intvn nnnnMt finVTHini TIIK UM,liUi SMUinilHi. Satukday Monxi.vo, Nov. 2, 1807. Communion Servlcoa.Rcv. M.A. Williams, will preach In llio Methodist Cliurcb, thl morning, nt 11 o'clock; also, tomorrow rnornlng at the tame hour, nftcr which, the Sac tament of the " Lord' Supper " will bo admin istered. Hoard of Trustees, TUESDAY i:vi:., OCTOIIEH 20, 1807. The Board of Trustees meet jmrsii nnt to tulioiirii incut. A full Bonn. J present, Tho meeting wns called to order by D. Linn, President, and tho minutes of tho preceding session were rend and approved. The- Finance Com mittee reported back to the Board the Oregon I'rcss ofiice bill, for $31, and recommended that it be allowed. The same was allowed and ordered paid. ntt.t.s Htnsr.XTr.n. SuxTixnt, office bill, $4, for publish ing notice of special election ; Linn & Hall's bill for 14, for repairs on station house; 1I. Bellinger's bill, 5, for wood lor town ; O'Covle's bill, $2, lor cut ting wood, and A. Fisher's bill, $1 12 referred to the usual committee. Licenses to retail spitituous liquors were granted to John Walters and to John Nolantl each one was assessed 850 for six mouths. The President informed the Board that the contract for constructing cross valki, by A. 31. Berry, was completed and ready to bo received by the Board; when, on motion uf Mr. Fuuck, a special j committee was appointed to examine the work and report at the next meet-1 "ing, and Mr. Fuuck, Orth and Martin were appointed the committee. Mr. Langel appeared before the Board on j behalf of himself and iiianv other cit- , .ii.'.i.. jjiens, and represented that the situa- . . . .ii ii , lion of their properly had compelled ., , .1 . .- - them to commence the con-truction of n breakwntcr, to protect them ngnitist the floods, and asked some aid from the town to complete it. After some remarks by the President and other members, the subject was post poned for further consideration. Tho Board adjourned to Tliurt-dny, evening next, Oct. 01st. Tlll'HM'AY, orr. ill, 1607. Tho Board of Trustees convened pursuant to the adjournment. I'reseut 1). IJiuifl'ieMdciit; Funck, Orth and Judge. Absent Mr. Martin. The minutes of tho preceding meeting were read and approved. The Special Com mittee appointed to examine the cross walks, constructed by A. M. Berry, Hindu a report, to tho effect that they bad examined the same; that the work was finished nccouling to contract, and recommended that the work beieceiv ed. Tho report was adopted. The subject, with icference to the petition of X. Langel and ot litis, ask ing aid in the construction of a break water in tho lower part of town, was called up. After some remarks on the subject by the members, a resolution was passed, appropriating $34, uur .reticy, to aid in the pioject to bo ex pended under the diiection of the . Street Commissioner, with special ref erence to tho protection of the roads 4u that vicinity. jTho Board adjourned without day. m XoimiWAKD Boi'nd. Frank B. 