Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 02, 1864, Image 5

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    flfjtp' sjnii).
u o.
Btnrit m Srm.rr FKVM.-Mithodli
Egbert, who keep mrir rye opcu .-. ...aj
ikrooch tbe world, nave very unc op
(Mtttnitic to become- nrytalnltilwlth the
-t !. ifr.4itn.nl nf human lilt
,mwiN - """.....
In ill tarioni inrm. i rj : "
wk rooms end the mclrty of pbylcian.
-t ire cowl nbcrvrr. And not nnrrc
rtilydolWr opportunllin furnWi them
ft Ifdormitlon or n-l imponanre ui
r.l. Tline rn.-ciln are anggratnl
Li wit fnmi Krv. W. V. Wil-on.
,tiile. Ohio, cotii" ininff receipt ior
t(fito1 crlet fever. Take our coon-
lifiiosli. tnic year wilu another, no urn-
mMM fatal among ciiiMrm. Sometime
,& tbeikill or the most eminent pny--j,
oJ bidiilellana.. lo tlic mmt otcot
Mart. Laityearit appeared In Puinci-
In victim. wire numerous aim
iCT ncrill"iw ic .....-.- -
iMru untie ilrMalc. Aiicr aorne iimc mr
rt ffiveu Wow wn lilirhlr recommuid-
Mlbjioine wlm Iwd iern,lli virtur twled.
tu tried and prowl prrai luccrw.
. .!!! H'l.
aKiawtltlrt- cue hi many nn . ik
,rit lenptli appeared in llic umily of
Qlrt.Witaii,and bit nliacrvation cotiurm
Viiwttriinmny to llie iflicscj of tbe
flhsr lie wikIii ui I lie rrciie lor tner-
Srsmi'i Jlitmchlal Trche.
i t kM taAtf rbajiovil mv tnlnd rvpect-
In them from the fin-t.ejtr.pUni; to th nlc
vet bettor or that which I b-eni thinking
Well of." Rer. Htry HVrrf Iittehm
" The Troche are a nan ni 1110 m me.
Prof . murrrA Xvrlli.
Vrt lljnitlm CWr. ClWow. .V. 1
41 For throat trouble they ar a .p-ciilc."
.'. irw.
Too favorably known In need commen
dation." fci.ri.i4 rWi,
'rri. .V. iewrffc
Contain no Opium nor mi) thing Injn
rioif," Ih. A. A. Ihyt. Chtmui .Won.
"An clegaut combination for CoiiEri."
Dr. O. F. Ilyrlo. Ixon.
I rrcommend their n to pnhllc prk
cr Rtr. K If. Chynn.
Mot wilnUrr relief in Hrwiehlti'
Jlre.S. ittglntit, jiorruvvn. um.
"Very beneliciai hrn wilTeriiii: from
cold'." Iltc S J. P. Andtnon, Si. Imh.
-Almo'l lntant rvlli-r in the di'trewlni
laUtr uf brcatblnK peculiar to AMlunj '
Ilrr.A G Ewlnttm, A. I.
Tiir nr mlittl mv cAr exacUTt re
lieving my throat tu lht I could tine with
gM(" 4S gilMIWill'-
Choir tlr French Varuh Uhurch, mm.
A thrre am Imitations lis rule lo oblan
IicRkCI)k. ,
Accnlafnr California, Kr.WXtiTox A Co.,
San Fmnclco.
Inimitable Hair Rcitoratlvo.
Dut reftorea gray hair to iU original color,
bv applying the capillary tne with nat
ural nirteiiance. Impaired by agn or dl
rai. All inHatJantout iJyci arc cwnpoMil
or lunar rnuilie. dctroyini! the vllallly and
Ixituty of the hair, and alTord of thi-mi-cWei"
no driving. Helintreel iulinitable ctf.
oring not only region' lialr to lt natural
ctdor lr an eay procc, but give the
r . i . ... . .!- i Imlr a
ic ltrni.anioiow,.-- ir. T.rlAtitnoriuty.
