II II II T . - VJA. Shi etrtuwf 10011 - .'wU-urtn VOL. III. ACKSONYILLE, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 15, JL858. -.a NO. 18. Independent on all Subjrctii and devoted ttlhe bttt Intirestt of Southern Oregon, Published Every Saturday, nr W. G. TTAUI.T, Editor & Proprietor. T C it M S : One Vcnr, 5 00) Six Months, 83 00: Three Mouths, S- 00. Artvrrlm.io1ii. One Square of twelve lines or less, first In sertion, 33 00 J each subsequent Insertion, 81 uu. IcstsEM Canns, each squaro, for one year, g30 ; six mouths, $15 ; three months, 10. A liberal discount made to persons wishing to a IriTtl jb to tbo extent of four squares. "SIIIIIIl" Job Printing Office. TtflE Prnnrletor. havlnr a rood rnrl. JL ety of JOll TVI'E on haml, Is pre rirea touoaii Kinusoi P L A I N ' AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTING, On the SHORTEST NOTICE, an on the taost REASONABLE TERMS ; such as Hooka, Pamphlets, Circulars, Handbills, Showbills, Concert Bills, Programmes, Hall Tickets, TJIll Heads, Address Cards, Dullness Cards, J., $c, dc. Job worts uone in IBiBtDIBI&lS, 22D, B&tflTOaB BILA(DE INKS, 1 1 suit customers Orders solicited. UNION HOTEL, Comer California and 3d" Streets, JACKSONVILLE. OREGON. KMFI'EL & WILKINSON, J'ntprittar: H ULMlllAh STAUJJ IWUSE. April '.', IKjH. llTtf. IKVTX WmUM4Umw JmsmJJs) DB. L. GAHUNG, rhrilclnn, Surcoon nud Accouclier, "IT'LL l'romptljr attend any who may I i require hi professional semees. jCTlio largest and lost selection of Rrusseud I'ment tMedieir.es constantly on bind OFFICE California Street next to ibn Tin Shop PniC EL DORADO UILMAUI) ANU DRINKING SALOON, o).ei or CAnronsu amiouggokstiueetii, JACKSONVILLE, 0. T. Itf II. J. MITIMT-S' Billiard Saloon, Opposite Eagle Hotel, KERBYVILLE, O. T. January 1, leSS llT DBS. BROOKS & THOMPSON, Physicians and Surgeons. OFFICE "Jacksonville Drug Store" oppo.ita Union liousi), Cy"A constant supply of Drugs and I'ttent Medicines ulwajs on hand. J B, HARMON', Late of Sacramento. u t, IJtniTT, San Francisco. HABMON & UBATT. LAW OFFICE, Corner of Montgomery aud Commer cial Utreett, (Over Dunks & Hull, Rankers, Sun Frnnclsco, Cul. 11 J Lasatt, Commissioner far Louisiana novSSnlGtf II. B. SHELLING, ATTOUN E Y-AT-L A W, OFFICE-On Matn Street, four doors south or tho Post Office, Yrtka. jar Will practice in the District Courts of Jackson County, O. T. 2 29tf R. HAYDEN, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, w ILL ATTEND TO BL'SINESB in the Third Judicial District of Ore- (in. OFFICE At Kerbyvil le, Oregon. Janus Itf D. B. BBEHAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, 0 ITIUE At villn, O V his -rcldenrw, 43 Jackson- Business (Slatibs, Written for the Srntinkl. Lines To Itosc . nr WM. UKMUE AHATILU. Tis like a dream that 1 recall The happy hours we've passed, Where stands the plant hickory tall, And nods beneath the'blnst. MX. When many a day, In weary cleo, . With basket wo havo strayed .. To our old farorlte walnut tree, ' ' And "hulled1' beneath Its shade. Where we were wont to build of moss, lllrd nests In nil the bowers, And rob each one we " camo across " To get " nest-eggs " for ours. And.whoa.thc moailow, ripening fast, Its pleasant odors shed, Where strawberries a rich repast, Their carmine dainty spread ; And not the leait affecting scene , Is well, what would you guess ? 'Tis near the orchard, blest machine i The mill and cider pres. Then next, since I bethink to troll,. Thcro Is a sacred spot, Where stands the gray, old apple cell, Within the orchard lot. 