çl inics EDITORIAL NOTES. insEPHINK COl’XTT ITEMS. NOTICE EXTRAORDINARY. MKüFOhD SQC1RJ. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. HOOSIER DRILLS IND SEEOERS The following deeds were recorded In th«* Medford needs a fire bell badly. R. Cousino of Grant's Pass was In Jack«on ANNOÜNCBMKNT THAT W1IX IYTKRt^T MARY En lluu Kirrr.the ducer, wild indenti- Ville office of the county recorder Blncu the lust re­ Sunday. —OXI nF TH! DM. DARKÎ5 JfHT E M.Stitrr ij hotue from bis trip to r ed the cage rohlers Edwards and FfIClAL PA’fH OF MCUJ* causo, ORtCOS port uf the T imes : KITURXKD FROM KlUOFK. Jacob Oplinger of Minnesota has opened h Salem. Mutui.at Redding last week, will come blacksinlihshup tn Grant’s Pass. Mary J Ragadale,« t a!., to J A Cochran quit- in f. r a sitare ot the $1 fi**0 reward offered ’ J H. Fans was ui P»jri?u* • h -U* afesS claim to HK.14 acres in t-.vp ,i»l *, r 2 w; $4(Miu. From th - ‘Oregonian Our business men are enjoying a F’U IHY C B Kingsbury to J DeU’ftt Butte, 188.63 O' TOBER 17. I«!«’» for their captate, should they i»e con­ trad« Inst week. ’. Busi (less in goo«l nt prcaent. Tbe Dr». Darrin h»ve been prevailed aer* tn t \vp 38 8. r 2 e; Implements of the Kind in victed. A. l atent t«> Eva R Spicer, lot in Talent; Wm I'lricb ^hipped 4 curl >.»«t <>( Lui lev Th« walla <>f tbe first national bank building upon by many throughout the W llamette $60 *. valley to pay a visit tu their vicini'y. »* norib this week. ira«:« M ili .ten of 1 o * a , on» UÍ the at Grant's Pass arc going up rapidly. Tm Califort.i:, Su^ar Refinery lias Eva R Spicer to Chaa K Kluni, lot In Talent; the World. i hey Could not Hftord by their time und ftb eat j'laiiv«’-. the V. S. *»:pn n»»' ma< e h rr.hi. t.<>n ul «,<• |>*i pnimi in th« Th. Pr.*aby t *rian »yn«»d will hold Its next bUMin« sm to coiiio to i'urtla'id. Oil«* of III»* | W. K. D ivis <4 ibis place has had Ins $600 RHinuaH foregoing. C H Pick«*n» to K B Hunsaker, 213.46 Here« meeting ut Grant's Pass in (Xtob« r uf 1W1. lVf| L h - 13th l»»*t pn< > h t>f « hit« . u ^4 ih <>| tbeir inanufo - d* cior« havu at last ««.usented f • visit and pension inert ast*d. in twp ;ki h . r 2 w; $.Y>00. II** was f.t.rn ir» K '»’»uk\ in At»r 1, 1S16, tin. , aa I aJvanee.l the p ice ot Extol C That tritt uotk hi STH'K ì or L»*wis McAllister last week returmd from a acconiniuda e 'he h 31 vttdin their vicinity CyruK H Pickeim to E B Hunsaker, quit­ John Bailing* r 1 st week t»o!d out his v.s ’ t to bis broth« r. living near S,-attie, Wash. I - .i j- • He win visit Albany, K< >cburg and AMldat' i claim to lots 12 and 13, see 11. Iwp 36 «. r 2 w; '-r p uiik I ami ifokleli C one q iar- dray b i»u.«ss tu I-aac Veninian. hiaiid Get. 2»i to Nov. I), and will 5 » T KSf .<♦. ' r f e ni ja r jHitin i. lhe Ain. ricali Dav. -Payne of th«* Grant’s Pass niuat-mar- Ham** tosauie, right-of-way, etc . tor wat« r J o* ( »rr c'lnlinues to make 1: ket to«'ii a run upto Ashland on«* «lay reccutly. make a slay of nl> one ae -k hi e •< b of < tjiial ijuatity atti /><• bought aug» improve- ditch. s j^ .r K-finery lias advance.! the ptic< Tlitir datHM will be hn follow»: Albany, iu» nH «>ii ¡¡is farm in this preen et. R«»a< Ila M B«*rry to Tlioinaft Baldwin, 2 l«»te >r ami S count: I \e low eo^ara olti.eii manufai ture aa Miss Jan«’ DeP»-att last week rcturne«i to Oct. 12ih to isth; Ro&t burg. Oct. lUth u'hti't' in th* f’ouutrg. : , fo..R; White extra C, oue*> >ghth ut Grxnt s l*ass, after visitlug tier mother at hiv* 12,113 in i 12 1 9 >p!e r. Palm Bros, receni.y purchased a num­ In Brownsboro; ^2j0 •25 b. A j «U «nd, Oct. to 25 21»t io No*. A I) Helman tu Elizabeth (’ Thorton. «l«M*i Ashland. )y, BcctMibug t<> the n w cenen a . «ni ; < xtra C, une-eiuhth of a cent ; of correction for 3.18 acres in IwuJMs, r 1 e; $1. 1st Office boms iroiu 10 a. tu. to 8 ber h ( town lots ftotu Welc- me Fowler. C. G.Topping of WjHiaiuflcre« k wanengaged p. in. daily at Tbe Oregon, room 12 eoo cutin’ y li as about the saiut J«»hn Weiss to Rev Frederick, E ( laik, frac­ v 1 n C. »ne quart, r of a cent per pound, Do you want a watch vou on depend tional painting his nice new dwullluK-h«>us«* «lur­ Ihrir lo ad « ffice in Portland will be run as lot In Jacksonville; $10. of inhabitant*. wiuch ■ a large rii. y made nu change, in lhe price* ot in ing (bv w«ek on? See Pritchard’s patent dust-proof J C Whipp to John F White,general assign­ usual, where iliev are permanently located. cases. in w b inataiice. white tpi^ara. ♦ ment. including realty, fur benefit of credi­ J»imufl Mt Garvey of Williams ere« k is con- ( OINHillatkMi lr»e. < l»arXV* rea'«<»nat>le. tors, etc. John Renfi.l i now wears a blacksmith’» AxoN.t the re. r.1« broken the past vaiesct nt after sev«’ral w«»< k.*»’ dangerous ill- Dre. Darrin make a «por airy «>f diseases GeoTbiy to Francis Fitch. 1.(5:.’a« r«*s in twp E R SCIPAOBTU.vlerk of th • •upre ne ih ss . we l«*arn. He 1- an ex 37 s, r 2 w. n«?ar M«*l(»»r«l; $270. of th»* Eje, Ear, NoMe and itvat, and nit aprx . I* announc«-d by tiie a« L om * ul Matibuo«), Bi >* h 1 Faints, Syp hilis, < )i r.i E. An. !e und witt are vi:,i ting th» ir iui 11 bm»ine«4K. etc; t4«kO. Murphy, of Salem, haa teen a| p anted Chief', 2:27; Al ., b. ut , by Altamont, Grant's Par*» band i»oys. Gleet,Gunorrba* i,>irictu e,S| et m.tlorrl o* a . Wm Wurth to ('atlierin«' W« rtis, lot» 7 und s. old buiue 111 New York, bit « ,|»ected to aa clerk to take charge uf the viti ce on 2.26', 10 2:23*,; Kitty Him, br. ni., by Th«’ n« w rustic on th«* dwelling <»t W. T. Semina! Weakness, or L >-a «f lb sire « f return in the spring. blk 51, ( «’ntral Point; $1. Haiubletonian Mambrino 5241,2 :2c1, to Coburn, tin* popular Grant's Pa s barber. a«l«is Sexual Power in man or woman. I I I.J tlitt Mr. Skipworth retire«. D T laswtou tu J West Iain tun. lot» H an*l <2.26; Lady Reach, blk. tu., by Altaiuont, greatly to Its appearance. Ail peculiar Female Troubles. Irregular Tbe government pr. Lm-nane, will defer 13, blk 13, and lots 10, 11 and 12, blk 12, Med­ ' 2:27 to 2:26*4 ; Mollie Cooper, ch , tu., ford (subject to liens); $1. Henry Jones and J. H. Warner of Williams Menstruation, Lticorrhma, Displacements, the opening of the First Natioi-tl Bank of W illiam >*rwi(iVk, J r , grandson of Same to same, part of lots 11, 12 un«l 13, in etc., are confidentially treated, and will Medford some weeks. I 2:29*4 to 2:2t«S; Susie S., ch. m., ny cre. k ar<- report«*! quit«* ill. Dr. DeBar of blk 2, M«*lf«»rd; $175. Judge Salmon T. CL ase and only sun uf umler no ci rcu distances take cases that they Hambletonian Mtmbrino,2:30 to2:27«4; Jacksonvill«» is in attendance. J West IzHWton to Jason Kellogg, lota 10. 