THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. SATURDAY. FKK. 1, 1S70. EUGENE CITS'. OREGON. iw.uK.uonif.d.i. The bill introduced by Mr. Lane in the House ri vine to the Oregon Central Military Itoad Company, and tliolr ftR5(Tn. lands in lieu of a cer- tain tract of land in southeastern Or- -ciron aPDropriatcd by the General Rnvprnmnnt m a rescrvat on for the Klamath Indiana is a measure that ' would appear to be an equitable one, yet the State Journal pronounces it .. . fan attempt at robbery. .The . Tort- land Eitninq Journal states the Ins- -tory of the matter .with preoiseness as to-dates, etc, thus: By an ;-act of Congross approved - July 2, 18(54, there were granted to the State of Orceon to aid in the con- struction of a military wagon road from Eugene City to the eastern boundary of tho State, "altcrnato sec 'tion of tbe publio lauds, desicnatod by odd numbers, for three sections in 1 . I I ! '1 . . Ill T).. wiuio on cacn siuooi uiaroau.- y ""rA."lX,r, us7.r,"T was conferred upon the Oregon ten- ' tral Military Itoad Company. In Jan- uary, 180, tho road by- Governor ooub wan uuvuuuu uu wruiuuu us """""'" '".1 - innrrth In h'l.lii-nnpir IN7I I in treaty with the Klamath Indians was ; ratified. Tho military road pauses uiroignuie reservation n ki apnn -i i .i . oy mo ireaiy, anu inciuucu in mo mi- ;rn..nm '10 S77 ,,r inuring to the road company under the grant, ihis section ot tho road, it may bo romarkod, was accepted by , -... . MM. I.. . ,l..l ... .-.... .71 , ,TSii r u miv but this was not possible without in IbGO four years prior to tho no- ' , , . . .i trotiatton of tho Klamath truntv. lTlio OregotUan also stales the mat- ter to the samo effect. Tho State Journal, however, says "tho roaj 'across tho reservation was not con. structod until during tho summer and cede precipitately, and invoked con fall of 18C9. and conseounntlv wns 'Uation with her "Southern confed- . not approved by the Governor until f , , Mate in the year 18C9 or early part of 1870. The road was. however.- i. catedsofar as tho selection of th0 route and making -tho nr(.i;minftPivnou a congress oi u.omavooiaies . " . ' J survey goes, in the fall of 18C5 across thU reservation, but tho treaty with tho Indians fixing tlis boun joundaries of the reservation was made prior to that time, all of which wn tm.W. tood by tho company at the time of locating ng tho route acVoss tho reserva- tion." It is a matter that tho l'aclflo coast "delegation in Congress should inves- ' tigate fully and then do justico to all -couoerned. If the -810101110111 of the Portlaud Journal is correct, and wo -incline to tho belief that it in, then tho location of this rosorvation . was virtually tho condemnation of private property for publio use; and innsmuch as the lands in dispnto nro tho most valuable part of tho urant, tho Gov ernment could do no- less than grant to tho company and its assigns other lands in tho placo of them. And if, . on tho other hand, tho State Journal lias stated tho matter oorrcetly, and it shall appear that tho Govornmcnt lad taken tho initiatory stops toward etting these lauds aside, and tho road -company had notice thereof before they located their road, thoy can have , no valid claim on them. Cuanokd Fhont. Last yearllono yard Illaine was iu favor of general amuesty, tho Committee on Itulos, of wnicnuowaa ciiairman, having re- ponou, with tho unanimous approval - . 01 lis members, tho bill to tho House. r .. . - - 11. I m .... I tossmiywr. inaino sought 'jy this chango of front to better his standing among Republicans for tho presiden- nut iiumiiiauoD. mil ins h hot 1111 doubtedly missed tho mark at which it was aimed, Tub National Democratio Conven tion for the nomination of acandidato iur 1 resident will probably bo held - - n Mia Aih aI Ti.1.. . & im . rv. m v" lu -u,1 illO a-MOl tho present month. Washing. .n',. .. . - r - uumuanaviiigoeen choseu as the iur viie meeung oi the hxectitive Z 7! 