'Tis long ngn It scorns an ago, Since that bright vision fled, Tho' it hath left on memory's page, A record often read. That youth of ours was blest indeed, II ut 1 was unprepared To give one-hall Its pleasures heed, Which we might then have shared. And now, that cars' dull load I feel, I ask in wistful tone, "Whence aro these thoughts which o'er me steal. For happy moments flown !'' I I'm roaming, Rose, and nono can know Tho worth of friends and home, Until from both afar 1boy go, To have, liko me, a roam. My mind Is roaming too It soars Far " o'er the deep bluo sea," And there, on murmuring Wabash' shores Contemplates home ami Are. Illinois Valley 0. T., April 25, 1858. JTauIt Finding. What are another's faults to me J I've not a vulture's bill : To peck at every flaw I see, And make it wider still. It Is enoticb fur we to know I've follies of my onn, And on my heart the care bustow, And let my friends alone. A-ox. itlarrlncc It is the happiest und most virtuous state " of soelcty.in which the husband and wife ' XwlfZh XuT l! t . t, .t i I ii li"eri about hair way up tho harbor, with graduate all the r expenses, plans, caleula- ' ,,... , , ' ,' , , , '. T. i .,..i i.i. .J.:.-., i ...-t.1 thanohors ahead and moored with a haw- '. . i present menus, nnu to tueir tuxurc anu com- mou uteresU. hothlng do IghU n e more , than to enter the neat ittlo Unmet, of the young couple, who within perhaps two or I three year,, without any resource hut their ! own knoalcdg, of ndustry, havo Joined . frlal. and plciur.sof life. Tho Industries I wire is cheerfully employing her own band. In domestic duties, putting her house In or- der.or mending her husband's clothes, or ' tirfLi plnrr I Ism illnnsi tv'litlat tvSfhani ilia little darling sit. prattling upon tho floor, or iMf vh l" "W? t0 ,ftU ca LU crew lies sleeping In tb. cradl.-and everything ''-. The crew were got on seem, preparing to welcom. the happiest of ,d o'clock on the morning of the .husbands and the best of fathers, when be.0thi tlf' lUtn ,a tLc l0I,,alls' nna PulllD8 shall come from bis toll to enjoy the sweets ' four oar ,0 tLe boa'' Put nw Blied of his llttlo paradise. Tbts Is the true do-1 "" 'e"el Et teerogc way. tn.iln nlo..ir HmllnnU Mlu k. ,i. 1 1 When the Adriatic COt abrefilt nf ttin "..."".""...""' """ "-'"- v eu me tail." Health, contentment, love, abundance and bright prospects are nil here. I Hut it has become a prevalent sentiment that a man must acquire a fortune before ho ; raarrie that the wife must havo no sympo - I toy, nor share with him in the pursuit of it,1 jin which most of tho pleasure truly consists;! and the young married people must set out i with as large and expensive an establishment as is becoming those who have been wedded for twenty years. This Is very unhappy. I It fills the community with bachelors, who are waiting to make their fortunes, endan gering virtue and promotiug vice it des troys tho truo economy and design of the domestlo institution, and it promotes Idle ness and inefficiency among females, who nro expecting to be taken up by a fortune, I and .passively sustained, without nuy caro or concern on their part and thus many a wife becomes, as a gentleman once remark eJ, not a "help meet," but a 'help-cat." Wimlaw. Bi.vcuLin Prook or ATTAcuurNT. A few days ago, a woman, who cohabited with a man, cut off his fiugcr while be was asleep. She placed the linger upon a stone, and np-1 inlying the knife, struck it with another stone, severing the finger, which bung only by a piece of skin. The man subsequently received surgical treatment at the North Dispensary, but Is maimed for life. It ap pears that the man threatened to enlist in the army, and the woman, from the strong affection she entertained for him, committed the aot lu order that he might not carry out bis intention, which would result in their separation. Livapoul Mercury. From the Savannah Republican. Escape of tlio Adriatic. The American bnrk Adriatic, which be came famous from her dlsa.lrous collision with the French steamer Lyonalsc, in No vembcr, 183G, and still more nn object of interest from her Tcccnt seizures by the French authorities at Marseilles, her confis cation by the Court ot Admiralty, and her subsequent escape, Arrived safely at this port at an early hour yeitcrdsy. We