BEN. F. DORR IS, DEALER- IN Stoves and Ranges, Tin Ware, PLAIN, FANCY 4 JAPANNED Shovels and Tongs, Fenders r Fire Dogs, Cauldron Sr Wash Kettles. Hollow, Iron and Copper Ware, PORCELAIN, TINNED ft BBAS8 PRESER VING KETTLES, Driven Well k Force Pumps, Lead and Iron Pipes, Hose "'pes and Hase IN FACT, Everything belonging to my bow dm, til of which 1 will sell t th LOWEST CASH PBICES. JOB WORK Of lt kinds don promptly and In a itlefactIor manner. WELLS DRIVEN PROMPTLY ' AKD Satisfaction Guaranteed. By attention to busluss and honorable dealla bop to mtrit a shir of your patronage JtS BEN. F. DORMS. - All peuona knowing themselves in dobtea to. me will please call and 8KTT1I WITHOUT DKLAT. B. V. DORRIS. CEO. B.WALTON. iEW A A HON LYNCH FIRM AND NEW GOOD 8. In Dorria' Brick Building. Walton 8l Lynch Bit formed ft copartnership for the purpoe ol carrying on general Grocery and Provision Business, tod wilt keep on hand a general a eortmentof Orooerlea, Tobacco, Nut, 1 Beeps, Provisions, Clgara, Candlea, Candlea, Crockery, Notion Wood and WlllowWaro. Green and Dried Fruit, Cured Meat, Etc., Etc. They propone to do bualneaa on a CASH BASIS, Which meana that Low Prices are Established Goods delivered without charge to Buyer ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED For Which -WB WILL PAT HI (111 EST MARKET PRICES Eugene City Brewery. MATHIAS MELLER.l'ro'ii. ts sow prepared to fill all onion for LAGER BEER E3 OF A SUPERIOR QUALITY. Com and m fur younwlf. A ffuod artiolo wedi nooromeatiiiilua, A8TOR HOUSE. B, C. PENNINGTON, - Proprietor. rTWIS WELL-KNOWN LANDLORD haa aaaln X taken charge of th. AHTOH liOl'MK. and tun rs-fltted and ra-funii.hed th. mm, ami will kwp it Mound to ao houM In tin Hut. You nxl not few to giv. btia a mil, for ha tatilt will l .upplieil with th. bast th country afford.. Charge, rtataouabki wjrof ODfl, mm .11. Carding and Spinning. TTATINO PUNCH ARED the Machinery owned Jl by 0. Goodchild, I am now prepared to Disks au aiuus ui YARN, BAITS, Ac, Forouatomers , At the Lowest Living Rates. WM, IRVINO. Elf GUY E CI T V. OllEGOM OPPOSITION IS THE LIFE OF TRADE SLOAN BROTHERS I.LDOWOSK CUEATER IW a.. shop ia town. HORSES SHOD POR gl 50, Wli b sew maUrial, all round. Resetting old show f reals. All warraaled le give eallalaellon. Shop on Eighth st., opposite Horn NEW HARNESS S1I01. CHAsfHADLEY, it Uuuu't Old Stand, "TEEPR CONSTANTLY ON HAND A GOOD v vrraeu. im Ol Hack, Burgy & Team Harness, C.J II.,. IPL... ' Spurt, flaltera. Collars, Curry Comb and Dratbet And everything osually kept In Brat (last B.r 6p. JUST RECEIVED. A LABJB BTOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES. GROCERIES. YANKEE NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. '!'tw B1ret forallkindsofPBO KtK.HIDtatodFtM. A. GOLLSmm iENTAUR L INIMENTS. LdUrram a PotlmtuHr. Aniioch, III., Deo. 1, 1874. "MW. i. . KOBg 4 Co : "Mywifebss for a long time been a terrible sufferer from rheuteiiti.m. 8 lie ban tried man physlci'ins and mauy lemcdie. Tbe only thing whlcn ha given ner relief M Centaur Liniment. I am rejoiced to say this hs cured her. I am do ing what I can to extend It sale. W.H.BINO. Thla la a .ample of many thooiand of testimoni al.! received, of wonderful cure, effected by tlx Ceotaor Liniment. Tbe ingredient of thl. article are published around each bollle. It contalua Wlleh Has I. Mentha, Arnica, Rock Oil. Carbolic. and ingredient Hitherto little