."? LV Oregon Sentinel. Oregon Sentinel Y PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS AT J.CKSOMLLK. ACKSON CODSTI, OBEGOX BT KRAUSE &. TURNER. ADVERTISING RATES. OaesquaislOltnes or less first Insertion. I )M " tub subsequent Insertion 1 C " "I months T 00 ' " 0 " 10 00 One-fourtbCoIumn 3 months TJ 00 ". " A - SO 0 One-half' " 3 30 00 " ' " U 00 One Column 3 months CO CO II on oo v .....a................. . V. A Discount to Yearly AiWertlsers. $3 PER YEAR TERMS: One copy. Per Ter, In advance, .S3 50 VOL. XXIV--NO. 23 JACKSONVILLE, ORFGON: JUNE 18, 1879- ; -jjf- - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J. W. ROBINSON, M. D. pHYSICIAtf AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Office m CallfirnlaiSt..onpwite P. J.Ryan's. Residence at .B. F. Powell's. L. DAN FORTH, M. D., AND SURGEON T)HYSICIAN -4fli Jacksonville, Oregon. Office on California street, opjolte P. J. Ryn's tore. Calls promptly attended to, day or night. G. II. AIKEN, M. D., DEYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. J3-0!Bce opposite P.J. Ryan's store. MARTIN VROOMAN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Vrooman comes here w Ith the Intention of per manently locttlnj himself In the practice of bis prnlesslon. Is a gradnste, and. from twenty eernYOirsexprlncs In the dlese Incident to this Coist, Ilstters himself as being able to glre reneral sallsfactl'-n. Office at Kabler k Bro's Dreg Store. CHAS. J. HOWARD, inUNTY AND MINERAL SURVEYOR JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. Mlnlnt snrrers. and all othe r business In ray line ptusnpUy attended to. E. H. AUTENKlETH, T T 0 R N E Y - A T - L A W f- , JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. 4rm wicVtre in all the Court. T th; "t-te. Prom,,, attention .cWsnt" allbn.lne.. Ml in my can. 'sT-Omr InOrtu's briek building. CITY MARKET, CALIFORNIA ST., WILLIAM BYBEE, - Proprietor. rUI3 WELL KNOWN MARKET. OPPO site ICahler & Ilio.'s drnt'More is bet ter prepared than ever lo furnish the pub lie with the choicest quality of iTitlUsll IJUlitf, PORK, VEAL, iiqTTONIIAMA SALT HEATS, BACON, Puperior, SAUSAGE, LARD, ETC., The most favorable inducements offered to pationa. a-d uo effort ivill be spared to ward giving general satisfaction. W.M. BYBEE CilY BARBER SHOP AND BATH HOOMS. California St., Jacksonville. - - - Oregon CITY BAKEBY AND SALOON, In Masonic Building, Oregon St., JACKSONVILLE, OG!V., THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY DE sires lo unnonnce In the public that they are now prepared to fill oil orders for cakes of every description, such us wedding rare cake fni purlin, wine cake?; alii brown and rje biead, ginger snaps at.d crackers. A lunch house will nlsn be kept at Ibis jllare. where ntslers 5n all ptylig, LimhurgtT and Schweitz r cheese, can be had at all hours of the day or night. J5S5Fresh bread every day. Prices reasonable and satisfaction guar anteed. GROB & ULRICH. TABLE ROCK SALOON, OREGON STREET, WIMTJEW and HELMS, proprietors. THE UNDERSIGNED IS FULLY pnpired to dn all work in his line in the best manner and at reasonable prices. HOT OK COLD BATHS Can be had at this place at all hours of Ibe day. GEORGE SC HUM PP. NEW STATE HOTEL. C. W. SAVAGE, Prop., JACKSONVILLE, OGN. B. F. HOWELL, ATTORNEY- A T-LAW. Jacksonville, oreohn. All bnslnes, placed In mv lisons will recelre prompt attention. kT-3.eClal attention siren to Collections. THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES FLEAS tire in aniinuncini: that hf hac lilted u,, and thnrn-iglily rrnvalcd the New Stte Imllilinir fur hotel purples and ill's t the house is now open ior the reception ol