have had a long Interview with her commander, Captain Durham, and as the facts connected with her escape are matters of national li tcreat, wo proceed to state them us briefly atSe nature of the subject will allow, The circumstances attending the collision with the Lyonatso arc already familiar to the public. Captain Durham is very pod- tire that it grew out of no fault on the part nf bt. n:n tpmpI. tint rptultMl. . ho nltft gcs,from culpable mismanagement by lhe'l:at Spcxzln, kindly turnlal.cd tho tmscI tvUh officers of the steamer. The Judgment 0f! "o wanted. Just as she got her provN Judgment confiscation was rendered by the Imperial Court of Alx, In December last, and as soou as a copy was served on Captain Durham, believing that it was impossible, in the exci ted stats of the public mind In France, to obtatn justice, he rcjol.'cd to make his cs cspo if posslblo, and place tba whole mat' tcr in tho bands of his Government. Of course he had to resort to stratagem to ac compllsb hi. purpose. Learning that the' Adriatic would tiot.be taken possession of , until the full extent of loss by the Lyonalsc could be ascertained, he Improved the inter- val In devising the mean, of escape. He on - gaged a caulker and had her caulked all round for about Ave feet above the water's e Jgt, under the pretext that she was so open. when the mlnstrals should act in, she would .sink right there in tho harbor. Captain D. I thinks thero was no suspicions from this, movement, for in tho "noise and confusion"! of the caulker's operations he and bis assls-j tant ncre quietly weaving aud running rig ging on board, and getting ready for sea. , They worked at this business about three hours every night, say from 9 o'clock till 12, when there was much noise and it was so dark no one could either hear or see what they wero doing. What provisions they got were put on board another vessel and from thence traniferrsd to tho Adriatic during the ' night. The crew was also shipped for anv''... ' "1- . . . . w"''!Jw for eighteen years, and had taken no other vessel, and subsequently taken on'i""" " wc"r uc,cc"'a ""DtMipiomiM board the Adriatic, when they were so much I , enf"' American port, Savannah, which intoxIcateU as not to be conscious of what',1" "u '" "&. us before slated. I wasgolngou.' I Tpon the whole, the movements of the Capt, Durham commenced getting ready Adrlflt'e hTC been truly eventful, and It re- to haul out about 0 o'cloek on the evcnlnc i,nln,! r'cen vUt tffcct tbfJ ftretohave lilf 1M Cttl .l.hll..B l.t. r..H.t .nn.f.I I... ,. , llIm.,f ,,.',, ,i.. ,.!!.. - T ' V n themlddlo esr astern. Thev bent the tno tonsnll and .,, . . , -,. . , -, - VCI8ol J L AUrtallclJ ! fa , ,0 tho fust of tho other ,!.! and EK 1 i. hS. of thThlrS g" g ' ' " arlft'I lU"? ? n, h f '"f0 'at!on," Be,D,t J,e i"u,'IeM' "' h a,d nt ,Lm1e, ,0 "parC ,0 hl"'aer"" lu f" "' """ swoouii, nnu hauW down the harbor, neatly to the guard- ,..., ,..-, .""-.'. "..I i b"""'I'i i eamo uu anu aemanuea i ' I tnB foti P1" "t the former. Capt. D., when J 'asked for his pass, replied "prennex garde l"" and threw the officer o small bit of pa- j ' per with two sous wrapped up in it. The (paper and money however whether by ac cldent or deslgu the Captain does not say went over the boat and into the water, sink- 'lug to the bottom. The officer of the guard ship then inquired for the name of the ves sel, when Copt. D. sung out that she was ., , .. . u . .. ,. the American ship Luna, that hod cleared M the day before. Nothing more was heard from the official, and the Adriatic proceeded on her way, As soon as the fugitive got clear of tho harbor, a fine breese sprung up from the eastward, and at daybreak she was abreast of Flalnlcr, and three good miles off the French coast. The Adriutlo then took her course for Spezzla, in Sardinia, the Captain expecting to find his ship's papers there, and also some American