11, Don't tail to see the new i ne o goods at ex-( »overnor tipi ague uf Rhode Island, C. C. Sumner of Applegate manufactured cannot cure or benefit. ■ W. H. Bailey, b. ir., by Vidette, jr., Priu hwd’» in Medford. “Quick sales and and 12. blk 13 and lot 11. blk 13, in Medfor«! Cures of private diseases guaranteed PriU-hard's was found dead iu bed at H.»attle on Oct. (subject to liens); $1500. 3iM) gallons of superb»r sorghum this season, ■ mall prorii» i. Ins motto." * ' 2:25*4 to 2:22, and R » br. ni., by which ought to And ready sale. • J hiiii ' h H Gay to James M Hurley. I acres in and never published in the papers. Most small profits is his Htl». A half injtt'e of chloroform lay on ' I L,»,.. 1>. !.._ n. tit « . Duroe l ’ i ioce, 2 :22 to 2 :21 twp :J6 h , r 4 w; $500. cases ran receive home treatment after a Mi«s I)»i»v Tinker of l)e»d Indian will the fl »or b ‘side the h ••!. He left a letter Henry Brockman, lately of Juinp-off-Joe J E Harvey to John W Shepard, lots 13 ami to the doctor’s office. Impiir t-« reeidr in.Medford thin winter, T hk Vienna Freind, Matt in * bitter precinct, lias bevoine a resident ni Ashland. visit o< llicuherwnt R»*nteneps, which gives m >»^K fier 14, blk 10, Central Point; $»uo answered and circulars sent free buine wiili Mr«. Fo'dyce. Kuiursn to bhn in liisuew home. C W Palm, rt al., to Emma Bloom, lots 4, 5 rise t ithe bwii.d that lw was temporarily «riiele culls the M Kiuh-y bill a measure The fo lowing cures show p-«'of of their an«! 6, blk 46, M«*4ror J W Lawton, 100.47 a«*res this season, but little c-dlin moth aa ■I1 L-L . «•ur public sch o s is 20j at present, wiih a in twp 3» ». r 2 w; $25on. tu tl.e use of tl e revolver. It app- ula crops yet,and realize«! tup prices for their product. chronic ar d private disease*: Nora Johnson, et al., to W P Betin, «iiiit- • ’ ally attendance averaging 170. X YMLS TH CT ('.IS UK BKFXr.nKO TO. Ot! f uit arid vegetable exhibit at to the countries ol Eur ipe tu actin con­ claim to 1.34 acres in Ashland; SL The farnwrs <»f this county express great Robert Haidy, Etna, Wash. — Weak «yes, Portland * tadustritl far in attracting cert to prevent tbeir tseorn nu tributary coiifidcne«’ in their ability to ruis«* wh«*Mt Robert C Dwigans. et a!., to «aine. hftllH’ tO W. F Taggart « f Big Butte broke the England, it »ays, enough to supply a large flouring mill at the cuted. intu h attention and f iv< rable criticism*, tu tbe new woil'I. record one day iit.-f week by hauling 2.5,UOO same; $1. Lucy B Wood. Blockburg. Cal — Female Eilza’ieth A Scott, ♦ t al., to same, sum«* to Pass sliing us into Medf> rd on one ie»a«L alth ’Ugh it u* not nearly as g«»od asdack- threnti ns to compensate ber»eli for tier tr uble«; cured sain«’; $1 Our popular county ch rk. (’. K. Chanslor. Is Son count r esn make. It th»a W’pk re­ 1 --,» tiv seeming eastern market»; so Margaret Dwigtms to aatne, Maine to «Hine; Win. Parrott, Middlct<>n, Or — Deafness Mrs. W T Vail of Portland wa* here ing a visit at ins old horn«- in .Missouri, ceived mote additio’-s in the ah ape of the M< Kinley bill threaten» to engender enjo) la-t week for lhe purpose e»t diMposing ed $3 33»,i. having departe») via Portland «»□«• day last tu «ny years, cured. > lizabcth A Sc«>tt to sani«*, guardian's deed; remarkably I. aiv U cntih peaches of the . eunouiie unny between nicnt roll. Ros H. B. M iller is taking a pro- Wm. Hunter, Eugene City, Ur. — Catarrh Tbe following prard of Commerce, in remonstrating ('laiemlon Morrison va. Elizabeth Morrison: have been murdered,although there may forme«! an Oxford chit», a s« int-ruUgu»us.lit»T- curt d. MeMelatnt'.s West, Haskiua, Halley amf w th the railway compari ' • in the matter still he some doubt about a murder hav | ar) organization. divorce. Deere«’grant«*«! plaintiff. B. 11. Ride, 32 B street, Portland— Heart S'ammeifl were in Jacksonville rec-tidy «J. T. Joht.aon vs. D. H. Burroughs; to re­ of discim nctirg u^winst tocnl traffic in for the purpose of receiving lhe many cover W. L. Townsend is now associated with J. F. «lisease; unrreen blood are bath-r«H>ms. They an* a strong combination, ■ ympatti es uf rhe pe >p e are with him Tolo Townsit«* A Milling <’«>. vs. Fr«*d H. back four year«, cured very faint and fiard to distinguish. A both being good barbers. The Monarch saloon at Medford, unde in tl e prenu-e«. and we trust lie will be C. Snowden’s girl, fi.ilem.—discharging the management of H. H. Wolters, is prov Rowe. Order«*d that plaintiff’s l»!ll be dis. couple of tin cups were found in the wag miiwcd and «letendant hav«* judgment for The new era of light after darknem was ear nine years; cured. ably seconded in hl» etf irta bv other ing a popular resort. The best of ev«*ry costs. on ilia' seemed to have contained egg usher» «! in at Grant's Pass on the evening uf Rev. M. Ba*Uor, Brooks, Or. Nasal and thing in that line is kept there mem tiers of the state hoard. It is a James W. Harvey vs. Dora S. Harvey; di­ • I nog, or a drink of that character. Sut- th«* Hth instant, when the electric current was throat catarrh; cured. vorce. Deere«« f«»r plaintiff, who is award»-«! shauie that tie« comp tny d.»-s not furnoti i ton evidently went into Oregon from turnedun for the first time. The city park waa plowed tip during ti e the custiwly of th»* minor cl ildr»*u. Samuel Jacksou, Highland, Or — Deft ­ the (««ople of south, rn Oregon with R.d Biuti thiuugh Modoc county, and Jeniima J. N«»rton vs. D. TJ»awton, «*t al to R. E. Arlington, advance agent tor ten ness twenty years, cured m ten minutes. week, preparat’ry tu towing it in grass enongfi cars fur tue demands of our local Demurrer t<» answer s of N’< t»ran, Or «-Dis­ next spring With plenty uf wat« r for for«*close mortgage. if muidered may have been killed in this fainil«« g (ting the rusourc«*» ot J«»Nuphino county and charging tar twenty five years , cur« d. sustain«*! and decre«* entered. traffic______________ irrigation it can be made a beautiful place. rtate and thrown into the lakes ur L'>»t the Logue river valley duri ig the week. A L. Reuter vs. Thomas Hopwood and A. B F. Stout, Independence, Wash - iiv.i. W. W. flrm«*d. yuucuunty. texft* feet, will go up tn a short t me, tiie b»un- CresahT A Bonner vs. C. B. and W. W. W at­ Mi*» M.»rv Waller, 3*»1 Twelfth street, two carloads of choice pears to a Chicago denlv of heart dineai-e in bis room in • dations being air« ady pn pan’d. It will be Purtlami - Both «yes crossed ; cured consignee He has shipped in ail seven son; to recover money. Default of C. B Wat­ Washington on the 13th. He was ap- Anvicas from Vortngal are of the ut­ uncut the hands« »must and best >n the county. , carloads of choice selected fruit from this son entered and judgment for plaintiffs f<»r Geo. SvbniKh, Astonn, Or.