f'ff'ZstCtl oZx Ije r tgom emfiitel - ir-jfct J. . '.rmjrv . r- tr--rw .- r.T-BMKUitjir'RvsS.k- r.Mnwmw $. PER ANNUM, IX ADVANCE. JACKSONVILLE, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 18C5. VOL. VIII NO. UK v. G. W. GREER, I'll V? I CI A. V AND SCKOKON. (Illlrr M tlir CHy III UK Mute, .lArKfOvvn.i.r.. Oiikwv. -II " E. F. RUSSELL, NOTARY PUBLTC. "Sk with It. Y. Dowell. I"., Third strrt, .IjtrKiixNViu.K. Oiiwmv. 2'. R. B. MORFORD," ATTORNEY AT LAW. .Tackmisvmj.k, Oiiimok, I.I. praeltrr In llii srvn-nl Court" of 1 1 tlw Kirot Judical Ul-lrVrt. ami in llie Stipes m I'tmf Orli.lr3n 'C8. u. net'. J. iiastun'. REED &. GASTON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, .UrMosvtu.K, Oarony. J II. Itt'.KI) Imvlnc determined tn run. mir tin" Jirwcllci of III prreslou. ha utn aled.Mr (tA-rriii-nllh hlin In biislne.iind Sreudl give prompt attention tunny legal lai'mcs rntruled to tlirir earr. In any of ivrmirtsor thi judicial District. iirttee hi Mime building formerly occupied t.. Mr ll-ed. Aunnsl lfilli.'..8. ORANGE JACOBS, VTTORNEY AT LAW, .Ui'KMiNviiJ.r, Uitrnn.v, trill attend to hutlnts In tbe Court" of llie 1'iot Judicial District, and In IlieSup-errte .mrt. October 26-41 B. F. DOWELL, A L XV'i.Jlil Ai. S.J1 a rtvil 'X.Tl. f? TT AAV, JjkCKililNrilJ.K, OllKOO.V, ('III practice In nil tin. Court" of the Tlilrtl JsdUlal DMriot, the Suprf nir Court of re- tvR.ami hi lrika.iiu. iurfcnp prompt- ' mllrelrd. . le. DiinV Umber Simp. l-rteu llrad'niry A WiidrVnnd hi Dorado KaUoui, California stmt. 1IAVISG. Hair-culling SlumiKMilnc.Cur- w:ait Iliiir Dyeing. n hand and for vr a ceiiulue article ot FUbV Haii: Its- ihunik. iwlCri'lKdoraVCreywariiir'v PETER BRITT. I'iiDtogra'ililc Artist, ! prprd in take pictures in every style 4 lb an. Willi mi llie ln linproirniriil. U l'tcurr J not glie sutWfurlUiu mi j.irjw ullt ! ms.de Cull at hi new Gal- I-tt on llie lull txauiluu hi Pictures, ami t fr tour likctie. L. H. DEWEY, MntcliinuUcr unit Jeweler, kjn ron.tanl.y on hand a j-ry .Mirtiii-tit or Cmm'kk ami fix. - r.uir. winen in; oilers lor fr " Ul ery low puce, lor,, Ml. UKI'AIIUN'C-C'ncli.2 ViL'JA & tu and Jirlryriimlnd with prompt- th utii uamiuUU Mmp on Cutitonila . two iloori wel of Imw V llllp-r'". Jrkwi'itil. Jnlv 86: 8S DR. CH. DESCH Waldo, JofKfin.xK C'oi'.vtv, Oo.v. It Ii,mii i pn-iianil promptly tn uttend ' i be cnrlnK of Mil lli Mieordliif in e tr-ainiil of I'rof K. V. IUxr.ui., ultlf I'll tb iim of Merviiry. Arviile, or any Miauu urui;i. l or llo h1 nin- yean - Ikxi Uh-ii a prncliliouer of nicdialurt at '.-m t iiy. ana ! u uvii natlyluxl tlmt liu Msirpvily ri'llrf ti ll uRlivtit nliu av cull un biin. Ample urrunjfi-imtiU fur "W. wnrin, Hot ami Mm in tjlh. aleYanderbuswell,' -riunii'AL- book-biktdeh, I'AI'KUUL'Mvlt. oml pUunk-iiooIc .Manufacturer. 517 flay ami fiM Commi-rci.il tri-tt., fcciv;ii MiiolnmiH-rv und ri.iiifoiov, 8AX l'UANC'IJJCO. ift. lUndinR of t-vuy dtcrlptIon neatly iuul ; iiUnk lliHika ruled uud Uonnd to aJ lirl pattrru. 