- .,1 She Told IIr Love Ukraine Couldn't Help II. v bhe It is dangerous lor a pretty young woman to keep house for a handsome yunggbnchelpr, pvca wliuro both pnrtios'strietly obscrvo the moral law: 'Uo virtuous ami you'll be happy." Miss Missouri U dinger kept liouso last year lor Mr, James Burl, in Kant jeaTenworin. Mm Missouri , was a good girl, and James was a correct young man. Ho was. so correct, and proper and promMlng that the cirl fell deeply, and dcHijcratofy in love with nun. Nio tulil turn ot her love, simply because alio couldn't lieln it, and slid afterwards proved bet- right to ma no tlicso warm advances ujod las icy coldness. But she could not molt him. He stood out manfully against all tlio overflowing wealth of her affection,' and bo had a right to ao that, too, and was just in doing it, if he could not give heart for heart. it was a most tinloriimrtto affair, nevertheless. Miss Missouri's era nil mother lived near, and the girl might uavo taken refuge from Iier cunsuiiiini! passion in tho house of her aged rela tive, but Bho was completely fascinat ed and could not leavo tho roof ot James hurt, llo was unmarried, and liopo still cltHior to his bachelorhood, The other day James was preparing 10 go yuciiiRon, ana Missouri heard lio was going to get married, llo was stunding before a glass giving ins hair tho tmiNhing curl. The uu l camo up behind him nnd asked to be permitted to comb his Lair, lie turned, and slio made a dash at his throat with an open, flaming razor. By a lucky catch ho wrenched the razor from her grasp. Slio then asked him for poison that sho might take it and beoomo ns cold as ho was, lie had no poison about him, and refused , her even this last boon of happiness in a world of woo. Sho left hiir, weni 10 ner grandmother's and Lor rowed a pistol, with which siio sai. Jamra wanted to shoot a hoij. .She returned, and camo with the pihtol conocaiod In her bosom, into the room whoro James still was daintily u-ikius nm wouuihg toilet. Mio pass wu niiouii uio room into tho kitchen pieasanuy asking JJurt to follow her mere, as sho had. Huinething nico to enow mm. no said that lie woul como in a minute, ami jiiNt then ho heard a shot. JIo went quicker than a imiiuio, ami louiid poor Missouri lying on tho kitchen floor with ouuet nolo in her temple. Sho was insoiiHiblo, and soon as cold as ho was. After decently attending the juuitw oi iuiHsoun, no rearranged his toilet, combed his hair nnd went to wucuuiBou to get mai lied. Ho rpilK IIKST NIIOKS KVEIl HR0VG1IT TO tu i uio lowet prliM t, .7 t . . , , v T. ii. UtMHilCKS'. ROSEBURO M.tfEat ana SANTA CRUZ T. 0. HENDRICKS. Important Notice. A CIIANOE DAVIKO HKEW MADE IJj THE J. V ownership of tlie Mnrfnifttl.l Milhnir property. It li found niyiwarr to UN. no .11 ,mt,UM(i,,.,. .Z annua, ranie. anowln- tliemMlve. iiultl.u.l to win p!cm! come lorwaid at once and wttle tijr payment l euh or not. with approved ae. i-urity, N.-UUim-iil rain t nrnde with 1J. K. Mrat- , i "m ttore in j-.uirene uty, or at theidke w me 4nummy in nrinriL'n-'i'i. fcr onlw t i'itiNijniir.D jixLuxuco, gi'iiiiiuriiLD, Or,, Nov, 3,1, ls;j. , ' The Howe Hcwiiiu .Huchinci. POUTS OF SlTRIOKITY. fimj)liciti, Jrfection of Mcchanitm, ' ' fiumL'ditijWiU ' lad a Zidiii'ie. flange of Work Without Parallel, Perfection of Stitch and Ttntion. Ewe of Operation and Management. Sclf-AdjuUlng Taie-up. A'1 j us talk Head. T.V range of work this Machine am not be X eqtiiili-U. will work crjnally well on thick or thin goods, from gauze to lit-uviewt Ix-uvcr coat ings, or even leather, without change f needle, tension, fr thread. We will warrant them to do thin. Our line work in enual to any, and our lii'avv work i cel that ol uur otlmr AtHcliiue in tho world. 