weekly mnm mm. Corvallis, February 25, 1881. Mb. J. H. Bates, Newspaper Advertising Agent. 41 Park Row (Time Building), New York, is authorized to contract for advertise ments in the Gazette at oar beat rate. L. P. Fishkr, advertising asjent, 21 Mer chants' Exchange . San Francisco, is author ized to receive advertisement for the col umns of this paper. nilRCII WIRM TOHV. s each month P. Davidson. All ar in- BAPTIST rerv second and fourth Sabbath iu t the College Chapel, hy the Ker F. Services betfln at II a. M-, and 0:30 r. a vi tea. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Regular service, every Sabbath morning and evening. Hunday Shool at the clove of the morning service. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cor dially Invited. H. P. DUNNING. Pastor. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. -The Rev. B. E. Hab;r sham will hold regular services in this church through the winter months on the first three Sundays in each month. Services at 11 A. M. and 7 r. m. , Sunday school at S r. a. Lay services on other Sundays as heretofore at the same hours. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Services regularly ev er' Sabbath morning and evening, unless otherwise announced. Sunday school at 3 r. M. aaeh Sabbath. Prayer meeting even- Thursday at 1 r. u. The public cordially invited Rsv. 1. Bowsssox, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH Regular services every Sunday, st 11 A. a. and 7 r. k. Sunday-school at the close of morning service, with Hi hie classes for oM and young. Praytr meeting on Thursday evening at 7 o'clock. A general invitation and cordial welcome. 8. A. STARR, Pastor. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH -Services every Sabbath at 11 A. . and 7 r. n. , at the college chapel. Sunday school at 9:30 a. M. Praver meeting Friday evening at 7 o'clock. Public cordlaliv Invited. josxrii Emery, Pastor. The Leihjer wood -Taylor Wedding. On, last Wednesday moriing at 8 o'clock Wm. E. Ledger wood was united in marriage to Miss Loo M. Taylor at the residence of bride's father, Mr. B. T. Taylor, in this city. The cerem iny w n perform :d hy Rev. D. C. McFarl uid in the presence of a select nambar of the rao.it in' im ite friends of the contracting pirties. Mr. Lelgerwood has teen conn icted with Wells Fargo ft Co's ex press on the W. O. It. R. for several months last past, and durin f th t ti:ne h is seen red to himself mtuy new men is in this city. while those of as who htve lived hoi est, remember him as a student cultural College, a few years ago gentlemanly deporwent and social qoalitl rscommsnd him to all. Miss.Tayir has' been one of the favorite belles of our quiet little city too long to need .any other oi further complimentary notice than that th who knew her best respected her most, anri all ?r. glad th tt by her marrivje the society of (Jarvalli will not' lose her valued pres ence. The wedding was a quiet one and at 8:30 they took the Portland bound train fori ah rt bridal tour, followed by the good will of their mtuy friends. The following are' are the presents received : A house and lot by B. T. Taylor ; elegant cut glas4 wa ter set by Mr. and Mr.!. Joint Smith ; solid silver cake b.tsket by Myer Harris ; h la l raw silver card receiver by Messrs. Yantis an 1 Irvine ; solid silver butt jr dish by Mr. and Mrs. Crawford and Bilkaapp ; sol: silver set of forks and spoons hy Mrs. jj. Hamilton ami .wrs. ur. L,ee; rtens gltas cake stand by Misses Lena and Yrri ; etc ant silver castor by Jm NeiiAS ; cnt gltss sot and ch-nn'ras. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Harris; silver s'and by Miss D uhe and the Misses way. We must not fail to mention the bounti supply of cake, etc.. from the we. It' breakcasu that fount its way to this in. the afternoon, to the iu.iuisc gratifies! of the boys, srhn also bestow upon the band and wife a printer's benediction. AllTtlVAl.s ATTIIK. VlSM: Wkkk. II. Oainplwll. W. a K. WallU, il. C. Il uirt!tt4 ey. L Kve:i. A. K. 0o;iife JnkiiH, Rot Oreek; C, 11 te sills; C. Loti,:h. Uncle Creek Foss, t. J. Williams. Diilas; Long. W. H. Keffer. Albany; C. tcr, Jos. A. Hill; Geo. Wiley, J. H. Nlcb ilou. City A. Kj Trenton, Million; John tV'eilsJ Henry Walton, Salem; II. L. M Son, Carlton, On.; C. Meyhei iy. F H Etvis Albany; T G BflKcTcourr- ty; HL Jones, W W Jones. Amity; tf J Dickey. McUiuuville; Geo A Hardy,1 Albany; 3 Shacleford, Little Klk; J A Yantis. city; A D Shipley, Big Elk; Juo Thompson, county, S Buttletord, A Fliek- Inger. comity; William Keffer. Albanf Clias Dosue, Newport; Prof Jane Ban ger, Mo. Fire at Albany. A disastrous fire oc corred at Albany