HERE AND TH EH IL Buv a White. 'lb*n cut y ur fruit tries. Filli» .1 \ T< -morrow is a legal holiday. CHOP WEAl'HKK HULLkTl.X 50. 11 Take a look at Nickell’s addition. Boise and jack bills at the T imes office The following I" Ih>- r< port ol the Ur. gon wratbei bureau lor th. week < u>iiuu iatur The bvuutiful rain was quite opportune. day. May S». 1-01 Cures wbiie von wait—Preston’s ‘ lied- WKSTKK.N OHEGOS. Ake • The temperature has steadily risen, rang- Fwuith < f Julv mer lin’ tu-xnorruw eve* - ing from 40 t«> <» •>’ *' • vs 1 r' ,,a" n *’’• BOlutcly no rainfall, ami tin* w. at her Ima been i»K generally cl«»udiess. Light frusta on ttx- 1. tl* It ciirrs aeadsebe only—prt-si<»n’s Hr«!- and I6tn art- reported tr«iu many *.cti«»n.*. Fresh tu brink wind«* have prevailed, wiilcn dried out the aw*I. ¡’bin out your trees snd have fine, larg» All veg« tatbm has had excellent growth during tin- wvck . fix* weather condition- iruit. wtn- tav.»ral»lv t» ail crop». Wtutor wlx-ut B «« hr t in«- ai for s lie nt ih<* I imf . s never promised betlei; in Yamhill county it began heading on thv XM. l-ir.)-v.wii spring «»fllCe. grain is ten inchea (ugh. At Lungin:*, 4 urry <' « e** ii- lit ecu liiimi rs . Pre*ton a’* H t • • county, rye is s* v.-n t< « t niuh aud heading. Potato acreage merciwd in Washington mid A ke.’ Clackamas counti«*; in these counti«.* aud m Early v«g« ui many kind-» are m Yamhill the number of bop yards buvv u*.» been increaaed and live are apparent. Io' I the market. hay crop will be unusually large, esp« cially Jacks i.viiie is full of school ma’am* ami in Columbia county. Conaulciubi«- buckwheat has been sown in Clackamas. The prune crop teachers. has been somewhat blighted, and not m«*i» F«-r du*t» rs of all kinds go to the S F. than an average yield i* expected. < Herne* have been somewhat injtittd l«y blight ami V n i» (y S.oir, frost. Peach trveaare alt'sted win* blight in sections ot Benton county. Mruw bern« s arc W \\ Waiters bus become a re-odent ot npeuiug rapidiy tit must sections ««t Jucksvti. Yrc*. . Cai. Juscpiuue and Dougias count .vs, which nave also excellent pr-»apteta tor trull iitihuwcrs would be w« icoiuc and b« ni*ncial. The week cluse*» wiltt cont nuv«i '’r>»p prospei ts are bettor than wtr ami excellent crop prospects. f -. t mt ts are jubilant. kASTKHN OKKGO.N. 8ul>*cri| tion-« t«> (Lt* wet kly ‘ Examiner'' •Warmer, cloudless and dry weather pre­ tak« n ai the T imes office. vailed. I he showers oh the l.»th and 16th were of great benefit, but «bd not cuwr the entire R member the Mi «»( July iiio-Uiij, al the sections, Snow tell in Baker county in the luwii had to-iiio»row evening. mountains un the l«th. Frost« haw bevu re­ ported from the mor» elevat'd sections. I’m El Hub rt ha* returned to Josephine winds have been fresh to brisk. Pali and early sown wheat continues tu do county, alter a brief visit here. well and thrive, in sections it is filling. Lutr El« taut straw hatsvfor men, b «ys ami •own spring grain is generally poor, much ol it failing to germinate, on ac. <«uiit of lack ol child:« n at the 8 b. Variety Store. moisture The continued relatively c;a»l tem­ First-class cedar fence posts foi sale In perature has been ot gi per •*« nt. Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale B. S. P ague . at the T im r» office at ¿>0cents a hundred. Observer I’, S. Signal Service. farmer*. Attention ’ Do not I h * in a hurry to contract your wheat crop, as prospects ur« for g«»«x! pne, s. and re­ member that I pud from tive t • seen cents per bushel more than a shipping price list tall, lean and always will t»«-able to pay the highest shipping pile- lor ail and any amount ot wheat you offer, and many tunc» more than a »hipping price. So do m t be in a hurry to tie yours« Ives up to sonic outside parties in a contract that will pci haps lose and make you no money, as they wid not make a contract to p»»y more than the maik« t price will be, and 1 can und always wid pay you that. ani • xalua- blr «-arti y «-ar. »s it 1st lie *«i.y « M**n*t ve tasty of agncuitur.ii ,t.i i tn« r»- butt lai uilivat- d al present. A gi ■ .«I b.o gam is ill »lore hi re tor tome lucky individual. —- — ♦----------- A Wild Man. A number of srh«s»l children and others wen- frightened m the upp« r Butte ere« k sec­ tion last week by the reported appearance ot a wild man about the school-house, win» with disheveled hair and stani raiment was en­ gaged in gathering up the I ragments trum t tx children's lunch baskets whi n ol»»« rved. and who at once fleti t«»lh«- wo.»ds bet re any ef­ fort could be made t«> id» ntify huu or i ttici hiscaptur«-. Ot c«»«-rv wer« some imag­ inative «'Hough t«> jump to th« cone I u.-! oh that lie was th«- m.suing miuu «'I < oiver, who s> my steriously disappear* «I vast ot tin- » a.*c ivies last winter; but that theory was * «on aban­ doned, and. as the straugei was not »••«. n after­ ward*. th«- < inumatane«- lui» c« a»« d to excite comment. Probab y some insane person is at large in ttiat region. ----------- «— Iron Ore VY anted. G. 8. Miller, chemist and in ‘tailucgtsl ot the Oregon lion «Stateci Co.. visit vi our town lust Saturday. H«- comes here tor iron ore that was reported to exist in this neighborhood. The company which hi- r« pi » s» nt« are seeking for an on-to mix with tnidr Oswego or«- aim will make analy ses of any iron ores that may be sent h’in, ami h«- will examine any pros­ pect wmcb th«- analysis may warrant without cost to the hx-at'ir. Any ore to be available must be i(M*atv«l at a distance from th«-rail­ road not great« i than live mil«-». Samples may be sent to the company at Portland orto Mr. Miller, direct, at Oswego, Or., and should br acc-ompannd with the location ut tin-deposit and a ktatvinvnt of the sixc aud appearan* c u» the same. F irmer»’ Alliance Samuel H. Holt, county organ)/.« r. recently orgaiiixtsi Biownsb««ro alliance with th«-fol­ lowing otticera : W. H. Bradshaw, president; Thus. Haldwin. Mw-pr« sident; Wn*. Terrill, secretary ; .Mrs. E. Casto, treasurer; Mrs. A. M. Th«»mus, chaplain; Misa E J. Baldwin, lec­ turer; D. Terrill, steward; L. C. < hariry. duor- k'fjx-r: E 8. Casto, aaaistant dn. Joseph Rapp has recellliy Coluplele«! a tine, urge barnuu l«.