Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, May 07, 1879, Image 3

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Wednesday, : : May 7, 1879
S. M. Pettengill & Co New York
Geo. P.Rowell & Co New York
Rowell & Cheesman St. Louis
L.P.Fisher San Franc'sco
D. H. Stearns Portland
rUHglou Ulrectury.
M. E. CnnRcrr. Religions services ev
cry Snnday at the nsnal boars, by the Rev
erends M. . Williams, D. A. Crowell and
CATnouo Services. Services will be
eld at the Catholic Chnrch in this place
"every Sunday at the usual hours in the
bftming and evening, Rev. Father Blan
chet officiating.
M. E. Sunday Scnoor,. Ri-enlar meet
ing every Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock
GATnoMC Suudat 80H00L. Eegular
tnoeting every Sunday afternoon at 2
Foil Kekbtville. Aj M. Beny
bnd lady and their daughter Miss Sar
ah Beny expect to start on Monday
for a visit -with Mr. arid Mrs. Dela
natter at Kerbjville.
-was engaged in crossing some supplies
for the company. There were two Chi
nese in the" boat but one escaped bj
clinging to it. The body has not yet
been found.
Yisitous. We noticed the pleasant
faces of Messrs Leeds and Mcrritt of
the "Ashland Tidings" at the pic-nic
grounds on May day. The young gen
tlemon averred that they came for a
day's relief from labor, but we observed
them taking notes of the spring styles,
and it is hard to tell what may come of
it The young ladies of Ashland must
be wide awake if they expect to win.
Musical. The third term of Sir.
Theodore Kugler's instruction in mu
sic ended on the 3d inst., and the fourth
term will commence on Monday
next It is hardly necessary to say
that Mr. Kugler is a very accomplished
teacher and that his instruction has
done much to elevate the style of mu
sic here, and that the opportunity of
his tuition should not be neglected.
Bids Forwarded. Postmaster Mul
ler having advertised for bids for car
rying the mail between Jacksonville
and Wright's, on Upper Applegate,
nine proposals were deposited with
him on Saturday last They were im
mediately forwarded to the Depart
ment, and as it is understood that some
of the bids are verv low nn t.hnt QPr-tnVo
1 OXVeiOpBielTC Ol lints 3UJI.&. Til cruunisuii
Across the Siskiyou. The follow
ing citizens and citizencsses left for
TTreka on Friday last to enjoy the cel
ebration of "St Tammany's" day at
Yreka: E. H. Autenrieth and wife,
D. Cronemiller and wife, T. J. Kinney,
and wife, E. D. Foudray and wife,
Adam Schmidt and wife, J. C. Mc
Cully and Miss. Issie McCully, Chas.
2f ickell and Miss. Sophie Nickell, Son.
H. K. Hanna, Henry Pape, James
Birdsye, John Cimborsky, T. T. Mc
Kenzie, Aaron Barneburg and Wm.
Penniger. On Saturday a large num
ber of the people of Yreka met our
delegation about three miles North of
town with the Yreka band and escorted
them into the city. Sunday was spent
in visiting the Forest House and in
visiting friends. On Monday the exer
cises of the Order took place, and the
Oration, delivered by Judge Hanna, is
said to have been a masterly effort
The ball on Monday night was im
mense, and the whole affair is reported
to be the largest and most successful
society celebration that ever took place
in Yreka.
Weather blustery.
Miners cleaning up.
"The Chinese must go;''
Next weeek will be duIL
Bead Army Supplies' advertisement
Chew Jackson's Best Sweet Navy
California votes on the new constitu
tion to-day.
L. Solomon and family returned last
Monday from San Francisco.
Miss Tillie Miller and Annie Little
will leave for Eoseburg this week to
visit relations.
The lot and residence of Mr. J. H.
Penn has been purchased by Dr. Dan
forth for 550.
A very interesting letter frorrAValdo
came too late for this issue will ap
pear next week.
Willio Little accidentally chopped
his foot Very severely last week with
an axe andjjtehbput oncrutches.
A fine limestone quarry has been
Household and kitchen iurniture next
Saturday, the 10th inst Bargains are
to be had.
Mr. J. Q. 7iilits returned from the
North on Weduesdnylast, and will ira
mediately take charge of the school at
Misi Vinnio Hess is to start to-mor
row for Crescent City to vhit relations.