last Tuesday morning be tween I and 2 o'clock . The large two story frame building standing on the corner of Ferry and Front streets, occupied, below by W. IT. Baltimore as a family grocery store and above by ColL Van Cleve of the Regis ter, as printing office and residence, was discovered to be on tire. As soon as possi ble the engine companies were on hand and although the tire had so much headway that all the adjoining buildings seemed hope lessly exposed, the skill and energy of the firemen soon triumphed and as the flames went down a shout of victory went up from the crowd at work. W. U. Baltimore's loos is $3500; insurance, $3500. ColL Van Clove's loss, building and printing office fixtures, stock and household goods, $500 ; insurance, $1500; cause of fire unknown. It was first discovered in the back part of the grocery store. Bred Catalogue. We are in receipt of Mr. Joseph Harris Catalogue of Farm, Gar den and Flower Seeds for 1881. Mr. Harris is comparatively a new man in the seed bus iness, bat he is an old farmer and seed grow er. He baa a fine farm of about 300 acres seer Rochester N. Y., in the highest state of cultivation, and ought to be able to furn ish his customer with good seeds at reas onable prices. He offers to sand his cata logue free to applicants. Address Joseph Harris, More ton Farm, Rochester, N. Y. LOCAL NOTES. 1 Get your valentines at E. Rosenthal. w2 The biggest thing on foot the voted counter boot at E. Rosenthal. ; w2 Wallis Nash and James Roadman started for the Yaquina Bay on Monday morning. W. H. Mansfield, of this office " fired out" to Albany this morning, for a short, visit. H. C. Humphrey, Esq., of Eugene City, was in Corvallis Tuesday evening on bnsi- W. A. Wells, of this city, attended the meeting of Oreaon warehousemen at Bor land last week. H. L. Mars ton, who has been below f the past two weeks, purchasing new goods, returned last Monday. Miss Carrie Wass, of Cape Foul weather, passsed through the city last Tuesday, en route for San Francisco. The lightning rod like forms of John Oak ley and Frank Davis, of Albany, were seen on our streets this week. , You can feel a soothing effect clear to your toes when you 'smoke one of -tfii.se new cigars of T. J. Bu ford's. The lecturer who had an audience of three old maids and a man and his wife, said he had a full house three of a kind .inda pai Young sportsman wants to know : what is the best kind of a dog for me to buy ?v A dead one, Sporty, and have it buried the same day you buy if Rev. W. C. Crawford Evangelical church in this Feb, 25th, 11 o'clock a. m. fully invited to attend. There is talk of a femal troupe coming overland wherein the performers don't enough to wad a shot gan. V the lodge that night; "Cash li at the Cow taw went i prominent to borrow ten with his case. The fashion SOMETHING NEW AMD VALUABLE FOR .the Yesterday as we were passing the agri cultural warehouse of A Canthorn ft Son. we stepped in to see the new improved Os born Self-binding Harvester there on exhi bition, and about which we had heard a good deal of talk in the last few days. With every self-binding harvester now sold by the Osborn Company they sell both t- taehmmU for binding with either twine or without increasing the standard price the iuachiue ' The fluctuating rates demanded for both of binding material, during the past have clearly established the fact er to change from one to the other farmer's only safeguard from la the coming competition liable from rival interests respecting re respectively, the farmer who Osborn Harvester, that will bi nd materials equally well, will be in a avail himself of the advantages double market. Harvester is simple in con- e in its material and has l the tost as a wire binder 1 assured will be just as successful e; ahd then ltis sucn a smaii t.osk the attachments from one to the e stood by and saw the whole op eration, it took one man just eight minutes by our watch to change the machine from a twine to a wire binder. A. Cauthorn & Son the local agents give their own guarantee as well .as the guarantee of D. M. Osborn ft Co. that these machines will come fully up to 4heir recommendations in every respect. distinguishing feature ot the usoorne Self -Binder, whether using twine or wire, is its remarkably clean work. It wastes no grain. The arrangement of the cutting, el- vatiug and binding apparatus is such that I the grain is saved, whether it be long or rt, thick or thin, standing or lodged. A indy day has no terrors for the Osborne, as elevator cap affords certain ujH(ectionN the grain. - ' he whole machine isyggrnpletely under e control settle jkfftlr when in the field. of the bundles by and can adjust the straw by a simple turn every start of the ma- hv-ting and durable h'th 1 chanu Other' itieraanly and r tiie company is in e machines in readi- ason, while inos. k. int takes the greatest r workings to any one 'them. wiliareaeh at the efl I Si nday , fcespect- sa sssk.' rmiinTn is me hi.. n-asssierK. s omccssi sa m om K-r Be . .Sl SSH in sue-1: JCV tncH Bnei i aa Br HP mm m Bsras m - ' w m mrr z m sb mk .mauler Hth.