-* |»remi*es Hear Talvn< Uumrn Iroiib e. with hra«!acim will In u Sim oh' LlVt i Regli al. r relieves and « u i es. Work I as been re*um»‘d nt Bra« en » ijuar z mill near <•- l«i Hid on a larger »i ale than ever. A me«!icine emi«»r*v«l ami used bv i>hv*i an«! druggists—Simnions L-vrr Rrgu 1 lator. chips A fresh supply of crockery and rla-sware has just been opened at Kearnes «k While's store. • The pay-car was in the val.ry la»t week, much to the d« light of the raiiioa«! eni- pl ye*. To-morrow is decoration day and the ev»-nt wil be generally observed m south­ ern Oregon John Devlin will this season erect a tine dwel ing-boiise on bis farm in the Apple­ gate »♦ CilUll If V- u have over indulged in eating or drinking t«ke a do*e «1 Simmons Liver Keg u I *»lur. A E. Moore of Antebipe will m « moi re- mov»* ir- hi this* cuunty on account c f |»i> w le’s tieal'h EL. (». Hurt h.!s in*«!» Npp>-1 fed cnui'err • file Mr .f«>-d 11! y water Works A i«»«»«; ap, o litine I. My «»wn f «ini v medic««.* — >Humot.* I, v« r Kegii.aiur—-uRev. Jas. M Rollins, Fair tie.d, Va. Noles, receipt«. «Ine-bills,drafts, etc . in book form, handy and first class, at the T imrs offi«*e M's*r*. W Ir«»x Beeson, Fu"8 and Bro- poy "f \\ugn« rcr« vk spent a day in Jack >« nvillr iat( ly. W Ly «1«» you «iniurr the agony of «ly*. ep * «? 8 iniuons Liver Regulator will nl- w ay s cure y« u A Chinaman took passage f«»r tin fl ««rj kingdom on* «lay lately an«.] w*:«* buti-tl in the potter’» held. Messrs. Larson, Williams and Own gs of Dry creek wt-r«* at the county-seat this week on land business. Several parties from the ra*«! w»-re m Jn< k*-onv. 1 o-i Wt*dnes«lny. Th»y are l«»uku.g for lal.d. A. J. Wilcox i f Talent has hern award« d Die contract for bin ding a new s< haul house i.ear Pboeuix. A nice line of **tr«w lia’s of the most po, n ar sty le* is being dis| lsyed at the S. F Variety bt«ire Burkhait A Mrtz er «>• Ev *ns rr-ek are stop pint* I «rge «pi.«uiit at of « x< et luiu b»*r irotn Wouuvdlr. We have the largest «•(.< k of men's sum- met Malta in town Try um a>.d *ee it we haven i —R«ames A White. • Don’t h* 1 to buy a lot in Ni*'k*-li s addi­ tion t«> Medford The tract adjoins ti.e west boundary of our i«.wn Emil I)« Ruboain and Augustine 8 bmid- I n robbe I a bee tree a few days «luce and secure«! l»ii> pounds of honey. Pho. Sh-vetis and Drake Bros , who have been enii 1 >ye«i at Cinnabar f >r MOineiinie past, returned home, this week. I min 'graiiun is commencing to fl »w into -outtierii Oregon again, ami real estate is beginning to move somewhat. Probate Court. Another large assortment of ladies’, The f«»liowing biisimiu» was Irunsacted in gents . misses and children’s rin«* sh >es • thia court-Ju'lg«- Nell prodding-sine th« jiui rei eivtd by Kearnes A White. last report «»f th«- T imes ; The presre 1 ne ni« e t mo < k in the Oompnny, stabb«-d Mark Drumm, th«- ad­ vance-agent. st Fur« ka. on Mommy. In the s alley. neck and br«wt. intliciing s«-v« ral dangerous Willi.'in Holman, fust fr«»m the ra*t, wounds. Thomas is the huslmmi of the lady, and the causeof Im* murd« mu* at ta« k is a»t n- last w«*« k > ought me J A. Buglev ran o • n butvd to jraiousy . On«-version of th« affair ttie headw.-rerH of Antelope creek, puving is that Thoi!i.tMd«-t«'c''* their al refused t«» pr«»s* cut«-. Tin* Gag«- v«»in| any r* ady I rge slock a n**nu(ifui line of t»( y's l«-ft the same day f«»r x- aia. Th«- wound«-«! cubing, which they are selling very man remain «I b< hind m«* of a phy si­ r»a*onably. • cian. -[!*. F. Music ami Drama. — --1——- w " — —- A partv ( f il«re« ,wh »b :v«- torn prospect mg m the FL i o t creek sect.on, sold il.»ir Dn the Ocean Brach outfit to T J. Kenney and hfif- rCnlfur Ate you thinking "f visiting CrexTiit city ma on Wrdne-day. this stimtn« r ? If so, you want to atop at th«- Del Norte hotel. First .clash in «-v« ry particu­ Ti e «‘er ra i«»n day exercises at E «g’r lar and h«-i» be very inter«-s’lng this view of th«- Pin-iti«- or«*an ami surrounding year, MVeral r« h- uls having signified their country can be had from tins hotel. B «aid and r’Mjma from $1 f«» fl.all per «lay. arc«»rding intention to participate. to location. Hvduc«*d rat«-M for hnu'liea *»nd Thoe«* needing Lor-e and jack bills wi I parties. Single m»-a!a. 25 rents. ti «1 th»- lltyKH printing estatihsbnnnt E. Y atkw . Proprietor. print* them Uerer and cheaper than any ♦ o>ber in southern Oregon. Big ( reps Assured. ’Ih»* Congregational church of A*hiai <1 8«»ijth*-rn <»r«-g«»n is inv«-n sown mid« r favorable eircnmatanc« h . bolii »ifs p a< e and A-h and. but «-xartly at the proper titu -, when ev< ry - thing was needing moisture to insHrv boun­ zIi you want ti e be*t s» w ng-marhinp in tiful croiai, copt«»us showers of rain have i.«:- th* wt'ild g t ti.e unrqua td WI* a Sold t l«-n. N»-v«-r in th«* history of tins » etl -n WM i <:l.*( «>unl for Casn «»r at a r«-a» »m*b v r«Je tbcouii'M/k f<»r a generous bm v« st so g«w»d. on ilie iDStahiueut plan. Southern Oregon is itself agaio. In nil »IieeHBt-s of the stuniacb, live* a' «1 (aiarrt. Kidney s, us.- to the « xcusion of al «»tier The ablest physicians of the yr« s^nt ag«- m*d>*-n»r*, N.Hute’s own lentely, Plun­ recognise vat»»rrh as it blood «iis« as»- which <*g- der .* O rgon B ood Pur.Iler. gravat«-» t mucous »ui fac«s. M«»«r« 's K< - I be she«*.- ^hearing season is ah »Ut «»Ver , veiled K«*m«dy pun hrs th« l»l county -seat, hv« ryh-xiy I“ t- v.t-i t.»att« :id. M any (T tizkmh . In Tows- D I.. Anthony of Snn Franeisco. uh" is tt tv ng tn tii«- hit« r«-st «»f the Whit«* «i w.og- m.iehin«-. i* hi t««wn prepared t<» tak«- onh-rs f .r tuât c-l«‘brat'-«l brami. H«* will a'-* » r«-- pair and put • • d m ichin«*M ill or !