Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, January 11, 1868, Image 2

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of tat rttttB rtmi.
"Wall dm, thou pool an.1 faithful rrant.H Th po
ll bar rwnl for pilol xioliam.nt for lrlt.
a aaru.x.
iSS"' W "" """ 'f " !"Uml1 WM,J
D. M. C. GAULT, -
Satuiuiay Moatsixo, Jan. 11, 1808.
The Germans in America nrc prepar
ing for a vast international festival, to
be held iu Now York.
A bill has .men introduced in the
California Legislature, to reduce the
legal rato of interest in that State
from ten to six per cent.
Bnmsii Colvmiiia Caittai. Rniiov
ed. It i announced officially that the
Capital of British Columbia has been
fiuallv fixed nt Victoria.
n-i.. .. r...l...t:..- -. .nn .l.n
1I1C iuii.n vumuiivs nit iik. mi-
most numerous sect iu the United
Suites numbering fmir millions. Thev
have three thousand, eight hundred
church edifices.
Hon. C. R. Humphrey, Representa
tive from the 8th Ohio district, wn
brutally murdered by his own son on
Sunday", the 2Pth of December, while
in a fit of insanity.
J57" Our democratic neighbor pro-
nounces the Constitution a "nullity."!
The copperhead howling over it, then, I
copperlieau iiowung over h, inen,
may appropriately be called " much
ado nliout nothing."
K?r-T ih.lr J.WhM on Grant
,1 S r S . hi Si
x , . b. .i i i . ..J
their rebel friends.
3T"Tho Chronicle remarks.
an nir of wisdom, that democracy
ways trusted the people. It might
add, that when the people truitttl He-
niocracy they generally got swindled, j
n Ti
Railtioads in
length of railroads irojvctcd iu Cali
fornia, including the C. and O. R. R.
from ilarysvllle to Oregon, is 2,'.'0C
miles. The number of miles completed
in that State is 313.
Gone East. Mr. E. A. Whittlesey,
Superintendent of the Telegraph line
between Marvsville and Portland, stait-'
ed for the East from Yreka on Tues-i
dar. His visit is on private business,
and will detain him but a short time.
Tt. .,?,! i,t ,., nrit..nf fl,..
Danish Government to sell the Island 0 a l)art-v "a",e ,,ut '. on sys-, June, leoo.... Wheat in Sau Francisco U-low zero at Cottonwood this morn
of St. Thomas, is on account of the fear n of opinion that are founded in, is selling nt from 2 -JO to 62 53 per 'nlayngl.t.
n.il Miiiil.il l.d.r . ! If-.! .. t 1 I AA ....... .! - Ka. . . a,aaiiiiiiii
that it will not stand another earth
quake. A valuablo peice of property,
IJloodI I Auo S Buon! The X. Y.
Day JJook, in the wildest excitement,
asks: "Have we no blood iu our
veins?" We think he ought to have,
as his kind of democracy didn't lose
much during the war.
home and howled !
lie staid at
UKTAIH.-A correspondent of the cstcnlay, nhont 10 oclock,
UnionUt from this county does great Jn "1 b,M1,nS. "cd hi' the i"ste a
injustice in his remarks about "Price's St' 3Jar-v 8 Aca,lcn,J' as a tor r00"'.
vngabomW We arc crediblv iufonn- 'V""1'"" 0n the rncr of D ami
ed that none bnt of that cut. 'f' greets, was burned down. The
,,. I.-,,,! i.v 5....,1 hem M vnr?! firo w I'POcd to have caught from
....wM. ........ ....... .......... ..... J ,
learned lrom Jlr. liitwell tiiat the
Illinois river was up very high last
week. The mill-dam supply wiittr
Alta Cauvou.via Aluanac Wo
acknowledge the receipt of this work
for 1808. Jt is published by the Alta I
California newspaper office, and is a n
of whom claims the very dfatin. T? . . ,. , u onu room employees nave own. isci.argea ex-
., ,, ., . . , .,, oi me uuiiiiiug. .tianv liorsons sawi,;,-i,l'v,"-"w""",,,-,!""m. me-aui-
guisbed honor of having aimed a bul- .. . J ' , J tiers" have unit sullim. wlitsl-iivi....-,.
,...,. .en it ; the smoke sometime beforo the crv of l,tr8 ,inp,lM1,l80l,,nl Wl,"k0 lio
let at the heart of General Lvon. ' ... .i ... m ,,, lm,IO voll bnou.
