The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1900, Image 9

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    j foiki tk d7 ' miracles Ml
" past tt' W,'! .
- itbtf ao predicted now, as
Zr, tbe wow
nuow the path tb iud an' moon
r travelin-o tbay do
th stars uf heaven id'
ThM VS - . ,
rtiifM lb comets, too!
kuw Jest bow Ibe ol' world rolla
tb J v got It down by heart;
,., kooe ,,,,! cyclone'a couiiu' 'for It
10 ' rrrr oiuae. atari!
. kSOw 'ul distance from her
,, to tbe aun;
uied all the world above, to'
aesMd ' 'OWf on1
Btrp n? clicks Abut
1 1
bidden from
eiu tbey
i.'t niftliin"
ku.. thi all-in-alt!
..-,, obstacles air rlnin
dn ibe wall
l(an,l in all the glory an ueauty o
he Hub'.
A-rlTiu' ool this verdict that tbert aball
In- m uigbt!
I r-., iv wouldn't wonder at the pace
r- iH-in icu.
jf ,B,., . k the world like thuuder by
the r.iiln" o' the dead!
Ftr. Itrp bj step they're goln' upon tbe
aparsrd way,
I i feller'l glad he'a llvln" In a world
Um thil to-day!
Atl"'" CoBatltttlO
HAT would wc live on, Mnx?"
laughed Sydney Vernon. glanc
Ing down lit her elegant morn
ing dreal, with the pretty slipper Juat
from lieiicatb its hem. "It'a
all very 'll to eschew the practicali
ties of lr'. lint they are MtMWtUM
accessary for all that, and 1 have never
leeu any great evldencea of economy
on your part; and I am quite sure you
have iwt 00 mine."
Mai Bayafd tugged Impatiently at
bit mustache as the girl, whom a uio
mrnt before he bad asked to be hla
wife, tbui unwind him.
"I have never had an Incentive to
ecouuiny." Max snld In answer. "I
have eii"'ith to live on and feed my
dorses, though my tailor's hill does
trouble me now and then, 1 confess;
but, Sydney, I will change all tbaL
laar. I can't perhaps, give you all
tbe luxuries to which you are accus
tomed, but J'ou shan't Inck for com
forts, that I promise you."
We should he miserable Max rata
rralilc. both you uud I: the girl an-
i j
jt n'rj
at) dwr
lw t?l c)r
rr)rw5 if asic'-
IT II yu oW it:, 5t'rjr Ts s
for cver oQ , w-,n fr
wry-i? ynodp wirjdj fry clcK.
f&rlh 5f2,t cbe ff b.5 fr-
nc dtts his C.oAt AnA rtsl-o.1,
uiAoc'a roood af ffyt family fi
And ftlf-wb )Ay5 A, r)crAcb
Ja53 it) firt) T b W.'odirW ffj4
I tll WC, r,CKj K ,
0 t
JjJc t&yl 1t)Af Qoofc bofAnd
Aod if AVy oe !. r;otJld Attrrmt ltj Trick
Tb- t)io wold b ivo a bV-
5 J lWlv VAWDS AtlA mOitlfJ. cfool
And sUr At rrje old clckS f ac
JhV blWi "at tf;e duT frorr, rT) ry"l".rj tr. Ky
W.rrj Oo ,ffl-5bw of 5rAO. 7
I r)ly i0if Wlib ffiot yo Cjld s
Mllliuaalr Woniun Who loilOi Uuuta
ii o I ekoru Hiurli
A millionaire aportawotuan Mrs
Charlotte D, M Card. ia by uauie sees '
tbe world a It Is from i , ilecW of
gorgeous yjctit called the l.;.inor. This
nautical pala t lacantly retted lu a '
New York ha. ;or prepumioiy to a trip
to the Mediterranean. Ill master is
Mra. Cardeza. a remarkable woman,
who claims that "soviet Is hollow."
Mra. Cirdoai la a huntress of re
nown, lu a tour around ihe world she !
wltuessed some elephant and tiger
bums. The sight so stead ed her nerves
that she has become a hunter of Amer
ica's biggest game the moose and cari
bou, lu the dlulug-rooui of her bcautl- ;
ful home. Moutebello. (iermantown. :
I 'a., are the beads uf six caribou she
killed with her own banda. She owns
a hunting box at Mount Klneo
Vb'; 5rAi;Jp.S wujdi If) clCk.
