The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 25, 1897, Image 1

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    I r
. ..I til Wlllameiie D.-lweeD I
NO 39
v'" . , . .1, it. 4f rw'lll.
rates mads known
41. uri'
on application.
n Iii.Iii iui letters to Ol'ARD,
llie Oregon City taiiv Sends
S Men lo Prospect
and Survey.
It A Coppie returned home today.
eeretury Kin . iil.l returned to Suleni j
kks. vVatcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
ir " W orn WarranUtt.-W
laieaa :rMiia n,
Uailt Guard Septt-nibe a.
Tblsforeuoou (he tollowln.,
bers of the Oregou fit v Con. mm v j m
r.. ivi.t.., ' . -
t muniard. J A M, vv
PROMPTLY DONE. ILUecknr. K Kinney aud H t
ureen, left for (heir mlue iu the Blue
"iver mining District. U.IMv-ilv.
una. mi or tugeue, Iu a fUr hors
stage owned by Ell Bangs. Th y go
to th Sparks place in this vehicle from
which polut they pack Into
claim, three of four miles distant.
Hours; 1,Hv "v oeeu worklug their c aim.
wuicii promise rich returns, for seven
or eight years.
The mine will at thin time he sur
veyed aud title obtained from the gov-
eminent., besides tney will colitluue
the prospectlug work fui a few week
We learn that it Is their iutentiou to
put a good-awed first claw mill
work on the ledge early in the t prl
e preuict that Blue River will
prove a regular Kloudike when It
uioroughly worked. If the district
was located In frozen Alaska. Gold
Hill would be swarming with men.
r W. BROWN, M. D.
. . -H Snrffaon,
L.u.ia OILl I 1 w
..n-im Sew IT'ce' ' fo'ta and
HoariUc MarMe aud Granite, Monument
Hf ltouin and Cemetery work of
11 kinds for 1895.
I ,,.. str t. near I'oitofflce. Eugene, or
L C. W uuuuuwa,
II block south ot Chrlaman'l
Matbews Uroi Laree Threber A'r
rowly M 8fg doing- off Coast
Fork Bridge.
B.viin MHclmsed the office and nxtureiO
el.ledmH,. W. V. lleiidcrsoii, " ""
Svuml 10 do nnvthtiiR In the Hue o Denting
. the ilan.' '! lltcc.
Wll. I 'M n I I
omee in Wulton ilock.
Word reached Eugeue that Mathews
Bros new ibieobine maehlue. pur
chased this summer and one of the
finest machines ever brought to the
valley, narrowly niiswd going over the
east approach of Coast Fork bridge,
seven miles east of here, yesterday
The maehlue, with Its crew bad been
working on the prairie below town
and was being tikeo to the Mathews
r'ito u rach on Pleasant Hill, for winter
lit null oil quartern, when the mishap occurred
The thresher was being hauled by a
mule team of six, and alter getting
across the bridge and on the apron on
the oppoel'e side the team became
frightened and plunged to one side
aud tbe water wagon was thrown ot!,
falling about IS feet, smashing It. The
front wheel of tbe separator went oil
also, a bolt on the axle catching aud
preveuting tbe entire maehlue I row
going. It was a close shave.
Cronn ind Bridge work s Specialty,
E. t((K S.
Pki firl.
Loan and Savings
Jftipe, - Oregon.
lUTORS-D. A. Talne, J. B. Harris, J.
tuis, 11. 1), l'aluo, w. JS. urowu, w.
Kotouson, K. V. unburn.
FMDj Capital, : : : $
hui Ejrlirg Business Transacted
latent allowed on tlmo deposits.
I follccilons entriibted to our caro will recepe
Iriaipt attviitlon
.ane County Bank.
(EataMUhed In lB8i;
Qeneral Banking Business
H branches trjui: ted on
vorable terms.
A. (. HOVEY, President.
J. M. A It RAMS, Cashier.
A. (J. HOVEY 'Jk., AM Cash
m 1
V. Huiimirus, a. B.Eakik,
I 1 rraitlrnt. Cashier
I f, E. SsuriGRAsa, AaiiUtant Cahier.
