THE EUGENE CHI GUARD. , r-ogri t- --i .-jct..33 ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEIIS1TI0S OP DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARS AN HONEST LIVING Bf THE SWEAT OP OUR BROW KUGENE CITY, OREGON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1876. $2.50 per year IN ADVANCE. tCEq7j7DUY8,Pro,p. OCEONLT RATES Or ADVERTISING. .Tert.seawnU inserted -follows I . m square, W Uns or le, on Insertion Hi each kjMuetlMrtionl. Ca.h required in adranc Ti. advertisers will b. chrKd at th following ix month u - oa. year... " Transient ootioes In local oolumn, W sent, per lint tat each insertion. Advertising bilU will be rendered quarterly. it lv, or null DS faid lu up mi ' . i posTorricE. oflos Hour. -from T a. m. to T p. m. Sunday. "Uarririfrom'tt. south and leaves going north Ma . ArriTM fruk. the north and leave, gultif -Ji at 1M . -. or BiuUlaw. rranklin and Long d0isat rif.on Wednelay. For Crawford. 5S CP "reek and Brownaville .at 1 . . letters will be ready for delivery half an hour after . rWafrf train" Letter, .hould deleft at the ottU. r before tAbSON, P. M. 8UCI ETIES. f ,UeeU tret and third Welnaaday. in each month. h- n T ft CMo. BrUCIB BOttl laODoa mi w . . 0. F. MeeUevery Tueaday evening. Wimwhl Ecaiitit No. , MU on the M and 4th Wedneaday. In each month. GEO.B. DORRIS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Office on Willamette street, Eng-ene City. 0. A. MILLER, DENTAL RO0M3 IN DUNN'B BUlLDIJfO. Knaene City, Or., Pfafmti DENTISTRY AND ORAL SURGERY BEN. F. DORRIS, DEALER IN Stoves and Ranges, Tin Ware, PUIX, FANCY 4 JAPANNED Shovels and Tongs, Fenders Sr Fire Dogs, Cauldron & Wash Kettles. Hollow, Iron and Copper Ware, POttflEI.AIS. TINNED & BRASS PKESER YING KETTLES, Driven Well k Force Pomps, Lead and Iron Pipes, Hose .npes and Hose N PACT, Everything belonging to my boat , r. all which I will sell at the LOWEST. CASH FBICES. JOB WORK x Of all klndi loo promptly and In a satlsfactlorr manner. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY AND Satisfaction Guaranteed. By attention to businaas and honorable dealln hope to merit a share of yoar patronage 6 BEN. F. DORRIS. All nat.nna lrnnunncr themselves in debted to me wi'I please call and SETTLE W1TUOUT DKLAT. 3. F. DORRIS. DENTAL. m. p. it motatr k nnunod Rental Rooms .i-1-n.araniut1. hnildinir. Euireue aiy.aad reapwtfully solicits a share of th. pub- D!?.-.geh. neralssion. Dr. J.B. Cardwell. Portland, Oregon. A. W. PATTERSON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Offle. o'a Ninth Street, th. St. Charle. Hotel, am iieiia.nw, EaOENK CITY. OREGON. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL riAN BE FOUND AT HI8 OFFICE or real y.- T iL. r prtfho- Hill. Pbow- ...h.m. Willamett. street. Residence opposite : 17. : .. i . ... nf hu dinorti. oouin noma numuimjr un ' n Willamette Street. mV m DR. GEO. W.-ODELL tjffice Up Stain, first North of Astor Housi, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. B.., the .ton. .tore, who U fully author KStoSLcttbome. ttoliLSfffaJ iSi all nnHforMrrke. will be prewnted tor pay- aent in thirty day., and collected in sixty. Eugene City, April Mh, 1674. L. ALVEUSON, PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND DRUGGIST. Offle. o. east .Id. Will.mett.f stre u. i ?k utioinlnir law oflice of J. r. Brown. Special attention paid to diseases or the Lungs, nd all eases ol chronic diseases. RwMixcia-Suoceas In practice and attention to basiness. Chas. M. Horn. PRACTICAL GUXSMITS. Wf and Materials. Repannng done in V'V tbe neatertstv'f and warranira. iSk Hewing Mchine, Safei, Locks, etc , e paired- Guns loaned and ammunition furnished. Shoo on Ninth Street, opposite Btar ittaery JEWELRY" ESTABLISMENT. J. S. LUCKcT, Q 47k DEALER IS Clocks, Watches, Chains, Jewelry, etc, Repairing rrompiiy axecmeu. ta-AUWorh Warranted. J. 8 LDCKKY, OST OFFICE BTJILDINO, Willa-iette k Eighth Bts.. Eugen. City ELLSWORTH & CO., Bucoessors to Ellsworth t Beltbaw. DRUGGISTS, TTit r. rnwTIVTTE THK RtialNESS IN tha nM .Und. offerinir I , ll li - a increased inducemenis io customer., uiu auu uc As.beretofoie the most Careful attention eiven to Prescriptions. The change in the firm requires tbe immediate settlement oi an oia account.- o J. KI' LINQSWORTH & SON, STAR BAKERY. . On Ninth Street, rEEP constantly on hand, fresh 8ngsr. Tobacco 4 Cigars, Feacnea Coffee, Canned Hoods, riums, Byrup, Cheese, Powder, Sosd, Btarcn, Pepper, Bardinea, Bait, Candies, Comment, Candle., NuU, Lard. Flour, Etc., Etc ALSO Bread, Cakes, Pies, Fruits and Tcgetables. if every description, which they will sell cheap for cash. Thakful for put favors we solicit a con tinuance of the same. Goods delivered to sny part of the city free of charge. We are constantly receiving new uooas ,-d will satisfy our customers in regaru w price Eugene City Brewery. MAT11IAS MELLEU, lWp. I. now pnparad to fill all order, for LAGER BEER nF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. f!nm. and e for vounelf. A good article needs recommendation. Siusuw, Sept 25, 1875. To the Editor of the Guard : It is not unlreqaently the caie that we bear the deluded followers of that consummate bilk Brick Pomeroy say that if they had positive evidence tbat "ilden was not an accomplice ot lioss Tweed they would support him ; but Brick says Tilden was in with the toss, and hence these dupes are in clined to be a little skeptical. Now, what are the facts ? Let ns investi gate Mr. Tilden's connection with the Boss and then govern ourselves ac cordingly. I find in "The New York 'orals," a history ot noted criminals, published in 1873, the tollowiDg in relation to Tilden : "Tnmmanv Hall sent its delegates to the Stole Convention which met in Rnnhpxter in the (all of 1371, and Tweed went in person to run the ma chine. The Reform Demooracy sent delsgates to contest the seats of the Tammanyites. The seats were de clared vacant, and the last power ol the Ring departed. It was here that the Albany regency, beaded by Til den and Seymour ana oiners, oegan the crusade against the ring, and the soene ot operations was removed to Now York nitv. where Tilden. assist ed by Chas. O'Conor and the commit- tee ot seventy, devoted weens ana mnnfha nf toil in forretiDir out the fraudulent transitions in the Comp trollers omce, and ascertaining irora the bank accounts what had been done with the funds that were fraud ulent! v obtained Irora the city. When it was ascertained that these gentle- mpn ware nreiiftrinor to lay bare the transactions of the ring, all who had in any way shared in the plunder, nea Mflfmra. Tilden and 'ooLhnm rt the Board of Municipal nnrrnntinns becan to investigate the tronuantinriK ot the rins in the fall of 1871. They examined the accounts Woodward. Incrersoll, Gar- vey and the New Yorn rnniing uo. . . s 1 1 - in tlio Krnadwav tsanK. ana rauau tahla nf t rin Hetiiti and crodils ot theso accounts and of certain relations they bore to each other. 