2J:y rL DORADO SALOON, P. H. LYNCH. Pxop'r. I'orucr Ualifornia and Ortrgou StrtfU. Tbe l'ronrletor daji IiihI rili-p.! frcm Rnu "mIko a tbo'.co unjrtment of fine W"ines, Liquors, Cigars, ETV ETC. Dron in and tt tliem. D,x. JO. IJOWAKD ASOCI AJ'lUX, I'Uilndel. I plim. I'enna W Jh tdt lU Sk aid flulitutd J JIUd Seiutl OrpJiu. VMTc&l Aill'L-d hIimi ifnilla l.tf l!i Al. xSurgi-uu. Vuliialile iii:iiniT on hi-kioia-su;i or MsuiNAi. w:AkKi--, and oilier " of llie M'xnal iiririiiii. nnil m II. n f luytou toipU.nl In ttia Jipm- "I K'Ut 111 Iih1 lillir ruvcliia-a Irn.. ,,f K. Adlrr , im.J.JsKILUN JIO'.OIITON, l'afd Awoeiatloo.Kp.i'i muiIIi Ninth -fin iw.jjy rutiattnutim, f, , Till: OKEGO.V SKNTINKL. iv-4i.ii i.MiiV vn.iar ami kuviiiiav. iu:MiYni:.t.i(n;u, Piiti'riiiiiimiv Sciycnimox Onv j-ar. In ndvanci. Flvt Dollar; Six inontb, 1 tirm Dollun. I'uli-f rent-tivtl, mjH-u u ill uv diroililliiut-d ut tlir cxplnition of the llmu .'or wliioli lliry liav lntn paid. Aovkiiiiimi One niuarc (10 line or lew). Ilit liin-rtlnn, lluii Ilidlnr : t-nch uliijiK'nt IiiHrtlnn. Out Dollar. A dl eount of dfly prciiil will lo made to tautc uhu adti-ritx ly tJirjiiur. advertTsers. Uy rpplloation to rotmalcr ami Mall Carrier-. on ran learn tlmt llie Stni-ii My Oiii:iov I'.vtim i. Ini dy fur n turner olivii latlou In the counlle of Sontliirn On (.'ihi und Del Norte county. California, than nny olhi-r pnK-r. Thi lael houM comiiienil the Sr.vrtMJ. to you a a rupvrlor medium for advertising. I.wr or Ail i:th. who are authorized to transact any liuititi cniieernlns till n per. In the name of llie publisher : I r. rlt'irr.Mii rllllelcll; mlnrlli V Itavne, Yirka; l.lr Kmry, Afliland; S. C.Taylor. I'liiriilxi V. Fimlrr. Appli cate; It. rf. Dunlnn, Wlltlninliirp; John It. rrludlc.K.rlivtllU-; A.ll.McIUnlu.Wuldo; It. J. Foi'.k-, Waldo; 'r.. M. ITvon. Alt houe: Joel Thorn, Canynuillle; A. II. Kllnt. Ituwliurp; Inibc It. Moorrn, .cli mi K. M. Kllfuorlti. Kuune Cllr; K. Clmriunn, On-con Cilv; D. W. Wakefl.-ld. Albany; Ilenjainlii Cook, Corvulli; J, II. tmltb. Crocent City; Albert Dooliltle, Happy Camp. SPKCIAL NOTICE I. 0. 0. 1 Jackmiwiux I.oihik No. 10. holdlt rejculur im-ellnKf wiry SAT VIMAV EVEXI.KU, at their Hull (Mc Cull) 'a Theater building), at 7 o'clock. Iliotheralii good tandlng are cordially luvliwl to attend. Ja. M. Sittos X. ft. l J mi. 1). Doumn. It. Sec 'y. Warren Lodse No, 10. A. F. & A. M. A HOLD their regular communl- jXrcatlon tho WVdnealay Krenliiit on Vor preceding the full iuvou, iu jaw- HON VI I J J:, OliCUOV. Al.E..MAItTIX.V..M. IF. Iliiol. Stt'y. oui:gon chaptku so. j, JIOYAL AltOH AIASOXK, JAVKS0.X VU.I.K. OUCGOX, Will hold IU regular communication on the Pint balunluy IJr. lit JSrry Munlli. All nojournlng Companloim In good ataudliij; urc cordially iiivitt! to attend. U.-W'.OItKKIUM'. I. SAriin, Sec'y, dcB:l" S--T--1CCO--X. DRAKE'S PLANTATION 1ITTEBS. Thrr purify, strengthen uud invlgotute. They reato a heutlhy upprlite. They are an antidote Iu change of water and diet. They orereome effect! of dMputlou am lute hour. They trcngtheu the ytleiu aud i-ulltrn the inlnd. They prevent rutomlc und iDtenulttent feveia. They purify tho breuth and acidity of the nomncli. They cure d)jpia and coiiftlpatWu. TIh-v cure dlarrbuM, cholera and cholera inurbu. They euro liver complaint uud ntriou bead ncbe. They are tho bet bitter In tho world. They nmke the weak inuu lrong. auJait txluiuttal miture'i grtvt tttlortr. They are made or pure fct. Utotx Ituui. llie celeliruleu Cnlli-aya Hark, root and herb, and are taken with the pleasure of n ben-rage, with out regard to age or time of day. l'artlcu lurly