; ADVERTISING AND JOB -Ili fo«tu»e*rt«'d Advertís« m ihtf fohtTwluf nrb T»*ri ’Jiwat. «/fwlhsrn mor «ubsflqi >t r^*L P wockictok . NEW THE TIMS« JVB QFFXCE TIMES BUILDING. X__ t>11lee—< Vierer third .net CMreeta. ACKSONVILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST ìà, 1890 Rau» uf anUu ripjon: i» c py p *r annum, in tut» “ “ »11 IU rllttlrt lUrve iu. a*t i » OFFICIAL DLft ù CTORY. JTATB OF ORK i ION. L’. 5 S.vuffit >r», J. H. Mih’b ■'!' J. N. D .Iph; • ’ B. Hermann: rtf • W Yiu- Ur-i it»: *L4t ? Trviuur*r. G©n. W. WHrfr At»t»> rrlntvr.F. C. B«tA«*r; Hupt. Public Instruction. E I), vt/rtlr jy Suurtiu ! Ju-ig’te*, K s. Htraban, (*hk»f JuHtlo**,W. F. Lord, R s. IJ hu . rilMJ JÜÜP 1AL l»LHTKUT. CorpprHIu^ JfioMfe»»U Jo»< Dhln •. Luk - bn«l KJiiuTtth counlhM; Circuit Ju l«»*, L ft. vv«*h- Hlt’r, Iiwtrict Attorney, W. M. t\»lvi^ JACKlK».*« OOCN rv Senator. Th*». Cum.-rtMj; rt •pr'M»»n!a( vi * h , >. Furrv, J. W. Meritt. J. M Me» til; < .»mt> Ju 1^0, J II. N'*II; <’ «tu ul***», tn Tte. I W, i A>- I. er, il "i. »I «rm »»id; Ckik. M. diilh r; S.i» i ij, J. G. lltr U g . ; Fivaiur »i I. B iu:u*»r: V- " g ,r. L L. H » hiinn; Sva »*>l Sup»»r:ntenJe»nt. » . •*. Prteta; Survajor. P. Apph'irat«»; i.'.»»i»nvr, J. rt.Par-on; St Miff Inspector. W. F, $ mg. r. NO. 33. ■ MEDICAL. MISCELLANEOUS. FRANK GALLOWAY. M odford. SILAS J. DAY, A SCROFULOUS BOY NOTARY PUBLIC. nu^wiwo eunw covpoo nis n»»ov amp kud . nona ArraunO). emu m crTurtu < >C*iJfOll REAL ESTATE ACENT I MANITACTÎ’REROE When fix month© old the left hand of our little grnndvhilA tn «well, and bad every apr»»aranr<* of a }ar xrandtan romaios perfi-ctly well. No signs of m rofula and uu «orea. MRS. E. S. DKIGGri. F fir. on the line surveyed through la»-» sum- mrr; but from recent devrlopm^nta it is now apparent th«t Huntington's Faii:b«-ru «’xterition will be U>e lirrt to r^a h hi . F»» ru h | r eit>»nR’(tirrha«rf| the narrow-gauge kn<»wn n’ the Oregonian Raliwny. Th* mad pastes through the t»»st pt'itirn of the W lhinHte vnlb v on the elat aide, m d will extend f»orn Portland to a p- pit n< a» b;»pii’.gfield,opt osit** E ig^ne city J iic road »»cd im to be »*hangt* 1 to a Mai>d.ir<| gauge and cxteiidc J to a connec­ tion with »he < ’. P. at or near Wir.i vniucc©. The rnad w I! pass up th»* Di’d lie for* of (t.e Willamette fr^ni Bpringtkld on th route i r< j*c»ed hv Mr. Frngra many year-» «*go Jr will follow poiuewbere near the line of the mi ilir\ wagon read tn <•■ »»e© Lise val>\ , and down «be ea«l aide uf (ko-t-'ake. Mr Fcngra ia engineer and lively development« are rxp< cted Fuon - ¡Lakeview Examiner. I I I stati : rrtittfo# ad ©w©^ Imaginable ««raerlKkm done at nan P>anefo0b ratea, atad in a prompt aud Arte dass ■aaniw. ■■—T EXKCCTED. T í IE FIRST VICTIM uF KLKCTKOCl'TION. Atnvujr, K. Y., Aug. «—A bolt ot el«ctnvity Wil discharged into tha vitals of Wm. K»mmler at tba prison hore (hi* morning. He died, so far a. any super* ficial evidence indicated, upon tLe in­ stant that the switch L-ver was pushed in the place to establish thr- current through his bidy. His eyes remained partly open, the involuntary nerves, it is believed, being instantly paralyzed or disintegrated, tire heart was stopped up­ on the half beat, and no tetanus Convul­ sion marked the instant of dissolution. Kernmler’a nerve was aoinetbiiig won­ derful. He never faltered. He directed the adjustiuHnt of htntaell in the chair and counseled the warden to moderation t j secure perfect safety. Tl.c shock was given at 0:43}^ am , and was continued a'»ont 18 seconds. Four minutes after ths curr-nt was cut off there was respira­ tion, ana. Thee* sake it coat in the Cuban market at leant 111.* 4rt |x>r liar re I, > onnting the ahlpptw price in M»» York at >4 90 per barreL other articlee cd American growth are likeai*» taxed by Spain Io a point of pro- hih tlon. •‘Thia one-eided l onimi-n e," says Sec­ retary Blaine, "wili seriously injure the ehippiug rentes which are still in Amer* i<-an hands largely, if not exclusively. It wonld certainly*be a very extiaordi* nary peltry on the part of our govern­ ment just at this tune to open our mar­ ket without charge of duty to the enor* mi-nx crop« of sugar raised in the two Spanish i.l 3il a. M — \?««'int'le attI.e.Mirripiatu JOteBFKlNg C'lCMTY. Grand theater, to rrccive cert! Cea tea and J »!nt S.»nat<»r, W. St. C'.air; it *pr-«'«»itativr MONEY LOANED. ba«!g« s of nieuil.ership. An address of il. II. Mi'-u'r; C'MUltV Ju 1« V. < »Ivia; Coin ini»-», »n i d. C. O. BtaH'»*. P. < !rrk. t Inx• Mtin**nt Svrurllh’s a Specialty. Jackson Wei. ollie will be delivered. K. Cnau«t »r; Sberitf. JanwM C. M m .**; Treasur­ Ootioty tVrlp Bought and Sold. 12—Noon.—L'.iucli at Hotel Portland. I Uaw n complete art of Map* of all the N«ir- er. J. W. • i 'V t ; A'*-*»'«'».-, E. »*. H nm >u, I r. M.