man-of-war, who might Hupply him with an anchor aud such other articles as he stood in need of. Sho arrived at Spezzla on the morning of the l'Jth of January, and anchored with the kedge, having cut loose both anchors and left them at the wharf In Marseilles. There was no man-of-war in port, and her papers had not arrived. Having no bill of health, the Sar dinian authorities would not permit her to land. Cant. D. then went ashore himself to the pratique office, where he met the American Consul, who informed him that intelligence of his rjicapc bad reached there, and that the French Government had telegraphed to all the ports in the Mediterranean to stop I tho vessel in whatever port tho may be found. Soon after her arrival orders came , from Turin to sclxe the vessel, nud the offi ccrs actually placed a gunboat nndrr her jstern, wilb two guns mounted, bavlug rc 'eclved orders to flro, should any attempt btj imaue ny in captain or lue Adriatic toniovei from the spot. The next orders rrcclvcd! .... lt.k il - -1 l.f - i - V.i . I nuo tint, mju tcr?i;i Rifuuiu nut uv znoicsteu, bnt that cone of her men wrretohcallowc-l i communication with theshoro.norwMsuiy thing to be sent on board'of hor not even water, nor any other kind of asslstaoco of fcred . e;- t -. ,i . n .i H ' In a few days, upon further reflection, all, ttewofJcr, l& wllharawn, and Captain Durham allowed to take whatever he dcrir I cd to his vessel ? or rather, as be statcs.l whatever he was able to ...ay fw, which was, terv little pl. T.nV il,. rr!.,wi q,, ,. , I. " ' slons and water on board, there came on a fresh blow from the northward, and the ves-, sel was riding by the kidge and forty-five fathoms Of chain, with one of tho chain box es filled with stones, to hack It, and a hawser I bent to tbo other chain box. She lay then in what Is called rctmgallla Day, with the wind blowing right on shore. WU HVIV. About two o'clock the vessel commenced! .S'JSrl rsT.r1 eJL a1! ,? " T," C i ""A " , . ., ," . ' , "", U,fe ,bo .""f"1 r t one , J"'1 TrtAulmo from the deck- iTho vessel kept drifting until Cnpt.!). was ! compelled to 'run a hawser ashore to tho lazaretto, where he madu put to hold her, i ti"D,,n h. C.nM towu nd "" W- Returning to the bark, he put to sea. The day following the Adriatic boarded tho ship Elizabeth Dennlson, from whom she got tuoro provisions and an anchor. Sho then hatl a beautiful passage of eleven days io .iuaqcira, aucr urai ucaung nuoui lor some time in order to put certain rrtles'i;" vvi' ' "' -"'V tV, .- ... i . . ... county, New lork, who Is said to have cx ashore who hail no ilrairr in tavn a trln tn . ........ .... I. , . ,,;,,"., i isteu wtinoui tooa or tiriukror more than uh. ""? from Mde'"t0,ll0j eighteen month,. 'She Is emaciated tea ( United Slates was along and ted ous ont,l.k,elolIi wd lh? aght of food throws her shelving encountered, alternately, calms nt0 convulsions. Other remarkable stories and heart winds nearly throughout the pas-I... lMl, ,,. rI. -,i,B,. xi,if.n.t ,aG- The crew Anally eihauslcd oil their w IIHAH 11... Ihlrtfekfll. dfl..H .kMMBt.VSM. tea. I ..yim .uu .uw u, uer oniicra nuu uo i. !. lations of tho two corernmcnti. should our! ,-..ain the -el In her escape Irom I thoueht of ,ouBw the authorlt lc of Tranee. U'e li&vo little - - --,. ... ,. ...... lutviuauuimt airecia oi mu nur.uoD are concerned. Cpt. Durham informed u, that hi. freight from Lere ,0 U C,0,ftt WM ttlou " tliuu- 1"""1 " B Lm "edTed only about ,'oocbalf of this amount; the balance I. still 'Leld b tLe ..MeM.Bcri; ImpcrIal Ceav. I y A Fist Futoiic-Dovid Constable says "there is one advantage about ela-fashioned Wgttci TLfy df4g ro mudj itai Mftle 'u - bind. that, If a man falls overboard on ( Monday, you need not stop till Friday to pick him up again. lie never get, beyond a few yard, from the stcrnpost. In confir mation of this opinion, ho refers us to a well-known anecdote connected with Capt. Jrompous, of the frigate " Wash Tub." One evening, while runlng up the Mediterranean ". . '-o-r- unaer a ono-norss breeie, rompous came on deck just before sundowu, and entered into tho following conversation with Mr. Smile, the first lieutenant t '! heard a little nolso on deck juit now, 'Mr. Smlloj what was the cause of it J" " A man fell from tbo fore-yard Without saying another word, Capt. Pom pous entered the cabin, and was not teen L..1...11111.....1 .....t . 