' lire was raietl tint supposed it to be s i v
Hioii Wateh at Kirdvi-iixe. Wc . jronj hurning nibbish. A nart of the
iu iiiv griM-iiiui hi iviriiyvnii wii,iiii niniiiig was lieu wiirin muvn. u JJroiWi JiriiHrftittl Trocht" will in irnran. 1 Juan ,llle I.l!tl,
washed uway, and several rods of the The Sisten. return tl.eir si.u-ere thanks ,,,, ,., - -mmc,ylniv f p "" -N Fhh'. 1 x'" Em- Pljm.le.
race were taken out. A pleasant .t,,e ,,l," ' .kso..v.lle for, c , ct , , n: ', TICKETS :::: 83 OO.
,-,, . . 1 1 . 1-1 1 11 their prompt nssistnnco in :ivni' I '-'""r-"''! -"ii", im iiiro.u ureases, Jj " ""
Clmstnias was had at lurby, and all )ro)0rtv fn,m t,K, fire y n,v nJ the Troches have proved theirellicacv. N tl will fa. ,parl m ml, ihl, the
enjoyed themselves well. ; mnrv enn to the manv nlreadv-'iieii. '"A" (),, l' Friend having tried m't P1t?.",n' n,, f"l ponynf the .
.1 .. . T . ........ t- .V. . ..1 ... Kin. Th liwl mn.In In tl, ..ni.. I... .
valuable cniiiHiidium of interesting l'e everyone go and put his shoulder
facts nnd statistics in tho State of Cal- to the wheel and push the movement
iforuia and dating up to the election of forward. We hope the good senso of
Casserly to the U. S. Senate. Price ' the community will depfeeato and
fifty cents, not 0110 of which is thrown ffw'i down anything or nny person
away by its purchase. ' likely to disturb harmonious action, or
- 1 create personal or sectional jealousy,
J2fThc Salem Cftroniclt is per-1 nnd thus impede the progress of tile
fectly frantic over the case of one i grt'at enterprise.
O'Brien lately sentenced iu England I8 AV..EnEA.,OLTS.-The friends of
to be hanged. It charges Minister Mr. G. A. Payne will be glad to hear
Adam, with hav..,g,ns,.l.,nglyba.,;(tmtll0i8 flt work Qn th(j 0 fa
doned poor O'Brien to his haple. fate," nt Fonmil w ,mvo mt
and adds: "Tho chances are that lie j whether his situation is permanent or
M a democrat. That's what's .die i not.
mutter." 'IVe'have no doubt the- Chran- T r: T, TT
., . . . ,,m . , ,. ' J.AHGE ucoet. Mr. Peter Hanson,
ele .w correct as to O'Brien s poht- , . T , , '
. . . . , . . , . . . ".nitiing on Jackson creek, above Far
ical stsrtits his havniL' been convictud .... . '
of 'murder woufdeecin to indicate that
the unfortunat.wan'fi associations had
bsn very bad-
Party OraBiButloa.
It is often remarked that the organ
ization of the Democratic party is su
perior to that of our own. On reflec
tion, it is not strange that it should be.
They have better material with which
to accomplish the purposes of their
Icnilom. Democracy Aver failed in
nnytlung it lias tried to accomplish
whore Jt had a majority of votes. It
imposed negro suffrage on the people
of several States, and its blind follow
ers were not horror struck at the pros
pect of political affiliation with an in
ferior race of people. Demociacy in
troduced and oncouraged Chinese labor
on tliis Coast, anil thousands whose
only solicitude on election day is the
success of democratic candidates, never
found fault because their political mas
ters were fostering a system of labor
enriching to those who .mucin it, but
impoverishing to those who had labor
ri. .nil '',... ...II....... ... . . ..
....-vii. in.- mui ui ui - iiincnirr.
; I If 1 1 II .... .
tilllOW lllllllllV lieverilinniriiirr infiitlii.
--.- i j. ....-...
motives of thoe wlini-political slaves
tliey ure. and constitute nn element
too enily drilled to secure tlie ends
of d
of lie:
of iii
advocated the introduction of coolie-. ;i
nnil the blind, prejudiced, thoughtle
dupes of that party cannot see that it
is a direct blow at lree labor in favor
of capital, and at the expense of the
toiling millions of the country. Xo,
i j- .- vuumi. .iu,
matter what the leaders of democracy
propoe or niivocnte, negro simrage,
I, coo,ief lal,or- .r .what wonc-nbso.
I '"''"r h ,a"a,'-V B"1,miltol ,0
this nbject willingness of the many to
c uie ponucai ioois ot tne tew tiiat
makes it dangerous. Mental slavery
ana ,iU,c (" "m,".v tnileiieiiilcnee nre its
,, . .i-i.. i ., ... ......
L-inagogues. Since the overthrow name of the - Portland Drav & Hack "n" n w1 nn M' ' t"', ot
egro slavery, democratic paper LV....1 wo ankee telegraph repair- T,-nvv mH ,-,. nm1 tlic
lluence in the bouth. the est. ers lire to c nub a match in Cnnuecti- ,- ..", .i.- ..,.- -.. :.,:..,..