known. It la an indisputable fact that the Centaur Liniment is Jerfnrmlng more cures of dwellings, fltlff ointa. Eruptions, Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Jci.tU ea, Caked Breasts, Lock-iiw, Ac. , than all other Liniment, Kmbrocatious Extract. Salves. OinU menu and ni iters now in uae. For Tootbacha, Ejracbe. Weak Back. Itch, and Cutaneous Eruption., it la admirable It cure borne ard scalda without a .car. Extract polton from bites and .tings, and heals front-bite, and chilblain., Ins. hort time. No family can afford to be without the Centaur Liniment, white wrap- lL. . .. j Be centaur Liniment. Yellow wrai ier, ia adapted to tte tough akin, munch and cb of tbe animal creation, it eflecbt unon everecasasof Spavin, Sweeny. Wind Gall, Bis Head and roll Evil, are little teas than marvel- luos. Messrs. J. McClur A Co.. Druggist, cor. Elm and f rom ni. , Cincinnati, O., suyi 'la our neighborhood s number of tesmster are using the Centaur Liniment. Tbey pro nounce It superior to sovlliing ther -hav evei used. We aril as high sa lour to Ave dos n bot tles per mown to the teamsters." nave thousand, or similar testimonial.. For Wounda, l.'all., Hcratchea. Kins- bone. Ac. snd for Screw Worm in Hheeo it b no rival. Pinners, l,lvery-men, and Ktotk-raixera have in tbla Lluimenl a remedy which la worth a hun dred timea It cost. Laburuttiry of J. B. Roan & Co., 48 Dar St., Nkw Yong. Pitcher's Castoria. Mothers may have rest and their hahiea ma have health, if they will use Caatorla for Wind Colic, Worms, Feverlnhtteas, Bore Mouth, Croup, or DiomTu compiainta. 11 is entirely a vegeta ble preparation, and contains neither mineral, morphine, nor alchohol. It ia a pleasant to tuke aa noney, and neither gag. nor gripea. nr. r,. niraocn.oi itunont. u..aavat "I am u.lng Castoria in my oractlce with thi mow etgnai nenetit and Gappy result." una ia wnai everyone asya. Mont nurses In Kew York cliy une the Cs.turla. It M nrensmd by Mrnsrs J. B. Roue A Co., 46 lley Ht.New lork, Buoccaaors to Samuel Pitcher, M. D. A New Deal. R. G. GRAHAM, . MERCHANT TAILOR. HAS JUST RECEIVED FROM THE EAST a Hue ol Hue and lunhloiialila ninth, inch aa uaa never ueror been brought to Eugene, con. i.ii ug oi Pant Goods, Coaling., n a Grades, ud Vine Veailuc. CALL AND SEE MY STOCK, it. o. Gil a inn. NORTH PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION UF t OKI LAM), OUKUON. Wat foundrd In the year lf)9i, with a Capital Block of 1 100,00(1, on a Uold Coin Basis, and lu- oorporatod under the Irwa of the State of Oregon OFFICERS; P. WaaHRnuaN, President. K. Qi'cKNi'HH, Vic President. I). W. WasariRLD, Secretary. W. S, Lapp, Treanirer. W. H, KtriNiisH, Attorney, M. P. Muhsm, Manager. DIRECTORS: P. WasHtasuN, W.8. Laon. ' W. II. ErriNoia, Wm. Wahham, J. L. Atkinrom, M. P. Moatti, WAlSriBLD, 1 iVbits, E. Qt'aossNar.n, U. W. TABLE RATES. LIFE POLICIES. FIVE AOES-A.B.C.D.E. A Agea between 1 A II annual premium.. U 00 B It. 10 r a no " " 80 " 44 .. S 00 K " 60 AM 4 00 Or 133 may be paid at anyone time, on any IIU policy, and no further Annual Premium will b required, nor any fui ther payment, except for Ikatieafh A ua a.ia.,l. 1 at.. .a .1.1 a . . .'asa.M aaysfwuiwuH 1H UAw JCVIJ QITUIOO U VUtJ a" WWI O. J. BUYS, local Agent Y' fAHKlfc VOIR WHKATstthe UJJINgH JBtaUUl 1 TK U T. O. HENDRICKS. ,. HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, Hubs, Spokrs, Kim, Oak, Ash and II Ickor) Plank, i kohtiikip Tiionrsox, POKTLAND, '. . . ORBOON. JeJVIm Assessment Mice. