rw imm tLi'' itiq;'TW"wrini' " r 'jir"wninr.'f .'lri'iwww'jmiv'MTii ' t1 rHTm.Tlt,TlFf, - -i im0JI MIHHI mwr kJ JLi--. H -8- i-i -bLJ iJt qPKR ANNUM. IN ADVANCE. J. ROW'S .;!. I,nr .V It U'rrV. Cftlilornln ft., ,r Jiiik-oni.lle. Oii-iioii. 'WS, T0YS.T0YSI " HOLIDAY G1FTSI I t Ki W inform ttio rlt'xnn of Jncknn .,! Hi' I11''1'0 P'fiimlly that be li- l cci. J nud oiler lur mle hi nitiicilot HAVANA IMITATION'.. , iTOBACCOS, PIPES, FIGS, I ClTl.KRY. RAISINS. v, I "Sun loan ty &..Scliool-looU-A I CANDY. NITS. s toys sue; A US, c auicms. inc. X " I'f,'." to nut the lime. Cull nndj ,sf ji'iir mo ivy. ; 0.MYI1O.I, n000O0OOOOO(KKHHHl (KHMKKKHHKHKXK)00 J A Irer nmt l'llir Anl lllirnl nrUlllutl U'mr nil IiiiiiiI. lur t '' f "OOOOOOOOOOWKKMKW OOOOCHMXHHKXKIOOO A ln'fo cpTertlnn of tin- Itet nnd Inrnl tolr c.rctilntuHi. In-19. HI. J. HOW. Happiness or Misery ; that is Tin: yui-srioN. MMII'lMl.TOliS OK Till:1 I .Ml'.-Kl M Hi-' ANA'IO.MY AND (l 111! tM r M MHUnill MfcWIIII'rr rMi if! tut-iM' ri:i:i': (ir Um- intent 'i' illri I i.iimiiiij) l"iir ill II" ii o t iiiinm'iiii; mm iiwmiciive l,i:r , . II . I 1 . .1.. ..J I.MlUlll..U ' i' 1.1 .iiitIAlCl;IAtiK.nmli'iMiMl i- ii Nirvoii lli'.i li'j, I'nimmrp of " ll. llKlKrlltl, Wrak i i r )i pnf-1'in. I " ot KiHt: inn) Vi u I' W'' 'I' er. til SucmI lil mul iIihm j ,; . i ,i iip .': riiim i'mililul ! Iir. is 1 1 iim'iin'v, nr Ipmimww ol I'lyn- i niii u'iiri k Ijiu. 'Il"-Ptl a II ill'l' lMHl UW llMI tllP , R ii r.wi.,.i'ii ii;i.Kttiniti m i i i. i .i i. in Htni! Hnimj. j i.' .I'luM IMt'llll! .MUIII1I til , i J ."-1.K.IHS. I'lIM Sliwt, Suli 1 Ii if- In Ih wit lliriMiBb Wrlbl . 7 . . I I . i ' in .rl I I in' i jj- S.3,000 Jfi .se dv. a.EE. h -i.i i . 'U' II i 1 '! bmi r- !' 'uM "ii o! lb' iiiM.c tu Hi. ir NEr JJVE11Y AMI FKEI) ST.45JDiW, fl Or jri) pip-rj. JnrklivlllP W'.'limi' It'll .i j." .'I ii.p y i'f lA'Pll'iil MiiMkf llr,t. in .1 uiHhhiii m. ."'k ! Il .-" U.'UI. l I Mil l'l lo ltt'Htl. r'..nt.) all ttlo m.i lauru- mIiUiIkIi a J... i Ji'iily f f'1' 'I pnlm.iU in IihihI ri.YMAi.i:.v'm.s.s. Ju'Unnnllo, Junmiry .'Ut, lbC.V t( lrnv. , ' ' ' ' . ,-, -. W OOIi iJ 1 Vfc 1012 ?! , to tmi: OF OKEGON 'IMIK utility ipirtil liuviti'Oti Imtid n Hunt' -L l r or tuHTiir tinri'iiL'li.iMil Siiuii i r winiiiil. Mi rin.i lim l .1 u ! w i r'WIi .Mtritii liuikii, t'.'ii.iiiliiij'iil IuiuImi. Jinn i'L- ui,. two uir-"!(U, huiiihi iIup hk'IhiI (if infurmiirg tin- mlil:r, lliut lie ir . ' ii'lf tin-in very rpaMUmlily nr I . i:,-fianin or irmoiil Alt-imn are lie. etrf.l.U dirt-ot frniii tliu fliH-1; of IUni iNmmoiiil, Vtrnuinl.uiitl lln- FiiiicIi Me m from hkk.1; hnpnrliil into On-gon lOMnk UncUill I'l Virilllllll Ani-Actlitnt iiiinriuiiiiy i liere (ffrcl I'T lo inafici lo lniirov llir lnt'k llif ilnpi cun turn be ncn nt tliu furin ol l'liinilrMii(-t, on thy North Uiiihim Iwr.milio "WimlitMir Firiy." 1k. Jtwlcr of inrrclmnillM'. nuiiirlit olmruwl 1"' exllllillliii;, Julm3. THOMAS SMI'III. WM, FAULKNER 8. SON j uii-onTKr.s or CARDS & CAM) STOCJv All KninnonniMTlMOIMI . vwuuua,rniii I niu iinr AH Colon, Hi'uuy.i's, Varnisli, PRINTING PEESSES, TYPE AM) - Minting Materials OF KVKRY UKSCUIITION. OLD TYPE METAL. 