Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, July 03, 1858, Image 2

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    M(fem"m yrv '?",'- - " yiw-jsgg"
KaLjJt m
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tJII4ln.il 111.11
Saturday, July 3, I85S.
Hull rrnnclsco Arcney.
Tuoxts Hdvck, corner of Wellington
and Montgomery vtrcctn, It our authorized
Agent In San Francisco, to receive sub
scriptions and advertisements for the Si:.v
Wo would call the attention of the former
patrous of tlio Suntinll to the ricent'
change of proprietors, und urgently re-1
quest that ail those who arc Indebted to ua
before the 20tb of May. 167, to moke Im-1
mediate payment, and those having accounts
nplnat the efiico prior to that date will
nicaie nrcsent them, nt it becomes necessa
ry thnt the books of the firm thnll be settled
up at as early a period as polblc.
pB- Richard Williams, who Is authorized
to rccctvo subscriptions, advertisements and
Job work for the Smcmcr., went to Kcrbr
vllto to-day In Ibestigc He will -visit the
mining towns throughout the comity.
Tlio rnizcr Uivei- riu-or.
Tim Frnzcr River cxcltcmunt seems
to be incrcnslng rnlhcr than abating
tliroiighont Californin. Up to the pre
tent writing, over (waive thousand per
nuns h.ivo left the port of San IVnncIs.
en fur the new LI Dorado, and wo
think it is fair to csllmato thnt over
threethousand have left tlio State bv
tlio OfCL'on rontl.
c ...... . li 1 .,,..... ... 1 ,
Seven or eight steamers and a groat
number of sailing vessels arc in the
trade. c Imve wntched the progress
rcgou Sentinel.
of (hit incitement from t,0 first, nndi,B",v,1n18I,lu",un'"en U,",B" w"'"
' Mnml iiliisip tAAflsi.
carefully scanned and weighed the
neus upon which it bus been fed; and
It is still our opinion thnt tho uccounts
have been very much exaggerated by
interested pnrlier. It Is possible, and
1. .nt.. .it. 1 1... ,n, ..r ,1.- n in--
boldly alleged by some of tbo Cnlilor-
1,1.1 nnneri, lunl lliu fcnn l rnticiiconnilnmonmaiion.
Sacramento press have been guilty of
the grossest and buiest exaggeration,'
1 .. 1 t. im..i 1 1.. .i.i.1
ami nun iiiiuwim lum'iiuuu 111 nut
relation. Even If no bonus 1ms been
given by Sleanithlp companies or town
proprietors on I'ngit Sound, the dailies
Imvo largely Increased their stiles by
pandering to the popular furor, nf
lerlt wni onctf utnrted. And nvon
now, wbllu tho "bono and sinew" of
the lend Is leaving tho Stato nt tho rate
of over a thousand a week, these wise
acres nro trying to toako their renders
believe thnt it is nn ndvnn'ngo to the
Wo find that all tho Frnzcr Rivor
go)d dust yot brought down to S.in
Francisco to tho present time, amounts
to about 75 cents for each man tlmt
bab ulrcady gono thllhorwurd.
Wo liavo ns yot seen nothing favor
nblo that could be roliid on ; nothing
that may not lu fabricated at the
Sound on the real existence- of some!
mines of very st null ield on Frazer
Kiver, Thnt there is somo gold tliorc
wo do not doubt, but a ns yet have
htou nothing to wairant the credence
nf tho stories of the fabulous wealth of
thiiao niinufl.
Forsoiii who have rendu d Wlmtconr
nud Victoria, cannot yet satisfy them,
salvos h. to tho curtuiuty of tliu exUt
ruco of rich mines on I-Vajser Uiver,
Thoy nro yet hundreds of miles from
tho mints, und there U 110 trail to go
by land, and it is impossible to ascend
Frazer River on account of high water.
It is 110 doubt true that the steamer
Surprise bus bom making trips some
distance up the liver; but men do nut
reach the mines by stcmitr, and only
then begin to encounter the dilHculties
nf the trip; there arc tunny miles jet
to'lo mado in canoes and small boats,
W hnpo that these odvciituiers may
not Lo so far disappointed ns only to
find two or three dollar diggings.