E?fallofpirlliturponliue,liairaipo"n' Ln,,,,, J,, owth. prt-v.-nU lt falling
hi of od of iutiiper. anil one iwmpooniuii i on, eraaicaie me namiruii. ui-t"
, , , , i. i .ir . i, r v.-i hralth and plea-antnew to the bind. It ha;
i oil of elovri mix half a pint of ttitl . . , .,. .. or ,.
Iidu miaeii with one pint of Iteit q'lal'limlr.colorliie. and U contiantly increalng
a ... l'...l I . 1.,.ll. ..uuil.aniiii a ltd
it of Wf. India rnm ; unimrr It together i in iavor. i. p-ii -. i;n. ...... -
tttil all i tntxtd. In a new or bright jiew. ((. eM u, irnj.urt ,v !, 0f 1). d. JUiim,
(tlin,cnrintj over wiiii iinnr jr:wirr ( iTopriCJor. .ew nun.
W. .0 a lo U p .he ileum from c.cl,. T . "J"''-
tftre. Give to an adnlt half a table-1
jirtfall once an hour (children in propor-1 sT lOCO X.
af until the canker cornel niT the tl.ri.nl, ' DEAKE'S PLANTATION BITTERS.
,)iW will not br lonir. Then dilute it I They purify, alrencthen and niMim
lea made of laOVon and catnip. ,...! They jS. STti r I g water
ai'jl, wi'.n null tne amount oi inaxe-; ,,,, jvt.
vavW. Tliii-tea ilinuldl taken freely I Tb.-y orercomo eneeu or diMipation anu
Ijft, Valient from the firat. The above TEEJ,hcB
noMMimn j.xkt murr. ' tltomlnJ.
rJburt Chn
hurf Ckrultan Adivcalt
the ryrtem and enliven
inlanmlc and intermittent
'They prcicut
. icrcti.
Clilo- They purify the Inath and acidity of
Tost Orncu Dr.rAimtR.VT,)
Wnhlngton, Jan.J6, 1664. f
mOrOSAI.S will be received at the Con
tract Office of thin Department nnld 3 r. M.
ol lit June. IHU. (to be decUVd by the
10th.) for convevlng the malli or the United
SUtMi in thetflulci or ClUtwRM ami 0
kiios on the roulw and by the rcbvdulei of
nrrlval and dipartnrei herein peclfled, on
which lervlce li lo commence li.ih Septem
ber, 1P81, and end 3lh June, 18B6. llldi
are nlo Invited for Krvlcc to end 30th
June, IPCS.
14P97 From Lincoln, bv Mary ville, Cen
tral lloui. Orovllle. Kin Seco, liulto Val
Irv, Chlco, Hock Creek. Grove City. Teha
ma. Hcd llluff. Cottonwood, American
Ranch, ShaMa. Trinity Centre, CallahanV
Ranch. Fort J one. Yreka, llenly. Aihland
UIIU. (Oregon.) l'liccnlx.JackK)inltte, liKk
I'oint, Dardanellen, Inland, (aleivllle,
North Onj oiivllle, Myrtle Creek, Hope
burg, Wilbur. Kugene City. Cottage drove,
Corialli', Albany. Sakin. JelTi rron. Helpa
id, Aurora Mill. Oregon City, and Mllwau
kle, to I'ortlaiid, CIU mllci and back.Mven
lime a week.
I,eavc Lincoln dIly at 9 a m; nrrlve at
Portland, from the ll April to lt Decern-
lxT, in 7 rtajr ret or llic year in vt uay.
Leave Po'rtlnnd daily at li a m; arrive at
Lincoln, from M April lo lit December, In
7 ,ljrrrt of the year in 12 da) a.
Ilidt to commence lervlce on the ICth
Seplcmlwr. 18C4, and vnd on 3Uth June,
Ir-f.H, wlllbccoti'ldcrvd.
If lerviec mi thin route lw let, the aervice
on mutei uurabvn USDS and 1&024 will
not be.
