ti: ec:eke city guard. 8ATURIXAV, AUi- 86. 1878. EUGENE CITY OREGON. MGCRAliC TICKET. For jresident. SAUTJEI J. TILDEN", ONew Tort THOS A. HENDRICKS, Of Indiana. ; v ForCobgresi; L. F. LANE, )f Douglas County. Tor Preatdential Elector! : HENRY KLIPPEL, ot Jackson. E. A. CRONIN, of Multnomah. W. B. LASWELL, of Grant. Death of M. 0. Kerr. Hon. M. C. Kerr, Speaker of the ITnuaa of Ronreaentatives. died at Rock Alum Springe, West Virginia, on the 19th insi, of coniumption of trm rtnvflla. Mr. Kerr vSt boru al Titusville, Crawford county, Pennyl tidIs, on the 15th of March, 1827, making him consequently at the dy of Lis death a little over forty-nine years of age. After having been admitted to the bar in Louisville, Xeotuoky, he settled in New Albany, Indiana, where he resided up to the time of lis death. In 1856 he was elected for two years to the State Assembly of Indiana, and in 1862 was elected to Congress, and since that time he has been known as one of the master minds of the day. lie was an inde fatigable worker for the advancement of whatever came he undertook, laboring even at the risk and the loss ot his own health. He was one of the pure and true men ot this time and bis loss will be felt not alone by the Demooratio party, ot which be was one of the acknowledged loaders, but by the whole nation. Tht Letters fib a. Louis Nominee. The communications by which Gov ernors Tilden and Ilendrioks formally announced their aoceptanoo of the nominations for President and Vice President, have now been sufficiently long in the hands of the people for candid and reliable judgmonts to have been formed. Aftor a very careful peroral, we have no hesitation in af firming that they are among the trongest and most convincing public dooumonts that it has ever been our good fortune to soo. Every dispas sionate reader must be convinood that the writers are honost and able ; that .they are statesmen of the highest and ' broadost type. The issues ot the ' campaign are treated in so earnest and vigorous, and withal ao candid And akilful, a mannor, that every one . not bliadad by projudioe and bound in party shqoklos must apprehend at -once that the writers are men possess ing the neoossary qualifications for properly doaling with the Natioaal problem now domanding solution. The nature of the ovils through whioh the country has boon reduoed to its present domoralizod condition, ia lu cidly let forth, and the character of the antidote for the poison which is infilteraiing every portion of the body politio is clearly and fully explained. Mr. Secretary Cbandlor and his coad jntaton may well wish that the epis tle thoy compiled for their candidate bad been delayed nntil they bad re ceived a proper model for in form. They may console thomselvos, how ever, with the knowlodge that tho statue can never be mistake, for the living man. They might have made an exoeUcut imitation, but they novcr could have breathed into it the breath of life. Alalne aac Ike Clarluaail Ticket. Much surprise is manifested that the Republicans of Maine do not more heartily endorse tho nominations made by the Cincinnati Convention. The cause is, however, not fur to sock, and by everyone must be aoknowl , edged, as not altogether discreditable to those conoernod. Mr. Dlaino was, undoubtedly, the most popular and prominent candidate whose name was presented to the Convention. The votes which be received and the man ocr in which single-handed he fought the combined opposition of all the other elements, conclusively proved him the ablest leader of the Republi cans. r or can it be gainsayed that the methods of the disaffected were somewhat unscrupulous, and that the abuse