'tliiiiiita may at ull time bu supplied old Ijpy nu-lul by eulluiK ut "S-IX, Oltiy Stroot, "jCm KAN FRANCISCO. Til II OIIKIIIIN si:.vnxr.i 1ITI t:FHY (.ArttttuV MilRMNH. . 1 HOWrJUr, Pioiuhtor. Prnrnitrniv l'or Oneypur. In mlianee. Four lollnr-: If pnld wiihlu Hi.. flf,t ,t month of IIip t-nr. Im- tlnllnr : If not tuiUl tit il tin- ciirtiiin of tliv ix ilnlltu. I AliWIlTI-UMI One tlltre (111 line of lp). Ilrt lnw-rliii. Thr--c l..Uiir ; ench nuhw-qiipi.t I Nillun. Uni. iMItir. A ill count r llftj inm til will u- made to tboic who nilvrMl"' l. lli,'inr. L - 1 rn' Ti 'It r p. 'Tel nt --nrrpftt rutM. I. . O. I -.Ia'UoHx Ulc Loilco .Nil. 1(1. Iiolil' ll re. vljubtr in. Miiia on every -ntiiilm .wr,lnir nt tbc Ai.i-in c llnil I'mili'M in pn'il uni.tlme are InvtiPil to hiimiii. (iwiuiih r. iujk, .v ti Hi itMW Hi i w. It. S-c'y. 'I tuiin. J. .M. .Sullen., Win, Kay nnd s. J. iy. Warren Loils No, 10. A. F. Iz A. M. A IUI. I IWr regular commnni-?v-rtluti lift- Wislncnday Kcenluc on Vor pri-online. the full tnoon, in jack- lHINWI.U). OtlKOnN. .KUIS H. 1505?, V. M. 0. W J5vmt. Sir y. ORANGE JACOBS, ATTOHNKV ANI I'ur.N.-HI.OH AN'H FUI.IC1TOU IN CIIANCI'.UY. lArKWAtlt.lK. OlIKlinN-. (IMIic i;imhIii i lit- (mill Itim.r. All lii'M" pi'imii il'il lo rar r ire lll W tmtntlly MIpihI il I". July ;'. 'fi.'. B. F. DOWELL, ,1aiki.mi.i r, Omki.un. AID imctlo' In U Hi' i'"mt "I tbo Tlilnl JuUUlnl IM-lriil, tLi' Miinnm-'mrt f t)n ttou. nn4 In Yrck. Cl. t bcrlp jJomf ' l CvlllVtltl. ct. !'!'. T. CAHAN1SS. M. D. MUX I'l.AlTH I. Medicine and Sv.rgeiy - N JovriiiiM A Ai'J"iMMi IV. J. kni i.''. iliini' Ii'ih. jirlOlf TAKK XOTECK! MlIE STLANSIIir DEL .UUTfi I .1 H II mil li in Wii l"ll.c.u l'l" Crif oi nt l'ii oil lb rut-. ,- QQi5a.tirAtiivni. l'.ir In lulil nr num.!" Immlrp of Svr M-llK'l".. W.-l.t. IITIIT ol H-u mr ol iiaui' (.ii.c-tticn.c,i. i r;r , ,i f ,v M,ir :M. "i... J'il'nr. J. 8. HOW A FID, tiisvwnt! mvir, KUmVBKfi. ", ... Jil'L."MII.I lilll.llV. i:.;rno ww l!n S'.i.ili rn.l r ' r -gmi .irwt. JnuU'it;. ;',l ofllt'i' lit lii rr-"l I"" 'in 'i"j'"i irvt DR. L. 8. THOMPSON iinici..v amj oi:o.v .lrk"NUU.K. Um.u N. t,"nn bp l-Miii'l i-illHf l I'h' t'HJ I'ruB Sttiri . I IIT III W"'lltM! ! d'i'f bcl tie- Kx -.r.wi OtJlri'. i. 1'iifil In ITVP 'lOiilit HI I.iiiioi. I'i lli r. i'i.riiu lii nilVU-. j 1 Jmkviilr. r(ii. aim. '23l' PETCfl BRITT. I PliOTOGliAPIIlC ARTIST! 1 1 i'iti:i'.Mti:i in 'jaick ru-inti:s l.V KVUIIV VIVI.I8 OKTHK AHT. WITH AI.I.TIIK I.Ari!l.MI,n0Vi:.MK.VT.'5. If I'lclttK" io not $! MUUIartlim. no oborgim will l watf. uih i ii' " u-r. n ibe In II. rwmliui lii. piciurw, wnl -iijor jwir likens DR. A. B. OVERBECK. Dr. Uvi-rlirvV ouli ninminee lu ibeell. 1 4il x-ti. ul JmkMiii Bounty iw v.umiiy, tin , ,m, r,.lurlll tu jul ioih iIK-mh! riMil lU .,ructU.e ol uhiHvuip. ll 'H ly i, f .xiittl at bU olu lul. lliu Oiriuk .liul, unlrw nWiii iifor.loii nl uuoiiipm. Ilf uM rwDcclfully olwU a Ituiwui oi luinnr pnw-tv ja. u. mix MIX L FARGO, A'lTOHNKYs AND COUNKI.I.OHl Waixa Waixa, Vauiuto Tkitov. 