1 weed saw ine . . w... i n nnn.n rra mil coming storra uuii mo -- not desert him, and tie aeiermmeu w stay and tight it out." It must be borne in mind that the above statement is not taken Irom any political newspaper, but is given as Dart of the history in bringing to justice that greatest ot all thieves, Boss Tweed. Can there te aouoi in the mind of any candid man that it was the indefatigable industry ot 3. J. ilden broueht about Tweed's con viction, the load and empty assertions ot Brick Eomeroy to the contrary not withstanding? A. J. Barlow. A MEASURE END0BSED BY HAVES The Republican. Kobblng the Soldiers) nd Tneir ramus... Carding and Spinnin w i tttvth ormrn i crn ih Machlnerv ownea by C. Ooodchild. I am now prepared to make ill kinds oi YARN, BAITS, fcc, For customers At the Lowest Living Rates. WM. IRVING. EUGENE CITY. OREGON 1VM. LAKE. Purchasing Agent, SAN FKANCISCO, CAL. Bonk and Stationery Store. POST OFFICE BUILDISO.TUGESECItf ,1 kav. oa hand and am constantly reeeivm; aa " n-. u.h.wl and M iwe aneous WleU. Blanks. ,Prt'p:r,so!l' ..mntl.fl ed. A. 8. P 4TTtKa OPPOSITION IS TBE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS trm.T. DO WORK CHEAxEB man any mm I T abop in town. HORSES SHOD FOR $150, With new material, all round. Beastting ow anoe. t Cent. an nmrranled to ElT. Mtl.faetloa. Shop on Eighth st., opposite Ham- Bnrevs biib- Watches, Clocks and Jeweir) MUSIC, AND SEWING MACHINES n.vvT,n rat print TP fnr their oast liber I el Mtrooacf. inviU them to call oih rTl. t-.A.-A a Cn 'a ivw brick ai ma rw room v - , . mavbe found fuU assortment of rood, in the shore line. ,. . . Valcbes. Clocks and Jewelry repaired In the b4 work manlike manner and Warranted. SlaaettsSt, Cltj, Ore?-. CRAIN BliUS- For Sale. NEW HARNESS SUOP. CHAsfHADLEY, At Dunn'8 Old Stand, TTEEP8 COSSTASTLT OJT HASD 1 OOOD K msnkfrlrntTlt of of Hack, Buggy & Team Ilarnes, Saddle, v bip. Bport, u alters, rnllara. Carry Combs and Bnubes And everythinr nsnally kept ma flrst class Har ama Hhnn. " disabled veteran, or his surviving rel-1 aiders out of the city, and let island tivoa. onlr.nrr t Via InlRlinAnf anf lULmiiiAna in y A kA Uk n lAaH li) wwvn..i& HIIW luiuttuvu VI llSl V vM vk a, in i'ew sum '- T.itf ln Mr. Hale oi Maine, and many Uenub uan eaders ot more import- nn.Oin little Mr. Hale, are in tbe hot.. nl HnarnntirKT lari?elv auoui eieo linn limp, utmn the aliened benevo lence of the Grant party toward the soldiers ot the republic. Now Col. Maisb, a Democratic representative from l'ennsylvania,was nimBen a aoi Mar an1 waa twir.e shot down at the tron't, while politicians like little Mr. Mala nf Maine, and the creaier Jr. Towa. were lookimr no the Bpoils ot office io the rear. Col. Maisb, therefore, it anybody, nas a ngoi. ipeak for the eoldiers ; ana in a reccu. )eech in the House ne aoes so iu ay that will probably open tbe eyes . . a. . 1. lLa )ll. the so diers tueraseives to vuo publio contract with him. But let us give it iu tbe language of Col. Maish: "A remarkable fact in these laws is that the pensioner's right was made to depend upon the tima consumed in the consideration of the claim. It is a novel principle in the jurispru dence of the country, and it was pass ing strange mat ine experiment was mult ininri nur brava (infpnilora Wan it intended to punish claimants for , .? - ,L neglecting to punctually suppiy toe evidence demanded by the Pension Office T; This is hardly possible; tor it will not be pretended that claim ants, eager to cot their pensions, would'dJIay furnishing the evidenoe. Even if they did there would be no harm to the government ; but when we remember mat the doiays were al ways caused in the Pension Office, this feature ot the law assumes a se rious aspect to those whose rights are affected. "Sloth hat been the bane ot the Pension Oflice for many years; claims were allowed to slumber there from five to ten