- I)»-» fness; pointed -e»T»tirv of war by Preaidunt most gravity. A revolution that would $1600 against him. flation this season. L F. C«»burn. Republican candidate for bs - «ured. A. S. Moon vs. Wilbatn S«*lph. Judgin«*iu Grant in 1S09. This office tie retained overthrow the house of Bragiinza may setnblyman. passed through this s«Ttion dur­ Our h-’iis« bas u standard reputation winch Rev. J. E. Cocnuiir. Portijnd, Or.—Skin lhe Protection H >se * onipanv, of Med­ that plaintiff recover poasoasion ot realty 2 n< ver ftdla tn nttraef geru-nil attention during Until Marco, 1S76, when, inconaeq'ience bleak out at any uiotneut, and the chan­ ing the wv k. un rout« to his home at ('rescent disease. cur« d. ford. Las filed articles of incorporation, acres) involved, and $2'» dainag« s. our cloak «aies. G»rr»«pondi nee Solicite«!. city. Cai. He has been stumping Siskiyou of charge® of official Corruption, tie re­ ce» w»uid be veiv much in favor of it» county. Fannie Johnson vs. Jarnos Johnson, Jivorc'-. Miss Synhoest, La Grande. Or.—Cross­ with G. F. Davis, H. F Wood H. (». Default entered and decr»*e for plaintiff, with signed. He was impeached and tried success. Young King Carlow is in a pre­ eyed; cured. Nitbolson, J. W. Currv and D. T Lawton Acblldof R. B. Haber of Grant’s Pass was custody of minor child. her'ore the sen ate fur reralors Twenty years is the B. L. Meaaengt r vs. H A. (’a*«*j «*onflrnia- term «ioignater th* company to exi't. thin. Sheriff's sale confirm«*«! for the appointment of poet-trader«, and ■ might be a happy deliveiance. lhe feel- nut.und«T ttu skillful trcatnn nf of Dr*. Pryc« ness; cured in five minutes and Kr« mur, it is now r« ’ p«irt»*d convalcBc» ’ nt. Asaignmi ’nt of Kngel Bros. Assign«’«’ dis­ W T. Binkley, Centralia, W. T — Sciatic Hbutl is ihe - apitai stock, divided into 5ther Mrs Mary A Johnson, McMinnville Or. moved bl* saloon to the building next door Nov» inb«T 24. 1H90. Lcadior IT) G.«»l, for tinu-ctui.. g.,.»!« it quadrupled. It is a gtss! — Deafness many years; restored. M a job J. A V arnxv of The Ihille«, to ubiuquy as the tool uf Lord Salisbury season will t«> C. W. I'alfu's barbershop, on Front The « ’ «iurt then adjuurned. ut Eautein Prien. He has supplied the bar will) mem her of the State Board of Horticul­ in rubbmg l'oitiigil of her Colonial pus wu) to advertise our resources to the world (’. F. Mayhew, 1£3 D street. Portland.— street. the finest wine», Injuors ami cigars, The S. P. D. 1 L. Company has been ship­ Rh» umatiflm in its worst form; cured. ture, heartily concur*« in the view® of our sessions. To defy England on one band WOODVILLE WHITTLING. ping a few carloads of material and lumber to Henry Van lltlms, Sandy. Or,—Cancer and a fine billiartl table can ais«) be Agent.*- f*»r M' Call’ti Bazaar GI<»\ c 1’ jcai memt»er, Mr. Whitman, relative to means the loss of all that remains to ¡salt Lake city. wh«*re it ia probable a fin«- found there dive him a call, for be will the necergdy for adopting the tnoet Portugal and the comp ete humiliation market can be opemxl f«>r a larg«’ share of uf tbe nose and catarrh, cured treat you well. • Fitting Patterns. Misa Myra Bedford h t vachi mr th»- Evans Mrs ( ’ . Sandston*, cor. Water and Curry stringent measure« to suppress the fruit of that country. To comply with Eng­ our sni p.us manufactures ami raw material. j creek bchoul. sts , Sonih Portland.—Deafness; cure«! Rev. K -bt Ennis of Jacksonville will peat now invading every section of the land's demands means the probable, if Oscar Knox met with an almost fatal acci­ <’. E Wilcox ha* rent«-«’. John Woods' plac«’ Mrs. J El is. 325 Clav street, Portland— State. It i® to the best interests of ollr not cui lam, oven blow ut the monarch. dent by being thrown from his wagon by an Deafness and disease peculiar to her sex. preach at M«*di«»rd every third Sunday for a year and w*l! o|n*n a bia«-ksinithsliup. morning in *arh month, the Presbytery unmanageable team on«* day last week. Th«* Notice for Publication people tu ¡**0*1 D e board a helping hand cured having de« ared the Pr» sbyternn 1 uipit al Th«' potato crop is very’ light in this s<*cti«>n. All <>f which we offer to I’tirchn-. r~ at tin* Lowest Market I’r:ce TlIX Exami.itr req'le-ted several of wagon-whi els pnssed over his face and head, in thia matter, lithe orchards are not Miss Minnie Kelley, The Dalles, Or — th)*’ place vacant. As Mr E. is a l«»gicai | They ar« *«‘lllng tor one and a-balf cents now. bruising him in a terrible manner. His injur ­ I . >. Land Office, Roseburg. < »r . the leadn g importers of San Fiam isco, ies are much more serious than reported by spin 'I complaint and nervous debility ; re­ ®*»n emaocipaletl from the insidious ' re>»s .int r and an able, interesting exo »under I John W. mm I s ha« dri«*l his prim«’ crop. Th« v July ZS, i-w*. Y olir Esau illation i- lb'.pect lullv Solicited. 'regard.«»» ul their political fadh, tu th«- T ime -, last week. Notice is hereby given tiiut in compitane« stor« d. «•f tlm gospel, our citizens are to be con­ ar«* t he silver prun«*» an«i innk» the finest dri»’d raid» of tiieae pr®t«. w*s* unto our fruit | give itieir opu.iuiis on the effect of lhe with the provisions <»t the a« t ut (oiigm* ol D. S Welle, four mdes north of Albina, gratulated. K«*v . E M L« a 1. the 1 rmer County Clerk Chau.slor’a semi-annual report fruit w« have ever av» n. industry, which ia the (»ackhone of Jun«-3, ls>. « ntith-d *’An act tor th« sale«! McKinley tantf lull. In re»pon»e they shows Jttsephine’s liabilities. o«t. 1, lh9U. to on Vancouver road, deafness five years; pastor, is now !«»• a it?« I m C >os county. •outliern Oregon. tnnher ianun In th«-S ut< « i .t (aht.-inid. ( >i.- The p»*»ple <»t Pleasant cr « k a»«* preparing 'ay that the I ill, instead of protecting hav« aggn ratrd $t7.13U.lH, with available re- cured. Ton. N«-vada «mi M asUingtoii Territory. ’ to build a schoul-hous'. We ar«' inh*rin«’«l s'-uru. s.including tax levy f«>r isy»». of $;«'.JKM.