10 r I'lM-u- Jays should bo continued. . - - 1 luauetenceinlhecaseof Latnlis. on trial for the murder of Carruth, Georgia, which as finally adopted con the Viueland editor, is insanity, and taincd the followins provisions: from present indications it will be cs- tablishcd that insanity in the Landis lamilV IS Dot Confine! tn il. k...l I.,.. A- . . I . uv.i,uuvi Hiatun. uinuis is -down with the name complaint." Ts Simla Telegram, of which Jam,-. G. Bennett, of the llenU.t, proprietor, Is one of tbe moat interesting and spicy Dcwtpaper published io New York, or out of It cither for that matter. Fall of newa told in the condition and prvspects of the ort compreheoaive buodot, gosip, plaja. Northern Pacific QailroaJ Company epoken editorials, and iU llluitrated Police lead to the conclusion that dirvct con Court sewnes, Ukeo ia connecUoo with the m ction l. r-.ll K , . . i . c 1 eitrcmeli low price, f I s yr, pU raid . . J ' U U " 1 u-vt SounJ it ii not atrange that it hw reathed the aU normous circulation of lCi.noo e-fies. Mr.Tl. II. Illll, of Georgia. Tin's gentleman, -whose name- ap pears frequently in connection with the amnesty debate, -U not, a many suppose, General Hill of the Con feu Lrate service. The New York Herald has gathered his war history Irom the .Confederate- records, and Irom its article wo learn that newas member of the Soscssion Convention of Georgia, which -met at Milledge- villo on the' ICth of January, 1861, irom I roup county. ta tuo xn oi January a resolution was introduced declaring that "it is the right and da r . ' i. r it. iy 01 ucorgia w seccae irom vu present Union and -co-operate wun such of tho other Mates as io tne samo for the purpose of forming a "southern tonledcracy," anirior ine appointment of a committee of seven teen to draft an ordinance- of seces a:n t tl,; muni m inn Mr Aloran. . ir ,..,, UA. ,t, "W ; n" . Mr. Hill supporting him in his efforts to defeat its passage. It was adopt cd by a vote of 1G6 to 130. tho votes 0f jfesanr. Stephens and Hill being re corded airainst it. They were both appointed on uic coimmueu oi buvuu teen. On the 19th, in secret session, lh0 Committeo-of Seventeen reported i: r .; ,,!,, xr. ir:n ...A-n .,.,t,i UU " " miuounnu a very long set of resolutions, which WCro drawn by HerBchel V. Johnson, onoo a Senator of tho United States ,. , .. , ., . n T,c8 resolutions averred that Geor gft 18 attached to the Union, and le- sires to preserve it it it can uo uono consistently with her rights and safe- new nuu B,nI"u "iuuruy in me mai- turot 8lavcry" 0,1,1 Georg'a woulJ not "ablJo l,crraant!nt,y Sl V ion" without such security; that, how ever, ucorgia was not disposed to sq . g cmo' lor l"C purp8 01 8CCUnDg ll;rrig,)lB in u,o umon " iwssiuic," or protecting them "out of the Union jf necessary," and that,-therefore, she ::....!.. ir: . .1 rL"ll4""B '"lu "'""t "r&w 1,10 M'ndcp..iulent republics of South uarol""l Ainoania-ftna wis- """"PI" cour8 10 arree on n common coursu of action, They then went ou t0 at Pront lo"8lh 1,10 S,M,",U,', t,rS' rcgardoa as "iiiliMi'ii!ilil. luiH'inliin-nts of the constitution of the United States;" and it is sufficient to x'ay that they included tho most extrcmo 'demands of tho most ardent slaveholders tho rcoognitioii of slavery as a na tional institution, tho prohibition ot its abolition in llio national territory, tho right ot slaveholders to take and hold their slaves in the so-culled free States, tho repeal of all tho personal liberty laws of thoso States, and the payment of .tho Uuitod States to slavo owners of tho value of resetted ttigitivo slaves. They also approv ed tho soi.uro of Fort 1'ulattki, and pledged Georgia to defend with all I her .resources any f tho seceding States if the United States should attempt to- coerce them. Tho voto upon Mr. Hill's 'motion was yeas 133, nays 1G4. Mr. Stephens, Mr. Harris, who