Issued Every Friday Mornine by he Gazette Punishing Co. 3. W. JOHNSON, f Kill tor anil Uuslness Manager. CORVALLIS, OREGON, Feb. 19 . 1897. DIPLOMATICALLY SPEAKING. The Oregonian, when corner ed, lies and calls . names. The Gazette is termed by the mort gaged imbecile, "an utterly shameless and irresponsible cor- nirtirTi5st." Ti,.. nAr.KTTE' discharges its ,itv faithfully to the public and, Vov';nIr 1 tAear conscience, ' has. a vf tn Yp shameless. . It has rViplrl the anarchists at Sa- lem. It has not praised the plo I ting of pelt ana popuijsjii in uic interest of ambition" and ??nate.! It has not denounced men for ex their political indepen- a o oea n A th en crawled on its belly before these men and kiss because they vio lated their personal promises and Antv. . It, has not called the lepislature. in threaten ing e-B-prmtions. to save the state $500,000 uselessly expended, and then servily excused those legis lator who have made any legis lation impossible. Its policy is not dictated by any mortgagee It has every reason to be without shame. " The Gazette, while fairly successful financially, has not the funds, had it the inclination, to be a "corruptienist." It could nnt in mw event, contest with such a liberal corruptionist as the real proprietor 01 wc fw. land imirnalistic wanton, i known to be. The Corvallis GAZETTE not be shamed by that organ .of populism and political depravityy the Portland Oregonian. PETTY. INSOLENCE. : - Those who have subordinat ed -everv ' consideration of duty and lovaltv. everv. thought of dprcnpv and honor, to the desire to defeat John H. Mitchell, can not invent or borrow excuses enough to iustifv themselves be fore their sensible ana nonesr. constituents. Thev are traitors to the state and no good citfcqq, whether he is for Mitchell or against Mitchell, sympathizes with them in their disgrace. FARMERS AND MECHANICS. - - Practical Education at the Ore gon Agricultural College. Tim nllara has Dractically two nhftmical laboratories. The exper imental station . chemical depart ment is distinct irom tnat 01 ine y , , p fift ;Hniver8ity mil nroner: Either is supenor "& -'" 'Z ZZT j-i.:: Hi wawn x- AT .1 U-nAOT I PrVDa I XAJ II HIH f-Ttfll ,11- : ;.,.i t onw nthnrinflre -j ---- 111 CUUlUIUCIIh W UMJ I - - 3 . L. . portant yrork entrusted to. him, Prof, enaw graauaiea irom Dartmouth college with the degree of A. B. in 1887, and from the same institution in. 1889. with the degree, of A. M. . uanng mese two years hei was doing special work, lie was protessor 01 cnera- istry at Whitman college, W ash ; 1 ' : - I 4';m66 - - - . w- r. rwr. 1 y "'5- . !.' - - .-- : ... r ' ' U- v." V'?' vC-:;i . ; . gon and is only surpassed on the coast by Stanford and Berkeley. The latter's superiority 1 prince The Corbettonian lacks that artistic touch that would make mter of duplication, its manifest displeasure a matter I J i...J of discomfort Unskillful invec tive cannot wound Geo. H. Hill, Geo. W. Riddle, C "Raver and Tames N.. Davis, arise from obscurity at one leap anrl nroclaim themselves official r fools ot Oregon. Observations. The comic columns of y the COLLMf CHEMICAL BPARTMENT. Tho SSmrRo offered is the mcst : fivA rnnnia. . ,he laboratories beins 'nv. pnnirtned for all kinds ot or- fiinarv wolTK. dihe direction of Prof. Shaw, newspapers will make the new I the Sophomore class is in the 1m- took charge of the work at the Oregon Agricultural College in 1890 In 1894 he was elected a m.mkor ni' ttiA American One mi - en1'ciety and he is .member of the Association ol otnciai AgncHj- . g-. " . - lXTillomolta Tlni. extended of ahyIn the northwest, Tersitylias; bestowed.! iu.Prof, Tt ;e ivaihla ttL. secure four . full shnw tlm" honor'arv degree" of P. years. 