- Wm. F. Hosenb g, cor. Twelfth and ’ut« r M. Junp« r ut 1C«»«»« i*urg, county <1 American industries, cnpples the most 7'.* that B. F. Taber will do the work. While the county is buildiug up quite a local notes . Washington «t».—Cross e>e; ctred in ten Dougìa». Oregon. H h -> tins day tilc«i Sr ms m ’he fl;«t eonn’v winch pro 1 of tliein and sk.lis many of th. in, no go.Kl-sizrd d« bt, «»ur public improvements ar«* Robert Trimble, an Evans ere« k t»«»v . wril« s in tins office hits swurn Materni nt loi th«- pose« to '**t»mi ofl” the McKinley tar.tr lably the woul manmacturing industry, ot a satisfactory character, and th» e«»unty is minutes. to a frien«] here that ho 1» marri«?d and s« t- purchase of the s < 1 ; ot ktec. Nu. '», tn Twp (’has. Magnuss«>n, Salem. Or -Asthma H T. McCalleti bus return« «t tu K.».—*burg monstrosity, itni . then» will no doubt which the tantf on Wuol ties destroyed in pretty fair condition. t'ed tiuwn at last, at K« nnvth, ( al. N 42b. Rang« N .3 « .and will utter proof t.. so h** e«»u,d scarcely walk or sleep, restored bliuw that the .and sought is more valuable follow »uoa, ■« they are very indignant iu that state, notwitlislaudiug lhe very Th«* business people of Josephine county to health. \\ iu. Short of FLten x mmle id a pleasant Hom«* made bacon can’t be had at any ¡’rice tur its timber or stone than tor agricultural and mean retaliation. It is announced large quantity uf wool raised in Califor­ sh«Hiid iM ware of on»* Adolph S hmidt, who anil «»ur luurchants ar« ’ c«»inp«-lled to ship it E L Hynes, Albina —Catarrhal deafness; call a lew day* ago. purport s. and to «-fltablibh his claim !«» said to a brewer, cook ami baker, and from Portland. Still we in’ar nu n tuh«»rar« b that the Hpnn.sh government will re- nia on cheap mountain land. I'ney uuite chums lan’ saw-mill. mark« t* dz«y «yf O«-rrit»« r, 1 SV**, fie intinta» ms wil n«-e>t ». produce of Die Mnanmii possessions of dimmish import .lions from lureign coun a grain ot honor m his comp«»sition. and can rheumatism ; ctir« d. David Muck, (»«•»*•!»«.et. Or.. N J. vv .- h - í » «»t i’«irt and. G« m >. C. ¡Siotten, Albina, Or—Ringing the West Indie«, e-.peia.tl y tobacco and .tries, tint wni pi.ae an addition*! burden retudenc« r«- ¡»st we« k to a'larg« ’ congregation, and as ’ is th«- penitentiary. Any and all p« iboijs « ftim.ng adv« r-.« « tm mill <*i:c day ia.'t week uo’*es in the ear and deafness; cured. usual there waa the b«’St <»f "rd* r. Wc t«*«’l gilgir, Withont the lecelitljr-impoeed oil the back uf the consumer, who must abiivu-dcscribed i' -.a*d Prof Narreu'un *t T<»Iu r**c.*r.Uy spent • last w. . k in « b-cting H. B. Miller. R A. county. Or h'NMi for their g«»<»d bchavmr at rel!gi«>u- lotal deafness two years in 16th daj ot (»« tob« », 1M» j . Span will escimle American produitr, bility and the disastrous < tfecte uf retalia­ Booth and J. A. Jenningsto represent ns on one ear and parti tliy >oin the other; cured. day ut th* county-seat. gatherings. JOHN H. SHCri:. Register. tin* state itoard of c«»mmere« for the ensuing especially breadstuff». Mrs J E. Smith, Frinev lie. Or.—Nerv­ tion by Euru|»ian governments is also y«’Hr. The resoluti«»n to interview the busi- W. R. C«»"k has returned f’u u his pr« 8- The young folks ot this plac«' oigiiii)/.«*! a ous debility and g« ne il weakness, almost literary society and débat»*«! th» question R« ’ - pectmg i ’ ll» m ihe So-kiyou spoken of. ness men. with the obj. et «»I . .-tablishtng a s<»lv«*i. that wonvn should have th«* right «>1 bonntot immigration for s«>ufhcrn (>r«*gon at border ng on insanity; restored Notice for Publication I t i ® rep«jrted th.it ttie incentive tor Alex. Orme and Andy Bailey were among suffrage. Woman s rights carrl«*!. Ther« T he senatorial committee appointed Portiaml. whs also c«)mm<-!in McCoy, Dufur Wasco county. I was a big turnout, and w«’ h.td r«*ally an « n- durit g the week aeoepting lhe Aahiatkl atone f»»r trim* at the last session of the leginlature to ni itteu appoint«-«! tor that purpo-« w« r« Arthur Or. — Deafnes* and terrible pain in the ear our visitors (luring K. Ö. Land Office, R«a»« l»urg. Or.. j<>3 able time. Conklin. N. P. Dodge and J. A. Jennings. Rr tbe n«*w city hall building at wrestle witu the assessment and taxation and brad for six months, until hr was near- D i . mokhat . July 21. 1SW. John Painter will farm 110 acres of Portland waa th»* fact that the metropolis question i»at work in Salem. The com­ Alex. Watts, who made a pr«-liminur> survey, y crazy, restlessness and Insomnia. Ke- property near Tolu this season. Nutiv is her« by givi-n that in ctiipiiam • Uh th«-provisions <>I the act «»t (.ongn»*s of axpe< ts to ask ttie n» X’ legislauite for an mittee cuiiHists ol Senator Wait, ot Mult­ estimate** tin1 distance from ( row’s ranch.from btore«l io health by electricity after all other Supreme ('««urt Docket. th« r«‘is a good rua«! to Galic* cre« k. irealment« had failed. jdc 3,1^8, entitled “An act for 1h« sah Alfred Carter of Jackn*s distiict has Appropriation of $4l),(rt)0 to comph te th«* nomah county; benatur Tongue, uf which via either Crow a ferry or Indian ranch, to t»«- timin ’ 1 lands in th« Statu» of ( ahtoinm. tn« the On tiie dock«*t «»f flic suit « nu- court tor Many thousand of other cases could I k * dtseovrre«! a very pr-mising quartz le ige. kutk un the structure ami various other Wasumg'on county ; Senator Lakin, of eight miles, to c«»st $4.(nw. From the month g"ii. N»va»1a and Washington Turrit .1}.’ (>«’t«»b<*r term appear th** following <•«»••« ap. here published, did n t tbe want of space M« Donald Pardu« ’ <»t Pr"f|'««t, «..unty ’< i of Gaitcccr« ♦ k to Yank l«*igv, four uiiics,$l.2no. A M Sullivan of Ashland has been in­ pea!«*f fr«»tn fhh judicial district: ** Castoria sto well adapted tochlldren that | Castori* rrr«*»^He^ mtor*«, and tbe build.ug cuiumiltvo Were I.vne county ; »enatort cg-well,ot Ciook, So. Ftemach. Iharrhœa, Eructation. .1.