II I la , 1 1 n 1
Oi Eugene.
up tasb Capital .0,000
'"'Hias ana Fronts, m ,ouu
jtugene - - Oregon.
f rntrJ ankin bnaiueaa done on reannu-
iCBlr. Sit,,,t on NKW YOKK,
' XJj 0, chaiiceaold on (oreUrn eonntriea.
'uu:t,"rl subject to check or osrtifi-
r'oMentnated to ns sriU mirs
I'nlverslty Rules.
Dally Guard Septermder A.
The following rules for tbe guidance
of students of tbe State Uuiversity
were posted on tbe bulletin boards
this morniug:
All students are forbidden to enter
the cigar store (commonly kuowu as
"Deacon's") slituated on Elghthtreet,
east of tbe postofflce, and also the
cigar store known as the "Msguolla"
on Willamette street, north of 8lh
street Also Aute 's cigar store on
Willamette street.
Students are forblddeu to attend
public dances and dancing schools, but
they will be allowed tbe privilege of
dancing in the gymnasium under fac
ulty supervision.
There shall be no picnics made up
entirely or In part, of the wou en of
the University, unless permission be
gives by the faculty, with whatever of
conditions It may Impose.
By order of the faculty.
John Straib,
Sec'y Faculty.
Dated Eugene, Or, Sept. 18, '97.
Rcooy Emasheu. - Last Friday
eveniugasanumberofladltsof tbe J
W Geary Relief Corps or this city wers
returulngfroraaplcnljuear Junction
the cart driven by Mrs J B Anderson
was run Into by a young man in a
buggy, this side of Irving, and cart
and harness seriously damaged, and
tbe ladles thrown out, but not ser
iously hurt. The young man, who
had started 10 take his girl to a parti
gave up his ilg to the ladhs and they
came ou home. As It was very dark
no blame Is attached to anyone.
Dallj Guard, September JO.
Runaways CAPTfRKD.-TI.e two
Indian boys who ran away from the
menttra'nlnir schoel at Chem-
awa, were captured at Drain yesterday eV or Snui Jo-e
K jU Xi-1m, the Allnny hop luver,
waln the city loduy.
Evidence is being taken aKaiu the
Iverniore divorce suit.
Hon C a S-hlbrede. .f K..Mbuig.
a-rived iu Eugeue today.
G W tiriilln reiurned from Cottage
Orovo on to.luy's lu;.-,u local.
fl,ui P Lord arrived up from
Salem on today' ':o:i local.
Fifteen cent per pound were refused
!or hopt In Sulein Siitunhiy.
1) A ('rider, it I'ullitK im-rehitiit, was
ill Kilgeii" t'Mliiy ou htixiiiwH.
Mrs David O-luirn dud In IVrvallis
last 'l'li ur-iilay from ruUMimpiion
Miss Huiikiiii went to Cottsg
(rove on today's afti-rnnou local.
Condmi Hem rt-tiirned toHilem tli
morning uft r a vixit in tliU county.
(irmiilinn Miiuru li ft ou today's loca
(r lierhoiue ut Meaeliuin, after a pleas
ant viMt lure.
Corvullia Tiiiuh: A ii Hovty
tr.iHtee, e' al to Norrio Humphrey. &
a.Teslienr Monroe; jl.
Will ltakj', who hits been visiting
bis mother a few diiys, returned
Portland this morning.
Clive Chesher aud (iail Newsome
leave in a few duys for Portland to at
teud a busiiiexs colleKe.
Sirs ( lias Li rvott and iliildren re
turnid tins uiorniug from an over
Sunday vicit al Creswell.
F M lilnir will move to Portland I y
October Irt. I le w ill drive a Standard
oil wagon iu I'utt Pit lund
Dallas Itemler: I' C Venter, of near
Bridgeport, l ud an acre of bops that
went twenty tuUs to the acre.
Miss Iula l'.ruilley Iiiih gone to liot
burg to rouiiie her poMtl m in teacher
In the public sehi ol of that city.
Messis Fih an l Rulli', ho formerly
conducted a stre here, have re
turned and will prohudly lixute In Ku
traili'M IL-lopy leaves for llolse,
Idaho, Iu a few days to work for his
brother-in law, who is in business
Will (i rimes and sinters', Misses
Anna and la,cume up nuturduy from
Harrishurg today to resume studies at
the U of O.
