Oregon sentinel. (Jacksonville, Or.) 1858-1888, April 10, 1858, Image 4

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    "'Wj','l''v'' '' "v"F
KUWfs- '
rcijoii Scnincl.
Hurpcr'a Drawer.
Below wo publish some good tilings
from Harper for 'March !
Tho Itev. Mr. Peters, of Tennessee,
was preaching, and hiivtny n liirgo gift
of eontlnun'nco, wns imnew lint protrno
ted in his discourse Hurcrnt of Ills
hearers loft In tlio midst of tliu scf mini
Ono young man was on liU way to the
iloor, when Mr. lVtcrs pointed his long
(lngor at lilm, nnd said, "Brethren, thnt
younf nun uns jusi no guou a iigm in
L'o out ns any ono." It li ncedlois to
sdyljhut ho was tho Inst dosorlrr.
At another time, wlillo Mr, Pelera
was proiioliing, a young man started to
Icavo tho house, and nuking snnio noiso
as ho went, Mr. Peters paused, and said
"I wilt flnUh my dlscourao when that
young man cots out."
Tho follow vory coolly took his soat,
and said. "Then It will ho somo tlnio
hofon you get through I"
Tho preacher, howovor, was up to
him; and remarking, "A bad promise
is bettor broken than kopt," went on
with his sermon,
Judgo Dooly, of Georgia, was a man
of undoubted bravery as well as wag
gery. Onco ho had tho misfortuno to
ofl'end Judgo Wlillo, who woro a cork
I OS, and who challoiiKPtl Judiro Uooly
to mortal combat. Tho two Judgos
mot on tho field at tho appointed hour,
but Uooly was mono. lilto sent to
ask whero his second wast To this
Judgo Dooly rcpllod, "Ho has gono to
tho woods for n bit of a hollow troo to
put ono of my legs In, that we may ho
ovon." Tho answer was too much for
his opponent ; ho turned on tho only
heel lit) had and loft tho field.
Another. Judgo Dooly was prcslil
lug at Court in Washington county,
when Gen. Hanson, n great blower,
seated himself by tho sido of tho Judgo
and commenced giving him an account
of his various nieces of property, to Im
press tho Judgo with an Idea of his
great woaltli. "Stop n moment," said
tho Judgo. "Mr. SltoriiT, cull in John
Jones, tho Receiver of Tax Returns."
Jones mado Jils appearance.
"Mr. Recolvor," continued tho Judgo,
"ootna up lioro and maliu an inventory
of (Jon. Hanson's property. Ho has
mistaken mo for you." Tho Cionoral
reserved tho remainder of his statotucut.
This. Is first roto. Col. John Zcnor
was a very popular man in Harrison
County, Indiana. Ho had bcon fro-
quontly cloctcd to tho Legislature by
annually increasing majorities, and the
conviction liml uouomo general that ho
was allogethor invincible At length
Harmon II, Mnoro, Esti,, a distinguish
ed lawyor of tho county, hoenmo tho
opposing candidate, and in his address
to tho people ho showed, from tliu jour
nals, that Col. Zouor always voted last.
"Now, fellow, citizens," said ho, "aro
you willing to ho represented by a man
who Is never allowed to voto until ovcry
other membor has voted I Will you
'submit to have your county thus insul
ted In tho person of its representative!"
Tho appeal was irresistible. The
man whose numo began with Z, and
wns of course called last, lost his cleo
tion by a tremendous voto.
Gen. Fnliilnlo was an ofilcer in tho
Florida War, celebrated fur his rigid
adhesion to military dlsoiplino, and the
scathing lectures ho gavo tho soldiers
oaugtit neglecting their duty. Among
thoso who had recoived sovoro tongue
lashings from tho General was Tom
Hicks, a wild, rattlebrained fellow,
popular in tho camp, and up to ull
niunuer of practical jokes. Proud with
nl, ho was so unfortunate as to bo found
asleep wlillo on his post as guard. Ho
now had to take n withoring reproof,
and in his blttcrnoss ho took a big oath
to bo revenged on tho Gunoral, if ovor
an opportunity ofl'ered.