01 meuusmiai uu "j-p""-j j. xx is -" t ,! chemistry: leauuig iu uc- itributorna r screitmw nu-ew eree. The ..department occupies tural journals. JTorisiiarw goes w. i"g- ton city in June and win remain until Sent ember doiiiK snecial wbrk-Wider - the f uatioiia. depart, meat 01 agricuimit;. Prof. John Fulton a graduate of the O. A. C, clsa of 1892, With th tleirree of B. & As a student Bubbles or Medals. Best sarapiriBas." When you think of it how contradic- - torv4hat term is. For there can be only one best in anything onej best sarsapariUa, as there is one highest mountain, one longest " river, one deepest ocean. And that best sarsaparilla is - ' There's the rub! You can measure mountain height andocani deotlubut how test sarsaparilla? You could if you werohemisfes. Butthen do you need to test it? The World's Fair QqmnHttse tested it, and thoroughly. They went behind tholal?eJQn,the - bottle What did this sarsaparilla test result in ljwerivmake of sarsaparilla shut out ot the t air, except Ajwjjar that Ayer's was the only sarsaparilla admitti tfc the WojJflA . 5 Fair. The committee found it the best. had no room - anything, that was not flie best. Ami as thest, Ayes parilla reccivcl tUe medal and awards du.ont& Zmtmr tfivor best R -a bubble any. breath, Hfepw S-gAW" pins ' to prtC sucn iniiwusvv; 5 ' more f. v' t JE.i.5ii, lmhMes since 4hc WWKl s- Faffi" T :::.... , 7L , old ones.: i rue, out "F,?. r 0 iedal. lue kTthafc scratches the medal raft. "W pin that pricks ,thc.bubblc proves it wind- YevpmVt9 not bubbles, , .wan.we say: j nc uotwr.'w h.-!-'' , , (( mediate charge of Assistants Ful- fA- onil Krt wards, ine junior war nnoooular. Greece and Tur kev Turkey.- tried rn ww?? iu . : r 7 , . " J ... , I 1 o Uscoii'irA in r.harfi'e-of 1 :,ortl scnwiftl tastK anil anlx the fire and the trying pan. mm v. - T T -j .r:j" "'"7. - t"V P aI"T7J:VJ I . - Pmf XhOW . IMirlOlll I lift l-.HUIUlCall UKUilltUKm Kiood lvord deliver us: k fXnvpmnr Lord appointed " the editor ot this paper one . or me Kattlpshin Orep-on ffift committee. ThU hnnor .liad nothine to do orith the (Gazette's severe criti Personal UUiu ui m- gu.vw. l , 11 ' animosity is pot allowed to gov- work as the followrng: era the poucy o me papa. Ticntnn ponntv furnished the key Trrf Shaw.. lieretJS coursa is so pianneu as to bring i the student 10 -a rewi zation ot the practical appuca finn'nf f hA.ttcience to the arts. Tha alep.ti course is -intende for those' who desire to Bpecialiase in IDS BUlJ?I,;,f " . tude in'thccUetu.i.Cl . depaTtm5nt and lie was eleed by the board no -".siActant phainist. A ! an in. fttractornd' as aw riginal'xn,.' mentor, his WorR WW Deer, highly commended. . ' . . -. vMr. Edwards. Vho instructs iu 1 (he Allege ''chemical depart naent, to the senatorial situation can- A few tin-whistle politicians, misrepresenting their counties by neglecting their official duty at Salem, doubtless imagine that they have made themselves famous by an exhibition of petty boorishness. Cornelius N. Bliss, president of the Protective Tariff League and treasurer of the Republican National Committee, wired- re publican members of the legis lature that delay of organization and prospective loss of a senator -irom Oregon endangered protec live tariff legislation It was a. sensible, eentlemanlv statement from a man high'iii The "councHsT of the party and prominent among public men of the nation, He was not urging the election of any one man and the condi tion justified his official interest, . But he cast his pearls . before swine. - Several of those who have their straws in Corbett's barrel, .discoverine- a possible road to notoriety, telegraphed