LOCAL NEWS. on itii reception of tbc new, of Ihedcall . .1.. PrMMunl nil ttio binInoM house oi iu. .. , 1.1 elomt una wo unuu uiiiii- n,0iirnloB frtpecttvo of pArtjr. All conn ..m.1 ti,1. ili'Icelnil nllil mourn. were rul except ft few mecenlon trnltor. On drunken tcceutonlst gnvs vent to lbs feel ings of wicked nml depraved heart by c.x nrrfilneloy nt our great national calamity ti'ncn nii.ii- ,,---- -- A good Union nmn wlio heard him hnockvdj Um off tho MdewnU vewcwprfneu lobenr jimi tmongij.i ,mbr who rejoiced was. nno womau win num1vr t,, itood high ' ,,,,, nmrnnnlty, and who itlll deitrei public patrona-jo. Snldpubllcl; the wi glad r ll ,,ml M'' I',nc,,ln OUR1" t hTi been killed lone; ng. sue im lcrned lo fluently glvc'vcnt to her aoev lion heart In EijglMi. but ho wni bori vltbln the sonllue.t of Switzerland, fur lie ond the genial rnyn of lit Aiiui1caii tic public. Tlio Oermanii nud other foreigner! In town kept the day, If poislble, with won loleraulty tlian tlio Americans. Tltauk Cod we do not belong to a put; tbat li io cotrupt ai to lnvo nny 0110 In It bo glories '" l'10 dentil of a patriot, nml we are glad that tn balance or our popu hllon have butter heart, nud wo nuvut knew anj oilier lady, foreigner or Atnorl t cjo, bo rrjoleui ntcr nit nntnnuiioti THE PKESIDENT. At a Union meeting held by tho Union eltlieasnf Jacksonville, In the Court Hourc, Saturday evening, April ISth, ISM, Drft L.S,Thompiou vrna chosen 1'rcsldeut, umlft .. it a. .....i.... v iflcr a brief statement of tlio object olW lit meeting by the President, 0. Jitcobi,vi J E., presentee the following rcolulion tblcb were rend and followed by patriotic ui apprnprlrtlo psvclic nnd eulogies b.i Hinri. Jacobi, I)oell aud Dr. L. b. Thomp on. Undid. That We Iihto h'ard with fefll logsof Indercilbnlile fiirmir nf tin death, b) aMinaiion. oi Aiiniiuiin iiiucmn. rn'M dm tor the Uiillid Htuli. and of Win. II Seirard, lil Srcrclnry ofSluto. Rtutxtd, That In lliulr ilrwtli. tho nalloi Ioxm In Iti grwat redi'inptiou huur Ihu nd vies, tbi! eoiinii'l, and illrwtluu of It ubk-M lmt. and brat untcnu'ii. HudttJ, That we In eommnn wills tin rtit of the American popU, In the iiieliiir tknU and tiutlmvlv iltiilli of Alinilinm I. In cotn,r.nniTii Ihv r of gr.U and uwrilr,' mm, one whom llio American pvuplo ill lighted lo l.omir, and ouo who piKAin Ikelr aJl'clliun to an extent r:nnd only t thalof the -father of liW njiiiury." lb waa born in ii'iviTly -fnicid bin way li creAtiirin hi liUovn I'xerllimi a, id nut bn untlmelT li!tl (m tli'j vry day, halloau. by th crutlflttlon ot CiJ a'.wmuf of tli VtUllll. l!i.Je!, Tint In Iho nii'luutholly anil cow nrrlly ivm-1iiaI1()ii of Win. II. Si-wiild tli taiiuu liKittt un uecniiipliheil scliolur nnO cmiiiaii, an iiuih Muii-iniiuu una a ttunu re llUltlllll l)ll!l!lllil. UnJxtl, Tli tt n a faint pxpri"Ion ff oiii wimr nud trir. tli tt. f rtr for o.n nifyth. btdgvt of crap. 0,1 uitr ! ft arm. Tin rrvjliillous w.ru uod nud unaui Mvaily ntloptid. . A mollon ofierrd and adopted thnt tin pruecJInpi of till m meeting bi publuhcd It lb Oregon b'r.NTi.M:! On million the meeting ndjonrncd. Mr. 8ewan) linilll ulivouml wo hop. tie mil live to ire Ihv cm) o tlio war, urn' llieaiia.i'iu hatigtd by thcuct-k until the; are dead. C. F. Xivw. t.. Secretary. i....,. ,rt cJ-2.