Sht jDnnocnitin»'inu'S OFFICIAL PARIRÛF JACKSON COUNTY, OREÛÛN FRIDAY ............... OCTOBER 3, 1*90 HERE AND THERE. Buy a White. The White is still king. Hurrah fur the railroad ! New goods at J Nanau’k. Read the new advertisements. A CHANGE. Julius Schmitt has gone to California. Circuit court will be in session next week. Fresh vinegar at the 8. F. Variety Store. Th* manufacture of sorghum is in pro­ gress an I a consid« rable amount will be made th's season. Dan Reynolds has purchased Griffis A Walker’s saw-mill and will prubnb y re­ move it to Meadows precinct. When in Medford don t fail to cali on I). T. Pritchard, the jcwvìer He will tak»* pleasure in showing you his mammoth stock of jewelry. • buine of the very best bread on exhibi­ tion was baked by Mrs. E. Jacobs, troni G. Kirewski’s flour. It attracted consid­ erable attention Settle! Settle!! Settle’!! what you »»we the T imes office previous to July 1, 1S9U, as the books have been closed and must be balanced at once. Mr. Moss ami family, who have been residing »»n Applegate for sometime past, moved to one of Win. Bybees farms on Antelope this week. If you want to subscribe for the best weekly on tbe coast and at the same time gt l a chance to diaw a handsome present, subs» ribe for the San Francisco “Exami- i.rr.” Subscriptions taken at the I imeh office. We recommend !)»• Wilt's Colic ami Cholera Cure because we believe it a safe hi d reliable remedy. Its good effects are shown at once in cases of cholera morbus and similar complaints. For sale a’FL ('. Brooks’. A queer error crept into the “Oregon­ ian’s” manufacturing edition when it staled thut the area ot tillable land in this valley was but 12U0 acres. Of course, 120,000 acres was intended by the writer to have been correct. A fakir was arrested at Central Point last Saturday for running a gambling game He was placed under bonds in the sum of >50. bin,of course, failed to material­ ize at the appointed time. He had skipped for California. Mrs. Chappel ami Mi«s 8. Knowles, who have so successfully conducted tbe Jack­ sonville Hotel, will soon give up their pres ent quarters in Ryan s building and occupy Will Jackson’s building on California street, temporarily. Reparation« for planting large numbers of fruit tre»‘M are being made in the valley this tall. The ease with which everything marketable has been disposed of this and last seasons bas'been very encouraging to fruit-growers. Sheepmen have been hurrying their flocks down from the high divides during the past week, ll has been very cool in high alii tudesall season, ice forming every morning for more than a month past in the Dead Indian country. Crawford, Howell A Co. have signed a contract With tbe Jacksonville «t Medford R R. Co. I.> complete the r«»ad by the tirst of January,and the rails have already been ordered. This shows that business is meant. Hurrah! The travel over the C. A (). road is very- heavy ut present, every train being un­ comfortably crowded. Last Sunday s tram contained thirteen coaches as fnr as Redding, and still it was impossible for many to get seals. Once in seven years—the body is re­ newed The nluod must have the elements of vitality. Wright’s Cumpouud Syrup of Sarsapanda cleanses and enriches the biuod, and gives a new impetus to lite. Bold by all diuggists. Members of the English syndicate which is said to have bought the timber lands, etc. »1 Hobbs, Wall A Co., and others in Del N lie county, Cal., have lately been on th»* ground to inspect tbe same. A sale will no doubt be perfected. We are sorry to learn of the death of E<1. , I’iening. for many year« a resident of Jack- j son and Klamath counli»*s !!»• wm ,» genial,whole-souled man, who bad very few if any enemies, and his denth will b»- re- gret’e«! by ail wh » knew him. Mr. Pieniug leaves a wife and fnnilv to mourn his loss His remains u i * » i -d in th- Central Point cemetery i»> John Keown, in - «-r *iv p«>-im uter at Keown, Aileghativ county, P«nn., say»: “Chamberlain s Cough Remedy sells better than any other ” The reason of this is be- cmumj it can always be depended upon Let any one troubled with a severe cold give it a trial ami they will find that the first dose will relieve the lungs and make breathing easier, and that its continued use will free the system of all symptoms of the cold. Ihe promptness and certainty of this remedy in relief and cure of colds has won lor it many sincere friends and made it very popular. For sale bv Dr. J. Hinkle, Central Point, and G. H. Haskins, Medford. ---------- LOCAL NOTES. t JOSEPHINE COUNTY ITEMS. The Ruder pump leads ali others. ! Mm. Mollie Wilson of Grant’« Paw wa* at i It cures headache only—Preston’s *’Hed- Glendale last wetk. , Ake ” The Chilian M»*dical (.o. is doing a big blisi« j Cleanup, fix up and look up, for the ness at Grant a I’aas. Andy Payne of Ja<-ka»»n county has b»»fin railroad is coming. visiting frfonds in Josephine county. Pre-ton's “Hed-Ake” ia a specific for IL M. Smith ol Grant’s Pass BtoBPtxl headache. Roberts House in Glendale last week. E. R Ream?« of San Jose, Vxl,, is at Hon. H. B. Miller and family of Grant’s Pass were visiting in Eugene last week. Linkvdie on business. K H. Dean wi 1 farm J hh . T. Tuffts’ ranch Immediate, harmless—Preston's ’Hed- near Grant's Pate during the coming season. Ake.” The rumor that the Grant’s Pass railroad Chas. 8. Moore uf Linkville has returned shops are to be removed to Ashland haa been | home from his trip to Portland and Hau denied. Francisco. F. W. Chau««? last week returned to Cottage tnsiled FRKK sf J. B. Sollner, our merchant tailor, h«“ Grove after a pleasant visit with reiatirvs in 1« now ready for distribution and will be 1 JO pAtfCA---- •B'l returned from his business trip to northern Grant’s Pass. W. T. 8. Patton has tak»*n charge uf Hou. California. It is • largo book—over W. F. Songer's place south of Ashland for the ! charge upon application. * article* of Fied Khinhamer is still suffering from ooinlng season. is profusely illustrated, faithfully picturing thousand* or the » fleets of th«* injuries he inflicted on Tbe G. P. W„ L. A Co. this work start their his knee with a corn-knife several weeks »iynarnoa and flood tfcO town with electric merchandise in our great establishment. HgO. light as per agreement. Josephine county has a very fair exhibit at J<»hn I). Chappel of Gall’.“ creek called PERSONAL MENTION. ye-t rdav. I n company with Thus. Dungre the Industrial fair at Portland, watch cause« he is manufacturing a superior article of much inquiry about this section. C. C R.igsdale has returned from a trip lime. Work is progressing steadily on th«» new and by a perti-nl <>f io pa”pti. the render hu« M« pre at n command over to California. national bank building, which will be one ot Oliver McGee uf Central Point precinct the handsomest edifices in southern (Jngon. i our prices and :i6>ortm(-ntR as tlioujfh personally at our counters. It Mrs. VV. J. I’lvmale left for Yreka, Cal., was in town one day this week,accompani­ Both the Hogue river bridge* at Grant’s Pass 'is a mirror of fashion, ail the la'c.