Mr. Bliss diseustinelv-impertihent replies. One of them. who. although he has never taken the oath of of fice, signs himself, "James N. Davis, Rep. Oregon State Iegis lature." fathers this bit of sul lenness: "Perhaps I understand the situation in congress. I know the conditions in Oregon. I am for sound money and pro tection. When did you join the silver Mitchell push?" . How often will Oregon ' have - to blnsh for the foil v of her fools. dressed in a little . brief author ity? " two years ago. "They say, this time, it is the key hole. Hardlv anv one purine: to Ross land expects to dig out gold ac tuallv. Thev all expect to fat ten off of the other fellows and the maioritv have but been the plucked in their own. laud. . Having furnished the leading lady for one of England's lead ing 'actors during the next sea son, having furnished the princi pal female character in San Francisco's clerical scandal, uav-ino- furnished Stanfojd with a record breaker, having furnished most- of the sensations during the leo-islative dead lock and having outdone any other locali ty in the matter of home sensa tions, Benton coutity returns blushingly behind her fan to re ceive congratulations. .1 w'( of soils, waters milK, 0uer, ana an earnest.carefuJ .worker. dent uesiring 10 lutwiHBiiio-juuug , Will It Lie r any particular . Hue, as mineral, sanitary, agrjOUHurai. analysis, is I offer elite, HOPELESS. Alpine Notes. pf Alsea, has ausrhter, Mrs, cU-no opportunity in dur'Wnj. v,e ZftheCixvattte xstktatrf- . - mranv-'was hot a harmonious food ADULtBRATTON..- eratherine'. From the first it was The chemist , of the college "is apparent that the . minority, rep- the official chemist for .the state resenting ome 9, oo 01 sxock, food oramissioner Tbjijiormerly was dot to be llpwed a voiceMin. entailed a great deal of extra management oi tne enier- work. but last year the demands; prise and this caused some mc upon'the department f6rthis.wojtjon;. Mr, Taylor, who controls were not neayjf, :; - . . r---a.majoniy oi iuc siuts., jmuivu The analysis of food-stutts has t,bott naminp- all three ot the; di- aaaaaaaAA' . Clothirig! Clothing eiotHing! Plenty of suggestions' in our Boys' Depart ment for the small . fellows. Suits for Sunday Suits for School Knock-about Suits for ; Rough-and-tumble Bdys. Our Prices are the economical paieuts delight.: L. KLINE'S. THE, , 1 WHITE HOUSE. YEAR IN '. ADVANCE. .Orecron's " great . mortgaged daily is afflicted with .insanity. No sane editor would have .. pub lished such utter madness as this: "George Brownellt . senator from Clackamas, went out of his way yesterday to makaii attack on the editor ot tne Uregonian. Beyond all comparison: pr compe tition. Brownell is lower in the estimation of the .people of Ore gon than any man they know, He is contemptible' and dispica- ble, beyond all comparison. To the honor of human nature, let it be said that no man in Uregon, from the beginning till now, ever had such alacrity in sinking to depths below depths in the es timation of all who have known him. No word or pledge of his, -of any kind, on any subject, wouli be taken for anything. Browttell was elected in Clacka -mas before the people of the -county ijfoUHd him out; They will not elect him again. He is -detested and despised by all men ,and by all parti ss alike." Such language is but the rav ing of a diseased brain. ' It is -the malicious nonsense of a fool. It can but honor the gentleman whose course . has excited such unseemly paroxysms. The Gazette's statement re-o-ardiner the Oreeonian's demand upon the state central committee was based upon reliable lniorma tion. The denials of a prosti tuted iournal neither convinces -nor convicts us. The statement .stands. Peter.. Haaver, been visitjnp-his Howell. 