Miss Laurie lUiim t'., relumed home
Saturday from CorvnllH, where she
has b en the guest uf fiiel.tls for sev. r-
al Dioutlis.
W Wells, of Lower Slu-law, is in the
city selling strained honey, made by
wild bee. It is splendid nnd should
have a laro sale.
Misses Parrott of KoK-btirp, and
Sla'er of La ( and Win Keyt of
HcMlunvillu were among today's In
coming students.
C R Mi'AMhur of Portland, and
Charles V (ialloway, of Oregon City,
arrived yesterday lo resume their
studies al the U of O.
Miss Kate de Pei tt, of Silverton,
lecturer (or the Liberal college at that
place, arrived up today and will speak
at Mount's hall tonight.
Judge J J Daly and wife, of Dallar,
are In the city. Mr Duly is here tak-
evidence as one of the attorneys in
the Llvermore divorco sui'.
Dr Robl Burnett, of Astoria, arrived
up on his wheel Saturday to visit at
the home of bismother, Mrs P R Bur
nett. He wa accompanied by Charles
Miss Louise Ycrati was a pafscnger
for Portland today. After a few days
.. .. . - ...Ill .
ipeni ! me UieiroHim bow win ki lu
McMlnnville to bs the guest of Miss
Allle Lluk.
Bin F Morss and family of Creswell,
left this morning for Sodaville where
they will spend a year or more. Mr
Morss goes to that place to send bis
children to school.
Telt Burnett, deputy sherill of Ben
ton county, and A (' Alexander, asses
sir, gave the Ul'akd ofllce .a friendly
call Saturday. They wereenroule to
Blue River ou a hunting trip.
Miss Margaret Kinsey, an ab
sence of seven weeks from home, re
turned o:i this morning's overlaud
train. Mr and Mrs John Krausse re
mained East to visit longer with rela
tives of Mr Krausse.
Mrs F B Dunn" and daughters,
Misses lvlna Hiid Amy b ft for Port
land this morning, and v i.l go from
there to California to spend the winter.
Mis Amy will attend school at Iterkc-
: IVter Anderson Killed at IVint Ter-
race on tbe Sioslw
b v a Blast.
t ell NO trrl.
The West, Sept 17. j
Word was b'ouglit to Floieiice yes
ter.luy afterniMiii that n man tiitimd
Peter Anderson w as Instantly kl led iu
the cjuarry at Point Terrace yesterday
about II a m. He was employed as
powder man, it helm; part of bis w rk
to attend to the blasting. It is not
known exactly bow the accldeut oc
curred. A short time before he bud
been spriugiug some ho'es prepnrlng
to put in the larger blast ai.d w hether
Iu tilling up the hole be tamped too
hard or whether the explosion was
caused Iu some way is not knowu
The tamping Iron stiurk the unfortun
ate man under the jaw burling hi in
from the rocks SO feet lu height.
Word was immediately aeut to Flor
ence the inessciiKcr meeting the Lll
lian ou her way up the river. The
Lillian turned back after Justice Wil
son hut he did 'lot consider It
ueecssary to hold an liniucst.
The uufortuuate inun had beeu ou
the river but a few miuths. He emne
here alout Juu- 1st aud has worked in
tbe quarry for Wakefield & Jacobsoli
since that time. He was about .'10
years old.
Is still on the rampage In
etnts pc
He Is Well KecoiiimeuUed for posi
tion of CoumiI to Copenhagen.
.iw.s. hn re In h.ueene
oy ine uiiivoi-
looking tor the Kys Saturday. They
were taken through on Sunday morn
ing's overland.