And fh folks All frv T6 mil J .
a. .-it w z : - ' y '"' . .. . r
wnn --ir; grATing cliCK r Wirjd5 upHy- Wi4br)
rr Af IavT a nAtitAl rmlfc
Th ca.t bon)h if bAxk,tf)e bby cn o0t"
Tb-d4 bwl at .vry treAk.
but io fin) itNj vr - fv'f ' s a 515b f r'li'f -Jf.CAot"bAffr)
AAir; fr a wtk.-
TblclicksodcrAk Ar vr AtUr-
Tyb iTjWDj affirrf KM rvrfpf KtfSy 1
Chicago Chronicle.
Maine There she goon ileer hunting
every fall, except when she Is cne
trating ti.e vlrglu forests of SowfoUOd'
laud, where the caribou crows to Its
At Brick j Cora, Now-
I found la ndt last Novtmbat ibo was one
of a fart) that killed and brought back
I to tl . Klcauor the heads for forty-four
Mrs. OardfU Is one of tb wealthiest
women In America. Sin- carat not at
all for society and has i passion for
travel that she gramb- to the full.
She Is a musician of cv optional abil
ity. She plays and alnfl well, but
there Is no music as sweet to her ears
as the Mp of the rille. She owns a
home at tieruiantown. a cottage at
Newport, has an estate in the Wort In
dies and keeps a suite at the Waldorf
Astoria the year round, but loves best
of all the rough pine lodge built bl the
men of tbe Kleanor's crew In Ihe forest
sla would nave dared question - none
ue Wine, lint Wltte dared to think
for himself, and for the Ciar. He fore
saw clearly that obedience to orders
would BOan disaster for the troops.
There was no time for consultation, lie
CBOta to dlsoliey. It was plain thai the
voting man had ruined himself. Ills
friends n ssii nil him that he would
soon te swallowed up lu Siberia. They
snld he must he mad to destroy his
career at a tune when he wa In fair
way to become, a full-fledged statlou
Officially, there was a great bulla
halloo. The assistant station master's
Insubordination was Investigated by
Important paraona in resplendent uni
forms. Ami then it broke on the official
mind thai the culprit had save. I his
Imperial Majesty's troops from deslruc
The Investigation developed the fact
lu that long bofora war was declared.
Without saving a word to anyone,
Wltte had quietly done what Ills U
pcriOf OUght to have done -that Is.
WOrknd out the details of various
schemes for the transport of an army
agalnal Turkey, This proof of fore
thought on his part created quite a sen
nation in official circles, where people
are not accustomed to subordinates
looking ahead or doing anything else
on their own Initiative. He worked
night and day while the war lasted;
ami when It came to an end he hud
already made a repulatlon for himself,
and was on the highway to fortune.
Instead of being sent to gtbetil he was
made a director of the Imperial rail
His rise thereafter was rapid. M.
Wj schiiegradskl. president of the rail
way, was made Minister of Finance
and he made Wltte Minister of Kali
ways. The latter reformed Hie railway
"fRiixns? nkvkh! iik exclaimko.
wered. bitterly. "We have not either
of us been reared lu a school of pover
ty. I would cry for cake while you
could only give me bread, and you for
ale while I could give you only kisses.
Come, be sensible, and let us be good
"Frl Is? Never!" he exclaimed. "I
ani starving, and you throw uiea stone.
Look Into my eyes, Sydney, straight anil
true, ami say you do not love me, and
1 will go away, and trouble you no
The long lashes drooped low on her
"I cannot quite say that," she an
nrered, "but I will say more. I prom
ised last night to become Mr. Clayton's
Wife within six months."
Max Bayard'l handsome face grew
white to the very lips a look of dead
ly anger, mingled with something like
loathing, crept Into It. Sydney shrank
from it. as from a blow.
"Don't, Max don't!" she cried. "I
could not help It I am very sorry."