recoinuiended to delicate pernio re quiring a gentlu fllmulaul. Sold by all urocer, Urugguu, Hotels and bulooii. J, il Dkakk Sc. Co.. New York. 23y Smith ic Davim, of I'ortlaud, Agent. DUGAN & WALL, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, lirtck UullUlMg, Cor. Kront 4i falrccU. CRKSCKNT CITY, 0AI- WILL attend to the deceiving and For warding of alt Good eolmited to their care, with proniutneMapd dputctj. Coii.Igiimciits solicited. Merchandise re ceived on toragc. i;rccent City, April i, 1WS. 10 K.U.-NoKwdidellverei until Ihefrelxht and charge are M. D. & W . w AXTKD. 1.000.00U pound of Flour, iu exvhihge fur gowl. at iACIIS BU03'. Never (Jive li. Xevi r give up ! it 1h wler and Mlrr Aluiiy tn Iiom lliiin once tn ilnpalr; l-'llug olf llie load of doubt's cankering fitter, And break the dark ipell of tyrannical ca 10. Xei er give tip. or the burden may Ink yoti; I'nn Ideiioe kindly ha mlnglul the eup; And in nil trial and trouble bethink you, llie tcliM oid of llie mutt be ".Never give up." Never give up! ttitra. are chances and rliangex Helping the hnpefnt a hitndntl to one. And through the ibdo high tn!oni ur ruiigv Lver ucce, If you'll evir hope on. Never ghe "p! for the ilet arc Uilde'l, Kuoiiigllint rroiideiiooinlugleslhocup! And of ull miivlin the Ut, u the oldt-fl. I the Hunt natvhnord of"Neu-r give up!" Xeer gli cup, though the gri)e-ihot may nittle. Or the lull thunder-cloud over you burt; Stand like n rk, and the rtorui of the Utile Little rhall harm you, though doing their uorrt. Never ghc up! If ndverlly iircM, I'Mvidence wlrily ha mingled the cup; And the bvM counsel in all your dMn-fK, Ji thetoul watchword of "Never clie up!" Local CoitiitiutilcafliHin. lIllM-rnla (o lli Atiukriieil lrnirn. Al-riAiUTK. Fell. Id, lrT.3. Mr. Rliivr: Now lint the jn-ople of South rn Oregon are beginning to nuke up from their Hip Yun Winkle leip, and Unit they nrc going to " rut out, or rot out,"' If they do nut put their rhouhbr to the whctl. and carry out the Immutable doctrine that '-Cod helps iboMjMhohelpiheiiitclvc'," I, u work ing man, will, like the uldnw' crue of oil, add my mite, and, by the aid of a patriotic ami free pre, a ShMlM.I. oil the wnlcb towtrsof I, Unity, light msy come out of darknew , ami " plow boy, farmer and team Ur," dbtlnclly seo lliut they have within their reach all the element of propi-rty. Hood roadi arc to tbe liody pnlitiu what arteries are to the human body, ami without ublvli no country ever yet has been, or can lie, great pro-perom and lisppy; then fore all such undertakings aro to be approved of and aided by every good citizen. Combina tions among miller', farmer or merchant, to enhance the price of a:iy commodity or article beyond Its market ulue,or the laws of supply ami demand. Is Inimical to the y.fnii welfare, ami often result In illsn. Iron confluences to the men v ho project it. The limits of a newspaper, nt this time, will not penult the Intertlon of n long arti cle, when a great notion Is In the throes of civil war, ami wl.cn. should foreign nations Interfere, Its lurid flic miy light up our own horizon; and I will coullne myself to pointing out to farmer and ploughboy three nrtlelts llmt they can readily add o flour to make up Teamrtir's load to the mines on John Day and l'owder rim. livery goal farmer