uest. Will b" cntit.ts.ntly -npplie 1 with the best Ihp innrkt ffordi Meal- can be obtained a! tllh tirs. The b i are new and kept cWn ana no mins will be sparid lo give the utmost ratis faptiuM in very pirtuitlar. lER.CIiarj'i's tea-uiiuble. b C. W. SAVAGV THE PROPRIETORS OF THIS well-known and popular resort would inform their friends and the public centrally that a complete and Gret cla-s flock of the bes. brands ol liquors, wines, cigars, nle and porter, etc., are constantly kept on hand They will be pleased to have their friends 'call and smile." CABINET. A Cabinet of Curinsiiies may also be found here. We would be pleased to have persons possessing curiosities and specimens brins them in, and we will place them in the Cabinet for inspection. WINT.IKN& HELMS. Criterion Billiard Saloon ! CALIFORNIA ST., Noland & McDauiel Prors 'I'iniS POPULAR I new management. brands of J; orlicals- and leading papers G:ve me a call. T. G. P.EAMES E. R. REAME3. REAMESBROSs, s California'st., Jacksonville, - - - Oregon, AHEAD-ASiDSUAL ! ! -V J -v7 SiaBYlADOPrii -T?T7W A CASH BA.S1S !! THE GREATEST REDUCTION IN PRICES -AND TIIE- LARGEST STOCK OF RESORT, TINDER ts inrnisntne me d-si - the GENERAL MERCIIAiVDIS TnE GREATEST VARIETY TO SELECT FROM IN Any One Store in Southern Oregon or Northern California. ALL FOR CASH!! WOOL, WOOL ! ! TO TITS WOOL GROWERS OF Northern California and Southern Oregon. NEWERAHAS DAWNED UPON A your rnidu which insures to you foil value for'your product. You can sell your pro duel at THE WOOZj 210USS -0F- CONE & AVELTON, I3ST IX33ID 33XJm,,3r For morp than y'on can real'ze by shipping t San Francisco. We have bought Three Hundred Thousand bales thus far this season and want Three Hundred Thousand more if we can get them. Don't fail to see us be fore you sell, and we will either buy your wool or see that yon get more for it than it is worth in San Francisco. otrn wool presses Are turning out 100 compressed bales daily, and it takes wool to keep them goins.fo brlntr Hlon jour clips and get a eood price for them, and help yourselvts. and by so dc ing help us lo keep the ball rolling and preSf uoing. Enterprise should be nurtur ed and encouraged, especially where it bene 6ti the country. Bring on your wool, and net the highest market rates. We want it ll. CONE& WELTON. Bed Bluff, May IGih, 1879. SODA SPRINGS HOUSE HEALTH and HAPPINESS TS THE REWARD OF ALL WnO visit these famous Twelve miles East of Ashland. The wa- not only-a of Coaet. D WILL. JACKSON, NTIST, JACKSONVILLE, OREGON. I '(. Lsiidilnc Ks ad' kmlnlste'rcd. If desired, for which .extra I . m Its. titskrV Office and resideic. on corner of California and Fifth streets. BERTHOLD ROSTEL, I Asst: SURGEON ol the German Army AND PROFESSIONAL HAIR-CUTTER, IN ORTH'S BUILDING, Jacksonville, Oregon- aff-The Treatment of Chronic Caes Made JOS. II. 1IYZER, IUDSV3 SiG, 01RM10B AND ORNAMEiiTAL PAINTER, Jksnnville Oregon T:? FUT.LV IRKPAUED TO DO ANY L Work in th's line on fhort notice and ask for a elmre of the public piitronag. Orders fnitn the country promptly atlend ed to. P. DONEGA-IST GENERAL BLACKS3IITHING -t-AND-t- IIO&SE SHOEING, Cor., of Second and California St. S. P. HANNA, WAGON-MAKER, Jacksonville, Oregon, TN CRONEilILLER'S BUILDING IS IN 1 receipt of a full aortment of material md prepared to do all work in his line on liort notice and in a workmanlike manner Vehicles of every description made to or d.r. Terms reasonable and satisfaction guaran teed. ffi3Repairing a speciality S. P. HANNA. Jacksonville. February. 