"You could not help it you are very
lorry!" be repeated very slowly. "Could
not help what? Toying with me for
yonramuiement- playing fast and loo'
with your victim, or selling yourself to
the blgbeat bidder? Which? You are
very lorry for whom? For the man
yon led step by step to the brink of the
flower-strewn precipice, only to smile
as he plunged to the chasm below, or
for turn who wins the prize In the lot-tery-tlio
prize for which he has paid
the price of all Ills fortune? Pardon
me, Miss Vernon, but he. I think, la
mora deeerrlng of your sorrow than
the man whom you hurl to the lowest
depths of the abyss."
With these words, he turned and left
B years had passed six years,
fraught Indeed w ith change. .
"If she had bean but true to herself
nd meP Max Bayard had thought,
When, but a few months after the event
' h had driven him from his native
land to rind forgetfulness In travel, a
"tter bad been put into his hand, which
bad followed h' from port to port, an
nonnclng that ..e had fallen heir to a
fortune which might have challenged
r. Clayton'! In Its magnitude.
yea afterward he married. His
,( ' ;is very young aud very lovely:
re were depths In his nature that
her band never stirred, and even as she
J with her bead pillowed on bis
bn 11 another haunted face would
between, and. 'mid the caressing
h'lirniur of ber words, would sound tbe
eho of the "might have been."
but he loved her very dearly, and
mourned her very truly, when, one
short year after their marriage, he laid
tier away In ber grove and took up tbe
t'unln of life again, with the added
-l-'iisihlllty of the tiny Infant daugb-
" -ue bad left him.
"Wuaed A lady to superintend
'he education of a little girl. Apply be
tween the boura of 4 and 8 at "
it waa In anawer to this advertise
ment that, six years after that tuemor
aole afternoon upon tbe beach, a lady
stood waiting in the elegant drawlug
room of the house to which she had
been directed.
Her veil was down nnd the room was
half In shadow from the heavy cur
tains which draped the window, but
for all that she started perceptively
when a step crossed the hall and a gen
tleman, his hair slightly tluged wltb
gray, entered.
She had sunk hack on the sofa, and
her frame quivered with emotion.
"You have come, madam, lu answer
at the foot of Mount Klneo, In Maine, j system ami. as a result, those who had
unless he'd caught him rolling out of
"There Is a might good reason, too
for BOI going barefooted IS Havana.
The streets of this city are permeated
with the tilth of centuries, aud among
the igglometated collection of imciiu
appears in large ami virulent force the
lockjaw germ. Tetanus Is a very com
moil disease here, and the cople have
learned that u u dangerous to go bare
rooted. An abrasion on the foot Is
quite likely to give the uudertaker a
job. unless Immediate euro is tskeu of
It. ami even the poorest people prefer
to go about wltb their fet protected.
The fact that the stone pavements are
frightfully hot In the sun, and that
stone tloms, so Common III the Ionises,
are cold, Is .mother reason for wearing
shoes or slippers. It s mighty 11000 m
fortable walking on hot flagging bare
footed, and it's mighty dangerous walk
lug with feet unclad about a marble
floored bedroom. All the doctor! warn
Americans against the latter practice.
It leads to sciatica, rheumatism, and
CO Idl of all sorts. Yes sir roe. You
must wear shoes In Havana. You can
get a pair of these rope soled ones that
(he poor darklea wear for I.', cents, and
a man w ho can't afford that is loon very
likely to have his Jaws locked on him.
ami lie drinking soup through a breach
which the doctors knock lu his flout
N poleon Mas Afraid of Cuts.
Perbapi DO peraonal fear Is more sin
gular than Is occasionally manifested
for household pels, such as nils, dogs,
etc. Conspicuous among such weak
nesses Is the well known horror with
which both Napoleon ami Wellington
regarded cats. It Is also declared by a
London w riter that one of the llrltlsh
generals now lighting In South Africa
dren should follow In his steps. In
Keesley's home the food was of the
simplest. Oil for the lamps was meas
ured out each week and groceries were
relghed according to a schedule. If
tue measured supply did not last so
modi the worse for those who hail been
too pro .igal. Matches the old man re
garded as an extraviigame. lie whit-;
tied splints with his Jackknlfe when he
had time and these were lighted from
n lamp or the kitchen stove. He shaved
notes for men who worked with him
and this laid the foundation of his for
tune. W ise Investments In real estate
to my advertisement?" he asked, cau- ami a sudden rise In rnilroad stocks, a
"No, no!" she onwsered. "There are
reasons why It will now le Inqtosstble
for DO to accept the altuntlon offered.''