Tlio fact Is, we have no news from
these mint : no one has letters from
relitblo friends in (he mines ; nil nro
drtled ut Victoria, Whutcom, or Se
ItenHy distant several hundred miles
from tie mines, through an Impassable
mountain wilderness, and all writers
bavn to tuko tho exaggerated stories
fabricated by interested parties. Tin-;
impossibility of reaching the mines,
and tho consequent absence of reliable
facts, lias tended to keep up tho c.
Tbo Sacrunieuto Mercury of the!
20th says:
Wo have been permitted to peruo a letter!
of late date, written from Ueillnghani Day,
by our old townsman, A- A. Dennett, Etq.,'
iu vuicn iiu eiijrs mat nicy 01 mat pmcc
knfw just about as touch of Ibe Fratcr rlvr
mines as we do here. He it engaged In bull
ding a boat far the purpose of asotudlitr; the
Tho S. F. Morning Call stys :
A gentleman who hat retMtd atTauoou I
. f
ver Island for several years past, now In
tbia city, exr rces his opln'nn that tiie i-r.-i
zer river mines nre a humbug Gold tins
been lound In sm-ill qunutllies pome years
ngo on Me bars, but nut suwcleai 10 pay.
Mr. Aleggluson, whose letter to his
friend nt tills placo wo referred to lust
week, says-"I would not advise you to
come until I enn writo soma positive
The Pacific nrrlvcd nt San Francisco
on the 25th ult. with nova from Victo
ria to the 2 1st. Wm. Riitter, formerly
of San Francisco, writes May 22il :
I am situated about term miles above
Sailor's Diggings. I liave beeu on ibe river
about four weekt. When we first arrived
we went to work making dulcet and spent
about three weikt, but muds "nary" cent.)
Since tbnt time wo Imvo been working a (
rocker, and made a little j but now the a t
ter it so uign mat we cannot uo anyiuing,
and tbc prospects are that we will not for
the next two months. 1 would not ndvlse
anybody to come bcrc for that length of lime.
Tliaro la gold here thnt It certain, but to
what extent Is yet to be seen. I am In hopes
to be nblo to make some money when the
water fulls.
All agree In the recommendation not
to como until August, and to "bring
plenty of money with you." Ono says,
"bring at lenst 8150 besides jour'
Tliero is nothing lo bo Inst by wait
ing n month or two, and much may
be gnincd.
LATnnTitbai Tin: st'ates.
Wu nre Mulled to Mr. Utckmtn for the
Yrcka Union oxtra of Thursday, received 1
by yesterday's stage. Tlio Union received ,
! n unrt of tdetrrniihie dlvnateh to jibaita. as
I follows :
I Tlio John L. Htenhens arrived ut San
1 Franclico on the evening of the 26lh, with,
l80 paMenKen. IMes to June ftth.
J The excitement In regard lo Iiritlih out-.
' reneci of the tame are reported ly vesscltfl
I A statement that a vestal off Tcnracola
had Urn tired Intu by a Ilrltitb cruiser, and
nn mnn l:IIIiil. li ml rrrntml i-rent excite,
ment. tut lacked confirmation.
I swor bad liecu rccolved to Cats' demand for
'redress. The Administration will wait until
,lhoy llMr from tlnl ucforo making nny dc-
Snwous Acciuunt. On Tuesday,
our fellow townsman 0. I). Urenitn,
Esq , met with a serious accident, and
was severely injured. Ho and n Mr.
Johnson Imvo been running a tunnel
Into the hill west of Jncksnn Creek,
about throo miles from town. They
had progressed somo sixty foot, mid
wcro blasting in tho rock. A ohargo
or hi 1st had failed to take fire, from
fault of tho fuse, probably. They wore
in tho act of drilling out the hole again,
when tho chargo exploded with a fright
ful crash, badly mutilating Mr. Itronan.
Mr. Johnson escaped with only slight
- Mr. Ilrennn was immediately brought
to town nn a litter, and Dr. Greer wus
called to itttond Mm. Mr. 11. was so.
verely burnt on tho fr.co and oycii, and
klighlly nn tho right arm and breast.
The left hntiil was dreadfully mangled,
and tho loft knee received n cniulder
nblo wound. Tlio Doctor thinks be
will sustain no permanent injury from
any of tho wounds except thu left hand.
It is remarkable that ho was not killed.