20, TR7. OUR-STOCKCOS'biaf3 OFSW FALL &WIN1ER DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. CAPI1MERE3, AND DIAGONVLS. SILKS. AND SATINS, BOOTS & ssIIOES, CLOTHING, ETC,, LADIES' CAL., MADE CLOAKS DECllXtS THE UOXOU. Rev. J. H. Action, Editor of the Pacific Christian Advocate, was 10 cently invited to deliver a discourse in our commemoration of the services of our soldiers who fell in the late war, while battling for the maintainance of our government. The Reverend gentleman declines, and in the follow ing eloquent and comprehensive lan guage gives his reasons for doing so. It is the language of an honest pa triot, who has risked his life that his country might live: Nearly eighteen years since, at the call of the United States Government, we took up our lino of inarch for the bloody fields of the South not as a commissioned officer with large epau lets, large pay and larger self apprecia tion; nor yet as a chaplain, to have, as many did, a good, easy, remunerative time out of bullet range but as a private soldier in the ranks, with our musket and knap'sack. For three years we stood picket, laid in trenches waded rivers, climbed mountains, trav ersed swamps, baked our beans when we had any shot at rebels, and in turn made for them a target of our own person. We passed through many bloody scenes and many of the most trying battles of the war. More than once we narrowly" escaped the bayonet, Andersonville and Libhey. We carried ammuntion from the dying and the dead for some of these same comrades whose deeds we are now called upon to remember, aud helped with our own hands to lay scores of them in their graves. When the war was closed we joined in the nation's fchout and hung our sword U on the wall. Many of our most valued friends were left in the South. We tried to dry the tears of fathers and mothers by reciting the heroism of their dead, and then went back into the ranks of the Master to pray for tr- hl4.iiU. nmo"W "uity bung overthtai Specialty. t. o;"oinBS.' A LL KINDS'OF MARKETABLE produce lukeu in 1 xrliutwe lor work P. HON EG AN. I,. D. STKARNf. ' " GIBBS.& STEARNS, A TT0B.NEYS AND COUNSELLORS, Room 2 and 4 Strowbridje's Ruildinc, PORTLAND, OHEOOH. 1N11 practice In all fkarts of Record In the State of Oregon and WahshlnRtin Territory; and pey par ticular attention to business tn Federal Courts. EAGLE BREWERY. JOSEPH WKTTERER, Proprietor Oregen!St., Jacksonville- TUE BEST OF LAOKR HEKR ALWATS KF.n on hand and ready for sale by the keg or glass BLACKSMITHING! DAVE CRONEMCLER. BACK AT MB OLD SMD. T AM NOW PREPARED TO DO ALL 1 work in my line cheaper than fver, and in fact will do it cheaper luau any other thop iu Sonlhern Oregon. Give mc a call and I will convince, you. DAVIS) CRONEMILLER. RE-OPENED 1 JACOB1IEYEE PIONEER. WACUX.MAKER, HAS RESUMED BUSINESS AT the stand of ".he Ule J. L. Badger uid i prepared to execute all work in his line with promptness and dispatch and at very reasonable rates.- All kinds of vehi cles consiructed. Repairing a specialty. Good work and low prices enaranteed ;ive me a roll. J. MEYER, F. EITSCHARB, practical : Watcumaker and Jeweler, California Street Jacksonville Oregon, KAHLER BROTHERS Dealers In UNION HOTEL, Kerbyville Oreon, M. Ryder, Propr. T7IRST CLASS ACCOMMODATION CAN ! always be bad at mis douso u iub muss reasonable rates, .,... pm"Kn excellent stable connected with the botel. BOOKS AND STATIONERY, ESCRlfTION OF CUT-MILLER!!. THE CITY BREWERY. VEIT SCHUTZ, - Proprietor. X WOULD MOST KESPIXTtul.1. in form the citlrens of JksonT".lle and the world at large, that they can find, at ... lni.. tnv nrawerr. the best larer beer, la any quantity the purchaser may desire My house Is conTeniestlyeltustod and my rooms ar always In order. A Tlsit will please