«« kfoit. Statvot Or« gon. hu- thday m«*i in From Yank b’dge to Whisky ere» k. six mil«-*, forbid. L. Fleischncr « t al., anp.. vs. K. Kubh « t al.. vesting in six line lots at Tjlo recm ly I recommend it aa superior to any prearnpuou Kills Worms, five« sleep, and promote* di­ •Vanl tbr) might antagonize ttie aoulh- ( K lati.alli and Lake counties, and benalor $9.uti). tins othcu ms sworn Mat« 1x1« nt t« i tn« ’ pur ­ From Whisky cr«-ek torecr«*» the river reaps.: appeal from Jackson count). ¿sown (o me’ ILA A rctikh . M D., chase ot th«- su *4 ot suction No *, io t.»u nship ern Oregon delegation in the legixlainrt* Raley, ul I'matilia cuuuty. Senator to north side to KvlHey's canyon, four inil«*s, gestion. D. M. Oalxn-n A (.«»., apps.. vs. F. Hubbard, Marr rge hcense issued Det. 14th to CENTRAL POINT POINTERS. No.32 s. tang« N<>.-iu. and will < ff« 1 pr«*-! io to which should I»e added probably »r«»bubly $3,- Ill bo. Oxford 5k, BrvukÀju, N. Y. if they gave the • reference to the Tenino Raley is chairman. The committee was Willis F Gr.ftin and Miss Mary E. So.ias. reap ; appeal from Ja« ksoti county. show that tut* ’and sought is more vaiuabh- 119.700. F. Hubtmrd, app.. v*. Town of Medford, Without injurious modicaäoo. or W«i®f»ingtoo Mone. It hoiiip I m queer 1 appointed to look into tbe matter uf as­ ftJU for bridge*, making h total uf $19,700. for it* timb< ror stone than foi agncu.tural Gildersleeve sells furniture cheaper than S’ott Griffin »old a deiirable residence reap.; appeal from Jackson county. Tur CrxTAva C ompany , 77 Murray Street. N. Y. to bear any one M**ak of aoutiiern Ore­ sessment», vvitti the view of securing the puriMMMW, and to «-stabiish his ciairu to sa.d 1 boa. Little, reap., vs C. A. Cogswell, app ; anybody in southern Oregon. • lot at I’olo to Mrs l«ou’»e Beauchamp la-t land betor«.* theKvgibtvr and Kt«*« i\« i ot tins KLAMATH (OLNTY ITEMS. Appeal troin Lak«- county. gon, tfxe buup bowl of the state heretofore, equalization uf taxation,audto formulate Lew Gay hs.s returned from Portland, week. ' Jhc«’ at Kueubuig, Ur«g«»n. on Hrducwinj. Fanny M. Rehart, app. vs. S. V. R* hart, ••»tuning tf»e rule ui »iictator. “On with such change» tn the present law as tuav after a short slay there. tn« l'tthday ot OctotxT, lsMV. H< nattni- J B. Sollnvr has q lit h s former quartei s resp.; appeal from Lake county. F. W. ('lift I k recovering from his recent se- witness« «: N. J. Welch, A. T. Kitchen ot Putt­ the dance !’• ______ be deemed necessary into a bill that wilt Emma A. McCullough, app.. vs. E. A. lTst» -.. Furniture of all kinds at (iild«T.-lrvvv'-. .ind may remove from Jacksonville alto­ ver«* illn«*aa. land. Multuomah c«Hinty. Oregon; C. A.« imp­ resp.; appeal from J«>svpbin< ‘ county. Finest stock south of Eugene. • be submitted to the next legislature. gether. man ot R"t*«-huig. Douglas u<»unty. or«g« n; Mr**. J. T. F' t I h -«« h c»»nval«**»cing aft« r a m-- N ot long ®in«*e,ur merchants ar»* rec« iving larg»’ storks of in'-olvent estate of Kmcaid Bros, Fruit Land« in the Willamette Vaikv. in Jacksonville re- Point tarried a while al»o\ « -d< surit»«*i lands art r« quest<-d To Hi« per cent. j«er annum. Yet in the last 60 the usury and mortgage-lax laws»» sali­ giMMifl for the fall and winter trade. voting business men, and hun­ tin ir claims in this office on or before said W. A. Owen, the inimitable auctioneer, cently Tins land is situated fr m 3 t< • 5 ni’l« c, « «lavs the government tiaa diabilise'l over ent lealures of lhe lull, and suggest the Si.npaon Wilaon advertta«*s 200 tonfl of flu«' wa.- at Jacksonville last ijilurday on busi­ loth dux «»I Octoi»« r. Is'.*'. dreds of txx)k-keepers and step- John (’antral ami W. H Bustaie k of the S’ate Capitol, with its » x « Hent FM’.I I’M) (Xk) in bond purcha-es, with Lilt laxatiun ol all property alll’Pt . R« gist« r. ness 17 .th «exes attribute their au<. a to a amrae at the Portland Busi­ . and i- Uniontown precinct, who have been quite p'og facilities, cannery. There has t»e«»n »1 poor demand for horses ’ u.t in easing toe money maiket. tud value regardless ol indebtedness. Charles ( ’ owles ami family have removed lally adapt* d to fruit rai-’ ness Collecro. Portland. Oregon, or the Capital Business College, . a.tm, and inulvM thia m * hsoii , » is tiinesart* dull rv» 1 y- ill, are convalescent o Ku«I<*V hill is showing ita that to Ashland from Central Point for the F ive-acre tract* ftom $55 to $7’» per acre, O^Sn. R’thaie unde r the m m »Rwuent of A. P. Armstrong, h ive same coun« oi winrv. Notice for Publication T he r ase against O'Brien and Dillon, • i >urtnng »ff’Ct.*, and the bU-p»*i)siuii J« bn Herberger is making a new roof all cult vaied ami ready t*> -et to fruit. rtwtv limer nesoftmuon. S/wrrT v / hui O’cnm.K>.-inJL.-^ S. H Putt« rs »n. the expert builder, is er«*ct- winter. 'charged with inciting tenants not to pay for G. Kar«wski ’ s residence H im servit es ui our foreign ira«io must follow aoun. It Ten-acre uact-» partially cul'ivat-d for Iteli I kpu rt me n t >. Write to either fur joint Catalogue aii«l spue line n.-> uf penmanship ing a n‘ce r«*Mid< nre f»»r Mr. Graham at Lan. M iss Minnie Holland last week returned I’.N. Land office. Roa« burg. Or , $fti per acre. will ahut European goods out «4 Ameri­ tlitir rents, was postponed unceremoni­ g« II valley. Julj *>. lr*MO. home to Josephine c«>unty, after a pleasant are always in demand. Notic« is h< r« l y »riv« n that in coinpham *- Twenty acres light timber Hnd, wrh W. H. Mills and wif'-iir« taking »1 vacation visit here. can uiarkrta, and «American wheat ,fL*ur, ously Neitherof tbedeteiidants was pre»- The par’s nt the C M. I. ballun Wagner good spring branch. $-V» per acre. with tn<- provision» ot the uel uf Cmigret* ot down by the bay, imd may remain in Califor­ hot»*, pork, beef, luint*er, etc., ent. Both were memliers of ttie com­ nia all winter. <». L. Webb of Medford is assisting creek a few evenings since was we.l ~ ’ attend ---------- Jun«-J. K*. • ut.tl’ii‘-Au a«-t iur it)« ®®M Twenty-five acres, fifteen acres in culti­ ont of Euro|«ean maik*ts. It w II put mittee appointed by the committee of timber lauds in tbe ^tut«w of California. On- Doc. Leavitt now swings th«1 silk over the A-«ignee Purdin t«> w ind up the affairs of ed and a pleasant nilair. vation.spring brat.ch running on lhe place, gon. Nevada and Washington Territory.’ a high C' inewe wall around the United lrie.ii Nationaliats in Dublin to visit Linkvi'.l«'-Ag« r stag»*, vic»* C. Barneburg, re­ Magruder Bros. W. R. Buck lias rented the Humphrey fur $3.» per acre. Wait«r b. Wti«.-at«.in ot lloea-burg. count.v Fred Downing will ship ten carloads of farm of H«1» kin an A Rea me 3, ■ml V. ill be which probably will kUit tbe ®t;rk* America for the purpose of sol'citing aid cently retlr«-d. Fi’T'y acres of choice land all cultivated, ot Douglaa. Orvg«ni. ha.