' I .vi inn. nun i rti.iiiiis iiuiii-t itunillL)
III alliligtou. have nersistcntlv i cut! the one who can climb 1U0 nates and if it cniitlniins a dm- nr lira innrn.
t1ll.illlri.d nril ' ilntimrr!if. ' mnl nitt.n. .1.. ......... t.. . ... .... !..... - i..u 1 flLifl llli ill tint lif tmn il tin. i.Iil all fib.
- -... .......v.i...,w, ...., ,.v.. niu vrtyvH ici(iiej;iu;i, mivc ii lurmcil "" ...v ........n. .. .nv ..... n....n.
question their wisdom or weigh their partnerncrship nt Albany for the prae- w-a-e,nn ,0 kl't'I' fro,n l!(,ri,,,li"S- Tl11'
, with , consequences. It is this partisan devo-1 tice of law.... New Yo.k contains a il "C' ",U
al-ition that makes democracy strong, nnd ; population of 1,100,000; San Fran- inclement season must hi.' nwlnr-
iMiiwnirs, niiuv tri-u iituiiijiii nun iiiiu-' iiuiii, or viv per neaii....i lively im
pendent intelligence are the weaknesses cussion is now pending iu the Ciilifor
of republicanism. In our party, every ' nia Legislature, concerning the trans-
one thinks tor lnnielt. All aspire to
lend. Xonc are willing to follow,
without first knowing that thev are
right. Lot a prominent republican j
enunciate doctrines, or advocate meas-J
urcs distasteful to anv members of th
part v and he is repudiated, even to
detriment of the partv organizati
Republicans do not follow men, and are I
nt led away by the fascinating sound
and guided by their own individual
judgment.- Democracy tends to oli
garchythe consolidation of political
power among tho few. Republican
ism containing the largest share of
popular intelligence tends to the (lis-
,rii,ution nnd , r ajjurtincnt 0f
,,0wer among the manv; and rci.til.li.
:,,, ,.i., .,, i ..s.i a..i.
canism, alone, must be relied on for the
, peqietuntion of popular liberty.
r-r . .
..mvUnns ninritl in tbi I.mwn ..-....
e(i The loss is estimated nt about I50.
nd is mostly confined to the groceries,!
Rah.Roah Meeting. To-dav there
to be an adjourned railroad meeting.
inar's 1 lat, took out two nuggets of
golddiis week one wejghing 11 oz.
and 814, and the other 3.oz. We call
jthis a pretty good, day's work.
nun peo.ie eannoi ue too cnreiui ot . "".ei. mr isiuuia wiui 110 eainae.rn, ibPiiVaaini. ' 5n
lnsl.es. ' be.ielit, found t-reat relief from the T.o- mF.XZnj?S5:. .. ..-.
. dies." Rev. I). Letts. Frankfort. I... -L I '
AH Sorts of Things.
The wool clip of Cahfonna nl86
was 6,000,000 pounds .There are at
f - t - ?r"M" -
factured annually n, San Fieisco.
Scnor Godoy has resitrncd the Consul-
, . 2v, . , . c
ship of Mexico, and Istcaraguant hani
Francisco. . . .Tho highest peak on tl,e'
Pacific Coast is Ml. Whlticv, in the
i acme iwu. ,
Sierra iNcva.li. rangc-15,000 feet,
next Mt. Shasta. 14.440: next Alt.
Tyndall, 14,380. flit. Rainor, in . '1.,
measure 12,330 feet. flit. Hood is 8th
on the list, being 11,225 feet high. ..
The Woolen Mills in California cm
ploy 800 hands- 'Elder knnpp, of the
Baptist church, is to visit Oregon....
on n visit to Yrekn.... They have had
about six inches of snow iu Yre-
L-n. .fimnt Pliibs are be'intr ornnii
- " -D
; i ii .. .. .it. ... ' r ... ........ .
- zcu nil over iie a-nic.... iiii' t. . unt-
. ..
linn miMiiiini-M mi Mm illtiini.lfi. nri
J progressing; they will cnrr.v freight, in
1 Febrmirv The ilrnvmon of Port-
...... .-. . w
' laml fOgiOhnvc combined under the
first, takes tho stakes.... Spain has of-
fured to sell Cuba and Porto Rico to
i the United States for f 130,000,000. . . .
Three thousand whites and hix thou-
sand blacks are reported starving in
Louisiana.... Iu New York, the Re-
j.uiiisiana.. ..in .mmv mrK, uie iu-
publicans only polled 25,000 votes out
ot 112,000. cw lork is the Sodom
ol modem times.... A new lodge of
1 ' Fl,ll0(" i! !Mn t0 ,)C ,,rS",,M '
, 3iiiHvi i. cHiiut luuiiunv uiuiur ui
cisco 130,000. The State, County nnd
City taxes paid by the former city is
SI 7,000,000 per annum, or $I I 25 per
! head ; bv the latter, 62,300,000 per an-
. ... . . . , ...'...
i.muii nun prniiiiig oi me law? in uie
Spanish or Mexican language, for the
mc of the mauv Mexicans inhabiting
the southern counties of California.