—Take cable ears at Fifth an 1 v»»y,-d LMndslnthiffi county, and receive Ab- S*«h »«jl Sun.-rml'-ivbmt. W. A. Man*»!"; Surv» y- »tracta uiontblv from Uoevburg of al! now or, C. W. tiavutv«; O»rdnt*r. Dr. Wuliacv. Yuiuiiill for Portland Heights and May- entries made. 1 am than pre|aired to make auaMxrit o»v»rr. field's camera obscura, ------ ----- —. which --------- affords a out H«»tn **t«-*fl and Pre-emption paper*, and Joint Senator, C. A Co;r»weli of Lnkv- i»»c*d un i gfnr‘rf rlww trt FwUanS and resinration w* * ev.dant- Altar a hi< ri-4* ntntlV'. A. 3” k*r of Lak»-. Cnfuty Ju lrf-, can rhv >* to partiva th« opentjr of a trip to Religion». moments nar»< from IM moath, •I S. Urr; C > o tiMU.»n »r< iv. t*. Cratvf »r«l. surrounding«. Roseburg Land Office. the cheat heav. there was a wheel­ tions at a moment when Spain is exetad- C -w Silver*«; «'lerk. A. L. L*«avitt; SttfrltT. K. 'lire app< intnieets of Ker Father Clark 2 I- M. — Leave Second and Alder by 1 HAVE FKVFRAI. FIWR FARMS AWb OTRRK W. G nr.v»i Treasurer. Wm. E. H >w.-, A h »» m - for 'bix liimitii are as follow«: tjnnday, ing in the throat, the shock was again ing the pre lucts of American farms from • ir, J »hn 4m krt; S.-n »»I Supeiinton lent. 1*. L. r»EHIKAl)1 JL PUOPEHTT IN MY Aug. lOtb. JaeLi’Iivtlli-ai 111 J<) A. M. l.'ilb, Metiojivlttan electric cais for Fniton put to the p-isoner, who, the doctor re­ F • mt *u.i. surveyor, l«a. L *»k ‘vr I; C »nmur, J. her market would tw a policy as unpreo* IUKL»S P>H SALE. Paik. l'..i-t of tire "A- iirri.ii. n" nt Encl« >’< i’o marked, was nnconaci. its from the mo­ edented as it would be unwise. 3 r »1 —Take <■ irr ag. h at hulton Park T. ForlHR* JlfPrompt reply made t«> nil hltera. al 10 a . M.; 17th. at Siskivnti S'a'icn at 10 ment of the first shock, in a short time l. IKK CQt’WTT. •*Otsr trade with the American repub­ (’hargrg in accordunce with tbe tim«e. i r i-, urive ttir.mgii Riverview, ttie "beau­ .bimt S ii-itor, C A. C khw ’-U of Lak«*: K« n- A M.; Jt-i, Gr.i it’s l’a*s al 1'1:30 A. M. smoke appeared in the face, and tire Refers.by permtasion to C.C. Beckman, F j * g „, r«M«-niatlVk. A. Hnid-r; C nuitj' Ju i< », w. A. The following arc Ker. Walton iskq-- tiful city of the dead;” thence hv way flesh »»« named. Toe spectacle was lics as weii us with the West India Bank«'!-, to Hon. L. IL Wobatvr. JudgM* of thia WlUhir.r, t'j’nmtanlonerti, A. V. f.anr, Ut*». M. Wortii’s appointrnenG lor Die present yr nr: ot the L ity p.uk to N W hill, among (lie rnoHt trying. The man. the ductor said, irlands lias been lor many years in the Judicial district, and to any buainvaa homm in J .IBM L 'Tk, W. N.H Ul »tl; Sül’l’ifT, W. >• Hry- mo-t un«atii. R. Jt —Ku assemble at the Mar- View at F» n««<* In rurt ot Or»*x »n rn'»et« at fotirih Hahbaib. Jacksonville at 11 a . m and ]>oint not named. After the third con ­ ■« th*n. rr^uinr term* dunm ncing on th«* f»rS( Since we regaled the duties on coffee in 7 r M Sabbath school nt Jarksonvill« ante of ilia greatest modern play, "The tact of four minutes tire Utah was de­ ‘I mlayniQ Marvn ml »let >b»*r: .«!.•».> .it In«!». every Sunday at 12 M. and prayer meeting Old Homestead,” by liie famous De'iuian clared dead, and the warden’s certificate 1872 we Lave imported products of Bra­ JI h ' ou , 0«>inmt**ii’inx on tir»l M ui l iy iu Maj AT BON ANZA. zil to the extent of *S31,bO»,OUO, and Thompson company, there will lie an _ I »it I'lrcull court forlhv ttr»t Ju lir.aklit»net every Thursday evening nt 7 o ctoct of death was sighed by all present When V»»* tn Jack-ton county oa dra M m«l:iy» in The ti**w Mood puril'j» » and pur*«*»! and b^t NEAT. DURABLE. STRONG AND CHEAP Talent chur< b pulrit will lie occupied l*t oration by Colonel P H Winston, Ilia the mask was Uat-n off Kenuuler'r fact have sold to her only IlM, 130,000 of our ol hum<»r nir*«. intrrnnilv, und <'uticurn, the April. S •pteinUvr an 1 l»»'Cf.t T" grtHtfcJdn « lire, and Cato urn N»;4p. an * x Ralih.itii m lire niontli. no ruing ano eve «’le.ir Washington editor, following his eyr-s were fr-und laf ut« i< and Ins M hi l.iy in N.ivcmhvr. in L ike count» on the i quimtr skin boritfHi«T, »•«U’rnall.v. in*«lMnO> ■img l»v liev. E. Uu-s i Kuia i-t).I m I Itli ear I. act short piti.t s:ieech<*a will l>e <■, ;.rer i n wlri'e not norm - pl<< I. ■ tOO liiat we have pai l iu gold or Ha •tin! M tfi l.»y in M ty an 1 tbr •• •• »»: I »nday \ • riing, by llev tiei.vete.i by t r Hiiuiuiit member relieve an>l speedily and p<-rmanentiy «•ur*- Natrbato, moruiii-- a: eqmaliut. and brszii lias expended .u »! "t • iv.ning. ( Hie a 1» Imiritrlr to s-e. a th ’,»b«r Iu Jute »p’itne county on firnt • fhrmoet agoni/ine.