- tins «ltiv fib <1 for Hie Nationalist cause. They foifeited Mrs. H. K»*al**r r«s*ently pur«-bns»*d the baled hay to .l< -cptiine county from thia m charge during the coming year !®ra for a etrictiv horn® market. in this office his sworn statement for tin- small houae, some yo n-g fru*t alrea lv -et purunas«* ot th« Iota 1 ami 2. ana > ut n « ’ < their bail of XI ,0* 0 each in ttie conspir­ Linkvlll«’ r« sld» nc»‘ property of Mrs. Flurvnc«! and Tulo stations. out. $70 per acre. Fairchild for $7’10. ut Sec Nu. 5. in T wp. Nu.JJ ». Kang« No.av, Hammon Bros, of Medford are hand­ acy case, and sailed forth** United State*, F *rty acre« of land a 1 (*ultivatvd, in '1 he prospector« looking for locations in M o » t men mellow with ajje and ei- ami will offer pr«a>t t«> show that th«- iau<-e, but Bru N Xuu <»l lhe Yie: furni­ the bmvill place in Tabb- Kock precinct industrious man can mnk«* a good living f< r NOTHING ELSE. tonal cum) are» ttie escafar uf Dillon and I county tins tall, thus insuring a b<»unteou« pect. Or,. N. J. Wi’lcb ut Portland, or. ttiougti lie ties tiuen |> ibl'abinjf u news­ ture Gilderslteve keeps a hue assortment and I J. Stacy’s threshing-machine. hta family while b s orchard gets to b« ar O'Brien tu tbe marvelous escape uf harvest again m*xtseas«m. Any ami a>l pcrsuUb « hi'iuing adv« rsely tl o paper ever since. We read in the last issue and se h at the lowest rates. • John A. Miller ha« brought several bead ing bv raising vegetables ami various « r- p- nbove-ihx ribvd lands an- r«‘|uesl«’d !>■ fi.c (’apt. H P. Desk I ns and wife ar« report,<1 t o ' Mazzini, ami say a they will be received ot hm i-aisrr that .Maikhaiu, Republican Woe Hr«>thers will transform the planing- lor the cannery. Let u- know what th« ir claims in this «'tUce on or l»etor<’ said have f,»un«l the fountain of youth m th«- ge ­ of line, large horses from Klamath county ' in America as Kuseuth ami other patri­ l<'»tli da\ ot Octota r. 1 *.«t. rai.delate tor governor, w ill cany Mi»ki- nial air of th«- Klamath basin. mill into a general repair shop, and will an 1 • ffrr« them f*>r sa'e at reasonable amount you have to invest and we will ots e.-caping from continental oppressions JOHN H. NHL PE. Beg Mvr. you cuui.tv by a majority, alien, in R T. Baldwin cam«* out fora t»w day* troin «loubtless do a good bu-inesfl here. figures. They may la* seen at Brownsboro. advise a- to location. i.a-i been received here. Tue Aeui adds: Ashlaml. to \ isit his brother Walliv«-, before bend for maps, pamphlets and price I» la t, he know < tliai such assertion» ate Miss Emma Mee rcv«*ntly paid her sister, Mr. Innis of Lake county lost a purse he went to California last we< k. Miss Mary, an ext‘*nd«d visit nt this place, containing 1’20) in g »ld on the last day of lists to directly up|e>aite the truth. Hl» c rllituiis “If the coffer® of the league are as empty Jk at* their eneinieb boast Baifour's blunder* Tut O kigoj . L\ m > < o., S. B. Cranston, wif«* am! grandchildren last returning to Applegate last week. Notice for Publication aito teem anti a’>u «■ <>i 1’eui rciatic can­ the fair, and has as yet been unable to --------o-------- w» ’ » k returm ’ d from their n«»rtli«*rn tour, pre ­ ¡Salem, Grego»’. didates, and he never lo-e.» an oppor-I ing will goon replenish them.’’ J. E. Harvey has succeed* <1 J. W recover it. He cannot account for its loss pared to paaa the winter in Klamath. I . N. Land office. Roseburg, Or., Shepherd in the hardware firm of Kipp» y Wo ch ilh'nge tho reaf thrifty, well-cultivated, producing orchard trees in the val ­ Notice is h«-rvby given that tn cuinpliaiicc our best citizens, and the new firm merits comfiirtabie quarters there last we« k. with th«* pr«jvision» ot the a«-t uf ««ngr«—- «1 Cut thi3 out . nnd when you visit Port ­ in a reliable D un.cratie county, havimt, ' full tt.e beginning of a cun fl 11 inside the numbering 212 head, ami wnl have the ley of Hogue lliver will yield a net yearly income of SKH). . It I; will J une 3, 1S7S. «nt'th«d "An act tor ( th« the success that it will meet with. sa.« ut T J. Clopton of Bonanza ke«*pa a nice nmi like Jacknon, rarely ele< ted Republicans protectmnirts* ranks that ih at once irre- finest lot of Christmas beef this year that land during the exposition call on Towne, timber lands in th« Ntat«*s of CaliforiHH. <»n- A m Mesdames Sheridan and Her.-hberger well-assorttsi stock of goods, ami. as he sells the photographer, and receive the follow­ avei'Hge 1*it)ie of arcomino«ia- nt low prices, gm. Nevada ami Washington Tert u«n} , ’ 1« doing a good business. were returning fr- in a ride one «lay this he has «-ver turned off. ing extraordinary otter; AH presenting onstrated fact that each fruit tree will produce '1 in value, net of Pavitl Mock «U Prospect, Ja«*ksot) count) , « >r., years, when the crop of Morehead» and fion, know little about the way in which Bro. Harlan of the Medford Mail’ these sups will be given one dozen < f niv The lakes and rivers of Klamath Are tecm- week, their horse became frightened when hat tlusda) tll«*<1 in ties «•flu-« hissworn -lat«- diaai’P luted oil'b'e-Hcekcrs was unusually great Rcbi®m® grow in parties. Between ins with w.',d duck- and g« «’M«*. on which our near the sclrnol house and started to run committed matrimony one «lay IflHt week, best style « ahiiu i idnd*»s ami • nr yxtra tor marketable fruit each year. ni«-nt tor th«* put« ha-' ot th*- hHt 1 and 2 an«! away. Fortunately neither lady was hurt, htfV». _______________ an'l is receiving the congratulation- of bls framing for f3 ft). My regular price for *hi«»t n e l4 of N« c. N". 4. in ’lwp. N<>. 42 s, the increasing determination uf a large sportsmen are expending their best efforts. Kang«-No. J e. and will <>ft«-r pro«d to show although lhe buggy was badly demoralized. brethren of the press, ns well as those of the sanir W(»rk to those not holding these section of the people to uxtend the mar­ Th** wAg«»n-road to California Is almost that t he land si mg ht is mot«* vtduabh* for its One W. E. Tatom who claims to be a his numerous friends. The happy couple slips is pi.oo p« r flozrn and f3 UO for • xtrs C aptain I kneinm of the British ship kets abroad for American go« si® and 4*«>nipl<’t(*l, am! will be ,»n«* of th«* b«*at moun­ tinilH-r or st«»n«* than lor agricultura 1 i ur- picture. This is an extraordinary « Her, dentist ami sports the name of doctor, ha- also h ive the best wishes of the TI mfs . wa» saving good-bye tool«! the obstinacy of monopolists who are tain thoroughfares «»n th«« northw«*st const. pos«-H, and to establish his claim to su’d i-nd and the probability ot doing enough extra In for« th«- K« gi.