- m.jgj ORESOH SE8TIHR. JACICMVJM.K SATURDAY. October 17 18f5. Dkatii hf as ExrLoi.Kit Los A ft fceles, Oct. 13. Allien E. bclm ffWTii died of consumption this morning, ig'ed 36. He was interested in Tomb ii.oce .mints, discoved by his" brother EJ. The two brothers built a steamer nd explored the Yukon liver in 18S3 ind'8. . A CnisCE. General Gibbon" the 4e Bander of thii dcptfrtnxnt has 4cei4fi that what it known at the lief a river rbate thai! hereafter be need for military purposes in going Id Fort Klamath and the government will no doubt order necessary repairs to put it in good condition. New Abuaxoeiiest. Tho Rogue firer distillery in now owned by Job n A. Hanley alone, behaving purchas ed the interests of George Love and 2L K. Lytle. Caton and Garrett of f his place and Ashland time been ap pointed sola agents fur the sale of this """" liquor and they ask for a sbaie of the (rads promising sat if action in every case. Head their ad. t Amksded School Laws Tho new edition ot the Suhool Luws ordered by the Lgi'Htie assembly is now pub lished. Full supplies for th use of School officers hav e been forwarded by the Superin'endent of Public Instruc tion to the several county Superin tendents for distribution. Each school director and clerk is entitled to a copy and will be supplied by the County Superintendents. Religious Itkms He v. M. A. Willlaum will preach at Esgle Point on Sunday next Elder H. O. Fleni ing preaciir-n at tho Mound school house Sunday Rev. A. R. IJielen bach will IimM jernces at I he Preih. terian ihutch Sunday morning and evening Tneie will -be regular set rices n' the Ci'lolic Oiuicli in thi jiIhcp, Hav. F. X 1 Hiichet, ('Vnia'iti Gi-hifji Grass of Poitlnnd, iil ad minister cmiiii nnitiou in Jacksonville nil Suudav Nov. 8 h. Good Thuut irTiiLAit An rnthu iManllc lihriniH ot this eitv has just returned from a trip to Itoirue river. He reports ha: ij vti fine sport tlii'ic, having c u.H luur kin'ls of trout, nnd noun of them salmon trout. Tim fi'li vvnn of good tize, Seventeen of them filling an ordina.tr trucl full. Tlie onlv diaw bulc to the Rojuo liver is the salmon, which are numerous and feiocious. Tlie 'enthu Mastic Sisliermau" stales that lie would have ciUjjht many mm h trout but for the fct that he ns th.s-'d ouf of flip river by a halm in vvhiJ was either two fiet ten inches or ten fret two inches in lnnth, bo forgets which. It renu that the Rojjuh will hivi to be classed hereafter with the Trash, s among tjie bent trout ttrciuv.in Or 011. "Or gnnian." MCRDt.n. Just one hundred yard tll'h chin f the lotk cut hevosid thr Davr cn-ek tpftln 1ms lung been the cnuipiiiv gintindii of ttMinps. Un AVenoVmlay evening ut this tamp n tramp named Sullivan was murdered, being shot near the left temple by a pistol iu the hinds of another tramp. Some of the ml camo to town and told of thn dead man but pretending to know nothing of the affair. A Coroner's jury was sunimonwl, fire tramps arrested and at this writingthe ladiviJa-U have broken silence and are presumably telling the truth They claim that the murderer bns tint been arrested and thst he is one of a coai paiiv of thiee who went -ouih AVi-dn tday night and wme seen :it Green's stali u Thursday morning lie will duuhlh'bs lm captured. The town has been full of trumps for a long time and we. ailvisn oir citizen's to beware of ihem. Rosi-burg Review. YltEKA l?ACt:s.