which wis Leaped upon him was unmerited from the lourve whence it came. Grant's tools, Conk ling and Morton, did all they could by calumny and falsehood to destroy biro. It ceed sot be a source cf wonder that the ex Speakei's fiieods do cot readily overlook and forget tie treatment of tina, to whom they looked with a reverence somewhat akin to that of an old-time Scottish clan to the chieftain at its head. The object of the ill-treatment is indeed magnanimous enough to cast the mantle of forgotfulness over the inju ries he has received, and express a de sire that those who have regard for him shall put their shoulders to the wheel and help along the Adminis tration machinery. Bat it ia evident that they feel no delight in a compli ance with bis behest. To gratify their leader many will -do what be re quires, but they cannot obliterate from their minds the memory of the insults and injuries which he has re ceived at the hands of the party which they are now called upon to help, and the enthusiasm which is the only assurance of victory is wanting among thera. Orlh's Bellresnent. We are told that by the withdrawal of Aj Uon. Godlove 5. Onli tiorn the contest for tbe Uhairthe Kepublioans ol that Mate are full of trouble. We are not aur- nri.eil t find ih.L tr.ii. Mm nnr . . . . I . 1 . . f I I . , . noes u asionisn us mat tno porpiexuy IS not connneu to Indiana, but is nrn.d anion Rnn.ihlii.flnn thrniiati. r or o on mo oouuiry. i poruapn .... .i.. T. : I I hard a blow as they can have to bus- tain, during the continuance of the . . . ...... rr -n r. .t existing hostilities. To Mr. Orth , . . personally wo cannot refrain from tendering our aincerest sympathies. the blow to him is so severe that we ?T?, r wn'n T, 0H"D .t,nU ,. ha maA if frnm J . Mitchell has mceeded In gettiltir aU the -v offoots ho were forever removed from thB anWa nl hia noliticnl nmion. II . II.. f Kt. I.- U.. been so severely wounded that it scorns next to Impossible that be can recover aumuieuuy to u ngmu auig iu m-!...i.. I - .ui- . resume aotive work. He forgot tbe a Tildeo and Hendricks dnb was organ neoossary injunction that he whol' meinhewhipof 250 at Albany would run. race mnst free himself irom vory Daraen. ins conuuoi in tne matter oi our claims against toe Government of Venezuela has been . ,, , . , . . i . . at i . i uia rum. , v uu vuoiu, uuu uio hub vi the party composing his supporters, he was over weighted. Tbe result is that this contestant, upon whom so many oopoa reiiou so connueu'.iy luaii he was brought all the way from , . Austria to taae uis pari in mo race,i has been, thus early, compelled to ...i.lj . a . t r n . 1. e. I Diuu luiiiinnjia uiauo roauv tur uia : : . -. m, a., i Lt. grave. Sic eunt fata hominum, Tin Rochester, Minn., Post says: "The convention at St. Louis recom mended the next Demooratio Nation al Convention to abolish the rule re quiring a two-thirds vote for the nom ination of a candidate for President. The rule is a good one and they will maaa a mieiaao u insy auoiisn ll." l. - tl .1 t I. I. The Toledo, Ohio, Bladt says : "True tn kla R..t,rn tn.iini.. n,l "u,"'" -u,uBi ivUJr a ijor iTuoBoa viw repeal on toe two-tuiras ruie in ueraooratio ! l . 1 i W .els AAnintinn ft,. , , , ui mo auoj)wun gi uio run was 10 en- abio the Southern slave oligarchy to bind the Demooratio party to oh.r- loiwneuis. mat rule enaoiea tbe South to diotat the candidate. Now a little knot of ex Confederate ollicers located in New York citv are willing to ope,ate the m.ohino. The old oligarchy has changed head- quarters ; tnat is all tbe difference. Both these paper, carry the n.me. of tiavea am nneeier at tfteir matt-beads.