MR OREIiON SENriML. tm '3Tfinvv Mouminu, Anjr til, 1809 I,. I. Fisher, 20 h 'it New Mercli- Mt'n.'iMKe.l our only inliurlxcd xfiiilo Un Vrsncltco. Fur UMern Advrrlllng. Mr. Pi.iiaa It renrerennM hy 8. M. 1'iermoii.t. .V Ce. i tn iittt sua lio.-tou. lltlilson K Mrrtet srs our only Hit Ikurixol Anil In the Atunttc Slatre. Ollc tl I'tr. Rut. "Time ' Hillldliii-. Npw York t;. All irdermut came through them " ittetfrtinttrt ?fTn4li " Father Hlnnrlirt will hold divine J''""'';". wo believe I purely ur ieesBtthe Catholic Chiireh to-mur- '"trary, and the majority ol the pre- row at the usual hour. I is decidedly in favor of the former stvlc. Itev. .Mr. Selwood, Knicnpnl tustor, u ill held religious services at the M. K. Church at 1 1 oVIork, and nlo in the evening. Camp Mkkii.mi. A Camp Meeting will be licM at llebcr's (trove, to enm menot Friday, Auguit the i!7th. All sro invited to attend. There will be a boarding tent on the ground. See MtO'Hvgan'i notice for Una! settlement and be gnreruod according- IvstiiKii. It i said tlmt dudge Turner, who died latoly at Waldo, had hit life largely inxiired in the ''Mujual." The number ol letter mailed from Jacksonville during the pist mouth averaged seu'tity perd.iy., Ciunok ok N'amk. Mr. Olenn ha olanged the mine of the Valley Mill to the F.I Dorado Mills, and intends making the best flour in the alley. Nkw Dun;. Mr. times, of tho City Drug: Stole, ha jmt received Urr supply ol dings and medicine fiom San Fr.uiclsro. Call and tee hlin. I'.u-Kisn. Mr. tJoo. Nre, ol Fort Klamath, lsltad .l:ttkMiiille during tlii wrk and picked out eight or nine imeud of goods t Link Kiter. Nmki.t Ci.KAmxi.. We observe the streets have been nicely clean cil during the week, which add much to the appearance ol the town. Kkti iimiii. The party who hate It en ex (timing Lake Majesty returned n Ss.Mrdav last. We nro. under ohli Rations to Mr. .1. M. Suttou for the iplwiulid diicriplioii in to-days is'iie. Rkvkiik Wv are sorry to hfar that Mr. Vnudyke, of PLrnii., ,hile on a visit to Ap'plegalo on Wed- j .u,day, ripped and f.ll, dislocating her shoulder joint. , SntitiiNiicimn. On Tuesdav, Jos. , llrown, who sh'it AiIimv eaine in nml fj.ivo hlmo II Iat week, up to tilt- filierifl. ITe wu eoiuiiiltteil, A.liiey It lining well mul will priibsililjr recov er. How ro Mark .Mo.titv. !o to Mr. ( Neuber'i nml pay your li'.tle Mil, hs lie leaves fr Snn KruiirNeo next week. Hy so tlnlnjj, you will taiii t.tlr uitli hltn ami perhaps yet n present of ngold wtvh. Cai.ii'ohma Mtinuui. (!a.kttk. This valuable is at hatnl. It htepi pace with the improvements in utile. I tii-ne, ami should be read by very phytielan.- Honrin A Co., San Frauoiseo, price .ri per y ar, Uusihkss Ciu.MiK. 