Long Tom AHSAD.-Corvsllls Times:
"About tb. largest yield of wheat yet
reported comes from the old Daw
place on the Long Tom. Jl""1"
ance wheat and grown ty Frank Bum-
Dr II i Hi'i' '1 'pen! ."alurdiiy afler-
nion and evenii.g in ihiseity, leaving
for California t n the 1 1 overland
train, where he will transact business
for svveial weeks. He is now travel
ing in lbs Interest of un electrical
truss. '
Albany Democrat: "Albany has
recently escaped. A man whogetsup
Liu frame advt rli-im, elieme, w nicii
gardner. Six acres made au gg egate () i(wU,nkv,i dttlng Eu.
yield ol 21W busbeU or 4j bushels ' ,.,,e) came to Albany, tut the post-
Refused. Dr A W Patfnon ba,
been offered IS cenU per pound for bis
hops. Us refused tbe ofler. j
1 master very properly r fused to alio
the thing bunged up Here li goiien up,
and the man iroieJcd lo the next
Ole P Holt, of Irving, Lane county,
recommended by the Oregon con
gressional delegation for tho position
of United States consul at Copenhagen,
Denmark, Is registered at the Perkins,
says the Sunday Oregonlan. He came
to Portland to take part In the King
Os ar silver Jubilee celebration held
last ulg'it, and met with a pleasant re-
ceptiou from his Scuudiu and Danish
frienCs, whom he met.
MrHoll'Isa native of Norway, born
n the city ofChristianla, 41 years of
age, and came to tlie united Mates in
570. He has lived in Oregon since
1S73, aud for lti years has been agent
for the Southern Pacific Company at
Irving, and lias the repututiou of Ce.
us a capable official. Speaking of his
recouimeudutlou for cousul at Copen
hagen by the delegation, Mr Htdfsuld
"I have had an aspiration to Income
consul at that city for a number of
ears, aud when the piesidcutiul cam
paign of last year resulted iu the elec
tion of McKluley, I soon after applied
for the positlou. Nearly all tho Ore
gon delegates to I be St Louis conven
tion, the four presidential electors, all
the republican senatois and most of
the representatives have kindly en
dorsed me by signing my petition or
writing letters In my behalf. Ex Sen
ator Dolph wrote a letter for mo four
days before he died, and M C (Icorge,
Dinger Hermann, with other well
known republicans, also Indorsed me.
All of our state officers, George A Steel,
uational committeeman, and Sol
Illrsch, chalrmaii of tho republican
state central committee, are i n my
"The Scandinavians of the Pad lie
coast made my Indorsement for the
consulship a iersoual mutter. The
Johu Erlcksou Club, of, the
organization at Astoria, aud the nu
merous Scandinavian societies of Cali
fornia aud Washington, have all joined
in my recommendation.
"Of course, my being recommended
by no m ans settles the matter.
Others In different parts of the country
may also have been recommended, but
I am hopeful that my application aud
Indorsements will meet with favora
ble consideration.
"I have never met Senator AlcBride
or Ri presenative Ellis, and only h.vj a
passing acquaintance with Represen
tative Tongue. I have had no com
munication with them other tbau ac
knowledging the receipt of their letter
notifying me thut they hud recom
mended nie for the consulship. I feel
grateful to them for It."
Mr Hofl will remain In Portland uu
til Tuesday, when he will return to Ir
ving to attend to his duties as railway
agent, and watch the Oregouiuu lo
see who the president apmlnts as con
sul at v'oeriliugeii."
AnuIHEK C'Alt. The Hacramiuto
Fruit Grower, of last Friday gives tbe
following result of the sale of another
car of Lane county fruit, which Is bard
to bear: "New York, Sept. 17.-C F X
84 15, fni Creswell, September 2d- T N
Segar, Italian 52
Ukiiihk Wokk. L N Itoney has a
fjreo of meu pla ing huge stones
around the south pier of the Coburg
bridge, 1 1 protect It from high water
and drift. The rock is procured Just
acroes tbe river and ferried across tlte
Frauk Payne of Silver Lake, Is lu
Black Jack
the South.
Miss Sadie Diisklll ai rived up from
Junction today. -
U E Brlggs left for Prlnevllle today
to look for work
Frank Anderson Is up Iro'ii Portland
for a few du) s stay.
MrsJ T Wetherbc went to Crea
well this afternoon.
Attorney N E Markley returned to
day from Creswell.
M Iss E Saltzman returned yesterday
iroin Brownsville.
Buyers are ottering
bushel for wheat today.
The attendance at the Albany public
schools now numbers 50i.
1. C Smith has returned home from
a business trip to Portland
Attorney J h Young, of C tttage
Grove was in Eugeue today.