-on.tl3r Sadoatii sJtiinoi, 1'io-Ntc The JucK louviiie rjunintii hdiool win imve n pic nic May 1st, In IIyliVGrovo,oii Walker! I'rcvk. Swings and other nourccs odiimi' mrot and recreation will bo prep.ired. There will uUo be tt thorl ndilreis. All fiienJiolS'bballi Schools nru luvlltd tltiiJ and pjrllcipalr In Ihu pleasures ol J uu ii.ciiatires in i nach mukelli ell to go "III Ij ic good things olnj wiiiy, and ns a "full stomacli l'St heart," it would bo we haileti well stortd with the llit laud. " ... i-'i PrMlllrlll T.lnn.ili. .11. ..I In MAilit..tni W ...... .,,,,v v .,.,..r... . City. at Ti30 A. M.. on tln Uil. lust, mill ' u e Ihe sjnic day, it was received ul tlibR ouiee In Jacksonville Oregon, nearly 30UL Kiln on a direct line, nnd by telegraph pMrdsof 4500 mlln. This news win pibllihrtl In our extru' in less limn fivi "ours after Mr. I.'ncoln tiled. A few yenr.F ago, it took sucli newa from five to cigl tetn months, Such is Ihc inaicli of civili ullon. "HTRIOT bciiooi.. i no JUCKatinVllll Dillrict School opened on tho 17ili Inst, under the direction of Win. S. Habcock Out hundred and sixty cveji dollars, putslu woney, will bo npproprlalcil lo the prcsvu'Cj iaftr. No Jeduclion mudo iu utteuduuee cept for slcknew. For Cbkjcknt Uitv. Suveral frciglu was left the present wet for Crescen , lo bring goods for ifuclisonvllle tntr "li. This is proqf.tolerable concluslvi wttbesnow has dUappeared from tin -Miainii to miti icniiis cun pass. Cnrs. The farmers of Iloguo Rvei 'ley express creat fears that Ihe oron' "HI not be generally good, on account ol .wDd cold .winter frrezing out tin (rata, and the lut i-ni.i .i.. i. u ,.i Mltd.to retard the growth ol tho lab T'"!- OAQUI Bro'e. have, durlmr the naat week velVv , cro Qf.novir gooda, direct from - xwfK, "odqe rRiM.''j,l8 gVuiltmuii left In tin T ' Hi " on Wedoetdoy morning for the north 3XTrtrh N(ffic?i!f.Bwl,Jr fi,ven- to my " "noul any JQjt cuuse and I i...iil ..II n. IU? i-m WUil Ur ,,,y uccon. ."' " X Will tint nan n .l,.l. -I.-. ... . .. 1, I- "jut. toe imiy.con P'II 171b 1865, ""?j&K AMERICAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, Opposite theMcGully Buildings, Jacks ojtville Oregon. Madame Jeanne Be Roboam. Tlio Madame takes this method of tendering her thanki lO tllC public, for tllC Dfltronano which lins iiitlim-rn linnn nv Jtendcd to her; and would respectfully solicit a continuance M i. j Xlcf Tnlili... are always ini.lur her Immc dint control; nud by her long 1-XpcrlullM III lilt) bujlllnllthu feels confident that he will give entire lutUlactlou lo ill MEALS WILL BE SET AT ALL HOURS. Jacksonville, Oregon, January 14th, 18G5. e-o a . c o C B-8. 3 S r. ar V rig o"q CO dtfl S2 i UiS tvj CJa m r- e V" 5 1 " e t" I 4 - " o '- r-a - a s S.-3 2. SB M.S rv mi rtn M Ui . 