1 hi Machine makca the cMebrated I)ck-ntltch --tlie alitcb Invented hi llr. Howe alike on hothflilea. The temloue are uonltlre fur both upper and lower thread. The ahuitle tcnaion la upon the thread aa It leavra the ahuttle. aud not ti e Ixihiiin, aa in moat Machine, and thia teualon la Invariahle, whether the boiitiln be full or nearly empty. It ia obtained by turning a arrew hi the ahuttle, and can lie changed in a moment, without taking out the work, breaking the thread, or iiiri':i,iiK iiiroucn noiea. What we olitiin. In miliKtnnie. la. that thia li mi niMiri j'liitoiiu-, auu. ii put io your lainilr will do any and all of your woik jierlectly, will lant a liletiine ia a willing and ready aetraut, and in hut Mill.i,,,-! tr, I'eraona who liae tried all Machine am unnnl- WILLAMETTE ST.. FI1RFNF tnmiti in ilur lurliur Idly tn . iU anUli..i ..t I ' ' '"rt mi av (lie Ufinivrrw IICU Ol I DR. JOSEPH P. GILL CAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICfi or real dence when not Drofeaaionallv mini i,l. Oflloe in th btiililirijr of Forlma Hill, Photo irraiiliera, Willamette atreet. Iteaidenca opposite uuiuMiirj oew row oi Duuuinn, tkiutn Willamette Htreet. aep 20 New Store ! New Goods II New Prices!!! GOLDEN IiULE BAZAAIJ. TIBBETTS & CO. ITY, any In the market. In the Majority ol cunea our cimiomcra learn irom the Instruction book witbout luriner am. OppoWtel'iMt OlHce. Amonj the many "Fimt Prom!uma"aardeil toe LIAS HOWE SEWING MACHINES Hay to montionsi tbe folLwingi The International Exhibition of ult Nallona, Lon- uon, a "(! Jlfij;il. .New York .Stale Fjlr, iMiil. KxpoHltlou Unive,elle, 1'arla, JW17. a (ioht medal. Onwa ni the Le jjlon of Honor to Kllaa Howe, Jp,, is original Inventor. Ohio riliite Fair, Imis. New York State Fair, Ihiis. VVriii'int State Fair, lxiil. New 1 1 . Ill 1 1 ahire rttntc Kail , 1WIS. mar woman, probably io nod another omb his hair. It could not bo other who, and ho could not help it that vuo uiuMuniij iii,'tiro or iUiNsotiri Ut- niigor siooa mtween him and his uriao at tho altar. What business uaa it tiioro at such a timo ? An AalouiMlliiu Weapon, Mr. Iloykol.of I'ssaio City, New Jersey, has for ten years past, m ,!0n. noction with o Now Vork niechanie. IiiVAm 1 I a ' uii in, wui k on an nivettiion which promises to revolutionize ordinance. J hero was an exhibition yesterday in public, of the gn. Tho littlo ona used yesterday 1 okod liko a twelve foot gas pipo, with half inch boro, carryniL' a needlo shapo bullet. On tho under sido of the gun nro inotallio pockets, each filled wiih ns miieh powder ni the load nt the breech. Ah tho gun is lired these additional u.mrges cxpio.lo us tho pi:) eetilo passes along the barrel, .so that l.elore it gets out it receives tho itnpuliiiw foroo of eaeh additional di.seliarue Jieinu spread nlon thu barrel, the danger of explosion is averted and t io foroo increased to a wonderful do groo I ho fu st shot fired was throng a solid miss of monitor iron four inohoi thick, which though u had boen a pino board, nnd banod itself several inches in an oak en stump against which the iron hud beonplacd. Then a shot was fired i i.. . , ii jimi urn iri'.iiin-f(i in mvor ol any Iiiiiiii'iiutr iiiiu nun', nt it'iut i x. hiii i lie '1 UK ilinil') be lure yon iimclmic. Toys, Yankee Riotion Tobacco and Cigars. Having bought aur gooila from Uie Great Enslrrn Yankee Notion Company, Of New Yoi k we are prepared to kell at AT SAN r UANCISCO nilCES, Cull ami ace for yuuralves. "Oo wajr, By, o I'll break your li K," la wliut thejr unci to aujr. Nuw it l ai kiiowleilifwl tluit the bwit Job Work at the Lowaat IViooK is dune ut tho OUAUI) OFFICII TEV nEAMS 1I1M, PATKB nwlvl to-iluf, nnd 1'rinUil Dill liiivla aru "awtul" cliuip now. ELLSWORTH & CO., BucftMore to ElUworlli i UeWiaw. DRUGGISTS, WIU COSITIXUE TIIE BUSINESS IN all ita (lepartmenu at the old Uni, ufl',:rinr un rrHTu luuuu-uipnu 10 CUHlOmerll, Dill Via OCW, Aa hireUifore tlie moat Careful attention given to Prescriptions. The change in the Urm renuirea the In-merfiHtn ..lit .. ...11 . I 1 IODIDE OF POTASS. Tl 1 .. . U :a... . IIW lirfifc 'tiauiinrT Or rt.A Iihiiti n in naA Slf rciirutl I'iiJim. KM hv nil Ii.h ..w.i- JmUi' Cuacentmti lUruiiinf KxtracU for PON'S EXTRACT " Hear, lor I will icnk of excellent tliinirm." i PONO'I EXTRACT-'! hKreit Tea-etnblcPnU imairoyi r. una uinn in uo over linriy I years, and forrleanlinena and prompt cura- tire virtuin cannot lie excellrd. CHIIDRER.