I.miianb KiM.r.11 o.n -rut: Coast.
Wo learn from the Crcscont City Her
ald tiiat seventeen of tho band of In
diniis that has been committing mur
ders and depredations about the mouth
of Rogue River have, been hilled, lenv
ing.only two bucks. It appears that
Indian Agent Tichenor, had started tn
tak,o them to tho Reserve, but they
broko away and refused to go, when
an armed party of the citizons of Gold
Reach Intercepted and killed thirteen
of them. A few days later tho remain
ing six bucks of tho band camo among
tho Smith River Indians, a few miles
from Crescent City, when they were
attacked by the friendly Indians and
four of tlio number killed, including
tho chief.
This, wo presume, about ends the
Indian difficulties in that quarter. It
Is well that theso Indians Imvo boen
killed, for they wero of a very bad nud
unrvliablo character, and have com
niltted a score nr so of murder, and
many mlnnr depredations, and the peo
ple nl Gold Reach were only acting in
obedience to tlio law or siupreserva
tlon when they killed them.
Ttioops roil Tim Noktii. Since the
Indian uutbreuk at the North, some
two hundred nnd fifty troops have been
sent from California uplo Vancouver,
on tho mall steamer, cm route for tho
scene of hostilities.
Cnpt. Juilali, lato of Fort Jones,
which has beeu cvauuatud, passed
through this valley on Monday, with
ono company of regulars on tho Way
to tho biime destination. Gen. Clarke,
commander nf tho I'acillo Division,
aeems to be sending forward all avail
able forotn, which we doubt not will
bo found necessary to successfully
.contend with tho combined Indian
liibes of the north.
Tho Northern Telegrnph, it Is enld,
will bo cnmpletod to Yreka lu few
weeks. Tho Chronicle expects to receive-tho
"first d!patch from San Fran,
cisco within tho month of July." When
will our citizens tako measures to have
tho lino extended to Jncksnnvlllo t
Tho Rod BiufT people aro going tn
celobrato thu Fourth in grand style.
They cxtond u freo Invitation to their
Tho Frazer river exodus has unused
"strlkos" among nearly all classes of
laborers in San Francisco, and wages
have been increased ; us also in other
parts of the State.
A San Francisco dispatch to the
Mercury says "tho supply of Ames'
long.handled shovels has been exhaust
od, and the prlco advanced in tho last
fow dnjs over fivo hundred per cont."
Oh, gnod gracious!
The S. F. Times gives tho amount of
treasure shipped East during tho first
half of tho prcBcntycarat 822M1.0D9
--an Increase of 83,000,000 ovor the
corresponding timo last year.
Tho Portland papers recommends
Frazer bound hombrcs lo go via. the
tf Y II I. III... I . I .-, ll
nnircii ruuerwns nnieu near rim
land on the 5th ult., by tho falling of,!
a trco.
Tho Ubiquitous, fscd McGowan's
pspor has "guno in," and Ned has
"gono up" to Frazer rhcr.
Tho Sactamunto Mercury thinks (he
news from Frazer river may bo relied
on, "for without doubt It has been ro
lird upon by evory ono who had nny
thing to do with it slnco It left Victoria."
Of tho numerous Generals iu Call
lorula, the Call says General Leaving
Is at prosent tho most prominent.
Tho Sacramento Mercury says that
tlio California Statesman, lato State
Journal, of that city, has been sus
peudod. Tho Yreka Union learns that 7,512
head of stock Imvo been drlvon into
Siskiyou county from Oregon this sea
son. Four thousand dollars tax hat
passed Into tho treasury of that oouuty,
per consequence.
Tho Masonic fraternity of Yreka and
vicinity celebrated St. John's day with
nppruprl.ilo ceremonies, A ball was
given at tho Metropolian in tho even
ing. All went pleasantly, no learn.
A Masonic celebrntlon camo off ut
Rosoburg on St. John's day.
Moisrs. Thomas & Jacobs, of Kagle
Mills, gavo a ball lust night.
C. C. Fairfield, of tho Eagle Hotel,
Kerbyvllle, will give a ball on Monday
evoulug, tho 5th.
Tyuo John's ton bad a leg broken
in tho inelrc on board tho Columbia,
which has since been amputated.