* ib*hing, burning, Need­ c il. 11 *u (M. E.i. > >at ’a! bath ti.itli seh<»»¿ . .......... .. r Dr» i ,*i i-uui m the markets <4 Europe i e eitrine" • i| -. r!e mattrird You can readily ree how differeut the . I l-i. tad l I v < n te huni'ir* ot the'-kin ».»Hip ,«n. pronntv mt 1 , > 'ilL't ■ It tri 1 i xucutmti ».»i ! to j reKu.re would iene bi-cu if in return for ance ’ "i fie iu,l- r e Udliugs. c MUdi «-«i >U' T< .* 'ur»4 m-. t \ery in > »ih, han , from l»iinplcH tn h r<»fulu. I h . OSlMAN.BUt CEífOl» LU J O. HAM Of Sold •i* U d rri.-iii hl* evi th« ««<<■ a'ed ft — ■ •jire’-i.oiiJeiitt, that | ,|.e lr,.r BjJI; b.ie:. >4 Biaxilien coffee tn com.ii -nelinc with th.* »trat M »n lay; for Jonv- wverywrtrv. Flirt«. Cu’kMira .MA ; Re- 1 pre: . h ■at ! »A u —Tak Rev 'irorge K. June. J. *k>-ACap, 2'w’. Pr* p.«rod tn-tne Fctt« r N.iinT ■ alley cn the ptnn • county, th»- tirnt Mandat in Januarj*, b nd.»;. 1 » iu 111. t ' .x m ♦ M h :’. 1 .* w oli t .e lrud> a.'.* a !'• .'mi hi ti.e ,,, Ui»ik»ti •e.jJ' XacteJtlmfreead- hi» porohiwo s tar«., r.i.1 ftr.t-clwa. Mock .’I soh and Chomi«*H« Corp >rat’on. B«”g«>n. Yprll, July an-l S pt nl»nr; (or Lvk • county, I Ft M «jod» which »« now no th« wnyfr.-ai Perl ...nt. Lhnig •I y M —. e.ch ........ rt ■* .•*» ». I C • 4 ’ iu- •aiwir llie.i ww> iiu 1 pjm ‘ I <4 ‘ uig j, iiì ^ ,n u| > urlaci prodottavf tLc United tT*"Srnd tur , ll« ’ vt" O. * .«km Dis; t. •»*. cvmxv alternate rn m’tixcommt-ncuig th«* rtrat «»•r »nd will bo «.'.a Chcur for < s»h. Ewrbodvi. at »h- - Anti-..*li on tl.c T at an’ii.«'ion tt:-'. i . p rii n 4?« 3 Stm Monday in Januar». F »r Klamath county the t. U »- Li» u a U ■ r.*l ■ vu .yfukl:.. i>e 5iuictoia tilv Bruciali market. Po re- in.il«! tn call and «asumió «.-id. and prUe. ow llr»t Wcdaaaday Ln March, Junv. boptrmber v?«**rv'4 and hour Liiiu’uu ; I»««.* i»«<: i< ck1 at I he » a- .-.ide aitai ¿rowing «tr.j.rger, cud tlr-l .h time, it j |wat tht.i eiror with sugar 'to an amount tor« purcliasui. eleiwhcrn. Yu. can «Iwaj» nnd DADV’C^‘n nn<î DADI ò beauUÛvd by (. Ticuna : oaf . aul Norumfer. Ins bdlowuic apir.llibUJrXitt Lav* i a; «n uUivr oB hand s full lio» ot HiLvie el ou lb« nvur. K*« Um iin-vot liaouot i ceuturned- : »i*m, three times aa Uqgu aa with cotfael V1E Abaoluttfiy pure. Fir-t 8”n- t' •!! t • P« r ’..«nd •-• ttF* r-- ”««hv in »de by Kcv. H c. Ogl lie wnit'J »»-•». have revived. Olliers, among Clos* ad et p ntunitv to establish recir- T»«v Marine L v «••».■». .«••» P* N M ai Mi-dfuni in th«' day in v.icu iiionth b.uni ai tuuii allying Ita. Dr. SpiUka, _________ _ ___ , etate-s with i equal the ex« ur^.uu wall * them cull'll rocitv oi trade with Latin-Amern anc Clothing. Bool 8 and Shoes, ERO ZESSION AL CARDS ........................ _* ’H'k ’ a ' m .. . .«ad in E|4rcopal church at — 11 o’cl d«aci*urr»c «.■• nc< rt «»nJ «Lime uiubic. positiveness hie conviction that the t... first "Ti.e charge agamst a protective policy Groceries. Hardw; re rjBf lu one minute the CutlcurA A?iti- th«* NelhodiM rMnrcti at Jack-onvul<* at Luirrh will be wt v» 1 on l>u<re. STEAMER SAILING DATES. JAH MORTON. M.iagur fou»Hi bun lav. al Brown-boro at II a M X lacre th** r»*lrbr:«trd pi.iy “.M«»nlo dead, but they think the current • loitid | er. You and 1 well know this is not true TROM SAK rilAHCtS'.'o: Ji«#/«*-* Or»i/»H. »f«vt YlvUIMA: Roranxa. April 1H l-ots Wlliam.-iie Valley. I rida». Vw.-.ist .. and Eagle at 7 « r. m \ Finlay anti tagic • I'< c • - int im * «— - !>«(• r. i. < listo,’ v\ t!1 le» viven have t-cen continued 'onger th in wren­ < but still it is most plau»ibl«i,u>d iherefore ...JR willa»n« tu- Valley, Saturday, July ... -— -«— nt . — >>_. . wt l.inrt'e Valley. M .n.tsy, Augii*' ’he four’ll Sunday at . l*»*- Bu|»i-i>' Os- *• dt'Ml MBKIL th ■ » >r« u«»n I* ««’Irt« I'«pu -ir .suinni« r EX» T 1L«1< »?<.-. L-w Kuh Ticket* «ir to »-»ire ctiy fnr»n i wasfotrnii a licit the body was spread out American farmers. Shall we n*ixo the th h - mh II v hark « f health M i' i” h U os ».««! ivc-.•*», to «iiNpne» Oregon > gr • a’ i» i in- P. P. PRIM, in«*rv«Hi»'liM-at n >w ni •»-• « fioin all v;i'> > poiafte i » VaQuin.1 aia«) returaa. i on the table that very seven’ rn-or mortis i.piv>rtunir any duor«’« made " he t the « »1 i » v . A ■ 4*-* w ill I m * viTOKNEV IND « *>1 N-i;L«>K AT LAW. There was b’it little relaxa- ! 1 do not ii..j!.t that in mxoy r»*p ' ts the C. C. HOGUE, | had act in. ~ lb«* rcnMfffiu lur. ’ o, if ¡nariiV» , .»?i.! jiidi» h?u« in ?e^ □♦»n l P. a P. Air■’. <» ». R. R < J il l’» <»( ci* ht F! | : ui. -mt it h i - •» th .'Illi ully that ilici tariff lull | h c.dmg ui tn«- Minute is a just •<»n (!«»« ► ? h »? ♦»• i «]• v «l?r« «1 il»«- b»*’n» (»»- party .«; i 1’. I I’. Àtf’t, Oregon L»-«T»lopm*nt « •»., (’.»ri dii*. Oreg»»”. •Ju«J»44*M ’HL , (Hf'JUH, JACKSONVILLE, OR n t*» ius ’ n • whet ’ er nri tue i*urni! w 1 1 • s. « ui tM :* v\ i' d t •' »• i •)’ t «> • ift l .Milt I»«« rt I r hfi • I * Sv-1 Uonuforuery Ht , .San rran<*ie«u Cal. iC.it I* A .’S rt i I t n d ' u' t»n exam- , mea«ure. i.l that *•. .p (> ♦ - •i ■III"'’’ is ■*■ • /I ' : ! 