MlrsAuna Oglcsby of Junction, ar
lived upon today's 2:04 local
A car load of young meu left Port-
laud yesterday to attend Eastern col
Will Smith, an employ lu the insaue
asylum at Sulem was in Eugeue today
on a short recreation.
James Bedford, E Van Scholack
and Oliver Veatch, of Cottage Grove,
were lu Eugeue lasleveulng.
Samuel Parks of l'lesaut Hill, who
has beeu at Colfax Wash for three
months, returned home today.
Henry 11 Gilfry, legislative clerk of
the Cniled States senate, is expected
iu Eugene tbe first week In (Ktober.
Hon E P Coleman was in tbe city
today. He says be will move from
Coburg to his farm lu about two weeks.
Fossil Journal: Miss Annie Palmer
left last week for Eugene, to spend the
winter with her sister, MnU E Par
Albany Herald: Wayue Bildgeford,
a graduate of Albany college, has gone
to Eugene to attend the Uuiversity of
E J Simmons has returned home
from Sulem where be I as been em
ployed by (ho State at his trade for
several months.
The Dulles T M of Monday: "Mts
Daisy Alluway left this morning for
Eugene to resume her studies In the
state Uuiversity
Salem Journal: Condon Bean has
returned from an outing at Mapleton,
aud will resume bis studies at .Wil
lamette University.
MrsEMurry, who for years con
ducted the Exchange Hotel In Albany,
died at Dululh, Minn., last week, aged
03 years, of paralysis.
Baker City Republican: J O Bee be
of Eugene, is In our city He came up
l:i re with bis daughter, Mrs C C Row
en who, with her husband, resides In
this city.
1 Today's Salem Statesman: Louis
Hooker left on tbe forenoon local yes
terday for Eugene, where be will euter
the State University for the coming
school year.
Miss Funnlo Hemenway, of Eugene,
has been selected as one of tbe teachers
In the Cottage Grove schools aud will
begin her duties next Monday. A
good selection.
Dr Brown r celved a letter yesterday
from bis sou Leonard. It says he Is
g tting along splendidly considering
tho themometer has been register
ing 100 degrees daily.
MrsSH Kinsey, of Grants Pass,
who has been visiting with her daugh
ter, Mrs Geo Crnner, has returned
home. She brought her daughter,
Miss Edna, here to attend school.
G R Anderson, who got up special
editions of certain newspapers at Eu
geue, Medford and Grant's Pass, and
who was subsequently Jailed for
swindling a hotel keeper at Y'reka, Is
now victimizing the people of Colusa
aud others countis of the Sacramento
valley, California.
These are up-to date times. A Kan
sas City church, not conteut with
offering Inducements for bicyclers to
attend services by providing a safe
place for their wheels, will establish a
Sunday morning nursery, where
mothers cun leave their babies while
they themselves can listen to tbe ser
mon. KlumHlh Falls Express: ' W D
Woodcock and fumlly returned last
Saturday from a four months' lour of
the state by wagon. They visited all
the p.Iuclpal towns t( Crook, Wasco,
Multnomuh, (. lackarna, Marhn,
Linn, Lane, Itounhs uud Jossphlne
counties remaining two week at the
uiu r. pc.lis." They visited lu Eugene
a con j l i.f m nil Attorney Wood
cock, a brother.
The Welcome thinks It a very un
safe proposition to work In a bop yard.
It says: The social Influences of the
hop yard seem to beespeclally demor
alizing among youi g ieople. The
Welcome would scarcely have room to
print all the borrowing and disgusting
stoilesthat have come from thermal
districts during the past week, If It
were dissised to. It has room to say,
however, that parents who allow their
young girls logo to the hopflelds uo
atteuded are fools.
hlsmiy and Divinity
are Registering Sfuilciils.
Actual Work Tartar.
I 'ally (iuard September :t.
Students to the State I'nlverslty an
Eugene 'Divinity school today bav
been registering aud doing tbe other
preliminary work necessary to euterlng
At the State University the regis
tration has teeu going ou all day N
work is as yet assigned, the students
going to their advisor for necessary
instructions. A short faculty meeting
was held at 0 o'clock this morning
Assembly will beheld at 0:4 tomor
row morning, aud studies arranged
duriug the day.
At the Divinity school the students
have registered and the regular work
will be takeu up Wedmsday.