- BE m m . $4r Pftsoled B E7 uaVCTEEEEEI I IP1 r,"r" lo" kejm in ii bmrMSi, trom the KSijlv.a-'i r' Tvr v "gin, HWswIs thtnt thst life is not yet ex- ms Nowi'iAnn mm ci II ann BNict born Sept. 24, 1829, Keycs, Jan. 3, 1849, .1881. Mrs. Keyes .rt and acceptance er about the 15th soon after united pal 'Church OfT bef at the time tionate and also a de- end and In Justice's Court, before Wm. lustice of the Peace. Young Amer- Co. have placed in the field as for Department officers: D. Car- nef Engineer, and Ed. M. Bel- nt Chief; and Corvallis Hook Co. heve brought out Geo? Chief Engineer, and endorsed I ion of Belknap, for Assistant. William Mackey, Plaintiff, win n mi rn. vth a, t . - the election of Mr. Belknap, Chief. Mr. and Mrs. George Gib- eon, Ehrned to this city from Oreaon some-months 2o. are afflictod in the !o n their eldest child, David, a promising lad of nine years. Tiie burial takes place to-day T3i . i, BSS1-... , - r . - . n rontenene, wnere tne nody will be laid beside that of a baby brother of little David. Oman a Herald. Many of our readers will remember that Mr. Gibson and wife were for some time res idents of this county, near Philomath, and will be pained to bear of their sad bereave ment so soon after their return to their for mer home. BORN: In this city, Feb. 23, to the wife of Max Friendly, a son. Officers Elected. The State Temper ance Alliance, last week elected the follow ing officers, to serve the ensuing year: Pres ident, Dr. J W Watts; Vice-presidents, J N Dennison, C J McDongaU, Jacob Conser and Mrs Duniway; Secretary, J R Houston; Assistant Secretary, Mrs C A Coburn; Cor responding Secretary, Geo A Dyson; Treas urer, E R Skip worth; Sergeant-at -arms, J It Smith; Executive Committee, R S Stubbs, Maggie Foster, E W Ryan, J H Lambert, Mrs Pretty man, Mrs George Johnson, Mrs Ross, Joseph Liggett, Rev Simpson, and Mrs Dr Thompson. Salem was chosen as the place for holding the next Alliance. Tun Farmers' Meeting at Salem From all advices received in this city, the merchants' and farmers' convention to be held in Salem next week will be very largely attended. Arrangements have hm mi to meet in Reed's Opera House. The 0. A; C. and Western Oregon railroads will sell tickets at half fare to those who desire t attend the convention. t already fa- sevetfiy one ml sympathy O, that is all die I am pre- a loving home leaving a kind nve children mourning, and with the assurance that she was to go. And the church and com- a worker whom they can illy to lose. 8. Corvallis, Feb. 22, 1881. Sinle writing the above I learn that Alex- ander7a son of the above, died this mornine. 23d inst, aged about 26 years. ' 8. SUMMONS. B. Stout, reace. State of Oregon, County of Benton, Private Lessons. Mr. A. E. Acklom will give lessons to ladies ami gentleman in French. German, Latin, English (including elocution, history and- geography), and Mathematics, either privately or in classes For terms, etc., apply at his residence, on Main street, next to Meusinger's black smith shop. tf Notice. All persons knowing them selves indebted to me will please come for ward ami settle immediately, as I mus. have the money. , J Nice Reason. HOME EVIOENOE- Fellows' Compound SvRtrr of Hy ssophosphites gives general satisfaction. I rind it the best and most saleable medicine I keep. It give most satisfactory results in all cases of hmft eumpkutt and ffmtra1 debility." Yonra. etc., L. W. Robertson, druggist. Independence Agent, Nov. 20, 1880. "I used Fellows Stsvp with g.od re sults for nfT'out HtbiUty." Yours truly. Damon Smith, druggist. Harrisburg Agent, Nov. 12,1880. " Having used Fellows' Strup in my own family with good results, I do not hes itate to recommend it to my customers. " R. A. Rompv, druggist. Harrisburg, Nov. 12, 1880. Mrs. J. W. BrastieM, of Junction City, writes that a severe cough and emaciation i was cured by the use of Fellows' Hypopho3- phites. " We are setting large quantities of Fel- j lows' Syrup with best results possible, and it is doing morn good in old chronic cases of neitiou anti lung diseases than anything of the kind we have ever handled." Yours truly, T. I. Smith ft Co., druggists. New this Week. 0M Of THE OLDEST AUD HOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Croup, and Ever affection of the) THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Including CONSUMPTION. ft WEU-KN0WN PHYSICIAN WRITES i " It does not dry up a coush. and Icare the cause behind, as is lbs esse with saest preparations, but loosens it, rliinm the tangs and allays irritation, thus removing the cause of complaint." DO NOT BE DECEIVED by articles bear ing similar names. Be sure you get DR. W1STAB S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of "I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. 