hn n slock of good htnt and has provide for them a supply of meal, lime or broken bonis, soaked barley, on!, wheat or coru, a,ml access to gravel, ami they sru now making Ihn air around thu barn yard melodious with their cack ling. Farmer will go to the drug store and get the proprietor to put Into a. bo tie, con talnlug alcohol, a sufficient quantity of gum shellac to make a thin varuMi, and procure a small fine brush; as the fresh eggs come to hand he will brush them over with the varnish and lay them on shelves or safe placet to become perfectly dry; he will then pack them In bran with their small ends down, in suitable boxes or kegs, and lhes eggs will come out at l'owder Illver perfectly fresh, worth from seventy-die cents to one dollar and a half per dozen, ami Teainsfer will notify his customers to wah tho yarulsh carefully off before using them. Farmer now has n number of cows dropping, or about dropping, their calves, and their being no grass for two months to come, and being u humane inao, having a shed for rJielltr, and having hay or oat slrsw, he will put together a couple of boxen of suitable size, will procuro a straw cut ter, If he can, If not, a chopping block or two (if he has Idle boys It wjl) be fine t-pi-ploypientor them), be, bujs from Jbu bj) Icr a load of bran, and hakig a layer tif the chuppid Imy or straw In the bottom of their supplies. Hut I am for nny and every the Imix and dusting it freely with the bnm, road tlmt will lend us to i nuiikct for our he motrtens it with water slightly rntuni-1 siirplu product. Taisi.k Hock. Uil with sail, nnd keeps on layer ndcr lay- Yes, sir, u have liorn our that part rrtlll the boxes nre lllled; ho will feid to! of the iimlo lUqucnlly; mid If llio rcmulu hlscows mrfy morning and evening n B I"1" , ! ',;' mon-jllfllcnlt "'n ' . i .r . . r . ,i .. ., twiin I.lk Crick and Moiiitce llock, llitrn bueketrul of this foinl.niid give them n light ' nn, colnmratloly no dlniciilths Iu the way. feid of hay or (trnw nt noon. The milk Hut the bridge over tho smiles can) on of will now come In abundance nml of koch! ' lt.t,:iie Itiver, Imw about tlmt T Tlmt tin- .....in.. .i i.,w...i'i .ii.,i i.i. ..,. ..ri... ' illstiuico I much Irs, wuiln not doubt; but qualiiy.and he nmln tsllnt his rMt is or the , 1(J ahH.aw of (, ,, ft KrIoi olJrc. tlicnrslorloreiiillknntarlynlllliecn-amis.ii,,!,. Let this llngue ltlver route bo llior Iu the Inst or slrlpptug. As he ha n clean ' oiighly explorol Inls sutntner, and If ihtro dairy freshly lilt-w.hid,pmi. l-rIKbl sasi a " lIculHs si In llie way lave the i until ,, . ' . . ' , , of n br dgo ncio's tlm iniilii rlvir, tho ad- sllver.chuni swi-ct.and n supply or pure,- ,,,,,. , ,,, M)nt r ,tn,ic,. titer the wafer, his go.xl wlfo tnkia cnuh churn- Klamath Lake route will tnnkrt It the great Ing and placing It In u wooden bowl oron llioriittglifaro Tor ioiillierii Oregon, ami a smooth table, she woiks It over wllh o w"rmJl 'J"t """ r ll.o bridge at tho , , ,, ,, ,, . deilrid point. l.o. t-KMiNKUl womlcti ladle till lb" wnlir runs 'S S - lectly rmr, and thu It sweetness I In sured; It ts rolled up In a lump, wruppul In a nice wrung cloth to nlworb the ri main I tig inolilure, and laid awny until nrt day whei It Is again taken and npend nut with the ladle and an ounce of ground