-il hip pockets may be thus figuratively repr- seuted, and to show bow well tbey agree ws make these extracts. Tb Buldt, boro 1. . . r. l . I k!k!i li. J ...... .v. ..u.ui;.... .uU aeciiunai oate; aou 10 lis irantio seal sdows Dot only I s disregard for facts, but an immense con J tempi for the Cincinnati platform. The two-thirds rule was sdoptad to defeat a aouiMrra man oi. it at. Joddsod ami from that lime to the present it bas ben theruUoftksparty-oot of sn oligarchy. Th. nn.nn.il l.if. . u-. .:. ... ,...v.uU.- ,m...,m ., , ,IU. cereiy deprecate, an sectional feeling and ten-1 uenciea. uut ids nope 01 id JSimlt is, hi all the organs and leaders of ths Republican party, to keep alive "sectional feeling,hnce thsterm. "Southern lostincts." -Southern ths "old oligarchy," sod similar terms, with the "war record" of its candidate and th - e j wu.mi, ex-coofedorau-and "rebel- record of everw Democrat, art the stock io trade of the Re- f I poblicao papers for tba present Praiidential I campaign. Tbey believe like ths Fremont, Obio,eorrespoodenlof ths Blad, tbat Baye.1 ,1 ... . ... "war record- will do mora to elect him tbao -DBoarea ooanciai piatronna.' Haw, V article on moarces of Waabiogtoo Territo ths tUpobliran party is siocra ia its pro- 7 aod beet rhrisau story. Awards lo be irasioos. why does it depend apoa tbe "war no?oned Oct. 13ih. Is ths pavilion al tbe "win iuv imiw vuilk hiviv wh uuv- ,A M I. .u:.. .1... V. esty, decency and com coon sense A united Sooth" is dreadful f tt Indicate sectionalism I Bat onitd North, with two-thirds of the votes of tbe Coioo oa one aide, bis do sectional tendencies in the rati- msuon ot toe (vpuoncans, so long as ll is .- I er.ileJ to plunder and Oppress the -South LH RadiceJ Journals refer to tbeir platforwi occasiooaiiy, for daceocy s uo, if for boOj- i wgtiM. J OBEGO. Farmers get 69 wnts for wheat in Selera. iirapes art ripe Id Wasco count, likewise tbe whortleberry. , There are two cases of small-pox four miles west of Lafayette. The report Is denied that small pox exists at the Klamath lodiao Agency. . Preparations for the next State Fair art being made on ao extensive scale. Tbe soda spring and tbe adioiuine Droner- ty at Sodaville will be sold on tbe 23d of next month. About one million feet of logs are floating en route for Albany from tbe logging camp on oiary s river. Edward May and bis two sons bare found lead and Iron ontcroppmgs about 7 miles east ol Oregon City. The Aldeo Fruit Preserving Company, at McMinnville, has not thai far proved a re munerative investment. Mrs. McCormick, who murdered her bos band on the 6th inst., at Astoria, was seo teuced to tbe Penitentiary lor life. Miners around Clerksville. according to tbe Buker City Democrat, pick up spe:irotDi every flay weighing from o to JS. M. P. Morse, General Agent ol the North Peciflo Mutual Life Association, bat closed out his loierests to the association .. r"Hl h,"M,r"' "7 P0"ie Mount in A son of J..W. Crawford, of Salem, aired 19 months, who with his pareuls were nan- "" ! ?" lh S,"Phe,li' b " f ,rUOH A RanUn Fin Mmed Ab.nnder rmus. Oiled who enthusiasm and beer, sen-rely "'ebbed 1 ho- B,,ltr "d WJ BtlDO at i liuii.hiirff last week. ' M HamDton Kellv. of Rait Portland, ia nn. I structing a dryin machine for Hood river. aml MtPct shortly to tare out a handsome article of "peach leather." ,t . . .... Accordmir to the tndrpendenl the rasy ,nn, Jehn Krall, who was shot and kill, d "fr Roseburg. was attempting to outrage a Agricunurai uoiiece unds m Urejruo ap- proved by the Secretary of the Interior, ex- W elSlltJ ! which there is a con H,C'' for Joint Senator for Columbia, Clatsop and ! " c"u"1 7 r w"8 PI8CH 00 Mon' ""r"'"" vi uuu. o. a.. ymjth deoeased. 