'Stuart, formerly editor and publisher of tho Southern Oregon J'ress, left for Portland Thursday morning. Mr. Stuart is a good printer, and personally wojwisJi him well, and hope he may avoid .the temptations that lead so many mcn to ruin. Politically, we .differ h qui him, and although tho re lations of tho two papers havo not al ways Icon of tho most pleasant natuic, wo say,.go ju peace. DxTJsnitv. In another column, the cituens of-Johejdnno county will find tho announcement of Dr. Shrewsbury. Tho Doctor jetimined hero several weeks, and gavo general satisfaction. A personal acquaintance of boveial years justifies us in saying, that those who employ him, will find a gentle manly and skillful operator, who UiorougUy understands his business,. New Planing Machine. Mr. S. Emery, of Ashland, has just icccived and ct up, nt a cost of about $1,000, a splendid planing machine, with an attachment for "tongueing and groov ing." It has all the late improvements and is a finely finished piece of machine ry. It is capable of planing 24-inch lumber, and will at once be set at work on tho flooring of the factory. Contracts Filled. We learn that the contracts to supply Fort Klamath with hay and grain have beeu fijled. The former was for thrao hundred and 6eviinU tons, all of -which ws cut within a few miles of the post, FnoM the Fielp. We published in our last issue an account ot a battle between Gen. Crook's command and a large party of Indians, in which the former was said to havo lost a Lieuten ant and several men. We now havo a rumor, by May of Fort Klamath, that the fight occurred about twenty miles from Goose Lake Valley, about tho 17th of September, and that Crook's had Lieutenant Jhnigaii and six men killed, and about twenty men wounded. His command, consisting of about 40 men, of Co. "II," U. S. Cnv., jumped up a band of Pi-ntes and Pitt river In dians, over a hundred strong, who were entrenched in the rocks and made a des perate tcMStancc. A messenger from Crook is said to have arrived at Fort Klamath, with dispatches ; but as wo have no positive information, we givo the report for what it is worth. Xnw TiXKor.Arit Ornci:. There is to bo a telegraph office opened at Ashland, in a few days. It Is intend ed for a repair station, but will proba bly be a great convenience to the peo ple of that place. The office is to be in the store of Batim it Solomon, mid Mr. Batim will run the machine. The tariff between that place and Jackson- villo will probably be fifty cents for ten words. I.irjroit TitArric Srovrr.n. We un derstand that the sale of liquor, by the sutlers nt Fort Klamath, has been pro- tested ngainst by the Indian agent, a in violation of an express stipulation in the treaty with" the "Klamath",' and its sale forbidden by Lieut. Small, except on presentation of a written or- der from him. T, :,""" "r. , Iixi'EiiiTinvrnoMki.Au.viii. Agent , , . , ... , T , Applegnto left Klamath Lake some . , , , ... . ,. ,. time last week, with an cscott ol live , ,, ... . ,. ... comier." niiu iiuriy-iivu iiiiiiaus, lor ine purpose of mooting Superintendent Huntington. It is undcrMood that the latter is coining to Fort Klamath bv'wav of the Dalles. For. Hunt. Mr. Thomas C'iiavner advertises his property, at Dardanells, for rent. This property is pleasantly situated, and presents many induce ments to those desiring to rent a pub lic house. Returns from California indicate that Ctirrey has been beat some 2,000, and Swett bv about 1,000. IIIRD. rnKXCII Oriolwr 3!tli. all o'etotkA M, Jamas IWih rv, tun of M'iltuun 1'rrn.b, ag.d tl; lit jean. Chicago, llUlPr ilnti rop) NKW ADVKUTISKMKN're. LIST nV LIVlTKltS R fiivnt.luikinnvlllcOrrL'oii.Oct. litl6C7. I Ailklna LomIi Mill. John W Acklrr l.ll.U ATrmTll Alfnrtcr 0 1 lluckman In llUwIMraO 11 lukrr J W llnick 1' P