' I i - ,y Mr a aw M a -m m r. m m a -m . ,kA ' - , J f mT r m LT THE IITOEFEITOENT rvimVifr Evary Thursday Smlng, BY H. B. LUCE, Office, Old Court Ilouse, HILLSBORO, OREGON. r v w y m Ts i j e Tt. j r-- f rM Washington Independent g J Sinonuu... 4 0)' 5 50 TOO b0 10 03 IT BO 37 60 Smontbs... IOC TOO t 00 1 1 On! II 0U A ) tt 00 I month... T BO 10 00 1 50 IS 00! IT W w B0 W 00 - ' ...,z : -- - I M h ( 1 1 1 '7 Ttrat of ttnbscrlption (coin rates.) Single copy per yr .' 7 tl 50 fctBgl copy six month 1 5. Mngl number h. Rest. Love, give me one of thy dear lunula to hold. Take thou my tired head upon thy breast: Then sing me that sweet song we loved of old, The dear, soft song about our little newt. We knew the song before the nest was ours; We sang the song when first the nest we found; We loved the song in happy after-hour, Wljen peace cuuie to us, and content pro found. Then sing that olden song tr me to-night, While I, reclining on thy faithful breast, See happy vi.-lons in the fi: r tire -light. And my whole soul is .satisfied with rest. Better than all our by-gone dreams of Miss Are deep content and rest secure as this. What though we missed love' golden sum-mer-time, His HUtuum fruits were ripe when we had leave To enter joy' wide vineyard in our prime. Good guerdon for our waiting to receive. Love gave us. 110 frail pledge of summer flowers. But Bido by side we reaped the harvest Held; Now side by side wo pass the winter tioins. And day by day new blessing are revealed. The heyday of our youth, its roseate glow, Its high desires and cravings manifold, The raptures and delights of long ago. Have passed; but we have truer joys to hold. Sing m the dear old so:g about the nest, Our blessed home, our little ark of rest. Ifnrpff'g Jinzinir. Behind Time. In '3'3 there wasn't a likelier fellow on the line than George Kirke. He was the son of a poor man, ami his mother whs dead. His father was a confirmed invalid of the rheumatic order, ami George played the dutiful sou to him in a way that would astonish the young men of to-day. Somehow, nobody kuew exactly how, George had managed to pick up a good education, and he had polished it oil', so to speak, by a two years course; at com mercial college. Kirke begun on the Sandy Hid rail road when he wa; about twenty-one or two years old. First he was a brakemau. This railroad business is a regular suc cession, and, generally speaking, a man has to work his way up. It ain't often that he gets right up to the dignity of a conductor at one step, with a chance to pocket stray ten cent scrip, and the privilege of helping all the good looking and well-dressed ladies out of the cars, and letting the homely ones, with babies and baiidiN.es in their arms, sUimbleout, as best fliey may, white he is engaged in "talking to a man." George did his duty so well that he was soon promoted to ti reman, and after lie had learned the workings of the ma chine he was made engineer and given an engine. This engine was one of the newest and best on the line, and was called the Fly away, and George was very proud of it, you may well believe. I tell you now, sir, your true engineer ; one as is out-and-out for the business, and feels bis responsibility, takes as much pride in his engine as the jockey does in his favorite race horse, and -would sit up nights, or neglect his sweetheart, to keep the brasses and filagrees of his machine so's you could see your face in 'em. There was another man wanted George's chance. There's generally more than one after a paying job. Jack llaliday had been waiting for some time to be engineer of the Flyaway, and when he lost it he was mad enough to pull his hair. He was a brakeman, likewise, and had been on the road full two years longer than Kirke, and it would seem that the chance really be longed to him, but he was a quarrelsome, disagreeable fellow, with independence enough to have set an emperor up iu business and still have some left. When Jack realized that George had got the inside track of him, Ins anger was at a white heat. He cursed Kirke and cursed the company, ami old Whate- ly, the superintendent, and things gener ally, until it seemed to he a pity that there was not something else to curse, he wasiu such a tine cursing order. There was more than one thing which made Jack llaliday clown on George Kirke. George had been his rival in many resqects, and particularly w here the fairer part oi creation was concerned George was a great favorite with the girl-, for he wa handsome and generous, and good-natured, and Jack was sarcas tic, and always on the contrary side, and the girls avoided him, as they always should such a in in. Well, all expected that ill would come to George from Jack's bad blood against him, and we warned him more than once, but he always laughed, and reminded us of the old saying that "barking dogs never bite," which is true in the main. , And, as the time went on, until two, three, four months had passed since Kirke's promotion, and nothing had oc curreo, we iorgoi an aoout our appre hensions of evil, and if we thought of the matter at ail, we concluded we had wronged llaliday by our