Her sister, Mrs. M. A. Breutano, is
expected here this week.
Mr. Silas Kilgore, of Ashland, was
married to Miss Mary Herrin on May
1st. The happy couple went to San
Francisco for the honeymoon.
Mr. J. H. Penn will sell at auction
on the 17th inst all his household and
kitchen furniture. Bargains may be
had at private sale until that time.
Billy Carll, Division Agent is
"whooping up" things on the Stage
line. If Billy aint a stage man we
dont know where one will be found.
We hear that Geo. E. Briggs, of
Josephine county, is quite ill having
experienced a severe apoplectic stroke,
having, been speechless for some time.
Read Jos. Hyzer's advertisement and
share your patronage with him. He
is a first-class house and ornamental
painter and will give you satisfaction.
Gideon Ken brother of T. B. Kent,
of this place, who was charged with
murder hasibeeniexoiie'raEtaKby the
Mr. J. Q. Willits has accepted a
position with Messrs McCall and Co.,
of Ashland as book keeper and will
therefore not go to Linkville.
Mr. Al. McKenzie, of the Centenni
al mine, has gone to Oakland to assume
his position on the railroad, and will
not return here until water comes
Dan Fibher, who took the contract
of sinking a shaft for Mr. Macnevin
North of Rogue river has got down
about forty feet with plenty of quartz
in sight
Dont forget J. H. Penn's sale on Sat
urday (17th.) Besides household fur
niture he has a number of valuable
horses. Everything will be sold at
some price.
The large number of "bloated capit
alists" who will be exiled from the sun
ny clime of California by the new con
stitution may be called victims of "cap
ital" punishment
John Noland, one of our old citizens,
but lately oE San Leandro, Cal, return
ed to Jacksonville on Saturday. It is
rumored that ho intends going into
business here again.
The party given by the Band on the
evening of May 1st was very pleasant
everybody enjoying themselves. The
supper prepared by Mr. Savage of the
New State hotel was also a success and
seemed to please every one, which is
Rev. M. A. Williams will preach in
the M E. Church, next Sunday at 11
o'clock, a. M., on which occasion com
munion services will be held, and the
usual collection taken for Missionary
purposes. Also services on Saturday
previous at the satnd hour.
Mr. Dowell, who returned from Jo
sephine county on Wednesday last,
informs us that the case of IT. S. and
B. F. Dowell vs. W. C. Griswold will
be tried for the third timcjjat the July
term of the U. S. District court Gris
wold is still in durance in Portland.
Affairs on the mail route between
Ashland and Lakeview continue in a
bad condition, and the manner in which
the mails are being carried is f simply
disgraceful. It is barely possible that
there is rascality in the Departmen;
ur learners ana iaKe along a spar
hydraulic pipe for"a friendly smoke our
friends in Yreka need feel no alarm,
and without doubt will give them a
kind reception.
Our protest against tho removal of
the Klamath Indians has found an
echo in Lake county, as an earnest
petition against tho removal, numer
ously signed by the citizens of Lake
county, has been forwarded to Wash
ington. If our Senators desire to rep
resent the people fairly they will pre
vent any interference with that tribe.
o .
Josephine Circuit Court. The fol
lowing are the proceedings of the May
State vs. M. Woody; held in Jus
tice's Court to keep tho peace. Dis
missed. State vs. Geo. Lewis. Same a?
Geo. Simmons vs. H. Carron, et al.
H. F. Simon vs. L Dietrich; et al;
to recover money. Judgment by default
Akers vs. Farris & Bigelow. Set
State vs. J. J. Moore; indictment for
larceny. Previous indictment dismiss
ed, whereupon Grand Jury re-indicts
defendant Case transferred to Doug
las county for tnaL
Grand Jury presents a true bill
been round the world, and when a man
finds a barrel of old Bourbon like that
he has found meat, drink and lodg
The two counterfeiters, Hiijks and
Baker, were arrested in this county
in 1877 and convicted by the IT. S.
District court have escaped from the
penitentiary. Warden Miller offers a
reward of one hundred dollars each for
their arrest It is thought they will
come here to recover the dies which
were, no doubt, cached some where in
this neighborhood.
