TKF FL'Ff.'F CITY GUARD ",eeiB,lt(,,) out8ide r the Coo8titDtioDi" for I mu purpose too "force Dill was imrouuceu Id Congress; for tbii purpose Gnat keeps an I army la the South to overawe or overpower the will of States. And if we expect to be free and happy people again in tbii conn I try we mast cling with a death-grip to the rlgbU reserved to tbe Statei or to tbo peo ple. Personal liberty depeoda upon (be "re I served power" of tbe States SATURDAY. AUG. 19. 1S76. EUGENE CITr. OREGON. "democratic ticket. For President. SAMUEL J. TILDES', MHn Tort Far Vice President, THOS. A. HENDRICKS, Of Indiana. For Congrts. : L, P. LANE, Of Doaglas County. For Presidential Elector. : I1ENRY KLIPPKI. nt J- E. A. moNIN, of Multnomah. W. B. LASWELL, of Grant. The Cincinnati Platform. Grant and the Whiskey King. No one can read tbe testimony of Mr. Dluford Wilson, before the select Committee of tbe House of llepresentativet on the whiskey fraud., without faliog shamed and humiliated. It ia an clear! r made known that the Preiidenr or 'directly uMaKO in tbe business, that none can fail to see it. By this evidence alone, even if there were no other bearing upon tbe same point, be stands before tbe world convicted of participating in the proceeds derived from robberies of tbe people wbo made bim their trusted embassador. From this it naturally follows tbot be should by all the meant at bis command, try to prevent tbe exposure of "The United Statei of America are a na tion, not a league." So sari the first decla ralioo of the Cincinnati Radical platform, tne intern and the conviction of any of his and like every other declaration of that par- gubordinatP u k- "" iJ p tr Is false in rait, put indic.j- " pear inueea mat mere was sumcieoi evidence uuu m inose woo proclaim sucn ueorv. hui. h... t u . w uiuu au nuia,u as a at, mi liliid ui luiuaaiiu uicu is. Either tie United States are not nation, blI. ,VBn r tlli. i. ont ,,. nl, la viiugwuvuu iivkuuiKU outies. ii our , .l.J, , I. ,.t . . . T.. country is a nation, then it is only one State, ieB. lth .. ft, . mni, nn. J Dt.i. 1. . - . ! t L .1 . rr . 1 I ' n o ...-. uu " uu" ol ' UB"UU UDIteo Iflmntihl. etmn fn omntn. 1 1.. M Bi.( ... . ,: .1.4 .l. n . l-V -b"'"" 7", ""UUU "u,,uou hie office for th. purpose or private plunder, theory is true. Th h n ;... . ,,., !,. .. j. Oregon is a State; that is, It has thepow- .,, th. . nl nrn, ,hiB ' AaA .. er to nake and execute laws, and no power hewM bj lieM-lort wbo as members of bis ..invrHca mi question me.r va- CttbiDot were thought to be men of some in ..u,.,,, ,uu,TUOO lU0lr execution except ,i,,na4on ..j ,!, ,iw,i .,i.,t... oar Supreme Court, one branch of our State Lr,h;h!r t. .iri .j: q i ... . I w wuuie vmiu) in asiaiuiui lunuiliUi UU ILFULf v. , .7 0lu. M t ghred romained t0 hold . j one trjed er court or power except the Constitution, , k.ii... ih.i .k. J ...l ... .u. oui4 uumr iuuc- ., , n .(ml nn nnhlin .ITlr. tioni of tbe State are called into existence. Oregon has a Governor, whose acts are as in dependent si are the act of tbe President. Oregon has a Legislature and its enactments re not iubectto revision or repeal by Con gresi or oy any other Stato Legilaturo. In the same way, New York ii a State, Rhode Island ia a State, Delaware ii a State, and io on notil tbe thirty-eight are all nnited in public affairs was not quite so bad as was imagined. But here every fond delusion is swept away, and tbe system by which tbe people have been plundered ii laid bare in all its hideousness Notwithstanding all the contrivances by which Grant and his confederates tried to cover np aod bide from view the hideous, pu tretying, doletgrious mass, there it is, luid nnan hafnFA nm an filTinnA Ia aa J - ITIig the nostril. Even the eRrr,CT"tUti0D?f t"9UBitBd because Mr. Dan'a was by the Senate" not l7iLZrri, , ' , enacl thought a worthy luccessor to the mining lawi to goveriicontraots.niarriaecs. divorces. o.i ...,. , . . Iin.n. .nj .i,. ii!,- .. c .u.i.ur DcUuDCK is luuno io nave earnco v'l -" BUU UU WUCr DIUie, Or hi. I. l,.,. L. I- . . even the whol ihiri..ll, c u" """"" uu"ul u" B0""B TO-Perl n.nBi.KL-" ' 0D U The name -m. .uu mir vi suavtuiBui any more w.i ni . . i l. -i .. than on. cnnnl. In n, I... ' t , ru"",u" """I""" ue piacea 10 Hie vv aM viijuu VUU IMWJ iuu CUI- led taxea io another county, or one school district can tax another to build a school house, or one man can dictato to another what be shall eat or wear. Tbii explanation must be plain even to the most itupid Radical, yet he must shout "we are a nation," because his party platform pro claims It. That tbe Radical leaders would like to have us "a great consolidated em plre" no one will doubt j every act of reoon- airuction, tbe enforcement act and tbe Rad- Icol amendments to the Constitution of tbe list with those, of Grant, Dabcock, Robeson, BeUnap, Delano, Schenck, Ortb, Shepherd, Williams, and others too numerous to men tion, of lesser note, but equal disreputability I be disoase once contracted has inroad through the whole tervico, and oowbere does it seem to have raged more virulently thun within the walls of tbo White House itself. Tbe organs which are controlled by the !-.. a.. Administration, and tne peoples servants who consider themselves tbo personal reiuin ers of tbe President, and by him are so re- i . i .i tthici i 1 . . giuu, HinT eiiuravur id ciuss over me rcve- United States, Grant'i military and desootio 7.... .1. nt tnti .riA... t ..,..1.11 l . . ,,u'uu" "VJ ufly may exercise acts, various Republican speeches, and at ast L1...1. 1 i. i. . , . .. the Cincinnati nl.tfo,'. 1 , 1. ..... M '8W,"U' ua """""Mng ... 1 i'wiui m vuab ui' 1 tf...a;Kid .AHUs...i:nH. l- . i .1.1 region But whatever may be, one thing 1. bee0 m, Thc truth, however, remain.. vLlkm ' W9D0''TU 'JPf"n.ust be It, realization, the Z?iZ.r ' PP" deceived a. to it. cha, tai I .I'.TM - The duplicity. nd the dishoncstyof man Rmi.h uZ b uvZ n Urant are established! the moo io whom 2d nn!l h M,'n"Pr0MCj "d PUb- ,rU8t or r"en,eJ 'Julent and nn lisbed purposes, hut they are not one man i n-u. t. , . .. . ... 1. x. v 1 rv 1 1 ..i.piuui. tun luiiiior ui luesa well lias nor Ii New York, Dolaware. Orot-on A Cn. i.M . L , . . ... B, , 1 ..I , ,. ucvu iur unijf iiuiu oruuea aooui si a vu.uMno.uunuoTBreuniicoiorcer a nDur. ... .1.... u.... 1... .1 . . . 1 . .. . r iuuiui, uu; uiii IU I Ut'LTUB UOC'O K00W0 1." . , , , . . ""a-"" ban wbo bad hitherto efaded tho ch , B , ,uH0uni ouku. tne Dec- tmt W0r9 brottght lgBllwt tht!in. th .nin . ' V. 1 00Llllm,, lhat 11 Mnnot be Pcted that tbe country these umted colonies ought to be Free and will tmu i.. .ir,.i .... . ... I - - VW tUVU UI auu mil Bl ihii giAinn. A mnn mn.t Ka ..,..1, El LlEUTENANT GoTIRNOK BEACH, of New York, was recently interviewed by a representative of tbe New York Herald on thembject of tbe Presidential campaign. Mr. Beach wai Lieutenant-Governor when Tweed was in the beigbt of bis power, and fully understands bow far tbe alleged- rela tions between Mr. Tilden and Tweed went, lie was a delegate to tbe St. Louis conven tion and was one of tbe earliest opposen of Mr. Tildeo's candidacy, Mr. Seymour being bis choice. lie has declared himself warmly io favor of Tilden 'i election, and In "placing self squarely on tbe platform," as tbe Herald expresses it, be farniihed that paper some Interesting items. ' Mr. Beach said s I ha- Democratic ticket POLITICAL NOTES. Without jurisdiction