'J'lie firm of Glenn Drum A Co. is dii'dvi-d, Messrs, Drum and Martin withdrawing. Tht btislness will bo continued by Major Glenn, who Is too well mid favorably known to require any further notiee, Tkmi-kkakck. Mr. II. N. (Jcorge' 0. W. C. ot the Good Tcmplsrs in this Stat mid Washington Terrilory, lec tured to a small audience on Wcdnrs day night on tho aiibject of t inper ance. DuLKiiiTrui. Uiianok. On Tuesday we were favored with a heavy sea breue, that carried- the smoke to a heavy bank to the eastward, leaving the atmosphtre clear and bracing. Tho smoke had dtcoino so intense as to bo quite oppressive, mid tho change is vary agreeable. JoairiiiNK County. Times are atill dull. Tho annual assessment haa com. meneed. The Assessor is fixing the value of property about seventy-five percent higher than it is actually worth, and the tax in that county the present year will consequently be about 17 50 per tlOO. Oh the bletsing of Demeoratio rule 1 FokSam Fiuncisco. Quite a nam ber of our merchants leave ior the Bay next week. Messrs. Bilger and Klip 11 to purchase hardware. Mr. Gleim nd Saehi for general merchandise, Mr. Neuberfor a new stock ol jewelry nd Mr. John Miller for guns an! porting material, ', -vm?rWc aru ;mc,i,,K,snl '" o know the n.iinc ol tlio beautiful dyer that drain tlio Willamette valley. Where it comes bounding and rushing " '"l0'"' ftml purity fiom the motui- tain; where, it sweep nlomj throuuli ,, , . . , , ' . '" lnu "ending grain heating on its bo-loin the wealth ol tho State, it i styled the ' illanietlc" but when it reaches lrtlan 1 and i pnllutvd with the sew 'nrage of that city and jint before it it i lwl l Ibu Columbia there isndispo-! 1 w i - i . We have been accustomed so to Btylu it, and believing it not only the pret tiest but mitt correct name, wu will be found with the majority.;oi'Ai. .SK.nvieKs.I.ast Sunday our people were edified with tho servi ces of the F.piscopal Church, and two emellent senium by llev. John Sel wood, id Oiogon City. The grand old chant of the Church weio rundurcd in splended style by Mr. Selwood and 1 uly, assisted by Mrs. Comstock and Mr. 11 C, Hhi..U and it i said by judges lo hut e ei- the finest music ever licaid b rt Mr. SelwonJ will ollieiate again to-iiiitt'.,.Mi. Aldcrson i having cry kimlly tendered him the I use of the Church, :u did Mr. Williams on lat Siiud.ty. Si lu.tfM.. Thoie who are unfortun ate enough to hae their liuib broken will be glad to leaiu that Dr. L. T. Davis, ol this place, has just leeeived n very compMn sit of surgeons rpliut of the very lattst and tiiotl tiiptoved pattern. They are from the mauulac- lory ol the Welch Surgical Splint Co., at Wiustvd Conn., and are adapted to tho treatment or every description of fracture. Those who are ualorluuate enough to require, those appliances will find it to their tulruntagu to use thetu, and that in the handx ol :i skilllul sur geon tboy will Hive tiiucli sulVering. Cim-r.s Cominii. FJsuwhere will be found an advertisement of tho "World Circus." Harry Jackson, the only leal clown on this Coast, i attached to it, and that alone is Mtlllcieiit recommen dation. It is the largot circus that uvnr came through here, having thirty seven oplctidi I Ihtm-. It will penorm here Satunlay September 4:h. Ci.bas.WI yo.iTaut good ( )(. 