suspicions. It was a dark night in November, with considerable fog in, the air, aud stron appearance of rain. i was at Golosha, the nortjiern terminus of our road, looking after some repairs on a detective boiler, and I was cumin down to New York on the 7:UJ train Kirke's train. About seven there came a telegram from old Whately, whoso summer resi dence was nearly midway between Go losha and New York, aud the old heathen had not yet forsaken it for the city'. The telegraph operator came into the engine house where Kirke was at work, for he was always at work, and read it to him. Kirke made a note of it in his pocket book. "Pay train on the line, will meet you just west of Leeds, at 10:15. Spurt on the siding and Deering's Cut, and well. Whately." Kirke's watch hang on a nail beside the clock. It was a faucy of his always to haug it there when he was otT a train, bo that he could make no mistake in the time. He glanced at the clock, and from it to VOL. 4. his watch. B th indicated the same hour, 7:15. k7 :15," said Kirke, meditatingly, "and we leave at 7 :50, ami the pay train meets us at De-ring's Cut nt 10:15. Scant time to make the run in this thick weather, but it niti-t ie mauaged." And he turned away to give some orders to his fireman. Jack llaliday was there, Jie had leeu strolling iu and out of the room for the past half h ur, smoking a cigar and -swearin" at the bad weather. The train did not" leave until near midnight, so he had plenty of time to swear. We all went to the dir and took a look at the weather, and unanimously voted it deuced bad, and then we walked up and down the platform and smoked our after supper cigars, mid by the time we were through it was time for the train hands to be getting into their places. JJoth the doc J; in the engine-room aud Kirke's watt h indicated 7:10. Kirku was putting his watch iu his pocket as he said : -Garth, are vou g'Htig with rue on the FlvawavT No, thank ye," said I, get enough of that sort of thing in my everyday life; I i m to do a little swell business to-night and take passage in a palace car. Want to rest my back. Good night to ye, aud hold her in well round li cky Hottom curve. The road s a little shaky." "Aye, aye, sir!" responded Kirke, and he swung himsclf into position on the Fl vaway. The bell rang; I scrambled into my compartment on the Pullman, and felt honibly out of place among the silks and broadcloths ami smell of muk; but I w as in for a first-class ride, anil made the best of it so ttfcctually that five minutes after Gib-on, who now fancies he owus all creation because he has got a silver colli n plate on his breast, with conductor on it, had shouted "all aboard," I was sound asleep. What occurred in other quarters to af fect the fate of Kirke's train I learned afterward. Old Whately, the superintendent of the road, as 1 guess I have already said, had a country residence in Leeds on a moun tain spur, which commanded a view of the surrounding country for more than a score of miles. The line of the railway could be distinctly seen in each direction for tiltcen miles, aud Whately was wont to say that his lookout was worth more to the safety of trains than all the tele graph w ires on the road. Whately was a rich old bulfer, kind enough in his way, but sharp as a ferret in looking after tin; road hands, and de termined that every .iau shouid do his duty. lie had but one child, a daughter; and Floss Whately was the belle of the coun try. She was brave, beautiful and spir ited, aud more than once wheu her father had been away, had' she assumed the responsibility of directing the trains, and she had always acquitted herself with credit. Old Whately was very proud of her, as he had a right to be, and kept all the young fellows at a distance, until it was said lh it he intended keeping his daugh ter single till the Czar of all the Hussiaus came on to marry her. This niifht in November old wnareiy imi Floss were out ou the piazza of their country home, peering through the gloom Mid fog, for the signal lights of the Go losha train, which was nearly due. "It's devilish strange it doesn't come in sight f said Whately, laying down his ni'dit glass in disgust. "It is hard on to tea now t They ought to show their light round Spruce s Fond uy tins tune; - ki . - - " 1 1 T You telegraphed them, lumen You let them know the pay train was road f" asked Floss. on toe "To hi? sure. Aud irood heavens! there is the head light on the pay tram now! See! not ten miles away, and running like the devil, as it always does! He pointed with trembling linger down the valley forge, where, far away, a mere soeek in the gloom, could be seen a bright light, scarcely moving, it seemed, but those anxious watchers knew it was ap proaching at lightuiug speed Father aud daughter looked at each other. The truth was evident. For some reason the train from Golosha was ten minutes behind time, and it would not reach the siding at Deering s Cut until the pay traiu had passed 'beyond ou the signal track. Ami then? Why, there would be ax.olwr ih'iii tor the mornniir papers to read under the head ot "Appalling Hil w:iv Disaster !" and a few more