years, and even longer, be fore being allowed. "Incapacity and gross irregularities, not to sav crimes, were suffered in its management, and were the principal causes oi ine evus rusting iu iuo ui fioe. Investigation woild hate de veloped the tact that as early as 1861, when the first ot theso limitation laws were enacted, the claims then already pending in me reosion umou uum fttinnt .tO.OOO. and thev contin ued to accumulate until in June, 1874, thuv rnnnSnd the enormous ficrure oi 66.700. Under these oircurastanoes, a. a few if any of the claims couia do in .hail ronnlnr nrrlnr. nillnh ICAUIIGU It, fcj - - - , - less completed, within the five ytars prescribed for their suocessiui prose niition." But the Pension Office not only waa on., in in nrrears with its work: it waa and in orosslv and generally cor- rnnl. Irnffl Inn in noLtom. ine 0 erKS nnfTitornrl in it have been emuloved to 1 ..Ut: An.nniina II-Vl 1 1 (1 .111. . . 1 . -i. i i i: I 4,.... inriniran BOiuiern winuwo and orphans, were pining for the mite the Government owed tnera. now manv i hnnannda have thiiB been op pressed and swindled, and ultimately iflttnia(i in mo aitaiomunt ui tueu rights, by this corrupt and cruel neg Ipot nf ii-nartment officials ! Two Commissioners of Pensions appeared before tbe Committee on Invalid tensions, ana swore, witn no nnnnxpnt shnme that, that it was the constant practice to detaoh clerks to serve partisan campaign coiiiiuiiieue, and that these clerks never appeared at the rension umce except tu umw their nav. At this. Col. MaiRh ex- nlaima with UDlitled hands: "That it . . , should not be considered improper to . ... si .. . use the raonev oi ine uoveruiuuuw iu pay persons for party servioos, is an iminj nrnnoaition: that the eiubez xlement should be perpetrated upon the tund ol our pensioners is a gross outrage." Mni mnn. whether citizens or sol diers, will regard this commentary as very mild indeed. in TT 1 J- a 1 t cmci. vut vi vuo ity, mm ivi isinuu i iu, ue nas aisregnrueu me law, negroes in to do tbe job up clean. and made bo return to the Probate hintnrt ( fiaf ia whit no aa I Paui.1 nf Cnnnnl,. w im V. A sss.M uww tiu Tf unvo nciv vvuiv vi utiuu una, y vuuuvy iJi u. ca Aroilfled. WArth.nrrtnn untirrht ftAfntv I VMir.nraliin nf hia unolii'a will in the revenue cutter, Tatt in the oit- 11. In short, Rutherford B. Hayes anei ana trie other radicals in various has been guity ot false swearing tor places. Yesterday a negro policeman the past three years, and has swin- rode down a p. ralytio, dying gentle- died his country and the State of Ohio man, a Mr. Brandt. The negro says out cf a large share of their just rev- he did it accidentally, but every one lenues. Knows oeitor. Ana yetuunningnam and Chamberlain have issued procla- The Hanuiwg or insurgent, at me Shop matinlia nrilnrinrv ni t-ifla nnmnanim DOOM IU AdrlSlnOPlO. t flicKanjl ati;l ti-ninioin r. (Ka nilv . - - 1 ( " " the projection of the police, who are I a , . , ... negroes wnore trioy arenot iow-aown rftninfila. Tt will nn tliA nrntprttinn tbut the spider gives to the fly. ire nro wretoneuiT Door, roor offered. What can thn whitpa nf thn TCnrth who are hounding theso black savages on a a a" .a peoplo bound hand and toot do t limit ing about ? Fnm l'ETtnement. I have just returned from Adriano' pie. While there I saw several insur gent Bulgarians banged. A the very oorner of the first street I entered, a - t s i a m. 1 . .1 Duiganan suspenaea vy ine neoK uuu - j g iiiii '"TT.""0' PV ,or "IB VK .'