Harriet Whetstone has sued Tho.
fllr. Geo. 1-iock, of Yrekn, was serious- "" " vasi. numner oi jiltm.,.-, i.
, . . ... it :...... ..... ibeen converted, nnd t!ie good work is
ly, npircd last week by his team run- j,., wI .., ,, v;cor nnd
ning nway . . . .Ilev. A. C. AIcDougal is mrBY tiiat ti,o l,.rt,P nlnnnt of world-
the Mean, in the Fourth District Court, ' aie 1,ow' running from Shnsta to Yre
the Sun Francisco, for breach of promise ; ' ka- John Androi starti-il from the
ion. 1 810,000 damages are proved for. 'J.,lr lh-e yesterday with u sleigh
are j Means promised to marry the' Plaintiff r Jackoavillft
Means promised to marry the Plaintiff
at Umatilla, Ogn., nbout the 13th of
100 pounds.
Fort Ki.aji.vth, Oii.v. J a. v. 1st. ItfOB.
The snow is now about thirty inches
deep at this post, and snowing very
hard; but little fell until the 25th ill
Dim llllt It Irf tiL'iiK- In nn nw ,1.,, .
- "".' " b- "" "'-I' "
usual. '1 here is no snow of any conse-
qiicuce yet at Link River. The cold-
est weather so tar this winter, haw low-'
ered mercury only 22 degrees below I
the freiziug poiut'or 10 degrees above !
zero; at one timo last winter it was'
15 degrees below.
The usual military routine is carried
on at the Post nothing elo can be I
done during the winter. Cnpt.
McGregor commands, and he evidently
understands his profession. All citizen
Asthma. A spasmodic utlection of
the Krouchial Tubes, which are cover
ed with a drv tenacious nlilccm
EmrKiiE Cold. Yesterday morning
at dny.'ight, tho thermometer here
stood nt 8 degrees nbove zoro. At
. 1, 1 .-. .., ,
Ashland it marked 0 degrees above
zero ; while at Yrekn, it was teven and
at Cotton wood Jim degrees Mmc zero.
The weather is ivported as intensely
cold all over the State. Xo boats nr'o
running on tho Willamette on account I
of ice.
Quick Tijie. The passengers who
left here on thp 23d ult.. by the North '
. - --"
i'"- onn 1
American Steamship Co's steamer Or-
eyonlun, arrived 111 .New lpr qu .the
10th inst., making the trip ju twenty
days and fourteen hours, Tho Oreoo-,
nlan connected witli the Hehraaku at
the Jslhinus. (
Nkw Smj:. Tho most approved
denioeratliityle of asking n man to
drink, is; "Let us boldly attack tho
enemy qf,eoiistUutinna1 liberty."
IJosKncno, Oox, Dec. a 1st, 1807.
t TT Will!...... nt T nnlriniv fl1n
P 'n-as one of the early
iettUrfth.t part of the Umpqua
cnng farmer, and
. "" , . , . ,. . f. ....:,..
In bss Is deeply lelt in the community
, ,. ,
e'.e lived.
. McQ.lli.tcr, the Mazarine," is hold-
j,rotracted meeting in town, and
b l
." "r"b -- -- .
every day. His strong weakness aj-
pears to be u bitter hatred to the Jlotli-
odist Church, gcnorally.
Tim Afnll.n.licl .".l.i.K.lm. M.Otll
- branches), for the last three months,
jlmVo been actively engaged in a series
ut protraotcil meetings, wliiciisiiiicon
lines of Roseburc and vicinitv is in a
lair way of being totally annihilated.
- The celebnit'ed "Tiiiiiu-r Troupe"
, . - ....., 1, ,! .
,.e .,. , ..,: , .
I..; llvl'll III IIMI II Hit I mull. II iluv. ii-
Hill, "luoiHli lllltl .wiwilllliu l " "I-
.1... ...... i .. .... " . !.'
inriiiiniv ni'iw
con meetincs. to CIVC
rHe fopK the benfit of one of tlicir
"nlesilid entertaiiunents: but n vet
" favorable opportunity has offered,
nail eoiunuiiiication will be temporarily
' rrmm.E Family. On Thursday
np,t tint mbbxt nf ilm u-lninr n nm.
ff con.
tlrce In
....., ...... w. .... ..,
Msting of a man and woman nnd
tlrce little children, the oldest not
i ,roro t,an FCV0II or Llr,j)t vcan, 0f nCe,
Cimped out in the snow jnt below
' mow Springs. They w.-re traveling
"tl, an ox t.u, the poor worn out
Jim iiiT nuiu Muii'irozou cimurun nun
either to extreme destitution or to fool-
ih hnrdihoud.