0KKJ('Uor Huik JCkclioiieu, Mlu Sntti, will irwiice in mil ll Conrin ol it 1'iri-l JuUicimI Diitrivl, Im tbi o firi'ine Couit. Collrciiow prouinlly nt utjImI lo. All Uu.iiu-1 iuiiuiiil to our 1 paro will rfoeiM' prompt miciinoM- JSi F. B. FARGO, J NO T AKY P U J3 1 I O, Walla Waua. W.T, Will tMheiUon!ulj:iniiti.ofiliW rro li-.t Nulm lii-uU Uiwilg out Rt bm i;o- UCtf llll llCkuoW lulwl. JUtJU . Dissolution Notice. r p 1 1 K iiiiiWrkigmil ia tliln dy ltk. J. ilraivii Irom the firm of TUcuijisou i .ivi, tiud will ouiitioua Uw itruuiiuii ol MkIicuic. Surjti-ry nnd OUinnct, in r....l. . til.. ...! . ... ...a.. n.a.l c.lii.ila. o i UUUKM'IIIIOV UlIU IVUJIi;, " P.''-'.' linre or ll imirorwfe'p. unire m u ii-oV-iMje ut tliv ulil .Mm ry I lM.-uitt-iJ. T. L. U.W'lti. Dec. 13ili. 18CJ drt)17lf i). 3i. c. (iAuir, NOT Alt Y PUIiLrO, JAChaOS.VILI.K, or.Koo.v. OfTicc at H V. DowcIT U Office- c rgf MLaaW JACK.0NVll.1,K. SATrHDAV, OCl'UUKi; II, 1S0 LLMILUHmU'W -Wi f 'W LINKS TO .MAIIY. Mury with d limtt we Uid ikce down. Tn Ink.' tliy lut Innft rrnt. Wlier the mil plnrn ware their tlcmlcr lcp AIwtp thy pcrfwl lrriil t SV lll oDcn wrihIpt tip the hltl, Ti Hhppp p Injr our ifA, Ami true thy nnnw upon Ihe Ub, Thikt HMrk thy lowly bol. Willi thronstng twnwrlo of tie pt't. Will rlw N f'ltv onr view, We'll think of iIipp once o bciwUrul, AlwdT-i po kind mid irne ; Your loved feboal mte will ntrcr lor pet The lippy fimen, prd. Your wpwery they will snen-d ktrp, A- lnpT time thill Ut. Thf re In onp yon left lonp, My. Thai mourn for yon when iUd That one I bi-rearid Mother - Scarce en lw ei'mfnrli-4. My he find pt'tiei' !n Ihe Holy Book, And my (idV mill In- done," l'lnnlly J"in her hppy family, Arnuml GodV Inly throne. m. . J. Oi;iIicttK V. Ki'cir on llcron- -tlllCllllll. It id m tilizli-mnral Id. a of jiocm, foiijtri men, and the wrln-w for onr improving vmk'y Jooriiali of i selling icinance, my boy. that It i n nob'e ami Majiitfat thing lo feel warmly for one' coniitry j bnt hn the tliennomvtrr Hand at 90 lu the ihade, and J dn with onr Mlow brir-pt (nhedKnn learn fr m the top of onr f rckeatb. I 8nd wy dii1nierried jMtilotlim fatly equal ! the M-lfabiK-gatlon of tho remark, that I had ralhi r be c"! limn be I'rwldi-ut. Om lire' hern are vlrtaJy In the (It-Id ; why lUnd we btrvld:e? 1 lee dear, or peace o wii't a to be MtrcliaaeiI at the price of chu n and 'iivery T FmbJl It, Almltfhly D.i.lan! I know i.ot what oiber fenile . u'd have ; but al for me. give me hip ry, or give n a fn. Tb my Iwy. ufti-rilK' iiMiiner of tbe ilcpartid Patrick llrmy.dM I xiot mjaelf to the cotuer Tttilve Kentucky chap, we iinod pan ting toge'liT jn tbt viatlbnle of the Trent ry UmUlInf theoilier day s nmlMyt be i 'ITw loynl State of Kentucky, ol nhlvh I am a part, bat no objection lo warm wvathcr In the mnrner time I peoTidod it . in-t IihWiiI by the bnalical Ulack IU pulil mm. Warm wiwiber," sy tb coo rvative Kruinrky chap, thmiilitfully. "It of wiii-h to ib "W rye crop ol Kititnt-ky but Kniuky mM lorg .tn, lif old ryp. fuh r Ihan tec r Uriel ilieui'iVinieMt'f ihiitanny wbe e valiiuihNMl d il) I' I t rvffoie ll l'n , n-mt ticowruct it." IV regular lit ol upioI iuiiu ir n.i yenr ip-u-g f".i qn'e mil yet, my lioy, ibtn- ant idl perto. living wUo can pei.