is also a member ot the present House of Ilepresontalives, and Mr. Hill voted together in tho affirmative. Tho question then com Lg up on the passago ot- tho ordi nanco of secession, it was l.v a vote of 1!08 reas to fi'Jnav. r . - 1 J J I - Hill n,.,l Harris voting with tl ,. jurity for tho ordinance, and Mr. Ste a " pl,CHs with tho minority against it, Thereupon tho President of tho Con vention, Mr. Crawford, proclaimed that "tho State of Giorg'ui was free, sovereign and independent." to the convimtmn f iur. 11111 wun nn 11 -nr i m siniitrTit.ia HI. 1 1 at Mont iramer- to rr.nn. ik. o J ..v wtiabi , . " tut on of t in fVinr..1.,p.v .,,.1 ... .1... 1 nmnw 'an. in inai. wont, ana in Uh0 ejection of Mr. Davis as IWi- dent. On tho l!lst of March, 18CI he joined with his tellow tue.nben of omm,lle 0 X hirteen m report ing in scores session a new constit Uon for the independent State of "Tho General Assembly shall Lave no power tt prevent immigrants from l,rinTini tl...ii .1..... - :.i. .1 ' " - - "v.i mill IIWI Vlll'lil "Tha UrJ A...M. ck.11 1.... j no power to pass laws fur the cman cipation of slaves." Mr. Hill was afterwards a Senator of tho Confederate States, . , 0 lK n,,r w ',M,'ll:''rt lvin-' far in ths future. - A' Bad tot. The Sun gives tho names of a few ol the "forty-two patriots who figure as members of the National Republi can Committee," which recently met in Washington. It is characterized as a rare combination of political and personal virtue. Among thln' are : George E. 8peocer, carpet-btagfcer, jobber, od Beottor Irom Alabama tj iraad ana corruption. Powell Clayton, csrpet-bagger, who mis represents Arkansas, and author of trouble io tbat State. George UOerbsm, political trader from tftliioroiaaod Secretary ol tbs Me Date. 8. Bt toorerrCrpet-b8ggir from Flori da. S. B. Packard, carpet-bagger from LoaU una and Inciier 01 striie la tbat Bu te. J. T. Jtrerlll, back-pay grabber of last Conirreei from Miaoesot". " 1 W. E. Cbaodkir, a noted lobbyist and job ber at Washington, cHmiog'to represent New Hampshire. A. 0. Cattell, head of the wfj ring, from New Jersey, and silent-partner -of Secor Itobeson. Joseph C. Abbott, carpet-bagger-' from North Uorohn-, w,;om Ilea liutlur repudi ated as a bad investment. 13. 11. Cowan, Delano's Assistant Seere tary of the Interior, and one of the pil ., of tbe Indian King from Ohio. J. II. Mitchell, much married Senator from Oregon with two names. W. II. Kemble, from Pennsylvania, au tlior of the infamous "addition, diviginj and silence" letter. J.J. Patterson, carpet-bag Senator fiom South Carolina, who believes there '-are five years of good stealing yet left i.ithat Sure." And these are tho men who will control tho convention and nominate a candidate for tbo Republicans to train under in tbo coming Presiden tial contest. Tux peoplo of South Carolina are demanding the organization of tbe Democratio party. The State com mitteo and the county committees arc at work, and on every hand -Demo cratic olubs, composed of 'young men, are in process of formation. Says the Columbia Register: "Tho oulmina- tion ot outrago and wrong in the judicial election, and the terrible pros pect which it opens to the view of all, has intensified the public feeling At last men rcalizo that the State is both ruined and disgraced, and that honeyed words of conciliation and compromiso are no longer fit to be taken on their lips. At last they sco that all is lost unless they bestir them selves and put down the corruption which is gnawing at tho vitals of the State. Thank heaven.'" Tub Albany (New .York) Argus has boon doing a littlo figuring ou the next l'residcnlial election. It counts nineteen States as .Democratic, M'ith ono hundred and ninetv-five electoral votes; ten 'Rcptibiiaan Slates with eighty electoral votes. nd eight Independent States with ninety-one electoral votes giving tho Democrats majority of