That voice! Had It not too loug
haunted htm to be thus easily forgot
ten? Would he not know It even though
It Bounded above his very grave?
"Sydney! you here?" he exclaimed.
"Ah, Mrs. Clayton pardon me, for the
moment 1 forgot"
Then she threw hack her veil. Six
years had made little chunge. It was
the same beautiful face, but grown
very pale, and the lovely mouth quiv
ered as she spoke.
"Helleve me, I would not have In
truded myself iiKn you had I dreamed
It was you who had inserted the ad
vertisement. I had uot even heard of
your marriage."
"My Wlf3 Is dead." he answered. "Hut
stay," as she rose to go. "Tell me how
It hatinens that you are In necessity, la
Mr. Clayton dead?"
She shuddered.
"You mistake," she said. "I did not
marry Mr. Claytou. 1 am Sydney Ver
non still."
You did not marry hlmT'
"No. It Is a woman's privilege, you
know, to change her mind. But my
aunt was very angry, and at her death
she left me nothing. Your advertise
ment attracted me. I thought 1 might
learn to love a little girl."
"Sydney, w hy did you uot marry Mr.
Had he really spoken, or was It her
own thought which formed the ques
tion? No, he was awake now, bla eyea
resting upon ber.
"You have no right to ask me," she
said, imperiously. "Let the dead past
bury Its dead."
"No right, perhaps that I admit, hut
answer me, all the same. For the sake
of all these starving years, let me know
the truth."
"Because I did not love him," she an
swered, then "because I fouud myself
weaker than I knew."
"Oh. Sydney! If we had known- If we
had known! My darling, was there an
other reason? Was It because you loved
"Because I shall love you while lire
A month later there was n quiet weu-
Decedent Swore He Would Make $'-'(K),-
(KM), but IHed Too Soon.
The richest worklugman In New Jer-
sev was wnai an in "tu""
rallnl Ceorge Beesley. who died a few
days ago at his home In I'atersou, N. J.,
but hardly any one Imagined that he
was worth J17.VNK). Such was the
... n,.- ,ii,u in
case, however, huh uo .
prospect that lawyers, bis pet abomi
nation, will get a snare oi me esuue.
Should such an untoward result ensue
It will lie all due to Beesley's extraor
dinary will, which the belrs have de
cided ou trying to break. A number of
years ago. when Beesley was a black
smith in the Rogers Locomotive Works,
he swore that before he died be should
be worth fJiMV"' About a year ago
his health began to fall and as yet his
i f.trhiiip uiis not more man en.
Ere long he realized that he was not
I destined to carry out the provisions of
I bis oath, but he did what he regarded
as the next best thing. He tied his
money up by will, restricting his ch.l
I dren to the merest pittance until (he
estate should be worth $200,000, as he
1 bad originally planned. Much Of bis
; investment had been In gilt-edged but
! low-Interest slocks, and the heirs have
.. . i. .(..., ,iinf r!i law
come to tne nacww
will give them Speedy access to com-1
fort which without Its help would be,
long postl-onod. Hence the attempt to j
break tbe remarkable will. An mi-j
usual feature of the contest Is that the
two girl belra object to their fathers
discrimination against tbelr brOtker
..j i.i., ,hot he shall have a share;
of the estate equal to theirs.
Beesley, who wss st once s mler and
a money lender In bis late years, seem
ed to think of nothing but adding dol
lar to dollar and determined that, aa
be bad lived without luxurlea. bla cbll-
large block of which he had acquired
as collateral forfeited, made him Inde
pendent. Then he Invested most of his
wealth In safe securities and waited
for the realization which Ills death pre
Or. Pearsons, of CfcCBgAj Who Is filv
itiK Away the Fortune He Mudr.