-No family can aiford to be without lNiiiit'it Kxtrnet. Accident, llriil.tro, t'oniualoiia. Cutis HirHiii, are relieved alniOHt luM.'inlly by external application. I'romptly relievta pninaor liurna, henlda, Miroriulliiim, ( ballnKN, Old More, lloila, I eliion, ( ornis etc Arrerta lu flainatlnn, nulucea twellinra, atopa bleeding, remove oicoiornnooaauu neiua ratuiiir. is Ho. 649 Clay Street, BETWEEN Koarny and Montgomery Stroots, SAN FRANCISCO. WHOLESALE AND KETAILDEALE IJJ First-Class lainily Groceries CIGARS AND TOBACCO, Notions, Crockery and Willow Ware FINE WINES AND LIQUORS For meilinj and fiimirj naea. And ererythoig else uaally kept in a Firet Claaa FAMILY GROCERY STORE I brir leave to inform the ritinn nf v, .. . the aurniuudinir conntry that I have facilitin to aol cLeaiHir than any other houae thia aide or l'ortland Fresh supplies roceivtd weekly, K)t the very beat qnalitiea ontt. My mio ia Small Profits afid Quick Sales. I'leaee eall and learn my nricna lnr.,ni r,,i....: elaewhere. , S. 8TEIXI1EISER, Willamette fStreot, Eagene City. Cash Paid for Bacon and Errfrs. Goods Delivered to all Parts of the City VYIVV. nWCMAUfiV v Iteeollect Unit M. Uowa waa the nrl;lnnl In ventor of Kewlnjr AUchinea, ani (tave tweuty ui uia lliu HI i't'lU'Cllllg una Aiaciii.io. Ewv UaoWne la Fully Varrr nM and Batlsfae- win uu.'iranieea ia tvery cane, All the Branch Ollh ea and Afrenta of tho Howe fiai iiine Keep a lull aloe k of HHk, Cutton and i.no-n inreau, wan li eun lie relied upon aa to 'uaniyani iirn-o e would, therefore adviae ul! thuao iikliiir our Machines to ntiriliaao iti.'lr 't'lurn ni uur Ollico, THE HOWE MACHINE CO., Ill & Post Street. SAM KIUNCI.SCO. Corner Third and Aider Ktrei'ti, PORTLAND. NEW HARNESS SHOP. M. LANE. At Dunn's Old Stand, l' r.r.t'n tOAnTANTLi OX HAND A GOOD x m. uwiiiueiit 01 ui Hack, itoggy tfc Team Haines, c.i.ii.... iiTiir' ' UUUUIM, fl llll, . Spurs, Hultors, CuIIiith, Curry Coniba and Rrushcs And mrythlnir tiauallv kent ln flmt fU.m ir, I nm nnop, f Jitter a i ft I N n i. - T .A THE BICKFORP AUTOMATIC amlly Knillln- Machine ! A moat Uaoful and WondorCul Iatentlon ! Now attmcttiitf iiiilvriHi.t ttiiooi:.... i. i.- Hilt ?Hi forniHih'ei. nn,i ila ii,.i ,.,,,,,..i . ....... . .. I!'."r)r.;!"ii,.m-"r tU '"."IMl'I.K. I'UKAIII.K, Last a Life-Time ! It Will bilit Avm-u . i . HARRINGTON'S SPANISH MISTRAL p EI.KIirtATKI) FOR ITS MKDIC.U, TOWERS W uvitr trtn lliitii.m If.... ni.: ; T ivo Eradicates Scurf anrl n.mrin.fT rHi,i. ..... ... . . I iieiiiinyanllon or tlie rnota of tho limr theivl.y iiu,,r,,Tinir it. iri.mtli and lleauty. aureiiroveiijive for UM ,,. ,l ,y ," ' ,,1 uae eanaea tha Hulr l ..,. ' "","wient Indlapenaollo to it Lnily. imw jirejiaiution la nun'Iy viifiUlilo. and aohl hy FIIANK HARRINGTON KN'UKNK CITV, OREUON. r!!".!i'''" u" ."' ftw !.', a Hue aiwortmont L..i . 7:. ' ' ""Vlnjf a,t toilet emi- Tollc. l'lfpareil FEMALE WEAKNESSS.-It alway. rcliev.