00 Cents and COLO a Bottle, Prepared by SCTH W. FOWLS & SONS, Bos. on, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. Administrator's Notice., VOTIUE 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT THE VS is derslarnul has been dnlv aotKmitud ailniiiib-trator rtf flu. t'StAte of J ILK Untlcfe ilff. :i-i.rl hi- t.m- ('tinntv FACTS 'E KxoW. If you are suffering Conrt of Benton county, state of Oregon. All per- irOll- ' t.iHlwl Hlid rtKllliril to tmpllt. tin- Mfunowlt.h (hp rrnit. er vouchers, within six months from this dsae, to me st my place of business in Corvallis. Oregon in the County of Benton Wm. GHAUT. Adm'str. Corvallis, Feb. 13, 1881. Notice. My wife EttmaKne Venge having this day left my bed and boar J without sny cause or pr voention. 1 hereby noMfy anyV-.-snd sll persests not to trust ot credit her on my sueouAt, as I will not be responsllilc for anr debts contraeteilfcy her. Dated at Newport, Benttn county. Oregon, Jaa-uar;-22. Isl. V J?l-w2 Jou Tk.vE. To buyers and Sellers oan'l rHAVE SEVERAL WELL IMPRnVEO FARMS for snle. sil.U:t'ed on Ys'inina road Klk riuil i and near Modtrctt valley, and one three mile- Iron. Corvallis. All on the proposed tine of ratti-oad. and commanding outlets to extensive and well grassed ranifes. Ooo-I schools in the neighborhood. Also sbout 890 acres la Kin-f i Vslley ami some city lots fu I 'n.i. Ilia Having appointed an agent In Lnndon. England. I am cnaSl.-l to oiler unusual facilities to those wisiiiuv; jo sdi Ian I, etc. Addre-s, .Tohv M. ATtrs. Summit, Oregon. I I sr- I Yourselves bv makimr nionrv h.. Hh I M chance is i(f,;ri. thereby " alnav- ; I I lalal keenluir poverty from vour door : Those who always take advantage of the good chain ts i for making mouey that arc offered, generally become wealthy, whilv! th.wc who do not iinurnv sech chances retiinin in poverty. We want many men, wo men, noys, ami gins to wont lor us right In their own localities. The business will pay more than ten times ordinary wages. We furnish an expensive outst and ail that you need, free. No on - who engages fails to umais iiic.uey verj- rf.piaiv. x on can o-vote your whole time to t he work, or only your sjsire moments. Full lnforir-attou and all that is needed is sent free. A Kress Sn xso.v Co., Portland, Maine. with a severe Congh, Cold. Asthma, chitis, Consumption, loss. of voice, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the throat or.Jun.'s. tee kmoji that Dr. Kino's Kew Discovery will jjive you relief. We know of hiuiilreila of cases it has completely cureil, ami that where all other medicines have failed. No other remedy can show ne-tialf as many permanent cures. Sow to give you satisfactory that 1U. Kino's Xsw Uoscovkry toi'f cure you of Asthma. Bron chitis, Hay Fever, Consumption, severe Coughs and Col 1, Hoarseness, or any Throat or Lung Disease, if yon will call at Graham, Hamilton & Co.'s drug; store you can get a trial bottle free ,f eogt, or a regu lar size bottle for $1. Hodge, Divis ft Co., wholesale agents, Portland. Tt is a fact well established by unques tionable testimony that Hall's Hair Renewer renews, eleanses, brightens, invigorates and restores to its origin.il color and lustre, failed gray or discolored hair, cheaply, rjnickly and surely. The poorest people prefer to bny il ami use it, rather than to proclaim in a m.muer more forcible than Words can delineate, through blanched locks or grizzy beard, that they are aged ami passing to decay. A very short trial will convince the most skeptical that it does eradicate the scalp diseases which rob the hair ot its color and life. f ort Scott (Kan Daily Monitor. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for Ben ton County. George It Bentky, Plaintiff, vs. John W. Caton and Paul Wiley, Defendants. To John W- Caton, one of said Defendants. Dissolution noti e VOTIOn? isherelry given that the corporation known lis as the Corvallis Plow and Agricultural Imple ment Manufacturing Company, is this day dissolved by mutual con-tint, J. C. Kitton retiring- from the business. The business tvUI hereafter be conducted by the Belknap Bros., who will collect nil accounts due the late- corporation. S. B. All persons indebted to the la'e corpora tion will please call and settle immcdiatclv. Corvallis Plow Company, Corvallis Jan. 7th, 1881. Notice of Final Settlement Notice Is hereby rivi-n that the undersigned as ex- editor of the last will and testament of K H. BaW, j deiwased. lias filed his accounts with proper vouchers I for final settlement, as such executor, according to j law ; ami that in accordance with an order of the county court of Benton county, Oregon, wherein - rsrv"" oucners are uteu tne said execu tor will apply to said court foi nual discharge from said trust on TCESDAT, Till! STO Dir 0V FZBBtrART. 1881 At the honr of 10 o'clock. A. ..of said dav, being a day of the regular February Urm of said" court for ia'cr-nettle tlnie amxiinted bv said court foi the hearing of objections to such final account, and the aettlement thereof. This notice published by or der of w. S. McFaddcn, judge of said court. . 'W-- A. J. POSTBR, Executor of the la-it will and testament of S. II. BPber, deceased, v . ily'Jas. A. Yantis, Attorney. IM THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON YOU are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of said pfff in the above entitled Sad Havoc is Crested Among the tenants of the mouth bv allow ing impurities to collect upon their surface or m their interstices. SOZODONT re moves every vestige of tartar from the teeth, and renders their premature decay jmpossiDie. il not only imparts to them whiteness and vigor, but communicates hardness ami rosiuess to the gums. The breath acquires a most acceptable fragrance trom its use ; it is a purely botanic liquid, and it mav be relied on to accomolish its beautifying effects without injuring the en- Camel like a, i gritty tooth paste. THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. No neonle in the world suffer as much with Dyspepsia as Americans. Although yrars of experience in medicine hail failed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for this disease and its effects, such as Sour Stomach, Heart-burn, Water-brash, Sick Headache. Costiveneas. Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, coming up of the looo, low spirits, general ilebiiitv. etc.. vet since the introduction of Green's August Flower we believe there is no case of Dvs- Denaia that cannot he immarKatatv nlivml 30,000 down sold last year without one case of failure reported. Go to your Druggist and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents andtry it. Two dose will relieve you. Regular size to cents. Wm. C. Clark, Defendant. ) Civil Action ito Recover Money. ' To William C. Clark, the above named De fendant : IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon yon are hereby required to appear before the undersigned, a Justice of the Peace for Yaquina precinct, in said county, on the 9th day of April, 1881, at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the office of said Justice, in said precinct, to answer the above named plaintiff in a civil action. The defendant will take notice, that if he fail to answer the complaint herein the plain tiff will take judgment aginst him for two hundred and forty-three dollars and sixty six cents, together with costs and expenses of this action. Given under my hand this 17th dav of February, 1881. Wm. B. Stout, Justice of the Peace. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of tne original now on file in my office. W, B. Stout, J. P. We Challenge the World. I When we say we believe, we have evi dence to prove that Shiloh's Consumption Cure is decidedly the beat Lung Medicine made, in as much as it will cure a common ; or Chronic Cough in one half the time and 1 rsdiVA AafchtnsL Ri-nnnkU;. Wy -- mvuvuiu,, ii uwinujl Cough, Croup, and show more cases of Con sumption cured than all others. It will cure where they fail, it is pleasant to take, harmless to the youngest child and we guar antee what We say. Price, lOets. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or Back lame use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Sold by Allen tt Woodward, Druggists. Notice of Election. In accordance with the laws of the citv of Corvallis. governing the Fire Department of the said city, notice is hereby given that an election will be held by the Qualified voters of said Fire Department on the Sec ond - m- Saturday, the 12th day of March, A. D. 1881, at the engine house of Young America En gine, No. 1, on Madison street between Sec ond and Third streets, a the hour of one o'clock p. m. and continue until the honr of seven o'clock, P. m., of said day, for the pur- pose of electing ahief Engineer and Assist ant Engineer forThe Corvallia Fire Depart ment And that F. A. Vincent, John Huff man and William Groves have been duly appointed to act as Judges, and Henry Hughes and Johnson Porter nave been ao- pointed to act aa clerks of said election. Wallace Baldwin, President of the Corvallia Fire Department. corvaliia, (Jr., t'eb. 24, 1881. He Yon Believe It. , That in this town there are scores of per sons passing our store every day whose lives are made miserable by Indignation, Dyspep sia, Sour ami distressed Stomach, Liver Complaint, Constipation, when for 75 eta. we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guaran teed to cure them. Sold by Allen & Wood ward, Druggists. The most popular and fragrant Perfume of the day " HACKMET ACK" try it Sold by Allen st Woodward, Druggists. Bnehlen's Arnica Salve. The Bwr Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter; Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all kinds of Skin Eruptions. The Salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. MSB sn bh aaorass anon ap M Mi. M Plication. Oesala wmmr wmr tmns i55tira nurses teanon. cevsry- i mr FOR SALE RAILS FIR POLES and OAK POSTS, at rea sonable rates Apply to George Armstrong, Moun tain View. FThs above are eloss to the Dallas road and bsulsd. . J7-ml siSt now on file ill the oltiee of tbe Clerk of said Court on tne Fourth Monday, the 23lh day of March. 1881, (it being- tbe First day est the next reg-ular term of said Court for said comity ot Benton) and you are hereby notified that if you fail to answer said com plaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the conrt for the relief demanded in the complaint, to srit: For adeirrce of foreclosure of tbe mortgage mentioned in said complaint. Said mortgage being on the follow ing real estate, to wit: Claim No. 43, being part of section 30 in T 14 S R W. Claim No 0. being part of section SI in T 11 S li 6 W. Claim No. 37, being part of section 6 .in T'15 S US W and claim No 3", being part of section 1 in T IS S R. 6 W, according to the official plat of surreys returned to the general land office by the Surveyor General and described as fol lows, to wit : Rccinninir at a point fourteen chains . and twen'y-three links south and nineteen chains and lorty links north, eighty-nine degrees, forty-five minutes east from the northwest earner of section six in Township fifteen south of Range 5ff : thence west twenty-nine chains and five links thence north 30 minutes, west eighty-twochains and thirty four links, thence east seventy-seven chains and fifty links and thence south thirty minutes, east eighty two chains and ninety links to the place of beginning. Also tbe following : The south half of the S W quar ter of section S T 15 S R 5 W and the sonth half ot S K quarter of section 4 T 15 8 R 5 W and the north half of the N K quarter ot section 9T 15 8 R 5 W and the north half of the N W quarter of section 10 T 15 S R 5 W of the Willamette. Meridian. All of said lands are in Benton county. State of Oregon. That said premises be sold and the proceeds thereof ap plied to the payment of the amount due plaintiff on said mortgage, to wit : the sum of 342.1 with interest thereon at the rate of one percent, per mouth from the 19th day of July, 1880, and 145 attorneys fees and the costs and disbursements of this suit and that you pay any deficiency that may remain of gakl debt after applying the proceeds of said real property. The f.reu-oing summons is pubUsbdd by order of the Hon. J. F. Watson. Judge of said Court. Said order bears date Feb. 9th 1881. J. W. 11 AYBL'RN", 116w Plt'fTs Att'y SUMMONS. In the Circuit of the State of Oregon for the County of Benton. 8. UShedd, Plaintiff, va J. W Caton, Geo. E. Bently, and Paul Wiley, Defend ants. To J. W, Caton, one of said Defendant.. IN THE NAME ON THES STATE Of OREGON You are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint of sad plaintiff in the above entitled suit now on file in the office of the Clerk of . said Court, on the Fourth Monday, the 28th day of March, 1881, (it being theirst day of the next regular term of said Conrt for said County of Ben ton) and you are hereby notified that if you fail to an swer said complaint as herein required, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint, to wita For a decree of foreclosure of tbe n irtgage mentioned in said complaint, said mort gage being on the following described real estate The undivided five-sixteenth interest in the north half of the donation land claim of Jesse H. Caton and his wife PrecSnue Caton (It beinsr claim No. 4.1 in T is 8 R 6 W. Claim No. 00 T 14 S R 5 W. Claim No 37 T1SSRSW and Claim No 37 T 15 S R G W Notifica tion No. 2534. The whole claim having the fol lowing boundaries: Beginning at a point 14.23 chains south and 1940 chains north, 89 dog. and 45 mln. east from tbe northwest corner of section w in T 15 south of range 5 W, thence west 70. OS chains. thence north 30 ruin., west 82 34 chains, thence east 77.50 chains and thence south 30 mln. east 82. 