bow can a party be reformed from within Couriti-Journal. Bluford Wilson is a tboro in tbe side of tbe anti-Bristow crowd. They have saddco ly discovered that Wilson is a very bad sort of man. We beli-ve tbat tbey have a mo nopoly of tbis information. Pittsburg Di$ futch. Garfaeld is the commander-in-chief of tbe boys io blue, and General Woodford is to be his chief of staff. G a. Geld won bis spurs io the credit mobilier business, and Woodford is described by men of Lis own party ei a soldier who never saw a battle, and a lawyer wbo never won a ewe. Boston Pott. Zacb. Chandler sari Bristow mieht as well have been in hell without a fan as io (Im-'I. -ri- fc tart UUb UU form notions. Zacb is one cf Grant's, cabi ... J ri i I . . . " . . r .... ... , .i , ,i , tt-:.oJ 01' BDU cuiiaieo cuairman oi toe ne- wui oe elected, (or me people 01 tne un.wi e.MntiB States have become thorooghly disgusted toelectUayes. SeetbeeonDeclion. Peoria witb paladmioiatration, with high taxes, Vemocraf, with large govermentut expenditures, witb I The baggage of American citizens visiting abuses, peculations and frauds in office. They " ssnmgion is naDie io oe seized ana piun . . j . j . . t , t... dered at any moment by President Grant want a change and are determined to have Ui ,ale ex joit Wlht Bluford Wilson s pri- acnange. meyisnowa cfiange oi policy I vate oQects shows bow far be will so. The can only be effected by a change of men. organs applaud tbis high-handed proceeding. The election of Mr. Ilavea would continue They iindorse Grant in all bis acts. Courirr tbe present system. The people are there' our""-'- , , fore determined to look for a relorm in the obeoos. election or muen aod Hendricks. The Tne 8a8r, 0f the recorder of Oregon City lurmers are mil oi me seniimeui I have ex-1 has been fixed at $10 per month pared to treat all 'surgical caseg : Paralysis, all kinds of Deformities of the Face, Spine and Limbs, Diseased Joints, Diseased Eyes, Catarrh. Private Diseases, PiN, Fistula, etc. All wbo wish to avail themselves of tbe advantages of the Institute, without the long journey to Sao Francisco or Indianapolis, should do so at this time. No cases will be undertaken without a fair bope of relief. It is needlesj to say tbe the Institution is en tirely responsible, and the largest acd most popular of the kind in America, curing thoo iftnila annually. Remember the time and nlftce. and come early. IKaSend to tbe Institute for circular. Mnal Settlement. IN THB MATTER OF THE EATATs of AW, on U. Vomm, dectttwd. Notice it hereby r!7ia tli&t Fruk Powpra, lminntrlr of mid Mtetc Km filed hu account fur flnal wttlement ud th fint MoniUy in Bcntembur, 187S, bu bea wt fur ftu bearing of uid wrount. By onlar of Hon. J. J. 'Walton, Jr., Coont? JnAt JHASK P0WpU8,Admiauu.tu7' 0. B. Dobkm, Attorney. - Fabulous II eduction IX FURNITURE. pressed in favor of a change. Besides, they have a special interest in io tbis contest. Io tbe cities municipal taxes are the heaviest burdem that are felt; in tbe rural districts tbe State taxes are a large part of what tbey are called upon to pay. Tbe farmers know that in less than two years of Governor Til' den's administration be has reduced the State taxes from $16,000,000 to a little more than $8,000,000. Tbis is, just what they want. Everywhere a considerable number, who have hitherto voted the repub lican ticket, will cant their ballots for Gov ernor Tilden . . Their cheese has gone down from twelve and fourteen cents to eight and nine cents a pound. Tbey are obliged to economise, and tbey think the government should do the same. The same causes are Mr. L B. Seeley, superintendent of the iron works at Oswego, has gone hast. Hon. Scth S Slater died at