On I In looking over this weeks. .ad
vtrtisements, our " devil" struck u po
etical vein, and got oil' the following:
Come one and all.
Roth short and tall,
To the Leap Year hull,
A'Horno'hllnll, '
Where batiies small,
"Won't equall.
Wixtkii t.v Camfok.via, Slciirhs
& The mcrvurv was 10 decrees
.ii a it ii i r. it.
llVPH-lir,M-A th Inf.. Jlr II .V l..r of
i.Konjiiair ki Jin. unl. llast, ktttttlj of Ju-
iiaw- wvtnij r
in rn.
ITAVUlll kt Ik. bull r..H.iK n.at nnl J.an.
. J'i.; tuTIZluZ I,.. " n A T';
-AT Tilt
EreulnR of Jitmiury Slst, 1808.
Mn Il.F. Dnw.
Mr. N. Ineoll.
Mi Mary Hull,
Mrs. Eliz Wall,
Mrs N. Wllklnwin,
111m IlixU Sbuok,
To O. P. Wood row. a Jlemesteiad
fijjl"'-0 m'.,,,w,l '' J-
I ! bv l-en fllril In thla office. KlnB
IIwIjwh lme formnrr. Ibnn ili monih ln-
,lonM' Jnnr Homeieil Enirr. Nn . on 8 1 or
? Vh a".'U? LflLR.iW' t..f "nnt1' n N
fe w tn,l Ut SC,,n "' ,n T0Wmb,p 38'8
T?k,... ti at. -.oo
Febrimry 4th, A. D. 1868,
tl o'clock. P M.. hu Wn Mt forhearlnc the
Mence of laid allrged obomlnnmeDl t Iblt
ot&cu ; sad that unln you ptwr and offer
fT'2?? !".!"??" .7??l" ,,mi.9 " "1
uo iirvinc
he iletrned Blundoneil anil cancelled
Hattrd st Land Offlce, Rowburg, Ogn., Dec
26lb, 1867.
JOnN KRI.U. RevUier,
Jsnusry. Itlh. 1868. janU-lT
Motice t DeliaqaMBts I
JL IIiom! Mho are indebted lo him for black,
'mlthlng. lo come forward and make payment.
I mmt bava money ; promlie don't par mr
olillgatlona. An early settlement mml be had
Lit urn call be uClcIi nt.
JacktonlllerIan. 81b, 1868. Janll-iir
. . . ...i .1
Th--rUrpltofMntilJuilgBniilhiT Urnd to
DrtM-Mlt. with hi iTmplnin. ItMiU-ht. IlM-tbvra,
r..tlli Lip., IUd Rrtslh, Mlcm Cuoipltxloo, c nil
U url bj uilnj I-uxTitio.i Biitiu.
ThU Ii lh ttt Ionic of Mi Toung,
mliMlrittO nJ oM. t d.lljhlp.1 ullh II. tllt.
Tbt fint trial -J--. h mtkl jowl ITirt.
No hn? of Jll It xHttrj. Zt ll 70a wlti, of th.
bit oil oimI nullllloui tul.
II Ii th. rnlrl enr nn kno-rn r im ottljM ind
diilrtMtJ tunwb, uhlcb It rtllt.n In . tniutnU.
W know lht w hure lh bnl "ml mnt pu-uUr iur4
MntlnlhewotU. W no! ttnit lo ilw wbt It !
cvoi-od of.
rntltCll-Il All COK-UUD TO Iti1t-P .
CmmA rti h. lfn tlbmlrf for o-m Iwotn.
IrtJ JMrt, n.l nit MM dntlor th tlo of ImiU XVI,
Klnf of Fnuif, lor Ih tnormuui rl of Iu au Wf UM
Inilltof. IUrmtlublfor Djip.p.1, FMiri , W k
Dfi, Cvmtlpition, Ac.
Ciatuji Dm,-For UatrhM, Colic, and lluu.a of
th itonMb ami tvwtli.
Di-otum, For InSiiii'tloo of th. LoIm aid Drop.1.
tl AITllool.
CoiMoNtu riowr-Vor nf.Ml dlftMtlon
L.Ttitiu rtowiiu. Arunullc, ItlmuUnt anl tonlr
hlhl- loTUrorllti(t In n.r.ou. d.Wllty.
Wtitiaiiain. For Scrofula, Ilh.um.tlim, ii.
Aim An aromatic f.rtnlo.llt.l creatine tmh, mo
tit and Dill 1 1 much uikI bj mothtn nnrilng.
Alw, ckt-bud, onnj, csuajr, coirandtr -oak.
toot. ic.
