The Table Rock sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1855-1858, August 09, 1856, Image 2

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IBllnfTPCIiMiiiDiMrtt-J IMJVWf 'JBigl!HnyW Wm -' iT" tmmmamwixlvmsim '" ' ""PMiaBqWSfcaiEMiipt
iP'lS " HI
r -'
C 1
mSMUmmF Et-' 'ISM
- 1
1 "Ii
G, rr.WLT, 1
Satnr.Uty, AMRiist P, IM6.
supplies that which ho will not receive
In payment for the same articles. Is
that Democratic f If so, it is a new
plunk in the platform placet! there by
the Quarter Mutter General of Ore
What has the war that has hereto
fore existed to do with the s&lo of
. . ..... - t Yl'fll t t
San Frnuclco Accncr. .: wimHimicm pruiwy i , m me casn
Tnouvs Borer, corner of .Vn-hlnrton Me prove that it was a just wart Will
ecrlptloas and advertisements for ta 8m. , wrong and Govs. Curry and Stetihcnt
tixiul. .:!,. ItMl .u i. r t
..6uw Tim m i- Hiu .or casn expedite
tho appropriation to ay the cxponscs
of tho war I Most Assuredly no such
construction can oc will be placed up
on the measure.
Tho amount of properly that would
bring ono hundred thousand dollars in
Icnsl,, would bring three hundred thou,
'uand in tcrip: then here is a sacrifice.
FOR TRESIDENT !iat1 r wuatf to obtain cash and
T 4 O TTtTT i "XT . -xt ' r wwt! to W ,0- expenses of the
J jflLOt JJ VJ - ELiN Al , war I or the expenses of officials ? Iri
tho peoplo say it is right that thrv
khould bo deprived of their property, J gate.
Mr. L. P Pbher I autborlied lo receive
advertisements aaJ subscriptions for the
Sentinel, and receipt for the soma, la San
Pracclsco. Offic. Iron Building, opposite
1'acttic Kxpre.M Office, tir-atalr.
A number of Administrator's notice and
oilier transient advertising in this paper,
have not beta paid for. Fen on Kill con
fer a favor by settling their account Imme
diately. Delinquent subscribers villi please
forward, tie (.mounts due us.
or rnxMTLVAMA.
It ia cortainly necessary that the
aggregate amount of expenses should
be ascertained, of tho expenses of the
lato Indian war in Oregon. Wo. have
had officers to transact the busiuesa.
It is not as it was in tho Cayuso war;
in that cao tho official pap era wcro
not sufllcently explicit to mako an ab. !
First Intelligence From the War
Against the ModocsA Series of
Wo received last evening the Yreka
Union of tho 7th, and Sacramento
dailies of thcllh inst, for which wo aro
indebted to llhodcs & Whitney' Ex
Tho Unttn has late Intelllgtnro from th
tx)iedttloaapiInstUioMndoc. Ate condense
stract of the argrerato amount, there ,, tic following:
t . ' On tiie tvcnlng cr tie 20tb, lh farce en-
fore, Commissioners wcro ppointe!caniatthoiintaJlliIgtoBliwr.
on war claims. We now havo a Com- I J!" n'xt. T'i "hlll vay to
. . , . , , Clear Lale, .be adtanccrd guard Ifccoveitd
missioner on war claims in Oregon be- bed of Indians in the dlrcctlot of Tnlo
sidea tho Quarter Master and Com
miisary Generals, with a host of assist
ants. ,
General Lane, our Delegate in Con
gress, is expected to obtain an appro
priation to pay the expenses of the
war during this session of Congress.
Some of tho military gentlemen say if
Old Jo does not get an appropriation
the present Congress, it will defeat him,
Lake and chased them In an IiVnd
COO yirdi from tboro. Tbo caul charged
oufoct through the attr which-was only
three feet de-p. Tbo Indians ecaped In
caaoes. Their village and protslons war
burnt One Indian was killed. On the
same day another bud of uountd Indians .
irere chased It miles and one Kllcd. At
night it wu found that John Mban, of1
Co. D u rolwlnc. After tlreo dasj
icarch his tod as ftund horrity rautlla-1
On the afternoon of tic 2d iniLa drtieh.
rotnt of twenty, three men, undertommand
of Lieut. Wartnan, vro turrontdrd near
XJtooii roint, by nenJI two tuntred Indl
Nevada Swept Attdt hv Fire.
Eight Httndrrd Houses llttrncd and a
Million and a JialJ of Property Des
troyed Ten Lives knoten to hare
been Lost and Others Missing,
Nevada. Jt'LY 20 D p. m
On yesterday at about ! o'clock, r.!