--AVe gnve the pro ceudin.s of the first three tlaj's racing at the Yreku Fsir in our last isuo and the -l.i-t day's proceedings will be found below; Running race, of a mile, purse 5100. Won by Rlue Mountain Dsllo, brating Quebpc, Minnie 11. aid Lit tie Tom, Quebec being second. Time 1:02 J. Trotting race, 3 .in 5, purss S100. Won by Cvrler's Q men, beating Hon est Mike and bay 13. Time 3:09. Foot race, CO yards, best 2 in 3, purse $50. Won by John Sissell, beating Joe M ensor and Thns. RossJ Je taking the first heat. Best time 1 seconds. ' .Runing rare, three quarters of a mile,' 2jiii4?L)TIis race was won by mJKck;beaiing Garfield; but ns it nppaarrd to l!e a throw-oflT, the judges coritetlr declared the r&ce, pools and jiurse off. The saildlt race was won by Dick beating several contestants. HvaKNKM. On Tuesday evening Inst Mr. John F.'Fink, a nephew of Hon. Henry Klippeh., was united in matrimony vjtl ist'D-lla Curd well at the resideitcdf the bride's parents. Only the relatives of the contracting parties were present. Tho bride w as dressed in an elegant brown silk with corsage boquet of tea roses, aid white gloves. The bridegroom wore tho customary suit of black with button bole boquet of tea roses. Tho happy pair wtre the recipients of many hand coins and useful presents from their friends present and abroad. After the ceremony and congratulations, an ele gant dinner was server! and several hours were spent in pleasant social intercourse. Mr. and Mrs. Fink leave next week for thtir future home in Bf. 'Joseph, Missouri, and they baar with them the best wishes of oar peo ple, among whom Mrs. Fink has grown tip from childhood: that their future! life may lie a realization of their most' joyous anlicijiatious, Local Items- Joe Neitz has goue to California. Remember Plymale as " the-' boss iivirvinau. Lots of new goods arrived at Max Mailer's postoflice storrf this week. Dr. Geo. O. D'Bar has gone to Portland where he proposes going in to practice. James A. and John Card n ell leave this morning for au extensive trip to Lake ceunty. F. M. Wider? on iad Frank Topp ing will soon go into merchandiiing at Junap-Off-Joe. A two months old babe of Mr. A. , P Floral died Tuesday of iaSamation of the. bowels. The election in Virginia will be held IsTov ember 2d and iu New York the fol'owing day. Tha grand jury is still in session making a two week's term if they shruld adjourn today. II. W. Shaw better known as "Josh Billings" died at Monteray, Cal , on Thursday, aged 07 years. Postmafter Monro of Rnvburg was with us several days during the week returning home last Thursday. The Jinest lot of hats ever broucht to town can be sr n at Juorete Drum's and the prices will surprise jdu. The Ross farih has not yet been sold and the owner infoiius'm that he knows nothing about the matter. Jf ff Howell, at one time Sheriffnf Josephine county, was declined insane this week and taken to the asylum. J. II. Griffis, one of the most ener getic voting men of this county, has opened a real estate office at Gold Hill. J T Livtoti and Mrs John Boll f Applefjilo wero in town this week. Bjlt muht have got lost on the road in. Niicht sesiinns of thi CircuiS Court Irive been .held nil week but a large number of cases fclill remain on the docket. The furniture store of E P. B-mcli at Ashland has been bought bv II S Emery and Mr. Braauli li.it goue Eis; to renide. , Robberies arn becoming quite." fre quent in this section and a sharp watch tdiuuld Be kept on Sn-picious parties. Jackson county visitors to tho Yi1' ku Fair have, it-turned home and all HXpre-s themselves well pleased with their trip. Cikt John Wolf; thp veteran sieini hdatiii'Ui, died at, his hurr.o iu Port land iat Wednesday night agen abjut 64 vears. Andrew