llrothrrtun Wm atoii Mllo Caillon Win J I Charlton Dim A Cruckrll Garrlt CamiilKtl JiotpU II Curl Jamca M ChalwrCK O.K. Ml.. Mattla litoiMritllia Dana I, IiarliWm D Durham John K Kiwron Milton S ra.t Jtaaa Ftn Mcth KorU ll'cjamln ISrlmta L (llhboiit M)lea Uaga harah Jauf Oaga Wni W drub I'ranklln lion Uru.llla 3 JokiiionJohn N Jacaon Samuel Jonoi Laroy A Jonea AUrrt I.ackjr Mra ClaJlirj UiliHruniakcr Ucury Mcmlti Mr Moora Jamea Matbew I'hllllp Morgan Samuel Mill. r Mra DA Morriaon Mathaw Modla Jacob MrCnli Tho. Aurtun IxtM Nvl'UMiOIirjrE OrJtrtJ.'taM I'n. W K 2 Phroii Jutin W lUtk W A 1'ostll L J I'atlrnl HuumTIih-Iui N Itoundlrtf M II 3 lletd lllniia ltmf 1.11 llcgtri U W Iti.ftn Wallace lloiitri Uiwr( l.kt Mrt Mmjt i 1UJJI J 0 Sjwuldlng Jolin S Euillk Mai garct Smllh Jvkii V Smltli JaniM g.jumulTa Spaniard faluipaon Wia Siuion J II Shuck II U Slahl Her Jaa W Stoo NtaaMary TbomHon Mr ClltaUth Thumaa J It Traircr O W Ttmple O II Vaiulurna Iiaar Whllnrllttin II WontlDlrabarab Wuul Tbomu 1' Valkor Jnu Wtta Thua Wajklna i:niorjr Willi. II c Yuung Mra John Young Anna Kuwait )larjr To jbtaln any of these letters, the applicant must cull for 'advertised letter. If not called for within one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. . (In mailing letters, place the postotfe stamp on the upper rlg'ut-liand corner, ond leave "pace between the stamp and direction to post-mark without Interfering with the writlntr. J. M. SU'JTON, l M. DR. LEWIS GANUNG, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON AND Obstotrlolau, WIM attend to any who may renulre bit rervlcea. Office adjolnlne N. Langel's fboe (hop, on north tide California Street. Jacksonville. noviitf Farm for Rent ! THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AN nouncea, that the Dardanll Hoiwe, Orchard, Ranch, Ulacktmlth shop and Toole are for rent on Reasonable Terms. For particu lars, apply at the Cbavner Ranch, THOS. OXZ.A.trjM-SXl. Dardanelli, Oct. 29. 18B7. nov2tf PPNTI3TRY. JPr Shrewsbury informs the people of Josephine county,, that be wjll remain for a lim ited time at KIrby Wile nd Waldo. Tbo de siring bit services litany of the branches of dentistry, will please call Itasaediatelr. Dr. S. bat a favorable acquaintance on this t aa a aklllful praclltioner. LATEST DISCOVERY! Eureka ! Eureka ! FOUND AT LAST 1 The place where goods ure not only sold CHEAP, but Cheap er than the Cheapest in this market. Where ? Where ? At no other place than at SACHS BROS.' TEMPLE OF FASHION. Wo having recelrcda much finer stock of Fall and Winter Goods Than ever before, now graciously Invite all to come and feast on the wonders of our display. Coploai ElTuiIona of DRKSS GOODS (u all styles but the old. Woolen Goods, nonpareil. Ladies&children's Cloaks are Oner, cheaper and later styles than any In "" n,MKe'' uur Ladies children's H a t s those beautiful "llUTTi:UFLinS"-dld not come around the Horn, but arrived by lait steamer, direct Iroru New York. Our Ladies& childro n's Shoes arc chiefly of California manufacture, and su perior tu any brought here. Our WHITE GOODS, TANOV GOODS, THIMM1NGS. KTC, being from our own home In San Francisco, no are enabled to rell a lltltlo lower than any other firm In Jacksonville. Of OLOTIIIMJ. BOOTS AND I-IATS, It I well known that we bring only the very later t and beat style, and soil them at price be yond competition. GROCERIES, LIQUORS& TOBACCO