Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, March 20, 1869, Image 1

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oitositi; tiii:
Odd Fellow's Hall,
Jacksonville, Orrcnn.
TrtTttcra anil rc-Mcnl ojtinlcrs will lino
I'IacpiI In (lri cIsm order, nnil In p-cry
Yy iiiiTinr In rt'ijr In llil -clmi, nJ
lUip-i-si'il liy mi)' in ilia Slate.
Anil plPittlfnl tuppl- of Dip IiI nf vftj
tbluf the uiiilkit n!rr.ls will te ill-
Wlued lor
II 13 It TA13LE.
' IrniiMnl w III I ip pim1 In ir.-r tp IIip ptl
renajcp nf Hi" lrnU'llii i well at lie pvrnu
tfDt community.
JaeV'niiTlf Murcli .11, I'M.
Peter Britt,
Photographic Artist,
JACKSihV .. .'. VRI.VOX.
Arab rotypos,
Carton do Vial to
hoxk tv tiu: at.nt srru: or art.
Pic Iut is llcili.rt-il
on nv. i :m:n p urt:si.r
.i. .
Physician & Surgeon,
'' Hi II.. l,i:.n'.
nn. , m i - ; . .n th- dm ouri.-., i
!lnr ir mlli .' i lrw
int. e. ii mssm,
OFriCL'-Conicr Pr.CMIfornla and Fifth
Streets Jacksonville,-Ojn.
II' lll inpllfi In Jnit-mi e.. aiUjip)!'
t m.'l iiliiMul iiriiiniiilX lo in ...ms.i
m I
T) rp J"-f 1"QQ J"CJ j
Zn tho Ovcrbock IIoHpital,
i (;i;nu:, 31. d.,
CFFICi: removed to California Street.,
FouMi side.
j 'i(.utti.'. n. c, i-t I-'.;. .i.p.M tf
1)11. U'AVIS (iAMMJ,
W'll.t s.l'l.l In nny ulin nov TPiilln- lilt
11 -, 1 1 lc.- tiill.ii.' nt It I". Iiiin.-ll nillc.
Hili-.-n .nil.-., n. It I . ..im-l ttnie.'.
ci i ' -i ..li. ;'.. .So., i. .a. t,iiioilli'. n.itjtt
t. r I mil..., i: n u.M.iO.v.
.rnrliomt r, Oir(;i.ii.
V cirri I (Lei Ko. 10 A. F. & A.M
A 11'M.ll lii Ir ri-uul.ir rnmiii'.iildill.i'ii
vVnii Hi.' Wiiliiwl.iy lao ili.ir' nr pnci'il
V ma ih" full 11111.111'. mi ji'M'ini.i.K. nr.
n.';v. A. M.WtVIN. W, Jl.
U. IV Sit ur. 't-o y,
I'nil.lic", Ciiy, CnnsCMtiiit)', Okm.
rrilK IIK5IIIMT tn-.ll I'llH'Krt I'.MK "'OH
I Id I il nil l,ni.i ilili.ri'.l ill I Iut linok.
II w ii'nl 1 .liii.. in Jitcutmivilli'
JOHN OltTll.
lv. iiil...r Ml. I .iHI,
el on a no,
'I O Pounclryiuon,
Couitri.iii. nml I.Hnuli OOAbnnd I'lU f'ltON
1,000 Toxxrm,
I'.torc und afloat, fur nik- liy
j. it. i)ovi,r..
-IU Ami 115 Paolllo hil., .San rr.incl'Cii.
To tho Reading Public.
l'i.u.....i .... ...i.i.. it...un
". "'v " "I' i """"' ."'"'."." ,
J'llB.vui-vi-rjuiiB vvliii wlsl.es In rwin elisi.ee.
"or iHtrtlculstri cutu.r ..t tho City libit Store. !
Jecitr pl'TIO.V .V STKAFNH.'
iiwin unit v icn miiiiir .auniry, Minna
mmm Mir
it n. i
KTcrr Saturday Morning by
orrtnr, corxeh -c f third streets.
Fur nn tpnr, In 'lr-.ncs. four ilnltarMlf
not pulil mIiIiIh llir tlrt lx inimlh" nf lie- yi-ar.
lire loll trJ If ti'il ptM until tbr expiration
nf luejrnr. pl.t ilojl.irp.