9 W 5 o Z? Ill ""ffl o W o a 63 o in ft- n . i t-i Cfl o P a(4 P51 tn.G3 i C3 y'liAl hai evrbeu offered In lh!s VatLi!,Vi4 In totwih!p !IT, ruuth of li. 2, Mint, be r f-'ulnnlngiit Ihu N. W. ciirurr, on tho oull id which w'lll Utuld XZo cXtlo o c3 ZPriooiKi 1j sLCiiosJ AND Cw-5jaT3L-fl:E.tt3a.lijaTB. Vro Invited lo givo us a cnll. No trouble to eliow goods. apllStt SACHS CH03. A and L' rpiorK cout,inti mi baud. CJJB.TDB.tS)Ir LIVEttYAXDSALESTAIILES, Corner or Cnllfornln and Fourth slrects. C L U U A 0 E & D It U AI, rroprictorc TIIESn 8TA.U.ES nre TJccutially located, and con- WA S"t.,iliMt In tlin Union IIo- .(.zL vculcnt to tho Union IIo- ud. HoieoBil mulcn will bo kept uy tut lav or week, nt moileraio cuarges. The proprietors have a number of fine I.UUU1ES AND CAHKIAUES, For ono or two horse, lo let on inodeiatt . 1 . .1 tlM 1.-hHnr.d iiiil mutant '.. o.goo .Num. 0 , , - ..... - ivhlcb thoy will let lo go to ny pari oi int col'"l.r7A '.r?. 7 'C, SI'."., I,.., iJOrfHJB UlUHU u .v ov.M. -. Animals Bought and Sold. Tl.n urnnrlolnl'K IlludL'O tllOmSClveS to clvt ItIfftcilon to nil who may fnvor them will l call. Jacksonville, Ogn. Aug. i.-ion 1o Xolinquont Taxpayers. J A LL persona who havu failed to pi ilV. iheir luxes for ihu iear lbb-1, ure I iu-a Suuiud ta come lorwurd uud pay thu fttim' iinniedlutely, or their properly, both real 4iid iKKOiml will be levied upon uud sold o satisfy the demands fur dvliumieul tuxtt unci costs, ugatun luem. . A. UtM, Sheriff ol Juvkson county. JackiODVIlie April 15lb, 1863. tier Hcils mid Itonmt, are filed up In tb intcoin forlnblc style; Milled lo tlio accommodation of single oc cupant, or families. Her beds ar always kept clian tf BOOK STOSE, ATTIIK P.OST OFFICE BUILDING JACKSONVJLl.K, ORKGOX. The latest scricn of School hnnk will b, IHJ V111"1'! nn Ihc shelve; lo which uddiliom w)JL CiJiDiire being continuity iimdc. Ol nH STATIONLUY or the m:sT cuAi.rrr (11 (j3fCnnItlnR of Diincron CeKbraltd I.Inoi OMWritliii: Paper. Sv no oilier kind. Vj i:NVi:t,OPK.Sornll kind. nrt and ! U.i i iVCopy biinkit. lied. blue. blncU, conylni itud Indvlilie Ink. 5leel iicn. Picket. K Rcnnler ami dc-k Inkstand. Ink nnd pei.cl I K mKrner. Pen Knife. IWr Folder.' Lea,! 1 Kpenclis, Cnrpentlr pencil. Drawing penclb S. u lM1d Drawing uper. Ac. ic. " 63nnrrnf TsJnt-i Tnv 3 Rf?.r.: r.,,,, ... ... r, , , J "J pu.nnet and tho most completu thing ol tin f fS CSuhui ever got up. f U adZ;,,.Z':!!i LV. b0t'' 1,CCkC' ' rt 'it, i.i..Viu 7 . ..-.- i .....!. 1 8,,r?ZZ !:"nmQOm,t',UxMl receive .ubKrIplio... Vi' '. ...' ....., ...... .'... - v .Administrator's Snlo a i.iiii i i. i i ii im: .71 rti tnttt ' f? i. 1... V . , .' 1 " wrrvln or Iho Halls front Ihe Atlautl. thedalo ol ald im ce. or plann.ll will lak. "iV )iil.i.ft.VZui.mtnV li Sim'e by steamer. Ihreo limes a inoulli, I jiidgun-iit ngaiiml jou lor mini of hii uu C3im, ;Z mi ? 'i . ... ii ,f'l' u uUcrlplIimt alt i,r,ut ll.o June lrra of Mid Court, to l W3i' "u I., .. n i i i i?ii,m I 5 uiticta lower rnto than formerly. Th. nm v Held in J-ckio.nlllc, In said t'o.miy nut rri(1,. i J,,,'i,.i , '.li, t'rVi i.3irnndtleiitloinillb paid lo ihr lor j -ilale, on Urn Sib day or Juuu )b(0. In. fiS, , ISSiS Ti 'I i-B r nU l"np. for which this e I .he um of J3 'J7. Willi liiiucst ihetcou Rimlniulculne both Uncle Sum nnd M ,bl.Iiinl hai gained uch mi f-nviabh !J it lb rale or leu per cent per milium, Iron B M. h. llAI.Mvb. j ,...,,iBt., tiir.myimiit tbe Pacllla Coatt. ;'tliu Mill day of May, lbbl, IciretLir will vi .i.:..:xi..t i t NOTICI! Is herrby glvo .at liy vlrtinH,, ,,..,, , ' .,,n,Ki nr un imlur. mndii l t Cmiuiv O.mrt fjilarpf f' Monthly MagSlItl 53 OIK, r an order, made t c Cuiimv Court .1 will .. II fur null. In li nl.Hkf liM.Ur ill auction at iho court In. ic donr.lu Ihu count; (LorJiieli-ou niid&tuloitrOrrgou.onbaturdiiy filir Ull lut., between tliu lioura or lilm ...'