0vt.rllwk.H ,.j.,v ,, t n ,, ,, ,an Ulcm rc. ularlv Saturday, Sunday and Wedne- lay, ami nny one who tnkes u l:ith riiivo week will h:tve no Doctor Mils to puy. KirifKXKn. Mr. M. lUuin rettiineil i from San Franeieeo on Satunlay last, i,,,,!,) very mn,Ci ,lr,'i t troll alter his trip, lie drjjt' ptin:hnes theru nml has re ceived a coioMerulile niiioliiit ol the best nml cheaiiest pioils in tow ti. full rouml mul exmuine. Fatal Kkkkit ok a Katti.ksnakh Hitb. A child aired lour years, n of Mr. Tollnrd, who re-ides in Trinity Valley, near Scott Mountain, was bit ten by n rattlesnake ou the 1.1th inst., and died in about threo hours. Violation ovtiik Hrvrnvk Law. .fumes Parker, of Marlon county, who was indicted for Usuing a written in strument without n stamp, has been fined $0 mid costs by Judge Deady, sjavi: Yofii Sijiaw. The Willam ette Farmer advises farmers to save their straw for fodder. Thero being every probability of a severo winter, tho suggestion is u good one. Hkki.-oi.oo v. The hoys are going to have a nice little dnnro at Homo's on Monday evening . Of course th girls will tako n hand, or n loot, in it. Tho oat crop this year was tolerably good in this valley. It is said that plen ty of osts can bo bought for 40 cents per bushel. Vice President Colfax and Governor Bross are expected In Yreka on the 28th inst. 'They will pass through here Jndgo Jacobs has located at Seattle in W. T. He speaks highly the re sources of that Territory. Administrator1 Notio. Rtttls of Bswatl M. Hsll dteMd. Tht noqrslBtd bavin beta appolatod, by tbt Ootslr Court ol Jfsoksoa Cousty Ortfoa, liimlHlitnlnr at Ikt sboTt tttttt. all PtTtoaS haflaf tlalatsaislatl taM i estaM are htrtby anlllM to artstot Us Msne.dulr TKlltd, te lbs andmlsitrsl a bis mMtatt la Hanssalta ptm t. a mm touaii, witsia hi.bwsih 'f "TV kMnr. Ami !! Brsons IsJobtM lbs Ntato .rtrnute-ab.,. Dahsl Jnlj Utb, UCf. - WHITE PINE, Everybody is returning from that country with pockets full of Silver, nml rushing to tho Store oi COrtNCR OREGON t MAIN 8T9.. JACKtOUVILBH, OHHVUfl, To purtlmw MorchsncU- off AietMa, fiiu!lnt of DRY GOODS, Clothing, Hoots stud Shoes, Groc trio, i I id ware, Liquors, Crockery, Tobneco mid Segnr. An'l s tbfluMiitl.oth r arllcltr too nutntrnss In Mii'iilloa. v i Jiy nn dmilillng thl Li belt'r cnine to tht lim- an.l nlUI) l!iciiirilr, that It It s fact ami NO HUMBUG. MOttlllS BAUiM, i Cotiifr OrrRun nii'l Main Slttrli, Jtcken- ! Ill Orcein. JtVK T. Ut.KXN. Al.KXAMlRS JllllX S. OllL'M Man' Ik. 6LENN.DRUIK& CO., ural.iM lx GENERAL MERCHANDISE C.Vt.lFOItSlA STUKRT. JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. z c .fiW FIRM, ,m:u voods t f t t A 71 Mtttt TSTKW PHICES! LOW PRICES