14898 From Lincoln, by Maryvlllc,
Central Home. Orovllle. Itlo Scco. Ilutle
Valley. Chlco. Rock Creek. Grove Clly. Te
hama, KM niuft. Collonwootl, American
Haiich, Hhai-la, Trinity Centre. CallabinV
Itnnch, Fort Jone, Yreka, llenly Arhland
Mill, (Oregon) mid l'lurnlx, to Jackson
ville, 3i0 inllei and bock, kvcii times a
Leave Lincoln daily at Ji am; arrive at
Jacksonville, from Ut April to lt Decem
ber. In 4 d tva rut of the Tear In fi.
l.iive Jiickronvllle dally at 2 n in; arrive
at Lincoln, from lt April to lt Dtemlicr,
in 4 dy rent of the jear In C daya.
Hid to (Mimmence htvIcc on li'.lh Sep-temlK-r,
1M14. and end 3Uth Juuc, IbOS, will
be ci'inliltred.
Ifiervlcenn thli route le let, that on
I No. 14637 will not be.
lSt:4 From Jackionvllte, by Dardanel
lei, Rock point. Lei ami, Galeivllle. North
Cunvonvlllc. Myrtle Creek. RoHhurgh. Wll
bur.'Oikland. Kugene City, Cottage Grove.
Corvallis AHny, Salem. Jeirerwn. Helpa
I. Aurora Mill. Oregon City, and Mllwau
kle. to Portland, 2'JO inlki and back, leven
time n week.
U-ave Jackvinvllle dally at 2 am; ar
rive at Portland, from M April to lt De
ccmber, in 3 daj rvt of tie year In fi day.
I-ave Portland dally at C u m; arrivv at
JackM)uvuie. irom iitApru 10 m necem
JStLeCLt&MG aretois.
Will itand thli Season at
Jacksonville, Oregon,
At the liable of .JOHN' S. UUUM.
win , uinra at 20 the ieaon and
jknmm at lon. paynhle rjt commencement
of ieaon. wblch will oegin .vnren ". .;
end July lit, 18C4. A premium of $40 will
he clven for tho nsnr colt bj Mai.twk, ror
18B5. at Jackronvillc, on tho (lnt Salunlay
in September, 18M. ,
Pari. Monroe Co.. Mo.. April tit, 1802.
This I to certify that wc know the Jack
that JtMUit H. Fox. of thli county, hai Ihii
day told to Giknn- Wiijiox, or Ihl conn
ty. who nrc alul ilartlng to California,
nnd we nnheiltalliigly Hate that wo know
raid Jack to be a nnmbcr one llreedcr and
lure fiwl getter, hi Colli iclllng nt wean
ing time nt rrom 12A lo $130. Wc luke
pleninn! In recommending ald llreeler lo
ihcMulc raler of California, or of nny
State In the Union. He in not leoond ai n
Itrvrtler to any Jack In thli R-cllon of the
1', j. e niio naic inni me noovc ni.-n-Honed
Jack wa lmiorli'd tllrvct from Malta
and I thorough lirvd.
Given under our handi the day and data
1 T
i Mf HI
PONT Ml to proeara MBS. WlaUW8 BOOTH-
ino grntir for ciiildukn tkktiii.no. ,
Thlt tIM prtrtl'n It Ihl prrwrlrtlon t e
of the twtt fml plijikUot nl liartff In th Vnl-
leJ SUIm, txl Um rta kffd If thirty yr Willi
nvrr rolling mfrlT mt incrn t'.v million of tiirtli-
ri n.l thlMrtii, from Ihl feU Inhnt ef on wri I
cl.l lo th lult.
It not only rellTM th clilM from pain, tl lnlnf
dlM lh ilomch an.1 lumett, crrlt arlillty, il
tlrri ton anJ cnrty to th hoW Jilem. It M
tlniMt IntUntly nlltr
0irio II in HomU, A Wid Couc.
W llltt It lh llwl and Hurnt ItrmrJy In tt
World, In all iw of DYSRNTKIIV ami PlArl
HlllKA IN Clltl.llllKN, lithtrltarUMfromlerll.
In or from any other tu.