One mm-p (In IIiip nr r). firt Intsrllon.
tlitw ilnll tr t nir't piiIiimiii'iI Iti-frllim, tine
tnllivr. A ill-muni nl fitly t ppiiI. will lw
ii.i.li' In Id lm nii'rttri' lijr thoyi-rtr.
-0l.i-uil Ti'tnli-r rt-ci'ltiil nl currrnt r.tici
Sich of the Broken Uoart.
nr is Aviixict.v rokt.
N'ppr n Imvp lnvr. idrr,
Klntll Ihnii Ii-lotriil tiitslii 5
Willi nlT'Cl'im ilf' ii tflvtiis'itj,
1liniili 1 1 mi'. Illli'ljli griff, I'iOII,'Ii pitlil.
J.'ihh .lull cVr wiWt'a ')u lice
Will, -ifd . i-n-li-r cure j
Willi iiirll llmlritrlisl visit',
S K'li piillMIt Impi- ,uil itrtjfr !
N- rr n I Ii.ivp knnivn lb,
f la Hum wilii If kiMi' i ;
f iiiii,l rviir f'tliir.
I (i'I'mI ti ,Tprr Ion" J
I Ii v frtiit( nil Jiifini lietrlii,
1 lit cl'l unit op ti mil -
.li.ill fi-m ! lintlnvr 'plrll",
Tin- imil; 'ifp-rfPClKiill.
YpI, If Ulii l.lfP I lXt lh9
II in-a I'll. 1 I .tit h tn-t-n'tt
T linipiiiriil tlilii".
I idiill nut nil rjrot tln'in
Nuril'i'Mi iiot i7ri'i ttln,
Winch lfp my mm i-tiiitiicp
A hlcick mill littrpii pliln.
Tlio Caltn of Death.
Tlic iiipoii IiMilii ciilmly i'iihii ibu mt'i l
The puiIIi "nil linM li-i .
..,r l.r-Jtln tli-.r p-rfuia-, ij iW -Iu.lt
K ! lrft.'"45.
Nmli' Htm . ;-nip nr l.i.t.'1
ci..... i... i i. M,. . ........ I... t. ill
b.,.al. lor ih.-v have no more uork ,'
. ... .. . .. i
I i.i. 1 mm Hie ue.iry t-ye, tor nie.e
Iau no iiinii' p. ins to bear. Chfe'l i
the hem t n'ifc.' to love k.ml voice and i nI.,,t nu. mode.u art, an I ll ii.'d in
'Wi.l?rZk2ti .Jry-',' !"; ;-""; "" "
ruthl.ly p'aited a lh..ii.,iHrom tint ''hi.' -kyol Itnl I hi'm..ba.inb'ed
p'.-iiiliugeye yon lne tuiiied e.reless- land moved to their work t ilesiriietiou.
iy auity, il" nin buiiig fi.iiii-o n.td The moon shoitc luiul.t ns .1 iv. The
ki em woHl aii-l cl .N.iiiig liatnis m.e
at. . .'.iii- tno I. lie--tin n (.ml lorgiw
v. t ! Nn liouu t.'.illn rnn the ninrbli'
iir.nv, nt "ii u i.-, no M-oin cuiIk the
ehieled llp, no Ibi-h ol woundeil feel
ings mounts to the blue wined tciu-pit-',
(iirl loiiivi' youl fnryoiir leel, too,
H.Uit pl.llltk l.ppillle.I tiotll ileutll M'ul.l
ilvi.r; vii.it- liill.iili' tnti.'Ue ak.."('ao
this be death V" otir lading eves linger ,
loiiiigly 011 the sunny eai I Ii ; your
,'1' "-x ,,!,l,:! fM" i'.'- ''!;' I"1'", I"':"
Mite; your Milking pnlsells In-t leeble
jutl, ,.
O, ii.inc.ous grave ! yet another
iK'Uin lor thy Mill-ells' H.vping.
What! not n woid nt welcome Irnm
all the ho.isi'hs- lcepel? no unilll
greeling limn t. sinter' loving lips? no
throb ..I welcome tioiu thy maternal
hiK.1 in? .ih-ut all!
