGGINS &. CO. Are Sow XTan u fart u ring a. Superior ARTICLE OP Clremical, Olive, Pale, Inct B:own" FAMILY SOAP, "f JlriCiI WrE WILL SELL AT SAN Francisco Prices, and deliver to up. river boats free of charge. All orders sent to Portland Soap Factorv' or to McCraken, Merrill & Co., Agents, wirf meet With prompt attention. W. L. HIGGINS k CO., ll:ly Proprietors,' No. 8 Front Street, Portland, Oregon,' One block north of O. S. N. Co.'s Wharf McCRAKEN, MERRILL & CO., Agents Orego ole So. 3. I. . of O. F. ' Meets every Wednesday evenifitr at 7 o'clock, in the Masonic llall. " -Htrifr Members of the orde'- are in vited 1 3 attend. By order X. G. i o NERVOUS AFFECTIOTJS. Tite shapes ot ctotr'DS xjcdthf trees do not differ more widely thsn' tW forms of nervous disease Sometimes Voth' the mind and body are a(fecd,. soinetVmA the body only, and often the compfaitif i confined fa a single- member. In one cfas of eases- the' motive nve re dissor- dered,- as in St. Vitus Dance ; ia arthef class the nerves of sefisafion only are attack ed, as ia netira4gi tie cfonlotireaui, totl" ache,- earache,' etc.- Pais is, in fact, th" im mediate consequence of a disturbed condi tion of the nervous sysfetn ; for only thre' fhe delicate fibers of which if is composed can pain be experienced. Tremors bysterijf amd most ot the unpleasant feelings uswally" included nnder the head" of Bcrvousnessy arise from fhe weakness t( ihest sensifiv fhreads which pervade every part of the" an imal strifcture,- and Wave therr sotrrce i th focntairr head of all sest'kn, the brarfn. The tonic action of Ilostetter'a Bitters isof vast service in cases of this kind. Nervoti headache, ordinary faceache,- nen'ralgic p'air and every variety of spasmodic torture, are qnickry alletiafed by tb nse of tbe prepa ration which at once brtfciS ndfranqnilixes' the n-erves.- Persows of a lyiwplnrirS ttfnrper- ament an"d feeble orgtrtiization,- are espetta! Iy subject to these complaints,- and sbonlcf taka tha Bitters daily as an invigorani. La dies will derive great benefit from then ?nt all tbft peculiar mental and physical disturb1 ances fo wbicby aa a sx,- they are subject Asafcsfid'a, valerain,and the other nernes, uSualfy prescribed for these affections at best merefy afleviate fbem for the fime betn but the titters are a permanent inigoranf, and their value as a remedy for every phase' of nenvonsness is beyond all estimate.- O It is a great thing te have a so'tind1 vigorous constitution': There is nothinj that money can buy, comparable in value t this best gift of nature. The difference be tween the individual who has it, and the un fortunate who has if not, is" jiisf tfi'e difference between the man who goes into battle cl6h ed in defensive armor; and one who has nothing to oppose the sword and bullet bui his naked breast. "The pestilence that wftlketh in darkness"; the sickness that dts troyeth at noonday,-" while it lays low the man of feeble s famirr'a, is often conquered1 by the nitive strength of what is called kit " iron' constitution." Heaven; howevtr, hs n6t endowed even a moiety of mankind witb this inestimable blessing, and therefore it behooves thos'e who have it not to resort to those most ci cient means of constituCiofi'af tri-f?gcratidn which science can supply: There is goo'd warrant for asserting that Hostetter's Bit ters are admirably adapted to promote ihii end. Other tonics have their drawbacks. The concentrated Extract of poisohofrP Veg etable substances,- which wtlin tbe last few years have been introduced into tfri practice of medicine as invigorants, are all extremely dangerous. Prussic acicf and strychnine, though often given as strengthening medi cines, ate not e even in the dirnihuti e doses ; and quinine disastrously effects the n'erves and tfie bones. But! In Ifos'teifer'a Dhters there is positively nothing" tfc'at iiH&t healthful itnd wholesome'.' Tbey cdntaifi no ingredient which by any process coiild be converted info an active poison, and yet as a' coYistitutiona'f stimulant are ih'finitctf 'ref erable to ftny of the sulphates, atfd acetates which have been recently a'dded to the jui teria inedica. , The Government Countersign. The counterfeiting of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is now a somewhat more serious as well as difficult business than it was a few years ago, each bottle of tie genuine 4rticl being authenticated by the official endorse ment of the United States Revenue Depart ment iri the fofni of a sta'rnp engrafed on steel, to counterfeit which' is a feloily: See, therefore, that this Government Counter sign, as well as the engraved label an! note of hand of the proprietors, is attached to the battle. The label is embellished ith a spefb representation St. George on horse back, in the act of spearing the Dragon, and underneath is a shield or escutcheon, bear ing a warning inscription, w hich' counter feiters are advised to ( read before they en counter the penalty which it sets forth. Be low this again fs flosietter fc'ni'th's note of hand, the signature to which' it wonld be rather a serious business to lirge If the public will look to these rerificatfons of the genuineness of the article . before they purchase, they cannot be deceived. The proprietary label arid Government stamp are both executed off steel in the most elabDrate style of bank-note engraving and are probably the most expensive specimen- of graphic, art ever attached to any medical preparation.' PREPARED AND SOLD BY H osteite r & Smith PlTl-gflUUG, Pa, f5J For sale by all Dragists. Groe and shopkeepers throughout the world. Hostettef, Smith Co., Wholesale Druggists, San Francisccs, Agents for Pacific Coast (3m) o o