alum salt to te pound thoroughly Incorporated wllh II, and n small quantity of pulrerlzid loaf sugtr will do no harm. Farmer now has an article that will sell In any market, and which If he continues to produce will make him rich, and obi late the necessity of trans posing six thousands miles a similar article friiu the Stale of New York. It would be a convenience If bis butter was weighed In pound lump, neatly rolled up In square j leces of cotton cloth, and packet) nwny In salt. A Mcnn.1 cash article having l.cen - addnl to Teamster's load, the ham und sides aro sufHcleully sallol to l smoked, and smoked, and eachtIo UInc sumetideil and no brine dripping from It, a lire or dry onk chip or corn-cobs kept carefully without breaking into a blaze, pcrrcciii the curing, ami no l?tler eggs, l.utliror hams can go on to Queen Victoria's table than the farmers of Oivgou can, If they see fit, place on tlir tublo of the miner. Hiukuma. IVagou Ilonil liy Another Itouf. Khttr Sniiintl There ha been rrrerut commuiilcationt In the fiK.vriM:!, lately, fa luring the contructioii of n twtgon rosd by wiry of the lakes to the mines on John Day and l'owdir Klvcrs. A the route iIIkov ered last full Is not mriit'omd, I presume II I not generally known that the U-.t pass found In the Cascade range wus dlcovrrid by a part or the Wagon Itoad Company, on their reluru from Canoii City, last fall Mi sr. Nye, Abbott, fc'esslons, and other. They suy this pa is but a few fret higher than the country on the east side of tho Cas cade rnngc; theasetntand discent was so gradual Ihey never knew when they crossed the Fummlt. It I slluuled betwet-n J-'rott and Diamond Teaks, The north furs of lloguo Jthtr uud Ihewest fork ot Dechule take Ihelr rise In this pass at Diamond 1'eak, and not at .Scott' I'euk, as was formerly suppoMil. They think n road throug'i tht.ru can be troielid as soon n the road on the east side of the mountain A far a the grade I concirned. they say tho ;reutest difllcully lo bo owrcomo I Lelwcen Klk Creek and Flounce Kock, Mr. Illlor, you Imu been our this part of the route; If It Is the most difficult part, you can form a prttly good Idea of Its prac ticability for a wagon road Tin miles Irom Flounco Kock tho trail crosses the north fork of Itogue ltlver, which will have to bo brldgid (here. Nature has done her part, The river run through a canyon of bluff rock, which I not over thirty-five to forty feet from bluff to bluff. The country oa each side Is perfectly level. There is plenty of timber, of the best quality, with. In Afty yards, to build a bridge, entirely above high water, Tho parly mentioned kept it diary, Iu which tho distance from Dechutte to Jacksonville Is estimated At 110 miles. If thi route should prov; prac ticable for wagons, of which there Is out tho least existing doubt In the mind of thi exploring parly, the value of the discovery to this valley cannot be over-estimated, It Is In u direct course lo Canyon City, and will avoid all the marshy, swampy ground that will have to be pasnd over to go by way of the Lakes, and U roust shorten tho distance near u hundred, mljcs. At soou s,i this road U opened,. e cau furnish tbuu, tbe new of this day sooner than they can. ( It from .thu Dalles, and no .other- pIut can, coqipct with U In f-rnlsilpi .tlitm, Josephine