7tT I In a t UulilfrftB 1 1 U I n rarmna, secretary, i a ww-v Aiaao namra i;nn. rrom isevuda per riI-'-uSifcL 8tr,Phena , h" j80 taken down with the email pox at Rnaeborg. ana a oe pssw, named Johnson, at last ac- counts bad all the premonitory symptoms. T.b', Orsejoa Iron Works at Alhina. will nfiW portable engines, especially designed for I ! .L . ... . .. uaw, imw conn.ieni mui ine large .V", T. . 7 C0U",rV" Prer,Bei i m wuw iiiiwrimi irum inn nasi. . , , items news. I. kt it r o vo M. U. iverr, Sitn'ng Bull wants Queen Victoria to act S a. . as mediator. Preparations sre being made to remove tbe bioqx to the Missouri river. The Republicans of Cleveland bare re nominated Garfield for Congress. The pay of revenue officers throdirhotit ins country nas oeeo reduced aboat 6 per ceo i. Pn hiV, temi t0 ctarre tlIf ..... Tit. ...t-l r.L!L!.! n t ...... O.I..J-" " oaiuraay, Indinl recently ran off many horses anoiuu need or beet cattle from the Ulack Hills. One Indian was killed. Gen, Sheridan has received nermann i me moian commiaioner to raise 1,000 .. r t awnee Indian recuiis. San Francisco Irishmen have contributed 53. 500 lor the relief ol the escaped Fenians. end will meive enllectioas from all parts of rhrindi.n. Gubernatorial canvas has opened. Senator (tooth and Gen. Harrison ,ressed the Republicans at Deville on th' The Grangers are holdie a eonveminn In Sn Francisco regarding treiirht charirea. i i-i. l . . .r 7 . . s "V?; n" mJT?., bta A Western pnpr has taken oai'-a to ret linec0MM, "P1" or the tvntennmi nTrdZ'S'VhV.Xrn that it is rtilng lo result io a loss of some- thing like 84.000.000. To this from the Timet of the 2Gtk -cx-uovfTnor Lunin. or rennav vania " .vt ..i.im..K1ii, di cvaseO to wander among the anwashed, and win throw all their strength for IJares snd " heeler." the Bi'Ilefon e Watchman, printed where Mr. Curtlrj resides, replies -IU explicitly declares himself lor Tilden and Hendricks, and iutends to stamp the Su! oM,ndil' for J1" Bomcj. This "-". www narvHirom mi . month. That ia where kt it.n. j;BXt j The August number of the K'nf Short. Hl 0,,t elor lh' firit otarn. Ths pub- " ,7,! priaes for aeeays the first Mng a Ihirieen N"ar copy of Webster's Coabridgcd Die- uti toe occannn wiin an oner or i.ho ia ,,,D,r' ,0f u,6,. ?Po "ritteq by IW nS il ttmrfmm ainkl m - - . . IL. do8.. mri.La drt(I Tor 'beat compoeitioo by boy or girl aodar thirteen: 00,8 ntt P' 10 awarded only to per- SM - .mWinjLto 9! toi w,h!0n Territory. Tbe other pries are coin for k - ., JZ... o. th. XL of Z a"u Gov Gostav Koerner. flnrf tht N'ew York Independent Conference address leads him logically to the aapport of Tilden. and bt invites bis Liberal Itepublican German associates to follow hi a is bis support Www w. . ) " e do not read of anv tccemiona to the ranis of Hy-s froa the Democracy, bat w. d.ily bear of fieixihJicaDS. itSjeotial in th . ir partT. who torn their becks on n to sapper i TiUo, tli IWora;. .V V4 Sua. ELECTION HETCBS. Berlew of lha mbb for laaa Coantr. To th Editob OF TBI OVitD : i I am almost afraid to begio npon this sub' ject tbe field is so exteosive that an end less letter might be easily written about it, and then not do it justice. But just to let the people know that somebody is acting without regard to principle, I will scrawl a few lines, at least. Io tbe first place I would like to ask Dem ocrats why Thompson bad 88 majority, Big by 6, Walton 60, Whiteaker8; Scott, Rad 33; Barton, Dem., 11; Hayes, Dem., 8; Joel Ware, Red., 33?; and Dale, Dem., 131. Now, between Thompson and Higbvtbere is a difference of 94 votes; between Whites ker and Scott 101, and between Wars