A large meeting was held at Crescent
City on Wednesday night last to con
sider the question of a narrow guage
railroad to Jacksonville and to take
steps to secure the construction of a
harbor of refuge at the former point.
Committees were appointed to visit
this section of country, and we hope
the interest taken with regard to re
newed connection between Rogue Riv
er valley and tide water will have some
practical result, if it be only the con
struction of a good wagon road. The
committee Mr. J. G. Wall and another
gentleman will be here on Friday.
H. Kelly is in town.
About a week ago one pan of dirt
washed in Bybee's claim, down Rogue
river, yielded thirty-six dollars.
Sturgis & Beckner, on Jackass, will
begin cleaning up next week and look
for big returns for their labor.
Piping on Star Gulch claim, Eckle
son, Hamilton & Co.,' still continues,
the water being "reservoired" by night
Squaw Lake Company are still pip
ing on the lower bar, no breaks having
occurred in their ditch since the weath
er settled.
Work at the Sterling mine is still
being crowded, the gravel looking splen
didly. The supply of water is ample
and is expected to continue until Au
gust Tom Kahler, of Fort Lane, has ceas
ed operations for the season and tells
us that he has 'realized ten dollars per
day to the hand for all work done this
Beck, of Willow! Springs, is work-
three hands, ancging unug-
Jim, -uiwaawmiay il 1i um, iiqii Dt
dirt from the ground sluice and panned
out four ounces of dust The remain
der of the ground sluice is apparantly
quite as good.
George and Daniel Grrn are run
ning two arastra3 steadily at their
ledge on Galioe creek. Their rock is
averaging thirty dollars per ton with a
large supply in sight. l The boys will
have a good thing for themselves and
their children.
Water at the Centennial is failinf
but the company struck their best par
just before the supply began to fail.
We hear that a giant will be put in
operation next Winter, and with a half
way good season the company wi'l real
ize handsomely.
The Applegate company is still push
ing work on their ditch. From the su
perintendent, Mr. J. Fitzpatrick. we
learn that the ditch, five miles in
length, will be full of ' water by the
10th inst, but it will probably be
three weeks before piping'can be com
menced. May Day Festivities. The pro
gramme for the children's festival on
Thursday last was very faitiCully car
ried out. The pretty ce'.mony of
crowning Miss Carrie Beekman "Queen
of the May" and Master Andrew Hub
bell King was creditably performed, and
the boys,-Tvent down Jasr October, and
is a sharer in the fund. The boys have
sent a large 'amount of rich sjiecimcns
to their parents, and their energy and
pluck have evidently, been well re
Another Cave. Another magnify
cent limestone cave has been discov
ered in Josephine county, on a branch
of Cherry creek, nearly South of Wil-
derville. A partial exploration reveals
one of tho grandest chambers from the
ceiling of which are suspended the
most brilliant stalactites and crystals
that reflect the flashing torches and sug
gest the wonderful grandeur of tho
grottoe were Alladdin was imprisoned.
Some of the specimens brought out are
very beautiful, and as access is not
difficult a party will soon make a more
extended exploration.
Mr. W. D. Moller, foreman at the
Sterling mine was caved on yesterday
afternoon and from what we hear the
unfortunate man's injuries will proba
bly prove fatal, one of his thighs and
one arm being broken and his hips bad
ly crushed. The bank was very heavy
and we fear the report has not been
exaggerated. s
A Teacher's Institute, nnder the di
rection of L. J.Powell, Superintendent
of Public Instruction, will be held at
Jacksonville, commencing on the even
ing of Thursday, May 22nd, and con
tinuing through the following Friday
and Saturday. Arrangements have
been made by which teachers who live
at a distance will bo furnished with
boarding place on application to the
executive committee, Rev. J. R. N.
Bell, of Roseburg, and L. L. Rogers,
of Yreka, are engaged to assist Prof.
Powell in conducting tho Institute and
an instructive session may be antici
pated. The following programme has
been prepared:
Thursday Evening.
1, Music; 2, Organization; 3, Music;
4, Address of Welcome; 5, Response; 6,
Music; 7, Address by L. L. Rogers; 8,
Music; 9, Remarks by L. J. Powell;
10, Music
Friday Morning.