1 • ■ ’ Will pnxeti**** iu u! court*» <»l th«' '»fate. UtHce ■ i ■■ ■ -■ . ■ !1_ W ‘.' T « .1- folli, I 'Ir.i' ''e- •<.-. u« ! ¡are to a. ■ "I iwe wnli tlie wire pnlicyot u cof b. in u.itu , AFTER BEfCRf -• k • ’ll I, tu • Wil "i I *»•* |M |»4, * i.ik»*li Iu the Court il >u»»*, third door to h*Cl of **u- Toba« cour Opi’ij'i, or th i»u;’li ». ;ul:-« »«•- «1 ii ••’ ■ . I* 1 y.-i r ? Ji- i r f d‘ lip • lioM* ’- i t» t uh« ’* »’i’ •u* ’fi irgli III- d il nt- I 1-11111. ’ttrU’ d tt It'fiiriglr tic rk' t-k’i* mil ; prot4.< tion. But t!ie-re is not a section or h 1b tb rr..|?er rt- «Iter »lie 'he dirt»* diti»* < !»1 »»n. over in .' il’j'nee, A' . *>'.«’h ns Lo- 1 cv'partucTHliip wlth an rtuthertx« < d capititi of ba k .-cnunaBV« a. n< - ». M) »'• r;n. Senvm* l ! ; in iking a ec ir neatly five it.clie nt di- ' market f 'I '.i.ulliei bushel «4 wheat or Je R. HEIL, • i»mg ’heni, tw > ♦ th“*!»» to be »-i«|»r*hen.lv I fcróilOO, for th> pjrpoterot < :irraing <»n ft G« n» r- Iration, i»l’ei« !«t irikiM*CttVN©KU>4 \T LW Memor-. . Io«* <*f I om » t a i l Jrij e J p M — Au.', in I ’ uitlan.l, adjuurn- Jat ikMiuville, Or«*ijon. ortu'v al Ih«' old «tanti ten ' . whi'h if 1 Ii« -e hnV« a ? r »'t gans wen-taken cut at.d found in 1 good jon the free list without exacting import­ « < 1 ; d « h .< n 1» t.f to p»« «nato’C -orl-*d to '¡n.» mu du < ’ ti L .it, tliUH p iinittiug all ot B* • kiuaii M Banking H* u»« , S. I ’ corner ( al- .................... „ th< ’ Jtick.ntHrille, Or. «•Id ’iu’'* und h»«u;il?’-. Fr.« © a ’•••«, 6 ho’va prejuJn-’aliy. Ti e Bitter« invig*'»a?< healthy condition. The; nil! b ■ pre-. tfornia ami Tìnrd blr» «-1«. ’i i • «»nttmin oniiiui:i with th­ :j return <<» then ho'nes f««r Sijn-lay. served f *r further examination, l'ho I ing trade conc-s-iona in return, we shall for f • >■' sent b»* ria'I on tur p; n( price* knlneys i nd li^dui l'’'*** ’* r, »• i f« < . «’ BRFKMAN. W'd practice-In all court < «4' lb»->»:«tc. fl.li.-i A WIIIT.EN <«t AltASTr.F k c'vcn • H-rv H H? •d I fir <1ii»t-MÍvv orga» ?, au«: *« io af- Bnsir.e'-- iw ting« w:l’ tie hchi in the brain was atnotak n errt. ?'id it t to will chee the loir for profitable rccijirocity TII ’ H. G HEA.MM. in tn«» •r» rei.line air«! ill • urivg fi. IVrm-iTtrnt « '•• Is n t • I lie caref'dly examined. »rance. imunnit « aie trip some vahix'i'e hints on t'lisrul-ject in the Member?» are mo-’t urgently •* • I ! - d M«. ! . . . • li . Al. d nf |.*.s’. Bil oii- » - Irqtltsted to !»«• in piop'pt attendance at i president's brief tnee*sge ol June ltf:h, I Ur' A.ni K-mittei.t fever. *. '■« . . . H. K. HANNA, Ut»»iifipi(ti •n »’MÌ.rli« uiirt»: m it ab«» «uhj>i the rtat- 'l a «»‘•n’ I »¿••s. ! • • r of \phr«»u!i • • - ’i ■ Li '’r< * Ad ,- F arsi ll » S trati gì .—Tiie Irish icad-1 with as mm u piacticsi wisdom U3 was ga’eR .l’nm-EV AND « Ol >-ï’,|t»K Al THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. In th.« pi /’.initr.H P«*rllan«i oifeisto et i« «f.l m-:.main.tn* In r.-p'itatioa a ' ever «lai'* I in e-n h a fiori »pace. Our Wr-ieru Branch, Box 27, I ti a *.•. heps th© larg< at sU«ck of tiie <)rC4'H: P:»»MS As h i itj 'li the hORpi- p o-u'iii fili' a'Je.t iM.lun-’a-! m fuiI«*-i fornigli tua. sei for ti.i-a-lstuffs ¿rows nar- Kaus«v M<*rUHgrs. •fuaill»’, tir. F' r ■’»»!< at*'M} Drur Store. Ja< k’v’i'i lb ■. Ff. HAVE NOW ONE OF THE BFNT KQriPl’KD Fl.oi HING MILL« IN 1HC .«TATE 1 ».ahtief* <«t a <*»*y, and it is h > jh *-I that nien'. U li'.e tl.e ii'inistry :« t! lU'eier*. r„Wtr Great Britain il ne t.n»eveir Alni« ne. |¿n . A’UT* - 1i -i i < mi; tn ll.r lilln n Je n brought on it l'V i lo et< nre he- breail Miop ica from ’■VUI practice in all courla of the Sintc. And the \ . cefi’ « - thjthlicijil listi t • ■i [c\erv » lit«»; ! • the state mit I».» present the ti-HCi'HloiAin its . wn txnk-and Hie in,|ia. nn.iti,, In < »rt.a’i« l-r.« k, i4|«-»1«irA. , »pan-iun of the I ami « ; jov ’iu* lie«' holiday. pet n «• Ku ’ .i:.on and cudorsvi ¡i' ONLY FULL ROLLER PROCESS MILL <f li ■■’> Il hecniHS 11», therefore, t*>'ire uvery i>f>- Nur ABV PTBLIC AND < • »N V EY’AN» LIL ' !n ««'iith rn »»r» gnn. The«*1 mill*» am now manufacturing the I m -» grad«' ■ ! Hour • V. r off» r«vi ti e riffbli* judicial «lt*.tric: ot Kansn*« *»rog'amnie p? in*«* i in a ror.«pi«'no'JR VINES AND SHRUBBERY ■ , on ah ‘ H v • i'f the «Ìi*'!'’ir.>»K Ialiti;» < a •! the > It >the t. •. !•■ In thia iwri ion and are prefNMNMl to All all orders for n-ur. mil ’• ■ l.< te 1 in.int • r th«* word.-», ‘ P :l!.»n!, Oregon, Nationaii-te—the I ir IlnrG of lte'a •!. IKiiiuniiy fui tbeexrenaion of • tirmarkets Hotel Hill. Oregon. era! Hlnngtiny « f money matter*, we. i not tec. Ail order», by mail or in person will receive prompt attention. oí the n«»rlhw< st count. popn at < n > ».”’»’