Ono cold night, when tho rain was
pouring In torrents, Tom was on duty;
but ho had hardly settled bis head in
the collar of his coat for a nnp or to
shield his face from the storm, beforo
ho heard aomo ono coming along
splashing through tho mud. Looking
around and pooling Into tho thick of
tho night, ho soon discovered that it
was tho General himself. Now was
tho time I Leveling his musket at tho
advancing figure, ho demanded,
"Your oflicor," replied tho General,
with great decision and dignity,
"Advanco ami g!vo tho countorsign 1"
roared Tom.
Hut tho General just then remem
bered that ho had neglcoted to get it
beforo ho set out on this exploring ex
pedition, and so Mated to tho tenacious
sentinel, who declined to receive any
"Mark limol" demanded Tom, as he
clicked his musket nnd stepped lorward,
ready to fire into tho heart of tho trem
bling General In another Instant, who
now thought he would try the power of
"Why, Hioks.you know it's nobody
but mo I"
"Can't help that must obey orders;
striot military duclplino, Mark time,
or I'll shoot you in u second "
The General saw that he was fairly
caught, and for two mortal long hours
Hicks kept him standing thero "mark
ing time," up to his knees in mud nnd
water, tho rain pouring down in tor
rents. At last the relief guard oamo,
and Tom was able to dismiss his pris
oner, The General crept back to hie
quarters, drenched to tho kln, tired to
death, nnd heartily saiisiicu witn camp
duly. Tom was never aubjootcd to
any dressings-down alter that.
A Weekly Journal containing 32 columns of
cuolco rcaumg manor 01 a cnaraeier cal
culated to Instruct, amnio, and Intercut
the general render, will bo commenced on
tho lint Baturusy in Aiarcn, ibob.
TUcCnsUctot DlamoiiAs
Wilt he tho cheapest, best and most enter-
talnlng Weekly Taper
Now "V ork.
ever puoiisucu in
Diamonds t Dlnntondal Diamonds t
20 Thousand Dollars worth of nil re CallCor
nla Diamonds, set In every conceivable stylo
of elegant dold Jewelry, to bo presented to
tho subscribers of tbo Casket of Diamonds
Thcfo nro no gifts worth loss than 25 cents,
nnd from that up to $300.
Will recti n. blesutlful sin In Gold or Dia
mond Jawelrv Immediately on receipt of Ills
or her name, accompanied by tho nmount of
subscription money.
The Subscribers' Names,
As fast as received, will bo placed In regu
lar rotation on our Books, opposite designa
ting Nos., and the gift containing a corres
ponding no. win w ini iaiJit.Lirt.ii.L.1,
post paid, to the subscriber.
I.nillel Lndlcstl LndlcslM
You can cot a lurco number Of subscribers
for the Casket of Diamonds by a little extra
exertion, nnd for ovcry 10 subscribers names
you forward us, nccompanicu or me money,
we will send you n beaumui uiamonu gm
Wa make the samo offer to ccntWmcn,
Pltaso bear In mind the (act that every
subscriber to the Casket of Diamonds will
receive a beautiful gift Immediately receipt
of his or her name accompanied by the sub
scription money.
Persons wishing to commence with the First
No. should send In Immediately, as the gift
they will receive will encourage them to
speak to others of their success, and thereby
nsalst materially In Increasing our subscrip
tion list to commence witn uie lira no.
Anions tho Interesting features of our Pa-
ncr will bo a Loro correspondence of tho
most thrilling nnd exciting character, which
took place In Paris, In 18o3, betwixt nn En
cllih Gentleman and French lady the tyr-
antcal opposition of the lady's father to tho
union of his daughter with tho English gen-"
tleman Is described In tin moil vivid and'
Interesting manner, as well ns the successful
plots of the young lady to eludo tho vigil-
nnco ami cruelty or tier nearness miner.
These letters are deeply Interesting, nnd,
of a pure, bigh-toned character,
air Each Subscriber must send 3 three!
cent poitago stamps for return postngo on
gut. AUClrCM
Proprietors of tho Casket of JiiamoJs,
limn 75 Nassau Street, New York.
X lurnilug the Publio that I havo tilled
up, at my residence at Pleasant (irove,
two miles sail ot Jacksonville. suitable
building for tho rscoptlon and treatment of
persons amictail with nuy lorin nl dlienso.