twenty -lour votes overall. - T - pKuiiArs, after all, justico will be done sotno of the operators in crooked whiskey. McKce, one of the owners of the St. Louis Globe, has been con victed of complicity in thoso frauds. This is So attempt at wit bv some of our interior exchanges, -whom we would naes down tq posterity with all tbe honors- cont sequent upon like conflagrations o'f' tb brain, if we oolj-faad the name-: "Ah Bin,', in Chinese, means Mr. Victory. Twenty years hence aoma Vaukee, cooling himself 00 the otmoit peak of the Sierra Nevada, will cry, Ah Sin, where is my victory T" and two million bald-beaded Asiatics w ill pa ticntlyrise and lay: "We are klumin liiother Jonathan, thlee bundle housed tulore." Evtning Journal. This itoni -appoardd -originally among tho "Personal Intelligence" of the New York JlaralJ. Probably the Journal will now considor a very good attempt at wit. Valuable 10 Kverr Monte. We shall do our readers a favor by call ing their attention to the value, the useful noes, and we may ay tbe direct profit, of supplying themselves the present year, with' one of the cheapest, as well as the most valuable journals Usucd io this country. It custs hardly half cent a day, a sum easily saved, while its practical hints and sug gestions will be most likely to bring back that amount many timea over. The 500 to : ti00 IxMutilul Kiigrwving are alo, e worth many liniei the eosl of the paper. We refer to the .WiKuu .igntu ui (.', jo i-aliud be caiue started 3.) yean a;o as a Uural Jour nal, but now enlarged a-ul improved to suit the wants of every family io country, vi -lag, aod city. It is packed full of goo ' things, Bttful, reliable and instructive. Kac'i j uuuiwr cuaiaina large (oouoie octave) pagn.bcaatifully printed. It has ouch for i """"J " pinng aoQftxeeprrt, onii- ..j . . urn, nruitTi, m -nanics, merctianu lodoe ! au ciavra. iu ooose puna aid improve mmU, with ergra- -ogs and parti cu js t to coat, and me common-ee. ee d. ions, are worts more toaa manyeo.lly arc'ai i.toraJ Worki Its coostaot, persistent, f.-rL ;j exposure of Mmbuga and fwiodl'ogscl x m Is of great value to tbe rhofe coenirv and . every individual, la abort, ft b foil of good iniogs ior everttKwy, and we adviae evu. body to Uke it this yenr. It will be special' valuable io this CenU-nolal yeaf. Iu circula tion, which is S hundred fold creator th a the majority of other journal, enables the rmtjlibT to supply the Amthan Jrrn turiM at the very lo rate of ?1 CO a year, poet-paid, or four conte for j40. l ake our advice and send for it to the poblijhfrs. -'ivw: M -vpi tVani-e JoJJ t'omnanr. ?t5 jlnaJay. New York City. " ( oiiegoii. Balem has a crooked whiskey case. Forttodi cenUoolal flag-staff Is 225 feet la length. There' were three funerals la Salem 00 Tuesday hut. Albany has ordored a steam fire engine and five hundred feet of hose. Minnie Myrtle Miller Is going a lectoi log oo "Societies" 10 Coot county. TbeRoseborg people will try and -raise $2,000, to celebrate tbe 4th of July with. Tbe Treasurer of Clackamas county bas paid that conoty's share of State tazea Tbe Sentinel will be moved from LaffTaode to Union, the county teat, this week. A writer iotbst7arwr ttrakt tnetaltare of the hooey bee is one of tbe-'emitted to duitrie in Oregon. .VAIlea -Ramsey of Salem committed suicide dd tbe ffth mat., by taking morphine. He was 30 years of age. There are on hundred sod eeVen convicts in 'the Oregon penitentiary. This is a good showing for our population. There are 75,000 bushels of wheat still lo tore at 'Independence. About an equal amount is stoied at Buuoa Vista. A danghtor of Mr. Thomas Brown, of RoKubuig, was thrown from a horse Thurs day evening and bud bur leg broken. .The people of Grande - Hondo valley are now going for railroad connection with Walla Walla "as tbe next beat thing." Tho Albany Democrat thinks a prss as sociation would be a proper thing