. a uro oroka out in Hughes' black,
smith shop, on Tino street, between
Hroad and Snrinjr streets, which do-
Stroved tho entirn fnim in dm i'h-imn;.!'
bly short spaco of two hours. I'ho
wind was blowing from tho westwaid
at the time, rendering it Inmne.ihln in
stay tho destructive clement by any
human means, 'rim ITr,it..,l k.'t.i...t
Hotel soon cauiht. te.ntlorlnr bo
Slatea Wows.
of special nolioB ivtir.i. . ...
Kendall. cx.rc8! nr.t
Irict Attorocy WcCay, when?
disadvanUge, andlnnfcted mm
uciuMni im i n... n
day. between the rnv!,- tr.
Thomas 1 Adsms, inthlch t
i'riy reeciveu a pretty feve;
Tb Ffiurihnf Jiilr. IW.t
quietly and with less dim',
limine 4K.-. . a
hia 4Ist.IB IU1T fl nsva b ta
Nearly alt tho mtliiarT c!
out of the city to celebrate'
uu, itiooaei: more like tn
a creai national holiday.
In the afternoon, tho cIIt
0110 Of thit terrrtt ilernu nf
nine, and rain, ever wUnrrsc
brands over half th.- riu- r,..-l'wis some iHrnur dnnn , i
church, hotel, livery stable, printinc I l.The.?,jrfJ,M m,uU V'0
niM .. i...!...:i'. ' VVu.O'WM that of carrtaiw drivers
tu upon nis seal.'
Great Cash Sales
i in Oregon from being the next dele
jgatc. The Quarter Master and Com
missary Generals have, no doubt, lone
.manner in which it is to bo disnosrd cf. since made their renorta of the amount iiTc 'win this etgarement wa, tilled. I'd
1 I l' 1.14 It If tnti -ntiVtftwl V l "l
ig mo ne n0M. The svacc4 lnme-liatclv mened a
lhe Quarter Master and Com- F"VJ nrc nl,ori L,tnl Warman's ommand.
it is because they do not understand the missary Generals have, no doubt, long j j through'them for a dhtanee ??!?!'
jam. ; f-
several persons employed to wait about , they report? Will it not bo to the
the offico and do their bidding and : next Legislative Asasemblv, and that,
i j employees generally moving arouud as after they havo deducted tho amount of
iiiiunuiniiij. ii -win iniuiri' a laruc caiu oiti.
Joseph W. Drew's Motives are Good-
Difference of Opinion Between the 'ntnount of cash to pav tho cxtraordi-'l
reopie ana the umcials. 'norr. expenses, thnt neier will be al
411 aAa i iflhaltl. Ab !. !.-. . .
i vf 1.1 1 ivsmvuhvit uau umi uic vuar .1, t . i
termister's motives are good-deslgalng to casa mu" 00 o'. vai uie
lajarenoman. We have a heart full of, 'bravo Volunteers, nndtottlen who havo
good wishes that ever cltlsen soldier who , , ., . . , , ,
has volunteered to defend bit couiitrr will .rcnaoivU tho most dangerous and im
xecdve hU psy t or K-rvices ; and thn't abo portant services, n ust veit tlio anproJ
every one who has advanced taeaus to . .. , -. I
caulp, clothe, and subsist them nhilr cngng. Ption ot C'-.;,-;rP!a. i
cdln their pcnloas expeditious, will rccthc I "
his amplt reward. And if wo could have 1 Tun Seat or Govmuoiknt. Thp
..r. . , . ... ........ ... . . L-ieoL il H. n armaa wounded. VC. Mil-
vuicuu nave uvea, particularly in tins, ot cipenses ol tneir respective tlepart-i ler, nd A. MeAHUur. The Indans lost
section of country, in en easy style ' menta; il they liavo not, when will j ps1" killed, and seunl were suppwed lobe
Gen. Cosby .Vhllst o his wayfrca Yreka
to rejoin the commnl,wlth on escort of tea,
men, discovered the Indians name) in tho
preceding cngagagrtttnt, rtturnlnj from
tbt battle, urn. Giby and party gavel
tbrm Immediate chae. Tliry broke and j
M.. xtt a .t i ' UVM v fcU wuHuwsi,wM aauuiuc iwy Hera 1
a, Vx. imo.x, of this valley, ,lng rapidly rained jpon, they took un a I
lion in a small grore of ceadcrcear'
Ii&ap nf th tnnnntxln ltppfi tl,M. ..t..
connected with this office, iucludinc ! taioed their pcttlm until ther wel
two "detils." for a fine bm-u water.1 JriMi to the Muff cftbe mountain. Intbls!