-a rain liiiliulia'a ami ImosuilnctieuijdpruBaiijgpaiu, in tlie Im'ihI. naiiKca, vertleo. Ill LEUCORRKCEA It hna no einial All kinds of ni. reruiiona to which laoiea aru atllijcct are promptly cored. Fuller detuils In bocikaccom- jianylnif each hnile, PUIS lillnd or bleeding meet prompt relief and ready cure. No nine, however clnoulc or olwtltmtc, cm lonir n-siiit lta regular UBe. VARICOSE VEINS. It l tho only euro euro for lull iltxtri-nr-iiii.' and datiKcrouacomlitlon. KIDNEY DISEASES. It hua uo equal for Derma. ii'Mit caie. ILEEBIKB fll,m my eanwi. For thia In a ape. i ilic. It litia aiivi d hunUrcda ot Uvea when all otlierremeilica fallrdto arrest hleedln from tinn. Minmiieti, lonifN. and eliewhere. RHEUMATISM, KEURALCIA, T-wilmcho ami J'.iiritelte are till uliku relievjd, aud olten per nianently cured. PHYCICIAftS oi allwhcnla whoaro ncqnnlp'.ed Willi I'ouil'a Kxtrnet of Win h Ilii.cl ren oinmend itin their iractice. We have letters ot couiuit'Uihitiuii Irom liuudredaof I'hvxiciana, many of whom order It tor tiaoin their own practice. Jn addition to tho foregoing, they order Its use for hwellliina ot nil kinila, Oulnay,Sore Thront, liillnmtd Toiiaila, elniplo and chronic lllnrrliirn, ('ntnrrli, (lor which it taa specific,) Cliillitiiliin, I'roNt rd Fret, hliiiRKol' Iinccl,.Iof.iiiiioe, etc., ti a lipid IlnmlH, luce, aud ludeed all manner of hkIii dmeaiiea. TOILET USE. Heniovca Moreiieaa, RnimlinrNa, and fuiarlinni heula ( uih, i:riiitioua, and Pinuilea. It mirtt, iiuiuorat", aud re. Jruha, while wonderfully improving the i 'fiimilrxliiii. TO fARMESS.-l'ond'H E.xtrnet. No Htock iireeiiur.iiu i.uervnan can nllonl to lie without It. It la used by all I lie Leading Livery titulilea, Htnet KaUroaiU and flret Uomemen In Nuw Vork City. It has 110 equal for Nprninw, Uur. neaa or Huddle t'linliiii4, MlllneiM, xrniieiira, nwriuiiKa.t. uta, Lnerrntlona, lIlerdiiiK, riiFiiiiiiinlii, folic, lllurrliiea, ( hillis t olilH, etc. Its ranKOof action le w ide, and tho relief it afforda is no prompt that it ia Invaluable In every Farm-vard aa well aa In very Farm -hou?o. Ut It oo tried ouco, and CAIlTIDM.l'oild'N f-lvtrnrt lm. twu.ll tmtlnro -uv , iiiiiiiDniuuu una INC wurua i'OIIII'M l.X- iraci mown in each Dottle, lue prepared by tlie only peraoiia llvlnu who ever knew howr to prepare it nroperlv. Itefnscall other pre paratiune of Witch llnn-L 1 hia le the only article used hy Fhysii laus, and In tho hospl 1nt ( thin country and Kumiie. nialUKT AKD USES OF PGNQS (ITRACT. In painiilil. t tonii.seni frc 'i tin mtiilii'iif inn ti EXTRACT COMPANY, w Maiden POND'S I Utl'I I.fl tuilILM)'. UNION Insurance toiiipany, 1 Iliin AND MAltlXK. a.iSli.CKIiU $1,100,000 00 I II i If . i ii - ' MUomU ZpeCU, p-'LlCIKS I ISM-KH ANII.OSSKS ADJUSTED - ...... i u, me i.iucml An ut r,u- Oreirnn. i"" tiii'ii a Mioi was fired 6t a tapgut comnosi-ii ol twolve iiltUes OJ throo vightli inch plate iron, .Jc.ire Jy strinpcj to.'othur. Tho l,lii wont tiron-'h' thin. Ono of tl 111 Mil cannons ol ix inch l,0ro Ims hwn oomi, otoJ Bn.1 will l-o tosto,! kloro tho Umiotl StatM olliuers in a low weeks, anil it i iatii,,.n.,.i ,.,.n ..... i . ,. "in ncntl a uw irom iwcivo to tiucvn mik-M.- Mti.l r.ir lotttlmn ItcMiil.. done by h md. r nn any other machine. All kin, l mii-meni. .... l.vtly ti.i ihivl ami ahawvl t,y the tiiai'hiiie itn ir. rtv o'liniiir ii.M-iittiiiV n ) iiial,,, ,,. A . ... i I knit a i.ihi.'. ...k, with heel h." t,, ,,. plete, In ,m t,, t,. imu.m,, I uu.l lium tweuty t,i b.ity in.f ,!, ,,tv . Kvi) umily - w. ially ewy faimcr'a family- ! . '"vVi ni('''f;"l Knlttrr, It will ho fouud ..iii.ill)- ., ,,( M thu N ii,,,!..,- j even nuii-e urn . ' Kvy Macluiw U'.IHII tlMTICU perfect, and to .1.1 Just wlial . ia mtumn.iiir.1. ' 'I h ltl.-kf,inl Mw-hlni. . the ONI.T LMITIIHATH eyl,.i,ln.-Hl hniliuH, M, Inn n ,j,t,.,lr. All tl...i.. not liu..l Ly ., are el.waiel l.,li.,I K. ,. finiirmeiitaon our ivit. nl,, n we .i,,, j,( u piilio wlm maimtaetmi.. -,h. l,r r i fiiiimnu Hiwlm,,-., to astila l,w.,i ,,iiiiul,lii). An li.ti,i, 1,,., .s,,,,,,,,,,, lx,ml,,., ',, Zhiu.!'"" U' U, "iVnU' '"l" i""h N 1. 