-t i- in various lines of nu rchan- yesterday morning, to attend the fair. ed bv a brother who recently arrived iron* an»! the lower Applegate bridge were upen»*d -tin’' ji a John M Nichols, a prominent citizen Kansas. bv dc.-erip!'■ >n. S • <1 for tor travel during the week. They are fine ! disc 1« in” shown l.y i of Little Butte precinct, was here yesterday. |it, and ttcii!«' tin- !■< n ii:s of the I, The patent churn dasher, which John structures. (■rice.- oil the Í’ai iíiv C a.-t. Josephine county’s horsemen covered them­ Judge Walton and wife of Medford pre­ W. Smith is taking orders for, is something cinct made our town a visitón Wednesday ingenious and first-class Every farmer selves with victory at ttu- di.-tnct fair last week and brought home a goodly numbdr uf Miss Cora Liun has gone to Eugene, should h ave one. shekels. where stie will remain a while. The Jacksonville band furnished firat­ Th? fine weather of th«- rast month cured Sheri ft Birdsey leit (or Yreka yesterday, class music at the fair one day last week, hops to perfection, and the large yield of this which was greatly appreciated by the county will flud a ready market at tup flgur«-s and will attend the fair. in consequence. crowd assembled. District Attorney Colvig has been at J. T. Flynn win continue to act as agent fur The premiums award?«! in the special the (.■rant’s Pass on professional business. Townsite compauy at Grant “ Pate for a exhibit class has been unavoidably crowd­ J J. Houck ufGold Hill visited relatives ed out of this issue of the T imes , but will tew months longer. H» was at the county - seat a few days recently at Corvallis last week. a (»pear in our next. Sheriff Moss an«! Clerk < handler, whoac«'(>in B. B. Beekman has returned to Portland Dr. Marcoux, dentist, could not practice fanled Hheriff Kndcrt ot Del Norte county after a pleasant visit among us. ' . »T#- in this «tate unless he graduated from a hl., toCrcoomt city, spent a fewdaysat tl Miss Emma Pape is in Portland on a good school. His diploma has been en­ sounding sea before returning home.' 8. G. Benson, connected with the San J.»“- visit, and will remain two weeks dorsed by the honorable gentlemen com­ “M«-rcury, ” visited relatives at the Pa“*- a>’ 8. M. Nealon of Table Ruck spent a few­ posing the Oregon state board uf dental week and promised them a write-up tor 1 »»• examiners. • hours tn town lately. “Future Great’’ of Rogue river valley. < i .-j' Í There was a scrub race and a fight on The Grant's Pass band boys attract*“! im ■ Win. Kahler and wife returned from a ■ ' r tbe fair grounds bet ween a stockman and attention at the Central Point lair pleasant trip to Rjseburg last week. an Imiian last Sunday. The crowd parted Wodiunday of last week. The boys ui Hon. J. W. Merritt of Central Point the combatants, or tbe dusky man of tbe novices no longer, and ar»* improving rapi'i y called yesterday Portland folks having found out bow forest would have showed his superiority our tomatoes are will us«- up tbe surph»u David Horn of Hornbrook, Cal , was as a warrior, it is generally thought. hereafter. T. P. Lee has shipped hug« among the fair visitors. The exhibit of w»>ods, leaves and other quantities of tb«-in during the past two week.-. Tbe family of Mr Weeks of Eden pre­ botanical specimens, made by E. W. Ham­ J. H. Romig is nuwdoiug til»* barber act foi cinct arrived from Canada last week. mond of Pleasant creek, wras the object of a tine run uf customers at H»-ppn«*r, in Morrow Judge Hanna arid wife arc expected to much attention and entitles him to much county. Tw»-«*d ( «•»•urn has-»ucc»*« d»-«i to th» credit, as it was the largest and best ever business al Grant’s Pass, an«J a g»»«Ki barber h» return trom Crescent city this week 18, tOO. Mrs. Ada Curry of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, made in southern Oregon, and the state, J. W. Howanl has begun work on a band- j who visited this section last winter, is as far as we «now Mr. H. promise« to do some r»*sidence on th«- nit»* of ills former even belter next time. reported quite ill at her home. home, the old building haviug bv»-n removed Everybody who saw the fruit-growers’ trom its foundations to accommodate the new Samuel llarkne*-» of Jo-ephiue county structure « uih d Wednesday aud 1 .id in a supply of «xbibit at ihe lair grounds last week is It is hoped that the dam across the river loud in its praise, and many of those wh»j Mitallu seed al the 8. F. V xriety store. nave M-ru « xhibits in other section“flay that will be complet»“l before th«» fail rams make T. C. Law, Ralph Dean and J. W In­ they did not compare with ours Souih«*rn the stream troublesome. Our citizens natur­ grain of Willow Springs precinct w» re he.e Oreg'»n cannot be beaten as a fruit-growing ally look for this dam to beasourceoi great We tire able to offer for the reniHrkablc price of $2.2.», the prosperity to the city luthi- future. Wednesday. scciiun, and our people shuim! nut Jose Original Webster's I mibridgetl Dictionary, bound in either full It is claimed that ov< r $vi last year, in this seel ion at |*r«-“«-ut. “N«» boom, but a in. thick) containing about 10«»,<»00 words, over 440 cubic inches of ax» we»« ihe leceipis from all »uher h«*altliy growth,’’ is what w«-arc after. Wm H. Parker, who has been paying county debt, as coni|>ik-«i by the United paper, aud nearly 3"<»,«'• <• square inches of printed surface. Being California a visit, returned home \\ edn« - «pia: u r.“, rx« • ptmg pavilion entries, w hirh St The tl« s census expert, nhows an actual in­ have been abuli.-h« ntii luation to a large yesterday and will probably remai » during class at Grant's Pate next buturduy* and will IEDFOLD SQUIBS. the winter. deiivera lecturetuour eitiaciM in tn' » v< n- that day. il»-is an rlo<7,000, wmeh D- quite a favorable showing district iair fr »m abr » i i. lor <»ur county, ev» n at th«-prevailing rate «»t at Fioun»-« Rock. lu per vent, mt« rest, lhvrv were but P>» Mrs Dr. Par-»»n a I her - • ; Frv«l re­ Judge Walker his returned fr»»iu Lis mortgag».*s ¡»laced ot record tn this county tun » d fr»»m th»*»r trio : . Yaq lh.'l b«\ an«! uurthrin tiii>. His health is sum» what during tin- mviul«- ending January 1, 1H.HJ. U ih Willem« tie last ween. better than it wa.