homes would bo made to mourn. leather ant 1 daughter looked at each other in dismay. "Seiim can do it" said Floss, quickly "If I can reach Leeds live minutes before the train yes, two minutes, all will be well. Do not stop me. father!" as he laid hia hand on her arm. "Hut vou must not go! It is dark and dismal I v louelv ! No. Floss "Shall I go, father? Selim knows only me, and you could not ride him. I have ridden darker nights. And he Is the only horse in the stable. Don't you rcmem beri The others were sent to town yes terdav." liefore old Whately could stop her she had ordered the hostler to saddle Selim, ami she was alreadv buttoniug on her riding habit with rapid, nervous ringers. The horse came pawing to the door. Floss sprang into the saddle, leaned down and kissed her father's forehead. "Pray heaven to spare me!" she cried, hoarsely, and touching her horse with her whip, he bounded swiftly down the sharp declivity. It was ruining steadily now and the gloom was intense, but Selim was used to the road, and the rider was courageous. She urged him ou at the top of his speed, up hill and down through Pine Val ley, over Pulpit Hill, aud then she struck upon the smooth road which stretched away to the Leeds, some two miles, and straight as an arrow. She could see the headlight on the pay train far down the valley distinctly now, and to her excited fancy it seemed but a stone's throw away. She eyeu thought for a moment that she heard the grind of HILLSBORO, WASHINGTON the wheels on the track, but it was only the sighing of the wind in the pines. On, and still on she went. Selim seemed to fly. One might have fancied that lie knew his mistress was on an er rand of life or deith. The lights of the station were in view nay, she even saw the station master's white lantern as he rolled up and down the platform the white lantern which was to signal the approaching train to tell them to go on; lor all was well! On to their doom! She dashed across the track, flung the line to an amazed bystander, and strik ing the white lartern from the hand of the astonished official, she seized the ominous red lantern from its hook, and springing upon the track, waved it in the very teeth of the coining train. Two sharp, short whistles told her that her signal was seen, and a moment later the train came to a stop, aud officers ru-hed forward to confer with the train from G dosha, w hich had not yet been telegraphed from the next station be yond. The man waited fifteen minutes before Kirke's train slid on the siding, and it was then known that but for the decision of one voting girl, the two trains must have collided four miles beyond Deer- g's Cut. When told the w hole story Kirke looked at his w ateii. The m m from the station looked at his. Kirke was ten minutes behind time. You want to know how it happened? Certainly you could have guessed Hall- lay did it. A man was found the next lay who confessed to having seen Jack ainpeiing with the time-piece in the engine house that night, but he had not thouuht of it, he aid. Jack? Oh, he lett town ami was heard of in Australia. His game was not a success. Ami Kirke married Floss Whately, else this story would not have been told, because w hat would a story be worth that did not end in a wedding? The Pope' Love of Music A writer says: "it is, perhaps, not well known that Puis IX. is a very fine musi cian. As a voting man lie cultivated ins taste for music very assiduously, and his voice was magnificent. Eveii now it is very sweet aud powerful, and when His Holiness sings at high mass all who hear him are struck by the superb manner in which he executes the difficult Gregorian chant. The li: has always been a dis tinguished patron of music, and it is to him Koine owed the flourishing condition f her Conservatory of Music, which, however, has sadly deteriorated of late. A few weeks ago the Holy Jrather met Cappoci, the great composer of sacred music, the leader of the superb choir of the Yaticau. His Holiness congratulated the mutro, and taking a valuable ring from his finger presented it to him. At the same time he ordered that the name of Cappoci should be added to the list of Knights ot the Grand Order ol bt. Greg- . 4. .. i . . ..... . . .... ory Hie liieai. wsnn as an iiiwiii iie friend of Pius IX. and dedicated to him i very fine march, which bears Ids name. Gounod has also been frequently received by him, and he lias given him several notable dccorutioi.s. When the famous prima aonnay i;arioiia uareiusio, uieu, His Holiness ordered that the numbers of his special choir should sing at the funeral mass said for her eternal repose. Pius IX. is at prescut much interested iu the great church music question, which is widely discussed in the musical world. He disapproves ol the use ot profane music iu churches, but at the same time recently expressed an opinion that, as a rule, what is usually called sacred music was dull and dreary. He thought that sacred music should be dramatic- but not theatrical.' 