> ” Handsome stlken While Balfour is ^inat'ing nnder the ri­ 011 both >i the American continent« with ui.- Will alten«! to ali bmdne** in iny lln** with valry of Mr. Go^etieii l'or the i eaiblrp IT IB TUE TPiCAl. MEDICINE nr-» t v n «jucMt ilia a ’.:!. the ............. proceedings * in ihe h48 w . . also I » worn !»v the members of his nartv anj'fio ’ton ini'ing t ro«- ncarh $l».n*V» worth of sugar aeek- Test »ha Flour and You Will Use No Other. prompt ara© and at rvaaonabie rat**«. ingonr market« every year, «lini and w w~ miau shall - ........... i iiig u’ii um w*-i- r » t-i > jvNT, «lac in- rtgagts ru>vv ot the a*.««■M-mti'-n, on w. < h the p»pnla* .......... fvrcí L snie « Í ail -ta e m* ^»¿1 ‘ • ' » ! Il -■ ; eadif'g, « r that ’n i\ ■•<>nimc;u * w.’hin one ti< n ut tiie city will not he overlooked.« barkUngof tl«n Ir’sh mem !»crti on < h ! p> qv < *^»<11’€* vps tinsk.llr«l |pgi«*lnn 11 e ba’lj« « Bih alao be printe«l the own administration, Parnell Ime qnietiy ! j0 no- hecure « large fi-M for Die tap und ' i »’ ,■ tfir - lhe J«n . r 1<. vrt’OHSt’.T as .11 ■ii x-tr.i.nit at i \w. ESTABLISHED SEPTEMBER 1. 18SS. N ■:with>tat.d:ng the tb»\r taci-, th»* pi.dui«*-' of the two trusted and ab’e as­ fugicsteil a couple of measures to the consumption of our breadstuff* and pro­ PRICES : Make*, 'l'ho W« i»k S'rung K » a« fartu» r-» • ««tritt «c t W ,t k !•» the sistant* of tne editor ami rejortor—a ! government which in their present dis- visions. The late conferemo of the «/urAwvnrl/lr, « 3 Mt $10 p- r Ito Appi. Tre.'« poli* an»l \ et** » !•»• R- publican t> k» t Atll ’ 'piiil u i l a pair of scissors.— Orcganian. tracte't condition have lieen receive l al­ American republics proved »l><* existence l'i.’b io •• ift •• “ •■one t<> ani ceri ti !y •vi : i pr*«. t *’•«• •'» all ihc courts of ............ lui niore tsX. Fiiey most with thankfulness. The first is of a common desire for eluse, relstion», H - M •• Pbim -ui'l Priin. Tr. ’ t ’ « I - f » nses Mitiie.ime. oth»T tre*-» I’.irt -ht ul'l« r. fiirni»h»<1 reimen li'teinvt. Oitt< n*l r.‘t i «i. i.ozu.' t.i Unite ( reek Koller Mills. RO3E4T C. SMITH, in Ir* It- !at. i «ill. a i leit it J. H. >KTTI.EM1EH. Woodburn. Or. Our field tor development lie« ¡H'M;-K-a‘ .».t • ».? | ♦ i- i u;y tariff*laWc> stat. <»’ farm h'.l.ii: g< ill The ro'ler process mat bin« r> ji : ti e Lttcd cwryuhrra, $1 a bot'-lr 1 *»ix for $5. view of classifying th »» tenait! inrneiF YFfUHNKY* AND n»UNSKP»H AT I. \W Butte «'reek milts having been pla* < <1 in a-i.4!oM«. •*.'l»,.Xi;o tre.it« American* into v.. rkers an J ab.-ci î.h t’f iD(*jgr«iiH rs. sont1.. t us.-’ i'h*t!?r ti;itn tin* Uni'•*»< >1.1’»*». Mex to, poHitiun «nd bu.sine-s having lc«*n re ­ 1S5T ¡SS7 The fnr:n< r class, in tl mind o» pMti'»-ll Gr.ml*« /*«•», Utrgnn. sumed, I am now ready to «npidy ad who von kn»>w, i-c l.i'g iya mining country. C iishi . ih H I'xvpin.a negro .awyer •nr that i may come with the beat of roll: r nrocc^s Yl.e prine.¡-¿ii mine.* an* owned by and D.e Iiish pi-op!.', i> th- of.V'a 'a. s o rvi'i n: h-’lo Liberia !Hoe in Layton a Co/a br »'k. upstair». 11 .»ur at market rates. 1 will continue u> Au»*« iu tn-, lii- -ddr»>a 1« ar* ln*;;e:y niTils relief f oul llie tvranuj <'f 'lie lu- during lhe C!< v.-iatid a ti.iir.istralion, • »i- yre.lc- K0|H'>e» to take th. .-oli, • i \oters of or nera | HibVird*» Owu" Patent ba« erS g? a«l<- d.»ur ner imslwl wi'h-«ut < IT. 1. Ain *ru an railrv Is tae American ern, Domestic and Foreigr Exchange. been sinr’ping '’J ’rr;”'! ,'“V* the Li t.e.i «tates over torf IbmucraUc ATTOHNKY AND COTN’SELUK AT LAW, j of Mexican luipeu have r ■ pound« ■’-»<’ r - ' r ;•r. Jnrac mention, to be held in Allan- ■ like most secretaries for Ireland, is pro­ Dealer in cli.'.i g-lin.ite-’, to iiimi’v um s ii farii»n’.- ■ iu l.jii by A'cit-i.ean ptTirlter* in lhe| it inon be coin posed of otie foundly ignorant ■:-( the real state of the i Mbc* In building for ncriy occupied by Dr. 8A< ke. Will guarartte (he output <4 the ' I ’ . tctl Stales. N* w com « congr« s COLLECTIONS A SP2CIALTT. colored del-gate ftom cacli elate in the Win Ji*ck»<>n. Butt»- < reek i.iills to be equal t«> the b» -t '■.-tint (' i '; L nt fit ol k few lead wines I Irish pcpulati-m, and 'lie r turns asked Union., Tie put po*o c< the convention, for hv Darnell would he quite sufficient 1!« rr ma le it. southern Or«g«>: , in (’o.< r tdo, uiiik h o.'iic « oiigreflsmen ; A. J. to kill bis bill if pr-.-s* ntixi toparl.sm-nt ! as announced by Taylor, is to decido N. O. YOUNC, • may F< interi st< I, pips „n i-n,ort duty A lull I1TI« in sî - m J i «>| MONEY LOAN ED ON FAVORABLE TERMS uly 7, 1W. However, the sorely tri- 1 r< • e'„ry has upon the best plan ol preparing figure« Eagle I'» r..t. <» Wit h t Ins Paint } <>ur <44 Mblng'«* r.xus can be > nil lead er« ■ «h;;.