Patients will bo boarded and treated at
this Inflrmarjrat prices varying with their
conditions and wants. Thoso who can
not remain in tho Infirmary will bo exam
ined and provided with medicines and di
fecllons peculiar to this avium a mud
of treatment by which thousands havo
been cured and and restored to health at
very moderate charges.
1 hnvo ample arrangements for the ad
ministration of tho various kinds of llsths
medicated, vapor, warm, sold, &o.
i no uistiiiguisiiiug feature m mo rny
sopalhlo Prsclice consists In the adminit
Iralion of an innocent medication. All
agents, whether mineral or vegetable, that
am known to act ns poisons, nro rejected
from my practice. Tho Ppyso-nsthiu prac
Ilea signifies tho treatment of disease with
agents that act in harmony with the recu
perative powers oi nature.
N. II. ho person will bo received at the
Infirmary who cannot furnish good guar
antee ui payment.
Tho publio generally will bo accommo
dated at any limo with any of tho above
npecuied liallit. Tho llatlilng.room and
tubs aro lined with sink, and will bo on
llroly free from taint.
Pleasant Griivo, Sept. IP, 1837. 3Glf
"TITILL hayo completed and resdy to
Connected with his saw-mlll, known as
the "Hush Saw.mlll," situated near Kir
hyvilla. Porous having wheat will do
wall to get It floured at lids mill, o it is
situated at tho best dour market in South
ern Oregon.
He still continues to furnish the best
article ot lumber at low prices.
Persons owing for lumber will pleaso
call and settle up, as cash is much noeded.
Aue. 89. 3Jlf
J. led up an establishment of the above
description in
Is prepared to recelva patients. U'liay will
be treated by the day, or other wiso; ova
rylhing furnished except clothing, lie
has a Rath lloom attached enabling him
to administer various medical baths, Sa
line, Alkaline, Calebiate, Sulphur, Iodine,
Nilro muriatio acid,. etc,, Cold and Warm.
An experience of sixteen years in the
practice of mldjclne.anda thorough know
ledge orilie human system, enshlea him to
render satisfaction to all applicants, lie
treats Itheumatisin in its vaiious stages
with universal success, as can ba attested
by msny eilzous of Oregon. Cures guar
anteed, when required by the patient.
N. U. Charges moderate, and pay de
manded. M. C, UARKWELL, M. D.
Jan. 1st, 1B59. 53lf
Notice Settle
tled Accounts with the Fhwulx Mills
arc requested to call immediately and SET
TLE THE SAME, as I am desirous io close
all'the present iccouute.
riircnlx Mills, Jan. 20, 1658. 1
Grand Medical and surgical Institute.
Sacramento itreet.behw Montgomery, op
potlte Paeflc Mall Steanuhip Compa
ny' Office, San Francheo.
Established in 1851, for the Perma
nent Cure of all Private and Chronic
Diseases, and the Suppression ofl
Attendant nnd Resident Physician,
t.nlelnthe Hungarian Revolutionary Wur,
Chief Surgeon to the iMlh Regiment ill
llonveds, Chief Surgeon to the Military
Hospital of Teeth, llungsrv, and the ll
lecturer mi tho Diseases of Women and
Communications strictly confidential.
Consultations, by loiter or otherwise,
free. Address, Dll I.. J. CZAKAY,
Sen Francisco, Cat,
X Lzupkay roturns his sinenro thinks
to his nuiiiurous patients for their patron
age, and would take this npportuihly to
remind litem Unit lie connnuos in consult ai
his Institulo for tho rilre of Chronic dis
eases uflho Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, diges
livo and genilnl organs, and all private
disoaies, viz I Sphalllic ulcers' gonorrhoa.
iflnnl. atrleturcs. seminal weakness and all
the horrid consequonco of self-abuse, mid j
ho nones mat ins long expuriancn ana suc
cessful practieo ol many years will contin
ue to ensure him a share of publio patron
age, ily the practice of many vears in
Europe and the United Htstes, mid during
Ilia IlungLrlan war and campaigns, he le
enabled apply the most efficient and suc
cessful remedies against diseases of oil
kinds He uses no mercury charges mod-
ersto treats his pMionts in a eorreel and
honorable wny has references ofunnties-
tlounblo veracity from men oT known to
snectablllty and hleli standing In sociotv.