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that at a meet ing of tbe Board of ftirwtnra r .K. . luuikt rarmrr. anvantlia Sav uiku. k.u in 1 1 ui oay or June. IH78. t arwnieiit nt t l"y oa in capibtl slorl .iKiiV, was hrf wo. rs:uiio j. c. vns n, Or at Oabura'a drag store to F. M. WILKIN'Oh DK tSl'niNCY 6i CO. PrEClALISTS, ! II K'araey Street. THREAT ALL CHRONIC and private i m. .iuiwi ui am im aierrurr. CONMLTATIOX8 FREE. Office boors to IJ .; I to J ad to I a. m. Call or tiirrm Dtt. A. B CPINSET A CO., Ko.ll K.sist.8t tan r'raooice, OSEBURQ ana SANTA CRUZ .VIKM . T. G HENDRIOKR. : Important Notice, A CHANOK HA VINO EEEV MADE IH THE Ui ownerunpoi in nunnirneia SLiiiinir imum. I it is foon'l nervwary to Kttk- up all ouUundiuf to- leounu. I'.rue. (diiwiuz UiemiwIrM lruli.l,il n I Mini 'mpny, will pleww some forward at onoe and Mill, oj ptjmuai ui caan or not witb sripruTad K cunty. antllemrot can b mad. with 11. t. htrat- ton .t Uunn'. .tore in Euirene City, or at th olllo oi uw voupany in i-pnnirn.'io. I'erordur M lil .NOHtl.D MILLINU CO. oraiaoriaui, ur., nur. u, is; a. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL CAN BE FOUND AT BIS OFFICE or real dene when not professionally umt2ed. Office In the build ins- of Forbes A Hill. Photo. sranhers. Willamette atm.t. fbiHfni'ji nniuuii. Norrla Humphrey's new row of buildings, South Willamette btreet. ten in r New Store ! New Goods I ! New Prices!!! GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR. TIBBETTS & CO. WILLAMETTE ST., EUGENE ITY, Opposite Poat Offio. Toys. Tankcc Notions, Tobacco and Cigars. Having bought our rood, from th Great Eastern Yankee Notion Company. Of New York w are prepared to sell at AT SAN FRANCISCO PRICES. Call an1 .ee for yourslres. Barnes scroll saw. foot or steam power. Warrant It Cut 3 Inch Slug I Fsol p.r Minut. Ssnd lor Circular. PRICE, S30 OO. OSBORN ALEXANDER, 524 a ARKET STREET, epp. PALACE HOTEL- Ban Frsneltco The Great Mochanlos'Tool Stort t th Paclflo Coast. Well Improved Farm for Sale. AN IMPROVED FARM of 800 . cr., 100 acre. I under cultivation; all un ler fen on and th. iro- provementa In good onlur, wbl' b w will sell at a bargain. Hituated i miloa w' of town and haa a goul outranga for .took. Appiy at mi. otnee. 17ISITINU CAHDS-Veryneat-atths V GUARD OFFICE. G HANGE BLANKS at the OUARD OFFICE. MUSIC DEALERS, Cor. KEARNEY A SUTTER St., BAN fRANCINCO. Agents . for the Pacifio Coast. CAN CE Il'S Removed without nain. or the uneuf eithoreaurtic or the knife, ami milically rureil. If painful, and ail oMn ulcer formed, meilirine. will be sen. by Ex pre, to giv. pnimpt relief. Con.ultation by letter, On. Dollar, bend Ml cents lur Htxik witb deacrip- ure uisos, neiorvure. aim i eai mimiai.. una. s-Ana mvi,i-.iki, il Kut imh 8tnt, New Yt Forilliam & Jciiiiiiiss GROCERS, Nos. COO & G02 FRONT STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. OSIILlliV XLO'S t XJEW DRUG BTOKB, WiiUmett treet, nex LV to BrUtow A Co. URaLRRS IV DRUGS, CHEMICALS, OILS, PAINTS. GLASS, VARNISHES PATENT MEDICINES, c. Brandies. Wines and Liauorr OF ALL KINDS. have the beat Mortmeat article found In a FIRST CLASS DRUG 3T0RE. W warrant all of our drnrs, for they art a) new ana ireea. Partietutr attentive la called to our stock of Perfumery at.vj . Toilet Articles. Aa w have bought OUR (JOOVS FOR CASn