Ill (I iV m V TUB OIUISIHIN SENTINEL. von tiii: riiKsuiKNoY in 1808, Ur.YMiKl H. OIIANT, or tin cwrn atmt. "Wdl Avnt, thou (ril n.l fillhfiil ap mnl." Thp r pto hue rowAnl fir pilriot pnnlilimant for traitora. voktiii: vior. pitiMtmiNuv, Hunuvr.r.n ein.iwx, D. M. C. OAULT, I2DIT0H. S.vtuhiuy MotiNtxn, Juno 20, 1808. Tin: Sun Pmucisco JSciHHiHW'nilmits tlmt tlio Republican party lins dropped tlo nigger. It would be just lilto Do mouraoy to pick iiun up ; they nre nl ynys picking up little things, niul be sides, tiio nigger belongs'to tlicm, you know 1 Ootxo it Hum Tlio Democracy of-Miiillson county, llliuoN, nt it Con vention belli on lliu 11 ill ulliiuo, uuan- iinoii'ly adopted tbu lblloxvinj: ns tlieir platform ol principles: " Oo it blhul.'Uj Thov went "it" no for somo time ami fell into tbu ditch. Andy Johnson frays " the approach ing elections will redeem the Nation'-tnilii mill usurpation. It J Ulo only sober reiuaik Andy lias made lor icvctnl years, and the Senate came within one votu ol saving him the trouble of making it. i. -. fiimii: nro over fouiteeii hundred colored children in the schools! of Wll ntiugtoii, North Carolina. It is n'.i In fernal outrage against denincii'.oy, as n few years schooling will place them beyond the inlliienco o',' tlmt delectable lay- Tin: Polk County Signal wishes to know why there is so much " torn fool ery " over the "Jlouorahio Ms-President of tho Southern Confederacy." It is probably becaii'ii hemp is too high to admit of hanging the caitill' economically.' i - WiTiiuiiAw.v. rG. M. Hanson has withdrawn- from, his connection with tho MaryftviJIoijiwr. If wo mistake not, .Mr. Ilannoii was .Superintendent ol tho b'mith River Reservation, near Crescent 'Citv, under .Mr. LincoInV iirst'ndniinioiniiion, .TAsrnt .,oi the l.alayetto Courier, comes out with an illustrated sheet, lie publisher the photograph of a jack- as beneath (hat ol a huge negro, as n modest acknowledgment of his own The White Ainu's Pnrty. Wo met a son ot Erin a few days ago seeking work. Ho had just come from California. Ho gavo a lamenta ble account ol tho scarcity of labor in that State, and after unbosoming him self freely, declared that it wnitho work of tho Democratic party, "llegorra," said he, " they toulil us they were the white man's party, and would dhrivu Ivory divil of a Chinaman out of the country if thoy got thu election." "They got it, and look nt thim now." The divil tho one's loft, but by tho powers, it's faster and thicker they're coining; and it's ivcrywhoio you'll sea tho yellow mugs of tho dirty hay.thens crowdin tho whitu. men -rind dliiivlu thim out of tlio country, instead." "It great things the DimocratiThave done for the country ; thoro'n ould "Ilalglit, that , wo thought would bo a white man gocs'fo dliriuklnmid toastin and rolllehln wlil tlio rat&tin -bastes, and axin thim to lavo Chlnaand come here, and welcom ; bedad maybe it's voters lio'd be inakin of them, the scanditlous ouhl bilk!" "It's badly sould, the poor man Is," continued he, " when ho votes willi paity that's crowdin him out wid the naygerninl thu Clilnainei., and God lorgive mo if Dimocracy Ivor gels my vote again wid its false pre t'.uces and its liuinhuiigery." "Shuro, it was thim that brought the