1'a.iilly Machine, 1 cylinder. J- n.,sl, i " " 1 J3 i,ki " ' t ',,"' aiiada, evpreaa cUuiirca i.rj-iwud oil mvipt or I lie in i,. ' A" aiil.i.liiiev..ry State, rounly. Tity and vt"u" i'"" V"y 1",,'ml '''"--'"'"a . 1 la) Lid. lor fai ton-paitK-uUra.ivMma I'll kMi-riN.i M icii n n Mm.rAi. -.'.'-"L:" 1'' TI'i "eulili lioro, V t J. J. WALTON, Jr., Ajront, tUUKXK CITY. Porllnud (Mllre ITIIIC VTIO.M,lIi II4K III'lLDING KIMV1X I). IIACKMXSTOH, ' fiKVKItAI, AtfEVT. FOR . ONE. COIN bug vAXppll Till. DOIIt-,nTY"B Larprcly and Steadily In crensinir I'raetiee, which has constantly kept pace with the unexampled increase and ateady growth of the Pacific Coast, induced his removal from Ilia lon) established and well-known quarter, on the corner of Sucnitnentn and I.eiJcsiiorfl streeta, in this city, to more coinni'alinns and eligibly located apartments, ut 'o. 619 Clay Nlreet, where he has a spitcioiia suite ot hundsoiuely litted up and conveniently arranged Examination and Con sultation Ilooins. (ociiipvinit the whole of the two upper stories) which patients may at all times visit, und see only the Doctor uud bia as sistants. With the most Rntcful sentiments of reenrd for the liberal patronage bestowed on liiu for the past thirteen years, at liis old oflice, )R. 1,'OIIEP.TY deslrra to hforra the General Pithlio, and speci ally all those laboring under all forms ol Chronic Ceiniilaiiits, that he can be consulted at 6J9 Clny street, on every variety ol Iie.ise of the Lnnns, Liver, Kidneys, Digestive und (ienito Uriuary Ors-itis, and all PPKCIil. DISEASF.S, of which the list is rumenms, and which are mure closely connected with the ceneial halth than the niajurity of people are aware. Uitbujipy invalids for years persist ill conccalirie; their con dition from a motive oriirmalintr in mistaken del icacy, and sillier in silence until their miseries be come too acute to be repressed, nnd mental and phjsiiiil debility unlits the anllerrr for active iluliesof life. Thislatterlyieofiii;iiciiontnanil'e.sts itself in the complaint nioles.-iinallv known as Syphilis, in all its forms and stupes; Seminal Mealiness, and all the distressiu',' lorins of Self- Abuse, or Onutii-m : fiimoirhii'a.llleet.stHcliire nocturnal rnil lHunuil hiuisMons.Kexu-il Pebili ty, Diseases of the Hack and Uiins, Inilammation oi tlie maimer and Kidneys, etc,., etc. The tium ber of persons sufferiiiif from these horrible Dis eases, in whom tlie Doctor has effected a radical cure.uin tie counted by the thousand.and the vol uni.iry ceruiicates in his possession, received from persons he has restored to health.a re enough to sat isfy nil that the Doctor's skill in the treatment of these aftcctions, enables him to warrant speedy ot-ij ni uiistiuaie casus, anil in every instance Rive relief. Diseases which formerly .....lieu u.c iin-uicai HKiu o' tne most iearn ed and experienced Practitioners of the heal in? art, and were reyarded by the mujority or I'll .-vliilu aa i,,.l.. I..... ... ... . ' . . . . .,.i omiciii iiic.uuuie, now reauity yiolu .u .,.... . u i.viic.iii-s, neii prescrinea tiy ttie Intel lirent Practitioner, who makes the linm.in vs tein, and these special aliments, his constant study and Subject of observation. In no case la, publicity permitted except at the r.n-s wish oi uie pat etu; and tlie Doctor con- n.ieiitiy trusts t Hat Ins lonr experience nnd suc cessful pnicticewill continue to illSllrA bun n lit,. eral share of pub,!? patronacc. By the practice oi 1H.IHJT ji-.ira in Europe ann tne united Stales.. ne is einiiiieu l,i gpnlv the nio-t successlnl -mo. dies nKainst disea-es of all kinds. He cures without mercniv. rhiirirn nin,li rrs, ircaia ma Il lllenlslna correct ,.n,l l.,,., nine way, anil has leleienoes of uniiiestioiable iii.u m , iniiii men oi Known respetialiility and i.ign ManuniK in society. All purtiea whomav I'imsiilt him by letter or otherivi.'e. will