We eaa compel w th any eaUUI.hment Eugene I'ny Id prik ' accommodaiioa. Buy your fd. J o rsa gel the best and ebe est rrfifripiicDi t'arcfuy Fillr. At all hours of the day or Bight. OSllt'KN & C 0-tobr . MK mtt. Xotice to Creditors. NOTICE i. tenhy gim iKat Ihs aalennrwed llualel tl amMnluc o( llw HUH J M Lalilall. (WtchI, by fh nmnty iwirf lm rnnuly, (tvwi. aa,l all prroiaa W.iar rUiau a,r'-4 .i.i ru,l. ar aMirVI prmmui th aaai. ! Ui as ed at Ui. rt' tnc mm'.t ln tk. der. h, . JIART1N, Ada r. ELLSWORTH & CO., Successor to Ellsworth & Belthaw. DRUGGISTS, WILL CONTINUE THE BUSINESS IN all It departments at the old stand, offering Incressed inducement to customers, old and new. As heretofore the most Careful attention given to Prescriptions. The change In the firm requires tbe Immediate nct'lement of all old accounts. mjrl KEARNEY'S FLUID EXTfiACT - 1 I aAVSt. thi osli (sown auinT roat BRIGHT'S DISEASE! and a rosinri midt ron I10UT. CKAVrX, STRICTURES, DIABETES. DYSPEPSIA. NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPSY, FEMALE COM PLAINTS, Non-Retention or Inoontinuanca of Urine, Irrita tion, Inflammation, or Ulceration of the Bladder and Kidneys, Spermatorrhoea, Lenoorrhoe or White., Irregular or Painful Monies, Bearing Down, Chlorosis, titer ility and All Complaints Incident to Females. KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU For Blone in th Bladder, Calculua Gravel or Brick- dust, and Hucua or Milky Dis charge., and Disease, of the Prostata Gland. Kearney's Extract Buchu Cures Diseases Ansina from ImDrudeoeea. Hsbits or Diuipntion, fctc., in all their .tax a, at little ex. penae. littis or no change in diet, no inconvenience, I and no extxmnre. It cause, a frenuent desire, and I irive. .trenirth to Urinate, thereby removing Olwtruc- tmn., freventinir an I Curing btrictures of the Ure th a. Allaying Pain and Inflamation. and expelling an fciiannuii. matter. Uaed by parson, in the dec! in or ehange of life I after confinement or labor pain., bed-wetting in cnunien, etc. Prof. Steele say.: "One bottle of Kearney'. Ex trai-t Buchu ia worth mors than all other Buchua I combined." KEARNEY'S EXT. BUCHU Permanently cure all affection, of the Bladder, Kidney., and Dropsical Swelling, exi.ting in Men, Women and Chililrvn, ao matter what th ag. Asa loraearneys. i aae no oilier. Price One Dollar per Bollle, or Six Bottle for Five Dollar. Depot, Cob. Maiden Lam & William Streets, NEW YORK. A Fby.iei.n in attendance to an.wer eorroennnd I enc and giv advice gratia. Send .tamp fur I'anv pmeia ire. .SOLD BY CRANE & BRIGHAM, Wholesale Agents, San Francisco And by DniggiaU everywhere. W. C. NELSON'S Improved Iron King Wind Mill. (Patented Nov. 9th, 1875.) THE TRUE FRIEND OF THE Fruit Grower the Farmer, the Irrigator, AND ALL , W 110 REQUIRK T H K USE OF W ATER There are several reasons why this Mill sh Id be p reierrea to ail oinei : 1st. It I far more durable hecausa II Is .11 iron. Id. It Is Cheaper beranse of ..a .Imnfirltv .nd d'itability.and will outlast several Wooden Ui. Iii. It bLeasConiplirated heraunthereiaonly thn pieces of operating machinery. 4th. It Is mora powerful thsa any other Mill. on account of the thin fan, and consequent in creased suction of air. and because it b np rstcd by so eccentric, being far superior to the crank shaft or rest pin, as a lifting and falling power. 