.0."m"' irled at the door ot a shop. He was andwr.hasnotreaiizod Eouud at lbe onkIe. gnd- hU banda penses within su months. "Oh. for , d b M d hi8 back. lhe laoo biucher or night I" ohanged Here WM unooveredi and big t0Dgue hung Vrt . " Th shopkeeper was furious The services in the churches yester- hat bl8 bou8tj cbo8on tba day were of the most solemn nature. goonfl f h hanf?ln and ratod th9 I have never previously heard such z iofJ . no uncDortain tcrm8, Tbe.9 heartfelt, supplicating prawcrs as the LfUo. .s,i .M-.iinn tn hi. lev. Mr. G offered. What can .Kn.s. ' .a u, .w.v iftnt,h. ing, driving bofore them two other un fortunates, whom thoy were to nang at other parts of the dity. The &apties stopped oeiore a gm a T - r " "a II - 1 The Bloody Shin F.llnre-Te'llmo. '?w 7 JtL ,r.r ... L.diu Neutral N.w.n.tfer. a ropo hanging from tho gibbot was from th. n.w York Herald oi pt. wtiu tim. One of the soldiers already slip TV. r. a...l.tin anil fvnnnln1 llpt.prmlnA. nnd Yit haab. nno tlia liaAll ttf thfi tion to carry the campaign on the nhortest of the culprit! Tho other Southern issue, shows uncontrollable objocted ; no the rope was taken from, alarm among the Republican leaders, the neck of tho short man, and adjiiBt They are panic stricken. They have ed round that of a taller one. Tall compared notes, and their conclusion men are not easily hanged at shop appears to be that on a fair canvas, doors, as the cross beam of the door . t a, .I...- . I 11 I .1. la rPI on the real issues oi ine year, vuev ng not generally uigit enguu. iu. will lose, and in desperation the word oulpril having been hoisted a discus- ' . . at. 111. I A I . 1 T a I 1 J!.-. X has gone'out to ning ine oiouuy sion arose uetween vuu eoiuiom 9hirt" to the breeze and make tho ap- where the other two should be dia peal, not to tho reason, the honor and posed of. They made straight for tha pairiOlloiu Ol uiu uvuuiiijj w uiiui Ui a uumwiiuuBi v ,vpi . prejudico, hatred, fear and ignorance, proprietor divining their intention, Jim.. a : .1. ... .. ; Innlra t a nl.anrvara: nt ami nut aumnlliinrr Into tllfl lliuii IB tuu najr in iw.. . Iau vuv f. "--"- 7 -1 ... :r.t.ia nrnrn tint thn O.nrrPCt I hon1 nf tha nnrnnrftl. Anil PP. faCinff mm rfu n vmo nv. ,wv i uu- w. ... --, . --, theory of their policy, it is still true about, marohod direot to a cafo. Tha mat SUCH 18 VUU nupiVDSiuu wut.. BUUIU BUouo whb ciinuvw hviw. oi Al.ii1ntia aav til At. I t ih h nat-tuva ivaiiM KflUA ft mflll if the Republican managers were not dangling at their door for the rest of c V.Iin.lA ami a hntnfnl lAHlin I Hah ltm tho Y nit am upon the country, ai tney io:i raw erately sure of winning thoy would argue ; it is because they feel them selves wean that tney taice io vuupor ation and denunciation. The policy of denunciation, this ex- nliiQinn nf rnfnrm and concentration on the Southern issue is a blunder of tho Republican leaders in several wavs. It alienates a large mass ot 0 na with consumption, and whoso voters it creates a feeling of distrust rrom .he Die of it satietkd me ot A Terrible State of Affair.. saasswaawasm New York San. A gentleman who Uvea in Charles- s nt lutter io a irienu in VVII ts v - thin nitv tlflVi ! Wa nra in An flwflll Condition. 1 never saw negroes look as ours do. ThfitA ia ft. 1urkin. devil in every m gro'i eye. No lady can walk in the Cough, and Cold. From Samuel A. Walker, tho well known Beat Eat tats Auctlouuar of Do. ton. flaring experienced rouulu of a satisfac tory character from use of Wistab's Balsam or Wiud Cukbrt, in esses of severe colds during tbe post two years I have full faith In its renovatiug power. I was first induced to try this medicine by the strong recotn l.illrm nf a friend who was well mcfll relief orraak VllbClll , IV Ultd.LO aaa- " n I ITU1II bllD UCO ui it ewnnuia w. ..