«-r, guaraii- t « mg *«atirtfa«-! ««n. Notice. H«’r«-nttrr I will be in itt«-ndance st «h«- I’ity drug store and t»«k«- fu i « barge «»f th«* pr« - acriptlon business. Will attend t«> olfler and town practice <>nly . i A large contingent of the members of i UX AL NOTES. RelUTloUB. It food sours on the stomach, digestion | Osi ers ot trotting ami running horses th»- M E. denomination from tm* *• «- ts drfmtve. De Witt’s Little Early should remember that <'ronemiiler & R-v. F. Watry will hold service« at the tion will attend tin* annual cainumecting Health is good and doctors are idle. Eilioti of Jacksonville are the only black ­ Risers wid remed;’ this The famous little of th«- church al the lair grounds. I»»- ! < attiolji- chtir< h in Jacksonville at tlie usu­ pills that never grip«* and never «Iisapp«*int smiths in Jackson « «»uuty who can make ! Th«* «*aglu will screech here July 4tb. ginning on th«• lltli ot June and continuing al time. any kin I uf shoes they want. * during the week. Spring chickens are already in the iuark<-t. Rev M. <’ A e*i li_’«‘ of Me«!ford will hoi«! It is reported that Gideon Hutchens of A little child of Mr. Netherland was tak­ Look out for tlx-agents «»f a so-calh-d busi- •*ervice.M at ftp M E church In Jackson­ Lake creek . who is now a re.*id*nt ot Drain Dr. Geo. Barron of Ashland precinct is in 1 n«*as association who are operating in the en an ideniy dl last week with a myste ­ ville on the •! b Sunday of every inontbwaX precinct, Douglas county, hss lust his town. IWillaniett«- valley .«nd are coming toward 11 o'clock A M, rious malady which the physicians pro­ mind. Ashland will coletirale th«- Fourth of July,as Southern Oregon. They claim that they will nounced to be the dreaded meningitis. sell their victim.* g«»o«is at wholesale prices, The following are Rev. R. Ennis'appoint* Constipation, blood-poison, fever! D«>c The child lay at the point of death tor a usual. which is a lie on ita lace. rnenls: On « very Sunday morning, except­ tors'bills and funeral exp« uses cost aboui number of days at ns home near Talent A big tiail-d.u . ii cu ■..!«’ I m M ing the third. he wil« hold services at toe Wh«*at,which is only wort h 5d cents in Klam­ two hundred dollars ; 1 r Win’s Little Ear y Wednesday. ath county, and is dull at t hat. is being hauled Presbyterian Chur«*!) in Fboinix ; on third Mr». E ix» Wells found A*hlan«l a good Risers tosi a quarter. Take your choice Am! still improve:!*« ills nvdle and ev*rv town t » work in th** Due of her specialty, t«*amsiers returning with freight for Lmk- Sunday evening he will preach at the Our genial friend 11 H. G iirv. reidit g ami was able to dupe a number of the v* ill - Jacksonville. ville in«*rchants. There is plenty uf gram still Pre-b.’tenan church in Jacksonville clerk ol the V. 8. senate, is at hi* o cl home tuhy blind *lio devoutly believe in her Stephen Swacker ot Foots creek lias gone l«-ft <-ast of the muuutaius. in Lane County, on a -hurt visit, his faintly p«»wer tu summon spiriis from the other to California. Chas. Hughes of Waldo, w ho has been sc- remaining at Washington city this sum­ world, bhe iuund it so good a l -» wu for b« r for and Mrs. W.J. Ply male is in P-»rtlund again on lect«*mm«.*Dd it as superior to any prescription Kuh* Worms, gives sl«ivp, and promutes di- interests carefully. Th«* grippe has spent its force an«! public make it the i<-a«ii::g busine-s college. Sen«-* nt'king oilier impiovc-' A sei.sibb press) v«* lutmoiial exercises to morrow, known to me ” JI. A. Aacnta. M. I)., g««tion. h«*alth is good again. i «lea. Win. S. Guerin, «on of School 8unerint«*nd- or catalogue Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Without injurious m-djcaLoii. ( 1« c«»r«»ti»»n day ) he plot.vers ol southern I). J. Lutnadcn, formerly of Medford, has ont Gu«*rin ol ('urry county, was cirowned at Ort*uoii j ni.ii»g ti.e G. A K. in doing honor It is C|.l ie the f.rlii-n n««w to tak»* D th«* mouth ol Klamath river not long sine«-, lx*gal Blanks. io lh«- n«»nored d«*a«l Th« ie *11 be a large been granted a pension. Will’s Lilt c Ear ly R.sers I«-r liver, stoma« l Ihe boat in which lx- was riding with tout “ For several years I have recommended “The use of ‘Castoria* is go universal and Mr. Etiyart and his s >n of Medford were at other xersone upsetting. His companions A fn)i assortment of blanks for the use and b.»Wel d«s«.rmall pih*. number it in «iiit« rent portions <»f Jackson your * CaaU na, ’ and t»hall always continue to its merits so well known that it MMM u w -rk t he county-scat y« st« r«la) . escape«!. Will. wa»a n«*ph«*w of Jas. T. Guerin uf ju* ices <»f ’ll«* i»ea> e ami constables • an do »«> as it baa invariably produced beneheiai but mighty good ones. E. C. Brooks sell.* ai.d J.»?ephilie couulies pies« nt of supererogation toendorne it. Few arntbe results." intelligent families w ho du not keep Castuna al wav * te >ound a! :h<* T imin office ; aleo ibeiu. T. J. Kasson of Klamath «ounty tarihd u and au intelligent, popular young man. Mr. M<*( a;isli «•! Pb«»en x, who was the wilhrn easy reach ” E dwix F. P xbdki . M D., day al Jacksonville recently. Boys hav«- a had habit of getting on ami 'l*e«ls m -rtgH^e-. bi Is of -ale, leases me- J W. Mills has be en engaged fur some- vi< i m ol a rui away accident la*i week, C aklos M artyn , D. D . chant«- ’ * het.*, bonds and every kgal <.ff the cars while in irotiou, and The Winthrop,” 125th Street aud 7th Ave^ The conditi<>n «d P. Sim«>n of Eagle Point ill jumping New York City. Um»* in « rec- lug a tme burn oil bis premises ailing Ironi the gear of Ins wagon IdaiiK g» i.erallv u-«-n. Tiirv are someday oiu- <»f liuni will get hurt. Why New York City. La/e Pastor Bloomingdale Reiurmed Church. in E«ien pre* inci, the siruc-tur»* being GOxLU <>ii wmrh he was i idmg a< 'be und«-r precarious, w«- are sorry to learn. don't tie- board ol trustees pass an ordinance printed afie** the iates? an<] b* st forms, and He was very fee', and having adioput 2U feel iron* lb« ih«- « are of Dr (» Mrs. I-. V. Reynolds of I. nn county ia visit­ prohibiting such conduct, and thus confer th«- will be *<«ld ai Puitlaml prices. There is h«(il) bruised, besides bav.hg ihe forward ing relativ** in thi« precinct. requisite power on tlx* marshal to stop this m« nccessiiy for sending away for your eaves. T etr C rntacr C ompxmy , 77 M lrrzt S tkut , Nrw Y’oax dangerous I iusiix - mr ? *b<«I pa a<»ver his i.rad,wmcb cau-e 1 mjui- let al blank* W. F. McCarthy, Levi Strauss x Co.'s genial Miss Line llesdricb, late of Ashlan . 