4th. It needs bo ea;. oo watching, havi self-feeding oil ceps and srlf-ivguUtiug vsues. II regulates, protects and lakes care of itself. 6th. It never warns, hnnk. or swells, hence it ia ant liahl. to gel out ot order. One up. it ii -i .... r guva an riaoh Tib. It d mort work, ran easier and thmwa a taiger bdy of water. II will snbmerkr a Isrger tract of land, with tea. wind and ia a shorter suae of time than any other w indmill Bow ia a. II may be set to turn out of tbe wild t sny desired presaui. inert neing a graaualea kver fur that purpoae. ftth This Mi!l took th only nremiuns rivea al I th California i'Ul Fair, over tbe many other uvri va ciBioiiioa. PRICE UST : I Foot Wheel 1W 10 " no 11 " " 160 Kills aad County right for sale by Z. 8. McmTRRaT. Ir Yoc biti a " to Sell, ADVERTISE ! It YOD WAST TO BCT, ADVERTISE ! If Yoc bate Loft Asttiiiso. ADVERTISE! Ir worn) SnxiED is IriMgss ADVERTISE I ADVERTISE ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE! ADVERTISE VS.HIC I LTI M t L l1PLtTtTS aU aads at utaio agarea. a i r ) i mm No. 649 Clay Street, BETWEEN Kearny and Montgomery Street, SAN FRANCISCO. DR. DOHURTY'8 Lareelv and Steadily In creasing Practice, which haa constantly kept pace with the unexamined Increaxe and steady growth of tbe Pacific Coast, induced hia removal from his long established and well-known quarters, on the corner of Sacramento and Leidesdorn streets, in this city, to more commodious and eligibly located anartments. at Ho. 649 Clar Street, where he has a spacious suite of handsomely fitted np and conveniently arranged Examination and Con sultation Rooma. (occupying tbe whole of the two upper stories) which patients may at all timea visit, and see only th Doctor and bis as sistants. With the most grateful sentiments of regard for tbe liberal patronage bestowed on him for the past thirteen years, al bis old omce, DR. D0HERTY desires to inform the General Public, and e.ipecl ally all those laboring under all forms of Chronic Complaints, that he can be consulted at 649 Clay street, on every variety ol Disease of tbe Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive aad Genito urinary Organs, and ail SPECIAL DISEASE3, of which the list ia numerous, and which are more closely connected witb the general health than the majority of people or aware. Uuhappy invalids for years persist, in concealing their con dition from a motive originating in mistaken del icacy, and 8ufler in ailence until their miseries be come too acute to be repressed, and mental and physical debility Unfits tbe sufferer for active duties of life. This latter type of affliction manifest itself in me complaint proiessionaiiy Known as Syphilis, In all its forma and stages; Seminal Weakness, and all the distressing forms of Self Abuse, or Onanism : Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Stricture: Nocturnal rnd Diurnal Emissions, Sexti'il Debili ty, Diseases of the Hack and Loins. laflnmmation of the Bladder and Kidneys, eto., etc. The num ber of persons suffering from theae horrible Dis eases, in whom the Doctor has effected a radical cure, tan becoanted by the thousand jind the vol nntary certificates in his possession, received from persons he haa restored to health.are enough to aat- iufy all that tbe Doctor's skill in the treatment of these anections, enables him to warrant apeedy cures, even in obstinate cases, and in every instance give relief. Diseases which formerly oaniea tue meuicai skiii oi tne most