|ied from | I of h t.a. OP -si liv 1: YO 1 * « in ul« better Ilian Ibcy were when utv. pi niiin- i tn obtain them, «ml the *.-*’’31 ’to prove to the negtoee of the gonnlry ilia th I at h j GI.NI.KYL Bl'ILDINU MATEBIAI i th» •<*, at-', ’ i t i N<. more rot. No m.»rc haky ro»>fa. Prunes Wanud K?«t. ■ a ; h lie some very u:i! ■ lu-d-l-’r inturma- that they never received any favor* from .lafk."'n»lll<’. Orejón. No more rorifs to take ore. • d.. -it. I t. Em ip.'. I | of the had* ........................ Knpuhlicau party and never will re- tioti to pailiatur-iit «hen ft m.-i ts iu Jio- I tl.e >i.inat^« and priladr» gon ptiines <ï fini on* • u ifmler, if indeed there i* not a new i-eiveany HUiuiuw au i at r*»aHuii kb.»* rat« «. | ik'd into j . mi i.H- al. ci rev.-un nule* < VMT1Ì ORDERS A SPECIALTY. !i\»- carloMtl« Horn a i:. n re that time. 1‘amell’a Y irk Sun . orr ■ ¡tiunilenr Mr. Taylor (aid u n’tcnthHi ¡ui<1 t I'kiltlug g iV u.ui'ii a»« paying them ?!•. rotili ol a siupinmt of ¡»Hints t-» tfi. rn I from Duiang », | Gilvr suggi • Doi. is tl.e ap|H>iifttneiit of that he viaited a number of etaten, north «■t nm «Hit Und». •tory ai W- dl< i « Mill. Nt't een uiveiie i by th’ft movement. Me* and intelligent nexroe* .n full ayoipatLy fiii'thl riH»ft»<>r iii *\ will rust out. Ill I UHÌM I icn now ah'¡»•i its ores to Hamburg and | ante as at prerent existing. ’ * ! ( ru are tb<»..santi- <4 nrns IC L S I D H N T DENTI »H T, with tin« movement. They iiegin to reel* 1'1.I* pn’nt iM no < xp. rim -ni. il hn« Mn.id iho Ja« kson couiuv, Hint cannot I e Swansea, an 1 the ve««ulH min»* back t»*«i 1.1 tin’© anti wc <• ?n 1 i<*tetiu)onlhi<« thw» arc of r '»in at reasonable prie *?. in» mi '.¡on? *,; 1‘r'ff. w! full\ Ph. Mt xi. ai'- like Am rican goods and remain in the Republhan party, and J. C. LEE, M. D., 1AKE gr- -.vu arc* litniied, uhiie the nd lit i.eg leng - nJlr, Robert 1’. I 'hat their real frient!? are VcmocraU. ( I'orte' , bii|ieiitil-i..i. i.t <4 t) e Census, I II V S I ♦ IAN AND S T K G K < » N . tf.t : ii l< mere ♦*.? g throughout t!.< V i't< ur 1 » m II.4 pr >mpti> all»»* lc‘1 today or night. city 11 nuilo'S me - ii k to m •• :d> th«* bt.s:- lbSO, t may eat. ly In* predicted’hat rlie , windtc.iliH.\«»ur stabl«* U imms . jour hirm im­ l' t sanniill neri and th<<‘” «»ppratinj? By the incorporators of said company, may on flieht the plement h . Put '» on your hog j u* aud cha k- mu» iiinery in «outhefi, Orr^ u: M e bave nc.-s oi a cm.itry that «iiouhi brt ours er.utucr .tiov. n w undei way will -o full of i CLO. DE BAR, M. D., »’» c « h )|» s . It wol v. rttd off diteciiM'. Tho In-I an-i that w r *.i iy to «Lop into our lap Mirj *i«<-.-> ai.d di’-uL>poiiiU»ent. 1 «lern . •li i>ui K a \ asm vu,of thé Doit* county NIEOFORO, ORECON. Rec order's office, in Jacksonville, Jackson Co. > etti<»r of this paint him spent umny years in aJ«i< 1 i tint, iaJ^e ir<»n latho t* ou • uew t». i?'g bi?n’»-d O'» i to for**i.'i»era t’V our I't' « wiH ! c i.uiiid to Lave kiwi more' ilistrli t court uf loua. I ish renJcrM a de- nia<*b'ni-' I- H VOCI 1 N A N II SI. I'. G K < » 5, perl» cling a paint thai would Miintl th«’ slot in, n'art, ariti bave a tirwl t .un want X|x< t !,but < as ernstsleo le.’-s. i-.sion Hint an alien can acquire ny inher- hcMt find cold. It is n<> work ol a month or; Jtj.-tfb Mu».«, who m prt*j»arT AN’I) MOST year. It tak«'H tiim* to t«*«i the wt-ar of a r«wif tu ornerai rupairing, ai.tl design aud _ I . . . hag whicii the , K7 _ « ' . u T Iowa. .. .. 1 < «... 1 « ¡Oili ZX 1 ol . _ September, ■ . . » _ • Ikbtf, .xzt.a ’’¡7 m -how _ . tut-shut Jin* .. 1* Ent- hi the A finii' UHI !•' c loth«, tinishingte. . c- .ii- paint. A root take* .«h the ctoruH uml should ............................... rntkc m w ir«‘h woxk. P»y s« ?nih./ ytuir Tutti: Mi x Sa i i»h< r and r”4k>nc • «»n t *Hforma Str»*vt. «»a.iily »opt on h.uid, artel nothing hi«1 tir^ct- be paint'd. ... . ..... o 4 “ r ÜHt<*i arpl wo? k iu us you caa get. u «tun; Ian I elates exhibited, in ISSJ, .V Nt-W | Brti ar l Callan, u resident and citixen ol • all» atf’ i l««l promptly day or night. q ’ t. 't iittle ct' ' oi tr 1» W'Tk luriHsl out. J. W. WALKER. c kv- by T — s»:pln'e aujulert i*ls»'. chraper than tL. ’ : J.r i y, New Y ik. “enn.-yivai.j , Mary- • lows, d cd in :l e corn y, leaving a smaJi ONE COAT OF THIS PAINT Ah «'i'bT« tilled promptly id rcas».nat»Ie J. H. GRIFFIS. ml" t- >1 f mu ma ni.uk i• .t. < id 1 tent 1*1 in lion /u.uant ib • , iy <\ !?n ta.r, wilt ! iluuj wni p «mi of Hiilngl» 4 and iii ike t‘i *m !