-viwno Tt-rv IwMHaie dibvienec Hetai-m u-tloting lb' L'nion and Keoonxtruciing ilie Union wb'rb nmlD'Ip rnv of a cUto lull-iuci dcol that one ocawnd In lb ltb Ward. A highly rttppctabie Cqiir telling chap of w.Urgrd ttomwU nnd overwwumiog nblrwollar, having Jnrt bti alecti-d A I drrnun, tLrougb the inflnenc of bU taerl lent moral character, and about iwo thou and dolmrt judieJowly Invwud lo eMur gave hMhumubhrpmiy to eel braie thl. triumph of the puriiy of eUotiont. and in vited about two-tblidt nf tba Vtn oVparl went to bring their wiv and awrUbiarU. I'limiplly at Line o'clock. lo Ho.- coaj. paiih. of uub'tmLInd r pututiirt lr nui, four i:iu Aotiat'"tt noUdfortaviig oMpluelaUa Iroin lie ilevoui lug eh meni lo ciery two BnuaU carpel tbey rulww with waVr. tl lluw '' Lj4,rr '' tlrt greatly dbulngulxbed for cilmb'n g into tbo ih.rd tor windowt of lU building wo door from ibt domiu I. awl au iiiiiva Itut tainber of the cttou benrted women of America, wpw on baud lu tba alderman lo drali!f-rom. The ue public dignl larv rmlved tl H with that eiqWte i,Uiuloea il demeanor tnhU'b U to becom ing to great men wbo have Jurt wade rk from obxurity . and tayt be, "Mukn vourarll at boiwi now, lioyi only .i.. , ..! i.n ilia carijvl. If there a lire nhlle the twarry il gotn' on, III ki Ihe d woman ll-tc-n lor tb dlti rlct and annonni: It Irom the nlry. We'll kp tl wimk-r. an. and wbeo tlto balHwll rli.g.yMI rel leu at hut l leave, con ju.i tp - - ibn front tto wilbout biMklug entli twarry." Here tbo large hearted alJermanlo ebtp ne vIM bwtily ' '' l0 ,Me0'1 ib" , !!.. J. . Alii bar, H-vtral army offlcert Laving;-,. ,. rived in the ward, and the "tw.ry' com m ud merrily a. a Ore in a oar ppn-er Uoi. 1 1 tel lu for a Im a y dauee at about eWven o'flotlc. and lUn er two at many elaborate mtet lu il lf ';"" fonuuin. lw J"''141 "" v')' -1'ifij ixttiy d muha, pfoOaewl u vary ,,-tur.oin? rm-at byrolliiig hi i ...... inking t ud ..'U. rktiHtfiibte Ufl life Me iiii',"" of ' utl'"tf ' I 11 111! I I I lllllllt i .' ..i. ..t(i.oi:li l,Hh,l:...mlt.H'1.iiU.,rl- A ir." llll.iu Ai hiiw ' uX)n tlic'SVutunt fcnmnii of-Tlurty'. CO.N'ri.M'.N'l . Truck" fiiiKlvnlv tlm Ml lii "! ft ami apieaMiI in fill red .hirl.ilitmllane ouly Mi'kinit into a lint, arlhiio fhaTle, intended to Imitate tbo rmnllny In and reel ing np of the wet hoae after n cotittdgittivn, 'Ibepe and oilnr prnceful iiovcliit were Kfrwllr ndmlrnl bv the Indie. Ctii'h of whom mid to many p'cy and pitefnl thing about the other bare arm nod lorwnra mannrrr, inai h airanger iniitm )aja j,r i,niwnc.l, or tnc lirer hW taken I hem all for the vuy cm am of -wj ,ipairli Company, pnatewc Hot only tifih Avenue or nny other ltot Society. ' graphicjl Intenti, by making in better "lluaiabinit mdn'iiht wlnn "Hilly"" BcqiWlntl with the Interioi of thl rratl foirman, growing nukleM with the mlon ' wnti j,nl n ,,f gr,at valnn In n merran ate tpk-iidors of egciti incut, tcnfltnl away ,(),, p,,jn. , XicW, iw dincorcry make with hi alHtl ttotiul molln to h In.xnrl- LTO,wn ,(, aeroM the I'laiiw which t on chlttll pott near one ol the window. kwI iutempwrnteJy wliiapeml inker nir,' "Ml l' were madnet for me lon gtr to conceal my lnaniiy. nnd to rtmin Hlenl wonhl Unt tend.r me peechlc. Here lei me lay my heart nml trumpet al ' yonr