learn ed and experienced Practitioners of the heal Ing art, and were regarded by the majority of Physicians as utterly incurable, now readily vleld to modern remedies, when prescribed by the Intel- ligent Practitioner, who makes the human sys- tern, and these special ailments, his constant study snd subject of observation. In no cae is publicity permitted except at the express wisn oi ine pat ent; ana tne uoclor con fldentlv trusts that his Innir eineriem o ami .nr. cessfnf practice will continue lo insure aim a lib eral share of public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the United States, be is ensbled to apply the moat successful reme dies against diseases of all kinds. He cures without mercury, charges moderate teea, treats nis patient in a correct and honor able way, and baa references of unquestionable veracity, irom men ot auowu respectability and high standing in society. All parties whomsv consult him by letter or otherwise, will receive the best ana gentlest treatment. TO FEMALES. When a female is afllicted with disease, as weak ness of the hack and limbs, pain in the head, dim - ness of sight, lusa or muscular Dower, na nitation oi iue neari, irniaoiiity. nervousness, derange ment or digestive (unctions, general debilitj.all diseases of the womb, hysteria, sterilitv. and all other diseases peculiar to females, she should go or write at once to Da. W. K. his neoicai institute, ana sne will receive every no. sible relief and bob. Let no false delicacy prevent you. bat annlv Im. mediately, and ssve yourself from painful suOer- iug aou premature ueatn. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Patients (male or female) residing ia anv nart of the country however distant, who may desire the opiniouand advice of Dr. Dohertv In. their re spective cases, and who th nk proper to subm.t a kiukd statement oisiicu, in prelerenca tonnld- ing a personal interview, are respectfully assured that their communications will be held most orrd. The Doctor is a regular graduate, and mav Im. consulted with every confidence. If the disease be fully and candidlv A pvraunai cuuiunmiciiiii. will. 10 luiwt rases, he instructions for diet. th geueraltrestment of the ra.e Itself 'i.wl, !,,. the remedies), will b forwsidtd, withsit delsy. uw iu mu. iu .uiicr aa iu couvey no laea or the purport oi me letter or parcel so transmitted. Should your condition reouire immediate atten. tion, send ten dollars ia coin, (or that value in currency) by Mail, or Wells, Fargo A to. Ex - pres., aou a pacaag Of medicmea will h. f..r warueutoyour auurtsa, wild tbe necessary in tniction. lur use. Cotisultutions. at the office orhv letter TUFF Addres W. h. DUUERf Y. M. D.. San KraD.iiu-i vau . OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. DR. DOnERTY is a skillful nhrrlan andh.,.. orabl gentleman. Any statement he make, to bi.patienta he is sure to fUiUII. That fai t ia n great cau. of hia eminent success la hia prfes- -i"u. i. w luruiuaie mat among tne maty adver tising physician, there ia on that can be depend- All " DuWiau. "DR. DOHERTY'S reputation ai a physician a aumcient giiar.nte lor the cure of any case "uvic. v a.arrra. vnronicie. other cihc practice." Adrror. PR. DOHERTY. Fev r men la th medical profeasioa hare aunveded a gaining IheconB- DR. DOH ERTY ranks a. one of oar nvsrt dis- tinguMhrd phraiciana. and also in. Ife most successful, which is now th