I . K. Pearsons, of Chicago, seems
determined to follow the Carnegie idea
and not die rich. He has already given
away two or three millions to cdm a
ttotuU Institutions, and still has a mil
lion or two more, which be purposes to
send lu the way of the others gone be
fore. Hr. Pearsons w ent to Chicago
to reside lu April, 1880, In tils satchel
I r. Pearsons carried 10,000, Which lie
had saved up In ten years' medical
practice In Chlcnpoo, Mass. He and
bis wife had some distant relatives In
Chicago, but they had made up their
minds not to go to them, although they
knew, practically, no one else there.
Tbelr relatives had discouraged Ihe
doctor from going West. They did not
think he was titled to get along In the
hustle and scramble of a growing city,
and advised him to stick to his country
practice. But the doctor Succeeded,
and made money rapidly In many ways,
and did good with every dollar of It.
lu 1SISI the doctor came to the con
clusion that the time had arrived for
him to begin giving away his fortune.
He followed the plan that he and his
wife had formed after they had reached
-I ai.mi.u jisi BEHIND Ills BHOOLDBIU) ANT) PI USD."
nn. n. k. pk arsons.
Chicago lu 1800. He hns never been a
member of any religious denomination,
but all his gifts have lsen to those In
stitutions having religious allllliitlons.
From IMhi to liss) the doctor has given
away 82,000)000 of his fortune ami has
perhaps JLoOO.lMH) left.
Four years ago l)r. Pearsons had Ids
tombstone erected In Hinsdale Ceme
tery, as he desired to have all his af
fairs arranged before he died. The
granite for this monument was brought
from Itarre. Vt where the doctor
taught school in 1880, The remaining
11,600,000 win be disposed of in dona
tions which have not as yet been an
nounced. On this account It Is his In
tention to require an annuity of '' per
cent., or $.'tu,isH a year, payable up to
the time of the death of himself ami
wife. This will allow them to live as
they please and wateh the good results
from their mUUlflcettt gifts. It has
never cost them more than $I..VN) a
year to live, soon the income they have
provided for themselves they will no
doubt continue tbelr giving, which has
really now become a habit. The doctor
says, however, that he considers he Is
entitled to nn amount that will allow
him ami his wife to live ns they please,
even at the Waldorf-Astoria If they
wish. They never lind any children,
nnd when their earthly lives are closed
their entire fortune will be lu use for
the benefit of humanity.
Taking Advantage of a ProTerb.
Father-It's never too late to mend,
mv boy!
Son But la that really so, dad?
Father It la. Indeed, my boy.
Son-Ob, well then, 1 needn't begin
Just yet
A woman likea to be told abe looks
fresh, but a man doesu'k
' Mrs. Cardcza may tie uear the -10'a.
, That ract the existence of ber big.
handsome sou. "Tom" Card eta, would
attest, but she looks scarcely 90, Life
aboard her yacht and In the hunting
j districts of the north bus brought to
her cbeekl a rose bloom Of robust
health, She la the highest ami best
type of the American girl refined by a
! many sided education and broadened
by travel. She was boru In Philadel
phia of Kngllsh parents, Her father
was Thomas llrake. a lineal descendant
of Sir Francis llruke. She Is the wid
ow of J. M ar Unea-Cardesa, u wealthy
"I learned to hunt In a curious way,"
said Mrs. Cardcza. "I had never prac
ticed target shooting, although I had
never been afruld of firearms. But my
son. Tom, became an enthusiastic
sportsmun. He talked lo me about the
ambition that I should become u hun
tress. I Inugucd at flrst, but I came
to see that he was In earnest, lie Is
my all. I have not another living rela
tive. The bond between ns la very,
very close. But I will uot Indulge lu
any mother foolishness. I saw that
Tom wanted me to learn to shoot, aud
i determined that I would,
"One morning we were rowing on the
Klneo river. Tom stopped rowing and
w hispered: 'Mother, a caribou. Shoot!'
He placed the rifle In my hands and I
aimed the gun just behind the animal's
shoulders and pulled the trigger. The
big 1 list Jumped into the air ami fell,
dying. Tom was ao proud that I be
gun to be proud myself.