and Bale 468 votes; can this difference be ac counted for on any construction of principle? Is VVaiteaker, who was elected by 68 major ity, any more of a democrat than Cruzao, who was detailed by 52 votes ? a difference on, the democratic legislative ticket of 120 votes. Let ns agree tbat tbe offices of judge, clerk, sheriff and other county offiVee are not political, and are oaiside of party lines, boss to account Ipr the 468 see-sawyrs (ibis is a new word, t believe) between Ware and Hale, but on a question of principle where one rote might change the political cast of the U. 8. Senate and affect tbe destiny of our Suite and Ihe United States for years, or fiirevrr, how are ws toaccouut for the 120 weathercocks that shifted from Wbiteaker to Scott or Bond, or elsewhere than to Cru zaoT My guess is there sre 468 men io Lane county who do not take or read a newspa per who never heard of Belknap, Babcopi or Butcher, and who would vote for ony one ofthemlor President without asking any . . - . - Questions : this will exn am whv Ware re- , . eived 337 republican majority, and Hale 131 democratio miiority. W biteaker, as all muat cunleaa. is an able and a nrmlunt man and on bia tbe party could snite, and did r ' ' r , prooamy-yeiKw near mat ne ia ooi gei , ,, , , . .a.. ti . . the full strength of his party ; strange as it may appear, some men voted for MeClung who bave been professed democrats through life ; and some radieala may bave voted for Wbiteaker, but I doubt it j they are too well trained for that J but tbe harness hangs loosely on some aye, many so-called dem ocrats, and while they come to the "scratch" nobly, tbey are led away into the radical u 11 t r. tt. 1 j j ... camp by Hon. J. B. Underwood aod bis strikers; tbeir votes are traded for Jh tbe most flimsy pretexts, because tbey, said democrats, do not read, no not tbiok, or have no prim pies. 1 am aware of tbe fact tbat there are ejuiw u"juvi wii9 ssmaj urrrlUUI SSiD, UCIUWIQIO . ifl fluffl(tifalS Hui4 A.l0lnrnmr im 1nm.n.. n with oriuciulei. ooficv democrat- and called democrats. The bed-rock and soft I ' r dem icrats differ as to policy, but not on priuciples; the policy democrats have no principles tbat will stand the test of an un certain strain ; the so ealld are tbe kind who do read the papers, who believe Ben Umleiwood to be politically honest, and Ueury Ward Beecher pure; aod who do not know tbat Belknap was biibed, or that Joel Ware bought their votes for less than 25 cents each, indirectly, tor tbe latter class we do not write they will never see it. For do I icy democrats there is litlle hope ; they live io the smiaiiine ol the pnrty, but in the hours 01 trial or danger they are docile as lambs. 1 Ins brings me down briefly and, I hope, unuersianiiingiy tu another question : aa to why men did -scratch V Were the candi dates Koud democrats f Were they houest T Are tney capable r Uo you believe they sre faithful to the constitution T 1 have never beard tbe honesty or democracy of one ol them questioned. As to their capability there might be a question, or a doubt . but is Bond better qualified than Redford, or ia beoit superior to truxan T I doubt it. But suppose the candidates went not ea- pable, then who is lo blame? Let us coo- aider. Is it vanity in it-uorant men that in- J . - - ,1 sea 01 pontics or is 11 an oversight ol other illiterate ones that puts such cralts afloat . - v v v 1 1 11 upon au ant;r and fickle flood without bul- lust or hti.n to carrj our tKusurs saieiv aiong tne sireaoi 01 liinu and laud them un- impaired is the hands of posteritv a hundred rears hence f Or is it the work of a If w designing men to bare incompetency thrust