yellow divlls to the Coast, and when tlio Re publicans wanted to tax the divil out ot thim, tlio Dinioorats stopped it, for they wanted cliapo labor." l?y me soul it':i a purty white man's party diiuoci-itey is, and it and me's done." Wo parted with him, feeling satislicil that the eyes ol another woikiug man had been opened, and satisMed also that every deiuocratio victory would eventually open thu eyes ol thousands more. i.n.wi.kMii. Tin: Union men of Siskiyou County nroip and alive. They are organizing Grant Clubs in every precinct. Are we-to have any, or aie all '.lie Union men in this county subjugated? Tin: Yreka Journal say: "Stick neys circus is coming northward." Wo hope it wont Mick the people of Jacksonville ns badly as the last one did. Ciur.r Justice Chase proposes to run tho Democratic party a while ami mako a decent institution out of it. The first lesson will bo Universal Suffrage. Tnounu: i.v Poktmnu.TIio Ore. (Ionian denounces tho conduct of the Deiuocratio roughs at tho City election last .Monday, and datkly hints nt a vigilauco committee. Editow.w, Cimniik. -Tlio Salem Jltcard says that McDonald is to retiio from tho editorial charge of the ji ionitt, which paper is to bo conducted by W. A. Mcl'lierson. Tin: Democraoy nro busy Chasing found for a Piesideutial candidate. Thoy will find Salmon P. a fishy old subject. Tub Yamhill county paper says theie has been a great awakening ol the spirit of '70 among tho Democraoy. Wo bopo it wont fall n.slcep again. Wendbll Phillips says hP had rath or have Grant for President wi'jthout a platform than Chase with tho best platform that could be adopted. N. J. Marshall was instantly killed by tho falling of a treo near Oakland on the 3d lust. So says tho Ensign. 'Yrixow FBVjiit. Tho yellow fover is making fearlul ravages at Lima. Two hundred aro dying dally. "Always tub Samb." Any potr-on who reads the accounts of the South em elections, must at onee pereeivo the unchangeable nature of Democracy, and be convinced that it is every whole the same. In tho Notth, Democrats aro " nigger-haters ;" in the South, they go down on tlieir knees to them, and tell them that the Yankees mid foreigners will como down South and gobble up all the land if they do not vote the JJeiuocrntlo ticket. In the l th. they hold up i. .,:... -. ..ii.u ui ruuiai gooiiii, that, will go and plump himself right down in cliuieh, and ehewhere, he-Mo the white wives and daughters of the laud; ami in the South they hold up the foreigner as an execrable monster that will inevitably come and plump himself light down beside tho nigger. The more we hear ol Democracy, thu more wo are con viueed that it is uneiiiuigeable, that it knows no iiro'rosion. tint it ;ti... most shameless, lying, double-dealing, traitorous, grovelling organisation that ever the count, y wascurnod with, and only regret that theio is no hope ol its changing as long as Ignorance flourish cs and makes men fall easv dupes to it. The Humboldt Branch. Wo learn by our Washington corre spondence that Mr. Pengra has become satisfied of the impossibility of scour ing Congressional aid for a branch rnilroad to tap tho great Pacific Trunk by way of Diamond Perth'. Sleeting with the opposition of our whole dele gation, and with