1 ftiuni wLiibit wa* for sumetiiu« f -area ne The following is a list of those who aj»pli«-d r<-prcs« ntative. is with us again. now resiling at ih»- metropolis, was m could not recover. for teachers' certificates this week: J. W. pas-'-nger on a southbound liam «»ne dac S«»me alfalfa hay which was cut just before Beatty, John A. Yoat, W. J. Stanley, 8. ( . 8. J. Stormer last v\rek bought uf John the rain has been serioualj <), m the shape of tow n recently, accompanied Mr. Dugan. J osh * M obs , M ibb Mary Theiss, Miss Zerab Bliss, for w ant < f ad« cpmie * up «id It is one e.,i a lGO-acie ranch that Mr. 8. owned at J. Nunan and other m«*rcbants of Jackson­ M ibb Lily Dodge. Hie b« si tn»i«ls a* u n of Pouiaud, bin Round lak , K amain county. Computed ville received a carload of sugar to-day. A colony arrived in Medford on»* day r« - bar sly ever paid expenses since it was ami intend locating in this valley. The n tins basis, a section of land set in fruit Win E«!ward-« am! fam ly of M«*df<>rd w< r<* cvntty opened. colony idea is growing in strength m ail parts trees it» Rok.ue nver valley is worth aimusl In Jacksonville the forepart of the w<- k. uf « Hiitornia. and it has been found to work as much as a wb«»le tu*n*hip ui ranch A beautiful skin,bright eyes, sweet breath, well, inasmuch as newcomer« by tins means Miss Xlary Jacobs of M -1for«l pr«*cin<*t wa» good appetite, vigorous body, pure blood land, even wheie the latter is wed im­ tbegm-st of Mrs. L. L. Jacoba last w«*«k. arc < nabled to some exteut to select tm-ir «»wn neighborr. There is no reason wiry it shouhl and gi'O«i health r«-su«t from the use ot 1)« - proved. Miss K. Hansen of Ashland baa r»turm*d not be extended to this fruitful section. G Gl<>K<.-r.1 'niggist. Walertown. Wilt's Sarsaparilla. It is sol«i by E. C. A sure cute for the whisky habit: Dr. from a st-vend-months rtay in (California. Brooks. Francis Fitch ot Mcdf<»rd, a prominent mem­ Wis. Livingstone s An'idoie fur lhunkennese This is the opinion of a man ' Hon. Binger H«-rmanu thia week returned ber ot tbr Jackson county bar. and Miss Laura G. F- Billmgs, ace«»mpanird by his wife w ill cure any « a.*e uf the liquor habit in to Ins home ut Roseburg for the summer. who keeps a drug store, sells all B. t'ardwvii, a young lady w-eil-known here, sud child, Iasi week attended the slate tr«-m ten to thirty days, trom the moderate were quietly marrirtl at the residence of tlx- H <’. St«H-k of tala vadev was inarrl«-n of nounces that the Grant's Paas Courier is for Coughs, family as Boschee's became a bay. Ben. C. Irwin, the popular representative of Fortiand. By strict attention to business sale. the Geo. D. Barnard publishing house of St. Ch.irl« « Kahn «»f Portland wa« in th«* valley Louis, who has r«-sid«-d m Portland for several Sore Throat, German Syrup. Last A summer frien«!—Wright’s Blackberry and making a specialty ui something that winter a lady called Cordial. Once used always taken. Rein» eve.y one «annul raise to perfection, Mr. last w • k several days looking after interests y ears, was on last Wednesday united in mar- rlage at Salem to Miss Laura E. Minto, daugh­ bie and prompt. Pleasant to take, indis- G. is making the profession ut horticulture here. at my store, who was Hoarseness, extremely piotitab.e. ter of John W Mmto, Rev. 1 ’ . H. Knight offi ­ Mis* Lena Reuter arrived from East Port ­ pensibie fur summer troubles bold by ai suffering from a very land y«-*tcr«!ay to visit relativ«*» ami fri«-n«is ciating. A number of the intimate tnends of di uggists. Juset h V I)«»r\, of Warsaw, II... was here. the tiappy couple were invited t«j witness th«- ceremony . ami at its conclusion Mr and Mrs. severe cold. She could hardly talk, One evening last week a pleasant surpris«- troubled with rheumatism and tried a Abd i-a« -ter Ham in--ml of A sT la nd n«»w makes Irwiuweicthc rccipx-nta of many congrat­ and I told her about German Syrup number «»1 dittvrent remedies, but says party was tendered Miss Bernice Cameroi* pel •|«».i»c.d trips to I tu- county -.*«*at on his bi­ ulations.—[2*uuday H elcume. May 24. at the residence of L. L Jacobs ol tin.- none of them *et med to do him any good , cycle. and that a few doses would give re­ A good many Ashland and Medford ladies place, which was attended by many of bei uilt finally he gut hold «»I «»ne that speed).\ Choice icv-cr« am and *truwt»errlcs w«-re now have a fellow fveliug fo« one another, lief; but she had no confidence in cured mm. 11«* wu* mm h pleased w ith it, school friends d at Mrs. Alberry 's lioarding-house Sat lately having been bilked together by a patent medicines. I told her to take and feil sure that « thers eimd.-uly atff cteu H«-rv« urday biuouthy who r«-presented that tic was Belling W. P. Dodge 1« now «-ngaged in dri.lmg a *omd like to know *.vh «t tin* r- ni»-«ty wa a mivcily in th«- floral line m a wonderful a bottle, and if the results were not well for Kesterson A Waite ot 1 abl« Ko« k Mrs. J. K. Green of < alifornia is visiting cur< in f rom the s«-«-d, at precinct. He r« c* nuy finished a tine well h r .»( «he public it is < a l««i < ham be rl.iin .* hei parents, Mt. am! Mrs. J. J. Fry »rut Eagle $1 p«-r package tor tb< s««d. A large numb« 1 satisfactory I would make no charge A. Childers of Medford, and never fails to Faiu lL.lm It is for s.«le nt 50 cents per Point. wanted lust that kiml ol a ch-mat j .*, ami look for it. A few days after she called Mr. Fovcran, who painted th«* sc« ncry of the the l»aii in titu-shap«-. Tn«-plants have prov­ NEW EMBRC IDER Y, PARASOLS. HANDKERCHIEFS, give satisfac Jun buttle by our drugr 1st* Dr J. Hinkle C S. Hull, is doing some excellent sign ­ en to be a very goal variety ot rauiMies, and and paid for it. saying that she Central i ’ oint.ami G H. H «skins.Medford Bybee Bros, this week placed 2D) head o: writing. in the midst of their chagrin at being bold would never I k - without it in future as cattle trom Josephine county on tbei. 1 have been a great sufferer from < a arrh W.C. Eng'vdow of Central Point and Adam the ladiesurcdulj-gratvlui (bat they did not range. These they pnr< based nut long I r « v«-r ten \ear*;hadit very bad, could Schmitt ar«* engaged in painting ( apt Caton's turn out t«i be -'jim|»bon" weeds «»r cuckic a few doses had given her relief. ’ ’ ® burrs. ago al the low price of 5*10 a head, securing nardly breathe 8omr n ght* I ««»uld no n«-w saloon. a big bargain. sleep ami bad to *aik tlir tl »or. 1 pur- Mrs Ellen Cardwell of Sam's valley, aecntn- KEAL EB1A1». IKA.