-a n and alarm among tho calculating or value io cases of colds and decline, and most ... I a 1 ..... I . 1 I J . .... -i ...... .1 I . mm mind It. imaft "10080 VOterS, and It piaeos IIIO pr- cieany UBiiioii-uavru vu u.jr B'--" tv in a false relation to the living is- value as a restorative, that needs only a Mr ty in laiao avuanerate " to fatful recogoitiou from sues of the day. It may Mjsptratj fc bIic gold , d ,lU and alarm timid and ignorant voters, v t but it cannot carry the country. No important loan invalid, iron u the thouchtf'ul voter believes that the ni. ed or hurt if the Demoo.ats should by lopplying the blood with come into power, and that sort oi u Tiuj principei or j(e sempnt Iron, nonsense excites as much contempt g the secret of tbe success of this rem- ... a t t I . . . ... llA in sensible men as the iooiisn asseruou i ey in curing dyspepsia, liver compiaiHt, of the Democratic organs that the dropsy, chronic diarrhea, boils, nervous af. 1 ... j li .1.. I .1.111. .n.l ta.e.u hnmnra. nffl of innntrv wou d De rumen n mo ibihii nSrXmid succeed If the Re- constitutional vigor, diseases ot the kidneys pub cans should succeed, it iuo i complaints sod all dis- publican party is to bo for anotner ,n . K.,l .t.t nr the blood. four years a party of proscription in of " M b. debiity or , iow stats of tna i-iiirn n. imrLV n iuuui sp ot plicityot their vaunted Republican irienas. bsiv wuiivhj g- - - j t-t vrivnrnmnnt. an , trsJinor on outrase ,i,.a, than it ia hv nil means best, tor all' our interests, North and South, that the Democrats soouia come in , and this is the opinion of a great ..mnv thousand Uenublioan voters the svatem. Sold by all druggists. The Outrage flllller.. Waahington Bpadal to Chicago Times. Orders have been sent to every fed' eral officer in the Southern States to j.saA rtiniiirrv nnni . . i nnntprinrr huiuu mi-iiiw rnhrk uri II insult her. Misses S. IfllV wise, a.. -- and A. G have been huBlIed and with nhacenitv in broad day IIIDUIVVta . . . 1 i;i,t A hnr v black viniain stopped some' school girls the other afternoon, and when iney ran rwy, not succeed in November. Haye.'THetarn.-TheAeeii.tlon Stated IJrlefly ana in wra.r. piuiupblj li-v, --'w under whom they serve, tho slightest disturbance of a political character, or that can be construed as such, This enlists the entire force of Inter nal revenue omciais, army oiuoeru, postmasters, United States marshals, rwi t niu With a lull knowledge of there- their deputies and district attorneys . . a. 4 .Sa.iUsf. 7 . a.i i r n iTowo. Thw arrav ol evidenoe Drepartja ior be Bhouteame rooiij rvvumu nuiremenis 01 ine iw a. wJvt- " . ' ' . va A 1 . In,1ul . I a- liar hll lin L T UUDCOs Hill VW .ii.u t.AM in ti r ii. hiiiiw at iau v i. M KivuinrAni i v vi mi r ui . i. i a,u lion aaai - i i a -1 :HM..1 I l..A 4 ia.nfinn t-riQTtlTrRa and 8A.TITA CRUZ rv MS Eat T. 0. HENDRICKS. PBODKBOrETEBIKUD TAEE5 WAGONS T. 0.HESDB1CK3 13 AGEST lr Ik. CKUhntM j LA BELLE vTAGGX. C.n Maish carefullv collates and iiiira tha Ipmelation of Renublican fVVIWTVV V ""O t 1 I Congresses regardiog pensions, nd shows conclusively mat pom me ik- :.Ii.iIii. ami oraaniivA Irpatmnnt ni OUT Biabl. V HUM vawx-v. . - multitude of pensio ters has been Ut ile less man a cuuwuuuu. an .. UT had annoosed that, in point of ex .. . - rr - . , inma infnmv. the robberv oi me a- -aa . . j j - emancipated slaves, by means of tbe Freedraen's Bank, would stand singu lar and nnapproached among me achievements ot the Grant party. But since tbe perusal of this speech our ... a a. 1 a la ith ia shaken, ana we are not a-irc but tbat the systematic injustice of Congress towards tbe pensioners ol the nation, and the arbitrary conduct and abameless corruptions ot the pen- einn nffimalt. are auite as bad. Of tha five or six different pension laws enacted since tbe beginning of the war, everyone went upon me me ory that the pension was the gift or hnuntt- of the Government, which a a 'a . . . . 