to be fo 'Died by tbe newspaper men of Ori-gon. Articles ot incorporation of xht'Eutlttin Publiahin; Company" were Die J in the Ck-ik's oQiceof Multuonub county on the 4th. Hon. V. II. Dunbar,' C. W. C. T. of the State, organized a lodge of Good .Templars al Monroe on the 'id inst., with twenty -one chai ter members. Douglas county has paid $13,0-11 21) to the btate Treasurer. Like Yamhill and Lane counties, Douglas claims to be uhead of all others in paying State taxes. A. C. Fearn, from Hop valley, Douglas county, reports much interest manifested in hop culture, and Lredicts a bountiful yield this year, should the season continue mild. Wm. P. Payton, a brother of therenouo- td Kit Carson, died at f'akor City on the inn nit. tie was superintendent ot schools io Baker county at the time of bis derth. A grand mats meeting of the people of Polk county is culled to meet at the coult house in Dallas, on tbe 19tb, to prepare for a proper celebration of tbe Ceoteunial an niversary. The Coos county Rtccnl ' learns that Messrs. Carr, Crocker, Stanford, Mills and o'her prominent politicians and capitalists 0 Sun Francisco, are taking a deep interest in tho improvement of the Coos ISny bar, and are bringing their influence to bear upon thet.o. senators and Representa tives from tho State of California to work for an appropriation from the present Con gress for that, purpose. The Yreka Journal snys: It is reported that the survey go far mode by the expedi tion under Col. Ixu irun, in the employ 0, the Central Pacific Railroad Company from U iiineinuccn westward, will Btrike the conieniplhted linn of tlm road from ltoe burg boiitli into California at alioiit the Ivl limb lakes. This line, of nurviy will bring lh Winnemucca road through Sur prise valley and into the Pitt and MoCloud river country, New by Stall and Te'esrapli. Silver is 4 per cent, discount in San Frsoclcco. J. II. Mowry, a member of the Ivansaa Legielaturoi is a forger and a fugitive from justice. Kentucky reluses to aporonriato monevto enrich Philadelphia through a Ceuleooial celebration. J. W. Mamleviflc. State Controllor nf California, died at'Sacra'cienro oo'Friday of last week, of pira'ysh?. A monster salitidn1'rtf)c'iit(!,l'towaii?h 12fi pounds, was caught a't Dogfish. Day, near Seabtle, a few'duys ago 'by the fiabe'rmen Of mai piace. Tbe House committee on tm-ritnriMi ho decided to report favorably 00 an appropria tion of S'JO.OOO to uefray expenses ol s coO stitutiooal cooventioo in Colorado. At New OrleMi on the 4th tbe Ameri can Umoii Club ot ex-officers of the Fed eral army; resolved to support Hon. O. P. morion as i.e.r cnoice Tor rresident of the United State? as a successor to Grant. lit C. Bowoo has written a letter to the exarainio; committee of PJymouth Charch io wnicn De says Beecber is ' gui ty 0 the awful crime of adultery, perjury and hypoc racy." He has been summoned to prove these charges. t Piper has presented to the Hoose of Rop- reecntatives a resolution of the California I rislaUire asking tor a modific tion of the Hurlingame treaty, so as to discourage fur ther Chinese immigration ; referred to the oommittee on foreign affairs. A Washington dispatch of the 4th says tho Democratic national executive committee h- opened hcudquar ers at 1,321 F strtct and will at oat procc J to a deiuiled organ ization of the party io the several Su.t- i. Democratio members of the Senate and Hou 5 are invited lo appoint auxiliary coni uiitttes in aid of such organization. A Washington d'.-patch of the jih says the propj :.a of taritl cL.ine-j is not very e .counting. The new bill tinds email favor 1 org toe Democrats. Woml roi-stly acfv a es it, and it is h'.;hly im protwuie the Uooe will for i any auch bill oerore eleclioo, becose it would give Pcnn sylvanla to the P publicans aurely. Tub 1 or Hkalth for Fhpn. con', Jna the usual variety of ft..,!! ,n,,i ... v ' . . : ra'M ana 01D . w se, which for nsefuloet ia beyond qo M equal to anvthin? ntil lisbedina: . 