\>»«.U>. cna*« «1 Ely s ' ictitn Balm am! am u-ing it panitsi by hei son, was in Jacksonville one The haying season is al hand ami con­ tre»ly, it is working a « ure sure y I have The following deeds haw been ri'corded In siderable allaita and clover have been cut. adVic*r<1 seveial tr end- to use if. ami witn day r«-v«-ntly. The cutting of v>-Im.leer anil grain bay happy resbl s in every case. It i*lbr irn-d- J.u-kaonvill«’ is bound to g<> ahead now. ami the office of th«* county recorder since the lar.t many improvements arc und« r way and In report of the- T imes ; will soon begin. An immense crop of ail «cme above ull u«bt rs t«»i catai rh. and r. i* coni« mplation. kindL is anticu ated. LAD1KK* ANI) < 1111.1)1« KN* J* «SIIOKH. J M Watts to Wm Metzler; the NEL* of bt'-j Wurth Us Weight in g id 1 thank G< d 1 «.4 oi .>»•«• lumTwpli!», Ralph D«*an <»f Willow Springs and J. F. ui SvcVand WL^ ol Postmaster-General Wanamaker ha» hav«* Iuund a remedy I can u*e with safely F. R 4 w . ;jt» m < 1» r f »« aa » Wr.soti of Uniontown precinct wer«* her«* a Al><> such goods as are kept in >t«»« k by a first-class General Store ordered uli pusimasters to ¡..ace a notice iu«l ibai do* s uli that is «mimed fur it. I', few days since. « B Kingsbury t-» u Breeden; th«- '4of is cur ng my «oaimss. B W 8perry, over each urop-letiei box warning a«i per NW^«»t >.-<- r , iwp.r.i.*.KI E. >ll«l. We respectfully solicit voiir examination. G • Gray has finished clearing JO acres of H « j Guru, ( uim. sun-« not ’u man lottery mailer o. any kind, baine E tan t«» Mcd^Ubki A llicins; lots 1, 2 land f«»r.J. McPherson of this precinct with aud 3 in bik 1 <>t lah add to Medford. (-Um. since to do so is illegal ins sittinp-puller. J< Whipp, <*t ai,to Hie public; deed ul u«-di- Exchanging Goods for Country Produce and Pro Pr ­ The best reined v f«»r headache and neu­ E\ ION. 'I h l»«>t «•< I« i »n «»f «»ur nut ional holiday eation. a strip ot land 1«»r a roadwn) through M |g visions, for which always we pay the highest market price pri ralgia is \y right's Far.u un Brada« be rem­ wil I»«- in (aektonvilic. I’r« parutions w’iil bv lot 1 in >« e 25, 1 * p «f. 8. R 2 VV . Samuel M Robinson to N D Br«»phy; 5 acres I | « i8 our specialty. edy Slops pam in tive miuut« e. Hauu- Prof. Stanley am! his daughtt-r Nchi«- are lu c«»iuiiicnv«*d at one«*. near Talent. Jiuu. less, tasteless, no bad effects. Sold by ail town. Same to Amin- Brophy; same. Mrs. W. Cunningham am! «bittght« r. Miss druggists. F Erickson t«» W tn H Brees«-; 1 acre of 1) L M«»lhe. last we« k wy Mr. no great «lamage. alth«»ugh H lasted several h«»mc at Yrvka, ( al. J unit r Hrittsan ti» ('B Kingsbury; to\\V'4 Hicks of California. ol N " «»I btre ■•*. Twp .il* 8, H i ‘ L. ÿih«'. ' minute» a d some »tones as lar*.e as a Ch»»s. Schultz haa gone to San Francisco on to Mcdynhki A. l'heies; lol 2 in I» k partridge egg fell. A number of our citizens wer«* serenaded by 1, T lol t 5 Vv in c8t a vi.*it I«» itib daughter. bik 2. iul 4 in Ink 3 in W *-8t'a add to Jacksonville, April 10, 1891 tw«» parti«* of young folks Isst week. Ihe Medford. $.sut. TL*o-*e wish mg a good farm at a bargain A. Wenzel, tortner'y f this county, is m»w singing was exce!l«*nt. David J LuoMd» 11 to K ii Whitehead; lutei. *honi«i nut fail 1«» t>e in JacKs«»nviile «»!• located at R«ani cit v , Mich. 2.3, 14, 13 ana it> in i ». k 1 in Lumsden add io There was e«>n**ider»bl«- thumler an«l light ­ JuieGih, when the i t liter farm win b« Joe Fierce has r«-turm «i fr »m hi** ttmbvr- ning the forepart of th«- weck. S«>in<- wir«* M«-dturd. $555. •oid. Ab<*Ul ID.) l«Uis ol hav H growing «»i- in*p«-«'ting Volua M vt,.ler tu W 1-K W.HKl; IM feet off fence was dcmorallz.<*d. trip to< nmabar. the place, wun u goes with it. «-nd « t lota 5 aud «• in t-.k s in Park add to Med John Harry man of M«-df«»rd. the lire real Geo. A Jack*«>n am! P. F »*t« 1 «»t Tat'h ll««ck f«»rd. fit»». S v I «3 S . A bail storm an«l cloud bur*t, one da\ precinct w«*re in-rc oil W«-dii«-s,iay. «•*t.-it- agent, ami W. H. Runnels of G«»l«i Hill John A William*, m -, to John A Williams. Jr. 1 called dining the w«« k this we« k, did considerane «la i-age m 8tei Ihv 8W «-4 <»1 >.4 .,t G, and Wl|.»t NWk 4 Pure Cr .11 >f Tartar Powder. A Mart Bybee arrived from Klamath «• unity Stqul MV 4 .«! .**«v I w p .17 .■*. K 1 L. >1 himville pre« inet J. V Ktfzu-, who is yesterday am! util May n short turn*. Messrs. Howel! «nd Moser of Mankato wert» and John \ « it i<» Ii L Veit, uind ill >»•« 11. 1 wp ' Superior t > (••.cry otacr kn»’Aii. in chargent J. b. White’s farm lucre, bad in Ja« ksonvillc recently. 8. R1W. $»A.' (’»•I. J. N. T. Mii’vr tuts g »m- to Ciiico, Cal., Used in Millions of Hornes— his garden entirely swept away. HJ Terrill to F Erickson; U act«.* ot D L I Wm. M Holmes has an extra fine yearling With a bam! ot salable young ho.-sca. 40 Years the Standard. Polamt-China boar for sah« for $20. Call and C 04 in Twp 38 8. K I U. Ira Wakefield has the material on the I>EAII.R< IN THE ( lias. Chitwood has ace pt«-d a position in a see him at Jacksonville. ground lor a n«-w t»« u*e on the tract be re |«-adiug drug-store at taist P«*i!land. Deli. i ns C. ke «nd Pastry, Light Flaky centlv purchase«! from the Colver heirs Biscuit, Griddle Cokes, I’alatalic California parties ar»- contracting for south­ M. E. Camp Meeting H. H. Wolt« rs ami wi:«- of M« dford spent ern < >r«-g«»n w h«*at, • »ff«Ting about 70 cents n near Pu«»rnix He obtain**«! hi» finishing nnd V holesome. D«>n’t forget that th«- camp-meeting will Tuesday aff«-ru«»"i» m Jncktumvill«-. O uh I ic I and advancing 20 per cent. lumber from the l’aient plamng-milt. cvmmcm « nt tin < • tn ml i’«.mt lair grouuus h’o other baking « - 1 r does such work. M Purdin ami J D. Whitman of Medford June II. e air ¡«»»»king for ten good.prcach- Spring fights commenced In town last Those desiring a fir«r class sewing-in i- were among our v.Mturs during the w« « k. Sundav. but no «me was seriously hurt. crs.aud