111 mifTht oe mven or Uken away at win, and not a debt due aqder a solemn contract with the soldier. The lie publican majority in Congress seem o hive legislated with a steady view a l. - l!a... .na aa 9 , V. . nnmKP nl J IIQ U1IUIUU.IUU VI UW . . -ja..L- .: .r A:t I nl thcT SAld pensioners, sou to uio cieauou wi un- -"--j s. -. - i fieoltitt and ban fa tha way of tb low lever to come to keep white oaVJ turn. prthpm. 1 ao not kuuw ima ncrsistennv neg euteu v " r- r ,--r , The Republicans irom tne xonn 2. He has for three years maaeiaise . .ua...B .w . -- ... r .1...,. . . .. i... .i t: .nnorto vauk or ten davs of the campaign. are Inghtenea jy meatorui nicy oath as to tne vaiue ui u j.wj'vi.j - - - " i. :. l.. aat kaonnii iiw-ir nm-i .1 1.:. !.., ht 1 raiseu; it no. 8v - uove in. ju.uv.. TatiLT I.iuiaxa is wkix favored, uor stirred up tne negroes vwoiuuui.uD6 W UUg, T. . ,- , ,., ..j mi ., u mnnaninirl r it i f.. A tnm i1.i-iui vonn trtl inutrvn fnr Indiana ThorauaV OICQt. and Will py a Diooatnirsty bkvu, , iuras 0, m oh rciimu u" ;-""" " , ,, the whites with negroes, rifles, Dries- iigt bj8 gauery ot paintings aua a uia- 001 return ior aeverm wai bats and knives, out now , w tur, mona that leu to n.m a. . , Aj k now .fi .1 . : : 1 . . m 1 iiii iimn 1 hi m i av,' vi A.nattann nurt .iimm. i iii siu.iiiyv.baa v its vv arvis ' ton mat 11 is iuipuiim """'-- ward tne r 01 ii --- , .1 t. .sm i. very sweet,. . although he did ior me pur- M , u.. v The whites have had to yieia every- ot explaining me reuirauio zensoi Aniericao mrm .uuun. .. rn,lilioo ami the necrroes rii;nn at in tha pihibits 01 Dirurca an nnh hft nmcal I 1 1 1 1 1 ' - J. lljaai.a..a a--.. .... a . ui 1 1 1 1 . ia a ta ..w a i " j r P , .1 . . I. . iopt. .. ioti I tro tnougn me street, .mgiiis roraioioiuioit. ijn.r.i b" o 0 l ...... . tori riK rtti .Uni I f!n Rhcrman as serenaded bT the V et W. lick tl whit-CaW--, . n"Tfr pdiT. inTthe shape -ni Guard at 8a. Francisco oa' tbe 2Cth. And tock th. city on wxt day. $3,000 worth f credits, in the snape t GeoeriJ d . t with tha arhiu nun. Urmnrtitiniii whii-.n na aid not list. .. . 1- i.u.i . 1 . .1 i-V . UI IUUIl(,6" " ... 1 ..a I .1 .1 !. ! .. .1 1. m a n On the nizht ol the not, B and another lady were seeking by swearing be was not possu . N york wa Wo.o np tt shelter, their own house having been them. io-i.i P. M. 00 th. 24th. Th. shock was a slight brkkbated.tbey saw twenty negroes 7. He bad three horses in 18.4, na tremoHo New york wilh , rumbling boow! 1 i.. t.:.u Mmmi tiv a wore he had but one. and tha nnhoaral of two columos of water armeot who iouh ."- rV"?, " o ir. 1...1 ,h,a .t,h.. in 1874. " " .m w vJr,Kn.wMM .rA them Tha ladies ma mem- o. no un n.v -"-v.... BUU tl,i,Uu.Ui, .w... 1 ves and heard the negroes say they and swore he bad but one. k tS their knives rea,ly 9. He ha. had the use of thirty odd -f 1 . . . . - . for tbe damned white women. They thousand dollars. e oeqaeaw uy lid, for yel- nis uncic, iot wuica u ium ceesfuL Tbs Cherokeee and other civilixed Indiin ara nr. mnrh .TriUd about tbe Proposed ... ... a. 1 ..'I.. T - I ; . a. auuiaa removal of lbs wild Sioox tribe to I aGlllkVI. I I