-. Th«* extent <4 th«* bu“m» te transacted by the 825 to eS6 ' John Butterworth <»t Yreka ¡»aid a vi-it D n t 1 oi to “re the n* w line of goods at S. P. i>. »k ly. Co .it Giant's Pass can bv K. Street, • to Ashland last week, and was a companie»! Pritchard s m Medford. “Quick sales and rralijwd by a relerviicv i • statistK-s turnished an ’ ‘ Oregonian ’ curr« >|»< »n»i«m . l u« vaiue «4 home by bis wife. small profits is bis motto.” * tiu-ir estimated «»utput m is placid at C. S. Sergent, one of L nkville’s njrr Our ¡»eopie ar»1 happy over the railroad $_.'»A’.OJu. ot which >2.».tW worth tiuds a ntaik» t chants, attended tbe district lair last week, news. The radioau will make Medford m tins valley and >17d.UUU is s < h «1 »-lav* here. Tnvir (»ay r«iil will icprvaeul $i‘W.«)u0 1»»r th«- NEW THIS WEEK accompanied by bis family «be commercial center of the valley. year, wuile their raw* material will cost ^4V,’kJU. Ed. Sherman of Applegate was in town Messrs Amierson and W»>or«i have Unskilled labor avL-rag«-s >1.75 ¡»er day in tne yesterday. He inform- us that his wife nmsh»‘d their wood-hauling contract iu shops; skilled labor, >4.01) per day. Notice for Publication. has gone to northeastern California. : oe 8i.-kiy«»u ami returned home lately. The undersigned lias now for Mie at M» ’>ri< ky ard« near Ashland A. G Colvin and family, accompanied Quite a number of nice buildings have MAKKlhlL I'MTti' S tate . I. am > OrncB. I by Mr. Ennis, are paying this >»• ti«»n a :»vvu ¡»ut up in M»dford ibis year, and R«>s» bill g. < »r.. S. ¡4 2»i, I-'.*" ( visit. -everal are now in course of construction. ARM> rd<>N*G~MAtL"H-Near LinkvUfo.S» pt. otice is hereby given that the Miss T.llie IJla< k of Little Butte precinct following-nani4*i s»*ttl»-r has li e«! notic«* of 169»». by Judge Un. Chas. Armstrong .»nd O N. F«»wler last week disused of his hiaintent on to mak? final pr««<»t in sup(M»rt of Mite Cora M.*r-•». is teac hing a tall term of school in one ol lurniture bu-iness here to 1 A. Webb and ftiti claim, and that said pr »-4 wii! b»* ma«k t»« - the districts north of the river. i went to L»>s Angeles county, Cal .to re­ NL8M1TH—CLARK At Dixie. >e pl ember 24. for«* tin* Judge, or in hi- absence. b«?f<«re the FROM INCH TO« INCH LsKU. at the r. 3 W. • whifoon hu way from Bon Francisco to thing in that hue is kept there H«- name*» the fob«»wmg w itn« — • « !«• pr v»- daughter ot Geo.t lark, of tt.<* Rickreal flour­ Washington. Tn»* Me«lh»r«l mid« may lose some little , ing null“, both parti« ? ht longing lu tn- iva«i- hts continuous r«‘si ter. ali ut \\ Im» r. Jackson C«».. ’ »r« g n. JOHN II >111 PE. K» gist« r. Medford lodges an official visit last wi-ek. tear any competition from any source. to the tram attended t»> tne ucsf wishes hu « j It is confi lent y »X|»egie«l that tbe congratulations ut many Ironds and de­ Charley Judge amt E.l Nunan enter?»! parted for Yatjuina bay, wiivi« they will M'. Angei Coll»*. ? thi“ w» ek The former S »uthvrn Oregon Sun lay S- nool Conven­ spvud several weeks. >■■■■■■■■■■■ tion,tube heid Inre in a “hurt time, will b? will take the commercial course. Î . • .. rm cnruKJTiD • • ttn* iu st ar^ely attended <»ne everheldin Mr spi rry. a L g- were “f»i(4 e«l tn San t »a n yesterday evening. 1 “ W. to J. Francisco last week from this place. We PHILLIl’S-ln Ashland, S«*pt S B. Hull ol Flounce R »••« precinct mp »rt Sacramento bacon, tun .-hip the i'uillip.“ Mild VS lie, a sun. called on Tuesday. H»- is rvcttv. iing fr<»m hogs fiom which it is made. This is “the CALAVIN .X» ar Hay n» svdlc. Sept J \ 1 siti, to ™ Thp Firs*4 Srtall Arms F uaf Minutari ufa H " The Flrert Smill Arm» E>*r Manufacture«, th»* injuries lie su-t dm »! in being thrown Oregon fityle,” we suppose. Webb l alavm ami w Ht, a soli. id Or»r»n«wl from a wag »n -ometinie since. lu .M«“l!«>rd. >• pt. 24. 1-'.*'. to I rank H. H Wolters, the mixologist, has re- WAGNER- hr Mrs 8 1». Whittle of Ash and entertain muve<1 Lis saloon to the uuildmg next door : W.ign«-r nn«i wit«*, a »inugnt»-«. * ACCLRAir, ?d her parents, Mr and Mrs. Pickeitof to C. W. Palm’s barbersh»»!». on Front CLARK -At Oleu<*. r*« pt«-mb. r 22. 1S|«>. to _ DURABILITY Mr. ami Mrs. Wil.ia n t iaik. a dauaht r North ( anyouvill*. several »lay* during -treet. ■ EXCELLING? cf He has supplied the bar with — WORKMANSHIP the week. the finest wines, liquors ami cigars, ■ CONVENIENCE in 1»1 r.L». F. H Page, the Portland commission and a tine billiard table can a.«.» be LOADING and SAFETY merchant, visite»! hi“ Ashland branch, tound there, (iiveliim a call, for he will TRAYN'OK -In Tulu lake pr«« »m t. Sept, 2h, " Beware of cheap iron imitations. which is un»ler the super vision of Jos. W. treat you well. • ffi Sf-’d for Illustrated Cata’rgue and Price List tc I “ ’ . ««, infant child of Mi and Mr*. Tr »> »»or. Hockerstnith, during the week. SMITH A. WESSON, PiENING-At Black will. UctolM-r 2. 1?!*. of Judge Webster will rettiin from Gilliam ( entkal point pointers . catarrhal consumption. Edward Picmng; ■ sritjxariELD, MA KU. couutv, where he his been holding court, ag»*d about 47 y car». (■il• leri-lcevt* sells furniture cheaper than m a lew »lavs, when he will open court anybody m southern Oregon. her? again. Furniture of all kinds at Gildersleeve’s. John Cunninghsm and family of Ph«rn x Summons • lest week returned to their former home in Finest stock south of Eugene. Iowa, to resul»*. though they have not sold M. P.irk-ypd? is still justice of the in the Justice’s Court of th«* State of Oregon, their land near Medford. ¡»eace for this precinct, his success >r hav­ tor tl««* county of Jackson, preciuct of Jack«onvill»*. Miss Hattie Reames, an accomplished ing failed t > qualify. Chas. Nick<*iI, plaintiff, v«. J. F Edwaids. de­ R. V. Beall has returned from Shovel | performer on the ¡nano am! (»’•gin, is fendant; artiontor» cover min«*/. giving lessons in music ami has a good- cre»*k. but is “(ill “iifl-rin: somewhat from To J. T. Edwards th« ai»ov» -nameddel«*ndant: sized class. rheumatic afl;*ctions N THE NAME OF THE S3 ATE OF OREGON I you ore hereby required to appeal and The condition of John Cantrall, who has Dr. Il'iik.e has purchased the Whitnry inswer th«* complaint ot th«- abov«* t laintiff in b* en quite ill for sometime past, is not residence in Central Point, which is one ot th«* above-ent it l«* nerd of sending to Port an»! for furni- •t this summons upon you. if scrv»“i Archbishop Gross and Father Clark re •tire Gilderslceve keeps a fine ass»)rtment n Jack “ «»n county, Or«g»>ri; but il s«*rved turned from their trip east of tTie moun­ and al the lowest rates. n any »»tin r county iu tin- Stat»- of Oregon, tains last Tuesday evening. They have hen ’ wittun twenty days from tin* 3at» T. <». Burrows, who has been in the em­ done much rtt**chve religious work during ploy of Geo T. Hershberger, left for P«>rt- if the s« rvic«’ of this sutnnions u(»< u the past few weeks ■ ou; <»r if s « tv < x 1 on you out <-»f tin1 Stat«- «»1 lanil Tuesday evening to hx’ate. • »regon.iir by public-ation. th» n by tin l ai; H. C. Turpin, one of the <»l»l residents of Ixjuis Gay, on»* of our in »st popular •lay of Novenib» r. is*.