d«»n t know hou many iu««re willcoine. Ctiine « an procure a White on lavornb«*- W v are going to niMk« it tin-beat eamp-xueci I, . A. Pruett ami witeof Centra' Point pr«*- Fighting win«- was the cause <>f it. terms ot Mr Anthony, Hie agent, who i- mg inat ttuguerKer vmivy has ever had. if also prepared to give instructions on the cinct w« re in town the forepart o‘ the week. Th«- f«»rc«- at work on the roadbed of our hard work aud g«»«»d in« a< lung will make it so. same, put obi machines in order, etc C. Vr«»man and W. H. N«-wt .n of Rock Point railroad has t>«*en cut down to fiv«* men. Ths Tite preachers t nat are looked tor ar«- Rever­ pre<-inci w« r« lnr<-«»nlaml bus'.nos last w«-« k. track will b«- put In first-class shape during th« ends r.L.Jwtx*, F. E. ot Grant's Pass district, The pi« nic which took place at ColeMii. s--a:««»n. w. S. Harrington. D. D . «-ditur ot th«- Pacitic Wm. Byb«-«-art lve«l from .I s.-piun«* county un Tue.*day, tinder the HUSpices of Alpha An excellent programm«* la in r«mrs«- of ChriBtian Auv.»caie, G. A. Landen ut Grant s Many peculiar points m ike Hood's Sa: this w«-«-k. IL is enjoying tin best «.t hralth. preparation f«»r tin- entertainment that will Pass, C. A. Lew le» <»1 Ashland, Mr. Grat lord of and Adarel chapter*, O. E L »s Gatos, ( ai., to mak«- her hoin«- fur Friday. i*. E. ut Idaho Conlrrence, Mr. Church, ot Gold ar. 1 preparation of ingredients,^^4^ the future. 1 Early cherru-s are in th«* market, but will Hili. Come, bring your horses and wagons; Messenger's sawmill in the Dead Indian I’ rff!a I- -*' b Mrs. P. Dunean left for Grant’s Pass on Inot b«* as p'«-ntltul as tn former years. ow‘ng there will bv plenty ul teed and your horsts We carry h full line of Canton Clipper. Extra Steel, Gangs, section is now uimer tuh headway f >r ihe the ft: I cur.;tlve vn’rc ci the evening, t o pay Wii!. Jacks «n ami to th- prevah-nee of the cherry pest in many will b« taken care of. 1 here will a Ao ben season A. F Hunt has b»en furnishing \Vet ki.owti rei..c r« side. Gale Full Chilled and St« el. Sulky an<1 Walking Plows. Twenty. and (cofioniy — s ^ Ir * lie left h«-re. to appear in market wh'ii ou« l »*t is*ne Jacob Maegly du-d at San Jose. Cal.. ( neday Mrs. E. C. Kam- ami Mr*. Mary Rice of Ash­ snp.iriT..i ■?‘y m •'«?!- Inch l>i.-c Harrow«.. St««-l Pipe Frame Lever, Springtooth, Iasi week, lroiu the « ff«ciao! an attack ot la appeared, are now quite phntiiui. ami ou S. L. B»-nn«-tt returned to M«*dford Iron« Cali ­ land visit«-«! ill«* latnily <>t A, M Berry of this cir.e of w’i: * rin !r”l fornia 'ast u.-ck.bringing the welcome int«11l- grippe. He was a ino*t «stimabic gentleman local growers w ill have 'he best cr.-p know n place last wetk. Scotch, \ ibrating an-l Clip|«er Harrow«-. ami highly reapeded by those who knew 1*c said^j “ Ouci: iM;eu Dose.- getive that his sister is coiival«*cent after her for years. Th»y are also of a tine quainv. tihn. For many jears he was a resident of J 8. March of 8am's valley ami I., ' .Raiincy recent illness. Onc^^\^Qb xZ D ¿'ar ’ M Urines ir Kansas, wta-r«- he toliowed the calling of a Catarrh, neura’gia, rheumatism snt«»re«!, striker ami Mr. 8niilh ot Tahh- Boek pr«cinct some months. dren. T cm. r in its medicinal merits, strength regained. Sold by E. C. Br« Miss Lizzh* Hemphill at Cor­ STEAMBOAT SLIVERS J W. Ani has recently been taking some bany |-assed throiigii this v.d • y last w«-> k, on vallis on the 17th. They have the best wishes erto uak.i« wa, ai.d h •; won for itself /<i FOKtff nnop COH \ PhAXTEK .<>’» QUEI K KOHEKt excflient photographic views of Talent ami his way south fora vacation at th«- buy city. of a host of friends. tl.«* title of ’ TLc pr« 3 blood Kennedy A eGee have made a cleanup. surrou'-dings, winch are establishing a Th«* 8. P. company last wt*ek commence«! purifier ever discovered.’* E. K Brlghfman of tlx-Asitlam! hotel has RED. WHITE AND BLUE MOWER. reputation lor good work in that line that tu-en visiting t clativ* s hi >naMa < 011 nly. Cal., work on it cut at Bloody Run. which will re- G . C. Culy has a force ot men cleaning ditch. HUbcat Grami. bruit and moat muipIHc machine on the market. Peculiar in its “good name will stand him in goo« 1 stead in the future. during the past week. y er. u h » hn 1»■•« n at- Johnson Self Dump. Bonann, and Star Hay Rabat. Paarlaaa Sulky ef Hood's Sar af-ari’Li R« v. Wm. I.und.tht well-known Episcopalian strike bis foot with th«* wrong end uf th« t.-mliUK th< grand l.Mig«- <>i the I (). (>. I-., r«-- Miss Alida Day's tinish«*«! a threc-in<»ntl.» Hay Gatherer«. Reversible Carrier«, Hey Forks, Etc. Lowell, wi»ore S minister. h«-ld s«*rvic«*s in Jacksonville this I* madt. turned home last Sunday . hx whi»e chopping near T «lent one day last w«-. k. He lias been transferred to Salem ami term ot school her«- May 23d. than of other blood -------------------------- week, and the result was a trad •« ut, whu h A. 8. Ellis (»f Portland, who i«< in s »utlx rn will I«- hv «- Roaehurg soon. purifie4 : l'< rubar in itf Oregon tor th«- l»«*m lit >>t Ins h allh. visited was healing readily at last accounts, how His Daughter Suffered From Eczema. Th«-infant son of Mr. an«l Mrs. J. II Whit­ pLcucni«- Jack*«»nville <»n W« «lm-.**licitcd. All goods sold under a direct guarantee r larlty in so short a time, W«» are inform«-«! that the condition of C. Specific ^S. s. S. ) She began to improv«* from business. Mr. Ya'e- keeps a most excédent Miss Lottie Reed, wh » has been teaching W. Kahler Ims not impr«»ved a«nve he went to the first dos«-, and beforc she had completed ................................................... and retained its popularity house and spares no pains to please hi' «»nrot th«' departm» nt* ot tin- Central P«»int Portland and that h«* is confined to his bed the secomi thittiv th«- irritation had disappear­ ^^^^rar.d (oufidrncc among all classes school. r< turm-d holm- a !« w «lay * *ine< . with ulceration of the stomach. guests. ed and she is now w< II and enjoj mg unexecil- | < «'¡¡Io so steadfastly. A. II. Ma«-gly went to 8 m ,l«»s«*. Cal., a f«-w The special excursion train requiring Con­ ed health. Th«-s<-at« plain and sitnple facts, Petitions and remonstrances are once «lays Do n«M be imiuccd to buy ether preparations an«l 1 will clir«Tlully answer all imjuiries. sine»-, being called 1 Int tu 1 by a f «•!