that ol other citizens of Oregon in Washington, he has start ed back in disgust. We also have the bill ot Mr. Mullory, asking for assist ance for branch road to run through Rognu viver and Uinpqua yallics cross the Cascade raugo bordering on the east of this valley, pass through tho Link river settlements, and con tinue by Surprise valley to the lino ol tho Pacifiu Rnilroad. As the topo trranhical character ol the country from Ashland to the head of tho Wil lamette valley is ol siiuli n diameter, that tho aid asked for might conflict with tho Oregon Central, the bill pro vides for the consolidation of the two companies from such point where con flirt might ensue. The effect ol tho bill will really be to grant aid lotlie Oregon Central until It reach es this valley, or perhaps the Klamath Rasln, nnd nssist in pushing forward the work to speedy completion. The Oregon Central will end at the State boundry, and a lateral branch from it to tho Pacific- road would certainly force the completion of tho Calllornia and Oregon road in order to ivapsomo of the advantages that will certainly be gained by u. Vfu have strong hope that the bill may become a law, pet Imps nt the pieseut session, mid if it does, we may soon expect an indus trial activity not heielofore experienced in Oregon. II Government can be in duced to bestow half thu sum per mile, necessary to build it, we candidly be lieve that in ten years it would saw that amount in transportation ol sup plies, munitions of war, and mails, be sides having aided our young Statu to population and wealth. Without such aid we can expect but little prosperity ; and we beliove that Congress is called upon, not only by duty, but by interest, lo give it speedily. Geoiiob C. Goiham, of California, has been elected Clerk of tho U. S. Senate, vico Fornoy, resigned. TiiBChiiiesopopulation of California numbers 80,000. Counting Governor Haigbt, it is 80,001. t ' Tub lato Deiuocratio Legislature pi Maryland abolished tho -fth of -July ns a holiday in tho public ichoois. " Tub Salem Jlecord has entered on its second year. About J inn Bg. In tho ease of Gen eral Cole, lately tried at Albany, (N. Y.), for murder, the jury camo In wilh n verdict of disagieeinent six for conviction for murder, mx for acquittal. IJeforo their final di' charge, tho kix.fnr conviction, upon a suggestion of the Couit, wero willing to find n verdict of manslaughter, but thoto for acquittal would not yield, 'tho circumstance makes ono think that juries, aio ei-v singular institutions, and not always the best medium of justice. Hero were twelvo men, who nil heard tho samo evidence; six mado up their minds tlmt tho prisoner ought to bo hanged ; six held him guilllw. Subsequently. six como to tlio conclusion, without having heard n word of additional uvi deuce, that hanging was most too se vere. 1 ho case in point is ono of those calculated to shako iclianco in our civ ilized but uncertain modo of ndminis- luring justice, and impel enquiry into tho instability of human things gener. ally. AHei- a Ttirmi'. The Dcnioei-ioy are intent on noting the role ol tho guardsman at thu bat tle oi Wa"'' mini !. ...