A match raco will bo run over the
Jacksonvlllu Cnurso on Saturday, the
10th J "Hilly Woods" ngalnst Whit
moro's sorrel cnlt, fur 8000 a side.
Weekly Mail A weekly mall
will commeiico over tlio routo from
Cnnyonvillo to Yiekn, "from and nfter
tho Grat regular mull day utter tho first
of July." This bus been much nocdwMj,,eret ujU.a umcr on0 grt.Hl 6Q4cr,
lor two or tiireo years past, out uiei
"powers that wero uavo been verj
tardy in attending to our wants; how
ever, wo nre glad lu have it at this late
day. Our papor will now bo received
by our Umpqua subkcribers In two nr
threu days after publication, instead ol
ten davs.
Tun Li:j8latiu Asskmoly will
convono at Suleni on Monday next, the
5th Inst. Tho proceedings in relulinn
to the Senatorial election will attract
all attention for somo days, wo presume.
Gen. Lano will, ol conr.e, bo one of
our Senators, and in connection with
tho lematulng placo we Imvo heard
mentioned (ho names of Judgo Wil
liams, Gen. Nesmlth, Hon. Dulazon
Smith, and Gen. Adair.
Eu'.cnoN in Cvruy Cov.Nry.
Tho Crescent City Herald learns that
1 thero wero seventy. one voles polled at
Gold (leach, sixty nine of which were
for the Democratic Stato ticket. Tich
nor for Representative, had sixty-one
to ten for his opponent. This is pro
bably a fair indices of the result in thai
Cr Before you aturt to Frazer Riv
er, call on Mr.G. S. Smith at the Union
Hotel, and have jour likeness taken.
You can get good pictures at cheap
l3ll)lck Drotber. news dealer, Trika,
will accept fiur tbanks for San Franelsco
and Sacramento dallies.
Parties In the northern couutles of
California can reach tbls place or Crescent
City by the stages, Ir lightning tlms
rourlli of July 1858.
To-morrow Is the 4th of July, the
birth diy of democratic republican lib
erty, a day of rejoicing in every State
or tho foiilon, but no State has greater
causu to rejoice on this occasion than
the citizens of Oregon, and particu
Inrly thoao of Rogue River Valley.
About soven years ago the first whit
settlement was made in this valley;
day every good claim Is occ
tho husbandman, surroundoii
most promising crops, nn4 .
ries of life. A little over
tho first leg cabin wascrcej
sonville. Then tho place.
ftcupicd by large
biick cstnbllshm
covered with
tents. Six
church, 1
otic or
wo b
tiieir ir
their last
and gji
ft confined ns
.. IC? . .f Tlr ll..,itoln lil.-.l Itn
nuparto was in tho Island of St. IIcIo- j
1111, wlilio tlio liaianco 01 tueir triues
who are now disposed to bo peaceable
and friendly, have been removed to the
Grund Round Reservation, whorolhey
aro now being taught tho first rudi
meuts of civilization, and the existence
of nn All wiso and Supremo ruler of
thu universe,
Tho Indians that recently defeated
Col. Steptne, resido in Washington
Territory, a hundred miles beyond the
northern boundary of Oregon, so we
Imve nothing to disturb our peace, or
mar our happiness.
On Monday next, tho 5th nf July,
tho first Legislatlvo Assembly of the
Stato of Oregon meets nt Salem. In
the last few months Kansas has been
conditionally admitted Into tha Union,
and we recti vid by last mail Informs
lion of tlio admission of Minnesota
and tho pnssago of a bill in thu Senate
lor the admission of Oregon, and,
doubtless, ero this timo shi is ono of
Mix confederated States of this glnri-
us Union. 1 ho thirteen stars that 11
lumined tho westorn shores of tho At
liiilln lIrt titan tisaVtk t II ACfsM al nrl tf tlilrfv'i
four, and two of them today, adorn'
tho eastern shore of tho great 1'arific
l'heso thirteon stars wcie united by our
forefathers in ono political solar system,
around which now revolves thirty four
blight nnd shining luminaries, on which
tlio crown beads of Europe and Asia
gazo with awe, fear, wonder nud sur
prise. At that timo tho whole popula
tion of these United States was smoo
thing less than three million nine bun
dreii thousand souls, but to day we
have upwards of twenty-four millions,
scattered from tho great Lakes on the
north to tho Gulf of Mexico nn the
south, nnd from tho Atlantic to tbo I'a
uiflo Oceans, tho freest, richest, tho
most enlightened, happiest and best pco
plo on earth ; oacli State and each man
a sovereign within his own particular
eiguoi too wiioie, me i-euorai viuon.