you. VfAKES A SPECIALTY OF CLEAN- ItL ing and repairing watches and clocks. Uliarges reasonable, Give him a call. DR, SPINNEY & CO., SPECIALISTS, No. 11, Kearney Street TREAT ALL CHRONIC AND PRIVATE Dis eases withont rheaid of mercury. Offlcehours 9 a.m. to l2n;S fSnnd6to9 r.Mn OoNflU.TATI'lN FrKE. Sundays excepted. ConsnlUUons free. Call or ad dress Pr. A P SI1NNEY 4 CO., Nell. Kearney trtet an Francisco. WALDO EXPRESS, OnrrylasTJ. S.'JSfczx.iJ.m Leaves Jacksonville MONDAYS AND THURSDAY FOR "WALDO. LEAVES "WALDO, Tuesdays and Fridays. First-class accommodations for passen gers. Express business promptly attended to by R. M. GARRETT. - ATE CALL TIIE ATTENTION OF Tilt. V ladies to the fact that we have now on hind the largei-t aud bct selected assort ment rf LDIES DRESS GOODS and FAN CY nnnilS ol everv detcrintion In South ern Oregon, and we will henceforth make this line of goods our speciality and sell them at Cheaper than the Cheapest. To the gentlemen we will say, if you want A No. I SUIT OF 0L0TIIE3 you must go lo Reamca Bros, to buy them as we claim to have the" best STOCK OF CLOTHING in Jackson'countv aud will allow none to un dersell os. These goods wee all purchased by a mem ber ol our fjrm from FIRST CLS3 House tr San Francisco and New York. and we will walnut every article and sell thi in as chcup fur ra'-h a any house in the conntv. We also keep on baud a lull stock of GROCERIES, Hardware, Cctlery, Glassware, CROCKERY;;," . s A FULL LIFE OJIDGQOD.S FA I'M AND FREIGHTVIVACONS , f. OF GREAT CURATtVE POWERS. BUT is also delicious as a beverage. Tbe hotel at the Springs is kept by Mr. 4 Mrs D C. Courtnay, and affords all the conven iences and comforts required by the most fastidious. Good P.asturage. For horses, and all chirges reasonable. Good hunting aud Trout OTTiSlxlxxs Faciliti'r near by. and evtry thing to make a visit to the St da Springs pleasant to either tbe athlete or invalid. MR. & MR3. D.C. COURTNAY. THE ASHLAND Woolen Manufacturing Co, Take pleasure in announcing that t'..ey now have on hand, a full and select stock of EtRSKETg, FlUAKIKlEkS, SSSXOGSiS AGS HCtiKYp Made of the very best NATIVE WOOL :4A j-M'.MV I1JIU w oV M""S "'" " graves. We looked on the broad acres of this great land, and fel(. it was enough. We had spent as a nation more than four billions of dollars, and had sacrificed hundreds of thousands of precious lives; but the cruel war was over, and our enimies were ready to accept the situation. To-day the men government paid us by the month for shooting at ate Con gressman. Four Senators only who now serve us were Union holdiers, while twenty were in the rebel army. Six places are yet to fill. Sixty-five rebel soldiers are in the House. Not a solitary man from all the South who stood loyally by the Government with his life in his hand, comes as a Repre sentative. More than two-thirds of the whole number were in open rebel lion and under arms, and yet in six if not seven of the thirteen States which rebelled the union voters are in the majority. The tried soldier ie thrust out. The Freed men who led the way through dismal swamps, found hiding places, and carried a portion of their own scanty fare to our starving boys ftvinr from nrison pens, who bound j -o in their last deliriu m. Let other hands carry flowers. It is meet that pure and lovely maidens should do this. It is all they have. Lot those preach ser mons of eulogy -who never shivered in the Wilderness, nor heard the roar of "the battle above the clouds." We shall stand in silence over the old bat tery. We are still on picket. The war is not over. The distant s mutter of the conflict can still be