'Mo n t real Gazette. How to lbtiNo Custom to a Hotel. The following useful hint to tourists on their way to t lie Hartz Mountains is given by a correspondent who has just ui rived home from that pleasant region : "I was," he writes, 'sitting in the verandah ot a hotel close to the waterfall, when a young Englishman mounted on a donkey rode gaily across the bridge. The rider was going straight on up the road, when the donkey suddenly turned sharp round and made for the hotel. A desperate strug gle ensued; the donkey was determined, and so was his rider. The man itclabored his rebellious steed till it kicked, reared, and finally threw him. Meantime the head waiter stood by my side watching the conflict with a malicious grin. When he saw the discomfited rider get up, dust his knees aud proceed to the hotel, iu the wake ot the donkey, lie turned to me and whispered, w ith a confidential smile, The gentleman might have spared him self a fall. No one -comes by the hotel without alighting and calling for some thing. We feed the donkey for that purpose.' " Woman Love. These fellow mortals, every one, must be accepted as they are; you can neither straighten their noses, nor brighten their w it, nor rectify their distiosittons; and it is these people among whom your life is passed that it is useful you shoild tolerate, pity, and love; it is these more or less ugly, stupid, inconsistent people, whose movements of goodness you should be able to admire, for whom you should cherish all possible hopes, all possible patience. And I would not, even if I had the choice, be the clever novelist wl.o could create a world so much better than this, in which we gat up in the morning to do our daily work, that you would be likely to turn a harder, colder eye on the dusty streets and the common green fields on the real breath ing men and women, who can be chilled bp your indifference or injured by jour prejudice; who can be cheered and helped ouward by your fellow-feeling, your forbearance, your outspoken, brave justice. George Eliot. Pater napkin? aud paper handker chiefs are among the novelties being ex ported from the East. They are sheets of fibrous mulberry paper, so well known in our tea packages, in size about seven teen by twenty incfies, are very soft and flexible, and are printed with a neat , border. COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 7, Passions that Iiidnco Disease. The passions which act most severely on the physical life are anger, fear, hatred and grief. The other passions are comparatively innocuous. What is called the passion of love is not injurious until it lapses into g ief and anxiety; on the contrary, it sustains the physical jwiwer. What is called ambition is of itself harm less; for ambition, when it exists purely, is a nobility lifting its owner entiicly from himself into the exalted service of mankind. It iijures when it is debased by its meaner idly, pride; or when stimu lating a man to too strenuous elf rts al ter somegreat object, it leads him to the performance of excessive ment aj or phys ical labor and to the consijueuce-i that follow such cil'oit. The passion called avarica, according to my experience, tends rather to the pre servation of the body than to its detei io ration. The avaricious man, who seems to the luxurious world to be debarring himself of all tiie pleasures of the world, and even to be exposing himself to the fangs of poverty, i generally plating himself in the precise conditions favor able to a long and healthy existence. IJ his economy, he is saving himself from all the worry incident to jienury; by his caution he is scieening himself from all the risks incident to speculation or the attempt to amass wealth by hazardous means; by his regularity of hours and perfect appropriation of the sunlight, in preference to artificial illumination, he rests and works in periods that precisely accord with the periodioy of nature; by his abstemiousness in living he takes ju-t enough to live, which is precisely the right thing to do according to the rigid natural law. Thus, in almost every par ticular, he goes on his w ay freer than other men from tlie external causes of all the induced diseases, and lettcr protected than most men from the worst conse quences of those diseases which spiing tiom causes that are uncoutrollabie. Jr. IF. It. llichiinUoit. The Hevi.thkci.nkss of Lemons. When people fee! the need of an acid, if they will let vinegar alone and Use lem n or sour apples, they would feel just as well satisfied, and receive no injury. And a suggestion in ly not come amiss as a good plan when lemons are cheap in the market. A person should, in those times, puicnase several uo.eu ai iu e, aim n e- 1 .i I e I pare them lor use in the warm ays of i . . i ,i doen at once, and pre- spring and summer, when acids, cs- peeiaily citric or malic, or the acids off : ...... .... if lemons, and ripe Iriiif, are sograteiui and useful. Press your hand on the lemon, and roll it back ami forth briskly on the table to make it squeeze more easily; then press the juice into a bowl or tum bler never into a tin; strain out all the seeds, as they give a bad taste. Remove all the pulp from the peels and IhmI in water a pint to a dozen pulps to ex tract the acids. A lew minutes honing is