Annthrron.ltnil Inrrll.nt
of SranHli Orltin, Im-
rmrtini heantr til tli rumnt.iliHi an.
in.t briuwnor in 1111
mind. I. Tft unknown M th. omim.rt. at th. orld,and
"f -tilhiioj.1 It. luma tr lh prrMnl,
With thli rrrlr before th coinoiunltj, and vlilfnrr.
of ltu m..lluz 1I1.01 on all il.i, th tncc.M of Da.
Imti itamli rmn.lf.1 npon lh rrrk of Irnlh. Almixt
r f imllr ha. nt nt of inffrrlnff whlsh Ih. t-USTA-tto
Ilimu will allrtUt' ami cut.
Tlirar rrcnininilil bj th hlthrit nudlml anlhnrl
tlf. tI ar warrantnt lnprnluttiaiilmtnrdlitFbnntlit
fT-ft Thj an xctllntl r.wH, ptfflljr pur
and h.rmlf.i
Nortci. Any prwn pnltmllni; In i.ll rUntatln nil
lr In bulk or by Ih r.llon I. a iwlmtl.r ami Inii.Mtnr.
It putuponlr in ratr laXHblii Uiltl. ll.natrnf i.iltl.t
rtnilnl with Imitation d.UKtlon. HulT. Sir which .wral
prHi. ar almklr In i.rti-in. S thai . r Nilll ha.
our Unltol Si.t. itampom th mik unmntll.lnl, and
our ilitnatur on itrl plat 111. laWI
Std br rpUhl d.al.ra IhfMi.kmil tha habtlaLl
I io.
T. II. DB.1KE, I CO., 5r Vork, Sole Prop'n.
RCDI3TCT0.V i IU, San Prnnfhro.
Th.m.illicf Ihli Llnlm.nl arw.ll known. llarffMt.
ar Imtantanrou., w.ilhlnif, aint wpflrful.
till, brul.., irraln. ami .lllpr.ar Mirommon.and
crtAln lo occur IntT.rr Umllr. tL.ta l.vitl.of tbl. Lin-
lai.nl it in l.t tnrlmnl mat ran l mail.
It Ii Btr ctruin than Ih it.tit It a.ii Urn In
nndinc fir Ih d-nor II l chrawr than lb due lor, and
ihcuUn.nr tdiiinid ulth,
IlKAIiTlli: IDI.UnviMli
" I lak plAunr In rmwnmamlln Ih )llran Mu
lam Llnlni.nl a. a alu4blaiM ln.t(in..bl arllcl for
Sprain., ,,. Scratch!, or llilli on llm. Hut mm
har n.cl II ht llurni, llruliM, Sr. llh.uniilliDi, Ac,
ami all r It act. Ilk niMk " J. W lliwirr.
loi.mtn fr Annrlo.ii, Wtli, VutJt and llanvlcn'i
'Th .prtlncf mrd.uzht..'. ankle, mailon,! whll
ikatlnit hut wlnt.r, wa. .nlir.lr cutrl In on wk atl.r
b rnntncl u.lnf onrrlbratl Jluitanr Unlm.nt."
Ilkuc.ir, lai, Auuit I, IMA. y.. Suit.
Quick ami inr II c.rulnlj l. All cnuln Ii wrappd
lniil'platnr.ilnr..l'rliir Ih .ignatur of O. W.
Wttrk, Ch.mlit, am) th ptlial L'. 8. Damp of lla
ma It.auA Co. our lli lop.
An R.rl h. tn nia.1 t.i countftf.lt It with chap
kmcplal UWI, Ln.k ct.l.
Sold bj all llrutslili, and Sbir., at SJ. in tie, ami It.
II I. . kiwin Ibal I.ton'i Oinuln. Jl.m.llf Ism-lrr
Mill -rlttl7il.ilnij ...rjlklnir In tl. hai uf B.,
Iliki, Uilbuo, riuhi, atj Out It I. irrn t.4.n u
Hi lnKI I rib, but n1lrtl barwlM la lb rrunaa .f
l anl i.in.iltf anlnult.
IMInri. Anta, Ituwlm, te,ar In .rrbmw Thli
r.rdr Ii Ibtlr naturat dralb. It ihuulil b In .rrcni
UMrJ Jon L. nnm, ,Sarlnllnt of tbN. Voik
Ctljr llplul, u lllilb.oiiliori.arlll
Vat lloru 1-aors.iTOM aajri W bat Bnl
fir .l.rmltullDj lrwti ami .triulu, llh tnllt Mil.
CoLSMax A Srrrsox. Ailor Houe.
8. T. Coar.Ns. Amrlcau Hat..
Acxnkr A- TsEaiinKLuSl. Nlcliolaa Hotel.