Asiistaut to Professor of Chemistry
Chosen janitor Close Resigns.
I'allj (Iuard, Beplemttril.
The executive co.uuiiltee of the
Board of RegeuU met yesterday after
uoon aud transacted the following
Ou motion Max Alarlo Plumb, grad
uate of Tuffs College, Marshfleld, Mass,
specialist lu chemliilry and electrical
engineering, was elected an assistant
to the prof ssorof chemistry at a sal
ary of $A) per month, to succeed Seth
MoAlister, resigned. . The newly
lectcd assistaut will pursue other
t '.idles lu the Uuiversity. Seth Mo
Alister made a splendid assistaut. He
will engage In other work soon, we
The resignation of Frank Close,
who has faithfully served the Institu
tion since December, 1887, was ao
cep ed. He resigned because ti e sal
ary was recently reduced from f 1200
to f'JOO, the work greatly Increased,
aud for other reasons.
It was resolved to employ lour stu
dents to do tho work at a salary of f 1"
per month each, the faculty to select
111 1 1 ' - - ...
' ? fain I,. I1, i
Plea In AbatemeLi.
It will be remembered that a few
days ago Jeunle Hmltson sued the
Southern Paclflo Railway Company
for the sum of fo0,&16, fur damages on
account of the luurles lufllctod by the
accldeut at Springfield by which she
lost both her legs, and the complalut
was served on LQ Adair, the railroad
agent In this city. This inorulug,
Fentoti, Brouaugh & Mulr, attorneys
for the Southern Paclflo Company,
filed with the county clerk a plea In
abatement, claiming that the true and
ouly name of the railway company Is
"The Southern Paclflo Company" and
not -The Southern Pacific Railway
Company," and that they have an
agent In said Laue county, aud as
such was during the time mentioned
in the complalut and la still a common
carrier of passengers for Lira over its
line of road In the State of Oregon aud
was such carrier at the time and place
when and where the said accident to
plaintiff occurred. Wherefore they
asked that theooniplalnt filed Sept. 11,
1807 against the company be dismissed.
Brown Bear Killed. James
Cully, G W Patterson and John Clss
have returned from a hunting trip up
theMcKenxle. At Gate Creek, while
alone, Mr Clss came acrosa a large
brown bear, called by many the Ore
gon grizzly. He shot bruin a couple of
times with his Winchester, but It
seemed to have ouly the effect to In
furiate bis bearshlp. A abed was In
close proximity and Clss hastily climb
ed on the same, but not a minute too
soon as tbe bear was at his biels
From his eminence be shot tbe animal
at least a dotea times, six of tbe shots
taking effect In tbe head, before death
came, me near, auuougu quite poor
weighed over 800 pounds Mr Clss,
who lives about li mile north of Eu
geue la quite proud of his achieve
mint. Round Over. The preliminary
examination before Justice Irvine, ol
Independence, of Allen Logan, for the
killing of Enoch Hylvtster, was finish
ed Friday, and young Logan was
bound over to appear before the grand
Jury at tbe December term of ccurt on
a charge of manslaughter, la bonds of
$2000, which were promptly furnished
by Samuel Logan, the father of the
boy, and Itr Wall, a brother-in-law.
Tbe line of the defense turned ou
whether the fatal blow was admin
istered by Igan or Fred Burns, who
the witnesses testified, struck Sylves
ter several blows with his list. Fred
Burns disappeared shortly after the
affair, aud bis whereabouts Is not
h Simmon-; I.ivt? Prni'iATOR-donl
I ' 'U t ti t..- it. I ho IwrgcU sluggish
iwmt tli.' Winter, ju-t hkc all nature,
and the svsd-in Wvcinci 4 linked up by
the a.vuin'il.uY.1 v.-iste, whi,h brings on in t. I owr ;n 1 Af.ue anj Minima
tiMii. V .1 v, nit 1 1 .ike up your Liver
now, but tv su, you take "SIMMONS
1 IVIK llii.t'l AlOK tJ do It. It also
rcgul.itf tlw Liver keeps it prnperly at
work, w hr,i your svstcm w ill be free from
polvn anJ the whole Kly Invigorated.