criteria. . medical practitioner U ludgteV' Fho. akhthe DR. DOHI-ntTY eni,.r. a ar. ticetbaa anyphywcua ia this SUte--txp res. P. BTh Dorlnr will m.ri 1.1. ki. fpeeial Duvases. to any addrea oa receipt of ail ttnta ia pustigt stamna. for return poaUge. ' for ralb A FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE. APPLY AT THE GCAED OFF1CI 3l)a 4ay at hoaae. Ar-at. wasted. OatS, aa4 inai fre. TELK CU., AapaHa, e wnrlk fl imVKDODEItm "DR. DOHERTY ha. devoted hi. atn.1. . panicuiany to cnronie. specitlc and private prc- , , , uucrlng 'rom the effect of yoothfnli in, and as u h is now the moat sucreful of any f" " l '"niioa. will do well to avail thenv. physici ia Kan Fraucico.vFre Presa. ' "Tlm r.f ,h,s- greatest boon ever I.J ., ,kT . i , . . , . - J I B I. DR. DOHERTT-S ren..u(in. i. w.-.i ar of auffenng humanity. DR. rpivncv -ill physicia. on the coastT n c hZZZT. ZS? fo?".t V y cm. of iminal r i S. STEIN II ElSEIt, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DEALER IH First-Class FamUy Groceriei CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow War AL83 FINE WINES AND LIOTTOkS For medical and family asc. And everything else nially kept ia a Flnt Claas FAMILY GROCERY STORE I beg leave to inform the citizens of Eugens sad is surrounding country that I have f.. in,-. , ... cheaper than any other house this aide of Pur Uaa Fresh supplies received veekly,' Of th very best qualities oklt. My motto is Small Profits and Quick Stiles. Please call and learn mv oricea hefnra Ttn WrA m t w. a elsewhere ' S. STEINHELSER, Willamette Street, Engene City. Cash Paid for Bacon and Eggg. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City FREE OF CHARGE. J. M. THOMPSON, C. W. FITCH THOMPSON 4- FITCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND 'J, REAL ESTATE -'AGENTS', Eagene City, Oregon , . Ojce two doori North of the Pott Office. REAL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD, LOANS NEGOTIATED and ABSTRACTS OF TITLE FURNISHED WE HAVE A COMPLETE ABSTRACT OP TITLE of all property in Eugene City, and perfect t mat of the same, prepared with great care. .in plague iu tue aiuerem i;ouru oi the State. Special attention given to the collec tion of all claims that may be placed in onr hands. Legal lenders bought and sold. aug.l AFTER A QUARTER OP A CENTUM Of active work In the field of honorable practl in California during which time thousand of the most difficult cases of Pieraature Decay and Disease ofCoa- laminating Poison have been overcome and th snflerere restored to healthy and vigorous lift and manhood th DR. J. C. YOUNG Medical and Surgical Institute still oners to the afflicted tbe positive assurance ol boiorable treatment and rapid and absolute cures, as can be shown by tbousanda of testimoni als from grateful Patients. Let me call the atten. tion of those who suger to some of the effect of SEMINAL WEAKNESS. The preservation of health and life Is depnci upon the proper condition of the procreative func tions and any weakness or cause of weakness- of the generative organs or theii uses Is a direct at tack upon the general health aa well as a sure de-.truction-if not properly cured-of the organ that are the pride of one sex and the blessing of the other. Im Youth is laid the foundation of much ol the misery of after years by the indnle enc ot the most desthtctivb' of habits making lire a curse and spreading weakness and ruin