.. !..li A M ..ml l.,nr l M ..ll Hi., r. '. ":.. ..-.. I.al. ....!... U l.u ...., .T it... I.. V..'. -. .., Ml... ...... .Ml, .... ..... It... Ml.lll.l I., '.VI'Mlpilll) 111 l VI.II1II. 1.1 ,IIU ,.. .':.' .1 I. linn fli.i...nmA.l klltiil...! III III. "iifnriintd cnuniT nnd Slute. bu.nt; claim No ...(" J , ..' w ..-".., . ... Minihiry iif rlnlm Vii r.7 lliiMiri tnutt PJII;UU chain, theiico can SO:OU rhalii- miikiicw norm .'u:t.' chain, itieuce wm imai .U'lialn, tn lltu place ci brgiuulr.g ; oolitaln Ling 1U1 UMHO tteii. in !!ti'i.'snv r rnpr A.in.v R ilecl0w4 Plnenlx Dte fc.li. UC4 $Ncw ! Nov ! ! Nov ! ! KREUZIER'S 2STJ3"W STOKE. UfUecu New Hlnlc Saloon and Ur.dbury i WaduV, Jacktouvillc, a'lS STOl'KKD COMI'LCTELV W'lVU 1 h Ecst Cigars and Tobacco, I'KKSII CANDIES AND NUTS, NEW TOYS &. NOTIONS 93.;.-IJLo3tra.iBry, FRESH FRUITS, ETC., ETC. Mr. Krenr.er liavlne pnrchaed lh ne Eltntui v uiiw wui ruiitii m -iiti"ii v mmw r A'tilU tllu ntteullou of Ihu iiulillo to his coin 'Jiilito stock of tmnklnir nnd clawliiL' tobacco al.ki'ii mill iIi.ib crtntli tf lis it flKilff .t VMi1n'k Aim io mi liiiimn iiruuiia oi cigur. iron w the common hallpnulu to tlio mnt Ira antlll I lot. . All kf.lft nt ll... ,.1 ft. I 1 ilk..... . pi'"' i,-iii. . ,y --.v ,uv.- ........ ipricc. You can bo belt supplied with any nrtl- Helen In his Hue, uud saw moniy. by giving lilm n call. UfCemocr in m"J. w 5 .'i ft tgfi$M& A' J '1j' .-.- RECRUITSWANTED! A few Young men of good character ti fill up Company 0, of tbu First Hcgliuenl Oregon Volunteer. Government Bounty, 8300; Stcvto Bounty, tXCSO. Clothing allowance Jir luumli. $330, Horo, nnd horo equipment, nrm nnri nceuutrement, will be luriii'hed by (iorriu incut. Sutliclent good uud whoIctoniePio BvU0 (Mldcines iind Midleal nlteudai.c. y . WvWcd. For luriher p.irlicu liar, npnly to Lt. D. 0.. Undenvtod.'or Scr gcaut h. 11. Murse, at JucktonUlle. Oregon KM. nciiui. Cant IstCnv., Ogn. Vol., Com CoinpamI l'orl Ki.iniaiu, urvgou. inj.iuit IFIRE'. FIBE it uVinnKonly Innuanco Company mat cai 'il I Inirullv till lillS.lluM III UllL'Oit is tbi rr"." ""-. . .. . ...r.t. .i... 'rtdllo. 1 hey havu complied with Urn law of Oregon, by depositing SjO.OUO Iu m atutoi Cam capital .lau.uuu. SACllri &. UUO'S Accnt. JaeWtonville. February 23th. I85. feWSll . w rniiK itFST PURIFIER OF Till' 1 blood, Hall's Sarsparilla Yellow Dock und Iodide of Potass. niaudm (NowsDcalors and Booksollere, Itoadj and Remember. J. ST11ATMAIV, Wholesale NcwsDenlcr, Pncki and fofn-nnl" nil the Dnllv nnn BWoekly Newenaper. Macaxlnc. etc.. lo nil junrts or tlie country, with Great W-patib I SELL AT PRICES RTkat 3of? Competition ! Every New Kovcl received ns soon n published. ( have rpre'nl nrranctmrnts with nil tit lltrerrnt pnblbher. statlontn, tic, and 'irnisu tlio irntie Willi Books, Stationery,' lllnnU Bool, Music, PORTRAITS, 1'ItIN'TS. MKUALS Sdolainotypos, ctc, Sfi3tss.i. 3ZStoKs:sK IX OIIKAT VAMKTr. I have nncquftled facllltte, nnd gnarantci dealers the cloiot attention. 