n,-.!,. ,i, . . . ' v.,v.us uesi auu geiuicsi tieaimeni. , , M. THOMPSON. C. W. FITCH THOMPSON tf FITCH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS. 7 Engciie City, Oregon Offirelwo tloort North of the Pott Office. HEAL tSTATE IIOUC.HT AND SOLI), r.iiu t lAlf.ll and ABSTHACTS 01' TITLE PUKNISHED WE nAVEA COSIPLETE ABSTRACT OF TI'I LE of all property In Eugene City, and: perfect plats of the name, prepared with great care. We will practice in the diDerent Courts of the State. Special atteution given to the collec tion ot all claims that may bo placed in our' bands. Leral Tenders bouht and sold. anj-21 AFTER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY Of active work In the field of honorable practice' m Cal ifornia during which time thousands of the most difficult cases of IHeuiatnre Demy and Diseases ofCon tiiniiiiutinjr Poison have been overcome and the snflerers restored to' healthy and vigorous life und manhood the til VOU (JET At r...: ..... . .... i.,UH, .ir.j.M, JouMi of ir.;.ii.. i .. h ! . 11,9 ' e h rh I hiJfc a"u "uou,r6a I""""'11 IT L . cul',, nJ convert...! luobacou, ,b,ca U ..early .11 r.,Jy ldr TL. Albany Drm xr.t In, boen shown ,T V.r'V,0- K' Sm,l". f the Farturi' ;?'"A,t'-'''- 'he it t , "'J-i.1tiedto be bu.lt bjth t)r,v)n fMrtn t, ((viJ m-U w,U, lavor. The f.,l!o.in ,b. oo deck, int: d...th "n . i wheo UJe.l ?2 f.vi , 'J 800 low. w,JI CJat .s'l '"f, CI har tho ihvca'wiii ach. lfdivi.l.Hl into TliS ilrlifrr nys: redivted in (ina'm i, rljr fall rau weM . ... A f.tl i , V" ".'" wi'-ne tiguourbiuinrsa. all preilKfod .a Urr. the tZL""1 W. for. u, i. "ru",rr l"43 S1" I- imp Ml - UP the !0Un,l f. ..!..-:'" ; ,U Pn'Pr Decerns. w,.h MnN,. , d - " tooULed ,(., od.,t iLlJX exwientvd anr-Liu, ,u i, t... bocatne too wet. p,-n..n. .1 . little or no n-, gS Jl' l T. TTZ mere nerrr bae b-mttntJ f.,!,. ..-i-rr.' 'T . . I-"'"'. .r. I .1;,.,. " -- -1 lur .... .. i . "pucic,wMT. Ia(j0 Ihoa'.l .""P1 rM"H Kief. a . h. T. Hayes. C. Burbridne. I'KALKI15 IN STOMAS & RANGES. Cooking, Parlor and Box Steves, TIN' WAUK, J lam, J-oiicv anil Jnii,nincl. Shovels and Tongs, Fenders Firedogs, Cojijht, Jirassnml I'auldroii Wash KmiIm. -... .-, Holism, Iron azd rrcxed Waro, rorct'laiu ami TiniioJ FORCE AKD Lin FUMPS, iiuojj AM) HOSE PJPE. In of fort la Kugt oe JOB WORK 'ne promptly and aatUf,-ti, turnlen1. .U pir call and aeule without delay. nmi h BURERIEGE. THE GUARD IXT1L JULY 1st. 1876. ItK.TIK.miKHI ON E tM Ull l in iwy. tlir t ill, ,i n ,w fr ilmt't .int. jrou mi, to kiuio olhur UauduiK hoiua Tell Voar Nelulibor. - Flower ini Vegetable Seeds . .n , ' l""1"" 17 ar. rUBtl i . . i . "f" """Of, ani the nsrait . Uut.Hil an.) mVl-.U V,W,I,U a . is.mu.w M-ni nr, t all who eocluM tie T- Will OUMUTV VICK'S Flower and Vegetable Garden i. th moat rmatiful ,rf ,) ,n,y iB iWf It nnlain twll lm hun.lrl. .J - ,n.. tn.tin.,.nd.,r0.r..m nl.-..rf H,.w, S,ti. tullTdrBBaa,r,4,n,Ilvmn,lurv yTKT u w tuu c&ai'air rtcorj. It will be prove , iw uaUr. !! I m n. I I l'-ti.u!'..I..A I. 1. ..-. 1 f.rt a " ."'" vi- i'.. r.it.K a m. i hsit, 11 Urt l.i. Mm-t, Jw Vu,a. Vlck's Floral Guide. rilnul Hmim .11 Intol. mn- niuiirr . ;.vnl r,J.t n4ta, Willi IW a-t I'i I. .I-- . ti. )w. It fina) No. I, a:iut Md. A-l.h-M J Vlk, Ilarhrolrr, 5(. V. ...... T.G.UENnKICKS. M1I.IIM H X- II ..!. . - . w A K ll., MUSIC DEALMRS. Cor. KEARNF.Y SUTTER St... CAN J KA.NVlSi'O. Agents for tha rac!fi3 Coast. IF ANY Honv iy THE t'Ol'XTIJY WAN T S ANYTH T Vrt l THE CITV Send to Wm. B. LAKE. PUBCHASINQ AGEfiT. TO KEMALE3. When a femnle ia atllii tru with nf as of the Imi-k und limbs, oaiii in tho h,.,.,t ,iim ueaaof fiitht, l.wa of niiisiuiur nimr . .,!.., i.. Al .1.. 1 1. .:..:,:.' ' ' " '"u ...c i.i-.hl, iiiui.iny, uervonsmw, ileranize nteulof diet-stive luii. tioin, p-mrul ilibilitv.'all disc;ii.es ol the womb, hvsti-iui. ati-rilitv. nnj n oilier ilistM.