All parties consulting him. hv loiter or.
nelitujIB tut II tnoilwu Ills ! mI mass '
uiusiniav mil shvv uvii aiiu vs
(lest trentmont, and implicit secrocy.
Stjrrnn not when a cure is
guaranteed in all stages of secret die
eaios, salfabiiie, nervous debility, sypha
lis in all its stsges, strictures, gloats, grav
el, diabetes, illnesses of the kidney, nnd
bladder, mercurial rheumstifiii, acrnfula,
pains in the bunes nnd ankles, diseases of
the lungs, throat, noso nnd eyes, ulcers
upon tho body or limbs, dropsy, epllvpllc
fits, St. Vitus' dance, and nil diseases aris
ing from n dorangement of tho soxunl or
gans, such as nervous trembling, loss of
memory, loss of power, general weakness,
dimness of vision with peculiar spots ap
pearing bnfuro tho eye, lost or sight,
wakefulnesi,dyspepsln, liver disease, erup
tions upon the lace, pain In tho back mid
head, female !rregulaiities,and all impro-,
per discharges of both sexes. It manors
not from what cause She disease iiriginalad, '
however long standing or niisiinoln tho
case, recovery it certain, and in a shorter
limo than a permanent cure can bo affect
ed by any other treatment, oven after the
disesso has balllod tho skill of eminent
physicians and resisted all their means of
cure, l no nieuicines prescribed aro plea
sant, without odor, entirely vegetable,
causing no sickness, nnd free from mercu
ry or balsam. During fifteen years ofprnc.
lice, in Kurnim, the Allsnlfo Hiatal, mid
California, I havo rescued from the jaws
of death many thousands, who, In the Inst
slates of the above mentioned diseases,
had been given up to die by their physi
cians, which warrants me in promising to
tho afllicted, who may nlaoe themselves
under my care, a speedy cure. Private I
diseases are Iho aicatest diroases to health, I
as Kiev are the lirst causool consumption,
scrofula, and many other diseases, ami
should be a terror to tho human family. A
permanent euro is scarcely ever elfecled,
it majority of the cases falline Into tho
hands of incompetent persons, who not
amy iau io euro Ilia disease, but ruin me
constitution, filling Iho system with mer
cury, which, with the disease, hastens tho
siilforer Into a rapid consumption.
Hut should tho diseaso and Iho treatment
not causa death speedily, and the victim
marries, Iho disease Is entailed upon the
childron, whiare horn with feoble consti
tutions, and the current of Ufa corrupted
by a virus which betrays Itself in scrofula,
tetter, ulcers, eruptions, and other afleo
lions of the skin, eyes, throat and lungs,
onlilling upon them a brief existence of
suffering and consigning them to nn early
HelhAniise Is another formidable enemy
Io health, for nolhinir else in the dread
calaloguo of human diseases causes so de
structive a drain upon the system. drawing
its thousands of victims through n few
years of suffering down to sn untimely
grave. It destroys the nervous system,
rapidly wastes nway the energies of life,
causes inontal derangement, provents the
proper development of the system, dis
qualifies fur marriage, society, business,
and nil earthly happiness, and' leaves tho
-ufferer wrecked in body nnd mind, pre.
disposed to consumption nnd a train of
evils more to be dreaded than death ilsulf.
With the fullest confidence 1 assure the
unfortunate victims of self-abusa that it
permanent and'speedy curs can be e Heel
ed, and with the abandonment of ruinous
prastices. my patients can bo restored to
robust, vigorous health.
Irregularities mid all diseases of males
and females Ireated on principles estab
lished by fifteen years of practice and
sanctioned by thousands of the most re
markable cures. Medicines with full di
rect ions, sent to anv nsitof ilia Slate. Om.
gon and Washington Territories, by pa-1
items communicating ineir symptoms by
letter. Ruiiness correspondence strictly
Addse.s DR. L. J. CZAPKAY,
Medical Institute, Sacramento st.,
below Montgomery, oppn.jie Pacific Mall
Steamship Co.'sOllice, San Francisco,
Medical and Surgical Itistitirte is on
Sacramento stieet, below Montgomery ,nn
positr. the Pacifio Mail Steamship Compa
ny'a Ofiico, San Francisco. The Doctor
oilers free consultation, and asks no remu
neration unless he effects a cure, Office
hours, from 0 . u. to 0 r. h.