enough, then strain the water with the juice of the lemons; put a jMiund of w hite sugar to a pint t the juice ; boil ten min utes; bottle it, and your lemonade is ready. I '.it. a teispoonful or two of this lemon syrup m a glass id water, and you have a cooling, healthful drink. Sick Heap vein;. This distressing complaint can generally Is relieved by soaking the feet in very warm water, iu which a spoonful of jwmdered mustard has been stirred. Soak as long as possi ble, or till the water fets cool; it draws the blood from the head. Another quieting remedy is to scald sour milk till it wheys oil; make a bag of thin muslin, ami strain it oil", not very dry, and put the curd in the bag, upon the head, as warm as it can be borne; it will relieve the pain in a few moments. Some such simple remedies are far preferable to drugs or to doctor's prescriptions; they relieve as quickly, and are cheaper, as well as more readily applied. MiscEuC'Aiin.voE. Cut up the cabbage heads into qti titers or eighths, or smaller, and stew gently two hours, doing the wa ter well out; measure it, ami put into a porcelain-lined stew pan an equal measure of thick stewed tomato, adding to each quart one spoonful of finely minced onion; let this cook five minutes, and then add the cabbage chopped up fine; mix well till all is hot, and then serve. This should le stiff enough to make up in shae on a platter. The edge of the platter may be garnished with slices of boiled beet, or with baked tomatoes. Tomato Fio. Take six pounds of sugar to sixteen pounds of liuit, scald ami remove the skins in the usual way, cook them over the fire until the sugar penetrates them and they are ciarilied; take them out, flatten, spread on dishes, ami dry them in the sun; keep the syrup, and sprinkle a little of it over them oc casionally while they are drying, after which pack them in boxes; spi inkle pow dered sugar between each layer. Currant and Raspberry, or Cur rant and Cherry Puddixo. Take equal quantities of raspberries ami cur rants, or cherries and currants; line a pudding basin with a suet crust; tdem your fruit; put it into the basin with plenty of sutar, but do not put any water; cover it with a top crust well fastened on; tie a cloth over it aud Imn lor two hours. Coolino Summer Bever'joe. Ilruise any fruit you I ke, as cherries, straw lor ries, currants, raspberries, etc , add water and sugar to yoar taste, and strain it. It should be kept in a cool place. Or dis solve fruit jelly in boiling water, and let it cool. Lemonade Powders. Half a pound of pounded loaf sugar, one ounce of car bonate of soda, four tlrops of oil of lem on ; mix, and divide in sixteen portions, and wrap iu blue paper. One ounce of tartaric acid in sixteeu white papers; used as directed in soda water powders. To Fasten Labels to Tin Cans. Put a teasjoonful of brow n sugar into a quart of paste, aud it will faston labels as se curely to tin cans as to wood. House keepers may save themselves much an noyance in the loss of labels front their fruit cans when putting up their own fiuit, by remembering this. Ltino in wait False scales. Hours in England America. and There are few facts in the business life of America which strike an Englishman more forcibly than the absorbing char acter of each man's pursuits and the se verity of the lalor to which he subjects himself. In London the tradesmen can scarcely be eaid . to h ive commenced the business of the day before 0 A. M., the only exceptions being those who minis ter to the early breakfast wants of the community. Thu merchant is rarely at liis office before 10 in the morning, and the clerks and secretaries in the govern ment establishment tire not at their jM;t much before It a.m. The .amount of work accomplished by the two !a-t named classes is interrupted by a frequent gos sip, the pcrusulof a newspaper and a pro longed lunch, and nearly all quit their desks for the day at 4 v. M. The Ameri can employe, ou the other hand, is often at his office at 8 A. M., many tradesmen ojen their stores at 0 or 7 A. M., and dur ing the long day the attention to duty is incessant, only broken by half ail hour allotted to lunch. Perhips there is too much work done on one hide and too little on the other. In A iu'rica w e press into the t venty-l'our hours as much severe labor as tn; human frame can bear; iu England men do as little as they possibly can. My personal experiences of the public offices is not great, but I accepted a m itiou in the India Office for a few mouths dining the tenancy of the Secretaryship by the Duke of Argyle, and this is how the work was done. On entering upon my duties I inquired at what hour I might be exjectcd to be present. The Assista nt Secretary turned to the senior clerk of the department mid asked him at what hour he usually came. "Oh," he replied, "about ten an easy ten say half-past ten." Good," I re joined. "I w ill lie here at half-past ten." The next day I was at my post. Not a soul had arrived. There is an office for the messengers, as they are called, in each corridor, of which there are six in the India office. I asked the head messenger, an old man of