'odical. Foe insUooe. the ad- vi 0 aod sujge i s contained in such arti- ca .. iuo 101 owing 11 oeyooo price it .Teeing health v d baDpioees: -Studiea io ramuy iie, -intern; .raoce and iu ( .1;. "Living to hat and S ting to Livej-'-Glut oy;" -Xatore of the Pulse; ' "I.- Ky i -and Spec cles;" "Why the T eth Decay;" "ft is So, But Why' "The Apple and iu Ue in Food." The receipt l- .tm. t is well filled. So, too, is .' t de y. Jtmeat appropriated to icattt-r Agricul tural. ALoenher a m t aJmirabU num I r. rnce 20 cent, or ti a year. S. It Wells k Co, Publ hers. 737 BroaJeav. K. V. Dan CamptK-ll po,Dff to start for the tZ i tnrf ! I0" PoU ' i- i .vi i ll0t nJ Paeo stuff. The ar small it-ras. Ceatcaoial next Mor.Jay j K: lb,7 Mt- th wuntry lhlJ DE.Tiocn.tTs is cocmrit. meeting of the Demorratle Bute Cen tral Committee. Tbe DemocraUc State CeoUal Committee for Oregoo met at tbe office, of Eugene Cronio, Esq., io Portland, oo Thursday, Febnnuy 10th, 18"6,and was called to order at 11 a. m, by 0. B. Bellinger. Oo motioo of A. Noltoer, 0. B. Belliog er was elected Cbairmaji. Oo motioo of D. Carlisle, Mr. Browo was elected Secrata7. .The eountics were repreiented as follows: Benton. D. Carlisle; Baker, Jno. Brattain, by A. Noftoerproxyj Clackamas, W. E. Vanghnj Doos.JAikeo, hy J. M. lTiomp- soo, proxy Douglas, A. Rose, by J. M Thompson, proxy; Grant, 'W.i lelwell, by W. W. Effinger, proxy; Jacboh, ill. Klip pel, by C. B. Bellinger, proxy; -Josephine, E. Tolin, by Jno. Miller, proxy; Lane, J, M. Thompson; Lino, N.Price; Polk, J. D, flolmes, by Bco. Haydeo, proxy; Marion, J. F. Miller; Multnomah, 0. L. Curry; Til lamook, W. II. Faucett. by A. Noltner, proxy; Umatilla, J. L. Story, by M. V. Browo, proxy; Union. J. II. Slater, by A, Noltoer,. proxy; Wasco. J. B. Crossen; Yamhill, W. T. Neaby. Curry, Clatsop, Colombia, and Washington counties were unrepresented. The following resolution was adopted : Resolvttl, Tbat a Democratic Stale Con vention be held in Salem 00 Wednesday April 20th, 1876, for tbe purpose of select ing six delegates to tbe National Democrat- Convention, candidates for Judges of tbe Supreme Court in the 2d, 3d, and alb Judi cial Districts, and candidates for Prcaocut- ir. Attorneys iu the soveral Judicial Dis tricts ; and for tho transaction of such other business as may come beforo the Conven tion. The representation was based on the vote fur Congressman Ia Dow, ut the cen eral election io 1874, giving one vote to each county, and one to every hundred or fraction ot fifty or over; giving tbe several counties the following number of delegates: Baker 81 Lane, 1 Kenton 4 Clitckmciui 7 Clauop 2 Columui.. 3 Cum.:. A Cur.-jr ; i Dougla S Omnt S Juwpbine S JarkftOQ 8 Luke 2 Liun U tu ion Miiltnomi-b Polk Tillumouk 3 Vdiod Unu-tillu Wawt Wul-inst j 4 YituiiiiU Ao invitation Irom Hon. A. J. Dufur to visit and inspect the Centennial articles at thii Committee Rooms was -received and ac cepted. On mbtion the Committee adjourned. C. B. ligM.INOKR, Chairman Pro Tern. M. V. Brown, Secretary. NEW-COMER. Eecina Crrr, Fet. 10, 18TJ. To tub Editor or Tua Guard : Last week I had a very pleasant interview with one of yoor well-to-do -farmers, and since then I have-been traveling throngh the county among the farming people.