*». An»! you ar»' her»•!»> Jackson county, will foave for Albina, young men, ha-g‘ine to PortLiml t > take >«4i!i«“i tliat it y ou tall to appear and anewci Multnomah county, in a few «lays, where a position with Wells, Fargo »t Co. aid «*otiq>!a!nt. as het, by r«*quir«d. th« 'laintifl* will uj ply i<ss wrill lecture in our «in nt against \« u tor th» sum of nm»iy to clear a large body of land. Success to town Friday evening, Oct 3 1 Of enurse. H»ilars an«i tu« nty-tlv«* <-« nta S-4O.2N an«! f» r him. rtie costs and disbuis» m< nts of this a« lion, there will be a large ati?uda»ice, as his We last M«mdav receive»! a (»lea-ant call grace has no sup» rior in * »regun as a lec­ Put>lish<<1 In tb« I» fm «»< hath T imes ly from J O. Writsman. the never secretary turer. •rd«*r«»t W. J. ply ma!<*. Juatic«- <»f th»Pea»«, ron TnosF. mho » « vxot rossim.» call per iiade on S« ¡4.29, 1sti>. ot ihe Farmer’s ami Merchant’s Ins Co. Prof. J. N. Hall, who went o»it <»f the 8O5AI. lv , II..ME MKATnOn PI.»« EU WIT»- Given under my hand this 29thday ofScp- of Alnany. !!»• is looking after that popu­ tcinber. JsW. Ui THE HEACH OF ALL THAT WILL GIVE lar company*« extensive business in south­ K•amath Agency - h ) »1 when G n. Apple­ < HAS NI( KF.LL. Plaintiff. gate was bounced, return?! to Central IXSTAXTAXEOl'S KI.I.IFF A.VO A ern Oregon. _____ Point last w»*ek. He looks none the worse I’EUMA.VE.VT ClKF- for the wear. Th? («rent Benefit TTlie most speedy, positive and perma Dr. L. L. Whitney h i- disposed of ail his Which people in run down stat? of health derive troxn Hood’s Sarsaparilla, on interests in tins pl tc?, a » 1 will ram >ve to tient cure for Catarrh of the Head. Asthma clusively proves that this m?«icine “makes (»rant’s Pass, where h s “ >n Gc»r:« al- Btid all Throat, Bronchial, Lung. Heart. th»» weak strong.” It does not act like a eady resuL's. He 1“ a g »«> I phvMc a » ami Stomach, Liver and Kidney Affections, stimulant, imparting fictitious strength, an upright man, and we wish him success Nervous Debility, »1 Consumption, in but Ho«»d’s Sarsaparilla builds up in s in his new h«»me. its various stages, jx-rnianently cured. perfectly natural way all tbe weakened D r . A born ' s O riginal M ods of T reat ­ iWKWT ¡»arts, purifies the bL»«»d,«ndassist«healthy mining sews . ment and his hlKDiCATrn I nhalations action those important organs, the kidneys mi CATARRH Notices for the I »canon of placer aud give» instantaneous relief, builds up and and liver. ______________ quartz mines, etc., for sale at the T imes of­ revitalizes the whole constitution and Executrix a Sale ofTrnoual Property. KheumaUsm, Nenralfla, Corn: system, thereby prolonging life. Weak, fice. Notice is hereby given that the under- The American Mining Code, standard nervous, debilitated and broken-down , HBADA0HE. An« ALL PAIN. sign?»!, ex-culnx of the estate of John E. authority on all subjects pertaining to constitutions, old and young, invariably Tkt Oafflkrat* FwfttT* ttS >•(*•!▼« Ross, deceased, will »ell th? following all mining, water-rights, etc., is kept for gain from ten to thirty pounds in from ELECTBIC COUGH Ct'Rl personal property at the home place in sale at the T imes office. own cold ». c » oup . nnsuniPTioD. thirty to ninety ,la\ s (cutral Point precinct, on Saturday. There is considerable excitement in D r . A born ' s pin nomenal skill and mar­ Soli by »11 Dr«npil«. £trh 25c, 60c A t' October I, 1S90. Eight head of horses, two Jose’ hine county over a rich strike m Dr. ¿'■tllnnrAOc . Pr»»'«. Lsa AngslM, Osl head of mules, eight bead <»f cows, four Flaunagan’« quartz mine in Ap,» egate «ii-- velous cures have created the gieatest hcati of calves, one spring wagon, one iron iri' t. Several hundred dollar« were taken astonishment ou the Pacific Coast and axle wagon, live setts of harness, four •ut ol a small amount oi or»*, a u! it is said throughout the American continent, dur­ plow’s, t wo harrows, two mowers, one sulkv hat a “inall “earn of almost pn e gold has ing the past twenty-five years. Asthma, rake, on? seeder and cultivator c<»mbii»ed, Catarrh of the Head, and all Throat, Bron­ one derrick fork and ru|»e, one -?t »4' bla< k- been struck. Cor. 3d and E 8traete, Joseph Brumbaugh is up fro n Jackson chial and Lung trouble instantly relieved, smith’“ tools, household am! kitchen furniture ami other articles too numerous county, ami hns some ti ie sp •cimens of also Ear Diseases and Deafness often cured PORTLAND, OK., gold-bearing quartz. If?Jias sunk a shaft permanently at first consultation. D r . to mention. Terms of sale: Cash on all The A born ’ s essay on tbe “Curability of Con­ sums un l»*r >2«) Six month s time will b? 50 teet and run a f«»rty-fo«»t tunnel • 'ontatriirig pfi! Rootn«, well furnished. given un sums over >20. Notes to be well specimens, when examine»! with a glass, sumption,” and a treatise on “Catarrh of sh»»w couMderable fr?? gold. He calls the the Head,” with evidences of some ex­ -»•< ured and draw 10 percent, interest. ------ TUB IIBHT------ mine, which is located near Gold Hill, The E lizabeth R»» ms . traordinary cures, mailed free. Call or Salem.— Capital Journal. Our house has a standard reputation which <’!4E DOLLAR PER DAV HOUSE address 0R ABORN, A Wonder Worker. never fails to attract g» m ral attention during KLAMATH COFNTY ITEM*. our cloak sales. Correspond»-ne»- Solicited. Fourth and Morri non PortUnd, Oreftm. IN THE STATE. Mr. Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, <>I mo , «latea that be had been Amon Shook and Win. Nall of this county N ot «. — Home treatment, «ecurely packed, »ent by 1 c B'ites to *nd frem the Hotel. under th? car»* uf two prominent physi­ were at the district fair last week. •>pr*>s to all parts of tbe Pacific Coast, fur thoke who v 'litnw sn.rlojid and d,-Viatton In cians ami us d their treatment until he Houston brothers an»i Ky Tay lor have re­ Cannot possibly call in person. '.RI •*. was nut able to get aronml. They pro­ turned from the n»»rth and have i*<*Msed to J I j L. «■ HsS.ccnt«; beging 26 cr.t« tu M ernt« AU INVITED TO CALL FOR FREE CONSULTATION. nounced his ase consumption and in­ look fora fairer land than Klamath basin. curable. He was persuadid to try Dr. John W. Loosley has been appointed custo­ 101, 163 3d St.. Portland, Or. K. LEVISTOM. Proprleto King's New Discovery for Consumption. dian of Fort Klamath an»l the al»aiidon»si mil­ Assignee’s Notice coughs and colds.and at that time was not itary reaervation. at a salary of $'»0anionth. S. B. Cranston and family are visiting rrla- able to walk across the street without »»1* Store f»»r first-elusa gtxw! Assessor’s Notice to Tax th«* Circuit Court of the Stat»* ot Oregon Loading Dry Go» at Kastcin l’Hct «. resting. H? found before be had used half tiu»>? at Palouse junction. IVaah. J. I). Fay In for the county of Jackson. Payers. and wifeHcctimpauled th»*ui on th»*ir j»»urney of a dollar bottle that h«* was much better , a« tar as Rogu<* river valley last week. in tbe _ matter of th»* assignment oi James hecontmued louse it and »o-day isenjoying Kiueind un»l Oscar <). Ktneni«! a> H .... • lits foi' M.