forward, so that the control ol the whole sr. rengiMiient may be in the handa of that fa vored leT 11 candidates are ircompeleot tnese queriiona win arise and be discussed BfVMirillMtrltt ! Miwt thun lh hni.Lii rullj nt. the noniiNatiog conventiuii whiib should never nuiiiiimle a mau incapablenr dishonest, aud if men who are not capahle force them selv-a upon conventions, then such nieu mav expect defeat and injury lo the party. loere ia 00 Donor iiLannirinc to a position we ant not qualified to fill, or the duties of wuica ws are out able to honorahlv dis charge. Whether meo are faitliful to the Constitution or not dejend upon tbeir knowledge of that instrument ; if a man has n.iVu. MM.it ailliu it... Cl.U n. I T I . . .1 C . . .. . corjAtitoti. be cannot tell what he thinks oM either, and if he has read it be nay bar. an opinion mat does not amount to much, on le be la able to anderstand tta lorce and effect apoa the laws and upoo tbe adminis tration ol our government. Wert our candidates capable, boneat and aitaiui to tne constitution r II so then it thea it was our duty ss honest meo to vote for them and to use all honorable means lo elect them : ll such was not tbe case, then they should not have been aotnioaled. Then answer, lae men who put them in comma - ... . m t hi wtrVHIUa U I a una or toe caouiuaies tneinaeives may i-1 Swvr. or have iudirin-nt entered avainai. thom VT io ease f default. But this ldo know: that mere are competent aoa oonest democrats taoogh ia Lane county to Gil all tht places aod offices of honor, trnat and profit Becet- aa7 ir tbe eoooty, aod there are democrats who woald honor tba position do not seek it: .w moth , w.i, m rxiiw, men it is the man aeekint honor (T) woo force himsell npon his friends and upoo cooveo vent ions, to be honored with defeat or sab Sequent rlisemca. Ilie local stum is over. In November wa will be called npon atin to answer al tbe HI. t and akat a pity that will be. as tbe chances to "scratch ' will not appear where there m bat on name on a ti. kt Lif-v-it.. L,e will have a gnod aqaare vote and m.ii niv I nmliet. of Sit m. u Thro Lw tv-u;y ; U is-y U yd4 & 'M trvied oa lor lbs somioee o( ths CiacioBati j. bated, so contemptible, as to trade voies tbe dearest boon to freemen tney arenv ior -treHon. ttravem and spoils," snd deserve good positious io chain gangs and penitenti aries. I venture to say tbat tbe man who will sell or trade on. his vote should oe ais fniochLed as unworthy to exercise tbe right of voting. Yours truly, A. B.C. 8t Louis Republican .-To say that ths democratic party bas presented to tne American people ao unexceptionable ticxet Is tbe faintest of faint praise. No ticket ao thornmrhlv food in all tbe elements which make np political goodness has been pre sented siace Thomas Jefferson and George Clinton offered their united names to the democracy of seventy yeajs ego. It repre sents tbe best brain sod body of the East and West. Another Opportunity far the Belief of Ihe Afflicted. The SurireoDS of tbe National Snrcical Institate, located In Indianapolis; Pacific Division, Albambra Building, Bush Street, San Francisco, have yielded to tbe many ur gent appeals from tbeir patrons and friends in Oregon and Washington Territories and ailjoioing regions to visit Portland. Tbe former visit was highly satisfactory and en couraging, man of the patients then accept ed for treatment being now entirely cared. while nearly all are irreatly benefited and in a fair way of recovery. Three or more oil Ihe Suigeons will be at the Cosmopolitan HotW io Portland. Or eon. from Monday, the 28th day of August, nntil Saturday, tbe 2d September, 18 1 6, six days