•»• k Ilk«* M» dford. Muv 13 IV» Sv« . IR Pl \ E I hen; A Xb Lt U > i.rufit,H I ■j*. Or. Sl'CC . till’ k .' : < urna », t«»d** into tn? ! ern tit «3 v h I be uiaftppo nted, with here jrchtldr. n univing i.i'.i, bn: «everal re* sla»«’. Addnssj Or- »«•. Ihia is lhe mu*e lirurs m Um state <4 Massv l u*att» Lan i • ar v.ith tbroe and there hii rxcept»un. btlJl’Ul Hit ! . E. BYBEE, MAArFACTEIlKRS OF w»*r«‘ shot. Il seeina ret nil u» almost every census. We>tcru an.I ctbe » -vi u are cit’zci ■ and reeidentt v.am^ men Hoiriiwn t mu! Mampavturer, i state©, particulaily ihuso vest of the Mias* □(Great Britain. Claims wen- tiled againat A well well «•( «ut» «•lOicatcd I I ,i . i .. f ad •*rr*»»»i/**t| t<» ’ • ii v"b ’ N* wy .' A J A«. hSOXVIl.f.r, ... OltFGoV * -••• .• I i •t ©Reel M(»ty »«‘me.' I" us hi (lit tll*> t dut • i i r I i watch a ci rtam 'teer in i: on iliai wen* if«’pt»i, will surpass an ekpectatun. Tile the estate, 'o the allowsncc of which the J. d. WAIT, Wl. D., -v .ailed the By the Thousand ! South i» an enigma. It ¡ b expecting a great toreigu lie.is objected. The claimar.U tain vaHey in Khim.tt!» cmintv I-IIV'II IAN AN 11 SI'XtlKo.N .1»’le, and th«t ing. E'ni'rt C i der. a lad about 13 incn ase, Nikin contain* nun. *’ lead ».! ;:**.' It is doubtful if the .-atioard contended list the foreign heir« had no years o!was ti e tir.it on? on the spot. 1 he . i 'N’D ehmgnt . d ih now taking ob - tie carcasses are re-» i ng {n<«» r<»-«.*'(i»«g) in .M r i furti. Or« 40». shows such a oue. The region between standing in flic court, for llie reason that der* through J ick«on »nd JoMephluc <* tl.c ♦op’» < 1 ni diuguny trv< I i> to twelve ' Ab. it d'.t !. 1 . v.. j 'T’. i '«I bi anoixiT the Appa!i't'hi;'.:ia atu.l'hr M .««ie* ppi am! they are nli-ns nnd toe objections r'.mld tie© fur AT CENTRAL POINT, tret above the ground. I i»e -n< w was vriy wren Ii.- tired at what h- supi'u«" I to dirt' V.oWc” on Mi4ln »«tr””?. in Ciitl bM « htn d!nx. Texa- is certain to do o. Th’s is also notbehett I. The c.nrt coincided in tliie tleep out the*• and >• onpp» ar<r hi.l’biig any lends or Thntee we.ntlng tr'1** will dowel! tn give me Whi re I« ki |.t eonst»ntly i-nhnndn complete H.me’y ihdiin I ‘ .tu ; I h I’.ri-.. in w:i til- .1 h ! “ in. und Itmt-i-li.*• Mock ol their <»rd»*r«, a« I w’ll iciarant«**1 •»atirdiv't i«>n. r»ritrai rotei, <>r,«on. w:ii at.it e iliupi» ..itmenttot hiengo re'ii r s’a*e in tin t state by ’I»«. • nt.devise iv.t u hi» J-g, ah.ch reieiied olii I warrant all mj tr»M «, if properly «•are«! for. .If/rir*. Jki-ioir we. Um fifth c.ty piiicli.'s Or oti.c-wiw. T« rm*« of pHym -n? vaay. Pr*. JOlINh«)N. : coin !i er.tdive ami im*? r. • d.' v. i* v.vlllbl-. t*«J "f lomexp i * tole.of now , but tl.ecbar.ee» I Sso«*iU'.ii» Di sii «Yin —I ate ser ni», - \ • i DR. S. DANIELSON, Jackf»nnvtllc. Oregon, Aug. 1. I mk ;. (h«-.'i«Si •• • f h *■ ••!«•!»• :*<• ! |.*i\»;< »•■ to ;» ; N il lai) 5 i"c j to la aga.u.-t the «i.ourt. «1 - il» ( alifoiriia. favor Roaton. I li - grand aggregate will Stoves, Tinware, Catlery.i pa’i 'ft « an rcgii'ate th* »«*o«.n .0 «if t utii-rate ¿a* I e< n as phytei -Medicai IJ .e Iute allei noeti a stridei. <4 250 fest lut.,...- D.C In <*. !>.. K’••f.it r ’.\a»ted u;-- v ur livr-r, kiili.e» » ¿»ml t owel'- Ir, it ;«;• IF YOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVEN I • d i'l'*» *•':tr-ap»»-4'I . as *•' *'4 n l\ r, . ¡O:, ii!.« Sill’d . t> evenin/, t>nl waa unable high since l«SJ as from lb70 to lKM). It of shed» »».. ilc«troy*'f I.y tire- at Strong’* r h V m i i I A N A N D t * I H G K < ? There* was in <;•«! puri' *ig »♦ •>• iv. For «ah t . tim! th- * ' ll« • Hi« l*r liier waa only the j- pulatii.n ba- only made the average canyon near ti e snnimit. V»4fhr«V, Ovvgtni« und« r lhe arm. Young of advance for thirtv vear* past tl.e total son.e talk last year, tn view of the Improv* Hnaft »mall O . _ reran : -d h\ E. < ’ Brnoks. OILS OF AL KINDS. will be txr.tNft.OOft. ” ' ur i . « « v»,r Tyj ed appliance« lor l.andiing sr.ow.of abol­ given to t’hruc»- hlw.-.i«. j B.e .•m «■. fg’lib'liahle. bumble I'ltiCldng. und lbw dr*t <•!>•> •*•>•? ail ishing the sheds entirely ; but it is agid j for ! (u thronen “ the i carel»’'sanean and M ’ vhanisr.' Tsois. Diti VK EW yF.va-J.ÌQ< ’ <»A* ItAfUTH » Bjte*oa. iu t-uHb ♦« *J. P. «oilm r. «»ur !«v men bant »nt.or. K. P. CEARY, M. D. ■ fi».oU«hnepK i<-. li -luipR».: ct nf a .1 boy. I» V.- —Courñ r. that Hnntington prclrMed. Heverwl see* .> and U or Inalllh^ W nvtà thrr* i» hut ng. « mte a I nil line «»f the fim st <*I oi I k amt I •------------ •loubW* aerl^ii. Jinm I II on* <>f shed» have l*en recently dcmol- I .' I A N ANI. S C II G T. <> N. 1* JI V ami .»ants, -rk-te ’ and 1 ’ arjo t mt*|..|« tir. fiatar« tàalira Uprrinr triii.niines «n hand l«ir *.i t i r 111 ’ » 11 . * ¡ u .............. ...... 1 » , l«hed by derailed traina, and the heavy Drat «iiintlt) wrought ’ -.ionn or catttox which ha is prepared to make up in ti»#» I? ran he fiveti in » <*n;» <4 tra or • r»i’?a siege of last winter made necessary an • 7»we.