-. ....!.. i, l.i make u prisoner ol a I'reiich Cossack, was captuied himself. They aro set ting a snaro to capture Chief Jastiee Chase, one of the moil consistent de lendeis of iiuiersal liheily and equal right on this broad continent; ami il they should succeed in elevatiiiif him to the Piesidenoy, they will discover that they havo "vaught a Tartar." Next to U. S. Grant, Mr. Chaso is our decided choice for President; and il eiectou to tlmt High position by any p.nty, wo would icgard his election as a very blight calamity indeed. Chase would bo to Democracy exactly what Andrew Johnson has been to us; and if we had a volo in thu IVnm :,. -National Convention, it should cer taiuly bu cast for him. It is very im probable, however, that thu Democrat io party has decency enough to throw oft tlio mask and put forward a States man who is. pledged l,y the act., of n lilu timo to universal suffrage, ns their candidate, although it should bo iheir only hope, Democratic I'rlncliilcs-A Dia logue. A foreigner, anxious to study the present condition of American politics, recently inquired of a prominent Dem ocrat what nro the present principles of tho Deiuocratio party ? The follow hi" dialogue ensued : )tmocmt. Why, sir, tho Demo cratic party lias always been frank in thotfatement of its principles. You Imvoonly to vend the platfoi in adopted .it ill last. National Convention, nail ymuvlll find them set forth In lull. Jbw'ffDfr. I have read it, and find the onlv distinctive point In it to be "Hint, i'iIUt four years ol failure to re Rtiro the Union by war, there omlit toho an immediate cessation ol Hos tilities." 1 suppose the triumph ol t he (livorumi'iit "over the lebellion in the fifth year of the war must have obliged tlm i)fmncratlo party to admit that tliey were mistaken. Jkm. Mistaken I Sir, the Di'ino cratro party wasnever mistaken. Hut, on loficotion, I perceive that the pics out principles ol thu party me not stated in its platform. The Hist is that thii a white man's country, and th t black men have no constitutional riuhl to vole, especially in reconstiiictlng the Southern States, and no human iiaik.ii nt ifii'a tttiiitt tlifi iifrlit. Ill it VI Mill M,,v "". - J'Q) You have heard of Wnlwier. have voll not? Jhm. lleauiol him yes; and lie was iint only lliu nest lexicograpuer oi the KuplMi language, bill he was a Mraight-out-oldfashioiicd Connecticut Democrat. Fur. Well, he defines a Democrat lo lie "onu who favors the extension of thu light ol mi lira 'jo to all classes of men. How is il that a man can ho it Democrat solely because hu opposes that doctrine?" Dan. Politics havo changed since Webster's time, lie did nut icgard Vm Nor I ; but suppose it to bo ns you 10T': '...' .. inn that tho nation- , banks own $3 10,000,000 in tho bonds S, tlmt the class who own and 1o " I. ess with these banks nro not nt ICllllonnlrwu They nro well to do iHisiiicM men, and no more. About 8300,000,000 ol our bonds nro held na I, vestments in Germany, main y lnei oiisof moderate mentis who had faith ,j the stablllt-y of our Re.ubllcan In itiliilinns. Resides there are, nil over iho country, trust estates, and ninni'V ol iiersons'of moderate means, wliieli have been invested directly iu tho bonds-. Tho amount ot tuese can hardly be less than 6200,000,000. Here, then, we have a grand total ol $1,740, 000,000 or the