Full illrrellom for mlng will aca'mpnny li l.tl'.
Nona (lenuln iiiiIfm Hit hcilmll uf CUUTIf A
I'KIIKINH, Nw York Itoti lli olld rir.
Bold by all Molldn penlrr; l'rlnrll UAtit , 41
Vj linn ntw loca.
raici Oatf 31 Cikt ria llontt.
4IS and 4IS I'ront t, rVtn tncle.
Agrnlt lir Ckllfornln.
1)11. 1. J. CJ5A1KAY8
Private Jteitlrnl noil Hurglcal lualltuir,
Dlow Montgomery, oimhmHu PwlHe Mall 8. 8 CU
irfltn, ta t'nincUaK
i:ltblUhd In 115, for Hi Permanent Curt of alt
I'rlTtt and Chronic PUeaaea,
and Tiih aurntKNUON or yUACKimr.
Jos. H. Fox,
Drtiry Ilngrdate,
Tlioa. Ili'luluy,
Murion Higg,
Hnbt. Gwn,
(iraiivillo Snell,
Tho. Crulclirr,
J. W. IUgidalc,
Alcx'r Thompion,
Win, Clmninuti,
J. (1. Fox.
J. L. Curtrlght,
It. I). Auitin,
Dau'l M Di'lany,
K. V. M'llrlde,
Siim'l II. Pool.
1 Vrv IfivrBflat ttr W inriiir .
rib nt m'lmfipf. will. It ! tulil. 1m titlllvw) ..'.. t 1 t...it.K
. ., .... ........ .,..-, w- ----. j uiy Cirt Uvtiri).a aim tuuuLJti'iii. t. - . u . . - ,iu . i i .!-
i.bPVm.nt of war. II. employment They cur- tUwlua. cholera and cholera - ;.; -"--"-- J.
.Wim likely to put on end to all war. T,m"r"' , ,.., ,,,. ,, nro. tember. 18fi4. and end SUlh June, If 68, will
Mf learn Hagg. an Kngllh chemlit. in iLa lu.y. ' I he con.ldered. ......
.eiDrh1.dieoverv.nron.ocnrrr They are the beat bitten In tho world. I . ".1" .. .W, rou,e " ,el' th,t 0n
? condition in tl.ooi. and drop &&? TJJTftS I "v.-Eacl, f ... bid for ep,
fMitUalr hi li midit of nnniea and madeofpuie.SuCrolxRum.lhecelebrat.il rattly. with leparute guaranty and ccrtifl
(vtMaM aTliamw manitnn nt 1 1.1. mm. Cailiava Dark. I wit and herb, and nre . cate. and muM nrovlde for the conn-ranee
itl- I rr! on in nr .. . r.nr.1 ' uWeu M ll ,b pleuw of a beverage, w Ith- 0r tbe mall wtb -celerity, certainty, and
" " i' '"'out rcgnru to age or ttmeoi nay. i -arucu- vcurilv, uilng lue lerrni or llie law,
We hereby certify that wc are pononally
acquainted with the mot nl the nbove nam
ed meu. and kuuw all of them rrom charac
ter, and they are, or were, the leading Mock
men or Monroe county, Mliourl. and or un
doubted vtrnclly. (Signed)
J. M. Wllion, JiiT. Wilcoxion,
0. Nelton, Jul. T. Ultnn.
8AruAxr.vroCiTr, Dec. 8, 1813 Wohave
thiadiiy xild the above ilercriU'd Mai.tmk
Jack to DRUM X MARTIN, for 52.000.
J. Stable and Out-bmiaei. and it line col
lection of Shrubbery, with Fruit Trcci, etc.,
lo; aaie on lue
Mot I.ltjernt Terms.
Title Wamnted.
Thev are illuated on the corner of Ore
gon and C. Street. For further particular
enquire or Dr. (J . . Urecr, at lili omcu
on California ttrevl, or at hit reiidcncu ou
Oregon ilrect.
Jackannvllle, r CU. .1. 'III. lebnir
Alltndlnl lad Awtdanl 1'liTtlckn.