1 Mrs. HowelTT- Who - has- been quite poorly for some time, is improving. V. R. Buckingham and family. of Dusty,, spent? Tuesday;- at A. j W. Hawley's. - ... . j Frank IHlrwletir Shermah county, is Wg.Zfriends and relatives in the neighborhood. The new organ for the Simp son chapel, which was ordered from the east, arrived last week. A very select candy . party was given at the home 01 rienry Hawley's last Wednesday even ts- . - : .. . The Bellfountain Grange met Saturday. . A good dinner and an enjoyable time was reported by all. ? ..... There was no . literary, so ciety at Alpine last Friday even ing on account ot the . stormy. weather. W. L Price and son Emil vis ited the McXinley . literary, soci ety, which meets every Satur day evening. ? W. F. Starr, who has been confined to the house for some time with typhoid fever, is able to be out. again. - The Alpine school wiireive a fiee entertainment on the even- in? of Washineton's birthday. After -the entertainment' .boats containing lunch for two will-be SOld. -" - ' . . . - ; ,;. discovered that:' this is an' ase of adulteration. Baker, ex-foo commissioner, calls Oregon ,:;M.t he adulterator's dump pile." impurir ties are principally found in but ter, fresh and condensed milk, cheese, canned peas, spices, tea, coffee and flour. The adulterants for ground cof fee are chiefly chicory, bread rasp ings, burned peas, coffee : pel lets, ground red beets, licorice. -'Mustard is adulterated with sulphur. The. wooden nutmeg story is not men fiction. Nutmegs contain insr oak sawdust are sold in Ore- :ors, ana mmselt, niswne ana S, ;W- Kitne; were chosen. . The mmoaty enaeavorea 10 incaoc thfcii number of , directors from threeto five, but failed to muster the necessary votes aud their mo tion was lost.,.:;.However, inthe adoption of the by-laws, provi sion "was made- for an advisory board to be chosen by a vi va voce vote, and Saturday's meeting was for the purpose of electing such advisory board. This course, Mr. Taylor seemed ; to think, would in. - a measure, hamper , the man- . : . 1 1 1 - t' Jl 1 1. n n t-h Hoar. gon today, xiose- ieYes,v wmow lagemeni, aDu cuici :' "r. PAraeruav tea- leaves are led session, the meeting: adjourned IUUUU 1U IBn. -iaam& , sine ic iiiu iuv u.-..: 1- alam- aud am-land-; prospects- tor "going anea with' tfte ."eiiterprise are - by no. A : me W$ y Pa per and a StfPEKIOR ADVERTISING MEDIUM . RriVht TiTi-tn-dfttfl iRditnrial j?. readable and SDicilv writ- Vftii T-hftal TTaTmfininffi5: toWther. - with a review of the news' , . Ktr- -;-r.. . -,- lot he Worlds make the GAZETTE a model and eageriy songht newspaper. . ; "adulteta.nt8.are: moiiia. v.'f . r:.JXHKJ5iTATl0jr.. " Chemistry is the foandatiou- np on wliich rests both liorticulture and agriculture. -There ai'e many points at which' the- science touch- es; the above subjects wnicn ao not appear on the surface f - -mi. rtifan flatterlafi". c? - ... t -. From the -fact that Mr...Taylor owns a majority of the stock he is ngnuuiiy enuueu w U1ia . a large measure the madgement of the corapiiny's' afFairsj but the At the station, investigation8onaf 0f the stock, bught not to are constantly in progress con- entireiy ignored in the' selec cerning soils, cattle foodsj fruits, tioa(of 0fficers and in the matter: milk Products, sugar beets, etc f mapping out the company's Probably the most, important- to gereinis whereMt. t ie tarmers 01 : uie aw nave oee, SJ' wlU doutiess discover ttie exnwrimeiHS wun sugar Deeis - , ... nis error. ne Kwuatreuuuuo and with prunes. . A, ds fc 6BQAB beets. , ; , . Att Ae u Actuated, bv Much attention has been direct- Ltf -:Svv 4 b,,f kk ea lOWara Uie sugur utsew. i 1 .ai;, c1imm ,mlerstand that it the the bulletin -issued tfrom the de. :s tAJHCceed it ihust first puinuc... ""J' 7 have the cordial support and con suited in arousing- much -interest -of the- stockholders and in regard to the sugar oeei inous- Z". . ' t,;t lon tms same supjeci is now ui prsa - c':n ana wiu ue issueu ouuiuji- - - - i . ,-. .. c , Careful comparisons ot tne c.n i uulu matie and soil conditions indic had they been auoweq ro nanje nA one director and there appears to bato1 iiiau m v , .