sixty, when the clerks might be expected. "Sir," he answered, "they rarely come before eleven o'clock, and "often later." Sure enough it was a quarter-past eleven before they began to drop in. To change their coats, arrange their papers and interchange their inatu . . . . , , I final civil ties occupied the time until 1 ' ' 1 noon. Then thewoik began. The Lawyer and tin Plow-boy. A great many boys mistake their cull ing, but all such are not fortunate enough to find it out in as iw.l feaou as this oue did. It is sat 1 that II ifu Ciioate, the great lawyer, was once in New Hampshire making a plea, when a boy, the son of a fanner, resolved to leave the plow and be come a lawyer like Rufus Choate. He accordingly went to lloston, callel on Mr. Choate and said to him: "I heard your plea up town, and I have a desire to become a lawyer like you. Will you teach me how T "As well as I can," said the great law yer. "Conic in aud sit down." Taking dow n a copy of IJlackstone, he aaid, "Read this until I come back, and I will see how you get on." The Mior lny legau. An hour passed. His back ached, his head and legs ached, lie knew not how to study. Every mo ment became a torture. He wanted Hir. Another hour passed, ami Mr. Ciioate came and asked, "How do you get on?" "Get on! Why, do you have to read such stuff as thisf" "Yes." "How much of it?" "All there is fin those shelves, and more,' looking about the great library. "How long will it take?" "Well, it has taken me more than twenty-five years." "Ilow much do you g(t?" "My board and clothes." "Is that all f" "Well, that is about all that I have gained as yet." "Then," said the boy, "I will go back to ploughing. The work is not noar so haul, and it pays U-tter." A Frenchman's Contest with Eso msii. Our readers have doubtles heard f the Frenchman who so sadly misused shall and will. Falling in a river he cried out. "I teilt drown; nobody hall help me." Rut it is hard work for many to whom English "comes by nature, to use these words correctly. Another Freuchinau was sorely puz zled by the usual English salutations In French the ordinary sanitation is "Comment rout portez-vouaf'' literally. How do vou carry yourself? It is signifi cant of national character, for deport ment, or one's physical carriage, is very important in France. A friend one day asked this Frenchman, who had begun to speak English "How do you do?" "Do vat ?" "I mean how ilo you find yourself?" "Saire, I never loses myself." "Uut how do you feel ?" "Smooth; you just feel me." A oentleman is a rarer thin Which, of I than some ol us ininit ior. us can onint out many such in his circle men u-i...vr mm are treuerous. whoae trurn is - . ... i . . " . ; i ...i. constant and elevated, who can iow. inc world honestly in the face, with it n H ml. manly sympathy for the great and the small We all know a hundred w hose roats are well made, and a score who have excellent manners, but of gen tlemen, how many? Let us take a little Krran of paper and each make his list. Thackeray. Sflp Help. As a matter of practical philosophy, hardly anything can be more essential io mc ounH Mho.ihl fcet out in life with a correct under staodingof how largely they hold their for tunesin their ow n keeping. Be courageous, but prudent: enterprising, but painstak ing industrious and persevering; always rememlering that the provcru.uiougn oiu is still true, and will uever wear out Providence helps those who help them selres. Business 1876. NO. 23. , A Gpntlnmnn. When you have fouud a man, you have not far to go to find a gentleman. A true, frank, noble man has alt the essen tial qualities that go to make up the real gentleman. He may lack th Hilish, re finement, and easy address of the well bred society man; but he has the ling of the light metal, the genuine stamp of worthy minlexHl impiinted upon his character so pi duly that all may read it, A nugget of iure gold is no less gold be fore its coinage t hut afterward. A d iainotid iu the rough is a true diamond all the same. The coinage of the one and the polishing of the other is not so much to enli one the value, as it is to beautify, and biing it into lrqo for use; but you must have the gold before you can fashion the dollars and the eagles; you must have the diamond before you can fit it for its setting; so you must have the man bef ire you can make the gentleni in. A gold ling cannot be in idu from copper, nor a crystal be ch mg.d to a ruby, and it is j ist a jui'ossible to ina aiifucturi? a true gentleman' from un ignoble, unmanly mill. A gentleman, however humble in life or circumstance, w ho makes th;f "Gold-u R ile" the governing principle of all hi actions, is many degrees removed front the selfish man who five only for self, and seeks only his own interest, even though he were a millionaire. A gentleman respects the lights and feeling of others so much that he will never indulge himself at their expense, lie never parade himself before the pub lic, claiming a larger share of attention than is his due. and using scathing epithets when he fail to receive it, bat his mod esty causes him to shrink from receiving even the honest tribute