DH. U J.I.'.AI'KAV, M, Dr
Lata In tht l(n(rln KaTolullmutrr War I Clil.t
I'hyileian w lb uum iircinicnt or notiTMi i in,, i
Barfeoa lo Iht Mllllary llwplul or I'cath, llanca
rjri thtUlt LaelcrtrnnM.ea.etnf ihtUcnlloHcl
nary Orfana, ami UlMawi of Woman and Chlldrcli.
and Honorary llamotr of tlio I'hlladt llil Gullrp.
of Madiclna.
ma 1'artkuUr altanllon tMld to Iht trcalmahl it
DUaaaaiof Woman and tlilldrtn.
Ornco lioara rrom 9 a. m, lu V p. m,
aafConimunlolkotairkllycinfldtntUI. IVna-
nnl eur guaranteed or no lr. Uon.ullatlona, ty
jalUforoUitrwIn, IhKIU Aildreaa,
inu u J.t,v.ArK.v,saii rnuiriKv.
To tlxo Amiotod.
tyring, from nrnlerl i
enmt in mndrTn warfure, may rywaiblr i larlv recommended lo dullcate iH-rMiixrv
(waeaimile among cliemiiti who know 'l,,lrlnK k'vntlc itlmulaut. &ld by all
tht tic man accompliilied of tiielr cum 1 ' P II DuakK & Co . New York.
btt wfteld icarccly dare to experiment with j 2Sy Smith & Davk. of Portland. Agent.
itlananlitle larger than a grain of mna-
Masonic Notice.
THE regular conimiinleatlon of Warren
Lodge, No. IU. F. and A. M.. Jnckw.n
vllle, Oretmn. for A. D. 1804. will bs bdd
on the following dayi, to-wit:
January 20 July IS
February..,. .....17 Auguit 17
March 'ii September 14
April 20 October 12
May IH November 9
June IS December y
and regular Semi-annual Featival on June
24th; and the regular Annual Feitiialon
The houri of meeting will lie, from March
tnlifd,tven when only at a rwpectuble)
ii4!ir,c au under guard at the moment of
IU dslooitkm."
AM jet not one of lhoe chf mliU would
iUWdtaoogb lo deny that, with two or
I'wtcUaieally eiean carboyi of thii ter-
fQit ftwpouod preaeot in a city or (ortrew,
piftrr itrong, iho illchteit cuttlnim of
lVnLorgsor aiingle drop of olive oil.
fromo- fn contact with it, would in one in-
lo: decide the fate ol the place mid the
l tfiurilf.nt. l. II .1. 1. .-
i " . .,,. ijukcb iiicii urucrcua iu ...,-.,- . . ,-,., l-....
,r .. ., . . 10 oeinemoer, ai i ociuck, umu inuiioeif
that ha ha. Uicovered a metlod of i Umber to Mircb, at J o'cbiCk.
""oniitig the contlngfBt difjiculllei, und ' Tl,p hrelhren are earneatly rueiled to
U liable to manufucture .hi. deadly! SrifcL0," Wl" ta "irf l
P..I.-T ..... NIV ' WIHWU IIWUI.
j auifTii !. .ra. r. a -..
. , .iui ixritci saieiy, anu in anv re-
V-rtd quantny. Bd t,at R can be safely
jweyrf to IU deitlnatioa-Sumwary of
I """" ocientf.
Cmo Auvir-A few yeani lioee a
1 m continually importuned Secre-
Coralo for a clerk, h n. At hut he
"W Wm to "go out AVeit, winat. bnlld
UrctUren will do well to lave thii adrer
tiiemeut for future reference.
Jackaonvllle.Jan.7. 1861. Jan'Jwl
For form of nrono'al. cuaranty, and cer-
llllcatc, mid for iuitruclioin, miulremcnti,
etc , bidden are referred lo the pamphlet
ndmtltimeut of route in California. Ore
gon, etc.. dated the ISth October, 18C3, to
be found at the principal pot office.