"My friends say I have a cool nerve
ami never miss. I don't think I deserve
that eulogy. I simply follow my son's
advice. 'Don't shoot unless you see
that you ere going to lilt.' That la thu
Bocrct of a true aim
Count de Wltte Now the OrOatSSl Stan
in Rtsaela
Been Russia has lis self made men.
The greatest man in the empire to-day,
excepting tbe Caer himself, began life
an obscure railway employe, lie Is
Count de Wltte, Minister of Finance,
Time ami lime again have combina
tions of nobles and capitalists been
formed io crush bis power even to ex
ile lilin to Siberia and as often hnve
the attempts fulled. The latest effort,
the tree tea I of them all. has Just re
sulted in failure and Count de Wltte
enjoys to even a greater extent than
ever bla sovereign's confidence.
It v birth Wltte belongs to the lower
middle classi - Ills father wus of
German origin Be gave too iiy a uni
versity education ami, through Influen
tial friends, secured for him n minor
position in the railway department
After a while he was Installed as ns
Istaut station master lu an unimport
ant tow n. The Turkish war 080)0 00
and gave him the chnnee of Ids life.
Ills chiefs In the railway department
lost their beads completely under the
atraln of Iran-porting troops to the
front, ami the result would have I p
disaster hud he not come to their help
Willi's opportunity pointed the way
to liisulHiidinatloii. He made his for
tune by Ining magnificently disols-dl
enL II is chief was absent. Wltte was
slut Ion master pro (em. InqMTlal
troops were being hurried by rail to
Bulgaria The war minister had Issued
certain orders concerning the troop
trains which uo station muster lu Bus
previously fattened On the public pre
ferred charges against Mm. He was
exonerated; they were exiled iii 1883
Wltte was made Minister of Finance
Here was a Held for reform In earnest
- for of all the forlorn, crooked. Wild
cat muddles outside of n bucket shop
the D nances of Russia were tbe most
hopeless, i'o create anything like de
coney and order out of that chaos was
a labor of Hercules.
Wltte did It. He has Is'en working
rot-NT UK wit i f.
nt It ever since, making himself UuS
trlous the world over and haled In his
own country. The credit of Russia Is
no longer n byword among the nations,
and the former assistant station mas
ter Is the most powerful man In the
empire, next to the Wltte or He
Wltte, as It now Is, the minister baring
been made ii count Is the real force
which Is making Russia great commer
cially. He has made treaties with many
nations ami Russia's foreign trade lias
swelled prodigiously.
I.otkjovt t'.erni Make larrj One Co
BJlod -Children Naked Otherwise.
Two grown nu n went strolling un
concernedly up tbe center of the Prado
In Havana one day recently with a
stark naked girl baby toddling along be
tween them, Not a stitch did the child
have on. except a pair of rope bottomed
slippers. Her little brown body wus
fat as a butter ball, and glistened lu
the sun ns though It had been oiled.
"Heavens!" ejaculated a Yankee Just
come to town. "Wouldn't that come
and get yon'.' Dp the Prado, the swell
est street in tow n, with nothing on hut
a pair of slippers. That's certainly ueit
door to wearing a pleasant smile."
"It's a HttM rare," said Ihe other
American, who h oi been here longer,
"to see a kid like that, but lu the coun
try It's so common that no 0B0 pays any
attention IO them. In the tlty u sense
of decern-. generally prevails to pre
vent It, usually wltb the encourage
ment of the police. But no matter how
Ill lie else u child or grown person may
live on, you'll never tlml any of them,
not even the poorest, without those slip
pera. That seems strange to some of
us who were brought up In the South,
where even the children of the fairly
well-to do go barefooted. No, air. If
Whlttier bad lived around Havana he'd
never have written bis 'Barefoot Boy
with Cheeks of Tan.' The cheeks of
tun are here, nil right, down to the last
shade of dead, dead black, but he
wouldii t have found a barefooted boy.
be wears the Victoria cross, by the
way-can tell when a eat Is lu the room
MVen If he CanUOl see or hear It, and
thai Ihe animal must be ejected at once
or Ihe soldier will h- e something close
ly resembling a tit. The story Is told,
too, of a Dane who, having the strength
of a Hercules, yet had such a horror
of cats that when, us a practical Joke,
a cat was placed III a dish on a table at
which he was a guest he killed his host
In a paroxysm of horror. Ou the other
hand, there are persons who love cats
us warmly as these men and others hate
and fear them. Dr. A. C. Stark, who
went to South Afrleu to study birds,
and who, being In Ladysuilth when Hit.
war broke out, volunteered ns a civil
lull surgeon, was killed almost Jnslnntly
by the bursting of n shell. Just us he
fell he cried. "Take care of my cat!"