« grain ductor K« arm } s attention last week, his more circulating with reference to the pro V:t l-v sure t » cet the Peculiar Medicine ann«»uncing the «h ath •! h’s father. plac«« on the regular passenger was supplied cither in pereon or by mail. V. Vaughan. posed road from Ashland to ih«* h^.id « f Druggist, Sandy Bottom. Va. Mrs. A. Dunlap of Pho« nix made the T imes by Pat«y Ty nan in his genial sty le. Antelope creek, which has been before the a ph-asant « all ia-t we« k.a«-eompani«*d by I (*♦• Hill of Josephine county was in Jack­ countv court so otien in one shape or «•th«-.- Notice. &o!«l by all druggist a . $l;*ixforf\ Prep «ord only a lady a hose name we did not i«*j»rn. sonville one day last w«*ek. accompanied by another. BELONCINC TO THE by C. I. ROOD A CO.. Apotheori* a,Lowell, Ma»*. C. W.. C. C. and F. A. Belknap, of Goldfield, Th«- und«*raign«*d will r«*-<»i»«*n bls butcher- John Devlin amt Mih-s Cantrall, who are Iowa, who arc looking for a ha-atlon. shop at Central Point on th«- 3t June, , and ___ The Portland syndicate, which has been teaching tlx- «iistrlct sch<»«»ls in I niontoun k«*ep Ihv sain«- supplied wit h ch«»ic«>T mvatt« ot considering the matter «»f purchasing Jas. precinct, w«-r«* in Jaeksonvilh* Saturday. The memorial services at th«- Ja<-ks«»nvillc all kinds. Thank! ill lor past favors, 1 solicit a McDonough’s Willow- fi ring* ranch, ha* M. Ob«-nchain and wife «»f Klamath county cein« t< ry . which will b«- participated in by the share ot public patronage. DECEASED. made him an offer of $2.3,000 f »r the property, are Bpvnd'iig a sh«»rt linu in tlx- valley, i’lx-y G. A. H.. plon« « rs and otln-rs. will comment)»* W m . W erth . which he has under consideration at pres­ will rttuin homeina few days with supplies. at 10 o'clock a . m . All are invited to attend. Central Point. May 30, iKOl. I am now offering at great bargains the following:__ ent. we learn. Geo. Walters of Grant’s Pass, who manu Rev. J. H. May ti«-lrcg-»n, mad«- his numerous in Jacksonville. The above reward will be paid for the ar­ George last we« k made a preliminary su* 2 I leering Twin« Hinders friends in Jacksonville a visit on Tuesday. May held. rest and conviction of the person or persons vey ( f a proposed road to (Lizz y jrairi», 12 tin«- draft lioj-i-rs w«-iuntv of Jackson. part of last week and committed a number near Kean creek. I' w 11 prove of great duct ng th«- regular quarterly examination <»t My rib- Point, asking iih to correct the mis­ of. .nwless acts. By order >f th«* board of In tin- matter of the «-stateof John K. Ross, 1,‘2"<» to 1 .«‘»O«« pounds ciicli. ♦» Star Siekle Grinder*. applicants for teachers’ »■• rtHicates in th«- take made In announcing his departure. He din-viors of Jacksonville echuo district decoHsed, citatum; convenience to the public. 25«» tons Alfalfa Hay. say a that he will return to Ashland In July. court -room. T«» Mary Stanley. Jennie B. R«-Hmes. Altarilla 2 Freight Wagone. Not since the crowdirg aalnion in Bogi e Davin. !/wta G. K«»*s. A«lelinr Schmitt, Geo. A ineniorlal-day picnic will be held on the 4 Milk Cows. Mrs. W.J. Ply mah return«-«! from Port'aml Moles Lott. 7 Five and Seven T«. x has been r«--eh-etv«l river near G«»l<1 Hid to-morrow, ami will be !«<».< h -0 feet of Luniber. sear* ago andg,*s. Neck ! okra, Double anre- county-««-at a call last Saturday, being wit rows, Stove an«l Mow« r Extras. an«t a gnat many vthcr South, Is now bring held at M*»dfnrd, which aou, for the County ot Jackson, at the Court Attention is called to the adverti«»*iii»*rt nossesforJ. Sltadl, who nnnle final proof on is b« ing attcnd«-d by miriiitrn» and rotninunl- Coiirto. Room thereof, at Jacksonville, in th«* County articles t<*<> numerous to mention. his land claim t hen. of ih«- dire«1 tors of Medford district, wh • in rsnts from different portion* ol aoifthern Jackson, on Tu«*day. the 7th day of July , The June term of the c«iuntv commiMdon- of I- <>:' particulars pail i.'iilar- and terms call or write to For lion. G. W. Riddleof Ros«-l»urg was in Jack­ (Irrgon. 1*91. at 10 o’cb ck in th«* forenoon of vite sealed pr«»p«»sal.s to build th«* new *•« h«»«>i- er« ’ ami probate courts will be held next week. that «lay. then and there to show cause, if hotise at that | lace. Bids wi I be « pentd sonville y«*Rt»rday «»11 business connect«*)! Numerous «frangera in this section are Mils. .1. KAKEWSKI, Executrix. Jacksonville < »I . any. wh\ an ord«-r should m»t !»•■ made, by on J une 27. 1S91, at d plans an ! spe« itic». with tlx- coining district fair. He is presi­ awaiting th« deciaion ........ .................... of th«- .......... nianagern of the dent of the 8. O. 8. ot A. Will. Kahler will bo united in matrimony tn this 1 - 111 t.tor tim a. GT in Twp. Decurati« n day will be appropriately ot- Mr N. is recov«-rmg fr«»m a severe attack of 37 south, of range 2 W. Happy Hootler». J. B. McGee came in from the CinnabAr W. F. READ, Pr*»-..l.«.t served at Talent by the local as*«»«-iati««n*% inflammatory rheumatism. Al*«» th«* fiH<‘tional E Vi*' ! N W >4 <»f s«-c. 23 CEO. F. SI**PSON, Vico-t : t d « country Inst we, k. nnd reports that __ the Wm. Simmon*. Postmaster of Idaville, In«!., as w- 11 as by the presence of Burnside P«.s’, Max Muller has been chosen to represent furnace at the ininrs In thnt l «*l.a Banner I'Mige No.23. A.o. t W.. at th«- annu­ In ««petJition in a sh-«rt time. Tin- r >«-k taken me than all other medicine* combined, tor portion <>f Donation I.ami Ctaitn No. 7.J. c«-t- f¡lining II *> u< 1« Th« re are a number of ti e h< m-red dead of al meeting «»! th«* grami l«»«!g«, winch will be out is v« ry promising in appearance. fl that t»H(l feeling arising from Kidney and Also the N U. «H lots 1. 2. 3.1. 5. and W '«« «»t in Juiy. the countv mteired hi the beautiful c«iu - held at Victoria, B. Gall's creek srh«»«»’-house has r«*v«-nfly been Liver trouble made m«* fool like a new tlx* N W ’4 of M- 16 in twp 8. j ! rang* t» ry at that place. (' W. K>«i uwt»» r of Lml lbg«.w and him a speedy r« turn t » health. tion of an earnest, en« rgetic teacher. Belonging to the estate of John E. B or «, strength, k < hm 1 appetite and f* It just like in­ «1« <*« asetl. o:h*-r g >«.