-end- frooi conversing with many of them I find thai tbey ore in the -same condition of my friend B. There is not one io fifty - who - has any thing to sell, but all have to buy, and tbat, too, almost everything they eat and wear Almost all the clothing (or the family, hats, boots and shoes, como from California or some other State. You may visit from house to house and you cau find hardly a pound of anything to sell. You may enquire for ba cao potatoes, onions, beans, cheese, butter. cabbage, peas, sod scarcely a farmer has enough for bis own use. And strange to me in this fine fruit country, but very few have apples, plums, or pears, either green or dried, to sell. The orchards seem be neglected and are dying out throngh carelessness. The trees are not pruned nor washed with lime or lye to Kill the insects and prevent the moss from growing ou them, and tbey are not cul tivated. Many -one looking orchards are dying out for want of culture and attention, and I flud but few being replanted. Why is ibis r t nut or all kinds, especially when dried, beart-ajrodd' price. Io the -stores 1 find all kinds of- California dried fruiu for sale. By makine fraoueot innuirr I find but few-farmers -who -make enough butter for toeir own-OSS. tlardly any pretend to stall and feed their cows, but let tbcm stand out in the cold rains and almost starve until they are too poor to give milk. No one pretends to make any cheese, and hence none is used except what is imported. This is a fine grar ing country, healthy for stock, and I am told well adapted to making cheese and butter, and yet you cannot buy enough lor family ote. Three or four cows stalled and well led will almost keep a family Buprdied with groceries, for the price of fresh butter now is irom forty to hity cents per pound. And even the small item of chickens is greatly neglected, lo my visit 1 Cud a great many farmers withoutcbickens and very few have any r-s for their own use, to say nothing of, having them to sell. Why is all this so I Can we attribute S great "deal of the scarcity ot the articles mentioned to the wonderful effect of this climate t It is a fact, a thing not to be met with in any other State. There must be some cause to pro duce this aingular effect, and I cannot at-t-ibut it to anything e.c pi the climate. Is it ony greut wonder that everybody is compiaiuing 01 Hard-time a r it is not to me. 1 lie constant draiu on the country to pay for imports, lor uln.ost everything used to eat or wear, takes the money out of the ewie anu loaves no aurplus. And to meet tbia eco'rolou expenditure what do tbe peo ple export f Wheat and wool. Tbe wool, however, does not amount to anything like wheat. Wheat, then, is the staple, the main dependence or Oregoo. A Tory sim ple operation wrll abow that the wheat crop will not anything more than meet tbe de mands of the imports. To produce tbe wl eat crop it requires the farmers to labor about six Booths of each -year, -aod the other six mootbs the greater part of them spend io idleness. Aod jost aj long m the present system is carried 00, just so long tbe country will Save hard tidies. There is a remedy for all thiss remedy that will bring plenty of money and flash .iaes, id tbat remedy ia within mrk rJ the people. Tbe first thing I f-"t to the farming community io order to rech this remedy is to go to work ; doot idle away ao much time. Buy less arid sell I more. Hive a variefv of rmw ni? I uepenq oo wneal alooe. II Ska nn n.n a. . iik . . ' " lars eich year. Let the motto of erey lancet be, any less snd sell more, and in a few years tbe result will make tbe State rich. In yoor next issue I desire to pay my com pliments to the Granges, of which 1 under stand there are a large number in tbe coun ty. . jNKWOOHKB. Tbe key belonging to the poetoffice at McKenzie Bridge has been lost, and the peo ple in that settlement get their mail from other offices mostly. Lost. Two weeks ago last Sunday even ing between tbe Baptist church and the Methodist cbureb, a for cape. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same St this office. Nioro Mortality. The report of the Board ol Health of New Orleans for-1874, which has just been printed, giyeTtheso figures: Tbe population of the 1 city ia said to be 210,000;- white; 155,000 ; colored. 