Jones, Accompanied by oirr of his sons, cam tin from (ost-lmrg Svturday to stteud the weddling of his sonlK-iiglas. Central P tint is to by-trs" a hoef uiili Gus Delpey ns liindloid. Gils un Irrslnt'ds his business and will no doubt do well. Rppreyentitives of every section of i he county have been in Jacksonville this week attending court or on pri va'e business. Havoyou heard from Ohio? Hoadly, the present Democratic Governor of that State, thinks that soiumthing must hare ftll on him. Richuid T. Blackwood of Borla Springs was hero yesterday. Hi wife who has been tha guest of H. v. Ilfluis, accompanied himou his return h hup. Wm, Joenby is still iIip Postmiter at G.ttl Ilili and if thu icliJuuts of tint loeality want a lirst-c'ass oflicial they will keejV hiiu there as long as he Wjints the olHce. 'Profits on geneial merchandise are qui'e lovy now but Mux Brentano of Phoenix' this week informed us that he can still undersell anyone in the county. Try him stfd see. Charley Kohn, fhe afTtb'e, the geni il ind the ever ngrcab'e, the well knovn head of the liquor hnute in Port'and, called this vvetk and hold our local dealer; fcomo good orders. Cirdiual McCloskeyof New York, died last Satuidny, nnd was buried with great pomp and ceremony on Tuesday, Archbishop Gibbons, of Baltimore, delivering the funeral ora tion. Maj Frank T. Burnett, 2d cavalry of Fort Walla Walla, has been assign ed to the command or Fort Klamath. Major Smith of Klamath has been tratisfered to the command of Fort Townseud. A. 11. Maegly & Co. havo on hand 104 stoves, 79 walking plows, 15 sulky and gang plows, 28 cultivators, 24 hanovvf, 13 wagons, and the largest stock of hnrdwaie aud tinware in Southern Oregou. George Neubrr of this place has just found out that his father owned a valuable piece of projierty in the nusi ness portion of Yreka, to which he is the heir, and he will take proceedings soon to get ossession. It is a settled fact that this state will receive a large immigration fron Iowa next season. This has lieen brought about by the vuitof the Iowa diturs and the missionary car now in the east. A letter was received in Poittaud rrcemly from a well to do farmt-r, living near O kaloosa, in which he sas: "In fact, the great thing at the Oikalooa fair was the car. Everyliody saw it and admired the Oregon iirodacts displayed therein. Consequently, an Oregon fever rages. I am a wealthy farmer, and have an excellent farm, but will sell it OQt next spring, nnd lcave"fbr the land vrtiere'-it is said crops never fail." A stranger was arn-sted Thursdav night uy Marshal Curtis on a charge f drunk and disorderly- and when ex amined a hunch of tw-nt)-pne fceysJof all imaginable description were found on his person. Lcok out for burglars Among tho display of fruit und veg etables at tha Mechanics Fair at Port land are fine samples of gripes from the vmjard of J. N. T. Miller of Jack sonville, and a six and a half pound po tato rrom the garden of Jos. Kapp, of Wagner creek. The Mechanics Fair at Portland opened its doors last Wednesday. The exhibits are up to the usual standard. which means that they are first class. These fairs are thn most popular of any held in the Northwest, anut are entitled to a liberal patronage. A 'Eortland paper says it "Jannoi but think tha Oregon and particular ly Portland has more to loe thair to gain by through connection by railroad to California. There is a possibiluv of its being right in reference to Ore gon. Tim people of this valley are willing to run the risk anyway. It is reported, savs the ''Tidings " that a dozen or more