- - , - - haTinc a high purity can be pro-1 have been no potent reason for, dncfid in Orecroi kriierinients I refusinff this request Such caar show this to be true. The results fcihatory course would -have, re- wptb as follows: rIn 1891.- su car ( suited in the harmonious -aainsc- 14.3, purity, v782;... 1892, fiurj tnent of afiaursf and there is 15.9; purity, -81;4? since 1892, Jtt doabt that it woiild have beentia gar, lo.p; pumy, io-. -; ' v the best interests Of an con okeqoN ; soils, j -- j.cerned. Thie soils of the- state have xre . L ..jA creainerv.. would be of 1m ceitd considerable attenUohy.J. In rniense advantage to tlie commnn- the? Willamette Wells Items. and The Misses "Ad" Nora - Only "Grover. two weeks more of fohud fp be encourage the with phosphon6-aaai.jA.S1nrise. -s The fact tliat,:;faf- supply.'.bfvfiumus, fair in lime and tional strife made itself inanifest wwaoon Hi iwiwho-: - - .wv-j a.t the hrst meeting is ereatiy w ss Aua auu uuia mMuran iu tvrvnou. . - :.c.ov1j .u. j. i-CT trreeiin? 1 Frather,-': of oedAJKktavexnii- na1Mltn.e.Prei.J?,t-"m. Kfe Jeretted. 1ut it is possible St. Valentine's day has come and cone acain - and we have re ceived several nice -photo's to re member it by. :. . The young folks here are, pre narinc to. olav the drama, -"The Gransrer. or Oauaht' .in His Own Trap," in the near future." : ; Stock in this part of the conn try is eettinc very poor- and . feed is scarce. IT the storm lasts mucn loncer. stockmen will sustain a heavy loss. . . , . Mr. John Vanderpoolj Of Modes to, California, is visiting his father, O. M. Vauderpool. He has been on the sick list the last few days, but is getting better now. The paper in our literary soci ety was a grand success and I. sup pose that our village blacksmith will hammer iron no longer, but hereafter will push the editorial quill. - - (. -.' ; . There has been a band of gyp sies camped here the last few days. They offered the usual at traction for the small boys- the dancing bear and trained monk eys but by a very pressing invi tation, they have "moved on to bother some other neighborhood. . -'- Wells. supply -Jfar exceeds Willairiette :;vajley. duced en these soils less potash than amount.; " " CONCERNING PRUNES. Fancy and Stapls GROCESIISS. 'v' . ! GfrOOD i-y.;:: CHE AJE -1 ' k .... AUGUST HODES. .9Vll9a to if.T ADVERTISINGS ; : y : RATES LOW IN COMPARISON WITH SERVICES RENDERED. We onerate one of the Largest and Best EduippeU Jol Plants in the State. - Onr reputation for turning : out only class work is State wide, , . rrHE. INCE ADAM pISQR)Eb THE FIG LEAF . ' The metclunt tailor lias afwayp ten and always -,wffl be the authority on fa&oahfrcreaton . l fiaJt tha.pT full of tone and dignity. v - . cwtom mafcefa the standard by which all faiHonable dothiny is now measured, is sufficient guarantee for superior ''Style ' Serrice Satisfaction" exclusive textures not shouted around . town by every dealer in "cheap and quick? productions. . OUR SPRING AND SUMMER . , t J ALBUM OF SAMPLESE2I k Stow ini come and look through its pages learn our prices theo w know you win Let in Cake yoor . aieaMire." GAZETTE CORVALLIS, CO., OREGON; F. L. CORVALLIS; - MILLER - OREGON. that or uirrarr .. ssj&ias-u , i. . i,uil even jxi .auiiic . wujpiviuw fruit : pro - i . 