D i,engtgcmeot one or UiiyTa command was
' 111. I ... .. . a.i.I tti.ttij I. a ..nail Wi a .f ...1 .
tv. Mf.V(.tiM.a. -i. - i ii i i i t . t .- 'Will tuoaio Accent Uie than t a ol all r.-v " - Atv,'.U4 ucrncr
... .U.M .ut. sum, T.uQu awauuni, win iimi-u uv buv uutcruuiini; iatreiore. 'tine bur or tbe inounu in iirrr thrv
- i . i . . i . r. - - "j
i unnn kj a if mm.a -&ii- a . i .i v t . rii . ill
Ins cavil stirred up by a tew mcu whose ...i- v. ,. . tr .
jnDttoIs-ruIeorrulnwcarteAtisfiJtut FP'c North appear to manifest con
wewtioiecouatrywouldlnthceLdbclenc- udernble anxiety in relation to the'
Scat of Government. So far as the'
VTe hope, pray, and labor fur a vindication
somo of tho names known up to the
present time to navo been burned to
P. Hendrickson, from Albany, N. Y.;
A. J. I lagan, Loui3vilIe. Kv. : Jnv
Johnson, from UufTalo, N. Y. ; S. W.
Metcher, from Mass.: Wm. Pieraon.
(of tho Democrat office,) Hoston, Mass.;
Henry kales, from Wisconsin; Wm.
Wilson, und J. 1). Thomas, from Ho.
cheater, N. Y.-burncd, sinco dead.
Tho bones of others havo been dit-
rW Orlt,
The Old Line AVhlffi of th4
HMJ. 1.1. t m -.,tK.l 1
.i.vit;ii4 n ilAMUUDl VUUTV1I
vllle, Ky., on tho -41b of J
upon a course of action darl
canvass. The dslibiratlons
have not yet transpired.
M. Sarliges, tho Frcn
caiieu on Secretary JMaro,
uepartment to-day, and c;
SJSMSwaBaaawawaa '
Correspondence of tho Scntlml.
WiNciiMTcn, August 'Uh, 1S50,
Editors Scntutl : I supposo' tliel
Indian war in Southern Orrgon is about '
brought to a close, at least the geutlo
men having control of the military de
partments in Oregon think so, for I '.
sun hntli Vnrili nnH fnntli irnrnrnmitiit
?L,:rT-nSthcbl,,'13llt1, lu,!tion 1 concerned, tho vote to be I property advertised for safe, and that
agaiasta. lie has condemned all tb acu t"'" Pl the firt Monday in October too, as a general thing,
ot uor. Lurry and Gov. btevcn abused next, in accordance with
rTlVJ??"!"- Ac.inL, Rovernnr ir.,r,liff nrnrl.
hiu iBiiwritj, na ie wno mine lie can i D o j-
Another Mioollns; Affnir la
Sun i'rmcltco.
SanFha'cisc, July 12-1, 0 r. x.
Dr. A. Unndall mis mortally wound
ed to-day. He bd some business
transaction about lino months since
for cash. There with Joseph Hettcrington, by which
Secretary or 1 """ to be great dissatisfaction among i the former bucame xidchttd to tbo lat-
,..... ' the pple, in relation to tho terms of tcr between twent' and thirty thou
s proci-ma- i ,. , ... ., ..... ,. , , ....i jn. .t.t .- t. ...
MslM&Im In hi. unjust attempts to ct op- 'lion, that it is between Eur CItv '. " " J'ucu '"T." .u"", "- " ,1 ,'" V,0 ?
probrium upon tbeie same men, and mske It ' .0i :n ,, . . ;" "" "" irora uugrno ..ny, nuuni nurr. .11 lie uniosj)ecinca ur.
win In Oregon ad Wathlngtyu, will find (aoailem, wm not satisfy the people, 'that many of the citizens in that section 'Kaudall was unablt to meet this Ilabil-
thsmMlveS miltakea. Ort rail 11'reUu 'L.nnu t ( -ntl Lnn..,.. .1.., I nfrnntitrir ronnrliiili. ln l.nni rf tl.u . Ill- R.v-rl ftnphiint u.m tilPl)
! ror.;r.ri . n..- ..t r i. sale, so far as to allene that ther will 'by the parties ocaia weft other rela-
Tho capitalists will have an oppor- ... g ,
muii iu a ic usvi ID nurcaase COV- m . . . . '.""J "" iuuhwebih
" J....J "... I inea " l'J neglect or mUs-cnmrgfl.i Drew will allow them to bur the same wt in
.' . . . . . , ' of theabstracts made aad for warded bv 'article for the scrip he gave them for it. been at his ranch at San Quentin tho i
..b uu uui ieu m oo unuoisioou as !., ... . . - .. r.n,,. Tv n.....- -., ii,t . , i.. r. ,..t,. j ,.,, ;... return
MWW AIHH MMtSt 'Wllblirf ) Wf " ..HIIM r.jj"' --
a greater number of votes 'Ic' B0 far f to, 1)'B they will; by the parties ognist weft other rela
, , ... t ... i take possession of the property which tire to the matter, aid during the cuts-1
i at tho June election. ..... , t... ' i t li, s n.ti.,,,;.1
ttmc unru iuk tiiiu uicruuivm, uuirss wou, uu vuu u-fttvu w.M....i,i'..