feet, nnd" She bad fainted ! Ay, ir. twnnneil I IntUntly the whole brilliant wloon wm. in confulon the dineing ived, the dnt I cummenced lo wttle, ami tlie ndtjnt fore man of - Thirty' Truck" wm teen to iml on hi ct. llting jir hot Iwre. itlck. nnd play , em Vwr laet I tlioatrd 'lMliV foreman, balf-craardby wbHl be bl done. Uni the ,S't. ii, m Ihe crent mineral region of dotted nnwlinV mother no elutchpil her In ; (ne w, ,n i-Alcer of the United Hiate hex arm, ami fyhe,"l'r get ber Into ,f,y mm detallel lo accompany llmter the dreing chamber, and aoowbotly Inlng (j,.,l' expedition, to make lipograpniel a little tally wolatile." I olh nerval Ion. whoM report will toon lie IKro another dowagi-r ei-d an arm of pnblidi-il by lint Ueneral Government, ike feinting girl, nnd IIhj two brc her tin- M.HHwhile. arranpemenlt arc making for dttly into liar retiring room, Mloned by ,ho iranporiHiimirf pengeranl lrriht . I two or three tymMtlir ng )o""a ' ...I .. I u la 1 .... ...& dw. Awl now my b-y It Ihi'oiie my It-lirst duly tn bt! 'k.'cli " 'f'jj the mawnllne pro eniit loo '" cr falir touch npou. It b.iin; i." "l priiM-ip't of woman V imtitiu ihut m-ii luX4tiu mutt b nduuiiid in her, bifoac hu can revue fi"iii -yi.L-.i h coi id uowugtr, citiiiiiiici t" iijuie tm- fainting fair one of uch arttclt ol i'j-I' on able al'hieh m Might lelutd lur rtowiy. lh- fSOTit llTthe jjU took offbir idv lurl- and back hair p,, Mml Ar'twa, while ll wiltallurd inerent aud laid IIhim upon u liblo ; with greut (, (acllilkH tn ihe ilream of emigralion cam tbt ivmovtil her upjwr teeth nmlbleh I pouring tin- I'luin. placxd them upon a chair ; edt'y Melting u corner o Iter liamlanelikl in tier mown . th iff.ctoally wiped nwny Uic eyctKowa nml a part of lh check of lb yonng lulC-r er and bt procetlng to makeothir t d Miction which I tballdinmint with the , remark that iln-y are merely mailer of form, wbi n tie puiiuit gave a gentle mb a li iitil hi h'T mother' arm, aud ay lie ui'iihir lo the dnwager l "Tlri-, Mr. Joblmit, 1 Cue yon i needn't do any more." Mr. Jubbint ' gave a agaelooa look at Ibt patient and I a) tber "Very true, mm ; tlie I getting bt-tler. Il won't lake a many minutes lo tecoo .truck ber." H beg ymr parding. Mr. .loltblng,' ay ihe mieiHl. thaklng her cap,-4 1 beg yow parding. Mr. Jobblut ( but your laiigngge I liK-.hlictei, highly i yon bond nay 'n Horn' her-' Mr. Jobblu traighteii heri-lf ap. wlib a glare, ami tyt the; IVihapa mem. yu ran leach me ed beat ion. tod my lUughter a iraeher lb two yean b. the Wic ehonl !Th Idi-orl I rvpeai it to rtcowUiKt Ik r put bar lugtiher again." I tent. re," tayt Ihe ntuleriml. "H-cimiiruct :".cnamii Mrt. Jabhln. -Yi'u'rn n artful. Ignorant old c'-er lieail I ' howleil the uiau-rnal. droipiiig ber daughter' bead upou I be Boor. "And ym'rea npii'lul, tluck up. iootb- Itttuld ub'iiuonM !:').lhdlhdowagir, j lamping uolil Iwr mul" bus bopptd out of j ber pocket. I Drawn lo Uw room by the uoi, n b4tl j o!diiui. retired focmii of okl"iigiy,Hl tim k hi bead m al Ihu door l What arc yon old iooU totlmiMglug -noui aic jiim ohi hww .," out? Your. kvping iU wry' Mk.lmoWUdU.M.W.ihiM..lo. know which, iu bl opinion, wa Ik ,ht ord.