WILL WIN ! TIIK AllOVB NAMED FIRM Iskr n Ifn.uri In iKilllflnir lliilr IrltuOl sml Ihr pollc 10-in rslljr. llitt Iht art nuw rrclvlny nd upruluK 4 my Urgv sod -tiul ttock if STAPLE DRY GOODS. READY MADE 0L0TKINO, HATS AMD CAPS, CALIFORNIA AND SALEM cloths, iilamckt. hoop nkiiith BTC, ETC. BOOTS AND SHOES, Ladlti', Misses' and Children's Shoes. V liar, situ, In cnnnrellan wllh -&t r ihr trt'ive, a vrry Uritr sml M ItT txtriuitr tlivknf rhnlcr nBI (Jrntrrlr. Hardware, list BT Qntfnswarr, "VM Mr OIsm. sj ware, OmU-rr. -fBi I'atnltanJ Oils; also, fjM H-Wlmlow (J lata, Ksllt, lreni r and Hitel, Cast snd Ktrtl tfsai I'lows, Woodtn asd Willow war. - We are rradr to Mil anylalss It oar lis at tht I.OWKSTCASII I'lllCK. l'troniwl.hlo (u liny Roodt. will nod It (trealljr to their ad tanlaso (o examine our sloek before purchas ing rlfwliere. at we arc 'determined sot to bt unitertold by any houte In Jaekmn county. OIts us a call, and then Judge loryourMlf at lo our eapaelly to furnlib goodt as ahotr. ULENN, DHUM,fcC. ;tltKnrllle. March 2, 186T. If PAIN KILjLEK : THK OBKAT Family Medicine f the Ae. Taken InUraally, it Cures. Dytentery, Cholera, J)iarrhaa, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Bowel Complaints, J'aintere Celus Liver Complaint, Dytpeptia. Indigestion, Sore TIroat, Sudden Cold, Cough, etc., Ac. Used Exteraally, It Cares JioiU. Felons, Cuts Jlruises, Scalds, Old Sores, Sprain t, Toothache, Pain in the Fuce. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Fit, ftc, Ac, Ac, No MoxToollBhnB Taoat ladtbltd to ait art Itformed that roatlaes lo pay doat 'go'aay leaft? , Pstltuot Is sxbaattW and I muU hsTt sseaty. ,Tbls Is lbs last Call sad at tbt expiration tf tblrly days I will put all unttttUeV atewtalt la tbt haa4..fUw,.rforeoUK.MB(.LLiB JatataTtlk. Mwtb IQtb IHt.- t-f I1IDE8XJHIDESI Tm utannrr oabii nticaa faip for HMm of a kinds, dllrra at tbt stark! ot tat aadsrtlcatd, la JaaawMtlUt. . JOIN ORTR. DtattlBWfUl m. bf i DULL TIMES A11S H1RB! CONSEQUENTLY, SACHS BUO'8 I fill Sell ALL nv Cffiojiiii, k FOR CASH, THAN ANY OTHER WAVSE IN THE mu; WE MEAN wmfj mi siyi C1U AND SEE FOR VOVKSKIiC. SAGHS BROS. Jacksonville, March 30th 1S00. XtOTIOJfl. U. S. I.iMi OincK. IliMRnrno 0i'- I June 2Atli, IBi;9. f CoiniUlnt lisvliifj Iioi'ii ontrriil si Ihlt Offlie liy Wni. H. Mai lie and 8. (), Taylor agalntt Jnhn U, llamllu fur itintndnnln Oonallon Ulalm .VulldcalMiNo. U7.i)li-d fj.'pt. ifi, IK.13. up on the South IMriSJ nrSeclioir)3i,Tnwnihlp 37 South. Itange I rUl, In Jackion county, Oregon, wllh n vivw In cancellation (if tald Do nation Cltlit . Hip tshl nrlle ore hereby turn Dioiied to al ibis Offlce on tbt 3lt day of July, tuna, t I o'clock p. m lo rrtpond and fiimlih Itellmnny concerning raid alleged aUhdoiiunrlit. JOHN KELLY RrgltUr, Apdimm R. Fust, Kccelrrr. irorzoa. TIIRundertlgntd harlng sold their entire stock of lirugt, Medlcluet, Hooks and Sta tionery In the City Drug Store, would bertby all ou all tbnto indented to Ihttn to come for ward and Hills up, st ne ituil Kjuare up our bookt. The huln I the future will be car ried on by Mr U Y (.mm-v Ihe pretent pro prietor, lo whom we would ri'ominend ear for er palrosi. .It'TTONJk STRARNB. GHDBCH t CLARK. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Udlttraneaa and California Fruits, Nut Caudles i4.,sndMsuafiictureri of FIREWORKS tf tTtry deswlptlto. A eoaipItU atuortsstsl for 4th of July on haad. Printed I It it tf klndt snd prleet fornltbsd. No 407 Front Btreel 8o Franclteo. JultnS NOTIOB. NOTICE It btrsby glren tt thlppert and eta signets lo or from Crescent Oily. Ibat lb Ortsetat City Lighter Ooajpaty will not bt ret pontiDie ror ai rose sad alter pontible for any damago to goedt or frtlgb inn flaw. WILLIAM 8AVILLB. Agent far 0. City Lighters. Orttttst City, May MlftTlMt, JsSw. T JiUat. THE fsrat aad Stags Station at Grant's Paw, snd two olbsr adjoining farms belonging totbtOrnxlon estttt, trill bt let for one or two years. For lurtbur partloulsrs enquire of tbt asdertlgnid near 0 rant's Pus, lAUtHV.TVVrS. WM. KAHLER, Kjiecutort. jjjunlj CHEAPER P M UP WITH THE TIMES.' J. NEUBER UAS JUST RKCKIVKI) AN 1NVOICK of cooJt from the Euit of ll.c fli.tst nnnl Ity of LADIKS'ANDUKNTS'NKW PAT. TKHS UOIJ) CIIAINS.UKNTS'.SII.VKU VKST CHAINS. A Cno chnlce lot of KN. A.MKLKl) UOSO.M I'INH, KAlt K NOILS' ami IIKOl'S, SI.KKVi: sml CUI.LAit UL'T TONS, ami IIO.SO.M K'l'UDtJ. A. cholcv i lot of DIAMOND, OI'KI. tt.l PKAHL HINOS. AIo solid rlnjM ot M own itmkc on ho Mil nil llie time. MM t! liter wrc, tscli ssTAHI.KsnilTKASI'OON.S. DKS. .SKK'I'.Sl'OAIt i.J SAI.rrfl'OONH.TKA and DININO l'OUK8, IIUITKU nml FIIUIT KNIVKH. WIIOI.U AND OI'KN TOI'TIIIMIILKS nfullslsrs. Fine KAU -I.ISII I.KVKIt.SintolldOnKlllunllnrCsscs ' A lirsiitlliil lot ot I.ADIKS' WATC'IIK.S In ftlld (Jnlil llillitln); ICnnmtlrd C'ufi-K. Tlicc hnro urrii stlocifd wllli ijrmt cure fur iflintili-, timekeepers. Alinlwt reethul an luveice , ol tlm ' AWEMICAN LEVER WATOH, ' In heavy Ifuotlng CVm. price frem .15 to "A Jollurs. Thfc ore THB BST WATCHES V r the money cm lirouilil Into llie ninrkrl. , 'I'l.fy are latiulnclnriil hy Iko Nnliunsl V Mich Coiniiuiy. nl Kljjin, III. ! tn n-oitimiit o; dii Inn. I nl! ihc lime. A iirtr lot of elclil iliy nml iliirly iMitirclucx. frinn llie hest lac tiirl.H. IM.A'IKD (UK'rKltH.T.MU.Ksiid TKASI'OOXS, KNIVKS sn.l FOItKH. TUIIACCU IIUX'KM, SI'KCS ol all kloilt ti; lui Inn smokeil, for ueak eye. I'OC'K KTntidTAW.KCtJTI.KItV markr.1 IXL AU(.0l)i:0N.S, I'LUTINAS. MUSIC II0XK.S, Aii.ry anJ brmllntr lllltli CAUK.S1nrse market, ulUV Irnri'llng, nml iuifj( hum' iiMint,i iH'sis iimiviiiii nun ll.lren's HAHKiriV, Hoys' 'ril'-CAllia k WHUKL-IUltltOWH, Chili nnk DOLL-BABIES, CLotrrsl TOV DHUMS, ChlMren's OIlAf'- THE CELEDRATED IIOWK AND FLOKEME MawnfaMAonnfas. He list a Urge lot of Toys