-Call's I.aznnr Giovi Prof. J. N. Hall, teacher at the agcn»*y. f« lt «»ll< R !R HHRFZBY GIVEN THAT THE partner*, doing buttine»*!* under the firn, gt:»t»* of Orca«*»* w ill c« nv« n. at th< « flio ar«' insolvent d«*btora. satisfaction. Trial bottle free at all drug It is quite posaibh* he may once more • 4 tlo connt> In Ja« k»4onv1lle un lTICE IS HEREBY given THAT ON renounce hi« allegiance to the Republican stores. _ S»*pt«*inber 15.1K90. th«- above named insol­ Orioftrr •ft, JáW, party. vent dt-btora, James H. Kincaid and Oscar O J. C. Allen of Dairy has the sympathy of his partner* h<*r<-tof<»r«’doing buainra* Settle Up Notice For Sale. f i thè purjaiae of publiel» etauiinlng tbe Aa- frfonds in his’sad bereavement, having as Kincaid Bros., at Central Point. Jackson -»-esment ami corn-cting a’i » rr» ra in vai- One \ «railed Jersey cow. four years old many lo “ t his w ife and infant child within a week, county . Oregon, mad«' a g«*nvnil alignment 1.1. PEHSOXS KNOWING THEMsELVEs nation. «Itwrrlptlon, uuttiiti«* <>f landa. l«»ts or past, ot »V. 0. Myer's Ashland stock, and during th»» past month. Th«- child was born to me, the und«*rsign«*d. Win. It. Kincaid, tor indebted 10 tin* un«it r*ign< d ar»- hereby »»tu» r pi op»*rty. Hata boa ni al i «-'»rifinii»* in will conte in ¡text January. 1 raised the September l:’th. th»* moth'-r died ou the lPtb tlie benefit of all tiu-lr creditors, under an«! by notified to call at our oftk-»- and make ¡»ronq I t»n from day to day uniti «aiil roti haa cow ntyself and know that she is gentle and ult. and the child lived but five days afterward. virtue of the act ot th«* l»*gia!ativ»* assembly settlement of tlicir ae<*«>unt? on or I»» for? 8v|r- *e«s bw» n dnly ewBflnriL of the state of Oregon. »*nuti»*d “An act to tfinbcr 10, ldBO. W»- n«*»*d th«- m»>no>- in oui can be milked by a child. Also one 2- Ah parti«» !pt**r«£t»-d wiil tak» due D«»fire <«'curc to creditors a just division of th» tnMflncs? nn«l mu.«20 Reward. estat<*f< ol d« btors. who convey to n*slgn«*s- REAM h?“ a WWTR. J M . LIBERAL SALARY I find th -above just as I recommend them. bru. h. and :uy icncs <»n the hill adjuluing e..nt dvutort are berti»y u tiii-d to ( r» *»-nt PAID. At I . or trat« 1’ 8. A.I p»TA<>r»“ tiAv • » 1 v or j'nr- J. Svstajr. their claims, under vatu, to in»*, the und« i - AULnIO lcau) turni.-foxt fr««. P. O. Vl< KLUY. tinlK my rcMdric'e, on Sunday aftern »on. -• 11.» »1 no rigHkrcs i ri i c< iU. wb»» hnvc* slgn«“l asslgnc«'. at C«-ntral P«»int Jacks o Augusta. Jacksonville. Sept. 16, fk!>». Maine. P. B ritt . ii-g-.» toiVf tt> Mini»- » jo • • -i <>r \nld county, Oregon, within thr«*< m< fiUis from ■ t <*r > ' ,11, «11 l. IK9U. An early act He Settle what you owe tbe 8. F. Variety tuenl is requested and required, as the Store. business of the company must be settled Cures while you wait—Preston’s ‘’lied- at once. Ake.” T imes B vblinii . sg C o . Jacksonville, July 1. lKJO. Visit the industrial exposition at Port- lai.d The Races. 1 » fails, money refunded ; Preston's “Hed- The following is a summary of the races Ake. The ladies should ¡mt fail to examine which took place at the district fair la-t Thy nights are quite cool and frosts are tbe handsome millinery goods that Mrs. week and have not been reported in the in order. Prim selected personally from the great T imes as yet: stocks in Portland Why suffer? Preston’s “Hed-Ake” will vi mi pay R b. Osburn, formerly of Jacksonville, Io the novelty race, one mile. Kii< kitat cure you. has hem nominated by the Democratic was first at ll e quart r and h ili mile poles J» »ry N'unan is receiving new goods by state convention of Nevada for regent uf and al*o came under the wire first, Wolt nearly every train. thebtate University. Creek Bally leading Lin» at the three quarter pout. Sammy ii. bolted the track Fruit jars ami jelly glasses at cost at tbe An excursion front Portland over the S F. Variety Sture. • at the outset. bouihcrn Pacific lines will pass through The trotting race was won by this next Wednesday morning. Il Brir.g on that wood you promised us on will valley Humakar*» Maud O., beating Geo. afford cheap fares. Lrroux’s Signal Venus, the latter taking subscription account. Ruggles A Taylor’s circus is on its way­ tbe nee.»» d heat. Be-*l time 3.10. Ban Peart of Woodville precinct was in north. It performed nt Grant’s Pass at the 1 h»- ruMNM 1 •' »' * >n 1,y Bingo t»»wn last Wednesday. beginning ol the week Rubv K Sts >>nd. Arago, Wake up Jake, .Medford roller flour in quantities to suit and Oregon Boy al-»«» ran. J. DeRoboam and wife are improving at Kearnes A White's. • SIXTH DAY. the lot in town which they purchased of In t:*e m le and repeat race Bingo and Mrs. Little, and it will soon present a I lie fair is over and all have resumed Wolf Creek Hallv were entered. It was a their usual conditions. much improved appearance. runaway !• r the former, who won with Tbe Yreka fair did not commence until T. C. Law is improving his premises in b mds down in slow time. yesterday, on account of the rum, which The trotting race for the purse of >5uu W iliow Springs precinct. feb tn torrents. The weather will serious­ wa-i the biggest lake of the wh de fair. The We can aim» st hear the whistle on the ly interfere with its success entries wen- the < rvscentciiy h r^es J bn branch railroad already. Neboti and E. P. and Dr. Van lake’s J. W 8«jwden,Laving resigned the agency Mailion Adrian The latter won the first Groceries an I provisions of all kinds, of the White sewing machine, head»|Uurters beat aid E. P. the second, with Nelson fresh, at Kearnes A White’s. • therefor have been estnniished at the 8. F. «¡"•an ed The next w »s a dead beat,am! Mrs. M. J Lawrence uf Gall's creek was Variety 8t«»re in Jacksonville. Ad: un the iwo next beats, although N. b. Drew has sold his farm on Apple­ E P. ran beat him easily. A great many in Jucksonvide on Wednesday. *«4duii the rate, wild, <>t couis,-, 8‘me mow has fallen on the higher gate tu diarie« Fuilh and will soon remove to Klamath county, w here he has purchased theie was much di^sari-faction among m untains during the past week. the latter’s homesteud claim. tho-e on the outside. Pais ey. Like county, will have some The slow race did not materia izr, and a The rain storms uf the past week seem match race between Gold Digger and Blue interesting horse races Nov. 12th. to have been general all over the entire 8b»»at was substituted. The latter won First-i-lass cedar fence posts for sale in coast, doing much damage to vineyards in easily. quantities to suit at the T imes office central and southern California. 