-"lUeoniMel."j ' Ilwtor T about? You're kvtpiug ihu arry bck. 10 rtgli I'h old ant took u ihougkilul bite of tobicc'i,ai.diyni''i.''liU'rlliereii nil vou nhiu H jinvc. Ikviv wa th wid, my boy and , m.t jg bl nu, a whi! lb old worn u were ijuurreling over ! (i tuB eo-grrgaliwi. TU idBui lb two term afortaul, poor nalur gol j ,(,,, venture luwfien d-wn lu tired of walling, and real'tvd ibe right ww , WM jj -j,,,.- s, drink ibii lu action for herwlf. Tim glil iavired,owH 4,-ajaajl.Mi," II rd il "eaaUw Himom neiog remoreu, or revoniruciii. And tbw, wy boy. I ronieiiiiie tbluk, ibal, abilnt aoUy oh) poliiienl grannii areqnarrlingalMllM)ilrlliUiMouiiaU be lb iond,or R.oa.irucid, lb Wat tag young Cnloe) will Midden ly rcvUt of ilarlf. Al any tale, a Ud fair ly Uata of, Haw lodo an, A Ili-Ai'Tiiri. ehi d. Kmr'jilar old, wa nculded to d.aihln Yirglnla Oily, few l.iaj. tinea, uy pining u piai w uo. annp iwm ui Pr ,.,. . -.---, . off a labto, wllk WoWI. Ita neck a4 anw,! rlaill H Ut Kw Itogbiinl Fair. ... , . i. .. .. . . ....,. i 'I'lint L, nt unit lha nrloa of aood okl eider ill nucn ii iiMiiorr ut in jm di.i'h. J "f l - "i. " j The Winning later from Dr. M.tegow n. wh. hit licen attached by the (lovern ni.-nt t'i the ('.imnii!i'on ehatgiil with con vening the Indian tribe In our Wenlcrn Terriiorlw. will lw rend with mitch Intcrwt : Fori Scott, KaiiM. Ang.ait.lBftS Wil'iam iVvpnlry 11. Wa.ldell, iTr- .... Anu,riP.n (teoifriiphlcal ami Hta- tUtlcttl Socletv-Hiri A dincovm- Intely ,j,(crt the dilance to D.nver Il or l',nCom!Mg In to mike ieuee. It I llioujlit, wj ),j,h Ma the advantage f however, Hint the Slonx ntnl Clieyciinei HrMing ihe terrible alkili on the I , ,,,f iilpt yl. nitil not lci limn i.j,, tm(,t v Fort Kearny, which nrej f,on lncB ,,t, )c .tntloncil nt Fort M ht , ci,.( ocraioning the death In wm amm of ihonnd of niilmtt. -u new uliannel h the furllier ndvnn RW 0r enjoying lorlnlghf wrller ver ,tBre lUkH ,f,llt , , lttt liver. Thi (wt Jjot,,-,! route to tho Uoeky Monn lain lie n the YnTey of the Knw. or I ICnna. to the lork of the Hmoky Hill , river, nml thence mi valley In the ,,, (( lw pontiwut al Denver, ll tier M-iu direct imiiefroni New Yorkthrongh at-rx the I'Uliw by tbi tonte, wiileh in . B . . a . . wnu, w7il be completed j tint compny j Iririiii alMiidonnl the old channel of coin iii.ini.-ati'in between tint KSl nnd lb Wel. Liinrenee, the prment terininn of the I'oi.iu Ficifle RiiilifMil, will be the new point id d. purlure. Il I Iwlieveil thill Ihl wi'l aiv mi liieren! Imp-tw lu the rati trille which I now camel on between u r. w pi. nt on In Micuri river and tho ternlm-h-a of Colorado, Utah, New Mrl Correct ktattotleal informati'in regarding Hie nverlaml tram H not canity uaiua, bat ilatu for ti calculation aru fwukhi'.l'liy the Imuhiiim of tb Overland DUbaleh I'tntipany, which transport about omi tenth of the freight tent aero tb Dlain 'Thin company, by Ih eh of the aeatun. will have tent 2.V000 ton, employing nearly S (MMI wagon and 80 000 oeu. A alngie merclianl al Kail Uke City pay ihii teaai IS,0)0 for freight. I In farla demonalral llm Imporlawe of eipe dittng tin work of Ih IVeiBe Railroad Company. BlBinv. Th I'renidciil of Ibt Orxgon Umlial Military lUilroad Company Ut lorwftided from I'.ugio City, Orcgi, to lb Cetwial Uial Ul at Wabingloii, u tnrvey of that route, t lending from the alwve named city in a touibeaiterly direc tiou for noma Ibirly-.i mile, nhich di lane l already in iuceful opeiatiim. 