Under tlio fpsttrl'ic enro of tho Fed
eral Government, seeming to ennh cit
ueu tho benefit of nny new discovery,
Robert Fulton invented the steamboat,
Dr. Franklin chained the lightning, and
Professor Morso compelled tho tleo
trio spark to convey news from city tn
city, as quick ns tho lightnings Hash
across tho enncavu heavens, and Mr
House invented a machine that is at
Inched to the telegraph wires, that will,
with tho assistance of ono man, print
each word as the electric spark emits
tho news from tho wires, Tlieso men
aro all American citizen!, nnd their lu
ventinns nro do6tined to revolutionize!
the world.
Since tho forniution of our Federal '
Constitution, we imvo had only two
foreign wars, and for eighty years nf I
ler wo declared our Independence, wejj
unlv had three insurrections of nnv no
toriety, tho bloodless excise whisky
war of Pennsj Ivania in 1700, (booulh (
Carolina turilf and nullification war of
1832, and Dorr's Rhode Island Con
stitutional war nf 1613; but it was re
seived for 1857-8, to produce three,
rebellions, tlio Sau Francisco mob(
and Vigilant Coniuiitleo war, the cow
ardly Utah pnlignmy war, and tho Kan.
sas Ulack Republican imbroglio anti
slavery war, that hat, weakened tho!
confidence of tho people iu thu perpe
tuity of our republican institutions.
The questions now come with momen
tous interest, shall our Federal Demo-1
emtio Republican institutions tUnd ?
Shall each State and each man con
tinue through all time to come, free
and sovereign t or shall tho Federal
Constitution bo to11 In fragments, the j
Stales divided, and finally, the great
mass of the paople, liko the ancknU
Israelite, again dosire akirgt
About eleven hundred and foitv
satatatatatatatatatatatatatanavtWas'a' -mc 1
HtnTllicir last
LriaaMMatMaaaVijTwTTTt la
11 W.
years beforo Christ, Samuel, rrio of tho
prophets, best nnd last Judge of Israel,
1 f. ' 1 , ..1.1 1 i..n,... t!...
niter no riecaiuu um iuu i -'-ded
his kngdom between his two sons,!
Joel and Ablab. His sons wero base,
wicked nnd corrupt. They disregard
ed tho just judgments of 's8Wr fntbor,
and received bribes to clvo iniquitous.
judgments. Tho people complained to j
Samuel and desired Htm to givo uiem
a KWjj men over Israel. This dis-1
and ho protested
es having a king,'
isJh nioro,---"give
)may bo lino nil
(nr king may
foro us. and
iJUo Lord com
en unto tho
In rrmlio thtm !
solemnly unto
tlio inannor ol i
t-ntrrn nl'np tbnnl.
it said unto tho Israelites :
ie Ibe manner of the king that
r you: 11c win tane your
t thrm for nimaeir, ior nit
his boraemen ; and scmo
ur daughters to be
iks, ami lo bo bi
fid K nnd your
'vnrds. even the
1 to hit servants.
enth of your teed,!
nd give tomtom-.
ovourmen-scrvants, and.
nit, anu your gouunim
your asses, and put tbcm
. - , - hi... 1
0 tho tenth of your sheep
be hit imants
ball cry cut In that day because
kinr which e tball hate chosen
and tie Lord will not hear you In that
A black and diabolical catn!n'uo of
tho iniquities of kings; jet these, nnd
instances like those caused our lore
fathers on this day 83 years ago, to
cry out ngalnst their king, nud to dls
solve thu pnliticnl band between tl.cni
and king George, nnd bid defianco tn
tho English Crown. King Genrgo had
appointed corrupt judges and made
them dependent upon his will for the
tenure of their ofiiccs nnd for their sal
aries, and bo bad deprived American
citizons tho benefits of trial by jury.