among mankind, for il is a well knewn fact that the Indulgence in solitary vice, even in the slight est degree, plants seeds of weakness in the system that grow to a harvest of disease, sorrow and abame in after years. YOUNG MAN iryon experience nny weakness you should not delay , for a day may Imperil your health If not your life. In all forms of Weakness and Prima ure Decay a Cute I. Guaranteed by the Dorttrto the Young, Middle-sged or Old, without Exnoanra or Hindrance from Business. The Reme,ii. purely vegetable and of a Natnre that eaves no taint behind. Obshvb the symptoms and htaS to check the course of the complaint, If o". perience anv of them nlirhil. a:.i..'. ' .7,'?. discharges at other times, trembling, araiety, for- fnrlw88, c"n5,9ion: Pain in back. 'imh or body, forebodings indigestirn, timidity, aversion tow. ciety loss of power, want of control, variable tern, per attacks ol sickness akin to biliousnes., depoSl Its In urine. Irregular bowels, etc., etc. TERRIBLE POISONS. Among the most subtle and virulent of poison in the human blood ia that ria; r cure, in hideous sore upon varloua parte ufibe SbngU,tt.8l'0,'iDg ?" & S THE IIRE OP UPDrrrBir llyi?,9Jl.i8terr,bl PI" y drying It. .. u-H euiiiii-ii mii ii nnv nii . k .v. i; t. -iood. All YkmuIlT&Z. ' .T SOU AND CAN SS COMT,n.,.; . " and the only certainty f prevention of traMmiw sion Is in the positive cnreaol the rerormTeatl ment practiced at the Dr.J.C. Young MSJi Iusntute. comprehensiye acienVific i SSCooS" having received endorsements aa th. w8.? meru iiracii. Kecent cases t!ured in a feva day, and clminlc eases with remarkal.Ui raDldity Our testa of the presence of th. , t.i P- 21 modern nr(u a . w' blood are never failing. TO FEMALES, i nere are no class of theaymoathie. of th. ZXC " "H" mand 1U grav-t thonght TtadV aZtSt afflict women. The Doctor ter yra 7Z "b'Z '"J?"? " V1"1 ' e?1"- nre Ihemripid and thor-K - "J""'!? ' plainu incident to tbe sex. T w. . . . 1 Those who reouire tor can furnish wilt, ailment, with -? . u" .kiilUil nurse. iT' constant care give every aUUlirataaai nf 9 permanent cure. " - no The Institute is tnpplied with a LYING I V Tiro .U.e! ZSEZ? KCMt eaun- CURED AT HOME. CrHSISPO!PIMTt Th. j-.m. .. ick find is, he trouble o? u;r.c ? Ttl incurring an expense far txceedinVth. I . e? "i1.0.!- "H 'nyonr own wy X or complaint. Cure T lAHimal :.:a . communicationa strictly conBdential and allltu ters enter returned or deatn..,i an ii. A- The Doctor can be relief 'n. i. . miuiring lOSriDINra .vn " """" eonBdence in him. all .:" fP"" tttaa. He will .Deedilv rel ... . ?"J'. ,n Ba" Addre.. " ' --joa. BENJ.F. JOSSELTK. M. DM Bex 735. R p 'PJ . nuumi, cat. - 1 m m 1 .IV" ? "derUkCT Mi to cn: He wonld therefore ur to th. .u.....i,i;. r -""ai anurrer auiice, mat yon . avuaa woen y, ing the proper remedy for "7 h in the irsl .Uge; renUmheV vX no to time mast ri.m. .. physici. ran render yon bo a-wistanc whew tha do. of bop. will be cloaed Jh7. angel ol m. re, c. bring you relief 7 ii ha. tbe Doctor failed ol iiirm. T. il"."5r jrlfoftbebeoeanalrrKiluol bis treatment be. la -ti 7 L. l" of medical h. l.or before grim death borne, yoa to . pm matrtgTTa, mil rTCIa .f treatment $U OO !d money bv nnatntTir. Md-cripUoaofoa' cXor iddreiT" " DR A.B. BPI5NET, Jo. 11 kears, ttrert. tan Francisco. orl GE0.JBU1S, BOOK AND fJOB PRIXTFTi tfD l, u a. t. u Ht.tDF.ICi3. iliau. rsrtUad, TVQdK CltT. CP.I&OV.