Many of his friends In Kiigland sup
posed that he referred to his catalogue,
but his family knew better. He often
told them that he wus never able to
concentrate his Ideas satisfactorily un
less a cat was near bint, Whenever he
was engaged In his favorite study, Hint
of ornithology, or In a game of chess, of
which he was fond, tie liked to have
puss ou his knee. As nn ardent natur
alist he was a lover of animals gener
ally, but his particular favorites were
culs ami birds, ami, though friendly
with dogs, he did uot cure for one us a
One Mun Who Will Not throw TMnK
Out Any More,
Tbs drummer sitting next to the win
dow arax SbOUt to throw his cigar atuD
one hen the drummer opposite put up
a restraining bund.
"DOO'I throw It out of the window,"
he said quietly, hut with Uriuuess.
"Why not'.' What's the dlffuroJicer'
asked the other, somewhat annoyed by
Hie lone of reproof apparent lu the oth
er man's voice.
"Listen, and I will tell you a story."
said the older drummer, smiling lu n
kindly way that smoothed the other's
milled feelings. "When I was abOOt
your age. which I should say wastweu-ty-flVS
years ago. I was accustomed to
throw my cigar stubs out of the car
window, inn I hail an experience ana
time Hun made me change my custom.
We wen- By lug along Ibrougb Obloone
day ami I had the last scat lu the last
car of a day train between Columbus
ami Pittsburg. The car was crowded
with men going to some kind of n big
INilitleai meeting at fiteubenrtlla, and
everybody was smoking i w as putting
away with the others, and when my
elgnr was smoked up I c:uc it one tlnal
draw ami tossed It far out of the win
dow. As It left my baud I Holloed he
side the truck below us u dozen men
grouped around something or other i
could Hot tell whit. All instant later,
ami when we weie two or thiee hun
dred yards away, there was a flash ami
a muffled report and the group of wink
men was scattered In every direction.
The train was slopped and bucked up.
when we found a keg of powder
for blasting purposes w hich they open
ed ami were distributing (0 each mini.
hnd mysteriously exploded, blowing
them lu every direction. As It hap
pened, nobody was killed, but all wern
more or less allocked, and I knew too
well lo say anything about It, Innocent
though I was. that It was my clgnr
stub (hut had by the merest chanco
dropped Into Ihe keg mid set the pow
der off. i said nothing then or for years
afterward BDOUt It. but two days later,
to satisfy my suspicious. I visited Him
place, ami lu the brunches of n tree al
most overhanging the spot I found Ilia
remnants of a cigar smb. torn and pow
der burnt, ami I doubled It no longer. '
A Dangerous Hallucination.
I saw a shrewd ami successful gentle
man who, on my Is-lug Introduced, said
he was glad to haven Inlk with n nerve
doctor, for he thought there was some
thing wrong, says the London Lancet.
Then he told his tale, which was that
he was pestered by gangs of gypsies
who appeared everywhere Ho snld
Hint he bad Just came In from chasing
them lu Ida garden, for wherever he
looked out ho saw them pulling up his
-in nice
I sa hi, "But the shrubs are not re
moved; how do you account for this?"
He said, "Well, It Is hard to tell, but I
sllll feel they do It, mid when I wake
lu the morning I see the same gypsies
using my tooth brush and m.v hair
brushes; 1 Jump up, only to Ibid the
gypsies have disappeared."
He admitted the absurdity of the
whole thing, but yet he said he felt It
was true, and he must act upon his be
lief. What might have proved n seri
ous loss followed ihe persistent hal
lucinations, for before Insisted on his
withdrawing from all business he hud
on one bunk holiday gone to his ofllce
to look through his private sufe with
Its very valuable securities, before
leaving he thought he saw his sou lu
the adjoining ofllce, uml told him to put
tin- things away and to lock the sure.