0, il th.-M' broke. 1 link ueic ni'vi-r,
never gathered up! ll ' e oud de t tV
tu citing llond Iheiv via no eternal
shore! II Inr ihe struggling buk there
were no poll nl pente J
It utliwaii
thai Inwciiug clnttil sprang tm bow ol wise .'iiough lo giveuji kieUIng against
pioihiMl Alas Inr lnve.il this be all, the iiievitablo and inscribing upon
and iiiiuuhl lievond, oh, catth l-t''.r- , ll.cir baiinets souielhiug morn m h-.r-,,
.,;. ninny with the spoil n the ago than
J,M'"'" IM,t iMtml to the "nigger." '
.MK.vr.-Wo had a look tlirougl. the,
pa.kmge..abli.tneut ol Mr. Thomas
C,osS ol ihisei.y, tl. other day, and
lea I ir hn that he has not bee.. ,
able to supply all M.o demands made
upon him tor meat. Ho has at this
tune about I2n,..00 lb, in the smoke-
house, neatly lea.ly lor taking down, j
He lias made up some 50,000 led of
lumber liilopackliijr'hnxi'M5 used 110
tons ot salt ; klllcin.,000 head of lings,
averaging 183 H'S. each; slaughtered
000 bi'evcs ; ntul lu so doing disbursed
$80,003 since the I si ot October last.
Moimi. Oi.iiwauv. i. Exchange
has tliu following magnificent obituary
notice o .Hni," Chief ol the Washoes:
Ho was n good, though very dirty, icd
man. He possessed a well-balanced
head ot hair, and stomach enough lor
.. . ..1 ..... -. ..nt Ilia i-nfrnt-.l
illll no coinu HDk "" """ "
.. ,. .....l..l, im'nr
.,,, Jth u He loft no will, and '
n eddied with IU , m ou- n t . ,
his cstato consisted ot a pair ot noois.
.or llio irnm wan in.i....... v ..w..
The Start and Stripes in the Vatican-
A cnrrcioti(k'iit ol llio Urooklyn
fftflt tvtvtbe n kcoiic in tliu Viitiuau
tit Home, tiiat sIkiwk Iioiv tliu tilil ll ly
is n'K'i'H'il thiTi. If n coiiKpiftioiK
p.trt tit t lie room tlipicwnscuiiKiik'tiuiM
he in Mich ncoii'ph'iintis position. Sunie
thought it indicated thai Komu had
compii'ied Atneiica, and that our Inn
tier was huii up n n trophy. One
d.iV an Aiiieiicati .Miniter wus gazing
at the ero'svd svmhuls ol Italy nml
Atue.ica, A Canlin.il was present
and s.iw tliu iut iet the Amciic.tii took
y uri'ii the A.ne.iean crossed l.y the ,., jI1(,U8(ry. wIiy ,,,,, hll0 not maker, the grocer, the miller, the tailor.
I.i..il I1.JK. borne of tl.o American ,,,.,,. w.lkllli, rcce!vu there- the shoemaker, and all astanls to
:!i,10M ' il l "J"5 ,0 ,l710,,r bi,"1,,l'r lor the same ,uy lor the s.in.e labor, n ,i. in c.irrylnn on his l).i...M -have
... that phue. lh..y eoul.J not ...ider. , W01j ..j.y It .ik.u that their .len.an.ls; hardly ever no pinall
......... ,., i...... ... .... M..i.,,i.9, r......... . .H II I IU U-HMI.IIl rilU:n J.,
in liie ling ol lie country, ami eiilere.i 11(V . !X ,L. ,! llH llM,f n,Vo t.
into coiutiation with him, l.oih npeak- flll..t(MlS .,f-tli. color ol hair, that they
lug Flench. In aus.vertothe iesiiou I m, ul K.Mrvy lll,rhed with the le
why Ihe Auierieanllag unit hung it,lai1 t l a uhiiion, that their souls
the Cardinal Mti.l it nil to honor the!,,,-, , ,..,,, l.. it.,, n.n.inl m.,1
hi.iner lor what il had done ,.r the
it'liiirvli. ll.'S..ilth:iluh..oth.. II..1V
I'ather wa. not ..il In U..m.', but ,.
iron, the city,, the enemi.'s l the
l'l.ui.-l. .meu.pt.d to deMioy .very
Tiling that bote bi arm, luotrrsur
! tlimiigli lite sltvel by .lay, ami
the torch ol the ince.i litry lit up tint
kv by night. The mob tes.tlved tai
tar tlown the Vatic to, and an t'Vt'uiut:
was appointed lor the ininlt. An
olltcer nl state waited tipi.ii the Amer
ican .MiiiNtc i- at Uninc, and an'c 1 him
to protect tint ancient pile by in .king
il tor the time being the Aineric...