3Scnd for a price Hit, nnd giro in n trial. JOHN STRATjMAN. SAN rilAXCISCO. I American Flags! (Bivi.i. r..ii I ., r CI...1 ...I.....I .. With full complement of Stars! piloted on MtiMln (U' Mine, imitation oi uuniing In Fatt Colors at the FOLLOWINQ LOW PRIOEOt vr.r, lfiiol..... $1 OU icr doren Site. 2 feel 2 il) iwr dozen SIio, 31crt , 9 01) pir dozen f; Vic, 42Incbc 10 OOperupzeu amo BUNTING FLAGS, Of All site, from sixty cents to oim dollar per fool. HMfflM PAFIRFQ AMfl PINS UHIUH CHUUCd HU riWJ, ,n Um "'u ' J. SI UA I ION, Major First California Artillery. Tmpire News Depot. nrllieat cornirnlijin dm County Com t. of I i , ' , , .-in ntiluclloii In Tfltcs to SubicrHieri. A TTWTipS h called, to the ndlowlnp "- ' r American una lorcign rrr oai IVrm I'ermnneiit niiangemeut havu Ik'cii lund Atlantic 1'crioaicHli. IimIpjV I.i.ly' look 3 6b! iMiauiio iuntiiir I.ellc' Family Magar.iue... Kttiekrrbocker Matfazlue. , . Joitllneutbl Monthly I'otrrsoti' I,dle' Magazine Arihur' 1 loins Magazine... I.mllci Kfiollory . . . . , I'alfi of the Day 3 r.i 3 i'i 1 AI 3 01 (M.'jr fit'K on 00 vnullily .Novellelle Kclecliu .Magazine Hunt' Mrichaul's Macazln oo On nil. llJiikcr .Mugazlue.... I.e Don Ton llrounoit'a Iterlew,.., ! : oo 3 01 3 III ullliHtillu Uclnxif'Ct X fnrr Decl'tertjeurlyj.. I 2 l!M I llallnu .Mjgazin , i u nk -e Nniiou(ci.uile) 2 6W'. 2 6i 3 01 I,liu IJiulgei or Fun (comic) Me -Nav (comic).., "nine Monllilv 2 Si 2 6i 2 61 :; oi I'liunny Fellow (comic) .S'uw ork Weekly Herald " Police Gazette a 6i Clipper. Houni Journal Wetkly Trlbuu buudiy Alia ' Time 3 61 :i6i 3 61 3 6i 3 61 3 61 3 6l 3 61 3 61 2 Dlfpaich Mercuiy " Louilcr Werkly Tlints World Journal or Coiumeice,, 3 60 361 Iudepeiidcut 3 61 Lender 3 61' i.vu:v ... r Lwlln'aPicloiial 3 51 ?j ..l - v it. a llanwr'a Wtikly 3 61 t Illutraled'vn 3 6( " aIIu'i ZletuiiK (German). 3 61 " Demiikmt 3 61 (j x UlUllUHl -.llllllg 3 bl Family lllatlrr 3 61 " vaniiy fair.,, a r.i " Irifli Ainerlcnii 3 61 " .cknlilic American 3 61 Wilkia' Spirit or thuTiuus 3 6( " Tablet 3 5i " Cuuulry Geutleui.iii ,., 3 61 U'.ikle 3 fit " Mercury , 3 6(1 " Herald of Progtco 3 6i f ' bent I Un Auieilcau Jouriul. 6 0b " Albion..... C 01 i;cod'Itnlln-(ltallau) HOI " La Cioulca (SiMiiltli). . . . ,.12 00 Qoi'.ou WteKly Journal 3 5l " Flag or our L'iiiou 3 61 " Pilot 3 60 " Waveily Magazlue 3 61 " DannerofLlsht 3 3o " TiueFIng 3 60 ' luvuKtlgutor 3 60 " Mtcmry Companion 3 61 ' Llttell LIvIiik Ago 7 0( I'hlladelphlA Fonu-y' WnrPre.s.... 3 60 " Dolljr Newpaier , , . , 3 Oi Sutuiday Jvvtufuj,' Pott,... 3 61 Daltlmnro Wceklyriu 3 60 LouUvillc Weekly Join ual., 3 61 Jiuclnunil Wetkly Comineiclal 3 01 3t. Louis Kepuuiicai 3 &o Foreign Periodicals. Londou Illiislratid News with sup plement CH 00 " Weekly DiMialch 13 00 ' HliieltaUd News or Ihc World ,..'.... 14 01 " Illustrated Time 12 00 " Weekly Times 10 00 llclkiVLIfo 13 00 " AtbciiKUin 12 Oi " Punch ... 8 Oi " OnconWeik ,.,. 