1 1 -... '' tgiuuutu iuvuui iuuimii aucr urvaaiaai. nucu uo uuuu uiuic jvircauvu iue ucck wiu his presence, and ogaln entered Into conver when he onco more refreshed the deck with I iniiuu nun mo urai lieutenant. " I think you told me. Mr. Bmllo, that a man fell overboard from the fore-yard last evening." "I did, sir," " Hate you picked him up yet V "No air." " Well, you had better do It some time during the morning, or tho poor devil will begin to sUrvc." The lieutenant obeyed orders, lowered a boat about noon, and found tho gentleman ftho disappeared from the fore-yard, but eighteen Inches further astern than he was fuurteeu hours before. He was lying on his lack fast asleep. We get this from " an eye-witness " 1 1 Tuk Meanest Man. The Maine i'ran- gtliit says that the meanest man In the world is he, who after enjoying the privi lege with his wife and children, of reading a newspaper every week for months and years, aud obtaining therefrom instruction and amusement leaves town for no one knows where without paying for his paper, there by compelling the rostmaster to order it stopped. any serious results so far tithe!,.. nnIl. -uMa.t.i, B .h .... r Tho Philosophy o( Hunger. What is hunger its canso and sQccti A writer In Jllaektcood't Jtagatine answers this question in an interesting and Instruc tive manner. Hunger, ho says, is n scnia tion having its seat in the stomach, but principally caused by the state of the whole system. It Is therefore rclafcd to therchc- ral state of tho system, and to the particu!, lar state of the stomach. Tho primary cause! is the want of food to repair the waste of tissne. In every living organism there is ' an incessant and reciprocal activity 6f raslc ndt,Tair. We cannot wink an ere, move tied the record SAystb pot, uor is it Impor- , ' , , ,. ,.,.,,. ,t , , ,iT -ii . Jm' '' a thought, but some r, , Su utW over thirty d f ' .l ba Merlncrf In doing years, of the ,8 w.dded Hf., u 'his ?' "' "" "' uur ,""" , " " s, u,""u - . r"- , .,.,-. -. bnmnn wdy Is a furnace which Is momcn-loard was bonomd !lh the presence of mln- JeW'''R P Hlf to dcslrccllon, to ftcdIature additions of himself, until the number i tu ntrrt flita Wn urit ttll ffnuitiinlnr an,1 WII.WW. HUVIV VWMVMSUkMfej DUI1IIHKU WSSVUI.U IS S J T1 MVil IIIV tMBJWI WVUVIU unless wc keep up tbtf supply of fuel, the (Ire of life goes but In tlcath and dissolution. It Is not, however, the food we cat thalburns, but tissue Food forms tissue, and tissue is consumed in the act of breathing the 1 combustion of Ills. Thus hcn there is an abundance of tissue, or fat, life may be sup- ' nivf ml fAs m nnstr1ii til ttnin tll.f.it! f,.n,t l'viiv-4 swa h wvuoiisuiiwiv IIUU' nttuuut ilVUi ! TIib dormouse tccn iti winter olccn.vreU 't-1-U.J utll. r- -Lt.t I- -II A .. I it - . . "' "J .' "'"T " ..... "V . DC - "" -I- ooic. forA IJ ri hungry. The camel cries In the hump simpio aci oi Dreaming wntie u lies uor- sumed In the long and hungry march through the desert. Vet man can subsist but a brief period without food. Death usually occurs on the fifth or sixth day of total abstinence from fowl and drink. The longest period of ab- solute fasting, it Is thought, cannot reach beyond three months. Yet many remarka ble cases are stated, where pcrssns have ap- parently abstained from food much longer i .