Katidull'i lice, uanaaii nau
oince, and business house, with, but'
tew exceptions; was swept away. Out
of twenty-six fire-proof brick buildings
but six escaped. Tho court house, ro
cently completed at an rsnin.. f
nrr sr.n rwvi . J.-. i ...
-. -.ww,vuv, uosiroicu, nriut ailj'oavenoiyettranfplr
mo couuiy recoras. iij0 prisoners1 " w" supposed by many,
from thn inil. in !l d,.... ...i nation of Ircmont. that ltei
...... . . j wnsviiiriii.. irn stiiri . -. -
gaf,, ' "" PiKliate Hiiehanan and supf
t. . . ..... ... "iiaw, oiu ma jjuiiion" scor
insesiimaicu mat over eigUt hun- tlon, and wiys be Is abovo all
areu ouucings nne been consumed. ,.' nmuy, nnd above eir, w
Tho JimroaJ and Democrat nrlnthirV1 lLt Un!on concerned.
,n l . ... .... "... I tt.
uinco au not n vesugo leu. -At least
ten persons aro known to havo perish
od in the flames, besides thoso unknown :
and unheard from. 'Ilin fnllnn-lnn .
w tlir UT..1.T.. .I.1I.I....I .
ecu iiruiiiv uciiuuivu ni
turn things havo taken bet
ernmcnt nnd
the retention of our Miniskr WH eitH
annmicablo adjustment of swsmrsJPsV
cultirs with that goverrisstM,' ttV
friendly assurance pleased mm mSmmm
icr amazinc(r.
I am informed this ore
authority, that the English
havo instructed Mr. Luii'.M
of Location, to open his
I had been closed by nuthi
Lraniplon. I hus dipio
course will go on as tlir
had transpired. 'Uio au'ai
not expect a now Minltter trpWt itC
Mr. Crampton lor some tlsW,".
Governor Shannon rstohs4Jwsi
Governorship of Kansas oirwsstjsjtiif?
June. j '
Tho Reed street wliarfj JtVUk a
large number of Philadelphia ias to
Uie habit of aembltng ol ,fL,'mimmr'
evening, fell in on tho 1st; fv. Jaayr-i
I bitty lives wcro lost ana
' hundred persons injured. '
I Mr. Herbert, niertbor o Ciwitss
.,'mnln f lt, nlt, I.Z.. -t ,..,. I.l I " UaillOnil", u uvv .... ...,.
it cannot fall mucb.lfany ahortofSl,-, V Lt. "ViMS W
500,000. A litof hdinjjhjloim r 0I luom" ,x""ue T '
itrocln'or750lobo worth of proper! A riot occurred at tho FHIssjer,th.
,. nnttomenton four churches, court ". "u.kbuihi jn iiasninaioaL.sir.M mm
bouse. &c Such an unparalleUd scene nS of o lt of July. .Hff M,
badly wounded. L'icit hcrjes were c.nliir. 'i COVcrel.
rd from the Indlius.and seversl of their i The brick buildings that havo been
number wounded. Tie Indians were well , saved aro as follows :
armed with rifles audmouated on fine hor-J JIAIS htki:!:t.
urutenuens ana ur. iarks; tu
tenden'a occupied as n book storo;
Dr. Lark's as a drug store.
Dr. Oickucll's and Dr. Alben'a drug
Thrio with a few vaults, contain
cvervthing raved in tho city.
Wm. I. Anderson, Editor of the
toiocraf.and his brotber-in-law, Geo.
A Young, nro badly burned.