-es iii'fiiliar to leuml. l..,i.i .... or write at ome to l)K. . K. IiOHKKTY .ut IiIk ai.-ui,,n uiMiiiiie.imu h:ie vuil receive eveiy poa sible relief and h.-lp. 1 Le' no fuVse delicacy nrc-reik nm. but nnnlp tm. ItlllllUtl'lV, lllld saVO v,.r.,r lr,,i!i l,ni,,fl .... ing aud omiiuture duth. M A G O N I MUAM A.M; U) JUK, NO. 6 POST STREET, MAaoMtrTmruE, : : . . h,,, Vnwm-o. KEl'CIVE TLIS ,1D OKDIMRV DLrosiTS C-T (r- diuarv lh-n.,u ,u u ,lm.n .t .l t i', ,. Iat Hivih n l: . mm tw;. a i . Ui,u.iU.,.i "I ... ' im.ni.-a ., d..n, IV l. and all tl- , .. .? ' If Yoi' HAYS AMT1IIM! rn Si-i i nVK-t'iTKr I Ir You YVAXT TO Ll-t. nwi?Tls;T.M T. V t . -i4. aui. I1.K 1.05T -AWTIIIW! . ADVKKTISE! Ir worip Src rrn iv IV ,,- AnVKIITlSK! ,M)Vl--i'Tiv ADYKUTISK! ADVK1.T1SEJ ADYKKTISK! AMElilCAX TO COKIIKSl'O.VDEXTfJ. rtttiriita (in lie or female) re.idintr in anvrarl of the ro.mtry howi ivr distant, who may 'desire the opinion and advice of Ilr. Puberty iu their re spective cases, and who th nk proper to submit a niiurii aiiiirineni "I ani-n. in ihh hwi,,-. in h..i.i itiif a pciaonal iutt-rvit-w, arc reapcctfully a-wured that their communications, will be held most sa in u. The Poctor is a rc5nl.ir Rraduate, and maybe i-oii.n l.-,t ttitl, ..vr., ..... i J v II the" disci-e 1 lolly and candidlv doscriWd personal i-onituiinicition will, in nia-t cases, he Kcncr.il tn-atno-nt of the case itself (uicludin? ,. i.'inniutu wiinoiii ui-lay and in am-h a m inner aa to convey no idea of the 1 '"f " '"-r 'T parcel so tiansniittcd. Stiould your condition n.piire immediate atten tion, send tin dollars in coin, (or that v iln. i current; ) by Mail, or Well,, tarR0 4 c0 a fx pres,and a uaokace of mc. lifiti.' wilt lv- r... warded to ysr addrvsa, witb the ueCts.sary in.' atnictiona tor use, ' I'oiiaultiitions. nt Cal. DR. J. C. YOUNG ' .nil Surpica! Institute still oflers to the afliicted the positive assurance u .luic irtiiuueiii aim rapid and abaolute cures, as can be shown by thousands nf tnttimoni--ala from grateful l'atients. Let me cull the atten tiou or tho.-e who sulll-r to some of the effucU of SEMIXAIi WEAKNESS. The preservation of health aud li.'e is dependent upon the proper condition of the procreative func tions and uny weakness or cause of weakneaa or Uie BoiierativeorRaiiaortlH.ii osesisa direct at tack upon the ceiierul health aa w..ll o . BM j a inctjon-tf not properly cured-of the orirant. hat are the pi Ide of one sex and the blessing of Uie other In lorn, is laid the foundation of inch ot the mmery of after years by tlie iuduhr ence ol the most pk?tk'i ctivii of habits making lile a curse and spreading weakness and ruin jmnnjr mankind, for it b a well knewn fact that the indulgence in solitary vice, eveu in the sliKht St TrZ' I,llints ''' of weakness in the aystem that prow to a harvest of disease, aorrovr and sliame in ufler years. u YOUXG MAN d,lv f?fPner 6nCe "Vweakne yoo should dot Villi ruM.y "ni'Til your health II not n ''i."" V'9'" "'cabess and Prema tore Decay a Cute s (inamnin,i i. .1.. ::.. the You,,Kf Midle-awd or Old K x or Hindrance from Business. The Remedied are purely veffetuble and of a Nature that Teavel L.m .J,i?'1- UmYK tl,e 8Wn.sand haateti. to check tbe course of the c..mi tin ir penence any of tliem-nihtly discharges, .light discharge at other times, trembling, aSxirty Toi3 ptrulnHss, contusion, pi in back? limb Tor tody lorebodings, ind iresti-.n. tini,ii, 'i. " ciety , loss of power, want amno Zum. per, attack, of aickne. akin to bilio, MuZ its in urine, irregular bowels, etc., eto. TEIIBIM.B POISONS.' Among the most sl,tie and virulent of poisons In the hnntiin b hoit s ili-.t.,:.; t. ,,r K"UD Taint olten breaking 0 t V Tl ' cure, in hideous soIt upon various narta C th-- body, lta great daneer li PS In