-hi. i . i i .. i than this. A story Is now going the rounds l,i,. , " a, ..' " .... I tells the story of a young girl who bad lock. fooa ,ur,ng four years. A Scotch woman ',, M,a to baTC TCj d M ,tULou, taking anything except n little water on ono of lwo oeCMionl uut BR these stories are I .urpaned by that of a woman who remained lllfly years without food: It isoddrd, how- ., tus UB ,omeMmt. took a lltllo skim. I ,.i ,m. If we couIJ U1Icrc ftlI tbc ,torIw, tLe ,..., . .. . ' . .' nnaai rti il tit nr llSrinr WIIIiaiiI t Inn waiiLI i ,i.,.nilnn .nA exaggeration are so great that wo aro tempted to reject almost tvtry one of these cases rather than reject all physiological teachings. If the persons fatting remained perfectly motionless, they must still breathe, and every breath draws upon the substance of the body. The ani mal beat is maintained solely by the com bustion of the body, and it seems impossi ble that It should go on consuming itself for years without repair. The truth is, tbo man who takes no food, lives like a spendthrift on his capital. We cannot say precisely bow long such a spendthrift life may coutlnue how long starvation will be in cfiectlng its fatal end, but wo can say bow much watte is fatal. Experiments prore that death ar rives whenever the waste reaches an aver age proportion of four-tenths. That Is to sny, supposing an animal to weigh one hun dred pounds, it will succumb when its wilght Is reduced to sixty pounds. Death tnsy of course ensue before that point ts reached, but cannot be prolonged after it. Curiously enough, insufficiency of food causes death at precisely the same point, that is, as soon as the original weight is reduced four-tenths. Men, therefore, reduced to an insufficient allowance, whether from famine, shipwreck, or siege, will Inevitably perish unless the allowance be Increased, just as If they hud received no food at all, only they will It longer beforo they succumb. An important lesson is contained lu this fact, and one! wblqh should never be forgotten in the inau ,mSu ...uu.u ,v, o ,.B.:u .u u .onu- gement of prisons, schools and w orkhouscs. j a Why Coi'i.3 Siioild hoT Mirbt. Iu tho Annual Report of tbo Superintendent of the Kentucky Institution for the Deaf and Dumb we find the following conclusive argu- j merit against the marriage of cousins : From ten to twenty per cent, of deaf mutes are the children of cousins. It is greatly to be regretted that the bill forbldlng the mar riage of first cousins did not pass the recent Legislature. These marriages ore a viola tion of a law of nature, as is evidenced by the afflictions visited in almost every cate upon their offspring, Io deafness, blindness and idiotcy, and ought to be a violation of human law also. The common wealth bas the clear right to protect Itself against these ill-starred matches, whor offspring It has to sustain for life. It may be hoped that this important subject will pot escape the action of our legislators many years longer. It Is confidently believed that by forbidding mar riages of tbts kind, nnd by proper attention aud care of iofsnts laboring under the dis eases stated, the uumber of deaf mutts In the community might be diminished ocuhalf io a grueration. -'L'JU. -. U. Vlugt tTn. We had a friend or, with the emphasis of the Inimitable Toodles, wc hare a friend, who. for the nonce, wo shall call " tho Ma jor," though his right to the prtux Is some-" what questionable. Now the Major has had; through life, ono besetting sin, and that Js an unconqucrablo love of a certain game of, cards known as rrigf un, which it Freneli for twentyono. This well-known game, a fat wlfo and a largo'Tamlty iro about tho only wrotneikts thai tan' bo laid to tho Ma jori charge. How often he has been tnsr- " '" '"" e". . I 1. 