It is itnpossiblo to givo a correct cs
Wl&lPL c
I .r tr.if.f inn lm nri.r iwfnm tiAiin
' t.. . ...-).. 1 .(;. .1 i.j. ..,: 'lTii Ja Ilrntv i nrntlar nnliltnSan i lnt rur U-Alllfl nnrt I-1I1I lUlt relUni. " " - . .. .u . .r u- .i ,.uuuiywmujri,.uejTiumsaio noi' : .- -r ... ,.-.... w.-.., .-r .... .....,..-,-..OJ - ...:....l in tbe Stale 'Uio feu-
.-.., ,.-.. . uu., vr nuJi. . , ,,... -m . - . j.ana ionw in aJtoaocuri tie Has ibeen eato uio city, iook iioRinn: kujj "--y.....-.ur.Uti1B bills around ,!., iB". TU. Af
flon who has attmnted jn.ilfr - ...,. w.mid tno vbiera Fo aatitfled for n. lonir time. Well, ho has! Icr whicli Had been it lor l.lm.n litlio aro all full f f.,ii:. . ..r .!.. tho mob bavins folio wed l.l;al
---,-, . - ......... .-. ---0 . , . . - . .- ,.tlI4,ii.J.. ...I r.t ! . w " Mtsassj Ult'lll ,. . . o . "-t rC"w
l tmnKtscacu- -- -- - - ., naving escaped with nothing from the
'rrrurln n.i.1 .am..I .r i1.L jaUV.A .
a--.. xiw .c.kiai ui iu nmniiiii
wero attacked with
It stonif-aaWlsW
Indians, and cast all the blame upon,. lje Pioc(ionfor ,j,B iociaon go by I got one at last, which I think Ucalcu
the Bottlers of Oregon and Washington ( j0ruut j We Lhink not , ', 'atf1 Xo SIt0 ,,in ,alarJr u(Cc'cut to
Territories; and yet we mloud to boij
ol enngiou camo uuicauni mm rutn-
letsly by tho beard. Ilandall ircw his
t,.n . ,ni-i tiiatol and tired winoi ettect. IItth.
... -r ---- , , ri -rtn im iniii iul:ii iibivi
governed by what we think are eor oviion m&io hytw for contesting lnn)n the stace who wish to kill oif crineton then flred al. Ilandall again
.. . i -.- .i...-i
i county, atinougn mo uen
'.-. ..." r tlf..
. ... ... i retire uiian jur inc.
The only remedy lelt, as tuero s no , .., 5 R0W and
, I a mile, with cries of " kill Wii- UH
'fired when Hethcrirrton another timeii 16th.t June.
I.ATEK FItoa KUnoi'E.
'fbe dates from Liverpool are to the
him." Finally tho assailaiiis Jfc'nrsW.
and ono or two arrests irnrs iastis
I 'n... it. i.i a .' Sii,
topi nrincinlt-i. nnd not CO with our .i i ...t ;. r. .L.. n ...:.... It . 'in.:.
eyes shut, and attempt to justify any ' f .u - t0 ,w .in submit the nucs- '"al's family resides here, has ber Jscharced b.s pisto the ba I stnk np The po vUcal news by the
L becu so ho s.v. he is a Democrat V?W!?a ?" .q of aspiranU.; they do not come, toA$b i lb. M topi. ..d en termg Wtcan 5mp?rln,U ,,,
... ... .... "" "!. u,,u.u v-.v ..- v,u..,, , ,, . lk . nacrNmiietit
Tho iJaltimoro
r oi
A inert i
I U.'U . 1. .-I--.I
uig urgau, uai rniscu
?' M'
ifaRtffMt' M
iu rtiiiisV
unless his acts will warrant such justi
i ilm brain, where it lolred. Hetherlnf'
ton was immedistef arrested bribe
vallis. at tho nest June election, for .... i.,.i u-nrV I,h1.!ik1 the curtain.
most assuredly, the special election in j Cash is to be obtained for the gov- j j police, but those oflWrs were overpow-'
rsow. it uuancr .easier ocnerat ..i.- :... ...:.r..t . eminent nropenr. oui lue aacrmco io ,, j . .0..-.., ..... , .,
Drewia a Democrat ho wiUrt TZZ S Z, tSterS
measures are Democratic. Let, - , fc tw.enty.fivo LuDdfed vho fZJTto e .ultimate, -addled time Dr. Handall is mvorse than when
us inquire; this Indian war has bn . . ComUU wouid h dissatis- 'unon Old Jo. Congress cannot or he wa shot, althougno hopes are en
timo when their means of defence,
gene City, they would still be dissatis
farced unon the citizens of Orenon. at . ... .... ... .... i iii nn m.t.-A n nnnmnrlatlnn until tertained of hij recory.
... ..,.. .t., , r.e ' i ftoa.ana it a majomy voieu .or w. - - ------- rrt". -"-,- , ! Dr. Ilandall died a the 2Cth.