Con-ul-ittt r.ti-u the Am tip m ll t4 iiu.l
.1.1.4 IIIMl.tl it Allll'l-UMtl Mill. "Allll
aid tl.i' othVer, 'iln inobdon'i cat.- for
the Ibiliili Hag," "AuMiit is a Ctth
olio country, let her protect the Vail
cm." No," ivpli-d the ollijhl,
"neither I-V tiiee, K;ghul or At-trii
the buildrng, but Amerlci
ii .-v. ..... a I...: ...I
r-i.t. iiioi .ii . i ( ".
the battlement nl that stolchnUM' nl
1 crowd Mtrgiil thrmiglt the nairow
sttet until thev came in lght ol the
building. They halted when they s .u
the new tlefelid.r. A" lite llag curled
, ... , . . ,. ..I
mid cracked in tho evening breee, ll
told the story ol its inN-inn. Altera
moment's cntcultaiioti tho croud
moved lorward. r.illouiug the leader
each one lilted his hat a- hopi-Red tin
',),,,. t, ji.,j,t 'l,0 i inters pas.e.l bv,
! and lelt the building uutouehe.l. And
, . . . , . , , ,
to honor the ll ig lor wh a it I. id done
lor Hie i;iiureii, lis uigu position was
asigneil il in tliu Vatican.
To I)iMorit.vi.--Th.' New Yotk
W'urlil, the leading Democratic organ
ot the count 1 y says:
Colotrd men vole In-day in nineteen
ol the thii iv -seven Stale, nnil in ntot
ol the nlhereigliteinSlatestlieHepub.
licaiisyii.e in tho majority. We do not
ib p,iir even ol n-cing soine Democrats
','"", "I .
A Oojm. Law.-Ih order to put ...
.'i'l H' I"''"'" "f l,' "'",v P"1,
;"'"'"f ';';S " ",""""'' "
1 "'"'" ivr? '"'"'".'T , "
P .i hill with the lollowiug provisio,,,,
.2,? 1'!!" t
.on-, muhv .i wi.i-iifHii p "" , nu.li. mk.ii,,Ih one., ii.sj.iteol him
why not put the Pri'ii-h banner on ll.e ' t. , Alm.lit,l( loUMVl).f Ontl.lo ol
Vatican ':" said our MlnNlcr. "It u ill ,,u, lllJllu. ,)t Ill,iia.rv r u,iL.lln. u
uov mi.' it," iva. the tvply. ".MaWe It lw MM , h j, -(ill lU
the Ilritisli CoiiMtl.ite, then." "N'.i." r a uoiii.'ii to cuga.'e in any kind ot
h(m whn ,;ivt) ,,,,1,, nn parsed nnjj0o:. tlie Uuvturt and such public.i
I'vamiualioii in Ihe art ol conipound
ing dings ; second, or iho-c who have
graduated as physicians nud had one
year's expel icueo. inn drugstore; third,
or those wh. have passed an examination-by
a medical society or a pharma
ceutical college, lourlh, or tliojo who
have had ten year's expeilrnce as
apothecaries, without faults ot u.criou
Tho Massachusetts Leglslaturo Is
asked to passa'law re.juiringnll gamb
liliftliouse to have tho word "Gamb
ling" paccd ou tho front in largo let
ters. What dul
j ,o( E
What did Adam first plant lo tho
Elon ? His foot.
J Jv i I'il ill MJW
Why Not?
Sueli is tho caption of the following
I'xci'lk'iit iirtiule, which we extract
from the Ornni Vulk-y Union:
Why can not woman ilo a good
woiKat men in my iei.triinuni
,... ....... w .. -.-........, '.!'" i"1 Cltl
inestioi. are pi.tly light in their tie h vie land tlieto inun bo tlili-
mauls, ind ptrtly wrong. They are gently g altered and pilieiilly
vp" Mint they ak lor siillV.ige ortlK'u,ur,l,l or the wherewith to discharg'e
I .1... .!..! 1...1.1 ..ni..... !.. i . .. .... ... . p
...ii-u ...... in.- ..n..t i. u. .....v
advance ol their ileuiniulr.itiou that
women can tui.iiii ilicin -Ivc in any
p'iitinu which tit ty lie yielded to them.