1 Aa1tal 4tsAf . rlisn ti t t.i AAnrlti . dod things had gone far enough, and should be stepped. Dut they dld'nt, as the Major In duo time found out, for he had calculated without consulting his wife. There wero indications of snothcr bond of union and well spring of happiness. The Major lxseama nervous, for his nomen claturswas exhausted. In Ms deipcritlop. he finally declared that the coming heir tt bis name and fortune, whether bor or eirl. , . -, -. '.kftYiM Im. nfcs.d tiMi im. Tn v.ln fK. a1,I woman remonstrated. The Major was laex or able. The new tomcr, being the twenty first, should wag his way through life with ''that appropriate title. In the ante root. the Major awalied the announcement of th little stranger's sex. The nurse appear, and, to tho Major's horror, whispered ths terrible word ticintt "Rusted, by thunder I" yelled the Major, trAy did'nt Ittand on tuenttiF1 An Incident ik tuk Lire ot i Soucek. TU funa.al nf 7 Si, a -. tnl Tl O t nlr A 1 ! l.fjtla II , , , . , ,, , , i took place last week, was yell attended. , .... ,! ,. . . I iiucu vuuiiauj ii,uuii vuunauiHicfuiTj., j Captain Breeze,) left this city for Mexico, jStokcly, falling to get enrolled in the ranks, Jin consequence of size alone, resolved to ac 'company the volunteers at all events; and being of an active, useful disposition, tb 'company took him with them. During bis 'absouce, poor Stokciy was found a Decent ' ry adjuuet, rendering good and efficient ser vice to all. An Incident in the life of the. 'deceased should not be forgotten. It is ono which goes far to show the character of tho American oluntcer. When the army had I left Plan Del Rio, their encampment pre Uloustotbe battlo of Cerro Gordo, "llttlo ! Natty," us he was familiarly called, wa. left wllh many others to gusrd the camp. ' and see to the sick aud wounded from be low. Word reached the camp that tho l'enn- sylvaula regiments hud been cut to pieces, and the men were dying from waut of water tho day being intensely warm. Stololy, 1 with n spirit and zeal scarcely ever excelled. j seised upon the "canteens" belonging totbn del;, tilled them with fresh water from tlw beautiful stream at the "Del Rio," an, throwing them on his shoulder walked r. dletance of three miles to the field of bloody strife, with the view of allaying the thlrrt of his brother companions. Ills mission was of mercy it was received and balled with Joy by those who participated in it. Suih was Natty Stokely !"-Philadelphia Papir. I CimofS ltevoLiTiojanr Verses. Tbo 1 following Ingenious composition appeared 'in a Philadelphia new f paper many years ago. Who the author wasT am unable to ascertain. Its peculiarity consists In tho manner In which it nay be read, viz : in three different ways. 1st. Let the whole b read in the order in which It Is written. 2d. Then the lines downward on the IfI of each comma In every line. Cd. In the samu manner on the right of each comma. Dy the first reading, you will observe that tho Revolutionary cause is deprecated, aud lauded by others : Hark! hark I the trumpet sounds, the dtu of war's alarms O'er seas aud solid grounds,dotb call us all to arms 1 1 Who for King George doth stand, their hon ors soon win mine, Their ruiu Is at hand, who with the Congrer join; The acta of Parliament, lu thcro I much de IlKht. j Uu tejr curted ,nU.nt , crCf. ium who for toe Con- '. . . .-..-. .. ... roe tones 01 tne a ay, iney are my usuy I toabt. j They toon will sneak away, nho iudepeud ) e,nccboatt; Who noa-reslstauco bold, they have my band aud heart. May they fcr slaves bo sojd, who set a Whig 1 giih part; ' On MaustlelJ, North and Drute, may dally blessings pour, ' ' 'Confuslou and dispute, on Congress erer more ; To North, that British lord, may honors still be done. I wish a Motk or cord, to General Wssb I Ington Jlittorical .Magazine. $&&. lady, not remarkable for good tem per, came for advice to Mr Arnold, as to how she could get rid of a troublesome suit or. "Oh marry him marry him," advised Mr. Arnold. " Nay, I would see him hanged first," said she, J141 rt No. moils m, msrry him. as I said toySi and I'll os.ure youilt will not be long'b. fere be Un bjmeelf' . ,,