1, Opening Exercises 2, Music; 3,
away occurred just after dinner that
dampened all pleasure for the remain
der of tho day. Mr. Zach Cameron
was just starting home, having hi
mother and Mrs. C. C. Brogan in his
nuevO', wl'en his team became fright
ened and in an instant became unman
ageble and started to run. Breaking
t a'ght for tl e fence tho danger of a
fatal result was very imminent, but
Mr. Cameron turned their course
and in so doing the vehicle was upset,
turning completely over upon tho oc
cupants. Mrs. Cameron, who is quite
aged and in feeble health, had her
nose and right cheek bone broken and
sustained a severe sprain in one of her
ankles. Her son recoived a frightful
gash on his right temple and serious
injuries to his neck. Mrs. Brogan fain
ted several times from the shock but
escaped without a scratch. Mrs Cam
eron was taken to the residence of
Hon.. C. C. Beekman, where she now
remains as comfortable as could be ex
pected, and Zach is gradualy recovering
from his injuries. The whole party
may be considered to have made a
fortunate escape.
- o
Fordino Under Dieficulties.
Frank Ennis is the best mining super
intendent in Oregon and one of the
best judges of horseflesh we ever knew.
Frank always.kgenyyM&ii- -
labors by lnoroTBnroue Democrat,
and as he waved' his cap when the
stage rolled away he felt that he had
friends left in Southern Oregon.
The Ashland "Tidings" reports the
rotten egging of Mike Colwell, the sub
contractoron tho Ashland and Lakeview
mail route, by the boys of that town.
The inciting cause was the fact that
Colwell refused to pay a little boy who
had rode and carried the mail for him
through sunshine and storm for many
weeks. He not only refused to pay
the boy but gingled the money in his
pocket and told him to get it if he
coulC This enraged the Ashland boys
and they robbed an old hen of her
embryo progeny and proceeded to pro
pel them against old Mike's carcass.
Our sympathies are with the poor old
hen. It is wrong for boys to rob hen's
nests, especially if the hens are setting,
but if such an outrage has to be com
mitted we know of no more deserving
target to project them against than a
man who would deliberately wrong a
little boy out of his honest earnings.
Del Norte county gave 62 majority
against the Now Constitution,
We are under obligations to L. N.
Browning, Esq., for the following in
teresting items, under date of May 2d:
T. J. Critzer came out from Roso
burg to-day and will assist ia cleaning
up the Steam Lager mine. They run
their giant about six weeks and have
their claim in good shape with excellent
S. W. Crane, of Roseburg, is out
looking after his interest in the Rising
Star mines.
E. F. Walker's giant does excellent
work. He commenced piping about
ten days ago.
G. Crocket took charge as Receiver
of the mines that aro in litigation on
Cayote Creek a few days ago.
Homer Harkness is digging a ditch
from a branch North of tho Grave
creek House to work somo mines he
discovered in his field, which prospected
Most of tho miners in this section
commenced cleaning up with encourag
ing prospects.
Max Muller, Sec.
Krlyville Orecon,
M. Ryder, Propr.
slwujt he had at this home at the most
reannnb!e rates,
pO-Au excellent stable connected with
the hotel.
house, ma, (! linn ii.i;
Jacksonville Oregon
X Work in this line on thort notice and
ask for a share of the public patronage.
Orders from the couulrr promptly attend
1 to.
T-riTTosaJS" lor Ar.'iiy ounnii
Ueadqnartcrs Di'p't of the Colombia,
re )
illfiw Chief Otim. o! burn stenre
Ft Vancouver, W.T. April 21sl, 18
O rule Willi n Cipy i)f this adverlist'int'iil
attuclit-tl to each, will b' received at tins of
tici1 and ul the iflici of the Actinir Ouimnis
fury lit Fnrt Kiuniulh, Oregon, until 12 M.
Tutftlav, May 20tli. 1879. fur I li delivery
at tliill'iist f25(IOO pimml-i uf Flour und
3,0110 pound!) ul F.unilv Flour.
Sumpli'S of the Flour proposed to be fur
nished nmt be submittal with the pro
posals The Flour lo kn delivered on or btfore
June30lh, 1879.
Proposals must In nccnmpin'ed by a
cnnr.uitee, 8'C'ied by two re-iponsibli' per
BotiS, and awnrn to before some nnuiflrule
b.vinir authority to administer pai lis. stall
inc that it a contract ia awarded they will
enter into Donds for the faith (ul fulGIImcnt
of the contract.