U,M at a ,rattU "lvttnco 0D SttD Kr"cl" This Uoo blarney. We are prepared to prove I all m Hate And if. after this slorloui "ennn- i elation," you w III come and look, then inoit as- sureuly will we bcnignanlly smile ; aud If, fur thcr, you should bur. will atauredlr laui.ncrr lieartlly. Uolay not! Haston! Hasten to SA.CI-IS BBOS' tJtSr" Cheap Cash Store. Jacktontllle, Sept. 28, 18C7. .STAR OF THE UXIOXf ) CELEBRATED j jSTGMACH BITTERSIj f Tliare Jcllrlom a'oiutih Tlttrra arci rutin lr J Vcjjf tatU, and froo (rum aloohul aud ccr hurt- HIT I A JUDQE THEM!1 -r ' FOR TRY , IMT YOUR THEM! r i SELF! (ful Intrrdlrlit. A J'lcaaant bxlc, tml a moat jacncaOla dilnk, Tue ruaik.t la n!il villi . nolaonoua cum lxiundat but TUIK bllti ra. made rointhpurratritractacMa:uiUaiata,l.ara (tndharba, areailu.lrlladaplid lotliOiurcof raiuntctwuaoituonioinacii, Mniiejt.i ntrar.aj (lMucla. I'tcu iijtpcpaia. iciir, nuniaa, rtir. cuniTi, , alpcvi-;rLuc. ixirai-iitrn, ,hiu 1 ram Inn l tjui or Aitiiciiif. tw. ric. roraaic I ? .- -;;;.... .;.,... ...... cor tanarme k Jackron. f-a raa Annual Proclamation ! BEAD I BEAD I VfOW.THKKKFOHK.THATALLMAY 1 be benefited, I ISADOR CARO, by virtue of the power reposed In me at pro prietor ot the VARIETY STORE, Corner Oregon and Califonia Streets, do proclaim, that I Lave taken great pain In selecting my stock of Family Grocer cits, Tobacco, Cigars, Mcerchaum, Wood and Imitation Piptt, Candies, Xuit, I'iaying cards, BOOKS ANP STATIONERY. Fishing Turkic, Clotb aud Tooth Hrushes, Feather Dusters, Albums, (from SI to 820) and other articles, the number of which it to great, that spice Is not sufficient to enumerate. I will (ay, however, that among other articles, I hae a very large 6tock of TOYS. FAXOY GOODS. WILLOW WARE, JEWELKY. LAMPS & CHIMNEYS, OILS. PAINTS, GLASS. POWDER. SHOT. Lead, and a large and well selected assortment of Cutlery, Spectacles, Spy-Glasses, and a great many other articles. Come, everybody, and examine my goods be fore "going down" after yonr spare cutb, MY MOTTO IS. LAKGE IALES AND eWALX. PROFITS." IBADOR OARQJ Jacksonville, Oct. S, 1867. If ' THE ptr .not . -T53; LOST OR STOLE1Y1 $1,000 Reward WtLL be paid for the arrest and cumlctlon nfnuy ncrson who can't bhv Drvsoods, Cloth' ing, and General Merchandise, cheaper from us than from any other mercantile cs- eatabltshmcnt In town. The arrival of our Intco and wkm. sEi.rcrr.1) stock or FALL AND WINTER GOODS kn'Ablc rs to make this i.wkiui. orriut. OUR DKYGOODS DtiPAltTMENT Is stocked with the latest styles of Figured ilrcM Rootlr, French ami Ktigliah Hlvrinoi, Umiircittclntli, Pullnrtl Dclnlnca, Alpacitn antl nioliulrs, l Wool l'laltlo, Wool & cotton Dclnlnca, French, Knglish nntl American Print, All of which will be sold at the very lowest rates. Our assortment of miSH LINENS, PLAI.V AND DOTTKt) SWISS, JACO. NLTTS, CKOSSnAUS, VICTOniA AND nlMlOP LAWNS, .VA.NZOOKS, CAM III1ICS, I.TC, It well selected, and'itpvr than cter be fore offered In this market. Uur Swiss and Jaconclt KinbroldcrU", l.lncn, Thread li Cotton, Lace and Embroidered Hninlkerchlefs, lionni'l and licit Ribbons, are the latest styles, aud told ut prices to di'fy competition. We alto have the newest faihlont of LADIES, MISSES AND CHILDRENS Hats and Cloaks, and nn Imxcnsc stock of alt kinds of TRIMMINGS. HOOP SKIRTS, HA LMORAL SKIRTS, UREA KFAST CAPES, WOOLEN