-t« r and Kcc« ivet <*( ttn-otl .« «* friundn at >an Francisco this week. enriching themaelvea from h»gh protec­ S<’V«*ral hundred tin«* b«‘ev«*fl are now being -kipped for more congenial claims, leaving work to make it pay prompts the imlu r- Holmes BiiMnera College He is a K<»srburtf. Or.,on Tburflday, th«-Ifitfi da> «>! In other words an acre cf producing fruit trees has a valuation of at H ih ship w ill nut return. Captain Jenkinf* tion, a great wedge of puhiieopinion will driven to ninrkvt. 1 h« r»* arc thousamis of fat several mourning creditors ment (’all and see our work; it speaks O c I’J kj . He names as witness« s. (■««> measly bilk by profession, and everybody _ ____ ____ _r entth* in Klamath county awaiting buyers. t ’ * 1st t J. Of Portland. Or., will open Sept. has l«evn sa ling between England and l>e forced, ami the result will t>e that the It is butter than any bank—for the bank is sometimes cariied Miort, Alfr««d Kitchen ot I*i>f the coast ber 1st. In a short tun»’ Linkville will hav»* two of Welch ot l*ortland; A. ( hnpmun oi K« s«- San Francisco and other l’acitic coast I mono|»uliHt who profit® by a war tariff in B (’ T owm ;. into Canada by the cashier, Da ne nature—a trust-worthy guardian — burg, Oregon. the larg»*st and b, st hotels «-ast of th«’ moun­ neither brains nor honor. has hecon e a i art-.er in this school and will Studio cor. Eir-t and Morrison 8ts. ports fur forty year®, ami hia good-bye la a tune uf peace * ill t»e pust.ed to the wall. tains. They will b»* complete in every way. Any and h II p< raons claiming adv« rs« J> the make it the leading business college. Send takes care of the principle, anti the dividends never fail. Of course if al»ov«-d« scrilwd lands are i<*p)»si« p|. MINING NEWS. fur catab gut* Linkvill»’ never made such rapid strides for­ you plow your orchard once in twenty years, and rob the trees of their their claim« iu tbm uffic« uu or betört said Kitdry l»dl. “San t ramiMc«» larxilrd,” American commerce are incompatible. ward as during this year, am! much inipr«»ve- 10th daj ot October. 1MW. lie sad to an l.ri airier reporter. “Wr Both cannot exist together, ami an un meut has taken plac»» everywhere in the coun­ nourishment by making a cornfield of the orchard ground, aud iuvite Merit Win«. Excitenirnt Notices for (he location of placer . ___ JOHN H. SHUPE, Regietcr. and i can get plenty to tatty away, but it will natural system of taxation cannot be ty. quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes uf- We desire to sav to our citizens that Jor Runs high in this place over ‘’System the birds and orchard pests to make a restaurant of your orchard, you Th«’ tax roll of Klamath county has been not pay to cover had Die lung j juiney continued alter ttie antaguniHtic interests til»*! years we have been celling Dr King's New Builder, ' a* it cures DvMpensia. Constipa­ must not complain that your horticultural methods have precipitated a with th«- •♦■ervtary «d stat«* and shows h<-e with a bold lull of ballast. Caolurnia is which have rendered it possible have taxable property ut $1,622.^1'»; number of polls Notice for Publication Chas. Howar»! of Grant's Pass ia sur­ Disc«-very f r ('onsumpd n. Dr Kings tion, Catarrh of the St much, and make* foreclosure of the mortgage on your orehai l. most uniuitunate, it srvms to me. The commenced to disintegrate. It is only I I veying a ditch on Applegate iur Lin. the New L fe 1’111-*, B uck len s Arnica 8a ve and pU'e bld and buiids up the f-y-t«ni. I J. V. Houston and wife expect to return to Chinese miner. 8. Land Office, Kos< burg, or.. Electric Bitiers, and have never bandied is $1 00 a bottle at B looms ’ dru.store. magnificent state has no competition in I a question of time when the crazy war- Jul> JI. |MM . I her pnsluctH fur export, ami thin lira taidf monument will topple to ns fail. Klamath in th«- spring. Aft« r spending the The quartz claim being developed bv remedies that .-el a- well, or that have Te'l your friends of its nieiit when you li e Notic« is hen by given that in compilati« « winter in Denver, Colorado, wher«* they now tar >if * tfeciuaily prevents any reasonable ; John Wallace on Wolf creek is rapidly given such universal satisfaction. We do it. with the provisions «d th« act of Congress afe lnvrtetm»nt Slki s Worden brought in some nic«* speci­ and ore on their arastra dump. wt.icii wid raise the freight rates and I return «-f purchase price ? ('liuhalis. Slat« ot Washington, has this day On this safe trip last week. great popularity purely on their merits. and settle. A change has taken place, and We propose to sell you an acre of fine alluvial soil, within cannon til« «! in t his of!*.« « bis swot n stai« m« nt 1. 1 où Ju«lg«’Smith ami wif«* will r«*turn soon from correspondingly reduce the pr ice of what i»lan you can t.uy fr**m our advertised The American Mining Code, standard Bold by E. (’. Brooks. all accounts must be settled on or before pure lias«’ of til«? n «.- ^4 «4 See . Ne», s n I u p. shot of five growing towns, close to the steel rails of a trans-continental we have lowil abroad. And of nnch are Druggist a bottle of Dr. Ku g's New Dis­ Port’aml, wher»* they have h«H*n purchasing authority on all subjects pertaining to 32a. Range No. I «•. and w ill ed!« r pris t to Oct. 1, 1N90. A word to the wise is sufii covery for Consumption, it is cimrunteed , furniture t«»r their n«-w h«»tvl and goods 1«»r all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for the tieautiea of the new taut! law. ttiat the- ’and tu»tight is mein- vahnibl« railroad, in the most beautiful valley on the slope of the Pacific, with siiow cient. New Store and New Goods. to b^ing relief in every case. When use.I 1 th«’ Red House. sale at the T imes office. fe»r its timl»er or stone than for agrie ultuial E E. Redfie'd has opened a large and one hundred growing, thrifty producing fruit trees, to bo selected by pm pò*« *, and to e stablish ins claim to saie! for any affection of lhr« *ai Lungs or Chest. I John Wi lls, who took a bnnd of horses to Anil-foot vein of silver-bearingore is Notice. first-class assortment of watches, jewelry, . th»’ nurtln-rii inark«-ts sonn’titn«* sine«*, has r«*- .amt t»e fore’ tin- R«-glbt« r anei R« eei\ « r of f j jS struck in tbe Buy it for a home to shelter you if adversity or the winters of otfie« T iik Lakeview £' r, which claim* Much a* Consumption. Infi.immation of 1 turn»*! with 1110M ol them, finding v« ry little reported to have been ’ nt Ros« lung, Or., on We«in«>dtty. tbo etc., in the Conklin building on Main Complete copies of township plat” posted you. 1. mgs. Bronchitis, Asthma, Wnooping Trombly mines «»n Anderson creek, tbe 1’tii «lay wf Outola r. It*’.