accorded to leal worth. A gentleman i courteous in speech, and kindly in moaner to all--to the low as well a the high, the poor as well a the rich, lie slight no one, he never puts ou aii, he never treats with contempt or ueglccl the humblest of his fello w men ; he I not apt to surmise evil; he is as sjo.v to take offense as he is careful not to give it; and he ha his feelings aud will under such control that under the greatest prov ocation lie does not give way to the use of hasty, fiery or immoderate language. He puts the Ut possible construction upon the motives and act of others, and is ever more ready to excuse their faults than his own. In short, a gentleman is modest, courte ous, kind, and forbearing; he is frank, genial, ami cordial ; he i honorable and jK'ifectly tiusUottliy ; and if iu any of these qualities he is found wauling, he is lackiii!' iu some of the element that belong to the make-up of a true gentle-mau.-CW &iiifortl,in D. niorot' Monthly. Timidity of Great Men. Turenne, being asked whether he was frightened at the beginning of a battle, aid: 'Yes, I sometime feci great neiv- oils excitement, but tlieie are unny ub- dteru ofheers ami soldier who leel none whatever!" Conde was much agitated in hi first campaign. "My body trembles, he said, "with the actions my soul medi tates!" Frederick the Great, at Molwitz, gave but little promise of ever becoming a soldier. It is reinu ted of one of the ablest friend of Washington that, in hi first battle, his nerves quite gave wsy, and that he had to be held to his post by two soldiers; it was a if the hero a leg tried to carrv him off in spite ot lumselt. t is obvious to remark; mat distinguished men, w hose nerves have thus completely roken down, may thank their stars lor being distinguished. Much is forgiven them, for they did much service. Had they been common soldiers, they would have received as little indulgence for the automatic action of their feet as the poor receive for the malady of kleptomania. There is, however, a special reason why illowances should be in ide for generals whose presence of mind has failed them. V private has only io sunt in eyes io langer and to confront it with that chieix tie courage of which a great commander spoke with envious diq u ageinent. lut the skilled courage of a general i a vir tue of a very different order. Hj must. it were, h ve two selves. In dclioeia- non. he must calculate ine exact nmouin of danger to w hich he exposes hi troop, and then, in action, the calculation must le erased from hi mind, lie must often say to himself, '1'eacc, peace, when ho feels that there is no peace; ami. by a soit of military faith, he must fight as seeing a safely which i invisible. It is true that Nelson exclaimed, "What is fear? I never saw it." liuf, at the time, Nelson was young; and against his remark may bo set the saying of Charles when he saw written on a tombstone, "Here lies a man who never knew fear!" "Then," observed the Em iMror, "he can never have snuffed a can dle with his finger;" or, as we should say, such a man cau never have felt the first touch of the forceps of a dentist. Chai les V., no doubt, spoke from a comtnandei point of view; and he may, like other commanders, have felt the difficulty of emulating the happy fearlesucss ol his soldiers. f ort nt g Way llctiex. Misstxo. A boy alxut twelve years old called at a New ork polico station to mve notice that his father was miss ing. After getting name, street and num ber, the captain said: "Now give ine a inscription of your father." lie is a man." said the loy. "1 don't doubt that ; but I want his age, height, color of hair, aud so on. The boy was stuck, and after the captain had vainly pumped him, he said : "It's curious that a boy of your age can't describe your own father," "He's my stepfather," replied the lad. "I know he's leen around our house for two or three year, but I never thought to look at him very much. You can put him down as a red-headed man, and 111 get mother to write out the rest." The noblest spirits are thoso which turn to heaven, not in the hour of sorrow, but in that of iov: like the lark, they wait for the clouds to. disperse, that they may soar op into their native element. Tho IhiMonians of '70. The community a a whole was iliatin guished by a very severe tone of m inner, In which the light and free conduct of a man of wit or pleasure seemed utterly at viwiancc with the formal dignity and pro priety expected from tlnse iu oflice. Ex tenuis were nil-important, neglect of appropriate costume a great levity. Gov ei nor Shirley, indeed, a the hands of one Thomas Thumb, E-q., surveyor of cus toiiu and clerk of tho check, 1709, re ceived severe censure for permitting him self to be seen f sitting in a ch air without a s.vord, in a plain short frock, uiindllid shirt, a scratch wig and a little rattan 1" I f the cost utno of n people influences national character, there seem mueli reason to connect the polite gravity of oiu R volutionaiy fathers wltu the for inality of tln-ir die as. One would certainly expect suavity and dignity a well as graceful courtesy from a gentleni in lu powdcivd hair and .1 long quell" J plaited w hitctoek ; shi: 1 1 idll 'd at the bosom and fastened at the wiist with gold sleeve, button; pcach-hloom coat, with white bill on, lined with white silk, standing well oil' at the skht, stilfmcd . ith buck ram; figured ilk vest, divided 40 that the pocket extended 011 the hip; wlack silk small clothes; I urge gold buckles; silk stocking; and Imv-'juui tercd shoes. Wealthy families sent to England for their Hue clothing, much of it being made m well ns purchased in Loudon. 