GLOVES, NUBIAS. SHAWLS, Woulen and Cotton Host of every description, AIoan entire new stock of Ladles, MIsm-k Children and Infantt' Shoes, all of which will U sold at the most reasonable prices. Our lllracbed and Unbleachrd Jluillus, Sbeollnc", Table Uamaaks, Nnklii .t Toweling are of the very latest manufacture, and told VERY low. MEN'S CLOTHING aid KurnUhlng Goods, Ilnt, Caps, Hoots and Shoes Sulcin Cloth and ItUukvtt, Carpets, Oll-cloths, Wall Paper Willow Ware, Crockery Hardware. tiroceries. Tobacco, Cigar aud LIQL'OKS nro lying on the sialic and In the uarenuute in great prolusion, ami will lie sold at a Great Reduction in Prices. Please give tu u call, mid examine our stock and prlcet btfore purchasing rKewhere. MUI.I.KU & IlltKNTANO. Jacksonville, t-'ept. 12. IKCT. tf JOII F. 1IOUCK, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler ! Oitgon Stil,Jadsonvitlt, Oregon, HAS ALWAYS THE BEST SELECTED STOCK OF New Style, Solid Jewelry, Well assorted, of plain, engraved, en ameled Finger Rings, Ear-rings, Sleeve-buttons, Buckles, etc., etc Gold and Silver Watches, Of French, English and American Manufacture, l'rat Quality only. 8-DAY AND aO-IIOUH CLOCKS, Seth Thomas' Striking, Alarm, Weight and Spring Clocks, etc., etc. All articles ore strictly warranted, and will be told 20 per cent lets than at any other house In town. Watcbet and Jewelry, In need of repairing, can be tent by expreaa, and will be returned a, toon at possible, Jacksonville, April C, 18C7. td PAY UP !PA Y UP ! 'PUB NOTES AND ACCOUNTS OF Till: X lalo firm of McLaughlin & Wall IiuvIiik beeu placed In roy band lor colUciluu, paillta knowing themselves IndebUd will take notice, that costs will Imj ndded, uuliss PUOMPT 1AVMKNT it made. No extension need be oaktd, lor nono will bo given, James D. Fay. Jacksonville, Oot. 22d, 16G7. oct'ldtr iiidi;sjhdis: THE IJIGJIEST OABU I'HICES 1'AU) I'OU Uldeaofal kluds, delhtred at the market of the uu4rlgriedn Jacktouville. JOHN OHTII. DeceeJbtr, 6tb 186 tf I C rover & Baker's! 1 CLASTIC STITCH 1 FAMILY M SEWIE MACHINES,1 I Aro tho bost In Uso, ron tmg roLUowiNd nr.ABONs Thcjraro more slniulo and durable j cailrrkci'tln order, waken atroriiicr 1 i nun morn ciitic stitch, a flrmcr and l I worn beautiful scant Ihim nut othiT i incjrsow all rabrlcs from lo cum- i mon sp)oli, rcttlro no r-wluillti- of V tnrrait, raitrn both milt or the acsm , br their own operation, and thouch cvrrjr nnn stitch Is cut tlic soiit will I nnt rip. i Thoy Stitch, Homr"Fb1lT! Cord, Bind, Tuclt, Quilt, ' IGathor, Braid, and Em- l oroiaor. no otnor ma- 1 cliino Embroidoro as well ' as sows porfoctly. Grover & Ba'rCcr'o' NEW BTYLtai iSHDTTLE MACHINES1 For Manufacturing, Combine tho moat modem and esscn- tltllmpmumcnlt. The ntlcnllon li rennosled of I I Tailor. Manufacturers of Pool I nnd Shoe, Carrliipo Trhniiilnp. I untiling, and nil other requiring ' mo uso oi tno most ciiecmo Lock Stitch -Muclilnc, To thrr NVr Rlvlo. whleh nnaao l unmistakable advantages over nil . . . . i f. .. I oiners. i Agonts wanted for tho talo of tlio I QROVER U DAKER .8BWIMH MACHINES,' InerrrrCllv and Town nnt iinirrp. i prrarmru. lor tcruii nnu circular auoir to it. li. ijiiu,,., Ajrcnt I H3 rtonloomcry Ft., Sin rransliee. ailiSAT SKNSATJONM TERRIFIC EARTHQUAKE! 