The agitator inn-t s'tow thai women
lt. Mlll(tf ol ,.,,. lllllf hi ,,.,
... v .. .. "rs - .,.-.--.
... .1 ...l :... ...!....
- (1,u,,r. ,, K.rl,uery, but ll .. tl.e.e ,,,,,,,,,,,, tt,ri! Mfl R"-1 ;;"; "'
4 r,l III. In ideas above all .he.eJT T, n ""T -l?
,.,, llK. ., wrkl.n , the .Xvm,r U"V " f ' -MT,,lrti;in!B
M.X) tt., llltu gnvt chiliMtiou will
i by uilliog thai the gunllo sex shall
take the pi.mi-er position in the lutuie
oiiuat.l mai.-li.
The tlemoii't ration ol capacity in
woman can be made, we verily bvliuvt',
au-l why xhoald it not be midu? lo
I'r.iiicu the wu.i.vt. keep books uiiil do
.., .j,,,,,,,.:,,. j,,.,. , .,,...-., .b.,.,1
K, llu.. I(J u l(, wl( ywl ,ltfl!,irtl.;
I ., , Mtf, ,,,,,,. lM, ,., ,',
' .... . -
industry. Slu may n-iv tor a piitaiieu
il powity eoinpels hvr lo do no; and
in the large ullic- he may puoue call
ings, at lou wage.- ulwiiyp, whk-l. uu-ii
puiMie in fiuall towns i.i.il in country
place-. Hal no ivoanii, in any place,
cuiiot.y, l.twii-or city, 1 usages in trade
u In 11 she haacoiuieluiiey. iiiw then I
Oet'ounti a eu-atot'e of klig.lll Jii-uii
an.) I.v hii.. 111c, throurt.mlurnu.l u
.Ii.u'p-,.1 .ipou the occupation ol her
- ........ !.... ...;i.. .... .1 ...........
pooler ;w-i-. Uicwilu or .lau 'liter
ot a iw-1 1 to do mat., in Au.e.iva, miui
iie biiu lone an I pusilio.i not liy ex-
oiviiu her ii tllf ot mind or Jriil ul
,..,... .., ,,:, .,,,.... ,..., ,lV ll-u..ii.., I
' 1 ' 'a '
pace will, the changiuf loll.c. oil"1 " "') "o O'"""". Winn
l.thbion. The poor Ictuales who work
tor a living aie thus pui under a bin,
they are made pariah among women,
and hence loooltcii become ll.e victims
of dissolute life, pi.' .Mil .del iherulo by
ihu ttilu sophistiy that llicy had a
well have the game as they ulivady
have the name ol being vile.
The agitators of woman's tights,
though tliey will inn gui lor many year
to conic, what tlu-y cotituud for, aie
doing good in calling attention to the
situation ol the woikiog women ot
Aiueiica. They may induce Uumo ot
the sex who ate not under the necessity
ot working, to bo more earueal and less
liivolotti in order that all may be bcu
ilittcd und advanced. We inighi
despair at the little which has been
done so tar with the uiajotiiy of the
women themselves bin from the tact
that the thiukcmruleiu ullaiisol either
sex. in this view we hope, and all
well wishers ot humanity hope, t .at
women ihciusclvo. will .Icuiouslralo
that they arc .ml the idle peopleol the
wot Id, or thai il their industry is exer
c'lM'd il isot n higher kind than to be
only a cook or .tho desi 'tier ot a lre
pattern. I'lie women papers, the Lmly'j
tlitiiu ulin.ilil irii'it tilths inii fiMiimf Ii 1 ii
beside slipper, patterns and ciochcl
stlchcs upon which lo work. The wo
men waul to be educated up lo Ihe
voting point. Why uol?
Our gold and silver products for 1808
aro stated as lollou-a O.ililornla, 820,
000,000; Nevada, $18,000,000; Mon.
tana, $12,000,000; Idaho, $0,000,000;
Oregon, $3,000,000; Colorado, $1,000,
OuO; Wiishingtou,9l,000,000; Arizona,
$230,000; New Mexico, $250,000.
Total, 00,500,000. This is probably
nnder rather than in ozcess, of the
sotual snoonl.
NO. 0
The Printer's Eitats-
Tiro prititot'a dollars wlicic nn.'