heard. Wo are yet to lay other treasures away in the grave-murdered on the altar of rev olution. We cannoJult--0uT'c5inr rades. Over theirFaves oefore the God of the nation we have sworn alle giance to the cause for which they died, and stand ready for the next bugle-call, but we have never scattered flowers and never will, until the right shall fi nally triumph, and the enemies of our common country are driven from the place of power. Let the dead sleep. We are ashamed publicly to speak of their heroism in the presence of the history of to-day. They have passed beyond the stench and corruption, the flies and maggots, the hunger and thirst under burning Southern suns, and no longer ask aught of us. Our heart aches. It is all a huge farce; a right eous indignation consumes us. The government is heartlessly cruel. It called them to sacrifices a thousanil times more terrible than the juggernant and has forgotten the purchase price. The enemies who followed them with blood hounds now seek the life of the nation, and orate the principles of tho the Rebellion in tho senate chamber. No! wa scorn this empty ofFering. Turn out theso rebels! Tare down their flags! Send traitors where they belong; and God will carry the flowers in the deft fingers of the sunshine and the rain drop and will weave wreaths and garlands by the agency of tho winds, nnd will make melody by tho orchestra of all nature. Until then, "3Ldi;.ll lciMrisfir harp on tho willows Lord. Holv and true, dost thou not Is Plows, Gang Flows &i Sulky riuws - v In fact everylhin" from the finest needle to o tlircshine-machine. Give us a call and judge for vourt.elvei as lo oar capacity nf furnishing goods as above. The way to make money is to save it. To s-ave it buy cheap. To bny cheap pay UA3H for jour goons and hny or REAMES BROS. nd of which thev will dipnse at very rea ouable rates, Ord -rs from a dif tare will receive prompt Htlentiou. Send tbera iu aud give our goods atrial. Ashland oot.r.K M r a Co. judge and avenge our blood on theml" OAV lJirOKTAXT DECISIOX. A decision was rendered by Judge Winguard at the last term of the dis trict court at Walla Walla which was very important and will be read with interest. The case was llawiey uoun & Co. vs. Kenoyer Bros., of Columbia county. Kenoyer Bros, had received of Hawley, Dodd J: Co. a large amount of machinery, and had executed there for what is commonly known as "iron clad" notes. A general demurrer was filed to the complaint by counsel for the defense, P. C. Sullivan. After ar gument of counsel upon the question of law involved, the court decided there was no consideration for the note, and sus tained the demurrer, and the defendant took judgement for their cost and dis bursements. This decision affects a large number of contracts outstanding iu this country, and virtually decides that tho machinery dealt out by the terras of the contract remains the prop erty of baid company, and was not sold and transferred to the supposed purchasers, and that Hawley Dodd & up their wounds and picked the worms q ran repossess themselves of tho from their gangrened flesh torn by ,)r0perty( with reasonable amount for its use, but cannot force payment and still retain the title. EUREKA MILLS, CREEK SEVEN Jacksonville, are ir-BTE CTTTTAF- est druCT and t'atent Medicines ko to KAHLEK BROS 1701. NEW LIVERY STABLE BACK OF COURT HOUSE. MANNING ANDVEBB, Proprietor. -T-TATIKO LATELY FITTED OP TUB COM tu mo.llosbrn on the School House Hat and in the rear or the uoari nou. """""v . ..