0IIU LIVES I LOST!! ON MONDAY, Till: - D VY)K OCTOlll.'ll lM7, the uiidi'laluut'd opvlivd ul Ashlaud, Jackson Oo., Th'r bire nnd well srlicliil 'lock of DRY600DS & GROCERIES. Our dryi;ood cuiialrl of PRINTS (Dunn-stir and FoicIl-ii) HllliKTINtlH. DIM.AINH, TICICINOS, LadioB Dress Goods, of all kinds, mill triinluj; In ureal profusion, oi:nti.i:mi:.v and iiovs lti:AI)YOIAI)i: CI.()TI1I.(J, loots, Shoes, Hats, and Cap. In the irroerry line r are well supplied with FI.OUU AN li HA COX. corri:KANi)Ti:.. SUtJAIt ANKHYUUI'.-J, (MXNKIi KHU1T.S. rUVOUIXIl KX'CTS, HI'ICKS. AXOSALT. We tUn hatu a mineral slock of Hardnurc, Cullerv, Tubacci, Clgnra, iiinl I'lno Mituor. Our I n new linn nnd titw ttund. iimi uur. chnaera muy real u-iirii Unit uur Muck I new nnd fresh, uur palloru of lists latest atyler-lii fjct. KtrrvlhltiK w piirc!nil lu .au l'ruiicliv- cit into mis Haunt, while llm in low, ami we ato llm eimtiltil tu SELL VERY CHEAP. Give ti a cull nnd exnmlnr nur Iminvntu stock. MM M A HOI.OMON. Octoln-r I7l!i,lrtti7. ncttStn'J NEW DIGGINGS STRUCK I WILLOW .SINKINGS STORE, 1M.OW Sl'lll.Min J.tCKNII.V to,, W.M. UII.CKK, I'ltOI'ltlKTOI,. The iiiiiIi'IiiIkim'iI licn-liy an nounces lu I In. cltleiia of Willow hnrlliK. urn) vicinity, that he has opctii'd tt store In that pluce, uud oiler lor tale hit lurife and well aekclid slock of 0I.0TUIXO OV AM. KINDS, HOOTS AND 8HOKS, UATSAXD'JAI'H, OHOCKHIKS, I.IQUOHS, TOIIACCO, OIOAHS, and all kinds of general merchandise, Terms tale ure easy cash duun. Call arouud ulluw yuurselvu tu bo convinced that Goodd can bo uold Just aa Cheup (ui in Jacksonville, WILLIAM BILQER, Willow Springs. Oct !) 11.17. ocllZlf Gt-niDAT SIMIUTS.MANS KUl'OHH.U, ''Hit tmiHUMNrl, . l.el'.CTrUI.I,V INIOIIMS Wit I'uLllc anj liU fil.ud. nuetalljr, U U U lataly lieu In San i7rnuciMj, liu aaltcttilu jj..l ai ottln. and c ininuii rlfl. aliul imii, irrulrart bf alldilTuiaut kiiuU, iliiiliiira tf Ilia Ulaal laUlcrm, ami all kiinl. t( auimui) lion, tacli aa ciilrWui., m. der, ahot, alto, wilr-Uak,livt-rla.V, liuiilluc-Waur tvarraniiaiid.lia, All urdua will l filled villi proniilni'al. n.alr.on and di.jialtli. Tliemaiiufariurliigur uaw lllln will la don at tho .hurle.t tio.tcc, mid In the nw.l a)inucd lyl. Otatvful fur I'ait (.alronaj., I retiitctfully aollclt a mnlluuanca of tliu ..inn. Bl.oi at llt.l.lmro on Ihlrd etrsat, flut door south tf U. Y Powell', lav oiilca. JOHN MII.1.KII f.flamWr th,ll5 if, REDIITOI & CO'S Tbl vnlnnbte preparation, conlnintnp In a highly concentrntrtl form nil the properties of Jamaica Ginger, tin, breome one nf the most popular tlomi'stlrt rcmttllta for nil disease, of the stonncli nntl illcrntlvc orcan. A n tonic, It will he founil invhluiible to nil persons recovering from debility, whether pri tluccil by fever or othrrle, for wbllt tt Inv ptrta to the system nil the rIow and vlunr that can be produced by brandy, It U inltrely free from tho re actlonary rlTcctt of spirit! of any kind. It I also an excellent remedy for icnulee who aulTcr from tlilllctilt mensuration, itlrlnj; a'mnsl Immrtllnte relief to the spnsm that to lreiarnlly accompany I lint pcrlotl. It olvea Immrdlale relief In Nanaea. eanrl hr rlilinir III a rillroml enr, or by ca ticknit, or other ClIIKC'. It Is aNo valiiihle an e.iternaf apptlea' tlou fur gout, rheumatism, neuralgia, etc. BCDI.GT0. k To., .WlaJiTS F(IR THIS COAST. Dated April 2tth, 1807. ap27-yl.ini Stop that Coughing! Some yon of can't; we ptty you. You havo tried every remedy but the ona destined by