'Tba line of lb road lake tb general di icctiou of the MiddU Fork of the Willam elie river, and purtuv Ita lout lo the eantein bouudary of the Uinta, wwne il may lollow the Hoe of ihe propaard emigrant naile. Iv A of Congr, approved In'yS. IWU. atierwiie rttlou of pablle IuihU d.-lnie. by M namlmr. and three .ejiion in depth, lying a mm aid ol lb rout fur the dintanc above uVteriUil. were granted In lb Hii of Oregon to aid in It conttruelion "f ibll road. A 't'lmtt. Ru ihowand haebvior in Marat llh- ru . .!.. lu...l ut Ia an.k Will fjta. w,,,rr.-ro ... -.-.- -'"- " Mb. - djlm. - abnilkava ! operaUd M. lha - living, and pwiltnlwly in tlw dr, of l ,t. . - o ,... -. i'uUi oi. f , w, -((, JW mn gaial on'"' """ " " """"' " ' w J t iwl , j lew day aga lor tour of !..., ...JUmoileal hat.Hacane. ' . '"J. rfII,h,0"'V I ,.,- .. braucli of lb I'aeidic Railroad. I tm " '' r New Yoik.Oei. 24 -We hat ALTKnimi Tim Ttxr. An auvedow U .. . . ,,-, . Kwlcf lif.UuA , .... , u . .i,... I. 'i'f04iw - ibt .,.;,," to'ic i UeMril ewrgetloaily , xeli(lol4ia( ..j.B,Mtiwl!''' Tub whole u ,Ur,.a. Rut it w nut a prolan ,(M . .ttr . tt . i VWCa of the i IJltUo 1( fctwlw ul tus adailug winUiur. j . . . . A Oo(j0 ,W4. f(m t'limaWnainkr fc(tBI lUttt ,b0M farmer in New lUwp ' tblr wwa gra N fiirltinaio a In ruiw i phi ihl year, bar buen wrereii icnio . - -.- - , - m- i" this til)' - lV''"l Juuiiinl VOL. X. NO. tfo iy p I i"iu ili (!l II HI BY OVEBLAND TELEGRAPH Fort Um'ii'i'. Oct. Ut. (cncrl Cnnnor retitrneil on Sitliinlny rrm th" I'ow.ler river In.linti expedition. Hi column will le here In lx ilny. Thu rctult or the expwlillon I fow pllelwil tiAlilei with lite Cheyenne, Hiotix ftti.l Ar- mimlixr. 'IV ln n our II H Uiptnin ,v,u t it-Sixth Michlenn, nm! twenty , rm,r mi,B killed nnd wounded. Tlw frtitlnti lo. win from four hundred to the hundred kd'eil, nnd ii Inrgu iiutnlHT woutnleil. I lit Hinge of the ArMpnhoe were entirely deiiriiyeil. Wu onpluriil llvn hundred bend of ltorte nml mute. Tim Arrnp.i hoe rtckno ledge ll" ! f sl''y "'it'11 "r tbiir bravn In on Rittle, nml nre now ('iiinor nml Ih iMinpiIgn cmillimed In tha Winter. Citineni nre row lenrfiil Ihut Iho I'heyenne nnd Sluox will com luck on th road nnd Interfile with the null nnd tele graph. The expedition lm been cirrled on nod, r Ihe tuwt cinlHirrnliig ciiciiinitiiti- Nol n jxiuml ol tore Inlrnded for ,1 ,.Xm-dltlon nrrlveil in linm for the uu Lr lh trootn. 'Tlie men am inutlnoui, L - Jaiwing their ilbwlmtge liecauic tho te b.-lliim ha ommnI.iiipI rexunetiMliiivclicin ordereil lo b mntered ihiI tilniiiit M rap: Id'y n they nrrlwl on the I'luin. New York. Oct. 2d. 