I Via fan II... 1 given to tbe innocent partner 0 Ui the ZZ TIIE ITSP rtv rrrr.iTr,w oily aids in this terrible deceidion by drvlmr it upon the surface and driving it back in7n ?h' blood. All Vk.nkukal ..N AND CAN UK ClUllIfNICATED IN TUB BUW and the only cert.iintv .1 .,rerU,,.in .J.BL0-0 . h it. the positive curs o l e "refori tt ment prscticed at the Dr. J. C. Von ns -Medici ustuute. comprehensive scientific Md foroUCS having reccved endorsements as ih. , hTS'S- loi.iltati..ns at fie o!loe or by letter FREE Address . K. UOH Eiifl", JI. D.an FrancUco VASII IJLfii For Laundry and Household Use, rinri. it iu. lraerifaB lliramariae Works, Jrwarl. X. J. t"ttrs..l,r!ii.Ki!U intvw,,,!,' 1, ., oriNioNs op the fsess. PR POIIKnTV Is a sXi!!fI phys'mn and hon orable cnitleiiun. Any .ts.ten.ent he makes to his Mt.eiits heis sort- to fu:ii,l. T,.lt fiv, ,t . great can-e of h-s eminent mcce-a in l,u pn.fe,. sion. It is f.:rtun.itt. that a..i.,.,j the macvadver tiMiig ohysi, lilirr ullt ,),. caa be d fdou. Ilcview. r i-u i.ii i.-.iai .-. n-pnUtion a a physician a a si: i.icie:it e;,ar.tee lor the cure of any case he undertakes; -Ciiavenui C'.roiiicle "I'll. lOHKRTVhasderoterf ..,,.1- narti.-nUrlr .i - . . ' u ure tht. and as such is n..w t'l.e m.t sue. c,lul of any physician in San Francisco.--Free Press. 1 Vll. POMKIITY' ,.(..,i... 1. . . other V:" cilu- prattue. -jiirn-r. F ,17 "-.medic,, , ...rrut-u ia earning the onfl- !;!;SermUt'r'kill"J-'" tlmhedphlsu u,,,. ,n.,,, M ,)(n uc, e. .,,1. !.uh is n.-w tl,e cr.ti-ri n by which th niOtleril ttrui.t ,oA 1 . a 1 - - ," wise cured in a few duvs and ehri.i. K , .7 ,u 'ew Oiir tests of n;':": " ;'ile. "P'dltJ. blood are never tailing. " m, the . TO FEMALES. There are no Uo nr ,.....i .. . IhenmDatbie. of the 3 7 80enIiSt man J iu Bravest th .nu!T.m.nd ma women. The ,er yeani oT , ,-la.n.a .Widen, VtV, Z So?". torTfuniish 'Hh Per9:na' 8CPerTi9ion th oc. skilllul nurir, T in a'"",n'n"' with careful and am 111 nurses where unrcm tted attention .n, constant care give ever, durance of riL ami permanent cures. P,a n(1. The Institute is supphed with a I.YINH IX DEPARTMENT tiS CURED AT nOMP. viopiaini. ( eronal visit. he avoided by writ- symptom, of your t.ouU- or com la int CnZ. iruaranti'-d i'm , ""upiaini. turn Uts either returned or. Ir.tr,,,. .1 ,Ua " " The Itoctor can be relied nnnn tn .11 . reouiring Cosfidki-i hdwt BENJ. F. JOSSELYN, M. ox 7.1-, 10 wueuto Btreet. : ran Francisco. c. m.i.-.l .......ii: 1. ... . . "M.ine -Ptt DOHKaTYenj,y. . m, t,aive pne t,ce than any phy-ican in this SU!c.-'-txprrZT P C TV- r . -t. . . r..tt pKf QIHn xwr im volag W ho; may be suffering from the effect or yonthfot f" ne. or ind.iH-retion. will do well to TaiUbem vrftl,i,. the Rrete.t Un ever laid it altar of -.fle,i,g humanity. PR spj F v wiH rnarantee U forfeit tor an ,.A .i weakness, or private d seal ? "T01 cter which he nndekn d fa "J would therefore sav ,0 th, nnfo'-hli? V who may read this notice that von'". i.'""' upon dang-rona g-oand whin VI 1 ''''"C king the prorZi J ' V,M. may be in be Bra ?L f1 pproachine tbe 12 I I "rm,f T V the last, and are i 2 '?.T'J.e"n)f fe, t. .rm.mi-..i... , '1101 ito i rememlr that it yw - d.r of hone -ill ( . ." . wtven the mwI of ru.' rcr can Lnnr ynVreW ll " - i .it lanea ot r,ecew. Thru 1 JI '-ir work upon yw irnai-in.ri,.. i.".'" d" ciiiicfSi ! r.?:-T.'i' 'rU --1,u(r. Cali.oraddrrss., -jAe.v.Yrk WceKlj Tribune.!- cent in p-Ui-i. sumpa. f.ir return postaije. .-, u.i u n.v, :i .t ,. 1,.,, , - nnt ,4 it i-!,-,.., rr.- , tf.,sj , ,1,.,.. f. l.llrl.:iu. l',T 10 ft-nf... .. K ...... . ... ... ry r,.n rv-r) l-r. AI.,T. 4 ai; 1 N-.I. atilt: . ... - uitv. . uiam Mrtf t. sew Yoftj cer Fcr f, I dSK IHiI.Ull . GEO. J. llWi S "-""srrnmB. Iv,li- . - - -r 1 ' r .w x.-rrr:. iitl n UUU IV JOB rwxTEIi EVOENE CTTT. OEEGON.