Lewiston, on tbe iltb Inst. He was an old and respected citizen oi Uregco. Gates and Old's Warehouse at St. Jo. was destroyed by Gre on tbe 10th, burning a lot of hay, and 600 bushels of wheat. An Oregon City man crazed with strong drink jumped from tbe balcony of the Cliu House to tbe street, on tbe nth inst. Tbe wife of Fred, Bunn, wbo resides a few miles northwest of Mc.Minuville. has become violently insane and was committed to tbe asylum a lew days ago. The FarmerrS-'raosportation Co. bas pe titioned the common council of Oregon City lor me rignt oi way for a runway or tram way through the streets of tbat towo. On Saturday last a young man named V1nnu(Tun un oinnlno. nn .his tp!il..n a. Ua. producing similar sentiments in tbe minds of Minnville, was caught in tbe machinery all cluflses. those who have hitherto been about the piledriver and bad one of bis fin reluctant to -turn their coata will do so now, a"9 Dadly crushed. as tbey have been convinced, tbat if they suffer four years more of republican adminis tration tbey will hfte no coats to turn. Charges have been made by certain re publicans that Governor Tilden is a sLain reformer, and that he was formerly in fellow ship with Tweed during bis ascendency. Have you any personal knowledge on these subjects ?' "I certainly have. From the year 1867 when Tweed was just rising into power, 1 have as much knowledge on these matters as any other man in the State. Tweed first took bis seat in the Senate in January, 18C8 In March of the aame vear I beiran tn aoaiat line ol boats, is substantially as follows Mr. Tilden to organize the democratic party "crl"' rB(8 w "u'ujaie ourselves sev- f ii,. Ci..i .4 . ..... ",,u !: iu uuiius iu vuutaiu u. . .u Uv-v, .., lu .ui. w. Cochran Co. to lurnish them the him lor the next six years. He was chairman amount of freight set opposite our respective of tbe Slate Committee, and most of the time names for transportation from Albany to I was chairman ol the Executive Committee. 1 prtland, Oregon, (to be landed on any It was wel. known that Mr. Tilden accepted I ,S T " the chairmanship of tho Stale Committee in 1, 1877, for which service we severally con- 18C6 for the purpose of kooping out of tltu f tract and agree to pay ten cents per bushel control of tbe State organization the men ,or fri". or Ibree dollurs, thirty-threw and who afterward grew to be culled the -Ring." ct''ZT V" 7""' Un, 'he Z- W' n ,, , . . 6 Cochran & Co., and we separately obheule From 1868 Mr. I ilden was always in a stale ,.Urselve to furnish tbo amount f train of antagonism to Tweed growing ou. of the shipment, and in the manner indicated! and istrosi ne leu even wneo there was no Drool lu u" BU '"" l"oso oaies, oecome The Jacksonville Timet says : "The resi dence of William Bailey, of Foot's creek, was totally destroyed b nre on Sunday be. fore last, while the family was at church. The origin ot the fire is unknown, Loss about $f00. Information is wanted of William Kramer (or Kraminer), who left Iowa about twenty years ugo, then in his eighteenth year. It is believed by his relatives that ho is some where in Oregon, and they are very desirous ol hearing, from him. It will be to his ad vantage to write to, or call on, C. Gray, Hal sey, Oregon. I he contract entered into by those wbo bind themselves to ship wheat from Albany lo 1 (inland by Cupt. Cochrau s proposed liable for the amount of freight monev as herein after indicated at rules us above." ITI..TI8 OF NEWS. hargos Independent States. free and IndimanrlAnt Kl.ln. ii,.. v.... ...i I . . . . . nnw . ; r ,u low lo the depths or nfamy as to be utterly i C0D,rMt -OP- ' -cue, before he will d I " '" fraud and enrich himself at the expense of Other thlmra whlrh ln,l.m t... o... UM ",m vu,"'u """"" " -r .1.1.. .. . T ?'"10' WV tlos" o "bom he holds fiduciary relations it forever .1 . . L Art Kae. 3.