(.ui in .lltiii1ns In osir line with promptness auddispatch and at them st reasonable rates. Fine Turnouts ThestaWets f Lhed wtth the best animals and mot .ntwuntial bugles; also a first clusback and saddle horses. . . Horses boarded, and ths best care bsstowed oa them. .i.r.jMAm mi.-antAftd In eTerr instance. fihe us wU and judge for yourselres. J. W. MANNING. SITUATED ON BEAR miles north-ea-t tf prepared to a geuetal Merchant and Exchange Business- The undersigned will Rive 31! peund of Q'iur.2 pounds shotts and 8 pounds bran far every bitfhel cf wheat. Will aU" tack jour-customers Torni-hing sacks. aSJ-Satitifaction Guaranteed? T.T. McKINZIE Slate Creek House, Slate Creek, Ogs., J, I. KNIGHLj; - - PROP'R. THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY i.ivea nonce to the iravellinsr uublic thai Bret-class accommodations can always lie had at this hou-e.nud no pains epared to make a tri.it MnrrMPnhle. The btr will always be supplied with the best of liquors aud cigars. jika,igiit XrAJTY T ROPE? CARPEXTERIT AND WA JOUX MILLER. -acksonTllls, April 10th, IF IF YOU WANT A LAROK STOCK OF PERFD mery and fancy sops to select irm go to Kah lere and If they don't hare what you want Dob wll make It, or an,th.ne ls. sg-PJj W and repawns propsrly J MIILEK. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT Of POCKET axv A Table Cutlery for sals by JOHN MILLER. blood hounds these Freedinen are to . day flying from their homes to save their lives. Insult stamps upon the graves of our dead in the South, and revolution is complete in its violence only that a solitary soldier who hap pens to be at the head of the govern ment stands alone in the branch. No, we cannot preach over the dead yet. Other battles are to fight It were an empty offenni;. We do not wish to moclq their bleaching bones. They did not bleed and die for a few empty eulogies, and a handful of half faded flowers cast upon their graves once a year. They a.sk bread and we ,t.- tlipm n. stone. Ihev rot m tlieir b" "' r graves with gaping wounds 01 sword and bullet aud bayonet, and the death- stare of those who starved in prison pens yet traceable in the dust under their coffin lids; we push aside their maimed comrades to make room for the men who laughed at their dying scream for food, and ordered guards to shoot the poor crazed maniac who dared reach over the dead-line for a half.pu trid lione, and now come in token of our appreciation with wilted flowers. How these dead skeletons must appre ciate this costless offering! God forbid we should approach their graves until we can carry the old flag overland uni ted and free, such as they dreamed of Death of a Well Known Print-i-n A T.. Stinson. a printer welf known to the craft throughout the State, died of heart disease at Salem last Wednesday week. He was a ..in.ln nf Hon. S. D. Haley, of Linn county, and has been engaged in the printing and publishing business in this State for many years. He was a prominent member of tho Ma. sonic and Odd Fellow's Orders, and ho was interred with tho impressive ceremonies of the latter. The Supervising Inspector for this district, Chas, C, Beniis, has decided that the bhnie for tho los3 of the steamship Great Republic rests upon the Pilor, Doig. Capt Carrol is com pletely exonerated, and by order of the Inspector his license as master of steam vessels is restored to him. Mr. Bemis decides that the vessel at the time was lawfully and in fact under the control of the pilot and that he was the respon sible officer. The National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley & Rulofson for the best photographs in the United States, and the Vienna Medal for tho best ia the world. 429 Montgomery Strwt, San Francisco, wv mu lery tr alt Swf IU gn-maaers' totis iwr ew j 3. "