.they? A iloltur here ntul a tlolla
there, scattereil all over tho country,
'mile nml miles npart how oliall thev
ot,i)e gatnereil togellierr llm p:per
...it ... ,. . tit4 will tieivr in eomu silt.
lieieully liulky. Wo imagine the
printer will h.uu to gel up an ml lros
lo his widely scattered dollars boine
tiling like tliu lollowiitg. "D.dlars,
halves, (pi.ilcM, dimes and all manner
of Iractiinio iut which ye are divided,
collect yoitreIcs and come home 1 Ye
aie wanted! C.-nihlii.ttion of all -oris
of men thai help the piinler to livconip
" ' " " ' 'V ,"' ":
In 1'nMineiur, khiit .iibii ...ices nun
tliinn. Collect yourselves, lor valuable
as you nte in the aggregate, single
you'll never pay the codt ol gatheiing.
Come herein a single file, that the
printer may form yon into a bittalliou
ami semi you forth again to battle lor
hi. .1, and vindicate the pi inter."
Reader, are you sere you haven't n
i.1 or 10 ol the printer's dollar-i utick
ing tiboutyour old ckthcsV
DiM.onu'i: i.v a I'lttvns-.. otTici:.
It N uol alone printers and con. toiiuir
uho will enjoy tliu lollowiug. It N tt
ctpit-tl and very lorcibki illustration ol
a priutiug-oflii-o dialogue:
I'.irenian of the olllce Jones, what
1 iv ymi at now?
CinnpoMtor I'm setting "A IIotie
011 I-'tre;" almost done I
l-'oreiuau What is Smith about?
Coiiipniitor 1 lu is engaged on n
"Ilortid Murder."
I'oreiniu Kinldi itnsipticl; as pos
ib!e, and help Moise thiottgh willihi
relegriph. Mob, what tiro you trying
'" K'1 "I'-
I '"' "A I.l '" '
1 kit."
oney Mar
I'm eiiiiu -Thomas, what are you
Tliinn . "I,.i."s in a Gilt Uottory."
I'"ivnt tti-Stop that and take hold
in tne creation uavu yon ueeu nooiu
this half hour?
Sloi-nui .liilif ving the "Compromise
Mia ure," wli.it my sub. tvi up.
I-'oiemaii You chap ou tho stool
there; what are you on now?
Chap on the stool Ou tho "Table"
l'i it yon gave me.
Foreman Liy it ou the tablo for
the present ; no room for it,
('oinpoltor How about those "Mun
icipal Candidate?"
Foietnau i.tn 'em In. What do
you say, Sloc.im?
Slocinn Shall I lead lueso "Men of
Foreman No; they ate solid ol
Compositor Do yon want a full
laced head to ".Tcnny Mini's Family ?"
Foreman No; put 'cm in small
cap. John, haven't you got up that
"Capital Joke?"
John No ; I'm "out of sorts."
Forc.inn Well, throw in this "Mil
1'ou ol California fJohl," and when you
get through with it I'll give you some
Filitoii What do you want now?
Printer's Devil More copy, sir,
Tho Now York Journal of MaUciuJ
says that Dr. N, Hlckm.fn, Demon,
strator of Anatomy In tho University
ol Pennsylvania, has met (In the dls-secting-rooms
ol the University) with
a case of the complete transposition ol
the Internal organs. Tim apex of the
heart is on tho right sido;ln fact, every
organ occupies cxnctly tha opposite
from what is natural.- This' may tie
cited as a good case ol total (physical)
depravity, .
Speakor Hlaino is an old editor, form
erly of the Kenueboo Journal and
Portland Advertiser. Our profession
does not lose its ropresentfttivfl Id the
retirement of Colfax.
(From the Dally OroRonlan. Mnrch loth,
Proceedings of tho Hvo-and-a half fkt
slon. From ejr I.uri(j lhti'1 I. pott r.
.5At.F.M, March -lib 1809.
Tho caudal nppendage was called
to order by one John Whiteaker.
Prcent, 11 to 13 iiK'mbeM of the Ore
gon Legislature. Then with them it
was "as il nature made, a paue, an
avvlul pause," and no clergymtn ap.
pairing to pnty-with thetnT'they ad
journed lo meet in the afternoon.
Tiiev convened nt two o'olouk.
Present 13 without Cox ; but the
gentleman from Jmcphiuc soon a pear
ed, nml' thereafter the member?, with
Cot, was 1 1.