-V.. h ... ...... . 'm u,ou 01 0000 in. .hi. it . . . Z r uu"' Ponw7. nd iudeed for admission into nf rtDh .1.. t. 1. 1 , j . , , " ' """ ,u wuo ne noius nuuciary relations, ofngbtdo. It did not declare "these un ted Ti.. ....... . colonies" a nation. Th. Constitute .... ". 1 "T" ,ner and 'i "Sv C.0U8tltuli,0Q disqualille. man for a position of honor against tbe Tammany Boss and before the ep-edutious began upon the Treasury of the City of New lork. Tweed had shortiy before obtained influence over the patronage of the Street Department aa Deputy Street Colorado was Tally admitted as a State Commissioner, under an arrangement made I on ,ne 3d inst. ith Mayor Ondvke. a renublican. bv whm I Oreen Clay Sini'h, prohibition candidate , . , t , tbe Commissioner was appoiuted, who iben ,nr 1 ntmn ntt8 en the stump, selected Tweed for Deputy." Lani's Billt. Hepre8entdtive Lane passed his bills to pay Modoo war claims and for issue of lieu lands for tbe Klamath Indian reservation ; but they are not yet finally acted on by the Senate. His bills relating to the boundaries ol Oregon j to the San Francisco nave been ordered to Cuey issue of mission land patent, aud for the aula enne- of Umatilla reservation, have been acted on Governor Hendricks visited tbe exhibition favorably by tbe committee, but could not " ' "'"'P' Uto, but was very be passed for want of opportunity to bring J G. Hill of B.Mton, has been appointed supervising architect of the Treasury. The parties accused of complcity in the uamuurg rioi, aave given Dan $1,1)00 each. James Gordon Bennett bas been ed lor Mayor by the Independent Labor puny. Four Companies of the 4th Artillery at AS WE ARE PREPARING FOR A LARGE Manufacturing establishment we prop ,m to ell onr eutire stock of FURNITURE AT RETAIL WHOLESALE PRICES! Tcu is a rare cnaoce to buy good, substantia ua not lei your op. Furniture at nominal pric Lome all D. CHERRY ft BRO. Lower Than Ever I Iron In tbe Blood. Thb Peruvian Svbup vitalizes and en riches the blood, tones np tbe system, bnilds np tbe brokendotn, cares Dyspepsia, Debil ity, Dropsy, Chills and Fevers, Chronic Diarrhoea, Nervous Affections, Boils, Humors, Diabeia. oto, Thuusands have been chanced by the use of tbis remedy from weak, sickly, portuaity past. suffering creatures, to strong, beaitny, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A 32-page pamphlet, containing a history of tbe Feruvun Syrtp, a valuable paper on progress to medical science, a treatise on iron as a medical stfent, testimonials from distinguished physicians, clergymen and others, will be sent free to any adress. Srtb W, Fowl! & Sons Proprietors, 86 Harrison Are., Boston. Sold by dealers generally. Front B. Fellows, m. D.. ofllllf. N. II. Although I have generally a great objec- Hi, T ..tT AJf.AN P0" .v.r .v . . ... . - . " i i,hi inrnin .unnnv mariAia i n a wm justice to Dr. WisTAR'g Balsam or Wild prTnf,1I)l(!rn vnn CiiRRRx that it is a remedy ol superior value w x.vixn.vw x viv vaoii- for Pulmonary Diseases. THE LARGEST BIOCK OP now in comfortable health, who bas taken No Plated Jewelry of any kind la kept In my this remedy, and who but for its nse I con- EitablUhraent. Every article Is warranted aa rep-- sider, would not now be livinc reaenied. I have ao the agency of tbe unrivalled' ' lliamnnd W rtArtr Ian It. t EIXOWS, M. D. To ,.og. intendinir to lieni! Mat rV W.lh -i 111 aa v thai it th.. -Ill I., .1.. - ' . Tb Intense itrhinr mused by certain diwasea of I of h. -.,!. . f J"?. the.kini..pelilJr .llayeu by Uun'e Bulphcb " fi K,lnaB ihtHnan'h fnp th .m. Jli' p Hotp, wlui-h entirely tenons ererjr ipeciet of erup tion, ii rwrfcctly aafe. and fur clearer and more eUettive than any ointment. FOB HEM1. A Ranch and about Four Hundred Head of bheep. Enquire at the Photograph Gal lery, of J. A. Winter. ff Tho National Gold Medal was awarded to Bradley Rulofson for the best Photographs in the United States, aud the Vienna Medal for the best in the world. 