11 ys wore wig-, queue, ami cocked hits. Only military men and horsemen wore boot, it was a poor fellow who wore shoe-strings instead of buckles. No mat ter how elegant otherwise his toilet might have been, a shoe string would have ex eluded hiiil from geuteel society as in evitably a a f iock-coat or a colored tie from the R iyal Opera House to-day. As late a 1750 there were not more thau three carriage or chailotsin R it'ti, even among families of distinction. To walk to a party or stay at home was the only alternative, unless 00 were the happy owner of a four-wheeled chaise. There was a frequent interchange of din ner and supper parties, but fewer crowded evening entertainment than now. The principal evening amusement was card-play ing. Tables were bounti fully loaded with provisions. Rusy peo ple dined at one o'clock, some tit two. I'o dine at three was very formal. Punch drinking was universal, though it does not seem to h ivo been carried to excess. In genteel families a bo I, al ways capa cious undolteii very elegant, win brewed in the looming, and served with fiee hos pitality to all visitors. An advertisement f rom a" Uazdte of 1741 is sufficiently sug gestive to oe.tr copying: Exi r.ior.liinti y ri.ol unl very fresh Orange Ju.ee, W liii ii romc ol the li si 1'iliull Tislei picic. io Lruiiiiou, ul l per gail. AIo very uood I. hue Juke und ftiiru i to put inlu f'uneli, id dit,' U.isket of LeuilUvin. Also Ynti, it tl Lioii ml. J. Cui-Miir, Letnniou Trader. Theatrical entertainment were pro hibited by law, though under the head of "M oial'Lectuies" the law was some times evaded. As late, however, as 17U0, Governor Adam vetoed it bill for repeal ing the prohibitory law, considering such amusement immoral iu tendency, aud totally unfit for a republican people. Harper Magazine. Racing f.r 11 Gra. Widowahlp. A novel and exciting nice took place between a married couple at this place a few days ago. For obvious reasons we hall suppress their mimes, l'hey had been on a visit Io some friends, some seven mile north et of Pella, and got up a quarrel between them, j it a such things commonly happen. Ho I one of tlioe kind of fellow that when he says a thing he means it and stick to it w hether right or wrong. She, a masculine, healthy and well-propoi tioned female, does not Pelieve lu saying yes when she means no. So for a time they had it up and down vi ith word 4. I heir eyes fl nlied fire, and it looked as if there would be a battle, si hen the woman proposed that they had better settle their quarrel by running a race to IVlia; whoever should be the first at their residence, all the property would belong to and the loser was to walk niielly out and "vamoose the lunch," never to trouble the w inner again. Tho m in, confident in'liiinself a 11 pedestrian, agreed to this, and proposed that they h mid start at that time. He threw oil hi coat, she tightened her corset and otherwise prepared herself for the trial of peed mid endurance, and then they start ed. Adam took the shortest way by cut ting across farm. Eve kept the main thoroughfare. Wo did not witness the luce, consequently we cannot say how I hey stepped, but (he result was iu favor j. 1 ! it .11 ol the woman, who uai a ptaiii, wen beaten tiack, while the mm, thinking to be the gainer by the short truck, watha loser 011 account of the soaky condition of the sloughs, w hich were hardly puss able. I lie woman IS now a sweet samplfl of a gra-widow. Kaoxville (Iu.) Dent' oerat. Adaptability to Hu.im ss. It is cu riou to note how few men we know who are really adapted to their occupation, aud how many who are bewailing their fate, that tliey have not been placed in some othor 'occupation ia life. It is 0110 of the most perfect states of happiness to lntppii hat is be engaged lu a hushies that is at thfl same tune a pleasure. Such, we would judge, mutt be the case iu nearly all tho professions, where a man can enter into hi work with hi whole heart, and enjoy it every day. Rut wheu one works against the will, and each day's labor ii drudgery, and each release a relief front pain, oh, indeed i labor a penalty I That will be a model state of society where each is employed iu tlte occupation that is delightful to him. Attentive labor and attractive education aro the solutions of tho greatest social problems. IvEcr thu tongue from uokindncn. Word aro sometimes wounds; not very deep wounds always, und yet they Irri tate. Speech is unkind sometime when there is no unkiudneas in tho heart; so much tho worse that needless wounds are inflicted; so much the worse that uula I tentlonal paia Is caused. totti ' - r f V " . -.' .