I, the undersigned, Governor of Hunga
ry, do testify hereby, that Dr. L. J. Clip,
kay has served during the contest for Hun
garian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the
Hungarian army, with faithful persever
onoe whereof I have given him this cer
llficste,and do recommend him to iho sym
pathy, atteuliun and protection of all those
who are ospeble of appreciating patriotic
self sacrifice and undeserved misfortune.
... L Coverpuror Hungary.
ashtPgton Pity, Jan. 6, 1853.
w i'os, m rvous cebllity, 0W spirits, Iji.
iltude, weakness or the limbs and bsek,
Indisposition and Incspabi Ily fdr labor and
study, dullness of apprehension, loss o
memory, aversion to society, love of soli
lude, timidity, self-dlstrusl, dlztlness.head
ncho.lnvoluntsry discharges, pains In the
tide, affections of the eyes, pimples on the
lace, sexual and other Infirmities in man,
are cured without Isil, by the justly cele
brnled Physlclnn and Surgeoc, Dr. L. J
CZAPKAY. Ills method of curing die
eases Is new, (unknown to others,) and
hence his greet success. All consultation,
bv letter or othcrwlso, free. Address L
J. CZAPKAY, M. D., San Prsnclsco.
J tiu Aos 1 Great Messing to Man
kind 1 Innocent but Polonl ! Dr. L. J
Czapkay's Prophllsotlcum, (self-disinfect-in-
nroni s suro preventive against gon-
orrhoeal and syphalitlc diseases, nnd an
unsurpnsiod romedy fur venereal, scrofu
lous, gangrenous nnd cancerous ulcers,
foetid dischsrgcs from tho vngino, utorus
and urethra, and nil cutaneous eruptions
nnd diseases. As Innoculntion Is a pre
ventive ngnlnst small pox, so Is Dr. trap,
kny's I'rophllaelicum a preventive ngalnst
syphslitlo nnd gonnrrhooal disesses. Al
though harmless in Itiell, It possesses the
power of chemically destroying tun syph.
nllllc virus, nnd thereby ssvlng thousands
Imm being infected by the most loathsome
of all diseases. Let no young man who
appreclsto health be without Dr. Cznp.
kay'aProphllacticuin. It Is In very con
ventent packages, and will bo found con
venient to iiiie, being 'used ns a soap.
Price, $ For sale at Dr. Citapkny's Pri
vato Medical nnd Silrglcsl Institulo, See
rnmonto street, below Montgomery, op
posite P. M. &. Co.'s office Sun Fran
cisco. Ilm3
Hntqnolltb for tlje flare of
And will not injure the most delicate
Truth has many a long
contest with prejudice,
but fooner or later it
So far as this preparation
is concerned, that victo
ry feems to have been
achieved. Experience is
daily confirming the pu
blic, in the opinion long
entertained, that it is the
bell: purifier of the Blood
and remedy for Difeafes
of the Bones and Joints,
Scrofula and other Ul
cerous Maladies that has
yet been prepared. Do
not be deceived by other
preparations bearing the
name of Sarfaparilla, as
this is the genuine and
original preparation.
For further proof and
Certificates fee, Family
and Medical Almanac
furnished by our Agents,
IYeparedand sold by A. B. & D 6ANDS
Wholesale Druggists, 100 Fulton Street, cor.
or William, New-York.
For sale by Dswtrr, Kittlb & Co., II.
Joii'ksok & Co., RsDlNOTOMdcCa.San Fran
cisco) Hick & Coma, Marysvlllet R. H.
McDomslo lc Co., Sacramento nnd by
Druggists generally.
U ROOKS &. THOMPSON, Druggists,
Agents for Jacksonville. i!7
Plows, Minors' Ticks. Horse Slioelng.
All Kinu's of
Corner of California and Fourth streets
first door east of "Sentinel" office.
HORSES and Mules shod at quick
time, and not Inferior to any west of
the Rocky Mountains.