439 Montgomery Street, Sin Francisco. List of Lettera Remaining uncalled for in the Post Office at Eugene City, Or., Aug. 19, 1876 : By all means eire me a call before soln. t lending elsewhere. B. L. STONE. Ju24?m 103 Front St.. Portland, Oreg-on. FIRST AND LAST CALL H AVISO BOLD MY STOVE AND TTS" WAftl buainesa to C. Hurbriilge and expect to lean oon, I will request all person! indebted to n toy account or note to call and acttla the same at one or tbey will be plucod in bands for collection. H. T. HAYES. FOR THE : " SPRING & . SUMMER TRADE I Authur, James R Biillcr.T B IliUtow.W Cogswell, Frank Dise. George Fawver, L P Hem, J G Hollinnworth, Wm James, W Jones, George W (t) iveney, w H Maning, J D Mc Alemnder, Marshal (2) McQnlgg, Rob't Neeley, Kdward Public Administrator Parrish, George Bmitb, Sarah lane Smith F J Humners, Mrs Sarah Wood, M B (3) Watrus, I.ymao (J) Wyant, B T Weger H F Wood Arthur H WE BEG to inform ear frienda and th p.Ui. that we hare juit received direct from Has. Franoiaco and the Eaitern markets v AN IMMENSE STOCK or GROCERIES, HARDWARE; DRY-GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, hats and CArs. BOOTS AND SHOES, Clocks, Paints, Oils, Etc., Selected by ou; Mr. S. Rosexblatt, which we offer at HKDUCKD PRICKS. Parties will find It to their advantage to eat. and examira our stock and prices before purchas ing elsewhere. . And all kindi of ammunition fur braech i,w Highest price paid for all k:nda of Produce tiuns. Call and eee me. S. ROSENBLATT & CO. Brick Store, for. Mlamcttt k Eigblb SU., EUGENE CITY. JUST RECEIVED AT MARK STEVENS'. AGENT FOR REMINGTON & SONS' Breech Loading Central Fire military and Sporting RIFLES SHOT-GUNS. ALSO, PISTOLS, CARTRIDGES, t-,1 Intn 11,1. 1T..U- H . ..... ... "i -...... ,u.. vu.uu, uui una UU BlllOt. IL....I I.L.L . .. ... w awwiy ui tue noness ana mo irutuiu And Oregon was - received into tbo Unloo rhfl ..,.' 0, ,h , aa equal footing witb the other Statoa In ... .u . " " ; . II rosoecU whatBBr . ... ....... ' u,"uuw wuu lLmmf D0 "'"K08- , . ,uu ,u ulllUB, d , ,h ,. ,n . . . The r irhta nf Klafn. I.. . v- ... .-iu ..1.1.1. 7 F cluoau asklnj? us agam to trust them. This and the lnvasioo of a Stato for anr nnr- t. ..n k , --"- iw ui crimes, sau ii,nt .I,. .......... i-.-. ... . I,.,....... ... ." m .uouutiur, iub unuigu soeu ' S 0, wheu I.,,. illMnlor 0 th9 offici., mottlf w J im. In : Z if . . c , &U,M n,or1' coJe' Wl" 00 lun5"r b " Poww. W, Tf ' nD,T''nd Mp0,iC'' Jtot.v.not, either him or an, of hi. because It is false according to erenr nrin. v. .v.t. .. . . ,n, nnn. , . ...... . , i.j iu.r aunuiia iner must 06 . rrMb?dicoD- tL; aZ TiUr TV U:"d iUC0D- mayaswelloowmai;., r.rtueof m. Isuiaran , 0",4W lf ceMi.r. and consider their infamous career these States, re. BttWn It is strange that uM. The ropl. hare bad enough of the fact wu not d.covercd before the time .k -... .J.,. . 8 . f iK. I... t. ui- . iniui. nn mni meir miure ecrr ica ; tne of the late Keoublicau eonrcotion in Cioclu- .ho. . ,k ,i ..kk, .k. " r J t, tuw peat Bati. The fact that we are not . natloo is pants cf their plunder, aod the passive spec. tne Kiwi nf f,rmp Ir nlr .ran.1: . 