1 he in.itch race at the fair grounds hi‘t wee«, be'weralbe trotters ot J. Bel­ G. ’A Wise has been appointed post­ We acknowledge the receipt of a compii- linger, J. Auge an I Lawtui Bos, was master at Warner lake, Lake county. mentaly ticket to the N«»nhwestern Indus­ wo » by B I n:er, although it w.i* - ip,»us Exposition,to bt h»410 will buy a opened another meat market at Ash­ house an«! lol in Volo troia Scott Gntfin. • It appears that the crop of suckers is land, which niace is now f.x ellentiy web Alta wtl probably be shipped to C.ilitor- a way - equal to ib«* demand We thought ( n i <*n Triti Laid when in Medford and sapp.ied in inis line of busillis». tiia -o ii. and *»;e»l to either Direcior or l -n rks uad w-ra»-«! iruudule* t limb, i se» some' .ing new in the jewelry line. • Guy Wi k< s. It is un.:< rstood thut the Bert. Whitman is buying a c onsiderable t .1 -«,».:. » in h - vic niiy » u tv . :ii.H Old papers, in quantities to suit, for sale quantity ol pears tio n tin* t »rmeis of App»t- I; o n 1» «»I Kitty 11am are not yet satisfied it w. ii.u b- iiiipiiMiib.e to hod al.} one who that Aita c.*n b.-at her, and woul»l like gale and other parts of toe vali- y. Would lake stock in anv scheme that was at the 1 imks uthce at50cents a hundred. to match H un against Alta again. nut, on its lace, legitimate. However, we Johnson Bros., G»-o Weeks, Win. M»- A. L. Kidder of Meadows precinct has have found that we were mistaken, a* the gone tu Roseburg, and will remain a while. Daniel and others have killed several bears Everybody who can should go to Port­ f<-.. owing w i*l show It appears Hint VV. A. land ami atiend th»* industrial exposition, on E k and Trad creeks recently. Dr. Robinson’s son Willy is quite ill. but Cuburn and partners came lore about now in progress there. It is the greatest F. H. Rowe ha> commenced to stock lair ever held in tbe northwest. Signor three months ago ami commenced business. was improving a little at last accounts. his Roseburg lumi er yard. lie has Liberati’s famous band furnishes the They locat» d about forty people un claims Don’t forget the local teachers' institute machinery on the way for a sash ami door uj t e McKenzie nver. making many allur­ music, which adds very much to theenj >y- ing ¡»roiu’ses I bey received from each ut which will be held at Gold Hili to morrow. factory, planing-mill, and so forth. ment. tnepaitiC’ a bou* >22 to p.iy rX|»;*n**e* uf Ten thousand feet <»f lumber at Sain's val­ ’s Jamaica Ginger—strictly pure. hu W Smith of Fort Jones, California, n g, e'c.. Leslies charging etenun- the ley school-house fur sale by Scott Griftin ut An Wright ex« elient remedy lor cramps, cum,* anti is J» tn th»* valley taking orders for tbe cele­ < >uv value to ihe land ami board while .-<» Tolu. ’ • where a tonic for the stomach and bowel*» brated Rusler patent rubtier bucket pump, engaged Of this >um tiny paid mi: >s and Heating 'tows have be**n called into req­ is required, bold bv all druggists. which hits n«> e«jual. Thousands of th«-m pocketed the other >11 thus making >jt»o less expenses. In audition, these same uisition again, ns tires are quite comfort­ Subscription« for the S. F.Examiner taken are in use. as they ii**v» r fail to give satis­ part it-. so we are informed, located 100 able. at the T imes olii «• Those wishing a faction; tiesides, they *lu not cost much an 1 propie from other portions ot Oregon aid Neuman Fisher is receiving bis fall and chance m the grand November drawing last fur years. U .-»uiiuton, receiving probably >50 from winter stock uf g.»o,is, which is a large, first- should sei «1 in their names at once. For rent or sale at a sacrifice, nearly 2Ja each un an average, thus cleaning up about class one. J. T. Edwards of Tat»le R »ck precinct a«r«*s land with about 75 bearing fruit fáoiM) <>n tbi''transaction. Th»* first proofs left this section hurriedly la>t Sunday morn ­ trees, joining the corporate limits otJack- H. I M»*t'!u!i»-n announces that he is a wee advertise»! lobe made at ifoebiig on ¡así \V»di esday, mol «bout til e .i of } c:«ndidMte fur the ,'tìice »4 city recorder oi ing, accompuiiie«i by Lis family. He is sonviUr. I here *.s a house, good well »»» supposed l*> tie oil his way to Texts. R sebuig. wafer,barn fur 2 horsts, hay loll and chi' k- tho-e who “ •»»ntr.bu’ed we:» «».» I • i n. i- i he I r • ’ ' < • j»ii’« assortment Km»ckt*d insensible, ti»e force of the con­ < ab« rn amt oibers also located quite a horse, w»n cussion breaking out several teeth ami and sells al the most reasonable rale». number of parties on timber claims m the Ihe Gold Beach “Gazette’’ reports the throwing him through a pine-board fence. upper Rogue river country, who will ais«» Our Oakland ex» hanges report the »leatn H- is slightly disfigured, but not seriou-ly fa!« run «>t -aouun in Rogue river as being probably come to grief. of Miss Jennie 1 Slone, of the “Cove,’’ hurt. very small. age«i 14 years, last Wee-.. She Was the Religious. Noles, receipts due bills,drafts etc., in daughter of .Mr and Mrs. Jacub Stone. rheownerof Bingo made a cleanup,at the form handy am! tirst-class, at the fair, »s his horse run several races and w«m The following are R»*v. Robert Booth .•» book The largest ami best stock of deeds, all <-f them, in some he should nut hate 1'1X1 Mr* office. appointments for the present First mortgages ami nil kinds of real-e«tate am! torn allowed to enter; but nobody looked bantath of each month, Meuford at II At »*»>?»t a large, tirst class assortment of legai blank“ s»»uth of Salem is kept at the after the matter, and he walked away with o'clock v. M. and 7 P M second Sit»b.»th, fruit jar*» and jehv glasses, at tbe S. F. T imes otli'.e and sol»! at Portland rates u c nsiderabie sum of money he wa“ not Central C unt at 11 a . M an 1 7 r. m . Variety St«»re. third Sabbath. Medi ad at 11 a . m and 7 The many hundred p-op e from abroa«i entitled to. "am Hazlett, the pilgrim printer, is I*, m . fourth Sabbath, Juck*»»nviib* at II who attci d»*»! the <1.stru t la>r have nearly Ed. M. Connell an«! Dr. Robertson of a . M. and 7 pm . "aboatb s« huol at Jackson­ abroad in thè iati«! again, being at Jackson­ all returne«! home, though som»* of th -m Yr» ka passed through town one day last ville every Sunday a: 12 m . and prayer ville Ulis week. went t<» Y it k t, Cai., to atte ml tbe fair there. week, en route to Josephine county, in nutting every Thursday evening at 7 A bdl prosiding for the sale of the A dailv stHge line between Ellen-burg, • iiiest of mu elk they lost in tbe c»)ast range o'clock. Kl.mtth nwr Indian reservation has and Smith River, Cal., is one of the bene­ some years since. 