interest-bearing portion of the national debt, which nninuntR to about 82,000,000,000, belonging to penplu who cannot be called capitalist!), leaving, say, $280,000,000 for thu una tocrattu bondliolders. Dem. Some or your figures rest upon supposition, but, nM It is impossi ble to arrive at the exact figures, wo can only arrive at them by estimates Irom tho Tacts actually known, "lour statement is new to me, and I must think of it. ... Vm. Are there any other princi- a. . . v-k !.. ............. ...l.lnli pies ol ine weuiocrauu imn, n you can give mo any nimi a ' Di'in. None at iircsent. Cfiia Tribune. Noali Gbstli: Stock. Two ot Meycr'afour year old Cubing colts weio purchased last Saturday by Frank Wilton. They i,.,. t ,..... i,..,i .... .. ' ...... iiv.ui ii. im. ueu it rope on iiiem, but on Sunday wero woikiug togctlier in harness quite gently. On Monday thoy wero shod without any trouble, We aro glad to .seo-sueh stock taken down into California, as it is no dls credit to Oregon, but agoodiidvcrtliu. muut. 'or. Indeed! lie defines n negio to bo "onu buloujiui: to the black race ol IC1I." JJcin. Well, Webster is a mere ped agogue. Uur statesmen havu thought litlcicuilv. Fur, Vho aro your statesmen ? 7)1. Andiew Jackson and J'or. llul Jackson led thofieuue- uroes lo the nulls, and voted with them side by side. Gem. Oh, yes, wu would bo tier- trolly willing to taul them to the polls, mil uie uiheiiiei I. uiey won't lie led. They maich to the polls in platoons to vote against ui. mil uns is mil our principal point now that negro sul tr.ige has pruvailed all tho South ; we have financial policies. Thu nation. il bonds should bu taxed, uli-n t. i.. i. .i ineir value ulier paying tho lax should be paid in greenbacks. For. What is a greenback? Jhm. It is thu pruinifu ol lliu Unit ed Stales to pay certain sum of mon ey without interest. Fur. And aro the greenbacks ever to bu paid ? JJcm. No; they aro to circulate as eurremy. For. How long will they circulate as currency afier it is announced that they mo never to bo n.iiil y Ami ,- much will they bu woith pur dollar? J)tm. That's initio ol mv Im-.;.. ,...., The IJI.ick Republicans UmiciI tin..,,",' and they must taku cue of them. For. Hut Democrats hold them, and will sulfer by their repudiation. Jhm. Well, wu'll content to loo what wo have in greenbacks in order to break down the nrisiocratiu bond holders. J'or. Who nro they ? Dem. The rich men, the Astors, the UIUWIUIN, OiV. For. Hut I am told theso men hold no bonds, mid that neailyall your bonds aro owned, directly or indirectly by poor men. " JJtnu It must bo mighty indirect, then I'm sure I don't own any. For. Lvt, us see. Have you any money in bank? ' J JJem. Alittlu; nnd my wifu has n deposit in thu savings banks, which sho has saved from her cheesu mid but. I Vl. eago Rr.couiiuiN llie first mortgage or deed or trust front the California nnd Oregon Railroad Company, for the Cnl itornia branch, to Dai(i R. Dodge and Kugene ICellyy, nl New Yoik, ns Trus tees, has been filed in the County Clerk's office In this city. The bond or mortgniio is equal in amount to lorty bonds, or 6-10,000 nor mile, pi ovided the entire road is built, hut allows only thirty bonds per mill' lor the first IfiD miles of load, payable within twenty years from the llisl ol January I80H, with interest at six percent, per milium, principal ami interest payable in gold coin, mid the interest to ho hciul-aiiuu-ally. Tho conditions arc that the road shall he built Irom the Central Pacific railroad in the Sacrauieiito, Vnlley to the Southern boundary ot Oregon, hud thu distaiiee is estimated at ') t.1 miles. 