You get THE HKST HUH)!) when
your svstem 1$ in Al condition, and th.t
will only he when the Liver is kent active
IrV a LiVCr hVincIv OII, n.l nnt. k-
dinVrence. But take onlv Simmons
LIVLR KLOlJl ATOtt uSL-S mil.. k.
different. Take it In powder or n liquid
already prepared, or make a tea jf the
puwJerj but take Sl.M MONS I ivi-.k HFfiti
LATOR. You'll linj the KbU on every
pAk.ige. Look for It
J. U. XcUln Co., rhllailt-lphU, p.
Recitation Hours (teluir Assigntd
Itoutiiio Work.
Palljouartl SYpletubsr 21.
The tedious, but ueceHary work of
making out new schedules of reclta
lions, consultation of advisors and
(udeuts, etc., is tho principal oulllue
of work at the University today. The
bulletin boaidsaropl stered over with
uotices for guidance of students. Here
Is where Information is irlven on every
ubject In w hich in tructor and pupil
are mutually Interested, and here Is
here knots of students could be found
at any time duriug the day.
No assembly has yet been held and
ill not until all recitation schedules
are arranged.
Notice of several receptions were
found posted today. Tonight the Y
M C A will tender a reception to male
students at the gymnasium. A short
program has been prepared, and au In
teresting tlmo Is anticipated. Tomor
row afternoon, from 4 to 0 o'clock, at
tho saino place tho V W C A will give
a tea. This will be the formal recep
tion of tho new lady studeuts to col-
lego life. Ou Saturday evtulng a Joint
and publiu reception will be held un
der auspices of both theso organlza
tlous. This Is an event In the college
life that will be annual hereafter and
a pleasant llmu may be expected by
Other uotices posted lefer to mem
bership lu the Oratorio society under
direction or W Clifford Nash, a meet
ing cull for i he, U of O Monthly staff
by Edltor-ln-l hlef Deli V Kuyken-
dull and other matters of luterest, ao
that aside from picking out recitatlou
hours studeuts will 11 ud their time
pretty well takeu up.
No gymuusiuin notices or calls for
fluid or truck work has botn given out,
as tho physical director has not yet
arrived. The restrictions placed upon
athletics last year cooled the students
ardor and as yet it Is problematical
whether tbe lemon yellow will be seen
ou tLe track or gridiron field this fall,
although lu. Its ranks can be found
prize wluulng material.
Daily Uuartl, September 31.
At high noon today al the borne of
the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs F A
Relsucr, ou South Pearl street, wss
solemnized the marriage of their only
daughter, Nellie Maude to Mr Geo.
Price, of Thurston, Rev Morton L
Rose, rastor of the rlrst Cbrlstlau
church, officiating. Ouly a few of the
relatives aud friends of tbe contract
ing parties were present, aud quietness
and simplicity maiked tbejoy of the
occasion. An elegant dinner was
served after the ceremony had been
performed and congratulations offered.
The bride Is the only child or Mr ana
Mrs Reisner, a promlueut member of
the Christian church, W R C, and
Daughters ot Veteiaos, her father be
ing gruud t'omniuiiderol tbe Q A R, of
the state. She has .lived most of her
llfj In Eugene, and has many frlenda
wlm will hasten to wish her woll and
extend congratulations to the fortu
nate groom, who Is an enterprising
yonng farmer ai.d citizen of Thurstou.
Some Orkoon Cities. Albany
Democrat: "The September Railroad
Gazette gives the population of several
Oregon cities a follows: Albany 6,110,
Halem 0,.TW, Eugene, 8.1M, Corvallla
2.000, Oregon City 3,002, Portland 02,-
Olt), Pendleton 2,V0, McMlnnville
irj iivlfiifiidf ni 1.11)0. Lebanon
S21I. No doubt some of these will be
disputed." We suppose so, when It la
a well kuowu fuel thut Eugene lias
more population than Albany.
l-aaiiiia.ter lor l.aUrasia.
Portland, Ha pi 20. The news baa
been received here that President Mcj
Hops 15 Cknm. A local hop buyer
InffirniMl in I hat a first-clast hon now
would bring 15 ceuts per pound In this Kinley has appointed Johu C Andrfj
jityi I postmaster of La Grande, Oregon.