65,000. -The percentage of mortality per I,0(J0 population, according to race, is as certained to bo in children under two years ot ago, -156.93 of the white race, and -'J'J.48 ot tne colored race. In the total mortality from all "causes the death-rate is 28.06 among the white people and 45.63 among the black people. If you have a discbarge from the nose, offensive or otherwise, partial loss of the sense of smell, taste, or bearing, eyes watery or weak, feel drill and stupid or debilitated, pain or ' pressure in the head, take cold easily, you may rest assured that you have tbe Catarrh. Thousands annually, witboht manifesting half of the above symptoms, terminato in consumption, aod end io tbe grave. Jo disease is so common, more de ceptive, or less understood by phvsicians. R. V. Fierce. M. D., of Buffalo, N. Y is the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh ltHinedy a perfect specific for Catarrh, "Cold io the Head," or Catarrh Headache. , i AY' AfiFYT wut"l iu ere,r eoanty. fjr il AUIiil A ine-. Newspaper! and Magtuinm, the olAeat established llluitrated Period icala in Ame'ira. They are now flirt offered to oa vueen, who will, if they securo an agency and ex clusive territory, be enabled to introduce Seventeen Fint-cUu Illustrated Periodicals, suited to as (oany distinct tastes or wante, and, With the choice from Eight new and beautiful chroniosi given free of tost to each annual subscriber, be enabled-to secure one or more subscriptions in every family in their dis trict To skill ful canvassers this will secure perma nent employment, and the renewals earn year will 1-en source of steady and aamied revenue. Speci men pnncis e nd moat li'ieiul term rent to all spjiH ( onis who ne me the territory they desiie to mnruss. Ac'.dre -, A-,-rnoT Department, Piunk Leslie's Put liahing House, 37 Feurl Street, New York. - Tbe National Gold Medal as awarded to Bradley Rulofsoa for tbe best Photographs in tbe United States, and tbe Vienna Medal for tbe best in the world. 429 Montgomery Street, San Francisco. Silence that terrible enemy of life, a bad cough, with Eslc'b Hoh(X '"or Bobehockd and Tab', oth erwise the tough may soon' site me yon. Pjke'a Toothache Drops cure in oaeminute. Lint f Letter Remaining uncalled for in tbe PostOf&ce at Eugene City, Or., Feb. 10. 1876 : Anderson,'CB Jones; Edward Aolauf, Herman Kelsey, Iturlun Abera, MissC Lsudinr-ham, 0 at Black, Mrs M J Levy, M Borlli.'Mia Miram Moots Elizabeth Blain.JC Me.e.DW Cross. John L Moore, Mrs G Culver, Mrs fcViza Monroe Wilson & Cbildrrs, Uosa Morei-JJohn Case, Wm H Moitev,-N . Coagle, J 8 -McOlitti P H ' Cahill, Pi Pblllmg, Mr . Davis, 0 A Phillips.'iJuIia Emmons, Wiri'B Rj. -. John Ea.on Ninon B Bmkb Elliott Klinu, Patrick 8tone, Simon s Oi - -nwood. Harvey Bpewoer, A J (2) Harrie.MiM Larra BtnUh, Martin, H::le' n, H H Til!oo,'H Bob' i.Mi i M E Thompson, HarVy Harvey George Thorns', 1) F.roiSTiHiD. W B Willis. A. g. PATTEnaOK', Pi aC C ALLISON & OSBURti RE OFFERING TO THE PUBUC, i ;ars, Teas, Coffee, Canned Gootis; Tobacco & Cigars, Glass & QueeiiB ware, Wood and Willowwaye, BREAD, CAKES AND PIES, And In fact everything- nauslW knt in e Grocery More or Bakery at BEDROCK PRICES fortash er ready pay. -Satisfaction soaranteed. Goods delivered to anT nsrtnftha Tt. r- nr charge. v v" Central Ularkct. WnL llenshnw, Proprietor. TTEEP9 CONSTANTLY A HAND ON" FJIESII BEEF, 7r7l pork, mutton; teal, cii1ckens, cured meats, etc., etc: GEO. 8. WALTON. ' AARON LYNC6T. FIRM AND NEW GOODS. Ia Dorris' Brick Loildiiif. Walton .5: Lynch tuveromied a copartnership for tbe purpose of carrying on a general Grocery and Provision Business, and wU keep oa hand itttej as sortment of Groceries. Tobacco, Nnti, Tro visions, Cbjara, Ca&diei,' Sf. Candlea", Crockery. jfotioi' Wood and WiUow Ware, trees and Dried Frnftj,' Cored Meata, Etc, Etc. They propose to do bosinesa on a CASH BASIS. Which beans that Low Prices are rtah!ihori Coot, dtlirmd wilhonl tbarie to Bofpn ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE WANTED For Which WE WILL PAT HIGHEST MAEKCTPEtCES, . A