;ue iisuri-a bjh iuuni ., -
amount of expenws occasioned by the Exlcvtio or II mxtxmvi ano
war. Jo. Drew has considerable to Hkac. The Hii7c of tho30lh ult.,
do with showing these figures, and at 'says:
heart he is no Lano man, so tho Old I Joseph Hetheringn and Philander
General has got focE inside tho catrpl'Brtcehave died thetath or felons.
as well as outside. i ley w"e bung by tgUance Com-
I lnfflH iha dutv of every citizen , i mittee yesterday aftoon at ten mm.
'to advocate measures best calculated ,utcs btforo six o'c k.on a scaffold
. .-. ., ,,.,.ti Intiwst. and If free ted on Davis, tie eoo hicramento
Akteuan Writs. We have been ';. .l.u nfinni mMUres where-; and Commercial tr s. The diiplny
Jand obUinlng supplies was difficult-, ed on account of Corval,u not Lelng
ihe country new the settlement scat-,, ,n n(im . . .. n...nor. nro..
ftcred the season of the year made itj' . y I
difficult to obtain supplies, transport. ! Then lt( E8ge0 City and Corrallis
-ton or men ; yet tuese mmcumes were - bB tho pkces najnwl CD(1 voted fftr B,
sail Some nobly volunteering their
services, and others liberally furnish
ing supplies and aid for transportation.
the next June election.
. .. . n
. v it n a c u t
0a Thursday, the 7th IniL, hfm. Jt
i mil, J. I-., jirvuiis XIALCT HIJ
. any man shall adopt
smuch ni It
presages a spcodv si.!i!.n. .,...
difficulties whh Pn,.!. i
It is now concetded that Mr. Dallas!11-dUhUrof 3u"UU-a,l!m
will not be dismissed, ttUd that all dif.1 "f Mt county' l
fienltlea will nrn.n! tv IMn i rsr- ' ; i ii laiii n n
bly adjusted v " """"M EOTAHIL KOiK
w a a ... - - - -- a
i.oru Clarendon stated In renlv to -Da I.. J. Czai-juy hu
- . .... . . .'- -" i - . r. i - . . . . .
motion oi i.ora Leruy, in tuo IIouHprc"u",u,"'"uelf in
r t ..i. .v... :, ..... i.. .i.. r.......: . rranclseo. uudis iliffuiltcr t!
vi uuiui, uiu il no. UUI 1UD 1UICII. Hill j i.i. .,. in ... ,.. ,.. ,,,-.-
of the Government to adviso the Queen 'f theadjol'ulug tc'rritoriesof Ore
to auspend diplomatic relations with lugton, aud if wa are corcctl
tbo llmdd .Stales. I ucatloiis bavu been maui f
ii... . i .. ultb Ililrnl.. l,v .wr.nn.nrtll-
una oiuiouutvnicu. was lOUUJV'ti'i. ..,!, "V . . iT
... . J 'Ie forms of dlx.-as. that have Aw
wmv.wvi. , tici llm available ikiii in ihesr
jora ueruy cxpresstu bis batlelac-1 ugr&tirrinj;t4nuouncathU
lion, but said he regarded tho course . !'" Dr Rentlemin wb st-
of the Government a, an acknowledg- Ll
ment oi error ana Humiliation. ; own upon the ruin of another
Uiareruon nppeaicl to uie iioue'iiticoiwuct has been etaract
to not ioin Derbv in nresilntr the aues-' coune of uetlou that will
i WTlBSll T
cs a legitimate object of plunder," the
peorJ moved steadly on, performing!
tfUj.t"YlCL wstWajfa mAwy-a naAaunfv '
service wnero servioe was neeeMary,
furnishing aupjJiea when requlrod for
the benefit ur komrwice.
Tlie Indin!kJ,lfc.treaulL aml the
supplies reiuaHint. aa'd u now
to e sold for ceifc.
the ition. and the subject then dropped. I! iKtt"'.?'
I ' -.T I.I .. .. " T. ' S ." M'v-,
tlie' ' corisequsnco ui wu imam ui m- tan combine with a hlph ordw
the lairs, luuas rose, anu con. oik tor money auuuy ami tuorougi, practical'
ui iruifuiua,
Tlio suBerlnjf from private
cse, can oo curtu br ur.
, neighborhood for mi squares around, ar quoted at l) I 1-2 and VI 5-9.
i anlthe peculiar clrmitances under. j Latlh. 1 he Canada lelt Liverpool
'.-I,!.!, tl.rf inurdereraiM) llm tubmis- 'oil the 'J 1st of June.
The excitement consequent upon
i tiiaKes uo cuarce uiiIcm be e
cure. It would be well for
.... . ., J .----". .... . ' , ,. ..I... ..... .. J.J iL .