Didder rhould be careful to pnt pay
bid. M. 1ILA1R.
,nti2C Poilmaater Oeneral.
II Bloom's
Tac j jr acs imr.
A ROUT four monthi iluce, a ronu mare
with a bald race, hlud-feet white, nod
heavy mane and tail no brand; and a
inedium-alzed r-orrel borne, with a white
trlKi iu the forehcai, collar-marked--no
brand traed, or were itolen. from Farm
er' Flat. A lllwral reurd will bu laid by
thu uiidvritgued lor Ihn return of either or
both the animal, or for inch information
u will lead to their recovery.
Farmer Flat. Jackaon Co., Jan, 16. '11 !.
riioonis, Orogoa,
Where artiitlc and Llfr-llko Picture are l
Ing taken, uiiaurpai'M-tl for lauly of out
line and touch of Qnlili, and In thelnteit
and mot Improved ityle of the art.
Old picture copied, Improved, and ren
dered imperhhible.
Phienlx, Jan. 30. 'CI. tOc,w9
Of all dlfawra, Ilia 11 ml creat rauit
FlirlnK. from nrclerl of Nalurt'a law.
O In all Harre t Illwnwa. Kir-abii, narvoua .Lull
tly, ;liltU In all IU Uuei. alrictuiea. lel, rail,
dlabalra, illivaae of Hi. kl'ln.ji and bladder, mini
rial rheutnalliin, arrofula, lm In Hit lmm and
ankle., dl.MMt of th lulitr. Ihront, no. uid eje,
ulu.ni uii It.t N-lj or llnibt. cancer, droy, il
lle m, rlt. Villi.' italic, mid all dlieaael arUInx fit in
a dennicenieDl of Hit atiual (vrani, aurli at liarron.
Irembllni:, bwt of memory, loa. of (..war, atntral
aaknas dlmnrat of tlalon, lth lillar-jl )
Niilii(bff Hit ejrea, toaa of ali(lit, wak.fulne,
Jjt,i.nU, llier dl.MMra. tnilltni U'H II, fare,
pain In Hit lwk and heml, f.malt Irresularltl.a, airl
all liapropar dlacbarirM of built . II matltl.
IHt from what caiim Hi. lUv.ua orllnaled, liuatur
lonn tlaiillna'ob.lliwlt tbt nut, iteurtry la rer
lain, and lna.lKl.r Unit than a ixrmantnt cum
ran be .(Tecleil by any oilier titatni.nl, tnanrtl.t
dlwa.t ha. laaltloj Ilia (kill uf nnln.nt ih)ralrliii.,
and re.litd nil th.tr meant of cuit. Tli intdlclma
irtacrlWl r. daaanl and without ulor, tnlllely
.vRUbla(CMUilnff no alckntaa, anl frat froui mi rcurjr
andbalaam. lurin( twtnty ytara' hraftlft In Lu
rot, tht Atlantic UUttt and California,! I,at It.
cunt from Ilia Jaw. of tSaalb many tlHiuaandi who. In
Ilia la.1 itaeta of Ih. abott mentioned dl.taa.., had
Iwtn (Iran up tool by Ih.lr phralcUnt t which wai
lant tut in proinliliiK to Hit trmctad, whu may Imo
IhtanHltta und.r iny cart, a lfrct and twvdy euie,
Trlvatt dlvwue. art Iht Kreata.1 out inlea to health, h
Ibty ar. Hit lint cauat of roniuniplkin, wrotul ami
many olhtr dlaeaaaa, aud ahiaild la a terror 10 II
human binlly. A ptrman.nl cnr. I. trarc.ly itr
trTM'tol. a majorlljr of Hit cutrt fallluc into tho
liit,bi of lnaimMtanl eraona, wlio not ouly Call to
rur Hi ill.eaae, but ruin Iht conatltutlon, nlllnjf th
ail.m with m.rrnry, which, Willi tliadl.mo, lia-l-eiia
tht auRartr Into a rapid coiuuupUvn. Hut (tHaild
Iht dlaiid trealiu.nl not cauat daotli ttdllj,
and Hi .ktlia marrlet, tht dlaoaat la tnUlled U n
tbt children, who art born with frabl entllutl.i,
met tht current of Ufa corrupted by a vlrua whldi
betray lu.lf In arrofulA. I.tl.r, ulrtr, truplkiii'.