'The UrrnttVt iolnl dnMlcli wij : A biml ike mill. lie of Spptcmhcr, (Stnernl llaker tecelve.1 liifuniutiou ol n plot at I ('a ) to roll the 101 in.rtcr maiUr, nf of n huge niiKiunt of inntiey. lit en wa worked up, nml Inn remitted iR the nrrcat, but night, ol llrevet HrlR- der (leneral .1. (. IlrUcv, nf the TJlh l'nnyivuli Volnuteer. anminnniling tliu post of l.ynehbuig, nml W. C. hickey, of Wwcctter, MitMNchttMtt, formerly n ful ler at Ihut pott. Oenernl 'JrUeM U nn Irhdiinan by btrlh, ami ha been in oouitii iml of lim hmI nt Lynchburg nines Irfomwimnltr. Cuptuln ACierger had betii liMilviiininU'r at l.yiiehliurg, mid Iml lu hi' clmrgo on tha Jlnt nr Septriubrr, v'.'U.OOl) In grrciilmc, b.aido n hirgo nmiiuiil of cuplurrd k'I'I coin nud bullion willed had been placed In In ebarga bir wfe lieepiiuj. Ilrucoe np- proaihnl Atbernerlliiougli I.tu-kcy nml pro- j pwi lu Inm ui lha r wanboul to clime, ud iiou of ihent hud in.ulo utiy motii-y out of il, ilipy ihonlil iiiuliu uniii'l !uul In concert, aud jiocket 9.10,001) npnice. Al forger kpt tha fmuU in lemfa which lor-nn-ily bt-loiiged lo n iIh.-I blneer. Thl fact wouid give color lo th clurgo which waa lo bo mail, Ihut th iiIh I wvuM Imvil a duplicate ky to the tufe. hud robbed It. Ilrucoe wa to uroitt tlw Ijniitlciiiiiiitcr M rlcrk ami 111 tin peopU of l.jiiuli- burg to avirlwnpiciuti, II look un lin proulou of lb tat key in wux, m.d milt lrkey to l'hlladl'hlu lo (it ihent luudc. Allierger, though ontiiiiibly in tho plot. Informed tho Hcorelury of Wur nnd two of li'iiurul llukcr nlHocr were lent down lo Lynchburg to uiiel th Kuilly kiIi. 'I he other, Ihrough holm In ihu ceiling of llm office, (irnvrul llrmcoe com In whjto i bu (aaittiuioaltr nud hi ulvik hadigoou in diuutr ; uw Inm uulvck tliu luf with Ulw key, luko wit thiee pitvImgoJ of green luck coutuiulng loriy Ihoiuaiid dutlan i-4b, un'l loail hunnell down with com aud bullion lolbu amount of fllletn IhuUhiinl dol lar, having pii-vioiu'y igioltd wluruU.I pa. per and cloth witli u ve lu bum m ollive. 'Tboy lolluweil him ucruw th lutll uf thu .dUce ami burtl In un him wlnlu uouuliii and riaiiuoglag tlw money hihiud la bait- d dour. Wax mould awl lulaa l..ya neiu liaiid upon him awl lha proof m IndUpu labh-. I'l.ene proota uiu now lu (!mulu Uakir'. puaeioH. Ifimciw uml lley i. iM ,ba OH C.ptlol .Halting likil. ,( J ,,.. . ...uT.iuj fl.eta. in I... l ,, ' . , .L T. .. i iJe-p'rimwU of tho Interior, lelt livt i uiiviat horn I'hiWtluu lo the U9ih ol Stilmbr. Tho Huulh Carullua Coutenllon iuikkI llio CoiitUtutlon, with aomu alight nineiul- weu'. on lb Mill. tutt following day the Omiuiilloii udjwurmrd. Ily th CuwUllnlioii, tlw tl0ht ,"f ol'5 H'"111 '" 'u'fy ! "'"' nf full age, win haa bteii Iwo jnuu a ulti2ii oi in niaiu ami iiu ia uoi u puujwr, nor now u coniiolwiloiH'il oltinr ornrtialo nold i' r In the army, nur ii teaman imr u nurino of Ihe Nuy of lb United Stated. An anirudmeut wm inlrudiiud lo confir Ihn right lo ol Hpjon RuroiHUil iiiiiui'mnl wiio dt-iUrvd their biliiiilloii of Incoming r.uiii Iwo year U-fore thu day of elic- lion, nan itava reanirii nx iiioiiIIh in an It t lull ilmirivt. The ih oliouiif llovinicr lid I.iitilauiint Ooveriior will bo lu hi lit j'liiliUuli Willi llm i action of Ih liroo- ,Vrniltly, on lha Ihiid Wiiliinuliv of lue priwni iiionin. , itT wui ariie i byniLllM iiieniber of lha I'oiiwnllun In indutf dilute .l.'U Orr tn atinounc hlm f'l ,h it cutn!lale.