mi Lund a large lot of Unlit. All klmlt of nli liooles sod lliww. Tho lirtl of Oultar nml Fiildlo Htrlngt. A full atiorlmcut of I'll'K.S, front the brat Mtr liiium lu tla cliratirst t'lny Tlpct. Month Titers sml Htrnn of nil kinds, Tobacco l'ouoli w, MATCH DOXIES, etc. etc.. and a large sttortuicnl or the lrl CKJAHS. Alto nl woys the moil choice brsnds nf TOIIACCO. toft and hnrd iin-t-d, lino cut lor unuklnR and chewing, Allklixlinf W.ITtllEV (L0('K5. OELRV AND SEWING-MACHINES Clranrd nml rrpnlrcd at the lowest pries. To Iho.c who live st a ilitlanre ami srtid by 8tsRe tlrlrirs nnd KxiirfKs, the drivers' or ex- preniee will he paid by tne. He sure ami srml loJ. NKUnKR, Watch Clock and Jewelry Store, for cleaning and repairing. JOHN NKUHEU. HOFFMAN t KLIPPEL, DEALERS IN Steves, Hartlwiirt) Tinware. r ODD FELLOW'S BUILDING Corner Main and Oregon Streets, WE are now receiving our Spring supply tf Goodt, eoniltting tf Assorted Iron, Cut U. CIIbcIs Nails, Steel, Horse Shoes, Herse Shoe NhIIs, IlerseKasps and Files. Grass Scythes aad Snathes, Ha Fotha and Rakes, Grain Cradles, Barley Forks it Manure Ferks. COOK STOVES, . Cast Iron Wash-Kettles, Bake Ovens, llake Pans and Tea Ket tles, Linteett, Lard, Eleihant,Neat's Foot, Coal and Castor Oil. Copal and Coach Varnish and Axle Grease. Paints, Window Glass, Pnttr, Paint Brushes and task Tools, Market and Clothes Baskets. Clothes Linos and Clothes Wriar rs, Together with a general varle tf of Shelf Hardware, Cntlorf , a,., tV. Tlnwart of tTtry dtstriptlta always to hand. All of whleb wo offer at rtduoad prists for cash. - jsoTId and 8stt Iroa wart nadt it order. oyBbaairiog doat srllb dUo4a.'s; jarAftaUftrsbtsateoriaa AtstrltM 8b ntrgtd Punas. With tbauks far pttt faetrt, tovllt til a tall aad tranlat ear war at. orrhANAKLrrm. Maf in, im. stop that mm V-OMH (IP VOf CA.'T, AXD VR TITT O ! Vol liiv Irl-J trrrjr trmrf lul (lit ITVS Cl.m1. 1.) Ill lutnii-e infnt Hi tn-mriiJl His H.ri irti'n. ll.Ml futr1-in )x iho-iM b t.i'iium Li lijr fiiMiliiiirf i :.- ruf Hi hiif n rtiliht Tod lift uaJ if UAbX oln(fLa!t k-.tivJ vti Aw HiiwirUi(i curt hi NEWELL5S Pulmonary Syruy rttlljr lh VKTIY firSTrtmlr tttt tfmTnau,'t f Hw m er (Vmtljf, WU rr TlitMt, !, Wtu')im0ih,tlhcblliiiii'ICuafiimilm. 1K Mxcf twJvia CillftirnH n. orori Vrs . tlrmJf IxiMlitiJ t7 ILitf curjvuia tuuutt (n NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup iji4 t fitc irrll(btf imntiM ftrff hitivb. U t.m niurrueunrlin IoaII wkftr i.a. ci)HIDlr ' ' lkl, llirrtf rucfnflt r r lh brthn bt til iIiKaT'' r Ike TkMkl tad Lusrt. burring Jvu Ibtt NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup liu MtrM thuux(t tn4 II will rare YOU Itjmltt Ti lnrtlll mMitlno U H''nHi U Metei mothlat, Lnlnm tJ Hrrtihrnln In lit nT.tti; lirrljr In from ell pol-cmw or U.M.nvui draft, b.1 rrrtlr hrmlft under lllitmuiKt iVfiiduin Irvm mtttj rrTrniiwol ciiiwm . jm FsuKlKe KCttmA etrjr