horses have bten poisoned by drinking at a spring in the mountains east of Ashland. Evi dently some .one poisoned the spring, and .as it was on a range where sheep run, ifis supposed the intention was to kill off soire of the sheep. Devel opments may yet discover the pepetra tor of tLe crime. The following named law students passed suceessful examinations before the supreme court, ami were admitt'ei to practice as full fledged attorneys: R G. Morrow, W. L Boise, S J Cliadwhk, Wallace Moun', Julius Silvt-rstone, E E. Convert, W. Ft Slater, U S Grant Marquam, C D Biwl-,,0 B Wilcox, J. T. Sinclair, U. W. Nickersou. The Sscramento Chief of Police, Jackson, wax lliYrika last week, to intei view a fSaci-amento hoise owner at race", on account of bond-men for his ni; eir.uicH on dnrga of stud hoise poker gnmbliif. He dp posited amount of bond, paid officer's exppnsfs in serving attachment, and smarted I o'ow 'ast Sunday, to appear iu court. "JouiiiJr Dive CtmpbeV, Orrgon'b champion slogyer, ami Jack Dempsey, champion light weuht of America, will fiht fi,;ht ro'indp, Matquis of Qjeensberry rules, with ilinr ounce glove', f l 1,000 a side the match to come olT on the scond day of November, with in 100 miles of Portland. Tho-f in teresttd in the manly art of self de fense look for a lively "mill." Posfmastr.r Howard of G.jut'.s Pass has received from the PoStKJSice Di. partuient nonet- 'hat bid- will be re ceived at "Washington for carrjiiii." the mail bet wt en Ci recent City and Giant's Pass, six times a week, the contract to cimcenee Julv 1, 18SG, and riding June 30, 1890. The schedule time botweenthe two points is 19 hours, mails leaving rh six o'clock in 'he uiotiiig nnd arriving at ha O'h.T end of the roii'p a 1 the ful'o.wi'g morning This wi 1 bt gjo. thing fo Jooipi inti county. The agreement by which tho Oie gon am Cilifoniia was sold to the Southern Pacific is said fo have em bo lied the following conditions: The Oregon k California sells 451 miles of completed rvnd and all its assesls, in eluding thn laud earned and to be earned, and its interests in the Itorth ein Pacific Terminal Company. The Southern Pacific is to pay 88,000,000 in Central Pacific stock nnd $10500, 000 in forty year bonds of the South ern Picifie. and further agreeing to complete the road. The tri 1 of J. D Maxon, indicted for rape, was conducted with closed doors by order of Judge Webster. The Judge's action iu the matter fs re ceiving the hearty commendation of the iioi)1e of this community as nrth ing could bo morp detrimental to 'he morals of Ihe rising generation than the nauseating details of such cacs. This is the tiist instance in which such an order has been promulgated bv the Circuit court of this district, nnd tho better element will duly appreciate the high standard of morals by which Judge Webster was prompted to uiake the ordor. As announced last week the mar rings of D. A. Jones and Miss Ada G. Plymale was duly solemnized nt the rifltidence of the bride's parents Funday evening, Rev. M. A. Williams tjing tho nuptial knot. At the wedding ceremony only a few of the intimate friends of the contracting parties and of the family were present, but on the following night a reception was given ihe young folks when a large number attended. The Jacksonville Silver Cornrt Rind also gave them a Serenade the whole winding up with a dance at Holt's hall where evprvbndv look a hand. Ilenrv Papp, Jr. acted as best man and Miss Rosa Cm dwell as brides maid. The bnde was dre-ssd in white satin with fiouueej of oriental lace and drapery ff of satin, looped with orange blossoms. The bridesmaid was dress ctl in cream co'ored satin with fl-iwers of oriental laco wiih pink fljwers. B")th e'-enings, at the wedding and reception, Mr. and Mts, Plyiaale en tertained their guests with a royal supper which it would be useless to sav was rnjbved by all present. The voung couple havo gone to housekeeping here, and together with their largn. circle of friends wo join in wishing them a long life of prosperity and happiness. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consump tion Cure ii hoW by ns on n cuarantee. I It cures conbuuiptioir. Brooks can furnili it. THAT HACKING-COUGH can bo so-qmckly cured by Shiloh's Corr' We guarantee it. Call 'at Brooks'. aSfesy Fruit Groitmjj Meeting. Jacksonville, Or. Qzx. 8X1885 The frjeit growers of Southern Ore gon rrtM to-aav nt" l o clock: p si , Ptesidert, B F. Miller in the chair. The minutes ofjtEe special meeting held Aug. 26' h were read r.nd approv ed. Col. R. F. Me.ury presented the association with a large bucket full of choice samples of apples .and pnars, among which were the Ben Davis Dutch Maznone, Baldwin and Ladv apple, and ths Burre DeAnjb pear. Win. Kabler tavored the ciety with a wy fine basket of fruit con sisting of Yellow Beilflowc r and Bel mont apple, second crop Bartl-tt pear and some excellent specimens of sweet potatoes of thn Nancemrnd variety weighing from 2i 'o 3 pounds. B F. Miller exKiKiied a splendid samplo of the Sounder Du Cungress pear, and present-d hi- filial report un varieties of fruit mnst suitah'e for shipping, TJip rej-ott win unanimous y adopted. A. 11. Carsnn delivered quite a lengthy fend in'.ruciip lecture- on liie peach. He dwelt upon the im portance of thorough cultivation anj dra'iiag", pruning, packing and mark' eting ilia fruit and' altsrtlii hi- (S ; " . - a --- - .;! spercn was encoyegingo-cne jrui.) growers. ' , ' I growers, CoL Ross addressed tho bonce n few I minutes in his characteristic and vrg- erou style. Win. Kahler, E-q., spoke a L'w nw ments on irngvnoii- L. P. Clark was apjiointed to Fieak on the subject of fruit growing at the next meeting. On motion of G F. Pennebakerthe Fmeefing adjourned to meet January 4, 183G J. II. Guiffis, Sec. Circuit Court Proceedings. The following business has been transacted in this court up 'onetime' EiIipSkXTIXKL went to ptess: N. r ttt ,nl nun was appointed a court litiiiff I. J. Cameion vs. John Orth; to n cofer monpv on joint note. Judg men' for 378 33 and cbsts. Ma'giret Caldwell, administrator of the pRtatP of W. S Cildwejl, de ceased, vs. C iV. BroUick; tc lecover liain .g-!". Dismissed oh motion of plaiiiiilfs attorney. State vs. W. J. Rnnel'; indictment for larceny. Verdict of guilty. Thrss Cliavnr vs. L SP. Marsh et at.; to fuiecioe mortgage. Decice grned Kubli i Bill v. O. V.'. Aker-s ttal.; to toieclo-e mortgige. Same. S ate vs. A, J. Meriill; indictment for larceny. Verdict of not guilty. Sia'evs. Geo M. Love and Wm E. Hanley; indictment for larceny. Cjusp continunl until next term. S ato s G L Dunivan;iii(iictmrnt for burglary. DefeiYdant airaigued aud trial set for net eek. S'ate vs-. J. D. ,MS?on;iindictmect for rape. Verdict ogitt guilty. -Mrs TsrCoJversrV'OIweH;' suit for damages. Oh trial.''. For lamp Ba;k, Side or Chest use Shilnh'x Pmous Tla'tef. Price 25 ;-nts. For al at E O. B"ok. SIULOH'R CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure fur Catarrh, Diphtheria nnd Canker Muuih. Brcckscanfur nish it. SUILOn'S VITALTZER is what you need for Constipation, Loss of A) (eti-e, Dizziness and all symptoms of Dv.spepsia. Puce IOaihI 75 cents per lottle. For sale at E. C." Brooks.' ? whv vrir.r. vmtt .,,.!. .!,.,. Shiloh's cure will give immediite er- lief. Price sOcts. and $1.00. Brooks keeps it. CROUP, WHOOPING 'COU.GH nnd Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's cure. Brooks keeps it. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dys- ppp-in ami Liver Uomiii.ainU olutoli s Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure yoa. For sIe at E. C Brooks. SLEEPLESS Nielli's; rondo mis erablp by that t"rrtble cough. Shilnli's Cur is the r medv for.rou. Brooks keeps it. "" THE REV. GO. II. THAYER, ot linurooii, ami., fsys: "lsolu mv- self nnd wifp owe our lives to SHI LOU'S CONSUMP1TON CURE." Brooks keens it. Corsnf Cojiitissiosens' Court. The follow I tit; proceedings took ilace at the Ocolier term: TIip ttrminal pointR -of tlie public rrtaci known us be 4acxsonvillo ami tsutte creeK road, linvint; utcorue un certain, it was ordered th it the sail road be resurveved .Tulip M. Nich oU, Win. Wiley "and R. jJJilcDoiwW. were appointed iewers' ail "James Jeffrey turvpt or. ' ' ,v Bid of Dunlap & Sto.adman to fnrild a bridge m-roa.s Gr'lOii creek nan ac ceiited. 1 :. ine tax levy for the rnedtug year wasjil.acd at 20 ruiils, with the poll tax at SI. . fi P. Anise of Gold Hill vrai granted a lic"-n--e toell liquor for six. momiis. W R. .Tones, "Tbos. FJftaall ami iVrtliur WiNo'i vtin appijinted as viewers to itsi-esa damages Wim Bvbie wi 1 fcUitam by ri'n'-on tit a cnuntv road lUinuiij tlirotiili hiviuiil n in .eri-ect tlie new bridge acros3 Rugne rtvr. Bills !o a considerable- amount wen audited. Alt Ibe i: T-) eaplivatf tlf p'lpuhr taste and surpass all previous effort -to pleas llic palate, requires no sin?.li amount of knowli-dne and no little skill, and when we remember that the very BCrpeablf liquid fmit reutrdy, S, rnp of F!a is as bnf fioial lo ihe ?tii em, ns it in acceptable to the a'ottiach, we rea.lil ouden-tand wLj it is thp uni verval favorite hS a cure for Habitual Constipation and the other jls urisiiii: from a weakness, or inactive condition of the Bowel, KtJuev's, Liver aud Stomach. Sample lot'Iei freo arid large bottles for salt) bylMerii't fc . Robinson, Jacksonville. JacksonqillfPPiiblic School. Report for- the month ending Oclobsr Otk. 1SS3. c O 1. J; y - C c zi x . DETAnTMZSTS. M 3 3-7 C Iji c-,c fc gp Higher 37 30 112 15 Grammar 33 37 1 0 20 Intermediate. 4tf 42 0 0 24 Primary 40 39 4" 0 17 VuLf 1TI J54J 6 2 76 ROLL OF HONOR. niGHER DEr.MITMEKT. A 1 Fletcher Linn. A 2 Hattie Rcames. B Mabel Baker, Lena Cameron. B 2 James clover,Kasper Kub'.i, Phebe Kelly, Fns3 Pape. C 1 Jennie Jackson, Susie Turner, John Jeffrey, Wm Miller. C 2 Louis Plymale, Anna Shipley, Eva Bellinger. onAituui. A.-Katy R -ed, Mamie Croncmiller, T5. innie Ross, Carrie Croncmiller Willie Williams, Robert Jeffrey, J as Watson, iriggie Shipley, John Ortli, Fsie Fisher, Fred Luy, James Doncgan, Evart Smith C.-JIay Huffcr, Vollie Miller, Mary Day. Birdie Helms, Laura Luy, Bcttie Mulicr, Maggie Moody. INTEKMLDIATF. A illiujjwinur. Liiris-iyviriu. j -n'Mir- T-i.-l..l.. ty :- .TT A fTJJtHrey. .lames, Jjinli, uussicr.ipc, Nafvnsf.a olvin. B. Lena. Bowdcn, Maude Kress, Nellie ''erritt, Annie Eaton, Ida Clemmens, Eddie Reynolds, Jennie Retimes, Marvel Taylor, Miln Bei", Jessie NefT C. Harry Miller, Rosa Luy, Henry Orth, Emin'i He'ms, Emma Reed. John Bcuter, James A ilson, Kennie Taylor. PlllMMlY. A Man-Waters, liaMe Priest, Frank t Howell i B G"orcre Mensor Itosa Brentano. . da Priest, Harry Luy, Ray .