'I'he nioitgage of the company to its Trustees, is tlieir capital to uomnience with, and the extra $10,000 iter mile lor lull completion of the rou'l, is nlVi-r-ed us an iuducemi lit to finish il lliiDiiu'h the more ililllcult pnition ol the route towards the Oregon line. .Induing from the indications pic.scuicd in this liinnl on il- old, it uppeaix to u tlmt there is no doubt but what the road will run as nriujuully surveyed, via. Soda Springs tind Vrcka. At what particular point it will Im joined by the Oregon branch, we cannot Niy.hutMip. x .-. U ..ill i. uier UlcSM.i vim .Mono tain. The bond on record Is a very lengthy document, niul includes in its inovi.ioiis all the Stale and' I'uited Slates fruuelihes, which positively state that this road shall he I mill through tho .Sacramento mid Shasta alleys in Cilit.intia, mil the Royue Kivor, I'mpipia nud Willamette Val levs in Oregon. Tho distance of i:i milis from the Central Pacific rallioad in the Sacramento Valley, to the On gon line i aho about the exact dis tance of the Klliott survey via Yreka. J nwrt Journal. jjjgniainKCTcaiiaoaiajijm FJXISD TO Vl'AY. Uur i. Juii.1 nu,. ihof. Iiy lt,,v. r.ulur IMuclM. .Mr Join. Devlin I.. .., ,n.m .Mm I'liy. .Mint Jackiuiiciiiiiiiy NEW TO-DAY. Tin: Cou.NTitY is Safe. Tho San Francisco Examiner, speaking of tho Oregon election, exclaims with the wildest enthusiasm, "Tlio country is sale!" Inasmuch as it required the importation of about a couple of thou sand of tho Kuklux-KInn to carry tlio election in this Stnto for tho Dcmocra- oy, wo presiinio tho Examiner refers to tho part of the country from which thoy mado their exodus. There would bo quite ns much senso in congratula ting the city of San Francisco on tho arrival of ii fuw hundred graduates from tlio' London "TliiovcsrUniversi ty," to assist in tho moral nnd indi'is trial progress of tho commoroial center of tho Pacillo Coust, SriiCNniD Machine Howard it Smith havo received their "foursido" planer, and expect to have it running to-day. It I, splendid piece of ma chinery planes both bides nnd boil, edges of a board nt once, and must greatly reducotho prjco of building. UniBt' OAiiiMjit.H0.cIloim 1ms iv-eii iieionicii ior Councilman in Port. mini, ms political career was brief ho went up liko achampagnocork.nud camo down liko n dead cat. To-jioimow and Monday will bo tho oi.gest-days of tho year, there boinir 15 hours and ao minutes between s in- usu aim sunset. Covi), (Dcmocratio),'was oleoted Mayor of Porting ,o,i Monday Inst by 101 inajpnty. . ' ' A very brilliant meteor was seen jlashing across tho Soiitherh Jiorizon a' fowovetnngs einee.if.oin this point .i Ihr' Yo" "l0 botI' ''"iidholders. then. Aro your lives insured? Zltn V.. I .. houslr policy on our ..rSP,i ii'1'1.1'. "r you such niis'0' cratio bondholders ? ' JJem. How i.s that? For. Nearly all the national bond owned n tins counter are held by the national banks, savings banks, lilt. Hie nud milt-in. iiw i .' ..." h,m . , ;,, "" ,,wu " uiisi coin. panics. Ihesu companies m turn are merely agents for thoso who insure and deposit, mid do busiuoss will, the In Now York Slate the savings fiffi alono hold Ajo.oon nno ;. i....i? ., ' ,a of Massachubetts $25,000,000: tlio!!"