Ho bad, liko a few rabid Know Noth
ings of tbo present da, endeavored to
prevent emigration to Amorlca, by ob
structlng tha laws of naturalization of
foreigners, and ho had pluced his un
qualified royal veto upon laws passed
by tho colonics to encourage emigra
tion. Ho hud taken the tenth of Amer
ican produco fur taxation; ho bad an
nulled vested rights of American com
panies without compensation; he bad,
like Queen Victoria has recently done
in tlio Gulf of Mexico, searched and
committed fljgrnut outrages on Arneri-i
can vessels, on tbo high seas; ho had
transported largo armies to America till
awe tho Colonies, nnd to inforisa his'
"tyranny, desolation and destrucrnn."i
And finally, bo nnd his military ofil
curs had, liko tho Indian sympathizers
of tho present day, slandered und tra-j
ducvd tho gnod iinnio of the best of
American citizens, nnd endeavored toj
iuclto tho merciless Indians against the
Americans. These nnd similar acta of
tyranny and oppression alienated the!
hearts ol our forefathers from tho llrit
ish Crown, and caused them to refuse
tn have "a king to reign over them."
Then bow can truo Americans dosire
to dlssolvo tho Union, nr coolly calcu
late thu valuo of tho Union I How
can they deslro to destroy our repub.
licnu institutions and raise upon tlio j
ruins, .fragments of republics, liko tho,
republics of South America, or a con
fused mass ol democracies, liko tlio
ancient democracies whrro tho whole
nation met to niako'laws; or ono great
arlstncratic government, like tho Rus-
i.. 1.....! .. .. I.... .1... . ..!.. ...tt.
linn umpire, nuuievuu viariuica wiiiij
almost unlimited power; or ono strong
and powerful monarchy, liko Lnglnud,
where the King or Queen, according to
tho theory of tho government can do
110 wrong ! If you dlvido tho North
and South, ten chances to one each
Stato will set up for themselves soon
after the division Is made, and poor,
weak, contemptible governments will
be the Inevitable result, unable to sup
port themselves at homo or defend
theniEulves against foreign aggression
Wo aro In-day menaced and insulted
by Queen Victoria, therefore, I would
especially urgu tho necessity of pro
serving tho Union untarnished, so as
lo bo ublo to compel n prolific Queen
and her descendants and all tho crown
heads nf Europo und Asia that don't
lovo us, td'fear us and to respect our
right by laud and sea.
While thoarlslocratio and monarch
ical L'overumenta of Europo and Asia
have been convulsed from tho centre tn
their circumferences by sanguinary
ware and revolutions, our people have
been comparatively quiet, peaceful and
happy. Cher'teh and foster our demo
cratic republican institutions, and the
descendt-nts of oven the uneducated
will become wi.e, the arts and sciences
continue to flourish and prosper, and
tho American arms wl.l be invincible
American freemen have great causo to
be duvoted to the honor and institutions
of their country. It is hero that the
avenues for oflices of profit and honor
aro open to all. Reader, defend and
piesurvo the Union, cud it may be
"Tho applause oi llst'otog Senates to com
mand, The threats of pain and ruin to despite,
To scatter plenty o'er a smiling laud,
And read your history In a nation's eyes."
While Rome and Iho Creciau States
wero republic?, education and (he arts
. vrruiw9MrfMffffffffffffffHrMBf
gHHM"1'1! ""'l'.
and sciences flout ish d in their midst,
and their armies bid defianco to thttr
enemies. Dut after those republics
changed their forms of government, tha
energy, industry, conrago and valor of
their peoplo departed, they degene
rated until many of their descendants
becamo serfs and slaves of half civil
Izcd and barbarous nations. Let ut
avoid tho rocks on which Homo and
Groeco split, preserve our republic,
cducnto tho uneducated, checker (he
wholo country with canals, railroads
nnd telegraphs, nnd theso will assist
to preserve tho Union, and to enlargg
it, until tho American Eaglo will gather
under her wings Cuba, tho Sandwich
Islands, and tho whole of North Ame
rica. Let tho wholo bo animated with
unbounded patriotism; let freedom,
pence and harmony pervade (ho whole,
until (imo shall bo 110 more. Then, and
not till then, shall havo been accomp
lished one groat wish of tbo frsmirs
of our Federal Constitution.