8 00 Liverpool Wllmer& Smith's Times.. 13 Ol Dublin Nation ; 13 01 CoruliiU Magazine ,. U 00 lemplu liar Magazine 0 00 SI. James Mngazlue... C 01 London Lancet C 00 World of Fashion..: 0 Chambers' Jouruul I iiiilfAnnAOii deposit In OrcKon All the Year Uouiul. Dickens ; oi London Art Journal , 12 Ut ..i ......"...' . ....I... i .... ,... ii .. Ulackwood's Wagazlne; . . . . v 4 (jo wesutner yimritriy ueviuy 3 01 Norm uriusn 4l, 3 o iraingburg " ., 3 OCl iljOndon " " II 0(1 Vlho four Kovlews nnd Blackwood., la 0(1 adstjnbfcrlnllon received for nil Ih San Trnticlfco dillle5, at l'ubliMicr'i price Any Newspaper. Mazflr.tue or Kevlew. no mentioned In tli? nbovo llt will be UirnMi ed lo oiiler. Older lor JlooL. Jlna'c Kan ;y Article, etc., filled promptly at tho )ow est nmi Km urn, buu'crtiiiioni inyubl .... .... ...... - - unnrinniy in nuvancc. AUilm, J.STKAT.MAX, in21tr N'ews Agent, Sun FmncNco. OSBORN& SESSIONS, l plrciusixg .wd roajiissiox hmm 6:9 Mrrfhiit St., San rranclsrj, Col, Having had c.tcn.!vc experience In boll. Wholonlo and l ct tit trude. wc frel con lldent that lo COUNTHY MKUCIIANTi ilolrlng n resident agent, or to nu occasion ill purcijatcr. wucnn oikr tupctior liiuucc mem. Pal ttcular attention given to collection1 the miclme nnd nle ol I.ccnl Tmdvr notes urult. sininps, sewing Machine, etc., oi illier lrniiacllour leqitiiiiK ttiu aetvicesol .'.xpcilenciu mill rxliniilc ngtiiK. Purchaics will lie mule lur cntti only, ex eept In cases of ipeclal ngrcctnent lo tin contrary. . (bco iu. sbovn, l-'ormcrly with Oanhkld, 1'ikkiu.v & Co. Wholesale dealers lit Hue elullil.ii:. Stu Fran cIko. iD. . Sessions, Formerly villi C. fi. Goonwi.v, & Co. U'liulernlo Grocer. Hun I'mncUco: nlto UiiAfnjruvf& Wade, Jnckiouvlllc, Ortgou. REFER DY PERMISSION TO . A. W03P. b.vt nj ihj ilonlir.Ein l'rr.elit U II. 1U..VC1ILY CO, lUnlwtr DtU.n, Su VJO. W. IU.I.L. Awnrer, Ja rranclico. CLAKIv 1 I-KIIIUM), W wl Vtilti; Bin rnaetteo. w murifrn .-.laitii a, tgi.a. uimftii FN the County Court, for Iho Counly o' i. JncK-on, iuto orurvcou, March tern V. D. 1m;j. J. D. lluxlu rianllir, n Henry D.Macombci Diremlajt. Artton at Lair In iffovcr Monrj-. To llciuy li. Macom't.r, defiiiidiiiit uiore Aid: Von nru li;riby leiiureil tn nnntni hi) me tttis ui J ncl-mi, in. il nu wir the comphlut on lile In tlie iibotu en itled citilMi with th clelk of n d com I ui urc lurxby nutitled lo nnwvr said ci.ui nuiiil. in. nui)c rtnnluu. witiiin leu iln irom the mvicd ut itili iiniinuin, nud cp tli'y ofcuuipliiiut. If nvrtidWilliliiriiidC ill; .r irmrttd w tn in uu ntliir counly In nt ii I the cutis uud vApeiiK' and ditbuniu.'iiU ol .uiinciiou, to lh) inxui. marllwC Plamin's Aliurueyt HappincBB or Misery; THAT IS THU QUESTION. I "'.' rnoi'iiiETons of tfii 1 MUSEUM OF ANATOMY AMi el' iof sCIENUE." huve ilelermliHil, ttunl'tfr cxpers. to Uue 1- llhh (lor tlie bei cut iflliu -ufr rinir liuuiuinii) fmir of tin H lion Inteiesllui! nod imlliKtivc LEC-! rUltESoii.MAltlHAt;E.indlUdi(pi.i1 .