90 chains to the place of beginning, containing 040.29 acres. The said north half containing 320.14 acres lying and being situated in Benton county. Or. That iq premise-, oc an ana sue proceeds tnereof Oe ap plied to the payment of the amount due plaintiff on said mortgage, to wit : the sum of 8312 and interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per month from the 15th day of April 1880. shd for 15 at to rum- s l and the coats and disbursements of thin suit and that vou pay any deficiency that may remain of said debt after applying the proceeds of said mortgaged prop This summons hi published bv the order of Hon i. F. Watson. Judge of said Court, made the Kith day of Feb. 1881. J AS. A. Yantis fllwd Attorney for Plaaintiff. Admmistraor's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVKN THAT THE UN derslgned has been duly appointed administra tor of the Estate of Ouartus M. Reed, deceased, by the County Court of Benton county. State of Ore gon. All persons having claims against the said Ks, tate are hereby notified and required to present the same with the proper vouchers, within six months from this date, to me at my residence, six miles north of Corvallis, in the County of Benton, State of Oregon. Thom as M. Rkm, Administrator of the Estate of Quartus M. Reed, Dec'd. Keb. 11 5w. All kinds of BLANKS ! For sale at this Office. NOTICE. We have this day admitted Mr. M, 8. Neugas as a member of our firm. The firm name will continue as heretofore. Thank ins the public for past favors, we respect fully solicit a continuance of the same. Jacobs & NguoAss, Corvallis, Feb. 1, 1881. FOR SALE. t The undersigned will sell from 160 to 100 aeres of land, situated in Blodgetts Vslley. about sixteen miles west ot Corvallis. An out let to an extensive range, well-watered, well tiinhered sad a fine ti e For building. The line of the raiload survey crosses the land. Fur particulars, inquire at the place. WM. BL0DGKTT. trail. Administratrix Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CN dersigned has been duly appointed Administra trix or tne estate ot i rwin Kooinson, deceased, by tbe County Court of Benton county. State of Oregon. All persons having claims against the said Estate are hereby notified and required to present the same with the proper vouchers, within six months from this date, to me at my residence at William Robinson's 24 miles south of Philomath in the county uf Benton, State of Oregon. ELIZABETH ROBINSON, Adm's of the Estate of Irwin Robinson, deceased: OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS, OREGON, J. C. POLLEY, Proprietor. The only First Class Hotel in the City. NOTICE Having purchased an interest in the Cor. vallis Plow Com Dan v and at can be found, t most have money to meet t li a.; a ii . my obligations, ah persons Knowing them selves indebted to me are requested to come forward and settle up immediately. IiBO. w. Ke.vnkdv. Dated Feb. 1st, 1881. NOTICE. To our friends and to the public : Certain parties having spread the report that we had lost a large amount of wheat thronch Charles Simpson at Albany, and on that ac count were unable to meet our indebtedness which we herewith both deny, and pro nounce both reports blackmailing from ma licious persons. Uonxor & Crosno. Kings Valley, Feb. 2nd, 1881. $10 Outfit furnished free, with full instructions for conducting the most profitable business that anyone can engage in. The business Women are as saeeeastnl as men. Nothing like tt ever known before. All who enmura are anrnriaeri at the ease and rapidity with which they are able to make money. Vou can engage in this business dur ing your spare time at great profit. You do not hare nvest cafnw i . tt ewe ail hh nsz. Tnose need ready mossv. should write to us at ones. All furnished free. Address Txcrr t Co., Augusta. Mine. THE OCCIDENTAL IS A NEW BUILDING, newly furnised, and the recognized headquarters for Commercial Travelers, and all prominent men visiting Corvallis. Large sample rooms on first floor, for commercial men. and bath room for the exclusive use ot guests. Board from one to two dollars per ua v, accoruine to room. June 18. 1880. 