Coulrficts made nnder this advertwment
will not be construed to involve the United
States in any obligation for piyment in tx
cess of the appropriation gruutid by Cong
ress for the purpose.
Proposals lor any part of the above will
be consi lered, the U. S. reserving the right
to reject any or all bids.
Prices to be written u3 well as expressed
in fiirnres.
For further information npply to the act
ing Commissary of Subsistence al Fort
Klamath or at tins office.
Envelopes should be eudnrsed "Proposals
for at
Major & 0. S., Chief O S D C.
Jacksonville Oregon.
term on Monday, May IZlb. His seals
of prices is as follow;:
Slnjle Lruons each 9 1 M
I'er Term of2l lesson $31 M
O. VT. SAVAGE, Prop.,
are in announcing that he has fitted up
and thoroughly renovated the New SUte
building for hotel purposes and that the
houe is now open for the reception of
gu air.
Will b! coi&taotly supplied with tba best tho
market affords. Meals can be obtained at
all hi.urs.
The beds are new and kept cln and no
pains will be spared to give tho utmost satis
faction In every particular.
333,.Qarges reasonable.
quired at each post, and giving foil instruo-"
tinn Ht tft tho mannn. f UU.,! ,
. ,u Miouiin tit uiuuiug, COUQI
lions to be observed by bidders, and terms
of contract, and payment, will be fornished
oo application to this office or the Quarter
masters at the several posts named.
Envelope containing proposals should be
marked: "Proposals for at
; "nnd addressed to th ud-
d -rsifrned or to the respective Post Quarter
Chief Quartermaster.
Proposals for Transportation.
Oir.ee of Chief Qr Mr, Dept of the 1
Columbia, Ft Vancouver, Apl 25 1879 j
cate, eubiect to the usual e.icditionc,
will be teceived nt this office, and ot the
ofBeeofthe Chief Quartermaster .Military
Divisioo of Puufi;, Presidio of San Fran
cijeo. Cal.,nntil 12 oclock noon, on Mon
day May 26. 1879. at which time and pla
ces they will be opened in the presence of
bidders, for the trarsportotion of military
supplies on the following described routes
in the Department of the Columbia, during
the year commencing July 1, 1879, and end
ing June 30, 1880.
Rootk No 1. 75, COO Itw Tmore or Irs.
f-om Walla Walla, V T to Fort Colville
Koctk No 2 125,000 lbs more or less,
from Palouse Landing, W T to Fort CoIj
villf W T.
Rotrnt No 3- 50.000 lbs more or less
from Walla Walla W T to Camp Iloward
Mt Idaho I T.
Route No 4-75 00OIbs more or less
from Lewjston I T to Camp Iloward Mt
RoutrNo 5 10.000 lbs more or h
from Walla Walla W T to Crfmp Coenr dA.
No 9 Between Linkville Oregon
nnd Fort Kiamtth Oregon six times a week-
Route No 10 Retween Astoria Oregon
and Fort Stevens OregOD nnd Fort Canbv
W T.
Proposals for transportation on any or
all ol the routes above named will be re
ceived. Paymeut for service depends upon
a future appropriatioo for the purpose by
The Government reserves the right lo
jeet any or all proposal',
R'ds mut be accompsnied by n liond, in a
penal sum, one third the amount of the bid
with good and sufGcient security conditioned
that the b dder will enter into a contract
agieeably to the tirni of his bid, if the samo
be awarded to him within fixty days from
the date of the opening ol the bids or other
wise pay the penalty. No bids shall bo
withdrawn by the bidder within the said pe
riod of sixty days.
Rlank proposals, form of contract nnd
p'inted ci culirs sUttng the estimated quan
tities of supplies to be transported and giv
ing full information as to the manner of bidi
ding, conditions to be observed by bidders
and terms of contract nnd payment will bo
furnished on application to this olBce or to
theofficiofthe Oolef Quartermaster, Mili
tary Division of the Pacific Presidio of San
Francisco, California.
Envelopes containing proposals should bo
"Proposals for Transportation on Ron.
No and addressed to the nndersigned
Quartermaster, A. te,
Chief QuurtermastSer.
self a uold Ten.