'They had good dogs ami The following are Rev. R. Ennis’ appoint­ pasotd coi gres». a«*cQUtrement“, am! as th»* weather has fits that our Curry county neighbors enjoy all ments ’»i. every Sunday morning.excen*- been favorable the search can but termin­ Clothing ami gents* furnishing goods of since the completion of the wagon road ate successfully. li g the third, r e will huid services at tne Presbyterian enurch in Btueuix. on third the i-e-i quadty at Reames ami White’s— Nunan’anew fail goods ar»* m»w ready • proposed change from Ashland stone Sumiay morning and » v-rv Sunday even­ new this weex. forinspecti.m.ann Jerry will be most plea*eu to The Tenino stone for trimmings for the new ing he will preach at the Preshy A tin»-line of accunlions has just been to show them to his customers. N»-w ad­ ci'ytnl bud ling at Portland smells very church in Ja< ksonvdle receive»! at the 8. F. Variety bt«»re and vertisement will be in I ime - next edition. rankly of a job. I: is openly a«serted Arcnbisb»»p Gruss arid K?v. Father Clark wid be old cheap. w.libv »tiran:*-» Pa on Saturday even A complete assortment ol justice’s blank“ • hat tne Tvtiin » men have been attempting mg. whn h will pr* vent the Litter fr hu | E2. 1 hey are the latest ali i best. • he city council to gnore the Hpe< iii» atinns h i i ngon n m here 8u h 1 . y Theie w 1. be no services in the Prr-by I and eft nim >3Giu Address T imes i'rintiag House, Jackson­ of the architect » ailing f »r the u«e of Ash­ land stone. ville. IvrMii church the coming Sabbath, a h»* 1 h- new (’attiniic church at Ashland was pastor w 11 be absent attending the meet Two fakirs named llesson ami Westfall, The propus tion to ■»♦ r «1 the fruit exhibit de In .*■«• d bj. Archbishop (ìross, during his incs oi Presbytery and Synod. Vi>it in the valley. at the lair !• Portland, for »H“i»lay at tbe .vcnnipnnied by two women, hel«i forth Tue Pre-byirry of s.»uim ru Oregon wil. ■ >n t1»e fair grotimis last week and exchang- industrial lair tber»*, m t with very gener­ meet on Oci. 3 i at 7 .3«* P M. m Oatvluml. A railroad between Jacksonville ami al sanction among our progre->ive fruit ••*t a c..n-:«ierahle amount of their nostrums Or., ami the Synod <4 the Columbia wi.l Mrtif oid wdl imw surely be built. No men. I for cash. They should not have been n.< et on thv 9.i> in Portland. foolishness this time. al owed on the grounds, anymore than 1 he follow mg are the appointments of There is one medicine that will cure im ­ the other thieves who robbed a large num­ With the lifting of the smoke cloud mediately. We r»fvr to De Will’s Coin Rev. Fainer Ci.»rk for the month ut Octo­ ber with their wheels of fortune, striking Rogue river valley once more becomes a ber; bunday, Oct 5th, at Grant's Pass; ami Cholera Cure for ah summer com­ machines, etc. ()< t 12th, Ash ami . Oct. 19 h, Jacksoiividt buie paradise on earth. plaints. No delay, no disappointment, no Reatnes A White received this week their at 10;20 a . M. ; Oct 2»ub, Giant’s Pass at Phil. Mi ler made a trip to Cinnabar this failure. new stock of fall an»! winter goods, coo­ 10.30 A. m . week, packing in a lot of supplies fur Job George Isaacs, Jr., of Medford, whs pting, in part, of dry goods, ladies fine Garretson and others. thrown from his h(»r-e while ruling alter dre«9 gooiia. fancy goods, ladies' and gents' The I bampion Peach. J 8. Brooks, late a trainman on the cattle one day last week and had Ins coll ir­ furnishing good“, fine shoes, hats and Ashland run south, has gone into the hotel li me broken Dr Geary repaired the clothing, all of which they will sell at the There has been mu« h controversy in injury. most rea-onable prices Call and see their Ashland over the question whether a peach business al Sisson, Cal new goods before making your purchases ever grew large enough to weigh a fud Henry Westbrook of Smith river, Cui., A summer frinnl—Wright's Blackberry elsewhere. • P un i, aid the veteran nurseryman, O. wh«» was badly hurt by a runaway horse Cordial. Once used always taken. Relia­ Co«»lidge, has been skeptical enough to be ■ aiely, is convalescent now. ble and prompt. Pleasant to take, indis- 1 B. Williams of Central Point this week heve himself safe in uiYering a dollar for The Patterson ami Gray combined bar (»ensible for summer troubles. Sold by all circulated a subscription paper for the pur- ev»-ry pea« b thought him that would weigh druggists. p»»“»* of raising funds to make a survey of as much as a pouml. Last week W. H. venter an»i thresher cut aud threshed this ttie l>est and most direct ronte t<> Klamath Atkinson picked a peach, which he had -eason 11,000 bushels of grain. Fred Autenrieth is <«>nductor and sec county. A surveying party will soon be been w itching for sometime on a tree st retary of the Yreka branch railroad. W. put in the field, ami it is expected that the Bend the T im is to vour friends East, or bis phu e in town, and found that its w eight Dean engineer and A. Larison fireman. any other place. It answers better than The will make un appropriation to was ♦ x •<•:!}’ Is 2 ounces, and that It meas­ at r«»a»l is paying more than running ex- legislature all the letters you can write. assist in ttie construction of the proposed ured 12S ¡in he- in circumference. This i> pences. thoroughfare. tin ethciive wind up of the «»»ntroversy. The old reliabl»* Phoenix flour can now The best remedy f r headache and neu­ hik I it is bc ievt-ti to i»e the champion p< acl. be found at the 8. F Variety Store. It is Mrs. J. 8. Cumtnons of Ashland h re­ ralgia is Wright s Para on Headache rem­ ported <•! :he Pa' ihe enaat for size It waa sent Ko second to none in the market. Io have gathered seven hundred and edy Stops pain m five minutes. Haim- th» southern Oregon disirn I f ur a' Central sixty gallons of blackberries from a quarter De Will’s Little Early Risers. Best lit­ less, tasteless, no bail eflects. Sold by ail of an acre of ground this season, besides a Point, a:» l h » '-i re coon i » »he Industrial fair a: P rtiand. It is of the variety called tle pill for dyspepsia, sour stomach, bad druggist«. large quantity of peaches, plums, apples 2t) ounce eiing. an«f from a tree that h«s breath. Bold by E. C. Brooks. If you want any repairing done cal! on and pears from her three acre orchard. t»orn»- many very large pen- hes. J VV. A flue supply of frebh candy, nuts, Prit< hard, one door from Grind (’entrai, Truly, “Five Acres too Much” 1» pracii- H<>ckeismith, the fruit shipper, offered >» bananas, lemons, etc., at tbe 8. F. Variety Medford. He can’t make a new watch out of cally»xemplified in this happy vallej* when for the pea h. ami is now the owner of it, store. The best m the market. an old one, but Im can make a old one run rightfully managed. says the “Tidings.” dke a daisy. * There is no p’ace in southern Oregon Work is progressing finely on the new ----- >---------- road from Deed Indian to Pelican bay. We are lucky to Have permanently locat ­ where such a well-assorted ami first-class Electric Bitters. stock of shelf-hardware, cutlery. ammuni­ residents uf that section report. ed with us a city denti-.t who will give This iemtrly is becoming so well known \ <»u all t he science you want in dentistry.’ tion, builder’s materials, firearms, tools of and so pojniar as to need no special After diphtheria,scarlet fever,pneumonia Call on Dr. Marcoux, at the P. 8. Hotel all kinds, etc . is kept as at the pioneer n eniion. All who have used Elec tri» or any other severe illness, there is no better and see him. store of John Miller in Jacksonville. He * Enters sii g the same sung of prais»*.—A tonic than Hood's Sarsaparilla. keeps only the best goods and sell« at the If you want to preserve your roof, as well must reasonable rates. Whenever you purer med »me does not exist and it is H. C. Lewis has gone to Yreka, Cal., to as to protect it from fire, use Hibbard ’ s guaranteed to 15 fur terms of praise, for it preserves a* well as home in Yamhill county for burial Later headache, cor.stipation and indigestion tr\ :' t!r-t < law teeth at Dr. Marcoux - pr»4e< Is. Frank Bybee is sole agent for developments show that he was murdered, Elect™* Bitters —Entire sat’M »»lion guar Jackson county. probably by the horse thieves he was after. nnteed. or money refunded.—Price 5o its. office ut tbe U. 8. Hotel ir Jacksonville. • and |l »» per bottle »t all di iu’ store-. The magnificent display of fruits at the Springer was not the kind of a man that Cluts. Bennett, who is very sick with would kill himself, e.-pecially as lie had no dr«»psy, returned home a lew days since. district fair were b»»xed up by B. F. Miller reason for doing so. Fiiea. It is leered that he will not survive long. and shipped to Portland, where thf*y wid be <»n exhibition. No doubt tlicy Will C <’ McClendon has purchased of Toni 1 he dwelling-house on the Linville fairu A few copies <•( the American Mettler«’ attract much attention. Tierney the s<»rrel station “ Lewis P, ’ pay­ near the Antioch school-house, was de­ Guide, slamlard authority on all land ing >590 fur him. He is one of the be«t- stroyed by hre last Saturday morning. The matters, may oe found at tbe T imbs office. Our customers ail fpeak highly iu praise loss was (»arliallv covered by insurance of St. Patri» k's Pills. They are the <«st.- - bre»i an«! fastest burses in Oregon, and G A. Hotleiibe}»k had just moved into it A revi-ed edition of la grii-pe has caused B eiiky B k <»“.. Carroll. Nebraska. For sab* would have won most if nut all the races with his family and lost many of his a lar^e number of otir worthiest citizens to by l»r J Hinkle. Central l\»int, and (». in which h" was entered, but for the un- fortunate accident winch befell him before personal eib-c’s. The tire originate»! from t tae a sneezing view of lite for some day? H Haskins, Medford. tbe f dr commenced. The horsemen of tins the flue. past. Our friend, (’barley Junker of Yreka. county are to be congratulated upon this 1. J Macy s threshing-machine and out­ Cal., has been at death ’ s door (or sometinK* The people of Montague, Cal. , had a accession to our stock interests. fit, whit h was standing under a shed on the Coleman plate in Table Hock pre» inci. celebration a few days since over the past, but is somewhat unproved at this Special excursion rates to Portland wan burne«! one night last week. It wa- starting up uf the steam flour mill at that writing, we are glad to say. He is not from all stations on the Southern Pacific, entirely out of danger. insure»! for |1*’snces, it pales into ms'gnifieani e Hanley. gonian'’ “tuff, alni attended the laic tuir at n!d 2(10 acres sai l to be the best bridge in the county. ¡IK« a pall Im* be» n <• e r»*d nwav, H » attend tie sale nt the Ross ranch to­ of l.»n i tw«> m- e> fr«»m A-hland to J De­ The only w;»y the » r» ek can ever gel tbe du-t tffectr.a ly laid, wh b much good ha­ morrow. Witt Batt“ of R»'cheste-.N. Y., for >10,(Mi0. best « ( it aill be to leave it to one side. The ll n »tone in many other w;»t s. The rail» The next event of importance will be tbe Mr. But's has se» tired a nnr-l desirable center spun of iron, on cylinder piers, is wa- »1 »it» general, eveiy section receiving M» rnl - Abt-A bi ut: entertainment. Every ­ one hundred ami twenty fret in length and fiume at a reasonable figure. its fui*quota. body xhuiial go and see these wonders of the approaches almost as long. The piers Klickitat, Bing«). Arago, Wolf Creek rest upuu piling put down below the deposit tbe age Arrested. Bally am! sevtral other horses which of tbe creek. you want a first-class pump don’t fail participated in the district fair races, have i>r. Beh her, manager of the Chilian to If invest in a Busier, with thè peri» Ct gone to Yreka, and will no doubt win J t is not generally known that the late M»-»lical C<» , was arrester! at (»rant’s Pas- expansion rubber bucket. They have no some of the speed contests there. l)8Vid 8. Terry took part in the Rogue one da-. th - w»ek, charged with violating river war of 1«> Terry was as brave as a th»- law. passed by the last legislature, superior. C. H Calkins, the Dem »» rati«* eamlidate li»»n,and if anything of that kind was going which re»pnre« part es se lmg medicines in No griping, m» nausea, no pain, when for road over-eer in Yr» ka distici, is being on near him he was sure to be there. The th»* ma'imr hi-i*ompany (lues to tsk»-1(0 a month. Attorney Small pill. Safe pill. Best pill. Brooks lately from ( hippewa Fall“, Wis., who “ Record’s” informant,an old pioneer,thinks he hel«l tbe po-ttion of colonel, buch a <■'»!vig ;«i pr.rt- I t»»r the state ai.»f Francis sells them. have some intentions of locating. courageous and brave man as Terry surely I 1,1 h, F. j , n,r tip* defendant. It was at Joseph <’«»!»• announces that he will soon The 8an Francisco “Examiner’s” great merited a better fate than befell hitn at hr-t Dr. B •!« tier's intention to test th» Lsthrop, Cal., snd that, too. for insulting— law. But he afterward concluded to pay r|oae f the crowd tbe drivers November 21st. and » »mtinuing four days. never fails them. A A» or 50 cent bottle town on profvsniurial business, and will were handed, and another “chuck’ race A large attendance of teachers is anticipa- may beobtaiued from Dr. J. Hinkle, Cen­ tral Point, aud G. H. Haskin* Medford Ake. remain a lew day«. prtM?uted i ted. OUR FALL AND WOT CATALOGUE IT IS THE IDEAL SHOPPING GUIDE, Webster’s Unabridged Dictionary For $2.25 HALE BROS. & CO., * SACRAMENTO. CAL. TILE FOR SALE. Tiling of All Kinds, N REVOLVERS ■■■■■■■■■■■■ « DR. ABORN SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, OUR ANFUALCLE-RAKCE SALE iERHATIOKAL HOTEL N N A 'Hed-Ake VTM. B. KINCAID. Attigner. Children Cry for Pitcher’s Caitwia. J yww T