-d b«»r*es. has be« n noiitied to leave G. W. Parkinson, who is engaged in bot­ had a new lease on life. Only 50c. a buttle al Prof E. E. Smith will return to farming this I i.e Chicago race track, as his entries will WitnesB, th«» Hon. Junie* R. Neil. Judge of mineral water tor the market at Wsg- E. C. Brooks’ Drug Store. the county yoH^t of fbe State of Oregon, for m»t be received. Clllb idlic ais claim to we«-k. atl«ir the vlosv of his term of scuutil a! tling, hnving 1»ought his lathvi - lancli iu i s so«ln springs, brought a load «jf his pro- tbv countywrcWWI^yn. with th»» Rial of said have evidence that he was bribed to »cratch about five till!« b from Lug'« Point, on Ante­ duets to Jacksonville t!ds week. It is «>! cxcel- court uibjff-d. this ‘Mflbday of May. A. D hutsea so that another toul I wm. lope. To Sheep Men. 'unt quHl’ty aud commands a ready sale. DIU. , Infante Children. “German >Nunan. Spring 1891 THE NEW WASH FABRICS ARE INDIA CASHEMERE, WINDSOR TOILTE DE CHINE, ZEPHYR FLANNEL, Plaid and Stripe, DRACON BLACK ORGANDIE, SATINES, Plain and Colored CAHLLIS; LAWN, SCOTCH BARNABY. PALMER. AMOSKEAGCINCHAM, MERRIMACK TAPESTFJE CRETONNE LACES. ETC.. ETC Dressmakers will find a Ccmplete stock of FnmisliiDis. NIKX and BOY’M CI^OTIIIZXO, THUNKS, CiSesJ. NUNAN Baking vn MEDFORD, OREGON MITCHELL FARM, FOUR SPRINC, SCROLL, CRANK, PLATFORM, MADISON, CONCORD AND OTHER SPRINC WACONS, Peculiar. CABRIAGZS, BU33IES. PHAETONS; VILLA DAISTAND MITCH' ELL CARTS, ETC., ETC. Slï CHAMPION HAY PRESSES, SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. ETC. Hood’s Sarsaparilla ESTATE OF G. KAREWSKI, lOP Poso. Ono nol:ar NEW THIS WEEK I lit tara and Mei-clianls liisiiraiice Company CAPITAL STOCK, 8500,000. C/ksil A cloud burst in the vicinity of Ja< ks«»n- vide last Monday, ¿nd fur mote than half an h< ur rain fell in torrents. M<»ie water fell than we evtr saw fall in so short a time, excepting once, ami that was when a big cloud burst a number of years ago, on Jacks«.n creek, and i'erally deluged the country for a few tni'es aiound. 1 be native Nona and Daughter*» '*f Oregon win a« range a joint pn-gramme with the pm H L Darn. ¡1 e. former y of southern nters lor the annual tureUt.g «»I tbe luftr Oregon, employed a' the Lake Earl m il. organization in bei lember uext. .1 1!. Wils«.11 1(t Ki.miatb «-ounty mad«-rela­ tive* in this valley a v;>it last w«-< k. Ii«-says ilia'thi i«- w«-r«- two inavy trusts vast of tin* mountains lately-, which damaged cr«)!* cou- sidvrably*. J. J. Walker, win» is now in the employ of th«* Sterling Mining ( ■*.. was in Jack-onville on Monday. !!•• 1* a D«-in«»erat ot tbo <*1d scho«»l and n«*v r tiinelu s trom his duty on eh ction day. Th«- Dardanelles school literary society last week elected Miss Ada Parker president and Miss L<»ra Ray secretary. The school is under the right sort of management.having doubled the enrolled memtx-rshtp during the past month. Wool bags, fleece twine. Little’s sheep dip, for sale at Nuoan's, Jacksonvile. Why Buffer? Praatona ”Haed-Ake’’>fí' cure vou. MAX^fljXI.ER. Clerk. Notice to Contracter SGO,OOO.oo UP/ ALBANY W.d ULRICH District Agent OKKGON. WFDF.ÌRO. ORFEON EALED PROPOSALS WILL BL RECEIVED b\ th«- Bi»aii.. tor tb«- erection an«l completion of m u «* m - tM*hi hrd, in accordance wBb plan» ami i*i-«cificMtioiiN to b<_* «»n tllc.luii«* Ut l*Ctl. at the M«»rr uf 1. A. W« bl», M»d!or«L or« g«»o. ('«intiNctorH will I)»* rt qulr« <1 t«« «Ive Hinplc t»«»nds for tb<* completion of contra« t Mibj.-R f toapuroVMl I jj » Ihv B »ani ol Direct.>r«*. Building to b<* ot wood on brick and Rtun«* foiHidatioti. Th« «iirvrtors rcarrv«* the right 1 » r«*j»x t an\ aud till l i.U Da»« dMni 27 1^«| m »‘rtcDix.’ ( li -Boar«! 1 I tel. ir. W. U. Newnan, torni« tortu« -rly \ traveling agent tor a firm of San Fram ist «*» tailors, wt’t» mar- tied t • Miss Gra<-■■ V»itrk w lie.'ea lot.ic for the stomac h and b«»wels ing on a p eke’ mi lime, when in »«»me E. ' >. Pack.11 »1 was j »in <1 nt : bis Loin«» near is r«qu;red. bold bvali druggists iiihiiii ' r hi* rt^ht h»n«l came in conia<*t last w«*«-k by lu w I«- und children, with the knive*, «Utting a circul r gash it« Talent who leiv«- b *eti *»•»! »urning i*i T ••xa* sine*- fin* The largest ami bent stock of dee«ls. his thumb eXirmimg In nt th«- lir*t to t».e ¡«»rival of tlx t itru-i- in t)r«-g ut, more t han 1 -ourlgagas ami ab kinds «»* r«u.-«*-iAt»- second j »int - j re»« ent City Rt*c rd t w »ye ir- • : • . gni blanks st.iitb of balern is kept ui n.» Paint oh the face uf Jacksonville w-.u’«! | Prut .si 1 ... 4 »V » . i vi:l. an J Pr««t. Fnv- ; imrs ««ftu-e and sold at Portland rates. I be verv «L1- thi* Heason. An bi I nutn • 4 8.1. • i 1. i!i l o r. r ■ 4' wli.mi ha.-» b«-«-n I. \i. Hurley of Central Point, who I *-t town should be very cau*i«»us bow she pe hii'-iiin; .« pih . ■ . 1 • t« 1 111 <4 .«-in»<»1 1 n W1 HoW h.-iM* l•cefllly. r»t««v*-reu his animal i Spring* pr-t'i-.ct, male tn - T imes office it ni'ts her want «f fresbntss to stare a pb-HHiint «-all on Wedacstay. Chlolil WO precinct tbi'-ugh 'h* medium visitors. Painting i* better lor ••!U‘’M. Ml.d lilt »lire. M*»**t 'spirit. Get ou? your psiu'-pote! Paint | “M wtr» 'Viil UM ff«) wtii tn tats X Attc*t WORCESTER CUTLERY-^ I.Î2ÏÏI A Wfl HFTEN WARRANTY GIVEN WltH EICH RUOR. KNIFE OR SHEAR. UOYALWOKCERTEB IlAZOE bTROPN ARE THE BEST RAZOR PRICER. • 14», Fair quality, i •l.M.halfbo) j low ground, fl • l^O.fullhol-" low ground. • 1.7S, Barber»’ beat •2.OO, Royal Worc«**t« r •9JO, fur Hitting • keen edge on A ruor Aek r>or Denkr for McKBtckt A Co.’* Royal NraaA »ud take no other, they aro Tollable. If be cannot anpply yon. aen< « adrertta«! pr ee and «« aand ar-i..r poet pal I. *'*'• 1« «. «>- Fancy lion dlr. it. W I I bFawbe, chronic coobtipauon, ay*pq»bla IJkcWwyTTiV*-JK.amath tfiar. ‘ n“w bo tuv. MCKNIGHT A CO., A Sellable Dealer wonted in eoch town to handl* onr good* Wrtte *t once *n«l •ecur«***ncy before it I» too late. Liberal 4 ml * ouata A5$CU»TEDif PUKE rORBAXfi BY -V, •t WICHITA, lkAA*- All HAftDWAftE DEALERS