bvtUt ef NEWELL'S Pulmonary Syrup MDWGTO A CO. Aceu, it fateta - DR. E. COOPER'S L'NIVI.'IIDAI. MAQNETIO BALM. A Renptsl I'ssilly McdlHiie. tt h s o?tr flpn rcmdy lur Dipthoria, Aud kladnd dUt'nre of the THROAT, a ad inuniullnl In curliiR DypinKry, UltrrleM, CLolfra, Colic, C'huUra Mwrl.ui and Fovor and Agwe, Ntnralfila, Rhciiinnltitn, CoMk, Tithaa, lliiriK, i'inln, Ilrulxt, ole., etc., sis a onst relieved liy lu ilmrly tiro, Trul. a Vegetable Frr par ' alios. Nont Rfnulne without el ,ti .f lt.8TUU.NU. REDI'QTON & CO.'S . T ORIDA WATM, oik xo oriutt. UiKicellrd for Toilet Vm snd for lbs I REDINGTON A OO'S E3JJKNCK OF JAMAICA OIIVGEHe ri.i. -!.. .1.-. ... .. .. """"" rrepsrsiina, containisg kt a Lllihly concrntrnlrd lorm sll Hit properties tf Jamaica Ulngir, hat become ont of let neat iHipular dwiicMIc retueitles for all dlittitt tf (he loniacb snd dk-rttivo orgSBt, At a Ionic, II Mill he found Invaluable lo a pertons rfcnvrrlnu Irom debility, wl.Mher prt diiced l.y ferer, or ulhcrnlie) ftmbllt II In parte (0 the tytlein all the gleir aad rigor Ibst can bt produced ty nine or brandy, li U ta Irely frro irom the rttsllonsry tlTteU Ibttftl low thu uo or tplrltt of any kind. It it slso an txcellent rtmtdy for tasks Hbo tutTtr from diflcull aieatlnistltn, iItIm almoit Ironedlsts rtUef to tbt taasait Ualse frequently aceouieany that period. It glvtt liatnedlalt rtlltf It Naattt, tisstd by riding In a railroad tar, or by sta-tltkatta or other cstitrt. 'n .'.'! .T,,U"M ssttrssl asplleaslto er Ooul, Itktuaiatlim. Neuralgia. tic. ... .... '0'NUf ON A CO., tit and ill Frtnt It., iaa rrantlttt. Ure Rleclrob'llleon, Or Msglt BrHUaav, REDINGTON el CO.'t FLORIDA WATER. FOR THK HANDROmir. This article, noietuln ilia ..( .ii..l. fragrance of Flowtrs, It anttnaltd ar a pav fumt for lbs Handktrcblef. FOR THE BATH. Used In balblag, II Imparls energy tea strength to Ibe eytUm, and glvtt that toflsaat snd dtllesey to the skin so much desired by an. It removes Sunburn, Freckles Pinplea, UllitUd wllh wster, It aiakta aa txeelltnl Dentrince, Iruparllag pearly wblteattt to ibt teeth, tweetnei.i to tbt breatb, and rtodtts an gumt hard and of a beautiful coltr. i '' Id alwayB bt used after tkaTlag, -luted wllh water, as It rellevet all luflaaialiaa. REDINOTON A CO., dig nd 418 Frtnt St., Baa rrascsne. Dse Klerlro-fliUtta, Or Mag's avttftaal. BLBOTRO-SZLZOON, OB MAQICBRILLIANT. DIMOT FJIOM HATDM LABBATAST. Th,?if.t,f ,w dlsttTtrtd far Olteee. Uig aM Pollshlag. Celt, gTw aad ritnt Wart, aad all tnetth Ittlallt Barfttta. tf wbattTtrtstrl.Uee,atladlag Kllekta Wto tils sf Tla, OtBftr, Bran, Steer. .la. Weteit Wtetra-Bllltta It tf latttlnablt vat. aj fibjMtM saytd. asd tkt rtaaUta yrtrngt tdbrlUatt, wlllfe-rsvtr tadtar lltaataae. all wba bays bad tvldtatt ef lit satrih, BRpiKqTOK CO.. Boh AgHM, sWfrtAsJese. roR rLAvoRiNa ixtrat, HBUssfesra Musaona atjte Se-. s, 1MB. . t rf.wyp.j- -ifX I 1 r i i