inclusive. They will bave with them a great amount of surgical apparatus, appliances, etc., and competent ass'stants and workmen to change, fit, snd make siicb opparatns as may be required. Tbey will come especially pre- pared to treat all surgical cases : Paralysis. all kinds of Deformities of the Face, Spine and Limhs, Diseased Joints, Diseased Eyes, Uatarrn. fnvate JJiseasea. f iles. Fistula. i.. a n .kn . .... :i .v i ..i .i. - " nu" 7'" luo,"TC,,' kuc ' :V"" r" t journey vo ohd rroncisco or iouianupons. Jshol)d (i ,0 at tbig tilne. X0 cases will be undertaken wif bout a fair hope of relief, ll is needlesj to 6SV the the Institution is en . unll pons.Die. ami tne .orgeat ar.o mog, I ntinluai r.f tt.A hnA a1 A 171 PM I'll, nnrini thnn. I uiruuiui vi no biiiu sa - .w-i . annua R,rae,nber the time and nace. snd come early J5ySend to tbe I Institute for circular. A CHEAP PAPER! The demand for the WEEKLY OR- EGOWIAW for a short time Is so great that we have concluded to offer it for the balance Of the year r. . for ONE DOLLAR ! All sabscilptions will expire Dec 31, 1876, no matter when they com mence. Address, I Af)fM AMf a h nwftiai f Mffrttri MM f UBUaniHU W I en a 1 . I fOITiana, ur. JUST RECEIVED AT MA OK QTCUCMQI nirtiin . wi U T Ult J AGENT FOB REMINGTON k EONS' Breech Loading Central Fire Military aid Sporting RIFLES AND SHOT-GUNS. ALSO, PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES, oSi.Uoiji1indfSTri,,2unItion for mtA ,ai,, Notice to Tax-Payers. NOTICE IS HiCLEBT GIUN that ea Von- da,theJHthdyof Ant., 187. the Board of Equalization will atteud at the office of tbe County 0 .I! ?rl"M county, at Eugene. Oregon, and K TlL.'! ""r "iwpimv'Miweiii Viiurs IU TwUUSwiUD. UBoCTlD fiu ii vjiiniiiirm of land, or other nronertT. r Dated this 27th dav of Julv.WT. ' J. w. PA11K8. A aessor. c,ili.tk.- a. l. nT , 77" Subscrioers to the University. ' pa E SUBSCRIBERS to the TJniTenity will pleaw A. call anl paj their abKriptioos immedutelr, ao mm. iHi.iia im (miu uo sua .top inieresl. UKO. B. DORRIS ia aiithohied to ..th. npti .0.1 ""n. JUBUUA J. WALTON. HK.VDRICK8. Pre t Aaa a. bemtarr. convention, for when men become so de DR. JOHN HERRBOLDA'TS: SFRCini. nil HFrntViril. nmrmi lri".o to meet the view ofatl. SURGICAL AND IECHAMCAL DEMIST, H" removrd to llnfeburg, Ortgim, where he re- ajwctfulljrpnera bit aervicea to the citizena of that iMce ana vicinity In all tbe branches ef hia pro- le.icin. THE CHEAPEST PLACE 0 The Pacific Gout for HOME MADE BOOT S AD SHOES. untA I KcUUUlUN IN PRICES. J. H. DONALD Hat Bow oa band overoBchnndrMt ami a.tr Or UonU Of Ur OWB m.lka. Whirh 1 am hnnnj In nwardlew of wt, and w are now prepared to make I BooU to order at Uw followiag creatl reduoed pri- j French Calf BooU from SS to St per pair, French Kin Uimt. Irrtm ft. .n M - California Kip BonU made toorder t at per pair I am ail outer work at eqnallr low price. Repair- muiKw. tut wwa warranteo, Lcathfrand Fmdinn tiw k B. DONALD. aw, w VtKM RnrFn i e-' T.v.d v. . u GROCERIES & PROVISIONS and lovite tbe attentioa of Horaeke-perrf T. a UE.VDRCIK3. JURT RCrCICn qa acencrj ia the North PadBe. We bare tbe CwClVLU.N baildiaM aad tbe bett ecooomodatiooe ef a Large etock or DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, liKUl'fcKlES, YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC, I AT REDUCED PRICES. Hirheat market rie fora!lktnd.ofPBfVl A. GOLDSinTII. Final Settlement. IS THI MATTER OT THE ESTATE of AW on If . Fowma, dacMitd. Notice ia bwtbr aiTta tint Frank Power, admiruitrmtor of laid eaute fa Bled hit account for anal tettlement and tlx flm Monday In September, 1S7S, haa beta att fur tat, bearing of aaid account. Br order of Hon. 1. 