Written for tbc Ssntinkl)
The stars aro alilnlng bright to-night,
Trorn out tbo mure, domoj
Like diamonds tnarkllog la the light,
Or dew-drops In tbc sun j
As with their calm and placid look,
They gaic on all below 5
And o'er the sweetly murm'rlng Iroolc,
Hippies of brightness throw.
And o'er tbe faco of tbo silver lake,
Their mellow light o'orpreal ;
Making within It stilly depth
A gllst'ulng starry bed.
Making upon the frosted snow,
Which, from their sboro doth fall,
A picture of bright Fairy-land
An artist might extol.
Twinkling brightly through the trees
Lighting tbe trav'ler on I
Whose tplilt rltct with tbe bretze,
At ncars his much-lov'd home.
Thus, gleaming brightly, they aceru to ill
Tbe regal Queen of Night,
Who moves In alt ber majeaty,
Ditpcnalng lunar light.
Ktrbytillt, Junt 21, 1858.
IVollcusof Publications.
Wo bivo rcclevod the first number of tie
California Culturiit, monthly ptrloJIul
of forty-eight pages, devoted to agriculture,
horticulture, mccbanltm, eto , and publlib
ed by Messrs. Wadsworth &. Wheeler, San
Francisco. la typographical execution It
Is superior to any dlbrr publication from tbe
California press, and, If ws may Judge from
tbe Initial number, the editora are equal t
tbelr self-imposed task. Terms 55 per sn-
The JItiptrian Is tbs aamo of a semi
monthly paper published la San Francisco,
edited by Mrs. F. N. Day.whocvloeit much
talent. Wo would commend II to tbe favor
of tbe ladles. $1 par annum.
Jlutchinp'i California Magazine Is re
ceived regularly eaob month. Tbls mags
xlno Is peculiarly Callfornlau la character,
on which account we commend It to oor
Wo havo received from Ilu'.cblogs It lies
enfold, publishers, Sao FrancUco, the '-Miners'
Own Book." 32 pagea, contalnlog ll
lustrations and descriptions of tbe various
modes of niinlug. Fut a copy In your bit
beforo you ita,: to Frazer river ; we awcri
you It will be better than having a "brick"
lu tbo same locality.
Gor.u Evmivwiiuiu:. A Sacra
mento paper Icarus that gold had brea
discovered at Iho Cascades, on tho Co
lumbia, paying fivo cuts to tho panl
Wo think this Is much bettor than pis
cing It In some couldn't-get there-ln-six-month's
placa la th British or
Russian possessions, out In tho neigh
borhood of tho North pole,
Raix On Sunday night nud Mon
day somo fine thowcrs of rain fell. Tbe
weather has boen remarkably cool for
ten days past. Wo nro informed thst
frost was visible on Thursday of last
week, but wo bear of no damsgo done
to vegetation.
(&- Wo aro indebted to Mann's
Crescent City express for our 1 lei aid
Dud. At the rmidence of Mr. Jamn
Dawson. Mr, John Uurat. a miner, on tbe
way to Frszer Hirer. Ills disease waa of
tbe heart ; dylug auddtnly. He came from
Feather RUtT, we learu.
IMiyttlelnus Si Surgeons,
OrriCC "Jekaonvil)a Drug Hlora '
Knrlh aid of California alreet,
Third dunralinva the Union
llouan, Jacksonville.
I.. I. TIIOMI-liO),. IS, I) 1 0. 1, OKESn, M,t.
July 3, IK5d. 25lf.
Ten Dollars Reward.
STltAYt'.O frmn the aubaeiiber One
wliita llcrte, about tiflvan luoda liifh,
willi nd sperka on Ihe can, branded
on Ibe left ahnulder, and ruugh aliod alt
round Left (lie mouth of Dull Creak
about tha Jdlh of Slay, The above re
Hard will be paid loany peraou who wiW
delivnruie taid horae, or give ma infurnie.
linn at the Union Mill, or at the cJcsTlxtl
utlica, ao that I obtain auld lione.
BY the eubscriber, mi vatrey America"
Cow, flea bitten or red and wM"
upeikled, blind in the right ejo, square
-rnp ofTllio lull ttf, and haa a yuungcalf
May bo found at Meadows' ranch, nt"
John Auderaoii't farm, in this valley. Tl
ownir if notified to pay chtirgea and lake
1,-r. ...... ' -r s sinniiL
her away
Jul; J, IdOj.