( rice ot dorse shoeing, plain, $1 00
" " " ' steel laid, 6 00
ueepi on hand all siies of Steel Plows
ouu aimers' l'icks.
Repaired Oil llm ahnrtnaf .mil..
Having had long experience in the man-
uiaiiiiuc ui au wncJe ot farming Tools, lie
"Hers himsCII to be able to accommodate
all who wish to have work dono with
neatness and despatch, at the lowest cash
Jacksonville, Aug. 8,1857. 30ly
HAS returned, to Jackson
ville, and will contlnut
the triLf-t((A nf Ma nrnfuAAlnn
All work warranted.
Hn Hatters himself thst, from his long
experienco and thorough praotico in Den.
Hairy, he will be able to give satisfaction
to all who may favor him with a call.
Ullice, On California street, on the
corner, opposite tho "Union." 15m'd
I witui to sell one Yoke of first rate
vor vsUls.
VI? a.
JHt goung.
A'. E. Corner California and Montgomery
rpO THE ArKLlCTED Read thetol
JL lowing RiccoMKtwtiATOhv I.KTTanj
end then Judge between Dr.loung and
those vampires thst malign his motives.
Avoid such men as you would a pes
tilence, for TintRK is dkatii In their tree -ment.
All afflicted with Diseases ofa I ri
vals or any other naturo should call
upon pr. J. C Young, nnd they would
then avoid imposition and osslst the Doc
tor in his herculcsn Isbor of suppressing
qtlaokeryand ompyrlclam. Dr. Young s
charges are moderate and within the reach
or the most humble.
IMPORTANT. Dr. J. C. Young wishes
to call the attontlnn of invalids to his
course of practice. Tho Dr. has long since
abandoned the mercurial treatment, and
has atrlctly followed the Vegetable Prac
tice. Patients under treatment with him
are not nonfined,t6 the house, nor laken
from Ihelr business, but csn go about and
ont as usual. The Dr.'s mode of treatment
of rases of debility, both general and sex
Usl, is not surpassed by any physician, and
always results In a perfect removal ofthelr
troubles. Dr. Y. has discovered a new
mode of treating afleclione of the Liver,
which after a fair trial has been submitted
Io tho Professors of several of the medical
institutions of tho Slates, and pronounced
by them, as perfectly successful, and has
been adoptod by them In their practice.
In the treatment of Incipient consumption,
and disease of tho blood, the Dr. stands
pre-eminent in his profession, snd will
warrant a euro in all cases. The following
testimonial speaks for Itself t
Da. J. C. Vouao. Slrr Yourmodoof
treating affections of tho Liver and disea
ses of the lllood, has proved by repealed
trials, to bo the best yet offered to the fao.
ulty, and has bean adopted by the bosrd.
f?nnltntin In afiitlv llin lilllnfiti avslm Ba Vnll
hnvo dono, and you will yot stand at the
lioou oi your proiession.
Prof, of Anatomy, University, Penn
JUL will guaranteo a perfect and perma
nent cure In tho following cases, or chsigo
nothing fur his services : Syphilis, (Jons
orrhoea, Hlricluro oflhe Urethra, Affection
of the Rostrate Uland Weaknein of the
Genital Organs, linpotenny, Sterility, both
In male and female, Spermatara, or Sem
inal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Rheu
malttm, Dyspopsia, Indigestion, Feverend
Ague, Incipient Consumption, and all ir
regularities In Females, together with all
disassos of Women nnd Children; also
Norvousness, Palpitation of tho Heart, Vo.
Persons aflllctod with symptoms alter
bolng treated, should consult li. Young at
once, as no disease Is cured unless the pa
tient leels perfectly well. If there is a
particle of dlsenso left In tho system, It
will break out at some future time, when
least expected, or be handed to an innocent
offspring. Persons who have been treated
with mercury should be very cautious in
believing that they are well, for it is a eel
entitle fiint that tho mercurr will
Mln.ll U-Illl lliM VnrHl- ftnrt fnrm
disease a great deal worse man iu wuyin.
al. All those who havo reason to think,
by Lnd reelings, that they have boon treat
ed thus, should consult Dr, Young, and he
should examine their cases and tell them
at once how they stand.