and other arfectlona of llit akin, tjraa, thnl aid
luup, entalllna upon thtm a brltf ailaUnc of utl. i
IriK, nd on.Uiiliiic Ihem to an early grutt,
HKI.V.AllUHl! I. aikHhtr fornihbill tatinv In
lieallli, for leblhlnic tU In Hie dread cuUbifUt of die
aavacuuMwaudwlructl.adralii UfHi the a.taiu,
drawing IU thoiiMiid. ol tklllni, through a fvw yrai.
of auneilii(, loan untimely araee. II ito-trvj. the
n.rtoot .jil.iu, rapidly waata away Hi tntrilt ( f
life, cmuaea in.nUl d.nuia.iuenl, pia.tnla tht prottr
d.i.,pm.nt of tht tjr.tein, diMuallriM for niairUye,
ci.ly, l.uilnau, and all earthly happlnc, and leaie
thaauffrrer raked In Uale and mind, prtdlipnai'd
to ouuiuniptluti aixl a train of till. mix. to bt dreu.1- .
ad thau death llatlf. Mlh th fulle.1 conAJaiife, I
aaaur Ih. uuforlunala victlui of tlfabua that u
ft 'Mm. ytr "mm. H R te3L-3'-For
bale at the
. A. Scott, Proprietor. I
lYext tu Judge & SCiiuiueriaait
Iktween tbe
inkin ...t i!-.. i.i.. . . .. .... .. mnpj.ij i.. tj li,. - , than I bad lo nay at my old itamj, tbat I
eooIL a , ' b , r 1 1 1V; . (E,.n.rtU ) Hotea and will ,.. good to my customer at
tuotinued. "Accept clerkship here. I ... . . cadnlo,.'d on,0 .UjM cou.iderably reduced ratta. fti.e m? a call.
"ayoaiiok at once till Independence si ed It Tor the accommodation of tbe nublic! Ji. UIAJUM.
Jtrn..-i i.. , .-, t i... .o.i.ii. . .!,. n it,, nmmiu thai Jackionviiie. warcn o, moi.
--(, ueKuoisa rvioieu, sou you arc MV i-."vv-m ,,j -j.. . r.
Kt.. ... - .... ...In. ..illl 1. .....i.l l .nal.. Ilm ntttim.
Near (,'orvullii.
O cloae up, I will bell aplcndld, large
tree ror 13 eeul. Cherry. MulUry.
Cticttnul. ItoKi, Lllach. aud all hiudl of
hbrublwry. very low, Every Itiuir will no-
The rent of my new itore li o much leu Itlvely Iw cloied out at tome price before
I will alio tell a good lot of Pear and
Cherry itock.
uome to tne Kurecry ana lee,
Glenn Run Farm, Jan, 0, 'Hi
j Che
irmaiint aial apemly cur can Ix etrctl, and, with
ii,a aua,aio,im.ui 01 ruinoua praciica., mj
oaii bo laabired to robml and tiurou hiwllh,
County of Jackson.
in Juiticei Court.
iiledlna f.. . rv,. .,i .jitioiialniwlllbehpartdto maku theaccom-
-w lo a few year- for any other and mJaloniror nil w ho ravor blm with tbelr'
"t Ibdepehdetit fKMiltloa. I mty give patronaije moit agreeable and pleatant.
puce to-day, I can kicl; you out tnenoieiii bum pieawmiy aim srro-, Tq ubvkrt.y B ATI'S
Kemorrow, and .ben nnotkr man " ft iu"? " ' ' ".CI .KSn' ."at I You are hereby notlfiul that a writ of at-
M ttl White Home who cn kick me and in good re.tlr. . .. I "?.T"." rr.'S.rr- ?.":'?