-Iibriglit, Willie .Miller.Joscn'i Unmes. C Id n Benz.r.valena vt rritt, Gertrude Fisher, Bay Jackson, Bindiiird Carter, Ltuenp itolnson and treodie ticbe. Pupil are placed on the honor roll in the order of their average scholarship, hieiicst first . In order tob" pi wed on the honor roll, pupils must have the following stundi'ig: Srhol irslip SO. Deportment O'J, .-fttend. rnce 100, l'unetu iv 101 Parents will aid as tre t'j y steins that thomontlily repirt r-ri'- "t-' p"perly signed and-returned to t!,e t.T I'ers earh month. We esH-tli" attenti.m of tho patrons of thcseliod and especially thatorthepj ixaits to the rumh r of visits we have re eel vid. We would have you remember the R'dioo s tir" yours, and that you rein add jt ally to the efficiency r-nd enthusi asm of both trachcr and pupils by your triendly proenee. Come oten nnd help US' in our niutu il work of education. GLO.H. WATT, Principal. "Wm PniBST. ) Ai.tPE Bnnuis. J- Asst. Teachers. A tten ,tBTrnlsn. Mr. J. M. McCami, of ' Bridgeiiort, W. Va., a contributor to poultry jour nals of the LTnited States and Cmatl , nti'l a largo chicken raiser, s?ya from pspprinnce th it if St. Jacobs Oil is mixed with dough and fed to pu'lry sutlring from chit ken choleia, all that an- able to swallow vvill bp re stored to health, and if saturited pill are fotced down thp tliroatsof ihoti that cmnot sv5iTrow thev wlirflajl? their wings and crow in yiur face. Wh"n Baby was sick, we pave her CASTORIA. Whpn she was a Child, sho crid for CASTORIA, When shs became Miss, she clung to CASTORIA, When she had Cnildren, she gave them CASTORIA. -uL".j ::..,.nM.,fA!Si-JJ-!iiaa'--' l.: m NEW lDVERI'ISEMENTS. Rogue Hivar Distillery, JACKSONVILLE, Johi X Huiiley, - Projmelor. Cataj& Garrett, General Agents. PURE. UNADULTERATED AKTICLE OP BODBBOJf9RYE CORK X'THISKT IK QCAXTITinS AKD AT PRICES TO STJIT- Satisfjction guaranteed. All Uwse indebted to the Rogue River Distilling Company, either by nolo or hook sccount, are rcquestcu to can ami !etllc at once, as an immediate settlement must be had. All accounts not settled by the IGth day ot November will Irs placed in an atimev's hand"? for collection. . PorfUirther particulars call on the nn- Ufrsijraia or my agm in oacKsonviuc, Jl. Caton. ,. J. i. H.vKLET. Jacksonville, Oct 13, IPSO. Surface IndiGatiOfis" Vniatamln"rro"!tlvc-rpropcr!7tcrni "ur.ice linlitatiyus" of T hat is buicatli, eo tue Pliaples, S..ie3, Boro Kycs, Iioil, and Cutaneous Irnptions v.ulh v liua ecpa a. aunoved in f priii ami ca.lv s". mcr. The c-l.o nu'tcr accumu la'etl tUi.iusr tie w nUr luintb, now u i rs i'i pi-escje felt, through Kature's c 1". vors to cpcl it from tbe system. l iie it r-:i.iia. it is apo;-oa that festers lathe Ii'imIi 'dnnyiljvelop itt'a Scrcf v.i:v. 1 ..i (.. jUUon cancs dtmnjrcmer.t of I ho i)i -cive awl a-simiiatory orjaii'', a. itlra feeluiz of enervation, Samrnor. and ' avearinew often lightly spolcenot as "only rprins fever." Tlieso are ev klences thjt Isalure is not able, unaided, to- throw otf the torrent atoms which -weaken thp- itjl f 'ms. To regain bejltti. Jiature must bo ahktlbva tiioroinjh blood-purifviiirmctl-icuic; lUidujtUiacUau to cncctivciu Ayer's Sarsapariffa, which b mfaclcnfly powerfnl to expel from tiie ;vstem ev en the Unit of Hei etl Itnry Scrofula. The medical profession Indorse Aytr's SvnsvPAnirXji.ar.d many attestations of the (aires cfieetedby Itcome from all part of tho world. It Is, in tho Lrasuapo of the Hon. Francis Jev7ctt, ex-Stats Sen ator of Jtavuchusctts and tex-JUvor of Lowell, "iiie only preparation lluit docs real, lasting good.' rhxrjutED BT Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., lours, Mass. Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; i Six bottles for $5. , e - '-S Successor to an &F3 3CT' jnatHQi Glory and Yery We keep in stock all kinds of Shelf Hardware, Stove and Tinware, Oils and Hows; Wagons Harrows and Cultivators, Lamps, Bells," Rope, Iron. Paint ami other Brushes, Curry Combs, Tacks, Window glass, Coal oil. Hinges, Blacking, Pad locks. Door locks, Powder and Phot, Fues, Caps, Sand Paper, Knives and forks, Cros cut saws, Hand saws, Planes, Nailsr Traps, Grind stones, Bolts, Augers, Cable chain, and many other goods too numerous herein to mention. .Largest Stock of Hardware and Farm - -Implements itf "SolTtlVern Oregon. Call or writeTor pricos-- A.If.MKC.TsS; Co., .lacksonviKeVOTCgori CRONEMILLER & BIXiDSEY, JACKSONVILLE, LvBELLE WACONS, BUGGIES AW1 HACKS. LANSING RIDING HARROWS WITH SEEDERS COMBINED, BUFORD CULTIVATORS AND SPRING T OTn HARROWS. "JlcSHERRY GRAIN DRILLS AND BROAD-CAST SEEDERS; BUFORD PLOWS, ALLSIYLES. COLLINS CAST CAST-STEEL PLOWS. RANDALL 7ULVERISING HARROWS. CIDER MILLS. FANNING MILI5. CORN SHELLERS, HAY C ITERS. FAIRBANKS SCALES. COOPER'S ENGINES AND SAW-MILLS, CHALLENGE WIND-MILLS, CHALLENGE GRAIN CRACKERS, Etc. T'aAS SERVID OU 5HaT NOTICE- Wo won If respectfully ak our patron am friciuTa to call nncT sea onr line of goods before puruliabing elsewlierc, as wo feel Mire v& ean Sell As Low If Not Lowr Than any first-class goods can be feuld.for; and we guarantee all our goods as represented. CROXEMILLER AXD BIRDSEY. i JnckEonvillc, Oregon, May 0, 18S4. Coffisen Spices, Table JLinen; Table Covers, Flannels, Muslins, Overalls, Toilet Sets, Parlor Lamps Clothing, Dress roods, mn .iiui, no urn mu mi ETC, ETC, ETC-, In Full Measure and Fine Quality AT MERRI'TT'S CASH STORE, Red Men's Building. acksonTille, Orcgcr? DEALER IN seerl HATS ASD B001T9 Tobacco, Cigars, Candies, Etc , Etc Calilomia street, betwceD Oreson and Third, Jacksonville. CALL AND SEE MY Fresh New Stock and Rew Prices J PRODUCE TAKEN II? EXCHANGE. Child's Snow Flaek. Every lady, wishing a clfir, .dtdieate complexion, should use Child's Srow Flake. It nouriihes and freshens the hkm, re inoves Tan nnd Sunburn, and, tbenat ural nj pearance imparted, renders it impossible to detect its use. Warrant eil perfeclly harni'eis. Sold by all druggists, or by the manufacturers, John A. Chilil i Co., Drusts, Port, land, Oregon. Mail orders promptly attei ded to, Price 50 cents. GTFY BASBSE SHOP California St., Jacksonville. - - Oregon. Tlie undersigned is fully prepared to do ' all work in his line in the best mannerand.LHQ.rSt JL. Jttyder, Jfropf.. at reasonable prices. 1 ii.wikaiowA' I NOTICE. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TnE JCX undersigned by nole or book acconnu arc requsitca lo car nnn S'-Iti" wit' mt d'lav , O. KAREW8KL Jacksouvjlht.Jmic 22,il '-i sx' t,jmir3Tiianscsaar aeslyi ' Small Profits ' S is scar, . v Teas, ' Oilcloths, Bed preads, Tickings,' Skirtings, Jumpers, nd OtMei WODL WANTED! Parties harini; Wool for sale will ffnd it to their a1tv.1nt.15c to call on me before selling to othtf parties, as I aro paying the HIGHEST CASH PRfCE For fcolli Spring and Fail clips. Tall on or address me at Ashlimd. Ogn. David C. IIeijbin. Ashland, Oct. 0, 187. UNION HOTEL,; Koxfcyvllle ..., Oresoorl rirst-c'ass accommodation can alwayf' be had at this Itooso at the mot reasonat. ble rates. -.n excellent stable connected" with' the hotel. muf:a weckiityoarowntovtn. ''lVrmj i)DO ind ?5 ntt& frw iflrctSf H. HiiXET,:A Co., I'orrianu iiaiuc;