to certify that I, II. P. Lulling, applied to
Dr. J. C. Young, to be treated for a gener
al debility, brought on by hard work at
mining iu the water, and a pnrumatie af
fection in my limbs, which almost deprived
me of their use, that the above complaints
had troubled rue for a long lime one of
them for seversl y enrs, and the other about
eighteen months. Overcome by the pain
and anxiety occasioned by them, 1 had
given up all hopes of ever again enjoying
good health. In this condition, I called
upon Dr. J. C. Young, and after the lapse
of five months, I sin perfectly well and
feel nearly as strong as I ever did. I can
recommend every one affected to his care,
for he cured me, and has cured several of
my friends that 1 recommended to his care.
afllicted with different diseases, some of
them bad cases, of a very bad and danger
ous nature.
Given this my voluntrrv testimony In
favor of Dr. J. C.Young, in hopes that it
may induce all those afllicted, to call on
him, and avoid the impostors who have
robbed fine, not only of money, but to a
certain extent of my health.
U, A L.U111I1VJ.
Greek Horn Gulch, Kern River, )
beptomuer -', I COO..
TiEAR Silt t It is with pleasure that 1
JL haston to answer your letter,enqulrlng
how I cat along. I have entirely recov
ered from the complaints for which your
medical skill was required, and I assure
you I reel grateful to you for the health )
now eniov. Snatched as I was from the
veiy jaws ofdoalh.and saved from an un-
miu amount oi .uttering n ere I in the
rlty where I could do It, this would have
the solemnity of nn oath, but I am in a
mining camp, there is no Justice of the
Pesce within several miles of ma, and so
you must publish without it. I do not like
to name my disease, and I suppose tt is not
requisite, as you treat all kinds of disesse,
Vourrs, G. LANUDON
To Da. J. C. Yocao,
M.niros, Eept. 27th, I85G.
DR. J. C. YOfJNG. Sir. In answer to
your request, as to how my case is
celling along, I would stste that I am per
fectly well, and have been so for about one
mouth. I should have written before, but
have been walling tosee if it would return.
I am now satisfied that J have seen the
last ol it. My esse was said to be a very
bad one by all the nhysicans that examin
ed roe. They alt called it a mercurial
djsease, and said there "was no help for It."
You called it scrofulous, mixed with a mer
curial allecllon, and said you could-cure
me, and you have done so I can only
lhank you for it and recommend a '.I per
sons afflicted io give you a fair trial.
Yours till death, C. L. RAILS, Ja.
Seminal Weakness Dr. Yoonr ad.
dressss those having Injured themselves
by private and improper indulgence in the
secret and solitary habit tint ruin, the bodv
and mind, unfitting them for either busi
ness or society. The fnllnwln.. or. .nmr.
of the Ssd and melancholy cfTeeti nradtir.
Psd by sarly habits of youth, vij : weeks
neesafthe back' ehd Hmbs,'pan 'In the
head, dimness of sight, loss or muscular
power, pslpltatlon-of the heart, dyspepsls,
nervousness, irrttaMlif), derangement ot
the digs!e functions, general debility,
eymptomsofconsumptlsn, &e.
MasTALtv, the tearful effects on ths
mind are more to be dreaded. Loss ol
memory, confusion of Ideas, depression of
spirits, evil forebodings, aversion to soei
ety. self dlstrust.love of solitude.tlmldity,
(co., are some of the evils produced.
Alt persons who aro afflicted with any
of the above symptoms should not fail to
call on Dr. Young, and be at once restored
to perfect health. Let no false delicscy
prevent jou, but applylmmedlately, snd
ssve yourself frnrri the' dreidfUl and wful
consequences of this terrible mslady.
immedlslely cured, nnd full vigor restored.'
'Office corner of Montgomery and CI1
fnrnla streets, over Pcelfie Express, Han
Francisco, where all' letters rnust be di
rtcled to Isaure intention.
consequence ot the wide ipresiT c
lobritybl Dr. YOUNG, nurrferoue trflyis
tors heve sprting Into exlstence.pretending
to bo perfect mostersof the hesllng art,
and have succeeded In imposing upon a
few ofthe unwary suflerers. Persons wish
ing to consult a physlesln, should be very
careful how they put confidence in the
published MslementP of such charlatans,
lor they aro as unscrupulous in such stste
ments as in their practice of medicine, and
are very unsafe to trust. They will first
deceive you by false certificates, procured
from "drunken lo.feri," who perjure them
shlves to get money to satisfy the cravings
ofa diseased appetite. When such qusck
gains your confidence, he will then dose
you with mercurv and other drugs, and af
ter they have robbed you of your money
and Injured your constitution, they will
east you ofT, with the charge, that you hare
not followed their directions.