.Sotwidutandin" the many Talse asper- Ii requested by a larmer ol tins vaitey to , tho pubn0 lnterest sball be mado oi soiaiery ui umu,
" r l .. .. .. r .i . ! . f.. jr. I.I...1 ......:.. I Immimn -rou'dl Ii Uironntill
jJubs that . w. & tel af recllcss' call lue atiention ot persons wno are 'secondary io niuiwuua. Vim,mu, . v.... j .....
."..lh? f VCre j ,C , frl ..Unrmn.d in tho buJnea. of .Inking ar- 'them retudi,te Ihe tuauner as well a. streels, and rooUi lutlding in
rinniAnrrr wnn vmnnwtn inr t rrrurunf "- rs -- "o i .
0 , . w "d1 " ,i . ,. . . ,. ri . ., nhoman.
tesiau wens, o mis vaticy. iv ia emu ( . . rrnm .i,.,. ..,.
that there are at least a dozen or more , . -n .. i. a.a.?,, r. it,. uv. ' wliirh tlm murdercrsid. lli submis
.. ... .....!. ..:..A... f 1 1 Atltdrtaii, nrA lliAli.rrl.
wanted iy our tarmera.ior me purpose penses, and J wuu to Know wim; par- n.c... -. ...... ..r - "-- pr,mri.-n.. .rr5v. t.Hj iUbildl Lnd call upon blm. m he a.ks no".
crops. Any luui.iuuai or cump.; . r.i.,.,,,,,,1 i, to!ii .Qvfc mnr Uceue awful and Imutire in Uie ex.ii6"eo a"u ,s H0" B-""-v -, Monigr.mery strteu, s.n l':
who would come here prepared to do ii ...u,.. ... Las been consumed io treme. Few witneal the executiou,
1 t. i J .!.... I ( .. . a . i fm . -'
tue worK, wouia no uouui udu nru ttjis place unco lue tena umcovai
1 .a ..... I.... .1.A nAAa.ln I h f -I fl . '
litre, iu cuiiiucu uio jiuvinu w- --
Drew is persuing tho best policy.
of business for some time.
t i - :,,;.. . ,
"" ""I"" 7 . "hourntahed'
4he supplies and rvWea. for which "J
he uawimea oi uie Uovvnmontve,' of Rhodes & Whitney'a Express for
Br lieekmuH'a Express
We are indebted to Dr. Wada worth
who will not reeolll it miny years,
and look back vith sort of pity for
Hetheriogton, and wi horror upon the
j. beastly bravadoes, cles and profane
obscenities of Philanr Brace.
I-u-s JfoKTU. We learn that Kamla- j Urace was chsigefcilh tLo murder
kin Is proUblyiu the DlacUeet country, .of CapL West
maklnir an Iffort for recruits, inreonunu..
KXEEJts. The ,
be somewba-e In tbe Walla-Walla country. , wrer wwpuaw ,.,., voiun cera ,
fZTm Wrkht rumor has it, that a ' ! nutAhy Gen. Cosbyly authority of;
From Cf. nrn.ui, rumoru . , . . , i mu,tiirui lnto
rortion ef be hoftllea who are cx onue,, ; -, - -: - --
Vonc. I.!.,-.,..... .,twr.iotirvico and have leflr the Modoo
UM' ra.F". re" ;; .m .w n ,.:. v. : country. Gen. Coltor id Col. Good
come mienuwvj - ' " ll. hnvn
now out atanding! AgetalsUnjiljfiie, 0f San Francisco and Sacramento
it vat the cilizeu settlors u 5vegOB,fltlij;eg
.anu v,e quarter riaa;eruene.x1o,i1i.U k Wrf ., - yreka Bookj
Jissistaaa have tscued what the, ca'Ji Siore, viH accept our tistuska for files
"crP. triycaie account and cti. of Ia-u Stotea papers, pictorials, Jsc.
ficate of Un.sencea rendered or aruJj Jerry SuRwan, of San Francisco,
.clfiii fumhlinJ 'I1,nu ,rn nlnftdd in (hn'rtUf) OUr ttnVit,,. n,.to. ,l llliittrnirtl
And. of theVditor. and will not be ' tutorial. Fund, De,. I" $
. iwuiuiui wu.cnjHjenv ptopui.jr. inu( -.--, -. w. man's papers.
Vjam have been purebased by the I llpi'oian will jdM
Q'-rter Waster General in some j. th" favors.
slauo-.t four hundred dollars ahead; t A. F, Jlctcxs. ha been bhuoiu
but at p.gnt jf ti,0 8am0 mules are 'and cotfirmed as superintendent ov,
s"old for eai !! wi ot i,r:n., one Indian aifjirs in the Territory of Ore-1
hundred doll-v Almost every other gon, in place. of JoJ Palmer, removed.'
arune .wmi oe au.t R rimjjar MCr. .jlr Hedges lns rosidod in Orogou for
who are iften on war 8na eaicuiaie on ico
SnakaaBf Blackfect Indians to join tbem.