7 '""'T"'' "u m Utor. o their crimes, .re .like covered with r ariu on t th S KfU8h 808,108 rWt'M' Hr their own conduct years as our father, did io the past Ooce has this result been brought about, aod for coDioiioaie us Stales, erase State lines and 11 mJ 0,ve bul themselves lo thank. organixe our Loloo into nation" with all uncommunicative. them U-fore th. House. Jlis bill, concern- recently seen ,bou a Z Zd" I K', mg pasturage lands aud concerning the I the scene or tbe Custer massacre. Portland, Dalles and Salt Lake railroad go On the iltb tbe President sent . message over witnout action. He passed several 10 v'WRress asking ror more troops Jl, private bills. ' I wants 2,500 more cavalry and 5,000 more in laoiry. Notice to Tax-Payers. TOTICE IS IIiCLEBY GH EN that on W,.n. i 1 da . the J8th dav of A n .. I R7 th n f KqualiMtion will atteud at the office of the Countv Clerk of county, at Euirene. Orpirnn mJ publicly examine the ass lament roll for the year oiu auu ti.rrei-i a., errors in valuation, deacr n- tinn i.r nualiiliw nf . ii r -" ui laiiun, ur uit.t-r properly. Dated thit 27lb day of July, I87U. j. W. PAKKa. Aaes8or. Subscribers ta the University. 'pnESCBSCKIBEnstotherniTer.ity willplcaae ti tu t iMS he,r ut.!rlj,''OI inimedjatlj- ao " . V V r-ln ,lw on ana nop interest. UKU. 11. ilUltUIS tn n,ii ...k. fciecreUry. A.V. PETERS & CO., Are now in receipt of a vary large stock of JYEW SPUING GOODS 8lotad with much care from the largeat and beat. . -"(s .urn. iu oan nanciaoo. Our Stock of DRESS GOODS 1 1.... a. ... j i , .. . noui o.ij grauera bdu piier. in all are now at work on tbe Seattle and Walla Wall, railroad. The work is advancing raptuir. A Philadelphia paper publisho J a report tbat tbe lion. J. K. Luttrel bad drawn as a member of . Congressional Com ..., ouu .(.re taau was n.s oue. , ne 8.tor Morton opened the eamn.ieB ,t next d.y the same paper published a retrac- Indianapolis on the Uih with ao attack on tion ol the charge, which was found not true Tilden and Hendricks and the participators oo further investiuatioo. The ret action of ""uur; auair. rrgislativ. power In Congress and all the business of thirty eight Governor, in the hands of a President, it is tUj to see tbat we will be badly governed, end governed by men not onr choice, and wbo have no lym pathy or Interest in common with us. Tbe fenoency or lUdicaJiam is to break down th. confederate principle of the Union and to weaken or utterly dustroy the power, of th. States and put tbe whole power of tbe State, and of the General Government into the hands of a few men. To this end Grant jcraJes a State; for tbis purpose Congres. Iris reported thitt GcDcral Sher man will resign his position as General and Commander-in-Chief of tbe armies of tbe United States, and that oo tho expiration of bis Presidential term Grant will be appointed to the vacancy. If that proo must be pro vided for at public expeose tha t will proba bly be about as good a way as any in whick to do it. lie will bare ample opportunity to mdulge bis habits ol dissipation, and witb that opportunity be will be incapable of do ing either frood or evil tor the service. Corgres. adjosrofd oo tbe I6ta. the charge was not given in the Associated Press dinjtatches. Whenever you go to a Democratic meeting and hear somebody oo tbe ouukiris of tie crowd cry.Hurrah for Jeff Davis," let Dim nave a brick between the eyes ad- part In the Hamburg affair. vise, tbe Louisville Com irr Journal, aod the next morning you will bear of a Radical bummer laid up witb a broken head. Bnerinan writes that the Indians under i.en Lrook are nol enlisted, net even paid They ar with him only to gratify their lust for revenge oo the Sioux. Gen. M. C. Butler, nf South Carolina bas addressed a letter to Congressmen Jones vindicatinjr himself and others who took AaiBiker Oppartanlty for the Relief of tbe Amirtetf. Ex-Lixitexaxt Governor Muller. who