I" And Ukj pople by and by can kick
"out. it,, tr ... u r t...j
it i uu unii an ui:ir. an iiiiiii
- . ' rhall appear before M. D. Sturgli, a Juitlce
''kvnn. ...?.. .
laawinVT, were-gn, nno, ypL0UU ANliPllODUCK takctilncx-! of tbe Peace lu and Tor ald county, ut hii
'" "111 Irel it m lit; very trir6libinr ofi II i. Ta. vu.l,u,..i:, .t nflke. on llm 21t iluv or Mav. 18C4. ludtf.
Jr puW. oral tvery day of your life! July 1?. 27 MAX MULLKK'S. went will be rendered agalnat you and your fur liquidation
iaii,u., , i . . , . - '- -, property hiiu to pay iu utui. uitu iuii
BW.-WJUI w- T-rnr r i ati J r..a im na w i a ww ivaaaaaar i iiitiiu .1 i i . . - - .. a
,1 , j... .iMiw. wi .", I IIIUIUUIIAI II VlilJL. ,IJ3 III
-"wiruxtj joa" ,1
Diisolutiuu of C'uiiui tiicrkii.
PUBLIC NOTIOB l hereby given ihot
the coparlnerihip heretofore exlstlne
between the uudenigued, In the Livery buti
ntse, under the firm name of Uuuimc A
Dhum, ha been thli day dlttolved by mutu
al conieut. All pcmni indebted to laid
tlrm are rujiierted to make payment lo John
8. Drum, wbo li autburlr-ed to lettle the
iMiiuee; und nil perioui haring tlulmi
wguiiut the Unoh(uld prewnt them lo hint
' i3th day or Manh, 1H01.
i luarchibnt
t. cami:ron.
JackonIlie, Nov, 2, ',biii, ov28Jf
IneEuUiitlM. and til dlanuea of male, and famalta
art treated on principle MtablMiad by twel.ljr jreaia
jf ativ. MHiMiHiiuiin vj iii'Miaanu. 01 int moav II
markablt curat. Ilnllclnaa, with full diracllona.aia.
to any puit of th rlule, Oregon, ad and M u,
liiKtonTeiTHorlM, by Mtlanta coiaiukhltallinr lb.tr
arinptoni. by Utter. Ilualnaa. urrwponJ.nf. unit.
1 cooOdtnllal, Addroaa,
u. j, tv, rn at, , u, Boa rranclKu.
S Tli Kuclor orr.ra lnt ooiwulutlvn, nd k
no iruiun. ration uulaaa k affacl a cur, , JalOmSp
By Josoph Wottoror.
" 0, lager, iweet larger, builln' lager beer,
Now II pruliei we'll ilng u the iweltxer
come In
13 n pheif uud eln Lager liver!"
TIIK proprietor nnnouncea tbat (hear
rangemenla of hi Rrewery are to exten
ilve aud complete that he can defy all cow
petition lu Uoulheru Oregon lu making an
A No. 1 article of Lager liver.
inu large cellar or tbe elab!liutnnt ate
always itovked with krg or lager ample for
tho largeit wliolerale or retail deiuaud.
Call at the Saloon, on the upper cud or
Oregon street, teat the beer, and leave vow
order. Jackoiivlle. Oct. 21, I8C3,
Fliml Ht-ttleiuc ut.
IV the Oounly Oonrt of Curry county,
December Term, 1803.
In the matter of the eitate of Beh;amis
Biiattaik, Deceased.
F, II, Pratt, the admlnlitrator of laid (
tatv, having filed hi exhibit fur II tu) tultb
merit, notice I hereby glyen to al pcnoi.'
luterettcd, that Monday, the 4th day it
April, A.D, 1861, ha liven ( apart fir
the final aeltlemeut of wild eilutu with tlm
ald administrator,
JJV order Of Hon. M. II. (Ueuf.rr. rounlv
Judge. J, L. JiVANS. Co. Cluk,
Dy N. KmiuiEiuMi.v, Deputy,
Fiibruary 13, lboj,
hVUw i
aawHtayi tmiptntMtm