While oJ impreaelon is that tbe ElacVfeet
wllluotlila KamiakJn, wo. are still under j
the full ftMef that, Kamiakin and young i
lee-PeiiMox-lioX, with their lianas or ia-
kliAs, VulU-WslHs, and each jfhers as
they in Induce to loin tbstn, wilt continue
thewailbra Jong (me yet Tacy wiU
iice. TW xtry peii-og & furnijjed the last ton or twUeyea; hialtnowb hareio t Vhlpped out la the ewL Coloaeli
stock w tuppliea of r., Ui. aie' edge or Indian chamcter yarraat hit ""a ' or wy other mau Uw.tias with'
ail, have been indefati !o intheirex'
ertions to muster and ip the compa-'
meg, and start tbcm o at tbe earaoi--
possible opportunity. relo Union.
tho Central American question soon,, Ir L.J. Ctapkay's adrertltei
W1J lQ, vrcoiuiauor tnis paper.
Numerous peace meeUngs are burg'
uelJ- , , '
It is rumored that Great UriJam
will not send another Minister to
Washington during the administration
of Pierce. I
A. & B. GOLD
Watclimaken) and Ji
Tko HIcaruKUR Sewi. Il
Thero was great rejoicing by tboii
natives and Americana on tbe arrival)
of the news of recognition of the Gov.
j qi.nufuciurrM, tho Fint
It Uenu'iind Udii' GOL
Lii Gent and Lsdiesof Jt
vicinity tl"t they have now
ir coo.i.nnr receiving; a
JtsY i I
paasavapal-!. f
npsT it
jSMgrtj i
kss "--- sk i
aMataMB f
sjBwtajB 9M J 1
ssti Mi f i'
JBWf' "bet ' H
uAftilj to 'M i
-"- iar ;bbv jt -sssn
3Bti- rf
t1 f J
4 r '
Ltet stylo Ladles'
prnment by the United States.
On the Mth of Juno, Gen. Wm-
Walker was nominated and elected
President by acclamation.
The body which elected Walker
was entirely composed of Nicaraguans.
don. Wnlkor iWlinpd to aeceDt. exeeot
... ' i . ... . .
Fhom the Saxuwi Islands by a direct roto of tne people. An
L't... t.-..u. .t.- Mrlnnil lulction was ordered on the IMtu. In
. .O '.... .. .f.. r...i..n.lii AnrA .... ' .nil Hnnnn.- .11 trinita a! CA,
10th June to Miss ma iwo.t me .., u,lwr-v, , . rr ,.-- -
'it.,00 iKn.,.nJ . nrosent. acalnet Nicaragua, i rewaeni Hivasi "-" -
" J..w ...- r - - ,,.., ,.,-, .JJ n.llln., "" . . ..
'lUere was an eartl ane a. iucu .. nmjuc... -..-....., v-....-e .. , w cap uiute b9 ,.,
Udii' GOLDr
" Genu'
Gold Btuds and Slow Out
Silver Thimbu. Gold I'
Pololcd, wlili Gold and H
Silver sod Silver Pitted
i tWHs
acke on the 6lh of Jm Tbe volcaoov
on the island of Maui I.oa was atill
iueTeasimr. The stria of lava was J
unning south, and Hf was safe
- . .1 TJj.1 W VB --u j
tho Nicar&zuans to be ready to meet i the abore mentioned it
them. Three dayu afterwards Don lr rbeanar thm they cn br
Patricio lUvas. President of tu ts-1 "' w"? "'
t .--- - - -
A . w .i. cir a
public ; WOO 3'OWlia.i ...ia, , cCrC- Caoil jijnd'm.nuftct
Mary oi rstaw, wo" jaih.u ""'wt'our trml
enabled Io Jo to by import!
All good wa
PWpis'fi'li' j j
miHiBiiK ' ras
9HBSI ' i'H
mm vL.
'sammmMm ''tmm
9K!:. ' m
SttPtttSHS&. -". V1- Sttti
' :-w. MM
VHannBISl fliBKBil
ikVKi sHMbS
mNhj 1 Sfl
IKlPlLltH j II
!' i Jl
K "" ' . frW
sMHU ' J W
fifliiifHiii , -: h
a --- i ii
. i ir
In uvlntr """'" '"' J - "-- , ..m..
The last FillmowidrntUn wmwjt s u of War an(i pon yft
rwi -mm in
?uT. 1
4. 4
W'C '
. T i
SISP.f '. .At
r 3
' ! J
Ci l I In "