3. Walton, Jr., Orantr Judn. (BANK POWERS, AdminiataV 0. B. Doaaia, Attornejr. Fabulous Reduction FUR 2STOCTIJRE. AS WK ARE PREPARINO FOB A LABOB Manufacturing establishment we prop.M to tell oar entire stock of FURNITURE AT RETAIL WHOLESALE PRICES! Tbls Is a rare chance to buy good, aabataotlal Furniture at nominal prices Do not 1st your op portunity pass. Come all. D. CHERRY A BRO. Lower Than Ever I TT AVI NG TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF TBS 1 late nnsettler" condition of tbe Eastern an tamornia none, areu i nav. PURCHASED FOR CASH THE LAIIGEST BXOCK OF uf,T,La OUiolu B. Ctlu If alCIlcS, JCWcliJ A wllV6rW3rS Ever brought to Oifgon, and am now enabled to M ihem l BetaU al former WUOLsALB hwe kind kepUn fctablUbment. Every article h warranted al repl rexen ed. I have alao tbe agency of toe aorivaUed Piamond Mpectcles. I " w "u? ." !OT "araiei. a i -" j ... .MUJ.BUVI, wfuin aill say tbat if tbey will let me know tbe Dam and priceoftbewatch they Intend tosendfor. I -'"" 111 lurniao toe same waicn ior tne same price. By all means give me a call before soinc or sending elsewhere. B. L. STOJfE, ju24 3m 103 Front St., Portland, Oregon. FIRST AND LAST CALL. H AVISO BOLD MY STOVE AND TIN WARS buiineia toC. Burbridge and expect to lute oon, I will requut all persona indebted to a I by aeoount or note to call and aettle the same at one or tbey will be placed in handa for collection. ; H. T. HAYfg. FOB THE ' SPRING A SUMMER TRADE! TXrs BEQ to inform ear friends and tie paUi VV that we hare juit received direct from Baa rraneuoo ana tae caiter. maraeta AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GROCERIES, HARDWARE, DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS NOTIONS. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND CATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Faints, Oils, Etc., Selected by er Mr. S. Bosikblatt, which wl offer at REDUCED PRICKS. Parties will find It to their adrantam to eal. and exaraire our stock and nricea befon nnrr.hu. Highest price paid for all kuids of Product lug viKwuere. S. ROSENBLATT & CO. Brkk StOK, tto, WillamtUc k Eighth Sll.e EUGENE CITY. A V PT7T1?TC JP- a jjaauo Ob VV.9 ... . ..... NEW SPRING GOODS, Selected witfc modi em from the brewt tad bwt uagonmf aouMa u Ban JTraacMOO. Our Stock Of DRESS GOODS la anaraallr large and attratMre, and eomprbea the WHITE GOODS. A Urfi asaortment of Ktrleet aod InaerUnn, HV ww tnaayuiiu aMsnu. STAPLE GOODS. A Urn stock of BlMwhed Vaaliaa ana Lueee, Table Lioen., Towalmra aad Horiery; CotmU, wwiuinuiuiiigiumiia WE WILL PAT THE HIGHEST MABUET niCE la eaah for aay annbtr ef poude of GOOD MERCHANTABLE WOOL COUNTRY PRODUCE Of trerv dceeriptioa wanted, for whkhwe wflj par " market price. A. V. rETKRfl k CO. MXUESDA SPlilNUST rpHESE 8PRISGS ARE LOCATED ABOUT eo mnes eaat or Euerne City and withis fear miles of the celebrated Bir Prairie of Ihe UcKea- e. Tbev art within a few htindml mil. of Ham r k. ... . vtreias la Orenoa. Dm aad Elk art very pleat near these rorian. bavin na th mmii Im .mm uviov vivra. uw ot u nwiK nnwini umttnr of these animal. Tbe trreodeet aad most plctor- J oprtari w una part of the Bute. Oar hath aooae is lew. atid ia eoaalmetMl vith hAmm tm the waaUvf thoMvwltinc from the valley. We el have aa excellent npor balk room eooatrocted near the bead of the Spring . sad la all thing, we totioB of thai kind. w .era bd wiu Ui dnwianil few a. man- Aa experiencad phraldah ia attndmce at all tllnea. Board aad lodTinn la vnnrf mrm trmthtmm- ioiEo'i 01 A. W . rOt.ET. PnwHeinr 22" T.H.lJiI)RirKS'. SiiO lAi "t.era. ln. kMoraaja ae trmt A aO.VTK-l.u wiJ n. J. 08ia A CO, Sk UMla.Ka. 7