(IcMliniiH: Nirvout Deblliiy, I'reinniure Heelinv of MiiiiIkhnI, Judigri'ili.n, Weak 'ut or Drprtlon, I.I.M of Et.ergy nml Vi ml I'oncr. ihe mint Social Evil anil ll.on uialutlits lluil lesiill fiom jouihlul f'.lir.l MvrnS id iniiUiriiy, or Iguoruuce urrhts uiloey it inl N ti I ll re h luw. I l.ete iiiviiiu.iUiii lACtuieii have been tin uieant.fiiil!ehleuliigiiiidiiiluglhoiai.il ami will Iu forwunhil FltKE on ruvijiti.l I weuiy.ute ;enu in p'tni:u kiumps, ii; iddriiu "Kicrelitry I'lieillu Mumuiii ii Anaioniy and Science, 1'me Strut, Sui Frni.ciM-0." CSWa tiers lobe scut llirniisli WV.'t Fuigo & Co. mirlltl lu'4 1865 J. D. ARTHUR &. SON . 1AM rtUNCMCO, Cor. of California and Davis Bts. N OW OFFER FOR SALE. WHOLE SALE OR RETAIL, a largo uiu i at led uiturlineul of ull Lludi of AGR1CQLTURAL IllIPLGMlSNTSy Also iho Cilcbrated .OHIO ItKAP IHt, (called thoNutv York or fieymuur 41 Usrguu), combined Machine, with great Iin-9 orou-mi'iits, baring a STlllilt Cutteil ilar. Can bo change drom a Mower lo Itiaper in ir.s jiixcri:! cuts wlthlu one lucl I f the ground or two fuel high. Can be Uato .villi two or more horse. Will work oil any sldu hill, whtio Lords ran tiaul. 2irOXE THOUSAND of Ihne Machine in u-o on inn tuti, w nit n wo connueii fllK UKST i'ROOF of Ihoir SUPLItlOIU TY over nil other Machine", J.U. Alt'! II UH& SON. Sole Agents for ihe 1'uclfic Com I. inai25m4. PACIFIC INSURANCE COMPANV. CAJJI CAPITAL, 19 7So,oob oo. PA;)! MJUliAll loncs i'ayublo U U is. uviu com. lUturv 0iuii uvia ui vaui ge by fire. 8ACI1S DRO'S, Ageuts, Jacksouvllle, Oiegoo. JanJltf. lunnu'rirv liilllllilULiliL UUUDUi DAltDANKLLS, OGN. FIRST CLASS' HOUSE, IN every reypect, where the ptronl so in'rvuidii of the proprietor guarantees iiompt nnd courlvnui ntlcullon to all tbi iqiiliinciit. ol gucftf. ' Tins house bus bcru rcfiitf 1 nndrc iihlinl. WM. UUIIKE, . nplltf rroptleloi'. DAVE SAMPSON hiriM stand for marci nt the lVleof J John S. l)i urn. In Jacksonville, Ort- ou, rrum April im. io Augiut isr. Ttrmt Pa)abl In U. S. rolni Mnglc Service, - 10 - lis I'cuion. - - DRUM & VARTIN. Mnrrh 29. ISO. . aplltf IMPORTED MAlLTmSE JACK! This Jaik will stand this icaon at Tctclx.fsoax.'vlllo Ofcxxt At tho Stable of 3To:eii3. sj iJrtixia. I A7"If.1i rerve mire, ut $20 lhoseaon,nd Jeun!uitl $100, paablo at th com- ueiiCemeut ortho srntiui, which will begin pril bl, and end July UI, 18UJ. A IIIk-iiiI d.pcounl Hindu In tho nbora liricm In nny ouu wishing to breed a liuin- ,r in mare. Jacksonville, March 2Cth. 'M. nplltf Is N Iho Circuit Court or Iho State of Ore- eon, lor Ihc counly of Jnckiott. iV. O. T' Vault nnd St. Mnrloit T'Vault, plalnllfJ. vd. I.tmcaN. T. Miller. James ilitru. Uhi. W. Keeler, John O'Hrlan, John W. .McKay. It. II. Hngardlnc, I D. r.uidry. Co. T. Vinlng. J. II. While, Joint Wlmje.i. Ilerman Ilelm. Thomai lb all. ICaiper lCubll, Antnlue Drum, J. V. lay nnd P. J. Mulonc, Defendants. null lit tlintirri)'. fo Oco. W. Keeltr, one of a.tld defendants: r ion niorrquiuii io appear on uiu urai K liiv nf tlin t..rm i.r ll.n fliiMilt riiiirt. tn m ..1.1 l..ta .1... .. .1 C.I.. .....1 M....IU .1 ll. . I. Ill IUI IHV ..It. I W..IIV ...II, VUI....J, .11 1I1W Ri'ouit Ili'UH'. tit Jacktouville. on the 2d uoudiiy In Jui'e, IsOJ, nnd pbail nittwer ir ilcmur In mid complaint nu file ngalim fun In Mid Coin I, or Judgment mid iliac, ii dike nu nccoiitil oi Ihe Mock of