«». He- nanus as wn. tu t* » neBlral pup. r, 1» Imuiiy en.'a^ed >n C ouk L. Croup, etc., can a*ways be depend­ demand for stock. street, Grant’s Pass, which he is selling at upto date of the order, made for $1 «50 per old age overtake you and find you penniless. ore going about $30 to lhe ton. It may prices that defy competition. He is a first- tu-ssefl. McDonald Pardue*. N. J. Welch, A T oiauutec'.uiimi cwpilul w^wu.ul llui.. E. ed tap«>n. township. Money must accompany or ­ Trial butties fr«e at all drug N. F. Hildebrand has been appoint«*! post- prove a b »nanza. Kitchin ot Portland. Multnutnai counts Or class workman and anything entrusted to ders. Address master at Edgewood, a new postoffic«* estab­ B Loud, Lfeuiociuitc candiduie lur stores. C. A. (. baiunui) of K ok « burg. Dough«» ( ’ (ip* Work i* progressing «lay an«! night nt lished In Dairy precinct, and which will prove him will receive them »»st skillful attention. G. W. K inwall . Roseburg,Oregon. nu.ernor ul Ualfluriiia, for tl.e u»e ul ll.e Any ami ail p< raun® claiming adv« rseiy ’ hi«’ quit«• a convenience to many. We give away the land. Pay us 5*10 a month, 10 cents a tree, for abov«*-d<*t»cr1b<*d »be Bra«ivn quartz mine near G«»l«i Hill, Don't fat! to give him a cad. lands nr«* r<*picsfed to file A Mass Kores- Republican pa|>erii in our aieter -tate, wbo and a goodly amount uf gold is regularly th« claims .11 this offne on or in-foie- sM .1 Anderson, the gardener of Lost rtv«*r gap, two years, and we w ill present you a warranty deed of the acre, and lit ii ir day have been unable to urge anytumg out i HIU SO gru’etu» for the beneficiai results has t»evn so successful 4n the raising of in«*l- being extracted from the ore by tbe mill. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria. j Children Cry for Pitcher’s Castoria of Octol»er, lrt««) GUARANTEE it to have a thrifty, growing, producing orchard. tl.eee land-grabbuitf charges axaiuet him. obtained from using - S. b J5 8. that I want ons and garden truck this season t hat hr will Tbe only drawback is the insufficiency of JOHN H. SHITE. Regist. r. Ut course, ttie Ex imuur cuubl nut ttaelt io add my test iu ny lo inai already pub- double his acreage next year. water. Despite these facts the farmers of the country continue to value do Mr. Pond any harm, as lie is nut run­ habed, h»r the public g<>od. I was a mass W. L. Tiffany, wife and two children of Bos­ It is said that the proprietors of the gieat their land high, and rob its soil by sowing it with wheat and compet­ ning for utlice iu Oregon, and our cotetu. of sores before using, but nm now entire! V ton. Mass., are visiting friends in Klamath, Anaconda mme in Montana are tbegentle­ Settle Up Notice. C. Mi t’AKTHY, St. Lotlifl, Mo and will probably remain through the wint« r men who have bumird the cop|»er mines ing in the markets of the world with the serfs of Russia and the slaves ha* very few readers elsewhere, but the cure« I. Highest of all in Leavening Power. — U. S. Gov ’ t Report, Aug. 17, 1889. I hs the gu«Mts of K. W. Marple anti family. ll. mtMIXS KNOWING IHEMM-I.VF» near Waldo. Josephine county, and they of India. “Export the wheat of a country and you ship away the vital Republican prtss ol California quote 11» Important Notice. indel.l«! to the und. r»iKn«.l »r. her. I.i j Beautiful w«ather is prevailing since the propose to develop them to their fu I articles, and the people,not knowing the notine.! t.. « Mil at <.ur .'lhe, und . ity of its soil,” Bays a great economic writer, lhe people of Jackson We Lave now sent stat« menta of account rainstorm, and everything is looking well. capacity, provide«! the ore proves rich «« ttlvnient of fin ir HccouutM <»ti «»t b«-for<- S«-u- "trye lawardness'* ol these charges, may to nearly all of those indebted tu UP. and GraAg I mmi taken ® new atari and w«* can al- enough to warrant tbe building of a brain h county should learn this as an axiom. temi., r I». l«.i W. n.*.d the tm.ii. j in <>¿1 believe them to some extent, l'tie Ex- 1 an early response is desired un i expected. ; most s«v it grow. H«avy frosts are the order, railroad to the ledge Every bread-winner at the forge or near the cutting saws, or in buiuiie»« and uu»t haw it » ith. ni d. lm amtnrr, iu its zeal Io defeat Mr. l’uud, A- we cea>e«i doing business on Ju y 1. I however. . ». REAME» Ji WHITE. There is a fair prospect that in tbe near sound of the hum t»f the shuttles, f . t th«’ cin-u:t < >urt They will return here In R-.seburg a to a I.umi'er ul Re,ml lo an capitalists, a home for a life-timeout of the tmagre savings of 2 years’ work. A Estray Notice. a few weeks on th«* same mission, th»’ Nov«»». « apita i-ts, Baron Fullon and Dr Mow k- loi g afier the Wazoir road st« ..! had twin Shakes and Shingles. I ber term of—our court convening on the 3«i ar«lt of AuMtria, B Eichlmffer of Germany Wfc more beautiful and a larger home than niuety percent, of th»' popula- aki s t rnvitiE undeh ^ ignedlast cunsumwated. Why did not the E j i . iu - A supply of th»- b- -t shakes ami sh ngles **mi T. Piosser ot New York, have been at $lMff ® Itioli of the civilized earth can claim to own sl>rmg. mie pint«» |H.n>. up««! al" ut -ix nsraliack C N. Kelton on tn« earn, I h-»s just own received at the I imks office (•«•<». T. Baldwin and Evan R. Rcatnea, two Kiddle fur tbepast fur«night inve stigating \ « him . |t|anded with u d«>t;bh* h•; oar illustrated book of this great right wh ch Wld be sold n quantities io su.t at , well-known busin**ss men, have form«*! a tbe merits » 1 these mines. They were teti«»ul«i«-r and a lltrui«• fi un tin tight hip. ' partnership and wtll h« r»-aft«*r engage in th«* pleaded with the quality* and quantity of liee lor cungr. se in California He owns reasonable rates ih> <<)<)- A T ijHE ORCHARD HOME ASSiiCIATIuN, * Mêütu'j, ûre^cn.l