was elected oo tbe same ticket with Hayes when the Utter was elected the Tbe Sureeons of the Xatinnal S.irn;.i Iwiitute, heated in Indianapolis ; Pacific i 'i. won, a in. mora iiuiniioe. liuah Str.i ." ... . oan r rapcivo. Dave yielded to the manv nr- Prea't An o DR. JOHN HERRBO LD. ut' T2u ,,.,.. . ' I e-',oaaomeetuieTiew ofall. WHITE GOODS. th. gradea. SURGICAL l.ND lECMSICAl DEMIST. Baa remored to Rogelionr. Oiwiin arhn - sectiully often hit aervicea lo the citizens of that place and vicioity in all the braochea of bis pro-lewion. THE CHEAPEST PLACE 0 . Tha Pariflo Coast for HOME-MADE BOOTS AD SHOES. GREAT REDUCTION IN J. II. DONALD A larjt aaaortment of Bhrinw and lnaertlnn, atw. and beautiful pattenu. STAPLE GOODS: T nl7e,tock!l BlM'irf Moulin, ana Lumm, I Table Linrna. Towelmsn n,1 r ... Hamlkerchief.. Uct and Linen Collar, in all jradaa.'' PRICES. HI, PAT THE HIQHEST JuitXIT miCE; " 'or any number of pounds of GOOD MERCHANTABLE WOOL eec.Hd lime, has declared for Tilden and I rent appeals from thir patrons and friends ueoarcss. .exu ir uregun aod ashimrton IWninri.s ,.t auioioinir rvmona in visit lrnl.n,l n-k. n. I. . ., I . " " . - .... - i m ibs iiouae diii creetinff an additional lornier visit was Rii-h v aa:iafpM. ,A ... Land Office at Colfax, V. T, passed the eQfg'ng. man of the patieoU thenaccept- Scnal. on th. last day of the seeaioo. . ,"'" WIDg o ent.rely cured. i 8'i ueoeaieo and in a fair Wav ol rerarrrr Thro .t lew fear, ago, Tvner, now postmaster the Sutireona will be at ih. p,i:,.. ...... I . ... ... .rl -t-.L. : .till.. , i . . ' a . .uw,,.,u.. v-ra io amaii nuu-i 10 i oriianj. urgo. Irtva Moods r express office io a totacd Iowa town the 28th day of August, notil Saturday tbe 1 oung men who are now bar-teode.s. home 2d rVpu-uihr, 1ST6, six days inclusive.' jockeys and io similar orcertioo. hoo!d Thef will have with tbem a great amount take courage, for there is eo knowio when of surgical appsratun, arnlianoiL mtr mA ma I. nruui m.m r.1 . . C 1 .f , . . -.' -I" ."-.'a ii. u.i aii l-rirni a5 f l.nia and ,irltnn l I ffas now on hand orm- mm h n. ll ...a Af. of Ooots of our own m.ika. hl, k I n K. .. ... n mrardleas of tt, and wa are now prepared to make I mucraiueiouowing- areaUj-reduced pri- Frenrk Talf Knots from 1 to 9 rr pair. California Kip Boots nude to etder fur' 16 par pair .10.. i u. omn wora at equalljr low prices. Rlir. i ".1 j "nucr- " wora wartantl. Lnthr and Kinlmn inr Hl. vHZOtTr oor. South of A. V. I etera Co' J bruk mUm. J. H. POX A LP. 'I'lif'Stst-KiMiS ARE LOCATED ABOUT GROCERIES & VRQVmQiXZ:Z and iaviu the attention of nooke oer. iD Or?oa and Elk are very pleatr T.. HE.SDRCIK3. :;rk'"T'7'"Tn?neenUiereaortioraiea COUNTRY PRODUCE A.T. rTERS CO. betuesdIsv RLYGs. -, of tbeae animalC The rVdeat d M 'plc'tSr- JUST RECEIVED TCm.Z'.8 .LlVA dquiIiiiki aod tha hut i.r.i.i... .r ujpriBiri in itis part of tbe Sute. onr hath oowe ia aew, tiid is eonstructed ilh reference to the wants of thn. Tuitinu n fmra tbe valley. We IT f 3"'" "Par bath room constructed ear the bead of the Sprint;, and in all things, we Ppoea to keep np w.ta the demand for aa bwti tutma of tbia kind. Aa expehencid phnt.-UB In attendenee at all times. Board and 1.-1 T.n. 1. 1 t .l Y AX KEE NOTIONS, "J? tt- ials caa be paatued tor aaull I eoet and be perfectly safe. X. i U., t, 1 V., ' A. N. FOI.ET. PmrrVtor A LAR3K STOCK OP DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES, AT RELTJGED PRICES. position io tb. cabioet-CWa tUu change. l and .le h ! DLi.inMTJTr7 'd aiadaof rRO- ti""" "'"Tl . r,.. Ml Fl Ri THE BMT MIOE KVE BHOCOHT TO to this market, at ths, . T. . II N MUCKS'. S250 A. GOLDSMITH. fcr. HualnrukoralMaaa4 Srt J 1 u-".tr. wl frM. s4lmt QRIU a CO SU Loata.Mo.