The son's presence wus u hullucluutloii,
ami It was only by accident nmt the
yonng man discovered tbe state of af
fairs before others arrived next day.
Thought He Was Orthodox,
Tin- tendency of most doctrioes is to
be very narrow, and tbe loyalty for u
particular church is "bred In the boue,"
us a certain little boy hoars witness.
His mother wus telling him of. the
childhood oY Christ, and lu the course
of her story said that Christ wus a
.lew. The little fellow looked up at
her In wide eyed astonishment and said
in an awed voice; "Why, mother, I ill
ways thought thut the Lord a,
Count Tolstoi Is again irt work upon
his Interminable revisions of ihe proofs
of his "Resurrection." The American
edition of this novel will be brought
out before next ii ii t u m ii.
It Is said that Beatrice llarraden hna
already planned and sold hct next story
sold it, us far us serial rights are con
cerned. "The Fowler" has had a largo
salt- in, iii In Qreat Britain and lu Amer
ica. Mrs. Cralgle said she chose her pen
name, "John Oliver llobbes," for two
reasons: "To correct any ten lency to
Sentimentality lu myself; and because 1
thought by choosing so harsh u iiume
thut no one would suspect u womuu
hud selected It."
Qreat mystery has book made to sur
round the appearance of Ibsen's latest
drama, which was to be published sim
ultaneously In Norwegian. Herman,
Kngllsh, French nnd Russian. Accord
ing to his own words, this play Is the
last Ibsen Intends to write.
What Is said to tbe the first collection
of short stories wrltteu In the English
language by a Japanese win shortly he
published under the title of "Jrokn, '
being tales and folk-lore stories of old
nnd new- .Inpun by Adnclii Klniiosuku,
who dwells ueur (ilendule. Cut.
Some twenty (lermnu ottlcers have
contributed u chapter each on "The.
Franco (ieruiun War," which hns been
translated Into Kngllsh uml edited hr
Major tieiieral .1. F. Maurice, C. It., and
('apt. Wilfred J. Long, and which the
Macmllluu Compuuy will publlab Im
mediately. In Turin the Royal Academy of Sci
ence has onered a prize of
francs ($l,00m for the best crltlcnl his
tory of Latin literature, which will lie
Iss'ued between this and Dee. 81, I
All nationalities cau take part In thn
competition. Only printed works and
not manuscripts will be taken luto con
sideration. Kegan Paul, the Kngllsh publisher,
who has Just published a book of
"Memories," Is of the opinion that "lit
erature Is not In Itself a profession. "
He Is sorry for the young author who
"has nothing to full buck upon." Where
in, he disagrees with Sir Walter Besitnt,
who thinks Hint any one may make a
good living out of letters. Tennyson,
according to Mr. Paul, wus "a thorough
man of business, and our lliiul purling
at the end of one of our periods of
agreement was that we as publlshera
and he us author took a different view
of his pecuniary value." The passage
Is eloquent In more wnys than one.
To K -ep (Haasea On.
"Isn't It Strange," said Mr. Rurton,
while lu a reminiscent mood, "how dis
coveries are made? Of course, that la
a general slalemcut, but tu the case lo
"I weur glasses, as you know, hut I
foil! grea' trouble lu keeping them on.
They were coutluually followiug un
laws of gravitation nnd falling to the
floor. The trouble was that I did not
have a bridge of size, ami I -pent
money and time en erlmentliig wltb
dllTereiit kinds of springs and clasps
and nose pieces, hut all proved fail
ures. Now, the other night I bad an Idea
(that's ull right. I urn guilty of an Idea
once in a while) that If I would put
some powdered rosiu on my nose that
would hold 'em fur a while, ao 1 ac
cordingly bunted up my friend, the vio
linist aud. getting some rosin, made a
"Waa It a succesa? Why. I can turn
a handspring backward aud those
glasses are still doing bualoraa at the
old ataud."-Klchmoud liiuea.
When reformera don't know what
elae to abuse, they attack the frying
Bigamy la aliuplj an overissue of mats
riuionlai bvuda,