! oi unodo mitiiui 10,000,000; mil l. cm no- thu iiln.i. fi.iV... 'o . ".K issafutosav baVV:'r"...11 alono hold 8300,000,000, and tftn C viuwi mo savings of three millions ot poor people. Tlio number o f '! pos.iors in Now York and Wawad u sests, logether, amount to 8Q4.501 per sons all of 5hom aro poor, n ml iJfr by repudiath.g tho national debt oni Boventh of which is due, o thorn. Dem. Is that so? !. Jioieover, tho if0 nnd iiibiii-. nneo companies o'f NowySE hehl Z V S TM ytt cstil,'o wore hoe.dL1!'0 U:sV"C0 cl)anieH of mo eiitno country? I dmT't'k,,!, 300 W0 more. NEW HARDWARE, TIN AND STOVE STORE. IIOFFM & KLH'PIJL, ODD FELLOWS' BUILDING, Cor. Oregon and Main Ste., LSSFfS. AND WILL CON- flow. 1',,'ri r ' "' " "' ""rlely iirConli,IR Assorted Hardware; Fine Cutlet y 5 ABHcmtl.nUlupIomcn8. Unr rroi, Steel, 'Nnll. nnd Spikes Pwluts, oil and Glass; Tubs, Clothcg Wrl ') JV S.T-1860-X ilUoMt In tlio vatlil cnmM from nfflfti (, rrtlfVi k ?.. Irm R.lnt d.-inn-; cf MlhV ,$& ! Kirn.ircici vi iiriiini i. in Kren iiiAMhii i An. eh mill Hln.l trgiiMr nd iinirotm, ki tint thi,..& IIMI to Cl I, Dry t.. Itamp. J,l, Zw nSifS innclilmry of tin- lily. nn.l lurnl iIImmj" p " Now, It l i fid, tylllTo mill well known, Hit ii.i no men Inllmukiiihliioiiiiinl fcr lh Stomntli m PLANTATION HITTBItS. Thli n'l'ii'tU Tun'e If now .f, l,j , tliiitf.mi. for ifr) .iniitom otn "Bli.mieli nut i fnid "' ..IV ..r. V. .. .1 ..ll.l I llllllllltMl II llfn i,.,M4.l to cnrrMt tlip lulcrl nf Hip HI. niul.. ... .11 1?.' ,."W M wni k, nml rn.W II t.) imM nh, iM,,,nn" ra'"7 ininitiRrr. tit irn.tcnrr nrtlii- tin-Mlk-M ifNii.Tr Iwitjr tomil n mm 1 nil lir ntc4i l,n lllll, u.,uL. nl tlir .rortr tlniP. il.v i,il, nor. iMi,,u. S Mn.ll.l.f It I I" lirlj. Iif r ulnnitMlll. if uM r, Wt uli Tonlf. limn in ildnn niul iV,n n.HifMtVi, MtlSS priKMiga Willi ll-immi .due, nn I Driv nli,i" Jffi pill lliiref)' 'nil I lint lli Ki-li tf Olltm ! dii'tl. Im.iortiiui C'ertincnlci. " town, t,i von, fr 1 ilr uil... n. riJnUllon llllUin Iiatp nr,,! mv nr ' W1"" l;r.v. W. II. WAUOONLII. JujrM, N. T. " Tlmii nlllunilino two lnlnsitiiii. nntiUn Hilton, ly wIIp m1 ttfn ttMllrl,,i,i!! ihtlriu. ihyfiltnil, At- mil', I liiujcid.ii, r" " "A ', . . ' ''."" n 'ti nffi-itr fmm Pip. nrt lin.l to 1Ii..iii frmttliltia. Th I'UiuS UltlJi.liifiiiiliii. '"""" iu:v. j. h, CATiionx. rtciiii, s. T. ... . . j ,r, R,, ) fUnUtlon Clllm i. tnin.lrr.l- of our itlwUfil nolJIcrf Willi tb tnmt ntnlil! Ilif n. w. n, Siipiiliitn.Int SoHlfti" lloinp, ClndnMiiio.' Tlir 1'hnlitli.n lllllrMni0.olliwrk ilrme IUI11. riiI.I I.1IIII111I, nn.l (iirpxImii.tNl Ninrr'. itui u.t- Tin il.l tiny ipl mvtp.1 Dm Inr-uo, n 11, wif.itlr"i' Mxn.linUf Ihp 1'f.ANTATIOX MTTtU U ,lrnH.tiilfini, Krrry Imlllc Win Hit fiM'dil. if ruirilffiKituiiioiia til plMoriijmlnr.or II tw W gtimliif . Am-iiprMntiMt-mlln; loicll I'l.ANTATIOX BimM lo t.tilk 01 ! II.p inlldi, .nlln:triiKl IrarMi.r r MAipof tpflllpil liotlld, Srn out I'lllt Iluig k UNMUTII.ATKH orer rry wtk. ' " rViM I.t All Ilnil.l, (InvtM n.l linkltii ibrwiUl tlio WOlM. 1. II. DltAICK, K CO., JVvw 'tnit, Solo I'rop'r, IlKDINOTON fc. CO., -llfl niul -JIH, I'Vom Slrert, Sim Fiituclicn, Agents for California anil Hmin- IT.T5AM, I.ycn'a MKnlk In'td I'im.lfr liiirnMtmnii.k t.iorcryl hli.tfcf tho ImrcWp.