S. Lkumi A. Co., MetroH)lllaii Hotel."
Tillunnjr of thii cbarwtir mlfhl U a.Jd lo an
lint lb. b.r.i.r It la uwl It a.i,rtl lu.lt
Th nnain baa th. lUmlur of E. Ltoji, ami lb
PrtJJje latyp of Dlxi. luuu 1 Co. An;tbtn( tlw
" "--' - " uii.'n i iuioirn.il. .tnjr uruif
iil "III (incur Hi. t.uulo. If jan IwUt 100 lll ba
ftal All. "
J b all ilruntila ami (antral HirikMri In irj
atal mlnjini caunn on tb I'adflc CMt.
SUM JION8. In the Circuit Court of the Stale
of OrKon. for the County of Jackoii.
George W. Iaac. PlalnlltT, vi. Stephen J.
Ilendenon and L. P. Henderson. Defendant-.
Motion Inr leave lo Imiip exrcullon.
To Slirpben J. Ilendenon : You are required
to appear In ald Court and amuer lln- com
plalm nrwld plalnllrr.nieiUuali.il yon, within
ten iUy from the lime of I he mrvicit or Hit.
umrnnna nn you, If ervrd within said county ;
or, If ervelon yon nilMn any otbv county
Iu tbla .Sutc, then w libit. Iweitly il.iya from lht
limn of the M-rvlrc; or. If nti1 on you mil
or lhgiat of Oregi.ii. then It Itordend lay
Ihe Courl that publication U ninde fi,r ii
ka In the Oret'oit 4V.nti.nsi. prior lo the .ve
nd Motility In Februirr. A I... Ihss
And you Hre nnllflwl that. If you fall to an
..i"1 c.oml"" ''"e rtrinlrnl, Hi.
plaintiff w apply to the Court for lb relief
K-iuaiiiiru iiten-m, to-wii; hor leare to la.ue
M'cutiiii. ngalnat your prnr-rlv lo mll.fy
judm-ii Tor 312 2i-ll0 ilullars. with liilufest
thereon at the rale of 2J pr Cent. pr month
from lint IBlli d.y or June. A. D,. In2. and
be co... ami duburh-menta of Ihlaacilon to
bo tMtd (.Urn under my band tbla lHtb day
of September. A. II . 18U7 f
O JACOn. Alt'y for Plalntlfr.
December Hlh. 18B7. decllfiw
XV brieliy noliGet) lo come forwurd and puy
U. by the f,r,i day of Jonuary emuinjf, wit
will certainly be lo their intern! to do o, a. we
n-nn ;,?.tu,int "" t1 to meet our
?" n'i"b'l,,,"!D furthermore. dermluK it
for the beat interest of all concerned, we bae
hrD1.l0S:,";,l,b? ,,,,c' .h b..tein
T..b ... t 8UTTON "YDE.
JacWonville. Dec, lflil.. 18S7. dc2ltf
! Tra BlUitiats I
.olea.e.horlly It )e-om neceawrv for
DniB Wore b3 Ptirt oafccL '
JacksoRTlllc. Orrvayrr r
A larirc nMorlment of ENGLISH, Sw'iRH.
and AMERICAN WATCH moremnul!iB'
IIrM and benvy bnlhSILVEH and GOLD
cnaea. Small flni' GOLD. ENAMKLI.PD
A larirp aorlm-nt of CLOCKS : aucl. ai. 30.
"". J Pr" "a "-"our, rtiintii
a,i.1 lli.lt.1.1 ..til. ..! .Uui a. I. . a
nud without gtrlkloi
and Alarm.
....fi.. ".
A unod BMortment o' GOLD and SILVER
Chain for Ri-nla nod ladlr : WATCH
kcya SEALS and CIIAII.MRi Solid GOLn
Phil, and SlecTe-butlons.
Locket-Seal, Enamelled, Plain, llrjnriV
Krlend'bln, and Diamond Fincer-tilnnt
Giild-Lncket, for one to fnnr plcti.rei ;:!!
die flue ! i.r Jewelry 5 KnamtikJ,
Plain, and (juarlz Pin ntxl rjir-Ornarawilai
Ji'l-Ennmcllttl and Plain Gold CroMJ
Imlli pin nnd awing ; Guki- Pet.a i.r ti'ifa.bM
quality; Gold and Silver Panel! Cuiev
A lnrpe n'ortmcnt of Snlltl'Sllvr andSieel
iN.wed Spectacle, for iirar and far-l-htrd'
The rtni'at lot of Sllrrr and Pttd.irra rri,
olTeri'd to th! public. jut from llhtmaou.
facturica In the Eiit ; riich a. Cm tltt.
Kim, Carrnin. Si.i.tn Sii.tkiu I'uiiii.Ti.
111..:. Drr.irr, T.a nml' Siiiik Srwwi,
KNtviea, iiiikk. nnd IlrrjKii-KMrm; .Sou
and I'laTcu Nai-Kis ltisja, Silteh VIcm,
Ac.. Ac.