| lor «»urlctuftnalun aud atxh Unr1«cvU o NAILS. ROPE. dip n<»< !«• '1rC»1v«*i by rh. m«rnianf* f iinrantertl«ah*fart,, n Hi - priée« I. .Sir As the point of the recent flee fa wl t « i i r pat*< ? i H a n»*' i*rnte tirinkrf ♦ •rtt ft t>\r th»- g< nufna arucus •r** m? Joy’» retablo Aft îffiparlH» Tathoaewe or un aRubidt« And everything elm* l»nAginab,e In this lino. an S mith a wan»." Ba pr< . ie M vn-nbl« iridi AV ater; uko Ar.-udiun Minorai Water from Wnnk sia. Wis ILitk. I hout.tii<1w <»f ! one nt the worat on the “hilF’ foe snow, My g hh I h are new and of the tw*at brand*, an«} m » i vaiu, W’- «Ukinped np> ba*tYM town, and IX «• Il Ï . I I A 5 A N n 4 L' KU Ell k. fonRin. ' y 5jr b-wlrtT oonreX »npvb yun, an«>rt¥r to ad- H'inl.l» Hppl> ,"HW .nK'i nmvi xr." No t us « m cailooa^y <» pewho report that It the-ir k? m‘due, ai. t » ' day l*e!ic*?p ihry w w!U rwsd«.. jc*»rnpt aitwnUoa. D»*»•• uux* applk*Ml .*u> • * .'-jns. Iteli, nll eruiilloita un Ilio fnci-, harnl«' tleeplManr«. barniful efÌFCt restii* irofu il« a<1 *n:uintra* tmiTU A. WEMMON, Give me ncall I»« for«' jminx '•’M«*when*. c.i th» Múteut* » of tho’»? tu Cíe í»¿; th»: . .« . siu.r'; AO H"t.«t t > !>ny or Night. — -r. Ai-., liwvlng Ine si-lu eicar. n hit. «n ( | noaC. A»*., ll'HVlllK ote ss... ..... i J. < -.SIIEKIDAN. Mprluifleld, Maa». ti.- pnuivd m»tru<::ioaa and non. < urrtiriiMrnnued. f^ nd fut circular I Dr. I'lHit , llemedy i> the bvtt remedy ’.urlltu nial litui l i-unnly« ‘ilT*Ht I\ <’ IlirW- <»dl m » on II healthy. Ii-gr.wt l biwllng pow- *rs n -t era nr<-p.ias.s».-! I>> no uthi-i remedy. Ask ’ ♦ • (alien; too »nnch of K J! tt »• :s too fr-c y r© mix ! full phi m iil.^s Addr©«« il*rnniidepce I known for in«cmnla nr slevple,«i rw. J. R. WRITS MAN, vi<-«-i’r«i.|. r.i. DR. W. STANFIELD, W. F. READ, l’r«H teilt ) .in .1 rurvi*l tor Se i . m .'. iiimsiat . ! : c tl»ed- • . nerri »rk: .4 auy ruare tinny Time GOLDEN Split IH 1< ♦ 'i . IRa* e Sirr^t 1 vhleli atü ci? «o many !•■ rsnn«. and which Farm tor Sale. f'incinnati, O. leads tn .o r.at.y «ertivi» nervon» >li»aa»M, FARMS FOR SALE. J. K. ELDERKIN,- S’,' aT’d MviARRf tbn:i alisei •*B9y an 1 j erfe« t a.tiou Keep tbli K L E C T I (' I* II V 4 J C I A N. •j. L. COWAN, Trswer ' nartl.'iilsrly to Insanity Dvsrripltre rrva- Pot Sale. A g.Mp| farm and Mock ram-h.coniMhuiig tiX» i ’ ._ -.n t.un iu ' nd. and rake It Nffu'Aily fori PUra* î*ll*a.* Itching Tilt * Hi* ..M*.it’-d lii \ •»bland. Or. f<»r lbw practice 1 OI F’IH »Wit SALE ON RKARONAIILL i ns» with r. -h bittie. or. a.14re«s Mark .lMJ.laf.4n!. .1. M.Uk' ■» Illi »‘lirOlli«* Two ihotiMftlul bil«b©îs oí wht-ai, one t . .»• tuùJ t» indulge .utwranchgn'aiy food 1 t< rm>» on« ot »h»* b<*«f Stock or Dairy Farruw aor» «: l’"i acres un and outbuildings and tho*i«:*nh b .!•• om b» id. ••specially ivlaptod to lb«* ¡>•<»1 blank». 7 ytaiM ol «¿e. Enrjtiirc of ♦ »ft» n bleed and ulcerate. t»vc<»inUuc . • ry r<»re J. H. nZNNETT, »M D., gro' »Ii ol tlin 'tfiv tiiy and clover About handy forsbM'k and irrlgnhon purpo««-a. The I <*!•«. »• ' in I;. îjrs;. S. E. irtii. ’ft l'l*TMFAT -tops th«* i Uhl ng and A full »•». rtm^ntnf blank« for th?» u«(» oiit-hHlfii ch-ar«’! and in cultivation, aud following property will go with 1 nr place: 4 braJa he?.« □-•..nr. fc-'toruptlofi. and liver l»i(s*ding. h«*.ir round, affoi llng ph*nty of and all neovwmry hand »«y» -. Th“ phico ia I >- fco r ’ . i»h j'.ir* Bj.tberea mah f*'V .7k*nn?a. Dr. .Swaynea s<*n. rbundv!-I it^u» h »»* ‘iv ebon . also anot her ex- aouu* hoga Mrill be sold also, if d< aired. Term«! muni y a* f ii«-’»ion* «’ . j. 'oug (•> the uedicat Ims just beeil received at tbe T ime * ofticc will be im *M at Porilan«! pricr«. There h i ovllent pin* * «'antaining 1AI For par- ♦'»•«j; two-thirda each, balam c to Hull pur- »n quantities tobiiiat no neceisiry lur «ending aw»y f«»r year chaei-r. For particulars cn»iulr« «m the place (wer.t:tj •« u u**i L j)*J*au*U wuo »;< «lauj which will oe t . ulurte c.i'l «»n or addr«*«M, N, OliEGO.^ J. C. CARSON, BYBEE, Sash. Doors, Blinds '«INDO WAH0 PLATE GLASS TOLO! A. GARRICK, Tolo Townsite and Milling Co. M orchant ’T'jiiloi public notice Durable Fire and Water-Pivcf Faint Foreign and Domestic Woolens, Etc., GRIFFIS & WALKER, FRUIT TREES GOLD HILL, OREGON UAKDWARE AMI TINWARE IIEl'OT T S\SH AND DOORS AND SEASONED FINISHING MATERIAL JOS. C. SHERIDAN, PROPRIETOR SAW MILLS ON SAM’S CREEK. HARDWARE, SMITH & WE830N 8 WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, 63 Front Street, Portland, Oregon. CAPITAL STOCK, $500,000. THIS /' a Iw ¡gtíwratic » lit fe. Semoíwiitü. ittici o I / PAID VI». gOO.OOO.oo, ALB AX V. OREGON. KaSrs HEW YORK.: WM. ULRICH, District Agent. MEOFOBD. OREGON PAI NTS *