-cici-rir-i, lljlii,Mv liilliXii, Anl, l.n. -, IT KILLS INSTANTLY. Wlml I. .nlily ii, r rinltic In rtrM tltllirt do l. Ilil iIwIiIi,iiii.IIii It, Imtint i'alli la loMsll It rrlfi'tly liatliilpat In inatikiu.l iVniKlk-mil. II cm t li.lirttr.1 i.r nlm uhli lintnnll II ttuiUi Itillnipiiycfii.ili.ciil (II llfipiiliLi.lflfiuliuilillt'J I'll Hi: III OJI POISON, Nnattlct lint cur iflrtnMlinoiUlraiit!ibilkiglilii tt Hi iPimtitllnii . wtll known. Il l tt.llr ml itatdj 1111.I illirPlloiia rrct)i.aiiy rltli fflk, llcaiiailnw- Itlfrlll, llii- srniiliip Iim Ilia iljjnnli.ioof U, 1.T0V, 1 ll ft) raleilatniii.f IllM. Ua.M Co. Any IL1d rlt4lkl, AnviliiiitUtaQfrp rnre llm tci,:.lnc If jiii In.Ui j ru Mill Uia m SIJ I.) nil .!lliglit and ilMltft on lit rxltttwl, MEXICAN .MUSTANO M.XIMKAT. I 8rs, ! gaskets, &c. Pulls, ch&B!lro!'J-'iiih tbo ,uo.(.. Il I. an a.f,nlllMl r... II.. ll. 1I..I.N Mit.llar fjat- nitnl .if..rnit cuict In a ilioiltr liuir, on muul Uut, iliaiiany nillcloBri!lf.rrl. . .No eomiwtlml Ima oxer bttu Ini.ntlio citful UltG CA(lg. Iiicuilng lliu.t'MATis)!, Sum; T111101T1 otitt Wkak Joints, IKiim. JIiii'isks. nu Atuc. .VriLtlNS, tsWKIU.N0'. Fnrsu Cin on fffwM OrtuyolliarcooiitaJntirtqalrlntintiltrstltrrllMn FOIt ItonSKS It It an Inill.pti.m.loaijd valiubla rtmtdy la illcun "t Sp-Hln, Splint, lllne-l)tiicHudCtlJi1lliulrt,tuu. II alicuM bo krpt In amy houip, timp, tnJ tiallt. i Cl'Ielltl lll c-fur, I'lLUllitllipaalldllcary, All epiiiiliiul-wrut'l ctln HicI-I.UIOPiiirailnii, Uartai IliaalSnitiirenfn. W MtlWttk,CI.uiliUMlbrri'il U. 8, li.iiofIKMA8 IIAIINL8 Co. our Iba ttp. nrn.iii i.aa iitcn inailoloruunttl fell It wnuowv ilontphtnlaln. Locktl-tlyl . . Sol.lLyIIIiruRUltui1 fctvri In ry to ! I Inj Moip on l-Jdfle c-mt. CHURNS. MENDENALL'S PATENT.. THK OIIURNS AUK NOW nEISG M.ND lucliniil Iiy Howard & 5uillli InJaC"" vlllo. The imliPo me hiviliil tacnll anil m1" Iiio I lii-iii Tlio fuel tbnt they will cliurn M- n-r in 1110 Hiorl ppiico or Irom iwn i iirio" litt. will convince tun moil ikcptlcnl lliat Iney nro fur riipvrlor In niiyililnjj of Ibe kM wr licforo uflVrrd lo tbu tmlillo. They nro ll. it'll' ck'ix.itrs. 110 tciuliiiliig or waalihig by Boo; iivccatsry lo keen IberaTwfecllj clean. May 20lli. 18C8. niSO-l DEDICATION BALL. A GRAND RALL WILL BR GIVEN AT Atlilund, nu tlio ovoiiinix of July I- '" oim of tbo tpucloua room. oftb Fu lory un' t'lw . i.Aui ...... 1, 1 1., 11..1 ...i.nii-v tpcurrd. f try (lAcrllon will IxMimdo to KiiderguMHf0111 rormiiio, A coullsl invllalloii a extended lo all. Athliwd. Ofiii., Mny 26tli, 1868. ' I II' ' J '! I ' " Xfotice. NA.VIN(Jioiivlba7l)ilDt., ditpoteJ of W Hn(chcrWoiiiMcwM.Sgtck y'l"' I bpi;nl( for llitm llio palronago oxtenilod to jb bouw, Tlmw Ind.liM "' Iiy iiotn nr book oecmint will pleam como iw wurd unci kottlo. I oan ho found at toe stnu.), vtb llic IwU until fnrtbor notice. ,l9lli,8 JOIINORTll, I