J. NEl'IIER keex nn kn& irw wnrlWIJi.
MACHINE; nmki-a four atlcl.ra revrrM
hie tVi-d. AN)., the well known, HOWE
SlreiiKth, Sin.plicily ut.di DutaUlrly, cm
not Im mullnl.
A miml BMnrlment or GEORGE..WOSTES
HOLM A SONS' CelelntUd PMkct Cut
lery. An cndle rarlely of "3.fw and Faner
GihnI 5 mil. it. IIIItDCACiiy, KANCV
N-t or Violin Hiring, !Wilt!' u.id Tall
pircra. (lullur Strli.K". Acoorilrmii, 'la
lluaa. Ac ; I'urceluli. and jla-s Va.e. Can-
ille-atlcka, Ac.
A larac aMorlrrent or CVr.'en' Ctilru. Tio
and llritiii.i.iu, ColKf, Tea, Ctumler,
Kitchen and Parlor Sett.
A Iarg lot of Dull and Il-awl 5 aio.a(loi
lot of itt.iill ciiniJIi-a for CiirltinaTrre:
all Iron Toy cook atuve aid &U of faro'
Small Wheellmrrowa tend Tip Carta for bo.
ltd Ilinu.iiiiiU i.r Marlil.-n ; Toy lluiKte
and Cl.nl-- for larcili'll-: lufaiil Itaille
mid Tectbii.K UIiik. A l.l- lot of Willow
J. NEUIIER keepa nn liani a larvr lot of
Cipitri. of the l-t quality,, nt wl.oleali
and rrlall ; line cut ni.or.tnjr und cbewloc
lolHtacn ; hard and fl prd ti.lwiecoof
all Ihn choice"! branda. Tfce rry lwl to-
Inccu lound hi the market I found litre.
The rerr beat Meracl.anm pliK warranted
o ; a Inrtre lot or Wood and Clay pli Jllie
beat of Cherry itetoi burn muulh.plrcra,
Ac, Ac.
Alt kl.ida of WATCHES. CLOCKS aivA
clmnvil nnd rep.ln-d and rl In the twit of
order on the mix! rraxosMiile term. II
may not U generally kronn, but 1W1 Ii
inu largrat anil i-i a.oti'.li, goou n-
kind north of San Krat.clceu .
Jackaonvllle. Ilec. 7tfr, 1HB77 JMwt
SUMMONS In the C.uuty Court of i!
Slate of Oregon, for IW tfounly of Jx-,
Wm. Dvlire. PlalnlllT, w. J. C Wrlw. A"lfA
Olwrt, Wm Hrlttner, Edwarif Harry Fr-,
erick ;ranr. V. B. Magralfe, fieeear. 0iU
Ing and K. Lamley. DercdiintK.. larlatrt.
dulng bu.ineaa iu the name ol hrti
Mill Company
MotluH for Juilgmeiit for Lore,
to laaue KxcciUIoh.
To Anion Olwrl, Wm. Ilrluner. EdrJ
Harp, V. Ii Magriill'iT, Gi-orge Colling ! f;
Liunli-y : You ate required to api--ar in U
Court nud an. er Ihe cinpluli.t'iif ald plIo
lllf, tiled Hgitll.M you. wllhlu tni dayi from lk
time of Ibe acrvlcu of tbla auminoni on T0U, If
aefred within i-ald county ; or. IT irrTird1 o
you within any other county Iu this Stale, thro
within twenty daya from Ihe time or tk "!
vice ; or, lr .ert-i-d on you oul of the Stale ei
Oregon, then It la ordered oy Ihe Jiuliie of111
County Court of Jack.on county, thai public-
1. 01. I made lor ix week In tlm utKioa o
t.nki. prior to the llr.t Mund.v In Marvti A-"
And yntt nr notified that. If you fall "'
wer .Bid loollon and complaint uaaborere
qulrrd. Ihe Plahillirwlll apply to Ihe Court for
Ilia reller demanded therein. t'-w s 'tff
judgment for leave lo luo execution on
juditmui.t enured ucnlnat you lor the wn
three hundred and fnrty-lx 25-100 dollar.
will. Intercat thereon at the rate of 2) r'"!1,
per month from the 2d day or April, A. .
1861, and Ibe coaU and tliilmraemeiiU or l
motion lo be lazed. By order of Judge In":
W. G. T'VAULT, Att'y for PUlntll
December 28lb, 18C7. dwjJP-t"'
THE 60 TO huUM
Factory on corner of Oregon and MJj 8"j
by the Odd Fellow'- Hall, and oppo "r
t-ranco-Aiperlcan Restaurant. ...
Jackionrllle, N.ov. 29tb, 1867. noT