1 trtA ,, .u- Drougiic togeiiier un iicuLiai ground and an adjustment of tUe Extensive DreDarations are nowlf n .,rnA Tit , I UI tti ,VIV.-J. aasva. m progress relative to the chemis- tn 'enterDrise will . 1 enterprise a bornin'." lis : hope not "die School Clerks, Attention. I have jtome supplies in . tlie tiffice for the-differept school districts of our c6nii ty, and I wish .all clerks who can, wouM 11 immediately .and pbtain" the tame. .... - Very 'tniJy, "; CATOlfRIH! try of Oregon prunes, 'rcoveng such points as the best conditions for evaporation the ' Composition and food, value, and the draught ;upon the soil. - .. -. V.-' Prof. Shaw spent considerable time, last year, among the dryers. He maae careful observations as fo the lime '-of "drymg,. temperature and Iconditiiin of the. fruit.'. The. dried prunes-were sent to the sta tion for aualysjis and probably?; six weeks were spent- in making t lie necessary determinations. , The- experiments demonstrate that best results are obtained from" perfectly ripe fruit and that there: is a loss averaging $25 per ; acre in drvit2 fruit ereen. The proper tftmnerfltnre is from 140 decrees to 150 degrees and the frajt fhbutdj be drying from at to ay nours. ; The station jg- "now. - working oh soils and waters, ' ; prof. Gw.Psh?w! Wis at the Viantsd An Idea ISESj viiw 1 " 7 J Write JOHN wpiMMw v 'isapracUcal scientist,. BS natur- JgyhwcWiSaWtto is a LOCAL DISEASE .and Is Hw ratuH ef coMs and - sadden climatis changes. It can be enra by a pleasant remedy which it applied di rectly into the nostrils. Be- reHoVa?'! stMOct4d U 8ivea EJv's Creani Balm is acknowledged to be the most tborooeh enre for Nuaie&tairh, Cold i Head and Hay fvnx of all remedies. Itopsandaeaiie8thenlPssage allays pain and inflammation, heals the seres, pro tects wo SKunw j.w. . r r, cStssteandsmelU Price atggistSM by pug. 1 OksvSSjyi sVVfP w n ,JTWl5V.IMW- , . slmOating theToodandRegula Bijg theStomachs andBowels of MMIMSSSSSlBBBBWsTaBBBSSSS V ThUmnioe TKdp'stionEheer ful- ..... Wocr YVintatTH neither drauinvMorphme norldBfieral. jtoT liARC OTIC. SEE fvyest)sisfsV THAT THE FAC-SIMILE 4 " SIGNATURE ' OF-i- Xifh'ft.- ffi-mSted- roRoniMl F-nrfVintirLa- riori. SourrStoiEh,i)iarrtea, Wonri4onvutsions,revensn' guess ana LOSS OF OL&r.ri : TacSinile Signature of TEW "YOHK. EXACT COPT Of VBAPPEB, 1 IS ON THE WRAPPER . . OF EVERT BOTTX-E OB" The New York Racket Store Is prices to almost cutting and slashing nothing. Bargains ; We always jive, but never 'such brilliant bargain, meteors as now. Ladies Kid Shoes Going at cost Ladies' Blouses at cost - Biggest bargains in Shoes on the Coast To pass these values by is throwing away . A Golden Chance. XAnd for Sale. flastoria Is imt av fat ons-ctra oottlss only. It Is ao sold ia balk. Don allsw anyone to sen tos uyuag alss en the plea or promise uai n la "just as good" and "will answer ewry pw- Ipose." WBea that you ges w-a-b-x-v-smb. zl. .sa nrw , hand for sale or will trade for improved town property. For particulars, address I A. Vance, Summit, Benton v;o., jt. To Exchange. I Highly-improved, up-to-date, unen cumbered farm- of 160 acres, near Brownsville, for small place near Corval lis. Box 17, Corvallis. . A Call for Warrants. Notice is hereby eiven that there money on baud at the county treasurer's office to pay all orders endorsed and marked "Not paid for want of funds," up to, and including those of Nov. 8th, 1893. Interest will be stopped on same from this date. . W. A. Buchanan, Treasurer of Benton County Oregon. Dated Corvallis, Feb. ao, 1896. "-- VT