Its intrinsic merit to Ursnlc nil similar prepa ratlmi. It It nnt surprising you should be re luclant to try something else, nftcr the many experiment you have made ol trashy com pound! lolslcd on tho public oi ft certain core; but Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP I really the VKHY IIKST remedy ever com. pounded lor Ihe cure of coughs, colds, tore thriHt, nthmn,JwlitHiiliif; rough, bronchitis and ciiniimiilnn."Thii.iinilit nf people In t'lilifnriilit mid Orritntt have bevn nlreudy ben vtlttitl by the surprisl.iu; cuiutlve powcrt of Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP umt wlih one urenrtl ulve It their unqualified uipriiliiillou. We now nddfrtt onrrelvea tu nil who urt tinncqiialntiil with this, the greatest I'litiiiivit nl the ii e, fur the healing nf all il It nut of the 'I'll ton I nnd Lungs, iiMurlnir you lliul Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP Ini rurtvl IhnusnniN, und It WILL CUHK YOU Ifyuu Iry It. Tlii liiviiliinfilit iiimIi.-Iiii' Id plinnnnt In the tnitei s(ililiitf, hcaliuir iimi alrenijiheniiig In It ilHeii.; inlirely free frnni all polaonnut or deleterious drills, uud Kfftclly liurmliti tinder ull rirfiiin.lmieei'. CVrUlli'itliit from mtny promlninl citlzentof Sun I'rancUcii nccoinjiuiy every bottle of Novell's PULMONARY SYRUP. HUDIXOTOX A CO. Agents, San Froiiclico. Ahead of all others is the Martlia Washington'' HAIR RESTORER. A IT.Ilr-KCT IMM llCHTOIIKIt AM) 1IAIH IUIM.UU lluili iintlilurl In out. Tru.l noolli.r, lnm.i'r ilaataat .Nima can d.i what Ihla liadoo. Try llanJ al) Vra II ratanl -Uk' ll.a Maltha W a. IiIikIoii." Tw.nlr llii.uaari'l h.a.l. i.nilud us hat llol I If.l ll'a alia.l, illlll"ii. inula .hall ruiu Uhlnd u., W llh Ihrlr liaxra all l.n.aa.1. Will keep the h.ilr suit and gluty, chatiKe grny hair to lit original color, preteut the hair ftoiti falling out or not- II In ting thin, make old head look young, and do all that can bo rcatotmbly expected of a genuine urtt-rato Hair Ite.torrr, All no who have used It pronounce It superior to everything of the kind, and being a perfect Hair Dresser at well as perfect ' Hair llcstorrr, It It an acquisition to ev ery toilet. Heeling Ion A Co., Wholesale' Agents, San l'ranclsco. tlyu Try It. CRAFENBURC UTERINE Catholieon, If faithfully uh-iI according to directions, trill' cure every case nf Diubeltt, and greatly mill' gule the Iriiublesiiiiif tlhcl caustd by u relax ut ion id the onllet nf the bladder, It it mott sucevskful rt'imdy fur (Jruvtl mid other disease t nf the Kiilm j uud Madder, und fur feumledit eons I tiiuqtialleil, The OATIIOLICOX tiuifiirmlly cures 1'rnluptu, Uuri, While, all JriiKiiUillliH of the Mifilhly Turns, Sunprea nun, liictuiiimnceof Urine, Hloullng and drop Swellings, und ull illseaBea of I'rtgnancjr. 'I'lie tpeoillc uutimi of tlits medicine it inmedl ule and ctrluiu tipnu ihe Uierlue and AImIobi luul Muaelta uml IJgaiiA'nli irtlorinis Ibtm try hi heullhy a stitlu a thute ol chUdnood and jinilli, m iliut tialitntt who have used the UlUr'KMIKltO C'tiXPAKV' UTKHINE OaTIIOM- imn cuuimt suniciiolly cxpnt their gratitude lor the rtliefuHiiiil'il. HKKIXdTOX A CO., Agenlt, 410 und 418, Krimt St, Sn Francisco. Ilodington'o riavoriag Sxt'cU aroma lfum 1'rwl srulla. Kach boltl holdi IhIco u uiyfh at any othar tran'l la tba uuktt, cuiuaqusutljr thsy art tea shwv. ail and lb tf.t, V8R KO OTHM.