Chapm tit nrmp and asked lor timo
to prepare revolutions. As time was
phl.tv, the iv'picst was granted. An
eloquent silence of sixty minutes on
sued. The resolution was intended to not!
ty the Governor th it there w n no..
quorum in attend nice on this occasion,
and to ask htm whether he would ro:
quire the several eouutles unrepresented
in this body to elect nud JcnJ now
senta.tvu.1. Adjourned.
March fi. They met nt 10 o'clock.
After leading the. loin gs of the previous
day, Gray and Giant nro.-e and an
nounced that they were both hy-erc.
The body then Went I uto cxecutivo
Slillui'-, ou the stale of tho State.
"Silence hoiv l.-ad a-.d Mtllncs hovr
pioloun.l." N..t a . nl, tim a In ok.nof
a mini Mined, until ( ox arose, and
without verboitv. though in bepub
clniil tone, moved lo adjoin n.
Motion uiiaiiiinoiuily i.giced to.
Two o'clock. Preeut 1.1. Silenc
was ivstiiueil lor abniit twenty iuiiittlc9,
whin the C..in.nitt(v appiiSiHvil to wait
upon tl.u Governor, reported th .1 ho
knew them not. Alter oine silenco a
loo.ioii to adjourn to thice and a half
o'clouk, carried.
hiiiki: and a Ham fc-Locrc.
Present .1. 1 1 others soon nrriverl,
wiping their mouth', took their seats,
a.ids u mute. Alter a period ol ex
pu-.ive -ilcnee the roll was called,
"iicn siieoi.'i rig nil cailglll till! HOtiml.
and there in hi icy embrace lor hall
an hour sal those surly solous. At
length Gllfry, the young ami risliiff
icsolutii r, mo el to unit only until
lour nml it ha I o'clock lor a quortiini
I'Ol'll A.NI a tiAi.r o'ciock.
No more picent. Cox moved to
appoint a Coiui.iitlee to issue a ciicular,
nut they couldn't see it. .In fu lloht
ua reqiifled to bring suit in Ins own
Coin i iigainsi the Governor, when h uno
one moved to desist till five o'clock.
At live oclock they nn-t again, and
pr.iiogued thuiiKvlvis until September
20, when the public ure invited to a
scat in the On-gon Legislature.
Thus passed n nny "a i much glory
as could die."
concutiixu nrTi.r.c-uo.s-.
It is a good thing beciiuse il don't
cost the State a cent, lint Josh Hill
ings' advice, which your long hand
repi.tter coat iK'it'U to tlieiu noIoim, ii
also a good thing and shan't cost them
a cent; ami the same runs in this wise:
"Never net a hen till slat wants to sut."
Tub E.vii.
Damascus,! iut Ei-kiinal Damascus
datis back anterior to the oldest city
In tho world, It was founded by Us,
the grandson ol Nnih, "The early
history ol Damascus is shrouded in tho
hoary mists of antiquity." Leave tho
m.ttir. wilt-en of in the fust eleven
chapters ot the Old Testament nut, and
no recorded event has occurred, In tho
whole, but Damascus was in cxUtuuco
to receive it. Go hick as far as you
will into the vague Past, there was al
ways a Datnnscus. In the wilting of
every century for mole than four thou
sand years its name has been mentioned,
and its praises sung. To Damascus,
years aro oul v' moments, decades aro
only Hilling tiilles of timo. She meas
ures limn not by days And mouths and
years, but by tho empires sho has scon
lise and prosper, ami crumble to ruin.
She is a type of immortality. Sho saw
the louud..tiois ol IS.ialheo and Thubcs,
and Fphcstts laid ; hhesaw llicui grow
into ijiighty cities an I amaze the world
with their grandeur ind she has lived
to see them desolate, deserted and giv
en up to thu owla and the bats. Sho
saw the IsraUitish cinpito exalted, and
Mio bavv it i.iiuihilatt'il, She saw Grceoo
tisonud flnurkh for two thousand years,
ami die. In her old age filiosavv Homo
built ; she haw itoveishadow the world
with its power; she saw it perish. The
lew hundreds of years ot Genoese and
Venetian might and splendor were, U
giave old Damtihctis, only a trifling
scintillation, hardly warth remember
ing. Damascus has seen all that hoc
occarml mi cnrfli, and still sho live.
Shu tins looked upon the dry bones ol
a thousand empires, and sho will ee
tlii. tornbs ol a thousand more, before
sho dies. Though anotherchiima tha,
name, old Damascus is by right- tirj
EtrnM Gity.