tack tocMioMcr In Ihe prem, typo, material lock, tlxliue nnd nppurleimticet or the tale 'llicunu Unzillu"iiew.pnMr,nnd lorniaU jf mill proVeily. nud ndlvMotl or Ihu pro- .wiU of mid ntlu will bo taken, and the ,mtyer or the complaint will lj grauUd igiyul you lor wnni iiivtror. ui oimr or i'. i. mm, Jims. DOWKLL & T'VAULT, Atl'ys lor Plaintiff. March 3Ut, 16C. niillnS TO THE STOCK RAXKSXUI or JAOKSON OOUNTY UllKOll.V. IrPIinunilenIgn?d would rcijieetfully an L iiotiucu to Ihu public, eeuerally, that Iho will make a tcatuu with bis line STAOXC, Lord Ilyron, ut hi ieldence, two rnllei toriheait or Jnckonille,comimnclng 1st l.iv uf Am it. A 1). 1K0S. and uidlinr lit lay or July, nine year. I .onl i;tou U u iltornughbrcil Jack of iiiiminoin allien, riom iioiniHiiicouuiy, uy., ribitiiMi ii.ni. fil.l ll.,. l.tnl Muv. niiil atiitla W ill.-eu liuiiil, ouu Inch high. ' irrnn or KiiMin arc a.i oo, invarmui u l. H gold or silver coin, payable whua Im in ii tw im. critd. (iiH)il ii.tKiuriiiiuciii bahad for innre from fjdilaticv. ni'd good enronnd regular at- eiiiinu win n givo, ii i win Keep agooa .uiiliil hand for that puipox, tuuugli I hull not hold in) Hdr itiuiislblo for any iiHies or I.'lurles to ilock that might occur tlu'lu on my ranch. ' M. IIAN'LY. Woodbury It audi , March 26, lb03. in.ih25 tf A'CW IN JACKSONVILLE. aiSUAWAV WiiSIIIiXO RI.OOD'rf PATENT, I iWith Wringora Attachod. .''PHIS works Iho ramv m by hnml, doing J a much tioik In ouu day uirlx women, aiiii uiiliil cieauiiueM, leM wear 10 clonics, ind one-hull Km onp. A child ten yean uu can woiu linn ni.icliino wilti euie, wani ng uny futijiu Irom n thiead lo n Ud ipillt. Jlmiu iiuicliittiil Iho liuhi for Ihe man- ifuclmu nud lulu of Iho ubovo uamcd'iua- -IiIiiok Iu ibis county, inu inaciiiiiu 1 lur raio ana can lie seen il my hoi),ou Ctilllorulu Hlieel. onod'or tlotu Drum's Livery .Stable. Cllvo mg jii v, v. ttit.su. Wrlnseri will lis furulthtd as loon u hey uirivo, VERMONT HORSE. t - QTOCKIlOM)i:itS OF THE VERMONT Oll'uni coinpjiiy aro hereby iiolltied thai. inn iiorst win siami lor ma use or mid Aotnpaoy the ruining kihou follow, to till In Jntkaon counly. at Ihu fain if A. Tenbii.i-I;. I,'.i. (l)uk Grove), from April 1-1 lo Mjv ISili. and iiuulu from l&lk I nno to 13th July, lucliifhu t In JoupUluo :niiiy. 11! hu riabluuf It. tt. llelknup, Irom Hay (Alii lo Juno 16th, and again from I61I1 fuly 10 Angina I3lli, I80S, Inclu'tre. Kacb ioeKiiuiut.r IK.11110 nretuiug mint pay all s ctiiuvut upon b!a iock to dele. Uy oMir or Uyard. of Directors. Mareb lllli. I8B3. Murt-w 1 , IVotico to Jttock llaiMrs. rHK nndclgi.d lakes this method ofla foriuluu Ihu iiulillo. that iiltioiu. not -lockholder Iif Iho company, who may b bslroini of lyetillng lo the celubrale :"""VW 1RJIWB, "VBH- l-i l, vnn uo ru i.y applying, in ti:iiE 10 Uiu, us ho lias yet n uuiubcr of sluu 04 uneiigagid (or thin learou. He will tlwnys W found with Iho horse. Good, .nurus will bu bml ror half thu Issue. udf (liobrid upon Id rharcs will be furufkhtd. pu.turuge lieu of charge, luurzouii i. o, ijiijnni , 1 11 ' 1 i. . . .i II7LOUR AKUPRPOUOE taken jps ll1 , change for Morchuodlse, at Julyli. 27 MAX NULLKIVB. m 1 m