The only wsy to svold such impostors,
is to consult Dr. J. C. Young, the Pioneer
Advertising Phyaieisn of California. At
a meeting of tho Nedlcal Faculty of this
State, called tn Investigate the source of
malpractice list has caused so much suf
fering in this country, It was unsnirnouily
recommended thst all the afflicted should
consult Dr. Young, as he was the only reg
ularly edticatod Physician now ndvt-rlsing
In California, all othors in his line being
quacks and and Impostors, and are not to
be trusted. The uffllclod will plesse take
notice, that there was not a physician st
the meeting who had ever seen or heard
of a single case ofmafpracllce from Dr
Young, wlillo not one ol them but had seen
a number ofenses from the foreign quacks,
who so vanntlugty set forth their pre
tended virtues in tho public prints.
The above facts should be borne in mind
by all seeking medical assistance.
Thsnk heaven, they are- getting thor
oughly exposed, and l will not be lueg
before they will havo tu fly the country, to
avoid tho just indignation of an ouirsied
public. Then will good people thsnk Ir:
Young for his continued efforts to bsnlih
quaikery from our mloVt.
If a. YOUNG can be consulted from S
a, to 8 r. i., at hla office, corner Cali
fornia and Montgomery streets, over the
Pacifio Express Office. Sen Frsnclsco.
All loiters containing the usual fee
of 10 will meet with prompt attention.
fi Sin3
TXJTE beg leave to
inform our friends.
r i ooin in ureron 1 errilorv a
ooin in uregon Territory and Uai-
. ..- ... . .....
norma, that we conduct the Mail Line,
anu are prepared io accommodate passen
gers to and from Oregon City to Corvsllis
upon the arrival of every U. 8. Mall, ss
well ss carrying those of the interior on
the seme route.
Lesve Oregon City on every Mondsy
and Wednesday at 7, a. n Leave Salem
on every Saturday and Tuesday. The.
Coaches will leave for Corvallls, with the
Msil upon the arrival ofthe Coaches from
Oregon City.
N. II. Wo keep s Livery upon the most
reasonable terms. Forsge of all kinds.
Money down, and no grumbling, makes
short credit and friends lor life.
Office at the Livery Suble.
C. T. HAT. T K UMtW.
Sept 1C, 16SG. 4Gtf
Tal)c UocU Musiei-y
rrUIE undersigned has on hand, snd is
JL always ready to manufacture io oid.r.
all kinds of
C o n f e c t i o n a r y,
Pies, &..
All kinds of Svruna. and nvrrvtlilnr in
In his lino of business, usually found in
the Confectionary in the cities.
For Weddings, Rails or Parties, got up l
good style, and at the shortest notice
Jacksonville, Deo. ). Stf.
Witt. llOTflUHU,
OFFICE At the Post Office, next door
to Pat. Hjan's,
Jacksonville O. T.
Uouuty littutAs v
THE undersigned will attend to the pro.
curing of Dounly Lauds, under tha
Act of March 3d,IB.'5,for persons who hsve-.
been regularly mustered Into the United
States service tor the term of fuurtren
days, or more. Persona who tvera inn..
ed in either of the Indian wars In ibis
country, and all widows and orphans of
such persons, are entitled to ICO acres ot
Isnd, and by forwsrding the neesssry proof
of their sorvice to the undersigned, the of
ficial forms will beoiadeoutandforwsrdeii
to the proper Department at Washington
which will ensure the return of a '
For the applicant,
Ifavlnff a camnnl.nl ...nl m itr. !...
ton, it enables me to transact this kind uf
business with great efficiency and dispatch.
Charges moderate. .
Address w. G. T'VAULT.
. Jacksonville, O.T.
Clothing of all kind?
For sals low, byj. W. 6TEARNS.
V t "'"SsV 'all .i ;