County Correspondence Ai.TimruK CnKwc, Feb. 19. Ir'fi?. JilUor Ftntintl In reply to your request In n Into number, regarding tlm sllvirorv illrcoverrd on this creek, let me Inform you that the report Is erroneous. From my lim ited knowledge of ores and metals, I Judgo the re from the so callid silver lead to lt either lead or tin most probably the for mer. It has not the least resemblance ol sllier ore; and furthermore, I do not think It contains one particle nf Mllrrr. A r-nmplo of tho oro has been forwarded for assay, tint result of which I shall report lo )ou In duo time. Copper was discovered some time ago by I ... ... a . . . "tf Alr- '''"'. "'ar r- wt Ii?r. m i """' wicy. cainplea oi ore irom u.ai . tocallljr Imve ken assayed, uud piovcn to , 'oll,y hav' ,lC,'n ""J"!. contain from 30 lo 10 per cent, or copper. Messrs. I-.tnersnii ,V danlnnl have alio dis covered n copK r villi near Democratic (iiilch, between this place and Sucker Creek. Tho ore set-mi very rich, und U more likely to contain silver llmu tho aboiuspokin of illt-r"ore. ThoLntcrprlso Quart Company aro going uhe.ul with utuul vigor, livery thing re garding thdlrU-do and mill looks encour aging, The vein pi uvea to bo richer its they descend. Tho miners ulmut here oro doing as well ailtial. The mine pay fioin three to ten dollar per day to the hand. Whllo more of the claim pay the foriuer than the lulter figure, lucky one occasionally plckjiji small pit cvs, like tho one Messrs. Wnicr A, Hole found ft few day ago, weighing iho ounces. Sunday and Monday great excitement pre vailed In our town. It appears thutu party of Clilmaumen inudu It their innlii biulness to obtain properly under fulto putenct. slcutlng. robbing henhouse uud thu like. On the 13th, Mr. Ilulue, of Illlnvh Yulli y, liilssrd cerlaln properly from hi premises. Including n fvw doAen of chicken. After aldupulyseurchlug for Iho lost property, he found part of thu mini) Iu ftinl about is China homo on lb crrik. Ihu occuianta of the cabin, consisting of mule ami feuiulo Chinese, wero brought lieforo Justice (Sarrl gan. After preliinlnury und duo examlms tiou lito the ense, uud through Ihn nblu plenllug of Messrs, Mitchell & llnndull (Uth well exicrknced at thu liar), Iho Judge sentenced ndo Ah Coon to ten day Imprisonment In tho County Jail uud to pay a fine or fifty dollars, and diinilised I ho bal ance or the Chlng Foos. Yours, etc., II, IVIini iu lleol, v; JAfXitoxviUai, Feb. 21, 18(3. EJ. Stttfiml: I see by tho correspond ence, Iu the last numhtr of your paper, of Miller aud Farmer that they do not agieo a to the time of holding meeting to cpr kliKr the organization of n wagon rpt.il H socjation. Miller favors Saturday, (tie iit Inst,, while Farmer names Butufifay, tho 7lh or Mutch, at rhusnlx, at Qi)o o'clock. I am Inclined to second Farmer view of thu matter. It U Important that tho meeting should be well pltvnicd, nnd It Ulmposulblu tp have ft full meeting without It I gener ally known.) and, in addition to the abovu reasons, huvo conversed with torn moil that know but tlo about the nutter, but tske a llytly intercht iu the cperpri, und wlUattend thmeetlug, Thvr9failwnath lug lpst ly Mdlng llio tiitf tjpjr un lh,o 7Ui (4 larch, 'rky lttM(0Pco W'H W rnpro w.aly( vlff uUtt.A, bqi) ,bcDco a layger iMVll.l. ' TtjKrttK