17:26tf ATTENTION! VNDBUYE RS! I HAVE SOKE FINE LOCATIONS ON AND NEAR the Bay for Sale at reasonable prices, also a Store doing a (food business, and well stocked, for sale at a bargain. Persons wanting land should address or call on me. K. A, BENSELL. Newport, Benton County, Oregon. 17:25tf We Want You to Know THAT PAUL. THE PAINTER, IS AGAIN IN TOWN, AND PREPARED TO DO all kind of plain and ornamental painting in tbe best style and at lowest rates. Orders left at Allen & Woodward.s will receive prompt attention. Corvallia. June 4th, 1880. 17 ;"-3tf F. A. JOHNSON, M. B. Physlctaa, gngeon. OCULIST AMD ELECTRICIAN. Surgery a Specialty. Ayer's Ifair Vigor, FOR Rs$SMN6 GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It la a most agreeable dressing, whi- !t la at once harmless and effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with t:. gloss and freshness of youth, faded w jrr.- . light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or b- . black, as may be desired. By its use thiu hair Is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks tav of the hair immediately, and causes a new growth' In all cases where the glands : not decayed; while to brashy, weak, i r otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vital!' y and strength and renders it pliable. The Vigor cleanses the scalp, cures rn.l prevents the formation of dandruff; en', by its cooling, stimulating, and sootlii- ; properties, it heals most If not all of t. i humors and diseases peculiar to the scalj., keeping it cool, clean, and soft, und- r which conditions diseases of the scalp cnjj hair are Impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair, - The Vigor is incomparable. It is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and v'.W not toil white cambric. It imparts yx agreeable and lasting perfume, and as k?i article for the toilet it is economical c:.d unsurpassed in its excellence. PREPARED BY Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Luf ell, KM, Practical and Analytical Chemists. SOLO BT ALL DRUGGISTS KVEHYWUEHE. UNlMgP $Cxrjr3 Cares S31 novey disap points, iho word's eetPain Haliever for ICan and 23V Cheap, qpaich and reliable. PITCHER'S CASTORIA is not Narcotic. Children grow fat upon, Mothers liko, aad Physicians recommciiu CASTORIA. It regulates tha Bowels, cures Wind Coiic, allays Feverislmess, and de stroys Worms. WEI DE MEYER'S CA TARRH Cure, a Constitution t Antidote for this torribla saala dy, hy Absorption. The- met Important Discovery sine Vc -olnatlon. Other remedies m y relieve) Catarrh, this cures rt any stage before Consampti-u its. Office with Allen a Woodward. 18:2 THE SAN FRANCISCO BULLETIN. THE Leading JSveiftiig Newspaper West of ILe Kooky Mountains. f T IS THE EECOGSIZEII AUTHORITY IN "J -JL mercial and financial Circles, and the best I .i. it) journal on tbajlacMc coast. Served y Carriers in San Francisco and tbe towns of the interior, at . Sue per c By Mail, postage paid..... 12pcr.i.r The Weekly Bulletin Is a mammoth twelve-page Journal, and in pr : tion to its size the cheapest paper in the count rj . SUBSCRIPTION RATES. . The WEEKLY and the FRIDAY BULLETIN, ri.. njr together, the most complete SI -VJ-WE) : I V piiblUbed on the Pacific Coast, will lie sent to . i address, rosTaas ram, on the following terms : The Weekly and Fridny liullctin. One year. Six months in Weekly Bulletin Alone, One year ?4 Six mouths 1 Remittances by Draft, Poatofiiee Order. Welta. ('"-. go & Co's Express, and Registered Letter, at on: risk FREE SEED "l)ISTBIBlTIf'. Each subscriber will be presented with ev a rl sties of Rare and Valuable TREK. YECKTA . t: and FLOWER SEEDS, equal m valne to the sub.-, - tlon price ot the paper. JS" Send for Sample Copy, giving fn!l partic-uln rs Address, 8. F. BlIXETn CO.. 10:Stf SaaFrancisco sV The Oj$gon and Washingtoa Land Company ADVEBflSE OREGON FARMS FS Sale, largely in tbe Kaat, free of . - Dense to farms, unless sale is made. that care, $6.00 for each farm soliL F; i- S will nud it to tbeir interest to call on CHENOWKTH k JOHNSON. Agents 0. ft W. L. VtK Corvallis, Oct. 8, 1879. 16:41 vl T. C. ALEXANDER, ATTORNEY at LA1& CORTALMIs, ORr:o. Oar Desjeripttve TUsutratad Meet LLst.rTo.S9, of Dry Goods, etc.. wIU bst Issued abeat March 1st, 1U1. Frieee in No. will remain sood antll o fTICt ON MONROE STREET, NEAR Bease. 1.1JanlT3 NOTICE. VOTICE IS HEJtEbT GIVEN THAT TTfK :v. is dersigned has scM all his interest in the OccVvn. . tai Hotel oi cnn-itins, ana mat nercsiter los oui- . . ! will he conducted fcr Mrs- NandV Pofl.jy, to who? - ; KINDS W W J(WE'3ttMJ g- l at this, office. Letter heads, etc ' riLr. op y ot Wo 99m HONTOOMERY WARD CO.. s7 m Wakasa ArewOsites Tit S t